#bsd headcanon
noose-lion · 2 months
Dazai gets floor time and Chuuya gets ceiling time. We call that balance.
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cheshire-writer · 8 months
The Problem: Mori wants Dazai as his successor. The mafia wants Chuuya as Mori's successor. Dazai doesn't want it. Cannibalism stageplay revealed that Chuuya doesn't want it either.
The solution: They deal with is skk style. They flip coins, draw straws, battle it out at the arcade. Loser has to lead the PM for a week. Winner gets time off. A week later, rinse and repeat.
Yes, they cheat. Yes, they know the other is cheating. No, it doesn't stop them from trying to out-cheat the other. No, they don't miss a beat picking up right where the other left the work, no matter the codewords, operations, secrets, etc involved that they should technically be clueless about. No, they don't think that's strange. Yes, everyone else is screaming into their pillows.
(Bonus: Dazai spends his ill-gotten time off at the agency, working for the government for a given definition of Dazai-working at a job that pays less than 0.01% of the PM boss salary. He does it to be annoying (and also for mental health reasons).
Chuuya spends his ill-gotten time off attending classy wine-tasting events, writing poetry, and being lead singer for a rock band. He's got a healthy life work balance for the first time in his life.)
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rubyblue2005 · 3 months
Since it is already established that Atsushi's ability, Byakko, can negate any of his wounds. Does this mean that if Atsushi dyes his hair a colour that Byakko does not like, the tiger can simply uno reverse Atsushi's decision?
This is a burning question I have
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forgive me if this is a bit of a silly question, but i was wondering what you think of the popular (head?)canon about chuuya grieving subordinates? i've been thinking about that particular aspect of chuuya's (fan?) personality recently, and can't quite recall anything from canon about chuuya grieving the subordinates of his that die...? all that comes to mind wrt chuuya grieving is the flags, his unnamed friends mentioned at what i think is the beginning of dead apple, and rimbaud... but i wouldn't be surprised if i was missing something, so sorry if this is overlooking something huge i don't know about hahaha
If we're speaking canon, there are these scenes that immediately come to mind about Chuuya mourning his subordinates, from chapters 30 and 31:
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At the very least, we know Chuuya has a notable drive to protect who he considers his people and that he holds respect for the dead. In the scenes above, he takes his hat off for, we can assume, deceased grunts. It's a mark of respect to them, if not a gesture of mourning on his part. He resents Q (or Q's ability?) for taking the lives of his people, even if he ends up saving them and bringing them back.
As an executive, every mafia member except Mori (the boss) and his fellow executives could be considered subordinates. He probably has some people that respond more directly to him, but he's at the top of the food chain. Everyone's his subordinate.
I think that headcanon holds a part of truth, that Chuuya hates seeing his people die, that he tries to mourn them a little when they do. I also think the Port Mafia is too big an organization for Chuuya to be able to do this on a personal level for every subordinate. Death is too common in their world. They can't afford to stop moving, especially at his level. I think he'd learn to compromise, to mourn them as a group, to pay his respects when he can, because these little rituals do help give him closure.
He stopped Dazai from shooting a dead enemy for no reason. He visited Rimbaud's grave to speak to him. He aggressively needed to be at the Flags' funerals and had to be convinced with preventing more tragedies to leave early. He left flowers on the Flags' graves. He activated Corruption out of grief during the Dragon's Head Conflict. He took his hat off for 18 Port Mafia members killed by Q's ability. I think we can easily argue Chuuya is a character that was created with grief in mind, considering who his namesake is.
So yes, I think Chuuya mourns his fellow Port Mafia members in some ways, even if showing up to funerals isn't possible, even if the edge of grief were to dull with repeated loss.
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sanest-bsd-delegate · 11 months
headcanon: Who knew that even the boldest overthinks? ft: Dazai, Chuuya and Ranpo
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He was onto the traditional method of suicide, the typical jumping off the roof. Unfortunately for him yet again, someone had to interrupt him. "Oh look its you Y/N!" Dazai comments, laughing as he stood on the hard ground. Shaking your head, you just pinched him on his arm as you drag him back to the ADA office.
"Are you out of your mind Dazai? Oh wait you don't even have the audiency to ow-"
"It hurts Y/NNNNN" Dazai comments, as he rubs the spot where you previously held his arm.
'Did I pinch him to hard? Oh fuck, is he hurt? what if-'
Almost thinking, Dazai wrap his arms around you as he laughs out loud, burying his head on your shoulders. "I was joking Y/NNN". You look at Dazai, as you hold his face, before pouting and holding a childish frown on you face, clearly disappointed. You were about to turn you head away before Dazai holds your face with his hands staring at your eyes before kissing your forehead.
"Why do you keep saving me?"
"Oh I don't know? But that wasn't clearly in my job description"
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It was one of those occasions where you would wake up earlier then Chuuya, as you would walk outside the room to see the mess you created last night. You both had been through a really messed up mission and Chuuya being Chuuya, thought too get drunk.
Guess it was you turn today to make breakfast today.
"Morning" Chuuya says, rubbing his eyes while walking towards the dining table seating himself while he half sleep watches you make breakfast. "Oh? is that Chuuya speaking to me or is it Mr bonnie lass am speaking with?" You said jokingly, as you place two plates of breakfast in front of you.
"Seriously Y/N? Its to early for this" He says while trying to stay awake, his body yet to fully sober up. "Early? Its 10 am in the morning...Mr bonnie lass wouldn't act like that" you joked, while drinking the cup of coffee. missing the blush that had formed on her lover's face.
There was an awkward silence after that. 'did I do something wrong? did i cross the limit?'. You look down at the table before giving a sigh, letting the overthinking thoughts consume you, but before it could you hear him speak,
"The breakfast was delicious Y/N"
You look up to reach his eye level, his head tilted on one of his hands, as he gave you a grin something you could never tired off. "Oh really? glad to know"
"You should make breakfast everyday you know?," he says, before walking over and giving you a kiss on forehead before walking towards the sink to rinse the plates.
"No thanks, besides you look cute in aprons. Any who would wanna miss checking you out wearing that?"
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"Ranpo! You cant keep eating candies forever!" You commented as you snatch the snacks he held in his hands, before keeping it away on the top shelf, "Geez, How come you haven't gotten diabetes yet from eating so much candies".
Yeah, that was the last time you talked to Ranpo. He had quite been ignoring you at the agency, turning his head away each time you came in his view pounding and secretly throwing a tantrum inside. You on the other hand, just couldn't figure out why he was ignoring you. You both never fought, and infact Ranpo was a type of person who would never try get separate from you. He carved for physical affection, and when he didn't it got you concerned. Was it your fault? Did you do something wrong? Will this become the reason that you and him drift apart? You didn't know.
"Ranpo," You spoke, your arms wide open as you take a step towards him, a little guilty and unsure how he would react. He is mad isn't it? "Did I do something wrong?...Please tell me"
Ranpo seemed to catch your emotions before viewing your arms, he dived into the hug whining and complaining, "Y/NNN you never gave me my candy back, I wanted to finish it"
Oh? So that was the reason he refused to talk to you?
"You are a big baby you know that?" You said, as you reached the cabinet and give him the sweet snack back, only for him to beam brightly and start eating again. You look at him, shaking your head wondering if your boyfriend was a 26 year grown old man or a 6 year old child.
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I had the idea to bullet them all, now I dont even know if I wrote a headcanon or a drabble. (ps tysm love😭, your words mean a lot :D srry for the wait)
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lolhex12 · 11 months
we don't talk enough abt akutagawa's cough / lung disease (chronic&terminal) yet it has so much angst potential?? anywayy
after the current arc, atsushi knows akutagawa is actively dying and he's the only one who does bc akutagawa didn't tell anyone else abt it. (altho, in all honesty, the amount this man coughs should at least hint at it. i'm honestly amazed not more ppl in the story are concerned abt it)
so, the next mission they have together, akutagawa coughs and atsushi is now aware what it really means, so he wonders out loud with nonchalance masking his concern: "hey, so like, do you think yosano's ability would help with your cough and all? would it go away then?"
akutagawa, wiping his mouth, slightly annoyed: "how would i now? i'm not well-acquainted with your coworkers, weretiger, therefore it's none of my concern. and even then, i wouldn't trust any ada members with my issues, nor my life."
atsushi finds his words a bit sus bc 'u do trust me tho', but doesn't say it out loud and they leave it at that.
somehow, it becomes a regular thing. every time they have a mission together and atsushi hears his partner cough, he presents more ideas of how they could cure a terminal lung disease, and they vary in absurdity as he runs out of inspiration.
his ideas range from mere "have you tried going to a doctor?" (<- at which akutagawa stares in disbelief: "you either think i'm an idiot, or you are the idiot. which one is it?" and atsushi pouts bc 'ok yeah, fair... but also, rude') to insanities like "maybe witchcraft would help! i could look up witches in the area and see if black magic or something has any luck." (<- at which akutagawa is so done he doesn't even entertain the idea and just keeps walking)
they never follow through with any idea tho, bc akutagawa stubbornly refuses to waste time on trying to find a cure when his time on earth already is very limited.
it should also be noted that each time the cough gets worse; louder, rougher, more persistent and even bloody, which only makes atsushi more and more worried.
so one time, akutagawa's particularly annoyed by atsushi's insane and stupid ideas. he turns to him and point-blank asks: "why do even care so much whether i succumb to my illness or not? surely, my death should only leave you overjoyed to see the world be rid of one more evil."
that makes atsushi think bc 'why? why does he care whether akutagawa lives or dies? he's right, a bad person like a mafioso dying should be a good thing.'
after lengthy contemplation he comes to the conclusion that he simply cannot have his sworn enemy/rival/partner die from something as pathetic as a disease. someone as strong as akutagawa has to die in a more memorable way - not alone, in a bed, coughing, with nothing more to be remembered by. if anything he'd have to die fighting atsushi or something. yeah that's it. that's why. (<- it's not, but they're not quite there yet)
so atsushi tells him as much. akutagawa accepts it bc 'yeah, makes sense. what else could the reason be?'
the whole routine of coughing and brainstorming a solution in vain continues as the ideas get even more insane, the cough even worse and atsushi more concerned than ever.
the next time akutagawa is annoyed enough to pose the question again, atsushi is close to tears from anxiety as he holds up akutagawa who collapsed and can't seem to subdue his cough properly.
atsushi struggles to get out the water bottle and cough drops he'd started carrying around on their missions together. he's so scared bc he's never seen akutagawa look so sick and frail before (but not weak. never weak. akutagawa could never be weak in atsushi's eyes. it's impossible, bc akutagawa being strong is a simple, unchangeable fact, constant in any possible universe).
what would he do if akutagawa actually died there? in his arms? on a mission? which would probably get cancelled. would the pm think atsushi killed him? does he bring back the body or just bury it somewhere? pretend he got killed on the mission and not by his own body that had turned on him years ago and was in reality a long time coming? he couldn't even bear to think abt it.
"why tf do u care so much??" akutagawa yells with a scratchy voice before his cough continue despite his best efforts to stop.
atsushi can barely breathe anymore. "because i don't want you to die, you idiot! we're a team! you're my partner. who will i be left with if you go?" tears stream down his face, mainly from how overwhelming his anxiety feels. or maybe bc he really doesn't want his partner to die? nah, it's the anxiety. definitely the anxiety. (<- #denial)
akutagawa, at first embarrassed how his collapse derailed their mission bc goddammit he's supposed to be a professional and not let his issues interfere with his job, pauses when he sees atsushi crying... for him? because of him? ???
he's very confused bc he's pretty sure his rival/enemy/partner should not be so concerned abt his health and impending death, but something abt atsushi's expression and that whole situation makes him rethink his outlook on life.
that's when akutagawa starts taking his health more seriously and actively looks for possible, feasible ways to cure his disease, even if there's only a small chance it'll actually work. bc seeing atsushi like that made him realize there are a handful of people who care abt him and would mourn him if he died; more than just his sister and higuchi.
it made him realize his life had a bigger impact on others than he'd previously thought, not all of it bad.
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lesbiankordian · 11 months
do u ever think about the fact that yosano used to work at a candy store? imagine what a happy kid she must have been. also what if that's where her and ranpo have actually met for the first time.. and she just didn't realise it.... and years later she asks ranpo why he doesn't have one molar tooth and he's like "that chew candy i bought in your shop when we were 10" and she's just left there stunned
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pebblul · 8 months
I swear I could see Atsushi being brutally nice to Akutagawa just to fuck with him.
Just to confuse him.
Just to make him question all things.
(He learned it from Dazai)
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kaineillian · 2 years
Part 1.Bungo Stray Dogs as YANDERE'S.
Character(s) : Sigma, Nikolai, Poe.
Gender : Male Reader.
Warning(s) : Curse words, yandere, what yandere typically does.
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Sigma looks innocent on the outside but inside hahaha, he's worst just like those two psychopaths.
Sigma befriended you long ago so,he knows your information. Remember that his ability involve on touching other people to obtain information. And you two are always together he is bound to know everything about you.
Sigma has a bad personality he just wont show it to you knowing he knows that you see him as a 'innocent' and 'harmless' guy. He cant let you know his bad side or else your trust and respect for him will decrease.
Like any yandere would do, he stalks you , rummage to your things and steals it (mainly your underwear). Takes pictures of you and pins them on his wall. And lastly—murder people.
Sigma haves a plan for everything that may or not happen but you'll never know until it will happen . He has a guide for 'how to get rid of bodies', 'how to make him love you', 'how to be innocent' and so on.
Sigma had a short hair but you mentioned that you like people with long hair so he made his hair longer just for you.
Sigma is part of the DOA and is the informat of the organization, Fyodor makes him go to mission that are away from Yokohama. Sigma had no choice but to obey his orders. But he also dont want to leave you unsupervised so he planted little cameras on where you usually go (because your house is already planted with many bugs). In that way he can see your every move and who you are with in all times.
And of course if he's not there with you. There's always a pest that butted in and made a move to you . At first, sigma wasn't that worried since you always turn down their advantages. But, this time you didn't. Sigma saw you smile, laugh, walked with them holding their hand.
Hilarious. He just left for ONE DAY and now your with a nobody?
No. No! He cant let this happen. He haves to go back now. Screw the mission, he's gonna rip that bitch face.
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Psychopath No. 1.
Nikolai dont know whats personal space.
It irritates you that he always pops up out of nowhere because of that damn ability of his.
He is the definition of 'you can run but you cant hide'.
Nikolai likes to scare you and then give you his daily gift mainly chocolate, bouquet,poems and a disturbing photograph of a dead man that you recognize. "Nikolai what the fuck? " "He hugged you! " "He's my brother? —".
Long story short, your not faze about his actions, surprisingly. Well, you're a mafioso you murder people for a living.
Terrorist x Mafioso match made couple in hell.
Both of you live in the same house which was originally yours but then he suddenly barged in with a contract saying it was now owned by the two of you with a blood on the paper. He obviously threatened and lied to the landlord to sign the contract and killed him after.
After that, waking up the first thing you see is nikolai havering you smiling widely. At first it creeped you out but your used to it. Surprise, surprise. He knows how to cook he usually makes you breakfast because at night he's in the DOA building doing 'stuff'. But he makes sure to leave early just to make you breakfast and wake you up. He's a sweetheart ,no?
Well for you, yes. For others on the other hand is a hard NO. People passing by you, looking at you is like death waving at them. Nikolai wouldn't kill them for no reason, he kills them because they have an intention to try and court you which they fail miserably. When he goes overboard of his killing you always tie wrist together and knot it on the ceiling so he's 'hanging' around. (Get it?)
Which is a bad move. Nikolai is a freak. So he's into that kind of stuff, go on tie him up, slap him, kick him, punch him. He will welcome those hits with open arms. Kill him if you must he can still follow you around even when he's dead.
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Poe is a timid, cute looking man who enjoys writing books about you and him together, married and having sex—
What do you expect? Poe is a author. And author's are good with their imagination. Poe made two novels, one being about your future together like a fairytale. And the other is a erotic novel that he carries with all the time.
Poe trust you so much that he gives you Karl when his busy writing another novel. Karl approves you and makes you play with him, secretly — poe took pictures without you knowing. You we're still busy playing with karl.
Karl the racoon isn't stupid and he is in poe's plan. Poe talked about his plan and strategies for karl to follow in exchange for a biscuit. Karl makes sure to keep you busy while Poe is either murdering people or busy rummaging on your drawer for a new underwear collection.
Poe may look innocently sweet but never judge a book by its cover. Poe is a total pervert. He has almost every collection of your underwear (you buy your underwear before showering because it somehow 'mysteriously' disappeared) .
Trust me when i say that he has a shrine of you inside his office. You wanna know whats in the shrine?
Sure. Inside the shrine... Is a picture of you inside a picture frame, an apple that you didn't finished you can see clearly where your teeth marks are, your underwear (of course not just an underwear, this underwear is the limited edition of you. Because you always wore it. So he stole it.), a pen that is chewed, your toothbrush, a bandaid that haves a little spot of blood, a bubblegum (a chewed bubblegum by you.... And i know it sound unsanitary but he also chewed on it...), and a chunk of hair tied in a red ribbon.
........ Its not that special—
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Man, i didn't know he was listening to us the entire time...
Anyway , Poe isn't that possessive. However, if he sees you being all lovely dovey on another man he will cock out his gun.
Poe's type of torture is putting them in his book. And that book is about horror, murder, gore(y) and you get my point. The reason why poe likes to trap them there is because they cant escape. They will never escape.
Alright, thats about it. You can go now, poe looks like he'll kill me. Thats it... For now...
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crowscadence · 24 days
I headcanon that Atsushi’s ability will on occasion partially or fully activate in his sleep so every so often in the middle of the night Kyouka will hear the thump of a huge tiger getting squished into the walls of Atsushi’s closet
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pillow-anime-talk · 11 months
a little bit of comfort.
request: hello :D i saw you write for sigma and fyodor from bungo and are okay with somewhat heavier topics, so could i request headcanons for them two with an s/o who was neglected by their parents as a child and had to grow up quickly to provide for their younger sister; and still from time to time gets caught up and upset thinking about it, blaming themselves for not doing more for their sister and somehow having convinced themself that it's their fault their parents didn’t love them enough to look after them? so just comfort headcanons about that i suppose :D my pronouns are they/he so either or is fine <3 thank you and tyt!
# tags: headcanon; current relationships & siblings relation; slice of life; dark themes; angst; drama; but also fluff; comforting; mention of crying & death; rather sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. sigma & fyodor dostoevsky {bsd}
author’s note: *hugs*
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↘ Life has never been kind to you, you could even say that very often there were logs thrown under your feet by fate that you tripped over very often.
↘ Very quickly, because at the age of seventeen, you had to grow up enough to take your first job in your life and finish school. In the beginning, you worked as a kitchen help, waitress/waiter and cleaner in a hotel near the one-room apartment you rented for yourself and your sister. You couldn’t count on your parents’ support, so after graduating from school, you took up any job that could help you support yourself, your younger siblings, your apartment, and at the same time replenish your fridge and, from time to time, your wardrobe.
↘ You had no time for a private life, you focused one hundred percent on your younger sister, who was still in school and still needed textbooks and notebooks. Fortunately, the teachers were understanding, and you could count on a small subsidy from the state, but it was not a lot of money.
↘ Many nights were nights full of tears and helplessness for you, but you always tried to smile and support your sister. You were a real angel and a really great person who, despite being tired and unwilling to live, gave their best over the years.
↘ One day, during the morning shift in a cafe, you served guests at the tables, serving them ready-made breakfasts and coffee. Back then, one of your clients was Sigma. A calm man who stands out from the crowd thanks to his really long, well-groomed hair. During the conversation with him, you felt inner peace, as if you could again experience the warmth of home and a moment of rest.
↘ You quickly woke up from your trance though and went to get a sandwich and an espresso.
↘ From then on, Sigma came almost every day, always leaving you a tip and a shy smile.
↘ After several weeks of daily visits by the man to the cafe, you decided to get to know him. You joked that he should get a discount for being a regular customer and thanked him again for the tips, which really meant a lot to you and your little sister. You introduced yourself and offered your coffee of the day while Sigma also told you his name and added that he had only recently moved into town.
↘ After ordering, he asked what time your shift ends, and when you truthfully said nine o’clock in the evening, he narrowed his eyes slightly. It was eight o’clock in the morning... so that meant you were on a very long shift.
↘ Without question, he proposed to meet in the evening and you gladly agreed, though you added that you couldn’t be back too late because your sister was home alone.
↘ This evening was one of the most enjoyable moments in many, many years. You didn’t have many friends, you lost contact with practically everyone and your only friends were from work or odd jobs, so such a longer, honest conversation was a blessing for you. You spoke a bit about your life and financial problems, and you told more about your sister and your parents who abandoned you many years ago. Sigma listened attentively to all your words.
↘ The moment you finished the monologue, he just looked at you warmly.
↘ “It’s not your fault, don’t blame yourself for your parents’ mistakes. They should raise you, not you... If you don’t mind, I can help you. I don’t know how yet, but I’d really like to take this burden off your back.” He spoke honestly, and you were touched by the sound of his words.
↘ You waited many years for any words of comfort and you were really happy that it was Sigma who first reminded you of your worth.
↘ No wonder you fell in love with him over time and felt better physically and mentally with him by your side.
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↘ You and Fyodor met many years ago when you were still living with your parents and you had a seemingly happy family.
↘ Fyodor was there for you when you were on the street with your younger sister, when you were hungry because you hadn’t eaten for three days, when you couldn’t find your place in this disgusting world, when you felt lonely and dirty because the shower was for you just a distant dream.
↘ You had to grow up very quickly and make it clear – you have to forget about the pleasures and friends from high school and focus on work and your sister. A sister who required basic feminine hygiene products, clothes and books.
↘ Fortunately, this crazy and uncertain idea was quickly knocked out of your mind while talking to Fyodor.
↘ The dark-haired man was two years older than you, so for several months he worked, saved money and supported himself. During one of your meetings in the park, he offered you to stay with him, provided that you finish school and normalize your mental health enough to be able to take a job – he didn’t want too much responsibility to rest on you and your psyche. Of course, you graduated from high school and took a part-time job that turned into a full-time job.
↘ A man in his twenties helped you with everything from a roof over your head to small gifts that made you very happy (usually candles and tea in your favorite flavor). So it's no wonder that, living together on a few square meters, you just fell in love with him. He was kind, helpful, gallant, and stood by you through the worst moments of your life. He saw you with your eyes puffy from crying, drunk and begging for death, tired from your day shift and empty inside.
↘ At first, of course, you hid your feelings, but they were too visible – both by your sister, co-workers and the two of you. Love gave you a little bit of happiness in this dark life that made you want to breathe and grow again.
↘ Fyodor was thoughtful and calm, believing that despite the lack of a parental hand over you and the heavy pressure of society to be an ideal worker, elder sibling, and a person in your own right, you would manage and overcome everything that stood in your way.
↘ Even though sometimes the nights were sleepless or full of nightmares, you managed to have Fyodor by your side, who didn’t have an easy life himself. You understood each other without words, sometimes even a simple nap under a blanket or a short hug was enough for you and damn precious.
↘ This relationship helped you get through the worst so it can only get better.
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rubyblue2005 · 4 months
Atsushi was gifted a fake plant for one reason or another (By a grateful client or someone randomly left it on his doorstep- probably both) and Atsushi just rolled with it and kept it because it was something gifted to him.
Then, Akutagawa and Atsushi move in together for reasons and Atsushi tells Ryuunosuke that he doesn't need to water the plant. Akutagawa takes this as an insult thinking that Atsushi is trying to say he can't take care of a plant so he waters it regularly, like three times a week. Atsushi doesn't realize that Ryuunosuke doesn't know the plant they have is fake. Ryuunosuke continues to water the plant for months.
He only finds out the plant is a fake when he has to go on a mission for a week and Atsushi is busy with the ADA so he calls his sister, Gin, to ask her to water the plant only for her to confusedly ask why a plastic plant would need to be watered. To which Ryuunosuke hangs up... and Rashomon blows up.
Ryuunosuke is just fucking betrayed and bursts into the ADA. But Atsushi is off guiding Ranpo so everyone at the office are trying to figure out what the hell Atsushi did to upset the Port Mafia's Rabid Dog so much.
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originalaccountname · 11 days
I've already talked about how the way I read it, our Chuuya is the original and N faked his death and pretended he was (one of) the clone because Chuuya was "a miracle", the only successful attempt the lab made to create a controllable singularity... but I keep thinking of ways it could have actually happened.
I think maybe my most plausible explanation, considering all we know, is that Chuuya was volunteered by his parents, as they were affiliated with the army during the war and their son possessed a rare ability. His ability could potentially be a danger to himself, so it was a solution to both protect their country and their son.
After the war, they chose to live in a faraway quiet rural area, and are still together. Therefore, this wasn't a subject that divided them, and they wanted to be out of sight and out of mind from the government. Also, child Chuuya looked pretty nonplussed in that picture the Flags found of him with N; he wasn't bothered by that man.
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I go back and forth wondering if the boy we saw in the video was Chuuya himself or a clone that perished in the accident. Since the video cuts abruptly and we can only rely on professor N the liar to explain how things ended, it's a difficult question to settle. It's very plausible the videotape is documenting one of their failed attempts with a clone and a different activation phrase: his vitals really flatlined and he was absorbed into his own black hole, like N said. It was another failure to create a stable, reusable singularity (gravity manipulation, and further down, Arahabaki) by failing to maintain the gravity part and slipping into black hole territory unwillingly.
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Maybe after the nth (heh) attempt, N lost patience and tried something with Chuuya himself... and miraculously, it worked.
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They were trying to create a fake human like Verlaine and ignoring ethical questions because it was the war and they were losing. With a working proof of concept, it was probably a half second of "is this a good idea" before N dropped everything and put Chuuya in the place of a clone, erased the evidence of that, and faked the boy's death (I'd guess by claiming an accident with his ability) to get the parents off his back.
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Rimbaud and Verlaine were sure they had a clone, and I don't doubt their research, but I doubt what was labelled prototype A2-5-8 was ever a clone/artificial human to begin with. Dazai agrees with me.
That doesn't really answer the question of what happened to Chuuya between getting in the lab and being turned into "A2-5-8". Was he running around, his only job providing cell samples for clone creation? Was he put in a sort of coma in a tube from the start? Was he getting visits from his parents? Had he had issues with his ability before? We don't have anything to suggest one over the others. It's anyone's guess.
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dunnowho180125 · 7 months
Skk headcanon #7
I present you the great couple, Nakahara “If you know more than the bare minimum about me I will need to kill you” Chuuya and Dazai “I will tell you about my cousin’s third bird but you will need a level 18 friendship and complete an actual death trial to know my birthday” Osamu.
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lolhex12 · 1 year
shin soukoku brainrot
disclaimer: all i know abt BSD is from watching the anime and countless tiktoks full of manga spoilers. that being said, i have no idea what's canon and what isn't or the details of what's happening in the manga.
in which atsushi can fully transform in tiger form at will (bc i'm a sucker for that)
- at the end of the current arc, the ada needs to give a member to the pm so, in a meeting where all ada and pm members are present, mori is looking directly at dazai bc as much as he would've preferred to have yosano, he can't bc of her agreed immunity.
dazai is distraught bc "why does only yosano have immunity? why would fukuzawa only protect her and not him? he'd rather die than go back to the pm!" everyone is shocked to see such a strong reaction from dazai bc that's the guy who can't be fazed by anything.
atsushi, seeing his mentor's distress, stands up: "uhm, i offer to switch over"
everyone's focus and shock shifts to him. why would sweet innocent atsushi want to switch to an organization that kills ppl (among other things)?
mori, with a raised eyebrow: "you....'offer'?"
atsushi: "i offer under one condition"
mori, intrigued: "do tell, kid"
atsushi: "i'll join the pm but i get to work only with akutagawa; join him on all his missions, like a permanent +1"
akutagawa's standing behind mori like 'wtf'. mori, amused, turns to akutagawa: "what's your opinion on this?"
akutagawa, composing himself with a cough: "ahm, his prospects look promising in terms of ability and skill. and... previous teamwork between the two of us has proven... effective..."
mori squints at his hesitation when chuuya butts in: "sir, if i may"
mori gives him the go-ahead. chuuya: "sir, i believe the white tiger would be a better pick than dazai, seeing how much more willing and cooperative he seems than someone who's deserted us before. if he left us once, what stops him from doing it again? all due respect and consideration, i believe we should opt for fresh blood here"
mori hums, thinking abt chuuya's words. he turns back to atsushi: "why are you offering to join the mafia, kid?"
atsushi: "to annoy akutagawa," he says with an exaggerated smile. mori starts laughing while everyone there's just like 'what? srsly?'
akutagawa, eye twitching: "sir, i take it back. his ability is shit and he has no skill at all"
mori: "declined. i've already made my decision. i feel like this will be as entertaining as the old double black, so i'll allow it." he turns back to atsushi: "welcome to the team, kid"
the meeting wraps up, atsushi goes to akutagawa to remind him how they're stuck together now and how he'll make sure akutagawa keeps his promise to him (abt not killing ppl for six months).
before mori leaves, he turns to dazai: "that kid may have saved you today, but next time i'll be more insistent on what i want and make sure i get it." a chill goes down dazai's spine at those words, as if he didn't already feel bad that atsushi basically sacrificed himself for him. the ada misses their tiger boy while said tiger's having the time of his life making akutagawa's life harder.
(the main reason atsushi insisted he exclusively worked with akutagawa is bc he knew he wouldn't have to kill anyone due to their promise. akutagawa is the safest option for atsushi to keep his integrity and morals clean if he had to join the pm)
- sskk who work together show up at meetings with akutagawa riding on atsushi's back in full tiger form. atsushi kneels when they reach akutagawa's chair, akutagawa then dismounts his tiger and waits for atsushi to de-transform so he can pull atsushi up and draw him a chair next to his. akutagawa makes sure atsushi sits down before him despite being his personal transportation method. (bc we love equality and respect like that) akutagawa rides his tiger only when he feels more sick than usual or when he wants to prove a point (that they're a power couple, as 'work partners' ofc <- #denial)
- once atsushi comes to prefer his full tiger form rather than human form, he'll go into meetings with akutagawa and sit down next to his leg with his head on akutagawa's lap, who will in turn pet him through the entire meeting and even when atsushi starts purring, no one dares comment on it bc they don't want to get their tongues cut off
- after a hard fight, akutagawa has a coughing fit and is so exhausted he passes out. atsushi then fully transforms into the white tiger and picks up akutagawa like a cat picks up her cub and places him on his back to get back to safety
- akutagawa sleeping curled up around his tiger. cuddly and comfy and warm
- someone, probably gin, hearing a bad coughing fit coming from akutagawa's room but when they go check they see atsushi sitting on akutagawa's bed, rubbing his back with a glass of water in his other hand, waiting until the cough subsides so his partner can drink it [after the current arc, ppl suspect akutagawa's cough would go away bc of the regen powers or whatever but i love angst so i left it in :) ]
just,,,,sskk being a power couple and atsushi having full control of his ability. he's just a big cat to me (and to akutagawa, who absolutely loves his feline partner)
again, i know very little abt the story and characters so pls don't come for me ><
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lesbiankordian · 11 months
what if they added some romance subplot to the movie abt fukuchi. based on his real life. so obviously on fukuzawa. one day sb knocks to fukuchi's door and says they wanna ask questions abt his private life so the movie is more authentic. fukuchi's reluctant to that idea at first but he quickly finds himself telling the person all his troubles abt his relationship with fukuzawa. they spend hours like that. he uses a whole box of tissues to blow his nose.
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the movie comes out and the love interest's character is very much exaggerated. same with their story. fukuzawa, who didn't even know such a movie was supposed to come out, is left on his seat in the cinema with his mouth open, debating whether the sexy "i hate everyone but you" character was supposed to be him. ranpo says yes
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