#jean x reader
cherry-romper · 2 days
When You're Injured
+ Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Marco, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin, Hange, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Porco, Pieck, Zeke
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Eren; • Emotional. Tends to get overwhelmed by worry. Eventually, that stems into anger, and he lashes out at everyone as a projection of his own guilt. He feels guilty for not protecting you. • Will spend more time trying to convince Levi or Erwin to let him avenge you instead of being with you. • If he is with you however, he cries silently to himself (either genuine tears or just on the inside). Of course, he's worried for you and if you'll recover but the reason he's sad is because he doesn't think he's good enough. • Got you flowers though, picked them himself. He also made sure you were getting the best care. • Didn't realise that he was pushing people away from you by not allowing anyone else but the nurses in the room. • Does more harm than good really, but it all comes with good intent so you give him the benefit of the doubt.
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Mikasa; • Protective and worried. • Sleeps by your side and cares more about your health than her own. • She forgets to eat sometimes and is reluctant to leave you alone, just in case. So, she asks for someone, mostly Armin, to wait with you while she washes up and gets some food. • She's worried but not too emotional about it because she knows you'll heal soon enough, so she doesn't act much different. • Works out by your bedside instead of leaving. • Insists on feeding you herself to make sure you actually eat the food.
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Armin; • Bless his little heart, he's worried sick. • Will read to you even when you're asleep and holds your hand the whole time. • Panics if you groan or move, he thinks you'll drop dead any second. • Gets scared when the nurses do examinations. He's always afraid of bad news. • Doesn't stay with you all the time. He leaves during the day to rest and wash. He also using his alone time to cry about being too weak to save you. • Blames himself, for some reason, and insists that if he were as strong as Reiner it wouldn't have happened.
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Marco; • Calm about the whole thing. He's just grateful you're alive. • He knows the next few months are going to be hard but he's willing to care for you every step of the way. • Worried, of course, but is confident in your strength. He knows you'll pull though. • Buys the most expensive flowers and changes the water nearly everyday so that they stay alive for as long as possible. • Sits by your side and talks to you, even when you're asleep, so you don't feel lonely. • Lets the nurses do what they need to do because he knows that you're in good hands. • When you get out the infirmary he buys the nurses flowers to say thank you for keeping you alive.
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Jean; • Doesn't let anyone see that he's worried sick about you and acts like he's fine. He's scared people will tease or bully him for it. • He cried a lot. Doesn't let you see him cry, nor anyone else, but he does it a lot. Marco found him though, crying behind some bushes, and comforted him. • After that he was more open and didn't care what people thought and stayed with you until he was forced to leave. • Holds your hand and rubs his thumb on the back of it. He even traces the lines on you palms. • Draw things for you. For example, he'll draw you a dog he saw in the street or he'll draw something silly like Connie and Sasha as stick figures to make you laugh. • If he has to leave while you're asleep, he'll leave a little note saying he'll be back soon.
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Connie; • He's left in tatters. He goes into auto-pilot and doesn't really act like himself. • He becomes a rollercoaster of emotions. So, somedays he'll be really motivated and trains extra hard so he can protect you next time and other days he'll just sit by your side, staring blankly out the window. • He cracks jokes from time to time, even if you can't hear them and tells you stories of what's happening while you're stuck in bed. • Refuses to let himself cry because "a real man wouldn't cry" but crumbles anyways and cries into you arm. • Asks Sasha what to do while he waits for you to get out. She recommends he spend as much time with you as possible and just be grateful you survived. She makes sure he's okay while you can't be there for him.
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Sasha; • Unsure how to handle the whole situation. She panics a little but once the nurses reassure her that you won't die she settles down and lets them do their job. • Brings you food, even if you can't eat anything solid. If you don't want it that day she eats it for you. • Would bring you flowers that she picked herself from when she was out hunting. • If you're well enough, she'll lay on the bed with you and cuddle you; whether it be platonic or not, she just wants to make sure you're okay. • She doesn't really baby you, but during the recovery period she does everything for you. No matter how tall you are, she doesn't let you reach for anything or go to pick anything up. She does it for you. • She kinda oversteps sometimes and refuses to let you clean, even if Captain Levi ordered it. If he forces you, she'll argue with him. She doesn't care about the repercussions, she just wants you to rest and heal as fast as possible.
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Levi; • No different to how he normally is. • He's calm and collected. Of course, he was worried at first but knew that the nurses would take good care of you. • Some days he stresses though. If your condition dips or if you're struggling, he'll be a lot harsher on the cadets. • Doesn't cry because he knows his tears are useless, but does sit but your side until he needs to leave on duties. • Brings you tea he made himself and always makes sure you're comfortable before he leaves. • He's fine with other people seeing you but still has security posted at your door. • You're given your own room because he doesn't want you catching anything else while you're in the infirmary.
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Hange; • Panic followed by calm followed by more panic. • Treats your wounds themselves. Its not like they don't trust the nurses, they just wanna make sure you're okay. • Brings you a little titan doll to keep you company when they're not there. Which you found to be a bit ironic. • Keeps the spirits as high as possible and always tells you stories or jokes to make sure you're entertained. • Their duties are still priority, as they knows you'll be okay, but they always makes sure to visit you when they have the time.
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Erwin; • You take over everything. • He's terrified of loosing you. He's lost too many close to him already and even if he is reassured multiple times that you'll be okay, he's not shifting from you side. • Your room becomes his new office for a while. He does his work by your bedside, everyday without fail. • Sometimes you'll wake up and see him asleep in the chair, papers scattered on the floor from where he's dropped them. It warms your heart but also pains you to see that he doesn't care for himself. • When he wakes up, you tell him to take care of himself and refuse to let him anywhere near you until he does. • He was a bit dramatic and wrote you a eulogy. He thought everything was over. He sat and cried into his papers as he wrote it because he genuinely thought he was going to loose you.
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Reiner; • Broken. Completely broken. • Cries everyday until you are better. He only lets you see it though and tries to act okay for the others because he knows they look up to him. • Is incredibly dramatic and tells you his secret. He didn't think and just kind of said it without noticing you were conscious. To be honest, you didn't really take it in when he first said it due to drowsiness so you forgot by the time you fell back to sleep. • Has a crisis. Fights with himself about who he is and who he wants to be. After talking with Bertholdt he came to the conclusion that he just wants to be there for you, no matter what, even if it means taking you with him. • Holds your hand and doesn't let go. He's scared that if he does he'll loose you. • Flowers. Daily. Fresh ones too. • He makes sure you're clean and fed. He even gives you his portion of food.
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Bertholdt; • Worried about you, but fights with himself over it. He has a voice in the back of his head telling him he shouldn't be worried because he shouldn't care about you. So he just cries in the chair next to you, fighting his inner demons. • He isn't with you often and tries to distance himself because of the mission. • During the period where he refuses to visit, he finds himself asking the others how you're doing. After a while, Reiner just tells him that he needs to visit you himself because "you never know what could happen." • This leads to him buying you flowers and apologising for not visiting sooner. You tell him its okay and from then on he never leaves the room. • Falls asleep upright in his chair but ends up with his head on the floor and his feet hanging off the back of the chair.
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Annie; • RIP to anyone who agrees to spar with her that first week. • Visits you once or twice for about an hour a time before leaving and taking her anger out on someone. • Reiner had to convince her not to change into a titan and attack in case you were lost in the carnage. • Not really used to the whole emotions thing. She deals with it her own way. • Brought you flowers but had no idea how to keep them, so they died quickly. She ended up getting annoyed at that too so you had to explain to her that its the thought that counts.
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Porco; • Blames himself for no reason. He wasn't even there when you were hurt and still thinks it was him. • Goes through a million different scenarios wherein he could have saved you from being injured. Pieck had to convince him to stop before he hurts you further. • He's already rude enough as it is, but when it gets 10x worse when you're bed bound. • Sat by your side until you wake up. • Refuses to let anyone other than the nurses in the room with you, even then he doesn't fully trust the nurses. • His emotions get the best of him.
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Pieck; • She's worries internally but has a calm exterior. She knows you're in good hands with the nurses, so there's no reason for her to be afraid. • Sits with you on the bed. If you're well enough she'll curl up at the end of the bed. • Bought you flowers. She went out and picked them herself. She arranged them in the vase so that when you wake up, you see your favourite flower first. • Feeds you herself. • When you first get out of the bed, you're both on crutches and laugh about being as useless at walking as each other. • You sit on the floor together instead of going to meetings.
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Zeke; • He goes through the stages of grief even though you're not dead. • Denies that you're hurt. Refuses to believe you'd let yourself be injured. Convinced himself that you shouldn't have been out there in the first place, and then gets angry that you ever decided to join the army. • Has the WORST anger stage even. Throws an absolute fit. Breaks things, shouts profanities at the top of his lungs, drinks and smokes like doesn't have organs. His office is completely trashed. • He then tries to convince his superiors to take you off the squad; if he had his way it'd be the army altogether. He's certain you're not ready for the outside world, he just wants you protected. • His depression stage is just him sitting beside you. Unable to move, even if he wanted to. He's unsure if his brain won't let him move, or if he physically can't. He cries until tears won't fall anymore. • Finally, he accepts that you never wanted to get hurt, it was just a series of unfortunate events. Realises trying to take you out of the army, against your wishes, was a mistake. He feels horrifically guilty for how he acted and says sorry to everyone it affected, including you're sleeping form.
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bwabys-scenarios · 7 months
He likes to look up at you while he eats you out with those pretty eyes full of lust… “look at me, angel. look at how good I’m making you feel.”
He loves holding your hand, and if you look away he’ll hold your bud between his teeth lightly as a warning…
He usually doesn’t like to see you cry, but your eyes are so pretty when you’re crying from all the pleasure he’s given you.
He likes to tongue fuck you too but man… he loves sucking on your clit.
He likes to hear you whimper and whine, and loves when you tug on his hair or give him a little guidance
He can’t deny he gets really hard when you gently push his head towards your entrance, wanting some attention there too!!
The sounds…
He’s squeezing your thighs as he sucks, nibbles, licks… you’d think he was starving for pussy
He really just wants to make you feel good, but honestly he eats you out because he really really enjoys it.
He would do it regardless but… it does help that he loves it!
Trying to do anything around the house after he’s gotten a taste of pussy is hard. And god sitting on this man’s face?? He would go to cloud 9…
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stxrrydreamss · 5 months
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“Did you hit?” “She’s so bad.” “Was it good?”
“No. She fell asleep in my arms knowing she’s safe from guys like you.”
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Armin, Jean, Levi, Kirishima, Izuku, Bakugo, Hawks, Aizawa, Senku, Gen, Tsukasa, Saeyoung, Saeran, Zen, Jumin, V, Yoosung
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Just imagine your man calling his cock "candy" and not telling you what it really means.
Like you were just having a normal lunch with him when he carefully whispered into your ear.
"Wanna eat something sweet after? I got a candy and thought you would like to have it for dessert." His voice is low and slightly hoarse.
Your eyes widen from the excitement and you nod quickly your head. You can't help but wonder how that candy would taste like. Is it strawberry flavor? Blueberry? Or maybe watermelon? God, you can't remember the last time you actually ate a candy since you are not a child anymore.
After finishing your meal, you grabbed his hand excitedly.
"Come on, let's go eat that candy!"
Your boyfriend can't help but chuckle at your innocent. Seriously, you are way to adorable and naive for you own good. He quietly smiles and lead you to your shared room. As you close the door behind you, you hear an unzipping sound.
"Uh... what are you doing?" You ask softly.
He does not even reply, only turning around and sitting on the bed. His legs are spread, only in boxers when you notice the growing bulge in his underwear. He chuckles at your shocked face.
"What, I thought you wanted a dessert?"
"That's way better than a dessert..." You whisper before approaching him with a lustful face.
Levi, ERWIN, Jean, TOJI, Nanami, Gojo and any other men you like
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berrygrls · 8 months
men who eat you out like they have been starving for a millennia, who eat it like madmen, your juices all over his chin, even after you finish multiple times, even when you writhe and squirm, trying to escape the relentless treatment of his experienced tongue, he doesn’t stop, ever. As he stakes his claim over you, and you let him, because it’s just too good not to, mindlessly submitting your body, your very being to him.
SUGURU GETO!!! eren, jean, satoru, nanami, dazai, chūya, tengen, KYOJURO , douma, sanemi, sanji, shanks, sully
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sea-lanterns · 10 days
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synopsis: you decide to muzzle your puppy girlfriend for the first time
featuring: jean, navia, beidou, miko
rating: 18+ smut (men and minors dni)
warnings: sub! afab fem reader, dog hybrid characters, muzzles, biting, possessive characters, feral women, transfem navia and transfem miko, cunni.lingus (jean), sixty nine position (jean), pet names, degradation, knotted strap ons (beidou), mating press (beidou), knots, bre.eding kink (miko), predator and prey kink (miko) do.ggy style (miko), may be ooc, not proofread.
art credits: unknown (found on pinterest)
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“My darling please, please…I want to taste you so bad…please…” Jean whimpered and pawed at your fingers to unfasten the muzzle currently strapped to her jaw. She even growled a bit louder than usual as her floppy little tail wagged back and forth in anticipation of having your sweet pussy on her tongue. “I don’t even understand why I have to wear this…” Jean whines, her floppy ears lowering, “I don’t even have a biting problem. I’ve been more than gentle with you, my love…”
“It’s more so to satisfy a kink I have, rather than to actually punish you, Jean.” You chuckle quietly, gently stroking her sad puppy ears. “And you look so cute with the muzzle on!”
Jean whines and pushes her caged mouth closer to your face. “But I want to taste you…” she whispers into your ear, her lower body rubbing against your hips rather sensually. “I want to satisfy you. Shove my tongue inside that soft, velvety hole of yours and bury my face between your legs until— mmpf…” 
Her pupils blow back in lust when you gently rub against the crotch area of her pants, watching as a little wet spot begins to form the harder you continue to rub. “You will, but right now I want to see my puppy whine for me.”
And Jean did just that, her tail flopping submissively as she leans forward to press her muzzled face against your cheek. Her tongue pathetically darts out to try and kiss you through the metal bars of her caged head, whimpering as she could barely even reach you for a kiss. “My love…”
Oh this was torture for poor little Jean. She had spent the day working hard with only thoughts of her pretty girlfriend to keep her occupied. She was so eager to sink her thirsty little mouth into your dripping wet cunt, yet here you were, teasing her for no reason with this embarrassing toy of yours that restricted her access to tasting you! 
“At least let me kiss you…” Jean whispers softly, looking up at you with those big, pathetic puppy dog eyes that you grew oh so weak to. “I want to kiss my girlfriend, please…”
“Ohhh, Jean…” Fuck. You can’t help but instinctively reach over to unfasten the strap to her muzzle. “Fine. But only one ki— AH!” 
What a trickster! Jean has instantly torn off the muzzle and crawled down to face your clothed cunt, before tearing off your underwear with one eager claw. 
“I’m sorry! I’ll buy you another pair!”
Yet she didn’t look too apologetic as she immediately drooled at the sight of your bare pussy before face planting right into your folds, moaning when she felt her tongue hit contact against your clit. Eager that she was, Jean lapped at your swollen slit like it was a treat that had been dangling above her for hours, the feeling of her drooling, messy tongue just sloppily pushing against your lips making you feel like you were in heaven.
“Ah…! Eager puppy, aren’t you?” You looked up to see her curly tail just wagging so much in excitement, the feast between your legs proving to be quite an amazing treat for your dearest puppy girl; Jean. 
“Heh, don’t worry, I’ll do the same to you. You deserve the same treatment, my love.”
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“Hey, why do I have to wear this?!”
Navia looked so annoyed. An angry pout on her usually friendly face, as it was rare for your girlfriend to ever get mad at you. “I just thought it’d look funny on you,” you giggled softly, covering your mouth to hide your grin. “Plus, sometimes you bite. Not very gently, either.”
“I do not!” Navia huffed and tried to get you to take it off, nuzzling her caged mouth against your cheek. “Take it off right now! I want to kiss you!” 
She growled softly and rutted her hips against your own, pinning you down with her body weight while making sure you could feel the small bulge growing underneath her skirt. She smirked when she saw you realize the stiffie, making sure to roll her hips a little more languidly in order for you to feel all of her arousal. “Come on baby…this isn’t fair to me…” Navia whispers, pouting down at you while her tail swishes rather intimidatingly. “Get the muzzle off…it’s too distracting as I can’t pleasure you properly. Please? Don’t you want me to fuck you full already…?” 
She smiled ever so innocently, never mind the fact that she had plans to completely wreck you in revenge for putting her in a muzzle in the first place! 
“Hmmmm…I don’t know if my puppy deserves to be off the muzzle tonight…” you teased, watching as your girlfriend’s face darkened and a small, irritated growl left her throat. “Perhaps she should prove to me she can control herself without restriction?” You playfully looped your finger through the loop of her collar, staring at the gold rose shaped emblem at the center and pulling her closer to face you. “My puppy has an uncontrollable biting problem after all. Bad girl.” 
Navia growled louder and her tail swished even faster, pushing your wrists above your head and lowering her caged mouth to your ears. 
“I’ll show you uncontrollable.” 
Your body involuntarily shivered at the hot breath let out from your girlfriend’s teeth. You knew Navia would never hurt you, she was always so sweet and gentle when it came to your sex life, yet it seems this time you pushed her buttons a little too far. “I’m going to take off your pants, okay? If I rip them, sorry in advance.”
Your cheeks burned red when she suddenly grabbed onto your bottoms and slid them off aggressively. It was clear that Navia was excited, the massive grin on her face proving so as she made quick work of discarding both of your undergarments. In an instant, you felt Navia’s hot, heavy cock land right on top of your aching clit. Her knot swelling at the base, ready to pump itself eagerly into you if you allowed her to. 
“Hah…muzzle or not, I think I’ve been too lenient on you. You think you can push me around, bratty girl? Hm?” Navia grinned and slowly grinded her member against your folds, chuckling at the way they seemed to glisten whenever she dragged herself a bit slower than usual. “Well, maybe it’s about time I stop pleasing my sweet owner…”
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Beidou didn’t care if you muzzled her or not. She just wanted to fuck your brains out and have you a sobbing, moaning puddle under her while she railed you on her strap. Through heavy pants and labored grunts, your big, overgrown puppy woman held you down into a mating press and rammed the hefty strap on as far as she could go, growling whenever you whined and tugged on her leash, as she knew she was doing a great job.
“Like that huh? You like it when I stuff you full on this big, meaty dick?” Beidou laughed to herself at the vulgar language she just used, smothering her muzzled mouth against your neck and letting strings of saliva drip down from the caged bars. “You’re so hot…hah…so hot and tight.”
Her big, bushy tail swished from left to right as she buried her sheath deeper into your succulent, wet walls. She wanted so desperately to sink her awaiting canines into your throat and mark you jaw to collarbone in her marks, yet because of that stupid muzzle, she had to settle for drooling all over your neck through the bars of her cage. 
“I would’ve covered you in teeth marks by now…” Beidou growls, glaring down at you with wild, frenzied eyes, “But, maybe it’s for the best. Wouldn’t want to accidentally make you scream.” 
She thrusted her hips a bit sharper, eliciting a high-pitched yelp from your throat. 
“…Well, from pain.” 
Beidou chuckled and closed her eyes, lazily fucking you with greed as she wanted nothing more than to see the fake knot at the base of her strap, plug you all the way in when you eventually came. She shamelessly swiped her tongue across the metal bars of her muzzle, groaning at the metallic taste before nuzzling against your cheek. “So, princess, do you think you could take the muzzle off now?” She grinned, her tongue darting out to try and lick you through the gaps of her confines, “I’ve been such a good dog for you already…”
“You’ll…bite me all over…” you whispered breathlessly, whining when she gripped your hips tighter within her claws and thrusted her strap even rougher.
“I’d bite you eventually when this muzzle comes off…” Beidou groans, pushing the muzzle harder against your cheek as she rutted her strap at a much more feverish pace. “Though, the longer you keep this up, the more desperate I’ll be, baby…”
She gently pushed herself deeper into you, her tail beating faster against the bed when she saw the tiny tummy bulge pushing against your skin from how deep she was inside of you. “Archons, you’re so pretty…” she whispered out huskily, roaming her giant hands all around the skin of your stomach and pushing lightly on the bulge. “But, you’d definitely be even prettier once I get my canines all over you.”
It was there that Beidou finally used those giant claws of hers to disobey you, ripping the muzzle off with brute force and grinning down at you with wolfish features. The yelp you let out was adorable as Beidou suddenly pushed your legs up higher, pretty much folding you more in the mating press and moving her teeth dangerously close to your inner thighs. 
“It’s been looking a little too barren down here. Perhaps I should change that…”
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Out of all the women to have been strapped with a muzzle, Miko was definitely the most furious. She had you bent over in front of her on the bed, doggy style as she pumped her angry red cock inside of you at a pace similar to that of when she was in a rut. The poor woman felt as if her ego had been shattered to pieces the moment you tricked her and got her to wear a muzzle. Now you are suffering the consequences of your actions, as Miko was not stopping her relentless pace and would growl in your ear whenever you tried to complain.
“M-Miko! Ah! S-Slow…down…” 
Your body moved pathetically with each harsh thrust, as Miko seemed to be trying to vent out her anger on you for making her wear such an embarrassing thing. “Cheeky brat…you really think this pathetic thing could stop me from biting you?” 
A low, husky growl emitted from her throat as she pushed her swollen member deeper into your cunt. “I could rip this muzzle off like paper. But…I’ll indulge in my little one’s silly little kinks for now.” She grinned maliciously and pushed you farther into the bed, rutting her hot and heavy cock deeper within you, as she was intent in possibly breeding you fully. 
“So tight…you like it when I go rough, hm? All muzzled and rabid like an animal?” She looked ticked off at her own words, her fox ears twitching in frenzy as she wanted to make you pay for teasing her. 
“N-No…that’s not what I meant— h-haah…” Miko grabbed your chin and forced you to look up at her, her sweet little pupils turning into slits as she took in how utterly delectable you looked underneath her. It was actually triggering her predator instincts to hold you down and claim you as her “prey.” 
“Liar. You’re such a cute little liar.” Miko grinned wolfishly through the bars of her muzzle and stuffed her knot deeper against your cunt. The base of it started to swell as she was getting ready to breed you full on her kitsune seed. “Look at you…barely able to talk even though I’m the one wearing this contraption,” she tsked and trailed one of her clawed fingers down your stomach, gently circling the growing bulge on your tummy that moved with each thrust of her dick. “Even when muzzled, you still act like a cute little bunny.” 
She licked her lips and felt the base of her knot begin to swell, her head throwing back in ecstasy as she prepared to fill you fully until her cum was leaking out of you. “Ah…you tightened a bit when I said that. You must really like being degraded, huh?” 
Miko growled and pushed her knot a bit deeper, forcing you to take a girthier bulb as she drooled a bit through the metal bars of her muzzle. 
“I can’t wait to devour this little bunny once I tear this muzzle off. Archons…that cute little pussy is mine.”
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megistusdiary · 1 month
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𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙬𝙡𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨 ༊*·˚
i wanted to make another silly combo post, so here we are. just a dump of ideas about genshin wlw threesomes i'd love to see ♡
warnings: smut (mdni), fem!reader, wlw content, threesomes, straps, blowjobs, cunnilingus, blindfolds, bondage
long post utc
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1. jean and navia
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"so pretty." navia coos, stroking your cheek, tilting your chin up to meet her gaze. your eyes flit downwards, looking at jean kneeling between your legs, two fingers pressed into you.
navia smiles gently, kissing your forehead as she tugs at the hem of your shirt. "can i take this off?" she asks you, and you nod for her, letting her pull it over your head.
jean sucks on your clit, pulling your attention back to her as you let out a sharp gasp. your thighs threaten to close around her head, but she maintains a soft hold on them, keeping you in place.
she looks up at you, leaning back to lick a slow stripe up your pussy. she kisses your clit gently, standing up. "i think she's ready." jean tells navia who gives her a giddy smile.
they ease you down onto the bed, the three of you stripping down completely as jean settles behind you while navia preps her strap. you eye it cautiously, noting that while its girth seems smaller, the length is rather precarious.
jean senses your hesitancy, gently turning your cheek to face her. "it's okay, we'll be gentle." she whispers, kissing your cheek. her hands trail across your body, teasing your breasts as her lips meet yours.
navia runs the faux cock across your pussy, collecting the slick leaking from you. she strokes the silicone, spreading your sticky wetness over the material, the sound penetrating the air.
jean can feel the heat of embarrassment blooming beneath your skin and she pulls away, letting you catch your breath. "there's no need to be shy."
"we think it's cute." navia pipes up, pushing your thighs up to spread you out. "so pretty." she smiles at you, blue eyes sparkling. she waits for you to nod at her, allowing her to press into you.
jean feels one of your hands gripping her biceps, the other clawing at the bedsheets. she slides her left hand to yours, clasping them together to keep you grounded.
your hand grips hers tightly, face turning to push into her shoulder while navia eases into you. they praise you so sweetly, telling you how beautiful you look, how good you are for them, how pretty you look under them.
jean feels you melt against her, trembling once navia's pelvis touches yours. "good girl." and you can't even tell who's talking anymore.
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2. dehya and beidou
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"oh, fuck. that's it, sweetheart." beidou grunts, her hand firmly gripping your head while you choke on her thick strap. she adores your little noises: every time you gag, when you whimper, when your hands feebly grip her thighs. you're just so cute.
"taking our captain here like such a good girl, huh?" dehya grins, fixing her own strap to her pelvis, opening the bottle of oil from the table. she slides her hand across the material of the faux cock on her waist.
your eyes flit between beidou and dehya, your nose pressed to the captain's pelvis, tufts of hair tickling your skin. she pets your head, pushing you to take more of her.
dehya takes you by surprise, propping your hips up and spreading your thighs for her. she slides her still slick fingers over your pussy, laughing. "archons, she's dripping, beidou."
your face heats up with embarrassment, whining around the cock stuffed down your throat. beidou shushes you sweetly, petting your head and keeping you firmly on her cock.
dehya's fingers slide into you from behind, and you moan, fingers digging into beidou's muscular thighs as your eyes flutter shut with the stretch.
"how's she feel?" beidou asks, shallowly fucking your throat.
"tight. loosen up a little for me." she pats your ass, crooking her fingers into your g-spot, gently rubbing against it as your feet kick against the bed. she gently eases you into an orgasm, a strange contrast to how roughly beidou is treating your throat.
once you've come back down from your high, dehya's strap is sliding over your sensitive cunt, rubbing circles into your clit. her thumbs spread your folds open, smirking at how you clench around nothing from the way she exposes you.
she slides the faux cock in at the same time beidou pulls out just to hear you scream, face falling to the bed. once you've caught your breath, beidou is back to fucking your throat.
they maintain their pace together, keeping you full at one end (at least) at all times. your hands claw at the bedsheets, tears pooling in your eyes as they fuck you harder.
it's clear how they enjoy your squirming, cooing about how cute you are, how adorable their pretty girl is. how precious you are when you come for them.
dehya angles herself directly into your g-spot, feeling you tighten up around her and tremble on the bed. she slides out carefully, leaning down to kiss the back of your neck. "made such a mess of my cock, you should see it." she whispers to you as you whimper.
beidou pulls you off her cock, eyeing your spit coating her as she wraps a hand around her base, spreading the glossy spit. she lifts your chin up to face her with a grin. "don't fall asleep on us just yet, i still get my turn to fuck you."
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3. xianyun and ningguang
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"sweetheart, be still for miss xianyun." the tianquan chastises you, and the older woman smiles, holding you against her chest.
"that's alright, lady ningguang. one is rather... adept at handling misbehavior." xianyun reaches down and pinches your clit with the bends of her fingers to ensure you avoid her talons.
you sink lower on the strap she's buried into you. "my, you really are talented." ningguang comments, balancing her pipe in her left hand.
xianyun smiles, holding your thighs open and bouncing you on her faux cock, hearing you whine with each little thrust. "it comes with time. though, one has heard plenty of rumors about the tianquan's very own affairs."
ningguang laughs, taking a drag of her pipe, blowing the smoke into your face, setting it off to the side. "fair enough. i've had my share of traipsing around with pretty women. but you've reduced her to a babbling little toy." she hums, cupping your cheek.
you nuzzle into her touch so sweetly, looking up at her with soft eyes.
"as one has said before, there is much we can all stand to learn, and one is happy to share with you." xianyun bounces you harder, hips thrusting up into you as you cry a mix of their names. "go on, you've been a good girl." she whispers, and, like a trained puppy, you cum around her, shaking in her lap.
xianyun eases you through the rest of your orgasm before sliding you off her strap and into ningguang's lap instead. "aren't you a pliant little thing for us?" ningguang slides her thumb over your lip, watching your tongue dart out over the pad of her finger. she smirks, sliding it into your mouth and holding your tongue down.
xianyun eases you up, grinding you over ningguang's strap, coating the material in the remnants of your orgasm, letting you hear the wet noises of your own slick. when she slides into you, the stretch leaves you reeling.
it's not quite as long as xianyun, but she's chosen a much thicker cock, and you grasp desperately at her shoulders, head tipping back onto xianyun's chest.
ningguang bounces you in a similar manner to xianyun, but different enough that it feels novel. her pelvis grinds into your clit everytime your hips meet hers, and xianyun ensures you feel it by grinding your body down onto the tianquan.
xianyun's fingers dance up your throat, tugging your head closer to kiss her while ningguang watches rather amused. xianyun is tender but firm, holding your jaw in her taloned grip.
ningguang grinds the tip of her strap into your g-spot, feeling you tighten up around her, babbling into xianyun's mouth, begging to cum. merciful as she is, she gives you permission, feeling you soak her cock and drip down onto her pelvis.
they coo at you, petting your head and commending you on being their perfect little pet. and just when you think they're finished, ningguang slides you back to xianyun, fixing her strap and standing to slide it over your lips while xianyun's tip pops back into your pussy.
"such a good girl for us. but so messy." ningguang tuts. "clean up your mess, sweet girl." she grips your head, sliding her dick into your mouth while xianyun slides back into you.
the sensation at the same time along with the taste of yourself on ningguang is all too much. you sniffle and tear up when she teases the back of your throat while they use you, but it only seems to amuse and goad them on.
you are their perfect toy, after all.
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4. yae miko and yelan
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"you know, i'm quite partial to red and pink, but i can't deny how... fetching blue looks on her." miko mused, running a hand up the blue rope tied on your thigh.
the blindfold blocks you from seeing either woman, but yelan laughs. "what can i say? i know what my girl looks good in."
"oh, your girl? is that so?" miko asks, and you whimper when she leans down over you. "is that true? are you hers?"
before you can answer, yelan is on your other side. "you know the right answer, don't you?"
both women are equally menacing in their own right, and you feel overwhelmed. "i- i'm... both... both of yours." your voice trembles, and the women lean up, saying nothing before laughing.
"what a little slut. playing around with two women like this." miko tuts.
"wouldn't be surprised if we're not the only ones." yelan scoffed and you cry out at them.
"no! just you, i swear-" your voice is cut off into a soft wheeze when someone's hand closes around your throat.
"you speak when spoken to, pet." miko warns, leaning down to nip at your shoulder with sharp teeth. she turns you over onto your front, adjusting the ropes to have your face shoved into the pillows while your ass was perked up for them.
"aww, look at you. all wet for us like an eager little pet." miko slaps your clit with her palm, enjoying your little whimpers and futile squirming. her fingers slide into you briefly before withdrawing, and then you feel them pressed onto your lip. "open." she commands, sliding the slick digits over your tongue.
you feel someone else's fingers on your cunt, pinching your clit before sliding two into you, making you moan around the ones in your mouth.
you assume it's yelan, fucking you rather harshly with her fingers, squeezing your thighs and slapping your ass while miko slides onto the bed in front of you.
she cradles your head, pulling your blinded body closer to her, making you kiss her pussy and feeling you moan against her. "oh, good girl, come on, eat me out." she coos and you feel yelan shove your head down.
"go on. that's what you're made for, isn't it?" yelan snaps, letting miko use your tongue, getting your cheeks and lips all messy.
yelan busies herself with sliding three fingers into you now, letting you hear the sounds of your own slick being pushed in and out before she robs you of your orgasm. you pull away to try and beg her, but miko is quicker, shoving you back down to her cunt and effectively silencing you.
yelan taps the tip of her strap onto your cunt, smacking it loud enough for the three of you to hear.
"isn't that a little big for our poor little pet?" miko gasps, faux sympathy for you in her voice as she grinds herself on you like you're her toy.
yelan grips your head, pulling you up and hearing you pant softly. "what do you think, pet? am i too big for you?" she asks.
"no, no! i can take it!" you wail. "please, please fuck me-"
your back arches, and you scream when yelan slides completely in, feeling you clench around her while the women above you delight in your squirming and crying behind your blindfold.
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ca4dy · 4 months
I can’t get over the idea of a big, beefy, pure hunk of mussel man getting absolutely destroyed by his little wife/girlfriend! There known to be an absolute monster in the streets. Crushing anyone they get there large, scared hands on in a fight. But in the comfort of your shared bed he’s nothing but a puddle of what he used to be underneath you. Panting whiny pleas, and apologizing over and over as you fuck yourself on his monster dick. Just a moment earlier he was staring down at you with a lopsided grin. “ Aww you think you can top me baby? When you get tired just let daddy know.. I’ll be sure to take care of ya.” Oh if only you had a camera to show everyone his pathetic state. He whined staring up at you with half lidded, teary eyes. Sweat shone on his forehead and chest as he panted, his grip tightened by the second on your waist. He sobbed before releasing a guttural moan. He threw his head back up into the pillows, before spilling his hot load in your dripping sex. You stilled on top of him momentarily relishing in the feeling of fullness. He barely opened his eyes staring up at you silently begging for mercy. You cooed at his shuddering while rolling your hips into his cock. You smiled feeling sickly sweet as you stared him down. You leaned forward slightly beginning to tweak his hardened nipples. “ when you get tired just let mommy know…I’ll be sure to take care of ya.” You quickly straddled him, his shine covered cock slipping inside your stretched cunt again easily. His eyes shot opened as he released a string of curses.
Izuku Midoriya, Touya Todoroki, Gojo Satoru, Hakari Kinji, Tengen Uzui, Inosuke Hashibira, Eren Yeager, Jean Kristien, Denji Hayakawa~
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cherry-romper · 2 days
When They're Injured
+ Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Marco, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin, Hange, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Porco, Pieck, Zeke
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Eren; • He either pretends to be fine or cries like a baby, there's no in-between. • Most of the time he doesn't even acknowledge your presence in the room. He thinks it's a waste of time watching over him. • Tells you to grow up if he sees you crying over him. • "I have the power of the titans, I'll be fine. Just stop your crying already, it's making me uncomfortable." • Still thanks you for caring though, in his own little way - probably by asking you to be his sparing partner instead of actually saying thank you.
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Mikasa; • Unfazed by her own injuries and cares more about you taking care of yourself. • Stays in bed for a day before she's back working out and doing chores, no matter how bad her injury is. You have to physically restrain her and put her back to bed (it never goes well). • Asks if you've eaten and slept well before you get the chance to ask her. • She's grateful for everything you do while she's recovering. • She picks you some flowers afterwards to say thank you. She even cooks you food.
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Armin; • Upset. You console and reassure him a lot because he keeps crying about being weak. • You read to him though, and even play chess while he recovers. • You promise to train him some more when he's able bodied so that he feels better prepared next time. • You bring him food but he refuses to eat it. You end up doing the "here comes the train" thing with him to force him to eat out of embarrassment. • You brought him flowers and he loved the gesture so much that he now uses one of the dried flowers as a book mark.
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Marco; • Grateful to be alive. • He sometimes panics and has nightmares that he's back on the field where he was injured and you have to calm him down. • He sometimes gets annoyed at you for always being beside him because he knows you're not looking after yourself properly. • Forces you to leave so you'll finally wash and eat. • Jean also visits often and you all share stories about your childhoods. The duo never fail to make you laugh.
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Jean; • Dramatic. Does the whole "don't look at me, I'm hideous" thing, and refuses to let you into the room. • You have to physically stop him from covering his face and reassure him that he's just as beautiful as before. • He switched up real fast after that and pretended he wasn't even injured to try and impress you. He went from being a cry baby to trying to work out with a broken arm. • You gave up trying to stop him because he wouldn't listen to anything. • Cries when he's alone because he doesn't think he's strong enough.
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Connie; • Doesn't change a thing. He's still just as idiotic as before. • Laughs it off. He keeps telling jokes so he won't think about it and if he's laughing then he's happy. • Wants you by his side always, and get upset when you need to leave. •"Y/N, I'm telling you, I'm immortal." • He doesn't really cry, he had a few tear when he was alone, but he's more focused on training when he's better so it doesn't happen again. • Secretly likes being injured because you're particularly nice to him.
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Sasha; • Dramatic. She thinks the worlds is going to end. Gathers you, Jean and Connie around as she says her "last goodbyes". • It only takes you waving some meat in her face for her to snap out of it and start acting normal again. • Sobs into your arm. She's more worried about if she'll be able to eat and hunt again than her actually injuries. • Food works better than medicine.
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Levi; • Sleeps it off. He'll be fine the next morning. • Hates when you baby him. Even if you're just being nice, like bringing him food, he'll think you're being condescending and gets pissed off. • It really doesn't take long for him to recover, but Erwin orders him to take time off to be sure - you're happy Levi will always have Erwin looking out for him. • You leave him little notes instead of actually staying with him. He smiles to himself when he sees them, he adore the little things.
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Hange; • Refuses to stay in bed. Levi knocks them out to force them into bed. • They get bored very easy. Erwin doesn't let them work while they recover, so most days they just sit and stare at the ceiling. • Gets a little dramatic and starts crying because they can't visit their titans. So you visit them yourself and draw them for Hange - even if you're bad at drawing, they are overjoyed. • Cries when you bring them flowers.
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Erwin; • He's appears fine externally, has a strong mentality and is sure he'll heal in no time. • No matter what he's still working, you have to physically pry the papers from his hands so he'll actually rest for once. • He gets kind of annoyed at the babying. He just wants you to see that he's okay to work, but you have none of it. • You buy him flowers and other little trinkets - like a little girl was selling knitted teddy bears, so you bought him one. He got emotional after that because he realised how much you meant to him.
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Reiner; • Goes through a crisis. He's used to being injured, but not this badly. • It takes him a lot of willpower to not just heal it in front of you. • Spends most night debating if it would be easier to just die. • Some days he doesn't know who he is and acts like a soldier and others Bertholdt has to remind him that there are bigger things out there and he has to pull through so they can go home. • On they days where he's a warrior, he pushes you away, only letting Bertholdt and Annie in the room with him.
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Bertholdt; • Pushes everyone away, aside from Reiner - not even Annie can see him like that. • Gets unnecessarily angry. Debates just turning and finishing the mission right then and there, and he was about to when you turned up. You made his whole world stop and he just stared at you. • He cried into your arms that night, and most nights after. He'd never felt so vulnerable. He thought you were the one who came to save him. • You knew he was feeling better when he went back to his "synchronised sleeping," as you called it, and you'd find him with his head nearly on the floor.
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Annie; • Stoic, as per usual. • Hates when you make a fuss. • "It will heal. Please, give me some space." • Doesn't push people away, just kind of distances herself. For example, she doesn't spar with people when she's feeling better, she uses a training dummy instead. • Only happy when you're with her. She wouldn't admit it though. • She wants you to stay, but would never go out of her way to ask you too.
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Porco; • He gets dismissive. Uses the word "whatever" like it's going out of fashion. • You try to reassure him but he just gets defensive. "Stop it. You're acting like I'm going to die. I'll just heal overnight. You're so dramatic." • Secretly enjoys the attention. He's not used to people willingly caring for him. He normally bullies people into following him around, but you do it out of the kindness of your heart. • You praise him for being so brave and it makes him blush.
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Pieck; • She loves that you stay with her. She thanks you everyday. • Holds your hand a lot. • You talk about whatever but most of the time there's just a comfortable silence. • For some reason, she thinks the best when she's injured. Meaning she still attends strategy meetings, but asks you to go with her for support.
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Zeke; • Refuses to stay in bed, no matter how bad the injury. • He sleeps for about 3 hours, and heals in that time. After that he just walks around like normal, still doing his work like he wasn't floored a few hours ago. • You barely get the time to worry about him. He appreciates the sentiment though. He likes when you worry about him, it makes him finally feel cared about. • He does spend more time with you after that. After seeing your reaction he realised how much he actually likes you, how much he cares for you.
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porcalinecunt · 4 months
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🎀 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ thinking about aot men who’d be the softest doms ever . . .
cw — fem!reader. size kink (erwin) body worship (jean, levi) praise kink. lots of breedings. edging, fingering, some nipple play (levi) sub!armin (implied)
◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ author’s note! : hi hi! it’s been a while since i made an actual post here. apologies! life got busy, but i finally have time to make fics again :D there might be some changes on this account but we’ll see! anyways, please enjoy and feedback is welcomed! 🤍
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➸ jean kirstien.
he’s already so much of a sweetheart, so it’s not shock he’s carry that to the bedroom. he’s needy but slow, as it’d be way too easy to accidentally hurt you. the size difference aroused yet made him a bit nervous. (the first time was quite a hassle!) nonetheless, jean gave you the fuckin’ princess treatment every time the both of you would get intimate. kissing every inch of your body while caressing your hips with his large hands. he’d gently lay your down, not pulling away from the sloppy kiss the two of you are engaging in. did i mention that this man is huge? he adores watching you struggle to take him completely, squirming and whining as he stretches your smaller cunny inch by inch.
“j-jean..’s too big!” you whined, watching through glassy eyes as your boyfriend hovered over you, sinking himself deeper and deeper into your weeping cunt. your legs twitch in a failing attempt to keep them open, something jean would immediately notice. “does it hurt babe?” he asked in a groan, hazel eyes carving holes into yours through hooded lids. you could only shake your head as he took it as a confirmation to bottom himself out. your eyes rolled to your brain and your jaw went slack as jean watched in awe. “look at you..taking it so well f’me.” he sighed, slowly beginning to pump you full as ecstasy filled your senses. the only thing you could hear were jean’s sweet praises, telling you how much of a good little girl you were for taking him so well and patiently. your head grew hot as the feeling of his dick stuffing you full began to overwhelm you. “good little girl, always taking my dick so well..fuck you’re so cute!”
➸ erwin smith.
oh my god. erwin. what more can i say, he’s a gentleman in bed! anything you ask for, he will do without hesitation. want him to knock you up? done. want some head? he’s already on his knees. sad after a rough day? he’ll stuff your cunny full until your filled n happy. anything your heart desires, he’ll give it to you with all the adoration he has for you. ♡ even better when you realize how big he is. how he can easily pick you up and fuck you silly in mid air if he really wanted to. even better, how massive his fucking dick is, enough to make your mouth water just by the thought of it.
“e-erwin!” you whined, watching your husband’s face as he stared down at you. a gaze full of softness and love, a stark contrast to how he was treating you. a smile to his wife while fucking her slutty pussy like an attention deprived whore. “how did i get so lucky? what did i do to deserve such a beautiful girl as my wife..” he breathily chuckled, fucking into you at a slightly faster pace. erwin started down at you, from your flustered smile to your breasts and stuffed cunt, every last detail on you brought him closer to the edge. “good girl..my good girl. you deserve every inch i give you..”
➸ levi ackerman.
contrary to popular belief, levi isn’t the mean and rough dom many make him out to be (still adore that levi tho!) but rather, a gentle and passionate type of dom. he’s not the most romantic, but oh boy, when he is..buckle up. this man will treat you like your his final meal on death row, savoring every inch of flesh you have on your body. kissing you from your lips to your clit, muttering sweet nothings while pumping his slender fingers inside your cunny. he sings his praises when he’s balls deep in you, calling you names like ‘princess’ and ‘darling’, anything that fills your stomach with butterflies if its not his cock. your legs are already trembling from his voice alone, not helping the fact his groans are fuckin’ perfection.
“settle down princess, i barely did a thing.” levi carassed your breast with one hand while finger fucking you with the other. all he needed was two fingers and his wrist as he flicked it with a quickened pace that almost forced your thighs shut from shock and pleasure. while your mouth was closed, tiny whines still manage to spill through as your husband’s thumb moved it’s way to your clit, adding to the overstimulation. with his other hand, he tugged and played with your nipple while letting go just to take a gentle squeeze to your whole breast. you’re thighs shook as your orgasms reaches closer and you grabbed the coller of levi’s loose shirt for support. “‘s becoming too much princess? you wanna cum all over my fingers?” he spoke in a gentle and low tone, making you nod eagerly to his question. “How cute, shit—if only I could do this everyday.”
➸ armin arlot.
armin armin armeeen! <3 you already know what kind of man he is. his partner’s pleasure is a priority he takes very seriously, from letting you choose the position to making sure you orgasm first before he spills his seed inside you. he gives you princess treatment even after sex, not letting up until you knock out from exhaustion. he fucks you like your a goddess, hitting every sensitive spot in your while singing his praises. he wants, no, needs to see you cum around his cock as it’ll make the night worth it. he won’t lie, seeing you whimpering and shamelessly getting off to him servicing you never fails to push him over the edge and nearly fuck a baby in you. this man is a keeper!
“t-this good enough for you..?” armin sighed, watching you take in his dick inch by inch until you’ve completely sat down on it. “y-yeah..fuck you’re huge..!” you whined out, grabbed his thighs and trying your best to move while the overwhelming pleasure had you shaking. the blonde placed his hands on the plush of your hips, firmly holding it as he lifted you up from his cock before slamming you back down on it. a yelp tore from your throat, nails digging into the flesh of his thigh and your eyes screwed shut from the sharp pleasure. “right there! armin fuck..!” you mewl as he guided your hips, slamming his cock in and out of you at the pace you desired the most. his blue eyes peered through his bangs as he grew redder and redder from the expression you wore so beautifully. mouth parted open in an ‘o’ shape with slightly arched eyebrows, pink washed over your face with red sitting right on your cheeks. fuck, he was insatiable. “yes..just like that love, just like you wanted. always taking it like the good girl you are. ♡”
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© porcalinecunt 💌 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ do not steal, translate, or use my work and claim as your own.
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stxrrydreamss · 5 months
Positions I wanna put my girl in…
Building a home, getting married, having kids, and growing old together.
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Eren, Armin, Jean, Saeyoung, V, Yoosung, Zen, Saeran, Tsukasa, Gen, Izuku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Aizawa, and Hawks.
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doestalker · 1 year
the reader must serve cunt regardless of gender or lack of it
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aot men as dads - headcanon!! some 18+!!
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includes: eren, jean, reiner, & levi
i'm still working on some full-fledged one-shots and parts of my series', but i'm nannying for the summer and have BABY FEVER. please enjoy my little headcanons of my fav aot men as dads <3
DISCLAIMER: some of this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor, please do not read below the cut.
ok but eren is such a cringe dad lol
buys himself all of the #1 Dad! merch. he’s got mugs, tshirts, hats, all of it, and all of it went on his credit card.
10000% a girl dad. loves all the little dresses and bows; he puts your daughter’s hair in its first bun, nearly tears up when she points at his matching hairstyle and babbles “like da-da!”
you have to parent eren as much as the children. when you turn the corner into the living room where he’s supposed to be having “quiet time” with your toddler only to find that they’re buried in a pillow fort and eren’s signed his own name in crayon on the wall next to your daughter’s scribblings. “babe, we can just repaint it! she’s being creative.”
loves when you’re pregnant. after your first, eren keeps a calendar on the wall marking off the days until it’s safe for him to fuck you again, fuck a baby right back into you. already has a breeding kink before your first. develops a lactation kink after.
TERRIFIED (and i mean terrified) of hurting your little angel. has absolutely zero concept of “cry it out”; if he hears his baby crying, he’s sprinting into the next room, kissing a nonexistent boo-boo.
refuses to admit it but he has no backbone when it comes to your daughter wanting literally anything. she wants it, she gets it.
favorite thing in the world is matching outfits. favorite. “babe, where’s her green hoodie? i’m wearing mine today for the park!” “of course it matters, we have to match! on that note, where’s yours?”
lets your daughter use his hair to learn how to braid. usually has a few pink hair ties or glittery clips sticking out of it when you come home from a mom’s night out.
really big on your baby getting to see the world. drags you on vacation to any place he can think of, even as you try to explain to him that she can’t form any long term memories yet. “but baby, she’ll have pictures. how many kids in her class can bring a picture of them at the eiffel tower to their first show-and-tell?”
accidentally ruins santa and the tooth fairy for your daughter. cries harder than she does over it.
aggressively vets babysitters. ends up settling for a nursing student in the labor & delivery school who’s the oldest of seven children and probably more knowledgeable about child development than both of you combined, but he’s still suspicious.
wants to watch while you push, watch his baby come into the world. you’ve never seen a sweeter sight than eren in his scrubs, crying while holding your baby girl.
most people picture eren as being the roughhousing dad, but it’s jean, and i will die on this hill.
freaks out every time he drops your first boy while throwing him around like a ragdoll, but he’ll never stop because “listen!! he’s laughing!”. when it comes to the rest of them, he’s experienced enough now to tell the difference between a real booboo and an imagined one, and he simply brushes their little pants off caringly before shouting “now you tackle me!”
jean’s got no gender preference for your first, or the rest of your little brood for that matter. he raises them exactly the same, regardless: tough.
it takes him awhile to get used to the concept of babies’ minds. you’ve walked in on him having full-blown arguments with your shrieking toddlers several times. “what’s not making sense? if you let your goldfish ‘swim’ in the toilet, it dies, simple as that.”
plays “bad cop” for you because you’re terrible at it, but he’s always having to turn around and snicker into his elbow in the middle of scolding because your babies get the same little throbbing forehead vein as you when they’re mad
wants a big family, and gets it. you practically have to drag him to get his balls snipped after your fourth, him reminding you that “it’s reversible!” the entire way there.
the newborn phase is his favorite. he’s rarely home for any longer than ten minutes without scooping your most recent addition into his arms, squishing their little cheeks and marveling at their gurgling noises.
the kids never give him anxiety, but when you’re pregnant??? jean’s a wreck.
“do your feet still hurt, love?” “what do you mean you have indigestion? that could be the baby coming!” “of course we can’t have sex, what if we poke its little head?”
definitely the dad that’s got a delivery bag and a backup bag and an emergency third backup of the backup bag in his car at all times. the first week of your third trimester, he starts watching you suspiciously for any signs of labor, even though this is your fourth together. you think you’ve got it down by now, you tell him, but he won’t listen.
always gets the kids to work together on little surprises for you. every mother’s day they wake you up with breakfast, every valentines day your dining room table is covered in handmade cards, every birthday your kitchen is coated in flour from jean and four little ones attempting to bake
SO HARD to drag him out for a date night. he wants to bring them everywhere: the fancy restaurant, the couples' get away trip
jean's that dad standing in the bar, watching the game, beer in hand, with an occupied baby carrier strapped to his chest
wants to watch during delivery, but he passed out the first go-round, so now he’s content standing up by your head, trying not to turn white as you squeeze his hand hard enough to break.
talks you into just one more on your fourth’s second birthday. “they’re all so big now. don’t you miss it, babe? my baby in your belly? c’mon…” turns out he reversed that vasectomy without telling you
another girl dad. hardcore girl dad.
buys his little princess all number of dresses and barbies, is confused when she’s more interested in the baseballs her classmates have.
accidentally raises the most tomboyish, toughest little girl. still babies her, and she hates it.
cries more than you do on your first date night out when you leave her with your mom. forgets to order his entree at the restaurant because he’s watching the baby monitor app on his phone.
definitely the best at splitting baby duties with you. reiner’s up before you most nights when she wakes, grabbing a bottle and cooing at her lovingly even as she screams. you always try to stay awake to watch him on the baby monitor, though, heart melting as his massive arms rock the tiny bundle back to sleep.
all the neighborhood kids love him because of his size. at every cookout, reiner can’t help on the grill because he’s buried in the grass in a little army of toddlers, led by your daughter, shrieking with joy.
always taking pictures. literally always. unflattering ones when you fall asleep breastfeeding, candids at the zoo, eighteen identical pictures of the lock of hair from her first haircut clogging up his camera roll.
can’t be the bad cop. literally ever. he just can’t say no to his little princess, can’t break her precious little heart by telling her that throwing her food onto the floor is bad.
takes your daughter to mommy & me classes with him
DILF DILF DILF. all the moms in the classes swoon over him and gossip about him when he’s not there; much to your annoyance, reiner never notices, insisting that they’re his “mommy friends”.
always sporting a little bit of glitter on his face or a sticker on his back from your daughter
coming from a fatherless background, reiner nearly kills himself trying to be a constant presence in your daughter’s life (you have to remind him that he has to rest too)
never misses an open house night at school, even if it nearly gets him fired. coaches all of her sports teams. literally almost cries when she makes her first soccer goal. actually does cry when she tells you the boy sitting beside her in class called her his girlfriend. full-blown breakdown on her first day of school, so bad he has to stay home from work.
the absolute BEST through your pregnancy and delivery. always cooking your craving of the week, constant foot and back rubs, stays up all night with you for the three days before the birth when you’re just too swollen and miserable to sleep.
holds your hand through the entire delivery, gets in the doctors’ way when they’re performing checkups because “i’m her father, i need to know what’s going on”
levi never pictured himself as having children, but when your little surprise arrives, blinking up at levi with his own grey, owlish eyes, levi can’t believe he hadn’t thought of it sooner.
very easily irritated with anyone asking questions about your home life.
when his coworkers ask for your newborn’s name, levi simply says “child.” are you two trying again? “why the fuck do you need to know?”
super overprotective. your baby waves at someone in the supermarket, and levi’s leaning down to explain (in words your eight-month-old can’t yet understand) stranger danger.
totally one of those parents that goes half-crazy trying to get their child into the top-notch, snobby preschool in town.
“we’re not wasting his intelligence on the public school”
levi grew up with basically nothing, so he goes all out buying the best baby products on the market. $2,500 strollers, researching “best baby toys for development”, the whole nine yards.
100% spends months trying to get your child to make a game out of picking up his own toys after playtime, but it never works.
has a meal plan for your child to “optimize nutrition” that you have to sneak around to give your baby little chocolates and junk snacks.
“why are there pringles in his playtime bag? they have no nutritional value.”
vets anyone that comes around your child, even other children. “no more playtime with that evan kid. he’s always got a cold or something.”
he’s always been a light sleeper, but once you have your child, levi snores beside them watching kids’ cartoons on the tv like you’ve never seen him, even drooling as his head lolls, arm tucked tight around your little one.
learned everything he could about labor and delivery beforehand
you almost killed him in the delivery room as he explained each medical detail of your labor symptoms to “reassure” you. he finally got the hint when you threatened to decapitate him.
he thinks it’s shameful, but watching you be a mother turns. him. on. 
wants to take you right there when he catches you breastfeeding, watches you read a bedtime story, spin your child around laughing. you’re just so naturally good at it and it makes him love you all the more, all that love going straight between his legs.
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bwabys-scenarios · 7 months
You know how cats that are separated from mothers too early end up suckling on any bare skin they can get to or on soft blankets?
Your catboy boyfriend can’t stop suckling on your skin, making biscuits in your soft tummy and purring up a storm. He keeps looking up at you, his pretty, sharp eyes gleaming as his cat ears flick contentedly.
“You know, you don’t have to suckle on my skin, you could…”
You tug up your shirt, exposing your bare breasts. The cold air hardens your nipples instantly, and he can’t help but purr louder at the sight. “Suckle here…”
He gets a little flustered, unlatching from your bare skin with a wet ‘pop!’
“You sure… that’s okay?” he asks, head nuzzling under your chin. You nod and guide his head to your nipple, and he latches on almost instantly.
“Yes, go ahead. I promise I don’t mind!”
His eyelids droop as he latches onto you, his ears flattening against his head cutely as he suckles. He gently kneads at your breasts, looking up at you with a soft, content expression.
It seems your pretty kitty has found comfort in your motherly affection, his tail wrapping around your waist to keep you close to him.
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rissouu · 5 months
he realizes he’s in love with you
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“man, what the hell you doin’ now?” jean watched you toss shoe boxes out of his closet as he sat back in his manspread— proceeding to roll the blunt that was once behind his ear.
“im helping you clean out this damn closet! you got it a mess in here boy,” the nurturing side of you always seemed to come out— especially around jean. the careless man hardly took anything seriously and that’s why you made it your job to put his ass in check.
you didn’t know it yet, but that’s one of the things he loved about you. that motherly spirit, the scoldings you would give him, how easily you could put him in check.. he loved it all.
one time ony jokingly asked ‘who’s the first person you call before you get into some shit?’ and jean quickly said it would be you, no hesitation. shit, the only person that could stop him from doing crazy shit was you truthfully.
if anybody else ever talked to him the way you talked to him, he’d kill them— no questions asked. the only one that was allowed to correct his behavior was you, and he’d made that clear several times before. not even his best friend— connie was allowed to tell him right from wrong.
jean just wasn’t that type of person.. and he never had been, except when it came to you. it’s honestly hilarious, because you two weren’t even together but you might as well have been. everyone assumed it anyways, and you two never denied it.. the title was more of friends with benefits, for now.
“cmon ma, it wasn’t even that bad so don’t start that scolding shit,”
“no cause how many times i gotta’ tell yo’ ass start being more organized?” you rambled on and on about how irresponsible he was, and how he never listened to you. but it was actually the opposite— if anything he listened to you more than he’d ever listened to anyone else.
he’d do whatever you told him to— no complaints. that’s how obsessed he was with you, everyone could see it but you. mikasa and sasha tried convincing you time and time again that jean was clearly feeling you, but you always waved them off.
jean and you were strictly friends, sure you guys made out a few times when you got drunk, but so what? that meant nothing, they were just harmless little kisses.
“’m sorry baby, ima do better for you. c’mere,” he mumbled small apologies before spreading his legs and patting his lap— signaling he wanted you there, now.
he noticed the look of confusion spreading across your face, but he didn’t feel like explaining himself. he just wanted to feel you.
the only thing running through your head was the fact that you’d never sat in anyone’s lap before, you felt you weren’t exactly “skinny” enough to do little things like that.
“jean i don’t think-“
“c’mere, ion wanna have to say it again.” his voice had bass behind it this time, and you knew better than to question him further. your feet moved on their own until you found your way to him— standing awkwardly in between his legs.
you wanted to do as he said but your anxiety just kept working against you.. “boo i don’t want to hurt you or anything, are you sure?”
he tilted his head slightly— giving you a blank expression, almost as if he was saying ‘girl are you serious right now?’ without actually saying it. instead of replying he wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled you down onto his lap.
you gasped and wrapped your arms around his neck tightly, “now you know you didn’t have to pull me that hard! don’t get popped jean,”
letting out a low chuckle, jean’s grip on your waist became tighter. he was eager to touch you.. eager to feel your warmth on his, he couldn’t go too long without physical touch from you.
before you knew it his hands slipped inside of your shirt— resting on the soft skin of your back. he used his thumb to soothingly trace circles onto your skin, and you truly couldn’t complain. his touch had you feeling things you’d never once felt around him before.. it scared you.
“mm, when you gon’ stop playing wit’ me mama?” now his lips were grazing your ear— whispering in that sexy voice of his. you didn’t know if his highness was finally catching up to him or what, but something definitely came over him.
it started getting more heated once you felt him leaving trails of wet kisses down your neck, and his hands left your back— now resting on your ass.
“j..jean” you couldn’t stop the moans forming in your throat, where was this about to go? jean was your best friend after all, this would completely mess up the dynamic of your friendship.. but clearly he didn’t care, so why should you?
“i want you, y/n.. as my woman. and i can’t keep sitting here pretending that i’m not in love with you.. because if you were to ever even think about getting with anyone else, i just might blow his head off.” his hand quickly found its way to your neck and he wasted no time giving it a tight squeeze.
jean needed you to know he was dead serious about this, he wasn’t no little ass kid. so all that beating around the bush shit was dead now, period.
your breathing became shallow as you tried to shut your legs together for some type of friction. but there’s only so much you could do while being in this man’s lap, and he knew that.
“does that turn you on baby? knowin’ i’ll kill somebody over you?” jean grinned, pulling your face closer to his with the hand he still had wrapped around your neck.
all you could do was nod at this point, you didn’t trust your voice to do the talking right now. any time you tried to talk the words got stuck in your throat so what was the point, right?
“words pretty girl.. talk to me, let me know what’s on your mind?” he gave your ass a light slap, causing you to bite back a moan.
“y..yes pa, mm i love that shit.”
you found yourself moving your hips in his lap, searching for any form of release you could get. it didn’t take long before he joined you by wrapping his arms around your waist— rocking you up and down on his lap.
by now he was just letting you dry hump him because he knew how much you needed it, shit.. he needed it too.
“you gon’ let daddy get some of his pussy baby? hmm?” jean dragged his hand across the valley of your breast before making his way down to cup your pussy. “cause this shit mines, you hear me? i’m killing folks ‘bout this.”
“o..oh my g..god yes baby! all yours, ’t’s all yours!”
he grinned once he heard those words fall from your mouth, you really didn’t know what you just signed yourself up for. “that’s daddy’s girl, gimmie kiss baby,”
your lips swiftly met his as both tongues fought for dominance, this was way more intense than any other make out session you two had ever had before. in the end it was jean who won, which was obvious from the start.
he gave your lower lip a small bite before slowly pulling away for air and you watched him intensely, searching for any looks of regret on his face. but surprisingly.. he didn’t have any. if anything, his eyes held this type of glint to it that you hadn’t ever seen in him before.
“now get yo’ pretty ass on that bed, we ain’t no where near done.”
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©rissouu 2024 (part 2?? lmk and ill do it!)
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cherry-romper · 2 days
Being Friends Would Include
+ Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Marco, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin, Hange, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Porco, Pieck, Zeke
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Eren; • Him insisting on carrying anything heavy for you, then that being taken from him by Mikasa. • The two of you sparring a lot. • Always jokingly at each others throats. • You teasing him about Mikasa taking care of him. • Battle of the Wits™ • Him buying you little gifts when you head to the market. • The two of you making fun of Jean and howling about it afterwards.
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Mikasa; • Working out together. • Her constantly pushing you to do better in training. • Awkwardly saying goodbye to each other when split up on missions. • You running after her when she chases after Eren. • Her finally opening up to you as you both watch the stars during a night off. • You make her laugh a lot and that makes you smile. • You hold her arm when you're walking together.
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Armin; • Rainy book days together. • The two of you playing chess a lot. • Him giving you lessons to help academically, and you training him using ODM gear. • The two of you both getting stronger in your respective areas and balancing each other out. • You reassuring him every time he gets frustrated. • Figuratively batting his self-loathing out of him. • You carved him a little whale out of a piece of wood and he nearly drowned in his tears.
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Marco; • He's so sweet all the time. • Would do anything for you, whatever, whenever, wherever. • Buys you gifts any chance he gets. • Tends to be a blushing mess around you.  • Being friends with him means you're friends with Jean by default. • Jean teases Marco all the time about him blushing around you. • Would give the best hugs and is always there to be a shoulder to cry on.  • Is your emotional support. • You're inseparable. • You both laugh a lot. Sometimes for no reason, you just look at each other and start laughing.
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Jean; • He's hopeless. You have to physically pull him away from women who has long, black hair. • He makes horrific puns all the time. • You can't help but laugh at how bad they are. • Tends to stare at you without knowing. He gets called out a lot for it in lessons and training. • Draws you all the time. He even asks you to pose sometimes. • He spends a lot of time with Marco and Connie. • Which means he asks advice them on how to be a better friend. Marco tells him to be a nice friend and give you hugs. While Connie insists and the whole "treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen" approach. • So, some days he's really nice and understanding and others he plays the "bad boy" and insists on working out in front of you.
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Connie; • Oh golly, oh gosh, the absolute tomfoolery the two of you get up to is astonishing. • None of your superiors have ever had to deal with the amount of havoc you two wreak. • Half the time it's unintentional. You're both just walking messes. • For example, flying into each other during training, continuously messing up the salute and not to mention the amount of gear the two of you have broken. • Neither of you like to admit you're bad at something and end up boosting each other's ego's. • "Y/N, I'm the best here right?" "Yeah, only second to me, of course." • Laughing like baboons at the tiniest things. 
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Sasha; • Stealing rations together and/or one of you stealing for the other. • Laughing fits that get the two of you in trouble over. • Neither of you having a clue in lectures and always asking for help from each other. • She takes you hunting and teaches you about her life before the military. • Both of you shitting yourselves every time you see a Titan. • Both of you are as clueless as each other. • Hanging out with Connie, Jean and Marco by a fire. • She's kind of like a cat, she'll go hunting and bring you rabbits and the like as gifts. (So you can cook it together).
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Levi; • Who ever gets up first makes the other tea, it's a tradition. • "You look like shit" • Finds it hilarious when you pull faces at people you don't like but would never admit it. • Likes the fact that you have balls and can stick up for yourself but he's always there if you ever need someone's ass kicked. • You often find him slumped in his chair sleeping and always end up putting a blanket over him. • You never really speak about taking care of each other, it just kinda of happens. • Smiles to himself when you leave him little notes on his desk. • Encourages you to tidy but never forces you like he does the others.
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Hange; • "Come on, it will be fun" "What part of opening a Titan is fun?" • Throws themselves onto you a lot to express emotions. Both positive and negative ones. • Tells the most outrageous stories while eating. • They're incredibly expressive and tend to hit you accidentally while throwing their hands up in the air. • Is serious when necessary and it never fails to send shivers down your spine when their tone of voice changes. • It's always funny watching them work and, as crazy as they are, you can't help but admire their intelligence. • Got you a little Titan doll for your birthday.
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Erwin; • You don't see each other often because he's always working but when you get the chance you work together in the same room. • "Have you eaten today?" • Super caring. • You had a talk with him about him living a little: "you can't deny yourself your own humanity for the sake of others. Live a little. Start a family, buy a house, get drunk for Christ's sake. If you live everyday thinking about others, you lose yourself." • He proceeded sob like a baby. And that's the only time he's ever cried in front of someone. • You admire him for his leadership and he admires you for your determination. • Bought you a horse. The fastest one he could find. Trained it himself to come when called and engraved your initials into the saddle.  
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Reiner; • He take being a soldier seriously and often encourages you to do the same. • He spends most of the time with Bertholdt, so the three of you are friends. • You both tease Bert about his crush on Annie. • Drags you to extra training any chance he gets. If you refuse he throws you over his shoulder and takes you there himself. • Takes you on walks to clear his head. He finds fresh air good for his mental health, and has found you have the same effect. • Repairs your gear for you. He refuses to let anyone else do it. • He gets homesick a lot. He's not one to breakdown easily but he cracks sometimes. Almost let his secret slip more than once while you comforted him.
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Bertholdt; • A gentle giant. • Comes to you when he needs advice. • One time he asked you on how he could be more assertive and Jean over heard and took it the wrong way. Now Bert gets teased about it. • Distanced himself for a while because of his mission but found that life without you around wasn't worth it. • Vowed to take you with him when he goes back home, but struggled with how he'd tell you. • You are close friends with everyone in the corps, so you wake them up in the morning. Most days you leave Bert till last so you can all admire his sleeping positions. Jean predicts the weather with them. • Has the best laugh. You can't help but smile when you hear it. • He's really warm. Like his body temperature is abnormally warm. So he gives the best hugs.
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Annie; • Quiet but opinionated. Never sugarcoats anything. • She's not afraid to tell you if you're not improving or if your stance is weak. • Tends to lean on walls, all cool like, and observe people from afar, but smiles a little to herself when she sees you approaching. • There's a comfortable silence between the two of you. There's normally not a need for words. • You bought some sweets one day and went to offer her one but pulled the bag away last second. "Train me." she said no at first, then you told her you'd buy her as many sweets as she wanted so she agreed. • You spend most of the time sparring with her. • She likes your determination to learn and better yourself.
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Porco; • Tends to be an asshole for no reason, so you have to apologies after him: "Please ignore him" • Drags you around after him. • Take you to the markets and buys you things. • Always tries to impress you and succeeds a lot but often takes it overboard. • Secretly enjoys skin-on-skin contact and hugs but would NEVER admit it. • Likes to think he's invincible but you've seen him crack under pressure. • You call him "Porky" to piss him off coz it sounds like his name.
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Pieck; • She's very soft spoken around you. • Brings you things before you even get the chance to ask for them. You just know each other that well. • She falls asleep on your shoulder a lot - often by accident tho. • If she walks upright, she hooks her arm in yours for support. • You both defend each other when criticising your superiors and both contribute to Marley. • You find her curled up on the sofa a lot and bring a blanket to keep her warm. • Cares for you and makes sure you always stay healthy. • Scares the living shit out of you when she crawls around on all fours.
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Zeke; • Plays catch with you when you both need a break. • Always offers you a cigarette, even if you don't smoke. • Secretive. He's selective with his words, so he doesn't say anything he's not ready to share but he's always there to listen to your problems. • Completely different on the battlefield. Can be cold and ruthless - even a little sadistic at times. Away from the fighting, he tends to be quite warm and inviting. • A Whiskey drinker, but not a heavy drinker. He's almost never been drunk. • Hates that you want to join the fight. He feels as though you shouldn't be brought into it and refuses to let you fight. • Gives rare hugs, normally when he sees you crying, but they're good. • Has spouts of anger. They're scary as hell, he throws things and shouts, only ever in private though, he would NEVER show that kind of emotion around you. You only caught him once and just watched in horror as he destroys things - he apologised right after and still feels guilty.
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