#based from popular Twitter meme
black-bulls-mansion · 27 days
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Black Bulls Doodle (3/?) — MEME
The Bulls being Grey’s #1 support
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Terrible Visions
A scrambled timeline is a timeline that has proceeded much like ours, except that some particular facet has been mixed up all over the place. For example, in the scrambled timeline we will consider today, our world's fictional stories have been told by different people, and in different ways.
Bryan Lee O'Malley, in this alternate timeline, is best known as the cartoonist responsible for Homestuck, a popular comic series about a group of children who become embroiled in a cosmic-scale video game known as Sburb. Although Homestuck is probably most often associated with the cult classic Edgar Wright-directed film adaptation released in 2016, the comics themselves are highly-regarded, and the film brought a new audience to them. Netflix has commissioned an animated continuation, The Homestuck Epilogues, which is due to be released soon.
Andrew Hussie, on the other hand, is a figure you're likelier to know if you're overly online. His "MS Paint Adventures" series - most notably including Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, which is kind of like Homestuck but weirder and hornier - have firmly remained a fixture of obsessive Twitter fandom culture. It doesn't help that the best-known iteration, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, is infamous for stretching thousands of pages of meandering digressions out of a simple and focused narrative starting point. Scott Pilgrim fans have developed something of a toxic reputation, which is not entirely deserved - although of course Knives discourse is interminable, and back in the fandom's heyday there were reportedly incidents of fans assaulting each other "for being evil exes".
Scott Pilgrim fandom was very big back in the day, though, and consequently it was a nexus for other creative figures who would go on to surpass Hussie. Perhaps foremost among these is indie developer Toby Fox. He was literally living in Hussie's basement when he produced ROSEQUARTZ, a universally-beloved retro Goonies-like RPG about a human hybrid boy born to a race of gem-based aliens. He's now developing an episodic spiritual successor, RAZORQUEST, with more overtly dark themes. It revolves around an inheritance dispute among a demon-summoning family.
Other foundational figures in this timeline's internet culture include Alison Bechdel, who helped get the webcomic scene started. Although she's now more seriously acclaimed for her personal memoirs, her gaming webcomic Press Start To Dyke, which premiered in 1998, was once everywhere. It had a broad appeal, and at its height, it was common to see even straight guys sharing pages from it. Time has not been especially kind to it, though, and at this point its main legacy is test.png, a meme spawned by one of the comic's most ill-advised pages.
Then there's John C. McCrae, more often known by his pseudonym Wildbow. A prolific and reclusive author of doorstopping "web serials" - long-form fiction published online - McCrae's best-known serial is still his first, Wind, a noir superhero story set in an alternate history where capes are mostly just a subculture of unpowered vigilantes. Wind landed in a culture already rife with comic book deconstructions, like Alan Moore's 2002 graphic novel Worm Turns, but it nonetheless managed to stand out from the pack with its extensive cast of characters and its themes of coordination problems and the end of the world. Later McCrae web serials include Part (the first "Otherverse" serial; an urban fantasy story about a couple who die in a car accident and find that they have become ghosts), Tear (a "biopunk" story set in a collapsing underwater city), Warn (the controversial Wind sequel), and Play (the second "Otherverse" serial, set in a small Indiana town that helps hide a psychic girl from the CIA).
Last and perhaps least, we should discuss J. K. Rowling. Far and away the most famous of any of these authors, Rowling's name is inseparable from the YA series that she debuted with, the Luz Noceda books, which remain her one successful work. Although it was heavily derivative of older fantasy novels - like Jill Murphy's Academy For Little Witches, or Philip Pullman's Methods Of Rationality trilogy - Luz Noceda was still a monumental and unprecedented success in the publishing industry, and the film adaptations were consistent blockbusters. The final book, Luz Noceda and the Watcher of Rain, contained some allusions to a romantic relationship between Luz and her recently-redeemed associate Amity. Rowling confirmed that this was her intent in subsequent interviews and indicated that she had fought her publishers for it; the film would then go on to escalate matters slightly further.
There have been many lengthy and heated online arguments as to whether the references in the book itself constitute text or mere subtext. Whatever your stance on this discourse, a new complication has been introduced recently: although she has put out no official statement on the matter as of yet, it has become quite apparent from Rowling's shrinking network of contacts and her conspicuous silences that she is certainly TERF-sympathetic, and likely an outright TERF herself. For many, this is leading to a critical reevaluation of the social values inherent in the Luz Noceda series; others, to say the least, are holding off on that kind of reappraisal.
Anyway, Scott Pilgrim just beat Luz Noceda in a Twitter poll for Most Gay Media, and people are piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed
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frosensteel · 5 months
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Based on a popular meme from Twitter, I just know that no matter what combination of confession we got with these three, someone is getting absolutely shocked
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mtkay13 · 1 year
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WenZhou x Memes! and, of course, some thoughts. More memes below + explanations! (Very Long Post)
You know other men?
The first one above was based on a famous "you know other men?" meme, that Bichen suggested we take part in (in the TYK community). I wanted to make ZZS smile at WKX's antics because it makes him laugh, ofc, and because he's quite fond of that wife act WKX enjoys playing so much.
The Barbie meme
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Interestingly enough, this one has sparked quite a bunch of discussions online. When we had talked about making the meme for TYK!WenZhou, both Moose (@butleronice) and I thought that having ZZS as the serious one felt a bit strange. I feel like TYK!ZZS as I know him is rather goofy and would be more likely to make fun of the situation and the authorities that he doesn't take seriously.
WKX, besides in ZZS' presence, in the book, tends to act very cold and not necessarily civil--especially if you think those would be Jianghu authorities. Not saying the reverse wouldn't work, of course! But for my conception of the characters, it felt off. However--on twitter, we both received more comments than necessary saying: "This should be the opposite." "WKX should be the fun one--", etc. I have to confess that this left me worried regarding ZZS' reputation, considering that more often than not, when I make him to be the goofier, more stupid looking one, I get surprised reactions. I wonder what exactly has given him these... serious, un-fun vibes for many people.
The way I see it, in the book, ZZS is quite fun, overly civil and polite in a fake-smiley way, gets himself in absurd situations and WKX comments on him as being ridiculous and goofy. Of course, in ZZS' presence, WKX himself acts in a very extra way, but overall, in the book, WKX is quite closed-off and cold towards others, and doesn't give those vibes of being fun, extra or goofy to me. (I won't lie, I do blame the first and most popular translations for that, as they make ZZS quite stiff in the dialogs and I feel like this doesn't help...) I don't think it's a problem if people see them differently, though! But it was upsetting to see how some people did (quite rudely in some case) allow themselves to tell us how wrong we were, especially considering the time and care we both put in our decision to characterise them this way (and work on their expressions).
I recommend going to check Moose's version on her twitter as well (@butleronduty)!!
Equal strength
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This one was based on a meme posted by Choco (@kwehxing) on twitter; about how this dialog would be fun for WenZhou.
I, once again, considered that yeah, maybe the default would have WKX turn any situation into a reason to fuck--but at the same time, I wondered: is it really his style? Isn't he having plenty of situations in which he can bring that up, already? I like to read ZZS as having a certain competence kink, and I think he gets off of sparring and feeling WKX's strength. I thought it fun to imagine him getting really worked up from sparring and using that as an excuse to demand fucking because OBVIOUSLY what else. I guess that to me, this is a reflection of how his mind is working.
The Tintin parody
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My friend Angel brought a tintin parody comic from the @tintinades account on twitter and instagram. Here is the original. I thought it could be really fun to adapt it for WenZhou with a little twist at the end. Of course, mastering qinggong, WenZhou probably don't really need the ropes--although I think that ZCL isn't able to safely cross the road yet which is why they wanted to make a way. However, WKX clearly got distracted and went on ahead, hehe.
The distracted BF
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This one was suggested by Bichen again--a classic, which worked really well and was actually quite funny when using Hoboxu.
He wants to order
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This was the first meme I ever drew for WenZhou, following the "he/she wants to order" pattern. Pretty self-explanatory!
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ultrainfinitepit · 1 month
Hello!! I return with more pin making questions :]
In my first ask you mentioned that you'd be willing to go into detail about your favorite social medias, and as I have basically only used Tumblr that would be super useful!
It would also be wonderful if you'd be willing to talk about your experiences with the different shopfronts that you've used, but I understand if you can't due to partnership stuff.
And the last question for now, Newsletters! How did you go about setting one up/what program you use/how long does it take to write an update/etc.
Thank you so much!! You're awesome!!!
Hi again :)) sure I can answer this, this is going to be a very long post so I'll put my answers under the cut.
Same disclaimer as last time that all this is just what has worked for me or what I've personally observed, that doesn't mean this is all objectively correct or factual. Others will have different mileage or find other things that work even better.
Social Media
The three platforms I prefer the most are Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter.
General recommendations:
Respond to people's comments, even with something as simple as a "thank you" for a compliment. This will help build engagement and foster a good relationship with your audience.
Take nice product photos: keep your pin in focus with a nice background and good lighting. Often you only get one chance for your product to leave a good impression!
Pick only a few social media profiles to manage. Don't stretch yourself too thin such that you can't engage with your audience on all your social media.
Find your niche! It’s easier to gain followers for a specific type of merch (such as, angels) than for a broad range.
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Posts have a long but sporadic lifespan thanks to the queue (sporadic means, they will exhibit random bursts of activity). And you can post large image sets and long text posts with links, for this reason it is my favorite platform.
Getting a following on Tumblr is largely luck-based. Users rebel against posts being pushed into their feed by the recommendation algorithm or boosts. Users find posts via other users and not so much the tags, although the tagging system is leagues better than Instagram's (which no longer shows most recent posts and only shows popular posts).
On Tumblr I get the most traffic from:
Responses to user submissions - for example, drawing people's angel requests.
Tag yourself posts
Silly or cute doodles and comics - especially if people can overlay their fandom darlings onto these posts.
Compilations of Pride-related designs, particularly of popular flags
I have noticed over the years, people do not reblog as much as in the past, so it's harder to get your posts noticed.
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In my opinion this is the easiest platform to grow an audience on. Instagram has a very predictable set of criteria for showing your posts to other users, through personal experience it is something like this:
Post once a day.
Post one Reel a day.
No more than three Story shares.
If you deviate from this for too long, or post too many times in a day, Instagram will deprioritize showing your posts to other users. This schedule can be a lot, so if possible I recommend having a buffer of saved up posts and Reels.
Instagram users are pickier about what they like to see. I recommend keeping your profile looking neat and professional; WIPs don't seem to do well there. Instagram users like illustrations and heavily-visual posts; they do not respond well to slides with text on them unless it is a tutorial or tag-yourself post.
Some users like to put memes or other silly images at the end of their posts. I personally don't do this, but I've been told the reason for it is: people share the silly images and that gains more traffic for the post even if they are not sharing the main content.
On Instagram I get the most traffic from:
Fanart of recently popular characters
Tag yourself posts
Pride-related art for popular flags
Cute, colorful illustrated creatures
Anything that asks for audience feedback in the comments. More comments means more engagement, which means it's bumped up in the algorithm.
Hosting monthly art challenges such as Angeltober
Bare chested men
And I have noticed DTIYS challenges are popular and a great way for people to find your profile, although I haven't hosted one of these yet.
Tags on Instagram appear to matter less than in the past, but I still think they are worth using. Try to tag for the content in your post (such as "#biblically accurate angel") instead of using tags for artists or small businesses (such as "#smallbusinessstrong"). Everyone else is using these tags so you have lots of competition, but no one is trawling through those tags so you have less engagement from them. Users are looking for specifically the content they like, they don't care who is posting it.
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The most arcane out of these three platforms. Getting noticed on Twitter seems to be largely luck-based as well. I had my Twitter profile for a while with little traffic on it until I started posting the new Pride Angels, then it blew up. Hashtags are pretty useless on Twitter and I didn't have many followers before then so I'm not sure why those got popular at that time.
On Twitter I get the most traffic from:
Pride-related art for popular flags
Other relatable art such as for astrological signs
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Dishonorable Mention: TikTok
I have a TikTok but I just use it to crosspost my Instagram Reels. I do not have many followers on TikTok, I do not put effort into it, and I dislike the interface. That being said, I have heard from other creators it is way easier than Instagram to grow on if you are willing to make videos and post every day.
A note on blacklisted words
On Twitter, Instagram, and possibly Tumblr too: words like "shop" "link" "commission" etc. may cause your post to be deprioritized. This is because social media platforms do not want you going off of them to some other site to spend money elsewhere. That's why you'll notice people censoring these words ("shop" to "sh0p").
Personally I dislike doing this, it just makes me feel silly, so I don't bother. But I will admit, it hurts my posts. So this is something to keep in mind if you want to do shop promotion on social media.
The shops I run are, in the order of making them:
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The lowest possible barrier to entry for a merch artist: they literally do everything from production to shipping for you, and all you do is provide the artwork. The trade-off is that it's very hard to make any significant money from Redbubble (I make maybe a few cents at most from each sale), and you have no control over the quality of the products.
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My referral link here.
While Etsy can be imposing at first, it is probably the easiest out of all the marketplaces to start out on. There is a lot of information to fill out to get started, so take it slow so you don't get overwhelmed. It does get easier after the first listing. Once you make one listing you can just keep duplicating and changing it a little so you don't have to keep making listings from scratch.
Etsy claims you need ten listings in your shop before you open it, but you can ignore that.
Once you've gotten started, there's lots of little tricks to learn such as letter mail shipping, all about VAT, improving listings, sections, and so on that I could go into more detail on if anyone is interested. For now I'll just focus on the platform itself.
I like that Etsy has a marketplace search, as a customer it is really nice to use. I like that it has one big cart for all the items I am looking at, and that it has a favorites system. I also like as a customer how each shop is uniform; I know exactly how to search through each shop and what format to expect. I do enjoy artists' custom shops but, sometimes their interfaces are tough to navigate.
Etsy is reasonably good at showing your items to people, which is the number one reason I recommend it for beginners. Just make sure to put effort into your listings such as tagging them, adding nice photos, and videos.
They have protection features built-in such as covering refunds if an item is delivered but the customer claims to not have received it. Etsy also enables international shipping with VAT which is great for EU/UK customers. My biggest gripe with Etsy is the fees, which I've already complained about.
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Not much to say about Gumroad really. I only use it to list digital items such as PDFs of my lineart. I think it's saved me a few inquiries from people looking for my art for tattoos. Since all that art is for free on social media anyway, I don't charge for purchases on Gumroad. That's just a personal choice though.
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Not much to say about Mercari either. I use it to list pins from my personal collection, though I've seen a handful of pin makers use it for the pins they've created. I think the Mercari listing creation is atrocious: they like to recommend titles for your items when you upload new images, and will overwrite existing titles.
I've been considering moving away from Mercari, they recently switched their fee model so now buyers pay fees instead of sellers. This means while sellers can lower their prices, buyers get sticker shock and then ask for discounts on top of already-discounted items. I'm only on there because it's the most popular place for second-hand pin selling.
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So far I've really enjoyed Shopify. The setup was nightmarishly hard, not to turn anyone off of it but it took me literal months. You can import your listings from Etsy to Shopify but then you have to redo all the SKUs, link up photos to variants, and so on. If you have a ton of listings like me it takes a while. If you only have a few it is more worth it or, might even be worth starting out on if you can do sufficient promotion.
The major advantage of Etsy over Shopify is the marketplace feature: if you don't need the help of Etsy to promote your items then Shopify might be the better option to start out on.
I like that Shopify has significantly lower fees vs. Etsy. However, they do payouts differently and in a way I dislike. Etsy will deduct your shipping fees before calculating your payout balance, while Shopify will payout your balance and then charge you for shipping as part of your monthly bill. So you need to make sure to set aside some of your funds always to cover the Shopify shipping charge.
Additionally, to enable certain integrations or features you will need to pay for them monthly, which can add up. To sync my inventory between Shopify, Etsy, and Faire I use Trunk Inventory, which charges me a monthly $60 fee. That's in addition to the monthly Shopify fee.
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I actually hate Faire despite using it. I was going to use Tundra but Faire drove them out of business (lawsuit pending). Now Faire is the only game in town for wholesale so I'm forced to use them, not that it's done me much good since I haven't had any sales there.
I can rant for ages about Faire's horrendous fees and outdated product import. But if you're a beginner you don't have to worry about wholesale selling, so I'll leave that discussion for another time. If anyone wants to hear more from me about Faire they can send another ask.
My stockists
It's quite hard to give honest reviews of my stockists here, since they might see them so, I'll just share my Linktree for them and you all can investigate on your own and inquire privately.
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I used to use Tinyletter but it shut down, so now I use Email Octopus. Here's a referral link, and you can check out my newsletter sign up page here.
Email Octopus doesn't have a newsletter archive, and the interface is more complicated than Tinyletter's, which I dislike; but I like it better than Tinyletter's replacement Mailchimp.
You can try these out for yourself and see which you like better, it really is personal preference. All newsletter services are essentially the same: all you need is a sign up page, a way to store emails, and an ability to send a newsletter to them.
To get people to sign up for your newsletter, I personally recommend always offering it as a choice. For example, if you run a pin campaign, send an update where you share a link to your newsletter to your backers so they have the option to sign up. Do not export their emails and add them to your newsletter without a choice. I have been on the receiving end of this as a backer/customer and it makes me feel bad: it's extra emails in my inbox I didn't agree to and it feels like the creator misusing my information even if technically they are not. As a fellow creator I totally get why others might do this, it's an effective way to get lots of new newsletter signups at once. I just don't personally like it.
Shopify has a built-in newsletter feature you can use as well if you make a Shopify storefront. From your dashboard you can go to Marketing > Create campaign.
I like to send out a shortened newsletter via Shopify. Usually what I do is copy my full newsletter from Email Octopus to Shopify, and remove any bits not directly related to my Shopify, such as news on crowdfunding campaigns.
Writing your newsletter
Writing a newsletter doesn't take much time, and I think it should be a low effort task. In fact, if you make it too long people will not read it.
Throughout the month leading up to a shop update I will update my newsletter with whatever new items are ready, taking only a few minutes here and there. I include a few photos and I make sure to link to the items once they are listed (truncated example below).
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I will also alert people to any sales or other special offers, news about stockists, and crowdfunding campaigns: anything a potential buyer would be interested in.
I have seen other artists share much longer newsletters with impressive graphics, sections on their art process, personal updates - but for myself I usually skip over that stuff in my inbox, so I don't do it as a creator. For others it might be worth the effort!
Final Thoughts
If you read all this, thank you! I know this was a very long post. I hope it helps at least one of you. I won't keep you much longer: you can find links to everything I mentioned in my Linktree and if you have more questions you can send an ask.
One day I'd like to make a tutorial series for making and selling merch, so this was useful as a draft for that. I would also include manufacturer reviews. If that's something you'd like to see someday you can let me know.
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gloomysoup · 7 months
i have been taken over by nickelback once again so here comes another edition to the nickelback chronicles
todays edition brings us back to the 2017 album feed the machine, which seems to be a very steddie secrets-coded album based on previous editions. (the song is Must Be Nice btw)
corroded coffin is well established in the industry. they have a lot of fans, but it is more common in pop culture that they're made fun of due to certain songs that gain popularity (think photograph memes). their fan base regularly gets shit from others, but it's never caused problems. at least, not until someone comes after eddie's family.
in the age of the internet, people are increasingly open about their opinions. eddie's tough. he can brush things off with ease. he doesn't often take things to heart.
it starts with a collection of photos.
Steve and the pups got papped, bad. Eddie hadn't even been with them. Luckily, Eddie had insisted that they have a security detail when going out somewhere more public. For safety. Steve didn't really like the idea, but he agreed. He knew Eddie wouldn't have insisted so heavily on something unless it was important to him. His family's safety is important. So, when paparazzi was overwhelming them, cameras flashing in their faces, the pups upset and clinging to Steve, Eddie was grateful that their security managed to get them somewhere safe. Eddie was pissed when the photos were released online. It was clear in every frame that Steve had been uncomfortable, and the pups were scared.
Arguably, Eddie probably should've waited for the band's legal and social media teams before saying anything, but he was infuriated. He could barely hold back all the things he wanted to say.
His response came in the form of a long twitter thread from his main account. In it, he ranted about the absolute disregard the paparazzi had for privacy and consent. He went off about how angry he was that they violated his family, without him even being there. There was absolutely no reason for them to go after his family like that, and then to post those photos all over the internet like it was nothing. He was disgusted.
The post blew up. Eddie was asked about it in an interview with the band a week after the photos broke.
Eddie's hands shook as he looked at the man interviewing them.
"I don't think I have ever been so... infuriated in my life, and I've been hunted by an entire town who didn't understand." He shook his head. "I was in a meeting with a producer when my husband called me, in tears, because of those assholes. I wasn't even there. They had no reason to do that to my family. They do not deserve to be treated like animals in a goddamn zoo just because of my career. They're just fucking lucky that no one got hurt, because if anyone had laid a single hand on my family, I would not hesitate to track them down and prove an entire goddamn town right."
"Don't you think that's a little dramatic? Obviously it wasn't right, but that's their job, isn't it?"
Eddie's response broke the internet immediately upon its release.
"No. I don't think it's dramatic. I think I have every right to be angry that my family's privacy was violated. I have every right to be angry that their safety was at risk. If I do much as see someone with a camera pointed at them again, I will not hesitate to show them exactly what I think of their 'job'. I will do anything to protect my family, and I will not apologize for that."
The internet was divided. Many people agreed with Eddie. It was cruel. His family was put in danger. His response was perfectly understandable. Others thought he was taking things too far. They didn't understand just how harmful the paparazzi could be. One such person made it a point to call Eddie out. He was some up and coming artist that was gaining popularity among the younger crowds. A nepotism baby like no other. His mother was a popular actress, his father a well-known label executive. He trashed Eddie for being old, out of the loop, a hot-headed mess. He insulted his family based off the photos the paps had released.
Eddie barely gave a public response to the kid's statements. In fact, his social media went oddly quiet. For six weeks, not a single person in the band posted anything. Fans speculated on what happened. Some wondered if Eddie had finally snapped. Maybe this had been the last straw. The band was breaking up, or going on hiatus. Something. Their comments and concerns went unanswered. A few people even managed to track down the socials of people close to the band, sending DMs and asking if they knew what was going on. Nancy got the worst of it, seeing as she was the easiest to track down with her relatively active social media. Still, no response.
It was a random Tuesday morning when the band account finally posted something. Fans were expecting an official statement declaring that the band was parting ways. Instead, it was a cryptic video clip. A dark screen. Music playing in the background. A single line uttered before it cut off completely and a date filled the screen.
Stick your diamond ring where the sun don't shine
No one knew what it meant until the day arrived. The band released a new single. Must Be Nice. The lyrics are chalk full of references to common children's lullabies. It was very obvious to everyone what the song was about. Still, there was no official statement. Not until the band's tour, at least.
Eddie grabbed the microphone from the stand a couple songs into the first show. He took a drink from the cup sitting by Gareth's drum kit before taking a breath and looking out at the crowd. He got everyone to quiet down before he started talking.
"I'm sure by now you've all heard about what happened to my family a few months back," he began. The crowd booed. Eddie laughed, his eyes darting to side-stage where Steve was standing. "In case there's some people out there who haven't, my husband our pups were ambushed by paparazzi while I was in a meeting. Their safety was put at risk. Their privacy was violated. The photos were released on the internet, and I was the one to receive backlash for being upset. For being angry." The crowd screamed. "That's the thing about being 'famous' or whatever the fuck. No one cares. No one cares because they assume that we all signed up for this shit. Like the world deserves to be let into every single piece of our lives. The amount of people who wholeheartedly believe they had a right to invade our privacy and stalk our families is astounding, truly. And then there are people who grew up having everything handed to them. Who think they have a right to speak on a matter that doesn't involve them. Who only have careers because of who their daddy is. So this next song is dedicated to the fucker who had the absolute nerve to trash my family on the internet while he sat in a house paid for with Daddy's money. This is Must Be Nice."
The videos of his speech launched them back into the mainstream, if only for a few days. The internet was overrun with discourse, everyone arguing over who was in the right and who was in the wrong. It ultimately led to a public apology from the kid, and paparazzi learned to stay away from Corroded Coffin.
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riftclaw · 1 year
that one person in the comments of the sans vs Cecil vote going "people only want Cecil to win bc it's funny" has to be like 12 bc there's no way they experienced tumblrs actual sexyman heydey
sans just barely squeaks under the wire. most characters later than him aren't "tumblr sexymen"-- we just don't *do that* anymore. people like reigen bc of who reigen is in canon, not a fanon extrapolation that's made entirely to be eye candy based on assumption or lacking lore (Cecil was most popular in wtnv's early days, the onceler has like no canon personality, bill cipher is suggested to have a lot going on but it's pretty thin to keep him mysterious)
Cecil beating reigen isn't funny, it's bc he's a proper tumblr sexyman and reigen is a twitter sexyman. he's still valid, just a different variant, and bringing the polls *to tumblr* always had the possibility of drastically altering the twitter outcome
bc this is actually tumblr and not a bunch of people only familiar with the sexyman trend from reposted memes
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mirrorgrets · 2 years
goncharov is fascinating to dissect as a communications student.
to truly understand how goncharov came to be you have to look at tumblr as its own ecosystem first and how it deals with memes, inside jokes, and how it views media in general. then you get to the user bases social spheres and how they're divided and how they overlap. if you want to be thorough you could also add in a brief history on fandom (specifically western english speaking fandom) and introduce specific tumblr fandom just to really set goncharov up. this might include supernatural, superwholock, dracula daily, and how fandom Can be incredibly divorced from the source material.
and then discuss the history of goncharov via shoe, and its spread two years later through thorough research of what the first popular posts on it were to the subsequent adoption of goncharov as a real film due to the original posts popularity and the fact that a lot of people already know about the joke and explanation behind the shoe. this leads to fanmade posters, in-depth analyses and escalates to widely agreed upon character casts, original osts, fake vhs tapes and many users agreeing that it's real because everyone wants to be part of the joke.
there should also be explanations that this may not be entirely comfortable for the entire population of tumblr because it may be hard to differentiate fact from fiction when a frightening amount of people claims it to be real when it actually isn't.
this event also coincidences with the apparent mass exodus of twitter users to tumblr since it's seen as a good alternative due to the former site and app appearing to be highly unstable at the moment due to new management. tumblr was seen as a "dead" social media site by the vast majority of users before but with the rise of goncharov and with twitter users using both sites now, tumblr gains traction as a somewhat puzzling yet captivating social media site. tumblr management uses the rise of goncharov as a marketing strategy fkr their own site since tumblr's well defining characteristic is that it is a site with inside jokes that only tumblr users may only understand.
at this point i'm not entirely sure what this paper would really focus on but i know there's something in that that could be used to make the most insane paper my 50 year old professor would read in a while
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frogfrizz · 1 year
FreenBecky (BeckFreen) and WLW representation after Gap the Series
I’m once again pulled into the world of Gap the Series, but in particular, the rich, warm fandom that has become FreenBecky or on occasion, BeckFreen, in its wake. As we all grapple with Gap the Series finally ending, the fandom seems to have gravitated towards the main stars, namely Rebecca “Becky” Armstrong and Freen Sarocha. This is a thing unto itself and vastly different from the fan service that the Rich Man’s Daughter gave us.
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Here, we find an army of fans translating nearly all content from the actors across Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, and Weibo from the Thai language to others’:
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It’s a concerted effort among a web of individual to fan-club-run accounts that drum up enormous coverage, enthusiasm, admiration, funds for billboard ads or fan projects, and even gifts for the pair.
The fan community is self-sustaining in its growth; it is massive in Southeast Asia and South America, hashtags trending in one country or another, and even globally nearly every day. I have the impression that this fandom never sleeps and there is new content to traverse and giggle over every 12-hour cycle. It’s refreshing to see this level of self-sustained, growing adulation for actors of an LGBT show in countries that have traditionally been so conservative in their views and sorely underrepresented in mainstream media.
But it isn’t just the fans. There is consistent, honest regard in Freen and Becky’s interactions with each other, a world of memes and a language of their own that they share between themselves and with the fans (ex. “mami” and “honey” lines, the “phi-nong” interactions *wink-wink*).
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We have so little of this attention and enthusiasm for and in the LGBT community with mainstream actors, but these two! They demonstrate a commitment to the fans that is unwavering and unprecedented. They are clear and vocal about their acceptance of the LGBT community, which make up so much of their fan base, trumpeting their advocacy at every opportunity simply by showing up together.
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And oh! Do they have opportunity. They sell record amounts of product as the faces for a variety of brands on live streaming –from make-up, to magazines, to something as innocuous as seaweed chips.
Together or individually, they are constantly being promoted in magazines or on bright, LED billboards in Thailand and even so far as New York’s Times Square:
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A magazine seems to be released nearly every week, and it has left fans languishing with empty pockets as they faithfully try to collect every single one. Though these magazines aren’t distributed internationally, an informal network of locals purchase them for international fans (or interfans, as they’re called), and ship them out at the buyer’s expense, which interfans are more than willing to cover.
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Freen and Becky are adored, loved, and fiercely protected. It’s an amazing phenomenon to watch, and even more extraordinary to contemplate that their popularity has brought their relatively new promoters IdolFactory tremendous exposure and a mountain of ad cash. To an extent, because of such exponential growth, the company has been criticized for poor security and an inability to cater for a large fan base during events as it continues to hire woefully small, inadequate venues.
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We deserve to be heard. LGBT content, specifically wlw content, is valuable, loved, adored. If it came to just the bottom line, it is also incredibly profitable. What a message to send to media creators, to brands! I want this to be heard loudly, and for media executives to realize that they are missing out by cancelling so many wlw-centred shows on their streaming services:
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I wish FreenBecky every success, good health, and happiness.
I want Gap the Series to have even more exposure and recognized as the phenomenon that it is –as the first wlw web series that has breached more than 17M collective views on YouTube. It is the singular show pushing very, very hard against the norm: whether against the persistent cancellations of many wlw shows, catering to a mainly Western audience, or the more Western narrative perpetuated in majority of famous LGBT media today.
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maiavonsneeper · 3 months
Am bored so heres my headcanon on what kpop artists Yakuza characters would listen to.
Disclaimer: I'm not that familiar with anything recent in the kpop. The most recent you would see here is around mid-2010s.
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Of course his no. 1 idol is Haruka. But for kpop it would have to be Girls Generation.
Its all because while playing Y5 where hes a taxi driver and takes place in 2012. I concluded that he has to have listened to Mr Taxi and was like "thats me :)" and i guess from then on he considered himself a SONE (or just a fan idk if he would know about fandom names lol)
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A girl group/solo artists stan.
Definitely a huge inspiration for Goromi and her performances lol
And his collection of albums played for all the Majima Construction crew while they work.
I made a Goromi playlist (priv atm) which I just put in a bunch of female kpop artists in.
This includes artists like Kara, 9Muses, EXID, Miss A, Sunmi, Hyuna, AOA, Sistar, T-ara, Brown Eyed Girls, Lee Hyori, After School...and yeah alot of artists i put in lol
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This was all based on a meme I saw on twitter where Akiyama is a Blackjack on stan twitter lol
So I can see Akiyama being a fan of 2NE1. Started listening to them when he saw it was popular with the hostesses and staff of club Elise and they shared it with him.
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He would listen to a general amount of artists but would have a lot of interest in artists that have an international appeal...Wonder Girls "nobody" anyone?
(...OK that is the thing with kpop lol especially since it has a presence in Japan for awhile)
I mean like a multicultural image or just have non-Korean members. I can see Tanimura immediately taking interest in those types.
And of course anything that's popular with the Little Asia community lol
Artists: Miss A, Super Junior-M, f(x), Twice, U-Kiss, Wonder Girls, Momoland, 2NE1, Blackpink, 2PM, Big Bang
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Definitely into girl groups. Particularly ones that would have sexy dance moves which become popular and iconic later on.
And look Shinada has certain assets...
So he really likes to try out popular dances that usually involve using his tush in some way lmao.
Ex. Girls Day "Expectation" "Female President", Sistar "So Cool" "Touch my Body", AoA "Miniskirt", Kara "Mister"
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This is probably very biased of me XD giving my favorite character my ultimate bias group.
Ahh yes Infinite the "Idols of Obsession" ...hmmm..
I imagine he isn't the type to follow celebrities nor have the time or interest to.
BUT BUT one day he listened to one of their songs and couldn't help but think of...a certain someone...
He doesn't considers himself a inspirit but he did walk into a music shop and bought a few albums, went home and spent his break listening to their discography while having AMVs take place in his brain.
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I'm aware of his emo taste so I tried here ^_^*
I decided to go with that Daigo listens to kpop bands. From my head it'd be CN Blue, FT island, LEDapple.
A non-band it HAS to be Dreamcatcher, another one maybe Vixx'; their dark concept songs mainly.
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I can see the idol herself listening to some idols for inspo lol
Few artists I thought of were Orange Caramel, Crayon Pop, Twice, f(x), Wonder Girls, Blackpink..
I can see her getting into some boy groups especially when it's what her friends and peers are into.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
https://olderthannetfic.tumblr.com/post/738837493190934529/httpsolderthannetfictumblrcompost73871242031#notes Oh it's definitely not. Otherwise I wouldn't be looking for a word for it. That's why I explained what I meant, because I kinda knew that author's voice would probably be wrong.
Interesting to find out more about it though. Heard it thrown around here and there, but was never sure what it actually refers to.
Though I wouldn't even say it's an OOC issue, because it happens in original works too, so technically it could be considered "in character." I have encountered it in both fics and original works, and an additional quirk of that writing is that the character/s will have mindsets that don't match the world they're in, or it will be so over the top that it comes across as an unwanted parody just by the tone of the story.
Weird meme speech, pop culture references, dialogue/monologues that sound like the author just copy-pasted from their twitter/facebook rants, and a lot of that superficial knowledge on topics/issues/problems that is key for all that mouth frothing.
There's also often this weird poorly blended mix between ideas they like and the world, that makes it even more obvious. Like if they write a story where they want to show a the backdrop to be this super oppressive world where everyone has base level education to not have an uprising. Our main lead though, for some reason is the one unique individual with all the knowledge of a modern internet user, and has seen right through everything, but the story never explains why. This is super popular with both further on the edge sides of the political spectrum, and it screams mouth piece to the max and a lack of reflection.
Why does this character know everything when the Government is apparently so effective that no one questions anything? Fuck you, I'm the author and I wanted to show how smart I am and how stupid everyone else is. Here's my facebook/twitter rant!
I know it technically is bad writing, but it's such a specific type of bad writing, and it happens so frequently I would love a simple name for it.
Interesting to find out more about it though. Heard it thrown around here and there, but was never sure what it actually refers to.
Re "voice", it's the set of things that make you go "Ah, this sounds like X wrote it", basically. The actual POV might be a specific character, in which case, X is trying to sound like that character, but they still have a particular way of writing that's a little different from other authors trying to write a similar character. It's even more obvious in nonfiction.
Like... on tumblr, I sound like me. Sure, some of it is my actual personality or views, but there's also just the manner in which I write. I could have the same personality but communicate it differently or more poorly. How often do I use big words? How often do I use slang? How many clauses are in my sentences? In my case, I do kind of sound like this out loud too, but that's never a guarantee either. A lot of it is about the writing craft the person has consciously cultivated over time.
I think subject matter can be relevant to voice, like authors who love to describe food in every work or something, but a lot of it has to do with whether the person is funny overall or what kind of sentence structure they tend to go for. It's a broad vibe thing.
(Certainly, horrid PSAs are part of some authors' voices, but you can use the term to describe any general "Sounds like so-and-so" vibe.)
Honestly, the thing where only the protagonist is ~So Special~ that they alone have twitter brain see through the evil government is one of the obnoxious traits readers often brand as a Mary Sue. That's certainly not the term for this whole phenomenon though.
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thecelestialsyzygy · 1 year
I feel like this needs to be said because of all the stuff happening lately. Apologies if this post is a mess.
I want to thank all of the Byler’s who post in the tag. Whether it be shit posts, memes, long analysis, random thoughts, or all of the above mixed in with posts about your life; Thank you for being here and making fandom fun! The tag has been a mess recently and I think we’re all aware of that because of all the recent deactivations. There’s always been a bit of toxicity in the Stranger Things fandom (as there is in just about all other fandoms), but I feel it's been amplified here due to the lack of content and long wait. Another reason it’s a lot more prominent in the Stranger Things fandom, to begin with, is because of its popularity. In the coming months, we should see some things regarding S5 come up for us to talk about, but if you’re not into leaks then you’re in for an even longer drought (and when it comes to said leaks, please take them with a grain of salt).
I originally came here from Twitter so I’ve seen a lot. Ppl leaving isn’t new to me, and it is a pretty common thing with fandoms in general. Sometimes it’s over something simple, like ppl losing their interest, and other times it’s because ppl don’t know how to use the block button and want to be rude, hateful, and harass others into leaving, or cause/insert themselves into drama for entertainment. It’s understandable to be bored during droughts and perhaps become irritable, but if you like creating/being in drama, please don’t put it in the main tag. Not everybody is going to agree and it is what it is. Some posts you may agree with, some posts you may not, some you may partly agree with, some you may partly disagree with. If you ever come across something that really bothers you, big or small, just use the block button or mute/filter things you don’t want to see. You can always make your own post sharing your thoughts about whatever the topic may have been. There are so many ways to control content you consume. It’s important to remember we’re all here for a good time, so let ppl have fun and learn to draw a line.
It’s OK to be opinionated, but I think some things that are important to note is the difference between head-canons and canon. Head-canons are personal interpretations about a character. It’s not ACTUALLY canon. Some head-canons can be based off of things that ARE canon, but it’s important to realize that it’s still NOT ACTUALLY canon. Canon is confirmed. It’s OK to not agree with somebody else’s head-canon, but it’s not a reason to be rude to them. You can share your own opinions with them in a respectful way or separately. However, I feel like some ppl want to make things problematic to further push their narrative or are genuinely just not educated enough. And of course there are exceptions to just about everything, like potentially problematic head-canons which I think is OK to have discussions about, but once again, that’s why we need to learn to draw a line.
I also know hate anons have been a problem lately. If you’re ever getting a lot of hate anons, please don’t be afraid to protect yourself and turn off the anon feature/not allow asks. If that doesn’t work don’t be afraid to block and report. If none of these are working, just know it’s OK if you feel like social media is becoming too much. Take a break if you need to, distance yourself if you need to, make a completely new account if you need to. You can always let the ppl who care about you know you need to go away for awhile.
Lastly, don’t feel pressure to post! That’s one way to add a lot of stress onto yourself and become tired of your interests. I promise everything is going to be fine and Byler’s/ the Stranger Things fandom will always be here if/when you come back.
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erasure-picnic · 8 months
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So far, we’ve taken a look at how the “rivalry” started, and examined it from both sides. But what did the fans of Pet Shop Boys and Erasure think of all this? Did they perpetuate the rivalry in their own fanbases? Was it even possible to be a PSB fan AND an Erasure fan?
Let’s start by answering that last question first: yes, it was totally possible. From the beginning, the two bands’ fanbases have crossed over, with plenty of fans of both. In the newsletters for both bands, fans of one duo often mentioned liking the other–for instance, in the “penpals” sections. This makes sense, as the duos offered many of the same things, which attracted fans who were into these aspects: synth-based pop music, fire-and-ice duos, cute English men, a camp aesthetic, the gay elements of their art, and theatrical stage shows. 
From what I’ve been able to find out, their fanbases were mostly friendly to each other in the ‘80s. In fact, in many parts of the world, fans weren’t aware of the “rivalry” between the two bands. They didn’t have access to the magazines, newsletters, and videos that tracked the bands’ comments on each other. In some areas, it wasn’t even easy to find electronic music, which was an underground genre. If you were into that kind of music, you tended to like all the big groups from that genre, Erasure and PSB included.
So how did fans become aware of the “rivalry”? Often, it was through talking with other fans. This was made much easier in the ‘90s, with the new forms of telecommunication that were emerging. In this decade, mailing lists, fansites, and newsgroups were all created for the two bands, allowing fans to chat with each other–and to argue, too. The “rivalry” was indeed perpetuated by fans, and some thought it was also started by them. More on that later.
On media dedicated to Erasure, PSB came up frequently in discussions, as did the reverse. Depending on the platform, the tone of these discussions varied. For instance, on mailing lists, most mentions of the other band tended to be positive or neutral. There was the rare serious argument in favour of one band, but much of the sniping was done in good fun. 
The same was true of fansites. One Erasure fansite, Onge’s Erasure Page, put out polls in 2000 and 2003 asking fans what their other favourite bands were; PSB were the second-most popular choice (the first was Depeche Mode). A PSB fansite, Commentary, put out its own survey in 2003 asking about a collaboration between the two bands. While nearly half voted that they shouldn’t collaborate, half voted that they should. The idea of a collaboration between the two groups had long been talked about in their fandoms. It also came up in Erasure’s Private Ear newsletter in 1997. In a joke article titled “The Future of Erasure”, fans gave their ideas as to what the future of the band could look like - including TWO Pet Shop Boys collaborations, one in 2005 and another in 2025.
However, on newsgroups, it was a different story. Mentions of the other band were more likely to be negative, and there were lots more inflammatory comments. Why was this the case? Newsgroups were much more public than mailing lists or websites, making it easier to start arguments. With mailing lists, they were moderated, and people had to sign up with their emails. But they didn’t need to do that with the band-specific newsgroups. Because these were under the “alt” hierarchy, which had no rules and no moderation, all people needed to do was to connect to Usenet and start posting. This made it incredibly easy for people who weren’t fans to post mean comments to a newsgroup based on a particular band.
By the end of the 2000s, the first social media platforms, like Twitter and Facebook, had started to gain traction with the public. People on these platforms have kept the “rivalry” alive by joking, jibing, and posting memes–and still do to this day. There was an interesting discussion about the fans’ side of the rivalry on Facebook, where some people suggested that it started with fans. Most said they liked both bands and they didn’t feel the need to debate who was better.
In the final segment, we’ll examine the denouement in the late 90s and 2000s, looking at the bands’ comments on the “rivalry” and each other after the animosity had died down.
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uh-mozzaza · 4 months
I see Kagurabachi has been compared to Morbius, but I think the way internet fandom behaved was closer to how Goncharov developed on tumblr?
Kagurabachi hasn't gotten popular on tumblr (yet), but the way people talked about it on twitter and reddit, even before the first chapter was out, was very similar to what we saw in the Goncharov phenomenon. That is, the online community being self-aware of how usually fans and fandom behaved, and copy and pasting those behaviors on a piece of media solely off the concept of it.
The only thing people knew about Kagurabachi was: 1)it's a shonen series 2) its protagonist looks broody and has a katana
and from collective experience from similar media they made an inference of how a potential Kagurabachi fandom would react. Making jokes and memes, comparing characters powers, just in general talking as if the series had been out for a long time and was super popular.
That is more or less what happened with Goncharov, where tumblr users saw the concept of "the greatest mafia movie ever made" and knew how tumblr fans with a niche interest in an old moody drama film usually act (analysis, fanfic, collages, etc...)
The key difference is that Kagurabachi IS a real manga that has been published weekly on shonen jump, so that the initial ironic hype has slowly been replaced by normal interest based on the story's progress, tho some level of "let's pretend this is a long established series as a game" still lingers. But both have been really cool example of fandom meta-narrative
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missblissylondion · 1 year
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Belle Delphine, the 22-year-old internet personality, is known for her unique style, controversial stunts, and, of course, her cosplay. Belle has managed to create a persona that is both edgy and cute, and her fans can't get enough of her. She's amassed millions of followers across multiple social media platforms and has even broken into the mainstream media.
But what is it about Belle Delphine that has captured the attention of so many people? In this article, we'll take a closer look at Belle's rise to fame, her art and cosplay, and what makes her such an intriguing figure.
The Early Days of Belle Delphine
Belle Delphine was born Mary-Belle Kirschner on October 23, 1999, in South Africa. Her family later moved to England, where she grew up. Belle was always a creative child, and she developed an interest in cosplay and gaming at an early age. She created her first cosplay outfit when she was just 14 years old.
Belle Delphine's first foray into the world of social media came when she was still a teenager. She began posting photos of herself on Instagram, showcasing her cosplay and gaming skills. She quickly gained a following, and her fans loved her edgy, quirky style.
Belle Delphine's Rise to Fame
It wasn't until 2018, however, that Belle Delphine truly exploded onto the scene. That was the year she began posting her infamous "ahegao" photos, which show her making exaggerated facial expressions. These photos quickly went viral and sparked a debate about the sexualization of young women on social media.
Belle Delphine has been accused of exploiting her young fan base for financial gain, but she has always maintained that she's simply having fun and expressing herself creatively. She's been open about her struggles with mental health and has used her platform to raise awareness of these issues.
Despite the controversies surrounding her, Belle Delphine has managed to amass a huge following online. She's now one of the most popular internet personalities in the world, with millions of followers on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. She's also launched her own online store, where she sells everything from her infamous bathwater to her handmade cosplay outfits.
The Art and Cosplay of Belle Delphine
Belle Delphine is known for her unique style, which combines elements of cosplay, fashion, and edginess. She's created a persona that's both cute and sexy, and her fans can't get enough of her.
Belle's cosplay is a big part of her appeal. She's created a range of outfits based on popular characters from anime, manga, and video games, and her attention to detail is impressive. Her cosplay outfits are always handmade, and she often spends hours perfecting the details to ensure they're as accurate as possible.
But Belle's art is about more than just cosplay. She's also created a range of other content that's gained her a huge following. Her music videos, for example, are filled with references to popular memes and internet culture. Her artwork is often inspired by anime and manga, and she's even launched her own manga series, "The Bunny's Tales."
Belle Delphine's art and cosplay have sparked a new trend on social media. Many young women are now following in Belle's footsteps, creating their own cosplay outfits and posting them online. Belle has become a role model for a new generation of internet creators, inspiring them to express themselves creatively and push boundaries.
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comradekatara · 2 years
Hi, hope you're well.
What are the gaang + fire ladies' phone habits?
(like I imagine that Katara is constantly on twitter or that Aang is technology illiterate)
katara is constantly on twitter & she is currently STRUGGLING w what to do now that elon has singlehandedly imploded the platform. she has a decent following on instagram, but it’s not nearly the same bc she loves getting into fights w ppl and that’s simply much harder to do on an image-based platform. she doesn’t even consider joining tumblr (isn’t that like, a website for gay furries?) and she can’t join reddit either (that’s a website for the azulas of the world) so she’s currently just in the process of hoping that this whole twitter mishap will blow over soon. her camera roll is 90% selfies, pictures of her cat, and/or selfies with her cat, and the other 10% are pictures of her friends, but mostly zuko bc he hates having his picture taken so she finds it particularly funny. her phone case is made out of 100% biodegradable/recyclable material. the first thing she does in the morning is open her phone, read the news, then check tinder, hinge, and then scroll thru her twitter feed. and only then (once she has finished tweeting something bravely controversial) does she get out of bed.
aang isn’t technology illiterate per se, but he is way too cool to be addicted to his phone. he does use the popular social media apps a semi-regular amount, just because he genuinely enjoys seeing what people are up to, but he’s extremely healthy about it. his camera roll is filled with pictures of his friends, memes, and every animal he’s ever seen and been lucky enough to snap a photo of. he also has one of those ecofriendly phone cases of course. he mostly uses his phone to be a part of so many whatsapp group chats, including one thats just him, sokka, and mai sending homemade physics memes back and forth. he also uses his phone to spontaneously call people when he’s thinking about them, which all his friends have just gotten used to despite the fact that his generation simply doesn’t do that. from anyone else it would be annoying, but from him it’s just adorably charming.
sokka had a shitty old flip phone for the longest time because it was the phone his dad gave him before he left, back when he was a kid. by the time he gets a smartphone he has absolutely no desire to use social media, having seen its disastrous effects on katara’s brain. he has one of those bulky phone cases that doubles as a wallet and also a swiss army knife. all of the apps on his phone are organized into labeled folders. even his contacts are organized in groups. that said, his notes app is a fucking MESS.
toph has a phone, but she doesn’t use it much, bc it’s kind of a hassle. her friends and family know only to text her when it’s urgent, with exception of sokka, who texts her constantly, and aang, who will call her whenever he feels like it. she had sokka change her settings so that everything she writes (dictates) comes out in all caps; she’s sick of people informing her of this fact as if it’s a glitch and not something she is doing on purpose. she does have a twitter account, but she doesn’t actually follow anyone, just tweets whenever she feels like it (ie, whenever she has a thought she feels needs documenting). she has amassed many followers due to her dril+cher tweetstyle, a fact which pisses off katara (rightful queen of twitter of their friendgroup) to no end.
zuko is very precious about his phone, because it’s where he will someday write the next great asian american novel. at the present, it’s mostly scattered across various notes in his notes app, and mostly in code so that azula or his father won’t understand it even if they do read it. azula hacks into his phone a lot, a fact which he has resigned himself to, which is why all his text conversations are incredibly boring, except for his messages with katara, which are communicated almost entirely in an emoji secret language only they understand. his camera roll is almost exclusively screenshots of pdfs and pictures of other people’s cats he’s saved, as well as some of iroh’s old man memes he sends in the whatsapp family group chat (which is just uncle, zuko, and azula who has it on mute and never opens it) which autodownload into his camera roll (he doesn’t know how to change that setting). he sleeps with his phone under his pillow, and always has it in his pocket during the day, but somehow azula still manages to steal it at least once a month, and until he leaves for college, he’s just gonna have to live with that.
suki loves her phone for one reason and one reason only: spotify. the annual release of spotify wrapped is like a holiday to her. she does not shut up about it for a whole month, which is as annoying as you would think it is. she uses instagram sparingly, mostly to slide into slide into hot girls’ dms or respond to dms from hot girls. her voice memos are littered with half-baked ideas for new songs that she wakes up in the middle of the night to record before the idea is lost forever. her camera roll is mostly selfies of her with her friends and videos of her skateboarding. she also has an ecofriendly phone case (it was a birthday gift from aang).
mai loves her phone because pretending to text gives her an excuse to avoid talking to people in public spaces or at parties. she's very invested in her physics memes groupchat, which has an unspoken competitive element to it to see who can craft the cleverest physics-related joke (it's the only time she's ever actively cared about winning anything). she has a lot of games on her phone, half of which are for tomtom. she's very lucky that she knows how to jailbreak her phone, because he makes a lot of in-app purchases without her permission. every day when she wakes up she solves the latest redactle and then scrolls through her tumblr feed. she has an entire folder in her cameraroll that's just videos of katara and azula getting into fights. she rewatches a couple before bed every night. it relaxes her.
azula is torn between hating apple products and knowing that having the latest iphone model is a necessary status symbol. which is why she has both an iphone AND a blackberry. she has a huge gold iphone with no case (and yet not a single scratch on it!) and one of those oldass blackberries with the tiny little keyboard. it’s sort of unclear what she needs both phones for, since it’s not like she’s a drug dealer, but she insists that both her phones are as necessary as her two laptops (one for schoolwork, and one for reddit and online chess, naturally). she’s in a group chat with mai and ty lee which mostly consists of one of them saying “lunch?” and the other two sending thumbs up emojis, as well as frequent correspondence with her father, which is mostly articles he forwards her that she reads and responds to thoroughly, and conservative memes that she always responds to with a “Hahahaha! Very funny, Father!”
ty lee has so many notifications blowing up her phone at any given time that she's just elected to ignore them throughout the day and then check on the people she actually cares about responding to (mai, suki, azula, 2/6 of her sisters...) before bed every night. she sees opening her phone as a kind of chore, and always has it on do not disturb mode, except for when she's being deliberately petty, at which point she'll turn it on as loud as possible because it makes her laugh when azula and mai snap "can you put that thing on silent?" in unison. her cameraroll is soooo many selfies, but seeing as posting pictures of face literally makes her money, can you blame her? she has a huge following on instagram, but she wisely never checks her notifications or dms because it's scary in there. the only apps she's actually addicted to are sudoku and online chess, where she is secretly catfishing azula by pretending to be some 12 year old boy from turks & caicos who trounces her every time. meanwhile whenever she plays azula in real life, she makes sure to always lose to her and never employ any remotely similar strategies as her catfishsona. azula never catches on.
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