#big brother au
mysicklove · 2 days
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Big Brother Au Masterlist | Taglist
Note: For those who are new around here, Older Brother Sukuna is toddler Yuujis older brother, not readers! Sometimes the name is a little confusing lolol. I thought these were just silly little things I can add to the AU!!
This is my first time doing texting prompts, so be kind to me lololol.
Warnings: curse words, jealously and possesiveness, Sukuna is a brat lol
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emmyrosee · 2 months
anon sent me an ask about toddler yuuji putting flowers in readers hair and reader putting one in Sukuna’s hair and of COURSE MY ASS DELETED IT- so here it is in a not so pretty format ☹️🫶🏻
Tiny legs toddle over to sukuna, only to bypass him completely and waddle to you, a dandelion clenched in his fist. The yellow flower looks brighter in the sunlight, but not as bright as your smile when yuuji nudges the flower at you proudly. “For me?” You coo, and he nods victoriously.
“Head!” He says, patting your head gently with his free hand. You give him a hum of understanding, bowing down so the small boy can plant the weed in himself; he does so, happily, and Sukuna’s heart squeezes at the sight.
There’s a contrast of the yellow that now nests in your tresses versus the hues in your hair, and when you turn to smile at him, Sukuna’s own lips curl into a small smirk. He’d never tell you, but the fact his favorite little twerp has taken more than a liking to you means the world to him, and he adores watching you both interact as smoothly as you do.
He sees the love in Yuuji’s eyes. He’s almost positive it’s the same love he looks at you with.
When the small child comes back over to give you another flower, you capture it in your own hand to slip it into Sukuna’s in the same place as yours rests. He blinks, unamused, only for you to fall into a fit of laughter.
“Looks good with your tattoos,” you say, leaning up to press a kiss to his jawline, which he hums appreciatively at. “Makes you less scary.”
“I’m not scary,” he scoffs. “I’m threatening.”
“Oh, right, of course,” you snort.
Yuuji’s eyes suddenly light up and his chubby legs carry him back to the dandelions, one hand grabs the yellow weed, the other grabs a puffy, white one. When he runs back to show you both, the puffs have disappeared from the bud of the dandelion and flown into the air, leaving just a stem.
“For you!” He chirps, passing you the yellow weed. Then, he turns to Sukuna and thrusts his small hand at his brother- only to then drop in confusion when there’s no longer fluff adorning the weed. “Huh?”
“It blew away, bud,” Sukuna sighs. “Gotta be careful with those, be gentle.”
Yuuji merely blinks big eyes at his brother in confusion, but it quickly fades and turns to pride as he ushers the stem to his older brother. “Yeah. Thanks.”
“We’cm ‘suku!”
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aakeysmash · 24 days
college!sukuna dealing with yuuji’s math homework!! came to me in a dream (aka a conversation with @ffsg0jo)
“There’s no way you’re my brother. You’re too dumb to be related to me by blood.”
Sukuna is sitting dumbfounded at the common dining table with Yuuji’s last math test in his hands. The little boy came running to his room in the afternoon and said he had to talk to him about school, and from the shy tone he used Sukuna knew there was bad news.
Yuuji is in front of him, sniffling and trying to stop the big fat tears threatening to spill from his eyes from running down his chubby cheeks.
“I really tried, ‘Kuna!” He wobbly responds, keeping his head down.
“You tried? Yuuji, you wrote that 6+7 equals 10. Are you fucking serious?” Sukuna deadpans. Then he looks at his mini version with disgust. “And wipe your nose. You’re getting snot all over this table, you’re looking more pathetic by the second.”
Yuuji’s bottom lip quivers as he gets up, trembling legs going over to the cupboard to take a couple of napkins and start cleaning up his mess.
“It’s because Nobara made me believe so! She said everything I can’t count on my fingers must mean it equals 10.”
“And you believed that bit- menace? You’re so fucking gullible. You’re not even 4, you’re 9, dumbass. You should be able to do this shit,” his brother says while his nostrils expand, waving the clipped papers in the air, standing up.
“‘Kuna hel- help meee” Yuuji wails, not being able to contain his cries anymore, trying to hug his big brother’s waist. Sukuna pushes him away and gets his hands in his hair, shaking his head.
“You’re so damn lucky we don’t have parents, because I would’ve sent your ass home right now,” he grits out.
You get in the kitchen to cook dinner a couple of hours later to see Yuuji with a bunch of different sharpie marks on his face.
“I said what’s 5x6, brat!” Sukuna snarls, standing in front of the little boy with a blue sharpie in his hand, arms crossed.
“Twent- twentyeight?” Yuuji says furrowing his eyebrows, looking at the eight fingers he has up.
“NO! 30!” Screams Sukuna, starting to chase his brother around, while the latter runs as fast as he can around the table, also screaming, trying to escape his brother’s fury.
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
Hey hey hey, i wanna make a request! (this is literally gonna be my first one ever so forgive me if it sounds stupid lol)
I was thinking of a plot where Hobie has a younger sister and her best friend is Y/N who usually sleeps over cuz they have sm shit goin' on back at home so somewhat ¿close proximity? ─ it's basically a 'Sister's Bestfriend/Bestfriend's Brother' troupe and maybe a li'l bit of 'Enemies to Lovers' (optional😭) but yeah:P idk this sounded tempting to me sooo~ eep><
Thank you for requesting, bestie ❤️❤️❤️ (thank you for the help with their names!)
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader, Sister's best friend! Reader, Hobie has siblings, big brother! Hobie, Jas and Seb AU, big brother AU, FLUFF.
You wake up to Jasmine kicking your back, spine aching as she continues to slumber unbothered. The pain throbs on your lower back, you feel you're gonna need an ice pack for it or you're gonna wake up sore. Huffing and slinking away from the twin bed, the mattress squeaks as you leave her side. In the darkness of the pink room, you blindly feel your way out of it.
Bumping into Jas’ study table, the corner hits your hip making you hold your breath from the stinging pain. That's injury number two just from your best friend’s room. Said woman snorts in her sleep, kicking the heavy duvet off her form. You wonder what she's dreaming about amidst your aching pains. Whatever it is, you're already preparing something to tease her with as revenge for kicking you awake.
Hands reaching up, you finally make it to the door without getting injured from a stray slipper or worse, a lego piece from the set you two were building just before bed. Sliding your hands on the wood, you feel the cool metal of the doorknob, quietly twisting it open, you peek through the gap. Finding the dimly lit hallway, you trudge towards the light of the kitchen.
Your socked feet hit the cool tile, and it's too late to turn around. Hobie— your best friend’s brother spots you, his legs criss crossed, hand warmed by a mug of hot tea. He smirks on the countertop, checkered pajama pants on his waist. An ancient band shirt on his torso that has turned into a crop top makes you flick your eyes to his exposed abdomen. Quickly looking away, he hides the knowing smile behind his mug.
“Can't sleep? Jas snorin’ too much?”
You cross your arms on your chest. “She almost kicked me off the bed.” You say hoarsely, sleep clinging on your lashes.
“You wanna sleep in mine then?” His grin gets wider when your eyes widen. Shushing him, he chuckles at your flustered reaction.
“Your siblings are asleep.” You whisper yell, heart pounding in your chest, glaring at his smiling (handsome) face.
Hobie lets his legs dangle off the counter top, arms reaching out for you. “Exactly, they're asleep.” You can hear the amusement in his voice. “C’mon, love, I've been waitin’ for this the whole day.”
“You've been waiting for a hug?” You tease him back, slowly crossing the distance. “You're smitten, Hobie Brown.” Your own smirk begs to be kissed off your pretty lips.
Lightning quick, he grabs you by your elbow, pulling you in his arms, embracing you. You squeak as your head hits his chest. Looking up, heart thumping loudly near his own heart, he has the audacity to pucker up his pierced lips towards you.
You scoff, “we're in the kitchen? Where they could just walk in and see us locking lips, really?”
He frowns deeply, eyes downturned, dramatically showing you his displeasure. Pinching his waist, he drops the act with a deep laugh that makes you weak in the knees.
“Fine, let's pretend you didn't want it.” He shrugs, pulling you closer, embracing your waist. “Where'd she hit you?”
“Lower back. I hit my thigh against the table too.” You say like the table intentionally smacked against you.
“My poor baby,” his hand slides down to your lower back, raising your shirt, warm hands kneading gently. The pain subsides with every massage from his fingers. “Better?”
Humming, cheek pressed on his well worn shirt, “Well I want it too.” You shyly say, hand picking at the loose threads of his shirt. “The kiss, I mean. It's just—what if they see us?”
“You're the one who wanted to keep it a secret, love.” Hobie says softly, poking your side. “‘sides, it's been a year, I'm sure they figured it out by now.”
“What? How would you know?”
“They're my siblings.” He says matter of factly. “Jas is practically my twin, and Seb, well Seb just knows everything, that little weirdo.”
“So mean to your little brother.”
He chuckles into your hair, nosing the top of your head. “They won't even care at this point. According to Seb, we should just get together before he shoves us both in the wardrobe.”
“What if they do though?” You look up again, chin resting on his chest. “What if they react…badly and I ruin my friendship with Jas?”
Hobie cradles your cheek, “it'll hurt her more if we hide it from her. ‘sides, isn't she the one who keeps trying to get us together?”
“Yeah, as a joke! but everytime someone asks us if we're together she goes ‘eww!’” you copy her tone perfectly, to which Hobie chortles at your impression.
“She's a big girl, she can handle it. What'll she do? Keep us apart like Romeo and Juliet?”
“They die at the end, Hobie.”
“Yeah, they do. I don't think Jas would do that. Y’know, true love and shit.” He uncharacteristically turns away from your gaze.
“And shit.” You lovingly say. Hands on his chin, his stubble rough against your fingers, you move his head to face you. “Do you want to tell them?” You ask, balling his shirt in your hands from your nerves. His eyes are tender, the pads of his fingers are slowly dancing along your back. “Because I really want to tell them. I think I'm ready.” Smiling, Hobie nods, heart full.
“Tell us what?” Sebastian appears out of nowhere, making you jump away from Hobie. He reluctantly lets you go as Seb gives you two numerous nods, smirking the entire time.
“What are you doin' up?” Hobie asks his brother who comedically shrugs. If he didn't know before then he definitely knows now.
“I was thirsty, but it looks like I found two people who are thirstier than me.” He Laughs like a bond villain. His minecraft shirt doesn't make him as intimidating as he thought he was.
“Just go get your water, Seb.” Hobie gestures towards the fridge while you debate whether or not to tell him.
“Alright, let me have ‘em then.” Seb exclaims, hands confidently on his hips. “Give me your best negotiation.”
“Have what?” You knit your eyebrows. Hobie pulls you in closer, he looks his brother up and down with a face like he was stabbed in the back.
“Really? Blackmail? Thought I taught you better than that, Sebby.”
“You did, but you also taught me to take the opportunity when presented to me.” Seb leans casually on the kitchen island, a picture of someone who thinks he has won. “I want a puppy.” He says with his whole chest. “Actually, make that a puppy and a cat. A cat that isn't a symbiote this time.”
You and Hobie share a look. With your nod and bashful smile, he hooks his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close, pecking your temple before he confesses. It's now or never.
“Y/N and I have been together for a year.” He says proudly. “We actually just decided to tell Jasmine, so holster your blackmail because it's useless.”
Sebastian looks at you for confirmation.
“I love your brother, I really do.” You smile softly, “and we're gonna tell Jas tomorrow.”
Seb frowns, “you never let me have fun.”
Hobie waves him away. “Go get your water and go back to bed or you'll see something that will be burned into your retinas forever.”
His teenage brother points an accusing finger at you both. “Gross. You're both very gross, and I called it the second you two started flirting with each other.” He takes a bottle of water from the fridge whilst you and Hobie laugh in your own corner. “Happy for you two by the way.” He flips his brother off, “seriously, love that for you two but fuck you, Hobie, for not letting me get a proper pet.”
“The kids are alright.” Hobie mumbles.
“Were you like that when you were younger?” You ask, watching Sebastian walk away, still flipping the bird.
“Worse, where did you think he got it?” Hobie chuckles, rubbing your back. You can hear Seb’s bedroom door close.
“I figured.” You turn to face him, a giddy grin spreads across your face. “We just told him,” you happily say as he holds your face in his hands like he's holding the most precious jewel in the world. “And he didn't get mad. Not at what we told him at least.”
“And we'll tell Jas tomorrow?” Hobie whispers against your waiting lips whilst you nod. “Proud of you. Does this mean I can snog you in my kitchen?”
“Yes, you can snog me in your kitchen.” You say breathlessly as he presses his lips against yours.
“What the fuck?!” Jas yells.
The cat's out of the bag. There goes all the planning you've been preparing since you said yes to Hobie.
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eetherealgoddess · 1 month
hellooo, welcome backkk!!! I FUCKING MISSED YOU LIKE SOOO MUCHHHHH. Girl, I thought you left tumblr because honestly the majority of the best writers I also know left:( You're my fav writer so I was really sad AND GIRL WHEN I SAW!! WHEN I SAW THAT YOU WERE ACTIVE 3 HOURS AGO??? MAN I CREAMED. I CAME. I ORGASMED-
I also have a request!! Do you write incest? It includes it, but ofc if you're uncomfortable with it you can ignore mee~ it can be stepcest or ykkk anything you're comfortable with!! the story goes with mikey's cute little sister that's rebellious (both him and the reader ain't in good terms ever since the whole bonten happened)emo mikey finally snapped and decided to punish her when she did something VEEERRYYY unforgivable. He and his men (bonten) brutally like bruuutallly punished her. it can be smut or anything you want. whatever it is I'LL EAT IT UP MHMMMM SCRUM DILLY YUM YUM MY PUR PUR POOKIE WOOKIEEEEEEE
I appreciate the love and support!! ts had me dying LMAO
i do not write biologically related incest nor half siblings but i’m fine with writing stepcest (depending on the plot) and like a foster or adoption situation (all 18+)
i kinda sort of followed the timeline so there might be scenes that are not accurate to the manga/anime, tho i did it that way to fit it in better with the plot so the scenes aren’t as long <3
ALSOOOO!!! i could’ve made this waayyy more brutal but when i was imagining different scenarios i literally made myself sick 💀💀💀
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Oneshot - Yandere Bonten Au
❦Was it worth it?❦
Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
(Mostly Mikey, Kazu, and Sanzu x Reader but read to catch the vibes :)
❣︎All of Bonten are included in this story except Mochi❣︎
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Not fully proofread
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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You were never one to follow rules blindly. You always questioned what you were told no matter who fed the information. How could you not when you spend most of your childhood shipped from family to family like a worn out package that's been sent to the wrong destination repeatedly? It wasn’t until you aged eight years that you were finally adopted by a man who asked you to call him ‘Grandpa Sano.’
You were unprepared for the generosity you received from the Sanos, having been in situations where your foster family wanted nothing to do with you. Your negative experiences caused you to form a barrier, an outer shell that shields you from the vulnerability your brain wanted to protect you from. You were cautious, unknown as to why you were chosen. When you first arrived, you were greeted by the oldest sibling, Shinichiro. He was kind, sort of silly as he displayed his quirkiness whenever you would spend quality time together after you had grown to see him as a proper big brother.
Emma beamed when she saw you, excited that another girl would finally be around to become her companion in a house full of boys. When you were comfortable, you gained a sense of sisterhood you never thought you’d have the privilege to experience. The last Sano you had met was none other than Sano Manjiro, otherwise known as Mikey. The first contact was interesting as you both gave blank expressions to one another. After growing alongside the boy, you could tell the kid had a sense of cockiness, though rightfully so as you learn about his incredible strength.
Watching Mikey and Baji fight when they would practice their skills made you want to become as strong as them. You would observe their moves every chance you got, failing in your attempts until you would eventually succeed, resulting in you declaring a battle against Mikey. The boy gazed at your stern appearance before releasing a light hearted laugh. You didn’t dislike him, in fact you both grew closer as time went on. If anything, you were inspired by him, even if you came off as a bratty little sister who wanted to follow him around with all his friends.
Even at a young age you could tell that he would grow to be a good person. You felt safe in his presence, knowing that he counted you as family. Knowing that he grew to love you as well as you to the Sano family. You knew that Mikey would never hurt anyone, his soul radiating a warmth you have never seen before. That is, until the day came where all you heard was Baji’s begging for Mikey to stop as you watch in horror, the blood seeping from the corners of another one of his childhood friends, Haruchiyo’s mouth.
Your hands trembled as you eye the onyx orbs that bore into the boy on his knees, a cold expression laced with nothing but a shadow of darkness. Your own eyebrows were furrowed as tears streamed down your face while you switched gazes between the two boys.
“M-Mikey…” You whispered, listening to Senju as she cried in the background. He either didn’t hear you or ignored you. Whichever was the case didn’t matter as you heard him finally speak.
“Smile, Haruchiyo.”
His voice was deep, almost as if it wasn’t his own. You covered your own mouth as Haru began laughing hysterically as his tears mixed with the blood. You knew at that moment that something had switched. You didn’t know what exactly the change was, but you knew that absolutely nothing would feel the same.
Time passed as you all hit your pre - teen years and Mikey had formed his own gang, Toman. It was early in the making though you thought it was the coolest thing. You had let go of the negative image your mind had formed when the incident with Haruchiyo happened after Mikey had given a heartfelt apology to everyone, including the boy in the hospital bed. When you visited Haruchiyo, the young boy had confirmed his forgiveness and encouraged you to give Mikey some leeway. He was once again your inspiration as you reasoned with yourself that he just had a ‘moment.’
Everything was going normally for a while, Shinichiro teaching you how to ride a motorbike as well as Mikey allowing you to hang out with him and his friends occasionally. Kazutora and Baji pulled you along to search for a gift considering Mikey’s birthday is coming up. Having had a small crush on Kazutora for a while, you followed them, sitting behind the tiger tattooed boy with your arms wrapped around his waist.
It wasn’t until the mischievous delinquent explained his plan, in which you and Baji reacted with hesitation. He waved off your worries and claimed that the best way to obtain Mikey’s gift would be to steal from the store that holds his most ideal bike. When you arrived, you couldn’t shake the familiarity. It’s as if you have seen this place before but you don’t remember stepping foot into a bike shop ever in your life. As you stand to the side while Baji tries to move the bike, a presence causes you both to look up.
“Who’s shop do you think you’re breaking into…?”
“Y/n?” Your eyes widen at Shinichiro as the realization hits you.
Although you’ve lived with the Sanos for a few years now, you’ve never once stepped foot into Shinichiro’s bike shop. You’ve only come across pictures which is why there is familiarity. It completely slipped your mind that Shinichiro owns a place that just so happened to be this one.
“Shini… I…” He turned his head to meet his orbs with Baji’s.
“You look familiar, are you Keisuke?” Baji stutters as he attempts to respond. Just as he said his name, you both gasp as you watch Kazutora come from behind with a large tool, raising his arms before slamming them down. A resounding crack echoed througout the room as the weapon made contact with Shinichiro’s head.
Your breath hitched as you watched his body fall to the ground, landing with a thud. The same trembling you felt from your hands when you watched Mikey tear Haruchiyo’s face appeared as you stared down at Shinichiro’s lifeless body, the blood seeping under his head as it stained the floor. Baji drops to his knees as he hovers above the corpse, explaining to Kazutora who the victim was. The golden eyed boy could only respond by hyperventilating.
“What do we do? What do we do?” Baji croaks out, hand meeting his forehead as Kazutora’s fingers reach his own mouth, biting them as he stares in place with wide eyes.
“I didn’t do it… I didn’t kill him.” His voice trembled. You watch in fear as you eye the hysterical boys, falling to your own knees before sitting on the floor, arms wrapped around your knees as you whimper before the tears stream freely. Your bottom lip quivers as you gaze at your oldest brother’s form. You couldn’t help but take part of the blame considering you are a witness that could’ve done something to stop this madness before it occurred.
You listen to Kazutora’s ramblings as Baji attempts to call an ambulance. It was horrific to see them so distressed, a feeling of impending doom coming on as you realize there’s no coming back from this. Your mind ran through different scenarios on what would happen once the Sano family found out about everything.
“Let’s get outta here!” Baji says to you both though you couldn’t move, watching as Kazutora seems to lose his mind by the second.
“It’s all… Mikey’s fault.” Your eyes widen as you gaze at him with concern. “I need to kill Mikey.” He claimed with a distorted smile, tears threatening to fall. You could only stare in disbelief as the cops were heard outside the building.
When you all walked out, everyone except you binded, a head of blonde hair appeared in front of you with a surprised expression.
You watched as Mikey questioned Baji, in which he cried out an apology as Kazutora chants “Kill… kill…”
You were there for it all. You were there when Kazutora spent two years in juvenile, only to come back with a vengeance. You were there when Kisaki became involved as well as this random Takemichi kid who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. You were there for Valhalla's battle, witnessing Baji’s death as you held his head on your lap before Kazutora was arrested once more. You were there for the Christmas battle. You were there for the Tenjiku battle and you were there when Mikey disbanded Toman before he disappeared, followed by a few other people you had met.
There was even a time in your early adulthood when you went to visit Kazutora in jail only to find out he had been released a few years earlier than the ten years he was sentenced, seeming to have disappeared along with Sanzu and Mikey. For a while you blame yourself for not keeping in touch when everyone was initially ghosted by your brother. You wanted to give him the space you knew he needed considering he hadn’t been the same since you had first met.
Finally exhausted with your passive ways you decided to seek him out, figuring that you might be able to track the other members that disappeared as well. Although you kept in touch with Emma, Draken, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, and etc., you couldn’t ignore the yearning you felt to find your brother and friends. You missed them dearly. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to have known anything until you repeatedly bothered the dragon tattooed man to tell you the truth about Mikey’s whereabouts.
“Now that I’ve told you, forget about Mikey. Forget about the rest of em. It’s too dangerous, Y/n.”
Knowing that Draken is right, you listen. For a while you stopped your search and continued to live your life, working a 9 to 5 and coming home to your decent sized apartment. It wasn’t until you received a letter signed by the person you had been searching for. Once you reach the day that he wrote in the letter, you rush to meet him at the destination, speeding down the streets on your motorcycle.
Reaching the place, you eye the closed nightclub in awe. You wondered why he decided to meet you at this particular setting. You felt a rush of anxiety as you near the door, opening it before walking into the empty space. You walk through the dark room using the flash on your phone as you walk to the staircase, following Mikey’s instructions.
When you reach upstairs, you walk into the door he ordered. Your footsteps echo through the dark room, the sun outside illuminating through the open windows as a breeze flies across the room. Your eyes meet a head of platinum hair, indicating the back of someone’s head. The male who wears a black long sleeve shirt and pants sits with his back bent forward, arms on his lap as his head hangs low. The symbol on his neck stood out to you, reminding you of Izana’s earrings. Your eyes widen when realization finally clicks.
“Mikey?” You say, gaining momentum as you rush over to your brother. Before you could make it, a grip on your arm causes you to halt, as well as a firm pressure against the back of your head. You stare ahead as your breath hitches.
“Move at my pace.” The voice behind you demands. Having no other choice but to listen or risk an early death, you ignore your accelerated heart beat and follow alongside the body that shifted slightly to the side of you. Your eyes switch from the short man ahead to the person beside you, immediately catching the scar on the corner of the person’s mouth.
Sharp blue eyes suddenly meet yours during the observation, pink bangs swaying as his head faces you. His lips curve into a toothy smirk, eyebrows furrowing as he gives you a mischievous expression.
“T’s been a while, Y/n.” You turn away from him as you both walk closer to Mikey.
“I guess long enough to where you feel the need to have a gun against my head. As if we never knew each other.” You respond, irritation adding to your fear as you’re led to the chair in front of Mikey.
He only ignored you as his grin grew wider, guiding you to sit facing away from your brother. When your bottom meets the seat, Sanzu stood next to you with the barrel of the gun placed to your temple.
“Leave us, Sanzu.”
“Got it.” He responds before dropping his arm and walking towards the exit. “I’ll be downstairs.”
After giving you one more side glance, the pink haired man closed the door behind him as he walked out of the room.
“I heard you wanted to find me.” He says softly. Your fingers fidget in your lap as your knees are pressed together, feet spread apart. You chew on your bottom lip as you sit with a tense body, realizing the gravity of your situation and how dangerous it was to meet him with no sort of back up.
“This isn’t you. This isn’t how it was supposed to be…” You begin, shaking your head as you continue, “…I get it, Mikey. Everything that happened hurt like hell. Just because you went through something doesn’t mean you become the leader to a fucking criminal organization and kill lots of innocent people.”
When he didn’t respond, all you heard was your own breathing as you fought the tears that threatened to escape.
“You act like you’re the only one that went through anything. As if I wasn’t there experiencing as much pain as you! I didn’t run off and disappear and cause more harm to the streets, because there just wasn’t enough blood splattered!”
You had the understanding that you could be digging your own grave. The sorrow and anger hitting you all at once had your words slipping out fast. You missed him, who he was before. How could he have abandoned you like that?
“Y-you could’ve come to me. We could’ve been there and experienced it all together, Mikey. I-I know you’re just in pain, but I’m here. I’ve always been there.” You say the last sentence softly as your vision blurred from the moisture.
You listened as you heard rustling behind you, followed by footsteps leading towards your sitting figure. Your sobs went silent as a figure shadowed over you. The cold impact of the gun against your head causes goosebumps to run across your arms, a chill running up your back as you make eye contact with the man holding a weapon against your forehead.
Anyone could lose themselves in the void of his orbs. They bore into you coldly as he gazed down at you with a blank yet intense expression. Your bottom lip quivered as your eyebrows furrow angrily. His arm follows as you stand from your seat slowly.
“Is this all you know how to do now?” You almost growl, exhausted by the behavior your brother displays when you know he clearly has a hard time communicating his emotions. “Shoot whoever questions you. Murder instead of speaking on how you feel. When are you gonna grow up, Mikey?”
“Shut up.” He hissed. “You know nothing.” You only stare back in response, glaring at him as the gun cocks.
“Leave.” He states before lowering his arm. You watch the male as he makes his way to the exit. Before he walks out of the opened door, he turns his head to the side slightly, gaze still ahead.
“If we ever see each other again… I’ll kill you.” You chew the skin on the inside of your cheek as a nervous habit when he walks out, leaving you to allow the words to sink in.
In that moment, you determined that you would find a way to bring back the real Mikey. You couldn’t accept this. You would never accept this reality. You would do whatever it takes, even if that means going against your better judgment and acting on emotion, something you had a habit of doing. You don’t care what Mikey says nor have you ever listened when he told you not to do something. You don’t care that you’re risking your life by getting involved. You snatch the phone from your pocket before dialing a number.
“Naoto, I need your help.”
You didn’t know what to expect but it surely wasn’t almost succeeding in the take down of Bonten. Unfortunately, both you and Naoto missed a key detail to your plans which resulted in Bonten being free of the attention from the police. It didn’t help that some of the government officials involved were traitors to the force, having helped the criminal organization in secret.
Thick smoke polluted the building as a radiating heat caused you to sweat. You cough as your arm covers your mouth and nose, eyes squint as you see through the burning room. The alarms screeched as a warning to anyone near that a fire had been started. You heard the impact of whatever caused the flames, knowing a bomb had been planted somewhere inside which caused an explosion. You’re surprised that you’re still alive, along with some of the others who crawl and struggle towards the nearest exit, maneuvering through the limp bodies lying on the ground.
You search for your partner as you walk past broken furniture and office equipment, passing the body parts separated from the corpses who suffered the worst from the eruption. Unfortunately, you were hurt considering your limp, and the ringing in your ears definitely didn’t help. Your hearing has been out since you woke up. You search the police department, watching out for anyone familiar as you yell out, “Naoto!”
You continue through the damage, dodging any object that falls as you walk around the flames. An abrupt pressure on your back caused you to fall to the ground with a grunt, your hearing coming back just as you made impact with the floor. The platform of the bottom of someone’s shoe pushes you back to the ground when you try to pick yourself up.
The man behind you grabs a carton from out of his pocket, lifting the top before pulling a cigarette out. He set the box back in his suit’s jacket pocket before using a nearby flame to light it as he stretched his arm out. He brought the butt of the stick to his lips and sucked in as the remaining flame went out on the end of the cigarette. The man rubs the sweat off of his forehead using the sleeve of his suit, a strand of blonde hair swaying over his face as he drops the arm. He blew the smoke out as he gazed at your figure.
“I warned him about letting you go.” You could recognize that voice anywhere.
“Kazutora?” He takes another hit of his cigarette, holding his breath as he ashed it before blowing the smoke out of his mouth once more. A smirk grew on his face.
“You know, Y/n… I never took you for a snitch.”
“I never took you as a coward, but here we are. You kill people to feel a sense of control yet you’re always following someone else’s orders, seeking approval by anyone who’ll give it to you.” You state, irritated by the heat and the foot on your back.
The grin on his lips fell as he took another hit before leaning over and pressing the burning end of the cigarette against your neck. You gasp before releasing a shriek of pain, tears burning at the corners of your eyes. He holds it there for a moment as he stares down at you with a blank expression. He lifts himself back to a normal position once he removes the cigarette from your skin. A fresh bruise formed in the abused spot.
“Why did you guys become such fucking assholes?” You cry out.
“Come on, don’t start crying on me now Doll…” He chuckled, “…gotta save that for later when Mikey gets his hands on you.”
Before you could fight him off, his fingers squeezed firm against your pressure point. Your vision blurs before your head drops as you sink into darkness.
Your eyes flutter open as a spotlight shines on you. Attempting to lick your lips, you find yourself with a gag secured around your mouth. The red ball stretches your lips uncomfortably as they yearn to be moisturized. Your arms are cuffed above your head as your body is spread out completely nude on the bed. Your shrieks are muffled as the light dims, your knees pressed together as you attempt to cover yourself when you look down and eye the seven figures sitting out on a slightly lower platform, as if you’re on a small stage.
Marijuana and alcohol fills the air, along with the smell of tobacco as you watch the smoke fumes form above a few of the men. Your eyebrows furrow as your toes curl, embarrassment causing a warm face as you shut your eyes tightly, wishing to escape this moment as you’re sprawled out for a bunch of dangerous men. You hear footsteps in the quiet room, someone walking towards the bed.
Mikey appears in your vision as he looks down at you from the side. Your eyes water as you glare at him, disbelief from the fact that your own brother set you up like this. The boy you grew up with who inspired you to go past your own limits. The boy who wanted to make a new era for delinquents. No, you couldn’t believe this.
His fingers slowly traced over your stomach as they moved towards your chest, grazing around the outlining of your breasts. You couldn’t help the whimper of desperation spilling out through the gag, your body beginning to tremble as you realized the gravity of this vulnerable situation. You wanted this to stop. You wanted it all to stop before there’s no return.
“I left you alone…” His fingers dragged themselves across the middle of your breasts, slow and delicate with his touch. “…I warned you, Y/n.”
He slightly leans over as his hand moves to your lower stomach, rubbing the lining nearest to your pubis. Your breath hitched as you gaze at him with wide teary eyes.
“You’ve never been one to listen, have you?” The small smile that formed as he said the statement vanished as quickly as it came. Your stomach sucked in as he used his fingers to lightly glide back up to your chest before circling his hand around your neck, his index finger tapping your face twice. He leaned forward until he hovered right over your face.
“You’ll learn.” You release a shriek as your eyes shut tight, his fingers digging into the burnt skin against your neck, adding a painful pressure to the wound as the tears streamed down your face. When you open your eyes to a squint, his gaze is relaxed. His eyes made him look dead. He released you before walking to the end of the stage and turning to face the crowd, his hands behind his back.
“From now on you belong to me.” He turns his upper body to face you. “You’ll only get to eat, sleep, and breathe because of me. You will do as I say.” A taller figure began to walk on the stage, a familiar pair of purple eyes gazing down at your figure with his signature sly smile. The tall short haired man held a baton that rests on his shoulder as he stops next to the bed, closer to your lower body.
“You deemed yourself a traitor so you will be held accountable. Sister or not.”
You fidget with discomfort as you eye the weapon Ran holds with a concerned expression. He only gives you a mischievous smile in return as he drops his arm, awaiting instructions from his boss.
“If you disobey me…” His eyes switch to Ran before the taller man brings his other hand to the object, fingers adjusting as he lifts his arms. Your eyes widen once more as you hysterically pull against your restraints, legs moving as you attempt to move your body to the side to no avail.
You release a blood curdling scream as your eyes shut tight, the impact causing a loud smack to echo in the room as the end of the baton makes contact with the skin on your thigh. The pain is broad, big. So intense that your whole leg numbs out as your body attempts to protect you. Blood immediately makes its way through your skin as an ugly bruise begins formation. You sob in agony as your head falls back on the bed. You shake your head as you bite the gag.
A cold chill is brought to your body as heat overcomes you, sweat dripping down your forehead as Mikey walks closer to you, staring down at you with the same blank expression. Sanzu watches the display with gleaming eyes, a wide smile on his face as he licks his bottom lip, biting it after as he’s mesmerized by the show in front of him. It was a gorgeous sight, you sprawled out on the bed naked in front of them under Mikey’s control. Your face is so wet with tears and an expression of fear and distress. So vulnerable and fragile. Your skin breaking with ease as the blood dripping down made him want to lick it up. He couldn’t wait to get a hold of you. After all, he’s waited for so long under Mikey’s command. His failed attempt at protecting you. Someone so resilient and yet so weak.
Kazutora is leaned back in his seat with a leg crossed over, his hair pulled back in a messy ponytail as he eyes you with no emotion. He ignored the erection forming in his pants as you’re forced into submission, bound by the cuffs as your beautiful voice blesses the room with your cries. A red hue forms on his face as he watches Ran hit you again in a different spot on the same thigh. His cock twitched when he heard your loud scream, the gag doing you no justice. He crossed his arms as he shifted in his seat to a more comfortable position.
Takeomi sat with a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth as he glared at the scene. He never really knew you so he couldn’t care less of your position. He just finds it hilarious to watch the rest of the men simp over Mikey’s infamous cute, bratty little sister. He’s surprised you hadn’t been killed on the spot for becoming a traitor. The leeway his boss is giving you is impeccable. Otherwise you’d be torn apart limb from limb, slaughtered and violated from the inside out. Long gone. This is nothing. He’ll admit that seeing your bitchy ass getting it in is a very sweet sight to see.
Kokonoi sighed as he turned away from the scene. Having remembered you from their delinquent days made this situation all the more sickening. He still couldn’t deny the view of you laid out the way you are having an effect on the cock sitting in his pants. It was uncomfortable, especially since he deems himself as sick as someone like Sanzu or the Haitani brothers for getting turned on by this in the first place.
Kakucho’s eyes followed Ran’s fingers, swiping some of the blood off of your leg before bringing it to his lips. You lay there, sobbing as Mikey caressed both sides of your face. He knew something like this would occur as soon as he began gaining information from the dirty cops about you involving yourself. Although he felt bad for you, he knew that you had it coming. You were warned and now you must deal with the consequences. He palmed himself before squeezing slightly to ease himself as he shifts in his seat, rock hard as he chews on his lip.
“Should I hit the other thigh, boss?” Ran’s smooth voice filled the room as he gently rubbed his thumb along the untouched thigh. You shook your head as you pleaded through the ball gag. You were so focused on switching your gaze between Mikey and Ran that you completely missed the third presence making his way to the foot of the bed.
Drool accidentally fell out of your mouth as you continued to cry and beg for Mikey to let you go and to not hurt you again. It was humiliating but you were in too much pain to care. You had to get out of there. You regret not listening. You regret not leaving him alone. You just want to escape. You just want to go home and hug yourself while you cry. You wanted to see your friends again, your sister Emma. You missed Shinichiro, Baji, your grandpa, Draken, Mitsuya, and everyone else. You missed them all and you wanted a big hug from them.
You wanted to feel safe, to feel loved again. You didn’t like this cold darkness that’s dragging you to a hell you never thought you’d experience. You wish you hadn’t been so stubborn. You just missed your brother, your friends who disappeared. Thumbs drape under your eyes as the tears are wiped away only for more to stream down your cheeks. You feel the ball gag unhook around your mouth as your chapped lips connect, licking them desperately as you continue to sob and pant.
“P-please let me go! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry Mikey I-I’ll listen! I’ll leave you alone just please…!” You rambled your apologies as he continued to gaze at you with the onyx orbs that felt as though they were forcing you to drown in his own darkness. Dragging you under with him into the void everyone so desperately tries to fill or escape from.
“I-I just wanted my big brother! I-I needed you to be who you were! I was wrong…” You sob, “…so fucking wrong. You’re too far gone!” Your hands turned to fists as your breath hitched as he climbed on top of you.
“You’re right. I am no longer your Mikey.”
Your hands tremble as you watch him reach into his pants to pull out his throbbing cock.
“No… no, no, no! Y-you can’t!” You plead as you realize what’s about to happen.
The younger Haitani grabs your ankle as he picks your leg up, along with the older brother who holds up your bruised leg. Mikey adjusts himself in between your legs as he spreads his own knees against the mattress.
“M-Mikey this is so fucked up! P-please! You fucking asshole!” You could only feel rage and despair as you watched him spit in his hand and rub his cock, moisturizing it nowhere near enough for it to easily slip through you.
“Oh shit.” Sanzu breathes out in excitement as the rest of the executives mentally sit on the edge of their seats. They watched the display, some with arousal and excitement while others with slight guilt and arousal. The air was thick in the room as Rin’s grip tightened on your ankle while moving his other hand to the bottom of your foot.
“You’ll learn.” Mikey whispers near your ear before he finally pushes in slowly. Your head falls back with your mouth wide open, nails digging in your own palms as the girth stretches you painfully. Your eyebrows furrow as you clench your teeth. He released a breathy moan as his mouth hangs open, head falling to your shoulder as your pussy squeezed him tightly. You both grunt when he finally bottoms out, base and testicles pressed firmly against you as he shifts his arms under you to hold the back of your neck with both hands.
He eyed the girl with a blank expression as she stood with her hand wrapped in Grandpa Sano’s. Even at his young age he could tell that she had been through quite a lot by the look in her eyes.
“It’s okay, Y/n.” He says as he pats your eight year old head. You sat with tears streaming down your face with your arms crossed as you pouted angrily at the fact that you lost against your fight with Baji who would help you practice your skills along with Mikey.
“You’ll learn.” He said with a smile as he gazed down at you.
You gasp as you feel his thick length pulling out of you, rubbing against the lining of your walls before he bucks his hips against you with a firmer thrust causing you to grunt in pain.
“You belong to me.” The teen growled.
“Kazutora is my friend! I’m gonna visit him whether you like it or not.” You glare at your brother before stomping away from the shrine.
Truth be told he didn’t like the way you made him feel. So out of control. So out of the loop. He knows that he’s your inspiration. He loves how worthy you deem him to be. He loves that you follow him around all the time like you're his little companion. His little sister. His.
If only you knew how hard it was to allow you on your own. To allow you to make your own decisions. To have abandoned you when he knew you were still vulnerable from everything you both went through. You don’t know how hard it is being the big brother of someone who’s just so fucking stubborn. He was afraid that he would lose you in the midst of his corruption, the dark impulse taking over day by day, so he left you.
“Fuck.” He breathes out as his pace accelerates, hips pulled back before thrusting against you as his grip tightens. His cock slides in and out of your pussy as the juice slickens the erection, making it easier to access as he presses deeper and deeper. The bed rocks as the thrusts become faster and firmer, the smacking echoing throughout the room as it becomes harder to hold back your grunts and moans.
You whimpered as you felt a pressure form against the ankle held by Rin. You make eye contact with him as his lips curl into a mischievous smile. You felt goosebumps form as the butterflies in your stomach fluttered, an impending sense of doom coming over you just as Mikey’s cock aimed for your erogenous zone, pounding your g-spot once you reacted with a shriek.
Mikey walks to the car sitting outside the club he had you meet him at after your conversation was finished. Five of his executives stood outside as he turned his attention to Kakucho.
“Watch her every move.”
He had a feeling you’d try something though he didn’t expect for you to involve the cops. Especially the detective that’s always on his ass.
“You. *Thrust* Belong. *Thrust* To me.” Mikey uses a hand to squeeze your chin, forcing your eyes to meet as you pant and sob.
All of the executives watch with dazed expressions as Mikey bitched you out. Some biting their own lips while others palmed their covered erections. Mikey eyed your face as it morphed while the pit in your stomach builds, indicating the nearing of your orgasm. He used one hand to balance himself against the headboard as he grabbed the leg Ran was holding to gain better access. He thrusts against you as his cock rubbed the inner lining of your vaginal walls, slick oozing out of your hole, a mixture of his semen and your juices forming.
The pain in your leg throbs as he pushes your leg up, causing you to whimper. You tried to hold in your moans, the feeling of the head of his cock hitting your cervix was overwhelming. Instead, grunts replaced the moans with each firm thrust against your ass. The hand on your leg tightens as you watch his eyes narrow down at you with his lips apart.
“This pussy is mine. Your cum is mine. Everything about you…” a thrust with a loud smack against your ass caused a moan to slip through his throat. “…is mine.”
Your head is pressed against the mattress as you feel the pit in your stomach release, the chemical reaction causing your mouth to open as a silent scream leaves your throat, eyes rolled back as he continues to beat into your pussy.
“Ah…” Mikey breathes, “…that’s fucking right, cum on this cock.” He said before using his fingers to press onto your wound made by the baton. You scream out in agony. The chains jingle as you pull against the restraints.
“You’ll learn. You’re gonna learn to listen to me.” He breathes out before switching his eyes to Rin.
“M-Mikey pl-!” You whimper, pleading for him to stop as you’re overstimulated, though his cock keeps its pace, assaulting your pussy as it slides through harder. Blood runs down your wrists, coming from the split skin caused by your nails. You accidentally glance at Ran who stares down at you hungrily. You could see the lust in his intense gaze, causing you to turn away.
“I don’t care how close you were or even the little crush you have on her. You will ask before touching her, got it?”
“Yes, boss.” Both Kazutora and Sanzu respond with stern expressions.
“N-No! What are you…?!” A loud crack fills the air amongst the sound of the rocking bed as your eyes shut tight, a monstrous scream escaped your lips as the pressure on your ankle created a numbing yet sharp pain that swam up your leg to your knee. You shakily look down to see your limp leg in Rin’s hand, ankle bent out of place as your foot hangs there. A swelling started to form as the skin tingled. It was surely broken.
“GET OFF OF ME! GET OFF OF ME RIGHT NOW!” You’re hysterical. The pain, overstimulation, and heat. The betrayal, sickness, and depression. The sorrow, despair, and downright filthy situation. All of the eyes on you. It was all just too much.
“I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!” His forehead meets yours as his hands grab the sides of your face. His eyes shut as he thrusts hard, accelerating his speed before a breathy, drawn out moan escapes his mouth, just as Rin grabbed your other ankle.
Kazutora and Sanzu sit with discomfort as they angrily eye the Haitani brothers, realizing it should’ve been them holding your legs and punishing you. After all, they’ve known you the longest. They were closer to you. They were there for everything. Their erections become tighter as you thrash around and scream. Your rage fulfills them in an unexplainable way. They never knew why your rebellion always struck them in the heart. Who knew they’d be this stuck over their friend’s little bratty sister.
“I’m cumming.” Mikey whispers with his head against yours as he breathes out a moan. He grinds out his orgasm just as another crack fills the room, followed by an appalling scream from you. You cry as he pulls himself out of you. The swelling from both legs tingle as you lie there in terrible pain. Agony comes from your neck and both of your legs. As well as your vagina. You couldn’t believe what your own brother just did.
“I hate you.” You sob. You wanted to curl into yourself but the restraints made it impossible.
“Awe don’t cry so much, cookie.” A thumb caressed your forehead as Ran stared you down. “All ya gotta do is be good, now.”
“Or else…” Rin chuckled as he slightly dangled one of your broken ankles. You only sob in response, ignoring them as you try to refrain from making eye contact. You wanted to disappear.
Before he climbs off of you, Mikey leans over to plant a kiss on your lips. You don’t push him back nor respond to the peck. He pulls his pants up as he walks toward the other executives.
“Do what you will, just have her cleaned and brought to my room after.”
“I’ll always be the one to protect you, Y/n. You belong to me.”
You look into the eyes of your older brother, tears in your own as you hug him tight. You both sat on the ground in front of Shinichiro’s grave.
“You’ll learn.”
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
DP x DC big brother au
Where Danny is a child prodigy of the League of assassins on his way to his first mission. Around that time Damian (who is Danny's replacement/ bodyguard) is like, below 5 y/o and not doing too well, too soft they say. They plan to kill him, so Danny thinks if they didn't have their prodigy heir then they HAVE to keep Damian alive as their next kin. So he did, he staged his own death and sob story his way into an orphanage where the Fenton's take him.
Years later, on a quiet night or when he's patching up his own wounds, sometimes he wonders how his little Dami is doing. If he is still as soft and attention hungry as he use to.
Or if they killed the child inside him and turn him into someone he fears.
Awww yes~ I would love to see something like this. Just Danny curious about Damian. Wonder how he would meet him then. Just probably circumstances that causes Danny to end up in gotham... OH OR WHAT IF... Danny's identity gets revealed and it goes viral after a fight. Danny has to hide because GIW and now league.. but also someone else caught wind. Damian seeing it from watching Tim showing the video to someone else. Damian's breath hitches. Maybe he feel bitter about being left behind, about his brother leaving him.. Same time he wants to confront him, make sure its him. Thus turns into a three way if not four/five track down of Danny Phantom. Fenton parents either helping Jazz, Sam, n Tuck. Or they're all HE TOOK OVER OUR SON. Maybe Vlad too. LOL my brain went brrrr for a moment. But this could just be simple, Danny gets job in arkham asylum and runs into Dami. Damian confronting him later.. or maybe giving him a cold shoulder at first. But melts because Danny still treats him the same.. and then finally pesters an answer as to why Danny left. Danny saying that he wanted Dami to live. LOL funny if dick gets a little jealous of danny able to step in and just make dami grin. =w= big brother rivalry. Same time both like happy to have each other looking out for their sibling. Plus can't hate another man that loves puns =w=b Dick tries to big brother Danny too. Danny just so happy to see his brother.. but same time super secretive about his past. Damian upset and pries into it. Eventually finding out Danny, despite successfully leaving the league still ended up dealing with life n death. Danny not wanting pity or dami to worry always brushes it off but its more obvious as days go by that his past bothers him more than he says it does.
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froznwater · 4 months
If you did a total drama big brother au,
1. Which house would you pick?
2. Would the characters (TD) have the same roles as the ppl in the show (probably the most recent one)
Like noah having the same role as Jordan?
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I actually have only seen one season!!! (season 6 - im not even done with it yet. I'm about half way.) but I'll tell you what ideas I do have!
I think it would be SUPER fun to do live cams as comics/drawings to post separately?!?!? Like I would make a sideblog that is little writings and short drawings of the 24/7 footage. The shit that shows who the contestants really are. And friendship!! I would want to make my own drama and stuff to a certain extent. I don't want to just write a big brother rewrite with total drama names in place of the real people. I know every season has a twist, so I'd research about those and see which ones I get ideas for. I like the season 6 twist (everyone has a secret pair) but I would definitely execute it a bit differently. There's probably more fun ones I'm unaware of though. Basically: I would mix and match a bit. Pick out my favorite challenges, and make my own. Pick an interesting twist. Pick favorite house aspects. Make each HOH room specific to the td character. Overall make my own season of events. I haven't even seen any punishments before!! I'll be sure to watch a newer season as my next bb after s6. If you have an suggestions lmk.
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doorstoplord · 2 years
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Train spotting and a picnic with big brother every Tuesday ~
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For my Big Brother AU: Alex was not strong enough to save Robby.
What will happen to Robby now?
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i promise i'll answer to everything else asap, but-
-> Nosho don't get me started with a Big Brother reality show type of AU.
you can't just drop this and not expect me to ask you to elaborate!
HAHAHAHAHA nosho I am sitting alone laughing like a maniac
I told you not to indulge me on this one! I still have reblogs to reply to and now I'm gonna have to add another one to our ever growing list of AUs. This is one is on you, my friend. When we, inevitably, lose our minds, I want you to go back to this moment.
Okay, so my knowledge about Big Brother is very limited because I've only watched one season like 8 years ago (don't judge me, I was after surgery and couldn't walk for a while. It's insanely addictive though, with the whole 24/7 live stream)
But in the season I watched they had 2 random tenants (the first two that entered the house) pretend they are exes. Like the secret mission was to successfully make the other 20 people believe they are exes even though they've never met. They had 10 minutes, until the next person joins them, to come up with a story. In this they only had to keep it up for 2 days but-
In my AU - Ian and Mickey have to pretend to be together. They enter the house last, together. They get 10 minutes to come up with a convincing back story. They are told they have to keep everyone convinced for a week. Even if one person goes to the big brother and tells them that they think I&M are lying about it, they whole house loses. (the whole house participates in an activity that they believe to be the real weekly mission).
So when they both realize they are from the south side of Chicago, and are gay, they know they can pull it off. They keep the rest as close to reality as possible- Ian (25) is an EMT, Mickey (27) is a tattoo artist.
In the house they are the only ones to get a double bed and obviously they are expected to sleep together.
Will they convince everyone? will they fail the secret mission? Will they actually fall in love?
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mysicklove · 1 day
I can only imagine toddler Yuuji having insane strength for a toddler
yeah 100%. and he’s a climber too 😔😔. look away for one moment and he has gotten himself in the craziest spots. sukuna finds it funny, but it gives you (and choso) a near heart attack seeing the child giggle on top of your cabinets
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emmyrosee · 1 month
I love found family older brother sukuna, toddler Yuji, and reader! I can totally see reader and Yuji doing face masks together for fun, and forcing sukuna to join, which he begrudgingly does and serectly enjoys it
“No. Not fucking happening.”
“Come onnnn!” You whine, shaking the face mask gently in excitement. “What doesn’t sound fun about watching Encanto, doing a face mask and eating grapes?”
“The whole watching Encanto, doing a face mask and eating grapes thing,” he grumbles. On the couch, yuuji moves to perch his elbows on the armrest and watch the interaction, the panda face mask on his cheeks cut slightly to fit his small jaw and head. Sukuna cocks a brow and pulls a face, “and they’re animal face masks? Fucking pass.”
You sigh softly, then you turn to his little brother and scoop him in your arms, and sukuna quirks a brow, “the fuck are you doing?”
“Ready yuuji?”
“Weady,” the child replies.
Sukuna now furrows his brows in annoyance, “don’t you fucking dare-“
It’s too late. You and his brother flash Sukuna, a man covered in tattoos and piercings and the worst vocabulary known to man, the biggest set of puppy eyes, pleading him to cave and spend the night with you both. He winces from the sheer force of your pouty eyes, unable to look away completely but desperately wanting to. “Don’t give me that look, freaks. It’s not going to work.”
“Pwease, ‘kuna?” Yuuji whimpers, and you blink up at him and jut out your lower lip. Sukuna feels himself crumbling, his reserve being demolished, and he groans and looks up to the sky, looking for patience.
“Yeah,” you whine. “Please, Sukuna?”
“For fucks sake, stop looking at me like that, I’ll fucking watch your stupid movie and do a damn mask, fuck,” he snarls, gripping the face mask from your hand and leaving you and yuuji to giggle and high five in victory. “I spoil the fuck out of you both, you know that right?”
“Yes,” you nod, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “I’m going to start the movie, you go put on your mask.”
The mask in question- printed into the animal of a frog- is slippery and cold, and sukuna gags as he slaps it on his face, grumbling at the sensation. He hears the beginning of the movie and makes his way back out to you and his brother, the latter sitting on your lap with a bowl of grapes between his legs. Sukuna sits next to you with a soft groan, his arm instinctively tossing around you.
When you burrow into his side, he can’t fight the smile that eases over his cheeks as he digs his hand into the bowl of grapes, feeding himself the handful and letting the serum of the face mask warm up on his cheeks.
“I’m glad you caved,” you whisper, and he hums back.
Secretly, although he’d rather stub his toe by force than say it, he’s glad he did, too.
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aakeysmash · 3 days
first meeting: college!sukuna and f!reader
content: smut (degradation, masturbation (feet are involved for f), m oral, light slapping (1), manhandling, spit), a little bit of crack, i love yuuji and he's my metphorical little brother okay (he's 9), reader has siblings because i said so, also bigbro!sukuna
It’s not the sound of the sheets rustling that wakes him up, but an ass pressing on his groin. Not like he can complain about not sleeping much; the pretty moans still reverberating in his skull are a testament to that.
He hears a yawn before feeling two hands searching for his warmth. He lazily obliges and scoots a little bit next to the body he has next to him. He lets these roaming hands touch his body, trying not to cringe. He’s not fond of physical contact if it’s not on his cock, and having someone grab his bicep while sighing dramatically about how strong he feels makes him want to puke. But you’ve got to give ‘em what they want before taking what you want.
He curses in his mind. He broke the first rule: never let a chick sleep in your bed after you fuck her. His head is killing him, the sun entering from his bedroom window making him squint. He must have fallen asleep. He remembers everything from last night: whoever says alcohol makes you forget stuff is just weak. One of the guys he shared the complex he lived in threw a goodbye party since he was moving out, and he wasn’t one to refuse free alcohol. His ex-almost-roommate invited a bunch of people from college, and Sukuna remembers that there were a couple of girls that didn’t stop whispering to each other while looking at him, chuckling behind their hands and blushing. One in particular was pretty, dancing and smiling at everyone before focusing her gaze on Sukuna and never leaving it. A classic. He played her game a bit, and she twirled when he asked her to, acting innocent when he asked her if he could lick salt from between her boobs before taking a shot of tequila. Boobs that turned out to still be salty when he licked and sucked her nipples an hour later, and twirl she did, but this time on his dick, the innocent act all gone. He fucked her like he owned her, and she got fucked like she wanted to be owned by him.
“‘Morning, ‘Kuna,” a whisper in the quiet of his room. Sweet, sweet voice whose hands are now traveling towards his hardening cock. He looks at the clock in front of his bed and makes sure to not roll his eyes too obviously, opting to grab her ass to make the process of riling her up faster. He has to leave for practice in 30 minutes, but a blowjob will do.
His hand travels to her front, expert hands finding her clit immediately. He barely touches it and she trembles in his arms, already panting. So responsive. He smirks. This will take less than he anticipated.
“You’re wet already? You’re such a slut,” he groggily says in her ear. She moans. She likes that shit. His fingers find her opening, making sure to take some of her wetness before focusing on making small little eights on her bundle of nerves. “Spread these legs and shut the fuck up. The whole dorm already knows you’re enjoying yourself, you made sure they heard you last night,” he points out, biting her lobe. She opens her legs like the smart girl she is, and whines every time his middle finger catches on the hood of her sweet button. She babbles something along the lines of so close, so close, but right now he pays it no mind. “Don- don’t you dare stop-” another moan. Sukuna dips both his middle and ring finger in her opening, grinding his palm on her clit, feeling her arch her back against his chest. He knows his stuff: he’s degrading, demanding, evil, but he likes his women pleased thoroughly. Her pussy is squeezing him hard, when he suddenly registers what she said and gets away from her, bored. It’s not the first time some random girl thinks she can make him do whatever she wants just because she made him cum the night before. Which is not even completely true, because he always pulls out, even wearing a condom, and finishes with his hand. There’s no way a bum who lets a stranger fuck her is becoming his baby mama. He’s too young to deal with future college dropouts. 
She starts complaining, saying how he’s so mean, ‘Kuna, you’ve been doing this all night, please let me cum, I’ve been so good to you, but Sukuna just manhandles her and gets her on the floor. He seats himself in front of her, grabbing her hair roughly and positioning her head right in front of his standing dick. She yelps, forced to look up at him and his red irises. Her eyelashes flutter, her mouth opens a bit, and she gets wetter. He’s so big and strong, his arm flexing from how he’s making her strain her neck, looking down like a king does not even toward a servant, but toward a roach.
“You’re not going to tell me what I can and can’t do, bitch,” he starts saying, glaring at her menacingly. “And I remember you cumming quite a lot yesterday, actually,” he adds smugly, and she shuts her mouth. She did cum a lot. He never missed the chance to make her scream his name. “Now start sucking, I’ll let you get off on my feet. You should be thanking me, I don’t usually let brats like you stay a second time.” 
He then squishes her cheeks with the hand that’s not in her hair, making her pucker her lips. She looks at him with wide eyes, like a deer in the headlights. She’s quite literally hanging off his every word. He’s so sexy. I can’t let him be upset with me, or he won’t let me see him again! I want to be his girl so bad. 
“Open up,” he tells her, and she doesn’t need to be told twice. She’s equally aroused and scared. She sticks her tongue out, getting her hands behind her back and her feet under her ass. Obedient little thing. Sukuna goes to spit into her open mouth, but he makes sure to miss and spits on her cheek instead. She flinches, but she doesn’t move.
“Oops,” he grins, then collects his saliva from her face and slips his digits past her lips, choking her with them. “Swallow,” he commands.
“But-” she tries to speak, and he responds by pressing down hard on her tongue and making her gag.
“I said swallow, whore,” he repeats, rougher this time. She makes sure to listen to him, starting to tear up. He gets his fingers out of her mouth and lightly slaps her cheek with that same hand. 20 minutes left.
“Good girl. Now suck this cock,” he orders. She doesn’t miss a beat, bobbing her head up and down. He pushes her head down how he pleases, and she starts grinding on his foot. The only sound that can be heard inside of the room is the obnoxious slurping she’s making to accommodate his length inside her mouth. He’s big, girthy, with a pretty black band on the base she’s never quite reaching, and he tastes good, so good. Almost like yesterday after cumming he scrubbed himself clean in an extra meticulous manner. Almost self deprecating, almost as if he wanted to remove his skin as a whole. Almost as if he regretted fucking a stranger just for the pleasure of it, again. But like most things about him, it’s only ever going to be an almost. Even for himself.
It’s so humiliating, choking on his dick while desperately trying to find relief, but she has to do it. She has to. His imposing aura doesn’t make her do anything that he doesn’t want to be done. Also, sucking the cock of one of the hottest guys on campus is a major turn on for whoever gets to do it, and she’s not passing up the opportunity to tell her friends from her hometown about it. She’s been at this college just two weeks and she already achieved this? They’re not going to believe their ears. 
She doesn’t know that she’s not special: he’s known for fucking random girls, but they still flock to him like moths to a flame. Maybe it’s his bad boy aura, or them thinking they could change him, but the only real fact is that he’s still fucking and they’re still getting their hearts broken. Not like he gives a single fuck, anyway. As long as he gets an orgasm out of it.
“Hollow those cheeks,” he grunts, and she obliges. He’s getting bored, her head game isn’t that strong, and at this rate he’s never going to cum in time. He looks at the clock again. He has 5 minutes. This girl is sure taking her sweet time, and he’s pretty sure she already came 2 different times from how wet his foot is feeling and how she’s losing momentum again. Disgusting. Nasty whore.
He concentrates on feeling at least a bit of euphoria, making his orgasm nearer. He’d fuck her throat, but he doesn’t feel like it this morning since his head is still hurting a bit, and whatever he decides to do is law inside of his room. He’s about to nut, and he knows her jaw must be hurting, but it’s not his fault he lasts long. They never complain about it when they’re getting pounded, either. 2 minutes.
Suddenly, someone knocks at his door. He rolls his eyes and ignores it. Then, another three knocks. His eye ticks. Time slows down for him: he sees the girl at his feet widening her eyes and hazily looking up at him. He has a quick realization: he was about to cum and now he’s not going to. Then, a slow one: he’s pissed off because of the quick realization. He acts as if he didn’t hear it, again, and the girl opens her mouth again, but whoever is on the other side must be pretty persistent, because they start knocking and this time they don’t stop.
Now he’s not only pissed off, he’s angry. Who the fuck disturbs him on a Saturday morning?
He scowls, scoffs and then stands up. “I’m fucking coming,” he loudly says. He almost hears someone say fucking finally, but he’s not sure of it. He gives them the benefit of the doubt.
He doesn’t spare the girl on the floor a second glance before getting her out of the way by her hair and putting on a pair of sweatpants. She tumbles, not sitting prettily anymore. She looks disheveled and a bit out of words. He senses she didn’t get the memo since she hasn’t moved from her place. She’s pissing him off, too. He hates dumb bitches.
“Dress yourself up. You have ten seconds before I open this damn door and let whoever the fuck is here see you like this,” he coldly says. She tries to respond, and he loses all his patience.
“Ten, nine, eight…” he starts counting fast. She wobbles over her dress as fast as she can and pulls it on her head, trembling, mascara from last night still on her cheeks, a bit of her spit on her chin. He’s so scary when he’s mad. Sexy, too, but really fucking scary. She finds that she’s not able to look up at him anymore, almost bowing while she brushes her hair with her hands. He’s not a king anymore, he’s a tyrant.
“But ‘Kuna, I thought we-” 
He snickers, then stops looking at her again. “Girl, I don’t even remember your name. There’s no us. And stop calling me like that, it’s so fucking annoying.”
She feels like crying. She realizes that the degrading persona in the sheets wasn’t an act, he’s like that in real life too, and she gave it to him like he was special. Like she was special.
He slams the door open and instantly feels a punch on his naked chest. Huh?
“Ew,” you say surprised, jumping back, cleaning your hand on your jeans and making a disgusted face. He raises an eyebrow.
“Ew? Who the fuck are you? What the fuck do you want?” he curses. Who do you think you are?
You stretch your lips, giving his figure a once over. He’s half naked, gray sweatpants low on his hips, very tattooed. A really big contrast with the color of his hair, which is a bright pink. He’s tall, and very strong if his bulging muscles are an indicator of that. You guess he’d look scary if you weren’t slightly upset.
“I’m your new neighbor, if you can call it that. They told me I’d find you here, and I guess I found you,” you tell him trying not to sound too bitter about the fact he so obviously ignored you while you were knocking.
“No shit,” he answers, completely uninterested.
You tell him your name, stretching your hand to shake his. “Hope we can live peacefully for the next couple of years, yeah?” you say, trying (again) to be nice, forcing yourself to smile a little. 
He looks at your hand without bothering to extend his, keeping his arms crossed. He looks utterly disgusted. ”Bye,” he says and he goes to turn back inside his room.
This guy is rude. You don’t do well with people who are rude for no reason whatsoever.
“Well then, I would’ve said I’m sorry for accidentally punching you since I was just about to knock again, but I’m more sorry for my hand who touched you,” you remark, not smiling anymore and glaring at him. 
He raises his eyebrows. Oh, he really doesn’t like you, and he doesn’t even know who you are. Disturbing his peace and acting entitled? Hell no.
“Be grateful you still have a hand,” he growls, glaring at you just as hard.
“Be grateful I let you know I’m moving in without throwing all your shit out of our bathroom, bitch,” you immediately respond. 
He chokes on a laugh. 
“Yeah, sure. There’s no way they gave me a girl as a new roommate, stop using excuses. Did we fuck? Are you here to tell me I’m a big meanie for not contacting you again?” He juts his bottom lip out, like he’s mocking a toddler. “Get the fuck out of my face,” he tells you, starting to close the door in your face.
“No, dumbass, I wouldn’t touch you with the hands of another girl, imagine what I’d do with mine. If you don’t get your shit out in 3 minutes you’ll be washing yourself with hand soap,” you wittily remark.
“‘Ku- Sukuna, who’s that?” You hear from the girl inside of his room.
“Oooh, a girl. Is she the one who put the stick up your ass? Pegged you real good huh?” you ask him, fake smiling.
He looks pissed off to the max.
“Shut the fuck up. Both of you. You, get the fuck out of my room,” he says to the scared girl, “You, we’re done talking, I hate pretentious bitches like you,” he adds giving you a disgusted once over.
He doesn’t expect you to just stare at him, though, and it takes him off guard. He’s confused: not everyday someone tests his patience so hard first thing in the morning and even manages to react like nothing happened. It makes him want to murder you and your stupid attitude.
“Bro, you’re like, so fucking annoying. Whatever, little miss princess who orders everyone around and pretends that they should listen, too,” you tell him, unblinking.
Suddenly he’s all up in your face, towering over you, and you have to pretend that your breath doesn’t hitch. Finding yourself two centimeters from someone’s nose was not on your today’s bingo list. Much less if the person in this situation is more than 200 pounds of pure muscles. 
“What the fuck did you just call me?” He grits through his teeth. You can smell a bit of a smokey undertone in his breath, like he’s not a big smoker but still a smoker.
You get even closer, effectively touching your nose with his. He might be scary and the fact that he has a pair of tattooed eyes under his real ones is kind of freaking you out, but you’re not going to let a guy step on you on your first day of college. This should be one of the best years of your life, dammit.
“I called you a princess. Is that pissing you off, princess?” You repeat. He goes to shove you away but you’re faster and get away on your own.
“3 minutes, asshole. That’s all you have,” you say while walking toward the room close to his, not looking back. You feel his gaze on your back, and you flip him off before slamming your door closed.
Now alone, you start organizing your stuff to make space for the bed frame that should be arriving in a matter of hours. The lady at the reception told you that you’d have a male “roommate” and you planned on asking him for help, but there’s no way you’re asking anyone anything if they’re that big of an asshole.
You hear a light knock on your door and you almost jump out of your skin, startled, until you hear a foreign voice calling for you.
“Hello? Is anyone here?”
You open the door and almost faint. “Oh my God, he shrinked,” you whine.
The pink haired kid you find yourself facing looks confused. 
“Shrinked?” he says pensively. Then he must see how you’re glaring at him kinda meanly, and he gets it. “Oh! You must’ve encountered Sukuna. I’m Yuuji, his brother, nice to meet you,” he clarifies while rubbing behind his ear and smiling gently at you.
You’re so relieved by this piece of information that your demeanor changes radically.
“Well, I must say you two look identical. Minus the fact he’s a total asshole,” you tell him, rolling your eyes and relaxing. He chuckles while nodding, and you keep on rambling. “I’m sorry for not being nice immediately, but it’s been a long day. You know, moving in and all…” you try justifying yourself, smiling sheepishly.
“Sure, I get it. I just wanted to see who’s gonna be here for the next year. If you need a hand with anything don’t hesitate to knock on my door!” he says excitedly. He looks like a softer version of the beast of the man you just came across, and he radiates puppy energy. You can quite literally see his metaphorical tail shaking and his big puppy eyes blinking happily. 
“Oh! You live here? I thought this was supposed to be a dorm for college students,” you ask, curious.
“Yeah, because it is. Big bro convinced the principal or whatever to make me stay, though. I wouldn’t have had a home to stay at, anyway,” he shrugs. You widen your eyes: these are not things you tell a stranger about. This kid is either too naive or too used to things like these. He doesn’t seem to mind, though, like this is a recurrent conversation for him. Like it’s basic knowledge for anyone that comes across him and his brother.
“Oh. I’m sorry for- prying?” you try saying, embarrassed, before changing the topic. “My door is always open too, you know. I have siblings, I don’t mind being interrupted from time to time since I’m used to it. Maybe we could play together? What do you like to do in your free time?”.
He looks at you with big brown eyes. He’s serious for three seconds, and he looks older, wiser. You can feel the way you’re starting to sweat, when he breaks out in a big smile.
“I like you. I don’t mind talking about the way I lack a family, but it’s nice when people act interested in more than that, you know? I like-”
“Brat, how many times have I told you to not bother people with your yapping?” you hear a deep voice saying from outside your door. The child in front of you lowers his metaphorical puppy ears, turning to look at whoever called him.
“But she’s nice! She asked me about it!” he responds. You hear footsteps approaching your bedroom.
“Who are you even talking-” Sukuna stops mid sentence, glancing at your still standing form, then raises one side of his upper lip, almost like he’s snarling. You reciprocate with a scoff of your own.
“Her? Nice?” he says mockingly. 
“Wouldn’t even have guessed you were brothers by the way he has manners you clearly lack,” you respond, glaring at him. He clenches his jaw and you think he’s trying to reign in his temper in front of his little brother, but that must be your impression, because the next thing he does is get him in the air by his collar. Yuuji trashes a little bit, but Sukuna is too strong, and at one point he just gives up.
“Let’s go. You’re not talking to her anymore,” he says to his mini counterpart, beginning to turn around while dragging him behind his back.
“But she asked me to play with her! Come on, bro, I’m bored when you’re not here,” Yuuji says while pouting. In all of this you just stood next to your open door. You almost pity the little puppy, he genuinely seems like a good kid, and maybe it’s the big sister in you but you’d hate your little brother to be bored and sad while doing nothing.
“If you help me set up my room, we can play aaaall day,” you suddenly say, getting out in the hallway and winking at the smallest of the two. Sukuna stops dragging his little brother and snaps his head toward you.
He narrows his eyes. “You little-”
Yuuji manages to free himself from his brother’s hold and comes running in front of you.
“Deal! Deal!” he responds excitedly, then gets into your room and starts unpacking by himself. You chuckle, then smile to yourself: he makes you miss home.
“If you so much as crumple his shirt, consider yourself a dead woman,” you hear Sukuna’s breath on your neck. Your hairs stand and a shiver runs down your back.
“Sir yes sir,” you say, gulping loudly. It’s not until you hear him walking away that you turn around.
“Yo, big guy, did you manage to free the bathroom from your ugly 3 in 1 body wash?”
He flips you off, then gets out without saying another word.
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petrichormeraki · 9 months
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Assorted Juni doodles (+ Grumbot super brother hug!) and an actual color pallet finally
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eetherealgoddess · 1 month
Hello to my favourite writer on tumblr 🫵🫵🫵
I'm so sorry for asking this and I hope you won't feel pressured by this because I'm not trying to pressure you. I really really love you and I respect your time for yourself because you also have a life outside tumblr. You're THE MOST KINDEST blog I ever encountered. Like seriously, the way you talk to your readers just screams kindness. I actually considered myself as your fan because you're so damn good at writing dark content. I want you to also know that you deserve more notes! (your fics are phenomenal and you're feeding it to us for free!?!?!? for free!?!?!?!?!?!? Someone give you a generosity award.)
I really hope this doesn't bother you but there was this poll you made where you made us choose what fic you're gonna post next after the amazing hybrid story you did. I think it was temptation and the other two. I'm just asking if you're still gonna write the other two specifically the last one 😭 I was one of those who chose the third one. What was that again? I think it was bonten brat taming mikey's step sister? Or adopted sister? I can't remember , pretty. I forgot😭 I hope who ever requested that sleeps well at night and I hope you get your pussy worshipped for all this amazing fics. 🙏🙏
Fun fact! You're one of the people I followed early when I just started tumblr!! And let me tell you how much HOW MUCH I ADMIRE YOU AND YOUR WORKS!! I love you!! I hope you have a nice day, night or evening!!
the timing of this message was impeccable bc let me tell you, i was definitely having a bad day and then i got on tumblr and read this
your requests never bother me, even if it’s something i might not write or get to fast, i still want the requests. i also love to interact with you guys
my pussy has yet to be worshipped but with every comment, reblog (the tags with what you guys thought of the fic), anon/request, or like… it definitely quivers and that’s perfect for me :)
although i don’t post them all, i do read and appreciate all of the sweet messages you guys send.
ꨄRebelꨄ << the fic in question
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siren07tucker · 2 days
The return of the Godkiller
From this post 
Big brother spawn point @petrichormeraki 
Bonus hermit craft reaction to the  Godkiller at the bottom. 
Let me set up the story.
Once upon a Time, there was a simple man who in fact wasn’t so simple. you see his fate entwined with the gods and supposedly in an attempt to show dominance over the simple man, they killed his entire family. The simple Farmer would have never left his simple life if it was not for this abuse of power.
The God made him watch his beloved children and he considered his own dying horrible ways. The God believed he had taught the man a lesson and decided not to kill him. The man was no longer simple now he was a man on a mission. He will make the God pay! He will give the God a reason to fear him, because prophecies are just plans, but it needs action to go through fruition.
So the man became powerful well the God had children with mortal bodies. One day the God found himself in a cage, forced to watch as his beloved children were hunted and given slow horrible deaths.
By the end of this, the man was no longer a man, and he believed all gods and Demi gods, and even the mortal parents deserve this fate. 
The Godkiller had cleansed many worlds Of gods in their offspring until one day Too young demigod were more than he could handle.
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 Two estranged brothers united only to their ties to one godly parent. Theo son of dream Fundy Who himself is a fledgling minor god. CJ child of Dream Errett child of Herobrine.
The two siblings had managed to hold onto their divine weapons giving them a fighting chance. Together the siblings combined their skills to vanquish the Godkiller. They were heroes of the gods. This title came with praise they could never hear after their victory they went back to their lives believing that it was all over…
The server had more gods than expected The Godkiller Had only grabbed the two due to their unique aura. But this time no stone was left unturned. Every demigod shall be his prey. 
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 All 19 demigods were separated in the forest they found themselves in groups of three or more.
Many of them more divine demigod found themselves in purely mortal bodies.
The two heroes desperately searched for one another, will trying to fill-in their groups on the situation.
The gods and minor gods watch on helplessly as all they can do is hope their children will be safe.  
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The Godkiller trying to pull his usual shit in hermit craft. Like it’s so easy to kidnap demigod because godly parents usually neglect them even if they don’t mean to.
But there’s one piece of crucial information the Godkiller lacked 
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 they’re not gods 
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Their hermits * Cox shotgun* *doom music*

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