#two faces of the same coin
purplemotif · 11 months
hannibal would absolutely eat tom wambsgans but before that they would become besties and bond over their psychosexual obsession over an autistic twink who wears the same jacket a lot
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brain: rational, practical, calculative, math, science, engineering major
heart: books, reading, poetry, literature, artist, sketching, stationery hoarder, romantic
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stormboundstars · 2 months
Aventurine and his insane luck. The blessed one but his blessing is also a curse. He uses his good fortune like a weapon. It cuts him like a knife. It's meant to protect him, but he wanted to protect everyone else. He doesn't see the point of it. He resents his luck because it made him survive every tragedy, when his loved ones didn't. He loves it because he loves his mother, his sister, and his father, and it's one of the few fragments left of his first self, his truest self. Lucky boy, boy made of gold and honey. When he was born, rain fell. It was the god's blessings. Or was it the god's tears?
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deiaiko · 2 months
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#20 - Visit
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brave-and-gentle · 2 months
Girl dad!Jean Kirstein - Halloween Party Edition
Look I know it’s not the season but I need to infect everyone with these images *right now*
Eren and Mikasa have invited everyone to their annual Halloween party.
Your 4-year-old daughter’s latest obsession is Toy Story, so she dresses up as Jesse and asks Jean to dress up as, well, her horse, Bullseye.
Jean doesn’t bat an eye at this request. He’s fully embraced it. He gets one of those stupid horse masks and everything.
Ironically, your daughter has no inkling of the horse face nickname Eren bestowed upon him back in college.
Your daughter requests that you and Sasha dress up as her other obsession, Anna and Elsa from Frozen. You and your best friend happily oblige.
When you arrive at the party, Eren busts out laughing at Jean and points out that he doesn’t need the horse mask. For once, Jean takes it in stride and calmly tells Eren to shove it.
At the party, you and Sasha sip margaritas and giggle at Jean crawling around the floor with your daughter on his back. This man has committed to the bit and he is proud!
Jean gives Eren the side eye because his two boys, dressed as Power Rangers, are rough housing a bit too close to your daughter for his comfort.
Jean and Reiner give each other a respectful nod. Reiner is dressed up as Appa and his daughter is Katara.
After a couple of hours, your daughter and Reiner’s daughter are both passed out on the couch. “How much candy did you let her have??” You demand as Jean picks her up ever so gently to keep her asleep. He gives you a sheepish look and says “I couldn’t tell her no!”
On the car ride home, Jean places a hand on your inner thigh and slowly slides up. “So, how’d you like to ride this horse when we get home?”
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declareqenius · 3 months
making one of my friends watch merlin for katie mcgrath and she said "uther was so in love with his wife that her death turned him bitter. i kind of want to see what he was like beforehand." and i want scream and kick my legs because she's only on season one and i can't really say "morgana is a lot more like uther than you would think" or anything along the lines of comparing morgana and uther because she would yell at me with how much she loves morgana right now. (i also love morgana and she has never done anything wrong ever in her life, but the comparison!!!). and so i needed to say that we do kind of get to see what uther was like before igraine died. both through morgana and arthur. the best parts of uther are in young morgana and arthur, and while they get older and obviously stray farther down their paths and farther away from each other, they are the two sides of uther pendragon himself basically battling it out.
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binch-i-might-be · 2 months
hello fellow tumblr users. some of you might be aware of my current venture of writing a novel. some of you might even have read the fanfic this novel is based on.
after long and hard deliberation I have decided that I will change at least one (1) of the three (3) main characters' names—and this is where you come in <33
I've narrowed it down to two potential names that fit the vibe I'm going for, the setting, and are nickname-able! so,
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lamiue · 4 months
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wildflowerteas · 1 month
writing chapter titles is one of my favorite things ever. i put it off to the very end so it's like wrapping a neat little bow over everything i've put together oh it's so satisfying
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
when homeboy G was making me he just hit copy and paste on my dad and slapped some tits on
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queernarchy · 1 year
something something normal bringing brad back to life to be with his father but inadvertently causing him more existential dread and despair than he could imagine something something the doodler reaching out to love the people of earth but accidentally driving them mad beyond understanding. is this anything.
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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dooooooble while watchin v3
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deiaiko · 5 months
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#18 - Whereabouts
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
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rogueshadeaux · 1 year
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A fun little character sheet to celebrate 100k, featuring stats and dialogue yet to appear in the published work! Thanks for sticking around so far, and I can't wait to share even more of my babies with you all!
Stick around for more from inFAMOUS: Erosion and its efforts to not only tie off the story of the Conduits, but to answer the single question everyone's been asking since Cole MacGrath zapped those on the bridge to the Warren -- why exactly do Conduits exist?
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acoldsovereign · 18 days
For the sake of expanding Saiyan (and Tuffle history), should I put "Baby" {T.P.I} on my multimuse? Of course, if I do, he'd be my version. The most important parts so far/his timeline:
He/it created Myuu as a bodyguard to protect its undeveloped body.
Myuu develops further and creates a Mutant Machine Army** to help the Tuffle-based Parasite Intelligence* grow.
This same year in Age _____, Hatchiyack is complete. The Ghost of Dr. Lychee/Raichi--has long since been transformed into a similar but different A.I. to Myuu from the corpse of Lychee, a Tuffle killed during the climax of the Saiyan invasion. Special note: Hatchiyack was made by Lychee during the last quarter of his life--he suffered blunt force trauma to the head, neck, spine and died of internal bleeding/drowning in his own blood/suffocation when two Oozaru smacked him into the interior of his escape ship/capsule. He didn't die instantly, but instead suffered for an hour, writhing on the ground in pain--cursing the Saiyans as he did so. The strength of his emotions was absorbed by his at the time, incomplete creation: the Hatred Amplification Machine. After Lychee passed away, the Machine renamed itself Hatchiyack--The Ultimate Hatred Machine.***
Planet M-2 {the T.P.I's base} is discovered by a small group of space explorers, Race unspecified. In 9 months or less, the T.P.I awakens, disturbed by others studying him/it. It attacks and kills Myuu, the explorers, and consumes them all. The Mutant Machines are next--only less than half survive the onslaught. The rest scatter to the four corners of the known universe, having learned to apparently process fear.
Late this year in Age ____, the T.P.I. does away with Planet M-2 through unknown and peculiar means. [The rubble of what was the base is now space dust and asteroids]. It's learning how to create and destroy worlds. Its goal is to remake Planet Plant and bring about the 'new generation' Tuffle Race. But one can't have a people without a place to put them in . . . The problem is, that it has to consume more lifeforms and forcibly possess/infect them. Therefore, that is his next learned action.
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kinkforwings · 9 months
Bruce Wayne, a.k.a, Batman and Harvey Dent, a.k.a, Two-face parallels
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Batman- Lonely Place of Dying
Panels that make my brain go brrrrr
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