#brain vs heart
brain: rational, practical, calculative, math, science, engineering major
heart: books, reading, poetry, literature, artist, sketching, stationery hoarder, romantic
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should i post my (VERY in progress) Gaylord and Krupp playlist or should i ignore the voices and go die in a ditch
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qualifiedaquarian · 1 year
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lostboithoughts · 2 years
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Well it's just logic to love John 🥱
Is it? Then further extrapolate that logic and prove your claim. Can any love even be logical?
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My mental state right now
My heart: *nudging me* Hey... hey...
My brain: What?
My heart: You know what you haven’t done in a while?
My brain: DO NOT.
My heart: Developed a crush on a character purely because of the way you wrote them-
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Going through my notes, I found this old thing from September 25th 2020. My heart must have said no, not yet, because I fell in love in May the following year and I cannot imagine not loving Her.
I just whispered to my heart
It’s okay if you never want to fall in love again;
Don’t listen to brain,
It just wants shiny things and endorphins 
Pay it no mind.
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depressed-freak13 · 2 years
me: *feeling depressed*
brain: you should probably talk to someone or go to therapy
heart: just rewatch heartstopper for the 26th time and eat an entire box of mac and cheese
me: always listen to your heart
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corazon-electrico · 2 years
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Créditos al autor.
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serenedash · 5 months
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sirarthurcrux · 8 months
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going insane over the incorrect quote generator Lavatore: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!  Jasper: Um...Neat.  *later*  Jasper, lying face down on his bed: I said "Neat," Caroline. Who the heck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm freaking stupid.  Krupp, reading a book: Don'tcha beat yourself up too much, Jasper. As much as I hate to ‘dmit it, even I get nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Sneedly ranted ‘bout how much I meant to him as a rival?  Jasper: Didn't you thank him?  Krupp: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fuckin’ thanked him.
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theluckiestlb · 1 year
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one does not love breathing / “emotion”, my beloveds. 
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goldensunset · 1 year
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daybreak town’s finest
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spearxwind · 1 year
Hiya, I’d like to put some thoughts out there on my blog (my house) bc I need to yarf some intense feelings or I fear I will explode on a nuclear scale. This is about hollowridge (not in a negative light!! just explaining + reminiscing of old stuff and talking about new stuff. Pouring my heart out more than a little bit.)
I will put them under a readmore of course, this is PRETTY long winded, so you can read or ignore at your leisure -w- 
I was in my adri tag a while ago looking for some images and ended up going through the whole thing and seeing the evolution of him as a character and HR as a story. Additionally, I recently organized my external memory where all my art files are stored and also saw my old stuff, old concepts, old documents with info and ideas, etc etc and like other times where I have looked through my old stuff I have been WRACKED with so many emotions about it. It’s always a dangerous game to go back into my folders/tags to look because I always end up feeling this whooole spiel all at once and very intensely.
Seeing my content shifts is jarring. Very much so. It always is. I don’t think I can pinpoint causes, some of my better creative highs were at really low points in my life, and then other times my creativity and worlds were subsequently really hardly hit during similar lows. I like to think that I am on the up now though, both mentally and creatively. I’m getting back into a lot of things I love, and I am surrounded by people who I love dearly and who love me back, and things in general are really good! I feel less… I wouldn't say wrathful, but way less frustrated when looking back at my old stuff and more inspired to go back to these concepts with a healthier more open mind + knowing that I have improved nonetheless. 
Specifically for hollowridge. Hollowridge feels like a home to me, simple as that. It's something immensely dear to me and I think this is clear by how much effort I have put into it over time, not all of it well placed or with good results, but effort to make it the best that it could be (at best) and effort to keep it afloat (at worst). HR is a strange thing to look back on because it has gone through so many iterations that its hard to pinpoint just one when looking back, but there's a specific time slot (2017-2018 roughly… I’m not gonna check) that I believe is where it was at its best, and that is specifically the vibe that I am trying really hard to go back to with the newest iteration.
I’ve always struggled with it a lot, I've often voiced this publicly, or to friends who would hear my woes out (god bless them for hearing me go on and on about this like a bass boosted and emotional broken record), often because there was so many possibilities that I could run with and I had a lot of really, really conflicting ideas that I wanted to explore. I also had a lot of trouble with lore in general because for many years I was haunted by the absurd need to “make things make sense”, whatever that means. Having things grounded so that people wouldn't be able to poke holes into the watertight plot.. which I never achieved of course. It was less watertight and more of a welded together pringle shaped monstrosity (This was not only true for hollowridge, but was true for everything I have ever made. like in general. It’s been a consistent creative problem for me). 
Eventually what happened iteration after iteration was that I throttled myself too much with rules, random limitations, all in favor of making something cohesive and deleting all the fun bits off the project in the process.
For this reason I also can’t just up and go “yeah i'm gonna turboscrap everything and go back to what worked in 2017” because it also DIDN’T work then. But that vibe specifically is what I am aiming for. The “classic” vibe, if you will (if that means anything to you as it does to me.)
What didn't work for me back in the day was giving everything a reason for existing, which is something I no longer wish to do (it’s better that way) and also something that failed back then both in HR, and in extinction (earlier drafts) and just about any version of a story I ever tried to make was THE SCOPE. It always spiraled out of my hands. God entities always escape me. Magic systems always escape me. How cities and such would be regulated in these scenarios escape me. Its just things I’m not comfortable writing about in general
So that’s why I have made changes to it currently (the whole lens of technology over it) because it makes it easier to think about, and easier to handle. Post apocalypses are fun to handle, and also easy to handle (for me, in this context). Technology going awry feels like its easier to think about than just vague “magic”, even if in the end the aesthetic looks literally exactly the same. Does that make sense? I hope it makes sense.
To give an example: Magic spells and circles → programs and code lines. That can be shot into machinery or meat (recodes your fucking genome in real time and gives you super brain hemorrhage idk). I guess it just gives my brain something to latch onto that isnt just vague rules of a magic system that could potentially be anything and everything? It essentially works the exact same way… its just the lens of looking at it is changed.
Mimics are their own thing now (nanotechnology, instead of vague.. shadow things). Adri is his own thing while still connected to mimics (an angel array made of the same stuff, instead of.. whatever else). Connected to the world. AND all the conflicting but dearly beloved concepts I had for him actually fit (snake, scarf, smoke, usurper of a body that is not his. Hey remember when he was made out of ashes/smoke and eventually out of goop. Well all of that is true at once now! It’s ALL canon! Bitch! The concepts have been reconciled!!)
There are also more “normal” creatures besides these, animals that have either evolved aboveground due to fit into new world niches (so I can design Whatever without being too limited) and there’s also machine/biomachine chimeras, and purposed grown organisms, and just Weird Shit made by machines in the belly of the earth (meat is just complex machinery. you know this. your heart is a piston and your blood gasoline. but I digress.) So I have the space to Get Weird if I so choose, on my own terms this time. And it will have a proper place in the world.
There used to be a lot of concepts that were cool that I missed a lot when I had to shift away from them. Like mimics infecting people and pretending to be them, and then being able to break the hosts bodies apart to make bodies for the mimic itself. That did not fly in pretty much 80% of the later versions of HR but I was able to bring it back for this one. I’ve tied mimics to the epidemic and to Adri in a way that MAKES SENSE but lets me go wild anyways
I guess… the short way of explaining is that. Instead of it being very vague supernatural stuff of dubious origin, now it's a ‘manmade horrors beyond your comprehension’ type deal (still of dubious origin). Which obviously neither the characters nor I would be able to explain to you the details of its origins but the distinction MATTERS to me (to my brain).
Something else about HR is that it’s made up of me having rounded up a bunch of ocs who’s stories were empty or were left to the void so that they could have a fitting home where they could shine. At the end of the day I just wanna do my characters justice. I don’t want to just relegate them to nice set pieces (even though they ARE cool set pieces), but each of them has years of backstory stuff that I would like to keep to not lose the essence of said character and its where I put the bulk of my writing effort into.
I want their connections to the story to be solid, but I also want their base vibes and the vibes I am familiar with for those characters to BE THERE too. So if I’m slow with revealing info, or writing in general, its literally because all the processing power in my skull is being used to think of how to best approach that and not just throw low quality spaghetti at a wall. (Sometimes the spaghetti method works very well, but often. It does not. And only makes things more complex in the long run, so I have learned to be more careful with it)
Dianne and Nirven are over 12 years old now as characters. That 's insane. And she still has the same core concept of how her magic works as I created it ages ago.
Same for Bei. He still has his same vibe back when I made him 10 years ago.
And Adam when I made him 9 years ago. Though I’m working out stuff for him still in this new edition, but I’ll get there. I promise. 
Sooo……….. What I’m really trying to say is that I’m learning to have fun again. And at the same time (re)realizing I used to have some super swag ideas that I have never fully let go of that I am VERY adamant on keeping. And my aim is to go back to that unhinged unbridled joy of creating for a world that is just So Fucked Up but it Works somehow. And yeah, if you’ve ever been frustrated at my changes don’t worry: me fuckin’ too buddy. A thousandfold. And if you’ve ever been curious as to the why of everything, then I hope this rant serves as some sort of explanation?
So yeah, if you’re an old fan and missed old stuff, I hope I am able to do it justice once more and from now on. I promise I am trying my best, I always have been. It just works better sometimes. And if you are someone new and dont know what the fuck I’m talking about, 1. thank you for reading this far and 2. I hope you enjoy the ride regardless
And who knows…. knowing me in a few years I might see this all changed again. Or maybe this will be the one, finally, that sticks. We’ll see. At the moment like I said, I am focusing on loving my characters, their world, their and my original intentions, and just having as much fun as I can with it. If I create confusion in the process then that’s something I will have to accept. I’m not a big media corporation with a team or writers, or even just one (1) accomplished author with a huge brain. I’m not tolkien. I’m just some guy having fun with made up guys in my brain
Thank you for reading this far, if you did, if there’s anything you’d like to comment or discuss (if anything, I don’t expect it) please feel free to reply or DM me, I try to respond in a timely manner when possible <3 
Thanks for sticking around too. It means the world to me that you have. Have a really good week, cheers
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waitineedaname · 8 months
tell me about scar fma
You Have Unlocked An Unskippable Cutscene!
he's just. god where do I even begin with this guy. I cannot believe he's a character that exists and is as well written as he is. fma handed me serial killer with religious motivations and had me go "he's got a point though." from the very beginning, I was like "wow, this character is really interesting and complicated and compelling. god I hope he's handled well." and then he WAS. I spent the whole show terrified that they were gonna kill him off at any second because that's what shows do sometimes when they have a morally complex character they don't want to deal with, and not only did that dude SURVIVE, but he also KILLED THE PRESIDENT IN THE PROCESS. legendary.
I just. am so much more compelled by him than any member of the military. sorry. every time I think about scar and ishval, my heart starts aching. he lost so much, his whole family and his home and his culture and so many of his people, and he has to walk around with a physical reminder of that loss attached at his shoulder. to me, he's such a perfect example of the relationship between grief & anger and love & hate. he loved his people so much (I am forever haunted by the manga panel where he says he has nothing left to protect) and he had them violently stolen from him, and that grief and love twisted up in him and turned into a hateful rage against the people who did it to him
and part of that complexity that I love is that he is entirely justified in what he's doing, but he also hates what he's doing and what he's become. he doesn't like killing people, he's not like kimblee. he's just enacting what he sees as justice, even though he knows it makes him a killer too. it's why he doesn't begrudge winry's hatred of him -- if he is allowed his vengeance, then so is she. he also knows he's a hypocrite because he had been so against his brother's alchemy because he knew people would want to use it as a weapon -- and here he is, using his brother's alchemy as a weapon. it's why the reveal at the end about him getting the other set of the tattoos is so satisfying -- he finally accepts both parts of alchemy's potential, the destruction and the creation. so far, he's been destroying out of hatred and vengeance against the nation and people that slaughtered his own nation and people, and now he accepts the other half of the equation, which involves creating a better future for his people. it's not one or the other. that's what the fight against bradley involves, both destruction and creation. he destroys the man who ordered the slaughter of his people, and he creates the opportunity for the country to have a future at all
also I just love him and his kindness. he's not overt about it because he's stern and scowling all the time, but I think there is an incredible well of kindness inside him, and it's best seen with mei. he didn't have to let her tag along, but he did. he didn't have to help her search for xiao mei, but he did. he didn't have to give her envy and urge her to go home to her people, but he did.
this has gotten long. anyway, stan scar forever and ever
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