#Chinese cuisine
daily-deliciousness · 6 months
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Caramelized black pepper chicken
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jasmine7031 · 7 days
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HUJING (虎景軒)
I ate Chinese cuisine at JANU TOKYO.
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morethansalad · 2 months
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Shou Zhua Scallion Pancake 手抓葱油饼 (Vegan)
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niteshade925 · 1 month
Remembering when I posted this (I think; it's been a while)
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But now I finally had the real stuff again after years:
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Doufunao/豆腐脑 (the salty/northern version):
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Shaobingliji/烧饼里脊 (Tianjin version):
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The thing about Chinese food is that most of the time they don't look all that fancy, and may even look unappetizing to people who never had good Chinese food, but when you taste it, you will be surprised
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thelcsdaily · 4 months
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Beef and Broccoli
Broccoli and beef go well together, and this quick and simple stir-fry makes the most of it. There are several of recipes for broccoli beef, but my favorite is the one that calls for sesame oil. This is a basic stir-fried dish that is enhanced by the sweet taste of the nutty sesame oil. You can customize this stir-fry dish to use any protein or vegetables you have in your kitchen, and it still gives a fantastic mix of flavors and textures. This meal offers a flavor of traditional Chinese takeout. One of my mother's favorites.
“I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food” ― Erma Bombeck
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niftyrecipe · 6 months
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melonnade · 9 months
Since the mid-autumn festival is coming up, let’s settle this once and for all:
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lingpaopao · 26 days
. ݁₊ ⊹ 🍭🍨 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘝𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺 🍧🍰 . ݁˖
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// Candy // Cotton candy ~ 棉花糖 (miánhuātáng) Note: 'marshmallow' has the same name as cotton candy in Chinese Gummy ~ 软糖 (ruǎntáng) Lollipop ~ 棒棒糖 (bàngbàngtáng) Fudge ~ 乳脂软糖 (rǔzhī ruǎntáng) Caramel ~ 焦糖 (jiāotáng) Jellybean ~ 果冻豆 (guǒdòng dòu) Toffee ~ 太妃糖 (tàifēi táng) Liquorice ~ 甘草 (gāncǎo) // Baked Sweets // Cupcake ~ 杯子蛋糕 (bēizi dàngāo) Brownie ~ 布朗尼 (bùlǎngní) Sponge cake ~ 海绵蛋糕 (hǎimián dàngāo) Lava cake ~ 熔岩蛋糕 (Róngyán dàngāo) Black forest cake ~ 黑森林蛋糕 (hēisēnlín dàngāo) Cheesecake ~ 乳酪蛋糕 (rǔlào dàngāo) Tiramisu ~ 提拉米苏 (tílāmǐsū) Scone ~ 司康 (sīkāng) Macaron ~ 马卡龙 (mǎkǎlóng) Waffle ~ 华夫饼 (huáfū bǐng) Tart ~ 塔 (tǎ) Crepe ~ 可丽饼 (kělì bǐng) Pie ~ 派 (pài) Chocolate chip cookie ~ 巧克力碎片饼干 (qiǎokèlì suìpiàn bǐnggān) Donut ~ 甜甜圈 (tiántiánquān) Brulee ~ 烤布蕾 (kǎo bùlěi) Creampie ~ 奶油派 (nǎiyóu pài) Cinnamon bun ~ 肉桂卷 (ròuguì juǎn) Gingerbread ~ 姜饼 (jiāngbǐng) Red velvet cake ~ 红色天鹅绒蛋糕 (hóngsè tiān'é'rónghuá dàngāo) // Frozen Desserts // Sherbet ~ 雪葩 (xuěpā) Gelato ~ 吉拉朵 (jílāduǒ) Sundae ~ 圣代 (shèngdài) Shaved ice ~ 刨冰 (bàobīng) Ice cream ~ 冰激凌 (bīngjīlíng) Note: another common name is 冰淇淋 (bīngqílín). Popsicle ~ 冰棍儿 (bīnggùn'er) // Misc. // Custard ~ 奶黄 (nǎihuáng) Puff ~ 泡芙 (pàofú) Popcorn ~ 爆米花 (bàomǐhuā) Milkshake ~ 奶昔 (nǎixī) Jello ~ 果冻 (guǒdòng) Oreo ~ 奥利奥 (àolì'ào) // Common Asian Desserts // Mochi ~ 麻糬 (máshǔ) Tanghulu ~ 糖葫芦 (tánghúlu) Black sesame soup ~ 黑芝麻糊 (hēi zhīma hú) Swallow's nest ~ 燕窝 (yànwō) Sago pudding ~ 西米布丁 (xīmǐ bùdīng) Snow fungus soup ~ 雪耳糖水 (xuě'ěr tángshuǐ) Osmanthus Jelly ~ 桂花糕 (guìhuā gāo) Grass jelly ~ 仙草 (xiāncǎo) // Example Text // https://www.sohu.com/a/443013219_120949919
口味最“奇怪”的4种糖果 -> the four candies with the strangest flavours.
1、星空棒棒糖 -> planet lollipops
星空棒棒糖有名的高颜值糖果,大部分的女生都有买过,或是男生情人节买来送女朋友都有了解过。-> Planet lollipops are popular for their appearance, lots of women have already purchased them before, or men who, on Valentine's day gifted it to their girlfriends, have understood. 它的味道你尝过后就会觉得“这是什么沙雕玩意儿,我吃了塑料吗?”,有这种感觉并不奇怪,星空棒棒糖大部分都是甜苦甜苦的味道,有些还带着塑料的气味,吃完就怀疑人生,估计这个糖果也就只能当做摆设。-> After tasting its flavour, you will think: "what is this sand sculpture-like thing, am I eating plastic?" Having this kind of feeling isn't exactly strange, planetary lollipop largely have a bittersweet flavour, some lollipops even have a plastic odour, after eating it, you'll question your life, seems like this kind of candy is only used for decoration.
2、榴莲糖 -> durian candy
...打开包装就是浓浓的榴莲味,吃到嘴里就感觉是三里往外都是这个榴莲味 -> upon opening the package are the dense/strong durian smells, eating them makes you feel that the durian smell is everywhere within a 3 mile radius.
3、姜汁糖 -> ginger candy
姜汁糖里面就是有大量的姜味,吃的第一口还是上面糖味,含一会后姜味就显露出来了,你会有一种姜辣的感觉,一直猛吸气想要减少这个辣味,没想到后面越吃越辣,让人有点受不了,吃到一半就吐了,这种一般都是家里的老人才会买,老人很喜欢这种甜辣的感觉,甚至吃起来还想喝一两口小酒。-> Within ginger candy is a considerable amount of ginger flavour, after eating the first bite, the first taste is sweet, after sucking on it for a bit, the ginger flavour will come out and you get have a spicy ginger feeling. Keep inhaling sharply, wanting to reduce this spiciness, not knowing that more and more spiciness will follow, intolerable, spat it out halfway through, this kind of candy will typically be bought by a family's older individuals, elders really like this kind of spicy-sweet feel, to the point of also wanting to drink a couple gulps of liquor.
世界上最好吃的十种甜点,吃过六种,算我服!-> 10 of the world's most delicious desserts, eaten 6 types, count me in!
1、布朗尼蛋糕--美国 -> Brownie--America
布朗尼蛋糕属于重油蛋糕的一种,但它和一般重油蛋糕的区别在于通常较薄且较结实,不像普通蛋糕那样松松的, 而且一定是巧克力口味 -> Brownies are considered a type of pound cakes, but they are different from regular pound cakes in that they are usually on the thinner and sturdier side, unlike the regular cakes which are fluffier, and brownies need a chocolate flavour.
2、提拉米苏--意大利 -> Tiramisu--Italy
提拉米苏是一种带咖啡酒味儿的意大利甜点 -> tiramisu is a type of coffee-flavour containing Italian dessert.
10、乳酪蛋糕--阿拉伯 -> Cheesecake--Arabic
这类蛋糕介于蛋糕和甜点之间,因而越来越受人关注 -> this type of cake is a cross between cakes and desserts, and because of this, more and more people have given it attention.
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theamoristwriter · 2 months
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Third-wheeling with my sister and her boyfriend >>>>>>>
13/4/24 🍽️🍜
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conscydraws · 7 months
Here's one of my entries for the @mxtxfoodzine done in collaboration with my old friend Aseneth.
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And here comes a story how we created it.
The goal was to create a dish that can be a gesture of love and require some dedication to cook. Something that warms you up from within and make you sigh with delight after you are done with the meal. A crispy clay pot rice dish was picked almost randomly. Aseneth saw it and was like yeah, look how wholesome and hearty it looks! It has everything: meat, mushrooms, egg and veggies! Let's make it!
Can't say it was easy tho. Neither of us had clay pots and gas stoves, so it was a quest in itself to find the right pot and an alternative way to cook the dish.
Now I can say with confidence that Asian (Korean) pots for soup or porridge work the best. They are wide and have rounded bottoms which are perfect for fitting the ingredients and forming a crust on rice. And it's nice to eat directly from them.
I've tried a number of crispy clay pot rice recipes. I made my mind that I absolutely must add pork belly there, cause I was confident Wuxian will appreciate it. You have no idea how many ways there are to cook a pork belly in China. I had no idea as well. I've bought and used ingredients which I've never tried before. I've ruined my digestion system in the process of trying variants. And yet everything seemed a bit off. Luckily I've found a recipe of cured pork belly from a 103 old woman, which her granddaughter carefully wrote down and shared with the world. And after several more attempts to squeeze some vegetables into the recipe I finally gave up and took the route of traditional approach with that special cured pork belly. The dish became balanced at last. And marinated veggies served separately turned out to make the best garnish because of their sour taste, which suited the warm meaty, oily and earthy tones of the clay pot rice. Finally I was content. This recipe was designed for Wangji to make. It had to be nothing but perfect. And it should be cooked according to Chinese cuisine traditions.
We also wanted to show how meticulous Wangji can be with cooking. That's why he's looking at the cup like he's up to murder. He's just looking very closely if this is the right amount of broth to add to the rice. The recipe is written in academic style for the same reason.
So yeah, that's the story of our 9-month journey of creating this. Was super fun and exiting, I had perfect excuses to visit my friend more frequently than usual. But at times titiring and frustrating, cause oftentimes things didn't go as planned and were very time consuming. I'm totally up to repeating a similar experience in a year or two tho :D
I'll be very glad if someone will cook this and tell me or show me how it turned out. I hope you'll like it as much as I do! 😁
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daily-deliciousness · 6 months
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 Chinese style pumpkin omelette
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jasmine7031 · 1 year
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For dinner on the day I returned to Haneda, I enjoyed Chinese food at the Amber Palace in the Palace Hotel. I love Peking duck.
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morethansalad · 4 months
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Vegan Napa Cabbage Dumplings for Lunar New Year
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niteshade925 · 28 days
Apr 6-8, restaurant and fast food:
Started to go around visiting other relatives, went to a restaurant that had more local specialty dishes.
Another cold dish appetizer. This one is a mix of peanuts, spicy vegetables, century eggs, Chinese vinegar, and cooked clam meat. I'm not a big fan of century eggs, but I like the clams:
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Deep fried river shrimp with dry seasoning of salt, pepper, cumin, and roasted sesame:
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Dry-braised turbot fish (dry-braise/干烧 is a method of cooking that originated from Sichuan):
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Sugar and vinegar small yellow croaker (sugar and vinegar/糖醋 is another general type of dish, and the flavor profile is sweet and sour, but it's very much not the same as "sweet and sour" in Americanized Chinese food, so I opted for the literal translation here):
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Stir fried snow peas, shrimp, cashews, and Chinese sausages:
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Soup with eggs, tofu, shrimp, and Chinese ham:
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Also, Chinese KFC breakfast is very very different from American KFC. They have Guangdong-style congees and xiaolongbao buns:
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But I went for a xianbing/馅饼 instead, which is a stuffed and baked flatbread. In this case it was stuffed with grilled tenderloins and onions, and favored with cumin (my favorite):
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thelcsdaily · 7 months
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Kung Pao Pork
The perfect blend of salt, sweetness, tang, and fire makes kung pao chicken a Chinese takeaway favorite. You can customize the recipe to your liking when you cook the dish at home. Adjust the amount of chiles to suit your family's tastes; you may also use cubed chicken thighs, breasts, or ground pork, as I have done here. You can even replace the peanuts with cashews or walnuts. For this kung pao pork, be sure to prepare some steam rice and any desired vegetables before heating up your wok. As with many stir-fries, it comes together quickly and is best enjoyed hot. Furthermore, remember to activate the exhaust fan on your stove because frying dried chilies can release smoke.
“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” – Luciano Pavarotti
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sketching-shark · 9 months
Hey so not to ask tumblr to do my research for me but does anyone know of any good sites concerning Chinese regional dishes and their histories, especially concerning vegetarian dishes?
Super specific ask, but I feel like in this matter google's top results can only take you so far.
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