#bc the boy i'm obsessed with also could have been someone fated for me i mean
rainbluealoekitten · 7 months
i genuinely feel so bad for my ex's gf though because she's out here posting on her insta that it's their 3 month anniversary but boyo is making me playlists with unrequited love songs and posts stuff about being nostalgic about when we were dating, keeps complimenting how i look, and literally yesterday was telling me he still has the sticker we stole from the library where we held hands and cuddled like. he's such an important friend to me but really i guess i will have to cut him off (again) bc i thought we were both over this but apparently not and it's just going to hurt a lot of people if i don't
#also in all honesty i am scared that i will do something stupid without realising it or while in a not very lucid state#like once after we broke up i let him fall asleep on me around 4am then we watched the sun rise together until i finally left to find#my own bed#like i knew i shouldn't be doing that but i hadn't slept in over 24 hours and#he was so sad and so was i and i just needed someone but he just needed me. and we really did seem like we could but perfect#but yk what this relationship has taught me a lot and still does because to him? we should have been soulmates and i get why#i mean we read the same poetry and cry at the same music and he loves it when i infodump about greek mythology and i love it when he sends#pictures of his cats and our art is so desperate for another person to See Us and we danced in the rain once#and it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life#but it's never going to be right and idk he can't accept that i don't and never will and never have loved him. i'm sorry it seems perfect#but it's a good reflection moment for me too in all honesty yk#bc the boy i'm obsessed with also could have been someone fated for me i mean#what's the chance we live on the same street twice despite having travelled the world?#what's the chance he and i-both very private and solitary individuals-immediately felt we could confide in each other?#but apparently that doesn't mean shit to him#and idk maybe he's also just as sorry and as apologetic and maybe even a little#heartbroken over it#just like i am w my ex but. idk#i do not know#anyways once i get the motivation to write a full novel then it's over for everyone#until then you get my shitty journal musings#blue screams into the void
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mayariviolet · 7 months
Hello Team, I have been obsessively following this fanfiction written by the @spiteless-xo for MONTHS! I commented on a couple of songs, and home girl said one day, we'll have a playlist, and I am here to deliver. Also, shout out to @shepnicolo. Please go check out their playlist. It's amazing, heart-wrenching, etc.
Link to The Boys at Work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44843530/chapters/112829014
As inspired by @shepnicolo I decided to give explanations to each song <3.
NOTE: Basically, this playlist follows chapter by chapter a character's inner monologue as well as fitting into the situation
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Yeah, this is the playlist cover I made; what about it?
Side A:
"Dinner and Diatribes" - "I knew it from the first look of mischief in your eyes. Your friends are a fate that befell me. Head is a talking tide. I'd suffer Hell if you'd tell me what you'd do to me tonight."
reader x eren meet for the first time in a club and are literally so horned up that they immediately fall into their own self-destruction just to sleep together. Also, this song is a good introduction to their relationship up until the third arc IMO. I pictured this song mostly from Eren's perspective because he literally is so infatuated with reader that he does not care about anyone else around him.
2. "A Night to Remember" - "I swore I'd seen you before. Underneath the sheets, you enchanted me and whispered sweet nothings in my ear."
Readers' pov of sleeping with Eren bc who wouldn't want to imagine sleeping with Eren also, they LITREALLY slept together after like 24 hours. And Eren would not stop whispering those sweet nothings to reader trying to get them to be obsessed with him (it worked)
3. "The Party & The After Party" - "High heel shoes make you six feet tall. Everybody wants you; you can have them all."
In chapter three, I pictured this song switching between Jean and Eren's perspectives after the truth or dare game. It was mostly Eren because he was doing the absolute MOST during that game. Also, Jean literally being so insecure and jealous that this chapter is so Abel-coded.
4. "D.D" - "I've been here times before, but I was too Blind to see that you seduce every man. This time, you won't seduce me."
Dirty Diana could be either Reader x Eren or Jean x Pieck, depending on your feelings. Pieck is more of the embodiment of D.D., considering she was trying so hard to seduce Jean (lowkey worked, though...) Eren x Reader did sleep together, though so #win
5. "Dress" - "Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me"
The foreshadowing here hehe... ifykyk (see the bathroom scene in chapter 3)
6. "Kill Bill" - "I'm so mature, I'm so mature, I got me therapist to tell me there's other men, but I don't want none, I just want you."
Reader is insane, and this is how I pictured what she was thinking when Pieck crashed her lunch date...
7. "Double Take" "You're my vice, you're my muse"
Hmm this song read to me as Jean to the reader especially since the whole song goes back and forth between liking someone as a friend but that 'what if' that lingers in the background.
8. "Die For You - Remix" - "Even though we're goin' through it, and it makes you feel alone (no, no), Just know that I would die for you."
Eren doesn't know it yet, but he does act like he would die for the reader (especially in all of the scenes @ the point). Also, the reader is so attached to venting to Eren is crazy to me like she is obsessed no matter what she says...
9. "The Morning- "All that money, the money is the motive"
I thought of the chapter where Eren comforts the reader about everything at work. Yes, I know money isn't her only motivation (mostly pride), but having financial security is just a metaphor for her lack of security in her relationships. She works like she has something to prove to Eren and Jean and herself.
10. "Talk"- "I won't deny I've got in my mind now (hey, yeah) all the things I would do. So I try to talk refined for fear that you find out (hey, yeah) How I'm imagining you."
Eren has to control himself around the reader so he doesn't freak her out with how badly he wants her is just so <3. HE IS TRYING TO CHANGE TEAM!
11. "Work Song" -"Nothing in her room but an empty crib."
Ifykyk (the end of Eren Fucking Yeager). Like y'all know damn well Hozier wasn't talking about a room he was talking about her pu- and Eren furnished that room with a crib TWICE
12. "The Hills" - "When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, babe...Who are you to judge?"
This song encapsulates the end of Eren x Readers' relationship, especially in the chapter 'Shameless' when the reader calls out Eren's shitty behaviour and the fiasco that occurs after pushing her to Jean. This song (to me) directly challenges the reader to start thinking about who is she to judge in all of their interactions with Eren and Jean?
13. "Super Rich Kids" - "Too many white lies and white lines...I'm searching for a real love."
This is an obligatory Frank Ocean song for Jean because he starts telling the reader his true feelings. His life as a rich kid has been fulfilling, but at what cost? He only had vapid interactions with those around him until he grew up later.
14 "Stargirl Interlude" - "I shouldn't cry, but I love it Starboy"
it's a sex song. But the tone completely shifts after this. Looking at it deeper reader knows that being with Jean shouldn't feel like constantly crying or in pain. Jean (who is so Abel-coded) knows this which we can see in the lyric where The Weeknd says "I just want to see you shine 'cause you know you are a star girl".
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this is the mixtape cover i made btw <3 thank u canva!
Side B:
15. "Fire and Desire" - "Tell me should I cut these other girls out of my life cause we never decided"
These two (I am including Star Girl interlude) are together because they (Jean x Reader) are both. so. horny. But the fact they literally cannot decide what they are is so infuriating (but way too realistic trust me I know). So horny sex music and sad yearning for them both.
16. "Easy"- "Love don't come easy, it don't come easy"
This song captures the conversation between Eren and Armin, especially when Armin tells Eren that all his feelings are valid but complicated and that love doesn't come easy. Also translates to how frustrating it is for reader to prove to Jean that she loves him, they're both realizing that it's hard to love.
17. "Feelings" - "I over-communicate and feel too much. I just complicate it when I say too much."
Literally reader being so overwhelmed with everything and turning to sex in order to communicate how she's feeling is insane to me but no matter what she says to Jean it's never enough. Just really listen to the song... trust...
18. "Maroon" - "The burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me and how the blood rushed into my cheeks; so scarlet it was maroon."
This entire song is about Jean and readers break up. Especially how he always brings up Eren's shirt and the cheap wine being exchanged on their lips.
19. "Complicated" - "Tell me, why do you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like somebody else gets me frustrated"
Reader's inner monologue when is FINALLY AND RIGHTFULLY thinking about how Jean always complicates things (she is not entirely blameless obvi.) She is reflecting on whether or not this is. the same Jean she's been friends with for years.
20. "Broken Clocks" - "I've paid enough of petty dues. I've had enough of shitty news"
I really appreciated the readers' mental health arc. <3 Like YAS try not to pay attention to these bums girl and fix yourself! Even though she becomes self-destructive again. True SZA energy.
21. "Unknown / Nth" - "Do you know, I could break beneath the weight Of the goodness, I still carry for you. That I'd walk so far just to take the injury of finally knowing you."
Andrew, how is the reader supposed to sha la la in these trying times? Anyway, this song is Jean thinking about how much he loves the reader and that because he knows her so well, he KNOWS how much he can hurt her. Also, it could be read from the perspective of Eren, loving reader to the point he steps back from her so that she is happy. (Especially the latest chapter where he says he would have still fallen for her in university and he thinks that she would still love him either way </3)
22. "Godspeed" - "Still, I'll always be there for you, I let go of my claim on you..."
23. "Midnight Rain" - "All of me changed like midnight rain"
Okay, I know this is written from the perspective of a girl prioritizing her career over their relationship but this is so JEAN-coded! READER WANTED COMFORTABLE BUT HE WANTED THAT PAIN! He is a sick fuck.
24. "Bug Like an Angel" - "Sometimes. a drink feels like family."
The sparkling fruit wine that Reiner said was a cheap gift (a reflection of the shallow relationship reader x jean had). The back and forth between how reader drinks their coffee/tea and the loss and gain of familiarity. Yeah.
25. "Champagne Problems" - "How evergreen, our group of friends. Don't think we'll say that word again."
When there are two friend group breakups in this fan fic </3. Also, this song speaks for itself. Jean was never ready, so he had to watch the reader leave. Jean also has an ABDUNDANCE of champagne problems he has to sort out (hopefully soon, King).
26. "Tolerate It" - "I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it."
The way Jean, no matter what he does, never openly celebrates readers' love is sick. She literally waits at the door for him to accept her love. No matter where she is, whatever circumstances, she idolizes him and waits on whatever he says, hoping he will outwardly say and do something that shows her that he loves her. </3
27. "Right Where You Left Me" - "And you're sitting in front of me. At the restaurant, when I was still the one you want... Everybody moved on."
Yeah, tell me that isn't reader literally yearning at the restaurant when Jean completely ignored her to stroke his ego with Pieck. He wanted her so badly but was so scared. Everyone moved on from that instance, but she felt like a part of her died. Even when he broke up with her in a heartless way, she stayed thinking about that situation.
28. "Francessca" - "Da-, Darlin', I would do it again (ah-ah, ah-ah) If I could hold you for a minute. Da-, Darlin' I'd go through it again."
LAST SONG!!! In my opinion, this is an accumulation of the reader, Jean and Eren's internal monologue. I think they would endure their ups and downs if it meant they could be together again. ESPECIALLY EREN!!! I mean, this song is based on that couple immortalized in Dante's Inferno who were put in hell for literally being in love.
Okay, if you have read this far, thank you. I love you. Thank you, @spiteless-xo, for giving me something to look forward to every Tuesday <3.
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salaapaoo · 1 year
Have you ever read any soulmate fics that have their deepest, darkest thoughts about themselves written on their soulmate's body? And when they finally begin to think differently the writing turns gold?
What do you think Cale's soulmate would have?(I know my boi is traumatized as f u c k-)
Maybe you could make it found family somehow where the thoughts are split up between people and they haven't figured out which set of writing belongs to Cale-
but I really want to know what everyone else would think- like, there would probably be some horrifying crap there.
(would a majority of the writing on Cale be golden already-? [Like obviously not ALL of it but still-])
Sorry, I rambled a bit there 😅
my brain is kinda fried after finishing my finals, but!! I feel like Cale's would end up being smth kinda vague like "it should have been me." Orrrr smth about not deserving everything ??
Like yes... It's p straight forward, but imagine how they'd feel after learning about his past?? IF he opens up??
But also... Imagine the soulmate thing kinda doubles as healing..? If that makes sense? Just think about it... If one person believes something about themselves, but their soulmate is the only person who is able to help them heal themselves??
Nono!!! Keep going !!! I honestly haven't thought too much about the word soulmate aus 🤔 I had a moment where I was obsessed w like found family, and each person unlocking a colour for him (each person bringing a new colour into his world) or red string of fate (I had smth abt ws X Cale but tragedy??)
So ... I am , THIBKING SO HARD!!!
just ?? Imagine the kids?? Them having something seemingly simple like "I'm too weak" or smth about being "unwanted freaks" and then comes Cale...
Who gives them as much love as they need, patiently listening to them and letting them be kids.. ugh!!! Just?? They feel so safe with him and he helps quiet these negative thoughts so easily?
To others it might be obvious, but to them these "small" problems are massive boulders in their way... And the way Cale reassures them... It's so natural. No hesitation. Ugh I love them .
Just imagine if they appear w a searing pain? Or maybe for Cale, it feels the same as papercuts... Imagine the guilt he feels when his thoughts show up on the people he cares about... And it's just a cycle of self loathing.. where he thinks they would have been better off without him and then it shows up-
Uughgh... Just picturing him hating himself for the pain he brought to the kids because of his thoughts ...
NGL I read this wrong the first time BC I am, usually sleep deprived but like I thought it was like a lie. Like imagine someone having "living is best" show up on them but it's because Cale repeated it so much it became like a curse? He lived by those words because if he didn't then he wouldn't be able to keep going maybe?
Idk if I'm making sense anymore fjdkkfdkg
"I should have died" seems .. very likely for my brain
But if it's smth where it turns gold when they stop believing it... Imagine them all telling him he was meant to live and he just smiles and nods .. and it stays??
As for recommendations 🤔🤔 there was this one fic that was ogchch, soul mark au, forced cohabitation and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! I think I'm gonna go back and read it again
Come back anon 🥺🥺🥺 open Ur brain up n feed me Ur thoughts 🙏💖 I hope you enjoy this a bit 👉👈
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moonlightperseus · 8 months
It is!!! And that's fair! I've never heard of her bit to be fair I kind of stick to my silly little comics bubble 
That's fair. I get that. I personally have a LOT of special interests (orcas, shipwrecks, and medicine) and I've NEVER thought about working in marine biology because I've always wanted to work in medicine. So now I'm going into nursing. And I am very worried it will not be fulfilling. It sucks that you're having a hard time that probably seemed so good when you started. 
I just think it's very funny that's a pretty good review 
That's fair I genuinely just thought they did that for the vibes™ like it never crossed my mind that that could be anything else 
Im personally a pretty big fan of the arrow family and the green arrow comics but at the same time men so.  I WOULD just like to say that I DO enjoy the current GA run. Like quite a bit. But then I realized there's one thing I haven't disclosed: yeah I don't read things for the plot. I read the entirety of the Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath because I knew a doctor showed up. Like that's what I mean. So yeah the plot might be the problem. I got distracted by the one (1) character I liked and just ignored what was really going on to love her instead. 
I bought one shirt from the thrift store and I love it. I had to wash it twice and now it's fine but even just going into a thrift store I know I have to keep my hands go myself since I won't be able to wash them after leaving. And that's not weird at all!! I found someone who also had an issue with bread (I have essentially food related Contamination OCD, largely, and Bread is by far the worst obsession, to the point where it's what got me my diagnosis) and I was overjoyed 
Understandable tbh. A couple of the books in my house are severely ripped up from an old dog (namely my parents original copy of Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets) and one of my books is visibly just like crinkled and stuff from my dog running up sopping wet at the beach. (I have to hide it from myself because I no longer have my dog and the damage is so visible I'm instantly reminded and will cry 👍 so like, not taking a cover off, bit enough) And I agree WHOLLY ajout the love interest thing. That's fair!! If you read If I hope you do like it. And is the raven cycle like the raven boys? Because if the answer is yes then one of *my* friends absolutely loves those books so I bought the first one to read but I haven't because I,,, bought it used. 
I did but it wasn't substantial. I barely remember what happened in it. 
She doesn't, unfortunately. Shes just in the first couple years. And I don't remember when she comes back in Injustice 2 either but I do think she has like a fairly good part in it? As In like? She's not background background I think she has a couple storylines (it's been a long time, and as I said I don't read for plot, it's entirely possible she's in like two scenes and I just blocked out everything else so they seem substantial, but I really don't think so) 
I knew the Dinah presentation was good just BC like I said that's how I found her lmao. But I agree!! And it is NOT a good look but somehow no one really cares? 
No I felt the same way. Before reading them Wonderwoman was my favorite superhero. I have a print from Comicon of her and it's one of my absolute favourites. But yeah then I read Injustice where she follows superman around like a puppy because she thinks now that Lois is gone he'll love her instead. Which I hated, and she got demoted a little I do still love her but reading Injustice for me was kind of like "oh gross no more Wonderwoman for me I guess... Oh hi black canary." So there was a swap 
Yeah, if you've finished year two you know that doctor fate gives Dinah to a different earth's Ollie and they do come back together in Injustice 2. However I LOVE seeing Dinah sad. It's my favorite part. My phone keyboard background is her standing in front of all the gravestones after the funeral. I just love the angst of it all. 
Yeah! He absolutely does! Isn't that even like? Okay it's bene a hot minute but doesn't Dinah get mad about that after the memory about them all in the bar together? (Where she tells Hal that he can give Ollie's beard a lil tug if he wants too) 
I love them so much!! They're perfect. And Dinah's always been like on the middle between like serious and joking (I think that's why I always liked her, she's fun but she can also be a backbone) (she's also pretty) and I feel like that's perfect for Harley. Not all the time, she could never replace like Ivy (friendship wise not gay wise but technically both) but they work great in things like Injustice. Especially with the added vibes of "Dinah has been in charge of multiple superhero teams and is used to parenting/ moming adult vigilantes" 
Yeah two is definitely my favorite for Dinah reasons so I agree. And yeah I can't really distinguish between the following years but by that point you're too far gone in the plot it doesn't even matter you just keep going. 
As for *me* I didn't have a lot of bombshells thoughts. Yo be fair I don't have a lot of thoughts ever. 
I didn't get past issue 9 I just didn't want to read anymore, but I was enjoying it!! I think the art is very pretty!! I think the women are very pretty!! 
I Do love Kate and Maggie. Together and separately. That shouldn't really be surprising (to me) seeing as I used to write Batwoman fan fic in which she was always with Maggie. But somehow, it still is, and they both make me very happy. 
So far the Batwoman issues are the only ones I really like, but I think that's just because nothing's really started so I'm just going on vibes and the vibes are I would die for Kate Kane in any century. 
​​​​​​​Other than that I didn't really have a lot of thoughts. I didn't realize duela Dent showed up. I wanted to draw some of the characters but I couldn't find good references. 
okay first of all hi i’m so sorry my life has been so chaotic the past couple days. (parents moving. car issues. work 😭)
you are so valid for sticking to ur little bubble!! i completely get that!!
i wish you the very best in nursing! i have a longtime friend who’s also going down the nursing path, and from what i’ve learned from her it definitely doesn’t seem like the easiest path and i gotta say mad respect to both you and her and everyone going down that path. as for my job there is a very very recent big change in the works. nothings 100% official yet but the plan is to start enacting the change in january so i’m just trying to push thru the remainder of the year(/the holiday craze) and trying to be very optimistic that this change will make the job both more enjoyable and also easier & in theory less stressful. i’m also holding onto the fact that if it doesn’t work out, and i do decide to move back in with my parents and refigure my life, it should hopefully be easier to leave once this change has been enacted? like my job is chronically tight on staff/short staffed and in theory with this change we may end up being a tad on the opposite end. i really like my coworkers a whole lot which is part of why i’ve stuck it out so hard and it hopefully won’t feel as much like i’m fucking them over if i do have to leave. but hopefully the change helps me. (helps us all. all my coworkers are so exhausted & burnt out :/) so yeah. idk i’m anxious bc i don’t like change and god have i been dealing with so fucking much this year alone but like. it feels like a good thing. and i am curious to see how things play out with this change. it’s all. a lot yeah lol. but my parents are moving like an hour closer to me than they were in their old house so that also feels comforting that it’s a slightly shorter drive to go visit them n shit. anyways uh i’d say sorry for rambling about all my. personal life shit but i think that’s become just how we roll 💕
you are SO valid for not reading comics for the plot. plots in comics can be so confusing, and i can definitely respect reading a comic just for characters and not caring about the plot itself. i think for now i will stay out of the new GA run and work on getting thru injustice and then i think i might give some green lantern comics a try bc i have some friends who are Big on the GL comics, also the blackest night storyline has doctor light so two birds one stone kinda situation. (i also wanna read some more donna troy stuff bc i fell in love with her from the titans show ((yes. not the greatest show by any means. but alas it burrowed into my heart)) and have tried previously as well to read some of her comics but then i got distracted)
yeah i feel that with thrift stores for sure. i’ve made some slow progress but i always have hand sanitizer either on me or in my car.
lots of hugs about your dog, i lost one of my two a few months back and sympathize entirely 💕💕💕
i’ve begun the raven boys and so far am definitely enjoying it! the boys (ronan and gansey specifically) i’m still…warming up to but i am very compelled by the overall story and loved blue right away. (you are SO valid about not having read it bc you bought it used. you may have already looked into this but have you tried seeing if you can get library card online? when i moved i was able to get a new card completely virtually without ever needing to go into the library)
you are valid for not having a lot of thoughts about bombshells, i’m just glad you’re enjoying it so far! kate definitely has a nice significant role in the series for sure. im pretty sure this was the first series i actually read with her in it and definitely fell in love with her through it.
i finished year 4 of injustice!! did so like right before everything got extra chaotic BUT i decided to write down my thoughts in the notes app—i didn’t have many thoughts. i’m kinda just powering through to get to injustice 2 to see dinah again. i originally was trying to do notes for each issue but then i didn’t have enough thoughts so i’m just gonna group my thoughts together to make them neater
by far the funniest thing ever and my favorite thing out of injustice year four was definitely this panel of alfred feeding bruce mac and cheese with ??? wine in a regular glass OR the far superior option: grape juice.
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i also loved seeing harlivy. i don’t think the intention was for romantic but ivy called harley sweetie so like. i’ll take what i can get
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renee died. that was sad. but i also made a note of being excited over a mysterious figure in one of lex luthor’s test tubes and thinking it was conner but now that i really think about it isn’t conner in like. the phantom zone. so probably not him…unless?
the amazons declaring war on superman was so funny to me. batman working with the greek gods. wonder woman calling a trial by combat to try to prevent the war. her then being called on to fight against superman as the champion for the greek gods. hilarious. also. wonder woman beating up superman? i Always love to see it.
also there was this really cool panel which i loved
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i then fell into the zone of just powering thru the issues and only made an additional note about the harley, billy & hippolyta team up in tartarus, which was not a team up i was expecting. but god did i love it.
and then yeah. i finished year four. haven’t started year five yet because. again. life has been busy but i’m excited bc that’s the last year before injustice 2 and i’m really looking forward to injustice 2.
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Prompt! I love Hunith and really like when she's depicted as a caring mother but I've always been fascinated by the idea that in her obsession to keep Merlin safe she actually traumatized him and hindered his development (we all remember the "am I a monster?" Line from the pilot).
One day Merlin and the gang (Knights, Arthur and whoever you want) (post magic reveal) are playfully comparing their childhoods, they ask Merlin about his and he refuses to tell them bc he doesn't want to be a Debby Downer but they keep insisting.
Maybe she tried to drown him as a babe hours after his first spell because she would rather do it herself than to have her son ripped away from her. She doesn't follow through with it but came real close.
Maybe he wasn't allowed to go outside for the first 5 years bc his magic is still incredibly temperamental and people could accidentally see it. Maybe she did murder a traveler that saw it and tried to run to tell someone, she doesn't know Merlin was watching.
Maybe when he was 9 she brought him to the kitchen before lunch, made him watch her decapitate a live chicken (it's the standard way to prepare and kill chicken for food btw), explained that if people see his magic this will be his fate. She made him watch the butcher of every chicken they cooked that season.
Maybe due to being confined inside and living fairly far from the village he was almost 8 the first time he saw someone other than his mother or the voices she kept him hidden from. She crafted a story of how he was adopted and his parents were friends of hers that died in a fire a few villages over.
I know sometimes I make these prompts too detailed but just do whatever you want. This is just some ideas and not a script. Go big, queen.
(This is #32 on This List)
Ok. So. I've been thinking about this in some capacity every second of my life since it arrived in my inbox, and anon? I'm in love with you.
I adore this concept. We all know I love a bit of angst, but this is top tier, and I'm going to make it really horrifying (I have tweaked it a little to make it more so)😁
SO!! The gang, all post magic reveal and everything, are discussing their childhoods. No real reason, it's just a topic of conversation that happened to come up. Merlin is happily listening in, but not really contributing at all until someone points it out, and he's all "Nah, don't mind me, my childhood was kind of a bummer." and they keep pushing and it's all "Well, it can't have been that bad, doesn't your mum tell you what you were like as a toddler?" and Merlin is like... kinda tense at the mention of his mother, but relationship wise he feels, after everything, they're in a really good place atm and he doesn't want to seem like he's bad talking her, and he also doesn't want to be teased or called out or seem like a bad son, because he knows all of his friends love his mum. So instead it's "Hmm, not really, I got punished a lot as a kid, was kinda naughty I guess." but like... poor boy doesn't understand that what happened.... was not normal, or ok in ANY way, even if he had magic (even post ban repeal, he struggles with the whole monster self image thing). Someone asks "Right, well... what was the worst thing you did, and the worst punishment you ever got?" and Merlin, deadass, without seeing an issue with it (he knows it's a mood killer, but he doesn't know how horrifying it is), says "One day she got really scared of my magic—I kept using it when she told me not to, so I guess it was my fault lol—and she drowned me in the river, then fished me out and buried me in the woods somewhere. That was how we found out I was immortal, because I dug myself out a few days later and wandered home, the whole village had apparently been out looking for me—I told them I just got lost. I don't think she knows I remember, and I plan on keeping it that way.". Everyone is... horrified, and Merlin is all smiling and "Told you it was a bit of a bummer, we get on a lot better now I can control my magic, don't worry." and they have to like... control themselves as they very calmly, very quietly, ask what else Hunith did in the name of keeping him safe.
ANYWAY it's horrifying, and all of them feel super guilty because they'd previously been really fond of Hunith. But yeah, burning him when he used magic, keeping him locked up for years, telling him terrifying bed time stories about evil kings and burning pyres and monsters (knights) coming for him in the night, among other things.
I am SO looking forward to writing this, thank you so MUCH!!!
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