#brought to you by: i see people complaining about coming up with meals for the week
recapitulation · 2 years
meal ideas!
low energy ("do not ask me to do any prep work at all, so help me god")
mozzerella cheese wrapped in pepperoni ("pizza tacos"!)
hummus and pretzels or naan (putting the naan in the microwave for like 10 seconds...heavenly)
canned chili (with shredded cheese and sour cream if you have it! boom done!)
instant miso soup (warm and lovely! put tofu in it for protein!)
cheese and cured meat, olives, canned fish, crackers, dried fruit, or whatever easy "charcuterie" type items you like
alternate bites of apple and spoonfulls of peanut butter (mixing honey or chocolate chips to the peanut butter is my favorite)
a "deconstructed sandwich": bites of lunch meat, pickles, cheese, cherry tomato, etc (I love roast beef and white cheddar for this)
yogurt and granola or fruit
put frozen potstickers + frozen edamame in the steamer/rice cooker, chill elsewhere with a timer set, then boom
tortilla chips + canned refried beans + cherry tomatoes + cilantro + jarred salsa con queso (or warm shredded cheese on top of the chips in the microwave for 30 seconds)
bagel + cream cheese + lox
microwave scrambled eggs (add things like green onion, soy sauce, or anything else you like!)
cottage cheese and fruit (mixed together or just on the side)
bowl of shredded rotisserie chicken + buffalo sauce + a bit of mayo + green onion (use a kitchen scissors to cut them right in!)
medium energy ("I'll boil water but don't ask me to chop shit")
boiled eggs and fresh veggies (put a little salt on top of the eggs!)
buttered noodles (my go-to nausea meal, it has never failed me. ideas of things to add: frozen peas, imitation crab, roasted garlic)
baked potato with toppings (I like cheese, bacon, broccoli, green onion, and sour cream)
quesadilla (add some canned beans, cilantro, or avocado!)
pot roast (requires a lot of time but not a lot of actual work. I love it with peas!)
cuban sandwich (bread, swiss, pickle, mustard, ham... my favorite thing to panini-ify by far)
pan-fried tofu with scallion sauce (this sauce goes well with everything and tofu is no exception)
pancakes or waffles! (I love mine with jam)
ham, pickle, and cream cheese roll-ups
fried eggs (with toast and lots of butter...so comforting)
fruit smoothie (bananas, frozen strawberries, yogurt...or whatever!)
I hate salad but could write essays on this copycat olive garden salad (throw it in a bowl! chopping required if you use onion)
spaghetti (controversial maybe but angel hair > spaghetti noodles)
pasta salad (olives broccoli fresh mozerella... those little mini pepperonis... yeah)
stir-fried thai garlic shrimp (I like using the mini frozen salad shrimps, it's easy! use jarred minced garlic to avoid chopping!)
tuna mayo onigiri
slow cooker ribs
buffalo chicken wrap (or any number of other wrap options! shred pre-cooked rotisserie chicken to make it easier)
if your local grocery store sells pre-cooked gyro strips, that can turn into an easy wrap with store-bought pita & tzatziki with tomatoes and onions!
couscous and chickpeas
tortellini + pasta sauce + spinach
high energy ("I don't mind chopping some things up!")
stuffed shells with spinach
chicken and roasted garlic (oh my god.....one of my all time favorites)
beef tacos (I like mine with cilantro and onion, and when I'm feeling especially high energy I love a tomatillo salsa)
chicken alfredo
tom kha gai (a thai soup and my absolute favorite! you just need access to galangal)
lasagna! (freezes well and then boom! low energy meal for later)
pad thai! (not as hard as you'd think, as long as you have access to tamarind paste!)
potstickers! (this is a lovely group activity if you want to cook with housemates!)
rice and beans
bang bang shrimp (ogughfhgfuh I love it. you can also do bang bang tofu!)
minestrone soup (so many nice veggies!)
fried rice (put whatever you have on hand in there! broccoli, peas, carrot, and beef is my favorite combo)
broccoli cheddar soup
spring rolls and peanut sauce
skewers (such as beef, onion, zucchini, bell pepper... you don't need a grill, oven works!)
roasted turkey with garlic parmesean asparagus
pork chop with mashed potatoes
panang curry
chicken gnocchi soup (use store bought gnocchi or make your own if you have a high energy day!)
bibimbap (super customizable depending on what veggies you like best)
butter chicken
plus! things that have helped me meal plan:
whenever you think of a meal you'd like to make, take 3 seconds to google search it, take a screenshot of the image results, and put it in a "food ideas" folder. instant visual menu!
the concept of "meal prepping" makes me recoil but I've learned that it can simply mean preparing shredded chicken, boiled eggs, or some other simple protein that you can customize throughout the week. shredded chicken can turn into wraps, salads, pasta dishes, etc... you don't have to meal prep yourself into the same meal all week!
when I have difficulty working up an appetite, I'll scroll through my favorite restaurant menus! there might be some foods I can't make at home, but many times they're very simple to recreate because the ingredients are literally listed!
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kianely · 7 months
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i. PAIRING — Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
ii. SYNOPSIS— Aware that your boyfriend hasn’t been granted the privilege of a homemade meal in ages, you decided to pull out your family’s recipe book and stir something up for him. He showed his appreciation in more ways than one, how could he not reward his little chef after all your time tinkering in the kitchen?
iii. CONTENT WARNINGS— Fluff to eventual smut (MDNI) Leon’s a bit awkward with his feelings, he scarfs down every last crumb on his plate, oral sex, fingering, creampie (reader receives all), mentions of aftercare, Leon calls reader “baby” and “sweetheart.” I left the contents of the meal as ambiguous, because I wanted it to depend on the reader’s own upbringing and culture. Written with RE4 Leon in mind.
iv. WORD COUNT— 4.6K
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Leon couldn’t remember the last time he was given the simple joy of eating a homemade meal. No, he grew up accustomed to enjoying the lunch trays that all schools gave out. He’d block out the noises of his peers complaining about the blandness of the food, because that food was the standard for him. The flavor of the dishes his orphanage provided is committed in his memory, a hint of nostalgia when he looks back on it.
And of course, the same followed into his academy and career. He’d eat institutional meals during his academy days, too wrapped up in his extensive training to pick up on cooking skills himself. MRE’s were obviously his go to during his government training period, and that followed into the missions he was deployed on.
To sum it up, the last homemade meal he probably had was when his parents were alive. He would never complain about it, far too grateful of a person to even see it as an issue—he would take what was provided, with an appreciative mindset.
You’re a sweetheart though, his sweetheart. And after learning the extent of his past, god you wished you had met him sooner. Because for as long as you’ve dated him, you can’t remember a single time where Leon mentioned an individual that was even remotely significant to him prior to his government days. Well—aside from a girlfriend who hastily broke up with him, and you just presumed she hadn’t been the best considering how little Leon had to say about her. Couldn’t even remember her face or voice anymore, he claimed. And you believed him, rightfully so. Leon looked at you as if you were more fascinating than the wonders of space, with no trace of feelings for any prior people he had been in a relationship with. You were the star on top of the Christmas tree for him.
Lounging lazily on your couch, a sleepy grunt brought your attention to Leon—who had come over to your house for a movie night. But he always ended up napping or resting his eyes for a good half an hour, feeling safe only in your presence and allowing his guard to lower. He was snuggled against you, head against your chest and an arm around your midsection.
You always let him sleep a little, it could do some good against those growing eye bags of his. He always liked it—resting against you, feeling safe with you by his side and the comforting golden like hue the lamp on your tableside emitted. The only time he could allow his mind to rest was with you, it was reasonable.
Your nose was stuck between the pages of your family’s old recipe book. The pages were old—wrinkled and a far cry from the original brightness of the white sheet of paper it once was. You wanted to cook something for him. But you didn’t want it to be something off of a google website or youtube tutorial. You wanted something authentic to your upbringing, that way it would be more meaningful and you wouldn’t be going into it completely blind.
Yeah, of course Leon has eaten at your house before. But…it’s always been microwaveable food or something that could be made within five minutes, like eggs— not anything that you actually put your entire heart into. He was big on dinner dates at restaurants, so the topic of cooking was never really brought up. You wanted to make him an actual meal. One with sides and maybe a small dessert, you’d seen the way Leon eats—you’d definitely need to make enough for seconds. With that physique and job of his, god knows he needs his energy.
“Mm,” a soft mumble from Leon, who was beginning to stir awake after a short but very much needed nap, his light colored eyelashes were beginning to flutter.
You laughed quietly, threading your fingers through his tousled hair. “Hey, sleepyhead.”
He let out an amused exhale at the nickname he had earned, the corners of his lips curled up a little into a lazy smile. “Oh, is that what I am now?”
“Mhm. Keep it up and I’ll have to start charging you for using me as a pillow.” Your voice was a playful one, spoken through a laugh as you hid the recipe book behind the pillow your head was propped against. It can’t be a surprise if he caught a glimpse, right?
“You can have every last penny in my damn bank account,” was his response—to which you simply snickered over. His American Express Black visa card was like an endless void of wealth.
Leon rolled one of his shoulders to remove some kinks as he sat up properly, missing your comforting body warmth already.
He always looked the prettiest like this: somewhat messy golden hair, slight flush on his cheeks, sleepy eyes that you didn’t want to look away from, and some marks on one of his cheeks from it being pressed up snugly against the fabric of your shirt.
“Looks like I missed the ending credits,” he glanced over at the now turned off television—he’d fallen asleep during the last half hour of the movie, like usual. Not that he was missing out, he had watched most movies so it wasn’t a bother. Plus, when it came time to actually sleep, like a healthy eight hours and all, he never could. So he took any nap time that his body granted him. “Can I put another one on?”
“Yeah, as long as you don’t yap my ear off about how silly the protagonists are again.” You could never escape hearing Leon’s muttered quips whenever the two of you watched something—it was funny, Leon had seen all the bigger issues in the world and yet he got frustrated by the decisions of fictional characters.
“What’s the fun in that?”
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You were given the perfect opportunity. Ingredients and dishes were already scattered all throughout your kitchen counters, and your recipe book was hoisted up nicely on a stand so it wouldn’t get dirty.
Leon was returning from a long briefing at his headquarters and the plan was for him to head directly to your house afterwards. He was going to go on a mission soon and his goal was always to spend as much time with you as possible. He’d latch onto your damn side all day, if he could.
You had the windows above the sink opened up to let some fresh air in, the curtains flowing a bit with each graze of breeze. It was cold as hell outside, but it helped ventilate all the heat that was gathering from the stove and oven. The television was on a low level, just some background noise to seep into the kitchen.
While you let some ingredients heat up on a large skillet, you cast your attention towards decorating the table up a bit. Not too much, but enough to make a difference. A candle of Leon’s favorite scent placed on the center of the surface, matching mugs already set—maybe they seemed a little too casual given the stupid puns written on them, but you figured Leon would appreciate it more than some fancy cups.
An hour and a half passed by and Leon was barely arriving, ready to complain about some of his rather annoying coworkers to you. If age didn’t give him gray hairs soon, the people in his line of work definitely would.
He had a set of keys to your house, fumbling with them as he unlocked the door.
“Hey, sweetheart.” His voice called out once he entered, for the sake of letting you know he wasn’t an intruder or anything. He usually expected to see you lounging on the couch, but not tonight. Instead, his senses were met with the tasty aroma coming from the kitchen, and the loud clatter of sounds from there as well.
Like a dog smelling a treat, his attention was immediately drawn and he naturally walked over to your kitchen, his curious eyes took in the scene.
Leon had seen a lot, inexplicable creatures that should have the power to make him still in his tracks—but they never did. Now, the sight of the homely decorated kitchen and the nice arrangement of plates on the kitchen table was something that made him pause in his steps. It looked straight out of a romance movie, something that would be described in a romance novel.
And you, the light of his life waiting for him with a small smile on your face. You looked a bit nervous, eyebrows furrowed together ever so slightly but still trying to muster some confidence.
Leon didn’t know whether he felt more like crying or grinning like a damn idiot. A mixture of the two, probably. The lump forming in his throat made him unable to vocalize his gratitude, his voice would crack and sound like a damn croak if he tried.
“Uh,” that’s all he could manage. He was usually good at showing his gratitude, but with such a thoughtful gesture like this, he felt all his known vocabulary scramble around in his mind into a jumbled mess.
“Penny for your thoughts?” You egged him on, wanting to hear the rest of his sentence—it wasn’t often you saw Leon all speechless, not with the banter and quips that came in his boyfriend package.
“That’s…” he trailed off, his hand motioning towards the scene you had oh so beautifully displayed for his eyes and use alone. “That’s just…” he looked over to you, corners of his eyes crinkling from the happiness that reached his eyes. “You did all this?”
His words were quiet, and for a second he feared you’d think he didn’t appreciate it. But he noticed the chuckle and shake of head you did at his performance. “Mhm, didn’t know it was possible for you to freeze up like this.”
He let out an exhale, grin forming on his face. God, he loved you.
“C’mere,” he muttered that out while moving towards you, enveloping your frame with his arms—having to hold back on squeezing you like he wanted to for the sake of not crushing your bones. He had a bad case of cuteness aggression for you.
The aroma of the food you cooked subsided when the scent of Leon’s cologne filled your senses instead—cool and earthy, one you could drown yourself in and pinpoint a mile away.
Leon kissed the top of your head as he articulated his thoughts, wanting to form them into actual words without spluttering—and without taking too much time because he’d be devastated if the meal you cooked for him went cold.
“You’re squishing me,” you grumbled, palms finding the surface of Leon’s chest and lazily trying to push him away. “Take a seat, it’s all ready.”
“I know, I know.” He placed his hands on your hips, guiding the two of you over to the table. He managed to land one last kiss against your forehead before fully parting. “It’s just really nice. I can’t even remember the last time I had—“
“A homemade meal?” You chimed in, to which he nodded as he sat down, his eyes flicking down to look at the food and sides more closely. His mouth was watering, he didn’t even need any utensils to dig in, he could just use his hands.
You knew him well, and reached over to playfully nudge his shoulder. “Don’t hold back on my sake,” You scooped up a spoonful of the food and brought it up towards his mouth. “Say ah…”
“Wish I could take a picture of this,” he grinned out, complying and opening his mouth for you to feed him.
You watched him eagerly as you set the spoon down against his plate and watched him chew, trying to hold back a smile—your eyes brimming with elation, your one true love was eating your meal, composed of all the love and emotion you poured into it.
Leon’s eyes shut with delight when his taste buds were flooded with all the savory flavors, letting out an involuntary groan. God, had he really been missing out on this for all these years?
There’d be mini hearts floating above his head if this were a cartoon. “Fuck, that’s good.”
“Yeah?” Your question came out a little more thrilled than you had hoped, and Leon caught onto it, you were so cute it was killing him.
“Yeah,” he echoed, hand reaching to hold yours over the table and giving it a gentle squeeze. “How long did it take you to do all this?”
While you responded, he was digging into the food—good thing you made seconds, because only a minute had passed and the surface of his plate was already beginning to show.
“—the time passed by really quickly though, when you unlocked the door I had barely served the food onto the plates. You got here right on time.”
You had never seen Leon eat this damn fast, maybe because the two of you usually ate in restaurants and he had to be a little courteous in public. Or maybe, he was making up for the years he had gone without the taste of a homemade meal.
“Easy there, tiger.” You were a little nervous he might fucking choke. What a way for your boyfriend to go, ‘death by choking on his partner’s food’ written on his gravestone. Would that be murder on your part? Anyways.
Leon’s cheeks blossomed with a rosy hue when he was called out, taking a breather instead of another mouthful. He felt spoiled now. You spoiled him. He had no idea how he would ever return to his bland tasting mission foods or even the dishes from the high rated food areas around, they all pale in comparison to your cooking. The secret ingredient they lacked was your love—the one thing that made his taste buds feel like they were swimming in an ocean of flavor.
“Sorry, it just really hits the spot.” He glanced over at your plate and realized that he was very much ahead, smiling bashfully to himself when he looked back up at you. “What can I say? Your cooking is delicious, none of it is going to go to waste.”
He looked over to the dessert you had made, it was untouched, there was no way in hell he was going to try it without you also finishing your plate of the main meal first, so the two of you could eat it at the same time. “So, what led to all this?” His question wasn’t a rude one, just out of pure awe and curiosity. What the hell had he done to deserve such a generous gesture?
“I dunno,” you shrugged out, not wanting to sound too sentimental or anything, “I just thought it would be nice.”
“C’mon, there’s gotta be more to it than that.”
“Well…” you trailed off, giving in and sighing. “You’ve trusted me with a lot of information about yourself and I love you. I thought that maybe instead of going out for dinner or ordering take out, I could give the kitchen a go and treat you to a hot and fresh homemade meal. It’s more special that way.”
“I love you too,” those words tumbled from his lips quietly, as if telling you the most valuable piece of information he holds. He felt his heart doing somersaults, already knowing he was going to spend his life reliving this memory, holding it close to him in a special pocket within the chambers of his heart.
The rest of the hour was spent domestically, sharing the dessert and Leon insisting that he clean everything up—from the dishes to wiping down the counters and sweeping the floor all while he listened in on you ramble about random things, he didn’t want to let you lift a single finger after all you had done for him. And of course, he took some mini breaks in between to snatch a sweet kiss from you, savoring the sweet taste of the dessert the two of you had eaten.
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03— RESULTS (18+)
“Can’t believe you cooked for me,” Leon murmured against your ear, breath fanning over your skin as his hands snaked up and down your sides before settling on your hips. There was a rasp to his voice, a familiar one. He was starving despite the meal he had just eaten, every nerve in his body needing to feel you in order to truly feel full. He had a sweet tooth for you, and his craving needed to be satiated.
“I’m just glad you liked it,” you responded, mind already fuzzy with the way your lover’s hands grazed over you. “I was a little worried my cooking wouldn’t live up to all the 5 star restaurants we’ve eaten at.”
“Are you kidding?” His question was rhetorical, his mind set on a straight beeline to your bedroom. “Maybe I should show appreciation for my little chef then, hm?”
“Mm, maybe.”
That’s all it took for you to end up with your back against the headboard of your bed, legs spread with Leon adorning the space between them.
His moans were muffled against you, the vibrations sending blood straight to your bundle of nerves. He was so damn loud whenever he got a taste of you.
Leon’s hips were grinding against the mattress, cock leaking so much that his pants were surely already ruined. Yeah, he was so desperate to have his face stuffed against you that he didn’t even fucking unzip his pants.
You, on the other hand, were getting the best head of your life. One hand curled against your bedsheets meanwhile the other one had a hold on Leon’s hair, involuntary pulling and tugging with each movement of his mouth. Your noises just egged Leon on, each moan or gasp that left your mouth was responded to by a grunt of his own.
“Fuck,” he pulled back for a second to catch his breath, littering gentle kisses against your inner thigh, coating the area with the mixture of his own drool and your fluids that were on his chin.
“Wanna do this every fuckin’ day.” A kiss. “Come home, get on my knees, and taste you.” Another one. “Make you come over my face again and again.” His tongue lapped across your skin. “Suffocate between your thighs.”
“Leon!” You were desperate, hips bucking up into nothing and meeting the air of the room.
His eyes flicked to yours, letting out a soft growl when he saw the dazed out expression on your face. His favorite one—looking like a damn deer in the headlights with the way your eyes were pleading for him, lips parted and ready to beg if need be. He wanted to hear you say it. “What is it, sweetheart? What do you need?”
“You,” you replied breathlessly, tugging his head further up so he could get the damn message and continue. Leon was licking his lips already, mouth salivating at just how much your arousal was showing.
“You have me,” he was being a tease, massaging your inner thigh with one of his hands, kneading the flesh and blowing out some air directly at the area between your thighs. The way you squirmed around made him want to palm himself right on the spot. But he held back, you were his first priority.
“Want you inside,” you could barely even utter those three words out, the words blending together and sounding slurred.
A smirk found its way onto Leon’s lips, “yeah? right here?” He teasingly rubbed your already throbbing hole with his fingers, letting out a contented sigh at the way your legs jolted in response.
“Yeah, but…your cock, not just your fingers.” You whined out in complaint, knowing that it would take a while to get to the main prize.
“Shh, I know. That’s all you think about, my cock huh? You’ll get it, don’t worry, jus’ gotta prep you for it.” He slid a finger in until his knuckle disappeared, his fingers were so fucking thick that even one stretched you out. He raised his body further up, trailing kisses from the bottom of your stomach all the way to the middle of your chest.
“So reactive,” he murmured out, noticing the heave of your chest and how your stomach would tighten up with each thrust of his finger. His free hand grazed over the left side of your chest, pinching and twisting your hardened nipple.
“You’re driving me crazy,” your voice was strained, nails scratching Leon’s scalp but he welcomed the sting of it.
“Mission accomplished, then.” His voice was a rumble against your chest, tongue darting out to flick against your other nipple before sucking it gently, wet noises produced in the process. He had no shame, stimulating practically every single one of your senses and looking hot as hell doing it.
His tongue circled around your nipple for another few moments before he began trailing kisses up your collarbones and to your neck, the hiccup of your breath made him growl, burying himself into the scent of your soap and shampoo.
He slid another finger into you while igniting your body into flames, letting out a string of profanity under his breath when you took it with ease. “Fuck, you’re ready for me.” Not a question, but an observation, and suddenly Leon became very aware of the way his cock was begging to be freed from the confines of his pants.
He sat back on his knees and let out a breathless laugh at the way you whined from the loss of contact, he took his belt off in a hurry and unzipped his pants. Pavlog’s dog experiment. The sound of Leon’s fly coming undone made your mouth salivate in response because you knew what was coming.
Your eyes were fixated on him, watching the way he tugged his pants and boxers down—breath hitching at the way his cock slapped up against his stomach, already leaking and ready to stuff you full.
He placed one of his hands against the bone of your hip, his other one stroking his cock a bit as he inched towards you. “You ready, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, fuck, just put it in already.” Your impatience earned a huff of amusement from Leon, who tapped the tip of his cock against your hole a couple times before guiding it in. His head tilted back, mouth parting and letting out a groan when he filled you up completely—your head thrashed against the pillow, feeling him reconstruct the shape of your insides.
His cock was buried snugly in you, heavy balls pressed against the bottom of your ass, ready to shoot his load within a moment's notice. Leon was breathing inconsistently against you, kissing the corner of your mouth before making his way towards the shell of your ear. “Signal?”
“Green,” that whiny response from you was all it took for Leon’s hips to begin moving.
“God, you’re sucking me right in already.” His hip thrusts were slow but deep, each jolt making the headboard thump against the wall. “Give me your hand please,” The shakiness in his voice was cute, no matter how many times the two of you did this, he always asked for the same thing.
So you did just that, hand reaching for one of his—he immediately laced his fingers with yours, thumb rubbing over yours.
You moved your other arm under and over his shoulder to paw at his back, he hissed when your nails dug into his back scratched him up, undoubtedly leaving red marks on his pale skin—it would hurt like a bitch later but all it did was turn him on right now. “That’s it. Mark me up, baby. I’m yours, all yours.”
He looked down at the way his hips were rutting against yours, speeding the pace up a bit as his eyes flicked back into yours. He felt some pride that he was the one who had you falling apart, the one that made that dumb and needy expression form on your face.
“Feels so good,” you slurred out, your senses turning fuzzy, he was filling you up so good, reaching so deep that it had you seeing stars and clenching down on him. You wrapped your legs around his torso, needing to cling onto him.
“Baby—” he gasped out as soon as he felt the way you tightened up, squeezing your hand in response. “Ease up for me, not gonna last long if you keep squeezing me like that.”
“I know, I know…” you babbled out, but you couldn’t relax your body completely with the way your own hips snapped up to meet his.
Leon knew he was going to come soon, how could anyone hold back? You were making him addicted to you.
“Can I come inside you?” He somehow managed to grit that out, breathing rate growing in intensity.
You nodded almost immediately, wanting to feel him paint your insides white and feel the warmth of his cum, rambling almost incoherently. “Mhm, want you to fill me up. Please, please, please. I need it.”
“Shit, I will, don’t worry. Just gotta make sure you come first.” He was always so insistent on your pleasure, pressing his lips against yours and swallowing all of the pretty noises you made. Tongues swirling sloppily against each other, he loved the way you were barely even able to kiss him back properly. God, the tiny and quiet whimpers you let out were making his cock twitch inside you. You were trembling, too overwhelmed by the feeling of the coil in your stomach, but it’s okay, because you let Leon guide the kiss, drool spilling from the corner of your mouth.
Leon was losing it, holding back on spilling inside you, he needed to make sure you came before he did—but it was so hard with the way your ankles were crossed against his back and keeping him in place.
“Leon,” you sobbed his name out through an exhale, digging your heels into the arch of his back. “Too much, ‘s too much—” He could read your body well, the way you were holding onto his body so tightly he felt stuck, the way your voice turned up a pitch higher than usual.
“That’s it,” he lifted his hand to cradle the back of your head and hold you close, pressing kisses against the side of your head. “Come for me, sweetheart. Come all over my cock, you can do it. Let me feel you.”
You buried your head against his shoulder, breath fanning against his skin and incomprehensible mumbles of his name tipping out of your mouth, like if Leon was your God and you were chanting him a prayer.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, vision going white with a final call of his name, clenching around him and hissing when you felt his load spill inside you in ropes, his hips thrusting some more times in you before he stilled inside you.
He held you close as you shook against him, keeping you stable like he always did.
Silence, aside from the sounds of yours and Leons panting and the sound of the bedsheets twisting as you adjusted your position a bit, planting your feet back against the mattress and gasping softly when you felt him slowly pull out of you. Running a hand through Leon’s now damp hair, you let out a breathless chuckle. “You’re insatiable.”
“Not denying that,” managing to catch his breath, Leon propped himself up by pressing his palm against the pillow, pressing a gentle and loving kiss against your lips, his own curling up into a smile. “Stay right here. I’ll get you some water and clean you up.”
“No way in hell, mister,” you mumbled out, wanting to cuddle up with him before getting to that. You could handle being dehydrated for five more minutes in favor of being in his arms and some pillow talk. “Don’t get up yet, five more minutes.”
“Anything for my favorite chef.”
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lilaceatingsnow · 3 months
What if the fae boys go into heat unexpectedly and the reader is the only one that can help their problem?
╰┈➤ ❝ [Heat] ❞ 【Headcanons】
Summary ► characters get into heat! how do they get help with it?
About Reader ► AFAB, people use they/them to refer to you.
Warnings ► smut, receiving oral, period sex I think, fingering, author never wrote about heat
Characters Featured ► Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
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Malleus Draconia ►
it was early in the morning when you got a text from THEE Malleus Draconia. asking you to come and meet him up for something in his dorm room.
“Child of Man. I need you to come immediately to my room. it is an emergency.”
naturally, you were concerned about the matter in your hands early in the morning. so you rush out of Ramshackle to meet up with the dragon Prince asap.
once you reach Disomnia, you immediately run to Malleus' room and knock on the door to his room before he allows you in.
“Malleus, I got your message! What's the matter!?”
“....I've gotten into heat. I need your assistance with that.”
this caught you off guard, but you didn't complain, no. who would complain when a dragon Prince is begging you for help.
“Of course, I'll gladly help you out!”
the dragon Prince smirks and gives you a come here gesture with his finger, which you immediately obey and come over.
“Strip for me, my dear.”
the tone of his voice melts in your ears at how soft it was. his words and tone make you want to obey his every word, and so you strip off your clothes as you look away from shyness.
he grabs your hand and pulls you in his bed as he begins to shower you in kisses on your whole body.
whole body means pussy included. and so he loves the smell of your arousal. dear Sevens, it's such a sweet and addicting smell for him addicting enough for him to eat you out.
his forked tongue teasing your clit had you seeing above and beyond. it was such an addicting feeling that couldn't help, but grab his horns as you ride his face.
he didn't mind that you wrote his face, no no, he was so happy as he got to eat, lick and suck you of your juices.
his tongue did wonders and tried to reach such levels that no normal human would. it was an amazing feeling to feel him eat you like a starved man, like you were his last meal.
his hand was groping your chest for the sake of keeping his hand occupied as well as kneeding your ass gently.
your orgasm didn't take too long to happen, thanks to his tongue teasing your clit so much. though he doesn't give you the chance to let out your orgasm, he backs away halfway there.
you whine, and he laughs at you for the state he brought you through.
“Forgive me, Yuu, but I am far from done, and that means you too are far from done.”
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Lilia Vanrouge ►
it's that time of the month when the smell of blood is around and a vampire such as Lilia could smell it around.
and who else other than you would have a smell such as that? the smell of your cycle was strong enough for Lilia to go into heat.
he needed to feast, breed. he needed to do so much with little time. and he makes sure not to waste any time by asking you to meet up in his room.
having to deal with a raging boner during school hours was impossibly hard for him, but he made it through out and that's what matters.
upon meeting him, Lilia apologized for his behaviour and, of course, asked you for permission to do as he wished. when you gave him permission, he was so happy to have a mutual understanding.
he immediately pins you down and bites your neck to suck some of your blood. his eyes rolled all the way back at the taste of your blood. he almost nutted right then and there.
he knew that cycles were a pain, and so he decided to ease that pain by teasing you. while he drinks your blood, his hand is in your pants, drawing gentle tight circles on your clit, making sure it was enough to distract you from your cramps such a nice gentleman.
not only was his thumb glued to your clit, but his fingers were inside you, taking the pain off for your mind.
he's an old man who knew how to treat you so well.
he makes sure to be very gentle with you.
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A/N ► sorry that Lilia's part was short, he's like a grandpa figure for me so idrk how to write for him— also this is like the first fic I write after my surgery and it being smut is WILD. hope you enjoyed it tho :33
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hwajin · 1 year
#! — ɢᴇᴛ sᴘᴏᴛʟɪɢʜᴛ | 3racha
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genre: smut
pairing: fem!reader x 3racha
wc: 3.8k
warnings: 4some, fucktoy yn, slight (consensual) dehuminization (ig i think??), cockwarming, oral sex (m receiving), squirting, anal and vaginal sex, double penetration, unprotected sex, coming inside, cumshot, rough sex, just rlly disgusting i'm sorry i'm ovulating 😭😭
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The agreement had occurred naturally. You’ve been friends with Chan who had introduced you to Jisung who had introduced you to Changbin. You and Chan had been fucking each other occasionally long before you’d met the other two, never much labelling your relationship and what you were; you’ve figured letting off steam and pent up stress with the help of a friend you everything but could see romantically wasn’t a dumb idea, which had proved out to be correct. Two years of the arrangement and you haven’t fallen for the other, doubting you ever would.
Changbin and Jisung had heard of it, at some point. You hadn’t much kept it a secret, though you weren’t going around telling people you were sleeping with a good friend of yours, regularly so. And yet, you had grown closer and closer to Chan’s two friends over time, naturally – it was impossible not to, the three of them being part of a same body, three strands of one economic system. It had been no surprise when you visited Chan in the studio to meet the other boys there as well, only the three of them, working on countless new projects and always together. It had been no surprise when they had started offering you to stay over, that they would drop you off after they were done with this track or that, rarely holding their promises and crashing the night, or only getting you home in the early hours of the morning. You had never minded, though. You had liked the attention. You had liked that you started being a fourth body in their system, when they would be the ones calling you over more often than you were the one asking permission to stay. And they only ever called you to simply stay, to sit by the couch and watch. To somehow distract, perhaps. 
Truly, you had always been distracting them from their job, calming them, in one way or another. Had brought food packs, had offered to order their favourite dishes when they had been heads deep in a track. Had given massages, had cracked jokes to brighten the mood when things got stressful – you’ve been always helping, in one way or another, and in friendly manners.
It hasn’t been until one day, you were talking during lunch, about anything and everything. Jisung had complained, thoroughly so.
“Look, I don’t want to sound like a sex obsessed freak, but I haven’t gotten laid in fucking ages, it’s actually frustrating.”
Taking a big bite out his burger as to accentuate his statement, and you had chuckled at him.
“No for real, not only am I bitchless, I also legit think it’s affecting my work, like I have no time to jerk off—and no privacy, for that matter,”, Changbin’s mouth full of food, and he glared a look at his two friends, “and I can’t just hook up with a girl at the club, like-.” And then, looking at you and Chan, taking another bite of his palm sized piece of pizza, “and I don’t have a friend like that, one I could like- make an arrangement with. If you know what I mean.”
You did know, and you and Chan had exchanged only a knowing look, listening to their complaints. Their words had no ulterior motives behind; solely two friends who shared the same frustration, and the whole conversation had shifted rather quickly anyways, continuing on either of your meal before you had left them to not be late to your job yourself, and before they had continued to work away as well, finishing late that night.
And while for them it was a matter as banal as any other, it had spiked an idea within you. A want maybe you weren’t aware of having; to offer yourself to the three of them, for their very own pleasure. The same you had done with Chan; only now you were speaking of two additional people. And yet, as absurd as the thought was, it was nothing but intriguing. Wholly filthy and dirty – but you had spent sleepless nights over it.
And then, after some thinking, you had brought up the matter to Chan.
“You- you want to- what??”
Chan’s face had been confused, it had made you flustered. Not enough to drop the matter, though.
“I mean, I’m just saying… they’re frustrated, and I’m right here anyways- so why not?“
Chan had looked right through you momentarily, shooting you a knowing look, a smirk planted on his visage; because truly, there was no actual advantage coming out for you with this whole deal.
“What, is this like your secret fantasy or something?” Words a whisper and you could have whined out at the teasing all alone. “Being fucked by three men, being used as a human fleshlight by us, huh?” You did, in fact. You needed each one of them to do wholly unspeakable things to you, needed them desperately to be on boat with the matter.
Chan had agreed after some more teasing – because truly, how could he not when you have revealed such precious information about yourself – and had argued he’d talk with the other two – though both of you deemed the boys to be as filthy as you were and agree upon the idea without seconds thoughts. Which you weren’t wrong about.
By now you were used to it. Found yourself on one of their laps more often than not, or below the desk with your mouth wide agape for them. It had all occurred naturally; none of the three were ones to shy away, you too desperate to be embarrassed of your offer – it was fate like.
You were seated on Changbin’s thighs, cock buried so deep inside you felt dizzy from it’s continuous poking. You weren’t fucking, not even moving in the first place; Changbin working away on his laptop, arms around your figure, your back pressed against his sturdy chest, watching his track come undone. Your skirt was scrunched up at your hips, though it had been all too short to begin with, not leaving much to imagination – admittedly, pants and underwear had grown an inconvenience whenever you were headed to the studio, so you – and the boys – had found a liking for dress-like attire.
Occasionally, when needing a quick break, or when stretching himself out, Changbin’s hand would wander around your body down your core, circling at your clit to get you wetter, hotter, more desperate – each one of them loved getting you to a state of being a whiny mess, cock drunk and eager to please.
“Fuck it, I need some food.”
After an hour and a half Changbin decided to take a proper break – though he wasn’t one to ever leave any of you hot and bothered. He let his hands wander over your body in needy manner, as though having forgotten you were actually sitting on his lap, as though reminded of the fact his cock was buried within you and that both of you were turned on beyond comprehension. Longing hands on your thighs, squeezing the flesh and moaning out at its softness, palms on your hips then, caressing waist and stomach, groping breasts and closing in on your throat, eventually. Chan and Jisung were left to watch – they had been for the past hour and a half, and Jisung had complained to be waiting for his turn way too long already; he couldn’t work well when sexually frustrated, he worked even worse when continuously bricked up watching you sit and grind on Changbin’s erection, moaning and whining softly under your breath for all over ninety minutes. After all you were theirs to share, not Changbin’s. Though the older man hadn’t minded him, and wasn’t now.
He started thrusting up softy, the slow movement ripping out a drawn out moan out your throat. You were aware to be quiet when the three of them worked, though you couldn’t help it most of the time. Not when each of them knew all the quirks to your weaknesses – because while you were primarily helping them out for their very own pleasure none of them were ones to forget yours.
The hand on your throat tightened, fingers closing in on the side of your nape, and you arched your back, head thrown against Changbin’s shoulder. The man felt tense underneath you, chasing his orgasm he’d been holding out on for far too long. Continuous thrusts, rhythmic and hard against your core, his thick thighs clashing against your ass in sinful sounds. Your eyes were closed, shut fully, seeing stars.
“Fuck- keep it down at least.”
Jisung, watching intently, eyes hooded and a hand down his pants – he wouldn’t be stupid enough to cum without your body on him, without your help, yet he’d always been the most eager, the most impatient of the three. Needing you on him and his cock twenty four hours of the day, seven days a week. Chan chuckled at his antics, though he’d lie saying he could focus on his own work – your voice was heavenly, audibly trying to keep it down yet failing miserable at Changbin’s attempts to finally release.
His hips were moving faster now, harder than before – and both of you came with hushed down moans, you first, him following moments after. You sat chest to back for another minute or two, recollecting yourselves, getting a hold of your sanity you are seeming to lose whenever in a room with the three. Though Jisung wouldn’t let you rest for too long, surely.
“It’s my turn now, c’mon.”
His whine was adorable almost, and you huffed in laughter, rolling your eyes in amusement and in aftermath of your orgasm. You were feeling sore, yet your eagerness overtook any feeling of possible pain and exhaustion. You stood up, weak on your legs though Changbin was quick to catch you, guide you up until your head grew clearer. A quick reassuring word, a fast question whether you were good, and he was out the room, wallet in hand and hunger in his guts. Making your way over to Jisung’s seat, passing Chan who looked you up and down for a moment or two, before you kneeled down beneath Jisung’s desk. He was stroking himself still, hard on as mouth-watering as could be. “Fuck, need you so bad, you can’t imagine.” Jisung’s voice entirely too desperate, pathetic some would say, but he was never one to mind.
“My god, let the girl rest, Ji.”
Chan’s scolding voice from beside, and then he addressed you. “You’re okay, yeah?” You gifted him a reassuring smile and a nod. You were tired, fucked out already, surely. Though there was merely anything you desired more this very moment. You opened up your mouth, tongue out and ready to lap up anything Jisung would give you. A smirk from Chan, then a chuckle.
“You’re nasty, would have never thought.”
He was back to work, though his words enticed a fire to flame up within you. You were, this whole idea was, the fact all three of them agreed upon this idea was. It was disgusting if anything, and you couldn’t get enough of it, ever possibly. You groaned out in purified need, Jisung’s hands at your jaw, holding you in place and thrusting in shallow grinds. He let you get used to him for a moment or two before his own need grew all too big, before his head threw back against his chair and high pitched whines left his throat. Your knees numb, your eyes teary, locks dishevelled. Jisung had a hard grip on the roots of your hair, guiding you along his shaft, giving you no control of jerking him off yourself – using you as a personal toy, as nothing but a human hole. A cry of pleasure left your throat at the thought alone.
All three of them were wary initially, when it came to purely using you, as you wished they would, as you had told them they should. Felt bad, felt as though dehumanizing a good friend of theirs. Though, with the establishment of safe measures all of you grew onto the idea quick, as though it’s always been in your nature. Grew an obsession with the fact your legs were ever open for them, you were so very desperate to have them inside of you in one way or another, as often as it was possible.
A hand of yours wandered down your middle, settling between your legs with two fingers against your clit. Jisung’s thrusts caused for your entire body to rock back and forth, the little friction that created enough for your eyes to roll back in utter bliss, for muffled moans to vibrate against the head of his cock. You knew it wouldn’t be long until he came, always the fastest to shoot since always the most eager to fuck. Two or three more thrusts and he came down your throat in thick spurts of white, hips stuttering in their movement, his brows creasing in the middle, huffing out air in scattered manner. His grip on your hair loosening, and you lapped up his remaining orgasm, licking up his thighs and shaft which the man nothing but shuddered at. Exchanging a smile, and a heated kiss right after – Jisung always loved tasting himself on your lips.
Chan was always one to give you a break, despite aware of your filthy wishes. He sat hot and bothered in his chair, uncomfortable erection in his pants, though he let you sleep it out on the sofa right behind them. Simply due to his higher amounts of self-control, partly because he knew your body had limits no matter how much you wished to be filled up continuously without a break. But god, was it difficult. The three of them working away – Changbin returned from his hunt down for food, both him and Jisung utterly pleased, satisfied, relaxed – while he sat between them, talking lyrics and production while you were the only thing on his mind. He heard your little huffs and puffs of sleep behind him, saw your scrunched up figure under some duvets, or an occasional bare leg that protruded from underneath the blanket. It was a game of the mind, as though you were challenging him to see how much more he could take. Except you weren’t at all, except you’d be glad if he woke you up to express the wish for a quick get off – maybe it was solely Chan’s own mind that played games with him.
It called for you to awake at some point though, and you did with groggy eyes and a pool of wet between your legs. It was fascinating truly – one might think that your body would grow tired of it, would grow exhausted of the constant and very regular fucking; yet it grew needier altogether. Every moment you weren’t in the studio or with any of the three you wished for nothing else, the moment you left for home your body on the verge of turning back around and sleeping over at their apartment, in their beds instead of your own. Your demeanour would have been pathetic, concerning even, if the need and longing didn’t overtake the entirety of your body, your every nerve and thought. You didn’t care how desperate you seemed, how embarrassing you might act in front of them – at the end you were, desperate and embarrassing, and they loved it as much as you did.
Chan was the first to hear your waking, recalling the tired groan from behind him, converting his eyes onto your half awake figure. Your top was scrunched up, your skirt sitting by your hips, revealing the lack of any type of underwear, revealing all too much skin for Chan to contain his need any longer. The three of them had been slowly wrapping up, anyways; deciding on finishing touches, talking more nonsense than work due to exhaustion. You eyed them with sleep drunken eyes, hunger flickering within them. You were wholly too pathetic.
“Good morning, sleepyhead. You good?”
You nodded, stretching out your limbs.
“Very good, yeah.”
A chuckle from each of them, and Chan made his way over to you, nestling up by your side.
“Mind if we make you feel better?”
His voice a whisper when he spoke, low and raspy against your neck, hot breath and kisses against it eliciting a longing sigh out of you. Chan grazed his teeth against your skin, the sensitive of your nape, waiting for an answer while hungry hands wandered your body. You shook your head, fast and hasty, eyes fixating on the two other men who looked as worked up as you were feeling. There was something utterly filthy about watching their best friend turn you on, about his hushed words against your body, about the thought of all three of them having you however they wanted. About you being the very first and most eager one to encourage the sinful act.
“I don’t mind at all… please.”
Voice frantic, as though there wasn’t anything you needed more in your life. It needed only that for three pairs of hands to be on you, sleep clouded mind not fully grasping each of their position though enjoying the attention, nonetheless. Sometimes it was an ego thing, if you were honest. The three of them agreeing on having you as their personal fucktoy, all three of them desperate to let off some steam with the help of your body – it was a feeling like no other.
Your skirt was discarded, slid down your thighs and thrown onto the floor carelessly. Your shirt followed suit not mere moments after, and you were left bare to the bone in front of them. You ate up each wanting eye, grew wetter witch each tongue that pocked out to lick hunger lips.
Your body was propped up against the head of the sofa in a half-seated position, legs spread as wide as you managed. Mimicking your desperation, giving a reason for them to tease you. You loved when they did.
Changbin made his way to you onto the sofa, kneeling beside you, two fingers pinching at your jaw to make you look at him. A filthy smirk, a nod which you returned, and he guided your head downwards, only enough for your mouth to be reaching his cock. You wrapped your lips around him momentarily, with no need of telling or reminding what to do. A laugh out the mans mouth, a groan following after.
“Good fucking girl, so needy to just be filled up, huh?”
You heard Chan huff out in amusement, watching the way your head bobbed up and down on Changbin’s length seconds into taking him in, at all. He himself was positioned above your middle, making way for Jisung right behind and lower to him. The younger was squirting an ungodly amount of lube onto his shaft, stroking himself relentlessly, getting lost in the bit of pleasure he provided for himself before he focused back on you, your body. Eager hands groping at your ass, mostly for something to hold on, stability. His tip circled around your hole, the slimness of his cock more fitted for the back than Chan’s would be. A bit more circling, more prepping before he slowly pushed in, head thrown back at the tightness, relishing in the way you groaned out in pleasure, in the way your body jolted towards the friction. Chan held you down, pushed into your pussy not long after – almost bursting when his tip was coated fully in your wetness, head thrown back and eyes shut closed. Him and Jisung were bottoming out simultaneously, gliding into your holes at the same time. It was a feeling that drove you to mere insanity, and quicker than you could look you didn’t have the mind anymore to be jerking off Changbin, making the man fuck into your mouth instead. Tears of pleasure built up in your eyes – you could cum any minute and all they did was fill you up yet, without much action.
Chan and Jisung were holding a steady rhythm, one thrusting when the other wasn’t, giving you no time to catch a break from the feeling of utter depth. Changbin was the first to fall off the edge, hips stammering quickly and hot liquid filling you and sliding down your throat, the bitter taste making you wetter if any possible. He made sure to clean up your face, wiping off his remaining cum off your face when he came down from his high – though it was to little use, watching his friends fuck up into you, their faces distorted in pleasure, their groans filling the room, your own body bouncing up and down with every of their movements – Changbin hardened up again in less than seconds. Jerking off beside you, watching your tits move with every thrust, watching your hands grope Chan’s shoulders, your nails prone to draw blood if you weren’t careful.
Jisung’s movements the first to grow sloppy, and it didn’t need the man long to throw his head back and cum with a moan louder you have yet heard from him. He stayed inside you for a while longer, thrusting up his release deeper into you, watching as it squeezed out the sides and onto the base of his cock, small droplets onto the floor, making a mess to say the least. Changbin lost his composure at simply that, and at the face you made when you felt the warm liquid spread inside your tight hole – pure bliss, mouth wide agape and your legs opened yet another inch, welcoming and eager. The buffer man came with stuttered hips, spurts of cum painting your face white, your eyes closed, your tongue out to lap him up if needed – and it was the sole thing that Chan needed to see, observing his friend and you acting the nastiest you ever have, feeling Jisung pull out behind you, smelling the aroma of nothing but sex – the oldest male increased his speed shortly before halting inside you deeply, and at the feeling of him filling you up you couldn’t help but orgasm yourself in spurts of wetness, covering Chan’s cock, his thighs, the bit of floor beneath you. Your body contracting, your thighs never seeming to still, seeming to keep shaking for another while. Drawn out whines and their names spilling past your mouth like a mantra, and eventually your body fell limp. The three men didn’t look any better, eyes hooded and sheets of sweat covering their heaving chests. Though all of you needed a minute or two to compose yourself they all hurried to clean you up, nontheless — feeling their duty to. Jisung in charge of water, Chan grabbing a towel, Changbin on to get rid of the mess he made on your face.
If it went after you, you’d propose to stay and continue on for a couple more rounds. Though that confession would be wholly too embarrassing to make.
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@etherealeeknow @linoskitty @unexceptional-h @rseanne @diue @es-kay-zee @urcracksisx @jeyelleohe @yunkiwii @etheralsung @nyrasneedy @seochhj @spidercomics @chans-starlight @angelwonie @lix-ables @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @sstarryreads @svintsandghosts @bokjaz @llunapastell @sensitiveandhungry
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the-froschamethyst4 · 3 months
Husband Of The Year
𖤐Pairing: Retired! Soap x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Smut, fluff, language, Scottish slang, teasing, P in V, fingering, feminism, breadwinner Y/n, male wife Soap, kissing/making out, groping, nipple play, male masturbation,
𖤐Summary: Soap had retired from the Military a few years ago, and when he got married to his wife he started to become the best husband of their lives.
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Y/n was coming home and her husband Soap had just made dinner for the both of them. He poured out some red wine for Y/n and poured some whiskey in a glass for him. He saw headlights pull into his driveway knowing it was his wife.
He goes to the front door, opening it and then seeing Y/n get out of her car and sees her husband.
"Hi, mo luaidh (my darling)." Soap says, placing his hand on her waist. "Come on," he says guiding her into the house.
Once the door was opened and Soap moves down and removes Y/n's heels from her feet. His hands were gentle on her ankles and his fingers gently caressed her calves up to her thighs.
"What did you do?" She asked.
"Nothing...am I not allowed to cook for my wife?"
"You are allowed to," she smiles at him.
"I always cook for you, mo luaidh (my darling)." He kisses her knee and then stood back up.
"What did you fix?"
"Your favorite," he says, guiding her to the dinning room and showing her the meal he made for her. "Red wine too," he says.
"Thank you, John, I'm gonna change and come back down," she says. Soap nods and sits at the end of the table.
Y/n soon came downstairs in a light purple silk nightgown that stopped at her mid thigh, Soap's eyes widened as Y/n's hair was a bit messy as well, doing it on purpose teasing Soap.
He smirks leaning back in his chair, he stood up pulling her chair out for her to sit, she does and he pushed her closer to the table.
"You look gorgeous, mo luaidh (my darling)." He leans down and kissed her temple.
"Thank you," she smiles at him as Soap went to his chair.
"How was work?" He started to make small talk with his wife.
"A mess," she says.
"How so?"
"We have an employee that calls in almost everyday, her excuse is pulling the 'I'm sick' card when she isn't sick, it's because she doesn't want to work and it's very obvious, she has come to me many times complaining about work, and then saying she'll call in because 'she's stressed out'...stressed out about what? Watching videos on your phone? She doesn't work!" Y/n was an exclusive director for the company she works at.
If she could she would fire this woman, but it's not her call. It was obvious that the woman gets under Y/n's skin a lot. Even the General Manager has an issue with this woman and they've both talked to her and the CEO about her.
Soap usually hears a lot about this woman and how she is basically a problem for the company. All that woman has to do is order products make sure they come in on time and calls people to let them know their products come in, but she never does it half of the time and sales people have to do her job for her, which pisses them off.
"I bet, what number is this?"
"23 and counting," Y/n says annoyed by this woman. Y/n eats her dinner as Soap just listens her her rant and enjoy her company.
"You're lucky you don't have to deal with someone like her," Y/n says.
"Well, I dealt with people like that in the Military."
"Really, how come you never told me?"
"Just never brought it up," he chuckles. "But I can tell you about the one who was released early from duty."
"Tell me!" She says, leaning on her hand to listen to her husband talk.
Soap tells her about a new recruit coming to the Military and two days in was released from duty because of bad conduct making him go to court because of his stunt.
"Yeah, you never told me that," she giggles.
"Again, we've never talked about it," he says. "Not only that it was a while ago, when I went to Russia for a week, I kind of forgot about it till now," he says as he moves his fork to his mouth.
"I see."
"Anything else going on?" He asked her.
"We...fired a girl," Y/n says.
"Fired someone?! What happened?"
"Remember that one girl I talked about when I caught her in the bathroom with a male employee?"
"Oh yeah!"
"Well, she was caught in the male bathroom...masturbating and we called a meeting with her, with all managers and directors and...the CEO decided to fire her."
"H-How the hell did she get into the males bathroom without getting caught going in?"
"I'm not sure, the person who caught her doing it was the director of Marketing, she left the door unlocked and was caught."
"Holy shit-did you bring up the time you caught her?"
"I did in the meeting after we fired her, we discussed the times we caught her and how we hid it till we called a meeting with her," Y/n says.
"Your company is a shit show."
"Oh I know, we try our best to control it, and it seems like a shit show when the CEO leaves for anything, and his assistant tries to control everything when he's gone," she pokes at her food.
"Anyways enough work talk. You done, mo luaidh (my darling)?"
"Yes," she says as Soap stood up taking his and hers plate to the sink. She stood up and walked to her husband. Her arms go around his waist.
"Mo luaidh?"
"I'll be upstairs," she says, walking away and Soap watches her walk away.
Soap turns off the lights downstairs and walk upstairs through the hallway and at the end of the hall was his shared bedroom with the light on. He pushes the door open seeing his wife still in her silk nightgown, she was on her stomach reading one of her books, she looks over her shoulder and smiles at her husband before putting a bookmark in her book.
She rolls over and look at her husband placing her book on her nightstand.
"Come here," she says with her arms open and Soap crawls on top of her. She kissed the top of his head and he kisses her neck. "John?"
He starts to move down kissing her neck, chest, between her breasts, and then her stomach. His hands groped at her breasts, his hands move under her nightgown and his fingers played with her hard nipple.
She lets out a soft moan as he was gentle with her. Ever since Soap's retirement, he treats Y/n like she is the last thing on Earth, their sex was amazing because of Soap and how he would make her feel, and how he started to figure out what she liked during sex.
They tried new things they've never tried before, or they would do things they both knew they got off.
Soap then moves down pulling at her panties, pulling them down and off her ankles, he tosses them somewhere in the bedroom. He then starts licking his lips and then starts licking between her wet folds.
He kisses between her folds. He spits on her clit and rubs a few minutes earning moans from Y/n, her hand holds his wrist as he then shoves his middle and ring finger inside of her.
Her back arches with the pleasure overwhelming her. Soap smirks at her and then starts licking and sucking on her clit. His tongue flicked against her bud a few times, moans filled the room, he used his free hand and pulled his dick out.
He pumps himself a few times. He loves her moans, her back arching because of the pleasure. She used her hand to help him. He moans letting her do all the work.
He kept licking her and kissing her slit. Her hands pumping him quickly and teasingly slowly down. She'll pick up the pace just to hear him moan and the vibrations from his mouth against her clit made her feel good.
He then moves his mouth and fingers and she whines when he moves away. Her hand wasn't touching him anymore. He pulls his boxers off and then starts aligning himself up at her entrance.
She smiles placing her hands on his neck bring him close to her, lips touching as he first starts out slow and easy, them both rocking back and forth against each other.
Their make out session was soft and easy, but back rough with her biting at his bottom lip as he pulls away and groans when feeling her teeth pull at his lip.
His thrusts were rough and sloppy. The same with his kisses, they were sloppy and messy. Y/n's moans filled the room and skin slapping as well.
Soap kissed her neck, jawline and the back to her lips. Y/n's nails then dug into his muscular back. He groans when feeling the sudden pain digging into his back, but he ignored it, he was on a mission to make his wife feel good.
He looks down at her, her face all red and his ears were filled with moans. Y/n then dragged her fingers from his back to his shoulders and then down to his buff chest.
Y/n felt herself close to coming. She let's out another moan and then tightened around Soap's cock, he moans feeling her tighten around him.
"Come on, mo luaidh (my darling), cum for me," he groans as she did what he asked, she ended coming on his dick, he pulls out and watches as cum leak from her clit slowly.
He bends down and starts licking her clean. Her hands held the end of her silk nightgown lifting it up as Soap was cleaning her up.
The retired Sargent, sits up on his knees smiling down at his wife and picked her up taking her to the bathroom.
He places her on the sink and starts a bath. Making sure it was hot and then placed some bubbles in the bath, Y/n removes her silk nightgown placing it on the floor and Soap picks her up and placing her gently in the bath.
"I'll be right back," he says, kissing her lips and heading out of the bathroom, she could see him snatch a clean pair of boxers and hurried to put them on.
She messes with the bubbles in the tub and cupped them in her hands and placed it back on the bubbles. Soap comes back with two glasses and the red wine he poured before.
He gives her one and then held the other, he leans on the side of the tub to watch his wife, his head resting on his arm, she talks to him and he listens.
"Do you want wash you?" He asked.
"Yes," she says as he grabs a loofa and puts her body wash on it. He starts to gently rub it on her arms, shoulders, she gently stood up. He then washed her stomach, back, between her legs, thighs and butt.
30 Minutes Later
Y/n was on the bed with Soap holding her against his chest as she reads her book and Soap was watching TV on a low volume so Y/n could read her book.
She flips the pages with one hand and then other played with his arm hair as his left hand rested on her thigh and the other resting against her stomach and that hands rested close to her butt and he gently tapped her side to a random beat.
She closes her book, placing it on her nightstand and then looking at the TV to see what Soap was watching. Soap has been on a kick on watching old documentary's about old military planes, and wars that had happened in the past.
"What's this one about?" Y/n asked.
"Old planes and Vets stories about war," he says.
"Oh," was all she said as she cuddled up to Soap closing her eyes and falling asleep.
Next Morning (6:00AM)
Y/n had woken up to her alarm, groaning as she turns it off, she rolls over to face Soap, he was big spooning her, his eyes closed and he looks peacefully sleeping.
Y/n kissed Soap's lips and got out of his buff arms, she gets up like normal, brushing her hair, and starting her shower getting in and washing her body and hair.
As the water run, Soap wakes up and hears the water, he rolls over seeing the bathroom light on and the door cracked trying not to shine the light on him as he slept.
He stretched up and got out of bed. Heading downstairs to then make tea for Y/n and himself some as well, Soap doesn't drink tea as much as Y/n, she only drinks it to be calm before she works.
Y/n walks downstairs seeing her husband making the hot tea, she was in a towel around her body and another holding up her hair. Soap smiles seeing her.
"How was your shower?" He asked.
"Fine," she yawns as she was handed her mug taking a small sip. Soap walks behind her placing his hand on her hip kissing her temple as she sipped from her mug again.
"Go get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast," he says as she walks upstairs getting dressed and taking her damp hair out of the towel.
Soap had made her some waffles and she ate before going back upstairs to do her hair, make up and grabbing her purse and heels.
"Okay, I'll see you later, John."
"I'll see you, later mo luaidh (my darling)." He kissed her lips and he watched her leave for her work.
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lycheedr3ams · 10 months
Death's Angel
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Part 7: Sacrifice
royal!fem!reader x executioner!konig
Summary: It's 1554. You're one of the eight daughters of the Austrian royal family, and your parents do everything they can to ensure their kingdom is prosperous and peaceful. No royal court is complete without their hand-picked executioner, one who stands out against the sea of black, faceless bodies that make up the profession. It just so happens that your family's new executioner, one who has made a name for himself far and wide for his skill with the axe, has caught your eye and ruined you for good.
Warnings: MDNI! smut, mutual pining, forbidden love, death (konig is an executioner duh), mean sisters, mentions of medieval-type violence, overbearing parents, konig is brooding and a perv, some predator/prey dynamics, possessive!konig, maybe dark themes bc reader likes seeing him kill people and bc he's a perv?
Part 6 | Part 8
I know it's been a while since I've updated this series. My life has been super busy, and I even moved. Thank you all for your patience and I hope you enjoy! One more chapter to go. as a reminder, the taglist is closed
series inspired by the art below!
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It was evening when the horse Konig had chosen collapsed from exhaustion. You were stranded in the middle of the dark forest, hours away from any landmark you recognized. Your horse lay panting on the mossy forest floor, and you held your head in your hands.
"what are we going to do? we have no money! we're lost! they're going to come looking for us!" you mumbled furiously as you began to pace. konig came over immediately and put his large, solid hands on your shoulders.
"Engel, i told you i would take care of you, didn't i?" he asked as he lifted your chin to look up at him. he gently wiped away your warm tears with his axe-calloused thumbs. "i will figure this out. we will be okay."
"but..but how! and all the gifts you gave me, they're back at the castle, and --" you nearly shrieked. you had never had a panic attack before, had never felt such fear and confusion. your life, unlike konig's, had always been planned out, set in stone, predictable, cushy. every hour of every day was always set with lessons and meals and events. but now your dress was torn, and your broken heals lost during the escape. the cold, damp earth almost stung underneath your soft feet. konig squeezed your shoulders and shook you.
"Engel!" he said, a bit louder this time. you looked up at him with wide eyes. "we are going to be okay. i told you i would take care of you, and that is exactly what i shall do. do not worry about the things i gave you. i will give you that and tenfold again."
he pulled you into a tight hug, grounding yourself in his body rather than your racing, chaotic mind. his arms were almost rock solid, but his body was so, so warm as he embraced you. for a moment, the entire world faded away, and it was just the exiled princess and her forbidden love.
the furious panting of your exhausted horse also brought you back to reality. you gently turned your head against konig's chest and looked at the poor creature laying on the ground.
"will he be okay?"
konig gently rubbed your head. "yes, we just exhausted him. we're not going to be able to go anywhere else for the night. we should not be discovered out here."
you look up at konig. "but what if we are discovered?"
his eyes were soft as he looked down at you. "then i will protect you."
you looked at him sadly. "i hope it doesn't come to that."
"as do i, Engel," he soothed as he cradled your head. "for now, we need to rest. we cannot risk a fire, the smoke will draw the soldiers. we will have to lay close for warmth."
you smile softly at him and can't help the heat that surges to your cheeks. "i'm not complaining."
konig chuckles quietly. "and neither am i."
konig removes his overcoat and wraps it around you before gesturing for you to lay on the mossy ground.
"i..." you look at the moss, feeling a little disgusted.
"ah," he said as he shook his head. "you've never slept on the ground. i almost forgot."
you look uneasily down at the damp, green moss, and take a deep breath. "it's fine." you offer konig an uneasy smile as you hesitantly lay down on the moss. the only surface you had ever slept on was silken sheets on a down bed. never once had you imagined you would be sleeping on cold, damp moss with the one whom you were never permitted to speak to.
konig laid down behind you and wrapped his arm around you, spooning you. "when i build us a house, Engel, you will have the finest sheets and silk like you once did."
you rub his arm. "konig, i don't need any of that. all i want is you."
he gently squeezes your shoulder. "yes, yes, but i still want you to have the finest sheets."
you turn around slightly and lift his hood up to reveal his surprisingly soft lips. you look into his eyes, silently asking for permission, before you closed the gap between you and gently kissed him. you had never felt your humanity so intensely as you did in this moment: laying on the damp earth, kissing your forbidden love under a canopy of leaves and stars.
you snuggle into konig's chest and wrapp yourself tightly around him.
"sleep well, Engel," he whispers. "all will be well."
"send out all our troops to find the executioner! he has kidnapped my daughter!" your father screeched to the army commander the moment he saw you and konig disappear beyond the castle grounds. the army commander bowed and swiftly went to assemble his soldiers. your mother broke down on the ground, crying hysterically. your sisters stared in disbelief and disgust.
"you have your orders," the army commander said to his hastily formed troops. "you are to find the princess, and kill the executioner on sight."
the mail-clad soldiers nodded, and set off on horseback to every last corner of Austria.
the next morning, you and konig began to wander the wilderness on horseback. with no sense of direction other than the sun, all you knew was that you were heading far, far away from Austria. your heart nearly leapt out of your chest whenever a stray bird rustled in the leaves, or when a deer leaped through the forest. konig sat behind you on the horse with his arms around you as he held the reins. his eyes were sharp from beneath his hood as he constantly scanned the forest for threats.
by midday, you could see a break in the forest. and beyond the meadow that lie past the forest, a silhouette of a mountain could be seen.
"once we reach the mountains, they will surely never find us," konig assured you as he kicked the horse to a trot.
you nodded and held onto the horse's mane.
"HALT!" a voice sounded from behind you.
you froze completely, and all the blood drained from your face. konig stopped the horse instantly.
"turn the horse around," the voice commanded. konig obeyed.
you came face-to-face with a small band of soldiers from your kingdom's army, ones sent by your father. they drew their swords and bows on their horses.
"by decree of the king, executioner, you are to be killed for your crime of kidnapping the princess," the leading knight said in a stern voice.
your eyes widened and your breath almost died in your throat.
"no! i wasn't kidnapped! I went willingly!" you yelled, startling your horse a little. konig whispered something in your ear.
"princess, there is no need to worry. you will be okay from here on out. we will save you," another soldier said.
"no! i mean it! i went with him on my own!" you shook your head as tears began to fall down your face as you panicked. konig did not take his eyes off any of the soldiers for an instant.
"you have been brainwashed, princess, by this devil," the leading solider said. "please, your highness, dismount the horse."
you began to hyperventilate, the air suddenly feeling quite thin in your lungs. your vision on the periphery began to blur, and you could barely hear your voice as you screamed.
"i haven't been brainwashed! I went willingly! i wanted to escape!"
before you could say anything else, your horse was suddenly struck with an arrow right in its skull. the beast toppled over and sent you and konig tumbling to the ground. konig gently grabbed your head and lessened the blow of your skull against the earth.
"step away from the princess!" one knight yelled as they dismounted with weapons drawn.
you and konig still lay on the ground as the soldiers came closer with their swords and bows. you stood up in front of konig and wiped your tears. konig stared up at you in shock as the roles were suddenly switched as you protected him. A princess protecting an executioner; such a thing had never been seen before.
"i won't let you hurt him! he's done nothing wrong! i wanted to leave! can't you see?!" you yelled.
the soldiers quickly surrounded you and konig in a circle. konig hastily stood up but did not dare to touch you.
a knight held out his free hand to you. "princess, you will be safe now."
"NO!" you yelled as you backed into konig and bumped into him. the knights were getting closer to you and him. there was nowhere to run.
"Engel, do not do this," konig whispered to you. you turned and looked up at him in panic.
"do what?! i'm not going with them! I'm going with you!"
suddenly, a knight grabbed you by the arm and yanked you away from konig and out of the circle. konig now stood alone in the center of the circle, not even daring to defend himself against the armed group of knights. there was nothing he could do.
your heart pumped loudly and your blood rang in your ears as you saw a knight behind konig raise his sword.
you couldn't hear your bone-chilling scream as you pushed through the circle with inhuman strength and cast konig aside right as the sword swung.
a cold feeling tore through your chest.
all were frozen.
you looked down at your blood-soaked dress. you felt a pair of strong arms grab you and hold you tight, and the knights threw down their weapons.
your forbidden lover held you as your vision faded black.
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taglist: @kneelingshadowsalome, @plumdreadful, @dumb-dumb-idiot-girl, @elichisstuff, @konig-breedme, @tr4psta, @cutiecusp, @konigsleftkidney, @local-vampire-s1ut, @ihaveaproblematicbrain, @twice360noscope, @madzeesstuff, @crazy-phan-girl13, @babygirl-panda19, @warrior-of-justice, @eluffi, @mooniesthings, @elowynnlane, @zaxlrza, @red-bed-bug, @alexdoesntlikeyou, @helmipss, @11aplacesange11, @rouge-swears, @pasta-m1lk, @ghostinvenus
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 09
Thanksgiving dinner really wasn’t that bad. It’d been years since FF had been to one as lively as this.
Kevin is loud and demanding when it comes to what needs to be on the TV and the exact perfect schedule to catch all of the Exy games being played. Wymack brought bourbon and has put it on the highest shelf in Abby’s kitchen right next to where Abby put the second pie for the exact same reason: Keep Andrew out of it. The Monsters and FF all get roped into helping Abby prep the meal.
He’s told that usually there are more people staying over Thanksgiving but this year more had gone home or gone to friend’s homes to celebrate. The only ones there are the Monsters, FF, and Jack.
Jack sits sullenly on the couch no matter what task Abby tries to give him.
Eventually, potatoes are mashed, turkeys are carved with appropriate knives, corn is creamed, macaroni is cheesed, canned cranberries have been de-canned, and the stuffing is…there on the table.
“Dig in!” Abby says not bothering with grace.
It’s good.
FF still misses his grandma’s cooking. It’s nice to have this loud Thanksgiving like he used to get but there’s something special about helping his grandma in the kitchen and the two of them sitting down to eat.
He definitely misses his grandma’s company when Jack starts to loudly complain about every last food item that Abby has so graciously laid out for them.
Wymack & Captain Neill both tell him to knock it off and threaten grueling exercises when practice starts back up while Andrew just threatens him with a knife multiple times to shut him up but FF can see Jack looking in the kitchen as he sits in silence after Andrew not so stealthily held a knife to his ribs.
Jack is looking at his grandma’s pie up on the top shelf.
Jack is going to complain about his grandma’s pie.
He looks at the Monsters and knows that there is only one person at this table who can POSSIBLY stop him is the person that FF fears the most.
He figures Andrew owes him a final request before he’s murdered in a basement, secondary location or (a new option he thought of on the way over to Abby’s in Andrew’s absurdly nice car), a secondary location’s basement.
“I want you to stop Jack from having any of my grandma’s pie.” He says in German drawing the attention of Aaron, Nicky, and Neil. Andrew blinks at him but says nothing so he continues. “If he says something mean about it then I’ll lose it.” He says.
FF means that if Jack insults his grandma’s pie that she had managed to get to him through some sort of grandmotherly wizardry then FF will burst into tears. He’s got what doctor’s call leaky eyes and there is no cure for these bad boys. He knows he’ll try to defend his grandma’s pie from whatever issue Jack will take with it but he also knows that he will be sobbing during that defense.
Andrew hears that and thinks that he might finally get to witness what FF looks like when he’s angry. From Kevin’s screaming, to Jack’s taunts, to Andrew’s own barbs, he has yet to see FF get mad. FF’s ability to stay in his own lane and regulate his emotions is one of the reasons that Andrew considers him a friend. He thinks about the bags under FF’s eyes and how desolate he had looked staring down at the ‘CANCELLED’ notification on his phone.
Andrew is getting into the art of doing something nice. For a friend.
He gives FF a singular nod and pulls one of his knives out of his arm bands and makes his way over to the pie. He ignores some various questions from the other, irrelevant.
“I want a slice at least!” Nicky demands and he nods as he cuts up the pie into seven normal sized slices. He puts each on a plate and Neil, every understanding of Andrew’s intentions, hands them out to the Monsters, FF, Wymack, and Abby.
“Good, finally get to try this stupid pie.” Jack says and Andrew levels a knife that has an apple slice slowly sliding off of it at Jack’s face.
“People who can’t appreciate the free dinner don’t get to have dessert.” He says and watches as Jack’s face goes through an entire range of emotions, “You saw what I could do to a turkey. I have no problem doing it to you if you try anything.” He says and Jack goes white before he trudges out of the dining area entirely.
Andrew watches him go before picking up the remainder of the pie (nearly a quarter) and making his way over to the fridge.
FF pipes up, “Try it without the ice cream first.” He says because even if he likes his pie à la mode the first bite has to be pure pie.
Andrew shrugs and eats the apple pie filling off of the knife.
It’s immaculate.
It’s the best pie that Andrew has ever tasted in his life and he has tasted some pies.
He has no idea what Jack would have complained about other than the fact that FF had an entire one of these all to himself. This pie had travelled across the continental United States and tasted like this. Andrew can only imagine what it is like when it is coming fresh out of the oven.
He grabs the ice cream from the fridge and watches everyone else try the first bite of FF’s grandma’s pie.
“I want to meet your grandma and shake her hand.” Wymack says eyes closed even as his hand reaches for some bourbon.
“I want to your grandma to adopt me.” Nicky says.
“She can adopt both of us if it means pies like this.” Aaron agrees.
“This is good.” Kevin says as he continues to eat it.
“Really good.” Neil agrees.
“Maybe she could share the recipe with me. I’d love to make this.” Abby says as she drinks a glass of milk.
“Thanks, she’ll be happy to hear it.” FF’s shoulders loosen as he puts away his own slice quickly.
There is some grumbling as Andrew hoards the rest of the pie himself and only gives bites to Neil. “I wonder if we should get the whipped cream out for it?” Neil asks him in Russian.
Andrew frowns and considers it for a long moment, “We have plans for that whipped cream tonight and the stores will be closed.” He says back in the same language. FF has paused in eating the last of his slice. “Problem?” He asks.
“Last bite.” FF responds back immediately and Andrew lets it go unaware that FF had spent 2 seconds wondering how whipped cream would play into whatever torture device Andrew was going to shove him into the second they arrived in Columbia before realizing that it was a sex thing.
He lets his hand go into his pocket and rub the paper of his grandma’s note to him.
It’s not a bad last meal.
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Per your requests:
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If you’re tagged, i spelled it right, and it’s not pulling you then you might have:  Conversational notifications turned off in your settings.
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 17 days
Hazbin Hotel||Alastor X Reader||It's okay To Rest
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Just realized with all me getting accepted into school and all, caused me to stress about not disappointing my parents, relatives So it's okay to take it easy.
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Usually, Alastor would see you socializing either the other people like Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Husk and all during your days in hell, but this time he began noticing you, becoming more and more reclined towards your room.
Your room probably was the most comforting one in the entire hotel, All the books Alastor would bring you would be piled, or decorated in the bookshelves, the fairy lights casted a warm and inviting glow to your reader's heart, you had a dressing table and next to it were satin nightgowns, shrugs lined on a rack, Alastor found you whimsical and enchanting, like he was just allowed for just a moment to see the world you saw.
Your worktable, which used to be a few scraps of paper and loose sheets now was filled with random annotations, and question marks, diaries were tossed in one corner, and then a sewing kit was tossed in the other, it was really unlike you to just toss your things around.
Alastor knew you loved to eat, the different types of cookbooks he owned and recipes he learned through radio broadcasts you would always love them, it was one of his most obvious love languages, Now Alastor brought you some well cooked dinner, lunch paired with a desert to cheer you up, but these past few months in hell he has seen you getting more exhausted, he would find you sleeping on your desk, you sometimes complained of a back pain.
Alastor thought of making you some more tapes of his voice, maybe like a little reminder for you to just rest and take care of your health, you were not a soul, you were a human, and he knew this wasn't going to get you anywhere.
Alastor had a fair idea of the things you liked, Books, Rain, Tea, but this time he had actually visited the cannibal town one of the pleasant places in hell, because it was miraculously neat, decent, and came with a lot of things like books, recipe books, candles, and were selling really nice bath items, as a surprise he brought them over for you, he wanted to run you a nice bath so you could unwind.
"My dear, all this work is not good for you, come on now I have a little surprise for you, which should lighten your mood a little." "I'll just write this page and--" "What if after just a bit of unwinding you might have a clearer idea of what should go into the paper."
You gave that thought a go, and your glad you did, because Alastor had prepared the most beautiful bath you could've expected, the room had an earthy and relaxing scent waffling through it, and a warm bath which had candles casting a warm glow over the room, the water was warm and soothing, you felt a wave of gratitude towards Alastor, he really did notice the small offs in you, it made you feel cared for and seen.
You felt your tense muscles relax against the warm bath, and your endless inner dialogue nagging you to write this or write this was coming to a comforting standstill and just like those two hours had passed by.
When you returned back to your room, it felt fresh, Alastor had sprayed some room freshener it smelled like fresh apples, somewhat even husky, the desk had been cleaned you notice new shelves carrying proud parchment papers, quills, pens, pencils with new decor, you sighed sitting on your bed feeling like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders and you could finally relax.
Alastor handed you another book, well it was a journal it had a dark green color, it looked neatly wrapped and had a little black ribbon which you could use to tie around the journal, you were a little shocked and pleasantly surprised by how the evening had been turning out,
"I noticed you have a lot of Journals, and I remember you talking to Charlie about how you would buy a new one."
"Alastor... This whole evening, I don't know what to say, except thank you."
"Eat your meals on time dear, don't overwork yourself, and sleep on time."
You nodded feeling really glad, that even in a place like hell, you had someone so warm and caring and that makes you happy even in hell.
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Could I get dark chocolate number 18 with Paulie or Jabra, pretty please? Thanks!!!!!
You asked for two characters I’m really fond of, so I did both. They’re short, but I hope you like these!
I could kiss you right now- Actually, you what? I will. Come here!
Yandere Jabra x Fem!Reader (This is in the same universe as I’m on the hunt, I’m after you, I hope that's cool with you)
747 words
The restaurant you work in has a bar for patrons who come in only to have a couple of drinks and some bar food. It helps take some strain off the wait staff so they can focus their attention on people who want full meals.
Unfortunately, a certain someone refused to drink there, instead demanding that he gets a table in your area and that you serve him drinks instead. 
Jabra was a heavy drinker, you figured that out quickly. He could drain a tokkuri dry and move on to the next in a matter of minutes. His liver must feel like it’s in the trenches of alcoholic warfare. At first, you were honestly a little concerned for him, wondering if he was struggling with something so severe that it made him turn to alcohol in shocking amounts to cope. As time went on, however, your worries subsided. On all accounts, he appeared to be fine, but mostly you came to realize what a massive creep he was and that made it impossible to really care all that much about his alcoholism. 
Typically, he could hold his liquor fairly well, but he had really been hitting the bottles today and you could see it was starting to affect him. His speech was slurred, his face was tinted red, and worst of all: He was getting obnoxiously handsy. He kept finding openings to touch your hands and arms when you refilled his glass or brought a new bottle, and he squeezed your hips a couple of times. What pushed you over the edge was when he got bold enough to reach out when you were walking past him and slap your ass. It was hard, and you yelped loudly, making all the other patrons turn to stare. The humiliating experience was only made worse by Jabra cackling. He said he was sorry- he definitely wasn’t- and offered to massage it. It took everything you had not to beat him over the head with the serving tray you had.
Throwing him out wasn’t something you were allowed to do, but you didn’t want to keep dealing with him when he was this damn drunk. You grabbed a bread basket and headed for his table to drop it off. Ideally, he would eat this and it would help to absorb at least a little bit of the alcohol. Your next idea was to start filling empty tokkuris with water. He’s so shit-faced that you honestly think he might not notice.
The basket was dropped unceremoniously onto Jabra’s table. You weren’t worried about him complaining about your service when he was this out of it. He stared at it in confusion for a moment, “I didn’t order that.”
“It’s on the house, just eat it,” you forced yourself to smile, but it was full of malice. You hope he chokes on it. You turn to get away from him, only for an arm to snake around your waist and yank you back. Right into his lap. His other hand runs up your back and settles on your neck.
“You’re so sweet on me, rabbit. I could kiss you right now- Actually, you what? I will. Come here!” Jabra crashed your faces together, and you were just barely able to turn your face in time to keep him from trying to shove his tongue down your throat. You thrashed in his grip, disgusted and desperate to get away from him. Much to your horror, you wrenching your lips away from him only brought his attention lower. His hot breath fanned over your neck, and you felt teeth starting to graze your skin.
Suddenly, cold water splashed over both of you, making him stop and recoil slightly.
Will was standing over you two holding a bin full of previously half full glasses that had now been dumped all over both of you. You’ve never been so happy to have half drank beverages on you. He openly sneered at Jabra, “Oops, looks like I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” His tone was dripping with disdain.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry (Y/N). Come with me, I’ve got a spare shirt you can wear.” His voice was entirely different with you, sounding actually apologetic. He yanked you up and out of Jabra’s clutches, not paying him any more mind as he guided you away from him.
“I owe you one,” you whispered to him.
“Nah. Dumping that shit on him was a pleasure.”
Yandere Paulie x GN!Reader
546 words
You’re just trying to enjoy your break in peace. Unfortunately, there’s never a dull moment at Dock 1, so you’re only about two minutes into your fifteen when your coworker Paulie sprints past you. 
Abruptly, he doubles back, rips the lid off of the barrel you had been leaning against, and climbs in. Before he pulls the lid back down, he gives you the most pitiful, pleading look and whisper-yelled at you, “You didn’t see me!” 
No explanation was needed, you already knew what that was all about. Paulie may be a genius when it came to the construction of ships, but he was a damned fool in relation to anything financial. Though it seemed his creditors were just as dense if they kept giving him money. You massaged your temples to ward off the oncoming headache from getting roped into his nonsense.
Just as expected, you can hear several sets of footsteps approaching. You look over and see the sorry suckers that he conned out of money. There’s three of them today, all dressed in suits that make them stick out like sore thumbs in the dock.
“Y’all aren’t supposed to be in here, you know that,” you called out at them. This was a familiar interaction.
That caught their attention alright. They skid to a stop not far from you, panting and sweating from the exertion of hunting Paulie for sport. “Where,” the one in the middle hacked a couple of times, then continued, “did that bastard go? We know he’s here.”
As funny as it would be to throw Paulie to the wolves, you decide not to. It would be difficult if he wasn’t here. “He was, but you just missed him. I saw him hopping the fence on the west side of the dock a minute or two ago.”
“Son of a bitch! Let’s go boys, that money ain’t gonna collect itself!” Just like that, the goons are gone, continuing their pointless wild goose chase.
A sharp kick is delivered to the barrel behind you, “They’re gone, you can come out.”
There’s some shuffling, and then the lid is pushed aside and clatters to the ground. Paulie springs up, and immediately locks his arms around you for a hug, “Thank you, I really owe you one! I could kiss you right now- Actually, you what? I will. Come here!”
In an instant, one of his arms snakes up into your hair in an attempt to crash your lips into his own. You flail wildly but are powerless to prevent the kiss from happening. The scruff of his beard scratched your face as he forcibly kissed you. 
You push him back and gasp for air, “Knock it- MMF!” He closed the gap again, not giving you a chance to protest. He’s never been subtle about having the hots for you, but he’s never taken it this far, and you don’t know what to do to fend him off.
Paulie is abruptly launched away from you, flying several feet and rolling away even further thanks to the barrel he was still in. You look over and see your savior. Kalifa’s foot hits the ground again with a fierce click of the heel. She adjusts her glasses, scowling at your assailant.
“That is sexual harassment.”
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raibebe · 1 year
Cloud nine
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Genre: suggestive Words: 1.821 Prompt: pilot Jaemin x female reader Warnings: :] none..? A cock is getting touched through fabric?
A/N: Yeah :] raibebe comeback? I guess? This is basically all foreplay and I'm just edging you guys for the smut :]
“Psst, hey,” your coworker hissed while she was preparing a drink for someone seated in first class, confidently handling the wine glass despite the movement of the plane. “What?” You giggled, looking up from the book you were reading while most of the people on the flight had gone to sleep, meaning you finally had some time to yourself between crying children and Karens complaining about stuff you couldn’t change in the first place. “Come over here.” “What’s gotten into you?” You shook your head but walked over anyway, huddling close to her in the small space of the kitchenette. “I think the co-pilot is into you,” she whispered, wiggling her eyebrows for extra measure. “What? Mister Na?” “He sooo kept looking at you when he made his round through first class.” “Please, he probably was just making sure there were no weird drunks again,” you tried to wave it off, shuddering at the memory of your last flight where a drunk businessman had made so many misplaced comments and wouldn’t keep his hands to himself that one of the male staff had to step in. 
“You should shoot your shot. Catch yourself a nice and handsome pilot.” “You’re reading too many romance novels,” you just rolled your eyes like you hadn’t been reading one a minute ago. “I’m serious. At least slip him your number or something when you’re bringing them their next meal,” she grinned. “I’m not supposed to-“ “Well at least one of us has to invest in your love life,” she shrugged, leaving with the drink she had prepared for one of the rich businessmen seated in first class. Shaking your head, you went back to your book but not without throwing a quick look towards the cockpit’s door that of course was locked like it was supposed to be on long flights like this. 
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Getting off an intercontinental flight was always extra rewarding, especially when you were staying at such a nice hotel as this in a tropical country, with all expenses covered by your company before you had to fly back after a day of relaxing. “Slip him your room number,” your coworker hissed as you waited at the reception for everyone to receive their key cards, the pilots last as they were ogled both by the women behind the reception desk and whoever was currently walking across the lobby. You couldn’t blame them though. The two pilots were so different that there was something for everyone’s taste: It was either the middle-aged pilot who you assumed was extruding just the right amount of daddy energy to be sexy if it wasn’t for the wedding band on his finger. And Co-Pilot Na just looked like he was ready to walk on a runway with his neatly styled hair, just the right amount of dyed strands falling into his strong eyebrows, and his suit jacket lazily thrown over his shoulder. The perfectly messy look was completed by a couple of buttons undone on his white dress shirt, exposing his collar bones and teasing the swell of his chest muscles while his tie hung loosely around his neck. And if all of that wasn’t enough, he of course wore a pair of big mirrored sunglasses on the elegant slope of his nose. 
“Stop staring at him and actually do it,” your coworker brought you back to reality when you were captured by the sweet smile co-pilot Na was flashing to the blushing receptionist as he received his key card for his room with polite hands. “He’s probably tired and this is a stupid idea,” you hissed, elbowing her in the stomach when she tried to argue right as the pilots made their way over to the rest of the cabin crew, hoping that would finally make her drop the whole topic. 
“Let’s have a nice stay everybody,” the older one of the pilots smiled almost fatherly, “Enjoy your stay and I will see you again on our flight back in 36 hours.” With that, he tipped his captain’s hat and made his way over to the elevators, his phone already in hand, probably to call his family as soon as he was in the comfort of his room. “What he said,” Co-Pilot Na simply grinned, running a hand through his hair to further mess up the once meticulously styled strands. But for some reason it only made him look more attractive. “They said the drinks at the bar are pretty good, just be sober by the time we have to be on the plane again.” You didn’t know if his words truly were funny or if his face did most of the work but it had most of the girls from the cabin crew giggling almost shyly. “I’ll see you around then,” he waved you off as well, pulling his small carry-on across the lobby. 
“Do it,” your colleague hissed again, quickly pulling you with her to follow the handsome Co-pilot to the elevator. “I’m not that desperate,” you hissed back but let her squeeze the three of you into the elevator anyways. Thank god none of you had problems with claustrophobia despite how tight the fit was with three adults and your carry-ons. “Where are you getting off?” He asked politely, already pressing the button for the seventh floor for himself. “Sixth for me,” your colleague smiled sweetly. “I’m on sixth as well,” you tried to smile as well while simultaneously pinching your colleague who was not so subtly trying to push you closer to the handsome pilot like you weren’t already invading his personal space. 
“Have a good night, rest well,” he smiled once you had stepped out onto your floor, always the polite gentleman. “You too, Mister Na,” your coworker smiled just as the doors closed. “Did you do it?” She asked excitedly the second the doors slid closed in front of Co-pilot Na’s handsome face. “What? Of course not,” you rolled your eyes, pulling your carry-on down the hallway to find your room. “You better make a move on him tomorrow at the pool then.” “Co-Pilot Na doesn’t get into the pool,” you immediately answered, only to quickly regret bringing it up when your coworker’s eyes went wide. “Oh my god. You already know him more intimately.” “I flew with him a handful of times and have never seen him at the pool or at the beach. That’s all,” you tried to explain yourself but you knew you had dug this grave for yourself to lay in. “So you kept an eye out for him,” she wiggled her brows. “Oh please, even I can admit he’s good-looking,” you rolled your eyes, quickly unlocking your room to end the conversation, “Good night.” “You’re absolutely no fun,” she sighed but waved you off anyways, promising to text you so you could go have breakfast together. 
Groaning loudly once you were in your room, you quickly looked around the room and the bathroom that was attached, noticing the big bathtub you were surely going to use later to loosen up your tense muscles from walking in heels for close to ten hours. But for now, all you wanted was to get out of your uniform and faceplant into the soft-looking mattress. But alas, you couldn’t just rip it off of your body when you didn’t want to spend your free time ironing it again. 
Just when you were down to your blouse - your blazer and pants already neatly hung away - someone knocked at your door. Not really thinking about it, you opened it without even checking who had knocked, coming face to face with a grinning Co-Pilot. “Well hello there,” he grinned, giving you a quick once over as he leaned against the door frame, arms crossed in front of his chest so his dress shirt was fitting even more snugly, his suit jacket and tie nowhere to be seen. “Your lovely coworker slipped me this note with your room number.” To prove his point, he held up a little piece of paper between two of his fingers. “Oh my god, she didn’t,” you groaned, ripping it from his grip to read the cheesy and provocative message. 
“Guess she caught me staring at you.” “You’re not even half as sneaky as you think you are.” “How do you expect me to keep my eyes off of you if you look like this?” He spoke lowly, unashamedly looking at your exposed cleavage before he sneaked his arms around your waist only to grab two handfuls of your panty-clad ass so he could roughly pull you against his chest. “At least get into the room first, Mister,” you laughed hoarsely, slipping your hands up his chest to feel the solid musicale beneath your fingertips. “Maybe I like the thrill,” he sighed, leaning in until his lips barely grazed yours when he spoke. “You’re the worst, Na Jaemin,” you sighed, getting lost in his dark eyes. “You love it though,” Jaemin whispered, his long lashes fluttering as he closed his eyes. “I do,” you smiled before finally closing the distance between your lips to softly kiss him, languidly moving them together. 
But like so often, it didn’t stay chaste like that once Jaemin licked over your bottom lip to demand entrance that you easily granted him, mewling into his mouth as he walked you back into your room, carelessly kicking the door shut. “Too bad you’re already out of your uniform. Would have loved fucking you in that,” he groaned, kissing down your neck. “You like it that much?” You teased, cupping his hardening cock through his slacks. “Do you have any idea how good your ass looks in these pants?” Your snarky reply got stuck in your throat when Jaemin raked his teeth over your fluttering pulse, knowing full well you’d get into trouble if he were to leave marks. 
“If we wouldn’t both lose our jobs, I’d have made us part of the mile-high club already,” he promised, leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses on your exposed skin. “The bathrooms are way too cramped for that,” you groaned, making quick work of the buttons of Jaemin’s dress shirt so you could feel his skin beneath your fingertips. “You could ride me in the cockpit,” he moaned, carelessly shucking his shirt off before he pushed you down onto the mattress. “Putting the cock in cockpit,” you giggled, scooting up until you rested against the plush pillows. “I’d rather put it in you,” he joked, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows. “Shut up or you’ll not put your dick anywhere,” you rolled your eyes but opened your legs for him anyways, showing him the lacy underwear you wore today that he had gifted you when he had come back from his last flight to Rome. “Oh I know just what’ll shut me up,” he moaned, climbing onto the bed and between your legs to suck a bruise to the inside of your thigh.
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spadesolace · 1 year
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pairings: idol! haerin x model! reader
warning/s: a few hints of hate comments, overworking, you might feel single bc i did while writing it, and just fluff... plus reader secretly watching haerin's fancams.
requested: yes, and i was planning on writing a haerin fic the other day, this anon knows my brain and idk how.
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Haerin was tired.
Everything would have been fine if they were given a break but the amount of performances they had to do was too much for her. She loved performing, it was her passion. She knew the consequences of being an idol, the amount of cameras on her, the prying eyes, little to no personal space (sometimes), and the negative comments. she couldn’t wait for promotions to end and get her well deserved rest. During one of their lives, it was part of promotions to be active online and connect with fans, she knew that trolls would come once in a while and she didn’t mind it until it was hitting her insecurities. Haerin was tired and being attacked online, the girls took notice and wanted to help but she brushed it off. she needed you.
Haerin hasn’t seen you for a while, could she blame you? You had quite the schedule as a model, sometimes flying around the country and you were finishing your classes online. Luckily, she had a copy of your schedule, she knew you had the entire month to finish your classes as exams were coming. You were home and Haerin can’t wait to see you, hold you, and stay by your side. She wanted to be alone with you.
Once promotions for omg ended, Haerin could already feel her energy draining faster. She was expected to be at the dorms but she needed you, she wanted the comfort you brought. What did she do? She talked to her managers, asking to be dropped off at your place instead, they were open with your relationship. You were a good influence to Haerin and the girls, and they could see it whenever you would visit the dorms. Whenever the girls were tired and you were in town, only one call from you without any hesitation you’d take care of them. Haerin wanted to be selfish this time, just the two of you alone, no distractions, no Minji asking Haerin to leave the door open, no Hanni and Danielle asking you about your trip to Australia, and no Hyein asking for your hugs.
It was an easy yes from the managers, if anyone deserved a break it was all of the girls and they had a month. While everyone piled into the van, tired but happy, Haerin was tired and excited to see you. You were her home, and as sappy as it is, it was the truth. A simple gesture from you could make haerin happy, from holding her hand under the blanket as you watched movies at her dorm, cooking her favorite meals because you hate seeing her hungry and skipping meals, running to the dorms if her period came and she needed a pick me up, to always checking up on her everyday.
When the van had parked inside your apartment, the girls waved her goodbye as Haerin went down getting ready to see you.
“Tell y/n we said hi and make sure to bring her tomorrow in the dorms.” Haerin nodded at Hanni before closing the door only for Hyein to complain why they couldn’t stay at your place for the night.
Haerin ran to your place, luckily there weren’t many people using the elevator when she got in. punching your apartment’s door lock, which was your anniversary. She could faintly hear the music coming from the living room. You were letting the show play as your background, but Haerin took notice that you were now watching once the familiar tune of their new song played. As soon as Haerin could perfectly see you, smiling as you watched the recording of her dancing, she could feel her heart swell. It was her first time seeing you watch her perform and she never knew how much you enjoyed it.
To you, Haerin was your comfort. You may not see her on a daily basis physically, but you’ll take any chance you could get to call her or see a video of her. She was the medicine to keep you sane throughout the day; a fancam of hers? You'll watch it and notice the littlest of things she’d do. Would you admit that you watch her videos whenever you miss her and she can’t answer the phone? No, but there was no point hiding it now that Haerin was literally behind you as you cheered her on.
You feel a soft pair of arms around your neck, the familiar scent of grapefruit finally hits you. Haerin.
“Hello, sweetie.” Haerin only hummed as she finally rested on your back, her fatigue was nowhere to be found but her mind wasn't quiet. Her entire body might show her relaxing but her thoughts were buzzing.
“Tired?” She nodded, you held her hands in place, giving it a small peck when she wasn’t moving from her spot.
“Sit down, I'll prepare you a bath and we can order whatever you want for dinner.”
You could only smile as you let go of Haerin so she could walk around the couch to sit next to you getting her well deserved cuddles. In your embrace, where Haerin could let everything go, she finally let her thoughts out, from how tired she was from practice to promoting for three weeks, getting hate online, and not seeing you. Pulling her closer to you, slowly laying down on the couch so you wouldn’t disturb her cuddle time, sometimes you think she’s more of a koala rather than a cat.
“Haerin-ah, don’t forget to rest even if schedules get hectic and those trolls better be ready when I find out who they are.”  Haerin laughed at your joke, a sign that she isn’t that much bothered by it anymore.
“I know the advice ‘don’t listen to them’ is easy to hear but a bit hard to do… You’re perfect and the fans know it, I know it, heck how did I even get such a perfect girlfriend?”
“Shut up… and thank you.”
You kissed her forehead, letting her rest on top of you. A few minutes later, you heard light snores coming from Haerin, she was indeed tired and holding you helped her calm down from the hectic schedules she had.
You were home for Haerin, and she was yours.
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arent-i-the-fairest · 2 years
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𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
some staff members taking care of a sick reader. (platonic)
characters : dire crowley, divus crewel, sam
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dire crowley
“headmaster, are you sure you’re fit for this? because this place has plenty of nurses that are.”
your comment made crowley gasp and stop what he was doing. before he had the chance to start running around bawling, you had to backtrack.
“i mean— i’m sorry! i didn’t mean to call you incompetent or anything! it’s just that i, uh… don’t wanna inconvenience you? yeah! y’know, since you’re so busy all the time..” you sputtered, offering him an awkward grin.
crowley held a hand up to his heart, tearing up. “oh! how kind of you, child! it seems my benevolence has rubbed off on you! but not to worry! why, i have plenty of time to finish my work later!” he sniffled.
you immediately relaxed. thank god he bought it! but man, are you gonna make it out alive in his care? is it too late to call someone a bit more reliable?
“i will nurse you back to perfect health! ohoho, how incredibly kind of me~!” he laughs as he skipped away to god knows where.
he’s outraged at the assumption that he doesn’t know how to care for sick people! taking care of you can’t be that hard! he can cook you a hearty meal, and… and read you a bed time story! that’ll make you better! hell, maybe he can even sing you a lullaby! he’s pretty sure he’s got a bandaid or two too if you need them!
—yeah, no, he’s not the most ideal person for the job. the most helpful things he could do is fetch you your medicine and refill your glass of water when it’s empty. and cheer you up, you suppose. he’s very entertaining despite not meaning to be.
you flinch as the door suddenly slams open. standing there in the doorway is crowley with a bowl in hand with a goofy smile on his face.
“please excuse the wait! now here, i’ve made you some soup! i taste tested it, and it’s delicious, if i do say so myself!” he smiles proudly, not at all hiding his haughtiness.
looking at the meal, it actually did look quite good. smelled really good too! you frowned, feeling a bit guilty. maybe you were a bit too harsh, thinking he was totally incapable…
“now, enough of my chatter! open wide, here comes the airplane!” crowley cooed as he started waving a spoonful of the soup towards your mouth.
“i’m not a child, headmaster!” you complained, yet still opened your mouth as the spoon came closer. you drank the soup— and immediately recoiled at the taste. “it’s repulsive!”
divus crewel
“good grief.. i told you not to go out in the rain with those other pups!” crewel hissed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “look where you are now!”
though the scolding was a bit harsh, he was right. you were sitting in bed with a runny nose, itchy red eyes, and a high fever. while running around and playing in the rain with your friends was fun, it was definitely not worth this.
“honestly, just what am i going to do with you?” crewel looked at you with a softer expression. you sit in silence as he sighs, unboxing the medicine he brought for you.
he’s strict, even while you’re sick. he watches you like a hawk for most of the day, cooks you only the healthiest of meals, doesn’t let you leave your bed unless you absolutely need to, and keeps track of how much time is left until you need to take your medicine down to the second. he’s aware he’s being a bit overbearing, but he just wants to see you better as soon as possible.
“hey, now that i think about it, classes are still in session right now. are alchemy classes cancelled today since you aren’t there?”
crewel scoffs. “of course not. i wouldn’t just give everyone a free day off. but i also don’t trust a single pup using chemicals unsupervised, so i have the headmaster substituting for me.” he said. you quirked an eyebrow and he returned the look.
“you seriously trust the headmaster enough to let him look after a class full of rambunctious, clumsy— and sorry for saying this, but sometimes downright dumb students? who are all handling dangerous chemicals?”
you could see concern growing on crewel’s face as he considered the chaos that could be happening right now in his classroom.
“... perhaps i should check up on them.”
“knock knock, little imp! i heard from my friends from the other side that you’re sick. is that true?” sam asked as he entered your room.
you weakly turned over to look at him and nodded. “it sure is.”
“no worries, i’m here to help ‘ya! just tell me whatcha need and you got it! i’m only here for half an hour though. i’m sorry, kid.” he frowned. “i gotta get back to my shop, but you can always call me!”
sam, while he hates to leave you alone sick, still has to manage his shop. he’s not too concerned though, he knows you’re plenty capable of caring for yourself! but every few hours, he’ll come back to check up on you. each time does, he brings you food/snacks and sometimes a weird (but ultimately cool) knick-knack to come with it. just a little something to brighten your mood!
you perk up at the sound of knocking.
“hey hey~! guess who’s back?” sam whistled. “i brought you some dinner. and your favorite drink! and this little clay statue. ain’t he neat?”
you nodded, thanking him as he put the stuff down beside you. the statue caught your eye, so you picked it up and played around with it. it looked oddly familiar.
“hey wait! i swear i’ve seen this thing sitting on your desk for the past few months..” you flip it around in your hands, analyzing it.
“yeah, it’s been a favorite of mine. there’s actually a funny story behind it if you’re interested in hearin’ it.” sam said, leaning against your bed’s headboard. you looked up at him with interest clear in your eyes.
“ooh, tell me!”
“heh, alright!” sam laughed, ruffling your hair. “so a couple years ago…”
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three--rings · 8 months
OFMD and Rime of the Ancient Mariner
I have to shout out @nonsensicalramblings79 who wrote their own analysis of the connections. It's very worth reading. But I want to talk less about symbols and more just bits of the poem that vibe with the season so far.
The "impossible bird" that Ed references in ep 1 immediately made me think of an albatross, because there was a sailor legend that albatrosses always flew across the ocean and never stopped on land.
And because there's a strong connection between sailors and albatrosses, most famously as a result of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1834).
So because the other post linked above didn't quote the actual poem much, that's what I'd like to do to point out WHY it feels like this is an actual connection.
First of all, the poem takes place At a Wedding, in which the Ancient Mariner is a fairly unwelcome guest. We learn at the end that he is cursed for the rest of his life to forcibly spill out his story to people when he sees someone who he's Meant to tell. So he's talking to a Wedding Guest in the middle of a wedding party.
It is an ancient Mariner, And he stoppeth one of three. 'By thy long grey beard and glittering eye, Now wherefore stopp'st thou me? The Bridegroom's doors are opened wide, And I am next of kin; The guests are met, the feast is set: May'st hear the merry din.'
This is how it begins. The mariner has a "long grey beard and glittering eye." Okay, Ed-core. He's at a wedding and stops this bridegroom's next of kin, who complains why are you making a fuss, the party is going on right now, they're going to hear you. Definitely evoking Ed crashing the wedding in ep 1.
So the Mariner was on a ship, a storm came and blew them off course, then they saw an albatross in the sky and were able to get free of the ice. I find it interesting that the albatross:
It ate the food it ne'er had eat, And round and round it flew... And a good south wind sprung up behind; The Albatross did follow, And every day, for food or play, Came to the mariner's hollo!
The albatross ate the food it had never eaten, it flew around and came everyday when they called it for food and play. This evokes Ed and Stede in their honeymoon days on the Revenge, Ed trying new food, them playing different roles and eating good meals...
Then more fog and ice came and so the Mariner shoots the albatross. Everyone is happy about it because they think it brought bad weather until they become becalmed. We get the most famous lines of the poem:
Day after day, day after day, We stuck, nor breath nor motion; As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean. Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink.
That has nothing to do with OFMD it's just Good Poem. I do find the next stanza evocative:
The very deep did rot: O Christ! That ever this should be! Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs Upon the slimy sea.
Very Kraken-y. It will come up again. The crew decides the Mariner did this to them by killing the albatross that had been their friend and good luck. They tie the bird around his neck as a mark of his crime.
It goes on to describe them all dying of thirst and how then Death comes on them and all the men on the ship, 200 of them, die EXCEPT for the Mariner. All of them die looking him directly in the eye, cursing him in death.
Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide wide sea! And never a saint took pity on My soul in agony. The many men, so beautiful! And they all dead did lie: And a thousand thousand slimy things Lived on; and so did I.
So I said the slimy things would be back, the Mariner is relating himself to them, again like Ed and the Kraken. Here we get to the part of the poem that is about the Mariner's inability to die. He's been cursed and so he cannot die, despite his desperate situation. This is where it really resonates with Ed in the early eps of S2. He desperately wants to die. He feels he is a curse on humanity, which he acts out in his violence, and also a curse on his crew, who he is ruining. He wants to die but cannot, despite all his attempts at getting someone to kill him.
An orphan's curse would drag to hell A spirit from on high; But oh! more horrible than that Is the curse in a dead man's eye! Seven days, seven nights, I saw that curse, And yet I could not die.
He tries to pray, but his heart is "dry as dust" and he cannot. But after seven days he starts watching the snakes in the water and enjoys the beauty of the world around him, and the albatross falls off of his neck and he can pray. He prays and basically a spirit or God or Mary answers him. It rains and he drinks water and then the corpses of the crew, which have not rotted at all, stand up inhabited by spirits and begin working the ship again. Wind carries it back to his home.
Yeah zombie sailors, dead men crewing a ship, WAY before Pirates of the Carribean.
So anyway, eventually he hears two voices speaking on the air.
'Is it he?' quoth one, 'Is this the man? By him who died on cross, With his cruel bow he laid full low The harmless Albatross. The spirit who bideth by himself In the land of mist and snow, He loved the bird that loved the man Who shot him with his bow.' The other was a softer voice, As soft as honey-dew: Quoth he, 'The man hath penance done, And penance more will do.'
I find the lines about the spirit who loved the albatross, who loved this man, who shot him. So the Mariner killed something who loved him, and that was his sin that brought the curse on him. But now he's done penance and will do more and that's why he can be saved.
Could make a connection to Ed shooting Izzy, but also it feels like Stede is also the albatross, but rather than Ed killing him, the albatross failed to love him? IDK Maybe Stede is the spirit who loved Ed the albatross and Blackbeard killed the Ed that Stede loved....that fits best. And it's the spirit who saved him ultimately. As Stede in mermaid form saves Ed.
Getting to that, the boat approaches land.
Oh! dream of joy! is this indeed The light-house top I see? Is this the hill? is this the kirk? Is this mine own countree?
Lighthouse imagery, of course. So a boat approaches this ship, with a "Good Hermit" in it. The ship however basically cracks in half and sinks right in the bay, and they fish the Mariner our of the water and think he is dead, but he wakes up and scares the crap out of them. Then he starts to row for shore.
'Ha! ha!' quoth he, 'full plain I see, The Devil knows how to row.'
They call him The Devil, which I point out because Ed calls himself that.
Basically he tells his whole story and here is where we learn he's compelled to tell his story when he meets the right people. He closes by talking about how alone alone alone he was and how he appreciates being with people and walking to church with them, going to a wedding. And also learned how important it is to cherish all creatures in the world.
And finally the Wedding Guest who heard this whole story:
He went like one that hath been stunned, And is of sense forlorn: A sadder and a wiser man, He rose the morrow morn.
IDK I just like this image of being sadder and wiser when you wake up in the morning, which again feels evocative to how Ed is going to wake up maybe?
IDK. I don't think we can say "oh clearly they had this poem in mind while writing these episodes", but they feel to me like they were written with this somewhere in the back of their minds. The reference to the impossible bird feels very much like a literary reference to an albatross, which would immediately conjure the "what happens if you kill an albatross" from this poem.
If you're still reading, hope you enjoyed this little journey into poetry. I'd encourage you to read the whole thing. It's very very weird and unique.
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moremousewrites · 3 months
To be Understood
Pairing: Minthara/ Tav (femme drow)
Summary: Being a drow, you found companionship with Minthara. Though your other companions found some of her characteristics offputting (and yours too, frankly) you could always relate to each other.
Tags: kissing, blood mention, nudity, comfort, fluff
Word count: 975
At camp, you and Minthara would usually eat meals together. You'd talk about the day's events to process information and unwind and speak your mother tongue.
You'd get unsettled looks from your companions when you spoke in high drow or signed drow on the battlefield. You weren't trying to exclude anyone, it just felt nice to be understood without having to process what you were saying. At first, they thought you were conspiring against them, it was just idle chatter. Having spent so much time in the open, it was important to have something quiet and private you could share.
You were on the outskirts of Baldur's gate, eating some of Gale's cooking. You brought a bowl to Minthara and sat next to her by the fire. 
[What is it tonight? More fish heads?] She grimaced at the bowl, unpleased by the contents. 
[Not tonight. It looks to be sausage stew. You should be grateful we're not drinking wine for dinner again] you nudged her with your shoulder and began digging in. Gale's cooking was very resourceful. You were just not always fortunate to bring enough supplies to camp for a feast.
Minthara chewed a lump of meat and stared into the fire. [I need wine to wash this down. Or perhaps forget I ever tasted this. One more meal like this and we eat the wizard] she complained. You loved her attitude, it reminded you of your childhood friends. 
“Minthara, Tav, I trust you're enjoying your meal from the pleased sounds I'm hearing” Gale interrupted, making his way opposite of you.
Minthara held a stiff, unsettling half-smile. It was supposed to be reassuring. You stifled your laughter as best you could to encourage her socialization. She was trying her best. A little too hard.
“It's great, thank you, Gale” you confirmed. 
Minthara looked to you. [Why did you laugh? Is the stew poisoned?] She asked, completely serious. For your sake or hers, you weren't really certain. 
[No! I didn't mean to laugh, sorry. You just don't need to act like them. You can be yourself] you explained.
Minthara became noticeably offended. [I would not ever aspire to have a commonality with these people. I act as myself, only] she snapped at you. You nodded, seeing how you upset her. 
[I know. I only meant they would accept you as yourself. They aren't going to change you] you assured her. Minthara relaxed somewhat. After being manipulated by the Absolute, she was glad to be accepted as herself. 
She was often on guard around you. Around everyone, really, but she treated you like an equal. But being an equal in her eyes meant you were a threat. You understood because it was how you were raised. If your life hadn't changed in your youth, if your choices were made for you, you might've been in Minthara's position right now. It was because of your upbringing that you were so empathetic to her. She despised your allegiance to the Seldarine. You tried to avoid the subject. Though converting her was a nice, selfish fantasy, it would have to stay a fantasy. 
You looked up from your bowl to her, she was staring at you. [What?] You looked around you and saw no threat. 
[You're filthy] she observed.
You looked back at her. [Excuse me?] You allowed yourself offense. You'd been sleeping in mud for days of course you were filthy.
Minthara reached into your hair and felt at a mat you'd been ignoring for a while. [Pathetic girl. You're a poor representation for our race. Thank the dark mother you're no longer sworn. You would not be worthy in this state] she put down her bowl and stood up, offering her hand to you. [Come. I will bathe you since you are incompetent] she ordered. 
You put down your bowl and took her hand, begrudgingly. [I can wash myself. I've received the message, thank you] you rolled your eyes at her but left to grab a wash basin from your tent.
Your companions watched in confusion as you and Minthara walked away to fill a tub with water.
Minthara had you walk to a water pump and strip naked in the middle of the night. Stranger things had happened. 
You let her scrub your limbs raw, rubbing them mercilessly with the sponge. When you hissed at the pain she smacked your thigh for talking back. 
[Spoiled girl has everything done for her. Can't even comb her own hair. Did you have a handmaiden comb your hair? Were you the only daughter of your house?] Minthara ran water over your head, washing the blood and dirt from your hair.
[Yes Minthara, I was very rich and powerful and noble] you felt a comb tugging at the knots in your hair. She took her time, starting from the ends and making her way to the thicker knots. You sat patiently on the grass as she worked through your hair, making a point not to hurt you. When you shivered, she wrapped a towel around you. When the comb finally slipped through your hair without resistance, you were completely dry. Minthara tied your hair in a braid and placed it on your shoulder. She left her hand on your back, as if she were waiting for something. 
[Thank you. I needed that] you said, comforted by her touch. 
[I don't doubt that you were privileged. I would have liked to spoil you. Had you been my lover in Menzoberranzan, we'd have been indomitable] she said, oddly… nervous. You realized she was confessing to you. 
[We still could be. Perhaps not in Menzoberranzan, but here and now] you went to look at her and she pulled you into a kiss. Minthara held the kiss as long as you let her. It felt nice to be in her arms. To be understood.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆
Paid story for @yourwinchesterbros.  Word Count: 1k Warnings: mentions of dead bodies, drugs...usual sons of anarchy malarchy - you know the drill
The night wasn’t supposed to go like this. Sure, you’d seen some stuff throughout your job working with Skeeter, and therefore the Sons, but this … this really took the cake.
  “How the fuck am I meant to burn all this within the next two hours?” You snapped, looking at the blond-haired Prince of Charming.
See, most people wouldn’t get away with talking to him like that. Especially after the death of his wife, but what he was asking for was delusion at best.
 Jax considered lighting up a cigarette, one of the only things keeping him sane these past few weeks. But his consideration for you was bigger than you knew.
   “I know it’s asking a lot-“
You cut him off with a sigh. And then the door jingled, and you knew you were about to be surrounded by Sons.
    “How’s it goin’ in ‘ere?” The well-known accent still sent shivers down your spine. Chibs Telford could always make you blush, even if you didn’t feel as attracted to him as … someone else.
  “It’s going absolutely fine,” you grunted, moving to get the phone to call Skeeter. In any other circumstance a person reaching for a phone would set the Sons off, but not with you. Not now, anyhow.
 The first time you interacted with the group of bikers on your own, you had about four different guns aimed at you. But for some reason… for some ungodly reasons, you just. Weren’t. Scared. Not then, and not now.
  “Zo doesn’t think she can do it all tonight,” Jax replied to the Scotsman, his arms folding in front of him.
   “Oh- I did not say that.” He had dangled the bait and you jumped straight for it.
“We’ll double yer usual price lass,” Chibs interjected, knowing the argument that was about to ensue.
Your eyes flicked to Jax and you scowled, “you could’ve started with that.” Pushing the end of call button, you shoved the phone into your back pocket and shook your head.
  “I was getting to it…” he replied, a ghost of a smirk on his lips.
Nose flaring you said, “bring it around back.”
                                                            ✶ ✶ ✶
 You had gotten used to the stench of the crematorium. Probably not a good thing, but hey, with the pay being as good as this, you really couldn’t complain. Funnily enough, working with the Sons – you thought they’d be horrible. But they had always treated you well (once they trusted you).
Many others couldn’t say the same, but you knew you were always safe when they were around. The men each looked out for you in their own ways. Chibs brought food with him whenever you’d get a call at three in the morning to come to the crematorium.
 Tig’s offering being some sort of drug; Xanax, weed, oxy. He asked if you wanted a dog once.
Happy was usually the one to stay later than the rest, to make sure you locked the place up and got to your car. He’s actually brought you some of his mother’s homemade meals.
 Jax was different though. Always the first there and the first to leave, like being near you was difficult. Especially after Tara’s death. You had no idea but you reminded him of her in many ways. Headstrong. Stubborn. And your hair colour was very similar. It was a punch in the gut to see you. And it wasn’t just because of that. Even when he was married his thoughts drifted to you. It was wrong, he knew that. And that’s why now he felt even more guilty.
  Out in the cold night air, the Scotsman gave you the fat envelope. The carpark was deserted, save for the motorcycles and your own car. That was another thing you had gotten used to, the eeriness of it all. Getting in your car and driving down here in the early hours of the morning. What some would call the witching hours.
   You didn’t believe in the supernatural. Because if you did, then every noise, every moved object and creaking door would give you a heart attack. Most days you worked alone here, Skeeter entrusting you to do his services. He popped in for a few hours every week, and he wasn’t that bad of a boss. Creepy? Yes, but not in a I’m-a-woman-you-make-me-feel-uncomfortable type of way. He just had an air of unearthliness about him.  
Since being the go between with the Sons and Skeeter, you had earnt their trust indefinitely.
 The Sons heaved the bodies onto stretchers and wheeled them in through the back door. The fire had begun to swell and swell, making everyone who came near start to sweat. When Tig and Chibs saw that every piece of evidence was inside, they jumped on their bikes and left. Not before giving you a swift kiss on the cheek.
 Inside, you had on your gear and made sure every piece of … what needed to be incinerated, was. It never got old, watching those hungry flames take their next victim. Eat them up and beg for more. Like a tiger in a zoo, the fire took whatever it could and hissed at whatever came near.
You looked at the clock that hung above the doorway, 4:35am. Your eyes stung, and you blinked a few times but it barely helped. Even with your goggles on, the smoke crept outwards whenever you opened the door.
 Registering the time, you realised they had arrived an hour and thirty-five minutes ago, and a small part of you wanted the time to go over two hours. Just so you could wave it in Jax’s face. Was that cruel? You thought, but you shook your head and turned to close the door on the last body.
   Shucking off your gear, you turned off the lights and locked each room you walked past. You knew Happy would be waiting outside. Grabbing your bag, you walked out the back door and locked that too.
  “And you said it was impossible…” Jax’s voice drawled, with a lit cigarette in his hand.  
You jumped, not expecting the proximity of another human being. Usually, Happy just sat on his bike, or on the bench inside.
  “Good thing I get paid either way,” you retorted, trying to gather yourself from the scare. But you saw the way Jax’s eyes lit up as he looked at you.
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I don't even know if I'm allowed to request something like this since he's technically not a main character in your blog… but I guess we'll see!! Based on that one anon’s request asking Candy’s Dark Side to hang out and if he'd go… could we ask him out on a (platonic or romantic. Or in the middle) date?? 🤭 Either to dinner, a walk around town, or just inviting him outside to watch the stars with him, or something he'd enjoy. It could be anything really. (you can choose how long they've known each other). Hope the request gets through to ya. (scenario or hc, doesn't have to be long either, whichever is easier :))
god this took forever
You can request stuff with Night Terrors! ^^ It's like asking for something Sully specific, or Masky/Hoodie. I'm very happy to write for him, and I hope you enjoy :)
I wrote this assuming Y/N has been with Candy for a while, and Terrors is starting to become infatuated with them. You told me it didn't have to be long but, uh... I couldn't help myself.
When you ask him to accompany you on a date, specifically HIM, he's surprised, and if anything a little flustered. He's witnessed all of your affection for Candy since you two started dating, and while at first, he had no interest in it himself, he's found himself longing for the same types of attention, he just never expected to be given a chance to experience it himself. He finds himself hesitating, but the longer you look up at him with those adorable pleading eyes, he finds he truly can't refuse you. He agrees to accompany you wherever you think would be best, and he's a bit alarmed at how excited that makes you, confused at how you could be so excited to spend time with him of all people, but he decides to just let you take charge as he's never exactly been on a date before.
You take him out on a crisp but warm night, knowing he's not one for being around large groups in the public eye, and take him to one of your favorite restaurants in the Underworld. It's casual enough that the two of you can relax in peace but nice enough that the food has a more high-class feel to it. Terrors sits across from you a bit awkwardly, legs crossed and hands clasped on the table, unsure of how to conduct himself on one such occasion as this, and you can sense his anxiety even if he's not voicing it. You begin making conversation with him to relax the atmosphere, and as you converse with him, asking him a bunch of questions and answering any he asks you in turn, he finds himself growing more content in the situation, relaxing his posture and opening up more. Once the food is brought out he's truly enjoying himself, as it's much more delicious than he was expecting, and when you gush in excitement, explaining that's why you love coming here, he finds himself smiling at you endearingly, letting out a few chuckles at how adorable you can be. He finds it endlessly amusing that someone as sweet as you wants to grow closer to a man like him, but he's not complaining.
By the time you finish eating, he's fully relaxed and content, becoming the most casual he's ever been in your company, something that's honestly a bit shocking to both of you. You offer to pay for the meal, as you invited him, but he refuses sternly, saying that he's more than happy to cover it, especially considering how wonderful you're making the experience. When you ask if he'd like to accompany you for a walk as you begin to leave, he agrees readily to the idea. He holds the door for you like a gentleman as you leave, holding out his arm for you to hold as the two of you walk together. As you cling to him happily, escorting him around town, he finds himself looking down at you affectionately, a smile resting upon his lips. He's never experienced something like this before, having never cared about relationships before his fusion with Candy, and he must admit it is quite nice. Perhaps it's because he's seen you and Candy go on so many dates, or just because of how cared for you make him feel, but it feels quite natural to be out with you like this. As you continue to walk, you find yourselves resting on a bride, a river flowing peacefully below it. 
As you turn and look up at the stars, Terrors finds his eyes still trained on you. You say that the sky is gorgeous tonight, and he responds that any sky in the world pales in comparison to your beauty, something that flusters both of you, but he means it wholeheartedly. He brushes one of his hands across your cheek, moving it to hold the back of your head as you gaze up at him, and he finds himself leaning down as you move upwards. Your lips make contact with his, and he has to hold back the noise he wants to let escape at how nice it feels. As you separate, he runs his fingers over his lips, blinking at you as he processes his first kiss, telling you it felt wonderful. When you cheekily smile at him, asking him if he'd like another one, he can't hold back the laughter that booms out of him as he scoops you up into his arms, pressing another kiss to your lips as he cradles you. Standing below the shining stars of the Underworld, Terrors feels a deep affection and happiness blooming inside of him that he never thought he'd ever experience. Perhaps sharing his life with Candy wasn't as bad as he thought if it could bring him blessings like this.
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