fullcravings · 26 days
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Bounty Ice Cream (No Churn Vegan Recipe)
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fuzzyoctoplushie · 15 days
First lyric thing. Cause 17 votes is enough for me to be like “hell yeah lets do this”
Just in case: there is Side Order spoilers under the Cut!
Unconscience - Marina Ida
Lyrics remade by fuzzyoctoplushie (me)
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Kira, nata
Kena nisoti a tuwa
Weto, suto ho
Jus, jus, can notchua
Make me, di-zy
Yubeen amos ta fo tuwao
Sata, miza cha
Mus, mus, enichita
Tiyu dah
Kira, wata cha
Tei chaiten atuo
Weto, suto oh
Jus, jus, can netchua….
Ah sume wanse netsua
Yucani chansa anatowa
Weke shenere itsua
Its nota boutu, bountu
Hoke anu weni (eni)
Ukanaso wen awakenai
Churena menei nowenal
Chumeri wanachay na isua
Ichona boutu, bountu
Hose ana weni-
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galax-dragon · 6 months
More bounty hunter au annaki
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Plus bounty hunter au retro!
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(She's a Robot!)
ooooooh nice always like seeing your bountu hunter au! :D
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dill-and-weeds · 2 years
Warning: you may want to stop reading here if you really like the book of boba fett series.
Because i just hate them that much, this blog is anti colorful biker gang from book of boba fett. Fucking ew, you're going to thrust those tough guy wannabes in my face and they me theyre scrappy, lovable rebels stealing water for the good of the people? They look like a bunch of rich kids who want to spend a weekend pretending to be heroes and use that water they stole to wash their rainbow bikes.
And their aesthetic looks like if you dropped power rangers into the Mad Max world, which is jarring, awkward and annoying to see.
I stopped watching the episode when boba got thrown around by Black Kryssantan like a ragdoll and had to have his naked ass saved by cookie cutter strong independant white leader girl of the biker gang with a tiny knife. Yes everyone can make all the reasonable, rational, absolutely believable theories on why Boba is so weak and pathetic now but this doesnt change the fact that at almost every chance possible, Boba is getting his ass kicked and being bailed out not by his smarts, cunning nor extensive weaponry, but instead some rando I dont care about and have no reason to.
Maybe boba isnt that strong anymore and can no longer kill wookies to wear on his armor. Ok fine, but that doesnt excuse the many other ways he could turn the fight to his favor! He was trained by his father since his age was in the single digits to hold his own against enemies bigger and stronger than him, its not all brute force and physical strength, its also battle tactics and mastery of the weapons he has.
I wanted to like this show because it had one of the coolest star wars character with two leading POCs, but now I feel like I'm supposed to like this show despite its poor plot, poor writing, shit characterization and flat humor just because it sprinkles in representation. Representation alone doesnt make a show good or interesting.
On that note, its all very well and good that Boba embraced the tuskens culture and bonded with them over it, but his complicated relationship with Mandalorian culture is still left unexplored and is seemingly forgotten, never to be brought up. Those two cultures are not interchangable at all, just similar, and it feels off to have so much focus on Boba's relationship with Tusken culture and not his Mandalorian origins. Not to mention his complicated relationship with the clones, Bo Katan denying his heritage (like fans saying the fetts arent real mandos) and his lowkey unhealthy devotion to his dead father.
All that potential drama about being imprisoned as a preteen, clawing his way to the top of the bountu hunter chain, people seeing him as "a clone Jango regarded as a son" instead of "Jango's son", physcological torment from the sarlacc, his relationship history with Jabba, Han Solo and Darth Vader himself? A humongous goldmine of story to explore and you give me this, Rodriguez???? Power Ranger biker gang????
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iqute · 6 years
I got sooo lazy with my milestones and spider bountues last week I regret
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bioshock4k · 3 years
done w. neptunez bountu
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Serigne "TOUBA" Xaada LAAHOU LEHOO' Maxtaareho' Daana waxni: leip loulay taxa agg ci yalla bountu la, leip loulay tei agg ci yalla nak, pakk LA. "Serigne Touba" daana waxni: Keip ko xamni def NGA niit gni gnouy sa wetteul, borom niit gni docca manatei hagg ndax niit gni, keip ko xamni: WEIT-TALIKO NGA borom nit gni nak, borom nit gni bolei laak nit gni JARIGNE. "Serigne Touba" daana waxni: Soufeikei niit gni dagnon dawssi JEUMSSI ci yaw gnom yeip! NGA fabaat lein andak gnom jeum ci yalla, bu eullei gei borom niit gni, bolei laak niit gni tabal "Aljana" SOUFEIKEI ni niit gni dagnon bur jeum ci yaw, NGA andak gnom jeum ci lila neikh walla lalein neikh, bou EULLEUGEI borom niit gni souppi lein yein gneip nguein di Mattoum Sawara, "Hasana lahou min ha" https://www.instagram.com/p/B3yomdRFB79/?igshid=28o11nqfwauq
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