#fem! reader
mysicklove · 2 days
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Big Brother Au Masterlist | Taglist
Note: For those who are new around here, Older Brother Sukuna is toddler Yuujis older brother, not readers! Sometimes the name is a little confusing lolol. I thought these were just silly little things I can add to the AU!!
This is my first time doing texting prompts, so be kind to me lololol.
Warnings: curse words, jealously and possesiveness, Sukuna is a brat lol
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midnightmoonkiss · 3 days
Sweetly Obsessed
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Soft Dom! Hinata Shoyo x Fem! Reader
Summary: Tanned skin and a boyish charm draws you in at a party, his touch is sweet and his scent intoxicating. Taking things slow is hard, but Shoyo would do anything to feel you again.
Category: Smut! 18+ Only - Minors DNI
WARNINGS!: getting fingered in a bathroom, squirting, male masturbation
Word Count: 3.5k+
A/N: havent written in a hot minute so its a bit messy LMAO
Just To Clarify:
This is mixed in with Yuri!! On Ice LOL
reader doesn’t have much experience
I have no idea if parties like this even happen but for the sake of this fic they do tyty
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Parties were never your scene.
The obnoxiously loud music blasting throughout the rooms and halls, vibrating the walls and floors of whatever venue or home it was held in always gave you a headache the moment you stepped through the entrance.
No matter how many parties or gatherings you attend, you never get used to it - tylenol being your best friend at these functions your pro athlete pal drags you to.
Seeing pros from all across Japan at these large functions drinking heavily was always an experience. You never really watched much sports, so you never recognized any of them.
Most of them were cocky and annoying from just winning in whatever sport they were from, or overly pushy and flirty, to which the socially anxious Yuri would have to whisk you away from them.
It was uncomfortable.
Supporting your friend meant everything, and most of the time it wasn't so bad. So, you'd usually stay by his side until the figure skater decided that he had had enough socializing with fellow Japan sport representatives and wanted to retire for the night.
The free expensive food was always a plus, of course.
However, this party was different.
A new athlete was on the scene, and his boyish charisma had you like putty in his hands the second he flashed smile at you.
You could feel his smile even now against the skin of your sweaty, hickey covered neck. The once deafening music now just a distant thrum bouncing around the metal stalls of the bathroom you hid away in, the boom of the stereo matching with the rapid beat of your heart as your mind clouded with the unfamiliar sweet, sticky haze of desire.
He was magnetic, electric almost, and instantly pulled you in the second he introduced himself bashfully to you,
“Hey there, my name is…”
“S-Shoyo..!” You gasped his name, two tanned and calloused fingers knuckle deep in your soaking pussy, messy arousal dribbling down his wrist and your spread thighs to the clean tile floor as his fingers thrusted in and out. You swear he was matching his pace to the song that played, Scream by Usher you think it is..?
It's hard to think right now as he pressed yet another searing kiss behind your ear, whispering in a teasing tone, “You're so tight and wet, sweetheart. Havent been touched like this in a while, hmm?”
His deep hum tickled your prickly skin, and you could only whimper pathetically, hips desperately grinding down on his digits as you lost yourself in his addicting scent. Sunscreen, icy hot, sweat, and something smelling of mahogany and cinnamon, strangely comforting.
Your mind soon succumbed to the fog he created as the rough pad of his thumb took to rubbing circles at your throbbing, attention starved clit as he added a third finger, deliciously stretching you even more.
You felt so full, your own fingers never being able to be compared to that of a man like him, that of an athlete who used his hands every day. Someone who practiced finger strength religiously and now used them in a silent yet lewd prayer of twisted desire as if you were some god he needed to worship.
It was as if your heart was in your throat, and you could feel his own pounding against his thick and steady chest as he pressed you closer to him while he leaned against the stall door. That tan, thick and muscular thigh of his coming between your own as his foot rested up on the toilet seat to spread yours more and graciously give you a chance to get off your unsteady feet.
Now you hung helplessly in the air as he expertly played with your pussy as if you were a doll, pressing all your right buttons and rubbing against you in places that made you mewl - you had no time to feel embarrassed when he was making you feel so good.
The salacious noises spewing from your spit slicked lips, as well as the consistent shlick shlick shlick of your tight, creamy walls sucking and gushing around his fingers was like music to the volleyball players burning ears.
He felt as though he had died and ascended to heaven, adrenaline keeping him unbelievably warm.
Hinata Shoyo had never felt this way with any of the few girls he had met and seduced before, he had never felt so hyper aware yet fuzzy around the edges. The confidence he had gained over the years wavered when he first saw you.. and now.. carnal desire nipped at the primal side of his brain, a growl rumbling deep in his chest.
He wanted to devour you, consume everything you had to offer him. Shoyo was already so helplessly addicted. Obsessed.
“M-my stomach…! I feel… I feel weird!..! Hnngh! aa..aa.!”
You couldn’t help but cry out, the unfamiliar tingling making you nervous, but you were too lost in the onslaught of pleasure to truly pay it any mind. Your body itched to run away from his touch, and subconsciously it did, but he would just hold you tighter and fuck you with his fingers faster, only making your toes curl in your heels.
“Yeah?” He chuckled breathlessly as your nails dug into his tan forearms, core tightening deliciously around him. Oh, how he wished he had you bent over right now, such a sweet little thing for him. He was blessed by all the gods, surely, for getting the chance to see an angel like you writhe in pleasure against his sturdy body.
“Just hold on to me, I've got you.. shh..shh..”
Shoyo was always a talkative person, and he couldn't help but talk to you even now. A true chatterbox full of nerves and energy no matter what.
He wanted to hear your fragile voice as he drove you insane, he needed to hear you break. The subtle changes in your gasps and whines and he moved his fingers a certain way, scissoring inside you, mapping out the inside of your addictive cunt. He needed you to get addicted to him. To want more, to come back to him so he can claim you as his.
Gods, does he need that.
The man couldn’t help but grind his clothed erection against your ass, already so close, pre cum no doubt staining his boxers, his heavy breath in your ear as he whimpers.
Glossed over honey brown eyes meet your own, pupils blown wide as he grinned cheekily at you.
His strong fingers abuse that spongey spot inside of you, and the consistent swirling of his thumb just how you liked to be touched paired with how he humped you desperately.. it was all too much.
Tears poured from your eyes as you choked on a gasp. The burning hot coil inside your stomach suddenly snapped aggressively, back arching as you moaned his name loudly over the music - suddenly thrown sky high as stars burst in your vision. A strange tingling feeling gushing between your thighs as you sobbed for him, twitching uncontrollably. It was the most intensive feeling you’ve ever felt, all caused by a stranger.
And here Shoyo is, experiencing the same orgasmic euphoria from watching your body twist and convulse aggressively just from his digits being deep inside you, making you squirt all over his thigh and the floor.
Oh fuck.
The rest of the night was a blur after that, the alcohol you consumed and the pleasure you were fed making your mind numb.
He cleaned you up like a gentleman, and led you out of the bathroom, wanting nothing more than to stay by your side and keep you in his arms, only for Yuri to find you and take you home.
Despite knowing his name, neither of you thought about exchanging numbers. It felt like he was yours in that moment, as if you were connected on a psychic level, simply from his touch and intoxicating aura. That look in his eyes that drew you in in the first place. It felt like you were meant to be finger fucked by him.
Such a stupid fucking horny, alcohol induced thought that was!
Now here you are, the next day with a pounding headache and slight soreness between your thighs. Yet, you miss him and his touch. The dream you had of waking up next to him a sour reminder that he was just some guy you met at a party.
You werent like this, you never do this sort of thing.
All the embarassment that was pushed aside by lust came rushing forward as you squirmed in bed.
How were you supposed to know staring at his hands was going to lead you to getting touched by them? His hands were just… attractive…. and they were inside you…. God.
You bit your thumb, willing the thoughts away.
You’d never see him again, that was the grim reality.
A quick thing in the bathroom at a party.
And yet….. you cant help but think back to him licking his fingers into his mouth, maintaining searing hot eye contact with you that made you melt as he sucked your juices off of them with a smirk.
You could cry from all these overwhelming emotions.
What else were you to do except call your friend that dragged you home after?
“Yuuuriiii…” You sobbed dramatically on the phone, flinging an arm over your eyes.
“Is this about last night?” Ever the smart one.
“Oohhhh!” A russian accent came from the background, “What happened?!?! What happened?!?!”
“Viktor…” You sniffled, “A lot..”
“She ended up in a bathroom with that upcoming volleyball athlete for MSBY, Hinata.”
“(Y/N)!!! Woah!!” Viktor exclaimed, you could practically hear the stars in his eyes, “Nice!”
“I am distraught!”
How did HE know who Shoyo was, anyways?
“She didn't get his number I bet,” Yuri presumes,
“No way!!” Viktor exclaims.
“YOU GUYS. If you’re gonna gossip about this the least you could do was gossip with me in the room.. eating your food.”
“Right, right, come over! We must talk about this!”
Viktors eagerness somehow calms you down, his enthusiasm and dramatics always made any situation a bit easier to handle.
It was funny when Yuri freaked out about Viktor to you, but oh how the tables finally turned you suppose.
Talking about it over breakfast with the two brought you back down to Earth. Reality was harsh sometimes. No matter how connected you thought you were to that warm man you felt at home with in some extravagant party’s bathroom, you'd likely never see him again.
That, of course, flew out the window when you checked your social media only to see his private account request to follow yours. You’d recognize that orange slightly curly hair anywhere. Bile built up in your throat and your nerves bit at you as if you were covered in angry fire ants.
Should you accept?? Did he…. search for you? To be honest, you werent that hard to find. Anyone who looked at Yuri’s professional account could easily find you by searching your name in his list of follows.
It was endearing.. how he no doubt did that to find you.
So he didn't view it as a mistake?? Heat of the moment? He wanted to talk to you again?
You nervously drank your coffee, thoughts going a million miles as second as your shakily stared at your phone screen.
“Woah!” Viktor exclaimed from behind, startling you.
“Is that him?!” Your phone was snatched from your hand as you helplessly sputtered.
“There! Now you follow eachother!! So cute!”
“What?? What did you do!!”
“I requested to follow him for you~ He accepted almost immediately!!! How cool! He must have been waiting, no?”
That russian little shit was grinning ear to ear as you furiously swiped for the phone he held out of reach.
“Viktor…” His husband's voice of reason chimed in, “Don’t meddle in (Y/N)’s love life..”
“She meddled in ours?”
“You ass, you did most of the meddling and you know it!” Having enough, you hit him with a couch pillow and snatched your phone back, possessively clutching it to your chest.
The familiar ding caught all three of your attentions.
“What’d he say!” The two boys exclaimed together.
“Uh, hi?”
You really never saw yourself seeing him again, but seeing him in the innocent light of day instead of the intoxicating allure of night…. you felt funny. Shameful, almost.
Having adult conversations sucked the life out of you.! And yet here you were babbling.
“I'm not the type of person to sleep around with someone, I.. I dont have fuck buddy friends.. and I don’t want one..”
You didn’t want him thinking you were someone he could booty call or whatever…
The conversation was awkward, and yet he had such a desperate look in his eyes, those honey brown doe eyes that look so intense clinging to every word you say.
The truth was, Shoyo didn't know where to go from how you started, he just knew he wanted you in his life. Whatever way it was, he needed you.
He'd so graciously take anything you offered him, friendship, or more.. Gods, did he want more.
It was as if you were a drug to him. He found himself being a nervous, fidgety school boy around you, sweat already sliding down his neck from talking to a girl he was crushing on.
Please, he thought to himself, please give him a chance!!! He’d do whatever it’d take!! He would!!
“I've never done anything like that night before…” He found you so cute, the way you blushed and fiddled with the drink he bought you.
He’d buy you anything, truthfully. Whats the point of having money if you dont use it trying to win over the girl of your dreams??
“I guess what I'm saying is, I want to be friends first.. is that okay-”
“Yes!!” He has an in!! “Yes! I wanna be your friend!”
He blatantly showed his eagerness and excitedness, basically jumping in his seat, and you swore you could see a tail wagging happily behind him.
Shaking it off, you took a deep breath, continuing.
“I'm not some awe-struck fan.. and I'm used to being friends with pro athletes so.. so dont uh, think you being a pro changes anything and I'm gonna fangirl over you.. Friendship is uhm!! Slowly built, you know?”
“Yes, I agree.” He anxiously chewed at his plump lower lip, “That makes me happy, I like being treated normally. I’m just a guy who really likes volleyball!!”
Though, he wouldnt mind if you watched his games and fangirled just a little bit… maybe theres time for that later.
You giggle at this, and his tanned cheeks heat up, a wobbly smile on his mouth.
“Well, you're just my normal friend, yeah?”
Licking his lips and swallowing thickly, he agrees, “Yeah!”
Truly, you were a mess. A mess who didn’t know how to handle friendships that start off the way yours did. It was… embarassing. You were an adult, sure, but you still knew what you wanted. You knew and yet, how did that night happen?
Whenever you're around him, you're reminded how.
Conversations always flow so smoothly, and his excitement about everything brings a bright light to your dull view on everyday life.
He face times you a lot, enjoying seeing your face in the morning whilst he eats breakfast after a run. Your adorable sleepy face makes his heart melt and yearn at the same time.
Oh, how patience can kill a man.
Shoyo wishes he could take you on a date, spend thousands of yen on you, take care of you like an adoring boyfriend would.
And oh, how his thoughts tend to drift when you smile at him.
It was the sweetest type of torture, he felt like a caged crow again with a juicy piece of fruit just outside the metal bars - barely out of reach.
Yet, he'd do anything you say.
It's only been a few months of knowing you, a blissful time where he chats with you every day as much as he can without trying to annoy you.
Shoyo is thoroughly obsessed.
A simple small town boy, a country bumpkin with a big heart.
He wants to devour you, claim you as his.
No, No, No. Patience sucks.
And yet, the orange haired man feels as though he could wait forever if it meant he had a chance to kiss you one more time.
One night with you and he was completely yours.. no, even before that. When you giggled at him as he shakily poured you a drink, oh it was highschool all over again for sure. What a dream you are.
Did you know?
He hopes you know.
He hopes you feel it too whenever he comes over and accompanies you out on errands, carrying your groceries or shopping bags. When he buys you dinner, and you fight him for the check. When he looks into your (e/c) eyes and you look back, do you see his soul that so desperately yearns to intertwine with yours?
What a silly, hopeless romantic he is.
He'll admit. He flexes his hands constantly around you because he knows it catches your attention and makes your thighs rub together. He knows, it's his greatest weapon. Oh, thank you years of playing volleyball for giving him this very unique gift to attract the person of his dreams!!!
He even started doing it subconsciously, to which Kageyama called him a hand freak and threw objects at him.
Hinata truly did adore being your friend, it filled his heart with joy. You were always so fun to be around, and having fun with you came as easy as breathing. Even if you just sat in silence together for hours.
However, that never stopped him from spreading his tan, muscular thighs while laying in bed after calling you. His calloused hand that you so adore, the one that was once deep inside of your gummy walls, pumping up and down his stiff, drooling cock.
Try as he might, it's impossible to imagine his hand as yours. Yours was so much smaller and softer..
He'd whine as his cock helplessly weeped, sniffling in his dark room as his imagination ran wild with flashing images of you, cumming pathetically as his hips humped into his hand.
Post nut clarity was brutal. He’d end up crying into the pillow he held close to him, pretending it was you. He wanted to hold you, cuddle with you, give you all of his love. It hurt.
Then, seeing you in person, like always, is a breath of fresh air. His wild, untamable thoughts simmer down and hes a calm and patient man once more. Your sweet Shoyo, your friend.
He prays you go crazy at night too.
And perhaps you just might, from the way you squirm while sitting beside him on the couch, his hand bravely resting on your warm thigh as he laughs at the movie playing on his wide screen TV.
His hand rubs up and down your thigh, and the way you subconsciously spread them draws him closer.
You're just so sweet for him, looking up at him through your lashes as the end credits roll, a pout on your lips that draws him in like a bee to a flower.
All too quickly his plush, slightly chapped lips that taste of vanilla are upon yours and you once again become putty in his sturdy hands.
The volleyball player is desperate as he kisses you, is this his chance?
Shoyo wants to give you all he has, his entire being, body and soul. The now bashful orange haired boy tries his best to convey it as his hands move to your hips, thumbs swirling in calming circles at the exposed soft skin, pulling you closer to him.
He wanted to worship you like a deity.
His kisses are dizzying, that familiar haze sparking in the back of your mind as he seamlessly maneuvers you into laying down on his couch. Him hovering over you, the muscles in his arms flexing.
“Shoyo..” You whisper, voice quiet and small, unsure.
“(Y/N)...” He whines, eyes pleading as he kisses you more, licking his way into your mouth, tongue caressing your own.
Whimpering into his mouth as he groans, his all too familiar cologne and scent intoxicating you the same way it did months ago when you first met.
You're surrounded by him, caged in by his larger body clad in a dorky t-shirt and black gym shorts and so, so warm. He was like a furnace.
You feel delirious as his thick thigh smoothly fits in between your legs, spreading them so he could fit inbetween them comfortably.
His lips lift from yours, tugging your bottom lip with his teeth as he goes. Kissing down your jawline to lick at your throat, teeth sinking into your skin at the sweet spot he remembers between your neck and shoulder.
You cant help but moan, a sound so sweet it makes his body twitch.
He needs you, oh does he need you.
And his lips are back onto yours, sucking on your tongue like a lollipop.
Your arms wrap around his neck, fingers tugging at his orange curly locks, making him moan into your mouth, dragging his body down. The need to feel him as close as possible to you overwhelming your senses.
“Shoyo..” You mummble against his buttery lips, and your eyelids flutter open just to see him staring at you with half lidded eyes, carnal lust swirling deep in his gaze.
His warm palms slide up from your hips, smoothly rubbing your sides, getting dangerously close to your chest.
His breathing is wild, panting like a dog as if he had been on the court for five whole sets, he so wishes to taste your sweet taste of victory on his tongue.
“Friends don’t..” He kisses you again, deepening it with every word you utter, “Friends.. don't act like this..”
“Don't they?” He'd say anything he could to get you to stay here with him, to feel you like he did that night. “I’m sure they do, I’m positive..”
“Do they?” You laugh breathlessly, butterflies in your stomach and he chuckles, “Yeah, they do.”
His lips swallow you whole, stealing your breath.
“Sweet girl,” He mumbles, pulling away.
Moving one arm up he grips your chin, thumb smoothing over your kiss swollen lips,
The ginger smiles sweetly at you, the sweetness barely reaching his eyes as he places two fingers on your lips, sliding them into your mouth and you shyly lick at them, unsure of what to do.
“Let me take care of you, please.”
You suck on his fingers as he pressed down on your tongue, nodding your head and he moans.
Soon, his fingers are back to where he fully believes they truly belong, shoved deep inside your velvety pussy as you call his name, creaming all over his hand and couch, head tucked into his sweaty neck.
Oh, his sweet angel.
He'll help you, and he won't stop after just one orgasm this time. He wants to see you break, just for him.
He's so completely yours, obsessed.
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anantaru · 7 months
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so disgustingly nasty— neuvillette thinks he's so horribly foul when his hand fists his dripping cock to the alluring thought of your exposed figure quivering under his much larger one.
he squirms now, dragging his teeth against his bottom lip as lewd strokes gather on his shaft which made him drip messily between his knuckles as he imagines it being you instead— in fact, the one who'd please him.
would you be so kind and lend him a hand? or scrap that, you should maybe just sit on him, keep him warm until you're gushing of his creamy cum, a rush of stinging twitches compelling him to groan out your name as he exhales through a boneless relaxation of his hand fucking his dick hard and feral, his face glazed with sweat as everything neuvillette really wanted was to feel you move up and down on him until your parted mouth drips from the corners of your delicious lips.
his fingers white with warm cum when he imagines how ethereal you'd look as well— easily dropping up and down and bouncing on his lap, those pretty tits of yours on display which he can always play with, maybe take one in his mouth until you're squirming in slight pain when he decides to tease a nipple with his sharp canines, all fused perfectly with your walls crushing on his cock, easily masking him with a trace of deluge.
his eyes are bright with a deeply veiled pleasure when neuvillette moans out again, his hand furiously clutching on his cock harder— imagining you, always and always and always and fuck, your tight grip on him would be so overflowing, or your sounds when you feel the full length of his cock bulging through your sensitive skin, most deliciously how warm he'd feel all deep into your guts, broad thrusts against your weeping cunt until neuvillette was penetrating the depths of your skin.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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minkoq · 17 days
🎐 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
⤷katsuki's gf comes out the shower, but she forgot her towel; fem! reader
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🎐— y/n stepping out of the shower, looking around the bathroom gently but no towel insight. any mirror in the bathroom was fogged up, she sighed gently and opened the door.
🎐— as she went to the other bathroom to get a towel she heard the front door unlock, was katsuki home already?
🎐— before she knew, katsuki opened the door and stared at her naked body, y/n's face heated up, she looked around for a way to escape.
🎐— "i.. was just taking a shower.. and i forgot my towel." she explained gently, fumbling over her words as katsuki closed the front door and stepped towards her.
🎐— he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her collarbone gently, his right hand cupping her left breast. "mhh.. like hell you were." he mumbled and pinched her nipple.
🎐— then there she was, both naked on the floor, and y/n getting eaten out. katsuki's hands both kneading her tits while lapping at her cunt, swallowing all the juices.
🎐— the only thing she could do was whine and moan, while his groans shook her core, y/n's hands in his hair.
🎐— she mewled in pleasure, already feeling herself close, her thighs wrapped around his neck. he smiled and sucked on her clit gently, taking one of his hands and shoving two fingers into her pussy.
🎐— this was his favourite thing, coming home after a tiring day and just eating out his girlfriend. she always tasted so heavenly.
🎐— thrusting his fingers into her while licking and sucking on her clit made y/n see stars, her legs trembling and moans getting higher.
🎐— a few minutes later she came on his fingers and tongue with a soft cry, riding out her orgasm as she rubbed her pussy against his face, katsuki enjoying every second of it.
🎐— "such a good girl.." he mumbled out, feeling his dick painfully hard as he pressed it against the cold floor gasping gently, his mouth still on her cunt.
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johnpriceslamb · 5 months
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❛ you ask the Van Der Linde boys if you could sit on their lap. ❜
BEFORE YOU PROCEED! ┊female ! reader . afab ! reader . reader is physically shorter than chars mentioned below . suggestive themes implied . wrds . not edited . not proof-read . Javier ver touchy . google translated Spanish . John is very drunk . 1.4k wrd-count
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You want to what?
You tinker your lashes multiple times innocently at his flabbergasted expression, unconsciously tilting your head at his dramatic approach. From your tone alone meant nothing but the most purest intentions, he knew well you mean no harm. But hearing those words made his cheeks burn a tad bit brighter.
“May I please— “No, no, I heard ya the first time- I just..” He abruptly cuts you. He narrows his eyes at you, sizing you up head-to-toe just to see if you were in a playful manner. You weren’t.
He grumbles softly, contemplating. He scratches behind his neck for a bit before a deep sigh escapes his mouth and he leans back on the wooden chair he sat upon.
He beckons you to come closer with two fingers lazily waving in the air. Immediately do you obey his simple commands like a lost pup, hands clasped prettily in-front of your chest as you easily plop yourself on his lap. Your back almost hits his chest, akin to a literal brick wall from all of the labour work he’s done. Unconsciously does his large hands come to your hips, positioning them slightly just so you’d be a tad bit more comfortable.
It’s easy to tilt your head upwards to see his face, the prickles of hair sticking out on his chin is the most prominent thing from your view. He feels your stare almost immediately and looks down at your beady eyes. He has to stop himself from grinning at your unawareness.
The cowpoke could only narrow his eyes at the soft giggle you produced from your mouth, a hand resting on your hip, “What?”
You look away with a tiny smile, “Nuthin’.”
He lets out another deep sigh, before pinching your cheek.
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The bottle of beer in his hand almost slips to the ground after hearing your simple question.
He raises a hand to scratch at the stubble on his jaw, mindful to be aware of the deep claw-marks embedded on his skin. The bottle was placed on the table with a clumsy clatter, back supported by the edge of the table.
“..Watchu say?” He squints his dark eyes at you. He must’ve drunk too much, perhaps he heard you wrong. His tone was always raspy yet so demeaning playful even. You took it as if he didn’t want you to, and you shrink meekly.
You stutter shyly, “I’ll just go ask someone else—
He felt his guts squeeze and churn at the sight of you sitting on someone else’s lap. All sense of proper etiquette is thrown away from jealousy and alcoholic behaviour, his hand is very quick to grabbing yours as he roughly pulls you back. A tiny squeal escapes your lap as you clumsily fall on his chest and onto his hard thighs.
Your hands are clinging onto his opened top to balance yourself, the smirk on his face visible as he sees how shy you suddenly became.
The strong scent of alcohol makes your nose scrunch up. He rests his chin on the crook of your neck, stubble lightly tickling your sensitive skin. After a few minutes of making yourself comfy on his lap and finally staying still, his hand comes to grab his bottle to take another chug.
“John,” You almost whine at the way he unconsciously starts to bounce his knee up and down. A habit he’s not prone to ever since he started drinking. It was almost like he forgot you were sitting on his lap after a few minutes. Immediately does he stop his movement, a low slurr of babbles and a soft hiccup escapes his lips, “Whoops— sorry ‘bout that, sweetheart.”
Suddenly, he cheekily stares down at you.
“Y’know,” He hics.
“Yer behind feels kinda good on my-
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He’s a bit clueless at first, bless his heart.
He’s busy carving a small piece of wood with his knife, hunched over as his long hair falls, covering the sides of his face almost elegantly. He wasn’t bothered to tie his hair back, nor raise a finger to place it behind his ear. He stops re-shaping the small piece of wood as he hears a soft patter of footsteps from in-front.
“Hm?” He hums, his guard lowers significantly once realising it was you. The knife is lowered too, and the items were placed afar so it does not distract you nor come in your way.
“May I please sit on your lap?” You ask with those big beady eyes of yours, hands behind your back as your tone is light and sweet.
Of course, silence is ensured for a few seconds. His brooding figure straightens up from his spot. He quirks a dark, angular brow at your much smaller figure.
“Why?” He asks with a straight face.
Your cheeks burn, and your expression was alike of a kicked pup. He catches on quickly, and he immediately feels bad for seeming so nonchalant and blunt.
“U-Um.. I just, I wanted to.. N-nevermind. Sorry.” You shyly stammer, akin to a doe whom tries to stand up for the first time.
He easily suppresses the smile which almost etched onto his face at your stuttering. Cute.
“I didn’t say no, y’know.” He gestures you to come over with a simple pat on his thigh. You beam, eagerly toddling to him like a tiny tot wanting to get her stuffies. You sit yourself on his thighs, shoes quite literally lifting off of the ground because of how big he was. Even if he sat down, he still always towered over you.
He allows you to wiggle a bit on his lap, but a hand comes down to rest on your knee to squeeze it a bit as a gentle warning to not go any higher. You do obey, of course. Your back is to his chest, your hands positioned on your lap as you almost melt at how warm he was.
“Comfortable?” At each word he uttered to you, it was more toned down in pitch, a low hum always started. You nod lazily, a smile of satisfaction of how comfy he felt underneath. You don’t mind the way he snakes his arms around your waist. “Good.”
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You regret asking.
Simply put, he’s handsy.
The smirk on his face is very visible. The log he rests upon feels even more smaller as he slowly starts to manspread right in front of you. The guitar in his hand is placed gently just to the side before he beckons you to come forth. You reluctantly sit on his lap, almost squirming at how close he was.
A hand on your hip, another squish to your thigh, a soft roll from his hip teasingly upwards, a touch here, a touch there..
“Javier!” You whine, swatting his hand off your curves. He could only teasingly grin, before shrugging. “..Tu pediste esto.” His voice serenades.
You try to swat his hands off again, but merely give up, knowing he won’t stop any time soon. You lay your cheek on his chest, lithe arms wrapped around his waist as your back arches a tad bit from not supporting your structure. His hands are on the small of your back, rubbing small circles on the softness of your clothed skin.
The embers from the mini camp-fire is light and descends off in the dark night, crackles of the wood calms your nerves down just a bit. He does tone his touch down just a tad bit for your sake, despite wanting to desperately grab at.. literally anything. He’s had ladies before, but by far was he the neediest when it came to you.
You can’t help but take a small peak from above, wispy lashes coming to tinker a bit when he tilts his gaze to fixate on you. A small smile on his face, as he greedily eats up all of the touch you gave to him.
“..hi.” You quietly mumble, a bit muffled because of the fact that half of your face is mushed against the fabrics of his clothes. A fox-like grin etches on his tan face as he presses a tiny kiss on your forehead, entertaining you by replying with a simple “hola.”
“You’re really clingy- and touchy. I hope you know that.” You grumble when his hand comes to cup your curves again.
He smiles lazily. “I know.”
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ghostie-luvs · 1 year
Yandere Rent-a-boyfriend! <3
Part 2!!
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 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who was excited about his first client when his boss told him he was chosen for this next one! He’d just recently joined the company and couldn’t be more than happy to show his client how a relationship should really be, had they been in one or not!
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who gets himself all ready, making himself look presentable, and worrying over every detail since he wanted to make a nice first impression but finally just decided to go along with it since he was told he’d be leaving soon. He didn’t want to keep his client or soon partner, waiting.
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who, when he entered the front office, waiting for his client, was bouncing his leg in anticipation and couldn’t help but already make plans in his head: where should you two go after this? Will you take him back to your house? Gods, the thought makes him giddy! Will you two be going out to eat, on a fancy date already? He’ll pay!
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who’s eyes snapped up once he heard the bell ring, indicating someone had just entered, smiling brightly as he realizes someone walked in, and standing up as the front lady gestured the person to him, and saw not you-but your friend standing there, supposedly waiting for him.
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who feels giddy and walks up to your friend, introducing himself and saying that he would be your ‘boyfriend’ for however long you needed. Your friend was rather surprised at how intimidating he looked, from the well built body and his rather cold face.
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who’s cheeks reddened when your friend told him that she wasn’t your supposed ‘partner’ but instead, his partner-you were waiting for him back at home. He apologizes and follows your friend, sliding into the passenger seat as your friend drives to your house. Your friend realizes now that maybe, he’s not as intimidating as he looks, seeing as he looked excited now and was even flustered.
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who feels the excitement build up inside him as he starts to ask questions about you but when your friend tells him that you were cheated on, and you needed some sort of comfort and more, he deflated and felt sympathy for you. No worries, he’ll be the best ‘boyfriend’ for you! He’ll get your mind off your last partner, because he’ll treat you like you should be treated.
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who finally arrives to your house, as your friend welcomes him in and when he walks in, he looks around the house and spots you, and sees you look at him and feels his heart sink as it seems you were a bit shocked and even a little scared.
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who feels his smile rise up to his face again-though rather nervously-, as your friend explains he just looks a little scary, but he’s actually a real sweetheart.
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who, as a few days pass, finds himself warming up to you, learning more about you and when you told him how you were cheated on, he felt so worried for you but instantly brightened up when he realized that he’d do everything he could to get your mind off your ex, and be the best ‘boyfriend’ for you!
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who finds himself becoming attached to you, always staying by your side as he helps cook all three meals so you two can just enjoy a nice meal together as partners.
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who pouts every time your attention isn’t on him as the longer you rent him as a boyfriend goes on. He drags you away from whatever else is occupying your attention, he even whines and tears up, and begs for you to pay attention to him. If anything, he’s just an intimidating golden retriever just basking in the love and affection he receives from you. And how could you refuse when he’s tearing up and you probably would love cuddling with him more anyway?
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who finds himself horrified when he realizes he’s been doing too much of a good job when he overhears you and your friend talk about how much you feel like you’re so much better from what happened with your ex and you don’t possibly need him anymore. What? After all, that was why he was rented for, right? But no- no..no no no..that can’t happen. He loves you too much, you love him, don’t you?
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who begins to overthink, and plans out ways to get you to keep him around. Maybe he should quit the company and just stay with you anyway? But would you allow him to? No matter, he’ll convince you. One way or another.
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ who cuddles with you that night and smiles, burying his face into your shoulder, encoding the moment into his heart as he breathes softly, his fingers grasping at the fabric of your shirt as he begs for you to keep him, he’ll do anything. Let him stay, won’t you?
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ “please…please let me stay, I’m yours, aren’t I? It’s only right that you’re mine too. I’m not leaving you..you can’t make me..please don’t be mad..I just love you so much.”
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A/n: he’s so cute :( I hope you all love him and credits to a darlin that requested him ! <3 Here you go, beautiful,, I had fun writing him and I only hope I did enough to satisfy you and all of you that read this ! As always, reblogs and constructive criticism is appreciated, point out any mistakes, please, thank you for reading !
more of my works :) Requests
© @ghostie-luvs All works belong to me,, please do not post my works, modify, or plagiarize on other platforms and this one unless stated otherwise.
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angeliclovely69 · 4 months
Could you do a top lute x fem reader, and almost getting cought by adam?
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Pairing: Top!Lute x Bottom!Fem!Reader
Warnings: fingering, oral, dirty talk, Adam being Adam, praise kink because I can.
Note: Thanks for requesting! I hope you enjoy!! It’s kinda short because I had to write it quickly, I’m really sorry.
Fuck! Your mind was failing you. Words you wanted to say couldn’t come out, you were too dazed. “Doing so good for me.” Lute’s smirk was intoxicating. Her fingers rubbed your clit in small, slow circles.
You had teasing her all day. Wearing literally the shortest skirt in all of Heaven, staring into her eyes while eating your ice cream, etc. She just couldn’t take it anymore, but she knew she had to be quick. Adam would be here soon to attend the meeting Lucifers daughter set up.
A moan ripped from your throat as she stuck a finger in. “You can take another, can’t you?” She teased. You nodded a little too eagerly. “Good girl. My perfect Angel, aren’t you?” You couldn’t answer in words but she took your whimper as answer enough.
Your head fell back against the pillow, a string of curses and moans, that would probably anger god, leaving your mouth. “More! Please!” You manage.
You felt kisses down your stomach as she moved down. A long lick. A moan. And steps.
Fuck! Adam!
She sucks your clit, determined now. “So close!” Your voice was hoarse from moaning. She sucked again as she added her fingers back.
Closer steps.
“Cumming!” One last lick and you were done for. Panting her name you came against her tongue. “You did so good for me. Such a good girl. So fucking pretty.” She says softly, cleaning her fingers with her tongue.
Closer steps.
She scrambled to find one of her shirts. Your blissful smile dropped as you finally heard the steps. “Fuck.”
“Are you ready Danger Tits? We gotta go fuck this up.” He swung open the door without bothering to knock. He looked at your fucked out state, though now you had a shirt, and smirked. “Damn! I wish I had come in earlier.”
Lute gave you one final kiss and left with Adam. “I love you.”
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diejager · 8 months
(not a request, just some,,,, smol innocent thots)
at the point when dbf!horangi stays at your place too much it's practically normal for him to sleepover, while stepdad!konig dicking down your mom in their room, horangi's would be having his way with you in yours. and konig would sneak out make a beeline for you (now that your obvious mom passes out) to tagteam you with his best bud 😏.
A bloody wonderful thought! I know it's not a request, but I had to write something when you just GAVE it to me on a silver platter!
Since your mom's just down the hall, Horangi's pressing your head into your pillow to muffle your cries and moans while he rocks into you, the engorged tip of his leaky cock throbbing against your spongy cervix. Your so much younger than him that it becomes such a turn on to have this power over you in both experience and strength.
Horangi likes to draw it out, edging you once of twice before he lets you come. He's so rough with you, manhandling you into different positions that still keeps your voice down. He's filled you two or three time by the time your stepdad rushes in. Horangi flips you over, spreading your legs to show König the mess he made while your stepdad was busy fucking your mother unconscious.
It's a taunt to him, showing him how good Horangi was being with you and how dumb you were becoming. It drives König insane knowing that Horangi already had you dumbed down without him. Jealousy bleeds into his body, it makes König pound you into your bed, the bead creaks and slams against the wall.
He bends you in many ways, pulling your legs over his shoulders to drive himself deeper before he comes; he holds you up by your throat, back arching towards Horangi's chest for him to suck and pull at your nipples; he splays you open, thighs wide around his hips, watching his thick cock ram raw - he fucks your mom with a condom, he doesn't need a child at his age and doesn't want one with her, if he does have one, he'd prefer it to happen with you - until you see stars.
If you're lucky to still be conscious by the end, you'd be pressed between them, taking Horangi's veiny cock in your ass and your big stepdad's dick deep into your tight cunt.
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slttygeto · 2 months
pairing: fem! reader, husband! suguru
c.w: bl0wjobs, dirty talk, cursing.
w.c: 1,3k
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When Suguru wants to receive head, he doesn’t say it. Words suddenly seem far too vulgar for a man who spews out filth when he’s fucking his cock deep into you. He wants to catch you off guard with his words, but asking you to suck him off sounds disrespectful—he can spit in your mouth, eat your ass but never push his cock down your throat unless you asked him to. You are too sweet for him, all comfortable in your cotton shorts and worn out T-shirt you had begged him not to get rid of when he pulled it out his closet. You’re so attached to the piece of clothing, he joked that he had competition in the relationship.
He eyes you carefully as you take a seat next to him on the couch, throw your head on his lap and bury your face in his stomach. You are affectionate, that he knows. However, it took everything in Suguru not to buck up his hips when he feels your cheek press against his soft cock. He can feel himself hardening, you’re clearly exhausted and in need of comforting, so he reaches out for the pillow next to him and tries to place it on his crotch.
“What are you doing?” you mumble against his skin, somehow having lifted up his shirt and were now pressing your lips against his stomach.
“Getting you a pillow to rest your head on.” He replies, fingers stroking your hair.  He feels you shake your head, lips peppering kisses along his scarred stomach.
“I don’t need it here,” he stares at you confused, but it doesn’t last for long. He feels you move from the couch and down to the floor where you sit obediently on your knees between his large thighs. You braced yourself on his knees with a look of fascination on your face, wondering what you did in a past life that was so heroic that you were rewarded with such a handsome man, sculpted by God himself.
You reach for the pillow intended for your head and position it below your knees, shuffling a bit to get yourself comfortable. Your fingers reach for his shorts and you look up at Suguru, waiting for him to give you a bit of a helping hand and let you undress him.
“This is all very random,” he says but lifts up his hips nonetheless. How could he complain when he’s been daydreaming of fucking your face all morning? He’s always appreciated your little expressions. You had a face full of emotion—when you were sad, he knew it by the little tremble to your lips. When you were annoyed, your eyebrows would stay furrowed for so long he worried you’d get a headache. Catching anxiety on your face was easy—all color would drain from it. And when you were so full of love for him, so adoring, your eyes spoke volumes to him. Pupils blown wide, smile reaching your cheeks and eye contact that lasted for an eternity—he loved to trace his thumb along your skin, feel the acne scars all the way down to your lips that suck in his thumb like a treat. He loved your face so much, he wanted to stuff it with his cock.
He would let you take the lead, watch what you do with it—he imagines that you would start by licking the side, focus on that one prominent vein that makes him hiss, then you’d lick your way up to the tip before wrapping those delicious lips around it—kind of like how you were doing right now.
You are shameless with showing your appreciation for his massive cock. Your hands fondle with his balls like a stress toy, your mouth busy trying to fit all of him inside—but you can’t. You’ve tried it before and almost choked to death. You take a deep breath as you pull away from his dick, staring at it in its full glory, standing tall. Saliva coated it from all edges, but your favorite was the tip—leaking pre-cum which you were ready to swallow gladly. It tasted bitter, a testament to the coffee and cigarette he consumed regularly, but the rest of Suguru was sweet—all warm and soft touches on your face, roughened up when your voice gets higher and your whines beg him to use your body for his own pleasure.
“Fuck, you are sweet f’me.” He slurs, eyes rolling back and a sigh leaving his lips your hand wraps around the base. You stroke him eagerly, watching with intent eyes as his head rolls back and rests on the couch. Your clit tingles when you see the muscle of his arms flex, his hand twitching and you pray he would grip the back of your head with it. You moan around the tip when he does, and it sends Suguru spiraling.
“Holy shit,” his eyes shoot open when you start to bob your head, using both hands to stroke his cock up and down all whilst twisting. You combine the two actions, creating what Suguru believes is a recipe for trouble because he finds his one foot raising to the tips, trying to control the shakes that was going through his thighs. But to no avail.
You are unstoppable when you hear Suguru reach that part of his journey to his orgasm—when all self-control exits his body and his noises start sounding more of a recording of a high quality, fan favorite porn video. He is hissing, lips smacking as he tries to keep his noises in—he covers his face with his hand but soon realizes that he needs to grab onto something so now his face is uncovered and it’s a sight to see—flushed cheeks, sweaty forehead and lips parted as they bless your ears.
“Shit, oh shit, oh baby,” he sits up fully, hands holding your head as you continue your movements. You can’t see him now but you know that you can’t stop. You feel him fucking up into your mouth, eyes tearing up everytime the tip of his fat cock hits the back of your throat but it doesn’t matter—not when you were making Suguru cum.
“Fuck yeah keep going, just like that mm—“ his words are so encouraging, it makes you squeeze your thighs. You didn’t want to touch yourself because that would mean one less hand to stroke his cock. You weren’t willing to make that sacrifice when you knew your pussy was going to receive princess treatment after making your husband cum. “Oh fuck yes, yeah yeah—“
He cums with a loud string of profanities, emptying himself down your throat. You squeeze your eyes shut as his dick shoots thick ropes of cum, your hands resting on his knees as you slowly pull your mouth off of him. The living room is filled with breathing sounds, Suguru leans back to catch his breath and locks eyes with you right as you wipe your mouth with a proud, cock-drunk grin. There’s saliva coating your chin which you didn’t wipe off, so Suguru reaches a hand down and grabs your jaw.
“You are—fuck,” he laughs in disbelief, unable to wrap his head around the fact that you just gave him such a mind-blowing orgasm so randomly.
“Amazing?” you ask cheekily, letting him pull you on his lap as you straddle him. You purposely sit your ass on his limp dick, grinning when he hisses and his hands find your hips to grip them and keep you off of his cock. “Who says I’m done?” You tilt your head to the side and your husband stares at you with wide eyes when he feels you start grinding against his sensitive dick.
“How about another one, hm?”
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2024 © all works belong to @slttygeto. do not repost, translate or steal any of my works.
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dellalyra · 10 months
𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐞𝐧 - ᴋɪɴᴋʏ? ᴋɪɴᴋʏ.
 ᴘɪxɪᴇ - 𝘮𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘩𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘫𝘬 𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘨𝘦 𝘪𝘯?
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𓆩♡𓆪 Gojo 𓆩♡𓆪
- Size
You just know this man loves how much bigger he is than you. His height - he towers over pretty much everyone anyway, but seeing you so tiny compared to him? Incredible. He’s so broad too, and muscled. He loves remembering the first time you saw him naked, a very pleasant shock reverberating through your body because he has muscle mass like that under all those baggy clothes? He makes sure to wear tight shirts around the house now. He loves how he dwarfs you in bed, when he’s hovering over you - pounding into your tiny little body and your form is completely engulfed by his. Your little hands? On his big, fat cock? Something he’ll never tire of.
- Marking
You are his. He’s cocky, he wants people to know. He wants everyone to know that those marks on your neck are his - he’s the one who sucks them into your soft skin at night when he’s balls deep inside you. He wants them to know.
- Begging
He loves to tease, and getting you to the point where you’re pleading so prettily for him to just fuck you? It’s music to his ears.
- Cunnilingus
He’s got a sweet tooth, and there’s nothing sweeter than his pretty princesses cunt. He will lay between your spread legs for hours, lapping at your fold like a starved man as he whispers how delicious you taste and telling you to just stop wriggling and let him enjoy his dessert.
- Teasing
As above, he’s the worst tease on the list. He loves dragging you into an classroom when you’re both at work in Jujutsu Tech and pressing breathy kisses into your neck and ghosting his fingers across your lacy panties only to smirk when he feels your heart quicken and then leave, continuing to let his hands linger a little too long, whisper a little too close to your ear until you’re on your knees begging him when you get home.
- Breeding
Again, he’s possessive. He likes the idea of you being the momma to his kids, but it’s not just about that for him- the best part of it for him is filling up with tight pussy and giving you everything he has. On an emotional level, it’s a level of trust and intimacy he craves. Knowing you’re so committed to loving him forever and never leaving him that you’d let him. It’s so special to him, having some of him inside you, inside your body. When you tell him it’s okay the first time, he teared up. He’s always been so above others, a figure to look up to - but kept at a distance out of fear and reverence, but here you are. Joined with him in the most intimate way and letting him leave an essence of himself to even further the closeness.
- Brat taming
He teases you so much he really should have expected you to bite back, and put up a fight. He loves to remind you who’s in charge however. Sassing him? Absolutely not. Getting pissy when he’s teasing you? He’ll just smirk at you and tell you to be a good girl for him.
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𓆩♡𓆪 Geto 𓆩♡𓆪
- Corruption
Even before his defection, he definitely had always had a corruption kink - whether it be his pretty little untouched crush, or introducing his inexperienced girl to his other hobbies.
He’s a hard dom. Merciless. He’s got a whole selection of instruments to use on you, seeing you writhe beneath him while you’re all tied up in those pretty black ropes and at his fucking mercy is so beautiful to him he wishes he could paint it. The sharp gasps you let out as a paddle hits your plushy behind as you arch your back in the air subconsciously chasing for more comes a very close second.
- Somnophilia
A softer side of him mixes in with this one. You’re just so pretty, so perfect, so serene when you sleep - how can he not want to cherish and love you with all he has? But still, his girl needs her rest - and if he gets to use you for his own pleasure while worshipping you as you rest? Ideal.
- Mirror sex
He knows he’s hot - but you? You’re ethereal. He wants to show you, make you see why he wants you on his cock 24/7 - how could he not when you look like that when you cum? It’s only natural. He loves how you wriggle and tear your eyes away, cheeks flushed with shyness as the sight of such depravity and lust looks back at you - but still - looking at this 6ft Adonis of a man stuffing you full on his lap with his hand around your throat has you coming undone in seconds.
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𓆩♡𓆪 Nanami 𓆩♡𓆪
- Orgasm control
Nanami likes control. He likes to be aware of everything around him, he likes having you under his thumb. The thought of having you under his spell so much that he can control when and how you feel pleasure, completely dictating and torturing you by making you wait, and stop, and ride him, then stop and then finally allowing you to gush all over his handsome face is a dream come true.
- Lingerie
Look at you - sitting all pretty. Like a gift in a satin bow. He likes seeing the effort or forethought that lingerie shows, and how it highlights all your assets. He’s never one to rip it off (ahem… the rest of them), he likes to painstakingly, carefully, gently unravel and unwrap the gift laid out before him.
- Face sitting
Enough said. He is the definition of ‘don’t hover, fucking sit.’ He wants you to sit your pretty cunt on his face so he can have you for his dessert.
- Stockings
He’s already a thigh man - mix in some lace top stockings under your skirt, edges peeking out when you cross your legs? You’re going to be the death of this man.
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𓆩♡𓆪 Toji 𓆩♡𓆪
- Exhibitionism
He’s so fucking cocky - he wants everyone seeing how you fall apart on his fat dick. He gets off on the thought of getting caught, the adrenaline rush adding to his brutal pleasure as he doesn’t even try to muffle your cries while he fucks you against the back wall of the dive bar.
- Daddy kink
He thinks he fits the name perfectly, the dominant, sexy and slightly older guy - hearing it from your glossy lips when you beg for more is music to his cock.
- Marking
His. All his. He’s going to make sure everyone knows it too.
- Booty stuff
The taboo of it all, the idea of putting his fingers or his cock anywhere near your ‘other’ entrance is enough to have him hard in seconds - it’s ‘forbidden’ so of course it’s something Toji wants.
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𓆩♡𓆪 Choso 𓆩♡𓆪
- Breeding
This sweet boy, he loves his family - and he loves his girl. Hang on… what if he… combined them? Having a family with you? You having his baby? You round and squishy and soft and swollen with his child? Oh dear lord he nearly weeps. The thought of you trusting and loving him so much, that you’d beg for him to cum inside you so much you leak for days has him plugging you with his cock to stop even a drop from leaking out.
- Praise
He didn’t totally know what he was doing when you fist got together - sure, he knew the gist of things - but he’s so desperate to make you feel as good as you make him feel, and hearing you verbally confirm or tell him how nice his tongue feels, or how well his cock fills you or how nice he tastes? It’s fuel to get even more high praise from his precious girl.
- Biting
It’s primal - marking, similar to the breeding kink he’s a boy who didn’t know much but allowed his primal instincts to take over and the first time he came when you both had to keep the volume down he bit your shoulder to stifle his groans and the mark he made, almost brutally, and the gasp you let out on your skin drove him to yet another round. The harshest thing this sweetheart will do.
- Thigh-fucking
When you were both figuring things out, as he discovered sex and sexuality, you usually guided him to where he was desperate to be buried - but the first time he guided his own cock it slid between your thighs and his hips stutters above you and he loaned at how your thighs felt around him - he couldn’t stop, he knows he wasn’t in your pretty pussy but why did this feel so good? He loves your thighs as is but Jesus not only are they beautiful but they’re also so soft he can’t stop himself as he paints your plushy thighs with cum, as you whisper encouragement into his ear.
- Blowjobs
When you explain that not only are you willing to put his… in your… mouth - you actively want to - this is shocking to him. Sure, he’s done the same for you before but you want to devote yourself to pleasuring him that way? He constantly checks in as you make out and then drop to your knees and the minute he feels your tongue on his solid length his mind goes blank. He can’t think, can’t focus, can’t hold back - he can only feel how incredibly wet and warm and he thinks he could easily spend his life right here. You’d blow his mind (pun intended).
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mamayan · 9 months
oof your writing is so good 🙈 if your requests are open, would you be willing to write smth for dabi with a nervous virgin reader? Maybe some fingering and petting, lots of praise and encouragement if you're okay with that!! I also wouldn't mind if theres a little dubcon scattered in there for flavour😳 Thank you!🙏
Fuck it’s his favorite— absolutely I will Nonnie♥️ Dabi is nothing if not the perfect gentlemen… sorta. Am I gonna get sued for changing his words in this manga panel? I got carried away with this lol
Yandere Dabi x Virgin! Darling
tw: NSFW • Fem! Darling • Obsessive/Possessive Themes • Implied Mental/Emotional/Physical Abuse • Dubcon • Praise • Virgin! Darling • BDSM • Fingering • Oral • Sex (M)(F) • Denial/Edging • Overstimulation • Dacryphilia • Unprotected Sex • Creampie
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The front door slammed loud enough to reverberate around the apartment.
You sat facing the small tv, the screen playing some sort of cartoon with the volume on low, unmoving even as the thuds of his boots against vinyl faux wood flooring became louder. You were curled around your legs, pulled to your chest as your bare feet seemed to absorb the cold around you, icy skin keeping you grounded. Only a thin ratty oversized t-shirt and tiny shorts covering your body, despite the broken thermostat keeping the apartment at almost freezing temperatures.
Dark combat boots entered your field of vision, you numbly let your eyes flick up to take him in. He smelled like cigarette smoke and whiskey, the burning scent making acid bubble up in your stomach to your throat, but you meekly swallowed it down and gave a wobbly smile. “W-welcome home…” it was said with all the enthusiasm of a man walking towards his execution.
He crouches down to face you better, forearms resting on his knees as he levels you with a… soft look.
It has chills shooting down your spine, your stomach rolling and clenching while your chest heaves with anxiety. He’s not a soft man. He’s never been soft, not really, only in strange sporadic moments does he gently do anything to you, but it’s always followed by something sinister. Always.
“Hey pet, you cold?” He’s sadistic and cruel even on a good day. His words immediately making your eyes burn as you try to stop the impending tears. You’re always cold, left freezing locked up until his return, your only source of comfort and warmth him. It was a nasty play, logically you knew it, but logic was what got you hurt so you nodded despite the itch in your heart begging you to hold out a little longer. “M’cold…” you assent, unable to see the defeated dull look in your own eyes, but he could.
“C’mere then,” his smile is so sweet, his staples hardly pulling and his usually vibrant eyes more subdued and gentle. You wanted him to stop whatever game he’s playing now. Whatever sick trick he’s got hidden to make your walls crumble around you. His arms spread open, his knees hitting the floor so he could straighten his spine, and his embrace looking so warm.
Like selling your soul to the devil, you caved. Pathetically nearly falling as you all but threw yourself into him.
The fire wielding psychopath was a lot of things, and sadly running warmer than a normal person was one of them. Just being close to him was like sitting near a furnace, heat radiating off him in waves it seemed. You had all the time in the world to hate yourself when he inevitably left you again to nearly freeze, for now you focused on getting feeling back into your limbs as you pressed yourself as close as possible.
His chuckle is breathy as he wraps you up easily, pulling you into his lap as he sits back on his ass now, your thighs on either side of his to let you be as physically close as possible. Well, almost as physically close as possible, because when you were so desperate for his touch like this, it’s hard not to think about you begging for him to really warm you up.
“Better?” He doesn’t really need to ask, not when you’re fighting to keep your hands from digging under his shirt and getting more body heat from him. Your little sigh of contentment adorable, and while his day was mundane, he did get to release most of his pent up frustration on some lowlife pieces of shit. He was in a good mood, but he’d be in a better one soon.
“Hn” your little affirmation quiet as you rested your cheek against the exposed skin of his collarbone, breathing him in and relaxing as your stiff muscles and joints soaked his warmth up greedily. You didn’t even fight when his hands began to smooth over your skin, up your calves and thighs to your ass where he gave a little squeeze. You put up no resistance, no screaming or fighting tonight it seemed. “You still cold?” His lips are right are by your ear, warm breath blowing over it and sending a shiver of something… different down to your stomach. The stale cigarette scent wasn’t as bothersome to you when he wasn’t being mean it seemed.
You let him pet and stroke your skin, warming you up gradually and shifting you both around until your core was against his stomach and he was flat on his back. He even lifted up his shirt and your own a bit to give more contact, the staples across his chest smoother than you’d initially thought.
This was all wrong and you were without a doubt being soothed into… something. Peace? A sense of safety? Whatever it was, you mentally kept yourself prepared. Even if his touch was soft and careful, you knew what lurked behind those pretty eyes.
“You stopped shakin’…” his observation was more of a statement, but indeed you had warmed up enough not to shiver anymore. He wasn’t usually so nice as to help warm you up like this, usually making you drop to your knees and cling to him while he heckled your behavior.
Your world flipped too quickly to react. Your back now on the cool floor with his body looming over you.
“You’re still cold though, aren’t you pet?” His smile isn’t nice anymore.
“D-Dabi please…”
“What’s wrong, you don’t want me to warm you up anymore?” It was a thinly veiled threat that had you nearly delirious with panic in seconds.
“N-no I do! I do, please don’t stop!” Your pretty eyes filling with tears made him bite down hard on his tongue, tasting blood as he struggles to keep himself calm. It’s you after all. You weren’t some cheap whore he screwed for a quick release. You were his.
That meant something. Whether it was good or bad was debatable and complicated.
“Then let me warm you up, it’ll be faster like this,” he’s not lying. Even as he laughs at the confusion and waring emotions on your face, he really isn’t lying to you this time.
His lips aren’t soft. The kiss nothing like the ones you’d sneakily shared with a crush under the school bleachers, that kiss was a bit too wet and slimy. This one was commanding. His tongue easily slipping into your mouth in your shock, happy to invade and taste you, to share the overwhelming taste of tobacco. Your hands are tangled in his coat, tugging lightly on the fabric as he devours your mouth. He pulls back when you start to struggle, and the sight of your swollen parted lips has his pants uncomfortably tight. His zipper digging into his cock now.
“Dabi—,” your voice is barely even a whisper, almost inaudible but he catches it and pauses as he looks down at you carefully.
The fact that he’s even being careful should be considered as a mercy.
“Please be gentle…” your lips twist into a grimace, the lame line the only thing your muddled mind can conjure. His snort of amusement not helping your wounded pride, but as he shrugs his coat off and looks down at you, his words give you pause.
“I’m going to make you forget everything bad tonight pet.”
He doesn’t elaborate. You don’t need him to. You don’t want this. It doesn’t matter though, because you never wanted any of this. His sanity not even in question, because he’s clearly out of his damn mind and has been for quite a while.
His shirt is next, revealing his chest in the dim light of the tv still playing quietly, the words not even registering as a language you understood. The damaged flesh leathery and colored a dark purple in contrast to his healthy skin. You lay limp and almost defeated beneath him, watch as his hands deftly remove your own shirt, and while it’s not the first time he’s seen you naked… this would be the first he’s touched you so intimately. Your breasts exposed to the cool air harden quickly, his smile predatory as he leans over your chest to flick one with his tongue.
The sensation shoots straight to your pussy.
“Pretty little pet, are you scared?” His question is rhetorical, but you hate how he just seems to know your thoughts and feelings. So much so you wanted to ask if he hide a second quirk. In a last act of defiance, you shake your head. You are scared, terrified of what else there even is to lose because this evil man seems determined to take and have all of you. He’s insatiable for whatever you have, like a vampire taking the life right out of you. Except he won’t kill you, even if sometimes you wished he would. To end this game.
“Pfft, you look so serious,” his face is filled with only hunger and amusement, as he lets his rough palms rest over your breasts, squeezing lightly as he lets himself just take you in. His hands drag over your much softer skin, looking at the odd scar here and there left by his flames during the early days of your readjustment period. He lets one hand rest just over the mound of your pussy, still covered by the thin shorts that hardly covered anything. He’s quiet, and so are you, as you breathe and struggle to stay still for whatever this was. You imagined it to be more violent, less pathetic on your end, as if you’d given up without a fight.
Your tears of frustration finally broke and trailed down your cheeks, your brows furrowed and cheeks puffed as you try to stay silent and uphold whatever amount of dignity you had left. You wouldn’t beg him to stop, it only spurred him on. When his eyes looked back up, the image of you nearly drove him feral as he grinned, giddy with excitement in lieu of you crying. His snicker of approval only making you flinch back as his fingers hook inside the waist band of the shorts and your underwear.
“Keep crying pet. Maybe a hero will come to save you?” His words drip sarcasm as he now roughly yanks your bottoms down and off your body in one swift motion. You’re left completely nude and shivering as the cold seeps back into your body as you lay on the floor. “I don’t think any heroes even patrol this side of town anymore. Too dirty and messy, they can’t be bothered to save people here. So I guess that leaves just you n’me.” He’s not looking at your face, though he’d be elated to see the look of crushed hope painting your features, instead his eyes were trained on your tightly shut thighs. The soft skin a bit distorted from how hard you squeezed them closed. His dark hair falling a bit into his gaze as he easily digs his fingers roughly into your flesh to pry them open.
“Hii!” You cry of pain and shock adorable to his eyes as he gets an eye full in the dim light of your wet pussy.
“Better keep these spread pet, if I gotta open them again for you, I’ll give you a real reason to cry.” His eyes are fierce and foreboding as they meet your gaze, and fear keeps you compliant as you obey and keep your legs open where he left them. He smiles in approval, humming to himself as he begins to undo his belt and open up his pants.
He shifts to one handedly yanking his pants down to free his aching cock, his free hand moving to his open mouth to layer on his own saliva to his fingers. The wet digits brought to your pussy as you whimper, gently spreading your folds and admiring it as he grips his hard cock in his hand. You make the mistake of looking at it.
He’s covered in piercings. His cock long and thick, more so in the middle, with a slight upward curve… but there’s two distinct barbs through his dick on both sides, with the tip sporting one prominent one that had you wanting to disobey and close your legs anyway. It looked frightful and painful if anything else, and you briefly wondered if he did this to ensure his victims were thoroughly tormented at every step.
“Fuck look at you baby, so pretty like this aren’t you?” He’s gently poking and circling your clit, loving each little scared gasp and unsure look you shoot his way. He can tell it feels good for you, but with the uncertainty and fear factor of his looks and his cock, you’re wound tight in apprehension. He thinks it’s a beautiful sight on you. Your little sniffles and pouty lips captivate him into leaning over you again, licking your lips until you open and let him kiss you again. It’s languid and lazy like him, proving how good his mood currently is by how he’s taking his time with you. Your hands stay by your side, gripped tight into fists as you feel a finger begin to push inside of you.
He breaks the kiss the time, looking down to see you take his finger.
“Not so bad is it pet?” He wiggled and pushes it as deep as he can go, loving how your back aches and chest juts out in his face for easy access. He’s nice as he works you open with one finger, lavishing your sore nipples with licks and bites. You keep the moans soft and low, struggling to hate this like you thought you would.
It didn’t hurt at all. It felt good. That was the problem. Dabi never makes you feel good, he torments you like a cat with a mouse. That’s why he calls you pet.
So when he squeezes in a second finger and you moan louder? You nearly knock a tooth out slapping a hand over your lips in embarrassment.
“No you don’t,” his fingers rip free from your tight cunt, both hands gripping your wrists and pinning them with one hand above your head. He grabs his jacket, using the arms to make a makeshift cuff to lock your hands together. “Keep’’em right there,” he orders, and by his stern features you know he means it.
Tired of just testing the waters, Dabi crawls down your body in favor of bringing his face directly before your pussy. “Dabi?” Your head lifted to try and see him as he wraps his arms under your hips to hoist you up higher towards his awaiting mouth. “Been thinkin’ of how this pussy tastes for months,” he grins, letting his pierced tongue run from your dripping hole to your clit, sending sparks of pleasure through your body as your legs jolt and snap around his head.
You realize quickly and apologize, opening them to avoid any punishment.
“Good girl~” you don’t like how his praise warms you up further, your shaking now less from cold or fear and more from arousal.
He repeats his first few licks, before beginning to truly lavish your pretty cunt with his tongue and skills. Dabi isn’t actually an experienced man, most women fearful or disgusted by him for obvious reasons, but it wasn’t hard for him to figure out your reactions and follow the flow of your pleasure. The way you twitched and moaned, struggled to keep your hands in the spot he ordered you to, to keep your legs spread, he loved all of it. When your moans became high pitched whimpers and whines, and your muscles spasmed, he knew you were close.
“D-Dabi I think I—,” you were so close, core wound so tight you could snap at any second, and for the first time you liked what he was doing to you.
Until he stopped.
“No—!” Your cry was embarrassing, as you shook beneath him in horror of your own reaction. Panting and trying to catch your breath as your pleasure faded by the second, his Cheshire grin soaking up your disappointment eagerly. Of course he would, you felt bitter, even as he returned to licking and sucking your clit. Only when the build up returned did you relax again, moving your hips up a little as you neared the crest once more…
He stopped again.
“Dabi—!” Your indignant tone telling as you huffed, sweat beginning to dot your skin despite the cool temperatures, Dabi’s warmth even removed like this helping.
Your stomach ached with the urge to cum. “Something wrong pet?” His face said he knew what was wrong, but it seemed he wanted you to say it. Instead you stubbornly pressed your lips together, his shrug of nonchalance following as he returned to kissing and sucking, slower and more gradually building you up again.
Even if you mentally prepared for it, he let you get much closer to coming than the previous times, so when he pulled away, your legs clamped tight around his head to stop him. “Fuck, please Dabi,” you hated yourself. Hated how he held so much power over you.
If you didn’t look so cute, he’d probably punish you too for not listening.
“Please what?” You watch as he lets a drop of his salvia drip into your pussy, your trembling legs pushed open again by his hands as he stares up at you.
“P-please…” you didn’t want to say it, didn’t want to give him anymore of yourself but… “—please make me cum.”
He looks like that cat which got the milk. His satisfaction palpable as he laughs. “Well why didn’t you just say so? Since you said please.” His teasing tone muffled again soon by your wet pussy, his aggressive approach now much more intense as he eats you out with the purpose of making you cream his face now.
It doesn’t take long before the string violently snaps inside you, your orgasm intense and nearly painful as you come apart.
“Ah, yes, oh—,” you try to shift away, his tongue still laving your clit as he looks up at you, narrow gaze teasing and telling as you whine. “D-Dabi I-I already—ah please!” You almost bite your tongue when he sucks hard on your clit, your panic building with another orgasm. You moan, your head thrown back as your fingers grip and tug on the binding of his coat, hips shaking as you come again.
His lower face is soaked, but he can’t find it in himself to stop as he licks up all your release and noses your clit. Switching his assault to inside of your quivering hole, letting his wet hot tongue slither in, licking and poking your walls. He moans with you now, relaxing as he lets himself get comfortable, leaning against your thigh he has propped up now with his arm keeping you locked in position. He’s lazily feasting as you come again, this time breaking his rule and trying to push his face away with your hands still bound.
He doesn’t even stop then, just uses his free hand to grip the fabric and anchor your hands to your stomach as he continues to work you into another frenzy.
“S’too much! Stop! Stop Dabi! Please fuck, I can’t, ugh, no more—,” your pleas are ignored as he laughs, eyes crinkling as he watches you twitch and jolt with even the tiniest amount of pressure to your clit now.
“I thought you wanted to cum? Change your mind already?” You can hardly manage a full sentence, gasping for air like he’s choked you or something. He relents though, only because his cock is close to shooting his load even though he hadn’t touched himself while playing with you. Using his coat, he lifts your hands back above your head and scoots forward to let his heated cock slap against your wet folds. His hips automatically jerking a few times as his dick feels the soft wet heat your cunt is soaked in.
“You want my cock pet?” You look delirious and exhausted, sweat making your hair cling to your face as you briefly almost admit to being too warm now. Your both chilled and overheated as your sweat dries. Your blurry vision glances down to his throbbing length peaking at you from below, the heavy rod sliding back and forth through your slick and causing your pussy to twitch as he nudges your clit with it.
“S’not gonna fit…” his lip nearly splits on his smile, the cute admission only making him wanna shove it in you more to prove it will fit.
“You don’t think so?” His eyes look inhumanly blue from the cast of whatever show played on the tv now. One hand stays to keep your own pinned, while the other travels down your soft body to grip his cock and line himself up. “‘Cuz I think it will,” then he’s pushing in. His tip goes in easier as it gets crushed by your tight convulsing cunt, the rest engorged by blood feels painful as you cry, Dabi moaning as your gooey walls try to force him out. “I think,” one sharp thrust sinks a whole inch in, your eyes opening wide as tears spill freely, “I’ll get my entire cock in,” he pulls out only a little before shoving in a little more again. “And you know what else I think?” He’s leering down at you, manic grin frightening with the added shadows cast. You can feel his piercings, tugging and forcing themselves inside as he shifts and pushes, nearly stealing your ability to breathe.
“I think you’re gonna like it.” You can’t talk and he knows it, as his tip kisses your cervix, and then it’s bruising it as he shoves himself to entire way in, gasping in pleasure he sees himself fully sheathed inside you. His groin flush with your ass. Your walls so tight it feels impossible to pull out now. It doesn’t matter to Dabi though, as he grits his teeth and rocks forward and back, creating delicious friction on his cock. You’re left to sniffle and cry, pussy stretched painfully wide and aching deep inside from how his rough entrance.
“Poor little crybaby,” he chuckles, leaning closer to lick the tears off your cheeks as he finally gets himself wet enough to begin a slow pace inside you. “You’re so fuckin’ tight,” he growls, burying his face in your neck for a moment while he ruts into you, quick short thrusts working him close to his orgasm. His hand works between you, thumbing your clit as you cry and writhe beneath him, pussy clenching and relaxing as you’re forced to cum with something thick, hot, and painfully heavy inside your cunt.
“Shitttt,” his teeth sink into your neck, grunting as his balls draw tight and he pumps his boiling load deep into your womb, pushing even deeper as it twitched and spurts. Your legs locking and trembling as you see stars.
He stills for a moment, catching his breath quickly as he lifts up to look at your ruined appearance. Your face covered in tears as you pant, eyes nearly closed as struggle to stay awake. Your pussy even messier, slick and cum coating you both and the floor, a tiny bit of pink mixed too.
The thought that it was him who ruined your innocence, taken your first and last, has him hardening again inside you.
You can only whine, silently pleading for a break, but his answering smile is familiar and devious.
“C’mon pet, we’re just getting started tonight.” He chuckles, pulling his hips back before roughly slamming into you now. The shock woke you up fully, pussy protesting the rough treatment he sets as the room fills with salacious noises, your pussy squelching with each slap of his balls. The piercing on his tip hitting a new angle as he leans back and jerks your hips up off the floor.
“Oh!” Your vision goes black as you cum, and Dabi only laughs and fucks you harder as you pass out, loving the stupid expression on your fucked out face.
“That’s it pet, said I was gonna make you forget!” He’s emptying another load inside you not longer after, his own dick becoming a bit overstimulated but too engrossed fucking you to stop yet. With you half conscious, it’s easy to slip out and flip you to your stomach before sliding back in smoothly. “Fuck, you feel so good baby, taking my cock like you were made for it,” his words are slurred in his pleasure, his hips working against your ass as he drags his slick cock out of your pussy before working it back in. He’s even deeper like this, your belly and hips flat on the floor as he fucks you.
You can’t even remember why you didn’t want this anymore. The pleasure and warmth overwhelming and so perfect.
At least as he fills your pussy again, you don’t feel cold.
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mysicklove · 6 months
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Summary: four-year-old Yuuji didnt mean to bring up Mr. Gojos crush on you, which of course, leads to Sukuna's harsh teasing.
cw: fem! reader (reader gets referred to as girl, pretty, and mommy), curse words, suggestive language, lion king spoilers (lol)
wc: 1.8k
a/n: i love making sukuna an absolute menace. poor yuuji tho. i think i am going to introduce gojo as a character, because I think it would be entertaining to piss Sukuna off lol.
big brother au masterlist
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“The fuck did you just call me?”
“Language,” You scold, not peering up from your book. Yuuji lays sprawled out on top of the both of you – his head in your lap, and practically purring in content when you gently pet the top of his head, while his little legs are on Sukuna’s thighs. 
Yuuji giggles into your shirt, shaking his head mischeviously. “Bad word Su-kuna!”
In an instant, you feel the toddler being ripped away from your lap with a tiny screech. The noise startles you, and you perk up from your book to look to where the boy has gone to. But, you aren't surprised to see him dangling in the air by his ankle – Sukuna’s long fingers skillfully hold onto Yuujis chubby little leg tight enough to not drop him, but gently enough to not cause physical harm. 
The boy doesn't seem to mind this position, being in it so frequently. Giggles and squeals leave the toddler's mouth as he stares at his now upside down brother. “You learning how to speak correctly?”
Yuuji nods his head, and his hands try to reach for Sukunas shirt. You rest your head on the man's shoulder, chuckling at the boy who was squirming in the air. “Uh-huh! F-Fush-i-guro taught me!” The dark haired toddlers last name was hard to pronounce, and it was amusing watching how Yuuji sounded it out.
Sukuna makes a loud groaning noise and you cover your mouth to hold back another laugh. “Of course you made friends with Gojo’s new brat. First he hits on my girl, and now his new kid is gonna manipulate this idiot.” He shakes Yuuji in the air to demonstrate his point, ignoring the squeals. 
You roll your eyes with a laugh. “Just because Megumi taught Yuuji how to say your name correctly, doesn't mean the kid is manipulating him. Y’know Yuuji struggles with words sometimes.” You watch as the child in turn shakes his head in defiance, letting out a “Nu-uh!” that only makes you smile. You turn back over to your lover, kissing his cheek. “Aw, does it make you sad that our little Yuuji is growing up?”
“No,” he quickly rebuttals, “Brat isnt growing up fast enough. I am mad that you're not denying the fact that the white haired idiot is flirting with you.” You know that wasn't the full truth, but alas, Sukuna was extremely stubborn and would never admit that he didn't want his brother to grow up. 
“Fush-i-guro says Mr. Gojo thinks you are pretty!” Yuuji announces, beaming at you from the air. You hold back a wince, smiling awkwardly back at the innocent words of the toddler. You watch as the boys cheeks begin to flush from all the blood rushing to his head, and immediately as if sensing it, Sukuna flips over the boy and instead places him on his lap, holding onto the back of his neck.
The action makes you smile, noticing the thumb that rubs gently at the pale skin. But when you glance at Sukuna, you notice quickly that he was anything but happy. Sukunas dark eyes twitches, flickering to you, and he speaks between his teeth. “Did he now? I may need to have a talk with Mr. Gojo next time I pick the little pest up. Does Fushiguro say anything else?”  
“Sukuna,” you whine, realising that the hold on the boys neck was not out of affection – instead was used to trap the boy while he was questioned. “Y’know Gojo is alot. He just wants to–”
“Fush-i-guro says Mr. Gojo has a crush on Y/N!”
“B-But, Y/N has a crush on brother,” the boy concludes, furrowing his eyebrows with a small nod. “Right, Ku–um–Su-kuna?” He turns up to his brother, doe eyed with his head slightly cocked to the side in question. 
In response, Sukuna ruffles his hair, nearly sending the boy landing on his back. But, instead he giggles at the rough treatment, shutting his eyes and trying his best to stay upward. “The biggest crush. You make sure to tell the little brat that. Or else Mr. Gojo is going to try take her away.”
Your eyes widen and you push at his broad shoulders. “Sukuna! You're going to get him all worked up!” You exclaim, knowing the very sensitive (regarding you or Sukuna) child very well by now. You turn to the boy, whose own eyes widen as he trying to process the words. “Gojo is not trying to take me away.”
“He is going to take her away if you don't do anything, and little Megumi is going to have a new mommy.” Sukuna was grinning at the boy, as if his brother's fearful expression pleased him. You knew that he was being purposely dramatic – Gojo wasn't even technically Megumi's father, if there was a chance that you guys would ever get together (near zero) you would definitely not be the boy's new mom. But alas, Sukuna continues on with his words. “Thats why whenever you see the two of them talking you have to make sure you to scream as loud as possible.”
You cover the mans mouth before you he can spewl any more nonsense, but it was too late. Yuuji was already tearing himself from the man's lap and into yours – his lips begin to wobble and his eyes flood with tears. “Is-um-is that what you two talk about when I am with Mr. Nanami,” he warbles, thinking back to the multitude of times he has held onto his preschool teachers hand and watched you smile at the white haired man. 
“No, love,” you reassure, turning your attention instead from scolding your lover to consoling the child. “Sukuna is being mean again. Don't listen to him. Mr. Gojo and I are friends.” You ignore the look that Sukuna shoots you, showing how displeased he is at the idea of you being friends with his least favorite person. 
The boy sniffles, wiping his little fists on his face. “I-I dont want you to be Fush-i-guro’s mommy. You have to stay with me and Kuna! P-Please?” He doesn't even attempt to say his brother's name correctly, forgetting how he started the conversation all together. He was focused on trying not to cry, because his brother was sure to tease him, but it wasn't working out very well.
You kiss at his chubby cheeks, shaking your head with an exasperated look on your face, wondering how the hell you got to this conversation. “I am not, promise. I'm not going anywhere. Even if your brother is the worst, brattiest, malicious person alive, I have kinda grown attached to him. Besides, if I left who would I have movie nights with?”
“I am not a–” You shoot Sukuna a nasty glare, and he in return lets out an astonished laugh, but shrugs without care.
Your words make Yuuji perk up from your lap, and his eyes widen with glee. “You like movie nights too?” He was always begging for the three of you to watch movies together, but Sukuna always denies him considering it would end up being a cheesy Disney movie that Yuuji would fall asleep not even twenty minutes into.
“I love movie nights. Do you want to have one tonight?”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Sukuna butts in, and you spare him a glance. “Babe, we have plans tonight, remember?” He tilts his head to the side suggestively and you roll your eyes at him.
“Not anymore. Me and Yuuji are going to watch…”
“Human Earthworm 2!” The boy interjects, completely forgetting about his previous experiences with the movie, not good ones.
You poke at his cheeks, shaking your head. “I was thinking The Lion King.” 
“No,” Sukuna groans, covering his eyes with his palm.
You look at him with furrowed eyebrows. “No? Why are you putting your input in? You're not watching it with us.”
Sukuna, never have been told this before, looks appalled. “The fuck you mean?”
“Bad word!” Yuuji points to him in accusation, but Sukuna just ignores him.
You cock your head to the side, a sly grin pulling at your face. “You're not invited.”
“Why not?”
The two of you make eye contact for a long second, and after a moment or two, Sukuna sighs. “You're really mad about that?” You don't say anything, just continuing to stare at him. “Okay fuck–Yes that is a curse word, astute observation you brat. I am sorry for making the kid cry again.”
Sukuna narrows his eyes at you, but you hold your ground. Then, he turns to the boy with a sigh. “Dont scream when you see Gojo and Y/N talk, alright?” He jabs his finger into the boys chest and Yuuji nods his head rapidly in understanding. But, a foxish grin pulls at the mans face and he says, “Instead…The moment you hear him talk to her, you bite his leg.”
He barks a laugh at the confused face of his brother, but when he looks up to you, the smile falters. “Okay, c’mon it was a jo–”
You point your finger to the door. “Couch.”
“You can't kick me out of my own room!”
You don't move your finger. Yuuji glances at you, cocks his head to the side, and then mimicks your action. “Couch!”
The three of you go silent for a long minute, and at this point the boy's hand begins to tremble from holding his hand out for too long. Eventually when Sukuna realizes that there was no point of reasoning, he lets out a dramatic sigh, before crawling out of bed. 
When he notices your smug smile, he flips you off and you can't help but laugh at that. “I am coming back after the movie is done, ya hear?”
“If Yuuji does not fall asleep,” You tease in return, knowing the boy well, and Sukuna rolls his eyes. 
His eyes flicker to the boy who was snuggling up to your chest, trying to find a comfortable position to watch the movie in. Sukuna chuckles to himself, opening up the door, before turning back to the kid one last time. “Hey brat,” he calls.
“The father lion–Mufasa. He is my favorite character, so you'll bound to like him a lot. In fact, I sure do wonder if you'll get attached,” he muses, and your eyes widen when you realize what he is saying. Anything that is linked with Sukuna, Yuuji immediately falls in love with. This was bound to cause hysteria. “Enjoy the movie guys! Y/N have fun!” He calls, before shutting the door.
You pause for a moment, sighing into your hand. “Kuna likes the father lion? I want to see!”
You tried everything to avoid turning on the movie after that. But Yuuji, like his brother, was stubborn, and he desperately wanted to see the lion. He grew attached very quickly in that short period of time.
Deep laughs rumble through the house when Yuuji begins to sob over the animated lion's death. You lock the door, and Sukuna stays the night on the couch. 
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umeumeumee · 2 months
ahhhh azula x fem! reader who is a maid and azula’s secret gf and one day ty lee and mai are at the palace and while they are away azula calls reader into her room and they kinda make out and are all touchy because Azula hasn’t seen her all day, then reader has to go do her chores and when she opens the door mai & ty lee are there— reader bows; excusing herself and saying she was cleaning, but mai and ty lee notice the lipstick marks on her jawline and neck and are shockeddddd and it’s awkward around azula and idk maybe it gets out they are dating (js between the mai & ty lee tho) thank you!!
red lipstick stains
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ᥫ᭡ gosh, i love this idea! azula forever! thank you for requesting for my atla/tlok event! hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it!
princess azula x fem! servant! reader
ᥫ᭡ when the princesses friends come to visit, it leaves little time for her to bask herself in your presence. with their short absence, she replenishes herself with you— leading for something to leak from the cracks.
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the boredness the princess felt was beyond horrific.
azula placed her head in her palm as she lazily held her eyes on ty lee, doing a contrast of many different athletic styles. Mai read a book beside the princess, and azula began to question why, exactly, it was that she was here.
Mai and Ty Lee had made a rather unexpected trip to the Palace, catching Azula off guard from their sudden visit and causing her to fall through with her secretive plans she held.
Today was supposed to be a rather calm day, her father was organizing a plan for something she frankly didn’t care for— which was one of the rarest occasions, but her attention was too occupied on you.
azula had planned on spending the day with you, alone in her room. but, her dreams were ultimately dashed with the presence of her sincerely unwanted friends.
the princess roll her eyes as she watched Ty lee do a handstand, walking around. her eyes trailed along the royal gardens— her heart pausing its pulse when the sight of you caught her eyes. She involuntarily and automatically straightened her back, removing her hands of its position in holding her head up. Her golden eyes glued to your body as you carried a tray of refreshments on your hands, keeping your eyes straight ahead of you as you approach Ty lee causiously.
Azula couldn’t quite make out your soft ofer to the circus member, but ty lee accepted your drink with a smile. Sweat embraces azula’s palms as you turned to her and Mai, approaching with your head down.
Azula felt silly— like.. a school girl, with a big, childish crush.
“refreshments?” you questioned with a low voice, clear like honey and soft like sugar. Mai declined, and azula saw you nod and bow, turning to her.
You always put on the perfect facade, acting like everything you two have done was for nothing.
“Princess?” your voice was different when you spoke to her, softer, kinder— more gentle, an offer for something more.
Azula forced down her smirk, nodding and accepting your offer by taking the drink from atop the tray. You didn’t dare make eye contact with her infront of her friends, only bowing and exiting the gardens.
azula watched you go from the corner of her eye, smirking into her cup as she took a sip from the fresh lychee juice you’d offered.
“Mm! This is delicious!” ty lee exclaimed, walking over normally to Azula and Mai, chugging her drink with no waste.
“yes, yes,” azula nodded, only replying to keep the girl at bay. Mai scoffed, “I hate lychee juice.”
Ty lee frown, putting her glass on small table by the chair azula sat on.
“But, it’s hot,” she expressed, waving her hand to cool herself down. “Aren’t you thirsty?”
“Not for lychee juice,” mai bit back, causing ty lee to huff. “Well, let’s get you a drink!” she grabbed mai’s arm, causing the girl to drop her book and loose her place. Azula sat up, fighting back excitement. “where are you two going?”
“To get mai some water,” said ty lee as mai fought her grip, groaning. Azula nodded, “very well.” she played casual, waving her hand to excuse them as she took another sip of the drink you’ve given her. Azula acted uninterested as the girls walked off, their bickering slowly fading away form her hearing as did their figures.
Azula stood from her chair, leaving her drink and set her destination to her room. She walked with quickened steps, hiding her smile with the facade of her furiously storming down the halls, keeping everyone else away from her. When she reached her dorms, she rang the servant bell— knowing you’d be the one she called for.
Azula crossed her arms when she closed her door, tapping her foot on the floor in impatience.
after waiting for what felt like hours, you finally arrived. As beautiful as always as you slowly entered azula’s room per her permission, only meeting her eyes when you realized she was alone.
Your mouth began to speak— but you were silenced by the slam of azula’s lips on yours. your voice muffled, fading out as you melted into her hungry kiss. Your hands instinctively wrapped around her neck, her own hands harshly gripping your waist.
Azula pushed you onto her bed, leaning over you as she bent down to continuously kiss you. Her chest met yours, her thick armor cold against your skin, feeling the roughness through the thin layer of your clothing.
You let azula devour your lips desperately, knowing how she becomes like this when you are away for long distances of time.
she pulled back only to allow you to catch your breath— thin, translucent trail of saliva the only remaining factor of your previous action, as azula waisted no time in training her kisses to your jawline.
You automatically shifted your head up, allowing easy access for her to retreat to the soft, bare skin of your neck. You caught your breath, your hands holding tightly to the bedsheets bellow you as azula moved down.
She kissed your jawline, trailing her way down to the skin of your neck, kissing a lightly sucking the sensitive area, basking in the sounds your mouth left for her to receive.
she began to unlace the band of your clothing— but was stopped by the guest bell that struck her door. She froze, and you instantly gasped— shooting up from underneath her and quickly re-tieing your maid-robes— fixing your messy hair.
Azula groaned, annoyed. “Why can’t mai and ty lee leave?” she asked aloud, causing you to lightly laugh. “They’re your friends, ‘zula. they want to spent time with you.” you replied, pulling few strands from your newly done bun, turning back to the princess, only to find her already looking at you.
“I don’t want to be with them,” she bit, reaching out to you. “i want you.” your cheeks heated up, preparing a response when the bell softly went off again. “I have to go,” you sigh, quickly bending down to leave a soft kiss on azula’s forehead, then her lips. You fixed your appearance one last time, with no mirror, and azula saw you smile at her before you left, closing the door behind you.
You turned a fast heal, hoping to not be seen leaving the princess room— alone.
Two approaching shadows halted your movements, your eyes flickering up timidly to see the two figures of azula’s friends. You bow, explaining the reasoning behind your actions all while missing the scan of their eyes and the pure shock embracing not only Ty lee’s features, but Mai’s.
The girls were only a few feet away from Azula’s room, hearing through the grape vine that once they’d left she’d “gotten bored” and made haste in her bedroom. But now they know why.
You stood before them, red lipstick stains trailing kiss marks from your jawline, to your neck and down to below your robes where they could not see, leaving their imagination to fill in the blanks.
You automatically took their shocked faces as one of disrespect for you looking at them without permission- so you bow, getting on your legs and allowing your head to touch the floor in respect and apology, getting up quickly to scramble from their way and rushing back to the maid’s quarters.
Mai and Ty Lee’s eyes trail after you, jaws dropped and eyes wide. They make eye connect, “what was that?!” ty lee squealed, in shock, covering her mouth at the remembrance of the event. Mai let out a bothered sigh, placing a hand to her forehead and massaging her aching head. “I don’t.. want to know,” she splutter out, the thought of her friend being intimate was purely a nasty thought. Ty lee seemed more interested than Mai, who was blatantly uninterested and, frankly, grossed out.
“Should we go see Azula? or…” Ty lee seemed to need guidance, brows furrowing in worry. Mai rolled her eyes, placing a hand to her hip. “Obviously. we can’t just leave.” she waved her fan, walking ahead of ty lee to the familiar door of Azula’s room.
For once, they knocked. Permission from the princess granted their entrance, and they avoided the usually piercing gaze of Azula, who seemed to notice their sudden.. lack of words.
The princess stood from the chair she sat in infront her Vanity, leaving Ty Lee wondering what exactly she was doing with her makeup out…
“Well?” she placed both hands to her hips, raising a brow. Mai knew they wouldn’t get away with the obvious tension the the room because of how painfully obvious Ty Lee was.
“what?” Mai asked, avoiding to sit on Azula’s bed as she covered her face with the fan in her hand. Ty lee stood beside her, itching the dry skin of her bare elbow.
Azula scoffed, moving her arms to cross over her chest. she decided it was best to ignore the company in her room, walking past them and out to the hall. Ty lee quickly chased after; hoping to leave the room. mai was close behind.
Azula led them back to the chairs they previous sat in, the trio walking rather fast.
Mai covered her mouth with her fan, leaning over to Ty lee. “Don’t mention it.” she demanded, earning a nervous squeak from the girl, causing azula to give them a strange side glance before they officially made it to their destination, azula placing herself under the shade of her umbrella, mai doing the same. Ty lee nervously began rubbing her hands together as she sat on the grass, under a tree.
The silence was so loud, louder than any sound. the air was thick with an intense kind of awkwardness, it was so horrendous even azula began to break a sweat under her many layers of armor.
Mai clearing her throat, which made azula shift her gaze to the black haired girl, who seemed to be shaking her head at the circus member. Azula squinted her eyes in suspicion, following Mai’s gaze to see ty lee, who was sweating and anxiously chewing down her nails.
azula made a face, “What?” she bit, catching both girls attention. “what is this? what are you two doing?” she questioned with demand, wanting an answer.
She caught once more the sly shake of mai’s head as she peer to ty lee; who shifted her gaze between the two girls.
Azula was now almost fuming, steam coming from her ears— as she was about to shout demand for an immediate answer— her prayers were answered.
“We saw the kiss marks!” Ty lee shouted out, sighing in temporary relief before instantly slamming her hands over her mouth with wide eyes. Mai growled under her breath, putting her hand over her face in disbelief.
Azula was confused, the expression she held was quite an obvious one on the always tense face of the princess, and mai noticed.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” she barked out, glaring a deep stare at ty lee before acting like nothing happened.
Azula wouldn’t accept that, as Ty lee was still chewing off her skin.
One fierce glance from azula’s now settled face caused a shiver from ty, “The maid… we saw her leave your room—”
Her words faided out, and suddenly the realization had slammed azula in the chest.
You’d left her room with the lipstick trails she’d left on you, ones she’s so clumsily forgotten to mention to you. This was her fault.
Azula must have looked as bewildered as she felt, as ty lee covered her face. As quickly as azula lost her composure, she gained it back. Clearing her throat and waving her hand. “Must—” she cleared her throat again, a pitiful attempt at getting rid of any lingering chances the fact might really be true. “Must have been the wrong room.” she tried her best to play it off, which, usually, would have worked, but the pair already knew the truth.
Azula’s secret was out.
dread overcame her like a tsunami, and fear tickled her bones. what if her father found out? what would he do? what would happen to her?— what would happen to you? the love of her life? the thought horrified her beyond comprehension.
she felt her façade threaten to slip, and the gaping eyes of her friends had her sweating profusely, like a child being caught doing something naughty.
once more, the silence followed. It was, frankly, agonizing. By far the most painfully awkward and tedious moments of Azula’s life.
She switched her hard gaze from mai to ty lee multiple times, almost daring them to mention it again.
“are you guys.. you know..” Ty lee almost cried from the peircing eyes of the princess and mai, a whimper leaving her mouth.
Azula felt sick. not just from fear, but embarrassment as well. Of all people, mai and ty lee? really?
She didn’t want to admit it, but what better would lying do. She could see it in their eyes that they both already knew the truth of the princesses relationship with you, a maid.
Azula huffed a furiously agitated gruff and massaged her temple in irritation, covering up any signs of fear she would have.
Mai let out a kind sigh, removing her hands from her face.
“We won’t tell anyone, Azula.” somehow, the princess found her words oddly comforting. But she didn’t dare show it.
“I think it’s best you two... leave.” Her words didn’t have the ferocious bite that they usually do, but instead a warning, something to ‘let them off the hook.’ Mai nodded, and ty lee shot up, clearly the pair had overstayed their welcome, and azula watched with heavy eyes as they left the royal garden, obviously fighting around the subject of Princess Azula and Her Mistress.
Once out of sight, azula allowed herself to groan into the palms of her hand. How could she let this happen? how? what has she become? under your gaze, your touch— she was like a pie, hard on the inside but so soft once you come around. You’ve weakened her— but she can’t help herself from staying with you.
the princess stood up, making her way down the halls and to her room, now with the understanding why her friends were oh so stiff.
she sat on her bed, staring at the ceiling. she’d rang the maid bell, calling you.
with a gentle knock and a hushed whisper, you entered the door to the princesses chambers.
The look on your face made her realize that you’d realized the issue.
“Princess,” you whispered in a hushed tone, and she fully sat up.
she hates the tension when you fear to talk of certain subjects. she hates the look in your eyes when you think she is upset. she hates how much you care.
before you could speak again, two familiar hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you atop the princess on her bed. in a swift motion, she held you under her. Kissing you again.
Your were surprised, this was most definitely not what you were expecting.
“Azula!” you gasp when she bit you, ignoring the warm feeling of blood trickling down your neck.
you’d thought she’d want to talk about it, but you suppose not. either way, this was wonderful.
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anantaru · 10 months
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neuvillette loves your tits, just laying on top of them fills him with joy— it's like every last scrap of rational thoughts he‘s got left in him dissolves the second he feels them on him, sitting pretty and waiting for his warm mouth to play with them.
or on yet another important note, he likes kissing them for that matter— maybe even suck on them, hard, until his saliva oozes out the sides of his mouth, while his fingers are buried in your cunt, soaking wet and fucking your slick back into you.
well, they’re always in his mouth, your pretty tits, exposed and erected, while his digits are heavily filling you up, rough and curling up after each jolt forward. "i like the way you feel down there," he says, "and there." he curls his fingers up as you moan at the blunt shove.
at the same time, you mentally appload yourself for not giggling at least a little bit, your bofriends dirty talking was one of the things he couldn’t find himself to be that playful at, it‘s more aloof and reserved in its tone yet he tries and you secretly love it— get off on it too when he tells you how you made him feel.
your eyes drift shut when he takes one nipple in his mouth again, planting his tongue on top, hollowing his cheeks before letting go, working his lips to give you your much deserving attention.
your breathing was heavy, blending within the bounds of neuvillette's intoxicating scent, sweet, for one, like freshly picked out romaritime flowers.
you're becoming dizzy of the smell, even more with all the heat and filth building on your core— his large fingers pistoling inside and out, his mouth not once detaching from your breasts as he stimulated you on two parts of your body. it‘s safe to say that you knew you wouldn't be able to keep on for much longer, with your hips twisting and twitching the way they did, soiling his palm and digits with your slick.
one long, deep curse rolls right off your tongue afterwards, and again, there it was— fuck, your spine arches when you cry out neuvillette's name, his silver hair tickling your chin as he messily slurps up his saliva on your tits, suckling on your mounds and groaning feral against the flesh, finishing the job by smearing his spit back on you.
his fingers are driving deeper, always, curving hard and stroking you on the inside, your arms falling leisurely on his head as your head tips back, mouth slipped open to moan out.
and your handsome neuvillette loves this view of you, swiftly opening his eyes which were glittering with anticipation, fast to catch you come undone, proud of himself because really— the man was a quick learner, you certainly figured that out tonight, always attentive, so desperately craving to please your pretty cunt.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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minkoq · 17 days
🎐 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
⤷katsuki's too busy with work and hasn't touched you in a while; fem! reader
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🎐— realisation hit you when you were making dinner for him, he always came home late, hero work was pretty busy at the moment. he told you that he's stressed.
🎐— you probably didn't have sex in months, katsuki always has such a high sex drive so this surprised you, and honestly, you were missing it too.
🎐— another lonely night for you, katsuki coming home at around 2 in the morning, warming up the dinner you made him. he thought you were already asleep.
🎐— "katsuki.." you whispered behind him, his gaze immediately falling onto you, and what you were wearing, just a sheer white robe, no undergarments.
🎐— he gulped gently, "hey baby, why aren't you in bed?" he asked gently, turning his full body to you. he noticed your nipples poking through.
🎐— you just shook your head gently, looking at him with an irresistible look, and then he immediately knew what you wanted. obviously, he knew you.
🎐— touching your soft skin, brushing his hands underneath the robe as he took it off of you gently. squeezing your breasts, a soft gasp escaped your lips.
🎐— tracing down to your stomach, and then to your pussy, messaging your folds before splitting them open. feeling your slicked up cunt, circling your clit with his rough but gentle fingers.
🎐— he never talked much during it, rather enjoying your sweet whimpers and moans. "such a sweet pussy.." he murmured, pushing one finger into your cunt, after a few pumps adding a second one.
🎐— his cock painfully hard in his trousers, your hands slipped into his pants, touching his dick softly. he held back a groan and thrusted his fingers into you, the squelching noises making you embarrassed.
🎐— you grinded down on his hand, his lips kissing your jaw gently as he pushed two fingers of his other hand into your mouth, slicking them up with saliva, muffled moans escaping your throat.
🎐— "sh, shh, baby." he whispered gently, biting your jaw softly. your legs buckled gently, he pressed you against the kitchen counter, removing his fingers from your mouth and tracing them down your back.
🎐— "this alright?" he murmured out as he traced the rim of your asshole, you nodded, gasping when he pushed one of his wet fingers in. feeling lightheaded at fingers in both of your holes.
🎐— fingering your ass and pussy at the same time, ever so gently. "need to get both holes ready.." he whispered to himself, you completely forgot about your hand in his pants from the pleasure.
🎐— his needy cock twitching in your grip, you got it out of his pants, pulling back his foreskin gently, smearing his pre-cum on his sensitive tip. he gasped and leaned his head on your shoulder, biting it softly, thrusting into your hand.
🎐— "let's get you to bed.." he whispered, removing his fingers from both your holes and throwing you over his shoulder, giving a few taps to your butt.
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johnpriceslamb · 2 months
𝓽 ���� 𝓻 𝓮 𝓪 𝓭 𝓮 𝓭 𝓮 𝓵 𝓮 𝓰 𝓪 𝓷 𝓬 𝓮
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🪡 Before you joined the gang, you used to be a tailor. An event was coming up soon which involved looking fancy, meaning that you had to take his measurements for a new suit.
𝓑𝓔𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔 𝓨𝓞𝓤 𝓟𝓡𝓞𝓒𝓔𝓔𝓓 ! ⋆ female ! reader ⋆ hyper-feminine ! reader ⋆ very suggestive content w/ javier ⋆ close proximity ⋆ reader is mentioned to be physically smaller than said chars ⋆ poorly google translates spanish >.> ⋆ not proof read nor edited ⋆ wrd count/1.2k
🪡 arthur morgan ⋆ charles smith ⋆ john marston ⋆ javier escuella (sep) x f! reader
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🪡 𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓾𝓻 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓪𝓷,
“stand still!”
You prattle on for the umpteenth time this evening. The loyal enforcer of the gang grunts at the feeling of the cold tape measure wrapped around his bare waist, as he begrudgingly lifts his arms up to avoid messing up the measurements.
“For someone so little,” He groans at the feeling of the flexible measure tightening deliberately around him, “You sure do have a lot of attitude.”
You ignore him, of course. You scribble down the exact number of his measurement down on a piece of paper with a slight hum. The beads of your delicate necklace hang delicately off your neck as you bend over the edge of the table a bit, elbows propping your demure head for support. Arthur couldn’t help but boredly take a peak of what you were writing down, before ultimately sighing as he hopes for this to go a little quicker.
the cigar in his mouth hangs low on his bottom lip, embers flying out from the tip. He takes another slow drag, before letting it out with a gentle sigh- to your direction. You throw the man a puffed-cheek glare, your little nose scrunching up at the smell.
He wouldn’t admit the fact that he felt warm when your fingers would touch his body so subtly when measuring him. Or when your face was so close to his ragged skin, he could really feel your soft breath. Did you always look that pretty when you’re concentrated?
“Hey, Arthur?” That familiar high-pitched voice catches his attention. His hands lazily grab ahold of his low-hung belt, before leaning in.
“Mh?” He lowly grunts, squinting his eyes at the sight of your beady eyes staring up at him. He chews at the end of his cigarette, letting out a huff when the smoke unexpectedly enters inside his body.
You cheekily smile, tinkering your dewy lashes at him to feign innocence. The pencil in your grip is tapped multiple times on the paper, “Wouldn’t pink be a suitable colour choice for your suit?”
“[name].” You’re lucky you were blessed with a cute little face, otherwise he’d have no issue throwing you in the lake nearby.
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🪡 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓽𝓱,
“..I’m not familiar with getting measured, I apologise if I make anything difficult.” Charles quietly explains to you in that baritone voice he had. You can’t help that sweet fluttering in your chest at the apology.
“Nonsense!” You wave him off with a toothy smile, “All you’ll have to do is stand still.”
The gentle giant in-front of you slowly nods. He’s not uncomfortable, but he’s kind of on the edge since this was new to him. But since it’s you, he can feel some of the tension in him melt. Usually, he tends to avoid interacting with other people at camp.
But you? Something about you made him draw closer.
“Just a matter of standing still? I think I can manage with that. No trouble with me.” A ghost of a smile slowly etches onto his dark skin at your expression. Almost.. puppy like.
You’re about to measure his full height to ensure the exact proportions of the suit are balanced, only to realise..
Your height (lack thereof.. oops.) comes in as a bit of an issue here. For plot purposes, there aren’t any stools around nor could you go on your tippy toes to measure him fully.
“..Ah.” Charles blinks at the situation. Amusement crosses his face, before gesturing to hand over the end of the measuring tape. He holds it just at his head, patiently watching you peak at the number it falls down to at his ankles.
“Oh my..” You let out a tiny squeak at the number, a shy smile appearing on your sweet face before scribbling it down on a piece of paper nearby.
“Oh my?” He repeats you, “What? Is that.. Is that bad?”
“No, no!” You stammer, meekly brushing your hands over your light pink petticoat, “You’re just.. Y’know. You’re tall.”
“Oh?” He smiles lightly, lovingly looking at your light expression, “I hope that won’t be too much of a problem.”
“It’s not a problem. Quite the opposite, actually.” You quietly mumble the last part. Oh dear, you can feel his gaze, practically warming up your soul, staring at you as if you hung the stars. You feel your cheeks heating up.
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🪡 𝓳𝓸𝓱𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷,
never in your life have you wanted to smack a man in the face so badly.
“Woah,” John grins like a newly wet dog from running through a puddle, “Y’here to take my measurements or to feel me up?”
All you did was just wrap the tape around the swell of his hips. Your cheeks puff out, purposefully tightening the tape to get your point behind.
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind either way.” He cheekily smiles, before scoffing at the feeling of the measuring tape deliberately tightening around him.
You swear you can smell the scent of booze. You ignore it, before straightening your back to measure his waist. What you can’t ignore however, was that raspy drawl his voice had which somehow makes you fall for him over and over again.
He may be as dumb as rocks, but his little antics drew you in.
“Hey,” He calls out to catch your attention. You sweetly tilt your head up, and to the side when he looks down at you.
“You gon’ pick the colours of my suit, or do I get to?” He asks curiously.
You ponder, “Well.. Do you want to?”
He thinks about it for a moment, before coming up with an answer. “Nah. Reckon you should. You’re the professional, after all.”
You can’t help but let out a soft giggle, “I wouldn’t go that far.”
When you’ve finished his measurements, you excitedly turn to him to discuss the colour choices which’ll be appropriate for the event coming up soon. Both of your eyes meet and he peers down at you with a loving gaze, it catches your breath a bit before you force yourself to look down at the notes which contained your notes.
“I think your suit should have a low v cut to really show that upper-body of yours. Perhaps a classic navy blue as your primary colour, and— Hey! Are you even listening to me?”
He blinks a few times, a bit sheepish. “I am, I just don’t got a clue on what you’re saying, sweetheart.”
You can feel your hand tighten.
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🪡 𝓳𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓮𝓻 𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪,
“Ah.. Quite close there, aren’t you?” He has this.. devilishly handsome smile you want to wipe off badly. He peers down at you as if you were nothing but a little dollie while you measured his chest.
“‘M not trying to be!” You whine, going just a bit lower to wrap the measuring tape around his waist now. You hum delightfully as you find the exact number, squinting your eyes to see where the tip of the measurement tape lands on.
While you’re busy with your own little thing, you don’t notice the way Javier admires you from above. He can’t help but comment on it too.
“You know,” He starts of with a slow, lazy smile. Mischievous, even.
“You’re looking very pretty working down there.” He puts a lot of emphasis on the word ‘very’ in his sentence. It’s subtle, but if you were to be paying attention to him you’d get it immediately.
You tilt your head up to innocently thank him with a small smile etched on your pretty little face, before realising what his words were implying. That little..
“Javier!” You scold him with a very high-pitched tone. You feel your dignity fading away as soon as he replies with a mocking laugh to your whining.
“You know I’m just playing around, chica. Don’t take it so seriously.” His hand goes down to cheekily pinch your squishy cheek to get his point through. You frown.
“You’re horrible.” You babble, begrudgingly taking his last measurement. You’re very tempted to give him the cold shoulder, but decided against it.
“You’re too kind.” He sarcastically replies, that same lazy grin on his face from the start as when he sees you scribbling down some notes about his measurements and preferences. You throw a tiny glare at him, “I’m the one creating your suit here, be nice!”
“Mhm? I haven’t gotten to express my gratitude yet have I?” He takes the notepad away from you, setting it aside before easily picking you up by the waist and setting you on the table, your legs dangle off the edge easily as he nears you.
“Permiteme que, querida.”
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