iyigecelerdeniz · 2 days
Çiçek gibisin, çöllerden doğmuş kumlar sana sahip çıkamaz.
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fullcravings · 2 days
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Homemade Vegan Strawberry Milk
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acti-veg · 8 hours
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This type of stuff is so fucking funny to me. As if the meat and dairy industries aren’t massive corporate powers with enormously influential political lobbies. As if these companies haven’t been dictating public policy on everything from land and water use to conservation and even what other companies are allowed to call their products. They’ve been spending millions lobbying against climate action since the 70’s, with money subsidised by our taxes, but it’s big broccoli imposing veganism on you?
I mean we have senators who are cattle ranchers passing laws about lab grown meat, and industry interests influencing EU and US spending policy. Tyson Foods alone spent $2050000 on corporate lobbying last year, and that is just what they declared. My friend they ARE the establishment.
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hearthoof · 3 days
why is it considered extremist to be anti-zoo and anti-aquarium...?
i wish i could like zoos and aquariums. i have fond memories of both those places.
they exploit animals though. i dont like that. i dont like how they exploit, harm, kill, and treat animals like property. i'd rather those animals be in sanctuaries or in the wild (if possible because obviously it's not possible for all animals to be returned to the wild I KNOW!)
i miss the fun of aquariums and zoos but i care about the lives of animals more than the entertainment of humans.
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morethansalad · 1 day
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Sheng Jian Bao / 生煎包 / Shanghai Pan-Fried Vegetable Buns (Vegan)
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vegance · 2 days
yes, anti vegans are frustrating and harmful, but nothing hurts more than vegan-friendly omnis who know all the reasons, who have all the resources but refuse to ever go vegan just because they don’t want to. it’s absolutely devastating tbh. to have a kind, generous person, someone you might admire, someone who influenced your own ethics and behavior, to have that someone be confronted with the unfathomable suffering and hurt that is animal agriculture and say: „I know. But I will keep contributing because I want to. And if you keep pushing, you are the bad person.“
truly made me lose a lot of admiration for a lot of people.
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vegan-nom-noms · 15 hours
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eat-love-eat · 1 day
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Vegan Zebra Cheesecake
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fullcravings · 7 hours
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Vegan Chocolate Bubble Milk Tea (Boba)
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acti-veg · 2 days
If you are promoting any variation of the ‘carnivore diet,’ you are advocating for people to make their diets more environmentally destructive. No ifs, no buts - you just are.
It is hard to imagine a diet that would not be made far less sustainable by swapping common plant-based staples for more meat and fish. I don’t care what influencers have convinced it will do for your body or your workouts; your health is your business.
However, I do care that high-meat diets require far more water, more crops, more land, more animal deaths, and produce significantly higher emissions in a world that cannot support the amount of meat and dairy we are already consuming.
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fitveganlifts · 1 day
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Walk your dog, drink your grey ass chocolate berry protein shake
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werewolfvegan · 3 days
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veganpropaganda · 10 months
[video description: a video by thegentlebarn. it starts with a clip of people grooming a cow's snout with the caption, "5 signs a cow is truly ✨ happy ✨." each of the captions describing the signs is accompanied by clips of cows exhibiting them. they are:
"1. they expose their belly for tummy rubs as a sign that they trust you 2. they initiate gentle physical contact like licking or hugging you 3. they're chewing cud - this means they feel safe & their digestive system is doing its thing 👍 4. zoomies! just like with dogs, this is most often a playful, happy behavior 5. they make a 'purring' sound - cows do this when they're extremely relaxed and content. it's like a big exhale"
in the background is peaceful instrumental music.]
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