feraleir · 3 days
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Bad omens Gifs part 1/?: Nick Ruffilo getting bullied by woodland creatures in Japan.
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itsbeebalm · 2 days
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Bad Omens ‘Just Pretend Live acoustic’ vs ‘Just Pretend’ lyrics.
Subtle changes that create a lot of pain 🖤
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bathoryalgorithm · 2 days
"Can I have some water?" "...yeah?" "Sweet."
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Indisposed (Noah Sebastian fanfiction) chapter six
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Autors note: hello, this chapter maybe is a bit shorter than usual, but i really wanted to update for u guys so hope yall still enjoy it :)
chapter six
A few hours have passed, and me and the rest of the crew have been busy planning everything and working our plans out after. I begin getting all the outfits ready for the band members and in my free moments between that, my eyes grow big every time I have a chance to walk through the big venue, standing with on the stage with the other crew members now and then, talking about how amazing this venue and the chance to work here is. 
Jolly is the last person before Noah to get dressed and ready by me, and we sit in silence when I put a little powder on his face, my mood is a little less joyful now because I have to think about the comments he and Nick made in the breakfast cafe. I really hope this moment with Jolly goes over fast, because as usual, Noah is the last person for me to dress up, and the thought gives me all kinds of butterflies.
‘Go ahead and walk towards the dressing room already, I’m almost done with Jolly,’ I text Noah. 
‘You know,’ Jolly begins when I button up his blouse, him now looking down at me. ‘I’ve never quite seen Noah like this before. At least not in a very long time.’
I furrow my eyebrows, trying to stay focused on his blouse. ‘What do you mean, exactly?’
‘Well… Ever since you guys, y’know,’ he mumbles, and I feel my cheeks heat up, making Jolly clear his throat. ‘Ever since that moment, Noah has some kind of spark in his eyes, that he has lost for so long. Like… he is in his element again. Of course this show tonight is a big deal for all of us… but you really make him dare to put out his true emotions again. Trust me-he has been jumping up and down like a little kid five times today just by seeing the stage,’ he chuckles, and I laugh along for a moment, picturing that perfectly in my head. 
But then I deeply sigh after. ‘Yeah, sadly we have to stop doing the things we’re… doing, I fear,’ I mumble. 
Jolly then shrugs. ‘I mean… Why would you two? I mean-I’m sure we can figure something out with our management. With the way he is so bright again right now, it sure as hell is worth doing that. You two got me and the rest of the guys’ full support,’ he softly smiles, and I smile right back at him.
We get interrupted by the footsteps of Noah in the hallway coming closer to the dressing room, making Jolly wink at me, whispering ‘good luck’ before quickly squeezing my shoulder. Noah and Jolly greet each other quietly by patting each other on the back before Jolly leaves the room, leaving Noah’s face standing confused for a few moments by the way he is gone so quickly. I just shake my head at him in reassurance, and Noah’s confusion already quickly gets replaced by a big grin.
‘Hey you,’ he softly greets me, wrapping his arms around my waist and squeezing my hips gently. 
‘Hi,’ I smile, and just as the words have left my mouth Noah already places his own on mine, getting a deep kiss as a greeting as well, which makes me smile in between of it. 
‘Before you can even think of it-we have a time schedule,’ I interrupt him when his hands slide in the jeans pockets of my behind, making him deeply chuckle.
‘Alright, alright,’ he says while playfully rolling his eyes, making me smirk when I let him sit down on the makeup chair. 
He just watches me doing my thing in silence, just as he always does, making my heart pound a little faster and the butterflies in my stomach fly around at the same pace. When I help him with his first outfit, I can’t help but blush now and then when I see him half naked and dress in front of me, of course a goddamn cheeky smile appears on his face whenever he notices. But he stays quiet and doesn't give me any flirty or teasing comments, he just shakes his head sometimes whilst trying to bite back a grin. 
But when he stands in front of his dressing mirror again, a slight nervous sigh escaping his lips as he gently runs a hand through his hair, his silence makes sense. He looks himself up and down for a moment-his hair is perfectly styled and neat by me, and he has a long black jacket on, matching with his dark grey pants underneath and black comfortable yet fashionable shoes. He runs his hand through his hair again, taking another deep breath as he looks at the black ski mask he is holding in his hands. 
I wrap my hands around his neck as he sits down on the makeup chair again, looking at both of us in the reflection of the mirror. ‘Hey… you got this,’ I say, kissing his cheek. 
Noah immediately smiles as my arms loop around his neck from behind, his hands resting over my arms by his chest, tilting his head slightly to the side to look at the reflection of the two of us together in the mirror. 
‘I know,’ he says with a chuckle, leaning the back of his head gently against my forehead. 
‘Also… I kinda want to talk to you about something,’ I nervously say, and I sit down on the makeup table right in front of him, so my legs can nervously dangle. 
Noah’s eyebrows slightly furrow, and he looks at me for a moment with a look of worry as he suddenly stands up straight with his hands now gently resting on my thighs, almost standing in between my legs. ‘What is it?’
‘Well… me and Jolly have been talking,’ I say while biting my lip, and I notice Noah's jaw clenching by the mention of his name, so I quickly place one of my hands on top of his. ‘A good talk, don’t worry,’ I say with a small, nervous smile, making Noah look more relaxed again.
‘And… he basically said that we got the rest of the band’s full support. As in… if we want to-I don’t know-’ my eyes trail to my feet, getting a little shy. ‘-ever want to get together or something,’ I quickly finish my sentence while mumbling it, my legs now nervously swinging even faster. 
Noah’s jaw slightly drops, as if he needs to progress what I’m saying for a moment, but quickly recovers himself when a small and surprised smile begins to form on his face. ‘Are you serious?’ he quietly asks, and he lifts one of his hands to gently touch my chin, tilting my face upwards to look at him.
‘Yeah,’ I say as a soft smile also begins to appear on my face by the twinkle in his eyes alone. ‘So… Jolly encouraged us to talk to management about it… if it would get more serious, or we want to date, and all that stuff,’ I say, getting a little shy again.
Noah’s eyes light up the moment he hears me saying that, a bright smile spreading across his face that he seems to not be able to hide. ‘Yeah… I’d love that. I mean, we should talk about it with them soon,’ he says with a warm smile, gently stroking his thumb along my cheek as he looks down at me, looking a little flustered himself. 
A warm and hopeful feeling starts to spread across my chest, my heart racing because of him confirming he has the same wish as me. But then suddenly my phone begins to ring, getting both me and Noah to look at it with confusion. Who would call me this late?
‘Should you… answer that?’ Noah asks, his voice sounding a little worried.
‘I think so,’ I quietly say, and then pick up the phone. ‘Hello?’ I answer the phone, putting it on speaker for Noah so he can listen along.
‘Good evening, is this Hailey Clark I’m speaking to?’ an older sounding female voice answers through the phone.
‘Yeah… that’s me,’ I say, seeing Noah’s eyebrows getting furrowed, but also with curiosity. 
‘Great! I’m Clare Johnson you’re speaking with, creative director of Vogue Magazine. This month’s issue is all about the Social Media Awards. Ever heard of that?’
As Noah listens with me, his eyes widen when he hears the woman mention the Social Media Awards, but I still feel a little confused.
‘Yeah… I’ve heard of that before.’
‘Well Hailey, we have great news for you. You have been nominated!’ the woman on the phone beams, and my eyebrows raise in surprise. 
‘Yeah! Because of your Instagram account, posting about your work and backstage content and all. The audience really seem to enjoy it,’ Clare explains.
A wide smile spreads across my face, and I excitedly look at Noah now, who looks at me with an excited and proud twinkle in his eyes. ‘Wow, that’s so cool, really,’ I beam.
Clare laughs through the phone. ‘Right? Well, my question is, if we can interview you this week, and have a little photoshoot for inside the magazine and all. Each candidate gets their own personal issue.’
My eyes widen, still looking at Noah with excitement and shock while the woman talks to me through the phone. ‘Yeah, yeah of course! The band I work for has a show tonight, after that we are free for a couple of days. I’m sure I can fit the interview in between that.’
Noah leans down to wrap his arms around me tightly, giving me a tight but also excited hug while his eyes are still slightly widened with shock and disbelief.
 ‘I’m so proud of you,’ he whispers in my ear with a big and bright proud smile on his face, leaning down to give me a brief but tender kiss just as much as a response to my excited tone as an expression of his own excitement. I smile back at him as a thank you, feeling touched and warm because of his congratulations. 
‘Great! If you email me the days and times you are available, I’ll make sure my assistant makes an appointment with you through there,’ Clare answers me back.
‘Wow… thanks so much again, I really am grateful for this,’ I smile. 
‘Of course! Have a great evening and my best of luck.’
‘Thank you so much! Bye!’ I say and hang up, still sitting on the makeup table with a little disbelief. 
A huge smile is still growing on Noah’s face as I end the phone call. ‘This is so amazing,’ he says quietly, gently stroking his thumb over my waist as he still gently holds his arms around me, the genuine proud and excited smile still on his lips.
‘Right? A whole interview and photoshoot, what the hell,’ I exclaim, still grinning widely. ‘I am so glad my work and everything I share gets appreciated,’ I then say, almost getting a little emotional over it.
‘And because I share backstage content of silly people like you,’ I say, now wrapping my around his waist as well while I look up to his face with a small smirk.
A small and happy chuckle leaves Noah’s lips, his expression seeming completely overtaken by how proud he is and how happy he is for me. He gently dips down and presses his lips against mine in a loving, tender kiss that he holds me in for a while, giving me absolute warmth and butterflies not only in my stomach but in my whole body it seems, before gently pulling away again to look into my eyes again with that still warm smile on his lips.
‘Speaking of…’ I begin, grabbing my phone again, opening the camera app. ‘I’ve shot some pictures of the venue today, also for my Instagram page. If you could just pose a little for me, the post will be perfect,’ I playfully say with a wink.
Noah returns it with a small and thoughtful grin, nodding while he suddenly lifts himself up to jump on the table and sit down behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder as he then flips the camera on selfie mode, wrapping his legs around mine. I blush heavily because I did not expect him to pose with me-especially with him being quite a private person and all-so when I take the picture of us together you can most clearly tell that I am getting all shy and flustered if you'd look it back, a twinkle of love for Noah being visible in my eyes.
Noah seems to notice it and chuckles quietly to himself, and he gently plants tender kisses against my neck while his chin is still on my shoulder, his eyes then fixated on the phone's camera screen. I can’t help but giggle at the same moment as my phone takes another picture, so when I then open my camera roll to look back at the pictures, you can see me slightly squeezing my eyes shut in a happy manner while Noah kisses my neck. I get more than butterflies in my stomach, it feels like a whole damn zoo at this point.
When Noah climbs off the table I just stare a little longer at our pictures, lost in thoughts and feelings, and I then notice Noah leaning down towards my face again for another brief kiss while gently stroking his fingers over my hip.
‘That’s just the picture I needed,’ he says with a slight smirk on his lips as I look up to him, his eyes still looking excited and proud.
‘Besides being hot, you can also be very adorable,’ I grin while I stand on the tip of my toes to kiss him again.
He chuckles quietly against my lips as he feels them pressing against his. ‘Yeah? That's the only way to describe me now?’ he teases with another chuckle and a smirk, gently placing the top of his index finger under my chin to hold my head in place while his lips hover over mine with a teasing look on his face. 
‘Careful now, I’ve dressed you up so nicely, you don’t want to mess up my work do you?’ I jokingly pout.
‘Maybe I do. Maybe I like looking like a mess,’ he answers with another smirk, teasingly trailing a finger across my neck for a moment and tilting my head to the side a little more, to then lean down and plant a trail of kisses along the side of my neck. 
My eyes flutter shut, feeling heated by his touch, but gently pushing him off after as I chuckle a little. ‘Ah ah ah, Sebastian. Focus, you have to get on stage in about half an hour.’
Noah lets out a light sigh at the moment he feels me push him off, and his eyes linger on his reflection in the mirror for a moment before reluctantly nodding and sighing out once more. 
‘You’re right…’ he then says with an almost annoyed yet somewhat amused laugh, his eyes trailing over everything about his appearance for a moment as he makes sure everything is still in place and styles just right, his hair included. 
I can’t help but stare at his reflection as well, he is just so attractive like that. His broad shoulders and arms in his jacket, his dark messy yet styled hair, the way the slightly tight clothes underneath fit his body so well… I swallow while I turn around quickly, pretending to look for something in my bag. I’m down bad I fear.
After a few moments I can hear him sigh one more time, walking up behind me and then wrapping his arms around my waist. ‘See something you like little mouse? ’he whispers into my ear and I can feel the smirk curling around his lips. 
I bite my lip as I grin, still feeling his lips pressed against my ear. ‘Yeah, you look quite good in this outfit,’ I say, turning around to pull at his jacket so I can lean him in for a kiss. 
‘I have such a good dressing style to compliment your great looks of course,’ I then joke after. Noah seems like he can’t help but smirk himself as I keep complimenting him. 
‘Mweh, a little cocky today, aren’t we?’ he says as he gently grabs my hips, spinning around the two of us as he presses me up against the wall behind the mirror, his smirk now turning mischievous as he presses his body fully up against mine. 
I raise my eyebrows at him with a playful grin. ‘Cocky? Me?’ I pretend to be offended. ‘I got this job for a reason, ay.’
He chuckles quietly once more once he hears how sarcastic I am, his eyes glinting with mischief as he looks down at me with a teasing smirk on his face at my words, bringing the tip of his index finger up to gently push up the tip of my chin again, so my head is raised to meet his eyes with that same teasing look. ‘Good to see that you’re so confident in your skills and who you are,’ he quietly says. ‘I like it.’
‘Have to admit, you have helped me quite a lot with that throughout the time I have been working for you and the band,’ I now smile, with a little blush on my cheeks as well.
‘Now that’s good to hear, little mouse,’ he chuckles quietly at my words as he still has his hips pressed against mine, his goddamn smirk of course widening again as he sees the blush on my cheeks. He gently caresses his thumb over my chin in a slow and gentle gesture, letting his eyes trail over me for a moment as it seems like he thinks about what he’s about to say next.
‘You know you’re not only a damn good makeup artist,’ I then hear him quietly murmur to himself, and I grin widely. 
‘Oh? What else am  I then?'
Noah’s eyes flicker down to my lips for a moment before lifting them to meet mine again. ‘Let's just say…’ he quietly starts, moving his face down until his lips are mere inches apart from mine. ‘you’d be way more than just a girlfriend.’
‘Girlfriend? Don’t you have to take me on a nice date first, hm?’ I tease him, tucking a strand of hair behind both his ears, while I can feel my heartbeat quicken in my own.
‘Well then…’ he murmurs with a smirk as his eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips, his voice being all low and deep of a sudden, the sound of his voice like it is now almost causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin at how sexy he sounds in this moment. ‘I guess you’ll have to start considering tonight already the first date then.’
My whole body is set on fire by his gaze and voice alone, and I swallow quietly, my eyes now also gazing over his lips. ‘Tonight? How are you gonna do that with your show and all?’
‘Leave that to me, baby,’ he mutters quietly, leaning down to close the gap between us again and start up another kiss. He presses his lips against mine once again, this time more passionately and with much more intent and desire in the kiss, as his other hand on my hip slowly travels up my waist to press his body fully up against mine. 
My mouth slowly opens to let his tongue slip in, and we  stand against the wall from the dressing room kissing each other with heath and lust for a minute, but I then gently push him off me again with a sigh. 
‘Go focus on your show now, mhm?’ I say, stroking his jacket neat with my hands as his eyes trail over me. ‘You got this. You’re gonna give them a night they won’t remember.’ And I then add with a corny smirk: ‘Cause you’re just so good at that.’
‘Damn, you’re right,’ he murmurs, his eyes now looking down at me with a mixture of desire and I guess I also see a little admiration. 
I chuckle and then gently move him away so I can grab my phone to check the time. The show now starts in less than 20 minutes, and I know he has to leave any moment now to get behind the stage already. I then open my instagram app to post the pictures I took of the venue, and I smile broadly when Noah stands behind me again to tick on the picture of us together on my screen for the last photo slide,  mumbling into my ear: ‘Can’t forget that one.’
‘You have to go backstage to get ready any minute now,’ I say when I turn around to face him again, and it looks like my voice snaps him out of a deep thought, making him blink a little. 
‘Yeah, yeah I have to get ready, right…’ Noah says, almost sounding a little disappointed out of a sudden, his eyebrows furrowed deep in thought again.
He looks slightly surprised all of a sudden, as if he didn’t expect me to notice the sudden change of his mood-but I know him long enough now for that. He lets out a short chuckle, shaking his head in a dismissive way.
‘Oh, it’s nothing really… just the nerves of having the whole venue staring right at me in a few minutes,’ he says with another, but slightly more nervous sounding chuckle and a sigh right after, trying to act as nonchalant as he can. 
I nod. ‘I get that. That’s… very nerve racking indeed. But, all the people that are in the crowd tonight absolutely adore you and the band-you have nothing to worry about. You nail every show,’ I assure him, squeezing his hand.
‘Yeah, I know,’ Noah whispers, the sound of it making it clear that he knows how loved the band is and how well they perform. He gently squeezes my hand, while watching my eyes with a now almost pleadingly look on his face. ‘And that’s why I want to be sure we put on the best show ever tonight. For the fans. For us. And for…’ 
His last words are almost being whispered, as if he is scared to finish his sentence. ‘...For you.’
My heart melts when he says that, a soft and warm smile spreading on my face as I caress his cheek softly and slowly. ‘You’re so sweet, Noah. But you can’t disappoint me, I’m always proud of you.’
Noah’s mind seems to go completely still as I give him my gentle and sweet gesture, and I hope he can feel how much I care about him through it. He quietly sighs once more, closing his eyes while he speaks. 
‘You’re right. I shouldn’t worry this much at all… I got this.’
‘That’s the spirit,’ I wink, and after that a crewmember comes up to us, calling Noah to go backstage. Another smile already grows on his lips and I am thankful that he smiles again, and his shoulders seem a lot less tense now than before.
‘Alright then, baby. See you in a bit,’ he says while shooting me one last smile and quick wink before walking away to follow the crewmember. My heart fills with warmth, pride and happiness as he does so. God… my feelings for him only grow bigger by the moment, I fear.
I am allowed to stand by the side of the stage again along with some other crew members, to watch the show. As it is about to start, I can hear the crowd go absolutely nuts. The lights start to dim slowly, making way for the lights on stage to light up the darkness of the venue. I can faintly hear the members of the band mumble towards each other backstage, their voices getting swallowed up by the sound of the crowd cheering again as their intro starts playing on the screen. And as the intro ends and the band comes up on stage one by one, the crowd loses it again. I smile proudly and widely whilst taking it all in, it’s so insane and amazing to see it all. Bryan photographs a lot of the moment, and I take some pictures of it on my own phone as well, just to remember it and to capture the huge crowd being amazed by the band.
As soon as the first song starts up, it’s almost as if a switch is flicked in Noah and he completely forgets about anything else except for the show and his performance. Even his nerves from before seem completely forgotten, as he jumps right in with the music, his voice filing through the lyrics. 
The show is amazing, and I love how the crowd welcomes the band with their enthusiastic energy and love, going crazy on the music. Sometimes I can’t help but laugh a little when the mosh pits turn absolutely insane and people really go nuts, but in a funny, energetic and wholesome way. 
I have to admit, sometimes seeing Noah performing and him singing lyrics about being in love and intimate, even when it’s not even about me or us… still gets me feeling some type of way, getting flashes of our own intimate and romantic thoughts playing in my head. And whenever Noah’s eyes seem to gaze on me too, I can’t help but feel a little flustered as well. 
The concert is an absolute success, and when I open my Twitter app to see if their concert is trending underneath a music topic by any chance, I smile proudly when they indeed are. But my smile is quickly replaced with a confusing frown when I see my own name being a trending topic as well, so out of curiosity, I click on it. 
''Oh my god y’all, it happened, Hailey and Noah posted a picture together!'' a tweet says, and when I begin to scroll, it’s basically people talking about just that. Some are sweet and supportive, some are… well, let’s say not very nice. That makes me lock my phone again and concentrate on the concert again, trying to focus on the people being nice online and the band only.
After the last song is finished, an encore and a lot of applause and shouting of the fans, the band exit the stage again. I almost run towards Noah when I’m backstage again once I spot them, cheering when I see them looking proud and happy of themselves. ‘You guys were so amazing!’ I exclaim.
Noah smiles widely as he hears my voice in front of him. ‘Ah, we weren’t even good tonight,’ he jests, the words causing the others to laugh around him as he takes a step towards me.
‘But what matters is that you liked it. So that’s good enough for me,’ he then tells me, a wide amused smile on his face. I return a just as big smile, and shake my head while laughing.
‘Oh shut up, you all were amazing and you know it,’ I say while jokingly poking his side, and when the band members look at me and Noah with an happy yet adoring look, I blush a little.
‘Alright alright, whatever you say,’ he murmurs, his cheeks slightly flustered as he notices the other members’ expressions as well. He then sighs quietly, as if he knows what they’re thinking right now.
‘You guys, don’t start…’ he whispers quietly to the other members, causing them all to start laughing, some of them shooting him a smirk and wink.
‘Don’t worry mate, I packed my earplugs with me this time, I’ll probably be fine,’ Nick jokes, making Jolly snort and Nicholas roll with his eyes, but with still a hint of amusement on his face. 
‘Jesus,’ I mumble under my breath, but I can’t help but laugh a little as well. Noah throws back his head and groans, causing the others to snort and chuckle again.
‘Man, screw you guys,’ Noah curses as the corner of his mouth curls up a little, the other band members still looking amused by their obvious remarks.
‘I think you should screw her instead,’ Nick now laughs out loud and I roll my eyes at him.
‘Nick, you really have no chill, do you?’ I say while my cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and Jolly just shakes his head while taking a sip of his water bottle as he chuckles. 
‘Maybe you’ll complain less when you get a girl yourself,’ I remark at Nick after with a smirk, making Jolly spit out a little of his water as he laughs out loud. At both my remark and Jolly’s reaction to it Noah starts laughing wholeheartedly as well, the other band members now all chuckling and laughing at the little exchange. 
‘Damn,’ Noah mutters quietly, shaking his head with laughter in amazement while looking at me, the little smirk on his face being an obvious sign to me that he appreciates my sharp and willy remarks at his friends. 
‘Very funny,’ Nick mocks after my joke, but has a small smile on his face as well. ‘But alright, enough now-let’s get fucking wasted now, shall we?’ he then beams with a wide grin after. 
‘Well that’s what I said! Let’s go,’ Noah agrees, now putting on his usual mischievous and playful smile as well, as he starts leading the way towards the area of the venue where everyone is going to get a drink to celebrate the success of the evening.
taglist: @blackgirlmagicforever @ima1986 @uiscefhuaraithe99
want to be added? let me know!
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rainaj · 2 days
I'm so afraid that the walls that I have made have locked me in I'm not okay but I can try my best to just pretend
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this is literally me listening to Just Pretend [LIVE 2024]
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idwt-money · 2 months
noah and his "demon pose"
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starsomens · 4 months
Girl I’m thinking
Morning sex with Noah
You’re still sleepy but Also know he’s awake and he’s just READY wink wink
You slept in just one of his shirts
His arms snakes around your body and down to your panties and rubs your pussy over your panties
“Ooo you’re all wet baby, having nice wet dreams about me hm? Dreaming about how I fill that tight pussy?”
All while he brings his hard cock against your ass. You were honestly too lazy to answer back, but you pushing back against him was all the answer he needed. Free his morning wood from his boxers and he asks
“Lift your leg for me baby,” you do as he says and lift it just enough to feel his head slide along your folds you couldn’t help but moan from the sensation, feeling his precum mix with your own slickness. He slides in with no resistance making him hiss in pleasure. Holding up your leg by your knee he pumps himself at a slow and sensual pace.
Each thrust bottomed out and pulled out just to the tip. Making sure you felt every inch of him
“Fuck…dirty girl, can’t stop thinking about this cock” he pants “not even in your sleep huh?” He kisses your exposed skin up to your neck and bites down gently on your most sensitive spot your back arches away from him but his other arm snakes under your body to pull your back to him. His hand keeping busy playing with your nipple
Your head lays back against his shoulder as he continues to fuck you
“Fuck baby….so wet can you hear it?” He loved to tease about how wet you get whenever you have sex. You could in fact hear the erotic sounds of him sliding in and out of you “you feel good princess?”
“M-mhm…more please” he hold your body still as his pace becomes faster and harder. Hitting and abusing your sweet spot. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as all you could manage was a soft, strained mewl
“That’s it baby…cum for me…cum on this cock princess” his finger rubs at your clot pushing you over the edge. The quiet home filled with your moans of ecstasy. A few more sloppy thrusts and oh follows after, fill your pussy whole. You’re both panting messes as he held your close allowing you both to come down from your highs
His lips kiss your shoulders tracing to the top of your head
“Good morning beautiful,” he whispers in a chuckle “do you want pancakes or waffles?”
“Mmm maybe pancakes,” you chuckle back as you look over your shoulder at your spent lover “you look cute when you get pancakes mix all over you”
He kisses your lips tenderly and then a peck to your cheek
“Whatever my princess wants”
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concretenoah · 3 months
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daily fave noah 🤍 ft. nicky (again hehe)
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bruisedleftknee · 1 month
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Okay, so imagine it's weekend, you and Noah are home. He's been playing video games since he woke up, and you’ve been getting ready for a very important exam you have this week and you're tired of studying.
You just need something to help you relax.
Your bed is covered with your books, notebooks, and papers; you’ve been studying for hours. “I feel like my brain is about to fucking explode.. Aaaaaahh~” You say loudly as you throw your pen across the bed and lay on your back on the bed.
And you hear Noah shout, “What, babe?” from the living room, "Nothing,” you answer quietly while you're staring at the ceiling.
A few seconds later, Noah is standing inside your bedroom’s door frame, still holding his controller with the cat ear headphones that you bought him around his neck. “Something wrong?” He asks.
“I don’t want to study anymore,” you say in a whiny tone as you close your eyes and rub them from under your glasses. “I’m so fucking tired.”
You're tired, your head feels hot, and you can't read another fucking word.
When you open your eyes, you see Noah standing beside your bed, looking down at you. He leans a little to take your hand. “Wanna go grab something to eat?” he says as he rubs the back of your hand.
“Not really, I’m really tired." You say, looking up at him. You could say yes, but you want something else, you want something to help you relax, and then you'll think about food.
He leans a little more and kisses your forehead innocently. “Can I do anything to help?” he smiles.
You bite your bottom lip and narrow your eyes. “I mean..” you say as you reach under his shorts, “..you could do, a few things.”
He smiles at you and slowly sits on top of you while your hand is in his boxers, “I thought you were tired.” He raises an eyebrow and smiles.
"Oh, I am very very very tired,” you frown. “Mhmm I can see!” he says and puts the controller on the nightstand, then leans in to kiss you.
He caresses your hair and cheeks with his soft, big hands and kisses your neck. Your hands are now under his black shirt, exploring his back. He's warm, and his skin is soft. His nose smudges your glasses when you kiss him back. He’s still on top of you, kissing and sucking your neck. You can feel how hard he's getting; your hands are under his shirt, but you feel his hard growing on your soft belly, and with each move, you feel it more.
You both start moaning between kisses. In a quick move, you try to switch places with him, but he stops you. “Are you in a rush?” he says.
“I kinda am. Gotta study, remember?” Your books and notebooks are still covering most of the bed, you push them aside so you two can have more space. 
He smiles and puts his hands under your oversized grey shirt. You're not wearing a bra, so his fingers reach your nipples after seconds. Your nipples are getting hard under his touch.
He pulls up your shirt and takes it off carefully. You're still under him, only with your red lace panties on. He's a big guy but he doesn't put any weight on you, the only thing he wants you to feel is his hard dick that he pushes onto your belly.
His thick thighs are keeping you locked and still. His black shorts are rolled up, and you can see the tattoos on his thighs. You run your hands on them and touch his hard cock.
He's kissing your neck now, coming down to your navel, kissing and licking your belly.
You're starting to get so wet now; you feel your warm arousal on your panties when they rub against your core. All you want is for him to take them off and put his hard cock inside you. You want to feel all of him inside you more than anything now. You don't like to wait but Noah always makes you wait.
Now you have one hand on the back of his head, almost grabbing his hair, you try to take off your underwear with your free hand cause you know he wants to take his time and isn't planning on giving you what you want anytime soon.
He sees you struggling to pull down your panties so he gets up to help you, leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs as he pulls them down. Then he looks at them. Your arousal has made the red fabric look almost crimson. He rubs his thumb on the wet spot. He looks even more turned on now, his breaths are getting heavier. He tosses your underwear to the corner, grabs you by your thighs, and pulls you closer to the edge of the bed. the second he does that, you feel the cold air in the room on your wet core and you realize how wet you are, it makes you want to tell him to hurry because you can't wait another second, but before you can say anything, he's on his knees, opening your legs with his arms, pushing your legs as far away as possible. You feel his warm breath on your core. This is it, you can't wait any longer. You grab his head with both hands and press him on your core, and you let out the loudest moan.
He starts licking you, then licks your clit in a circular motion. You hear him trying to say something but you can't understand a word. Both of you have said only a few words since this started, but you don't feel like you need to talk, he's doing everything you want. 
Your legs start to shake as he licks your clit faster and faster. You try to keep them still with your hands but it's not working so Noah helps you keep them still by putting them on his shoulders and holding them with both hands.
You're moaning so loud, “Please don't stop” you say between your moans. 
He lets go of one of your legs and puts his index and middle finger on your hole's entrance, teasing you while he's sucking on your clit. You know if he starts fucking you with his fingers, you're going to cum, but you want his cock. You don't even know if he's going to give you his cock or not.
You're sure that by now his pre-cum has left a wet spot on his boxers, and you can't wait till you can feel him inside you. You're lost in your thoughts till you feel his fingers enter you, “You here?” He stops for a second and asks. You want to answer, but now he's moving his fingers back and forth, so it takes you a few seconds to nod your head and say yes.
With his fingers still moving inside you and going faster by the second, you know you can't last any longer than this. Your legs are shaking, your stomach is getting stiff and you feel the orgasm building so you open your eyes and look at him.
When he sees that you're watching him, he goes between your thighs again and licks your clit, but he's doing it slowly, “Cum for me babe,” he tells you. He's doing everything so slowly and wants you to watch him. You know how much he loves putting on a show, so you keep your eyes on him. You watch how his tongue is playing with your clit and then he pulls out his fingers and licks them off your arousal, it's making you crazy. He grabs your  breast and slightly pulls your nipple, then puts his fingers inside you again. and this time, when he puts his tongue on your clit, your back arches and your eyes roll back. Your moans are louder than all the moans you let out this evening.
“I'm gonn-” And before you can tell him that you're going to cum, you feel it; you feel the sweet release, and your body finally relaxes.
He slowly pulls out his wet fingers and puts them in your mouth, “You came like you wanted my cock!” He tells you.
“I do” Is your quick answer after you lick his tattooed fingers “I still do.”
“And you'll have it if you pass your exam." He tells you teasingly and fixes your glasses on your face, “So you better get back to your books,” and kisses your forehead.
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lilyhella · 2 months
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Too beautiful
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bathoryalgorithm · 18 hours
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Concrete Jungle Comic Moments that Live Rent Free in my head, Issues 1 & 2 in no particular order: - Noah declaring himself the only "real Art" in The Grey. -Folio lamenting his painting about to get fucked up. -Noah bullying Ruffilo with railgun noises -Van chatter (AFAIK, the puker is Folio, The guy stuck with him is Ruffilo and the driver is Noah, but this is unclear in the way the comic is laid out) -Snyder cut joke. -Brain Juice on the bad omens whip -Even M.I.N.D. is really freaked out by Noah's fucking driving.
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rainaj · 29 days
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credits me
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idwt-money · 3 months
pics i think noah's muscles just look so yummy 🤤
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starsomens · 4 months
Noah is the type when he’s giving you that good dick down and he’s about to absolutely rail you he’d say:
“You know I love you right?”
“Good….because I’m about to fuck you like I don’t”
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lma1986 · 10 days
True colors are definitely being shown today with this announcement. Mental health is SO important and if I see you talk negatively about the decision that was made, I will Unfollow you. There is no need to talk negatively about the decision that was made. These guys have been touring their asses off for the past two years and I know that I just became part of the fandom back in October, but these guys have put in so much hard work over the past two years. They deserve a much needed break, especially Noah. I’m glad that he was honest and open about what is going on with his mental health. Concrete ♾️
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bruisedleftknee · 1 month
I think it's time for a little something cause this post did something to my brain and I want to tell you how things lead up to that *with Noah*!! (Excuse the typos, I'm literally making dinner. LOL.)
I can see Noah coming home unannounced between shows after weeks of being away just to see you. He's waiting for you to come home from work, he's didn't text you cause he wants to surprise you.
And you know what he does as soon as you get home? He stands behind the door when he hears your car and when you open the door he picks you up the ground and before you can say anything he starts kissing you. Your 'Hi's get lost between kisses.
Oh I can totally see him immediately taking you to the bedroom cause he can't wait any longer to have you. None of you have said a coherent sentence since you opened the door, just 'Oh my God's and 'Hi's cause you're surprised to see him and you both miss eachother.
You tell him to let you shower first but he says there's no need. He says "Do you have any idea how much I miss you?" and he lays you on the bed. He starts taking off you clothes and he does it fast cause he's in a rush to get what he wants and what's his.
And when he opens your legs and sees your pussy getting wet he tells you "Oh god I missed this" and he takes off his clothes, throw them aside and stroke his hard cock a few times to get it ready for you. You miss him too, and looking at his dick is making you feel a little dizzy. You tell him you miss him too and he slides it in slow and you both moan.
And after minutes of thrusting into you, you lock your legs around him cause you want him even closer, you can't get enough of him. And this is when he holds you tighter as he fucks into you and his thrusts get faster and desperate and erratic and he buries his face in your neck and he's got a fistful of your hair and he can't stop telling you your tight, warm pussy is his and only his in needy growls.
It doesn't take him that long to finish. His dick pulses as he empties his load inside you and then when he's finally a little relaxed he looks at you and gives you a "Hi baby".
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