#blitzø x stolas
fletchingbrilliant · 2 days
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already feeling lots of feelings and had to do some kind of sketch to encapsulate my ABSOLUTE ANGST AND DESPAIR so here it is
I also want to take this opportunity to say that if you are looking at the events of this scene and focusing on who is to blame for how things went, you are missing the point
I've been in this kind of situation before. I made mistakes. The other person made mistakes. We were both SUPREMELY wrong in so many different ways and we hurt the everliving FUCK out of each other. And not only that, but it was very clear in retrospect that we had allowed the situation to GET that bad in the first place, that we had no choice but to have to have this really, really shitty encounter. It sucked, and we both had to learn where we went wrong in order to start healing.
This is not to say that neither Stolas nor Blitzø is thereby absolved of any blame. Obviously. And what each did wrong is worth addressing in the conversation about this stage of their lives. But the overall point, I think, is that this is where their paths and choices led them. And they had opportunities to handle things better in the moment, and they didn't. Neither of them listened to the other at crucial moments, and both got swallowed up in their own despair and self-loathing.
In my opinion, this was a MASTERCLASS at showing how... okay, to use the trite as hell expression... 'hurt people hurt people.' But to put it more plainly and less like a Lifetime movie, we have trouble seeing past our own hurt when we've lived that deep in it for so long, and often hurt the ones we care the most about because of it. Blitzø took this in the direction of not letting himself get too close to people... or rather, not letting others get too close to him, because then -- he rationalizes -- he can't hurt them anymore. He's only had one opportunity to have this proven 'wrong,' and that was with the conversation he had with Fizz where they finally both got over their dumb asses and communicated honestly with each other.
But these characters are being handled in a way that is remarkably real, for all the delightful fantasy, hellish humor, and completely badass insanity. Which means that the problem isn't magically healed with one cathartic conversation.
Long story short, obviously don't then shovel all the 'BLAME' onto Stolas, but STOP blaming Blitzø unilaterally. People are way, way, WAY more complicated than that.
Also if you've ever felt emotionally ambushed before, you'll know EXACTLY how Blitzø felt. (Stolas didn't mean to emotionally ambush him, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen)
And a huge huge HUGE thank you to my own personal Blitzø, @zaebeecee, for helping me parse so much of this. <3
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michinaaa · 2 days
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Not gonna say it, You wouldn't say it to me Then you go and say it, And you always say what you mean. Back-backtrack, Better think fast Swear to God, you didn't mean it like that. - Backtrack by Emei
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bleucaesura · 1 month
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It’s his bedroom couch 🫥
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So like…. After Stolas belts out at Veronsika’s concert they end up back at his place…
That’s good news right?
And maybe they TALK?
I’m grasping at straws here… THEY HAVE TO BE HAPPY 😭
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mariaalda · 4 months
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viktheviking1 · 6 months
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“I’ll just get right into it. I am so so sorry. About everything. About trying to steal your book, about pretending I was there to reconnect- ah shit, I haven’t even apologized for tricking you into helping me rob your parents’ castle. I’m sorry for that, and I’m sorry for insulting you. Oh, but I'm going out of order now. Um, I’m also sorry for seducing you so that I could steal your book, and for making you use ‘owl shart’ as a safe word, telling you that your books on plants and frogs were boring . . . aw fuck, I’m out of order again.”
Sighing, he gestured at himself and continued, “Look, I’m a shitty person. I was shitty from the day I was born and I’ve only gotten shittier since. Honestly, it’s a fucking miracle that you managed to put up with me for as long as you did. I . . . I know I can’t take back the past. There are so, so many things I would change if I could. I’ve hurt so many people, and that’s not including the f**ks I kill for a living. Ugh. No, scratch that part.
Placing his elbows on his knees and holding his hands together, Blitz leaned forward, looking down at the groudn, “Point is, I thought that I was, like a curse, or a disease that needed to be cured. So I never let anyone get too close, and for a while, it seemed to work. I got to keep them, and their lives weren’t ruined; I thought it was a win-win, but they moved on, and I . . . I was left behind; the consequence of my own actions biting me in the ass. I was- I've been lonely and it didn't even work. I did hurt them all, in the end, because turns out, they wanted the one thing I refused to give them. The deepest, darkest, dampest, shittiest parts of me. Now, I don’t know why you would want to be exposed to that mess, but I don’t want to run anymore. I think . . . I think I’m finally ready to fight for what I want. And what I want is . . . is you. I don’t know how we’d make it work but . . . I don’t care what we have to face, if you would just let me . . .” He sighed again, closing his eyes, “Let me stay by your side, in whatever way you can allow . . . I will stay because . . . because I love-”
The words stopped suddenly, as Blitz opened his eyes . . .
Read the rest on The Pompous and The Prick!
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So I'm probably overthinking this because no one else read this scene like this, but did anyone else think Stolas was talking about like an emotional knife rather than just being h0rny(like probably that to but kind of a parable)(according to Google my ela teacher lied to me about what a parable is, she told me it was something that can have multiple meanings, j think.she oversimplified but thats what I'm trying to say lol). Main reason I think thst is because
1. It fits
2. The emotions and way he says it so dramatically like "SO MUCH DEEEEPER"
anyone else agree?
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julsiemagne · 6 months
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passionateseadruid · 17 days
let’s be real
Viv is probably waiting to release the episode full moon on the full moon. Which is about a week away.
You bet your ass I’ll be there!
I’m ready to cry! Make me cry Vivzie! Season 1 Episode 7 made me cry, I’m ready to ball.
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frostninja007 · 1 month
(Helluva Boss) Do I Love You?
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Here's some angst art of Blitzø reflecting on his past actions with Stolas
I need these two to communicate with each other and fix their relationship to become something healthier in the future
I hope you guys like it OwO
Helluva Boss Belongs To Vivziepop
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rose-riot-johnson · 2 months
Hey Tumblr Peeps😁I get it's not a year yet, however, considering I did change my profile pic on Tumblr and the colors of it, I have decided to change my header image, so considering possible changes with my blog on writing for more Fandoms, especially with cartoons and anime, I decided to do another poll pertaining my header image🙂
I get not every1 will be okay with the choices I picked out or the poll itself, however I had to pick and choose, since I'm limited to how many choices I can pick in this poll, I like both cartoons and anime, I am someone who has too many things I like when it comes to fandoms and hobbies, and I figured I'd pick atleast a couple ships, regardless if the character is already in the poll by himself or not, and I wanted to see if people rather see characters by themselves or in a ship, if they fell they can choose. Also depending on how I feel with this poll depending on the results or any ties are involved, I might either surprise you or do another poll depending on the tie, if it comes to a tie🤔
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inopportune-oddity · 20 days
Chapter 3 is now up!
@wanking-at-your-funeral and I delight in ruining adding to your day with our wondrously angsty fic! 😁
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Bonus gif of our readers after reading each new chapter
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bleucaesura · 3 days
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The quality is poor on this (sorry) and also VERY sorry that I don’t know who made it so I can’t give credit 😭🥺
YOU ARE MY LORD AND SAVIOR. You are a GOD! You healed my heart before the Full Moon episode and I have been staring at this GIF for legit HOURS. 🫥🥺❤️‍🩹
If you know who made this masterpiece - please comment and I will give credit where it is so definitely due!!
Thank you @blitzwhore for telling me it’s @MoliBells on Twitter who made this!!! Go support this amazing artist!!!
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ripplestitchskein · 3 months
At this point I’m afraid YouTube is gonna out me for the number of times I’ve watched Look My Way like Netflix did with The Bee Movie baby.
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viktheviking1 · 4 months
Confession V2
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(This is kinda outta context. I tried to make it make sense. If you want to know what really happened that led up to this scene, I've got links to my fanfic at the bottom. I hope you enjoy anyway!)
Blitz hadn't seen Stolas in so long. Between Stolas getting kidnapped, and then getting kidnapped himself, he had realized how precious time in this life was. Not to mention the giant lump in his throat as he watched his old friend and first crush live the life he always wanted, and get to love whomever he pleased. Stolas had told him once that he loved him, and he brushed him off. He wouldn't make the same mistake again.
So when he knocked on the door of Stolas's mansion, on a day that was distinctly NOT a full moon, he had one goal in mind.
"Hey there, good looking." Blitz said, leaning in the doorway.
Stolas was clearly taken by surprise, "Oh! Hello, dear. What can I do for you?"
"The better question is what can I do you for?" Blitz grinned.
Stolas couldn’t help but let a goofy, sheepish smile, sprawl across his face, “Heh. He he he! How silly.” He started giggling little hoots.
Blitz seemed to let out a sigh of relief, “It’s been so long since I heard that sound.”
Stolas immediately stopped, “Oh-! I’m sorry.”
“No, no, no!” Blitz closed the space between them, and grabbed his hand, “I meant . . . that I missed it.”
Stolas’s heart flipped, and he looked down at their hands. He tangled their fingers together and he watched as Blitz squeezed his hand.
"You know . . . I've had some time to think. . ." Blitz started, looking away as he blushed, "about you and I. About our arrangement. About how I . . . really feel about you."
“Oh~? And how do you feel about me?~”
He expected a sarcastic return, a witty comback, or at best, a flirtatious remark. He was not expecting for Blitz to grab his cardigan, and tug him down, and kiss him roughly.
Blitz pulled back after a moment but didn’t let go of him, pressing their foreheads together, “I love everything about you, Stolas. I love your creepy bird mouth and the way you laugh. I love listening you talk about your stupid hyperfixations on plants and toads and constellations. I love how much you worry over your daughter and how a simple text from her can make your day. I love how you are somehow so shy and sweet, and somehow the k*nkiest motherf**ker alive and that you know what you and chase after it. I love to listen to you sing in the shower and watch you gaze at the sky. I love you so much, Stolas." He let go of his shirt and cupped his face in his hands, and pulled back to get a better look at him, "and that's why I've been so scared to hurt you. And I know being with me would mean a lot of hard decisions, public ridicule, and general trouble for you. Not to mention my tendency to be the worst of bad luck charms."
"But if you really do think for some crazy, insane reason, that I'm worth all that, then . . ." He nuzzled him and smiled, "why the f**k not?"
Stolas stared into his eyes, stunned. He reached up and pinched Blitz's cheek.
"Ow!" He shouted, but didn't let go of his face, "what the f**k was that for?!"
"I had to check if I was dreaming." Stolas blinked.
Blitz laughed, "You're supposed to pinch yourself to prove it."
"Oh, that's right." Stolas grinned.
"Dumb*ss." Blitz chuckled, and the two fell into another kiss. There tongues tied together in a familiar fashion, the sweet taste of renewed love and churros on their lips. It was also so completely different from their kisses of the past. Before everything was hot, passionate and fast, but this was a tender, honest kiss. A purity in it that neither had ever had before.
Stolas felt a sharp pain, and pulled away suddenly. Standing at his full height, he reached his hand down to rub his butt where it hurt, "Ouch!"
He looked down at Blitz who was grinning mischievously, "So? Is it a dream?"
It took him a moment to realize what had happened, but when he did, he burst out laughing.
". . . It wasn't that funny." Blitz smiled, eyebrows drawn together.
"Oh yes, my dear," Stolas leaned down and picked Blitz up, letting him sit on his arm, so he could face him, "Yes, it was."
Blitz snorted, "You have such a weird sense of humor."
Stolas giggled, "You're the one who made the joke!"
"I know what I said and I stand by it." Blitz nodded.
They both laughed together.
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grimmkitty84 · 1 month
Ok, this is a fair warning that what follows is brutal if you are a Stolitz fan. Rest assured, so am I, but you can blame my sleep addled brain for this. There is also a slightly different thought I originally had for this that was mostly the same, but a bit more hopeful, and I may still pursue it if there is any interest in this. Also, note that this is very loosely based on the latest video trailer for the last of Season 2. Specifically, the scene where Blitzø is defending Stolas in the snow battle. Here it goes. I also might edit it a bit. This was VERY rough seeing as I was just attempting to jot down the concept. Apologies, I will definitely be updating this at some point to clean it up.
Scene: Stolas and Andrealphus are fighting in the scene where Blitzø is defending him.
They split as Stolas grows angered enough to challenge Andrealphus, leaving Blitzø behind him.
A tense battle between the two Goetia builds to a climax.
Suddenly, as Stolas had lost focus on all but the fight, and a fatal blow is about to be dealt, a soft impact creates a deafening silence.
"Ugh, Stol...s...?" is all Stolas can hear as he turns toward the sound, horror stricken by it.
Blitzø's shocked expression meets his as they both begin to look down at Blitzø's chest to see that a blade was protruding from it. Not just any blade, a blessed weapon.
The resounding scream froze all occupants on the battlefield. Before Andrealphus could react at all, Stolas had rounded on him, fixing him with a petrifying stare and leaving him immobile as he flung himself in the direction of his beloved.
In the eternity that it felt like it had already been since noticing what had transpired, a figure stood behind Blitzø, elegant and all too familiar, and it began to laugh.
Stella stood behind Blitzø with a hand still gripping the blade, blood on her fingers, and the hideous, crazed guffaw she let loose was chilling in its malice.
Stolas had murderous intent locked upon her as he used all of his demonic strength to hurtle himself toward her. He fixed her with the same stare he'd leveled at her brother. She smiled at him wickedly before being paralyzed, knowing that she had still won despite losing against his powers. He sank to his knees once she was neutralized as a threat directly in front of Blitzø, who was still standing in shock. He looked down at the blade and back up at Stolas.
"I...I got sloppy," he sputtered. "Hrk...!" A mouthful of blood gurgled forth from his lips. His eyes widened and he was trying to find the words that he desperately needed to say, but found them dying on his lips as looked back into Stolas' grief-stricken face.
"Oh, oh no no no!!! Blitzø!!! Dearest...!!!" he all but screamed in abject panic.
"What do I do?" Stolas found his voice fluctuating from a scream to barely a whisper.
Stolas, consumed by his spiraling thoughts, stilled for an instant as a gentle hand caressed his cheek.
He looked stunned for a moment as he looked down to see Blitzø's face, a smile fading from his lips as his eyes began to glaze, and he said, "I'm sorry... I lo..."
The hand against his skin began to drop, and so did the frail body it belonged to.
Blitzø's form crumpled on the snow at Stolas' feet, and his mind shattered. There were no other witnesses to the blood curdling scream that filled the silence of the frozen expanse. And if the text wasn't enough, this is what my brain pictured before I actually started typing...Trust me, this hurts me more than it hurts you. It's definitely a WIP...
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bunnypansy · 2 years
I love you Stolas I love you arranged marriage plots I love you punk/prep boyfriends I love you gay royalty I love you nerdy kids I love you bitches with no friends I love you divorce I love you heartbreak
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