#blinky x aaarrrgghh
peapeapeapa · 8 months
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Just some gay trolls gaying you wouldn't understand😊🤭 (Blinky x Aaarrrgghh)
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lemonisntreal · 5 months
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blacksloth-art · 5 months
For now i don't have much time to do something big. But, I still wanna post about them.
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lovesick-fanfics · 1 year
You know, since this is a fanfic blog, can I recommend “Fire Agate” for people in the trollhunters fandom?
It has Jim/Toby/Claire and Blinky/Aaarrrgghh, but neither of these ships are like. Super apparent? (Like they are mentioned but it doesn’t really get in the way of the story… so like. If you don’t like either of these ships it doesn’t really take away from the fic?) ((I mean, you can take either or both of them platonically,))
Also Toby is Jewish in it and frankly it fits :)
It’s a post-trollhunters fic set mainly in the New Jersey troll market where 3below through RoTT didn’t happen (it was written before they came out) where Toby decides to become a troll.
It’s pretty long but it’s a very good read!
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hammert-fitzerald · 2 years
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blinky is comfortable wearing the pride blanket that arrrgh has made for him with a lot of care and love, so that blinky can rest
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rainnydayzz · 6 months
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Trollhunters dump and by that I mean blinky and Arrgh dump
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 2 days
I'll never leave you again
Find story on Wattpad, Neobook or Tumblr. Links on my profile
Next chapter (1) *Soon*
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The crackle of branches interrupted the peaceful silence of the forest, quiet footsteps and quiet humming accompanied the figure that moved in the shadows of the forest. She couldn't go out into the sun unless life was unkind to her and she wanted to turn to stone, the quiet humming of a song came out of her dark blue lips and her green eyes looked down intently to find what she was looking for.
Healing plants, flowers with which she could heal the sick. Plants that would speed up the healing of wounds as well as disinfect them.
The forest around her consisted only of massive oak trees with thick bark partially dried and ready to be stripped off to be used for making houses or other tools. She made a mental note to tell the local blacksmith about the readiness of the trees to gather the needed wood from them for harvesting, her fingertips sliding over the rough texture of the wood.
A gentle smile adorned her face as she felt the power flowing through the tree.
The power of life
The power of life that everyone has, plant, troll, shape-shifter or even humans or... Gumm Gumm, the latter she dreamt in her worst nightmares. No matter what she was doing or if she was having a successful and nice day always, when she closed her eyes all she saw was Gunmar who would attack her village destroying everything she and the other trolls had created.
Her smile dropped and worry almost immediately flooded her thoughts. A heavy sigh left her lips she would give up her birthstone to protect her village even better... she would give up her soul for everyone living in the village hidden at the edge of the lush forest.
She wanted to protect every young troll hide her from the war that was beginning to take its toll and come dangerously close to them, but her husband believed that Gunmar or the humans would not dare attack them. They probably don't even know of their existence, the Troll market would never betray their location
And in a time of crisis, they would surely come here to ask for help and they would give it.
Crops are more lush than they have been in recent years, crops are surplus to the point where they can rot in sacks. Trade between the village and the stone-hearted Troll market is thriving very well, when she thought about it now her smile returned
The birds were chirping over her head as if they were happy to see her, the pleasant song you birds chirped was like honey to her ears. She loved it when birds sang a happy tune, she loved birds she always dreamed of being able to fly among them and feel that freedom that birds only knew. She gently tilted her head as she watched the birds fly over her head.
She felt calm, her thoughts were simple and carefree. Everything around her was so peaceful at the same time it was dark, her bare feet touched the soft grass that tickled her she let out a quiet giggle as she felt the tickle of the grass on her stony skin, the basket, made of sticks she had on her back was loaded to the brim with flowers and other herbs
Even the best stacked ones were gently sticking out of the basket's construction. Her steps were heading towards the village already she could see a mountain on the horizon that had a large mine entrance in it, one of the many entrances to the village of Rot. She couldn't wait to set the heavy basket down on the desk, come the basket filled with herbs and other flowers might seem light however it weighed its own.
Especially after walking for several hours
She was also looking forward to seeing her husband, although she would not have to look for him, as she was probably worried again about the war, which instead of going north was coming dangerously close to them, Gunmar's army could find them any moment, but Anoana did not yet feel the danger it could entail
She was calm, but Angor however was not calm, he had increased the number of patrols around the village to know where the armies of Camelot and the armies of Gunmar were, two camps that were fighting a battle towards the victory of the humans, but it was for now a matter of time when Gunmar would win and bring eternal night.
Angor feared this, but a small spark of hope burned within him that no one would find their village. They were really far set from the war yet he still felt this uncertainty, war was never predictable and this irritated Angor
He liked to plan. He liked to know everything. 
He wanted to take care of his people like the good chief that he is, his father had always taught him that , ‘Planning is important, but even more important are the trolls in the village for them you must first ensure their safety before you go into battle’.
His father was wise, Angor had always admired him when he was still young. He had even made a vow to himself that he would be the same leader his father had been and maybe even better, time was to verify if his vow spoken at night in the moonlight would fully come true.
He had an even more important task on his shoulders, not only the defence of his people was paramount, but also that of his beloved.
He had and even had to defend her from the war lest even she hear of Camelot's or Gunmar's advances, he treated her like a little troll who didn't necessarily need to hear of bloody battles somewhere beyond the village's borders, he would have been happiest to lock her within the four walls and not let her out.
Of course he knew she could handle a weapon like a bow or a dagger, but he had always worried if she would return safely from her expedition or if Gunmar would catch her or if people would catch her and lock her up somewhere in the cells of Camelot, that fear bubbling through his veins since he had not seen the end of the war.
Even if he told her not to stray too far from the village she would not listen to him
She was too stubborn
At the same time, he loved her more at the same time he hated her.
Even if she had elongated ears like an elf's, he feared whether she would hear the enemy approaching in time or whether fear would cause her to panic and fear would cause her to freeze in place. Therefore he liked to test her
Just like now
When she was returning to the village there was no way around Angor's prank as he leapt from tree to tree branch to branch of another tree doing it as imperceptibly as he could, at the same time not taking his eyes off his victim who was walking smiling and unaware of the impending attack.
Before he attacked he liked to watch her, he even loved to see how she admired nature approaching each tree to check the protection spells while admiring the magic coming out of the tree bark. How gently she handled the flowers, which she later used for decoctions to cure sick trolls or to create clever traps for dwarves.
Maybe the dwarves were useful for the hairier trolls, as they effectively ate parasites out of their fur at the same time they were very annoying, constantly tangling under their feet or making some kind of prank. To the displeasure of everyone but his own.
He always loved how carefree his wife was and yet smart. But in her own way. She wanted to protect the people from war, but thought war would never come to them, they were too hidden. Only from the top of the tree did he watch her hips sway as she walked and her blue skin contrast with the green of the grass. Her skin colour would match the sky perfectly and the pale horns on the top of her head resembled a deer, if she ventured too close to a human village some hunter might kill her by accident. Her horns resembled those of a deer, it's easy to get confused especially when her antlers are sticking up behind a bush and her body is hiding behind a bush.
He leapt onto another branch, which creaked under his weight alerting the troll beneath him, her eyes widened and her muscles tensed as she turned on her heel to check what was hiding behind her back. She saw nothing suspicious, yet she sensed a presence. Someone was nearby, but her eyes couldn't find anything suspicious
Maybe because the scarf she had tied on top of her head and whose tassels fell over her cheeks and eyes gently obscured her vision while hiding her beautiful green eyes, but the tattoo came out from under the tassels of the headband she always wore tied on the back of her head and going behind her ears, the tattoos were straight lines coming out from under her lower eyelid crossing her blue cheek ending in a sharp line, also a black line was on her lower lip following evenly on her chin.
She muttered something under her breath - Maybe it's just an animal - she muttered to herself, she might not have noticed the deer which are famous for their skittishness. She shrugged her shoulders as she was about to move towards the village again Rot noticed a strange shadow appear on one of the trees, as if something was watching her from a branch. As she looked more closely though a slow smile appeared on her face
- It's definitely an animal - she spoke louder, she spoke loudly and it was special she knew who was sitting in the tree watching her by the way trying to scare her. In her own way to tell her not to stray too far from the village even if she knows she won't listen to him - There is nothing to be afraid of - she spoke into the deaf forest as if the trees were going to answer her
And that was not the case, the silence was eerie nevertheless a shiver ran down the Troll's back as she looked deep into the dark forest, the sun was slowly setting and growing darker. She may have been a troll who would be turned to stone as soon as she stepped out into the sun, but she liked to watch the sun set, when she looked up into the sky which shimmered with familiar oranges and yellows and some of the clouds were pink she let out a breath of air - I'm late - she whispered, every evening she went out to the mountain where the entrance to the cave where the village is located
She had never missed a sunset before, her eyes dropped to the ground and her stone feet were tickled by the moss. She shook her head and moved on towards the cave entrance - Are you going Angor or not? - she spoke up suddenly not paying attention to what was happening behind her back
And this could have had disastrous consequences.
- Behind your back - spoke a deep voice behind her back, he always knew how to make shivers run down her spine. She hated him for it and fell even more in love with him, one of the reasons why she wears the amethyst carving ring on her ring finger on her left hand and still carries the dagger he forged for her at her breast.
- ‘You know how to scare me,’ she muttered, glancing over her shoulder to look at the tall troll, who could be said to be three metres tall-come on, he was a little shorter, she barely reached his shoulders and yet they fit together like lost two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. A rough giggle left Angor's lips as he looked down at her and she had to lift her head to look at him in all his glory
- I guess that's my speciality - He murmured smiling at her while tilting his head, his ram's horns making his face resemble the shape of a skull. He loved to blend into the shadows to suddenly jump out and frighten her when she least expected it, they loved this kind of fun it made them laugh maybe they were brave leaders every day but when the door closed they loved to mess with each other. This is what their marriage was about he leads and protects the village she is his right hand and helps out
Large black eyes that had gold glittering pupils watched her as she pulled a glowing stone from her pocket and began to draw an arc on the wall leaving a blue outline, just as she was about to touch the centre of the drawn arc she felt her husband's rough hands encircle her waist to draw her close hiding his face in the hollow of her neck
He humped considerably at this, his nose gently inhaling her scent of lilac and gooseberry. He could inhale it all the way to his death, his fangs gently brushing against his beloved's stony skin and the distinctive vines emerging from his arms and legs stood out against Angora's grey skin. A soft giggle issued from Anoana as she gently lifted her hand to place it on his jaw, which gently brushed the skin of her neck
- Do you know that we will have time for this in the evening? - she asked quietly, but the smile did not disappear from her face, he did not answer only winked something under his breath snuggling tighter into her neck to which she replied still with a soft giggle
- The evening will come soon Angor - she reminded him finally pulling out of his embrace - You will survive until then - she sent him a flirtatious smile, when she put the piece of stone heart back in her pocket, he sent her a gentle smile and nodded his head - she was right, later there will be time for tenderness now they had to finish their work
However, they both did not know what fate would befall
What the Norns had planned for both Trolls
Their love was strong, but would it survive even the darkest times?
He could only ask the gods that the love he had bestowed on Anoan would never fade away
When they both passed through the portal previously drawn by Anoan they knew they were finally home
But even at home it can be dangerous 
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random-fandom1984 · 2 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus Megatron Bumblebee Elita-1 Soundwave Shockwave Tarantulas Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Recently added
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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winter-leftovers · 4 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty five: As The World Caves In (25/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Merlin and the trollhunter team make Jim take a decision. Y/n and Douxie have their last night on earth.
Word count: 4150
Warnings: a lil of angst. +16 stuff, implied smut, nothing explicit
See episode ten of Trollhunters before reading for extra rage!
(Season 3 Episodes 9, 10)
Song?: As The World Caves In by Sarah Cothran
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“We’re home, mom! Y/n! Merlin?” Y/n heard the front door opening “Got the stuff you needed”
Her heart increased its already fast pace.
“He is going to kill me” she whispered as she looked up at the couple surviving pieces of Jim’s vespa laying on the garage’s table from her place on the floor.
“Ugh” Merlin rolled his eyes. The wizard was tired of the girl’s nervousness.
Y/n ignored him. She tried and tried to explain to him how important the vespa was but it didn’t seem to matter to him. It didn’t fit his logic, if it does fit what Merlin already believes, he won't try to do it any other way.
“What’s that smell?” Toby complained.
“Hell” Y/n screamed to the trollhunter team that were still at the door.
“We’re in the garage” Blinky announced.
Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were still impregnated by the horrid smell of the cave where Merlin sent them to look for something that he didn’t allow Y/n to see.
Jim followed the voice of the troll, opening the door followed by Toby and Claire carrying the trophies of their conquest.
“It appears your little excursion was just as fruitful as our own” Blinky pointed to the table.
“My vespa?” Jim screamed, only being able to focus on the remains of his bike.
“I’m so sorry, Jim” Y/n stood up.
“Aaah” he dropped to the floor in agony “what did you do?”
“I put it to much better use” Merlin nodded and Y/n pulled one of the covers “This one is for Tobias”
“What?! We got armors too?!” Toby screamed as the sheet fell to the ground revealing an orange suit of armor “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this! So cool! So cool!” He ran up to it to look it up closer. With one of his finger, he carefully caresed the metal “Look how shiny it is”
Y/n smiled, happy that her work with Jim’s bike had made him so happy. She took a step back and looked at her father before revealing the last one.
“And this one is for Lady Claire” Merlin said as the sheet fell revealing a purple set of armor.
“Oh. Wow” Claire breathed “Holy guacamole”
“Do you like it?” Y/n smiled “I used purple because is totally your color”
“Yes” the girl carefully touched the metal “You did this?”
“I like mine better” Toby stated.
“I’m glad. I did it thinking of you” Y/n chuckled, turning to Claire “Yeah. I’m going to have metal under my nails for a hundred years”
“Wow. Thanks. It’s amazing” Claire smiled.
Y/n blushed. She took a step back to observe the happiness her work has made.
“Good work” Merlin ruffled Y/n hair.
She smiled back to her father. Besides being forced to destroy her brother’s bike the afternoon was very tame, nice even. Merlin let her take the lead in the design and construction of the armors. Father and daughter working together side by side on the floor of the garage, recounting old memories in between the comfortable silence.
“That’s surprisingly nice of you, Merlin” Jim said.
“Quick query” Blinky wasn’t as trusty as his student “If we’ve been collecting items for a spell to thwart Gunmar, then why would they require armor?”
“A spell? You thought we would stop Gunmar and Angor Rot without going to war?” Merlin couldn't believe the ingenuity of the troll.
Y/n shifted in her place. They still haven’t recovered from the consequences from the last war but Merlin was right. There wasn’t any other way
“Do you have sand for brains?” The wizard started pacing.
“Wait, a war?” Jim asked.
“Once freed,” Merlin cracked his neck “Morgana will attempt to bring forth the Eternal Night”
“Free Morgana?” Y/n’s voice came out more hopeful than she wanted to.
“Sounds like you’re saying you’re not going to stop Gunmar from freeing that witch” Claire stopped playing with her new armor and turned to the wizard.
“Oh, did I not make myself clear? I’m not here to stop Gunmar” Merlin clenched his fists behind his back. Y/n frowned, she only saw him do this a couple of times: once when Douxie wouldn’t shut up about his staff after almost dying and a couple of times when discussing important matters with King Arthur “I’m here to kill Morgana”
Y/n felt her knees give out. She walked back until she found a solid surface, a wall to hold the weight of her soul. Maybe it was naive, childish even but all these years she hoped to bring back the Morgana she knew, that maybe, if they gave her enough time, Y/n could find a way to bring back the sister she once knew, but with this war, Merlin wouldn’t give her the time.
Her father’s possible words resonated in her mind “Grow up, Y/n! She’s a monster! She’s never going to change! We have to kill her, now!” She would cry and her father would mellow, he would understand the grief her daughter is going through and say “I’m sorry, Birdie but there is no other way”
“And maybe there’s no other way. Maybe I have to grow up. Maybe my sister has been dead this whole time” she thought.
“Jim. Jim. Jim!” Y/n was brought back by Claire’s screams.
“Want to weigh in here?” An irritated Toby asked the trollhunter “Merlin just dropped the bomb we have to let Morgana loose”
Y/n looked around, her father had walked to the other side of the room somehow. She walked by the entrance door where he was standing and sat down on the steps, her body still too shaky to stand.
“Wait, he destroyed my Vespa” Jim said.
Y/n chuckled, lowering her head, her shoes suddenly more calming. Looks like she wasn’t the only one at her limit.
“He what? See? Then you must listen to the voice of reason. Mine!” Blinky screamed.
“Gunmar has the staff of Avalon. Soon he will find a way to free her. This is when we will strike. Together, we’ll slay Morgana before the Eternal Night starts” Merlin explained.
“Woah woah woah” interrupted Toby “I’m sorry, you want Jim to go up against Gunmar and Angor Rot and Morgana?”
“Do you have any other idea?” Y/n asked, already disheartened by the circumstances.
“Now is the time to strike” Merlin didn’t let Toby answer “She’s been imprisoned for centuries and she will be at her weakest. This is our best chance”
“Wait” Claire stepped forward “If Jim defeats Morgana, you get your magic back”
Y/n lifted her head.
“That would be a pleasant bonus, yes” Merlin frowned.
“Oh, you only want your magic back!” Blinky said ironically “Aaarrrgghh, my friend, put your fist through the old man’s face”
“Well, that’s not fair” Y/n stood up, her face revealing the anger she felt at her friends.
“Mmm. Old man make sense. Stop witch forever” Aaarrrgghh shook his head.
“I’m with Blinky. Sounds like Merlin wants his magic back” Toby said.
“What if Merlin’s right? He’s been right about everything else” Claire frowned, scared of making the wrong choice.
“Thank you” Merlin bowed.
“Claire” Toby chuckled “Gunmar and Morgana wants to destroy the world” he turned to Merlin “We live in this world!”
“Yet, this world is protected by the trollhunter. What say he?” Merlin turned to Jim
“Uuh” Jim looked back at the expecting eyes “I need to think”
“Then, I await your decision” Merlin bowed.
“Jim” Y/n walked up to him with a soft smile in her face, she grabbed his hands “The decision you make is the one I’ll be happy to fight for”
Jim nodded, returning the smile with difficulty, the nervousness creeping into his spine.
Y/n turned back to leave.
“Whatever you choose, if we are to fight, we’ll need an army. Aaaarrrgghh and I will see what we can do. As to whom we are fighting. I’ll leave that to master Jim” Blinky said.
Merlin and Y/n shared a look and rolled their eyes.
“She’s not receiving my texts” Y/n tipped with one hand and bitted her other index fingernail.
“Thanks. Call me if you do” Claire says to her phone “My mom hasn’t seen her either”
“She’s not at the hospital” added Toby.
Jim and Y/n looked at eachother, hoping that the other had news they hadn’t shared.
“Asking for mommy’s permission?” Merlin mocked from behind the fridge.
“Shut up” Y/n turned, pointing Merlin with her phone “I used to ask for permission to breathe. There’s no need to be an ass”
Merlin raised his eyebrows, a half smile in his face.
“You’re asking us to wage a war. It’s only fair to have everyone weigh in” Jim explained, calmer than Y/n.
“I’m feeling a bit peckish. Where do you keep your fresh haggis?” Merlin looked through the fridge.
“What sort of cannibal wizard hungers for boiled meat in a sheep’s stomach? Ugh” Toby turned to the door “I’ll see if anyone at the school has seen her”
“What kind of sixteen year old knows what a haggis is?” Y/n frowned.
Before Toby could open the door he was tackled by Nomura.
“Jeez, lady, don’t you knock?” He complained.
“Nomura!” Jim ran to aid his friend and the changeling.
“Blood! There’s blood on the rug and it’s purple!” Toby screamed.
“What happened?” Y/n walked up to the changeling.
“Usurna tried to capture me at the museum” Nomura stood up with difficulty “Gunmar needs a changeling to activate the staff of Avalon”
“So he found a way around my safeguard. He needs human hands who can speak in troll tongue. If they fail to take her, they’ll look for others” Merlin looked at Jim.
“Strickler” he said.
“Mom” Y/n said.
“Do you think she’s with him?” Claire asked.
Jim quickly pulled out his phone and called Strickler only to be sent to voicemail.
“We don’t know for sure she was with him” Toby tried to be positive.
“Don’t be naive” Y/n burst his bubble.
“Split up and search everywhere! Find my mother!” Desperation irradiated from Jim’s plea.
“It’s okay. We’ll find them, Jim” Claire smiled.
Y/n turned to Merlin her eyes full of tears:
“Please, let me go with them” she grabbed his arm.
“Of course, Birdie. What kind of man wouldn’t let her daughter look for her mother?” He smiled, wiping with his thumb the tear that had fallen.
“Thank you, father” she hugged him, her cheek hitting the cold metal of the armor.
“Go” he kissed her head.
Y/n ran to the center of Arcadia looking in every corner hoping to find her mother’s red hair but only finding empty spaces. She walked and walked, praying that she was wrong, that she didn’t send Claire and Toby to a dangerous fight. She imagined Strickler and her mother having a date in a remote corner of Arcadia and for the first time she didn’t want to pull her hair out.
Y/n feet stopped. She looked down, tears falling down from her face, she chuckled.
“Hi, Al”
“Meow” he repeated, rubbing himself between her legs.
Y/n kept looking at the cat with amusement. The way his skinny body moved in circles between her legs, his soft fur felt against his shaky body, how his tail, that seemed burnt at the tip, tickled when it disconnected from her body. Her brain was so filled with tragedy that looking at her cat felt like a religious experience.
“Y/n?” The familiar voice sounded so distant yet so close.
She looked up, finding in the distance the boy, the man which she was hoping to see all day. A smile formed in her face washing away all the tears that were burning her eyes.
“Doux?” she asked, well aware of the answer.
The blue haired guy shifted his broom from hand to hand and waved. His hand stopped in the middle of the air but quickly resumed the greeting.
Y/n laughed at the young wizard, her heart filling with the warmth she craved.
“Doux!” She screamed as she ran to the man’s arms.
“Y/n!” He screamed, dropping the broom to catch her before both of them could fall.
She snaked her legs around his waist, pulling her head away from his neck.
“Hi!” She said with a gigantic smile.
“Hello?” Douxie frowned, his cheeks flushed “are you okay?”
Y/n squinted.
“Were you crying?” Tried to get closer to her eyes.
The sudden happiness that had invaded her body disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Y/n dropped her legs, her eyes filling up once more.
“I’ve been an idiot” she looked deeply into his hazel eyes.
“I really don’t follow” he chuckled, disappointed at the loss of touch.
“Can we talk inside” she points to the library.
Douxie nodded.
Y/n looks at the sky and can’t help to, once again, pray for everyone’s safety.
Y/n followed Douxie to his apartment, to her favourite place in this town: the brown leather couch. She sat down, closing her eyes when her head hit the back. With her eyes closed, she wished she could be more selfish and leave this war to someone else, to go back to her house and say to everyone “hey! We don’t have to do this! Someone else can! Let’s hide at Doux until it’s over!” But she can’t. She couldn’t.
“Do you want something to drink?”
Y/n opened her eyes and found Douxie looking down at her.
“No. No” she grabbed his wrist “Come sit” she pushed him close to her.
“Love, what’s going on? Should I be worried?” Douxie lifted his arms as Y/n finded a comfortable position in his chest.
“I’m sorry for not telling you about everything but I can’t tell you exactly what’s going on” she crossed her arms behind his back “Don’t be mad”
Douxie sighed:
“I’m not mad” he lowered his arms, hugging her back “You said you wanted to talk?”
“I know” her voice trembled.
Douxie looked down at Y/n. Her eyes were lost in whatever was the whole issue at hand. He knew the situation well. Back in Camelot, when Merlin used to make her keep secrets, useless or not so useless secrets that would fill her up, to eat her up, she would shut down like this. Now, she was trying to compartmentalize the secret to tell Douxie what she could without getting into trouble with her father.
“They’re going to free Morgana” Y/n said, tears falling down unapologetically.
“Oh. How…”
“And they’re going to kill her” she sobbed, hiding her face into his chest “I know is the only way…”
“But you hoped it wasn’t” Douxie hugged her tighter.
“Why do we have to do this all over again?” She sat up “Maybe there is another way? I mean…there is a human trollhunter…” she stopped when she saw Douxie’s look.
“I’m sorry” he whispered.
“I know. She doomed and she did it to herself” she lowered her head in Douxie’s shoulder “Maybe in another life”
He hugged her closer trying to absorb the grief from the tragedy that has been following them since they were children. Y/n closed her eyes, melting in his touch.
“Doux” she whispered.
“The world may be ending in a couple of hours…” she looked up.
He looked down at her, his eyes full of curiosity.
She lifted her hands placing it in his cheek, the little stubble prickling her palm. He gave into the warmth of her movement.
“I don’t want it to end without being yours” she whispered, her face red as the roses Douxie had brought for her.
“We don’t have time to get married besides Master…” he rambled, too nervous to answer.
Y/n chuckled:
“No, dumbass” her hand falling to his chest as her face got redder by the second.
“Oh. Oh” he face relaxed and tensed back.
“Oh” Y/n mocked with a smile.
Douxie smiled at the girl's attempt to lighten up the mood. He grabbed her face and got closer to her:
“We don’t have to” he whispered.
“I want to” she grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed with the passion of a woman with no future.
Douxie quickly returned the kiss, his hungry hands wandering Y/n’s torso, finding the hem of the shirt and discarding it easily.
Y/n panted as she felt Douxie’s penetrating gaze on her. The flush traveled to her chest as his glossy eyes moved up and down.
“You’re even more beautiful than the first time I saw you” he said, his cheeks as crimson as hers.
“Thank you” Y/n smiled.
Douxie smiled back and kissed Y/n nose making her giggle.
“Should I?” Y/n gently pulled Douxie’s black shirt.
“Do you want to?” He raised his brow “Scandalous”
“Please, don’t tell the ladies of the court” Y/n laughed as she took out Douxie’s shirt.
Y/n was mesmerized. She probably had the same face he had seconds ago. She stretched her hand, with her fingers caressing his chests, his stomach. Obsessing how Douxie would twitch under her touch.
“Now I get all the teenagers” she pressed her palm on his chest “you’re hot”
“Now you get them?” Douxie pretended to be offended.
Y/n nodded with a big smile as she got closer to his neck, biting the place where his shoulder and neck met.
“Ah” he moaned, pulling Y/n away softly by the hair “What was that?”
“In case we survive. I don’t like sharing” she laughed.
“I don’t like sharing either” Douxie lifted Y/n from the couch and disappeared into the bedroom.
Y/n closed her eyes, Douxie’s limbs and hers tangled with each other, outside the birds sang and the wind ruffled the trees. For a moment, the world is not ending, nobody is dying, she’s not losing a part of herself. She wishes she could live in this moment but she knows that her wishes always fall on deaf ears, that the god that was assigned to her has left the building long ago. She was granted one wish, one good thing for eternity and she was sharing a bed with him.
She felt Douxie shift so she turned to face him.
“I can’t believe I slept with Douxie from Ash Dispersal Pattern” she joked.
Douxie laughed and lifted his head from the pillow. “Good for you love but you better leave before my girlfriend gets here” he said putting on a raspy voice.
“I’ll kill you” Y/n bitted Douxie’s bicep. “That’s an awful Ozzy by the way”
“I do what I can” he dropped back to the pillow, dragging himself to be closer to Y/n.
“What now?” She buried her hand in Douxie’s hair.
“We wait until you have to go or I’ll have to go to the battle of the bands” Douxie’s hand found a place in Y/n waist.
“No! The battle of the bands! I completely forgot” Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose “How do I still have a job is beyond me” Y/n sighed, her job was at the bottom of her list of priorities right now.
“Shh” Douxie pulled her closer “Let’s just lay here. Let’s wait for the end”
“Thank you” Y/n kissed Douxie's forehead.
“Why?” He whispered.
“For going along” Y/n closed her eyes.
“Til the end of eternity” Douxie kissed her cheek, closing his eyes.
Y/n laid there pretending to be in the woods of her childhood, back where her problems were less smothering, back when she could still dream to run away with the errand boy without hurting anybody. Now, she loved more people than the three she had back then. She couldn’t abandon the world without consequences. She had to fight and fighting was going to cost her ever more than last time.
Something turned in Y/n’s stomach.
“Did you feel that?” She sat up, starting to dress up.
“No, I was falling asleep” Douxie muttered.
Something had just happened that was going to change the balance in the world.
“I have to go” Y/n kissed Douxie.
“Should I go with you?” Douxie sat up once the urgency woke him up.
“No, be normal” she screamed from the living room as she looked for her bag.
Y/n moved her wrist making her staff appear in her hand. She took a deep breath and pointed the staff to the door, focussing to make a portal appear. Her staff shot a dark mass that quickly stabilized. Y/n sighed and crossed it, appearing in her house.
She wanted to shout, she hadn't used dark magic in years but the sense of darkness killed all her joy.
The house was a mess. Furniture thrown around everywhere, the tv was on on a random channel, all of the books where in the floor.
“Jim? Father?” Y/n screamed as she walked on top of a broken vase.
“Birdie! Have you found your mother?” Merlin walked out of the kitchen, unfazed by the mess.
“What happened?” Y/n clenched her staff.
“What had to happen” he walked forward with his hands behind his back “I talked to Jim”
“What did you tell him?” Y/n frowned, the feeling was growing stronger.
“I shared with him a vision I had while I rested” Merlin put a hand on Y/n’s shoulder “I saw a way to finally end this stalemate. To win this war, I must have a champion with a foot in both worlds”
“No” Y/n whispered, shaking her head. She looked up at her father with her eyes full of tear “You didn’t” she pushing his hand away.
“It’s his destiny” Merlin said like it would suffice.
“He is a child!” Y/n screamed “Sixteen. A baby”
“It’s the only way!”
“I don’t care!”
Y/n felt the atmosphere dropping, everything was heavy to be quickly lifted from her shoulders. She looked around, everything seemed similar except her father’s concerned face.
“You’re bleeding” he pointed to her face.
She lifted her hand to her nose and cleaned the blood from under it. She looked at it and looked back at her father.
“I don’t…” she couldn’t finish the phrase, a gigantic explosion in her mind interrupted her. She took her hands to her temples trying to quiet down the sound.
“The Eternal Night is here” Morgana’s voice proclaimed and everything was quiet once more.
Y/n looked up at her father, cleaning up the new blood coming out from her nose:
“She’s out”
Y/n heard the faucet turned on and ran up stairs ignoring the rest of blood in her hands and face.
“Jim” she screamed “Please! Let me find another way!” She screamed and kicked the door.
“Y/n Ambrosius do not interviene. It’s his choice” Merlin warned from the living room.
“Jim! Please!” She cried and knocked on the door until her knuckles bleeded.
Y/n sat by the door in silence as she heard the tub filled up. She screamed and kicked and knocked, he wasn’t coming out.
“I guess I’m staying until you come out” Y/n chuckled “He’s right. It’s your choice and I already told you the decision you make is the one I’ll be happy to fight for. I guess this still applies”
The faucet stopped.
Y/n stood up.
“I love you, Jim” She whispered to the door “I’ll see you on the other side”
Y/n walked down the stairs and sat on the floor looking at her father walking around the room.
“There really wasn’t any other way?” She asked one last time trying to kill her guilt. She already knew if it was in his father’s vision it was probably the only way.
“No” he shook his head.
She nodded. Lowering her head, waiting for Jim to come out. Y/n smiled when she noticed she had accidentally put on Douxie’s shirt.
“Jim” Toby screamed.
Y/n looked at the door. Claire and Toby had brought her mother and Stickler back in one piece.
“Where’s Jim?” Barbara screamed at the wizard that was playing with the tv.
“Finally becoming a true trollhunter” Merlin said.
“You never” Strickler stepped forward.
The house shook, making Barbara follow the sounds.
“Jim! “She screamed “are you in there?”
They screamed and kicked and knocked but Jim wouldn’t answer.
Y/n stood up and walked to her father, like a child who's afraid would do when she can’t tolerate the dark anymore. She pressed her forehead on his back, closing her eyes with force, trying to block out the screams and then the silence.
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A/n: every time I see a cat is a religious experience.
I’m back with more!!! I think 4150 words is the longest I ever written in this series I honestly don’t know what happened but I’m happy with this chapter ☺️ sorry for the delay but THEY CUT MY POWER AGAIN FOR THREE DAYS dont get me started you’ll read my manifesto soon. Also my silly course is over friday 🙏🏻 if I pass it would mean extra credit so pray for me
remember to leave love letters and death threats!! 💖
<Taglist: @douxiesaurus @fandomobbsessedb @queteimporta-99 @castle-archives If your url is crossed it means tumblr didn’t let me tag you> want to be tagged next update? Let me know! 📩
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Reached 2000 posts. might just draw some silly little ship art because I am bored and sad.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 1 year
37 blinky x gunmar if you are not comfortable with it don’t do it
37. meeting in prison au
And by prison, I mean "the Darklands" because this would be an au where Blinky got sent to the Darklands instead of Dictatious. They're imprisoned together ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"We found him wandering a few miles southwest of where the bridge stood," one of Gunmar's soldiers said. She had her hand on the shoulders of a blue skinned troll. A sack had been stuffed over his head, and all four of his hands had been bound together by rope.
"Kneel," Gunmar said, and the soldier forced the troll to his knees.
Carefully as to not rip the fabric, Gunmar tore the bag off the troll's head to reveal a head glaring up at him with six eyes.
"What were you doing there?" Gunmar asked.
"I will never answer to you, Gumm-Gumm!" the troll said with entirely too much bluster. Bluster that was lost as Gunmar got close to his face and growled. "Please don't hurt me! I'm just a scholar; I shouldn't have been at Killahead!"
"A scholar or a spy?"
"I swear I'm not a spy; though I supposed that's just what a spy would say. But I swear to you, I've never even been in a fight before AAARRRGGHH!!! attacked Dwoza!"
"Dwoza you say? You'll be telling me all about them, scholar, and when we get out your information had best be accurate."
They had only been locked in the Darklands for about three nights. Surely it wouldn't be much more.
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blacksloth-art · 6 months
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I had draw many poster color works and I though I never did it good as THIS. This is one of my fav work now.
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sonicasura · 1 year
Every time I see someone call Draal 'Sonic the Hedgehog' or use a Sonic related pun, I get the image of the two somehow meeting. How it happens is up to you albeit I'd probably go for Blinky and Toby were responsible for what happens next. Imagine Draal having his daytime nap in Trollmarket (before Win, Lose or Draal episode) interrupted by the strangest scent of hedgehog then notices Sonic on top his horns like a makeshift perch.
And we all know how the blue blur's personality tends to react with someone like Kanijar's son. You think Jim already being the Trollhunter pissed him off? Why not drop a 3'3 hedgehog who can break the sound barrier and slain gods to annoy the fuck out of you while constantly failing to catch him.
A literal Looney Tunes episode in Trollmarket as Jim, Toby, Blinky and AAARRRGGHH are too wrapped up in the gnome problem to notice. Well until a furious Draal nearly topples over the Furgolator as Sonic acts like the little shit he is in the first episode of Sonic X. Even funnier if the only reason the Blue Blur gets caught is thanks to a shrunken Jim doing a 'Gnome Rodeo'(mechanic bull ride but with a gnome).
Also a tired smug Draal just collapsing in a prideful heap that he finally nab Sonic and everyone but the hedgehog is confused at what just happened. Or the blue blur is applauding the exhausted troll's success. Sonic ain't exactly a sore loser. Vendel just walks in the scene absolutely confused and looks already done.
Although Sonic moving into Jim's basement alongside Draal would definitely be his idea too. Half the reason is petty revenge for the mess their chase caused. Least he isn't going be so lonely down there. Plus Sonic befriended Knuckles so don't be surprised if he gets Draal too.
The troll gets front seats to all the juicy adventures and insanity that comes with the blue blur's lifestyle. Can only imagine his reaction seeing one of the hedgehog's fights or Super Sonic. I think Sonic Frontiers' Knight Titan would have the best results to leave Draal mind blown.
Draal: ...don't think I would've mind the amulet choosing you instead of the scrawy Trollhunter.
Jim, from upstairs: I HEARD THAT!
Sonic: I've had enough of the chosen hero business already. ...You're gonna increase Jim's training after seeing that fight, aren't you?
Draal: *remembers the human using Daylight to destroy garbage the other night* YES!
Jim: That soooo isn't crispy!
Both are menaces to Young Atlas although Sonic's shenanigans are a coin flip on whether it's accidental or on purpose. Draal probably try out the Chaos Emeralds if he can, don't know whether Super Draal be cool or peculiar. That's my opinion anyway.
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blueandgreenpoll · 1 year
Round 1
Glaceon & Leafeon (Pokémon) vs Bloom & Aisha (Winx Club)
Bubbles & Buttercup (Powerpuff Girls) vs Nya & Lloyd (Lego Ninjago)
Lapis & Peridot (Steven Universe) vs Katara & Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Blinky & AAARRRGGHH!! (Tales of Arcadia) vs Thomas & Henry (Thomas and Friends)
Castiel and Dean (Supernatural) vs Dewey and Louie (Ducktales)
Charlotte & Vendetta (Making Fiends) vs Silvermist and Tinkerbell (Tinkerbell)
Johnny & Gyro (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Martin & Chris (Wild Kratts)
John & Jade (Homestuck) vs Gus & Willow (The Owl House)
Elsa & Anna (Frozen) vs Dib and Zim (Invader Zim)
Varian & Hugo (Varian and the 7 Kingdoms) vs Ash & Brock (Pokémon)
Fred & Shaggy (Scooby Doo) vs Wambus and Triffany (Bugsnax)
Wirt & Greg (Over the Garden Wall) vs Stan & Kyle (South Park)
Kris & Ralsei (Deltarune) vs Killua & Gon (Hunter x Hunter)
Anne & Marcy (Amphibia) vs Sully & Mike (Monsters Inc)
Sadness & Disgust (Inside Out) vs Logan & Remus (Sanders Sides)
Frisk & Chara (Undertale) vs Equius & Nepeta (Homestuck)
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talesofargante · 1 year
The Guardian of Trollhunters Episode 8: Part 1 - Baby-napped
Pairing: Jim Lake Jr. x Liz Walker (OFC)
Episode Summary: Jim volunteers to babysit with Liz so they can find out whether Claire's little brother, Enrique, is a Changeling. While investigating, Liz discovers a new ability.
Words: 2.3k
Warning: mentions of kidnapping and falling (if I miss any warnings, please lmk)
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"You saw a goblin carrying a baby away?" Liz questioned, standing atop a natural stone bridge as she watched the Trollhunter maneuver across the cliff face below.
"Yes! I saw it clear as day," Jim answers, heaving himself upwards to a nearby narrow ledge. Liz exchanges worried glances with the trolls beside her while Toby watches his friend.
"That is concerning." Liz rubs her chin in thought. "Goblins are usually known for leaving destruction wherever they go, but they occasionally follow orders of their superiors like the Gumm-Gumms and Changelings to do their bidding, including stealing human babies and replacing them with changelings. Perhaps whoever that baby is, there's a changeling in its place."
"Let me get this straight," Jim grunts with exertion, climbing the jagged cliff face as a safety rope dangle in the shadows away from him. His ears and eyes had caught the sound of gears turning within the walls, which only meant one thing. Suddenly, he screams as a stream of fire bursts out from the wall where Jim had previously been after quickly releasing one hand and swinging back. The fire barely grazed him as he watched with fear. After the fire died out, Jim swung himself back into place and carried on up the wall while speaking. "Whew! They steal babies... so they can replace them... with changelings?"
"Precisely, Master Jim," Blinky confirmed while Toby remained unconvinced. "Uh, allegedly steal. I just saw a bird."
"And, in order for a changeling to maintain its appearance in our world, no harm must come to the human child in theirs. I assure you, there is no safer place for a baby to be than the bowels of the Darklands nursery." Blinky explained as Liz watched Jim press his back against the rock wall, slowly inching to the rope dangling a few feet from him. However, as he reaches the safety rope, another stream of fire bursts once more from the walls, frightening Jim with a gasp. "Well, that's good to know!"
As the Trollhunter continued training, Toby casually fed AAARRRGGHH a VHS tape. "Whoa! Hold on, there. Okay, suppose they did take the baby to the Darklands. Isn't that where Gunmar is trying to escape from?"
"The doorway to his realm is sealed for now, but it doesn't exonerate the cracks that inevitably form over time. Cracks that allow small things to pass." For emphasis on his words, Blinky brought his fingers up to his face and pressed the fingers almost together.
"Small, like babies and goblins," AAARRRGGHH said.
"So, if we can find out whose baby was stolen, we'll find a changeling in its place, right?" Jim pitched in. More gears turned within the cliff face, shooting out more streams of fire. However, Jim was cornered from both sides, forcing Jim to jump from one cliff face to another across from him, clinging onto its smooth surface. "And once we have the changeling, we'll have the proof to finally convince Vendel –"
Losing his grip, in the end, his words were cut short as he let out a piercing scream, tumbling off the rock and into the dark trench. The rope slipped from AAARRRGGHH's hand as Toby ran to catch the rope's end. "Jim!"
"No!" AAARRRGGHH yelled, quickly catching Toby before he fell as well. Luckily, Liz had caught the rope in time, causing the Trollhunter to bounce to a stop, hanging more than fifty feet from the ledge.
"Got him!" Liz said, pulling Jim to safety as the giant troll sat Toby back on the ground before assisting the Guardian. Finally, as Jim reached the surface, he spoke, hanging in mid-air from AAARRRGGHH's hold. "I told you I'd fall."
"You fell because you knew you could. What if you're endangered, and we aren't there? Next time, we'll climb sans the safety line." Blinky pointed out as he approached closer.
"We'll?" Jim continued, hanging from the rope as he folded his arms with a frown.
"The only lesson learned today is that, with this many changelings, Arcadia is far more dangerous than previously thought," Liz grimly stated as she gazed at Jim and Toby. "For the both of you."
"It's decided." Blinky continues. "As Jim has Draal now to protect his home, Tobias, you will now have AAARRRGGHH to protect yours."
Toby beams excitedly. "Really? For real? We're gonna be roomies? Yeah! High-five, big guy!"
The two high-five in celebration, but the troll made the fatal mistake of letting go of the rope as Jim screamed, falling again.
"Not again!" Liz shouted, conjuring a silver whip to grab the Trollhunter before he fell into the dark abyss.
"Whoa, how are you doing that without summoning your amulet? That is so cool!" Toby exclaimed, watching in awe as the Guardian pulled Toby to safety with AAARRRGGHH's assistance.
"Just another perk of being a Guardian," Liz swiftly replied, grabbing onto Jim's outstretched hand and hauling him back to the safety of the bridge as the whip dispersed into thin air. "I can conjure any weapon I wish as long as it's used for the right purpose. To protect magic and its Trollhunter."
"Lucky me," Jim said, taking a breath to calm his nerves from almost falling to his death as Toby patted his friend's back. "What happens if it's used for another purpose?"
"Then, it would be flawed, which in turn puts me and anyone in danger should it be used in combat," Liz answered.
"What about protecting humans?" Jim asked. "Don't they deserve protection too?"
"That's where you come in, Trollhunter. Not only are you protecting the trolls against the magic of a darker kind, like the Gumm-Gumms, for example, but also humans against untethered magic that can potentially be harmful."
"Lady Liza is right, Master Jim. Though each of you has a role to play, it takes two of you to work together and protect the balance between man and magic." Blinky steps into the conversation. "Such power and privilege come with great responsibility."
"Awesome sauce." Toby's mouth gaped in awe. "I want to be part of that."
Liz chuckled. "You already are, Toby, and right in the center of it, which also puts you in great danger. So it is vital that you and Jim are placed under the protection of Draal and AAARRRGGHH."
"Fine by me," Toby grinned as Liz smiled. "With that settled, we can now focus on finding out who that baby was."
"Wait a minute." Jim interrupted his armor vanishing from his form. "What about you, Liz? Don't you need troll protection as well?"
His question was met with silence until bursts of loud laughter echoed throughout the Hero's Forge, startling the two boys while Liz slightly grinned. Blinky swiped away a tear. "Lady Liza needs no such protection, for she has the capabilities to protect oneself far more than anyone else, including us trolls."
Liz pats Jim on the shoulder. "What he means to say is that I've been trained long enough to handle things on my own, but I appreciate your concern, Jim. Truly."
"Well, if anything, I'll be there to protect you when you need it." Jim proclaimed without thought, remembering the many times Liz protected him from danger and a promise made between them long ago.
Liz's smile brightened. "I'm counting on it, Jim."
At school the following day, Jim reveals the stuffed bunny he found when he chased the goblin to Liz, handing it to the brunette while Toby cringes in disgust. "Ugh! You're still carrying that germ-infested thing around?"
Ignoring Toby's complaints, Jim was determined. "I am going to find out who it belongs to, and when I do...."
Toby interrupts him, leaning against the bike rack. "Maybe you didn't see what you thought you saw. You've been spending so much time in Trollmarket. Maybe your mind is starting to play tricks on you."
Though Liz believes Jim, she couldn't disagree with Toby, wondering if Jim is becoming too engrossed in finding proof of changelings. However, she would always side with the Trollhunter, so before Liz could defend Jim's claims, Jim gives in to self-doubt. "Maybe you're right."
"You have Suzy Snooze?" Claire's voice suddenly chimed in, capturing the trio's attention. "My brother's bunny! I've been looking all over for him."
"You've been looking for this?" Liz asked, handing the stuffed bunny to Claire. "Yeah. He's been acting so weird without it. Where did you get it?"
Before Liz could respond, Jim intervened. "What do you mean, he hasn't been himself? Exactly how has he been acting?"
Toby had stepped around the bike rack and to his friend's side. "Easy, Jim!"
He chuckled with a smile, placing his hand on Jim's shoulder as the taller boy glanced at him with a surprised look. "Always concerned about the children. But just for clarification, are we super sure this is his? I mean, you could probably pick this up at, like, any store."
"I think I'd know the stuffed bunny I grew up with," Claire said, gazing tenderly at her old childhood toy until Mary ran up to her, interrupting their investigation.
"Claire, I'm so sorry, but I can't babysit tonight. I can't. I really can't!" Mary whined in desperation. Turning her attention away from the trio, Claire faced Mary with a mix of emotions written on her face. "You promised! My parents have a work thing and the Papa Skull concert tonight. Papa Skull! I, like, live in their shirt every day!"
"Sorry, but Dean finally asked me to a movie, and then Hank invited me to ice cream! "Tight jeans," Hank! Love can't choose, Claire!" Mary said, creating many poses of her love as she spoke. This made Liz perk an eyebrow.
"Do you believe this?" Jim said in a hushed tone to a disbelieving Toby. "I know. Mary Wang's a player?"
"No! She doesn't know her brother's gone because Claire's brother is a changeling." Jim said as a matter of fact. Utterly surprised by the boy's rash speculation, Liz frowned. "We can't be sure of that, Jim."
Jim glances at Liz. "Trust me."
Without waiting for a reply, Jim grabs onto Liz's hand and steps forward, raising a hand, interrupting the girls' conversation. "Claire, we can babysit!"
Claire beamed excitedly. "Tonight? Really? You both would? Wait, have any of you ever babysat before?"
"Uh, yeah." Jim chuckled, but Liz shook her head. "Yeah...no."
"They call me Jim the Baby-handed." Jim continued as Liz covered her face with a hand, feeling secondhand embarrassment. Despite that, Claire smiled anyway, feeling a heavy weight lifted from her shoulders. "Oh, my gosh! You guys are a lifesaver!"
Claire wrapped both arms around Liz and Jim, squeezing them in a group hug before letting go.
"Just come by my house at seven, no sooner. Thank you, Liz. Thank you, Jim." Claire waves back at them, grateful to the two, before leaving with Mary. Toby turned in the direction of his best friend. "He's not a changeling, Jim."
"Only one way to find out." The Trollhunter stated before leaving, unknowingly dragging Liz behind him as a dumbfounded Toby stood still with his lips parted in confusion.
Across the courtyard into a building, Jim kept walking, his mind elsewhere as Liz repeatedly called out to him. "Jim. Jim! James Lake Jr.!'"
Steps stopping to a halt, Jim paused, making Liz bump behind him. Turning around, he looks at her confused, his mind returning to the present moment. "What? What's wrong?"
"I should be asking you that, Jim. But before I get to that, can you do me a favor and let go of my hand? It needs a breather." Glancing down at their clasped hands, Jim's blue eyes widened, and he instantly let go, stuttering an apology. "O-Oh! Gosh, I-I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it. Are you okay?"
"All good," Liz replied, shaking her hand to bring back circulation. "Anyway, are you okay, Jim? You seem distracted lately."
"Me?" Jim pointed at himself before waving his hands. "I'm fine. Everything's fine. Not distracted at all. I'm a hundred percent focused."
Arms crossed in front of her, Liz gazes at the boy in disbelief. "Everyone knows that when someone says they're fine, they mean the opposite. And if you were focused, you would have immediately noticed my hand in yours before dragging me along with you." Jim blushed in embarrassment as Liz continued. "So, in other words, I don't believe you. So tell me, Jim, what's on your mind?"
Scratching the back of his neck, Jim thought about how he was going to reveal Liz's forgotten past and their childhood connection, only to be disappointed yet somewhat relieved that it was delayed due to their current circumstances with the Killahead Bridge, the changelings, and the potential doom of evil trolls escaping from the Darklands to their world should they fail to prove the changelings' existence to the trolls in time. Though, of course, he would never admit his thoughts to Liz, merely shrugging. "Just thinking how close we are to getting our proof."
Liz gazes at Jim silently for a moment, pondering whether or not to believe his response. After all, many things were left unsaid and held back in the cafe until their current situation resolved. Although she was curious about the person Jim mentioned, Liz decided not to push him and relented. "If you say so, Jim. Just remember that you can always talk to me if you ever need someone to talk to."
Upon hearing her kind assurance, Jim felt compelled to spill out his bottled thoughts, but before he could reply, the school bell rang across the hall.
"Ah, that's our cue. I better go before I get late to class." Nudging his shoulder playfully with her fist, Liz smiled. "I'll meet you at Claire's. See you then."
Without waiting for a reply, Liz waved a quick goodbye and sped down the hall as Jim watched her figure disappear amongst the growing crowd of students.
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Happy reading!
- Miss_Nightingale
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circusclownsam · 1 year
Kpop / trollhunters thoughts
Claire; would 100% be a stay🤌✨ oh and an Xdinary Hero fan (sorry don’t know fandom name)
Toby; would be a once but like, TT / What is love era once.
Jim; I see him being more into K-RnB and Fujii Kaze
Blinky; I don’t think he’d understand the whole ‘kpop’ genre but he’d definitely buy the kids merchandise :)
Barbara; she’s definitely a BlackPink fan, the confidence the girls radiate would get her through her busy work days
Aaarrrgghh!!; Momoland. No questions asked. (He’d like them for their cute/retro concepts)
Steve; I see him being an NCT / Monsta X fan deep down, but on the outside he says he doesn’t like kpop😭
Eli; I think he’d be more into K-Dramas then kpop, especially fantasy/sci-fi k-dramas.
Drall; he wouldn’t be interested in it but he looks like a stray kids fan.
Walt; same thing as drall but he’d occasionally listen to Fujii Kaze and red velvet :)
Also ik Fujii Kaze isn’t kpop but he’s become relevant in my music playlist so I added him😭
Teehee these are just my thoughts <3
Dm me privately to roleplay
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