#noah sebastian davis
concreteangel92 · 2 days
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This photo took me out 🥵
Just some of my thoughts under the cut
All I can think about is how Noah would most definitely get off on the idea of using his glove on you.
Sliding his gloved fingers into you before he goes on stage, watching how shiny the leather becomes the more he’s thrusting them into you while whispering filthy promises for later into your ear, being able to feel you clenching around the material.
And then wearing that same glove on stage, knowing no one else knows, not the fans, the band, the crew, no one. But he does.
A beautiful reminder of what is waiting for him after he gets off the stage.
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bloodylullaby · 2 days
Give Me Something Beautiful
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Summary: Morrigan's ordinary life takes an extraordinary turn when Noah Sebastian, the lead singer of Bad Omens, stumbles upon her quaint little shop adorned with her captivating photography. Intrigued by her talent and drawn to her genuine spirit, Noah invites Morrigan to capture the essence of his band's concert through her lens. Their initial friendship blossoms into a deep and meaningful connection as they spend time together, fueled by their shared love for art and music. Despite their challenges as their worlds collide, Morrigan and Noah navigate the complexities of fame and intimacy, ultimately finding solace and strength in each other's arms. Through their journey from strangers to lovers, they discover that amidst life's chaos, true beauty lies in the simple moments shared between two souls destined to be together.
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x OC
Word Count: 3589
Content Warning: Drinking, grinding, masturbation (male and female), phone sex, more cuteness :3
Tag List: @thescarletvvitch @malerieee @lookwhatitcost @herbhuntress @thatgirlforever5 @xxkittenkissesxx @lma1986 @blackgirlmagicforever
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Chapter Ten
The concert was magnificent. The boys delivered their most impressive performance of the tour, and the crowd's enthusiastic response was overwhelming. I found myself swept away by the infectious energy of the audience, singing and dancing along with them, all the while stealing furtive glances at Noah. It was evident that he had to make subtle adjustments, his gaze occasionally drifting towards me, which elicited a faint blush on my cheeks.
After the exhilarating high of the concert, I head back to the dressing room to reunite with the guys. They're still buzzing with energy, their adrenaline from the performance fueling their rowdiness. Without missing a beat, Jolly and Folio suggest hitting up a local bar for an impromptu after-party. The idea is met with unanimous enthusiasm, and soon, we are all piling into a van and making our way to the vibrant nightlife scene.
The atmosphere is electric at the bar, with music pulsating through the air and people dancing and laughing all around. The boys and I find a corner booth, and the night unfolds in a blur of laughter, shared stories, and celebratory drinks. As the hours pass, I steal glances at Noah from across the table, his infectious laughter and easy smile drawing me in. 
Later into the night, I'm five drinks deep, tipsy, and dancing around the bar. The music pulses through me, and I'm lost in the rhythm. At some point, Noah comes up behind me, and we start dancing together, our bodies moving in sync. As I start grinding on him, I can feel his arousal, a thrill running through me. Turning around to face him, I smile at him with half-lidded eyes. He stares back with a look of hunger but refuses to touch me, teasing and testing my patience. The intensity between us grows, a silent challenge hanging in the air. My pulse quickens as I inch closer, our breaths mingling, both of us caught in the electric tension of the moment.
The music and lights create a hazy atmosphere around us, and the tension between Noah and me becomes almost palpable. My heart races as we continue to dance, the unspoken challenge hanging in the air. Suddenly, Noah leans in close, his breath warm against my ear.
"You have a way of making me lose my mind," he murmurs, his voice low and teasing. I shiver at his words, the playful edge in his tone quickening my pulse even more.
Emboldened by the alcohol and the moment, I lean into him, pressing my body against his. "Maybe that's the idea," I whisper back, my lips brushing against his ear.
Noah's eyes darken with desire, but he still doesn't touch me. Instead, he steps back slightly, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. I grab his hand and lead him off the dance floor, weaving through the crowd until we find a quieter corner of the bar. The dim lighting and relative privacy make the moment feel even more intense. I press him against the wall, our bodies close but not quite touching.
Noah's grin widens, and he finally breaks, his hands grabbing my waist firmly. He pulls me into a deep, passionate kiss, the tension between us snapping like a rubber band. The kiss is electric, and all the built-up desire and teasing finally find release. As we pull apart, breathless and grinning, the bar's noise fades into the background. At this moment, it's just the two of us, lost in the thrill of our connection. Noah's eyes sparkle with excitement and tenderness, his hands still resting on my waist as if he never wanted to let go. The world outside feels distant and irrelevant, our universe shrinking to just the space between us.
Nick finds us and corrals us into the van as the night ends. He chuckles at our flushed faces and disheveled appearances but doesn't say anything; he just gives us a knowing look. We slid into the backseat, still buzzing from the kiss, our fingers intertwined. The ride home is filled with laughter and teasing from our friends, but we barely notice, lost in our own world. The city lights blur past, and as I lean against Noah, his arm around my shoulders, I can still feel the ghost of his lips on mine, a promise of more to come. When we arrived at the hotel, Nick helped us out of the van, steadying us as we made our way through the lobby. The cool air and quiet of the hotel contrast sharply with the lively bar, and it feels almost surreal.
Nick guides us to our rooms, stopping at mine first. Once inside, he ushers me towards the bed, but Noah beats me to it and flops down first, pulling me down with him. We laugh softly, the room spinning slightly as the effects of the alcohol catch up with us. Noah's arms wrap around me, his warmth and the lingering buzz making everything feel dreamlike. We lie there for a moment, our laughter fading into comfortable silence. His hand gently strokes my hair, and I feel his heartbeat slowing.
"You two are a handful," Nick says with a chuckle, his tone affectionate. While grabbing Noah, Nick ensures I am tucked in and ready for bed. He adjusts the blankets around me, making sure I'm comfortable. After turning off the lights, he takes a moment to ensure the room is quiet and calm. "Good night," Nick whispers before gently guiding a sleepy Noah out of the room. As the door closes softly behind them, I let out a content sigh, feeling the night's excitement gradually fade away as sleep begins to take over. The soft rustle of the sheets and the distant murmurs from the hallway fade into a soothing silence, and with a smile on my lips, I drift into a peaceful slumber.
I wake to a low ringing beside my ear; I slowly open my eyes and check the clock—it's two in the morning. Confused by the late-hour call, I notice it's Noah. Curiosity piqued, I answered the phone with a tentative "Hello?" All I hear in response is shuffling, then a moan. I freeze, puzzled by what's unfolding on the other end of the line. 
"Morrigan," Noah's voice comes through in a sighing moan. Heat rushes to my cheeks, simultaneously pooling down to my core. Frozen, with my mouth slightly open, I listen quietly, not wanting to disturb him. Gradually, I hear wet noises on the other end of the phone, and suddenly, I realize what's happening.
"Fuck, baby," he moans through the phone, his voice heavy with lust. "I should have ripped those fishnets off and fucked you right then and there." The sound of his gasps, moans, and whimpers fills my ear, each one more desperate and needy. The raw desire in his voice is intoxicating, making me ache for him even more. I can almost feel his hands gripping me tighter, his fingers digging into my skin as if he were right here, losing himself in the ecstasy of his words and the image of our bodies moving together. I couldn’t take it anymore; my hand started to slowly make its way down between my legs to play with my clit. 
The more he whimpered, the harder it was for me to keep quiet. Putting my hand against my mouth, I start to enter two fingers, desperate to feel something inside. The more explicit he got, the faster I moved, whimpering into my hand. His words fuel my desire, each making me more and more desperate.
"I can just imagine your tight little body trembling under me," he growls, his breath hitching. "I wish I could see you fall apart, to feel you clench around me." His vivid descriptions make my body burn with need, and I push my fingers deeper, imagining it’s him. 
"I’d have you screaming my name," he continues, his voice raw with longing. "I'd make you beg for it, make you come so hard you see stars." My whimpers become moans as I quicken my pace, lost in the fantasy he’s weaving with his words. His moans grow louder, matching my rhythm, driving me closer to the edge.
"Fuck, I can't wait to bury myself inside you, feel how wet you are for me," he pants, his voice strained with desire. His dirty talk sends me spiraling, each word pushing me closer to climax. My fingers move frantically, desperate to match the intensity of his words.
As his breath hitched, I knew he was about to finish, and so was I. With one last grunt, he pushed me over the edge. The intensity of the moment left me trembling, my body buzzing with satisfaction. I quickly ended the call, red-faced and dazed, before he realized he had called me. My heart pounded as I processed what had just happened, a mix of disbelief and exhilaration washing over me. As the adrenaline faded, a warm, blissful sensation took its place. Slowly but surely, I fell back asleep, blissed out and smiling softly, my mind replaying the unexpected yet intoxicating encounter. The last thing I remember before drifting off is his voice echoing in my mind.
Unfortunately, five in the morning came faster than I wanted it to. Nursing a hangover, I quickly gathered my things into my suitcases and changed into an oversized sweatshirt. My head throbbed, and my mouth felt dry, but I pushed through, determined to get everything packed and ready to go. As I stumbled out of my room, Noah did the same, looking as horrible as I felt. He sent me a small smile, and I returned it weakly. As he walked ahead, my heart started racing, remembering everything that happened last night.
The memory of our heated actions at the bar and the steamy phone call flooded back, bringing a flush to my cheeks. I could still feel his touches, his lips on mine, and I could still hear his moans, vividly recalling the intensity of my release. Questions swirled through my mind, contemplating whether he remembered our touches and kisses and if he had realized his accidental call to me. As I followed him to the elevator, he didn’t say much. As we enter and the door begins to close, he grabs my hand, occasionally giving me little squeezes. 
As we meet the rest of the boys in front of the buses, they look at us with amusement. Jolly was the first to speak. “I see you guys are dealing with the consequences from last night,” he said with a chuckle. Noah flipped him off as he got on the bus, making Jolly laugh even more. 
Suddenly, all their attention was on me, their faces smug with mischief.  “What?” I asked, clinging to my head. It hurts to talk.
“You both seemed to thoroughly enjoy yourselves last night, getting handsy with each other,” Nick quipped, his voice tinged with teasing.
My face turned red, and I quickly turned around and headed onto the bus, leaving the laughter behind me. As I walked past Noah’s bunk, I heard his curtain open.
“Morrigan,” he softly said. I stopped and lightly backtracked my steps until I was in front of Noah’s bunk. “Come lay with me,” he said with puppy-dog eyes. I couldn’t help but smile. I quickly went to grab my stuffed platypus from my bunk and joined Noah in his.
As I settled in beside him, Noah wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close. The warmth of his body was comforting, and I felt a sense of peace wash over me despite the lingering hangover. "Last night was... something," he murmured, his voice soft and laced with amusement.
"Yeah," I agreed, snuggling closer. "It was." We lay there in a comfortable silence, the gentle rocking of the bus lulling us into a shared sense of calm. Noah’s hand traced lazy circles on my back, and I felt myself drifting off, content and secure in his arms. 
The loss of Noah’s warmth is what woke me up. With a slight groan, I managed to climb out of the bunk. Hearing the commotion, I made my way to the front of the bus. When I passed through the curtain that divided the bunks from the rest of the bus, I was welcomed with quite a sight. Bryan, Jolly, Folio, and Nick were all playing Mario Kart. Laughter filled the air as they jostled and taunted one another, their competitive spirits in full swing. I couldn’t help but smile at the scene. Bryan was leaning into Jolly, trying to nudge his controller out of his hands, while Folio and Nick were in a tug-of-war over a bag of chips that had somehow become part of the chaos.
"Morning, sunshine," Bryan called out, momentarily distracted by my presence. Jolly took advantage of this, nudging Bryan's controller hard enough to send his character careening off the track. "Hey!" Bryan protested, but he was laughing too hard to be genuinely upset. I smiled at them and made my way to the small kitchenette, grabbing a cup of coffee, some painkillers, and a water bottle. After taking the painkillers and chugging the water, I sat beside Folio, who graciously offered me some chips.
“How long do we have until our next destination?” I asked, mouth full of chips. Nick chuckled at me and offered another water bottle. 
“An hour, thankfully. I think Noah is ready to get off the bus, too. He's been restless since he woke up," Bryan said, sending me a wink. I squinted at him before throwing a chip his way, causing the boys to laugh. The curtain dividing this room and the bunks moved, and Noah appeared. He still looked groggy, but his face lit up when he saw me. Folio moves to a different seat as Noah makes his way over to me. He leans in and kisses me on the cheek when he sits beside me, causing them to heat up.
The hour went by quickly, thanks to the boys' knack for always knowing how to have a good time. Upon reaching the hotel, we all headed inside to grab our room keys, eager to relax and prepare for sightseeing tomorrow. While waiting in the elevator, Noah gently squeezed my hand, giving me a small smile. As we finally got to our floor, I entered my room and fell face-first onto the bed, exhaling in comfort. 
There was a soft knock on my door, and I quickly made my way to answer it. Noah stood there with a warm smile. "Hi," he greeted me softly.
"Hi," I replied, returning his smile with my own. I stepped to the side and allowed him to enter. He graciously came in and sat on my bed. "What's up?" I asked, a playful grin tugging at my lips. Noah gestured for me to join him on the bed, and I obliged, settling in beside him.
"I was wondering if you'd like to order some room service and watch some movies," he said, his voice warm and soft.
A smile spread across my face at the suggestion. "That sounds perfect," I replied, excitement bubbling at the thought of spending more time together. Noah's smile widened, mirroring my enthusiasm, as we grabbed the hotel's menu to peruse our options. After a brief deliberation, Noah took charge. He placed an order for us: juicy burgers with crispy fries, followed by a slice of chocolate cake for us to share, along with an assortment of snacks to munch on throughout the evening.
As we wait for our food to arrive, Noah suggests picking out a movie for us to watch. We scrolled through the hotel's selection, discussing our favorite genres and narrowing down our choices until we found a classic horror film to watch: Halloween. With the movie queued up and our meal on its way, we set back against the pillows, comfortable and content in each other's company. The soft glow of the television illuminated the room as we laughed and talked.
The room service finally arrived, and we eagerly dug into our meal. "I have to give it to you, Noah. These burgers were a perfect idea," I said in between bites. Noah hummed in approval, a satisfied grin spreading across his face as we settled back into our movie. Once Halloween was done, I convinced him to put on the horror comedy Zombeavers. Throughout the film, Noah struggles to avoid choking on his food from laughing so hard.
"Holy shit, how did you find this movie?" he asked, slightly gasping for air.
"I was in high school at a friend’s house, and it was on Netflix, so we said, why not?" I started with a smile and a shrug. He smiled back at me, causing butterflies in my stomach. Moments like these, simple and carefree, have made me cherish our time together even more. Once the movie was over, it was Noah’s turn to pick, and he landed on Insidious. 
As much as I love horror movies, paranormal horror movies are the ones that scare me, and I found myself feeling nervous about admitting this to Noah. I didn't want to appear weak or easily frightened, so I kept my fear to myself. Not even halfway into the movie, I cringed, trying to conceal my unease. Noah noticed my discomfort and, without a word, pulled me in closer to him, wrapping an arm around me in a comforting embrace. The warmth of his touch eased my nerves a little. 
Whenever I would jump or flinch, Noah's hand would gently rub up and down my arms, his soothing words of comfort washing over me like a balm. At one point, overcome with a wave of fear, I found myself nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck, seeking refuge from the terrifying scenes playing out on the screen. His presence was a source of strength, grounding me in reality and reassuring me that I was safe in his arms.
Even as the movie ended, I remained nestled in Noah's arms, my face still buried in the comforting curve of his neck. Lost in the scent of his skin, I found myself breathing him in, the world outside fading away. Suddenly, Noah's gentle touch broke through my reverie as he delicately placed a finger under my chin, guiding my face to look at him. As our eyes met, time seemed to stand still, the space between us charged with an undeniable tension.
With an unreadable emotion flickering in his eyes, Noah leaned closer, closing the distance between us. And then, in a moment that felt inevitable and surreal, he kissed me. The world around us seemed to fade into the background as our lips met, a rush of warmth flooding through me. Everything else ceased to exist at that moment, and all that mattered was our strong and undeniable connection.
As the kiss deepened, overwhelmingly, a flood of emotions surged. The soft brush of Noah's lips against mine sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire deep within me. With each tender caress, the walls I had carefully built around my heart began to crumble, allowing the raw vulnerability of our connection to shine through. Lost in the moment, I melted into Noah's embrace, our bodies pressed together in a perfect symphony of passion and desire. The world around us faded into insignificance as we became lost in each other, our souls intertwining in a dance as old as time itself.
He pulled away first, and the small space between our faces made me frown slightly, a hint of disappointment flickering in my eyes. Noah chuckled softly at my reaction, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. "I really like you, Morrigan," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath.
A rush of emotion swept over me at his words, and I felt a smile tug at the corners of my lips. "I really like you too, Noah," I whispered back, my voice filled with genuine sincerity, perhaps too eagerly. Noah's touch was gentle as he caressed my face, his fingers tracing the contours of my cheek with a tenderness that left me breathless. As he looked deep into my eyes, I saw only admiration reflected in his gaze. 
As Noah's fingers continued to caress my face, I couldn't help but be captivated by the depth of emotion in his eyes. Noah leaned in again with a soft sigh, pressing his lips to mine in a tender kiss. It was a sweet, lingering moment, filled with the promise of what could be.
When he finally pulled away, a soft smile played on his lips, mirroring my own. "You're something special, Morrigan," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity.
I felt a warmth spread through me at his words, a sense of gratitude for the person he saw me as. "And you're pretty amazing yourself, Noah," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.
As we sat there, lost in each other's gaze, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us in our little bubble of affection and possibility. Eventually, Noah glanced at the time, and we both realized how late it had become.
"I should get going; we have a fun yet long day of sightseeing tomorrow," he stated as he rose from the bed, gently pulling me up with him. As he started walking towards the door, I instinctively wrapped my arms around his torso from behind, feeling reluctant to let him go. We moved together as if attached at the hip, our synchronized steps drawing a soft chuckle from Noah's lips. Once we reached the door, he turned around, still encircled in my arms, and pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me warmly.
As I looked up, Noah leaned down and pressed his lips to mine in a gentle yet passionate kiss. "Goodnight, Morrigan," he whispered between kisses, his words sending a flutter of warmth through me. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight, Noah. I'll be dreaming of you," I replied, a soft smile on my lips.
"You better be," he joked, his playful tone bringing a grin to my face.
I watched him go down the hall to his room, ensuring his safety before returning to my door. With a contented sigh, I stepped inside, the memory of Noah's kiss lingering on my lips. Tomorrow promised to be filled with adventure and excitement; if tonight was any indication, it would be unforgettable.
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badassomens · 29 days
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His smile <3
635 notes · View notes
idwt-money · 2 months
noah and his "demon pose"
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728 notes · View notes
bruisedleftknee · 1 month
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I need to talk about what it's like when you and Noah live together. You're both open to trying new stuff, right?? You have some friends over for a movie night, and you're watching a horror movie that is kind of erotic??? Oh, you know that is going to lead to *things* and I'm gonna tell you all about it.
Tags & Warnings: Fingering?, Oral Sex (Both Receiving), P in V, Slight power play, After care.
Word count: 2.6K
(I don't think it's anything crazy, but if it needs more tags and warnings, please let me know.)
It's a typical Saturday night at your place, you and Noah have friends over, and you're watching some old horror movie together.
It's late. The coffee table is covered with empty pizza boxes and paper cups. Everyone's watching the movie, and the house is quiet.
You're sure you've seen this movie before, the woman is handcuffed to the bed and the man dies of a heart attack or something, but you're tired and a little too sleepy to remember any other details.
You're thinking about the ending of the movie, trying to remember how exactly it happens, so you tilt your head to Noah to ask him if he remembers it or not, but you see that he's looking at you. He has his hands up, his fingers locked together, and he looks like he's been staring at you in the same position for a few minutes now. He's resting his head on his shoulder, and you can see he's sleepy too.
You smile at him. "Wanna go to bed?" you ask him. "Yeah, I think I'm getting old for these late nights," he answers as he gets up from the couch. He reaches for your hand to help you get up, says good night to everyone, and you both start walking to your bedroom upstairs.
"Guys, you know where the pillows and blankets are." You tell your friends, and you're walking behind Noah, holding his hand. "Yeah, g-night" your friend Jolly says as he scrolls his phone.
You're upstairs. Noah's already in bed, looking at some cat videos on his phone, wearing only his black boxers, with the blanket only covering one of his legs.
You finish your skincare routine, change into your comfy pajamas, and crawl under the heavy blanket.
When you get in bed, Noah puts away his phone and opens his arms for you, He always does this because he loves falling asleep spooning you.
You get comfy in his arms and leave a soft kiss on his bicep. He kisses the back of your head and wraps his other hand around you.
"We've watched that movie before, haven't we?" You ask him. "Yeah, we have," he answers in his low, sleepy voice.
"I don't remember the ending,"
"She gets herself out of the handcuffs and finally faces her fears."
"Oh, you're right; I remember now." You say, "Don't you dare die if you ever handcuff me to the bed.".
He stays silent for a few seconds. "Can I handcuff you to the bed?" He asks in a playful and curious tone, moving his hand and placing it gently on your breast.
"Wait, were you thinking about this when we were watching the movie??" You ask, surprised.
"Hmmm, maybe." He answers, "So, can I?"
"Hmmm, maybe," you say, mocking him, but you're wondering if you want that or not.
"Can I do it now?" Noah asks; his voice doesn't sound sleepy anymore.
"What? Like right now?" You're even more surprised now.
"Why not? I promise not to die," he says, laughing at his own joke.
"You have handcuffs?" You ask curiously.
"No, but we can use other stuff." He kisses your neck and plays with your nipple that is now hard from thinking about the things the two of you can do if you say yes.
"Baby, it's okay if you don't want to; you know that, right?" He assures you between kisses. "Actually, I think I'd like to try." You answer with a little doubt in your tone, you're not sure if you'll like it or not.
"Are you sure?" Noah asks you again, "Yeah," you say, this time with less doubt in your voice.
Noah starts kissing you, and soon you lose count of the number of times he's pressed his lips on your skin.
Noah is lying on his left side; his left arm is under your head. You're lying on your back, your right leg is on his thighs, and your legs are wide open. He has his right hand in your panties, gently playing with your clit.
Between the kisses he leaves on your neck, you hold his face with one hand so you can kiss him.
You try to keep quiet; you know your friends are still up cause the TV is on, but you also know if you make too much noise, they can hear you.
It's quiet in your bedroom; the only noises you can hear are the sound of you and Noah's breaths and the noises your wet pussy makes when Noah slowly fingers you.
All this time, you've been thinking, When is he going to tie your hand? What is he gonna use to do it? Is he gonna tie both of your hands to the bed frame or just one? What is he gonna do after that?
"Do it," you say to Noah after moments of making out in silence.
"What?" he asks.
"Tie me up," you say between kisses. "Don't keep me waiting."
He smiles, kisses your forehead, and goes to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he's back with his Jujitsu belt in his hand.
"You're going to use that?" You ask, you never thought he might use that to tie your hands some day.
"We don't have to if you don't like it," he assures you. But you do like it, you didn't know if you would, but now every fiber in your body tingles to feel the things he's gonna do to you sooner.
"No, I do," you say as you start undressing and lay closer to the bed frame. Noah comes to the bed, holds your hands, and starts leaving kisses on each one of your fingers, then starts tying your hands with the belt.
Now your wrists are pressed together slightly above your head.
"Tell me if it's too tight, baby," he asks you.
"It's good." Your heart is starting to beat faster every second.
You're lying in the center of the bed, and your hands are tied to the bed frame above your head.
Noah sits in front of you on the bed, opens your legs, and caresses your inner thighs with his soft hands.
You don't know why your legs are shaking; you're not afraid, you're curious and excited.
He leans in and starts kissing a line from your glistening core to your lips, inch by inch, he leaves kisses on your skin.
He goes to your nipples and starts licking them. With every lick, you close your legs a little; it's involuntarily.
"Keep them open for me," he tells you, and you try to do exactly that.
He touches your core with four fingers, and you stop yourself before a moan comes out of you, but when he spreads your arousal on your folds and sticks two fingers inside you, your moan isn't something you can control anymore.
"Better keep it down," he tells you, but you're still moaning; you'd cover your mouth with your hands if they were free, but they're not.
When your moans get more frequent, he puts his big hand on your mouth; his hand covers almost all of your face.
When you're finally quiet, he moves his face towards your navel, kisses it a few times, and then goes where his fingers are—your hole.
How long can you really last if he's playing with every sensitive part of your body? Your hole is stuffed with his fingers, his tongue is on your clit and he's moved his hand to your breast and is playing with it like it's his toy. And this has been going on for minutes now, so how long will you last?
You try to pull your hands out of the knot to do something, to control the pace, to grab his head and tell him to stop cause he's making you crazy and you need a pause to breathe, but you realize that there's no escaping this, and it's so exciting.
You shut your eyes, and your mouth opens as he circles your clit fast. Your back arches, and you feel so close to orgasm. "M'gonna.." you tell him, and immediately he pulls out his fingers and lets go of you.
"Not yet, baby." He's not touching you anymore, you open your eyes to see him sitting between your open legs looking at you.
"Whyyy did youuu stop?" You whine and try to stop the vibration that you're feeling inside you by closing your legs and pressing them against each other, but he stops you from doing that.
You turn your face to your side and try to bury it in the space between your shoulder and neck. He holds your face with one hand, says, "Eyes on me, baby, we're just starting," and puts his thumb in your mouth.
He takes off his boxers and sits on top of you; his thighs are on both sides of your shoulders; he strokes his dick, and you can see a drop of precum hanging from its tip.
"Open," he tells you, and brings his cock closer to your mouth, and you listen. "You know that's not enough; open more for me." He waits, and when your mouth is wide open and you have your tongue out, he puts the tip on your tongue. You taste his precum and try to lick it, but he stops you by taking away his cock. "You want it, don't you?"
You bring your head close to him so you can reach his cock, but he pulls away. "Tell me what you want, Y/N."
"You. Please, I want you." You say looking up at his tall figure.
You open your mouth again, and he pushes his hard cock into your mouth. Its tip hits the back of your throat, and you gag a little. Your head is pinned against the mattress, and you can't control the movements; the harder he fucks your mouth, the more you drool. Your saliva is all over your chin, and with every harder thrust in your mouth, more tears run down your cheeks.
"You take me so well, baby. A little more.." He says in between his breaths in a low voice.
He holds the bed frame and fucks your face harder and faster. Your face is covered with your tears and saliva. You feel like you can't breathe right, and he's going faster and faster, then suddenly he stops. His dick pulses and twitches inside your mouth. His eyes are closed, and he's breathing heavily.
He slowly pulls out his cock and comes down to kiss your mouth, His tongue brushes on your lips, and he licks the saliva off you lips.
"You're wonderful, you know that?" He tells you as he wipes your tears with his fingers and smiles at you.
You smile back. "Do you want me to continue?" he asks. "Yes," you tell him.
His dick is covered in your saliva. You can taste his precum on your tongue.
He strokes his dick and sits where he was sitting before; this time he comes closer, close enough that your butt cheeks touche his thighs, he rests your legs on his shoulders. His touch makes you legs legs shake, he kisses them, "Relax baby," he tells you as he slides the tip of his cock between your folds. He doesn't give you all of it, you whine and moan, you want all of him.
"Dies this feel good?" He asks you with a smirk on his face.
"Noa.. h.. I need more," Your tears are running down your face again.
"I asked you a question." He goes a little more in.
"Yes, yes, it's so good."
"Is this all you can take?"
"No please.. Give me all of it, baby, please." You beg him; your voice is a little louder than it should be.
"Shhhhh.." he says as he presses himself into you.
You have him now, all of him. You feel your walls adjusting to him with every thrust. His hands are on your knees, keeping you closer to him.
He starts to circle your clit with his thumb. Your tears haven't stopped, so you have closed your eyes to stop them.
"Open your eyes, baby, look at me," Noah tells you. "Look at me; I want to see how you take my cock."
When you look at him, his head is tilted backwards, and he's hissing in pleasure, trying to keep quiet.
Looking at him, watching his cock and how he thrusts into you and how he's enjoying it brings you close to your orgasm; you feel it in your stomach, and if your friends weren't home, you would scream so loudly, but you don't say anything. If you tell Noah that you're close, he will stop, so you don't say anything, and when he pinches your clit your mouth opens wide and your eyes roll back. He's pounding his cock inside you and playing with your clit. You're seeing stars and trying your best to keep your body still, and seconds later, without saying a word, you come.
"I.. I came," you say quietly between his thrusts.
He looks at you surprised and confused, "No baby you didn't," and slams himself into you harder.
"Noah, p- please" Your pussy feels even wetter than before, your release is all over your cheeks and his thighs and you feel like you don't have the energy to go on another second.
"You're gonna cum for me." He presses his finger on your clit, grabs your neck and slightly presses his fingers on the sides and fucks you harder. "Come on baby, show me you can do it."
As he goes harder, you feel your second orgasm building, your legs are shaking and your back arches, "I'm gonn-" your toes curl, and when you let out a silent scream as you feel the release.
He stops and pulls out quickly. "You did great, baby. Can you give me a little more?" He kisses your belly.
"Mhmm" You nod cause you're too fucked out to talk.
Noah grabs you by the waist and helps you turn your back to him. Your hands are still tied to the bed frame, but you have a little room to change your position.
You get on your knees, rest your head on the mattress, and he puts a pillow under your head.
You haven't said a word since you came for the second time cause you're still swimming in pleasure, but Noah has been praising you for how good you were.
When he's inside you again, he has both hands on your back. You close your eyes and try to focus on the pleasure you feel when he moves inside you.
He's been going for a long time now, and before you know it, his rhythm gets messy, he reasts his head on your shoulders and puts both hands on your sides, and he fucks into you faster. He hisses in pleasure when he comes, empties himself inside you and stays there for while.
He kisses your shoulders and your back and slowly pulls out. His cum drips out of your hole, and you gasp at the sight you're seeing from between your legs.
Noah gently helps you sit on your knees. He opens your hands and kisses the red marks around your waists, then he kisses you and sits you on the bed.
He rushes to the bathroom and comes back with towels and a glass of water.
He hands you the water and kisses your head. "Was that fun?" He asks and starts to clean you with a warm damp towel.
"Yes," you sip your water, "more than I thought, actually. Was it fun for you?"
"Of course, baby. It was amazing. Thank you."
Noah sits on the bed beside you, kisses your head again, and you hug each other.
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sorrowsofsilence · 2 months
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man, we were fed today
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cind6547 · 4 months
Imma just leave this here, goodnight 😋
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scarlet_ultraviolet on IG
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Creds to owners...just living in my brain rot era
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ladyveronikawrites · 21 days
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and just like that another moody monday
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girasois · 8 days
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noah sebastian — please, like or reblog ♡ get well soon, love ♡
coloring + effect by myself, @loviestudio ♡
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bloodylullaby · 3 days
Well…I’ll be talking about Just Pretend [Live] in my next therapy session.
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concreteangel92 · 20 days
God Complex
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Noah Sebastian x female reader
18 +
Warnings: talks of sex and oral (female receiving) dom/sub relationship, degrading, nothing overly detailed as such, just Noah being a menace
A/N: I’m on such a ‘Noah’s god complex’ brain rot tonight, done this in 10 minutes but I just had to get this out 🥵
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•We all know Noah has a bit of a god complex
•No way that he hasn’t
•You can see glimpses of it when he’s on stage, when he’s staring out at the audience clearly feeling himself knowing the power that he has over the crowd
•Boy even admits he’s a real control freak, those things can go hand in hand
•Outside of the bedroom he’d treat you like the goddess he sees you as
•In the bedroom however is where he truly lets it all out
•”why don’t you get down on your knees and worship me?”
•”oh my god” ….. “god can’t help you now”
•Would literally be pounding into you with no mercy of any kind ”who’s your god baby?!”
•The sex would be hard, messy, dirty and he’d love the power and control he has over you
•Noah would be nose deep inside your dripping cunt, eating away like a starved man but the moment he hears another choked out “oh my god” he would lift his head with a ironically devilish smirk “thats right, I’m your god now”
•If you’ve been a brat all day, he’ll be grabbing you by the throat and saying “you better start begging me for my forgiveness”
•Man loves seeing how cock drunk you become with him, he loves that he can cause you to completely shut down and surrender to him
•”I’ve not done all this work to hear you call out someone else’s name, say my fucking name”
•”My own pretty little angel”
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w0rstinm3 · 28 days
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I SEE RED ❤️‍🔥❤️ 😍
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laika1991 · 19 days
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link to the insta account i foundthese pics on https://www.instagram.com/themanunderthehill
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badassomens · 23 days
Nothing unusual, just a bunch of my favorite photos with Noah🙈
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201 notes · View notes
sorrowsofsilence · 4 months
Diagnosis • Sebastian
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
Words: 4.1k
Warnings: Smut (18+, fingering, female!receiving), PnV pls wrap it b4 u tap it, male!recieving, choking, doctor x patient (uncomfy situation so pls don't read if the idea of a doctor being unethical isn't your vibe- it is also not my vibe but yk, Dr. Davis can do anything to me lol)
Prompt: You had no idea your past highschool school hook-up would be your substitute doctor during your annual check-up; but let's just say you were in desperate need of a physical.
Author note: LOL I AM GOING TO HELLLLL - but also I've seen so many Dr. Davis ideas I had to create one myself; so thank you to especially (@valiantroeagleangel) whose work inspired me. You are wonderful. And shout out to some sexy phrases by @loveisanimaginarydagger3000 - I’m weak
Tags: @sammyjoeee @cookiesupplier @th4t-em0-k1d  @dsireland86 @whenthesummerdies @spicywhenspeaking @gretaswhore28 @veronicaphoenix @lma1986 @calleyx13 @somewhere-diamond @talialovesmiw @auratheopossumwitch
(I wasn't sure who I should tag, and if you would like to be tagged in one-shots please let me know! If you’d like to me to remove you as well pls also let me know!! I just took some tags that I've had in past one-shots, and those I think would enjoy! <3)
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You picked at your fingernails nervously as you sat in the waiting room, your leg bouncing up and down rapidly.
Something about Doctors’ offices always made you nervous, especially when it involved a doctor that wasn’t your own. You were getting a routine check-up and your first pap smear, scheduled with your regular doctor, but she had a last-minute family emergency. This meant you were going to be inspected by someone else, and that thought made you slightly uneasy.
You played with the mask that covered your nose, pinching at the metal band that rested on the bridge before tugging at the string.
The old woman next to you watched your anxious wading with curious eyes, and you simply shifted in your seat, avoiding her gaze.
Your name was finally called and you followed the nurse, allowing her to check your height, and then leading you into a room located at the end of the hall.
She sat you down, your legs crunching beneath the paper as she placed the blood pressure bump along your arm, squeezing until it tightened and let go.
“Your blood pressure seems to be a little high?” She said, eyebrows furrowing.
You rubbed your hands nervously between your thighs, “I’m just a little anxious.”
Her eyes smiled, indicating a soft grin beneath the mask she wore, “You’ll be just fine. Dr. Davis is a fantastic doctor.”
His name rang off her tongue, piquing your interest. Davis. You knew someone with that last name in high school.
“You can take your mask off in here by the way. Just set it on the side.” She nodded before leaving and you sat there for a few more moments, nervously shifting in your seat.
After a few minutes, you heard a soft knock on the door and you sat up straight, anticipating the man who would be taking care of you today.
The door opened and a man with soft chestnut hair that fell slightly in front of his face walked in, thin-framed glasses sat promptly on top of his nose, covered by a black mask. He hadn’t looked up from the clipboard that was in his hands as he kicked the door closed with his foot gently, tattooed fingers holding up the top page as his eyes skimmed rapidly over the words.
“How’s it going? I’m Dr. Davis.” His voice fell from his lips in a firm but gentle tone and your eyes widened in surprise as you remembered the faint lisp at the end of his ‘s’, and the twang in his accent.
“Hi,” you whispered as you absorbed his image, eyes skimming over his white coat that draped down his long body. The light-blue button-up sat tightly against his neck. You swallowed gently at the ink that crawled just above the collar, sinched between a black tie traced with binary code as the pattern.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” He asked with a curious tone, gaze immediately leaving the page as his orbs met your own, and your heart raced as his ochre eyes bore into yours.
His professionalism dropped slightly as his eyes skimmed over your face in recognition, and your lips parted slightly. He stood still, frozen in remembrance before he coughed, setting the clipboard on the counter and taking a seat next to his computer.
Noah Sebastian Davis is your doctor.
He immediately avoided your gaze as your face began to warm, and you crossed your legs, feeling vulnerable under his authority as he sat there, distracting himself with his computer.
Your high school hookup is your doctor.
“Well,” He began typing, a soft waver barely evident in his voice, “It’s been a long time.”
“Thirteen years,” You licked your lips quickly, smiling shyly as you stared at your legs, glancing up every so often to steal a look at your doctor. You felt even more nervous than before as the man who sat in front of you eventually turned, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he watched you intensely.
“Look, let’s just keep this professional. If you’re more comfortable with someone else I can get another doctor in here.” He said monotonously, leaning over his lap as his elbows rested on his knees.
You mustered a small smile as your chest hammered, eyes grazing across the tattoos embedded into his fingers Memories of the way they used to dance along your skin left your stomach swirling.
“It’s alright, I don’t mind…” Your thoughts trailed off as you looked at the ground, “if you don’t mind?”
Dr. Davis maintained strict eye contact, his voice proper and fixed, “It’s my job to remain professional and competent. I strive for nothing but efficiency, and I’ll have you in and out Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Miss,” You corrected quietly, picking at your nails again.
Something flashed across his eyes at the realization, and your ears flushed as you adjusted yourself on the examination table.
He turned on the chair again, fingers tapping on the keyboard.
“Let’s go through some medical history to clarify things under your files. It seems you usually have Dr. Thomas, am I correct?”
You hummed in confirmation, nodding along.
“Any health concerns to bring up in your visit today?”
You shook your head, “Just a routine check-up and a pap smear.”
Dr. Davis nodded along, shifting in his seat at the mention of a pap, his hand reaching to pull against his collar as if loosening the tension that was building within the room.
“Any issues regarding mental health?”
You shook your head.
“Eating and drinking well?”
You nodded.
“Any allergies?”
You shook your head.
“Sexually active?”
You noticed his voice hither slightly, as he glanced over at you briefly, before fixating his eyes on the computer again.
“Not like, regularly.”
He shifted in his seat, nodding.
“Multiple partners?”
“Uhm,” you began to stutter nervously at his questions, “A few. Not frequently changing.”
It was a routine check-up, you reminded yourself. Doctors asked these questions.
You shrugged, eyes skimming up towards him again as his eyes bore into you once again, your abdomen clenching as his gaze darkened.
“How many since me?”
You coughed, caught off guard as you stared at him in disbelief, “P-pardon?”
He didn’t repeat the question, but instead continued typing, clicking away at your file.
“Three,” You then said, watching him carefully and he hummed in response.
“Anything else you think I should know?” He asked, returning to his cool, professional composure.
You shook your head again, watching as his chest heaved slowly as he stood up. He grabbed the stethoscope that hung around his neck, and you watched as he placed the ends in his ears before standing in front of you, maintaining a distance.
“Let me check your lungs… can you take your jacket off?” He asked, watching you carefully as you peeled off the layer, placing it to the side.
Dr. Davis then sat next to you on the examination table and your heart began to pick up pace at the proximity of his body, his cologne melting into your senses.
His shoulder brushed against yours as he leaned behind you to place the end of the stethoscope on top of your back.
He asked you to take in a deep breath, and you inhaled swiftly, attempting to exhale in a slow, controlled pattern; but the breath that left your lungs was shaky and uneven.
“Sorry,” you whispered, and he ran the stethoscope across your back again, this time placing it underneath your shirt, the cold metal causing a shiver to run down your body.
“Three more,” He asked gently and you obliged, each breath faltering again as your heart raced.
There was no doubt he could hear the thump of your heart pick up as his warm fingers gently skimmed your skin as he controlled the stethoscope; knowing how nervous his proximity made you.
He pulled away, staring at your flushed face before leaning behind you to grab an ear otoscope.
“Just going to check your ears,” he said as his warm hands pulled along your ear, his warm breath creating goosebumps along the skin in your neck as the hairs stood up.
Your stomach butterflied as he then grabbed a wooden popsicle stick, standing in front of you now, placed between your legs.
“open,” he commanded and you obliged, sticking out your tongue and making an ‘ah’ sound.
Dr. Davis held underneath your chin to look up at him as he placed the wood on top of your tongue, pressing down slightly. Your abdomen clenched as a rush of emotions ran through your body, making eye contact with the tattooed doctor as he stared back, not even looking at the back of your throat as your mouth was agape, open widely for him.
You wanted nothing more than to reach up and pull against the fabric of his mask, greedily wanting to expose his lips to see the rest of his face and smile, to see how handsome he had gotten with age.
Your chest heaved as his fingers slid from underneath your chin, trailing down your throat with firm but gentle fingertips, the tension between you building as seconds passed by. He pulled back his hand, along with the popsicle stick, and your mouth closed slowly as he took a step back.
As he turned from you, the way he slid his hand into his pocket to readjust himself didn’t go unnoticed, before he faced you again, nodding curtly.
“I’ll let you get undressed from the waist down. You can place this blanket over yourself, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He averted his gaze as he opened the door, closing it gently behind him.
You let out a breath as your mind began to race. The way your mind kept tracing back to years of messing around with him in high school sent your stomach into a lustful spiral, the warmth of his inked fingers relighting years of memories he engraved into your skin.
Noah had given you years of orgasms, some of the best you ever had. None of your other lovers had compared to him, and your body knew this, sparking complete excitement at his presence once again.
You shifted on your feet embarrassed at this, peeling off your jeans as you folded them neatly on the chair. You slid off your black panties, placing them on top of your pants before lying down on the bed, the cool air causing you to shiver.
Or perhaps, it was the fact Noah was going to be extremely close to your intimate space after so many years of deprivation.
You two hooked up on and off for years during adolescence, never forming a relationship beyond that; even though you always wanted to.
You always had feelings for Noah, but you knew he wanted nothing more than to fuck you senselessly, and then part ways. No strings attached.
After high school graduation, you two parted, never speaking to each other again. You had always wondered what he had gone off and set to do, and being a doctor was honestly the last thing you’d think he’d do. Noah had always been extremely smart, but it still came as a complete shock when he was the one who walked through that wooden door just fifteen minutes prior.
You covered yourself with the thin blanket and a moment later Dr. Davis came through the door again, glancing at your exposed legs before turning to grab a pair of gloves from the counter.
You watched him intensely as he pulled the latex over his fingers, almost drooling at the thought of them running along your folds. You shook away the thought, knowing that you would be completely dripping by the time he would be sitting between your legs, examining you.
The last thing you wanted was for him to know the effect he still had on you, even after all these years.
He made eye contact with you again, tugging at the tie around his neck once again as he took the chair, rolling it to the edge of your feet. Before sitting he pulled out the stirrups.
“You can rest your heels on here,” He pointed to the plastic, and you noticed how his ears began to flush red, his chest rising and falling quickly as he glanced into your eyes once again.
When he looked away you glanced down at his black slacks, swallowing harshly at the bold outline of his erection that was extremely evident, through his tight pants.
You swallowed as you slowly lifted your legs, exposing yourself to the man who now sat at the end of the bed, the thin blanket sliding down your thighs gently, leaving your body on display for Dr. Davis.
The word was barely audible. He had whispered it so quietly through gritted teeth, but you still managed to hear the four-letter word, and it sent another rush of warm lust through your body.
“I-I’m just going to examine you before inserting the speculum.” Dr. Davis’ professional tone faltered briefly, and you wanted to look down at him so badly.
You knew that he was aroused, but you had no idea how badly Noah wanted to tear into your pussy right then and there.
For years Noah wondered what happened to you. After years of dedication to med school, he didn’t have much time to form relationships, and he usually had a quick fuck here and there to tie over his cravings. He reminisced frequently about how good you felt wrapped around his cock, all of his past flings never making him feel quite how you did.
This morning when he agreed to substitute at the clinic he had no idea what to expect. You were the last thing he thought would happen, and the second he read your name on that piece of paper as he entered your room he felt his mind begin to spiral.
How was he supposed to remain professional around you?
His biggest regret was never pursuing anything further with you years ago, worried that if feelings got involved he would lose the best thing he ever had. In turn, he fucked himself over in the end, because he had lost you either way; but now, you were right here in front of him, naked and on display.
The second he saw you sitting on the exam table he felt an immediate rush to his pants, his mind racing as he began to sweat, the room suddenly feeling stuffy and tight. He couldn’t help but watch your lips as they parted when you talked, memories of them wrapped around himself as your tongue slid up and down his length leaving him unable to concentrate as he attempted to read your file.
He watched as you shifted nervously in front of him when he checked your lungs, heart racing rapidly under his touch. He wanted to rip your thighs apart, slipping his fingers into you, wanting to leave you begging.
Noah wanted to pull his name from your lips; leaving you worshiping him, needing him.
He kept reminding himself that he was a professional now and that it was unacceptable to push the boundary of client-patient professionalism. There was a code of conduct and ethics he was required to follow; but he wanted to forget years of practice, just to get a taste of you.
You lay there, trying to keep your heavy breathing quiet; but you immediately gasped as one of his covered fingers spread you open, barely touching your skin, afraid to go further.
You closed your mouth tightly, biting the inside of your cheek as you scolded yourself.
Don’t fucking moan, don’t fucking moan. He barely touched you.
“I’m going to insert the speculum now,” He said quietly, and you heard him whisper another sentence to himself, “God, you don’t even need lube…”
You knew that he knew how turned on you were by just his presence alone, and you closed your eyes as Dr. Davis inserted the plastic into your body, the feeling of fullness causing you to chew on your bottom lip.
Dr. Davis clicked the hinges as the speculum opened you up, and you covered your mouth with your hand, something Noah had noticed.
“Are you in pain?” He asked gently, and you shook your head.
“N-no, I-I’m okay.”
He hummed again, and it was quiet for a moment.
There was a lack of movement for a second until you felt a gloved finger brush across your clit slowly, and you furrowed your brows in anticipation.
Fuck, that had to be an accident, right?
You tried to think rationally about the situation, but your thoughts trailed to dirty places, silently pleading that Dr. Davis would press against your intimacy again.
Noah had listened for your reaction as he sat before your legs that held you splayed open for him, his mind battling. He swallowed hungrily.
You felt his fingers brush against you again and your thighs jolted to his touch, before you felt the pad of his finger press firmly against you, tracing small circles as he tried drawing a moan from your lips.
Your mouth fell open in satisfaction as your body clenched, Dr. Davis’ fingers rubbing faster and faster.
You couldn’t help it as a gentle whimper crawled from your chest, and with furrowed brows, you bucked your hips into his touch; giving him the permission he desperately wanted.
You felt the speculum being removed, and seconds later a wet swipe trailed up along your folds.
“Oh my god,” You whispered and Dr. Davis hummed, his lips latching onto your sweet spot before two gloved fingers slid into you, curling upwards.
You began to moan again, pulling the blanket away to see the brunette devouring your body. He looked up at you with lustful eyes, his mask pulled underneath his chin.
You ogled upon seeing his entire face, brows furrowed with desire as he remained stone cold.
“If you moan loudly one more time I’ll stop.” He said as he began licking your body once again, eyes fixated on your own.
“Yes, what?” He said, pulling his mouth away as he continued to pump his fingers in and out rapidly, taking his thin glasses off and placing them on the table.
“Yes sir.”
“Good girl,” he praised, burying himself between your legs again in famish, devouring you feverishly with complete craving.
Your legs began to shake from his praise and you covered your mouth with your hands as your hips pushed into Dr. Davis’ touch, completely engulfed with euphoria.
You didn’t know that he was palming himself through his slacks as he ate you out, desperate for friction, desperate for you to be the one touching him instead.
“Cum.” He demanded, and in a second his tongue swiped along your folds you felt the knot that he built release, elation washing through you as you choked back a desiring cry.
Your free hand gripped Dr. Davis’ hair as you pulled him closer, rubbing yourself along his face as he ate you until it became too much, pushing him away.
He stood up, mouth agape and wet from your release as you watched him with yearning, both your chests heaving.
He hastily began pulling off his white coat, throwing it to the floor as you watched him loosen his tie. Sitting up you beckoned him over and his fingers gripped your throat, pulling you towards him as his forehead rested against your own.
You looked into each other’s eyes as unspoken words danced between you, both of you needing each other but too afraid to speak.
He held you firmly for a moment before pulling your lips to his own, kissing you completely with need and hunger, forcing you to taste yourself
You groaned quietly into his lips as your tongues ran along each other, your fingers shaky as you began unbuttoning his blue dress shirt.
His fingers tightened around your neck as your hands trailed to the hem of his black pants, tugging at his waistband as you pulled apart his belt, sliding the zipper down slowly.
He moaned softly as your fingers slid along his abdomen, threatening to dip in to grab where he needed you.
“You’re in no position to tease princess, remember that,” He squeezed your neck again as he towered over you in authority, and you smiled.
“This is wrong.”
“So wrong.” He mumbled before kissing you in desperation again, your minds fogged with nothing but lust and arousal.
Dr. Davis’ hands pulled your shirt over your head as he pulled back, taking in the image of your exposed body, ready for him.
His covered fingers found their way to your core once again, slipping in and out as you pulled down his underwear, his body hard and ready to devour you.
You licked your fingers, smiling up at him as he watched with lustful eyes, before grabbing hold of his erection, pumping up and down as he thrust into your hand in eagerness. He pulled his fingers in and out of you quickly, your mouth falling open as you watched each other, pleasing one another.
“Spread your legs, baby,” Dr. Davis pleaded, and you opened your thighs farther.
“That’s it… Wider,” He whispered, before pulling his hands away from you, wrapping them around himself as he positioned his body to yours.
Dr. Davis didn’t hesitate any longer before he pushed into you, a loud whimper leaving you. His eyebrows furrowed angrily as his gloved hand covered your mouth, pushing you back into the wall.
“Be fucking quiet,” He said through gritted teeth, his chest heaving as he continued to thrust into you, filling your body, claiming you as his own.
He tore into your skin with his motions, the feeling of him pulling out before pushing back in deeply causing your legs to clench shut. He pushed them open with the hand that wasn’t covering your mouth.
“I said to spread them,” He scolded, fingers digging into your thigh before he slapped the top of your intimacy, earning a yelp from you as your body jolted from the contact.
He remained cold and composed, attempting to keep up his professional facade that was beginning to crumble before you. His eyes squeezed shut as he pushed your thighs back towards your chest, opening you as he fucked your body with possession.
You watched his head tilt back, exposing the tattoos on his neck as his lips fell open in complete satisfaction.
Your body felt perfectly wrapped around him, years of need ready to release into you.
Dr. Davis wanted to flip you over so you stood in front of him, one leg lifted onto the bed as he gripped your ass and pounded you; but he knew that right now, he needed to watch your face contort in pleasure for him, from him.
Your body clenched around him, “Dr. D-Davis,” You whimpered, still trying to remain quiet so as to not be heard by the rest of the clinic.
“Noah,” the brunette growled, bringing you into a kiss and you nodded, murmuring his name back to him against his lips in a plea.
He was close to his release, but he held back, waiting to pull another orgasm from you before he would bring you to your knees, ready to cum down your throat.
“You can do it, that’s a good girl.” He praised and you melted at his words, letting go as he thrust into you one more time, your body completely enveloping him as your mouth was covered by his hand once again to mask your screams. Your body shook through the orgasm Noah offered you.
He slid in and out slowly, before pulling away. His fingers were threaded through your hair as he guided you to the floor, placing you on your knees.
You took him into your mouth mercilessly, sucking and bobbing along his length before he gripped your face, pulling you closer.
You gagged along him, tears forming as a deep growl rumbled from his chest, signalling he was close.
Seconds later Noah’s release coated the back of your throat, and you swallowed his orgasm, looking up at him in commitment.
“You’ve always been mine to ruin,” He said, panting as he pulled you off of him, and you sat on the ground, smiling up at him.
The two of you got dressed in silence, the hormones lingering in the air as he pulled off the gloves, grabbing his prescription notepad and a pen.
“I wasn’t able to get a good enough sample to send off to the lab,” He said, scribbling away, “I’ll need you to meet me at my office this weekend.”
Dr. Davis handed you the note and you looked at the paper, staring at the phone number and address as he nodded toward you, opening the wooden door and leaving the office.
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hshshgsghshghsshgh ok i am a mess
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