#bts demon au
writemywaytoyourheart · 7 months
Bedeviled | FINAL- Chapter 15b: Morior Invictus
warnings for this part: strong language, strong religious themes throughout, confusion, anxiety, JK is struggling help him, blood, mentions of torture, physical pain, heartbreak, despair, grief, loss, pls kindly let me know if I left anything out ty
WC part 2: 15.7k
read 15a first...HERE
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JK sits a few feet from where you lay, biting the nail on his thumb as he glances at you every once in a while before looking back out of the mouth of the cave you’re in. 
He isn’t sure how long it takes for you to begin stirring, face scrunched in pain as you once again become all too aware of the state your body is in. 
Your face looks sickly, but there’s still a soft warm inner glow in your skin that he begins to realize has been there the entire time, he just never bothered to notice it. 
He was too distracted figuring out ways to trick you into giving him your soul before you even reached the Flame, to save himself some time. 
To keep moving up the ranks..
JK’s gaze is on a bloody stone sitting just outside the opening, when he hears your weak voice. 
“You came back.”
He turns his head to see you still lying where he placed you, but this time your eyes are open and looking at him. Fresh tears linger there, waiting to fall. 
The look you’re giving him makes a pit form in his stomach so he breaks eye contact and looks at the stained rock again, not responding to you.
“Where are we?”
“The fifth circle,” he mumbles, still refusing to look at you.
You blink slowly, feeling the ticklish tears slide down your cheeks as you gaze at him. 
Despite the effort behind them, your next words crack as they fall from your chapped lips, “Why did you come back?”
It takes a moment and he still doesn’t look at you, but he answers.
“I don’t know.”
A tiny smile spreads on your face as your gaze runs up and down his form sitting against the rocky wall, long legs bent in front of him. 
“I do.”
That finally makes him turn to look at you, confusion written all over his handsome face. 
“Why?” He whispers. 
Your reply is so soft he almost doesn’t hear you. 
“Because you love me.”
His eyes lock on yours, unable to look away for a moment. Then he tears his gaze from yours and back outside. 
“I told you that I don’t. I don’t know why you-”
“You told me that you can’t.” You correct him gently, watching carefully as he swallows and lets out a small breath. 
“You’re an angel.” The way he says it is tinged with disgust. It doesn’t surprise you, but it does hurt, “I’m a demon.”
Silence falls between you for a few long moments. 
Then he finally looks at you without darting his gaze away seconds later. There’s a hard look in his eyes, “What the hell did you think was going to happen?”
JK watches your eyes fill with tears again and chest stutter as you take an unsteady breath. 
“I need you to trust me,” you whisper, bottom lip trembling slightly before you bite it. 
His brows furrow. 
“I already know you’re an angel, I know your secret. What is the point in trying to fool me now?”
“I’m not, I’m trying- I-…I wasn’t always an angel.”
JK takes a deep breath and shakes his head as if to clear it, then he looks back out of the opening in the mountain, “You angels speak in riddles, just like Him.”
You open your mouth to say something but he cuts you off. 
“We can’t stay here long, we need to keep moving or-”
Struggling to sit up, you watch him carefully, your brow creased in worry, “Or what?”
He glances at you briefly before clearing his throat, “Nothing- be careful.”
You smile at the way he flinches to get up when he sees you moving into a sitting position. Then a pained hiss leaves your lips when one of the small stones that surrounds you digs into one of the several deep gashes on your palm. 
“Are you okay?”
You look up to see him walking over to crouch by you. 
“You look like shit,” he mutters as he takes your hand to look at the fresh blood oozing from the cut. 
You can’t help but stare at him as he inspects your palm closely, mumbling something about the stone getting in it and how he’ll need to get it out. 
“It’s going to hurt,” JK whispers before gently removing the stone. 
At your lack of reaction to the undoubtedly painful process, he looks up to see you much closer than he thought. There’s a tiny smile on your face but a sadness in your eyes as you look at him like a pet you found after losing it years ago.
You lean a little closer until your noses are only a few inches apart. 
Despite the dirt and blood on your face, the rattiness of your hair, and the pain radiating from you, your eyes are shining as they look into his. There’s an elegance about you that equally terrifies and intrigues him. 
“Why?” He asks quietly. 
“Why what?” 
You watch his gaze drift along your broken body, the gashes and burns that decorate you, “Why didn’t you let me help? I could’ve made it easier for you.”
The look you give him is one he doesn’t understand. 
You lean forward and whisper softly, “It was never meant to be easy.”
He watches as you blink slowly, clearly exhausted. You lean back again, your eyes full of a deep sadness.
“You weren’t always a demon, JK.”
His dark brown eyes look between yours a few times, trying to figure out what it is you’re saying. 
A strained sigh leaves his mouth but he doesn’t back away. He shakes his head slowly, “Stop messing with me, I’m not stupid. I chose-”
“To trade your life for someone else’s.”
You see his eyes water a little in confusion before he blinks it away. 
“Why are you saying this?”
“Because it’s true,” your voice breaks. 
“It’s not, and I don’t understand why you-”
“Please just listen to me-”
“Why should I?” He snaps, “You’re an angel and a liar. Not to mention the last soul down here I’d ever trust.”
When the hurt is evident in your expression at his harsh tone and choice of words, his eyes fall to the ground between you and he gulps. 
“I’m not a liar,” you say quietly, voice full of hurt, “I just didn’t admit that I’m an angel.”
“So everything else is true? You’re here for the Flame then.”
You bite your lip, then after a moment of silence you whisper, “No. That I did make up.”
JK scoffs and backs up a little so he isn’t so close to you. 
“You’re the one that lied to me,” your voice gains a little more strength and you lean forward with furrowed brows, “You acted like you were going to keep up your end of the bargain but all you could really think about was deceiving me in any other way you could.”
He doesn’t look at you but you see him gulp. 
“All you cared about was taking my soul,” your voice cracks due to the previous torture you endured. You can feel the energy steadily draining from you, “You never actually planned on getting me out of here-”
“That’s not fucking true,” he hisses, leaning in and glaring at you as he finally snaps, “I offered to let you go. I got your ass through Hell and don’t you dare say I didn’t. You wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for me.”
His dark eyes flicker between your own. It takes him by surprise when he doesn’t see the irritation there that he expected to. Instead, there’s something that looks almost like relief. 
He swallows thickly when he sees your eyes drift from his down to his lips. 
There’s a faint smile on your lips when he glances down at them briefly before looking back up. 
“You’re right,” you whisper under your breath softly, “Thank you.”
Your faces are only inches apart, you can feel his cold breath fanning over your cheeks. 
“You look exhausted,” JK sighs, changing the subject. 
You shake your head with a tiny smile. 
“No more than usual.”
He knows you’re joking, but he can’t find it in himself to laugh. Even aside from the torment your body went through, he can tell that this exhaustion is something entirely different. 
An angel in Hell is against all rules of nature. 
“You should get some sleep.”
You shake your head again even as your eyes blink slower from the drowsiness that won’t let up. The faint smile on your lips doesn’t fade as you gaze at him with something he can’t decipher in your eyes. 
Saying nothing, you watch as his brows furrow a bit when something occurs to him. 
“You’re an angel…” he says quietly, almost to himself.
When he doesn’t say anything more and begins to look a little lost in thought, you hum gently to encourage him to continue. 
“...shouldn’t you hate me?” He finally finishes, looking back into your eyes. 
You stare at each other for a moment, then you lean in just a little closer, until your noses are a few inches apart. 
“Do you think I hate you?”
He gnaws on his bottom lip a little before answering, “I don’t know.”
“I think you do.”
The demon tries to look away but is stopped by a gentle hand on his cheek. 
Instead of answering, he takes your hand in his and brings it down so that he can look at it. You watch the anger flit over his face as he scans the cuts and burn marks littering your skin. 
He mumbles something that you don’t catch, so you lean down a little to get closer. 
“I’m sorry,” he says it louder this time, his voice cracking a bit at the end. 
Your heart aches deeply in your chest and you fight the tears building up as you watch him have an internal battle with whatever else is going through his brain. 
“You came back…”  It’s answer enough for his unexpected apology. 
Then you ask softly when he seems distracted, “What’s going on in your mind?”
He chuckles breathlessly, “They never shut up.”
It’s almost like he doesn’t want to look at you as he says it, as if he’s ashamed. He keeps his gaze from yours when he mumbles, “The souls.”
A fresh wave of tears comes over you and this time you can’t hold them back. They trickle down your cheeks silently. 
He must always hear them, whispering their desires to fall. Begging one of the demons to come along and grant them any wish for one simple thing in return. 
“Most of them don’t know what it is they’re doing,” JK mumbles, “And some of them don’t care.”
“How so?” You choke out. 
You know the answer, but you’re curious as to what he has to say, considering his role in these things. 
“They play games, open doors they shouldn’t, mock the existence of all of us,” he’s staring at a dirty smudge on your torn skirt, “Most of them don’t understand, that if they go looking for us, we will find them.”
You’ve seen first hand the chaos and disaster that ignorance can bring, so you don’t disagree. 
He’s right. 
“And you can hear them?” You ask, “All the time?”
“It never stops.”
“That sounds pretty horrible.”
He swallows, then you see him shift back into that other state, the one where he doesn’t care. 
“Not nearly as bad as being a miserable little puppet and bending to someone’s every will-”
“I’m not a puppet.”
He looks up at you at the strong tone of your voice. 
“I am lucky that I ended up where I did and I would not change it for anything.”
JK squints at you, “Seriously?”
“I’m loved, and happy, and safe up there. I’ve never been forced into anything, I chose every second of it.”
You brush a strand of black hair from his face with your finger. 
“Out of the two of us, I think we both know who the miserable one really is.”
JK gulps at your words. 
“I can help you,” you whisper, “I can make them be quiet.”
You see his dark eyes flicker up to yours quickly. 
“What?” His breathless question matches the bewilderment on his handsome face. 
You nod, excitement clear in your shining eyes.
“I can help, if you’ll let me.”
“You need to trust me,” you give him a look, “Do you trust me?”
It takes a few seconds, then he finally nods slowly. 
Before he has a moment to realize what you’re doing, you move forward and peck his forehead ever so softly before pulling back. 
By the time he’s registered that you just kissed him, he’s also realized that his mind has become terrifyingly silent. 
You feel a spark of warmth in your chest at the look in his eyes. 
“Better?” You ask after a few moments. 
When he looks at you, you think you see tears in his eyes, but he blinks them away quickly. 
“I-...I don’t…”
“Don’t hear anything?” You finish for him and he nods. 
His chest tightens painfully at the smile on your face that is positively radiating with joy.
It confuses him. 
You look joyful…for him.
His eyes go from your face and drag along your form, taking in the damage for the hundredth time. Blood is dried and caked along most of your skin, the gashes still oozing bright red. He can’t see your mutilated wings from where he sits, they’re tucked behind you, but he has already seen them more than enough for him to stomach. Your hair is tangled and dirty, dark bags sit under your eyes.
There’s a slight tremble in your whole body that seems involuntary. Even as you shiver while clutching his silk shirt to your otherwise exposed chest, your eyes are still shining with relief and excitement for him being free of something that’s tormented him endlessly. 
You watch in confusion but don’t protest as he reaches for the black shirt covering the front of you. 
His eyes stay locked on yours as he gently takes it from your hold. 
He doesn’t so much as glance from your gaze to look at your naked form as he brings it around your shoulders to put it on you properly. You let him slip it over your arms and bring it together in the front to button it up slowly. 
He always wore it with at least three buttons undone, but he closes them all the way up for you, his dark eyes still staring straight into yours even when he’s finished. 
The demon’s hands linger on the last button after doing it up as he stares at you. After a few long seconds he brings them down, looking at the ground before you see him swallow. 
Your eyes flicker between his when he looks at you again.
“They asked me things,” you whisper, breaking the dead silence. 
You watch his dark brows furrow and the anger cloud behind his eyes once more, “What do you mean?”
“They wanted to know why you mattered so much to me.”
JK’s eyes dart away from yours and he nibbles his bottom lip nervously at your candid words. 
You don’t look away from him, just continue to watch him as he seems to try and figure out what to say to that. 
Finally, he mumbles lowly, making you lean closer to hear him. 
“And? What did you tell them?”
Your response is soft, “I told them I only asked you to lead me because you were the first demon I stumbled upon.”
You aren’t sure what you expected his response to be, but the way his face falls the slightest bit takes you by surprise anyway. 
He doesn’t look at you, keeping his eyes locked on the ground as he nods slowly and sucks on his teeth a little. 
What did he expect you to say? 
A dark chuckle slips past his lips quietly, and he shakes his head to himself. 
“I guess you were right.”
He looks at you at your soft spoken words.
You lean in closer, but he doesn’t move away. 
Even when you get so close your noses almost touch, he doesn’t budge. 
“Maybe I am a liar.”
The next breath gets stuck in his lungs and he gulps. 
“What do you mean?” He finally chokes out. 
The tiny smile on your lips makes his heart skip a beat and he finally pulls away just a little. 
“I couldn’t tell them the truth,” you mumble, “They would’ve hurt you more than they had already planned.”
An anxious huff of air leaves him and he looks away from you, “Why-” he gulps, “Why would you care what happens to me? Why did you go back? Why didn’t you just run? You could’ve called your pathetic angel friends to save you. There has to be another way for you to save your stupid little best friend-”
“Is that not why you’re here? Or was that a lie too?”
“It wasn’t a lie,” you respond quietly. 
“I fucking knew it,” he says under his breath, shaking his head and pushing his tongue into his cheek, “The one fucking thing that had to be true-”
“Can you just let me speak?” Your voice shakes. 
After a few tense moments of silence, he nods, but doesn’t look at you. 
“Just think for a second,” you whisper, “Why would I let them hurt me instead of you? Why should I care about a random demon in Hell?”
The demon’s look turns from silent irritation into one of disbelief as he glances at you briefly. It’s clear that he doesn’t believe you, but the realization of what you're saying is clear on his face. 
He shakes his head, but is too confused to speak. 
“You love me, Jungkook-” your voice breaks with emotion. 
Clearing your throat, you correct yourself quietly, but loud enough for him to hear, “You loved me…once.”
When his eyes meet yours, you can see the complete and utter bewilderment and fear there. 
You reach a hand out, but he flinches away, still staring at you in wide-eyed horror.
His chest moves up and down rapidly and he finally rips his gaze from yours. 
Your words make no sense.
Nothing makes sense. 
He chose this life. 
His existence started when He made him, and he refused to be His little puppet. That’s why he’s here, that was all his own decision. You were created by Him and said yes to serving Him for all your sad immortal existence, you’ve always been an angel, that was your decision.
He never knew you and he certainly never loved you.
Your eyes are full of sympathy as his voice breaks and he moves further away. 
“Stop calling me that,” he chokes out as he stands up.
“I’m sorry,” you reach for him, “Wait, please. Let me help you, I can help you remember.”
His panicked and disgusted look doesn’t change as he stares at you. 
“Please,” you whisper, holding your hand out to him, “Please…just trust me.”
JK is fighting every single instinct to turn and run, to get as far away from you as possible as he stands there and heaves in breath after breath. 
“…trust me.”
You can see the gears turning in his mind as he stares at your hand. 
Finally, he takes your shaky hand with his own trembling one and lets you gently pull him to sit again. 
“I know you’re scared,” you say gently, never letting go of his hand. 
JK shakes his head, but can’t seem to meet your gaze. 
“I’m not scared.”
You smile softly at him despite him not even looking at you, “Ok.”
Silence stretches between the two of you for almost a minute, then you ever so gently squeeze his hand to get his attention. 
He finally looks at you to see you smiling sweetly at him, your eyes still shining and still a stark contrast compared to your messy appearance. 
You scoot forward a little until you’re closer to him and leaning in. 
He’s fighting every instinct inside of him right now. There isn’t a single thing about this situation that is normal to him in any way. 
The way your gaze drifts between his eyes and lips is enough to have his heart racing and stomach twisting. 
He doesn’t know why there’s such a deep desire inside of him to close the distance between you. He knows what will happen when he does and that terrifies him. It doesn’t stop him though, from leaning closer after you’ve stopped. 
You let your eyes close as he places his mouth against yours timidly at first, then the kiss slowly becomes more desperate. 
The feeling of his cold hand sliding ever so gently up your arm and then the back of your neck to move and cup your jaw sends chills shooting down your spine. 
JK squeezes his eyes shut tightly when the images start flooding into his brain without hesitation. 
The bright sun and gentle breeze are painful, but he doesn’t pull away. 
The sound of laughter and taste of something sticky and sweet is overwhelming, but he doesn’t stop. 
He can see the girl again, running ahead of him through the lush forest. 
JK’s brows furrow as he deepens the kiss; anxious, for some reason, to pull you even closer than you already are. 
The child breaks through a small hedge moments before he follows and stumbles into a small clearing with an apple tree sitting tall and strong. A swing hangs from one of its branches, moving gently in the wind. 
The girl grabs it and is about to climb on, but she stops before doing so. 
Then she turns to him and steps away from the swing, “You go first! I’ll push you!”
All he can do is watch through his own eyes without a say in his physical actions while he takes a seat on the swing and is soon going higher and higher. 
“Look up!”
He does so at the high-pitched request. 
There’s a bright blue sky with a few puffy white clouds above him. 
A bright shimmer closes in all around his vision until the scene is gone and he’s pulling away from your lips. 
“Are you okay?” You mumble, eyes drifting over his face.
He doesn’t speak but gives a small nod.
After he takes a few breaths, you’re about to offer to give him a break, but he leans in before you can, cupping your jaw and pulling you into another kiss. 
Cold rain and the thick sweet scent of roses fills his senses.
“If either of us finds a way, we have to try. Deal?”
Those same voices that he heard in the seventh circle whisper faintly in a dark corner, barely audible as they echo around before fading away entirely. 
“Ok, deal…” 
“JK- hey look at me.”
He opens his eyes to see you scanning his face, concern clear on your own. 
“Are you oka-”
“Who are you?” He whispers, cutting you off as his voice breaks. 
Your expression softens and he watches silently as you smile gently at him, “Is that really the question you want me to answer?”
It takes him a moment, but he finally locks his gaze with yours. His next question is asked so softly, just a quiet breath, that you barely hear it.
“...who am I?”
You touch his cheek with careful fingers, warm and soft.
His brows knit together and you can see the wheels turning in his head, just not going anywhere. 
“You’re Jungkook,” you lean a little closer and drop your voice to below a whisper, “And you don’t belong here.”
“I- don’t understand.”
“That’s okay,” you assure him gently, “You will, I promise. I’ll help you remember everything-”
Your face falls and you pull back. 
“I don’t want to remember it,” his voice has turned hard again, “So don’t bother.”
When he stands up, you reach out and grab his wrist, “Jungkook, wait-”
“I told you to stop calling me that.”
“We don’t have time for this. Can you manage?” He gestures to your form sitting on the floor of the cave. After a few seconds to gather your mind, you nod slowly. 
“Then we need to go.”
It takes every ounce of willpower for you not to burst into frustrated tears. 
You waited so long to be able to help him remember. You wanted to open his mind more before showing him, because you knew he would shut it down like he’s doing right now. You don’t know how to get him to stop freaking out and let you help though. 
You look up and see him holding a hand out to you. You take it and let him help you stand. 
It doesn’t come as a surprise when you fumble and nearly fall over again. 
JK wraps an arm around your waist, holding you steady as you sway on your feet. 
“I’m okay,” you mumble, feeling consciousness slipping from you due to the agonizing pain that shoots through your body at the attempt to walk. 
“Don’t push yourself- stop-” JK holds your arms close to your chest when you try to fight him off to move on your own, “Really? This is what you’re going to be stubborn about?”
You nod, head bobbing up and down as a yawn slips from you, “I c-can walk.”
“Like hell you can walk,” he mutters, shaking his head. 
You wince as the pain spreads the longer you stand there, even though at this point he’s holding all of your weight. 
“Just let me carry you-”
“You said- you w-” you clear your throat, “You said you weren’t going to drag my ass through hell. You said that.”
JK’s eyes widen and he scoffs in amusement at hearing you curse for the first time. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart,” he whispers, a smirk playing on his lips, “I won’t be dragging you anywhere.”
You nod sleepily, still trying to stay fully conscious when your body is trying its best to go under; to do anything not to feel the pain rushing through it. 
“Look at me,” he says gently. 
You shake your head, a small frown gracing your features. 
He chuckles quietly and touches your cheek, “I know you’re mad, but just look at me.” 
You finally do, squinting at him. 
“Before I pass out,” you slur almost incoherently before he can say anything. 
He looks down at your movement, seeing you pull something out from where it was tucked into the makeshift bandage on your wrist from so long ago, when he first hurt you. 
It’s some sort of cloth that you hold tightly in your fist, biting your lip. 
“I almost lost it,” you mumble. 
He knows what you mean by that, as sick as it makes him. 
When you were caught, you must have known they were going to strip you down to torture and humiliate you as much as they could. You must have tucked whatever this is into the bandage as a last act of desperation to keep it hidden. It was pure luck that they didn’t bother ridding you of the bandage before chaining your wrists. 
You got it out of the chest in the shack and kept it successfully hidden until then, you weren’t about to let them ruin one of your last chances to prove it to him.
“What is it?” He asks gently as you press the cloth into his hand. 
“It was a gift,” you whisper faintly, and he can tell you’re about to pass out. 
Your eyes flutter closed and the rest of your body weight slumps to the side, making him tighten his hold on you so that you don’t fall over. 
As he holds you upright, he glances down at the handkerchief in his hand, his heart stopping in his chest when he sees the messily embroidered initials in the corner. 
The next time you find yourself waking up, there’s a gentle rocking sensation that almost lulls you right back into sleep. 
You fight it though and force yourself to open your eyes in a squint to take in your surroundings. It’s a forest that he’s walking through and you’re on his back, head lying on his shoulder as his hands hold your calves to keep your legs wrapped around his waist. Your arms are dangling uselessly over his shoulders and down by his chest. Your wings droop behind you, still aching terribly, but the blood has long since dried.
“Where are we?” You mumble, voice cracking. 
“Still in the fifth circle,” he says back quietly, but doesn’t slow his pace, “How are you holding up?”
“I’m okay,” you whisper, pulling your sore arms to hug yourself closer to him. 
His breath hitches for a second, but he keeps his composure. 
“We’re about to reach the river.”
You sigh and lay your head down on his shoulder, “Are you going to leave me to get across by myself?”
You hear him scoff gently. 
“You wouldn’t make it ten feet, darling.”
You smile to yourself, no longer minding the pet names he uses with you and probably any and every other soul he’s come into contact with. 
He isn’t whispering it into your ear softly for only you to hear as you drift to sleep, he’s not breathing it against your lips when he doesn’t want to pull away, he isn’t even saying it with a tinge of annoyance after an argument when he’s assuring you that he still loves you.
But at least it’s something.
“You’re crying.”
You reach up a hand and wipe at your eyes, “I’m not.”
The way he whispers that word makes your heart tear in two.
He feels your arms tighten around him and you place your lips close to his neck but don’t touch him. Your warm breath fans across his icy skin and he feels a chill run down his spine. 
“I’m going to miss you,” you whisper, your voice low and thick with tears. 
He’s about to ask what it is you mean, but before he can, he’s stepping out of the forest and into the open where the river is not far ahead, the bloody sinners tearing at each other relentlessly as they have done for many years and will continue to do for the rest of eternity.
You lift your head to look, but only briefly, then you put your face back into his neck to hide from the horror in the only way you can think of. 
The feeling of him walking again makes your stomach turn. Despite not seeing anything, the sounds of rage and brutal violence still ring in your head. 
He must be able to keep them from approaching you, because as far as you can tell, he’s just walking straight through the bloody massacre and none of the sinners have noticed.
It doesn’t take long to get to the other side going straight through, but it’s long enough to make you sick from the sounds that surround you. 
JK steps off the river and you feel him carefully hike you up a little on his back from you slipping unconsciously. 
“Thanks,” you mumble sleepily.
This horrible exhaustion is really killing you, it’s hard to keep your eyes open for more than a minute. You would never have made it far without him. 
“I’m not angry,” you say softly, eyes closed and head still resting on his shoulder. 
“We’re in the fifth circle,” you take a shuddering breath, “but I’m not angry. I’m not even annoyed.”
“That’s good,” JK hums softly as he walks over logs and rocks strewn about the forest floor. 
You once again blink into consciousness, your mind spinning with confusion. 
After blinking a few more times, you see a multitude of blurry colors a few feet in front of you. Another few seconds goes by before you realize you’re lying down on hard stone. 
Rubbing your eyes, you watch the colors start to come into focus before you can see that it’s quite literally a pile of treasure; gems and gold glittering in the light temptingly. 
Good thing you have no desire for riches. 
You sit up slowly, taking notice of the sinners rolling their giant boulders back and forth without acknowledging your presence. 
The fourth circle. 
“JK?” You look around, but don’t see him anywhere. 
Your eyes land on the statue standing guard over the treasure, in the middle of the dilapidated temple you’re in.
The figure of the crouching naked old man still gives you the creeps. 
He’s definitely looking at you.
“You called?”
You gasp and turn to see the demon walking over to you, a small smile on his tired face. 
“You scared me,” you whisper as he crouches next to you. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” his eyes scan your figure, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” you rub your eyes and yawn, the strange deep exhaustion no less than it’s been. When he gives you a look you clear your throat, “Really.”
A few seconds pass as you look at him. 
He’s still as handsome and flawless as always, apart from the fatigue you can see that has begun to weigh him down. 
“Are you okay?” 
JK nods, “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” You press a little more.
His expression softens at your worried tone. When he lifts a hand to brush some hair from your face, you gulp, heart melting in your chest at the gesture. 
“I’m not the one that was tortured for sport, little angel.”
A lump forms in your throat at the memory of what was done to him, and for so so much longer.
You reach up and take his hand, holding it in yours and noting how cold it is. 
His hands used to be so warm against your skin, running up and down the length of your arms and legs and cupping your face to pull you in for a kiss. He would never hesitate to cuddle you into his chest and lift your night dress to put his hands under it and rest them on your abdomen while you were having painful cramps each month, the comforting heat from his touch soothing the ache.
Being unable to pull him into your chest and never let go is beyond the measure of grief. 
You want to warm him, keep him close until all of the fears and pain have been erased. You want to look in his eyes and tell him how much you’ve missed him, hear him whisper the words back as he envelopes you in a warm hug. 
“I’m sorry.”
JK’s brows furrow at your sudden apology. 
“I’m sorry I left first.”
He watches your eyes well up with tears, not knowing what it is you mean.
“Please,” you choke out, only one tear falling, “Please just let me give you everything, please-”
He shakes his head and moves to stand, but you grab his wrist, more tears slipping down your cheeks.
“I can help you,” you cry softly, looking desperately into his dark brown eyes.
The demon crouches again, letting you keep a hold on his wrist.
“I don’t want it,” he says gently.
“Please,” sobs are falling from your lips, chest shaking with each one as you keep a grip on his wrist.
“Hey,” he calls you softly, cupping your cheek so that you’ll look at him, “hey.”
You can’t see very well due to the tears clouding your vision, but you do your best to look at him anyway.
“I can’t, Apple.”
“Why not?” You whimper quietly, fighting the sleep that’s tugging on you relentlessly. 
His eyes shift between yours.
“If I remember, I’ll never be able to let you go.”
“Let me go?” Teary confused eyes drift around his face. Your words slur as you blink slowly, “Wait…where are you taking me?” 
He wipes his thumbs under your eyes to dry them.
“Get some sleep.”
Several times you wake up, but you can’t register where you are or how long it’s been before you slip back into the fog of endless dreams and nightmares. 
The hundredth time you open your eyes, you see an orange glow surrounding you and feel a warmth that is trying its best to permeate the cold that has begun to settle in your bones. 
You swallow and blink harder a few times before you can see the source of the glow. 
A small fire.
Tears instantly choke you but you swallow them and clear your throat as you sit up, relieved that the exhaustion has taken a small step back for the time being.
The feeling of deja vu sweeps over you when you lift your gaze to see him lying on the other side of the fire; long legs stretched out in front of him as he messes with something in his fingers. 
You don’t make a sound, so he must have sensed your gaze, because his eyes drift from the small object over to where you’re looking at him from across the flames.
“Second circle?” You ask quietly and he nods. 
A small smile tugs at your lips. 
“Should I expect you to order me to crawl to your feet and worship you?”
He chuckles lowly and looks back at whatever he’s fiddling with. 
“Not unless you want to, little angel, but I won’t be placing my bets on that.”
You breathe a small laugh and look down at your hands, then start absentmindedly picking at the dried blood on your fingernails for a few quiet minutes. 
“So it was me, then?”
You look up at the sound of his deep voice and lock eyes with him, a request to clarify his question in your gaze. 
There isn’t even a hint of a smirk on his face as he speaks, “The one you gave yourself to.”
You blink a few times, letting the silence stretch on for a bit. 
Then you swallow, “Yes.”
“And you were the only and first I gave myself to? Back then.”
You raise your eyebrows and make a face, “Well, yes. Unless you lied to me, which I doubt, considering how much more of a catch I was than you-”
He laughs at your words and you feel your heart lift at the sound.
When the laughter dies down, you see his brows furrow as he gets lost in thought. 
After a minute he speaks up again, his voice so quiet you barely hear it over the crackling of the flames. 
“What was it like? The first time.”
Your eyes lift to see him looking at you. Once again, there is no smirk or playful glint in his eyes. He is not asking this just for the sake of lustful conversation, you can tell. He is just genuinely curious. 
“Well,” you shift so that you can lean back against the wall of the cave, “It was on our wedding night.”
He nods, but doesn’t speak to interrupt you. 
“It-” you drop your gaze to the fire even as he keeps his eyes locked on your face, watching all the different emotions run their course. 
The look in your eyes is faraway. 
You are not here, you are somewhere else, somewhere so very very far away.
There’s a soft look there and a gentle smile on your lips. 
“It was beautiful,” you finally say, voice barely above a whisper.
JK says nothing to break the sacred silence that has settled, he just watches your face. He watches the distant look of pure love slip away and slowly fade into one of deep sadness. 
A grief he does not understand. 
A grief he has begun to want to understand. 
“Can you show me?”
Your eyes fly to his, your next breath getting stuck.
“I thought you didn’t want to know,” you choke out. 
His eyes fall back to his hands, “I want to understand.”
You watch him with teary eyes as he stands up and walks around the fire to sit in front of you. 
The demon that led you through Hell and back leans closer, “Help me remember…please.”
It only takes a second for you to jolt out of your shock and nod slowly, “Ok.”
You sit up on your knees so that you’re a bit taller than him, your throat closing when you feel his hands rest gently on your hips and ever so slightly pull you closer to him. You can’t stop yourself from falling into his gaze, those big brown eyes sucking you in and filling your lungs until you drown.
“If I give it to you, I give you everything.”
He stares into your eyes for a few moments longer before nodding in agreement. 
JK closes his eyes at the feeling of your hand caressing his cheek in a way only a lover would. 
Then he feels your lips press to his gently. 
You pull back almost immediately before moving back in and gliding your tongue along his bottom lip, pulling a heavy sigh from his lungs then once again diving deeper. 
He can hear the sound of his own heavy breathing, yours mixing in with it as the two bounce off the walls of solid rock. Then they slowly fade away. 
The walls of home glow with a warm orange light. 
You’re lying on the bed, hair falling past your shoulders as you snuggle into the blankets even as they don’t cover you. Giggles fall from your lips and his heart jumps in his chest at the sound. 
“What’re you doing?” Your sweet voice reaches his ears and he smiles as he walks over to stand by the bed you lie on in nothing but your night dress.
You get up on your knees and pull him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck and touching your nose to his.
When you pull back, the candle’s golden glow dancing around the room reflects in your eyes as you look at him with a love so pure and so unconditional he knows not a single soul on this earth could ever be as lucky as him. 
“What did I do to deserve you?” Jungkook whispers, fingers brushing a messy strand of hair from your face. 
Your nose and eyes scrunch up the way they do when you make a silly joke. 
“You dropped an apple on my head. Right here,” you place a hand on top of your head and laugh quietly at the smile on his face. 
“Here?” He puts his own hand there, “Are you sure?”
“Are you positive?”
“Yes, it still hurts.”
“Oh no,” Jungkook pats the spot gently before leaning forward and kissing your forehead, “I’m sorry, love.”
You pull him into a hug, “It’s okay, I forgave you a long time ago.”
He puts his arms around you and holds you close. 
If only he could pull you into him and share his body with yours so that you would never again feel pain. He would give you his breath, the muscles that help him to move, the very blood that flows through his veins. 
He would give you his own life.
The slight chill of your skin against his as you pull him onto you makes his heart break. You don’t get out much, can’t go long distances to get the blood circulating through your body.
Jungkook places his mouth against yours, his hot breath filling your lungs and warming you up from the inside out. 
He can feel you shivering in his arms, so he pulls the covers around you both before leaving warm openmouthed kisses down your chest. 
If you can’t breathe, he will breathe for you.
Soft sighs leave your mouth as he explores your body with gentle kisses and hands that leave a comforting heat behind wherever they touch.
If you can’t keep yourself warm, he will do it for you. 
The whisper of his name from your lips pulls him back and he brings his mouth to yours again.
If you can’t walk, he will carry you.
His chest is pressed against yours, so close you can feel his heartbeat as if it is your own. 
His dark eyes look into yours with so much love and adoration that you lose your breath. 
“I love you.” He whispers.
You see the tears sliding down his cheeks in the orange haze as he looks at you. 
This is the closest you will ever come to being one.
“I love you too,” you whisper back.
Jungkook feels his heart break just a little more as he takes in your sweet face, locking it into his memory so that he will never forget. He focuses on the feeling of his best friend’s heart against his chest, pounding steadily even as it grows weaker than his own. 
He pulls you closer still. 
If ever your heart fails to beat, you can have his.
Everything comes back quickly after that; your first meeting, days and nights in the woods and village causing all sorts of mischief, your first kiss, finding out that you were sick and looking for a cure, seeing you again for the first time after you were healed, your pregnancy, losing the baby, everything. He even sees the sickness take hold, the things that happened in his absence. All up until the day he lost you. The memories stop when he’s curled up in a corner of the shack, three days after you left him. 
JK pulls away, his lips detaching from yours slowly as his breathing becomes a little less labored. 
He opens his eyes to see your face not far from his own, wide eyes curious as to what his reaction will be. 
“Jungkook?” You whisper gently, hopefully. 
His eyes flicker to yours but he doesn’t respond. 
There is no recognition there as he looks at you. 
Your heart shatters into a million pieces and he can see that on your face. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. 
You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out. Silent tears drip down your cheeks.
“You don’t- you don’t remember? You didn’t see?”
“I saw.”
Your red teary eyes lock on his, begging to understand. 
“I know you came for the person you lost, but I’m not him.”
“What?” You whisper brokenly, beyond confused.
“He loved you, I could see it,” JK says gently, “And I’m sorry…but there is nothing left of that person, and I don’t love you.”
It feels like your heart is impaled, the breath being knocked violently from your lungs.
JK swallows the lump in his throat at the grief-stricken look on your face as you stare at him. 
“Maybe it’s best that I forgot,” he whispers, “It will never be worth the pain it caused by losing it. Why would I want to feel and remember whatever amazing thing He supposedly gave me only to remember the fact that He took it all back? It’s just what He does, and I want no part of it.”
“You don’t understand what you’re saying-”
“Think about it,” JK interrupts you, “What the hell kind of fucked up shit was that? He asked you to be good and punished you for it!”
“What?” You cry, not understanding. 
“The kid,” the demon’s voice has become bitter, filled with rage and resentment, “You helped that sick boy and fell ill because of it-”
“The boy didn’t make me sick.”
Your soft voice echoes off the walls of the cave.
JK stares at you for a moment, then he leans closer, “What the hell are you saying?”
“The child was not sick with typhoid,” your voice shakes and you keep your gaze on the wall behind him, “If he was he never would have woken up the next day. He was very sick, but not with what I caught.”
Silence weighs down on you for several long moments. Then he whispers darkly. 
“Then how did you get sick?”
“The water,” you say faintly, “Our main water source was dry and I consumed contaminated water from the well in the village-”
“Why didn’t the entire fucking village die, then?”
Your eyes finally find his; your hard stare not backing down from his cold one. 
“Why do you think?” You practically spit. 
Your question is met with nothing but enraged silence. 
“Why don’t you ask your leader?” You hiss, “Ask him why the ponds and river were dry, why I alone died from the water everyone drank, why he blamed it on the boy just to stir more anger and resentment into your heart. Why don’t you ask him?!”
JK’s mouth twists in rage. 
He doesn’t know the pain from what happened, he cannot remember the feeling of loving you and the grief of losing you, but that doesn’t stop him from being angry at the one that caused all of this. 
“I will ask him when you go to your Creator and ask why He abandoned me!! Why does He sit up there and play with us like dolls?! Why does He love to give and then take away, sitting back on His mighty throne and laughing at our agony because of it?!?”
You are about to snap back when an idea strikes you. 
He can’t even register what you’re doing before you sit up on your knees and grab his hands, holding them to your chest and squeezing your eyes shut as tight as you can.
“What the hell are you do-”
JK doesn’t finish his sentence before everything fades away, his sight, the feeling of your hands, the smells and sounds that once surrounded him. 
He is in nothing but pitch blackness. 
Then there’s a clear blue sky overhead, birds singing in the trees, and a soft breeze kissing his cheeks. 
He sees a small boy climbing an apple tree, his short legs and arms causing a bit of a challenge for him, but he manages. 
The child shimmies up one of the long branches and reaches for a bright red apple that hangs there enticingly. 
“You can get it, you’re almost there!” 
The voice belongs to a young teen boy that sits on a branch a few feet above the child’s head, his blue eyes that match the wings on his back and the toga on his body are shining with delight. Shiny blonde locks fall to the angel’s shoulders, not a hair out of place. 
A laugh bursts from his lips when the boy makes grabby hands at the shiny fruit. 
“Don’t make fun of me, Nehemiah!” The boy cries, but there’s a smile on his tiny pink lips as he reaches again.
The guardian angel beams with joy, then he flies over from his branch and grabs the apple, plucking it from the tree easily. 
“Here Kookie, catch!” He gently tosses the juicy red fruit to the small boy, who laughs and stretches his hands out. He almost catches it, but it slips from his fingers at the last second and plummets to the ground. 
Tiny Jungkook looks down to see that the apple has smacked another child on the head. He gasps and scurries down the tree as fast as he can to apologize. 
Nehemiah watches with his hands over his mouth to hold in the giggles. His eyes meet the dark green ones of another guardian angel before his excited laughter breaks free. 
There was never a friendship among angels and humans quite like theirs. Ever since the boy was born, he could see the angel that followed him everywhere and kept him safe. He learned his name and had complete and utter trust in him. 
As Jungkook grew, Nehemiah stayed the same. He had existed for many many years, yet never appeared any older than fifteen. 
When Jungkook reached the age of seven, Nehemiah realized with a sinking heart that the boy could no longer see him. He spoke to him sometimes, but that eventually faded away as well. The games and stories and laughter slowly fizzled out. 
Nehemiah caught Jungkook’s tiny arm when the child tripped over a stone lying in his path. He righted the three year old boy and laughed as he thanked the guardian angel before breaking into a run once more.
That was one of the angel’s most fondest memories, the one he would always bring to mind during the hardest of days. The blue angel never left his side though. 
He walked with Jungkook along the dirt paths and smelled the flowers the boy picked, sang along to the songs he hummed, and was quick to guide him to the dead rose bush that one frightening day at the river even though the boy couldn’t see him. 
It was not time for Jungkook to leave Earth yet, for he still had so much to do.
Nehemiah cried with Jungkook the day he found out about your disease. His heart was aching just as much as the boy’s; if not more from just seeing him in pain.
There were many attempts to soothe his human’s heart as he traveled searching for a cure, but Jungkook only ever slipped further and further away from him with each passing day. 
He could not hear his guardian angel’s voice anymore.
Nor did he want to.
Nehemiah rejoiced loudly at the wedding and danced with Imelda to the pretty music that played, his bright grin never dimming. For that day was one of the most joyous he could remember, of course not nearly as joyous as the day Jungkook was conceived and he finally got to meet him in the womb after waiting for so long. 
Nehemiah wrung his hands anxiously as Jungkook tied the bundle of herbs together in front of the fire. 
“Jungkook please, please don’t do this. Go home to Apple,” his eyes stung with tears, “She’s alone, stop leaving her alone!”
He got no response. 
“Jungkook, listen to me! If you go home now, Aera will be conceived before long. You will lose her and yes you will lose Apple too, but I promise you that it will not be the end. You will be there for her during death, to hold and comfort her to ease the struggle of passage. Apple will not die in agony if you stop this and go home to her now.”
Jungkook stepped back and looked at the fire, the bundle of herbs becoming wet in his sweaty hand. 
Nehemiah flew in front of him and held his arms out to prevent him from tossing it in, “You will go with them soon, I promise! And we’ll all be happy together in Heaven, we really will!”
His heart sank at the way Jungkook looked right through him. 
There was no memory left of the guardian angel, not after despair had sunken in. 
The fire snapped and crackled when the herbs hit it and began to burn.
A cold breeze swept through the area and Nehemiah sighed deeply. 
Jungkook turned and came face to face with Lucifer. 
The Devil looked past the human boy’s shoulder briefly to see the young blue angel glaring daggers at him. 
He smirked and went back to business. 
Nehemiah tried, he tried his hardest, but Jungkook would not listen. 
The blue angel practically tackled the brown angel, Nasya, who joined him and Imelda the day that Aera was conceived. 
“Oh, you’re finally here, you’re finally here!!” He jumped up and down and cried tears of joy. 
Nasya smiled, “For a little while, Nehemiah. I will go back soon, with Aera.”
Nehemiah nodded solemnly, knowing the time would come but that sweet baby Aera would be happy in Heaven and would not suffer long in her passing. 
When the time came, Nehemiah cried all of his tears. He hugged Nasya, who cradled the infant Aera in her arms, before bidding them goodbye, then he was right beside Jungkook in his mother’s home. 
You laid on the bed, face drained of color and eyes drained of life as you stared out the window. Imelda was caressing your face gently and whispering words of comfort. 
Nehemiah laid his head on Jungkook’s shoulder and whispered his own words of strength and comfort. 
“I’m so sorry, Jungkook,” he whispered as a tear slid down his porcelain cheek, “It will hurt for a long time. You’ll be strong for Apple though, don’t worry. I know you're scared you aren't strong enough, but you won’t let her down, you will get through this and you will smile again. Aera is safe and happy, I promise, I promise.”
Nehemiah couldn’t watch as Jungkook bid you goodbye.
He locked eyes with Imelda, who nodded sadly at him and waved after he called farewell to her, then he followed Jungkook and his mother as they left for their journey. 
The screams that ripped from Jungkook’s chest as Taehyung and Yoongi pulled your limp body from his arms broke Nehemiah’s heart into a thousand pieces. 
He knew you were okay, he knew you were no longer in pain and would soon be filled with joy beyond measure. 
But Jungkook did not know that. 
Nehemiah sat and cried with him for three days, never leaving his side. 
He knew Jungkook was dying, and he knew what would happen when he did; what he would need to do to protect him.
The guardian angel stood his ground, sword held out and ready to strike any and every miserable wretch that tried to come close to his human. 
Jungkook was curled up in the corner of the shack and staring at the dead roses that had spilled from the vase, his breath slowing down and becoming more labored with each inhale and exhale. 
He was fading. 
Nehemiah locked eyes with the first demon to approach. 
“You will not touch him,” he whispered, sword pointed at the demon’s gnarled chest.
The creature howled with delight and moved to get around the angel, but Nehemiah was faster. He swung his sword and sliced clean through the demon’s stomach, causing it to recoil and screech in fury before fleeing. 
The young angel took a deep breath and backed up to be closer to his boy, ready to defend him until the end. 
Many demons came that day, and Nehemiah held off every single one on his own. They came at him in swarms and he was beaten and torn at for hours, but he did not back down. 
The demons could not reach the soul they came to claim. There was an angel between them and their prize, and he would not let them pass. 
Nehemiah struck at demons left and right, his cheeks tinted with the slightest pink at the exertion.
That’s when he heard it. 
Jungkook’s last breath; the final beat of his broken heart. 
Then he was gone. 
Nehemiah turned slowly and saw Lucifer standing there, a smug smirk on the demon’s despicable face. 
The guardian angel dropped his sword and walked over to his closest friend, his heart breaking more with each step. He was not seen, but that didn’t stop him from sitting beside his boy and wrapping his arms around him.
He laid his head on Jungkook’s shoulder and wept. He heard Lucifer speaking and did his best to talk over him but to no avail. Jungkook was never going to listen. 
The broken mortal closed his eyes and did his best to conjure up an image of you. 
Nehemiah hugged him tight and whispered to him as he used to when Jungkook was little and wanted a bedtime story, when he would tell stories of a place so beautiful it couldn’t be imagined. Where they would be together someday. 
“Apple is somewhere safe and warm, where the sun kisses her cheeks and dances upon her fingers. Somewhere the apples are sweet and crisp, where the water is never too cold.”
He heard Jungkook grimacing at the sting of the image being scratched into his bicep. 
“Look at how ruined you are,” the Devil whispered with shameless glee, “All because of love.”
Nehemiah wiped Jungkook’s damp cheeks gently, feeling him slip further away. 
“She is somewhere she can fly with the clouds, never alone.”
Lucifer locked eyes with the guardian and glared with undeniable hatred.
The angel did not back away from the harsh stare, he looked right back at the blasphemous traitor as he whispered to his most beloved human that would soon be taken from him. 
“Somewhere the roses will always bloom.”
You open your eyes to see JK’s shut tightly, his cheeks damp with silent tears. 
He takes a shuddering breath, his chest shaking a little when he blows it out slowly. 
You say nothing, not wanting to risk him shutting down again. 
It takes a few minutes, then you finally see him blink open his eyes, a stray tear trickling down. He pulls his hands out of yours and touches his fingers to his wet cheek, confusion written all over his face. It appears as though he’s forgotten what it’s like to cry. 
The silence stretches on in the small dark cave, only the soft sound of crackling flames reaches your ears. 
The pretty boy in front of you looks lost in thought, his eyes still squinted in confusion as he slowly wipes the remnants of tears off of his skin. 
There’s nothing you can think to say to fill the void.
JK finishes drying his face, trying his best not to dwell on the uncomfortable foreign feeling that overtook him momentarily. Only seconds before, he had been yelling about how he had been abandoned, only to see the strangest images of quite the opposite.
Nothing makes sense and it’s terrifying him. 
You two sit there for another few minutes, the quiet not unwelcome as you each ponder the thoughts in your minds.
The demon takes a deep breath in and lets it out slowly, closing his eyes so that he can think clearly. 
There is no time to learn more, to find out what happened that made things lead up to this; to understand the feeling of loving someone and losing them. 
He does not know what that is like, though he has begun to wonder if it is anything like the constant ache in his chest, the feeling of his heart being ripped to shreds without pause.
Perhaps there is something more to the torture he has always tried to pretend does not weigh him down every moment. 
But there is no time.
JK forces himself to look back at you.
The way you stare off into the distance with watery eyes and a lost gaze, makes that awful feeling in his chest happen again. 
The color is draining from your face quickly, and the warmth that usually emits from you is no longer there.
You jump a little when he takes your hand, your eyes falling to where he grabbed you before traveling up to his face. 
JK runs his thumb along your knuckles softly, noting how cold your skin has become. 
There is no time…for anything.
You’re fading. 
“We need to go,” he whispers, the soft spoken words still echoing around the cave.
He watches your face crumple and a few more tears stream down your cheeks.
“I don’t understand,” you mumble tearfully, exhaustion and confusion clear in your voice, “I don’t understand why it isn’t working.”
“I’m sorry.”
A broken sob breaks from your lips and you pull your hand from his to cover your face. 
“I’ve waited so long to hear you say that,” you choke out, “But now that you have, I wish you wouldn’t.”
He says nothing for a few moments, then he whispers again, clearly regretful, “We need to keep going.”
The demon watches the angel in front of him check out for a few moments before wiping at her eyes and choking down a swallow as she breathes out a couple shaky breaths.
“I’m not broken,” he eventually hears you whisper, your voice quivering. 
His eyes lock with yours.
“I didn’t say you w-”
“I’m not broken.”
JK swallows, knowing that he can’t hide the thoughts running through his mind. 
“Good,” he finally says, “Because I’m gonna need you to do your best to stay unbroken, just for a bit longer.”
He shifts, moving onto his knees in front of you and leaning down to brush the tangled strands of hair out of your face, “Can you do that for me?”
Your eyes are locked on his, quickly getting lost in them. 
You nod slowly. 
The smile that spreads on his face makes your heart lurch into your throat. 
You don’t fall asleep again, but you might as well have. 
You are so disoriented that you can’t tell up from down or right from left. All you know is that you are on his back, holding on weakly as he walks.
Eventually the gentle bouncing indicates that he’s walking up a set of stairs, although it’s too dark and you’re too out of it to know where exactly those stairs lead to.
Then there’s suddenly the uncomfortable red light that pierces your eyes and you close them quickly. When you open them again, you see a dark forest just ahead and stone ruins strewn about just outside of the stairway the two of you came out of. 
The same ruins that littered the ground outside of the seventh circle. 
The conversation surrounding them rushes back into your brain as you glance around. 
“The earthquake.”
“The one that shook the earth at the time of His death.”
The sound of soft weeping reaches your ears and slowly begins to gain in volume. A forest of thin trees surrounds you when JK keeps walking, misty figures of souls dart in and out of sight.
The silence that stretches on between you and him is unsettling. Your stomach is in knots knowing what’s about to happen. 
What you’re about to do.
The silence doesn’t end, it continues all the way through the long dark forest, making you sick with fear.
There is no distraction to help you in any way.
Give me strength.
JK sees the gate not far ahead and swallows thickly as he adjusts you to be more comfortable on his back when you slide down a bit. Almost there.
He feels your arms tighten around him and your cold nose brush against the side of his neck, sending shivers down his spine. 
“I love you,” you mumble against his skin, the words making his stomach sink, “...it’s okay, you don’t need to say it back.” 
“I’m sorry,” he finally whispers.
“I know,” you whisper, “Me too.”
JK swallows, forcing his feet to keep moving forward. 
He’s only fifteen feet away from the giant stone entrance to Hell, when a voice rings out through the forest and he freezes.
“Going so soon?” 
A few more steps and you would have made it. 
You feel the demon go rigid under you, then he turns slowly.
JK locks eyes with the blonde demon that’s leaning against a tree and smirking.
“Did you really think you could get her out? Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
You gulp as you watch Sav laugh to himself. 
JK lets go of your legs and gently lowers you to the ground where you end up sitting uselessly. All the strength in you is gone, you can’t even barely hold yourself up as you watch your best friend straighten to his full height. 
“No Sav,” his deep voice rings out, “I counted on it.”
“You’re in no position to threaten me,” Sav snaps, moving from leaning against the tree and walking closer.
“I could say the same about you.”
“Give us the angel and we’ll forget this little incident happened.”
JK chuckles darkly. 
“You touch her and I will make you regret every choice you’ve ever made in your entire miserable little existence.”
You hold your breath as he stands between you and the demon that tortured you endlessly without restraint. 
“Oh, I’ve already touched her,” Sav whispers, a seductive smirk on his lips as he glances at you. You pull your gaze from his, not wanting to revisit all that had happened.
“I’ve made her scream and cry.”
JK’s jaw clenches.
“Are you jealous?” Sav giggles maniacally, “Are you jealous I got to cut up her precious little skin until her blood coated my fingertips and she was sobbing for me to have mercy?”
You did nothing of the sort, there was not a single beg for reprieve from you. And Sav knows that.
“Are you mad that I was the one that got to strip the little angel-”
JK walks forward and grabs Sav by the collar, dragging him close to his face roughly and cutting off his sentence. 
“You can try all you want to rattle me Sav,” JK seethes, his chest rising and falling with enraged breaths, “But we both know the bastard that resorts to that already knows when he’s fucking lost.”
Sav gulps, the fear in his eyes nearly hidden by the smirk on his face. 
“Grasping at straws already, Savie?” JK chuckles, holding the demon in place when he tries to wriggle away, “How fucking pathetic.”
You watch silently, but can’t see much more than JK’s back, the way he towers over Sav is almost terrifying. You wouldn’t want to be in his place. 
“I can’t imagine trying so hard to be important and failing so fucking miserably.”
Sav glares at JK fiercely, the words biting into his bones and nearly making him crack. 
He’s about to snap back when a chill goes through the forest and both demons stiffen. 
Your heart leaps to your throat at the sound of the gravelly voice that would not leave you alone. 
“Really Sav, enough of this ridiculous humiliation you cause yourself constantly. How useless can you be? Can’t you see that you don’t need any more help to look so pathetic?”
All you can see of this new demon are large black wings and a looming figure. 
No one says anything for a few moments, then the cold voice speaks again. 
“Let go.”
You watch in fear as JK roughly lets go of Sav, making the smaller demon stumble back. You can see the dark-haired demon’s shoulders moving up and down with heavy breaths. It’s clear he had no choice but to listen. 
It only takes one look from the newcomer to send Sav scrambling away into the trees. 
You close your eyes after seeing the frighteningly beautiful devil in front of JK. 
Lucifer glances at you over his minion’s shoulder and smiles. 
“You’ve only just arrived in Hell, angel. Won’t you stay a little longer?”
You don’t answer him.
JK gulps, his whole body shaking.
He drops to his knees immediately, head hanging in shame as he stares at the ground and bites his tongue hard enough to draw blood. 
Lucifer chuckles. 
“Look at you. You really thought you could make your own decisions, you thought I knew nothing of your actions and that you could slip away unnoticed.”
“I didn’t-”
“Shut up.”
JK snaps his mouth shut, grinding his teeth in order not to let himself scream profanities. 
The Devil leans down and whispers, “I own you. Has that also slipped from your knowledge? Must I remind you that I am the one that calls the shots?”
You can feel sweat pouring down your bloody back, the pain beginning to increase with each moment that passes. 
Only a few seconds pass before you realize something is happening to JK too. 
He’s hunched over, breathing heavily and grimacing.
“Jungkook,” you gasp out, horrible pain washing over you and rendering you incapable of moving. 
“Shut your filthy mouth,” Lucifer snaps, his glare turning to you and the pain surging up into new levels as you cry out and lay your forehead on the ground, prayers falling from your lips desperately. 
JK can’t move, he’s stuck where he is; kneeling at the feet of Lucifer and shaking with agony. 
You force yourself to lift your gaze and look at the Devil, locking eyes with him.
Lucifer’s eyes widen in rage at your defiance and he steps forward, reaching to grab the demon kneeling before him. 
He stops though, when his path is suddenly blocked by you throwing yourself in front of him. 
JK opens his eyes, his gaze lifting to see you standing between him and his leader. The blood streaking down your legs and torn dress is a strangely vibrant red. His eyes lift more to see your smaller wings, still ripped to shreds. 
You look miniscule standing in front of the Devil himself, but you don’t appear afraid in the slightest. Your fists are clenched so tight that fresh blood drips from them where your fingernails dig into the delicate skin.
Lucifer takes a step back and chuckles, crossing his arms, his dark wings resting behind him.
“You think you’re very brave, don’t you?”
You say nothing, only glare at him with a burning hatred.
“He cannot leave. You already know this…why pretend otherwise?”
When you still don’t respond, he uncrosses his arms. 
“You don’t know your place, do you child?”
His voice has become lower and his expression softens, now uncharacteristically gentle. 
Despite his words, he suddenly seems empathetic, in a way. It’s startling. 
Your brows furrow but you hold your ground. 
JK watches in confusion from where he’s still kneeling on the ground, unable to move and jaw clenched shut as the pain evens out to a steady ache across his whole body.
“In mortal life, living in the village,” Lucifer whispers as he looks you over, “You never belonged there, did you?”
Your eyes narrow more but you remain quiet. 
“You don’t belong up there either, do you?”
“I belong there,” you choke out, wishing your voice to sound stronger than it does. 
A sad smile spreads on the demon’s face. 
“Do you? Because I see the same look in your eyes that was in mine the day I found out I didn’t belong anywhere either.”
You’re about to respond, but he cuts you off. 
“You don’t belong anywhere, little misfit, you know I speak the truth. Why not join me? Why bother suffering uselessly just to follow His ridiculous will? I chose to belong here. You can choose to join me,” A smirk spreads on his face, “We’re not so different, you and I-”
“I am nothing like you,” you whisper fiercely, “And I do belong there. I have never belonged anywhere more.”
You take a step closer, your bare feet numb to the warmth radiating from the earth.
“Did you really think you could convince me otherwise, demon?”
His eyes turn cold and angry at the dismissive title you use, as if he is worth no more than any other wretch here. 
“Did you really think you could give me a moment’s pause? Are you that foolish?”
He’s about to snap back but you keep going, stepping closer with each word. 
“I suppose you are. You experienced what it was like, you were there. You belonged there and you knew it, you just wanted more.”
The Devil glares at you. 
“You were there and you gave it up,” You get up into his space, your eyes glancing briefly at the dead white rose on his bicep being strangled by the serpent, “You are the biggest fool in existence and I would rather suffer ten thousand times more in order to bring others to be with Him than ever be compared to the likes of you.” 
“Enjoy that then,” Lucifer hisses, “Enjoy paradise all you like without him.”
You hear a pained gasp from behind you and turn in horror to see JK doubled over and groaning from the indescribable pain consuming him.
You rush to him, but are grabbed and yanked back harshly before you can get there. The Devil has a strong grip on your upper arm as he addresses his prisoner.  
“You are mine,” he growls, his glare trained on the demon kneeling before him, “Your soul belongs to me and it can never leave the gates of Hell.”
“He’s lying!” You scream, fighting against him, “He wants you to think he’s the one in charge. He’s not! Lucifer knows he’s lost, he knows that at the end every knee will bend to Him. All he can do now is bring down as many souls as he can before that,” You’re practically sobbing, “Jungkook, he’s desperate, you know that means he’s already lost!”
Lucifer chuckles, satisfaction sweeping over him at the feeling of despair seeping from the poor pathetic soul knelt in the hot dirt. 
“You can leave, Jungkook, don’t listen to him!!”
He watches Lucifer smirk down at him, still holding onto your arm. Tears are streaming down your face as you look at him desperately, as if trying to convey something without words. 
He doesn’t understand. 
“You can’t both leave,” The Devil whispers, “Can you?” 
He looks at you at the same time that JK does. 
Confusion is swarming the lower demon’s brain as he stares at you. 
The expression on your face doesn’t make sense. 
Why do you look sorry?
“But you knew that,” Lucifer continues quietly, “You came here knowing that, didn’t you little angel?”
JK’s eyes dart from his master over to you, and he finally understands. 
 “I’m going to miss you.”
That's what you had said, that’s what you meant. 
You can see the horror sweep over him and he shakes his head, never looking from your gaze. 
Lucifer chuckles. 
“____, no-” JK chokes out in disbelief.
Your heart rips in two hearing him say your name for the first time in over five hundred years. 
“I told you not to call me that,” you whisper, tears in your eyes but an encouraging smile on your face meant to reassure him that it’s okay, “I don’t like it when you’re serious.”
He shakes his head again, slowly. 
He brought you to the gate to get you out, you’re not going to trade places with him. It wasn’t supposed to be like this-
“Why not take her up on her offer?” Lucifer grins wickedly, “If you do, all of this pain will go away.”
A breeze rushes over the demon kneeling in the mud, and with it the feeling of instant relief.
All of the pain that has wracked his body and kept him weighed down for as long as he can remember, is completely gone.
He looks up to see you staring at him, wide-eyed. 
The sound of a bubbling brook reaches his ears, like music on the wind. 
Tears brim in his eyes as the smoky forest around him fades away and he’s suddenly in a sunlit field. 
The beams of light from the sun do not hurt him. 
The sight of bluebirds flying into the clouds does not fill his heart with anger and resentment. 
The sweet smell of rain does not make him sick with disgust. 
JK looks down at the grass he’s kneeling on. He slowly reaches a hand out and runs his fingertips over the soft blades, a broken gasp leaving him at how silky it feels. Blue and pink and purple flowers decorate the field, and he could swear he hears them singing praises. 
Who are they singing for?
Soft footfalls reach his ears and he turns to look at who is approaching, but he can’t see them. All there is, is a human-shaped light walking through the meadow towards him. His heart aches with more and more immeasurable longing with each step closer they take to him. 
He doesn’t know why, but it feels like he knows this person, even though he’s never seen them before in his life. 
He wants them to reach him. 
He knows once they do, he will never hurt again.
The closer the person of light gets, the louder the flowers sing. 
The demon’s chest rises and falls rapidly, excitement fluttering in his stomach at the prospect of coming face to face with this being.
Tears creep to the edge, threatening to spill.
He’s never felt so at peace. 
Then it’s all gone.
It’s ripped from him mercilessly.
In the blink of an eye he’s back in Limbo and screaming at the sheer agony that takes root once again. JK grabs at the place where his heart is and cries out at the feeling of it being ripped from his chest and crushed into dust. 
He can’t breathe. 
The pain is more excruciating than it has ever been, it was unbearable before but he was forced to endure it, now it doesn’t feel like he’ll be able to.
After experiencing the soft grass, the gentle wind, the feeling of relief...he cannot bear it.
You cry as you are forced to watch in gut-wrenching grief while he sobs, his body shaking and curling in on itself to try and stop the pain. 
He can’t breathe. 
“You tasted the sweet sweet feeling of joy, of the eternal relief you will feel once you leave,” Lucifer whispers temptingly, “She can’t leave anyway, JK. She gave up the one thing she brought that connected her to the outside. She already paid to cross the ferry, she cannot leave.”
JK looks up at you, tears streaming down his face. 
You can’t tell what he’s thinking.
“Once she takes your place, you are free to go. You will no longer be bound to me. If you stay, your punishment will increase due to this little act of rebellion.”
You smile at him softly, tears still falling down your cheeks. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper.
JK drops his gaze to the ground.
You close your eyes and conjure up an image of her as best as you can, the one thing that can bring you comfort in this moment.
Aera’s small arms wrap around you and hold you tight as she whispers how much she loves you in your ear. 
“Nasya says you are brave, mommy,” the tiny child pulls back and smiles at you, “Are you really going to save daddy? Are you going to bring him home to be with us forever? Can I show him the Garden??”
You cup her supple cheeks with your hands and lean forward to kiss her button nose. 
Her bunny teeth appear as she giggles. You smile softly and touch your forehead to hers. 
“Yes, Aera,” you whisper, “I’m going to bring daddy home and you can bring him to the Garden, I know he will love it. Make sure you show him the roses, okay baby?”
She takes your cheeks in her hands as you did to her and leans forward to whisper, as if she’s telling you the biggest secret. 
“I will, mommy.”
JK looks up just as you open your eyes. His gaze locks on yours. 
Lucifer lets go of you roughly and you stumble, falling to the hard ground. 
He thinks of the field, of the flowers, of the blue sky and white clouds.
And he wants it. 
It would be selfish. 
He thinks of the smell of crystal rain and honeysuckles, and the mysterious ethereal being coming to join him, to love him more than any other could.
And he wants it…
He’s selfish. 
Demons always are.
Demons can’t be anything other than selfish.
JK looks into your eyes, the next breath getting stuck in his chest. 
It’s okay, your eyes tell him, this is what I want, this is why I came.
You watch as he crawls over to you.
Despite the grueling pain tormenting him, he stands and pulls you up with him. He scans your face, bruised and bleeding and sweaty with grime.  
You feel him grab your hand, open it, then hold it tightly.
He waits for a moment, just a few seconds to take in the beauty in front of him. 
It’s just so breathtaking he can’t help it.
He didn’t try to, but it was inevitable..
So he stands there. 
Just for a moment. 
A few seconds to admire the way your cheeks shine with tears, the way your sad smile spreads as you look at him, the way that even your dress that’s always filthy; only adds to your beauty. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, still holding your hand tightly. 
Three little words are right on your tongue, ready to spill from your chapped lips, to assure him why it is okay, why you will gladly take his place. 
But you don’t get the chance. 
Before you can say it, you look down at what he’s placed in your hand. 
A ring made entirely of grass. 
Woven with careful fingers. 
It’s bigger than yours was. 
Realization strikes you too late.
He stands there, only for a few seconds, to admire the beauty in front of him.
Your eyes find his. 
And everything is okay. 
And he can love you.
You don’t get to finish your sentence, not before he grips your arms and turns with you, then he’s shoving you out of the gate.
You land with a harsh smack on the ground, but you’re up again in a split second and running back to the entrance of Hell, screaming at the top of your lungs. 
“Jungkook!! No, no no no no!!” You try to go back through, but it’s like an invisible wall is preventing you. You smash your fists against it as hard as you can, but it doesn’t budge. You can see forest on the other side, but you can’t see him or Lucifer there.
“Jungkook! Let! Me! In! Please don’t do this!!” You’re screaming and crying and pounding so hard that fresh blood drips down your knuckles. 
But you don’t care.
“Don’t you dare do this to me again!!”
JK watches you scream and cry and pound against the gates of Hell, he watches you slide down to the ground and start digging frantically, trying to find a way back in. 
He watches your guardian angel come and hold you, pulling you back from the gate and falling to the ground while hugging your sobbing figure.
The demon watches you shout at him in anger and denial, in confusion and betrayal.
He watches. 
But he does not follow you. 
Lucifer smirks wickedly, his arms crossed over his broad chest. 
“You never learn, do you? Not in that life and not in this one.”
JK doesn’t respond as he watches you scream at the top of your lungs, tears pouring down your cheeks. He forces his eyes to leave and fall to the ground. 
“You could’ve been free, and yet you chose to stay.”
JK stays silent, but his eyes lift to meet the demon’s in front of him.
Lucifer grins maniacally, “Want to see what you missed out on? Since you’re so fucking obsessed with torturing yourself in love. You don’t even love her, you don’t remember her.”
The prince of Hell sees the internal struggle in his slave’s eyes, smile widening when he feels the resolve crumble. 
He wants to know, despite the eternal pain it will cause. 
He deserves it.
“Don’t worry, by the end you’ll be tortured enough to satisfy your addiction to agony.”
The smoke and the fire and the wails of the desperate fade away. 
There’s soft grass underneath him as he wakes sleepily from a nap. 
The warm sun caresses his skin.
“Daddy! Daddy!”
Jungkook lifts his head to see a small child running full speed ahead through the field, giggles spilling from her lips and her long dark hair flying around haphazardly. 
“Daddy!” She shrieks again, little legs going as fast as they can, “Save me, save me!”
A laugh bursts from Jungkook’s lips when he sees you come out from the forest behind her, growling and laughing as you pretend to be a monster on the hunt. 
The small girl, who is only just about five, flings herself into his open arms and squeals as he envelopes her safely into his lap. 
“I’ve got you baby,” he whispers into her hair as he smiles, “You’re safe.”
You run up, laughing your head off along with them. 
Jungkook looks at you tenderly, the love he has for his best friend only increasing the longer he does. 
Your hair is a bit knotted from running with it down and your cheeks are tinted pink with exertion from chasing the little one through the forest. Your simple dress has mud smeared across it in several places and there are a few twigs in your hair that go unnoticed. 
“Mommy!” Aera wiggles off her father’s lap and wraps her arms around your legs.
“Hi baby,” you coo and swoop her up into the air as if she weighs no more than a feather. 
Jungkook smiles as he watches you dance around and giggle. 
Aera is exactly like the two of you put together. Her sweet face resembles her father’s but her personality is all you. She wears a dress that looks like a mini version of yours, her bare feet dirty with mud and pansies stuck in her hair from your flower picking earlier.
It reminds him of the way you looked when he first met you. 
His eyes burn with tears at how much he loves you both. It should be impossible to be filled with this much love and happiness. 
“Can you push me on the swing, daddy?” Aera is running back to him and cupping his face with her tiny hands, “Please? Mommy said you will say yes to me always because I’m too cute.”
Jungkook laughs and glances at you hiding your smile. 
“Mommy’s right,” he whispers before kissing her button nose. Then he stands up and scoops her into his arms-
The cursed howls of souls damned to Hell come rushing back, piercing his ear drums and making him wince. 
He hadn’t realized that he fell to his knees again.
Tears drip down his cheeks and fall to the dirt, mixing in with the tears of the lost souls starting their journey here.
“That is what you missed…because of Him.”
JK chokes out a sob and puts a hand to his bleeding heart, the ache of loss worse than it’s ever been.
“You would’ve had everything, if He had really loved you. It’s a pity, really.”
The demon grieving in the grime and salty tears of fellow damned souls feels his heart break even more, then that nasty feeling of resentment and bitterness begins to swell.
“Granted, you were happy with her, this Apple girl, for a decent amount of time I suppose.”
JK says nothing, just continues to stare at the dirt where his tears fall. 
“It never lasts though,” Lucifer muses, “Can’t imagine why humans crave it only to lose it in the end, to feel the grief ten times stronger than the love ever was.”
JK glances back to see you sobbing into your hands, wrapped in the arms of your guardian angel, blood and bruises littering your skin. 
“Look at that,” Lucifer tuts with mock pity, “That’s what love makes of humans. Nothing but misery. You had her, and you lost her.”
JK stares at you, watching you grieve for him in a way he had long forgotten how to relate to. 
“Tell me, Jungkook,” Lucifer whispers, leaning down, “Was it ever worth it?”
He sees you lying in the field, your fingertips alight with the sun, a bird song falling from your lips. The smile on your face that he got to witness. 
Just for a moment.
A single tear falls from his eye, sliding down his dirty cheek and falling to the ground as he looks at you. 
Jungkook’s voice is broken, weak with the pain of loss, but the Devil hears him anyway. 
Imelda holds you closely, keeping you together. If she wasn’t there you would be falling apart, scattered on the ground like leaves that have fallen from their tree.
Gut-wrenching sobs are ripped from you as you look at the gate to Hell, seeing nothing but the empty forest on the other side.
“Why?!” You scream at the top of your lungs, another round of sobbing rendering you incapable of saying anything more. 
Nehemiah is there as well, crouched on the ground and crying into his hands, his baby blue wings shaking with each breath.
You grab Imelda’s hand and hold it to your chest, holding on for dear life. 
You cannot handle this grief, you cannot handle it.
“I was g-going to s-save him,” you sob between choked breaths, “I was going to give my life for him!!”
A warm breeze sweeps over the three of you and your next sob gets stuck in your throat. 
Then a soothing voice filled with a regalness beyond compare speaks, trembling the burnt trees around you and causing the rocks to quiver where they lay.
You can no longer see the forest. Now there is only a hill in front of you, the silhouette of a cross against the golden sunset. 
“I already did.”
The ground quakes and you see a large statue depicting Lucifer in front of the second and seventh circles trembling before crumbling down until there is nothing left but rubble.
You gasp, grabbing your chest and trying to breathe. 
You’re back by the gate.
Watery gaze locking back on the invisible boundary, your heart leaps to your throat when you see a hand come out and grab onto the dirt, fingers digging into it as they try to pull themselves out. 
Nehemiah is up and running before you can even register what’s happening. 
The blue angel grabs the boy’s hand, holding on tight before pulling as hard as he can, a broken scream bursting from his lips at the effort.
You watch in disbelief as the guardian angel drags his beloved human, your best friend in the entire world, out of the gates of Hell.
After much deliberation: an Epilogue will be posted tomorrow.
a/n: thank you so much for everything you guys, you mean the world to me. This has been one hell of a ride (no pun intended) Don't kill me pls, again, there will be an epilogue tomorrow for those of you with weak hearts 💕 ur welcome
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minniepetals · 1 year
until death
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— summary: until death do you part, you are theirs and they are yours
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: fluff, slight angst, demon!au
— word count: 4.4k
— warnings: none
— commission for @daisyjoons
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“What’s that in your hand?”
“The flower,” Seokjin beckons at the rose he has in his hand, his tall figure and deadpanned eyes staring down at the man, it almost leaves him wanting to pee his pants right on the spot. “It’s not for the baker, now is it?”
Six more pairs of eyes stare directly down at him and yet he still has the audacity to say; “Yes, it’s..it’s for miss Y/N.”
Suddenly the air in the little shop shifts and a sharp, cold breeze rushes through the room despite the fact that today should have been nothing but a pleasant breeze. Little ashes of smoke begin to appear from the thin air of the floors of the shop, sauntering around as customers sitting in their designated seats pick their feet up out of fear, their whispers of panic raising, and the man at the center of the demons’ wrath feels sharp ice crawling all over his body.
“It seems you want trouble,” Jungkook says as he takes a step forward, causing the man to step back, and so Jungkook keeps following along until he backs himself against the counter, trembling in sight while the rest of the people hold their breaths, too frightful to make a move in fear of being on the receiving end of the demons’ wrath.
“I-I don’t want trouble,” the poor man stutters.
Taehyung clicks his tongue in irritation while Jimin scoffs.
“Clearly you do,” Namjoon says. “You uttered her name. In the demon world, no one is allowed to utter someone’s name so carelessly. Only if they mean something to you and if the person has allowed you to utter their name.”
“I-I’m sorry sir, I-I didn’t know.”
“And giving roses,” Yoongi plucks the flower right out of his fingertips, “means an eternal love you are willing to spend the rest of your life with.” He burns the petty little thing right before the man’s eyes, all the while keeping his glare pointed right at him, causing the guy to visibly shallow a hard lump.
“Do you understand where you’re wrong?” Hoseok threatens, an arm propped up against Yoongi’s shoulder, hovering.
“I-I-” He looks like he’s about to piss his pants.
“Do you, understand?” So Hoseok reiterates, deeper, darker, graver. “Yes or no?”
“I..y-yes, yes—”
“What are you doing?”
A voice.
A sweet, sweet voice more precious and sweeter than the nectar the butterflies flock themselves onto, than any blood that can satisfy a vampire, than the sun that gives humans light and nutrients. A voice they love more than anything in this world.
Except the woman herself whom it belongs to.
They turn in an instant, ears perking up, head snapped, to find you standing before the door that leads to the backrooms, holding onto a tray of desserts they know you’ve made just for them, and their faces immediately soften.
The room brightens up, the shadows beginning to melt away into thin air in the same way they appeared, and Jimin is just about to rush up to you if it weren’t for your eyes suddenly shifting from them.
Your attention isn’t on them.
“You’re scaring the poor man!” You quickly say as you put your tray down onto the counter, rushing to untie the apron strings from behind, rushing in between them and the gentleman, an arm extending as you force Jungkook to back off. “Not just him but my customers!” You turn to address the guy. “Are you alright sir? I apologize for everything.”
He takes one glance behind you and instantly freezes up once more, quick to shake his head vehemently at the dark eyes staring straight into his soul — unbeknownst to you.
“I-I’m okay! I’m okay!” He blurts out before simply scurrying out the door before you can get another word in.
You stare at the scene, blinking at his sudden rush, before turning around to place your hands upon your hips, all the while the boys are quick to change up their expressions, acting as if they’ve been innocent all along.
“You just lost me a customer. Would you like to explain why you were interrogating the poor dude?” You start, brows furrowed, shoulders tense, chin slightly protruding and they know you’re trying to be all high and mighty but in their eyes, you just look like an upset bunny trying to fight seven wolves. “You really need to keep yourselves in check and stop summoning your shadows to show up out of nowhere, you know that scares people. How are my customers supposed to eat and drink and have a calm peaceful day if you just show up out of nowhere and deliberately make a scene?”
“M-miss Y/N, we’re fine but please—” An older woman tries to appease you, her approach timid as she holds her hands up, trying to calm you down in fear of the men in the room who’re the reason for your anger. “You don’t have to stand up for our sake.”
“We’re fine, you don’t have to do this.”
“I’d really love it if I didn’t have to witness our favorite baker in town—”
“What are you talking about, ma’am, they need a proper scolding,” you say otherwise, clearly unaware of the public’s concern for your life, being as you’re literally standing up against seven tall, masculine men who can literally bend the Earth and destroy this town with a flick of their wrist.
“Miss Y/N, please—”
“It’s alright, just go back to your coffee. I assure you I can handle this.”
“No please—”
You ignore their pleas to turn back around, that business smile fading the second you meet their eyes and they frown, hating the way you sounded kind to your customers and yet don’t bother to send them a smile.
“So then, what do you have to say for yourselves?”
“It’s not even that big of a—”
“Excuse me?” You cross your arms before your chest, looking up at them with a serious expression and they know they can’t not listen to whatever you say.
Only you can ever make them bend a knee.
“Sorry,” Jimin grumbles under his breath but you pretend you didn’t hear it.
“What was that?”
He sighs and steps forward, snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you in close, much to the audience’s dismay, and pepper kisses upon your cheeks. “You heard me darling, I said I was sorry.”
“Sorry. We’re sorry,” Jungkook joins in, a hand on your head as he presses a kiss to your temple.
You feel your heart lighting up, a smile waiting to creep up but you know not to give in just yet. “And to my customers?”
Namjoon crosses a hand over to his heart, giving the people a light bow. “We apologize for the inconvenience, dear customers of Y/N’s,” he says, and while they simply look back with mouths agape and widened pupils, frozen in their spots, he turns his head back your way, a cheeky little grin spread across his face as if asking for a compliment for doing the thing that you asked him to do.
You bite back a grin, seeing how obedient they are when it comes to you, but you know that if you let them see even the smallest bit of that, they'll disregard the people around them and simply coddle you to their heart’s content.
So you take Jimin’s hand and lead him into the backrooms, knowing the rest are quick to follow along, all the while leaving your customers blinking and rubbing their eyes, wondering if what they had just seen was right or if it had been simply a figment of their imaginations.
After all, everyone knows demons would never yield to a human that easily, much less care for them in the way they just treated you.
“Someone looks stressed.”
Once you’re finally left alone with your demons without any eyes kept on you, you let your guard down, smiling ruefully as you take a good look at the seven of them. Demons don’t live on sleep in the way humans need it, they get their energy elsewhere, but sometimes there are days you feel as if perhaps taking a nap will help them.
They look so tired.
“But that still doesn’t mean you can come around here and demand things out of my customers.”
Yoongi grunts, rolling his eyes at your words like a child hating to be scolded. “I get it, I get it,” he repeats exasperatedly when he walks over to place his head against your chest, letting you run your fingers through your hair to coddle him.
“But he was trying to give you roses,” Taehyung says as he clicks his tongue with irritation, that glare he has on is always enough to kill someone if he could, and for a good while you were scared of it yourself, but luckily you’ve gotten used to it. Taehyung would never hurt you after all.
And you know exactly what roses mean in the demon language. It was what they gave you when they confessed their undying love to you after all, a day you will never forget, a day they swept you off your feet and the very day you became forever theirs. You can never forget what those roses mean to them because to demons who’re almost incapable of feeling, much less love another, if a rose is given by them unto another, it is something one must never doubt.
“You do understand that roses aren’t as significant as they are to us humans, don’t you?” You remind them, a light chuckle leaving your lips when Taehyung drops his head onto your shoulder, asking for the same attention you’re giving to Yoongi. “I mean they mean a lot to me because they mean a lot to you but to humans in general, roses are just another sign of love.”
“Exactly, love. That’s a universal language and he was trying to steal you away from us.” You feel Hoseok’s arms slide around your waist from behind, lips pressing onto the nape of your neck.
“He didn’t know,” you try to excuse the action of the poor man who you didn’t even know was trying to confess to you just a few minutes prior.
But they’re having none of that.
“Who goes around professing their love to someone they don’t even know that well? Did he really believe a pretty girl like you would remain loveless by men all around her?”
You laugh awkwardly at Seokjin’s words. “What’re you trying to say by that?”
“He should know his place,” he says as he takes your chin from under his fingertips, bringing you forth to his face, “and that you, who is beloved by many, wouldn’t have already stolen the hearts of others around her. You attract after all, and just like those pretty little sweets you make every day before the town can even wake up, a simple glance at you can cause quite the addiction.”
“I..” You avert your eyes, cheeks heating because you know exactly what he’s trying to imply. “I don’t think I..”
“You don’t?” The eldest raises a brow as if daring you to further challenge his belief.
“W-well…” You stumble on your words before clearing your throat. “Sometimes too many sweets can be bad for you.”
“Well, luckily I have a sweet tooth.” A small little smirk curl along the corner of his lip, a low chuckle leaving him just as he leans in to capture your lips, leaving your heart to skip a thousand beats faster than its initial pounding.
He doesn’t kiss you for too long but even then, once he leaves you, you’re a blushing mess.
“Heart’s pounding rather fast,” Yoongi states, and you’re stumbling over your words once again.
“I..I-I wasn’t…”
“How long has it been? You’re still swooning over such a small thing?” Jungkook teases.
“It’s alright, I quite like it actually,” Seokjin says, his hand reaching up to tuck it behind your ear. “It’s quite refreshing seeing what we do still makes her react like this. You love us that much, huh darling?”
“If you’re here just to tease me, please just return to whatever it was you were doing before coming here.”
“Hey, don’t act like you don’t like it,” Namjoon pulls you back in when you try to run away to hide your embarrassment. They hold you in close, grips so steady you know there’s really no chance you’ll ever be able to escape.
Not that you want to.
And seeing those looks on their faces, you know they know that fact more than anyone else.
After all, these days can sometimes be rare; the days when they show up before you unexpectedly, most times without ever telling you beforehand. These days are the days you cherish the most, when you can be in their arms just like this, without ever feeling as if they would ever let you go.
Not until it’s time for them to leave. Not until they have to leave.
And it’s in those moments when they do have to leave do you feel the most lonely. When you have to stay behind, taking a moment to gather yourself, remember their holds and kisses, before returning to your baking with a customer smile on your face so no one knows just how lonely you are when your demons leave, knowing you can do nothing but wait until their next visit.
There are times when waiting takes days, weeks, and sometimes even a whole month and you’re always left wondering just where they are and where they’ve gone and what they’re doing.
But you know you’d never tell them just how lonely you really are when they’re gone.
After all, the times they visit are for the times of loving and holding one another. It isn’t a time to dwell on things that don’t matter, it isn’t a time to cry and wish and to hope. It’s a time to cherish what’s before you before they have to leave.
Only when they’re gone can you actually dwell on your loneliness.
“If something ever goes wrong or if you simply need us, you can call us anytime.”
You stare at the little bell shaped into a red rose one lonely night while standing under the stars in the middle of your garden.
It’s the garden of red roses they created for you, a garden that can never wilt no matter the seasons, time, or period. It dies only when the owner who received these flowers dies.
It will wilt only once you’ve wilted.
“Just how long will you continue to live, little ones?” You hold a hand out to feel the soft petals of the roses upon your fingertips, smiling at how pretty they are. Not even one petal is torn or hurt. They all look alive and well, alive and flourishing.
Jungkook says they reflect their owners’ age as you know that one day in the far future, these flowers will probably begin to look dainty and frail as well, and yet you don’t wish to ever see these flowers growing old with you.
Growing old means nearing death.
Growing old means wilting.
And then what will happen to the ones you’ll be leaving behind? The lifespan of a human does not last forever after all, and the more you think about it, the more you come to understand that they’ve got all the time in the world, hence they don’t ever look sad or griefed whenever they come to visit days or weeks or months later.
It is because to demons, the passing of time is simply but a second walking by.
Yet to you, every ticking second means a second closer to wilting away.
You let out a sigh, turning from the flowers to take a step forward towards your house when a harsh wind passes by, causing your shawl to fly off, and in an attempt to grab for it, you’ve forgotten about the bell you had in your hand, causing the little flower shape to fall from your hand and jingle as it hits the ground.
You gasp as you freeze in place because in just mere seconds, you know you aren’t alone anymore.
Seven presence right behind you.
Who would have thought it’d work this fast?
You quickly pick your bell up, eyes scanning forward at the shawl that flew off onto a rose bush, and rush forward to take it back because of how cold the night air has gotten.
“Well someone most certainly called us here on purpose, didn’t she?”
You turn back at Yoongi’s sarcastic comment once you’ve gotten your shawl to wrap it back onto yourself.
“Sorry! It was the wind,” you quickly say as you rush back to their side. “The bell was in my hand and when my shawl flew away, I forgot about it so when I went to reach for my shawl, the bell fell out and now here you are, summoned by the jingle.”
“So you’re not in immortal danger?”
At Seokjin’s question, you take a look around, wanting to laugh a bit at the situation. “Uh nope! Looks like I’m perfectly fine.”
“So you’ll only call us if you’re in immortal danger? How disappointing.” Jungkook lets out a heavy sigh, his lips pouting.
“What? You want me to call you if I miss you or something?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“Ha ha, very funny.” You place the bell securely into your pocket then tighten the shawl around your body. “Anyways, it’s pretty cold out here. You should get back to what you were doing. As you can see, I’m not hurt nor am I in any danger. In the meantime, I think it’s time for me to head to bed.”
You begin to walk off to your door again when Namjoon stops you.
“What were you doing out here?” He asks and you stop in your tracks, shrugging.
“Just thinking.”
“About immortality and stuff.”
“Immortality?” Jimin steps up to drape an arm around your shoulder in order to turn you back around to where they’re standing, at the same time helping you to keep warm against the night breeze. “What’s got you thinking about immortality, darling? Are you finally thinking about how to become one?”
“You know I like my human life.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolls his eyes. “Something about growing old is part of what makes human life so beautiful or whatever.”
“I don’t understand why death is beautiful to you,” Taehyung says.
“Well on the other hand, don’t you think immortality is somewhat of a curse?” You ask and they look upon themselves as if they’ve never given that idea a chance before.
“Why would it be a curse?”
“Well…” Your words trail off slowly and yet they wait for your explanation, eyes steady on you, ears open to whatever you have to say, and you play along with your fingers, nails digging into the skin a bit. “When I die…you’ll still have thousands of years left to live.” You avoid their eyes, staring down at the ground. “...Won’t you miss me?”
They grow silent.
Everything grows silent and you hear nothing but the little breeze that passes by ever so often, as well as the cicadas out in the night, singing their sweet songs, a melody mirroring the birds in the early morning.
“So you’re saying,” Hoseok begins, “that you’ll die before us.”
“It’s inevitable,” you say, looking up again. “Forty years may not mean a lot to you but forty years into the future means me getting old and gray and my health deteriorating. Humans are living and dying at the same time. I get closer to death with each passing day.”
“Don’t say that.”
“You know it’s true.” You watch as Jungkook turns to look at the flowers in the garden, his hand reaching out to touch one of them. “I’d never want to die and let you live through years of heartache. I’d never want to leave you behind in this world and no matter how happy we will be, death is something that is inevitable to come for me, you know that. Though I wouldn’t ever want you to follow along either. I don’t want to die together.”
“So you love your human life but you don’t want to die and leave us behind, but you also don’t want us to choose our own death in following you right behind, and you don’t wish to become an immortal.” Namjoon takes a step forward into your proximity, their expressions more grave than any other times you’ve ever seen them — except in those moments when you’re in immortal danger right before them. It frightens you a bit wondering what’s going on inside their heads, but what frightens you most is the inevitable future threatening to tear you apart.
“What is it that you want, Y/N?” Namjoon asks and you take a moment to think.
What is it that you want?
Why’re you thinking about immortality and death? Why was the wind listening to you when you were left to yourself in this garden? Why did it hear your silent plea in wishing to see them and therefore taking your fate into their hands and causing you to accidentally call for your demons?
Why does any of this even matter?
“I don’t know…” You look down at your feet, fingers unable to keep still, the vision before you blurring. “I-I don’t know,” you admit truthfully and when you look up again, their eyes widen at the sight of tears brimming along your waterline, waiting to fall down any second now. “I don’t want to live forever but I don’t…I don’t want to ever leave you behind and…and…I don’t know what I want. All I know is that…is that even though I enjoy this human life, I hate how different we are. I hate how different we think because to you, a day passing by means nothing. A week, a month, maybe even a year. A year without me is nothing to you. You can let time go by and it wouldn’t mean a thing because you get to live forever but to me…to me….I..”
You swallow the lump that wishes to cut your voice off, forcing the words out. “I hate waiting. I hate not knowing when it is you’ll be visiting again. I hate each day that passes, I hate it when you leave me, I hate being lonely and empty, I hate it when I have to wait. I hate it. I hate all of it.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I don’t know,” you cry, ignoring the tears that slip by when they close in on you. A few hiccups threaten to leave your voice behind but you continue talking through it all. “It’s just…I-I didn’t bring it up because I know you get busy and even if you aren’t so busy, I…I thought that, well, if the passing of time doesn’t affect you, why should it affect me?”
“You should have spoken up, my love.”
“You know if you asked for the world, we’d give it to you in a heartbeat, right? Why would you think we wouldn’t stop anything and everything if you just asked to be with us?”
“I don’t know,” you cry again, letting the last syllable drag out as more tears fall from your eyes and they’re quick to panic, realizing their reassuring words probably sounded more like them scolding you.
“It’s alright, it’s alright. You don’t have to cry anymore.”
“We know. We know now so it’ll be alright.”
“I’ll tell you what, become one of us.”
Your cry falls silent as only sniffles and small hiccups leave your lips when you hear those words. You blink up at Taehyung, slightly confused. “..What?”
“You heard him, become one of us.”
“I told you I don’t want to live forever.”
“You don’t have to live forever, darling.”
“I..I don’t?”
Yoongi shakes his head. “We can live together for as long as we want and when you get tired of life, when you get tired of immortality, just say the word and we’ll make it happen in a heartbeat.”
“Of course.” Namjoon presses a kiss to your forehead just as you feel Taehyung’s hands wiping your tears away and Seokjin handing you a tissue he created from thin air. “Hoseok said, didn’t he? You could ask us for the world and we’d give it to you without question.”
“We’d burn the world if it means making you happy.”
“But what if I just want you and not the whole world?”
Soft smiles appear upon their faces, softening their features, whispering sincere affirmations of love.
“Oh darling, you already have us.”
“And you’ll have us even after death takes us all away.”
“But…I thought…” with the last remaining tears wiped away, you take a small little glance towards the rose bushes, eyes scattering off with confusion, “doesn’t immortality mean…forever? How would I..-How would we just…leave this world?”
“There is always an answer to everything,” you feel warmth seeping through the palm of Yoongi’s hand when he caresses your face, “and just like the stars that burn bright in the night, lasting for eons on end, they too have their beginning and ending and one day they will burn away as well.”
“Then, technically..you aren’t cursed with immortality?”
“Well technically, yes, but in theory, going against the ways of life means going against the laws of the world, which also means throwing things off balance, so it also means receiving death sentences for throwing off said balance.”
You take a moment to blink, trying to comprehend what Jungkook just said, before simply letting out an “Oh.”
They chuckle at your silence and you feel Jimin ruffle your hair. “Though of course we’d never let anyone touch you, not even the world. There are other ways to leave an immortal life but it’ll happen when we get there so don’t worry your little head off about how everything works.”
“You just have to trust us,” Seokjin agrees.
“You’ll trust us, won’t you?” Hoseok asks.
You take his hands in yours, eyes determined without a glint of hesitation. “I trust you with my life and until death do us part, it is yours to keep.”
Taehyung chuckles at the sentiment before repeating the vow you’ve just spoken. “Until death do us part.”
2K notes · View notes
yoongsisbae · 1 year
King of Corruption | MYG
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Sequel to Christmas Mass. Yoongi x reader Demon AU. Dark smut.
The organ player takes his time with you, holding you and caressing your body while you sleep, until you can’t discern your dreams from your reality. A king and a sleeping beauty, his name leaves your lips like a prayer, prostated at his feet in blind reverence…the perfect position for him to corrupt and defile you. 
I promised readers a Yoongi version if Christmas Mass hit 1,000 notes, and you did it! Round of applause for you! This story is all your fault :D. Please please please heed the warnings, this is dreadfully filthy u.u.
Trigger warnings: 18+ dark themes, horror, demons, religion, smut, boss x employee, wanna experience the trauma of having an office job? this fic is for you!, power imbalance, Yoongi is literally the worst boss ever lol, yoongi is unhinged (remember that you wanted this sequel :’)) sloth is one of the hardest sins to really articulate - I wanted it to be a bit more than just sleepy/lazy, sleeping beauty syndrome, rough sex, corruption kink, pain kink, sadism, degradation, name calling, possession, reader manipulation, mental torture/mind break, dubcon, dark ending
Word Count: 8.9k
It’s quiet.
Apart from the clicking, dozens of busy hands typing away, needing to meet quarterly deadlines by the end of the month, less than a week away. 
What day is it? Tuesday? Thursday? 
So quiet.
Apart from papers shuffling back and forth and dress shoes thudding on thin office carpet; employees chasing down their supervisors, the gurgling of the water cooler dispensing another cold metallic tasting cup of water.
Click click click.
It’s almost closing time. Yet, you know you’ll be here at least two more hours along with everyone else. Your fingers are cramping, your legs shake up and down as you sit idle. You’re hungry and tired and so sick of these long office hours.
Tap tap tap.
Your office cell buzzes, a message popping up: ‘Come to my office.’
You press your lips together, annoyed.
Tap tap-
Your fingers hover over your keyboard as you finish looking over your current spreadsheet, double checking that the totals match the expense reports on your desk.
Click click click.
Tap tap tap.
Buzz. ‘Now.’ 
You sigh quietly, standing up. 
Walking past rows of cubicles, you trek towards your manager’s private office, knocking softly before entering.
He calls you closer with a lazy gesture, crossing his arms. He stares at you in silence for far too long, making you fidget uncomfortably on the spot. Lowering your head down you look at the objects on his desk, unable to meet his eyes.
A Newton’s cradle, at a standstill.
An ornate letter opener, shaped like a small needle dagger.
Countless papers, so scattered the desk wood is hardly seen.
“Yes, Sir?” You look up obediently.
Yoongi leans back in his office chair, eyes looking through you.
“I need these finished before you leave today.” He gestures down at the stack of reports at the corner of his desk.
Your eyes go wide, there’s at least three more hours of work piled up high. “B-But Sir-”
“Our quarterly deadline is in less than-”
“-a week,” you finish for him, dejected. “These have to be done today?” you ask, “Can’t I, um, come in early in the morning instead-”
Yoongi clears his throat and shakes his head, cracking his pointer finger with his thumb, turning the silver ring around the digit out of habit. “I needed those reports done yesterday.”
You want to scream.
“Okay.” He repeats impatiently. “Work on these first, I can’t finish what I have to do until I get those reports back.”
You exhale, reluctantly nodding and reaching for the extra work.
Yoongi slams his pen down, making you jump. “As soon as possible, y/n, okay? Got it?”
You nod quickly, turning on your heel, desperate to hide away from his stern gaze. Yoongi’s presence is intimidating, his curtness makes you feel like a child, dumb and incompetent. ‘Just get it done,’ you think, then you can go home, far away from this hell.
Yoongi watches your retreating figure, sighing, “How tiring…” he mumbles, a sly grin hiding behind his knuckles.
Your eyes sting, the blue electronic screen glow under half-dimmed office lights could seem sinister if you weren’t so focused, tiredly saving updated files to the company’s servers. Somehow you are always the last one left at your desk, a “model employee,” by administrative standards of course.
You rub your eyes. Eat, you need to eat, before you pass out.
‘Saving: 78%’ You look around, forgetting there was nobody left around for you to disturb. You look through your purse for some change to buy a snack bar from the company’s vending machine, anything to eat just so you can make it home in one piece.
Under closing lights the bright shine inside the vending machine makes the cheap snacks inside look incredibly appetizing, or perhaps it was because you skipped lunch today...
You rest your head on the glass of the vending machine, watching the agonizingly slow twirl of springs as your snack bar...gets stuck.
No. Not now!
Closing your eyes, you debate on whether to start screaming or crying.
‘Come on!’
Of course only you could be this unlucky. You try to quietly hit your fist on the glass, harder again when nothing moves. 
‘FUCK THIS FUCKING SHIT,’ you think, cursing your life.
You shift your weight between legs, thinking, itching to kick the damn thing. No, you shouldn’t make a scene. Biting your tongue, you lean your body against the side of the vending machine, using your shoulder to nudge the large appliance.
Someone clears their throat.
You look up and stare into a pair of intense eyes, dark irises silently judging you.
It’s one of the rare times you’ve seen your boss without his coat jacket on, Yoongi’s unkept appearance surprising you. His tie is pulled down, top two buttons unfastened, the gel in the front strands of his hair has lost its hold, causing his bangs to frame his sharp cheekbones. His cheeks are flushed, a sign he has been doing more than just sitting at his desk all day, it makes you wonder what or who...
Yoongi swipes his credit card and hits the same two numbers you had chosen.
He bends down slowly, pulling two bars from the machine. Your lip trembles as you build up enough courage to speak. ‘That’s my bar.’
Just ask for it.
Just say it.
Say something!
“That’s mine,” you summon the courage to speak up.
Yoongi laughs softly. “Yours?” he hums.
He stares at you, and you realize he has no intention of giving you what you want.
You immediately look down out of habit. You would have let it go, scurried away before Yoongi really got annoyed at you, but you only brought enough change for one bar. “Y-Yes.”
“It is! I paid for it, it got stuck, the stupid machine-” you trail off, realizing you were speaking your thoughts aloud.
“Nothing here is yours, y/n,” he tuts. His tone catches you off guard, and when you look up his expression is even more surprising. Yoongi is leaning against the machine, smiling at you.
A smile is usually friendly, welcoming.
Not like this.
His crescent eyes don’t twinkle, they gleam with a malice that makes your body stiffen.
He chuckles, staring at your gaping mouth. “This belongs to me. This whole company is mine,” he smiles. “And do you know what else is mine?”
“Huh?” you can only ask dumbly, frozen by his sudden icy demeanor.
You yelp when he grabs the back of your neck so swiftly you trip over yourself trying to pull free.
Yoongi forces you back against the cold vending machine glass.
He whispers his next words so softly in your ear, you wouldn't have believed he was capable of such tenderness in the midst of such aggression. “You belong to me.”
He runs his thumb harshly over your bottom lip smearing your lipstick down your chin, gripping your face in his hands so tightly it stings. You gasp out his name in surprise, jolting when he presses his knee between your legs. “You’re mine,” he whispers.
Your boss holds out one of the small snack bars in your direction. “Y/n?”
You shake out of your stupor, looking at Yoongi as he stares back at you blankly. “Y-Yes Sir?” you ask, realizing he was offering you the extra bar.
He stood three paces away from you, not close at all, but your body felt jittery thinking of his skin against yours, how it would feel if he pushed you against the vending machine and had his way with you.
Your thoughts horrify you. It had felt so real, you were still lingering in your own delusions. Your boss...he’s your boss. Why would you think such horrible things about your boss?!
You grab the bar away from him so quickly he stares down at his open palm.
You keep your head bowed, silencing away those horribly intrusive thoughts burning through your body like a forgotten muscle memory. Yoongi steps closer to you, eyes peering down at the bar held tightly to your chest. “I-I-”
“Y/n, go home.”
You put on the television.
It only takes a few minutes before your attention is on your phone instead, checking the latest trends. You scroll quickly, unfocused, so you didn’t have to think of the horribly embarrassing moments you had today.
If your thoughts become too loud, like tonight, you drown them out with music, adding another layer of noise inside your quiet home.
This has become routine.
You spend the night scrolling through images of popular celebrities, cute half naked men and women with soft features and sweet smiles so you wouldn’t think about him...
Your boss.
Min Yoongi.
Yoongi’s intimidating appearance, so unlike the warm and friendly celebrities displayed on your screens. Yoongi’s sharp angry eyes, you wonder what makes him happy. Yoongi’s deep drawling voice, that voice, what would it sound like in your ear? Oh, the way Yoongi runs his tongue over his lips when he concentrates...
You own tongue licks across your teeth thinking about it.
Your boss had a notorious reputation, there’s always been office gossip between chatty women who giggle amongst themselves when he walks by. Stories to explain why his assistants never stay for too long, and rumors of a terrible terrible temper. You’ve never seen it for yourself, but god help you, you can’t help but imagine...
Something must be under that listless facade he always exhibits for him to be so successful...
A fierceness...
You shake your head, sighing. Something is wrong with you, you think, ashamed at yourself. Stop y/n. You’re not brave enough to play with fire like that. You’re his subordinate and you’re fairly certain he finds you annoying, like a pest, and you’re definitely certain he is out of your league.
No, Mr. Min seems like the type who doesn’t bother with relationships anyways, the type to scoff at romantic gestures, probably prefers high class escorts and busy women who would leave him alone to his own devices. Your boss is not a nice man.
But there’s just something about him...that hooks you, in the lungs, in the chest, in the pit of your stomach. You’ve been wholly ensnared by him.
You pull your legs up, burying your face in your knees, hiding away. A silly gesture, you were all alone in your home after all.
You turn up the volume on your television and laughter fills your house. Rehearsed, giddy, raucous laughter. A show you’ve probably already watched before. You can barely crack a smile in response.
You eat a cold meal of leftovers, too lazy to cook for yourself, too hungry to even wait the time it takes until it heats up.
You move from the couch to the bed, and fall asleep quickly, exhausted.
You gasp for air, waking up.
Where had you been? Were you drowning? You catch your breath. No. Then why are you wet? Is that sweat?
It’s too dark to see. You try to move, but something heavy holds you down.
“What’s going on?” you murmur. 
Something is wrong. Very wrong.
“Go back to sleep,” a deep drawl mumbles.
You know that voice.
Who is it? His name is on the tip of your tongue.
Your limbs feel so heavy, so tired. It can’t be morning yet, it’s too dark for that.
You still have time to sleep more, go back to dreaming, enjoying that pleasant feeling again, so good you can still feel it creeping over your limbs...
...up your body...
...inside you...
It’s a nice feeling, it was a nice dream. It’s where you want to be, where you want to stay. Just until morning, just until you have to go back to reality, back to work, where everything hurts and is exhausting and unpleasant, a deadline on top of a deadline, a bunch of dead ends, finish lines with no rewards.
You rather stay in bed and sleep.
That dream, what was it about? You try to remember, get it back, so you can go back, anywhere but here.
You groan, chest heavy. Just a little bit more time is all you need. Let the sun stay away for a little longer. Let the shadows hide you away. Please.
That dream, you’re almost there, it’s coming back to you like a sweet lovely serenade, sung by lips pressed against your skin.
A rhythm begins inside you that makes your body sink deeper, two fingers pulling out the song inside you, making you ache to hear more.
A deep sigh against your thigh followed by a chuckle makes you whine in tune. You think it almost feels too good to be just in your imagination, right before you fall deeper.
“Am I boring you?”
A sharp kick to the back of your chair by your coworker jolts you. “S-Sir? N-No, no– No, Sir.” 
Shit, now everyone in the meeting room has their eyes on you. Your boss continues to chastise you. You shrink inward, gripping the ends of your skirt hard enough to wrinkle. 
Yoongi asks your thoughts on the presentation so far, already knowing you don’t have an answer. You stutter out the notes you’ve written down, riffling through the papers in front of you and he corrects you, flustering you even more.
You mumble out an apology. You hate being the center of attention, you wish to disappear. Taking your pen and piercing it into the soft part of your throat would be less painful than the embarrassment you’re feeling and when you hear giggles on your left part of you contemplates on actually doing it and ending it all!
God, will this reflect poorly on your performance review?!
You try not to shake as you scribble down what he’s saying, ignoring his eyes fixated right on you. ‘Why me?’ you write in the corner of your notebook, holding off tears of frustration.
Why does Mr. Min always seem to be picking on you?
“Everyone is dismissed,” Yoongi says after the meeting concludes. He calls out to you before you can leave, asking you to see him in his office.
You wince. Of course, you never get a break from working.
You sit on the couch by his desk, waiting. He’s making you wait on him. When you should be eating lunch with everyone else. You swallow down your growing resentment instead.
It’s bitter.
Your leg shakes in boredom, your foot tapping on Yoongi’s office carpet. Time just ticks on by, slower and slower until you can’t take it.
You feel hungry and annoyed and worst of all, you feel deep restlessness, uneasiness working up your limbs and into the pit of your stomach until you wish to scream, run, anything.
How much can you tolerate before you explode? Act out? That’s what Yoongi seems to want to find out.
Your boss walks in, shutting the door to his office behind him.
Instead of sitting at his desk, he sits next to you on his couch, limbs sprawled out as he rests.
“Why did you need– Was there something you needed to discuss with me, Sir?” you ask, trying not to sound impatient.
“Y/n…” The way he drags out your name, deepening his voice, has you holding your breath, waiting for his next words. He runs his hands through his hair, fixing the strands away from his eyes.
“How long have you worked for me?” Yoongi asks, testing you.
“I…” you pause. How long has it been? It must be years now, right? This is your first job, you can’t remember having any other. “A very long time,” you laugh awkwardly, hoping he doesn’t ask you anymore about it. “Why? Is something wrong?”
Yoongi glances at you, fingers tapping on his knee as he stretches his legs. He adjusts his hips, moving closer towards you. “No, well, I think it’s time for a promotion, don’t you?”
“Oh?” You say, surprised. You would have bet Mr. Min would have fired you before ever promoting you.
“From now on you’ll be working directly under me. This department is growing, and I need an assistance manager. You’re a hard worker, your performance accuracy are always high, and I think you’ll be a perfect fit.”
You stay quiet, only nodding in acknowledgement. The idea of seeing more of him was burdensome. But you can’t help but fixate on his compliments, Yoongi called you ‘perfect.’
“How does that sound?”
He crosses his arms, “Yeah?”
He glances in your direction frowning, “Really? Because you look like I just told you someone died-”
“No, sir!” you recoil, “I’m sorry Sir, I’m just surprised! I thought you were mad at me,” you say softly, looking down at your knees pressed tightly together.
He reaches out to you, turning your chin to face him. “Y/n, tell me, do you like your job?”
You can’t exactly be honest and tell your boss how much you…
…hate it here.
“Yes, I’m very grateful for the opportunity-”
Yoongi frowns again, his touch becoming rougher. “You can tell me the truth, y/n.”
“Oh...I-l really like my job.”
He laughs.
And then, he grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back over the couch cushion. It’s quick and unexpected and...just like that time before...
What’s going on?!
“Do you?” he asks, a smug smile on his face. “You like your job?” he laughs.
“Y-Yes!” you defend yourself, pulling desperately at his arm. If you told him the truth, he would fire you. Then what would you do? How will you pay your bills? If you fought back against him, who would believe you? This goddamn job was all you had.
“Oh,” He nods back, voice pitched higher and seeming to mock your own voice. “You like this?” he laughs, dragging your body down, hovering over you. 
This is Yoongi? His demeanor shifted so quickly you can barely recognize him as the same man. Your boss was reserved, almost apathetic to things. The man looking down at you seemed unhinged, animated, barely contained.
You didn’t know what this man was capable of. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes. “What do y-you want me to say?” you whimper, words barely audible.
“Still that quiet little lamb?” He holds you down so tightly your scalp burns and his other hand snakes around your throat threateningly, bending over you until your foreheads touch. “Spineless, dumb girl, this is the best you could want? Is this what you gave up everything for?” he asks, shaking your body.
You don’t understand what he’s saying or why he’s doing this, but something inside you feels ashamed at his words, like you’ve done something horribly wrong and you don’t even realize it, like a child being yelled at for going to a place they shouldn’t without an adult. You shouldn’t be here...
You want to leave!
You cry out, fighting against him. You try to scream, sound muffled by the pressure of his fingers around your neck.
Yoongi sits his full weight on top of you, his designer suit pulling at the itchy fabric of your cheap bargain clothes.
“You so desperately want to feel something, it’s all you can think about, all you can dream about. If you want to feel, I can make you feel. I can make you hurt. And I can make it feel so good. If I took away that numbness inside you, fill you up with my cock instead, wouldn’t that be nice?”
His words don’t make sense. He sounds like an echo of your thoughts being thrown back at you, like a twisted mirror showing your reflection. How could he know? 
You stop struggling, surrendering. Yoongi is too strong, too heavy, too much for you. His eyes bore into you, deep dark irises with endless depth. You can’t look away and you start to cry.
This must be what drowning feels like, pain you’re forced to confront, a miserable knowing that you steadily lower into. It’s Yoongi who reaches for you, and it didn’t matter that he was pulling you down deeper, you cling to him for salvation.
“Do you like your job? Y/n?”
You gasp in air, looking at Yoongi’s passive face. Your hands immediately massage your itchy throat as you look around his office, catching your breath. 
What the hell.
You feel like you’re losing your mind, grasping at something slipping between your fingers, something you can’t explain.
What the hell was that?
It had felt so real, so palpable, so shocking, like electricity through all your tired joints.
Yoongi clears his throat, tilting his head at you as you try to regain your composure.
“D-Do I like my job? I…yes, it’s fine. I’m fine,” you breathe out. You continue to look around the room and where Yoongi sits next to you. What was that?! Did you really imagine it all? 
“Really?” He crosses his arms.
You laugh nervously. “Are you supposed to like your job? Don’t they say you shouldn’t turn what you love into work, you’ll grow to hate it or something like that, I think,” you trail off, unconfident you made any sense to him. “But this is a really good position! Thank you for the, um, promotion.”
“I see...” he says. “You know, this place is not my first choice, but I can appreciate this kind of job, it molds a certain kind of person. Someone disciplined, useful. Humans are natural born workers, did you know that? The very first man and woman had jobs. When God asked Adam and Eve to tend to his Garden. Humankind was created to work, to follow.”
This conversation is so odd. “Yes...”
“So do you think you can do that for me?” he asks, clasping his hands together.
“What, Sir?”
“Follow me.”
“You look a bit sick,” he says, touching your forehead, causing you to flinch away.
“Y-Yeah,” you mumble, looking around his office again, worried you weren’t hearing things correctly, worried you were sick in another way, maybe you should talk to someone, go to HR. “I think I, uh, maybe need to take a sick day tomorrow.”
Yoongi frowns. “Take a half day, go home for the rest of today and get better, I need you back here tomorrow,” he commands.
“Okay,” you say shakily. “Yes, Sir.”
“Where am I?”
It’s a familiar room you’ve only visited in your dreams. A room with no doors. A realm you know you don’t belong in, but can’t help but come back to again and again. You should be used to the fear creeping over you, but you can’t remember why.
“Stay away.” Your words echo, come out as a weak whisper. “This is a dream, just a dream,” you mutter to yourself, trying to stand, but unable to.
Yoongi walks closer to you, ignoring your pleas.
You boss? His clothes change from the familiar sleek blue suit you remembered him in into black, brown hair to stark silver, deep dark eyes becoming even darker, turning into obsidian orbs. 
You shut your eyes tightly. Your limbs feel heavy and slow, unable to move at the speed you wanted, unable to get out, unable to leave. Your body feels fractured from your mind, the physics of your dream always working against you. 
“Relax,” His deep voice sends goosebumps over your skin, the pads of his fingers dig into your sole, relaxing the muscles. You open your eyes and see Yoongi back to normal again, strong hands cradling your foot. His touch is so relaxing and pleasurable, and for a moment you forget why you’re so scared, the tension releasing from your stressed body with every deep stroke across your sole and down your calf.
“Just a dream, just a dream, just a dream.” You repeat the words like a mantra when he lets your foot drop, the familiar weight of his body back again.
“Would you like to go back already? We just started.” His skillful hands presses into your skin, up your thigh, closer and closer, kneading the muscle in tantalizing circles, replacing the tension in your body with desire. “Let go and enjoy it, y/n.”
But you can’t, you need to wake up. You shouldn’t escape into your fantasies and shut out the real world every time you become stressed. How many nights has it been? Your twisted day dreams have turned into full fledged nightmares, and now you can’t escape him, this reoccurring torturous cycle every time you close your eyes and think about Yoongi.
‘Wake up, y/n.’ Get out of your head, get out of your house! You can’t keep living like this! 
But you know, you’ll be here again, it just feels too good to stop. You don’t want to do anything but sleep and escape. It’s too easy.
And it’s too hard to resist him.
“Yoongi, fuck me. Please.”
Yoongi tuts, hand caressing down your throat and holding you there under him before he finally decides to stand.
“This time, work for it.”
He moves away and it’s cold loneliness without him on top of you, all you want to do is have him there again.
You feel the sudden energy return back to you at his command now that he wasn’t tangled over you. Your growing desire to have him back propels you.
You move yourself in front of him, getting on your knees. Assuming this is what he meant, you begin to unbuckle his belt.
He watches you, looking down at you dutifully fulfilling his orders. The perfect worker you are. Yoongi could get used to this kind of enthusiasm, even if he prefers you docile and completely pliable to his whims.
As you slowly pull out his length from his pants, you look up to make sure he is pleased. You let your lips stretch around him, taking him in your mouth as far as your throat allows.
“Good girl,” he sighs, “So sweet.”
He holds the back of your head, leading you to take him fully until you choke on his cock. Then he steps back, dragging your body forward by the hair, that way he keeps you connected to him, adjoined to him in the most sinful way.
You clumsily crawl forward, following his lead, knees hitting hard floor, a pain that reminds you just how much power he has over you.
Yoongi takes a seat, spreading his legs to make a place for you to kneel between them. He sighs in pleasure. In your dreams, you boss always seems much more at peace, putting pleasure first, and everything else melts away. Your worries, your responsibilities, your duty is only to him, it makes him happy.
You move your mouth, sucking him down over and over again until your jaw aches, until sweat drips down your forehead and your wrists and knees hurt and you’re messy and dripping for him. He helps guide you as you tire, hands still tangled in your hair.
He’s close, you can tell by the swell of his cock, the loud groans that escape his lips.
You taste his release, salty and thick. Your own is still so far away, you whimper around his still hard cock. Yoongi feels your quiver against him, and he gives you an unexpected mercy. He releases his hold on you, leaning back. “Get up and ride me now.”
You nod quickly, standing up. Yoongi lets you straddle him, awe over his muscular body. You don’t waste any time dropping down on his cock.
He watches you rut your hips side to side, up and down on his hard length, your hips moving fluidly against his own, chasing your pleasure. You reach for his hands and he lets you place his large palms over your breasts, watching as you mewl when he kneads and pulls on them. You place a hand across your collar bone and he takes the invitation to rest it higher, fingers squeezing around your throat, taking your air for his.
Oh, you’re good at this. And all Yoongi has to do is sit back and relax, let you take him, his own cocksleeve. A perfect disciple, willing to learn exactly what pleases him.
You close your eyes and listen to his low whisper, moans of encouragement. “You’re so close, don’t give up on me now, fuck yourself on my cock. That’s my girl. Keep going, come for your master.”
You tremble and whimper out his name like a prayer you’ve wished for over and over.
You wake up abruptly, falling off your couch, still in your work clothes from the day before.
You can’t believe you slept the whole day away. Maybe you really were sick. Your muscles ache, your head is spinning and you can’t stop thinking...
...about what it would really feel like...
...to have Yoongi’s hands hold down your body.
You clutch your head. ‘It wasn’t real.’
Your alarm hasn’t gone off, the sun is only just rising, you still have time to shower and get ready for work, but all you want to do is take away the frustratingly clawing ache inside of you, a desperate need you’re too embarrassed to acknowledge.
So you run a cold shower before breakfast instead.
You heave out a long drawn out sigh, letting the cool water hit your back, washing away your shamefulness.
You rest your head on cold tile. ‘Don’t think about him.’
No, don’t think about his rough hands on your delicate neck, his crotch pressed over your stomach, or the feeling of his cock getting harder against you.
Fuck, you want to fuck him.
You try to calm your breathing, tilting your head into the water. What are you doing? Your boss wouldn’t do that! He…
You touch your bottom lip…He could, if he wanted to.
Did you want him to?
The answer frightens you. No no, your morbid curiosity was nothing more than just that. You just wanted to feel fire, but you didn’t want to get burned.
So, like always, you resign yourself to this small depraved little fantasy. Behind shower curtains, hiding in the low light of your bath.
You trail your fingers down between your legs, working yourself up before you could think of talking yourself out of it.
It wasn’t really about him right now anyways. You just needed to release. You were so wound up and desperate, right?
You shudder a yes, pressing your fingers deeper into your sex.
You flinch as your back bumps into warmth. ‘This is not real.’
Smooth, wet skin, pressing back against you, fingers gripping your wrist so you don’t stop.
You feel yourself unraveling as lips run along your shoulder, the same lips you couldn’t stop thinking about. You close your eyes, whimpering, scared to look behind you and either confirm your delusions or become utterly lost in them. 
You pull your fingers out, circling your clit, thinking of how good it feels to have Yoongi pressed against your back, his cock up between your legs.
The way he would be so merciless when he pushes his cock inside you, pulling your leg up higher to angle himself deeper.
You moan, feeling so full it makes your head spin.
The way his fingers would explore your body, gripping you like he owns you, pinching your nipples, pulling at your hips, pressing down on your tongue.
This fantasy feels so real, all that’s missing is…
“Can’t help yourself, greedy slut, can you? You ever wonder why that is, y/n?”
You cry out, focusing on the piercing drag of his cock against your walls. “Aw does it hurt? I told you, I would hurt you.”
He slams into you over again, water splashing with every impact against your ass. You struggle to stay standing, clinging to tile. “You’ll take it, though, like a good obedient whore.”
He pulls out, turning you around.
It shocks you how real this fantasy of yours looks. It’s dangerous how effective your thoughts work to rile you up, he’s dangerous.
“Lusting after monsters, you haven’t changed one bit, y/n.”
“I want to stop it,” you admit, shaking against him out of fear and pleasure. “I don’t know how,” you whimper, knowing you can only ever really have him like this, a twisted version of your boss you made up for yourself. It’s shameful and sickening.
“Because you’re mine. Look at you,” he tuts, “Your soul weeps for me,” he presses his fingers inside your dripping cunt, “But I want more than that, you understand?”
“What?” you stutter out.
He kisses you roughly, swallowing your whines. You close your eyes, lost to pleasure as his tongue rolls over your neck, sucking. You can’t stop yourself from wrapping your arms around him, fingers tangling in his wet hair, succumbing to your delusion.
“Devotion. Your sweet devotion, give me your that, and you won’t need to do anything else ever again.”
Tap tap tap.
Click Click Click.
Wait. Wait.
You stand up suddenly, startling those working around you. You look around, scanning the familiar setting over and over again.
Afraid you’ll start a scene you turn your heel and walk quickly to the bathroom.
Only when you’re alone and have caught your breath do you go to the mirror and stare at your reflection.
Your hair is still damp, the collar of your work shirt is wet, fading water droplets across your jacket and skirt.
And your panties feel wet, sticking to your core.
Shit, you think, noticing your smudged makeup. How long have you looked like this? You grab paper towels quickly, rubbing away the lipstick smudged under your lip, trying to gather your thoughts together.
What was happening to you? Why can’t you remember how you got here?
You massage your temples, feeling dizzy. There has to be an explanation, you just have to look for it.
...unfortunately, right now you have work to do.
You sit at your desk, chewing on crackers, contemplating the idea that you might be going completely insane.
Your cell buzzes. ‘Sixth floor meeting room. Now.’
It’s your boss of course. You can’t face him right now. You turn off your cell, nibbling on your nails in your anxiousness.
This isn’t normal, something is very wrong with you. You end up back in the bathroom, trying to retrace your steps, figuring out the minutes that were escaping you. You turn on the faucet, wetting a towel, running the wet paper across your forehead to calm yourself.
You catch your reflection again, except this time, there are two.
Another person, behind you, staring back.
An image of a devil.
A beautiful devil.
Smiling wickedly behind you, an image of a man so haunting you forget how to breathe.
You scream.
Before you can turn around and confront your worst nightmares the bathroom door bursts open, familiar hands wrapping around your wrists and pulling you away.
Yoongi is pissed.
You can tell as he drags you along, not stopping until you are back in his office.
His nails dig into your elbow, pulling you possessively closer to him. “Missing him?!”
You shake your head frantically. Miss who? Not...
Whoever that was...no, you didn’t want to think about it anymore!
You whimper, feeling weak and dizzy.
“Oh poor little y/n,” Yoongi tuts, “you just need some more rest.”
“What do you think you’re doing, my friend?” Jimin asks. “You’re not usually this persistent.”
Yoongi yawns, undoing his tie. “I want her longer.”
Jimin laughs, so loud it would have surely woken you up if it weren’t for Yoongi’s effect on your body. “Fine.”
He watches your brow furrow, “I do enjoy watching the fight in her return,” Jimin laughs.
For all the passion Jimin possessed, Jimin was a heartless demon.
Jimin had thoroughly broken you, taken from you until you had nothing left to give and became a boredom to him. 
So it was Yoongi’s turn. 
“This is a nice little world,” Jimin looks around, flicking the metal name plate in the center of Yoongi’s desk.
“We’re currently not hiring.”
“Oh, don’t be like that!” Jimin whines.
“You can have her back when I’m done.”
Jimin bites his lip in thought. “You’re not lying to me, are you, dear friend?” he asks. “You remember she called out to me first. I can, hmmm, satisfy her the best.”
Jimin’s fingers trail the curves of your body, and even in your slumber your body responds to his touch, writhing in the other demon’s lap. Yoongi holds you loosely, caressing your cheek as you whine softly. Jimin moans at the sight.
Yoongi laughs, “Concerned for her satisfaction, are you?”
Jimin holds up his palms in mock defeat, smirking. “Okay. Then, let me watch.”
A soft touch, wet and warm.
You’re too tired to open your eyes, not yet fully awake. Your limbs laid sprawled out, sinking into the thick covers under you, body too sluggish to move. You don’t want to wake up just yet, it feels too good. It feels real good.
You breathe in, turning your head into your pillow, leaning into the softness against your cheek, the warmth rolling over your stomach, the weight on your pelvis. It makes you gasp softly.
Yoongi smiles against your skin, mouth opening to taste you again.
Your body rocks against the soft sheets. You wish to moan, but you can’t. You wish to press your sex closer to the delicious sensation between your legs, but you can’t. If only you could wrap your legs around it, beg for more. But you can only lie sedated in your pleasure, getting wetter and wetter.
You wake up restless in your bed, needing to pee. Stumbling through your pitch black room, you search for the light switch, your drowsiness slipping quickly away and being replaced by an anxiousness when you can’t find it.
The darkness frightens you. But even scarier, what could be hiding, terrifies you.
You decide to keep the lights on when you return. 
You lie in bed thinking about him. Min Yoongi, when did he become such an obsession for you?
Maybe you need to find yourself a boyfriend, try dating, you stay home too much. You sigh, realizing how you have spent every other night in bed...fantasizing...instead. You’ve always been alone, but you’re starting to notice the loneliness, and it’s becoming suffocating. You need to go out, appreciate the couple hours of free time in the evening you had after working all day and afternoon. You’re coming to a realization your freedom shouldn't feel so...confining. The four walls of your room feel so close now. When did you become so lazy, so closed off and boring?
The sad realization leaves you even more unwilling to take the risk. Honestly, you should be grateful you have a roof over your head and a meal in your stomach and the luxury of being able to relax at home.
What about your dreams, ambitions?
Shh, you silence that annoying voice inside you. Those aren’t affordable! And take so much more energy than you have right now. But a nicer steak the next time you go shopping, a small joy, could still be an option.
Tomorrow, you’ll buy it tomorrow.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
Tonight, you’ll take your mind off your troubles.
So you go back to your increasing obsession with your boss.
You breathe in, thinking of the cologne you smelled on him today. Those eyes that narrow when you do something wrong, so sexy, it almost makes you want to make him angry.
You wonder what goes on in his mind when he gets annoyed at you. If he wants to punish you, if he could get away with anything, what kind of punishment would it be? another voice inside you asks.
Bending you over his desk?
Would he find serenity in slaps across your ass? A belt welting your cheeks.
Your previously relaxed limbs seize.
Fuck, it hurts. It hurts so much. There is cold wood against your front and stinging down your back. You can’t help but cry out, leather digging into your wrists. 
“Shhhhh. Keep dreaming.”
The leather bands around your wrists hurt. You’re dreaming? Really? But this is too real.
But how else could you explain this situation? Your legs spread open, Yoongi standing in between them as he admires your aching backside.
He runs his fingers over the welts across your ass, making you hiss in pain.
“Let’s keep going, shall we?”
You stay quiet, unable to move, crying out when sharp pain comes back down across your ass.
“Oh, now don’t go regretting this now. You wanted this remember?”
Another slap makes you scream out in pain. You want to wake up now. ‘Wake up!’
“You chose this. You gave away your freedom just like that, dumb girl.”
Another hard smack with his belt has you reeling, legs tightening around Yoongi’s torso as you twist your body in agony. You sob, unable to handle anymore pain.
So Yoongi forces pleasure on you instead with two fingers inserted into your pussy, massaging the throbbing pain away. He slips in and out easily, the wetness that gushed out of you was a shameful reminder that you had been a willing captive. You moan weakly, body tired.
He easily builds up your orgasm, practiced fingers curling into your sex, stroking you inside and out until you’re close to bursting.
Yoongi stops, taking the moment to strike your ass with his messy palm. You shiver and cry out. “P-Please,” you stutter, pulling at your restraints.
Yoongi resumes his ministrations, “Please...Sir,” he reminds you.
“Please, Sir, let me come,” you gasp.
Yoongi turns you around, lifting your restrained hands over your head. He moves so fast you yelp at the sudden movement, only realizing after he lets go that the loud thud you heard was his letter opener sticking into wood and restraining you to his desk.
Your breathe becomes ragged as you lie tied down, body exposed to him. His thumb swipes over your clit, making you cry out his name. He sits, rubbing lazy circles into you, watching your body uncontrollably react. The buildup is achingly slow, steady, reliable, you know your orgasm is approaching and you are ever so close to release, yet Yoongi draws it out, until you feel the pressure in your ears, in you throat, in your feet, in your chest.
If this was another fantasy, it was the best one yet. Yoongi had fire in his eyes, electric movement, a demanding touch. You cum hard, crying out.
It wasn’t over even after your orgasm finished, Yoongi moves in closer, lips kissing your inner thigh. “Stay still, relax,” he smirks when your breath hitches.
You lose your breath all over again when his face rests in between your legs, burying his mouth into your sex. His tongue rolls over your folds, sucks on your abused nub. You clench your jaw and accept his pleasure. Your body pulses over and over again as Yoongi eats you out, your legs and hands going numb, but like Yoongi promised, you felt everything he was giving you, until exhaustion overcame you.
You wake up, still wet. You try not to feel ashamed, but your shame sticks to your core, underwear drenched and stretched as you slept.
Maybe it’s time to look for another job.
“Here’s your reports. And the notes for your next presentation. And-” you hand Yoongi a warm cup of coffee, “-for you. Black, half sugar.”
“Thank you, y/n,” Yoongi grunts, sipping the coffee. 
“Thank you, Sir,” you smile, beaming.
Yoongi smiles too. It’s slight, barely there, but you notice the small curl of his lips. “You did well,” he reaches for your waist, pulling you close. “My best girl.” 
You smile. “I-” you falter, “Have I…have we always been like this?” you think out loud.
“Does it matter? Doesn’t this feel right?” His hand caresses this inside of your thigh, disappearing under your skirt.
“Isn’t it nice working for me, why would you want to leave?”
You swallow, trying to sort out your surroundings, the happiness inside you shrinking away.
“Has that always been there?” you ask.
Yoongi glances at the corner of his office, pressing his fingers against your panties, rubbing on your clit through the sheer fabric. 
You stare at the relic that didn’t belong there, a golden piano. No, that wasn’t quite right, it was an organ.
Yoongi pulls your gaze back to him, caressing your check. “That poor little mind of yours...” he sighs, tutting. “Why don’t you forget about that and just enjoy yourself? You’re finally starting to be useful to me.” 
You can’t help but look for the organ from the corner of your eyes, a cold dripping feeling running down your spine.
Yoongi pulls you into his lap until you’re straddling him, your tight skirt digging into your thighs as you have to widen your legs around him. His mouth latches onto your neck to distract you, licking your clammy skin, sending shivers down you again.
His fingers curl inside your panties, moving the fabric to the side, so he can insert his digits fully. You hold his shoulders for stability, biting down moans.
“This is another dream.”
“Oh have you been dreaming about me?” he smirks.
“No!” you pant, “Yes...I’m dreaming.” His steady pressure moving inside you makes you dizzy, your jaw going slack as you lean into him. You can’t help but widen your legs, giving in to him in your lust. Yoongi takes the opportunity to kiss you, devouring your lips.
A knock on Yoongi’s office door stops his movements.
You stand up quickly, straightening your clothes, looking over at the corner where you could have sworn you had seen the large organ instrument.
“These came in for you, Sir.” A receptionist drops off three packages for him, excusing herself quietly before looking you over, her eyes narrowing at your appearance.
“You can leave now,” he says curtly and she huffs before leaving. He then turns back to you, swiping his fingers across his lips, tongue jutting out to roll over his wet glistening digits.
You pat down your skirt, legs wobbling. This wasn’t a dream?
“Come here.”
“Sir?” You look at the door, closed again, but unlocked.
“Come here, y/n.”
You take one hesitant step closer. Was this really happening? “W-We can’t,” you stutter out. “You can’t-”
“I can do whatever I want,” Yoongi laughs, “I’m the boss, remember? Now, come here.” He moves his chair further away, turning to fully face you, legs spread, a position you’ve only dreamed about.
You wipe the perspiration away from your brow and neck, looking down at his black Oxfords, until you’re finally courageous enough to look Yoongi in the eye, and what a mistake that was.
His eyes held a challenge that you couldn’t back away from. Yoongi was unbuckling his belt, undoing the button of his slacks.
He didn’t say come here this time, his pointer finger only had to draw one small movement to coax you to him.
He pulls you back to his lap easily, lets you clumsily touch him. This was really happening, and your boss seemed to be enjoying himself, acting so much nicer.
The smile he revealed, you believed to show kindness.
You smiled foolishly back, and he patted you head.
You hesitantly moved in for a kiss, pressing your lips softly to him, heart leaping when he opened his mouth for more, tasting his tongue.
The door opens again and you freeze, mortified at your predicament.
“I thought I told you to stay away.”
“You did, but look at her, she’s dripping with lust.”
With your back to the door, you can't see who is behind you, but his smooth sultry voice makes you shudder.
His words feels like daggers, each syllable chiseling away at you, fracturing what was left that held you together, revealing the truth underneath. It hit you like a splash of cold water, like waking up from a dream.
You look down at your hands, grasping tightly onto Yoongi’s shirt. “Father Park?”
“Hmm, not here,” he laughs, hands in his pockets, “Here you can call me Daddy,” he cocks his head, smiling.
Yoongi caresses your check, holding your jaw up when your head lulls to the side. You hear clicking, a belt buckle unfastening.
You wake up again in darkness.
That darkness never really left you, did it?
“Why are you doing this to me?” you call out.
The organ player reveals himself. He must have always been there too. “Because this is what you wanted,” he crawls over you, like he’s done countless times before, “what you begged for, prayed for, gave up everything for.”
“No, I didn’t want this,” you stutter out. Who was that woman you became? You barely recognized yourself in her...
Yet there were similarities, you suppose. If you had to recite a list of all your sins, you suppose your lists would look identical. If you had that kind of life, you suppose the path she took would have your footprints as well...
“Am I dead?” you look at your surroundings, soft sheets under you, fabric cascading over your body.
“Dead? No.” Yoongi chuckles. “You exist, y/n. Well, for us, death is just another existence.” Yoongi lies down next to you, arm over your stomach. You should push him away from you, but it’s cold and Yoongi is warmth, a fire lighting up the darkness.
“So I am dead...” you whisper.
“Is that what you’re worried about?” Yoongi laughs. Humans can be quite amusing, he thinks. “What if I told you, you’re very much alive. See, the living realm is so much more fun, why would we keep you dead?”
“This place...”
“Welcome home,” Yoongi sighs, head snuggled to your shoulder.
“Is this hell?” you whisper, head heavy and limbs slow.
“No, not yet,” Yoongi smirks, “It’s just a dream. A place we can be alone together.”
“What is Jimin doing to my body?” you ask. You heart pounds, making you dizzy and anxious for the answer.
“Your body? Humans really are funny creatures...What is a body but a vessel to hold what’s really important, your soul, and who owns your soul, y/n?” he asks you. You stay quiet, resisting the answer, the consequence you’ll never escape from. “I will tell you something,” he whispers in your ear, “Your soul is here, with me. I hold it for the time being.” He places his hand over your heart, cupping your breast. “Feels just like it would in the physical world, doesn’t it?” he massages and tugs at the flesh. “Maybe it’s better, if you stay here with me?”
“Stay here, with you?” you repeat, trying to think of anything other than Yoongi’s slow torturous touch. You realize his touch feels familiar, skilled fingers like an old lover’s. You’ve betrayed yourself, over and over again.
You wonder if this is what you’ve become now, traitorous, self-gratifying, weak...did Father Park do this to you? Yoongi? Or was this...ache...void inside you always there, begging to be filled, to be touched?
And Yoongi was so excellent at making you feel whole, feel full of him and nothing else. He hugged you secure like a blanket, hands claiming you, soft and slow, with all the time in the world to make you his.
“If you decide you’d rather, let me have you, instead. Jimin is a master of desire. But we all are very adept at pleasure,” Yoongi smirks. “We can stay here for as long as you like. Your bones can turn to dust, but with me, here, your soul will remain. And you’ll be my Queen.” He kisses you, a slow drag of his lips pressing heavily onto yours making you feel even weaker.
The cascading fabric became tight around you, gold rings fastening it all in place to become a beautiful gown. You noticed Yoongi too wore gold, adorned on a black suit of armor fit for a King.
“Isn’t this what you dream of always?” he asks, a small smile pulling at his lips that made him look unthreatening. You knew better, but those tiny truths were being quieted by your King, who played his role so well, stuck his tongue inside your mouth and muted any lingering objections.
He places his hands on top of yours, stretching your arms upward, holding you in place, tongue taking away your voice. He lies his weight on top of you, kissing too sweetly the stretch of your neck, head nestled in the valley between your breasts, body sinking between your legs, mounting pleasure taking all your doubts away. “You don’t have to worry anymore,” Yoongi lies, “Give up. Give in.”
You try to keep your eyes open.
Yet your eyes flutter shut.
“Huh?” You turn your head in question.
Yoongi clears his throat, “As I was saying, due to the merger everyone is going to have to buckle down. We have to implement all new procedures, switch operating systems, upgrade the database... Are you listening!”
“Yes? Yes! Yes, Sir.” You sit up straighter, focusing on your boss.
“Expect to be here extra days, at least until everything settles in place.”
“Yes, Sir,” you nod, unsuccessfully trying not to frown.
“Also, since you will be managing twice as many people,” you wince at the thought, “You will have an assistant.”
On cue, there is a knock on Yoongi’s door.
“Hello,” you nod, standing up, forgetting you still had your binder in your lap, and papers scatter all over the floor. Yoongi curses as you quickly pick up your mess.
Your new assistant hands you the last stack of your remaining papers. You thank him, flustered at his kind gesture, your face heating up when you accidently bump his finger with your own.
“Hello,” he grins.
Yoongi lifts you up by the elbow, catching you off guard as you struggle to reorient yourself. “Nice to meet you, um...”
“Park Jimin.” Jimin licks his lips, beaming with excitement. “Hey, boss.”
You watch as the pair clasp hands, exchanging greetings. And a small part of you wonders, how it would feel
if their hands
were touching you instead.
So did you catch that y/n was actually reborn, did I fool you? But alas her soul is still theirs u.u
If this reaches 1k then I guess I will write a Mr. Kim version with the Kim trio, cause I’m not making myself suffer like this again for nothing lol :’D
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euphoricfilter · 7 months
Devil That I Know: The Prologue
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Pairing: Demon! Jungkook x Human! F. Reader
Genre: Fluff || Smut || Angst || Demon au || Non-Idol au || Yandere au || Reincarnation || Strangers to Lovers
Summary: It's a shame how refuge will become your downfall.
Word Count: 3.3k
Tags/ warnings: mentioned death/ murder, sacrifice, sexy demon jungkook who has 4 arms, jimin is just mean (for now), the start of the yandere and just taehyung being a cutie
Notes: she’s back! and better than ever, new and improved, my baby <3 even if you’ve read the old version of dtik, i recommend reading again!! there has been a few added elements + way better writing!
devil that i know masterlist || my other stuff
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
[a little death]
Death seemed to have found solace in your shadow. Slithering around your ankles and chewing up any unfortunate living being you came across; acting as a parasite, touch of your fingers sticky poison. The rawest form of hatred radiating off your skin into the world, a curse. 
A simple wish for the price of a life, and maybe this was the universe’s sick joke, that you’ll live to suffer while the rest of the world carries the burden of a small selfish wish.
Maybe death has found home in your sorrows, wretched sadness, anguish, ugly ugly emotions cradling you like a mother would her child. Truly pitiful comfort where anger is useless.
It must have been almost a year ago your misfortune had truly started, foolishly leaving a life you never wanted. Though you suppose you never really had a choice, this day was inevitable when you were the odd one out, a leech, a pitiful child– not that that mattered at all to the man who was the starting point of your resentment. 
A wish for a life that was solely your own. A wish you never thought had been too big of an ask, leaving fragile hope in the hands of fate, praying that the world would take pity on your wilted soul. 
Now, freedom was a day’s journey away. Coastline so close yet so far away, a new life, one you’d been dreaming of since young, slipping through your fingers like dry sand– every step forward, the sea pulling away until you’re chasing after sodden dreams, leaving you stranded at the shore. 
Life looked like a damp cell in a run-down village, barely holding on; dependent on trade, though only one other village thrives in this area, hours away– over the mountain. Trips far and few with the horses they have, produce barely worth a piece of gold. 
The true situation of the village should have become apparent at their panic of unexpected visitors. Accusations spat your way, your own life flashing before your eyes, only for your friend to bear the brunt of their temper. No one of them had thought to hear you out, their words like venom, because in their eyes you’d come to spy on their village, a lie that would ruin you. 
You weren’t like them; and so you’d become an easy target. 
Secrets locked behind closed doors, lies fed to those clueless of what really happened when the sun falls over the horizon and the world is shrouded in darkness. 
Corruption was everywhere, the world so unfair, where fickle human emotions consume those greedy enough to sell their souls for power, for something more, anything to get out of their awful little lives. 
If you told a lie long enough, if you yourself believed in it, then surely it must be true. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
You’d never expected your first encounter with death, you suppose no one really does. And in your months of solitude, locked up against your will, you’ve learnt you can’t change the past. No matter how many tears wet the dry ground, how much you scream, how much you pray to anyone listening, the past will forever be how it is and you can’t change that. 
Regret is an awful emotion, a million ‘what ifs’ consuming your mind. What if you and your friend had chosen the village over the mountain? What if you had never decided to leave? What if you had traveled alone?
If things had been different, minute details that could have changed the whole course of your life, then maybe your friend would still be alive. Maybe you’d have found the coast, hair windswept as you stand on the deck of the boat, life that of a bird; free. 
You could never see much out of the small window of your cell, rare that the sun would dare poke its head in to say hello, never there to kiss your cheeks red, or warm frozen toes.
The nights had started to get colder, the few seconds you got to see the outside world through the open door is enough for you to know the leaves had begun falling off the trees. Dusty path blanketed with reds and oranges, footsteps harder to hear on the few days you’re fed– never more than what’s left over from the village men. 
The second time death had chosen to lurk was when a crisis had become of the village. Their crops rotting, black mold greedy in the way it had chewed through their livestock. Animals sent from the gods, lay dead on the ground, useless when their harvest season was right around the corner. 
“An evil spirit has cursed the lands” 
You’d wondered how you’d escaped the clutches of death a second time. But your purpose had become apparent when you’d heard whispers of the demon that lived in the mountains. A ruler of this very land.
Rumors carried by the wind had told you that he’d become restless, that the townspeople needed a sacrifice to sate his growing rage. They couldn’t go a season without crops, and none of the men dared push their wives forward as the gift. 
And so you, had been the sacrifice. The true purpose of them keeping you locked up and alive, was to act as their gift for the one that lived in the mountains.
Human fear is often the scariest, compassion absolutely destroyed, empathy non-existent. 
That’s why you don’t find yourself begging when you’re woken up one morning, cold water a shock to the system. Adrenaline useless as it pumps through your veins. It doesn’t take long for you to grasp the reason one of the village boys had come to see you so early, the sun barely having woken herself. 
You cough, wiping your wet face with the backs of your hand. Eyebrows creased into a frown as your eyes flit over to the entrance of your cell. 
“Get up” 
He mustn't be much older than you, pretty lips turned down into a prominent frown that you have to will yourself not to scoff at. Because really if anyone should frown as though the world were against them, it should be you. 
You don’t move, a dangerous game you’d been playing since you’d first arrived in the village. Because if you acted as though you didn’t understand them, language not your own, then you’d keep a little bit of your freedom. Ignorance covered as misunderstandings; actions out of spite, simply accidents. 
The boy tuts, door to the cell creaking, almost yanked off it hinges as he strides towards you. He’s rough as he grabs onto your arms, pulling you up from the sorry excuse of a bed. You pull your arms from his grip, skin prickly with pure hatred. 
“Change into these” he shoves a pile of clothes into your arms, tattered underwear falling to the floor.
If you had any shame, maybe you’d be a little embarrassed as he turns around, arms crossed over his chest. Though it seemed that any lick of shame that dared plague your mind, was consumed by anger as you yank your clothes off—Wringing your wet hair out, rolling the bottoms of the pants up. 
You flinch at the sound of another voice, “Jimin, are you almost done?”
The village boy turns around, eyes raking over your body, “Almost” he calls back. 
You eye the open door as Jimin steps out of your cell, “Don’t even think about it” 
It’s uncomfortable how tight he ties the ropes, hands bound behind your back where one mean tug from Jimin could send you tumbling face first into the floor. 
And it’s infinitely more uncomfortable how the whole village seems to gather, the chief parading you down the split path of people like a prize as Jimin watches your back.
A gift sent from the heavens to save their village, to save their people. Ironic when months ago everyone had been cursing your existence, asking why they should keep you locked up, why you hadn’t died beside your friend. 
It takes almost a day to hike up the mountain on foot, they may have thought of you as their sacrificial savior, that didn’t mean they were willing to waste their resources on you. 
Sweat tickles the back of your neck, hair clinging to your skin uncomfortably. You’re tired. Moments away from your legs giving way, willing to let the sun melt your skin and bones until you become one with the earth. Summer sun still clinging onto the sky before the seasons truly change.
The world takes pity on you as you stumble over your own feet, almost headbutting Jimin’s back as he stops. Your heart is in your throat as reality sets in, the rumors of a demon true. It didn’t look like anyone lived here; picket fence damp, old in a way that bugs had chewed through the wood.
Your eyes settle on the sign that hangs from a tree branch– “Jeon”. 
Jimin grabs the thick rope of the bell, muscles in his arms flexing as he announces your arrival. 
The shred of hope that you held in your heart shatters when you hear the crunch of footsteps. Silhouette of a man wandering through the archway of trees behind the fence.
You think he looks more like an angel than a demon, hair a fluffy mess, almost cute in the way he almost trips over his sandals. He catches himself before he can fall, stopping in front of Jimin on the other side of the gate. 
He places a hand over his heart, taking his time in catching his breath– and you can see Jimin’s patience wearing thin, heel of his boot tapping against the grass. Face etched into a permanent scowl that you can only assume is your doing.
You wet your lips at the sound of the boy’s voice, deeper than you’d expected, “Hello, how may I help you?” 
Your eyes fixate on the mole sat at the tip of his nose. 
“Are you the demon that resides here?” Jimin tugs you forward, heavy hand falling on the back of your neck. 
“Oh–” the man’s eyes widen, running a hand through his hair, “No, he’s inside” 
You peek over his shoulder, path veiled by trees, dark abyss waiting beyond the rotted gate. A world that looked so far from your own, a little secret hidden between the trees.
Jimin hums, “Here” he pats your back, “A delivery from the village” 
You dig your heels further into the ground as Jimin’s fingertips trail over your back, silent warning to do whatever you’re told. Maybe a cruel little goodbye, because the both of you knew that you might not ever make it out of there alive.
He waves at you as he starts his descent down the mountain, sadistic little smile of his face.  
Now would be a good time to run, though you wouldn’t know where to go. You suppose anything would be better than this. Maybe if you begged nicely the demon would kill you painlessly; maybe listening to your cries of mercy. Granting you an easy death so you could finally rest. 
The demon’s friend slips through the fence, “Do you understand me? Are you okay?” 
You nod. So many words hanging on the tip of your tongue, though you don’t seem to know what to say first. 
“I’m Taehyung” he tells you, smile fragile as he moves to take a look at your bound wrists. “May I?” he asks, and you turn to give him better access to your back. 
“What’s your name?” 
You swallow, wetting your dry throat, “Y/n” 
“Jungkook is really nice, I’m sure he’ll let you stay for a while” 
It’s weird how even as the ropes make a dull thump against the damp ground, you don’t feel any more free than you had when you’d been bound. 
Opening the gate, Taehyung motions for you to step inside, letting you follow him down the path and into the open area. Your eyes wander over the courtyard, freshly fallen leaves the color of a sunset scattered across the grass. Stood through the archway of trees stands the heart of the house. 
Without knocking, Taehyung pulls the door open. Intricately crafted table sat in the middle of the room.
He sits at the table like royalty, posture that of a king– clothes that of a nobleman. He looked younger than Taehyung, book held by one hand ever so elegantly, really he could be mistaken for a royal if it weren’t for the inky black snake that peeks out of the sleeve of his shirt. 
You try not to linger on his extra pair of arms. Breath catching in your throat when they fold over his stomach. Entirely unhuman, something you’d never seen before.
His eyes flicker over your face, turning to Taehyung with his eyebrow raised. You flinch as he shuts his book, full attention now on you and his friend. 
“Who’s this?” 
You feel the embarrassment lick up your spine as he takes in the way you’re dressed, warm blush surely flushing your cheeks pink. Both of your lives so dramatically different. 
Taehyung clears his throat when you don’t say anything, “This is Y/n” 
“Does she understand us?” Jungkook asks, curious eyes meeting your own. Taehyung turns to you, nudging your shoulder with his elbow. 
“I do” and Jungkook hums, a little taken aback with how formal you’d come off. 
“Why are you here?” there’s no malice in his voice, simple curiosity. Something you hadn’t been expecting. And you wish he had just shouted, unexpected understanding strange when you had prepared for the worst. 
Taehyung grabs a pillow from under the table, fingertips barely grazing your back as he helps you sit opposite Jungkook. 
“I’ll make us some tea” Taehyung smiles. A whisper for him to stay stuck on the tip of your tongue as he wanders further into the back room leaving you alone with Jungkook. 
Your eyes stay trained in your lap, picking at your nails, fiddling with the hem of your shirt; really anything to keep you from having to look into Jungkook’s eyes. 
“I asked a question” he reminds you, “why are you here?” 
“I’m a sacrifice. A gift from the people in the village of the east” 
“A gift?” he urges, utterly enraptured by the mind of humans. 
“Their land had been cursed, or so they say” you meet his eyes, “this is an offering for you to save the land, to sate your anger. That’s all I know, no one ever spoke much around the cell they kept me in” 
“Cell?” his eyebrows raise, curious.
You hum, “It is nothing but rumors, but they say the king wanted people like myself dead, the chief had told his people I’d come to spy on them. That my life would be of use, so they let me live” 
“Is that so?” Jungkook falls back, holding himself up by his arms, “Taehyung hadn’t told me such rumors were going around” 
You open your mouth, a question that’s been playing on your mind since a child put to an abrupt stop when Taehyung wanders back into the room. Teacup and delicate little porcelain plates balanced on a wooden tray. 
“Thank you” your voice is barely above a whisper as your fingers delicatly take hold of the cup. 
“So–” Taehyung starts, taking a seat beside you, “are you staying with us?”
Your hand flies to your mouth, a lame attempt in covering a cough as your eyes meet Jungkook’s. 
“Please? I could always use the extra help” Taehyung continues, arm slung over your shoulder, “What do you think?” 
Jungkook raises an eyebrow, head tilting in question. It’s strange how far you can get lost in someone’s eyes, how for some it’s ever so easy to nitpick seemingly insignificant changes in expression. Maybe it had been a self-defense mechanism, a means to survive, but you’d always felt you’d been good at knowing how people felt, knowing where to build a wall, draw a line, anything.
Jungkook was a strange being, how what lies beneath his gaze is unattable no matter how long you search.
Jungkook’s eyes gave no indication as to how he felt about you. Expression eerily neutral that even if you were to ask him how he felt, his tone would be of no help. Someone so in control of their body and mind, someone above that of natural human nature; and you suppose thats only fair considering he weren’t a mortal like you or Taehyung. 
“You guys do whatever you want” Jungkook picks up his book, touch gentle as he flips back to the page he’d left. 
You turn to Taehyung, “If it’s okay, then I don’t mind staying” because living a life secluded from the world, protected by the rotting gate at the end of the path, was a safer way to live than travelling alone with no place to call home.
And as long as Jungkook held no resentment towards you, letting you live a life of peace, even if only for a fleeting moment—then maybe you’d hold onto that last selfish little sliver of hope. 
Taehyung takes ahold of your hands, the prettiest smile gracing his face, “You must be exhausted. How about a bath? You’ll have to wear some of my clothes until I can make you some–” 
“Tae” Jungkook laughs, “Slow down, you’ll overwhelm her” 
Taehyung’s fingers intertwine with your own, tugging you to stand.
You turn back to Jungkook before Taehyung can drag you out of the room, “Thank you” you call out to him.
He waves you off, thumb running over his bottom lip, “It’s nothing” and really it wasn't, he already housed one human, what was one more? Not when like Taehyung, you’d been betrayed by your own kind.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“Have you heard of any rumors circulating the village?” Jungkook asks his friend, Taehyung running a hand through his hair. Having left you to wash up and change before he would show you your new bedroom.
“Rumours?” Taehyung’s head tilts a little.
Jungkook hums, “About the king” 
“None” he shakes his head, “Only whispers about bandits raiding the outskirts of the capital” 
“Nothing about any spies?” 
Taehyung’s tongue runs over his bottom lip, back straightening slightly as he gazes down at Jungkook. “Is this about Y/n?” 
Jungkook sighs, “Something’s happening in the east, don’t go there from now on” 
Taehyung nods, “I’ll keep an eye on her, just in case” 
“I doubt there’s a need. The two of you are quite similar” Jungkook hums, “Just make sure she’s comfortable, that’s all I ask” 
“And you?” 
Jungkook pushes himself to stand, “Nothing much will change around here” 
Taehyung’s role in Jungkook’s life hadn’t been a coincidence. And as much as it felt like Jungkook was the one helping Taehyung, demons were a little more selfish than that. Sure, Jungkook gave Tae a second chance at life, but that was only because he wanted something from him. It all worked out in the end, Jungkook made his first friend and Taehyung lived comfortable. 
You, however, Jungkook hadn’t seeked you out. You were handed to him by the graces of hell, destiny walking you up this mountain. Adorably strong-willed, though perhaps too trusting of the very being that could bring you to your downfall.
Jungkook was anything but a saviour, everything he ever did was only to with his own wellbeing in mind. But you, you were the one thing that he hadn’t planned. An anomaly thrusted in his face, how could he turn away his gift from the world?
Your desire for freedom was endearing, the human will to live something Jungkook found utterly intriguing when all the world seemed to do was fuck you over. Naïve hope disguised by a hard exterior, pitiful in the way the world had rejected your mere existence. Something Jungkook was more willing to use, arms curling around your fragile existence.
Because as much as you thought of him as your refuge, he knew that he would become your downfall.
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horanghaejamjam · 1 year
Raspberry Kisses - {JJK}
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↪ Summary: You never believed in demons until a game gone wrong left you stuck with one. Though a Halloween party and failed baking experiment may have you realizing being bonded to Jungkook isn’t as bad as you thought. 
↪ Pairings: Demon!Jungkook x Female reader ft brief cameos from Namjoon and Yoongi. 
↪ Rating: M 18+
↪ Genre: Demon Au / Enemies to Lovers / College/University AU / Smut / Some Angst 
↪ Word Count: 10.5k
↪ Warnings/Contents: Smut (Minors DNI), Possessive and Flirty Jungkook,  Unprotected sex, Dom Jungkook, Sub Reader, Brat Reader, Religious Undertones, Mentions of blood/blood pact (nonsexual), Degradation, Slight Food Play, Marking, Praise, Rough sex, Growling, Oral (female receiving), Multiple positions, Orgasm control.
↪ This is so late because of everything that happened and I am so sorry but this story was meant to be a part of the horrorwood event hosted by the former @btswritingcafe network​ for my spooky friend @jeonspub​. I am so unbelievably sorry that this took so long but I still wanted to get it posted for you even if it’s late. I had a lot of fun writing this for you so I hope you like it and it was worth the wait. 
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The harsh screech of your alarm was what pulled you from your slumber, making you groan as you rolled over to hit the snooze button on your phone. A few deep breaths and another groan left you as you buried yourself under the covers, hiding from the bright light in your room. You knew you had to be up for class in about an hour but you didn’t care enough to get out of bed and get ready. Surely you could sleep for just a few more minutes and still be up in time to get to class, that was the thought anyways as you closed your eyes and tried drifting off again. Just as you were about to be pulled back into your dream world and even more annoying sound jolted you out of your rest yet again. 
“Rise and shine gorgeous!” Feeling a sudden weight pinning you to the bed, you ripped the covers off your head to glare up at the intruder. Bright red eyes gazed right back at you, accompanied by pale skin, short black hair, and a very sharp grin as he took in your form. Anyone else likely would have thought waking up in this position was a dream come true, but to you it was a living nightmare. 
“Jungkook get off of me,” you groaned, trying to roll over under his weight, “can’t you let me sleep for like 5 more minutes?” Jungkook didn’t even budge despite your struggling under him, merely smirking down at your pathetic attempt to move him. 
“You and I both know if you go back to sleep you won’t wake up again and you’ll be late to class, I’m just trying to help,” he mused, “and as much as I love watching you squirm under me like this we also know you can’t afford to miss any more class.” You stopped your movements and huffed as you glared up at him, clearly unimpressed by his little game.
“Get off of me you pervert!” you exclaimed as you reached up to hit at his chest. Jungkook merely shook his head with a dry chuckle before slowly crawling off of you to stand at the end of your bed. Your new freedom allowed you to finally sit up, crossing your arms and yawning softly as you tried to properly wake up. “Since when do you care about my life anyways?” you asked as you forced yourself out of bed, “I didn’t think you were capable of caring about anyone other than yourself.”
“Oh I don’t care,” Jungkook corrected, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed so he could watch you, “but I know you’ll keep whining about your grade and whatever else and I don’t want to deal with that so I’m making you go.” His eyes trailed your figure as you wandered around looking for something to wear, making you huff and throw a pair of socks at him. The offending article didn’t come close to hitting him, merely falling to the ground a few feet in front of him which made Jungkook scoff. 
“You know you are more than welcome to leave whenever you want!” you called out as you went into the bathroom to change, making sure to slam and lock the door so he wouldn’t follow you. Not that it mattered because Jungkook seemed to have the ability to appear wherever he pleased whenever. 
“Actually I can’t,” you heard his voice from the otherside of the door, tuning him out as you quickly got changed and brushed your teeth. 
“Because I accidentally signed a blood pact and now you are bond to me until I die or pass it out to someone else yeah yeah I know,” you muttered out, already knowing what he would say next. Jungkook didn’t say anything but you could tell he was grinning like a madman on the other side of the door. “Honestly, can’t I like do an exorcism or something to get rid of you instead?” you asked rhetorically as you brushed your hair out. The question wasn’t directed at him but he evidently still heard you as the door suddenly sprung open to reveal the frowning male. 
“You think some sellout priest with a generic biblical chant would be able to get rid of a being as powerful as I am?” he asked with a hand over his chest, “honestly Y/N I’m offended you would undermine me like that.”
“You were accidentally summoned by some college girls playing a stupid game and all you’ve done since is pop up randomly to scare me and stalk me like the creep you are. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound like the work of a powerful demon to me,” you taunted. 
“Anyone can summon a demon with the right tools so that’s on you and not me,” he reminded, “not my fault you decided to try an online ritual without reading the warnings.” 
“Whatever,” you hissed under your breath as you pushed past him, leaving your room to walk out into your living area. You paid no mind to the looming presence behind you as you grabbed your bag and walked into the kitchen to grab a protein bar, knowing you were going to be late if you stayed to humor your unwanted roommate any longer. “I’ve got to go or I’m going to be late. Stay here and try not to create too much of a mess while I’m gone,” you pleaded as you put your shoes on. 
“You know if you’re so worried about me causing trouble I can just come to school with you,” Jungkook suggested.
“Hell no!” you all but shouted, “dealing with school is hard enough I don’t need a demon following me around to make my life more of a living hell.”
“Suit yourself,” Jungkook shrugged, “have fun at school!” His tone and nonchalant expression was rather off-putting and made you nervous as you turned to finally leave. 
“I’m serious Jungkook, do not follow me and do not try anything funny!” you warned with one last glance back at him before rushing out the door. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
It had been almost a month since you ended up stuck with Jungkook and yet it already felt like an eternity. The memory was still fresh in your brain as well, replaying over and over like a cursed nightmare you couldn’t escape from. It all started when you and a few friends decided to meet up at your place for a horror movie marathon to celebrate the start of the spooky season. You loved Halloween more than anyone and so the second October came around you were more than ready to celebrate. It also helped that you lived alone and your apartment was close to campus so it was the perfect place for your little get together. A bunch of candy, every horror movie you could get your hands on, even more snacks and a few drinks and you were set to go. At least, that was the plan until you guys got bored three movies in and decided to spice things up a bit. 
“I have an idea!” your friend, Daeun said as she pulled up something on her phone, “I was researching rituals and summons for a project and I came across one that looked pretty interesting. It’s a ritual for eternal love and the supplies are things you should have laying around the house. We should try it!”
“You want to try a random ritual you found online with no experience?” you questioned. 
“Well yeah, it’s said to create an everlasting bond and it’s supposed to be super easy to execute,” she argued.
“If a ritual is that easily accessible it probably doesn’t work and we’ll just be wasting our time.” You definitely were not a skeptic by any means, in fact you had dealt with your fair share of paranormal experiences in the past, but this seemed like a scenario that was too good to be true. 
“Come on Y/N,” one of your other friends, Aiko piped in, “what’s the worst that could happen? If it is a dud we can say we tried and clean everything up but you won’t know unless we try.”
“Besides,” your last friend, Soyeon spoke up, “you’ve been single since you moved here a few years ago, lord knows you need all the help with love you can get.” All three girls started giggling after that while you merely rolled your eyes. You couldn’t help but think that their antics were a bit childish and that the ritual was a terrible idea but you were outnumbered so you hesitantly agreed. What followed was an hour of rearranging your apartment living room, working around a poorly drawn pentagram and you pricking your finger one too many times to get enough blood for the ritual to work. All four of you recited the incantation from Daeuns phone and then waited, feeling the room grow slightly cold but, much to your relief, nothing happened. 
“Damn,” Daeun muttered, “guess it was too good to be true.”
“Well we don’t know that yet!” Soyeon argued, “we don’t actually know what the ritual does, maybe it takes time for something to happen?” 
“What is Y/N going to walk into class next week and just be an attraction magnet?” Aiko teased. 
“God I hope not,” you groaned, “this was not a good idea.”
“Hey relax, nothing happened so I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Daeun tried to comfort you.
“Come on let’s get everything cleaned up and we can go back to watching the movies.” Still, even as you guys put everything back the way it was and continued your movie marathon with IT Chapter 2, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was extremely wrong. The feeling of dread you get when you’re out late and feel like you’re being followed but there’s no one there when you turn around. In fact, you could have sworn you saw a figure standing in the corner at one point though it disappeared the second you turned around. The feeling sent shivers down your spine and had you curling in on yourself as you once again peeked behind you to see if someone was there. 
“Hey Y/N, are you doing okay?” Aiko asked after a minute. 
“Huh? Oh yeah I’m fine, just a little cold that’s all,” you tried playing off your anxiety knowing that if they caught on you would be teased. 
“Don’t tell me this movie is scaring you,” Soyeon teased, “I thought it was your favorite?”
“I’m not scared!” you scoffed, “I told you I’m just cold. In fact, I’m going to go grab an extra blanket so you guys will stop bugging me about it.” With that you pushed yourself up to your feet and made your way to your room to grab the extra throw blanket you had on your bed. That same chill ran down your spine the second you were alone and you froze, taking a deep breath as you glanced around the room. “Relax Y/N, nothings there you’re fine,” you whispered to yourself as you walked over to the bed. 
“Oh? I thought you said you weren’t scared?” a deep voice coming from right behind you made you jump, falling back onto the bed with a soft shout. Quickly turning around, you gasped as you saw a man standing above you right where you had just been. His body was rather large and practically engulfed your frame in his shadow as he stood above you, bright red eyes peeking from under jet black bangs. His skin was pale but you couldn’t see much of it as his body was almost completely covered in black. A tight black turtle neck that looked like it would rip if he even tried to move his arms, tight black leather pants, even the black metal that decorated his fingers, ears, and one of his eyebrows. All things considered, he was a very attractive man and likely would have passed as human had it not been for the large ram like horns above his ears or the large black wings protruding from his back. You stared up at him like a deer caught in the headlights while he seemed to take his time drinking you in, licking his lips as his eyes raked your form.  “You’re a cute one aren’t you?” he finally spoke again after a moment, “not a bad choice for a companion, at all. Though I highly doubt someone as pretty as you struggles to find love so what’s the catch hm?” He leaned over to get a better look at you, only to have you crawl back as a result. 
“Woah woah hold up, who are you? And an even better question, what the hell are you doing in my apartment?” you questioned. He paused for a moment before sighing and running his hand through his hair. 
“There’s the catch,” he muttered under his breath, “I take it you didn’t fully read the instructions on that ritual you performed then, huh? Well let me explain it to you then so we are on the same page.” He paused for a moment to take a seat on the bed, crossing his legs and facing you. He looked much less intimidating looking up at you with an almost childlike innocence but you knew better than to let your guard down with him. “Well Y/N,” he said as he reached into his collar and pulled out an amulet, holding up a finger when you tried speaking again, “yes I know your name, I know everything about you and more. My name is Jungkook, and as of today I will be your own little demonic companion. This little vial holds the blood you offered to me, and as long as it stays intact we are bond together, I am yours for life.” He swayed the vial in question and you could briefly see the red liquid sloshing around inside the little gem. You glanced at him as if in a trance, still confused and just as scared as you were before. Because of the little game you decided to play you were now eternally stuck with a demon?
“Exactly,” Jungkook answered as if he was reading your mind, “you really didn’t read ahead did you? When done successfully the blood pact bonds you to an immortal lover and eternal devotion. The only way for you to get rid of me now is to pass me on to someone else, or die but don’t think I’ll let you leave me that easily. You’re clearly special to attach yourself to someone like me and I’m a selfish man so I don’t like giving up my toys that quickly.” He was about to say something else when a knock at the door startled the both of you out of your little moment. 
“Y/N? Are you okay in there?” You turned to Jungkook who held his finger to his lips in response. 
“Yeah sorry, I tripped over my shoes,” you lied with a soft chuckle, glancing back and forth between the door and the demon in front of you.
“Clumsy as ever I see, hurry up we paused the movie for you!” you heard your friends footsteps slowly disappear, leaving you alone with Jungkook yet again.��
“Well better get out there, don’t want to keep your friends waiting now do we?” he mused with a chuckle, “don’t worry though, we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other later, until then.” With that he was gone, leaving you staring up at the space he once occupied. Part of you wanted to lay there and figure out what the hell just happened but you could hear your friends calling for you out in the living room. With a heavy sigh, you got up and grabbed your blanket, wrapping it around yourself as you waddled back out into the living room. The only trace of Jungkook was the brief scent left in the blanket from where he had been, still strong enough to invade your senses and distract you from what was going on. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
“Y/N!” the sound of Aiko shouting broke you out of your memory induced trance, glancing around to realize you two were the only ones left in class. You had been so trapped in your head that you completely missed what was talked about during your lecture. “You seem really out of it today, are you okay?” she asked as she grabbed her things and stood up, you doing the same so you could walk to your next class together. 
“Yeah I’m fine, just haven’t been sleeping well I guess,” you brushed off her concerns knowing you couldn’t tell her the real reason. As if having Jungkook around couldn’t be any more annoying, you weren’t even allowed to let other people know of his existence. He was nothing more than a twisted hallucination, appearing only when no one else was looking and making you feel like you were going crazy. Actually, you probably were going crazy with all the stress you were under.
“You’re focusing too much on work and it’s stressing you out,” Aiko noted, “maybe relaxing and getting out a bit would do you some good? Halloween is this weekend after all.”
“Don’t remind me,” you groaned, “it’s my favorite holiday and I haven’t even been able to do anything to celebrate because I’ve been so busy.” You had to resist the urge to slam your head into your textbook as you thought about that and the fact your Halloween would likely be spent alone studying. 
“Hey hey come on now,” Aiko tried cheering you up, “relax we still have time to celebrate. You know Yoongi invited some of us to a Halloween get together at his place, you should join us! We can go after school and get you a costume and it’ll be fun.” You appreciated that she was trying to help and cheer you up, but a party really wasn’t your idea of fun. 
“I don’t know, parties aren’t really my thing,” you countered.
“Don’t think of it like a party think of it like a friendly hangout. You, me, Daeun, Soyeon, Yoongi, Namjoon, and possibly a few other friends, nothing crazy.” You still weren’t convinced which had her groaning and pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“Fine fine I’ll think about it okay?” you gave in just to prevent an argument, which seemed to do the trick. 
“Awesome! Let me know before lunch though so I can plan if we’re going out tonight or not! See you soon Y/N!” she exclaimed with a pat on your shoulder before making her way down the hall to her class. You shook your head and turned to make your way to your own class when you felt a familiar shiver run down your back. 
‘You have got to be kidding me,’ you thought to yourself as you glanced around for the all familiar black figure you knew was following you. You didn’t see him at first, but you definitely felt him when he crept up behind you. 
“Your friend has a point you know, going out would be a nice change for you,” he mused with a smug grin as he saw you jump. 
“What are you doing here?!” you hissed as you turned to face him, “I told you not to follow me.”
“Yeah you did make that pretty clear,” he teased, “but all that did was make me curious and it was boring staying at home all day so here I am. Besides you don’t get around so I figured you could enjoy my company.” 
“No I do not enjoy your company!” you argued, “and how are you even here anyways? I thought no one was supposed to know you existed.”
“You’re really not that observant are you?” he questioned, “do you really think I would get away with just wandering around in my normal form? I have my ways of blending in.” It was then that you took a step back and finally registered the change in his appearance, more specifically how human he was. His wings and horns were missing, once red eyes now replaced with a deep brown, and even his fangs were replaced by almost cute bunny like teeth. He also wasn’t dressed in his normal black attire, instead wearing a simple brown shirt and cargo pants to fit in with your classmates. With the short sleeves of his shirt, you were also able to take note of all the tattoos covering his arms and even his hand, had those always been there? “Yes I’ve always had these, seems you just never cared enough to notice them,” he answered your question with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and groaned for what felt like the millionth time that day. 
“You’re telling me you could do this the entire time and you only decide to spring it on me now?” you whisper yelled. 
“You never let me leave the house so there’s no point in hiding myself,” he explained casually, “also this takes a surprising amount of effort to maintain so I don’t like doing it often.” 
‘So much for powerful demon’ you thought. “If it requires that much effort why not just go home so you don’t have to?” 
“You know I went through all of this effort to come and see you and your only response is to shut me out? That really hurts you know,” you whined. You honestly couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not and you honestly didn’t care, especially not when you were about to be late to class. 
“Fine whatever just stay quiet and try not to ruin anything,” you gave in, rushing to class with a very giddy demon trailing behind you. 
Save for the stares you kept getting, being at school with Jungkook went surprisingly well. He stayed quiet most of the time unless it was to talk to you and was even able to help you cheat with some assignments. It was only when your lunch period came around that you realized you would have another problem to deal with, explaining Jungkook to your friends. In fact you were half tempted to just skip and drag him off somewhere else before Daeun noticed you both and ran over, the rest of your friend group following. 
“Hey Y/N, who’s your friend?” she questioned as she looked over at Jungkook. 
“Oh umm this is Jungkook, he uh...” you stuttered trying to think of a reasonable excuse for how you met when he suddenly cut you off. 
“I’m a transfer student here from Busan, it’s actually my first day so Y/N has been showing me around,” he explained. 
“Oh that’s cool, though I’ve never actually heard of someone transferring in the middle of a term,” Soyeon commented. 
“I wasn’t supposed to start until next term but there were a few classes still open so I can at least get started.”
“What’s your major then?”
“Musical arts, I’m undecided about a specific focus though.” You couldn’t help but blink up at him in confusion, wondering how he was able to brush off their questions so easily. In fact it baffled you that he even knew anything about college to begin with. Didn’t demons have other priorities rather than learning about basic human life? 
"I’ve been around for centuries if not more,” you suddenly heard his voice in your head, “do you really think I wouldn’t know about how these things work? Let’s also not forget that I have an eye on you at all times.”
‘Great so now you can get in my head?’ you thought. 
“I’ve always been in your head gorgeous, again you just don’t pay attention.”
“Umm Y/N? We’re going to go sit down now,” you heard Soyeons voice which made you sigh. 
“Sorry guys I’m still pretty tired, yeah let’s go sit,” you agreed. 
“Jungkook would you like to come sit with us?” Daeun offered which made you want to sigh. 
“I would love to,” Jungkook agreed, smirking in your direction as he walked with the rest of your friends. All you could do was slouch over in protest as you followed them anyways, hoping things wouldn’t get any worse. 
“Hey Namjoon, Yoongi, over here!” just your luck that things were about to get a million times worse. Glancing up from the table you watched as the two males walked over to join you guys. Yoongi was an upperclassman and your mentor for one of your final projects so naturally you had grown pretty close to him. He was the one who introduced you to Namjoon, a business major in the same year as you were. The two of you had immediately clicked and became best friends, and you had even started to develop a little bit of a crush on him. All your friends knew about it and were trying to play matchmaker, getting you two near each other whenever possible. It seemed that Jungkook was also quick to catch onto this little crush, the room suddenly feeling colder as he glared daggers at Namjoon. Without directing any attention to the already obvious mood shift, you hit at Jungkooks leg under the table to snap him out of it, mouthing a quick “relax” before your friends noticed. 
“Hey Jungkook are you okay?” you heard Aiko ask, clearly noticing the shift in his mood.
“He’s just shy,” you spoke up before he could ruin anything, feeling his gaze from beside you, “a lot of new people to get to know.”
“Oh right sorry about that,” Aiko apologized, “Namjoon, Yoongi, this is Jungkook and he’s apparently a new student here. Jungkook this is Yoongi and Namjoon, Yoongi is also a music major so I’m sure you guys will get along well!” The two older males perked up at the introduction whereas Jungkook sunk into his seat a bit with a very forced smile. 
“Oh a new transfer, how are you enjoying it so far?” Namjoon asked.
“Just fine,” Jungkook muttered through grit teeth, resulting in you hitting his leg. 
“It’s his first day so he’s still getting used to it,” you clarified.
“Ah I see, well if you ever need people to hang out with feel free to come find us,” Namjoon said, “in fact, we’re having a bit of a get together this weekend for Halloween, you should join us!” You were pretty sure you felt your eyes bulging out of your head a little bit when he mentioned the party.
“Oh yeah that reminds me,” Aiko piped up, “Y/N have you decided if you’re coming or not?” 
“Oh umm I don’t know,” you muttered, looking around for any way out of this conversation. Jungkook noticed this and couldn’t help but smirk a bit at your discomfort. 
“Weren’t you just ranting to me about how Halloween was your favorite holiday?” he teased. 
‘I hate you so much Jungkook’ you thought to yourself, “Well yeah but-”
“Come on Y/N, it will be fun,” Namjoon encouraged. His signature dimpled smile had always been a weakness of yours and you found yourself relaxing if even the slightest bit. 
“Alright fine, I guess I have nothing better to do,” you agreed, much to the delight of the others and the distaste of your demonic companion. 
“Well if Y/N is going I suppose I’ll go as well,” Jungkook piped up, making you slouch back to your original position. 
“Awesome we’ll see you guys there then!”
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“You are not wearing that!” you rolled your eyes and pushed your way past Jungkook into your bathroom so you could do your makeup, the male trailing right behind you. His arms were crossed and his eyes narrowed as he took in your outfit. The last minute costume that you and Aiko had agreed on was a witch, though a bit of a more sexy witch at that. The costume was a long black velvet dress with purple lace accents all over it, a low cut neckline with lace you could use to either loosen or tighten it and a slit at the bottom that exposed your leg. The witch hat had the same purple lace accents with a curtain that partially covered your eyes and gave a very mysterious look. To top off the outfit you were also wearing fishnet thigh highs and just a slight heel to make yourself taller. You thought the outfit looked adorable on you, but Jungkook clearly had other ideas. “Seriously Y/N there is no way in hell I am letting you go anywhere in that,” he whined as he watched you do your makeup. 
“Oh shut up, what are you my father?” you hissed as you focused on your eyeshadow, “who are you to tell me what I can and can’t wear?” From your view in the mirror, you could see his eyes darken which concerned you just a bit. In all the time you had been together you had never seen Jungkook genuinely upset and you had to admit you were a bit worried of what would happen if you pushed him. Still, he was the one who pushed this stupid get together on you and now he was whining because he didn’t like your outfit which kind of pissed you off. What right did this man have to control anything about you?
“In case you’ve forgotten you are bonded to me!” he reminded through grit teeth, “you belong to me and yet you won’t even give me the time of day half the damn time! Yet here you are now dressing up in a teasing outfit and showing off to other guys, it’s like you want to mess with me.” You groaned and slammed your makeup brush down as you turned to face him. 
“So what if I’m bonded to you huh? I made it very clear from the beginning that I do not like you or this arrangement and you chose to stick around anyways. Stop acting like you own me or that I owe anything to you when we both know the ritual that night was an accident!” you snapped, walking up to Jungkook and poking his chest to emphasize your point. 
Jungkook didn’t even flinch as you yelled at him, giving you no reaction despite the evident shift in his aura. His stiffness intimidated you more than you were willing to admit and you suddenly felt unsure of yourself. Before you could move away though his hand was reaching up to grab your outstretched wrist, not hard enough to hurt but firm enough that you could feel it. He took a deep breath and leaned down so the two of you were eye level, making you stiffen as you could practically feel the anger radiating off of him. “Do you know how hard I have tried to be patient with you?” he muttered. His voice was monotone but you could briefly hear an echo to it, a growl almost that was a giveaway to the calm facade he was showing. You tried to say something but found you were frozen in your spot, unable to even open your mouth. “No no you’ve said enough, it’s my turn now,” he taunted as he read your thoughts again, “accident or not you made the blood pact that brought me here you know? You can’t pretend you didn’t do it on your own free will either because you and I both know that you weren’t forced to participate. You sold yourself to receive eternal love and partnership and that’s what I’m here for, you gave yourself to me and you also refuse to give yourself to me and I don’t get it.” He finally let go of you but you still remained in your spot as he walked back a few steps, not looking at you as he reached under his collar and grabbed the amulet. With a firm tug the chain snapped and hung around his hand as he inspected the vial for a moment, almost in disgust. It was then that you seemed to find your voice as you weakly called out to him. 
“Jungkook I-” he cut you off with a motion of his hand, dangling the necklace in front of his face before turning back to you. 
“If you really want me gone so bad then fine, all you have to do is find a way to destroy or pass on the bond and you’ll never see me again. Choose wisely though, a broken bond can never be repaired no matter how hard you try, and the consequences will follow you to the grave,” he stated, grabbing your hand and dropping the necklace onto it. You looked down at the red gem in your hand, staring at it like a foreign object before looking back up to see the space Jungkook occupied was now empty. Your thumb ran across the gem with a saddened sigh, refusing to look back down at your hand as you slipped it into a little pocket on your dress. You would deal with this whole situation later, but for now you had a party to get to. 
“Hey Y/N you look great!” Daeun greeted you once you finally got to Yoongi's house and located your friend group. The first thing you immediately noticed was that there were a lot more people than you were expecting for what was supposed to be a friends only party. 
“Yeah you look great too,” you said nervously as you glanced around, “but I thought this was supposed to be a small get together?” 
“Yeah we thought so too,” Soyeon agreed, “apparently Yoongi's roommate is pretty popular on campus and wanted to invite his friends so it quickly turned into an actual party.” 
“I see,” you muttered, suddenly feeling very self conscious about being here with all these strangers, “speaking of Yoongi, where is he?” 
“Him and Namjoon ran off to hang out with some of their club buddies, they should hopefully join us soon though, if you plan on staying?” Aiko asked as she could sense your discomfort. 
“I’ll try to stay long enough to at least see them but I don’t know if I can bring myself to stay the whole time,” you admitted. Not only were parties not really your thing but your mind also kept going back to your fight with Jungkook earlier, if you could even call it that. 
“Oh yeah, have you heard from Jungkook by any chance? We haven’t seen him here yet,” Soyeon asked, which made you sigh. 
“No I haven’t, I assumed if anyone knew it would probably be Yoongi or Namjoon since they’re the ones that invited him,” you lied, hoping they wouldn’t pry into why you acted so strange at the mention of Jungkook. Yeah you never really liked him because you were just kind of stuck with him, but the more you thought about it the more you realized he never actually gave you a reason to dislike him. Other than the constant teasing to rile you up and the occasional moment of appearing out of nowhere he acted like any normal roommate would. You had wanted nothing more than to get rid of him but now that you had the chance you were hesitant on actually letting him go. Pulling the amulet out of your pocket, you once again found yourself admiring the gem that bonded you two together as you tried to get your thoughts straight. Perhaps you should just leave the party and go apologize to him?
“Ah Y/N you made it!” turning around you saw an obviously tipsy Namjoon make his way over to your group. He was dressed as a makeshift werewolf, with the cheap fuzzy ears and paws one would find at the dollar store, he even had a tail clipped onto the back of his shirt that swayed as he stumbled his way over to you. You quickly closed your hand to hide the necklace and hid it behind your back as you smiled up at him. 
“Hey Namjoon, looks like you’ve been having fun,” you greeted with a slight smile. He chuckled softly as he moved to sit next to you, almost tripping in the process. 
“Yeah sorry, I didn’t expect this many people to show up but you know we felt bad about turning them away,” he explained, “I’m glad you still came though, you look beautiful.” You felt your face start to heat up and quickly looked away so he wouldn’t see you blushing. 
“Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself,” you practically whispered so he almost didn’t hear you. 
“Thanks,” Namjoon replied with a chuckle, “this is actually pretty last minute as I may or may not have completely torn my original costume when trying to get it on.” Now it was your turn to laugh as the image ran through your head. 
“I swear you’re more clumsy than I am,” you mused to which he merely shrugged in response. There was a moment of silence between you two, simply staring at the floor as the crowd around you grew louder. Your friends had run off at this point to do who knows what meaning you and Namjoon were basically abandoned in the crowd. It only ended when Namjoon cleared his throat to get your attention. 
“So I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” he began, waiting for your signal to continue, “I mean we’ve been close for a while now and I’m pretty sure you feel the same way I do but, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go get dinner with me one night after class?” It felt like time had frozen as you looked at Namjoon in shock. This was a moment you had been waiting for since as long as you could remember and yet, your heart didn’t flutter like you felt it would. In fact, you were more focused on the way the amulet in your hand suddenly felt so hot you were worried it would burn into your skin yet you couldn’t move. 
“Wow Namjoon I don’t know what to say,” you stuttered out, “I mean…” 
“What’s wrong?” Namjoon asked, “do you not feel the same way?”
“Yes I mean no I mean, I don’t know,” you groaned, “I thought I did but…I don’t know I’m really confused right now and…”
“There’s someone else isn't there?” Namjoon asked, and trying as hard as he was to hide it you could hear the hurt in his voice. You honestly didn’t know how to respond, part of you wanted to say that there was but the other part of you that still wasn’t sure. Not even an hour ago you hated Jungkook's existence and suddenly now he was the only person you could think of? Honestly you should have been locked up in a mental hospital for how quickly you changed your mind on these things.
“I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” the voice of the very man you were just thinking of spoke up for you. You almost thought your mind was playing tricks on you until you turned around and saw Jungkook standing behind you. He was still in his demon form but since it was a Halloween party no one seemed to bat an eye at his appearance. 
“Jungkook?” you questioned, “when did you get here?”
“I’ve been looking for you all night, looks like I came just in time though,” Jungkook mumbled as he glared daggers at Namjoon. The man in question seemed to get the hint and quickly excused himself, standing and dusting off his pants with a nervous cough.
“Right sorry I’ll leave you guys too it, I’ll see you in class Y/N,” he stuttered out, tripping over himself in his haste to leave the conversation. Jungkook merely scoffed and flipped his hair out of his eye before taking the seat next to you that had been previously occupied, though he refused to look at you. You blinked a few times in shock before awkwardly clearing your throat. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you were mad at me?” you asked. 
“You called me here,” Jungkook replied, “or are you going to tell me that was also an accident?” You were about to ask what he meant when you remembered you were still holding the amulet behind you back. Pulling your hand back to rest in your lap, you opened your palm to see it looked the same but it was still warm. Is that why it heated up when Namjoon was talking to you? “You were thinking about me, I can sense it from a million miles away, just like how I can feel your emotions so I know when you’re hurt or uncomfortable,” Jungkook explained, finally turning to look at you. You nodded silently as you tossed the necklace around in your palm before reaching out to hand it to him. 
“Here, take it back,” you clearly caught him off guard as he stared at you in shock, making you shrug, “I think I owe you an apology, I judged you too quickly instead of trying to open up to you. This doesn’t mean I accept being bound to you but I don’t want to get rid of you.” Jungkook chuckled softly before reaching out and grabbing the amulet from you, securing it back around his neck with a satisfied smile.
“It’s a start in the right direction so I’ll accept it for now,” he mused with another chuckle, “but I won’t settle on that for long.”
“If you say so,” you brushed him off while looking around, “can we go home though? I don’t think I want to stay at this party any longer.” 
“I thought you would never ask,” Jungkook said with a smirk, “here take my hand, we’ll take a shortcut.” You looked at him confused but grabbed his hand anyways, the party slowly faded away in an odd blur before returning back to show you sitting in your apartment living room. “I told you I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve,” Jungkook hummed when he saw how confused you were. 
“Noted,” you whispered in a daze as you slowly stood up and looked around the living room. It was then that you noticed a very odd and sweet scent coming from the kitchen. Turning your head, you began to make your way over there, only to be stopped by a frantic Jungkook appearing in front of you. 
“Uhh hey let’s not go into the kitchen right now,” he urged.
“What? Why not?” you asked as you tried to peek around him.
“Trust me, just don’t!” now you were even more curious, dashing around Jungkook and running into the kitchen before he had a chance to react, “Y/N wait!” You slid to a stop and gasped as you realized where the smell was coming from. Your counter and small dining table were covered in a mess of baking ingredients and what looked to be tossed out batters for something. The sweet smell you quickly realized was chocolate as evident by the cocoa powder and color of the batters. It was a complete disaster but you couldn’t bring yourself to focus on that as you turned to look at Jungkook.
“What’s all this?” you asked. You swore you almost saw the demon blush as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well I wanted to try to cheer you up after what happened earlier and I remember you raving about this stupid chocolate raspberry candy or something like that so I thought why not try to make a cake for you,” he explained, “granted I don’t know how baking works so I didn’t realize it would be this hard, but I think I at least got one right.” He walked past you and over to the counter where there was a singular cake laying on a cooling rack, not even iced yet and it looked like it hadn’t been there long. From the looks of things Jungkook had been doing this for a while and dropped what he was doing when you summoned him. “I have no idea how it tastes so you can’t judge me too hard for this but here,” Jungkook said, pulling off a little chunk of the cake and offering it to you. You cocked your head to the side briefly before moving closer and taking a bite, groaning softly as the flavor flooded your mouth. It was a bit more sour than you were expecting so he probably used a bit too much raspberry but it was still really good for a first try. 
“It’s really good, but really you mean to tell me you’ve never baked before?” you questioned, still with some of the cake in your mouth. Jungkook wasn’t really paying attention to that though, hyper focused on the way you had groaned at the taste and the way your lips wrapped around his finger briefly. It was such a simple thing you probably didn’t notice, but it had the demon reacting in ways he wasn’t sure he wanted. 
“Is it really that good?” he asked after a moment, grabbing a piece for himself with a shrug, “I mean it’s okay I guess, better than the other ones for sure.” 
“They can’t be that bad,” you replied obliviously as you walked over to one of the bowls, dipping your finger in the batter and sucking it off, “this one is pretty good.” Jungkook felt his eye twitch as your actions continued, watching you dip your finger into the batter again and repeat the process. It was then that you took notice of his little shift, noticing the way his eyes darkened and his tongue ran over his lips as he watched you. Normally that kind of look would have you running the opposite direction but something about it on Jungkook was rather attractive. It gave you a mini confidence boost and before you could think you found yourself reaching for another bowl, this time making a show of loudly sucking on your fingers and moaning at the taste of chocolate. “I think I like this one even better though, it’s nice and sweet,” you teased with a wink. Jungkook quickly caught on to your little game and smirked at you as he leaned against the counter. 
“You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you?” he challenged, the tone of his voice causing you to shudder involuntarily. There was a new rough edge to it you never heard before, almost like he was growling as he spoke to you. 
“No idea what you’re talking about, I’m just enjoying a little treat,” you continued with your teasing. He raised an eyebrow at you before humming and grabbing the last bowl, swirling the batter around with the tip of his finger before dipping two in and walking over to you. 
“Surely you need to be fair and try them all then, right?” he mused as he lifted his fingers to your lips. One of his fingers brushed your bottom lip just enough to smear some of the cake batter onto it before you were eagerly opening your mouth and sucking both in. Jungkook could barely hold back from groaning as he felt your tongue wrap around his fingers, keeping a straight face as you glanced up at him. “There you go, good girl,” he teased as he pulled his fingers out, purposefully dragging them against your lips so that the remaining batter smeared against them. “Opps,” he teased with a dark chuckle, “guess I left a bit of a mess huh? Why don’t you let me get that for you.” Before you could respond you found yourself pinned against the wall as he crashed his lips against yours. Jungkook was demanding from the beginning, keeping you pinned with his body, one hand tangled in your hair while the other gripped your thigh. You tried weakly to fight for dominance for a few seconds before giving in and letting him have complete control, sighing into the kiss and grabbing onto his arms desperately. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
As badly as he wanted this to escalate, Jungkook stayed like that for a few moments, merely kissing you while playing with your hair and keeping you pinned. It was teasing and you both knew it, but Jungkook needed you to want him just as much as he did you. This was the moment he had been wanting the past month so he knew he could be patient. Even when the faint taste of the chocolate raspberry dessert faded, you two remained in that position, only pulling away when he felt you needed to breathe. You panted as you looked up at him, still desperately gripping onto you as you felt like you would lose your balance if you let him go. 
“Wow,” you whispered out of breath, making him chuckle a bit. 
“What do you think Y/N?” he asked, stroking your cheek playfully, “ready for an even better treat?” Instead of responding verbally, you answered him by pulling him back down into another kiss, catching him off guard momentarily. You took advantage of your power to explore him more, biting at his bottom lip and running your hands across his body. Jungkook groaned softly and let you do what you wanted for a minute before grabbing your thighs and lifting you up, not breaking the kiss as he carried you into your bedroom. You gasped softly as he laid you down as softly as possible, hovering over you as his kisses trailed from your lips to your neck. You moaned softly and tossed your head back as he began softly nibbling at your neck, occasionally sucking harder to leave a mark. His fingers ghosted across your body, barely touching you as he trailed his hand down your thigh. His touch was burning and left you desperate for more of him, quickly getting irritated by the slow and gentle movements. 
“Jungkook, more please,” you breathed out, feeling him smirk against your neck.
“Be patient my little witch,” he cooed, “I want to take things slow for our first time.” You groaned in annoyance, reaching up to tug at his hair. Jungkook hissed at the action which made you giggle as he moved to look up at you. 
“What if I don’t want you to take things slow huh?” you challenged, “you do want me, right?”
“More than you will ever know, which is why I want to savor this,” Jungkook muttered as he reached up to remove your hand from him. He readjusted so he was pinning both your hands to your side, straddling your hips as he gazed down at you. His new position had you squirming a bit to escape his eyes but he didn’t even budge, easily holding you down. “Now are you going to behave or are we going to be doing this the hard way?” he asked. You paused for a moment before giggling and as you finally looked up at him. 
“What a powerful love demon like you wanting to take things slow? What I’m hearing is that you just can’t handle it.” You watched his eyes darken and his lips curl into what almost looked like a snarl, making you bite your lip and look away again. 
“Oh no no you don’t get to be shy now you brat,” Jungkook hissed as he let go of one of your hands to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him. You locked eyes with Jungkook and gasped as his hand went from your chin to your throat, squeezing just hard enough for you to feel the pressure. “You asked for it so you can’t take it back now,” he whispered, leaning down so your lips were almost touching, “your safeword is raspberry, if you say or think that word I will stop okay?” You did your best to nod despite his hands on your throat which made him shake his head, “Words Y/N, I need to hear you.”
“Yes!” you gasped out, making Jungkook smile and peck your lips softly. 
“Oh and one more thing,” he continued, letting go of your throat to trail his finger down to the neckline of your dress, “if you even think about cumming without my permission you will regret it doll.” With that he wasted no time in ripping the dress off of you, the force pulling you off the bed a bit before his strength shredded the fabric, exposing your body to him. Because of the way the dress fit you, you had decided not to wear a bra so you were left in just your panties and fishnets. You almost swore you heard Jungkook purr as he took in the sight of your body. “Wow no bra? You are a dirty girl aren’t you?” he hummed. 
“I just bought that dress,” you whined, trying to ignore the warmth spreading in your body from his gaze. Jungkook clicked his tongue in mock annoyance, moving his hands to roughly fondle your breasts. You gasped and arched your back into his hands which made him smirk. 
“I’ll buy you a new one if you’re that worried about it,” he mumbled, “but for now I’m much more interested in exploring my new territory.” You opened your mouth to bite back that you weren’t his but he beat you to it by squeezing your breasts again, two of his fingers teasingly pinching your nipple and making you gasp. 
“If I were you I’d lose the attitude,” he warned, “that is, if you want any chance of walking right tomorrow.” You moaned softly as he lowered his head, trailing kisses down your neck and chest before taking your nipple into his mouth. Jungkook started out with gentle sucks before slowly rolling the sensitive bud between his teeth. He repeated this process for a moment then switched to the other one, chuckling as he heard you gasp softly. 
“I,” you tried speaking, pausing for a moment as you felt his hand grip your thigh again, “I can handle it, do your worst?” He paused his actions to look up at you questioningly, huffing when you returned his gaze with a look of defiance. 
“If you say so,” he hummed, releasing your nipple with a soft pop, “don’t say I didn’t warn you though.” You didn’t have time to react before he was grabbing your hips and pulling you down, adjusting so his head was between your thighs. You squirmed a bit as you felt his breath on your core, warm and teasing as he exhaled sharply. “I’ve barely even touched you and I can already tell you’re soaked,” he teased, running a finger up to the waistline of your fishnets. You squirmed more and whimpered as he leaned forward to place kisses against you through your panties, poking his tongue out just enough for you to feel it. “These tights are super sexy also,” he mused, “I may just have to keep them on you.” 
“Will you stop teasing and just do something already?” you whined. One of your hands reached down to tug at his horn as you bucked your hips, desperate for any kind of friction. Jungkook growed lowly, slapping your thigh just hard enough for you to feel it. 
“So impatient,” he hissed, “I shouldn’t be touching you at all until you behave.” You pouted for a moment, worried he was going to leave you there, until you felt his finger hook under your tights and panties. “It’s a shame I have to ruin these but oh well, since I’m so nice I’ll give you what you want.” With a quick tug the thin fabric was ripping and joining the remains of your dress, exposing your core to the cold air. Jungkook hummed softly before leaning down and licking at your slit, giving a few kitten licks before diving in and sucking at your clit. You moaned loudly and tightened your grip on his horn, grabbing the sheets with your free hand as you rocked your hips against his face. Jungkook responded by moaning against you, sucking harder and pinning your leg back with one of his hands. Your thighs shook and threatened to close around him but he kept you pinned with his weight, moving one hand and slipping a finger into you slowly. He slowly pumped his finger inside of you for a few moments before adding another, quickening the pace and curling his fingers. You gasped and jolted as his fingers brushed against that soft spot inside of you, Jungkook smirking and angling his fingers to abuse that spot. All you could do was throw your head back and grip onto him tighter as endless moans fell from your mouth, struggling to catch your breath as you felt your orgasm rapidly approaching. Before you could tell Jungkook you were close however, he was pulling away and looking up at you with a devilish grin. 
“Remember what I said sweetheart,” he mused, pressing his fingers to your lips and humming as you took them into your mouth, “you don’t get to finish until I say so.” He let you suck on his fingers for a second, letting you taste yourself as your orgasm faded away. Only when he saw you relax did he move, wiping his fingers on his pants, “The only way you are cumming tonight is on my dick like a good girl, think you can do that?” You were too out of breath to respond so you simply nodded, though it seemed to be enough of a response for him. Jungkook leaned back and, with a snap of his fingers, stripped himself of his clothing and exposed himself to you for the first time. Your eyes widened as you sat up to get a better look at the gorgeous man in front of you. You knew Jungkook was built but you never realized just how defined his muscles really were, the tattoos on his arms trailed all the way up and across his toned chest which was otherwise unmarked. Your eyes moved down until they landed on his erection, surprisingly human for what you imagined if not longer than average. Still, it was beautiful and you bit your lip at the sight of him. “Like what you see?” Jungkook teased, chuckling when you dumbly nodded, “good, because you don’t get to see it much longer. Now be a good girl and present yourself to me, on your hands and knees.” You quickly obliged, getting on your knees and lowering your top half to expose yourself to him. Jungkook hummed in approval and positioned himself behind you, gripping your hips and lining himself up with your entrance. 
“You’re not a virgin right?” he asked suddenly, making you giggle as you shook your head no, “good.” With that he leaned forward and buried himself into you, groaning and stilling as he bottomed out. You moaned at the stretch and buried your head into the sheets, trying to catch your breath and adjust to the feeling of him inside of you. Jungkook gave you a moment to adjust, starting to thrust slowly as he felt you relax. “You are so tight you’re practically swallowing me,” he groaned as his pace increased. You could only moan and grip at the sheets to keep you grounded, the position hiding your face and muffling your moans which he didn’t seem to like very much. A low growl left him and you felt him tug roughly at your hair, pulling your head up and exposing your neck to him. “Don’t you dare hide from me, let me hear you,” he whispered, going even faster and burying his head into your neck. You moaned louder at the pace and the feeling of him sucking at your neck hard enough that you knew there would be marks in the morning. You couldn’t bring yourself to care though, enjoying the feeling of him fucking into you like his life depended on it. His position also meant you heard every animalistic growl and groan that left him, not normally something you would enjoy but from him it was undeniably sexy. “You’re mine you know,” he groaned, “you belong to me, and only me, all mine. No one will get in between us ever again after tonight, everyone will know that you are mine, I’ll make sure of it.” He bit at a sensitive spot under your ear which made you gasp and close your eyes, knowing you wouldn’t be able to last much longer. 
“Jungkook I,” you tried to speak up but found you were unable to finish your sentence. 
“I know baby I know,” he murmured, “go ahead and cum for me.” His command was all you needed, letting out a silent cry as you finally reached your release. Jungkook was not far behind, stilling inside of you and growling as he finished inside of you. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
Jungkook quickly but carefully pulled out of you and flipped your position so you were both laying down with you on his chest. His finger traced delicate patterns on your arm as you snuggled up against him, trying to catch your breath. 
“I wasn’t too rough right?” he asked after a moment. 
“Not at all,” you assured with a soft smile, “it was actually really hot seeing you all possessive.” You felt his chest rumble beneath you as he chuckled. 
“Good to know, I’ll remember that for next time, if you want there to be a next time that is?” you stayed silent for a moment as you thought about it, trying to process how quickly everything seemed to change in the span of a night. Hell, not even a few hours before you were loathing Jungkook's existence and now you were here naked and curled up against him. The more you thought about it, the more you realized you really needed to assess your current relationship with the demon beside you. 
“You’ll be bound to me for a while so I’m sure we’ll figure it out,” you said, realizing you had been quiet for too long. It probably wasn’t the answer he wanted, but he didn’t oppose it either. Instead you felt him pull you closer and place a gentle kiss on your head. 
“I’ll clean everything up in a minute, you go ahead and rest and we’ll talk about everything in the morning, deal?” You didn’t need to be told twice, closing your eyes and letting his warmth lull you to sleep. You still had a lot to think about, but maybe being bonded to Jungkook wasn’t so bad after all.
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This is one of three promised fics that will be uploaded within the next week as I do my best to catch up! 
Any and all interaction and feedback on this work is greatly appreciated! 
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missdreamshade · 2 years
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x reader
Genre: yandere au, monster/demon au, imaginary friend au
Summary: Your parents invite you to come take one last look at all your childhood belongings. Little did you know one held a sinister monster that you released from it’s prison - and his eyes are set on you.
Word Count: 3.6K
Warnings: yandere content, dark content, blood, mentions of gore, death, vomit, profanity, please read at your own risk
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“Pumpkin!” Your mom exclaimed the second you stepped foot out of the car. She came running off the porch of your childhood home, engulfing your frame in an overbearingly tight hug, “It's been too long, you need to start coming to visit more often.”
A smile stretched across your lips as you returned her hug, pulling away a brief moment later.
Your mother took your hand in hers, leading you inside. For a split second, her warm gaze flashed down to your bare arm, turning cold. Something solemn swirled in her eyes as she fixated on the scar you had since a young child.
You never knew how it showed up, neither did your parents, but shortly after your eighth birthday, a mark resembling awfully close to an ‘H’ appeared on the inside of your wrist.
“Everything’s,” the woman trailed off for a moment before quickly recollecting herself, “Everything is down the basement. Take anything you want and we’ll donate the rest.”
The basement wreaked of musk and mildew like an old farmhouse. It took more than a few minutes to get used to, but in the meantime, you ignored the pungent smell and headed over towards the boxes in the corner.
It was heartbreaking to have to say goodbye to the home you grew up in, but your parents wanted to downsize their space since it was only the two of them - and you couldn’t blame them for that.
The only downside was not all memories could make it to their new house.
Pulling open the first box, a childish type warmth blossomed in your chest. Sitting on the very top was the teddy bear you grew up with, or Sir. Honey as you called him. The rest of the box was filled with various other toys and a few crayon drawings.
Taking Sir. Honey out of the box, you set him to your left - your keep pile - before digging your hand into the box to pull out something else.
As you rummaged through the cluster paper and plastic, something sharp stabbed into your finger.
“Ow! Shit!”
Your hand immediately retracted as a pained hiss rolled off your tongue. A droplet of blood already formed from the wound and you instinctively flicked your wrist to minimize the sharp sting.
Peering inside the box, face formed into a scowl, you found a thumbtack facing straight up.
Why was there-
“Are you really going to take that box home with you? Isn’t that a children’s toy?” Your brother’s voice echoed throughout the silence of the basement.
A sigh exhaled from your chest. Of course, your younger, much more annoying, brother would be here.
“What are you talking about? We are supposed to…” Your eyes followed his, causing your voice to fade to quiet. Somehow sitting beside you was a blue and yellow toy box.
It wasn’t there when you first got down here, and you couldn’t remember taking it out along with your stuffed bear.
“Weren’t you, like, obsessed with that thing growing up?”
You pulled the toy closer to you, a soft chuckle vibrating your chest, “Yeah, I think I was.”
Upon a closer inspection, you noticed a fresh drop of blood splattered on the top - which must’ve been from flailing your wrist just seconds before. Wiping it away without another care, you set it back down.
It was your absolute favourite toy growing up.
The reason as to why remained foggy in your memory, but you could remember bringing it everywhere with you.
School. Sleep overs. Grandparents.
It didn’t matter because it never left your side.
“You were convinced your imaginary friend lived in there apparently,” your younger brother snickered, walking over to his own boxes of memorabilia, “Don’t you remember? It was kinda creepy. I would hear you talking to it all the time.”
“Really? None of that rings a bell,” Your lips pursed while you contemplated what your brother said.
“How is everything going-”
Your mother trotted down the steps, the same sweet smile on her face before her eyes narrowed in on the same blue and yellow box your brother noticed.
And instantly, her expression fell.
Her reaction seemed odd. Out of place.
Unlike her.
“You’re not keeping that, are you?” Her voice sounded uneasy, but the second you shook your head, she springed back to normal.
“No, I don’t have anywhere to keep it-”
“And you have somewhere to keep Sir. Honey,” your brother interjected, his voice laced with mockery and judgement.
Quickly, you reached back back into your box, grabbing onto a different plushie before chucking it in his direction, warning him to shut his mouth already.
A wave of satisfaction only washed through you once it slammed into his back.
“Like I said,” you continued, shooting a glare at your brother, “No, I think it should go to donate.”
“Alright, sweetheart… Then why don’t I take it and put it with the rest of the donated stuff for you?”
There was something indifferent in her tone of voice, like she held some kind of hidden ulterior motive.
Although, you shrugged your shoulders and handed it up to her. It didn’t matter what she did with it. You didn’t need it anymore anyway.
Your keys clanged together as they landed on the hard oak table.
“God,” you mumbled, kicking off your shoes before your arms stretched far above your head.
The drive home was unbelievably exhausting. As much as you adored visiting your family, the threw hour drive between your city and their’s was too much all in one day.
You should’ve just stayed the night like they suggested.
Shifting your eyes towards the clock on the stove, you expected to read the time you managed to stumble through the door. However, 00:00 flashed repeatedly in it’s place.
The rickety floorboards of your apartment creaked under your weight as you inched further into the kitchen. Perhaps, there was a power outage while you were gone.
There! Perfectly logical explanation; no need to be suspicious.
Yet, you couldn’t help the iron-tight ball that was tightening in your gut. It was an ominous type feeling, eerie and dreadful.
Shattering the overpowering silence, the small cellphone in your back pocket began ringing. After pulling it out, a sigh of relief released from your lungs - it was only your mother.
“Hi, pumpkin,” her voice sounded on the other side of the line, “Did you make it home safe?”
Adoration swelled in your chest at her undying concern. Tiredness was evident in her tone, although, you couldn’t help but to smile.
Did she really have to stay up this late just to make sure you got home okay?
Your coat slipped off your shoulders before being hung up on the hook on the wall.
“Of course, mom. I just walked through the-”
As you turned around to the small hallway leading to your bedroom, every muscle in your body froze in place. A gasp shooting out cut you off mid-sentence. Sitting in the middle of the floor, like it was meticulously placed there, was your favourite childhood toy.
Or what used to be.
The one you donated just earlier today.
Sir. Honey slipped through your fingers, falling to the floor.
“Is everything okay? Hello? Y/n?”
A chill dug it’s claws in, crawling it’s way up your spine. Something wasn’t sitting right right. The odd gut feeling you had the second you walked in the building only seemed to magnify. The energy in the room completely shifted, becoming thick, nearly suffocating.
“Mom...” Your voice wavered as you spoke, “Is B/n still at home?”
There was still a chance that this was simply some prank. Maybe, your brother beat you here and was doing this just to scare you. It seemed far fetched, but your younger brother never made any sense to you in the first place.
“He left about an hour ago. Why? Sweetheart, is there something wrong?”
At her words, your heart plummeted to the depths of your stomach. You swore you gave the toy away. No, you were sure of it. You handed it off to your mother with your own bare hands.
There was no explanation as to how it was here. In the middle of your hallway, nonetheless.
“Yeah... Yeah, everything’s okay. Uh, I-I have to go now,” You dragged your hand down your face, ignoring the way the clamminess of your palm, “I’ll call you tomorrow, I promise. I love you. Bye.”
Hardly waiting to hear her response, you ended the call. Finally tearing your eyes away from the small blue and yellow box, you turned to set your phone on a nearby stand, but almost immediately, the blood coursing through your veins turned to ice.
As if it was waiting for you to turn away, music began playing from the box. What used to be a joyful, happy tune that filled your childhood full of fond memories - now felt haunting.
You sucked in the shakiest breath of air before slowly turning on your heel to face the seemingly harmless toy.
Like it was straight out of a Hollywood horror movie, the handle rotated on it’s own. Turning round and round.
“I-Is there someone here? Come on, this isn’t funny,” you called out to the empty apartment, straining your voice to sound braver than how you felt.
As soon as the words rolled off your tongue, the music box stopped, cutting off half way through the song. Everything in the apartment stilled. Even the traffic outside sounded like it came to a stop completely.
The handle stopped moving all together, as if you were hallucinating it this whole time.
Seconds of dead silence stretched on, feeling like an eternity.
But out of your peripheral, swift movement caught your attention. Switching your gaze from the toy box up to your bedroom doorway, a scream lodged from your throat.
A tall, black outline of a man stood only a few feet away. His head was cocked slightly to the side, and from what you could make out, he had some kind of hat on with two bunny-ear-like shapes coming from the sides.
Instantly, your survival instincts kicked in and your feet moved long before your brain registered you were heading for the door. However, you nearly fell flat on your ass from having to skid to an abrupt stop.
The same black figure from behind you was now coming around the kitchen corner - in front of you.
You let out another terrified shriek, hoping the neighbours could hear your distressing calls. Looking back over your shoulder, the figure was somehow still there. Although, this time, he was much, much closer.
There wasn’t much time at all to comprehend what was happening, and your path to escaping was narrowed down far too much for your liking, leaving you nowhere else to run to except your bathroom.
And you did just that.
The door slammed shut almost with enough force to send it flying off the hinges. Before whatever was chasing you could push their way in, you turned the lock on the doorknob.
“Get out, right now! I’m calling the police!” Your voice treamored, but the threat was still confidently there. Somehow you managed to be better than most other heroines in horror films like these, by keeping your phone fused to your hand.
Underneath the bathroom door, shadows of the man’s feet creeped in from under the door.
“Come out and play, Y/n.”
Breath hitched in the back of your throat at the voice. Contrary to the shadows size and build, it sounded like an innocent little boy. One you disturbingly recognized.
“I-I said go away!”
You backed into the furthest corner of the bathroom, keeping your eyes glued to the door, dialling the emergency response number with nothing but muscle memory.
“I said come out and play with me,” the voice dropped in octaves, sounding less innocent, less human, “Don’t make me say it again.”
The words were followed by a series of booming knocks, rattling the door.
To your dismay, the phone pressed against your ear only kept ringing. Never going to voicemail, yet no one picked up.
Since when did the police ignore…
The doorknob beginning to twist and jiggle stole your attention away from the neverending ringing. Your eyes widened in pure horror as you witnessed the lock turning on it’s own, but before you could try and stop it, the door flew open, ricocheting off the bathroom wall with a bang. When it came bouncing back like it was made of rubber, your mouth fell agape at the giant hole it left behind in the plaster.
Despite your raw, aching throat, yet another scream squeezed past your lips. This time, tears welled in your eyes, spilling over and down your cheeks. Your body shook worse than a leaf as you stayed huddled in the safety of your corner.
Though, in reality, you knew you were far from safe.
“W-What do you want from me? Why are you here?” Any courage you once had melted away like snow surrounded by scorching flames.
The man finally walked into the light, turning from a black shadow to… human. Dark circles ringed around his eyes, making him seem both grim and like he hadn’t rested for years.
“Is this how you greet your friends, sunshine? Don’t you recognize me?” His voice was smooth, dangerously chipper, almost charismatic if it wasn’t for the malevolent edge to it.
You shook your head, the ability to use your voice suddenly flying out the window.
Did this psychopath really think you’d know him?
“Tsk, tsk,” With each click of his tongue, he took one step closer, caging you in, “That’s disappointing. I’ve waited all these years for you, Y/n, and you can’t even remember me? I guess you were pretty young the last time we saw each other.”
“H-How… How do you know m-my name? Who are you?”
A smirk curved up on his lips, tugging at one corner.
The sick freak seemed to be lavishing in your fear.
“Does the name Hobi ring any bells?”
You began to frantically shake your head, stirring up a headache - or whiplash - from the force, before slowly trailing to a stop.
Suddenly, a single image raced through your mind. It was you, playing in your bedroom with him. A florally pink tea set sat in the middle of the two of you. He wore the same bunny-like hat that seemed to have disappeared from him now.
“Y-You're… You’re-” You struggled to formulate the words, “But, how… It’s not-”
It wasn’t possible. It simply wasn’t. This man couldn’t be your long lost friend. He was a figment of your imagination for fuck sakes.
“Ding, ding, ding,” your imaginary friend taunted, finally coming to a stop directly in front of you before lowering down to your level, “Although, I’d rather be called Hoseok from now on. Hobi is pretty childish, don’t you think?”
A choked sob failed to stay down, and more tears streamed down your face as you shook your head from side to side again.
This had to be a dream. There was no way this was-
Hoseok’s hand shot out towards your arm, and a yelp bounced off the bathroom walls as his fingers pinched your skin.
“See? It’s not a dream,” he flashed a crooked grin as if he could understand your thoughts clear as day.
Hoseok cocked his head to the side, running his eyes from the very tips of your hair and down your body to your toes. There was something almost lustful - with a hint of morbid fascination - about his wandering stare.
“How is this possible?” You breathed, trying to recoil away from him as much as possible, “You aren’t real, you can’t be.”
A boisterous chuckle erupted from the man’s chest, raising the hairs on your arms. It sounded like something straight out of a nightmare.
The type of laugh you’d hear while running for your life.
“Oh, I’m very much real, and you were the one who let me out, sunshine.”
Let him out?
Hoseok’s hand that had dropped back to his side suddenly moved to your legs that stayed securely pulled to your chest. With the same smirk plastered on his face, his fingers traced up and down your bare skin.
“So soft,” he murmured, almost in a trance.
“You’re crazy... Let out? That doesn’t make any sense. A-And why are you staring at me like that?”
His eyes snapped up from your legs, darkening, loosing any colour to his iris - as if you insulted him by interrupting his fixation.
The quick change to his eyes stole any air from your lungs. No human could do that. No one’s eyes could switch from a chocolate brown to charcoal black in less than a second.
This man, whoever he was, wasn’t human.
The rough caress on your skin ceased, and in a flash some of your hair was twirling around his finger.
“You see, all I needed all these years was a drop of virgin blood,” he spoke before lowering his tone down to a whisper, leaning in ever so slightly, so his lips were hovering near your ear, “I have to say, it was a nice surprise finding out you waited this long for me. I felt like I was going crazy inside that box thinking about someone else touching what was mine.”
His? Did he really think you were-
“Of course, I do,” Hoseok’s chest vibrated with a hair raising chuckle while pulling away.
His fingers looped around your wrist, lifting it to show you the obscure ‘H’ that showed up when you were less than ten years old.
“Do you really think you got this by accident?”
Nothing about this situation made sense, yet the gravity of being cornered by a psychopath, sociopath, still weighed down on your shoulders. Hanging on to your last shred of courage, you sprang up from your spot, using every ounce of your strength to knock him to the side.
Without skipping a beat, you left him behind in the bathroom and dashed out of your apartment.
However, no matter how fast you fled, you didn’t miss the animalistic growl that sounded from the man - monster - whatever he was.
“Help! Someone help me!”
You ran down the hall before stopping at a random door, pounding your palms against the wood.
“Please, please, someone help!”
“No one’s going to help you,” Hoseok sang, calmly striding from the doorway of your apartment. Despite being many, many feet away, his voice sounded loud enough to be right inside your head, “And there’s nowhere you can run where I won’t find you.”
No one was answering your desperate pleas for help.
Not the person who lived on the other side of this door.
Not anyone from the neighbouring apartments.
Only the same eerie stillness consumed the entire floor.
“Fuck!” Before Hoseok could get any closer, you high-tailed it towards the main staircase, scurrying down the steps as fast as you could. You jumped over some, skipping others, but as you rounded the first landing, you crashed into something solid.
“Just give in to me. I told you already, there’s nowhere you can run.”
Hoseok’s eyes intently watched your frame as you stumbled backwards, catching yourself on the railing just in time.
“S-Stay away from me!” As much as you wanted it to sound like a strong demand, your voice cracked with fear. It felt like there was nowhere else to run. Whichever direction you picked, he always managed to be there.
But there had to be somewhere else, one last way out of here-
A lightbulb flickered on in your mind.
The basement.
There was an emergency exit through there.
“I really wouldn’t do that if I were you, sunshine. It’ll be a big mistake.”
It was becoming more and more apparent how inhuman Hoseok really was. Appearing and disappearing. Being in two different places at once. Answering your thoughts as they rolled in.
Although, his words meant nothing to you, they hardly even registered. You sprinted back up the stairs and headed for the emergency stairwell. This time, Hoseok didn’t seem to follow.
The taste of sweet freedom was hanging on the tip of your tongue.
The basement metal door burst open as you pushed through it, but a scream pierced through the air before your legs had the chance to stop. Standing between you and the last exit left was everyone in your apartment building.
Their bodies laying mangled and lifeless, all carelessly thrown into one giant, rotting pile.
Every last one of them.
“You really shouldn’t have come down here. I did try to warn you.”
Hoseok’s voice sounded all throughout the basement, bouncing off every corner. You couldn’t tell where it was coming from until debris crunching under his boots could be heard stalking up behind you.
The iron smell of blood filled the air, turning it stale.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the horrifying sight. Everyone who lived in this building, all aside from you, were laying there. Covered in blood. Eyes still wide in, frozen in terror.
There was the family right next door that you’d occasionally babysit for. Even the sweet old lady from the first floor who’d share her homemade baking with anyone who’d give her the time of day.
“No, no,” you heaved, waterworks erupting and endlessly streaming down your cheeks, “W-Why? Why did you do this?”
“They only would’ve got in our way,” Hoseok whispered, as his arms snaked around your waist, “I knew you wouldn’t be able to behave yourself and not get them involved.”
This couldn’t be real. This just couldn’t be.
His body felt frozen against yours, like a walking corpse had engulfed your frame in an embrace.
“What… What do you want?”
Despair flooded in like a broken dam. There was no doubt to left that Hoseok wasn’t human. He may have the skin of a sheep, but underneath was a savage wolf.
The simple three-letter word sounded so possessive, so dark, growling from the depths of his throat.
“I thought it would be obvious by now. I want you. I did all of this because of you.”
Any composure you had left cracked, shattering like frail glass. You broke down into heavy sobs, nearly collapsing if it wasn’t for the monster supporting your weight.
Goosebumps spread like wildfire as Hoseok skimmed his nose up your neck, towards your cheek drenched in salty tears.
“Shh,” he hushed in a pathetic, half-assed, attempt at soothing your cries, before his tongue ran across your skin, tasting your tears, “God, you look so pretty when you cry, but it’s useless now, sunshine. They’re never coming back.”
It didn’t take long for the smell and adrenaline to get to you. Hunching over, all the contents of your stomach emptied onto the concrete floor, leaving you breathless and shaking.
“Oh, you poor thing…” One hand made it way to your head - petting you.
The world around you started spinning, faster and faster as if you were stuck in vertigo. Black splotches filled your vision, and after one last whisper from Hoseok, you collapsed into him.
“You’re finally mine, after all this time.”
• • •
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chimcess · 9 months
Nachash || jhs (teaser)
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader (ft. Taehyung) Genre: Supernatural AU, Demon!Hoseok, Med Student!Reader, Incubus! Hoseok, Horror AU, Thriller, Mystery, angst, smut Rating: 18+ (don’t interact if you’re a minor) Word Count: TBD (~25-35k) Release Date: Oct. 31st Summary: After the loss of both of her parents, Y/N decided to sell their home in Florida and move back to New York City, a place that she has little memories of despite spending 10 years in medical school there. With her return comes a spark of romance with a sweet man who gives her a strange sense of Deja vu. Her world begins to shift, and she begins to lose sight of dreams and reality. At the center of it all is Hoseok, his warm smiles and gentle kisses. But she can’t help but wonder if he is who he says he is and why a strange bar keeps popping up in her nightmares. Warnings: Strong language, death mentioned, terminal illnesses, bad medical terminology (I tried), Hoseok has a demon side (like physically different), Explicit sexual content, vaginal fingering, oral (f & m receiving), dirty talk, rough sex, manhandling, Inexperienced!Reader, Good girl reader, hard dom Hoseok, Hoseok is a menace, he’s also very sus, so much blood, low-key a yandere but not really, DARK ENDING, dubious consent (kind of mind control/mood control/memory wiping), main character death (graphic), graphic violence, this is not a cute demon romance, more to come...
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    nachash (noun) "snake; serpent". Derived from the Hebrew root n-ch-sh.
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 After graduation, the dreams stopped. I stayed with my parents for the summer, played in the Florida sun, and decided against going back to New York for my fellowship. Instead, I chose to stay in Tallahassee and start my career. It was safe there. He was gone. A few years later, I left for Jacksonville and my paranoia had started to fade.
Years had gone by, and my memories of his face began to escape me. His name was nothing more than a gentle whisper in the deepest pits of my mind. Even then, saying that would be an overstatement. My return to New York was in the wake of my mother’s death. My dad had passed away a few years prior, and our vacation home in Harlem, the same place I lived in so many years ago, had become prime real estate. I got a fellowship through Columbia upon my return. Life was looking up despite my grief, and I was ready to start a new venture in my medical career.
That was the beginning of my eventual end. I had cheated death all those years ago. Angela was my replacement, though I had no idea at the time. That thing knew she was waiting for me. It knew she would not let me out of her sight, so it took care of the problem. My fear gave it power, and it indulged itself in my torture. When I came back, it knew. 
This time I would not be lucky. Nothing and no one would get in its way. Soon, all memories of that night vanished. Angela’s name escaped me first, then her face, and finally what happened to her. Dauphine and its never-ending halls were gone. The thing that sat at the bar made sure of that before making his next move. 
It was mid-October when he came back into my life, all memories of his face wiped from my mind, and his game really started. My death would be his favorite. A death he rejoiced in for years to come only to be disappointed that nothing lived up to that night. 
Things like Hoseok lived for the chase, and I proved to be his greatest target.
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moccahobi · 10 months
The Creamed Pie
Summary:  What a gross bakery name you thought as you entered, too hungry to turn down the promise of food. Allosexuals were getting more and more brazen by the day but succubi were worse, even if they were ace. And somehow you were helping that ace succubus now.
Pairings: Seokjin (BTS) x Reader 
Rating: SFW (although I ask that because of the number of sexual jokes and comments, please just 18+ people read)
Warnings: sexual innuendos, mentions of death
Genre: fluff, humor, angst, succubus au, slow burn
Word count: 7.9k
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 The Creamed Pie
The cafe sign looked down at you with welcoming arms, steam and water puffing out from the name. And if it weren’t for your hunger, you might’ve looked over the bakery because of that name… you might not know much… but that was sexual. You barely even paid mind to how as you were about to give in and look up food nearby on your phone, such a tasty looking place came into view. 
It was too good to be true. 
Just a short walk from your new apartment was a cafe that could fuel you before work and fulfill your cafe loving mind on mellow days? It was a miracle and you could imagine the times you’d spend in here.
The cafe name though .... Were allosexuals ok? 
You laughed and shook your head, your growling stomach you in. Despite the name, the inside wasn't playing off of such sexy themes. 
In fact it was full of pastel colors and vibes. The tables were full of soft rainbows, each table and chair set a mix and match of all the colors. An accent wall of luscious ivy seemed to wave you over to settle into the couch right below it, full of plushies. There were even more plushies sitting on chairs and resting on the counters. It was an eclectic and interesting place that you could see becoming popular for its aesthetics off of social media… especially if they had those aesthetic bathrooms that people would spend twenty minutes in getting the perfect selfie.
The handsomest man in the world with a blinding smile rushed from the backspace, his smile wide and excited as he started fretting behind the counter. Pink oven mitts were barely off before he was shouting welcomes, his pastel blue apron dusted with flour that was sprinkling onto the counter. 
"What can I get for you ?" 
"An Iced americano, please." 
For the briefest second, a frown took over his face before he rushed to make it. After he finished he grabbed a muffin and plated it.
"Here you go."
"Uh. How much is it?"
"Oh! Shoot. Forgot about that. You all normally have registers, right?"
"Nothing. This is on the house," The man flashed a large smile. "For being my first ... customer." 
You nodded, grabbed your stuff and sat down. He probably hadn't had customers because of the cafe name… Looking back over though, he didn’t even have a register.
Or… wait… there was one? 
It seemed fuzzy, barely there in your mind but the longer you looked at it, the more you were sure that there was and always had been a register there. You shivered and looked down at your order. Maybe you should of gotten a hot americano. 
Despite the off putting name (who thought of that name and approved it?), taste of the food was out of this world. Everything was bursting on your tastebuds and between the chewy fruit and a crunchy topping, the muffin was the best muffin you’d ever eaten. The owner knew what he was doing by giving you this on the house. You were groaning and vibrating with excitement with each bite. 
Half way through your muffin though you froze, the hair on the back of your neck sticking up as you turned to look at the counter. The man was staring with a big smirk on his face, his plump lips spread thin and teeth on display as he watched you eat.
His smile dropped and he quickly went to the backroom to do something. You deflated once he was gone and finished up your coffee before rushing out. Maybe the cafe wasn’t a place you needed to go to again. That man was creepy and unless you were able to figure out a schedule for other workers, you don’t know if you’d want to stay long enough to eat there.
The cafe stayed with you like a ghost and before long, you were trying to seek it out matter how again. No matter how badly you searched though, you couldn't find it. Somehow the cafe wasn’t in the same spot as last time and you felt a shiver as you thought back to the man. Something wasn’t right with him. His smile haunted almost you as much as the muffin did. Yet he seemed friendly too… just… off. 
The longer you thought about the cafe and him, the more you wanted to return (maybe with another person) to find out more about him and his cafe… if it managed to survive past a week.
It wasn't until you were caught by the rain on your way home from work that  you found it again. Its name was still the same  but the surrounding logo of food outlines made it look much more appealing and feel much less sexual. Gone were the water droplets and now there was a few different baked goods on it. Maybe the owner was upgrading his business to get more customers.
You rushed inside and stopped at the doorway to shake off the water, shivering as the cold stuck to you and the water refused to leave. During your move your umbrella broke and although you could use it if you kept your hand up to push it open, you didn’t want to do that… especially after working a long day. It was mindless of you to not get a new umbrella. 
"Oh! Y/n-ssi! You're shaking. Here's a towel! Let me prepare some tea." The same man as last time said after popping out from the back room. You could hear him clamor around and before long you found yourself ushered to one of the cushioned chairs and wrapped up in a warm towel. 
It wasn't until he came back with a hot cup of tea that you processed what he said, another shiver running through you at the realization. 
"How did you know my name?" You asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
"Your credit card shows it on the chit system."
"You gave me my stuff on the house."
He froze before collapsing in the seat. across from you with a dramatic sigh, "Acting human is hard. Other succubi don't have this challenge!"
"Oh shit. Be not afraid." He said, waving his hands around as if to try to put a spell on you.
What the fuck? 
This can’t be real!
“It’s real, Y/n-ssi.” 
No one else was in the cafe… you should play along. There was no telling what he might do to you if he thinks you didn’t believe him. 
"So… You're a succubus? Well I hate to break it to you, you won't get any food from me."
"Oh on the contrary. Your first visit here was delectable."
"How! I'm ace! you feed on orgasms! Omo! The name makes sense now." You said, trying to think of anything to keep him talking. 
"I'm ace too. And succubi feeds off of desire. Not orgasms."
"You're an ace succubus?" You asked, laughter rising from you at the contradiction. This man was pulling shit out of nowhere at his point. 
"Hey! I hear your thoughts," The man said as he laughed, "Just because common media shows us as sex hungry demons doesn't always mean we are. And I am telling the truth. I don’t know how I can prove that to you but I am. I won’t hurt you if you don’t believe me. You don’t have to worry about that." 
You froze. Any self aware man who--
“Knew about the struggles people have with strangers would be able to realize you’re worried about your safety?” He said, giving you a flat look.
Your mouth was hanging open as you gaped for something to think of… Were you actually talking to a demon? How was that even possible? The whole thing felt surreal but the same cafe showed up in two different spots ... he knew your name. No one else was here. He was unrealistically handsome. His food was unimaginably tasty.
"If you're trying to live like a human, you're failing."
"Care to teach me?" He asked and despite the suggestiveness of his words, when he looked up at you, you saw desperation and concern, “I only have a few more months to give this a try before they bring me back to hell and try to get me to do the usual succubi business of sex dreams and,” He shivered, “I can’t do that. I can’t go back.”
His anxiety was something you felt so viscerally. All the moments of people not believing your sexuality, questioning your jokes and actions when they didn’t fit into the stereotype of what an ace person should look like, the times people thought they could change you… you knew his pain and his anxiety. Maybe not as extreme as him if he was a succubus but you knew it. 
“Yeah. I’ll help. But I will have you know, I do not like how you went to food. I get you want to do something different than sex but… food? It’s the oldest ace stereotype in the book! ” 
He blinked slowly. 
“Media always portrays ace people as replacing sexual urges with food.” 
The man started laughing, slapping his knee as rolled around in the chair, “It sounds to me like they try to understand their desires by putting others through a filter of their understanding. But food is one of the next biggest desires so I am not changing it. I’ve gotten enough desire from those who’ve visited already. Only a little though. Almost not enough. And so many other desires offer much less. But you’ll help me, Y/n-ssi?” 
You sighed, “Yeah. I will… What’s your name?” 
“Ah! I almost forgot you all can’t read thoughts. It’s Seokjin. Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you. I hope you’ll help me stay on earth with this job...” 
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Seokjin groaned and threw a damp washcloth at you. Stupid demons have good aim it seemed because it hit your book, forcing it out of your hands, “I can’t believe you’re reading that.” 
You shrugged and grabbed your book, “I’ll read sex scenes if the rest of the book is good. Besides, I mostly read what they say and skim the rest.” 
“I can literally hear you reading each sentence.” He said and when you looked over at him, his ears were bright red and a frown was twisting his face. 
“Would you like me to stop reading it for now? I have some other books I can read while you can hear my thoughts.” 
He sighed and nodded, “I’d appreciate that. I can’t believe that you convinced me to buy an actual shop! Now I have to be in the shop more.” 
You laughed as Seokjin whined, “You won’t get tons if you only target people who are desperate for food! You can still give them stuff on the house but now you’ll get more people with small amounts of desire as well.” 
He groaned and threw his arms in the air like a petulant child and you were once again struck by the fact that he was a demon. A succubus. How the hell was this stuff real? How had you been roped into helping an ace succubus? It explained so much and yet so little about Seokjin. His looks, his flirty nature… but his humor? And his past? And his personality? Still so much was unknown to you and something deep in you was pushing you to learn more.
“I’m glad I’m able to still,” He twirled his hand, a beautifully decorated cake in an ornate cake display shimmering into view and telling you that it’d always been there, "I wouldn’t be able to own an actual shop if it weren’t for this.” 
That was still something you’d need to get used to. He’d materialized so much around you, made it real and with a past in your mind. The world of magic that you’d been thrown in was overwhelming. 
Whether or not Seokjin heard your inner monologue, he didn’t say, instead going about and cleaning tables. You watched from your corner seat, not yet gathering energy to open your phone and find a new book to read. 
The ding from the door pulled you to your phone as you let Seokjin tend to his client. Business in the evening was slow for him and that’s when you enjoyed coming in to rest and help him navigate the human world. The man refused to get an apartment or home despite claiming he wasn’t going to hell to sleep. Where he slept, you didn’t know and that worried you only a little more than his incessant winking when he greeted new customers. And those occasional smirks he gave you when he was feeding off of you… well you were fairly positive he was feeding off of you. 
You shivered and tried to bury yourself into your phone. 
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The next time you came over, Seokjin was struggling with his taxes, screaming at a computer that has always been behind the counter and shaking his head.
“You’re scaring customers away.” You said flatly as you entered, setting your work bag down on your seat. 
“The shop is closed.” 
You didn’t even jump as the shop sign flipped over to closed and Seokjin went back to yelling about taxes and eating the rich. A laugh left you as you watched him, his veins popping as he worked up a sweat with each hit of the computer. 
“Do you want help?” 
“No. I am going to make the landlord vanish.” 
“Your contract literally had a clause that if the landlord died, his kids would get the place and they might force you out. Nothing will stop the onslaught of taxes, Seokjin.” 
He sighed, “Silly humans and their useless taxes. What even is the use of business taxes?”
“I am the last person who’d know. I don’t do taxes nor do I own a business but I am sure the internet could tell you.” 
Seokjin threw himself into the chair across from you and your heart leapt out of your throat as his chair wobbled dangerously before finally settling down. He wailed dramatically and grabbed your hands, warmth spreading from his touch as he complained about taxes more and more. 
You laughed and shook your head again, grabbing a book from your bag and settling into your seat, “Have you eaten enough desire today?” 
He sighed, “No… Especially with this frustration, I am so hungry.”
You should open your shop again then.
“Why would I when my favorite customer is here, though?” You looked up, heat rising to your cheeks as he sent you a wink.
What did this man have in store?
“Want to try the latest treat I’ve made! It’s a decadent lavender and lemon cupcake!” Seokjin was already up and about before you could say anything, his focus on making the cupcake look pretty on the plate. As he walked over, you noticed how he stuck his tongue out in focus. He was a cutie, you’ll give him that. 
Before you could even blink there was a steaming mug of tea next to the cupcake as well and he watched you expectantly as you set down your book and took a sip.
“Ohhh. A chocolate tea with this is really smart.” You said, trying to focus on the flavor and not at how excitedly he was looking at you. It made you shy and yet at this point in knowing Seokjin, you couldn’t help but be edenred at how excited he got for you to try his food. 
You tried to tell yourself that it was just for the desire he’d get from you but there was always a small voice in your mind telling you differently. Gingerly taking the cupcake, you unwrapped it and broke off the bottom half to put on top. 
Seokjin groaned, “Can you not butcher cupcakes like that again?!” 
“What! It’s a smart way to eat a cupcake and reduce mess!” 
“It’s blasphemy!”
“Shouldn’t you like it more then?” You asked, silencing Seokjin with a bite of his cupcake.
Damn it. 
Seokjin made good food. 
Begrudgingly, you gave into the wonder that was the cupcake. It wasn’t too sweet, the tart lemon cutting through the sugar and allowing the lavender to hang in the back of your mouth for longer. And the frosting? A soft and tart cream that melted on your tongue, allowing the spongy cake to be eaten smoothly and softly. 
Seokjin was smirking at you as you ate and damn it, he looked good. 
You set the cupcake down and drank more of the tea, thankful for the change in flavor. 
“It’s good.”
“I’m glad. I am feeling much better now myself.” 
You scoffed and looked away as you tried to calm down your heart. This man would be the death of you. 
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Seokjin shook his head at a customer, a pout on his face as he handed over her food and drink. She didn’t seem phased though, waving bye with a smile and sitting down close to you. It wasn’t common to have people come in shortly after you arrived in the evening, the evening rush often starting closer to eight pm with students cramming for the next day. Yet here was someone who’d visited a few times before and was now fluttering her eyelashes at Seokjin as he cleaned up. 
You chuckled into your computer as you watched him shy away, glaring at the counter that he was cleaning as she watched him intently. Maybe he was embarrassed by her thoughts. That made you laugh. The man was so handsome and whenever his forehead made an appearance (instead of his common bowl cut) people seemed to flirt with him more than normal… which was to say about every customer was more friendly with him. 
Poor guy. 
Seokjin glared at you, his nostrils flaring as he dramatically went into the back room. 
The other customer deflated, turning to her food and phone as she settled in for the meal. You found yourself deflating as well, turning to focus more on your work. Normally you were good at enforcing a work-life balance but when the deadline for the project you’re heading is nearing and everyone else on your team is enforcing a healthy work-life balance, it was on you to pick up the slack. In the past, they were bad about working overtime without pay even when there wasn’t much to do so you were proud of your teammates. Truly… but the work wouldn’t complete itself. 
The next time you looked up, it was because Seokjin had placed a big sandwich, bursting with luscious vegetables and egg salad on your table. A cup of tea that had always been there also greeting you. Your heart fluttered as you thanked him and watched as he sat down with a big sigh. 
“I am so tired from standing all day, Y/n-ah! Why do people do this?” He said with a groan, rolling his feet under the table without a care for your shins he was beating. 
You shrugged, “Put a chair back there then.” 
“That’s really smart!” 
“Thank you.”
“What are you working on? I don’t normally see you with your computer out.” He asked, leaning over the table and shoving his face near your computer screen. As if he could possibly read the document upside down.
Could succubi?
“No. I am too tired to go around. Besides I don’t know what it would say upright anyways.” 
You nodded. It was always surreal when he read your thoughts but you were getting more used to it as you spent more time with him. 
“Please eat by the way.”
Is he really hungry still? It was Monday and every Monday evening he bragged about how stuffed he was because of the worker rush. 
“I know you’ve not eaten since this morning. Silly, silly, silly. Don’t overwork yourself.” He said, gently flicking your forehead. 
You didn’t know if you believed him. 
You looked over at the woman who was finishing her food… she was still here so you couldn’t change the subject to something succubus related… like how he always managed to have such a rush or how he still targeted people whose desires were strong and not in the area.
“Speak for yourself. You are open every day.” 
His brows furrowed, “Is that not normal?” 
“Are you a big corporation who goes through workers like wheat in a mill and refuses to close?” 
He pouted and you felt the urge to coo, “I’m not a big corporation who is mean to workers. Are those? I wonder who--” 
He stopped and looked at the lady eating. Were inhumane capitalist systems created in hell?
“From my understanding they’re human.” 
You sighed, “Either way. Working every day, with the hours you work isn’t common.” 
“Oh. I should close some days then. Would you want to do something with me those days?” His eyes lit up and you knew you couldn’t say no to him. 
“Sure. That’d be fun! And I can help you find some other people you can spend time with.” 
His brows furrowed once again, “But I like spending time with you. Why would I need others.” 
Damn it. 
Seokjin wasn’t good for your heart. 
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“Y/n! Y/n! I found this awesome song! Cake!” Seokjin was shouting excitedly, waving around his phone as he bound towards you, blaring an overtly sexual song and blissfully unaware of the many angry people looking at him. 
“P-Please! Quiet the song!” You said, trying to take his phone as he pouted and kept it away.
“But it perfectly encapsulates my feelings about cake!” He said with a pout, wiggling around in a poor attempt to dance.
After way too long of him dancing and avoiding your grasp, you were finally able to get him to sit down and silence the song, your whole body bright with embarrassment. 
“Seokjin… you can’t play a song like that in public. Even if you feel like it fits your feelings about a food. It’s so sexual.” 
“What? How?” 
“Oh dear. How do you have your bakery named The Creamed Pie and not know what cake is?” You wanted to cry at having to explain this to a grown ass man… a succubus. 
“What about the Creamed Pie? Why are you bringing my love into this! It’s a beautiful name” 
“Oh dear.” You shook your head, “It’s a term for a… sex action.”
“O-Omo! What? I had no idea! It fits so well! And cake?” 
“What?! No wonder my friends laughed when I told them what my bakery was named and my favorite song! I know! I will change the bakery name! Double Stuffed is another name I was considering.”
You facepalmed.
“Do succubi naturally make innuendos?” 
“Just keep the Creamed Pie. It’s stuck at this point.” You said with a sigh, shaking your head as you looked at Seokjin fondly. 
The man was getting so much better at blending into the human world. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think that he was human. But you knew better so you could guard your heart better. He was an immortal demon and you were a human teaching him how to act human. 
You watched as he jumped up excitedly to greet a mutual friend of yours who worked at a pet shelter. Hoseok was being pulled excitedly by a new puppy who had to stay with the vet for the night. Laughter bubbled out of you as you watched the two interact, Seokjin throwing his whole body into snuggling the dog while the two interacted. Helping him get into different communities to make friends had been beneficial to you. Sure you had a few friends from work but that was about it, the move removed you from most of your previous friends after all. Seokjin got you into shelter work, a bookclub, a gardening club full of sweet old ladies. He’d made your world better by being in it. 
How long would you be able to have Seokjin in your life before he’d have to move to keep his image up? 
Would he last ten years before people started to notice he didn’t age? 
You sighed, not wanting to get up and interact yet. 
These thoughts of Seokjin’s transience had been bogging you down more and more. Sure he could live here for a long time… but would it be enough for you? He’s someone you want in your life for… as long as you live. Ignoring the flutters that have been occurring more frequently, he’s made your life so bright and you didn’t want it to end. 
You hoped that Seokjin didn’t sense this from you. Aside from the embarrassment of these thoughts that he might hear, you imagined that your want to keep him in your life could feed him almost as much as his food.
Seokjin was looking at you, an unreadable expression on his face.
You shivered. 
Maybe he already knew. 
With a heavy sigh, you got up. The walk to Hoseok and Seokjin was full of trying to wipe your mind of the thoughts and the gloom. Think about puppies.
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“You’re tired, Y/n. Take a nap.” Seokjin said with a sigh, taking a now empty plate from your table. 
“Huh? I’ll be ok. I need to work on a bit more.” You said, waving him off as you continued to type away on your computer. A possible new job was opening in your work and you had to finish the application soon.
The laptop slowly closed on your hands, Seokjin’s frowning face greeting you. There was a blanket and a pillow on your table, the two plush and calling to you stronger than this application was. Was this succubus magic? 
Seokjin sighed, “You won’t get the job if you’re burnt out. Take a short nap. I’ll wake you up in thirty minutes,” He must’ve seen something in your eyes because all too soon he was crossing his arms and sitting across from you, “I will bar you from the bakery as well. The door takes people to where they most desire but I can make it so it’ll take you to where you’re dreading.”
“The door can do that?” You asked, looking at the door with a new suspicion. You guessed it made sense that the door had some magic too since he could bring people in from all over the area who were desiring food. 
“I am not changing the topic to educate you on one of the many things I’ve learned over my lifetime. Nap.” 
“I’m not even that sleepy.” You said, but as you looked back at the door, you knew that you didn’t want to risk no longer being able to see this place. With a glare and a few curses for Seokjin, you grabbed the pillow and blanket, spreading out on the couch and trying to get comfortable.
Sleep didn’t come to you easily though. Seokjin was working still and despite your mind feeling oddly quiet, you couldn’t get comfortable. It was all made worse when Seokjin came over and adjusted the blanket, his hand removing hair from your face gingerly. He sighed what felt like a thousand unspoken words before finally going back to work. 
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But the ghost of his kindness didn’t leave you. Not the rest of that day. Not during your time at the pet shelter. Not at work. Not during book club. 
You shouldn’t be so flustered by a friend’s action. You’d probably do something similar if his hair was in his eyes. It was just a caring thing to do.
Plus, the two of you talk about being ace all the time… but not romance. He still turns down every flirty customer… he could be aeromantic. Or not interested in humans. If you were an all powerful and eternal demon, you don’t think humans would appeal to you. 
His touch haunted you as you watched as Jimin collapsed into Seokjin with laughter, Hoseok and Namjoon clinging to him at some joke that they’d told. It was barely even funny (if only you’d been listening). Physical touch has always been something you felt neutral about or blatantly shied away from and generally it didn’t affect you when others were able to so freely be physically affectionate. It was a ghost of a barrier keeping you minimally stimulated that you rarely ever overcame and no one else seemed to try to broach. There were some family members and childhood friends who you hugged or snuggled, but touch had never been something that you wanted or needed. Bodies were warm and quick to getting damp. You cringed at how Seokjin was attacked with affection and yet another part of you longed for that kind of affection from Seokjin. 
To hug. To be caught by him. To be able to lean on him. To hold hands. 
Jimin, Hoseok, and Namjoon never had a challenge with it. 
Seokjin accepted it willingly… but you struggled to broach that. 
Speak of the demon… Seokjin looked over at you, welcoming you closer on the picnic mat, his hands pointing to some cold fruits that had always been part of the picnic. 
You leaned over and grabbed something to munch on with a smile, Jimin launching on you with his next roll of laughter. A cringe rolled through you but you didn’t push him off, his heaving chest tickling you into laughing as well. 
The guys had been swapping strange customer stories for the past hour. It had urged them up the mountain they hiked and been the background noise of the picnic setup. Despite not working at a customer service facing job, you enjoyed the stories and how they reacted. Like Jimin had someone who wanted white black eyed susans in their bouquet… which didn’t exist. They meant daisies… but they refused to believe they weren’t black eyed susans. It didn’t take Jimin too long to convince them that white black eyed susans were super rare and upcharge the poor person on the common flower.  
“You’re so devious!” Seokjin said, quieting his laughter with some of the fruit and watching as others around started to eat. 
“Nuh uh! The dude was being really rude and I tried to explain it to him for over fifteen minutes. If he wants to think he got something special, let him. He came in wanting to spend more than he needed to anyways.” Jimin said with a hum.
Namjoon shrugged, “Here’s hoping he doesn’t find out ever. Hyung, this fruit is so good! Probably the best I’ve ever had.” 
“Thank you!” Seokjin said, smiling broadly and winking at you. 
Jimin giggled and gave you a look and you tried to shake it off. Seokjin winked often and this was about your little inside secret. They didn’t know he was a succubus or that he was feeding off of them as they are this fruit… or that he’ll live forever and eventually leave everyone here behind. 
Seokjin looked into the woods around everyone as Hoseok took control of the conversation. He was talking about a tragic vet case he worked recently… which was as sad as your thoughts were.
“Why do you keep thinking about me leaving?” Seokjin asked as everyone started hiking back to the parking lot. He’d fallen behind with you and was speaking quietly as if he was worried about others hearing. 
Probably because this got to his demonic ways… which they didn’t know. 
You shrugged, “You can’t stay here forever. You’re immortal. Sooner or later people will realize that you’ve not aged a day and to keep eating desire you'll need to move. I’ve seen movies and read books about this.”
“You’re acting nonchalant but I can tell how much it’s hurting you. You’ve grown so distant.” 
The trail was getting smaller and to continue talking and walking next to each other, your shoulders bumped together repeatedly. His warmth was welcome. 
“I like you in my life.”
“And I’m in your life right now.” 
“But for how long?” You asked, looking over at him with a glare. 
“I don’t know. It’s not like I can’t figure out how to stay with you forever.”
“Seokjin. I don’t live forever. You do.” 
“I don’t have to.” He said, untold words swimming in his eyes at that. 
Before you could continue though, the parking lot came into view and Jimin was urging Seokjin into his car. You were once again alone with too many thoughts bogging you down.
Damn it, Seokjin. 
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You watched the back door swing open, two people sauntering into the bakery who you’d never seen before. Seokjin hadn’t talked about hiring people to work here and that was something the two of you talked about often. One of them made their way over to you, tattoos on full display as he dusted off his jacket and gave you a once over. 
“Come here often?” He asked in the worst pickup line ever. It took physical strength not to cringe and turn back to your book. 
“That’s good to know. Want to come over to my place after?” 
“Jungkook! What in the world are you doing?” Seokjin’s loud voice made the man, Jungkook, stand on edge. His eyes were wide and face pale. 
“That is no way to talk to…” He looked over at you before looking at Seokjin again, the two entering a staring contest that could rival battles. 
Was Jungkook a succubi? 
You looked over at the other man, tall and lanky but dressed to the nines. They practically walked out of romantic dramas. Why were demons so bad at blending into the human world? 
The other man started laughing wildly, Jungkook and Seokjin whipping around to looking at him, “S-Sorry. This human… they have such hilarious thoughts! I can’t tell if they’re insults or not.” 
“Yes. When I first moved in they had a lot of comments about my shop’s name. Still can’t quite tell if they were meant to be positive or negative.” Seokjin said, not even sparing you a glance as he sized up the other demon. 
“They were negative.” You said and immediately regretted it as Jungkook whirled on you once again sizing you up and giving you one of the worst smolders you’d ever seen in your life. What a disgrace to Flynn Rider.
“Hey! I will have you know that my shoulders are amazing! Wait-- Why aren’t you affected by it?” The poor man looked so confused and sad that you weren’t falling at his feet.
Seokjin coughed and Jungkook and the other demon’s attention was brought to you once again, “What are you two doing here?” 
“We wanted to visit you. Especially with the current whispers we’ve heard down below.” The other man said, sitting down in a chair by you and taking a sip of tea that had always been there, waiting for him. 
“I wanted to try your food! I’ve heard it’s really good!” Jungkook said, “And Taehyung said that we should have a serious chat with you about giving up immortality.” 
Taehyung slapped Jungkook’s arm and shot you a look. 
Your eyes shot up as thoughts started rapid firing in your mind. Why would Seokjin give up immortality? 
“Y/n, I think you should leave for now.” Seokjin said, not taking his eyes off of Taehyung and Jungkook.
“But they seem like fun! Don’t you want to have fun, Y/n?” Jungkook asked, sending you a wink.
A growl tore you from Jungkook’s gaze, quickly making you pack up your things, “Seokjin’s right. I should get going. Good luck with the conversation, buddy.” You said, not wanting to give space for anyone to speak as you raced out of the cafe. 
To your shock, exiting the cafe led right to your apartment door. How in the world did that happen? 
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The next time you saw Seokjin, he looked sickly and tired and was moving around the shop with half the energy and excitement that he normally had. He still tried to put on a smile for customers who came in and any time you opened your mouth to say something he glared at you. He wasn’t wanting you to bring up what was happening to him but you worried nonetheless.
Do demons get sick? 
Is it possible for him to not be getting enough desire? 
If so… you wished you could give him all your desire. Anything to keep him healthy and here with you. 
Seokjin was so tired that he sat down at multiple points. It was during one time when he was resting his head against a table that you got up, determined to help him somehow. You moved behind the counter and started to make him a cup of tea. 
Except… this man didn’t have any mugs. 
You sighed and next thing you knew, a mug was greeting you. It had always been there. Looking up, you saw Seokjin looking at you from the table, his head turned to rest and watch what you did. He winked but didn’t do much else. Quickly you made the tea and grabbed one of the display sweets. It wasn’t much and Seokjin likely had something similar all the time but it was the most you could do without talking about whatever was going on. Before bringing the stuff to him, you went to the door and flipped the sign to closed. Seokjin wasn’t in a place to serve people right now. 
You sat across from him, cringing as he struggled to get up and slowly sipped his tea. The cafe was filled with the sounds of him slowly eating and drinking, the man a loud slurper and chewer. Probably his one flaw.
“Hey! I am flawless!” He shouted, crumbs flying across the table.
“I don’t know about that.” You said, “Noisy eaters can be a big deal for some people. Can trigger main receptors in some!” 
He scoffed, “Well not you.” 
You shrugged, “No. But I don’t like it much still.” 
He huffed but started to eat with less noise, “I will not change my slurping. It’s how you aerate the hot drink and cool it down. I don’t want to burn my tongue.” 
“Didn’t know demons could.” 
Seokjin stayed silent at that. 
What did Jungkook and Taehyung talk about? What was happening to Seokjin? 
He glared at you. 
Puppies. Think about puppies. 
“You think about puppies a lot. Do I remind you of them?” He asked, his cheeks filled with food and eyes playful. 
“Hmmm. I think you remind me more of chipmunks or hamsters. But I like puppies! They’re cute.” You said with a laugh, half wanting to grab your phone and show him some pictures or videos of puppies. 
“What about chipmunks and hamsters? No love for them? They live a short time, is that why?” 
“I like them.” 
You nodded, “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to see them when I do. Their life span isn’t a worry either. They might only be around for a short period of my life, but their owners… and I when I see them, love them for their whole life. Their life is full of love. Should be.” 
Seokjin looked at his tea and nodded.
“You should make your way home early tonight,” Seokjin started, “I think it’s going to rain soon.” 
His eyes were watery when you finally left. 
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Hoseok and Jimin could tell there was something up with Seokjin… they’d planned a small gathering and while Seokjin didn’t say anything, with only four people there, the tension was palpable. They were carrying the conversation and your worry for Seokjin only allowed for you to add in every once in a while. The chatter of the bar that you’d gathered at was practically screaming into your conversations. When he excused himself for the bathroom but left through the front, you followed.
“Seokjin. Are you ok?” 
He jumped, his hands rising up to his face as he whirled on you, eyes wide, “Why are you out here? You should be inside having fun.”
Shaking your head, you came closer, “I wasn’t having fun before. It’s no fun when I’m worried about you. What’s up? I’m here for you.”
“The lights are up.” He said, his back hitting the wall as he sank to his knees.” 
You grimaced. You’ll tell him about not touching the outdoor walls of buildings, especially bars, “I love your comedy but now isn’t the time. I want to help you. Do you need food? I can… I can give you desire.” 
“Bars are rife with desire… I don’t,” he sighed and shook his head, “I’m feeding fine. It’s… this change is taking so much out of me. I’m exhausted. Change is hard.” 
“This chan-” His immortality.
Seokjin didn’t look at you but you felt tears well up as he started talking more, “Jungkook and Taehyung told me the risks… and I still decided that…” 
You grabbed his hand, your heart in your throat, “What are the risks, Seokjin?”
He squeezed your hand, pulling you down to squat next to him and despite the fact that your shirt likely had piss on it now, you wanted to be closer. The warmth of his hand and heat from his shoulder wasn’t enough. You didn’t move and he didn’t speak. 
The hustle and bustle of the bar filled the tension like air to a black void and like a black void, nothing satiated the tension. 
“I don’t know how long I have left on earth.” 
“Do you have to return to hell?” 
He shook his head.
“Fuck. Seokjin, what will happen?”
“If I’m not strong enough to not live with immortality?” He sighed and leaned his head on your shoulder but you couldn’t find any comfort in his warmth, “I guess my life will be like a hamster. Short but full of your love.” 
Tears were fighting their way out of your tear ducts, “S-Seokjin. Wh… Don’t…” 
“Would you run The Creamed Pie when I’m gone.” 
You scoffed, tears getting into your mouth, “Aside from the fact that I have a job and hate the name--” 
“It’s grown on you.” 
“I’m not done, idiot.  You’re talking like you won’t make it. Don’t talk like that.” 
“Well… it’s--”
“There you two are!” Hoseok shouted, his eyes not yet adjusted to being out of the bar, “Get off of that piss stained wall and come back inside!” 
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Seokjin’s cafe disappeared. 
It’s been weeks since you, Hoseok, or Jimin have seen him. 
You had to take days off when you realized what had likely happened. 
Damn it, Seokjin.
He didn’t even say goodbye. 
You’d been crying your eyes out for hours at the realization. He was gone. You’d never see him again. The light that he brought into your life was gone. You were alone in your isolation, your heart breaking loudly in the silence of your apartment. 
On day three of your crying, you got a knock at your door. Probably your neighbor wanting to complain about the noise again. Stealing up your energy, you hobbled over and prepared for her to berate you. 
You looked through the peephole. 
For a second you had the strong image of opening the door and closing it on his face. But you were frozen, unable to move as a thousand thoughts rushed through your mind all too fast and jumbled to even process.
He was alive. 
“I know you’re there. I can hear your thoughts. Please open up.” He shouted, knocking on the door once again. 
You couldn’t face him though. He… you’d been grieving him. The loss of a friend and someone you loved. How could you just… 
“Please? I missed you.” 
If you weren’t dehydrated, you’d be crying. 
“Don’t cry! Please let me in? I have so much to tell you.” 
“LET THE DAMN MAN IN! I AM TRYING TO NAP.” A neighbor shouted and you finally found yourself moving, opening the door with shaky hands. 
A warm embrace was wrapping around you before you knew it. Seokjin’s soft arms and firm hug holding you up as you lost your strength once again. He was cooing for you, rubbing your hair. For once, physical touch felt like a wash of warmth. Slightly too warm, yes, but it was filling a deep crave in your body that had never been there before Seokjin. 
He practically carried you to your living space and set you down on the couch before going off to the kitchen to get something. 
“No wonder you came to the cafe so much. This kitchen is really underdeveloped.” He said as he clattered around, opening cabinets and drawers. 
You watched, open mouthed as your brain tried to process the man who was in front of you. He was glowing more than you think he had before, more youthful and handsome than he was before if that was even possible. There was a slowness to his actions that you didn’t remember being there before but that could have also been your shock of seeing him again. 
“You’re here.” You finally manage to say when he sets a cup of water down in front of you. 
“I’m here. Mortal.” 
“Yeah. I… I didn’t say this before,” He started, grabbing one of your hands and forcing the water into it before grabbing your other hand, “I… I couldn’t stay immortal. Not… I can’t see my life without you.” 
“So you risked me not having you in my life? Seokjin, I grieved for you like you were dead. I-” Your voice gave out and you saw tears bud in Seokjin’s eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“How could you!” You gripped his hand tight, shaking it as you heaved, no tears coming, “I grieved for you! Seokjin I- I loved you and I lost you.”
“I’m back! And I will never leave you. I love you too.” 
You shook your head, “I grieved for you, Seokjin. I need time. I can’t. I can’t disregard my upset because you’re back.” 
He nodded, “I understand. I’ll be at the cafe when you’re ready. Is… is there anything I can do to help you right now?” 
“Get out.” 
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A week later, full of Hoseok and Jimin pestering you, you walked into The Creamed Pie. You didn’t need a phone to direct you where to go after visiting it for so long but you didn’t even need to take ten steps to get there. Its door right outside your apartment, where it had been for the whole week. The fresh smell of baked bread hit your nose before the warm hug of Seokjin.
“I missed you so much.”
He was ushering you inside with a bright smile, the closed sign flipping over as the two of you sat down. Seokjin refused to leave you, tea and a sandwich appearing on your table. They’d always been there and you savored each bite. Their wonder was miniscule in comparison to being next to Seokjin again.
“Thank you.” 
“Returning to me.” 
You grabbed his hand, bringing it over your shoulder as you leaned into him, “The cafe was always with me.”
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Oops I Summoned a Succubus!
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Summary: The maknae line summoned a demon and now it’s everyone’s problem.
Warnings: Innuendos, discussions of sex, and Y/n and Taehyung being slight perverts?
Author’s Note: New series! Less edgy than my other one. Don’t really write smut so we’ll see how this goes. Practice makes perfect and I have now given myself an entire series to practice with T-T...inspired by @sunshinerainbowsbts​ because she is the one person who can make me cackle and leave me scandalized in the same fic. She made me laugh and now everyone has to suffer. Forgive me if the fic is bad I swear I tried...
Taehyung was bored and horny. An often-dangerous combination with horrible consequences. After the last incident, it took months before Jimin could look at cucumbers again without a chill going down his spine. Rolling off the couch with a groan, Taehyung set off on his search for some entertainment. While he would usually quell his arousal with help from one of his six boyfriends, he wasn’t in the mood today. With the group becoming increasingly popular by the day, the time for romance and sex was virtually nonexistent. Even when they had the chance to engage in such things, there was no spark. It was practically a chore to relieve stress. Sighing sadly, he wandered into the gaming room, hoping to drown his boredom with video games.
Walking into the room, he was met with a familiar sight. Jungkook was at his computer, grumbling out curses and aggressively smashing the buttons of his keyboard with no strategy. Across the room, Jimin sat watching the younger boy in mild amusement. “How many times has he failed this level?" Planting a kiss on Jimin's cheek, he flops down next to the dancer with a huff. Jimin merely chuckles in response, "I've lost count after fifteen. He's been here for hours, and I don't think he plans to leave anytime soon." Taehyung hums in acknowledgment, watching as Jungkook’s character dies and the screen fades to black flashing the words “Game Over” across the screen. With an angry shout, Jungkook tosses down his mouse. Grumpily making his way to his older lovers, he collapses on their laps without a single care in the world. Jimin fondly pats Jungkook’s butt while Taehyung runs a comforting hand through the younger idol’s hair.
“Guys, I’m bored. Let’s do something fun,” Taehyung whines. If anyone was going to entertain his antics, it would be Jimin and Jungkook. The three were often known for getting into all kinds of mischief. Lifting his head from Taehyung’s lap Jungkook gave the singer a curious look. "You aren't horny, too, are you?" Jimin shivers at the statement. He would never trust a bored and horny Taehyung ever again. Taehyung scoffs, “If you must know, yes, I am feeling a little worked up right now.” Jimin subtly shifts in his spot, preparing to make his escape. Taehyung cuts him off before he gets the chance, “However, I am mostly bored and do not feel like having sex right now.” Jimin instantly relaxes while Jungkook pouts, the youngest’s sex drive insatiable.
“Well, what do you want to do?” Jimin questions, not fully convinced about Taehyung’s innocent intentions but willing to play along anyway. Taehyung hums, "I want to do something mischievous but not necessarily harmful.” Jimin raises an eyebrow at the vague statement. “Like a prank?” Jungkook excitedly suggests. Jungkook was a master at pranks and knew exactly how to set everyone off. “Let’s prank Namjoon! He’s the least scary while angry and will probably only lecture us,” Jungkook gushes, “Oh! Or he’ll do that thing where he looks at us, sighs, and then walks away.” Taehyung nods in agreement. For now, Namjoon was the safest choice to prank, especially because he was in a good mood today when Taehyungs last saw him. “How should we prank him? He’s already clumsy,” Taehyung muses. “We could rearrange his books by size instead of the genre,” Jimin offers. Namjoon’s room was extremely organized, or he would often lose things. Namjoon was especially adamant that his books remain organized by genre and hated when people tampered with them.
Taehyung shrugs; while this wasn't the most exciting activity, he figures it could alleviate at least some of the boredom. Hopping off the couch, the boys make their way to Namjoon's room, knowing that all the others are out for the day. Yoongi was probably locked up in his genius lab, Hoseok was at the dance studio, and Seokjin had gone to the grocery store dragging Namjoon with him. “Okay, what are we waiting for?" Jungkook hops off the other two and rushes to Namjoon's room, far more excited than he should be. Grabbing the younger's hand, Jimin drags Taehyung along to the leader's office. By the time they arrive, Jungkook has already removed various books from the shelves leaving them scattered all over the floor. With a shrug, Jimin starts helping, picking up books and looking over them as if he is interested in what they have to say. Taehyung groans, this was one of the most boring pranks they had ever come up with, and he couldn't believe he agreed to it. Sitting on Namjoon's desk, Taehyung yelps when he sits on something. Looking at the offending object, he suddenly becomes intrigued.  
It wasn’t a book that Namjoon would typically read. It looked old and didn’t even have a title. There was an intricate design of red flowers all over the cover with gold embroidered around them. "Taehyung, why aren't you helping? You were the one who was bored,” Jungkook whines draping himself over the singer to get a look at whatever had caught his hyung’s attention. Giving up on his work Jimin makes his way over to the other two. “What are you two doing?" Taehyung traces his fingers over the book, a sudden chill going down his spine. For some reason, it felt ominous. Flipping the book open to the last page, he reads the passage aloud.
The Demon of Eros Summoning Spell:
From the blood of Eros and blessed by the hands of Aphrodite, a creature of passion and pleasure was born. A gift to mortals and mystical creatures alike, their one true purpose is to serve and provide in the most intimate ways. To fulfill your deepest desires and mend the wounds of the heart, summon the demon if you dare and follow the ritual exactly:
Obtain the flowers born from Eros’ demon:
Coriander for Lust, Roses for Love, Camellia for Desire, and Chrysanthemum for Death
Obtain the demon’s spices:
Cinnamon, Ginseng, Nutmeg, and Ginger.
Spread the ingredients in a large circle, and add three drops of blood from the summoners.
Chant the spell: I summon the sinful demon of lust, pleasure, love, and desire. To pull your soul from the pits of fire. Reveal yourself to the great cosmos; I call upon you, the demon of Eros!
The boys stood in confusion around the book. Why did Namjoon have a demon-summoning book? Ignoring the feeling of unease in his stomach, Taehyung speaks, "What if we summon it?” Jimin scoffs while Jungkook’s breath hitches. “You want to summon a demon?” Jungkook questions the older vocalist, trying to understand if he heard correctly. Taehyung nods, “It would be a great prank. We’ll wait until everyone gets home and then summon the demon!” Jimin raises an eyebrow at the younger man, “You do realize this won’t really summon a demon, right? Demons aren’t real, and this is probably just an old occult book Namjoon found." Taehyung nods in confidently, "All the more reason to do it. Demons aren't real, and no one will get hurt." Jungkook hesitates; while demons aren't real, he still feels uneasy with the whole idea. However, looking at the excitement on Taehyung and Jimin's faces, he relents.
“Alright, where do we get all this stuff?”
Yoongi was tired. He had been locked away in his studio all day long and probably wouldn’t have left if it wasn't for Hoseok. The two men shuffle towards their home, ready for a decent meal and a good night’s sleep. Hoseok leans into Yoongi, almost ready to pass out after an intense session of dancing. The younger rapper pushed himself far beyond his limits despite Yoongi's protests. Placing a gentle kiss on the dancer’s temple, Yoongi unlocks the door, ready for a peaceful night.
Unfortunately, peace is not a thing in the Bangtan household. As soon as he opens the door, his poor ears are assaulted with shouts and shrieks. Seokjin is red in the face speaking so fast that Yoongi can barely understand him. It would have been an almost sight if it wasn’t for the scene in front of him. There are flowers and some sort of powder scattered around his living room. Jimin is standing on a couch arguing with Jin as if the height gave him an advantage. Jungkook is holding Seokjin back from snatching Jimin up. Taehyung has some book in his hand, declaring no one can stop him. Sitting in the corner, Namjoon merely watches, clearly giving up on de-escalating the situation at hand. While Yoongi would ask what's happening, he doesn't have it in him to care. He drags Hoseok over to the couch, flopping down on it and forcing Jimin to move over. Closing his eyes he decides to wait until the commotion dies down before attempting to engage with anyone.
Suddenly Taehyung shouts, “I summon the sinful demon. Of lust, pleasure, love, and desire. To pull your soul from the pits of fire. Reveal yourself to the great cosmos; I call upon you, the demon of Eros!” The room immediately gets quiet. While Yoongi was not completely aware of what was happening, he managed to put two and two together. Taehyung was trying to summon a demon, Jimin and Jungkook were in on it, and he just chanted the spell. Looking around the room, everyone waits for something to happen. Even Hoseok, who had woken up out of his sleepy state after hearing the word demon and summon in the same sentence. After a solid minute, Jimin laughed, "I told you it wasn't real, Jin!”
As if on cue the power went out and suddenly shrouded in darkness. Hoseok immediately screamed and followed it up with a violent slew of curses. Seokjin immediately went into a tirade against Jimin while the latter defiantly claimed it was a coincidence. "Um, guys, look," Namjoon's voice echoed throughout the dark room, and everyone turned their attention to the mess on the floor. The flowers and spices were glowing a faint pink color. Soon they started shifting as if they were being pushed by a breeze, swirling up into a glowing tornado. The boys stood in horror as the tornado burst into a bright light.
“What the fuck is happening?”
“I told you not to summon the demon! Now look!”
“We’re all going to die!”
Suddenly everything stops. The wind no longer blows, and the light disappears. Even the power comes back on.
Rubbing at his eyes, Namjoon looks around to see the men doing the same. Namjoon attempts to compose himself before flinching at Hoseok’s signature scream. In the center of the room stood a girl. An alarmingly attractive girl. At first glance, she seemed normal, dressed in a hoodie and some joggers with white sneakers to match. She didn’t even glance at the seven men in the room, her attention captivated by the cell phone in her hand and the headphones signifying she couldn’t hear a thing. But looking closer, Namjoon saw a pair of dark horns protruding from her head and a striking set of sparkling eyes with flecks of red and pink. Looking up from her phone, her smile immediately dropped from her face, “Oh fuck.”
And for the third time that night, Hoseok screamed.
Jimin wasn’t exactly sure how demons worked. After all, he didn’t believe they were real until five minutes ago. But from what he gathered so far, you were not a normal demon. Almost immediately after being summoned, you had changed your appearance, your horns disappearing and your eyes a more natural color. You merely observed the idol band lose their shit and even allowed Seokjin to tie you to a chair and attempt to banish you with a twenty-four-karat gold necklace with a cross charm that he found in Jimin’s room. Namjoon had immediately fetched a notebook and began taking notes about every detail he could find, while Taehyung bombarded you with so many questions it made your head spin.
After a good thirty minutes, the men had seemed to calm down, and you decided now was a good time as any to introduce yourself. After all, while you usually enjoyed being tied up, there was nothing sexy about this situation. In a puff of bright pink smoke, you suddenly appeared on their couch, no longer restrained by the ropes Seokjin had taken the time to put you in. You held your hands out in a surrendering motion, hoping your usage of magic wouldn’t set off another freakout. “Everyone, let's calm down. I’m not going to hurt anyone. Well, unless you want me to, but that's a conversation for later. Sorry for the dramatic entrance. It's a typical thing we demons do so that mortals have no room to deny our existence. Just some basic stuff. Anyway, my name is Y/n, and I’m your personal demon.” The boys blink in shock at your clearly practiced and polite tone, fully expecting you to take their souls and suck their blood. A minute of silence passes before you decide to prompt the men, the awkward silence suffocating.
“So, may I ask who I am speaking to? Something I can call you other than daddy?” Jungkook choked at the thought, and you gave him an innocent smile. Seokjin, on the other hand, scoffs, far more concerned about your supposed lack of knowledge about who they are. “Wait. You don’t know who we are?” This causes all seven of the men to look at you incredulously. While they never considered themselves to be arrogant or narcissistic, they found it virtually impossible that'd even a demon wouldn't know who they were. Rolling your eyes, you figure that they are no longer freaked out if they have the time to worry about their popularity, “Yes, I am aware of who you are. I was simply being polite. But shouldn’t we be focusing on the more serious topic at hand?”
Tilting his head Hoseok regards you wearily, “What serious aspects?” He was concerned that this was the moment you’d reveal your bloody fangs and kill them all. However, he was relieved when all you did was give a half-hearted shrug. “It is extremely clear to me that no one in this house summoned me intentionally. Luckily for you unlike most demons I have a passionate hatred for killing mortals so there will be no repercussions for reckless summoning.” Yoongi quirks a brow at the statement, “I thought you said you were our personal demon? Are you saying we could have summoned someone else? Maybe someone less chatty?”
Ignoring the cat-like man's jab, you decide to give the men the general rundown of summoning Eros’ demon. “Yes, I am your personal demon. Think of it as a matchmaking system. Every person has a specific type and specific needs, and I fit all seven of yours. If anyone else outside of you seven had cast the spell, a different demon would have appeared." Yoongi nodded, seemingly satisfied with your answer, but Seokjin, however, was not. After furiously flipping through the pages of the book that summoned you (hoping he could find a way to send you back), he was scandalized to learn just what type of demon you were. Pointing at the maknae line accusingly he shouted, “You three idiots summoned a sex demon! Did you even read the book?”
“Woah, not to ruin the already awkward mood, but sex demon comes off as kind of derogatory, and I'm not into degradation. I’d prefer if you’d use the more politically correct term succubus.” Seokjin flushes, mumbling out a quick apology, caught off guard by your constant sexual references. Hoseok would have almost found it funny if he wasn’t still scared out of his mind at the fact that there was a demon in their living room. In fact, he found it disturbing that everyone else was seemingly okay with the concept.
However, Taehyung still had one very important question, “Where does the sex part come in?” In an instant, the serious tone of the conversation was broken. Jimin immediately slaps his palm to his forehead, Namjoon chokes, Seokjin sputters, Jungkook and Hoseok blush a furious bright red, and Yoongi nods in genuine agreement wondering how you are going to explain that. Surprisingly, you weren’t fazed by the question at all.
“I mean we could go at it now if you wanted.”
Taehyung’s eyebrows immediately shoot up at your bold statement, and you swear he's considering it. However, Namjoon clears his throat gesturing for you to go on and give a more serious explanation. With a sigh, you tap on the book in Seokjin’s hand, “Since you guys clearly have something against reading, I'll give you a basic breakdown. I’m basically a kinky therapist. I bring the spark back into your sex lives and help you explore your kinks while also helping you strengthen your relationship. I’m your personal demon so I already know your kinks now that you've summoned me. So really, my only goal is to get you to embrace them.”
Hoseok nods slowly, though he is still quite cautious. “What exactly do you get out of this? Are you going to take our souls?” Making finger guns at the dancer, you continue, “You know how vampires need blood to survive? Think of me as an energy vampire. While most just drain energy from their prey, leaving them feeling tired and exhausted, succubae choose to feed on sexual energy. It's enjoyable, consensual, and doesn't hurt the person they're feeding from, unlike most other energy ways of energy feeding.”
Every so subtly, Taehyung chimes in, "So how much sex do we need to have? Is this like an everyday thing?” Seokjin slaps the younger man on the back of the head, chastising him for speaking without tact. You only shrug as if he asked about the weather, “I can survive without it for long periods of time. It’s kind of like getting a craving for certain food and just ignoring it. Nothing you need to be worried about.”
Not knowing what else to say, the room gets quiet. It was a lot to take in in one night. Though after some consideration, none of them were necessarily against the idea of having sex with you. You were extremely attractive and seemed genuinely friendly. Fooling around with a succubus with no strings attached even seemed appealing. After all, what’s the worst that could happen?
“I’ll bet a hundred bucks that Jimin has a mommy kink.”
“Taehyung what the hell?!”
“Make it two hundred and I’ll tell you if you’re right.”
“Guys seriously?!”
221 notes · View notes
hxseok-honee · 1 year
control [1] || trouble - stripped.
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control [chapter 1] || demon king ! yoongi written au
masterlist || playlist
[but i've got my mind made up this time // 'cause there's a menace in my bed // can you see his silhouette?]
a/n: welcome to chapter 1 of this 9-part series!! there’s a LOT of worldbuilding here so please feel free to ask any questions you want after reading!! ill try to clarify anything that isn’t too much of a spoiler! 
i will try to post part 2 as soon as it’s done, but this chapter was 20 pages long, and i simply don’t write that fast, so please be patient! additionally, please feel free to check out the playlist - the chapters are aligned with the songs they’re named after and would make good mood setters if you’re someone who likes that reading experience.
a note to minors: this series will contain smut and sexual themes, so please do not interact with this series! thank you!
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@deepseavibez @thetrueghostqueen @reddeathraven @sopebubbles-replies @skyrro @unadulteratedlyunique @ramyagovindraj @itismochirice @wwhseokjin @drpepperobsessed @thekookiecorner @army-moa75 @burningupp @lele-bb  @pb-n-juju @heonsbebe @peachyyoongs @superloverpielamp @marifujioka @butterflylion @heyitsgigi @lochness-butmakeitsexy @miki-chi @cahowlkook @worshiphoseok @lilacdreams-00 @miriamxsworld @oasiswithmyg @peonyplace @taeshuworld @instantspot @x-xjaeminx-x @luvtaeha @knjsagustd @speedyengineerhologram @wrmnssoul @jaiuneamesolitaiire @loveyoongles @siredsong @jooniesbanoonies @supahumbreon @goodnight-n-go-home @robsdrope @apolloxxivmin @tarahardcore @slayergroupie0128 @tutnotmytea @aestheticsluut @annie0568​ @cosmicdaylight​
“This assembly of the Ruling Court is hereby now in session.” 
Yoongi sighs deeply, running his fingers through his hair once and cracking his neck to ease the tension building in the back of his head. These meetings only happen four times a year - once per season - and somehow he feels like this might be the hardest part of his whole job. 
His eyes skim over each of the kings seated here at the High Table with him, trying to gauge everyone’s moods from their body language. King Lee from the Western Dragonguard, already on his second cup of mead and clearly feeling it. King Park of the Northern Borderlands, shrouded in an air of suspicion, not that that’s anything of interest. With a nickname like the Paranoid Recluse, it’s a wonder the guy even bothers to show up to these meetings at all. 
Yoongi’s amused by his own internal monologue, the ghost of a smile crossing his exhausted features. It catches the attention of the man seated directly across from him, Yoongi meeting the eyes of King Kim and finding a subtle grin on his own face. Much closer in age to Yoongi than any of these other crabby old men, Kim (of the Southern Gardens) had treated Yoongi as an equal from the moment he’d stepped into power. The respect is mutual, and Yoongi has felt on more than one occasion that he’s only safe in these gatherings due to the presence of this unspoken ally. 
He’s pulled out of his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder. The air around him twists with energy in response to the physical contact, his aura shifting protectively. Wisps of black smoke peek into his peripheral vision as they swarm him, assessing the situation and deciding he’s in no danger before sinking back into his skin comfortably. 
He has no cause for worry - he knows there’s only one person in this room that would ever dare to lay a hand on him, King Kim included. As welcoming as Kim may be, Yoongi’s well aware that he’s the odd man out - the black smoke that surrounds him like a cape is only one of many markers of his bloodline. 
The hand on his shoulder squeezes once, pulling Yoongi back again. At the imperceptible nod of his head, it slides off of him, but its owner lingers close, a helicopter parent in his own way. 
Taehyung can be a bit overbearing at times, but not once since they’ve met has Yoongi made a decision with anything less than full confidence. It’s only because of this that he lets Tae drag him to these damned meetings every season - he knows his advisor would never let him get away with hiding away in his castle like he wants to. 
“The first item on the agenda is the economic state of affairs in the Southern Gardens-” 
Kim cuts off the small herald at the front of the room with a tired sigh.
“As I have insisted to the Court on numerous occasions, there is no need to question my ability to manage the Five Nations’ economic needs - I’ve only been King for ten damn years.” 
Yoongi snorts under his breath - it seems being human isn’t enough to save Kim from the suspicions of the older kings. It doesn’t matter that he’s singlehandedly lifted the economic prosperity of the Five Nations to heights they’d never seen before he’d come into power. Apparently, just being under the age of 50 is reason enough to distrust him. 
“Well, with all your partying and grand monetary gestures, it’s not unreasonable to ask how reasonable you can really be with all of our money.” 
Yoongi bites back the sigh this time - King Jung wasn’t really in the habit of staying quiet for this long, so he’d hoped that maybe the man had found some kind of inner peace since the last meeting. 
Apparently not.
Of all the bothersome men Yoongi is forced to break bread with, Jung is quite possibly the worst of all. And while he’s seen cruel men - while he’s known, far too well, what a cruel king looks like - Jung might just be the cruelest he’d ever encountered. 
From the moment Yoongi had taken the throne of the Eastern Seascapes, the Nexus had aligned itself as a direct enemy. The central-most kingdom of the Five Nations, the Nexus had been ruled by Jung Yunho since Yoongi was a kid. And he’d never heard a kind thing said about the man in his whole life. With reason, of course.
A political ally, constantly straddling the line between civility and warfare. The Ruling Court requires each of the Five Nations to remain allies for the sake of their reliance on one another. Each nation thrives in its own way, providing for the entire land in exchange for shared peace and resources. 
Naturally, the Eastern Seascapes had always been a wild card. Its borders consist of forest-lined danger, feral demons hiding in its darkness while they wait for unprepared prey to wander into the treeline. And, while the East’s history is filled with attempted conquerings, it had become clear over time that only a demon - a strong one - would be capable of ruling over that land and keeping the danger from invading the other nations. The Min family had stepped in to do the job, an unyielding powerhouse of demonic energy - just the solution the Five Nations had been looking for. 
And now, almost 100 years later, Yoongi’s stuck in this god-damned meeting, in the god-damned Nexus. 
“By ‘partying and grand monetary gestures’, did you mean my wedding, King Jung? The one that you so willingly attended and enjoyed to its full capacity? Was it in any way different from the countless balls and festivals you feel so inclined to host at a moment’s notice?” Kim’s glare cuts across the table as he speaks, daring Jung to challenge him.
Yoongi’s eyes catch the huff that Jung lets out, and he’s relatively satisfied with the way that Kim had put him in his place. Another reason to like the guy.
Jung snaps his fingers once, his servant squeaking and fumbling with the scroll in his hands.
“U-Uhm… Ah yes, onto the next item of the agenda! The annual military drafting procession and traveling party to the Eastern Seascapes. King Min, if you will…” The servant gestures weakly in Yoongi’s general direction, never meeting his eyes. Most people can’t.
Yoongi shifts in his seat, unsure what to say. He says the same thing every year - that’s why it’s called an annual military drafting. It happens every fucking year.
“His Majesty has made the appropriate preparations and has no significant updates for the Court. The draft will depart from the Nexus in two days’ time and arrive in the Eastern Seascapes in just under a week - there are 12 recruits this year, each of whom will remain in the East for the mandatory 2 years before either returning to their respective kingdoms or extending their service in the East for another term.”
The voice that rings out above Yoongi’s head is deep and even, likely surprising a few of the kings’ own servants. It’s not common to bring an advisor on these trips, so it’s a very foreign concept to the men in this room that Yoongi would have someone with him who’s also capable of speaking for him. 
It doesn’t help that Taehyung’s entirely unwavering when he addresses the Court. He leaves no room for question when he speaks, which is a trait that Yoongi both respects and at times despises. 
He’s feeling pretty grateful for it right now, especially when Jung only glares and snaps again at his servant. Time to move on to a new item of conversation.
“N-now then, onto discussing King Min’s marriage candidacy…” 
Yoongi changes his mind - he’s not feeling grateful anymore.
“I beg your pardon?” 
His own voice is foreign to him, low and raspy from underuse. He’s perfectly happy with letting Taehyung handle his affairs, but he just couldn’t contain his surprise, a dark eyebrow lifting in agreement. 
The herald’s visibly sweating now, nervous about the tendrils of black that are starting to snake around under the High Table. His voice cracks with anxiety as he elaborates. 
“I-it has come to the attention o-of the Court that His Majesty has yet to take a wife… There are concerns about His Majesty’s ruling capabilities given his inability to find a suitable partner for producing an heir-“ 
Yoongi’s stopped listening, his annoyance spiking as his eyes flick over to Jung. The man is wearing a smug grin as he leans his elbows forward on the table and addresses Yoongi.
“It’s been five years since you’ve taken the throne, young man. It’s time for you to do your kingly duties and find a woman who will give you an heir and solidify your family’s continued alliance with the Nations.”
Yoongi only stares, eyes cold as he calculates the situation. Calculates the threat lingering in the man’s words. 
“His Majesty need not take a wife in order to reassure the Court of his alliance to the Nations. Additionally, the lifespan of a demon is generally longer than that of a healthy human, meaning His Majesty should be in no rush to produce an heir-“ 
“I wasn’t talking to you, peasant.” 
Taehyung blinks at the interruption, unfazed by Jung’s attitude. It’s relatively tame, given his temper. 
“The Court, and just about anyone with eyes, knows exactly what caused the… untimely passing of this brat’s father.” Jung gestures rudely at Yoongi, who has yet to relocate his glare anywhere else. The man snarls, leaning in again. Yoongi wonders if the table will crack under his weight.
“Or should I say… we know who caused the previous king’s death.” 
When Yoongi doesn’t react to the obvious provocation, Jung sighs, throwing himself roughly back into his chair. He’s a man who prides himself on inciting anger and fear in others - Yoongi’s happy to deprive him of that satisfaction.
“We all know you killed your own father in cold blood, boy. We let you take your stolen power and contribute to the peace of these lands, but now it’s been years and we have no way of knowing if you’ll revolt or stay loyal to us. Either you take a wife and produce an heir, or we take your negligence as an act of war-“ 
“My Lord, if you would have some patience - there’s no need to jump to declarations of war. King Min has shown no malice to the Court or to the people of the Five Nations in any of his time at this High Table. If anything, he’s treated his subjects with much more kindness than his father had ever shown, and he has kept the peace by continuing the military draft and culling the rising dangers of the East.”
Yoongi’s got to admit, he’d never been openly defended by anyone other than Taehyung before. It’s shocking to see Kim jump so readily to his defense. But he can’t say he doesn’t appreciate it. He knows if he’d made these points himself, the other kings would only see him as self-preserving and desperate to argue. 
“King Jung has a point here, though. King Min is far too young and too unpredictable to be trusted - how do we know he won’t go rogue?” Lee speaks up from behind his fourth cup of mead, Park nodding along suspiciously. Yoongi feels himself growing exhausted. 
“His Majesty is perfectly capable of ruling the East without the interference of the Court - has he demonstrated in the past any evidence of anarchy-“ 
“I am tired of hearing your voice, you insolent child!“ Jung slams a heavy hand down on the table in rage when Taehyung speaks. Yoongi can feel that they are all startled, but powerful men in a politically charged meeting are nothing more than performers on a stage. None of them reveals an ounce of emotion, not even when the herald starts to cry softly in his own fear. 
Jung jabs a fat finger in Taehyung’s direction, disgust written all over his face. 
“The Kings at this table will not be addressed by a mere servant such as yourself. Your presence in this room is nothing more than decoration - do you see any of these other men interrupting this conversation?!” 
Taehyung’s eyes flit around the room at the servants hovering behind each of their respective kings. No, none of them are speaking - but none of them hold the title he does. 
“Answer me, boy.” 
Taehyung’s gaze flies once more to Jung, and he’s unable to stop the satisfaction that fills his eyes when he speaks.
“My apologies, Your Majesty, but your instructions were not very clear - I thought you were tired of hearing my voice.” 
Yoongi lets his eyes close, sighing softly. Taehyung’s always had an issue holding his tongue. 
There’s a cup flying across the room at his snarky response, a sticky arc of mead making its way through the air and onto the table with an unsatisfying splat. Taehyung only leans slightly to the left, the cup soaring past his ear and clattering to the floor behind him. 
“You will not talk back to me in my own kingdom! You’re nothing more than scum under my boot- show your king some respect!”
Taehyung watches the sole ruler of the Nexus throw a literal temper tantrum, disappointed but unsurprised. He’s considering making another comment, mostly because he’d always found it fun to taunt the cruelest king in the land, but he finds that he doesn’t have time to say anything at all.
There’s a wall of black smoke flying into his vision, circling the space in front of him viciously. He can’t even see Yoongi anymore, his king disappearing instantly under the swirling cloud. 
The air in the room whips around the High Table angrily, knocking over bottles of mead and yanking dangerously at the sheer curtains blocking the windows. The heavy double door doors to the Meeting Room, which had previously sat open, are slammed shut without warning. The men in the room all jump, performances forgotten in the wake of the Demon King. 
Yoongi’s body emerges from the swirling globe of darkness, back arched as vines of black aura - his aura - support his weight and set him down. He seems entirely detached from the actions his body takes, gaze clouded and unaware. But he’s always in control. 
The moment his feet touch the ground, the whirlwind of chaos in the room is suspended - the air stills, wisps of darkness lingering in the space around him for just a moment - and then it all comes rushing toward him at once. His body absorbs all evidence that his aura had ever been there, seemingly unburdened by the mass of energy flooding into his very soul. All that’s left are eyes that glow a deep, blood red, power humming from within his skin as his gaze locks on the one who’s shown him the deepest form of disrespect today.
Jung can only stare, jaw slack and bottom lip trembling just slightly. The High Table had never seen this display of barely contained power. 
Not even from Yoongi’s father. 
“Last I checked, My Lord, Kim Taehyung was not registered as a citizen of the Nexus. You should be more careful with your words, and you should certainly take care not to overstep where you are not welcome.” 
Yoongi leans forward, planting his hands gingerly on the table. His eyes pass over the rest of the kings, bloody gaze shaking them to their core. He sees Kim brace himself for the eye contact ahead of time, and thinks to himself that it’s really a shame that they could probably never be friends. 
It’s fine. They were never the same anyway.
“The Court would do well not to interfere with my personal life in the future. My ability to rule my country and keep peace with the Five Nations is mine and mine alone. A wife will not change this, and an heir will come when I decide to produce one. Until that day comes, I won’t hear of this conversation again.”
He rises, turning his back and heading for the door, but not before pausing for one last comment, his eyes dark and black once more as they make contact one by one with each of the remaining four kings.
“The military draft was designed by the kings of Nations’ past with the purpose of training soldiers for combat by throwing them into the worst possible human condition. The fact that the soldiers who actually make it out of my training alive would be capable of defending each of your kingdoms against man and demon alike is knowledge that’s invaluable to you.”
He hones in now on Jung, the threat clear in his words.
“So I sincerely advise you to think hard before starting a war with me.” 
“You just love risking your life for a little drama, don’t you?”
Y/n jumps, turning over her shoulder in the direction of the voice. She normally would have noticed him coming down the corridor - his footsteps feel like second nature to her now - but she’d been too invested in what’s going on in the Meeting Room, just around the corner.
“You missed so much! Where have you been?” 
Hoseok sighs, shaking his head fondly at her.
“I was hoping you’d stay out of trouble, but obviously you still need my help with that.” 
She smiles, waving him toward her and returning to her place in the corridor. There’s a tingling in her fingers and toes, like they’re starting to go numb. It’s a familiar feeling, one that also sits deep in her stomach. It’s the only telltale sign she has to know that her Gift is activated.
That, and the fact that when she turns back to Hoseok, she can tell he hasn’t moved toward her. He hadn’t seen her beckon him to her, which means he can’t see her at all. Her Gift must be getting stronger if he’s starting to struggle seeing more than her presence sometimes.
“You plan on standing in the middle of the corridor like that until the Ruling Court meeting is over?” 
Hoseok starts at the mention of the seasonal gathering, moving toward her voice. When he bumps into her, he lowers himself to her height, peeking around the corner with her.
“You know I look really stupid like this, right? If we get caught, it’s going to look like I’m just sneaking around by myself when I don’t have to.” 
Y/n snorts under her breath as she tries to refocus her hearing toward the open doors of the Meeting Room.
“That makes one of us.” 
Hoseok winces, choosing to ignore the comment in favor of eavesdropping. 
“…ssing King Min’s marriage candidacy-”
“I beg your pardon?”
Both Y/n and Hoseok gasp and lean forward, not unlike a couple of gossiping schoolgirls.
“They want the Demon King to get married?!” Y/n manages to remember to whisper in her excitement, Hoseok letting out a breath of disbelief.
“May the Gods pity whatever poor girl has to marry that guy.”
Y/n turns to Hoseok’s voice, interest piqued.
“I mean, is he hot?” 
He shoots her an incredulous glance.
“The Court wants to force some random girl to marry the literal king of demons and produce an heir with him, and you want to know if he’s hot?” 
There’s a moment of silence, one where Y/n doesn’t say a word, and Hoseok has his answer. He sighs, nodding.
“… I’d say he’s an 8. Probably a 9 if he’d just learn to smile.” 
Y/n grins widely, pleased with his response.
“Then I’m sure he’ll have no problem… reproducing.” She snickers when Hoseok shoves her, a noise of disgust leaving him. 
He’s about to make a comment about how crude she is, but there’s a heavy slam of a hand on wood and the voice of Jung Yunho flowing out into the hall.
“I am tired of hearing your voice, you insolent child!” 
They both jump, all too familiar with their father’s temper. It fills them with equal amounts of anxiety, and all Hoseok can do is reach for his sister’s hand, squeezing hard when he finds it.
“I hope he’s not talking to the Demon King like that - that dude could probably rip Father apart if he wanted to.” Y/n pauses after saying that, letting the idea sink in. “Hm. Maybe that’s for the best.” 
Hoseok snorts, shaking his head at her commentary.
“Oh, how I wish that was a joke.” 
Y/n turns to Hoseok, asking the question that’s been on her mind for weeks now - months, if she’s honest.
“Are you still going to join the draft?”
He doesn’t respond, the sound of his breathing even as he considers her question. She continues, suddenly feeling more anxious than before.
“Once Father realizes you’ve left without telling him… You’ll never know peace in this castle when you return, Hobi-”
“You say that like I’ve ever known peace to begin with. That man’s wanted me dead since the moment we were born.” His voice is tense, like this has been sitting in his mind for as long as he can remember. “The only thing I’m worried about is you. I feel like I’m the only person keeping him from-”
“If he wants to kill me, he’ll have to find me first.” Y/n nudges him gently, hoping to make him laugh. “I’ve been told I’m good at hiding.” 
A bark of laughter leaves him, and he’s quick to cover his mouth with a hand. The sound warms her heart. She’s not sure what she’s going to do without him. She would never tell him, but once he’s gone… She’s not really sure what will happen to her-
The double doors to the Meeting Room slam shut suddenly, the force of it so intense that a gust of wind is sent down both ends of the corridor. Y/n can’t help the scream that leaves her, the tingling feeling leaving her body as her control over her Gift comes crashing down, leaving her visible and vulnerable. 
Hoseok’s quick to rip his cloak off his shoulders and throw it over her, acting fast despite feeling just as startled. The feeling of warm fabric covering her head and obscuring her face brings Y/n to the realization that Hoseok can see her again, and she’s fast to fix it. 
Willing her body to hide her from the world, she feels those pins and needles poking at her fingertips, spreading quickly to the rest of her body and swirling calmly in her tummy. When Hoseok slides the cloak off of her, she knows she’s safe. 
“You need to get better reaction control over that - if someone sees you-”
“I know what will happen if someone sees me, Hobi - You tell me every day.”
Hoseok flinches at the hissed response, forcing himself not to overthink it. She’s not upset with him, she’s upset with the situation and frustrated that she got flustered and let her Gift come down-
At least, that’s what he’s been telling himself to avoid the guilt that gnaws at him every night. It’s gotten him this far.
After a moment of deep breaths, Y/n reaches for Hoseok, curling her fingers around his sleeve when she finds it, her small tug full of apology. He feels strangely comforted by the knowledge that they both think about their situation more than they’d ever admit.
“Let’s just go see what’s going on - I can’t hear through those doors.” 
Hoseok hums in agreement, letting her lead him around the corner and toward the Meeting Room. 
The corridor unfolds in front of her in billowing clouds, wisps of architecture coming to her senses until she can make out where everything is. Her map of a space isn’t always correct, but she’s lived in and snuck around these halls long enough to generally know who or what might be in her path. There’s no one here but them.
Hoseok’s noticing the same. There would normally be guards stationed out here, but they must have reacted to something going on inside, because he can feel that the two men are standing just past the entryway.
He and Y/n stand at the doors, ears close to the wood in order to hear past it. There’s a muffled voice traveling through large keyhole, and Y/n crouches to press her ear to it.
“…ning alive would be capable of defending each of your kingdoms against man and demon alike is invaluable to you.”
Y/n waves a hand behind her until she catches Hoseok’s leg, never moving from her place. He grumbles at the contact.
“You don’t have to smack me, I can hear them, too.”
“…think hard before starting a war with me.” 
Y/n gasps, smacking Hoseok’s leg several more times. He simply lets it happen.
“Father’s threatening to start a war! With the Demon King!”
For a moment, Hoseok wonders if they really both are 24 years old, or if maybe he’s actually the older brother. Unfortunately, all he can boast about is a few measly minutes of authority over her-
There’s a harsh tug in the back of his brain, one that pulls his attention into the room and zeroes in on two pairs of shoes heading quietly toward the door.
He hisses under his breath, reaching down and grabbing Y/n by the shoulders. She makes a noise of discontent, but he’s already yanking her to her feet and pushing her forward and away from the door. She stumbles over to the wall and shrinks into the shadows there.
“Someone’s coming-”
The doors are pulled open by each of the guards, just in time for Hoseok to spin around and step away from the wall, fully aware that he needs to look like he hasn’t been hovering outside this whole time.
Min Yoongi is stepping out of the room and heading down the corridor, shoulders tense as a hooded man follows behind, whispering quietly to him. Hoseok watches as the king only shakes his head once, muttering “Your mouth is going to get you killed one day-”
And then the cloaked man is glancing over his shoulder, alerted to the fact that they’re not alone. Hoseok has no idea how he could have been noticed when he hasn’t made a sound.
The man stops short, turning fully toward Hoseok and lowering his hood. Hoseok sees then that he’s faced with Kim Taehyung, the king’s Royal Advisor. 
Somehow, he’d have preferred meeting the eyes of the Demon King himself.
“Prince Jung, what a lovely surprise.”
Taehyung bows low, lowering his gaze in respect. Yoongi turns at the realization that Tae’s no longer behind him, and he sees that Jung’s only son is standing before him - the heir to the Nexus.
Yoongi steps up just as Tae is lifting from his bow.
“Prince Jung. I believe we’ve only met in passing.”
Hoseok feels the king’s gaze pierce right to his soul, a strand of fear running deep down his spine. It’s not the same kind of anxiety he feels around his father, but the blood red rubies embedded in the Demon King’s crown are reminding him of his own mortality in ways his father never has.
He bends at the waist, setting a foot behind him and a hand on his chest as he bows deeply, years of training in royal manners kickstarting to get him through this conversation. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Y/n curtsying low as well, and he thinks briefly that maybe she doesn’t remember that she’s invisible. 
But he would never say it to her - he would never take this moment of normalcy away from her. One where everyone knows who she is. 
Princess Jung Y/n, the Second Heir to the Nexus.
“My Lord. It’s an honor to officially make your acquaintance.” Hoseok stands tall as he addresses the king, eyes nervous but unwavering from the shorter man. He refuses to crack, even with wisps of demon energy floating around the stone floor, searching for something - someone - to latch onto.
Yoongi’s impressed by the show of bravery.
“You’ll have to forgive me, my Lord-” Taehyung cuts easily through the tension, a charming smile tugging at his lips. His gaze is warm and light, running over the prince’s features kindly. 
Hoseok has never felt more unsafe.
“- It seems I’ve put your father in a rather… sour mood. Hopefully, I haven’t ruined the day yet.”
Hoseok feels the smile stretch over his lips, polite but ingenuine.
“Oh, that yelling I heard on my way over? It’s of no concern, Sir Kim. Nothing out of the ordinary for a Friday morning.”
Taehyung’s left eyebrow quirks with interest, and Hoseok has to force himself to remain neutral. How the hell had this guy managed to pull a joke like that out of him?
Swallowing hard, Hoseok cuts his gaze back to the King, an otherwise silent observer of their interaction. But he finds that Yoongi’s not paying attention to their painfully awkward encounter.
His gaze is hardened with caution, eyes trained on a spot just over Hoseok’s shoulder.
It happens to be the same spot where Hoseok knows Y/n is standing, the warmth of her presence pressing into his back like a reminder of what he’d be leaving behind soon enough.
His heart thumps hard in his chest at the thought that Yoongi can see her, that lingering strand of fear tightening in a coil around his spine. He watches with growing horror as his own quickening pulse draws Yoongi’s attention back to him, the Demon King’s eyes flitting to the spot over Hoseok’s heart before moving up to meet his terrified gaze.
Yoongi’s expression evens out when he sees how he’s affecting the Crown Prince. He thought he’d seen a glimpse of something different about Jung Hoseok, something of interest. But he can see now that the prince is no different from anyone else.
Disappointing, to say the least.
“It was nice to officially meet you, Prince Jung. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other sometime in the future.” Yoongi doesn’t even bother with a goodbye, turning on his heel and starting back toward the room he and Taehyung had been assigned for their stay. He can hear his advisor making pleasantries before taking his own leave.
“What an honor to see you again, my Lord. The East looks forward to your arrival next week.”
Yoongi stops short at the end of the corridor, just as Taehyung’s quiet footsteps pick up their pace in his direction.
What the hell did he just say?
“Y/n, please promise me that you will stay out of trouble while I’m gone. Please.”
Y/n can feel her brother’s hands trembling against her skin as he grips her shoulders. She can’t tell if he’s more scared for her or for himself. She supposes it’s all the same.
“I promise, Hoseok. You won’t have to worry about me here, I swear it.” And she does, she does swear it. Because she doesn’t plan on staying here at all.
After eavesdropping on the council meeting two days ago, she’d been thinking quite hard about what she and her brother had discovered. That her father is threatening war if the Demon King doesn’t find a wife soon.
Maybe it’s not her best idea. But that’s exactly why she hasn’t said a word to Hoseok. He would have no qualms about tying her to the desk chair in her room if he knew what she was planning.
Hoseok breathes out a deep sigh, staring out the window in her room at the moon hanging low over them. There’s so much racing through his mind right now. How will his father react when he realizes Hoseok is gone? Will he send a troop for him, a public display of concern for his son? Or will it be a single assassin, the chance to finally dispose of his only son so tempting? Will he take it out on Y/n, like he’s done so often in the past? Should Hoseok even go anymore?
He has no idea what the fuck he’s doing. But if joining the draft is the best way to guarantee he’d even survive another two years, and that he’d return to the Nexus with the battle training to finally take down his father… How could he pass up the opportunity?
Hoseok’s eyes trace out his sister’s features once more, the thought that he’d never see her again plaguing every drop of hope in his body right now. He feels like he needs to burn her into his memory… just in case-
His attention snaps to her eyes, unseeing yet so aware of him. So aware of every thought that crosses his mind, every feeling that fills his blood.
“Do you trust me?”
Hoseok flinches at the question - of course he trusts her. She’s the only person in the whole world that he trusts. But she’s not really asking if he can confide in her.
She’s asking if he believes in her.
If he’s honest… he’s never given either of them the chance to find out the answer to that question. He’d spent his whole life at her side, keeping her safe. This is the first time they’d ever be apart.
He hates himself for sheltering her like that. Hates that he’d never let him himself just trust her.
Hates that this is all coming into the light now, when they’re about to say goodbye for the first time in their lives. When they might never see each other again.
So he draws up every ounce of courage that he has - even more than it had taken for him to pick up a pen and sign his life away on that stupid Draft form - and breathes as much of the truth as he can into his response. Because he’s never been able to lie to her, and he’s not about to start now.
“I trust you.”
Y/n listens to Hoseok’s fading footsteps, maps them onto the image that she’s created of the corridor in front of her room. In this secluded corner of the palace, there’s no concern that anyone would catch them together. No one had ever bothered to come near her room, save for the servant designated to bring her meals.
She can see in those quiet footsteps that Hoseok is sticking to the shadows, a fugitive in his own home. He’ll escape from the castle walls, just before 4am, and join the draft’s traveling party as it’s preparing to leave. And then he’ll be free.
She doesn’t blame him - she could never blame him. Not when he scolds her for slipping out of her room, against their father’s direct orders. Not when he has to pretend she doesn’t exist in front of others, even when she’s hovering invisibly at his side. 
Not when he’d hesitated just a moment ago to tell her he trusted her, because they both know that he’d been trying to convince himself that he does.
They’d both been dealt the shittiest of hands in life, and they were both trying to make the best of it. If the best of it is the simple goal of staying alive despite their father’s every intention, then so be it. If Hoseok needed to flee his own kingdom by moonlight in order to give himself a chance at that goal, then so be it.
But she’d be damned if the next he hears of her is through raven-sent news of her untimely death. He’s going to be impossibly angry with her when he discovers her plan - he might never forgive her. But once their father realizes he’s missing - that he’s defected to the Draft - she’d be even more unsafe than she’d ever been. She’d been dead within the week.
That’s why she lets that familiar pins-and-needles feeling envelop her body, why she kicks her shoes off into her room and closes the door softly behind her, bare feet padding gently after her brother before she loses his footsteps. Why she stops short but never gives in to the guilt crushing her heart when Hoseok pauses just outside the castle walls and turns back, likely confused as to why he can still feel her presence all the way out here. Why she tightens her muscles and wills herself to fade from his radar, only releasing the breath caught in her throat when she hears him start up again, making his way into the forest and through the trees until he reaches the clearing not too far ahead.
She almost loses him at one point. She’d never been this far outside the walls, and she has no idea what the landscape around her should look like. She can only use his footsteps to guide her, the quiet pulses of his energy leaking into the earth and bouncing off of nearby trees, illuminating her path in a quickly fading record of her brother’s every move.
Then the treeline relents, and she’s soon surrounded by open nothingness. Hoseok’s footsteps bounce off of nothing here, swallowed by the grass and removing him from her senses faster than she’s ready for. It’s only the distant chatter and shifting in front of her that tells her she’s made it to the clearing.
There are men loading resources and bags into a wagon, if she’s making the bulky shape out in front of her correctly. The echoes of the voices in the air bounce off of the white, tarped carriage, enough that she’s able to make its structure out with a decent degree of accuracy. 
Now to figure out where to hide for the journey to the East… 
She loses Hoseok, his voice melting into others around him as he joins the party. She takes a hesitant step forward, hears the horse driver calling out to the group that they’d better settle into the wagon in the next few moments, or he’d leave them behind. 
How is she supposed to go unnoticed in a wagon full of people?
Thinking quickly, she makes a wide arc around the wagon, ears ringing as she listens for any movement in her immediate area. She counts the sets of feet climbing into the carriage as she moves quietly to the front.
10… 11… 12… and the driver-
The man is approaching the open front of the wagon on the other side, so she scuttles toward the passenger seat, satisfied that the drafted men are all seated in the back. She can even hear some of them awkwardly addressing her brother, can hear Hoseok laughing uncomfortably as he tells them to just treat him like any other man, that they’ll be together for 2 years and he has no interest in being treated like a prince.
She has to time this correctly - the wagon seems rickety, like any movement would be impossible not to notice. Her hands and feet are in pain, the tingling of her Gift stinging her every move. But she can’t give up now - she’s so close.
When she hears the driver lift a foot off the grass - the most miniscule of sounds under the deep chatter happening in the back - she raises her own, mirroring the man’s every move down to the moment he lifts his weight off of the ground and throws it carelessly into his well-worn seat. If he notices the counterbalancing of her own weight on the other side, he doesn’t pay it a bit of attention.
She’d made it.
“You better fucking hope Jung’s spawn doesn’t cause trouble in the next two years.” Yoongi’s low growl sounds foreign even to himself - being angry with Taehyung is new for him.
But he can’t help it. All week he’d been on edge, snapping at his advisor over the smallest things. He knows that Taehyung hadn’t technically done anything wrong by not giving him the roster for this year’s Draft cohort. He’d never done it in the past, and things had gone fine.
This year is different, though. Ever since the assembly and Jung’s thinly veiled threats, Yoongi had tightened security on his own kingdom, done a personal evaluation of all staff within his walls, and -
“You know, taking your anger out on me every time we meet hasn’t made for very productive planning sessions.”
-apparently let his rage overwhelm him any time his objectively innocent advisor had stepped foot in his throne room.
“You didn’t tell me Jung Hoseok was part of the Draft. Don’t you think that information would have been important to know, even before that stupid fucking assembly meeting?”
He can see Tae shrug noncommittally beside him. 
“What I didn’t think was that you wouldn’t trust me to handle it, but I see we’re both learning new things about each other this week.”
Yoongi’s aura whips out angrily around him, coming dangerously close to his advisor’s face.
“Kim Taehyung, I swear to you-”
“Look alive, My Lord - they’re coming.”
Yoongi’s tempted to let his aura make contact this time, but he tucks Taehyung’s attitude into the back of his mind for later. He may not be the most pleasant of kings to pass through the Five Nations, but he’s not cruel, and he’s not violent. He’s not his father.
There’s a familiar wagon passing through the gates now, unharmed by the forest on its journey. Every year, on this exact date, Yoongi sends only his best to keep the demons in the forest under control for the time it takes to drop off the Draft. There hadn’t been a single year since he’d taken the throne that a trainee had been harmed or killed before entering the gates of his kingdom. Not that the same could be said for his father’s reign.
“Let’s call it… their first test. If they can’t make it to the gates alive, they’re not even worth training.”
Yoongi shakes his head quickly, squashing the nightmare of that malicious grin. Taehyung shifts protectively beside him, anyway - of course he’d noticed. 
But although his advisor raises a hand, prepared to lay it on Yoongi’s shoulder and ease his king of his emotional burdens, Taehyung pauses. Lowers his arm. Stands tall and tucks his hands into his sleeves in front of him.
It almost makes Yoongi feel bad for building a wall between them this week.
Before he can think on it, though, Tae is nodding toward the wagon of trainees unloading their belongings to the cobblestone ground in the courtyard of the Eastern Seascapes. Yoongi watches them each turn slowly, taking in the castle in their own time. Watches their mixed expressions of fear and awe, none of them ever having glimpsed the palace lying deep in the forest and at the edge of the world. Watches as they each come to recognize the king and his advisor, statues waiting for them at the top of stairs.
One by one, they scramble forward toward Yoongi, stopping at the base of the steps and taking a knee, bowing to Yoongi almost obnoxiously. Taehyung mumbles in his ear the whole time, stating the names and families of each of these trainees. He stops talking when Jung Hoseok approaches and models after his new brothers-in-arms. There’s no introduction necessary for the son of Yoongi’s enemy.
After a nod of thanks toward the wagon driver - an older gentleman who’d seen far too much of Yoongi’s father’s “first test” and who is apparently therefore a big fan of Yoongi’s more humane approaches - Yoongi steps forward and takes a breath.
“Welcome to the Eastern Seascapes, trainees. In case one of you somehow missed the shocking news that traveled the Five Nations after my father’s death some years ago, my name is Min Yoongi. I am the ruler of this land, keeper of the peace between demon and humankind, and - probably unfortunately, in your eyes - your ward for the next 24 months. Congratulations.”
He watches as the 12 men in front of him shift uncomfortably below him, unsure what they should have expected from the Demon King. Most likely, it wasn’t the dry, detached man addressing them.
“Even more unfortunately for you, you won’t be dealing with me on a regular basis apart from tonight’s banquet. You will be seeing much more of my advisor here, and, even more than that - your General.”
The man in question materializes at Yoongi’s left side as if from nothingness. If he hadn’t known any better, Yoongi might have thought his Five-Star General was of demon blood. Somehow, it’s more disconcerting that he’s entirely human.
Normally, he’d feel a streak of pride course through him at the way his General had transformed into nothing short of a nightmare in just under 5 years, but he’s not really in the mood for Jungkook’s theatrics today.
The younger man descends the steps silently as the 12 men clamber to their feet in slight panic. He stands before the first trainee for just long enough that the newbie shrinks under his gaze. Jungkook moves quietly, his face never changing.
When he arrives at the end of the line, he stops, staring into the eyes of Jung Hoseok. The man, a few years his senior - as most of these men are - is just an inch or two shorter than him, but the Prince seems determined not to let the difference push him into submission. Hoseok stands tall, unwavering as he faces the Demon King’s General. 
He’d endured 24 years of fear and anxiety. No one would ever bully him again. Especially not some brat who’s got a couple centimeters on him.
Jungkook sees it in his eyes - that resistance - and can’t help the twitch of a grin pulling at his lips.
This should be fun.
Before he can open his mouth and address them, though, his king’s voice is cutting through the cold morning air.
“Where’s the thirteenth trainee?”
Jungkook frowns, turning back to face Yoongi. Taehyung’s expression is no different, confused by the man’s question. But Yoongi’s not paying attention to either of them, his eyes raking in irritation over the 12 trainees. There’s a dangerous glint in his glare that sends a shiver down their spines.
“I was told there were only 12.” His voice is terse, and he looks at Taehyung for explanation, his annoyance growing when he sees that Tae has no clue what he’s talking about.
“There are only 12, My Lo-”
“Shut up.” 
Both Tae and Jungkook blink in surprise - Yoongi’s never like this, regardless of his dour disposition this week. 
The king’s head only tilts in the direction of the wagon, like he’s catching the sound of something over the thundering heartbeats of the trainees below him.
He moves silently down the steps, and Jungkook doesn’t even bother to snap at his new soldiers to stand tall as they literally trip over their own feet to get out of Yoongi’s way. 
Yoongi stalks toward the wagon, catching the flash of fear in the driver’s eyes and waving him off with a furrow of his brow. There goes that previously built trust. 
But it doesn’t matter. He can feel someone else here. It’s the same feeling he’d had just last week after the assembly, when he and Tae had been talking to Jung Hoseok. 
The feeling that there’s someone hiding away, desperate not to be caught-
He makes his way around the front of the carriage, ignoring the fearful whinny of the horses when they spot him, and stops in his tracks.
He can see it. That glimmer of energy, shifting in the air, so unnoticeable to anyone who isn’t looking. The longer he looks, the more the energy takes shape, forming into a girl he’d only seen once before.
The girl that had been hovering over Hoseok’s shoulder that day.
With a twitch of an eyebrow, Yoongi wills his aura to sink beneath his feet, muffling his footsteps into nothingness. The moment it does, the girl stands tall, tilting her head in his direction and turning when she can’t find him.
He approaches her like that, watching her turn in her spot, her movements becoming restless and fearful, like she’d lost track of him and couldn’t place him anymore. She even looks right at him, but she doesn’t pause, only turning away so she can inch forward toward the back of the wagon. 
The moment she starts to pass the barrier of the white tarp into the open courtyard, Yoongi’s aura is lashing out, one dark tendril wrapping around her ankle. 
The girl screams as she falls, her voice piercing the tense silence beyond the carriage and sending the men into a frenzy. But Yoongi doesn’t mind them, his eyes never leaving her.
Another arm of darkness snaps out toward her, wrapping tightly around her mouth as the original snakes its way up her body, constricting her in its grasp until she’d bound with no escape.
Her cloak - whatever it is - comes down then in her panic, and she’s fully visible to Yoongi for the first time. Her eyes are wide, full of terror, and she’s grasping desperately at the tentacle of his aura that’s all but gagging her. Yoongi doesn’t even bother to think about the fact that she still hasn’t looked at him, fixating on her features and noting with growing rage that she looks a lot like Jung Yunho’s only child.
What the fuck?
Yoongi draws the girl up off the ground and toward him, and, in his rage, throws her back against the tarp of the wagon. She lets out another muffled shriek, Yoongi’s voice cutting hers short.
“Who are you?! Who sent you?!”
She only shakes her head back and forth desperately, eyes screwed shut as she continues to scream. With a growl, he peels her away from the tarp and slams her back into it. There are tears streaming down her face now.
“I’m not going to ask you again-”
“My Lord.”
Taehyung is standing next to him now, having come around the back of the carriage to interfere in whatever’s happening. His voice is clipped, like he’s actually angry with Yoongi.
“True to my title, I’m going to have to advise you to put this poor woman down, unless you want your new subjects to form misinformed opinions about what kind of man you are.”
Yoongi only snaps his head over to his advisor, his glare burning that deep, blood red Taehyung’s grown used to seeing lately.
“I want you to look at this girl, Taehyung. Look at her, and tell me what you see.”
Only at the direct order does Taehyung sigh and tilt his gaze in the woman’s direction. He stares for a moment, taking in her tear-streaked face. And then he frowns, his brows coming together as he looks more closely at her. 
Taking just a step back so he can see into the courtyard full of terrified trainees, Tae meets the eyes of Jung Hoseok, whose gaze morphs from fear into alarm when he realizes he’s being studied.
Taehyung mumbles under his breath then, Yoongi barely catching the words.
“Well would you look at that… Twins.”
Ignoring Yoongi’s echoed “Twins?!” of shock, Tae knows Hoseok was able to read his lips all the way across the courtyard because the Prince’s eyes go wide with horror, the blood draining from his face. His crippling fear crashes into Taehyung’s senses full force, the advisor stitching this new piece of information into the cloth that is the Jung family. 
He only squints at the man in response, whispering a single word to Yoongi that’s really meant for Hoseok.
Tae watches Hoseok carefully as Yoongi steps out from behind the carriage, the aura-bound prisoner floating in the air behind the king as he starts his rampage back to the castle. He’s wholly unsurprised when Hoseok lurches forward at the sight of the girl, a scream ripping from his throat.
Hoseok pushes past the other trainees and starts to charge the king, but he’s quickly overtaken by Jungkook, who throws himself forward and pins him easily to the ground, yanking the Prince’s arms back behind his back. It doesn’t stop Hoseok from screaming with all of his might, his throat aching at the force.
“Y/n! You promised me! You promised me you would be safe-”
The other trainees all start whispering to each other, staring at the girl as she’s carried, sobbing and struggling against the tendrils of darkness, past her brother. Yoongi only pauses over Hoseok’s detained form for a brief moment, not even sparing the crazed man a glance as he speaks.
“Welcome to the Eastern Seascapes, Prince Jung. I’ll see to it that your sister is well cared for.”
Hoseok can only watch, horrified, as the Demon King carries his entire life through the massive double doors and into the castle.
I’m never going to see her again.
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kookieswan · 2 years
Sweet Blood - Bloody Mess
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Poly!Demon!TaeKook x OccultStudent!Reader
Word Count: 900+
Genre: Poly AU, Demon AU, Horror, Nsfw/18+, Fluffy 🌸
Warnings: Blood, Nsfw/18+ Content (Biting that draws blood, marking/hickeys, talk/insinuation of sex and sexual acts, finger sucking, dirty talk, etc etc 😅)
Notes: Posting before I leave for the airport lol. A little spooky, a little saucy. What else could you possibly expect from the demon boys? BIG NOTE that this takes place far into the future when they’re all romantically/sexually involved already.
This is a snippet from the Sweet Blood series. Find it here!
“What in the nine layers of hell are you baking now pretty thing?” Allowing a small smile to grace your lips, you finish placing some of the cream cheese frosting on the freshly cooled brownies. You knew the smell alone would cause your boys to come running before long, both demons practically teleporting to you from the front door as soon as they step through. You insisted they start using if after they’ve popped out of no where one too many times which has caused you countless heart attacks.
“I’m trying a new recipe for brownies! I know you guys like the my classic recipe but I wanted to do something spooky for Halloween.” They crowed in one either side of you without hesitance, squishing you between their large bodies in a yummy demon sandwich. Jungkook leans down to sniff at them before turning toward you abruptly, cute nose brushing your cheek as Tae pats your butt.
“We could just eat you instead, my precious little sweet blood.” Jungkook nips at your neck jokingly, tongue poking at your skin as you swat him away. Tae doesn’t allow for the teasing to stop though, clawed fingers running up your back and wrapping gently around the your neck as you glare jokingly at your other lover. You swear they’re always thirsty as hell when you’re busy… Which is always.
“I agree dove, I wouldn’t mind devouring you whole. Just a little bite at least.” It’s a hot whisper in your ear as his fingers tighten marginally, but you ignore the other demon as you pick up a spoon and spread the cherry pie filling sparingly onto the top of the brownies. There’s no way you’re going to let them distract you. Not again. Nope. Not after the curtains caught fire last weekend because you were… Busy. Assholes.
“Bad horny demon men! Calm yourselves and you can have some of these bloody brownies when I’m done. If you don’t, I’ll eat these all. By. My. Self.” Smacking Jungkook’s hand as it slithers toward your ass, you grab for the knife so you can cut up some of the actual cherries up to resemble entrails. You make quick work of it as the demons practically glue themselves to you, Jungkook whining into your ear as Tae’s hand slithers inside of your shirt.
“Mmh, we want you though. If you jump up on the counter and spread those pretty thighs, I’ll have your eyes rolling back in no time. Doesn’t that sound nice?” He grabs your hips and turns you abruptly, snatching the knife and discarding it before lifting you up and plopping your ass down on the counter without a second thought. You gasp sharply, Jungkook spreading your legs to step between them which causes you to fall back, his crotch brushing up against yours teasingly.
They both laugh as you fluster, deep voices echoing off of the darkening walls. You go to sit up as Jungkook tuts, his hand pushing back against your chest before sliding down your body. Tae hums as he watches, clearly satisfied with how things are going. Meanie.
“I have a treat for you too dove. Want to taste it, hm?” The pale demon steps around the counter slowly, his clothed dick obscenely close to your face when he settles opposite to Jungkook. Your senses cloud over slightly, the image of Jungkook’s face buried between your thighs and your mouth wrapping around Tae taking over. Reaching out blindly, you grab for your loves, only to whine as Jungkook bites at your thigh harshly.
“Ah! Fuck…” He licks at the skin immediately, mending the superficial damage he had caused. They’re always quick to heal any sort of harm they do, but you’re secretly glad they can’t get rid of bruising. You’ve always loved the pretty bruises they leave… Reaching down, you wipe away some of the blood that falls from his lips with your pointer finger, affection blooming through your chest at Jungkook’s bunny grin.
“So beautiful sweetheart, you take whatever we give you so well…” Huffing with a pout, you tilt your head back and glare again, but Taehyung just smiles and reaches for your trembling hand. Like clockwork, he sucks the bloody digit into his mouth, tongue laving over the skin as a low moan vibrates through his throat. Kookie watches from below with heavy eyes, but stays put otherwise, some of your blood still on his pretty lips.
The younger goes back to sucking at your stained skin without a word then, clearly in a state of euphoria as Tae releases your finger. He smacks his lips a few times, enjoying the taste of your apparently very sweet blood. It’s still a wonder to you how they manage to enjoy it so much, but to each their own. You could even say that you enjoy watching them consume it, the way they practically melt as they drink it up like men starved so delightful to see.
“Now, that’s a delicious sight… You want to indulge a bit baby? We can finish these brownies later, hm? Jungkookie and I will help you finish them.” Tilting your head back to look toward Tae, you grin almost shyly as caresses your face affectionately. Leaning in, he leaves a few upside down kisses against your lips, eyebrows raised as he waits patiently for your reply. At the feeling of your shorts being tugged down clumsily among sloppy kisses, you giggle.
“Yes please.”
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writemywaytoyourheart · 9 months
Bedeviled | Chapter 14: Always Faithful, Always Strong
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Pairing: demon!jungkook x female reader
Genre: romance, angst, drama, horror
WC: 16.3k
Warnings for this chapter: strong language, anxiety, fear, mentions of blood and injuries, religious themes, mentions of past death and grief, tensionnnn, talk of loss of virginity, JK has mood issues, cruelty, insinuation of torture, betrayal...if there is anything i missed pls kindly let me know
Previous ML
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The little angel holding your hand smiled excitedly at you. 
“See? It doesn’t hurt anymore,” she whispered. 
You nodded slowly, looking over at the taller figure beside the small angel. You couldn’t see their face due to the forest-green glow illuminating them from the inside out. Still, they felt so very familiar.
“Are you ready?”
You looked back at the small child when she spoke again, still grinning. Her smile was brighter than all the stars in the sky, the pale yellow wings on her back so tiny and fragile. 
Larger front teeth protruded slightly from her mouth, making her look like a rabbit. 
A very cute rabbit. 
You couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on your face. 
Her sweet grin really did remind you of someone…
“Am I ready for what?” You asked, confused. Your mind was a little blank.
A tiny giggle that sounded like ringing bells fell from the child’s lips, “To go home.”
You blinked slowly. 
The ghost of the word left your mouth quietly in a single breath, full of a longing you’d never felt. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat.
The grip on your hand tightened a little more. 
Turning your head, your brows furrowed when you saw someone lying in the bed you got out of. She was in a very worn-through white nightgown, her face drained of life as she lay there, a thin layer of sweat glistening on her splotchy face. She appeared to be in a deep sleep.
One she would not wake from. 
The rest of the shack was no livelier. There was a vase full of roses, but they were wilted beyond saving.
It was cold and dark. 
And lonely.
You turned back to the two beings and gave a small nod. 
“I’d like to go home.”
The little girl smiled giddily, then all you could see was white brightness closing in around you and a warmth that enveloped your cold body. 
Blue, pink, and purple lights appeared, surrounding you. Gold and silver swirled around in beautiful shapes. Colors you’d never seen before danced in your vision as the sound of beautiful music played, bringing a deep and wonderful ache into your heart.
Then everything was white again. 
You blinked hard a few times. 
Your heart stopped for a moment when you saw that you were surrounded by clouds. Looking down, you realized you were standing on one. 
Oh my.
The voice was that of a woman’s; deep but gentle, like a pool of warm chocolate. It brought a comfort so strong you felt your eyes water at just the single word. 
It came from the shining figure. 
The little angel was gone, only the tall being remained, standing in front of you. You still couldn’t see their face, but you were not afraid. You looked at them expectantly. 
“You suffered for a long time.”
A single unwitting tear fell from your eye at the unexpected words. It slid down your cheek and fell to the clouds underfoot. 
No one had ever spoken to you with such empathy in your entire existence; an empathy that reached deep into your soul where no other had touched.
You’d never felt more understood.
Then the feeling of grief washed over you. It was as if every painful thing that ever happened to you was consuming your mind and body in a matter of seconds, taking your breath away. Even though you couldn’t remember what exactly had happened before waking up in that room, you could feel every agonizing minute of it.
“You were alone for so long, scared for so many years, carrying it all on your own. Everything you gained along the way, you lost horribly by the end.”
You looked at the figure that was watching you closely and gulped, the pain not ceasing as you fell to your knees, unable to handle the agony surging through you. 
 “Was it worth it, ____?”
Tears fell from your eyes steadily as you held your heart, body shaking. 
Then you could see him: his sweet smile as he handed you an apple, the warmth of his hand that held yours, the big brown eyes that looked into your own with a comfort so strong it never failed to fix anything that was scaring you…his beautiful soul.
No matter how wretched it felt at times in that life, you were never alone.
A sob tore itself from your throat as you began to remember everything that you had forgotten at first. Everything that you had, no matter how fleeting, before it was ripped from you. 
You looked up at the figure that brought you to this place. 
“Yes,” you whispered.
Although you couldn’t see it, you felt the invisible person smile.
All at once, the pain was gone, replaced with a joy so breathtaking you knew you would do every single second of it again, even if you had been truly alone.
You walked along slowly, the invisible person at your right as the two of you strolled through the clouds. She was so tall that if you could see her clearly, you were sure the top of your head would only reach her elbow. 
“Why did you say I was alone most of my life?” You asked quietly, “If you already knew I wasn’t after meeting him.”
“Did the thought not cross your mind, ____?” The woman’s voice asked gently, “Were there not times you felt it was that way?”
You gulped, then gave a small nod, “At the hardest times…I suppose I did, yes.”
“That is why I phrased it that way. That thought, that doubt, was always there; lingering in the back of your mind. No, you didn’t think he wasn’t there for you. But on those dark nights without him there, it would come back. That anger of what was happening to you would come back, wouldn’t it?”
You nodded slowly. 
“You needed to answer the question with that present. You needed to realize the truth yourself in the face of that despair.”
“Oh. That makes sense.”
They nodded and you two fell into silence once more.
“Where are we going?” You asked, watching your feet disappear into clouds impossibly soft but still strong enough to hold you up. 
You had always dreamed of being in the clouds. It was so much more than you had ever imagined.
“We’re going home.”
You hummed in response, then spoke up again, “Why did I forget everything for a little bit? How could I have forgotten him?” 
“Do not blame yourself. It can happen at times, when someone passes. Especially if that person passed in a traumatic way. Those that do, tend to forget briefly who they were or where they came from. But it comes back rather quickly.”
“Oh…where did she go?” You whispered after a moment of contemplating, “The little angel.”
“You will see her again,” There was a gentle amusement in the being’s tone as she continued to walk beside you. You had a feeling she was more amused by your incessant questions than irritated.
“Oh, good.”
As you walked, you suddenly saw a huge golden gate ahead, appearing from the clouds. 
“Is this home?” You asked breathlessly, stopping in front of the magnificent structure. You weren’t sure what was beyond them, but something was pulling you there, tugging gently at your heart. 
“It is.”
You just knew that the moment you stepped through those gates, you would never feel out of place again. 
Someone was waiting inside for you. 
They had waited a very long time. 
There, you would belong. 
“Can I go in?”
“You can. Before you do, there is one more thing.”
“I’m letting you out of the deal.”
You feel your heart stop in your chest at his words, then tears spring to your eyes. You shake your head and pull back, not missing the way he reluctantly lets go of you. 
“What?” His brows scrunch and he takes a step towards you as you move back even more, wincing at the pain when you walk. 
“I don’t want out-”
“You don’t know what you’re saying,” He snaps, “Because you can’t stop thinking about him. Just stop for a moment and think!!”
You shake your head but he steps closer, an angry yet desperate look on his face. 
“If you refuse me now, I won’t give you another chance.”
“I know.”
“Are you fucking insane?” He looks at you in disbelief, “Do you have any idea what you’re getting yourself into by agreeing to this?”
“Why are you so in love with him?! Why can’t you see what’s happening?” His eyes are wild with rage, “You are damning yourself to He-”
“What if I stay?”
You see the look of shock flash over his face as he takes a step back, going from one hundred to zero in a millisecond.
You swallow, feeling very small and unsure right now. 
“You want me to stay, don’t you?”
The demon blinks a few times. 
If you stay, it will be horrendous for you. It will be painful and wretched and nothing will ever make it better. But he doesn’t say that. He doesn’t tell you that. 
He’s selfish. 
And he wants you to stay, no matter what it might do to you. 
If you go through all of this just for some idiot mortal boy, he wants no part of it. But if you stay for him…
If one thing is true, it is that misery so very much loves company. 
You see one of his black brows raise slightly, as if you’ve gotten his attention. 
Taking a deep breath, you stay strong. 
Although it was a rash decision to use those words driven by exhaustion and panic, you knew you could buy time, that he would take it, that he would consider it.
What else could you expect from a demon?
“You don’t want him anymore?”
The way he says ‘him’ is bitter. Jealousy and rage crammed into that one small word.
You eye him carefully, “We still need to go through with the deal. We don’t stop here.”
He glares at you, “Why.��
“I came here to get something. I want to finish what I started. I won’t just toss it all out the window now.”
JK grinds his teeth for a moment, trying not to get angry. 
“Fine,” he eventually spits, “You’ll get the Flame, if that’s what you’re so fucking obsessed with.”
“Thank you,” you whisper, voice breaking a little. 
He rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh, “Your stupid little friend apparently doesn’t have a lot of time to become immortal. Let’s just keep going.”
You nod, following as he starts off. Almost immediately, you notice him slowing to keep pace with you as you limp slowly. He doesn’t talk much at first and you get the sense that he’s embarrassed for exposing himself like he did. The fact that he wants you to stay, no matter how selfish the intentions are…it means there’s something there.
Not long after walking again, though, he starts to talk. 
“Why ‘Apple’?”
“I like apples.”
Only a second passes before the next question. 
“What made you decide to wear a dress? It’s not a very practical decision when one is planning to get the Flame of Immortality from the center of Hell.”
“I like dresses,” your voice cracks a little and you swallow, rubbing your throat with your hand gently. 
He rolls his eyes. 
“Well…is white your favorite color to wear then? Or brown…?”
You look sideways at him suspiciously but answer slowly anyway, “Umm…they’re some of my favorites, yeah.”
“What are your other favorites-”
He stops speaking and comes to a halt when you turn to him, badly scraped hands moving to your hips. 
“Why are you asking me all these-...innocent questions?”
“What? You’d rather I ask something else?” He snaps, handsome face set in an annoyed scowl.
“Well, no-”
“Are you a virgin?”
You take a step back, looking at him with an appalled expression. 
He only smirks. 
“You got pissy when I asked questions I thought suited you. Figured I’d try something different.”
“Yellow and pink…and blue.”
You ignore the confusion written all over his face as you walk around him and keep hobbling along. 
The sores on your hands and feet are extremely irritated and sore, the ones in your mouth a little less so. There’s still dried blood on the corners of your mouth and your bones ache so deeply you could curl into a ball on the ground and be fine with never moving again. The pain in your stomach lingers, but is nothing compared to when you were in the eighth circle. You still refuse to look at the wound on your right ankle from when the old man covered in flames grabbed you. It’s painful enough without getting a mental picture that will probably make it worse.
Overall, everything hurts. Your body continues to grow weaker simply being in Hell, steadily shutting down by the hour. 
But you can certainly manage. 
You have to. 
“What the hell does that even mean?”
You bite your tongue as he jogs over to keep in step with you again.
“You asked what my favorite colors are to wear.”
He groans loudly next to you, “I don’t know why I keep forgetting how fucking annoying you are.”
“Aw, that’s sweet, JK.”
You chuckle quietly, gnawing gently on your tender bottom lip as you keep your eyes forward, a million thoughts swarming your brain. 
“What’s your favorite color to wear?” You ask as you glance at him teasingly, “Black? How original.”
He sneers at you, “Wow, you’re so fucking funny. You should be a comedian.”
“I might just do that.”
“What do you do, anyway?” He slows down a little more to stay alongside you after unconsciously walking faster. He can’t help it, with legs as long as his it’s second nature, “You said you’re nineteen. School? Work?”
“Mm, neither.”
“Well, work I guess.”
“You guess.”
“Mhm,” You pick at the blood under your fingernails. 
“Care to elaborate?” 
He sounds annoyed with needing to ask for further details. 
“No, not really.”
He bites his tongue before he gets the chance to snap at you. 
“Ok, fine,” He says slowly, controlled, “You kind of work.”
You hide the smile creeping up on you. 
“So you’ve never really had any hopes for the future?”
“I didn’t say that,” You correct him calmly. 
“Well you sure as hell aren’t convincing me otherwise.”
You look at him as you walk, “Why should I need to convince anyone but myself?”
“I-” He stares at you for a second, “Never mind.”
It’s not even quiet for thirty seconds before his next wave of probing comes.
“Why apples, though? Pears are better than apples.”
A lump forms in your throat and you have to mentally push the memories out of your mind. Memories of him always preferring pears over any fruit. 
“Because Pear would be a stupid name.”
He chuckles, taking you by surprise. 
“Well,” You hum, “Pear is actually pretty cute now that I think about it.”
“Whatever you say, mortal.”
“It’s Apple.”
“I’m not calling you Apple.”
“Well then I’ll just call you Pear-”
“You absolutely will not.”
You scowl at him. 
“I’ll do whatever I want.”
“Yeah?” He snags your arm, making you stop and pulling you to him at the same time, a dangerously flirty smirk on his face, “Is that supposed to scare me, Apple?”
Your heart lurches and your mouth feels dry.
He leans closer, “Go ahead and do what you want, I’ve nothing against that.”
You try to scoff but it doesn’t come out very strong so it kind of just sounds like you choke. 
“Y-y-you what?” The smirk is still on his face, mischief lighting up his dark eyes. 
You try your best to glare at him, but it doesn’t seem to deter him at all. 
He just leans in again, “If you stay,” his lips are close to your ear as cold breath sends tingles down your spine, “We could cause all sorts of trouble, Apple girl.”
You’re beginning to second guess your judgment of telling him that name.
It’s not the same as him saying it. It hurts a lot more than when he said it. It’s his voice, his face, his eyes that look into yours as it’s whispered. 
But it’s not the same. 
It used to be filled with so much love. 
Now it’s tainted with a shadowy wickedness whispering behind it. But after not hearing it from his lips for five hundred years, it still makes your heart race. 
“I get the impression you cause enough trouble on your own,” you whisper, pulling back and looking at him. 
“You’d be right,” he chuckles darkly, also pulling away. 
Your eyes fall away from his piercing gaze, looking over his shoulder. 
He snaps out of the trance he was in as he looked at you when you point over his shoulder and ask, “What’s that?”
JK turns to see a gnarled mountain in the distance that’s smaller than the others, right in the middle of the barren wasteland; the bottom thick and the top coming to a sharp point. 
“Ah,” he tilts his head and stretches his neck both ways, “You’ll see later.”
You give him a look but don’t bother responding. 
It feels like you can finally breathe when he steps away.You don’t understand how he can so easily flit from one emotion to the next. He’s acting like he didn’t just bare his entire soul to you when he offered to let you go not even that long ago. 
“You never answered my question,” He says as he starts to walk, once again matching your speed, or lack thereof. 
“Which one?”
“I think you know which one.”
Your cheeks heat involuntarily and you clear your throat. 
“I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“Why not?” 
“Because it’s none of your business!”
“I think you’re embarrassed.”
“And why would I be?” You ask. 
“Because you’re definitely a virgin.”
You scoff loudly, “If I am or I’m not, neither of them would make me embarrassed. I have no reason to be ashamed either way.”
“That’s exactly what a virgin would say.”
“Shut up!” You grumble, “If you want to know so bad then you have to answer a question of mine.”
“Fire away.”
“Just like that?” You look at him in disbelief, “After all this time and all the trouble you’ve given me, you’ll answer anything just to know if I’m a virgin?”
He shrugs, “I’m curious.”
You mutter in annoyance to yourself for a moment, then you look at him. 
“What’s with the tattoos? Why are two colored and the rest not?”
“I don’t know.”
“I-” You glare fiercely at him, “Tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m not.”
You stop walking, which makes him stop to look at you. 
“So, let me get this straight,” You say calmly, scratched up and bruised hands folded nicely in front of you, “It has been however long…I have answered many of your questions, and you have avoided almost every single one of mine.”
“And you acted like it was some huge deal that you would only tell me in exchange for something equally as big, and yet you don’t even know the answer yourself.”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
You wouldn’t be surprised if he could see steam billowing out from your ears. 
“You’re so- so exasperating!!”
He laughs at the fact that that’s the best insult you could come up with in your state of enraged shock. 
“Technically I never said I knew.”
“Agh!” You throw your hands up in the air before pointing a finger in his face and standing up on your tiptoes to get closer, “I’m never telling you if I’m a virgin or not! Never!” Then you hurry around him and start marching away. You hear him laughing behind you, then the sound of him running to catch up with you. 
“You’re so naive.”
“Don’t talk to me.”
He grins annoyingly, shaking his head, “Such a grouch.”
“I’ll show you a grouch in a minute if you don’t let me calm down.”
He puts his hands up in defense, “Damn, ok.”
Your face feels hot with anger, your cheeks undoubtedly red with the blood that’s rushed there. 
Cool air would be nice right about now, but that’s a joke to even think about. Fanning with your hands does absolutely nothing. In fact, it might be making it worse. 
You drop your hands to your side and sigh. 
It’s no use being so angry. Him not knowing is technically an answer in itself. That’s what you wanted to know anyway, with several things. 
Back when you first got here, he spoke as if he was a demon since the fall of the angels, that he was one of them, that he chose it. 
Clearly his memories are not only gone, but corrupted into a false story that he believes is true though there are gaps in it that confuse even him. Like the fire, and the tattoos, and probably several other things; like the handkerchief in his pocket that he gave you when your eyes were burning. The one that looked like his mother’s…
She used to carry soft cream-colored ones around everywhere, and gave some to him. 
That’s what he used to bandage your ankle when you were young.
What would his answer be if you asked him about that handkerchief?
You gulp.
He’s confused when you ask certain questions like that, you can tell. And confusion is the first step, as long as the timing is right.
Your breathing has calmed considerably and the anger has dissipated when he speaks up again. 
“Are you calm now?”
“Yes,” you laugh quietly. 
“You can have another go, if it’s made you that upset.”
“You must seriously want to know if I’ve done it, nothing ever makes you this generous…I’m not upset anymore, I do have a question though, that I’d like to be answered.”
“Go ahead.”
“I’ll answer yours first.”
You nibble your bottom lip, your cheeks flushing for a reason entirely different from anger now. 
“I’m not a virgin.”
You turn your head to see that he looks genuinely surprised as he stares at you while you walk. 
“Why does that shock you so much?” You chuckle. 
“It’s just-” He shakes his head, “You’re so pure, it-”
“I’m pure?”
When his eyes lift to yours again, he sees a teasing smile on your face.
“Two questions,” You hold up two fingers. 
He nods, apparently shocked into temporary silence. 
“One: how do you know that I’m pure? And two: who says that not being a virgin would take that away?”
He scoffs, “Isn’t it obvious? I can see your soul, mortal. All demons can see the state of someone’s soul. It’s how they know their weak points, how easy they are to break.”
The demon stops and turns to you then, a look in his eyes that you don’t understand. 
“How valuable they are to them.”
One of your brows lifts, “Ah, I see. And why would I be any less pure without being a virgin?”
“Your innocence would be gone.”
“And?” You look him dead in the eye, “Is my innocence gone?”
The way he stares at you makes you feel exposed, as if he’s peeled away your skin and can see right through you, into the deepest parts of your being. He is quite literally staring into your soul. 
“No,” he whispers, his voice sounding confused at this revelation. 
“Didn’t He make it for the human race as a gift?”
“I mean…I suppose, but-”
“And if I didn’t abuse it, if I used the gift as it was meant to be used, did I not do what He had intended for me?”
The demon swallows, confusion thick in the air as he stares at you, extremely unsure of everything he thought he knew.
“The act itself is not sinful,” you whisper, watching all the emotions flitting across his face as he tries to figure it out, “The intentions and circumstances behind it? They certainly can be.”
He says nothing, thoroughly befuddled in every sense of the word. 
“I think innocence comes in many forms. I am far from perfect, but I do know that I did no wrong when it came to losing my virginity.”
“Oh.” Is all he’s able to come up with. 
After another minute of him working through things in his brain, he clears his throat. 
“So this…this best friend of yours…is he-?”
“Is he the one that I shared myself with?”
He nods, uncertainty still clear on his face. 
How strange it is to be informing him that you are not a virgin when he himself is the only one you had ever been with.
“Why does it matter?”
“It doesn’t.”
You step closer, eyes not leaving his, “You said demons know when souls are valuable to them.”
He nods, but says nothing. 
“And?” You take another step towards him, as if offering for him to look again, “How valuable is my soul to you?”
“Any demon would stop at nothing to take your soul.”
“I’m not interested in just any demon,” you whisper, “I want to know how valuable it is to you. That’s my question, that’s what I want you to tell me. You didn’t answer me before, when I asked you how you felt.”
“I did.”
“No, you didn’t. Not really.”
“I told you,” he grits out as you step ever closer, “I can’t.”
“If I am so valuable to Hell’s collection of souls, how could you offer to free me? How valuable can I possibly be if you’re willing to let me keep my soul?”
JK gulps, pursing his lips. 
“How can a demon let go of a soul that any other would stop at nothing to take?” You whisper, eyes searching his, pushing just a little more. 
“You said you would answer me.”
His eyes fall from yours. 
“Why are you doing this?”
“Why did you offer to let me leave?”
“It doesn’t matter now,” he hisses, “You refused, and I told you, I will not offer it again.”
“Then why offer it in the first place?”
You gulp when his eyes raise to yours again, anger and something else there, something you’ve seen flash through them before, but very rarely.
You realize with a jolt to your heart what it is. 
“You want to know how valuable your soul is to me?” He glares at you, stepping closer until you can feel his cold breath on your cheeks, “I would do anything to rip it straight out of you. Anything.”
You blink rapidly, holding back the tears that are threatening to come. 
“I would risk losing hundreds of other souls just to have this one.”
A cold finger runs along your chest, stopping right in the middle and not moving.
“How valuable are you to me…?” A painful ache surges through you at his slight change of words 
“So valuable-” His voice drops below a whisper, “That I would’ve let.. you.. go..”
Your heart is hammering in your chest and you know he can feel it. 
You don’t finish your sentence and he says nothing to fill the quiet. That’s when something else hits you. 
Tears spring to your eyes at the realization. 
His eyes stay locked on yours. 
“You kept talking earlier, asking silly things,” you mumble tearfully, sniffling, “Because you knew I didn’t like it to be quiet.”
His following silence is answer enough. 
“I can’t,” is all he says after a minute. 
You nod slowly, his previous words floating through your mind. 
‘I can’t…love you.’
He can’t love you, but he can let you go; that’s all he knows how to do.
You bite your bottom lip harshly, the stinging pain a welcome distraction from the one on the inside. After a moment to gather yourself, you nod again, not looking directly at him as he watches you with a look so unlike this version of him you don’t think you can handle it. 
Then you raise yourself up, just enough to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. 
As you’re lowering yourself back down, you stop at the feeling of his hand on your cheek, though you keep your eyes downcast.
I’m sorry, Jungkook. 
That you had to be alone for so long, that you had to wait for me, until I could come to you. 
I am so sorry.
You finally look at him at the light tone of his voice.
“We’ll be at the ninth circle before too long, you can’t grow soft on me now,” he smirks gently at you, “What happened to that feisty little attitude of yours, little mortal?”
You swallow the tears building up in your throat, bottling them up and putting a cap on it.
You will not fail, ____. 
Do not doubt yourself so. 
Nodding slowly, you swallow again, biting your lip as hard as you can handle. 
“I think I’m tired,” you croak, dropping your gaze to the ground between you. 
His boots are still sleek and shiny, completely flawless. The laces going up his shins look brand new, not a fray to be seen. The contrast to your beaten and bloody feet wrapped in torn black silk from his shirt is almost comical. 
“Only now?” He asks, a teasing lilt to his voice.
You breathe out a tiny laugh, “Yeah, didn’t really hit until now.”
You rub your eyes, fighting the yawn creeping up on you. 
“Let’s not talk about it,” you mumble, “It’s making me more tired.”
The sound of gravel moving makes you look at him as he turns to keep walking, granting your wish without a single protest. 
“Come on,” he calls out without facing you, “If you fall asleep standing there I’m not carrying you.”
You follow slowly, your brain spinning in circles as you try to stay calm. 
“Can I go in?”
“You can. Before you do, there is one more thing.”
“What is it?”
“If you had the choice, would you like to become an angel?”
“I don’t understand,” You stared at the being that brought you to the golden gate in the clouds, brows furrowed in confusion at what they just said, “So…everyone that comes here is an angel…?”
Just like before, you felt her smile, even though you couldn’t see it, “Not everyone, no. The little ones that pass away in the womb become angels,” her voice was still so gentle and deep, it brought a wave of comfort over you just hearing it, “And some that were born and have lived a life worthy of it. Do not worry, everyone else that comes here is joyous regardless.”
‘The little ones that pass away in the womb become angels.’ 
Your heart stuttered in your chest when you thought of the little angel.
Could it really have been…?
Before you could break down into sobs and start begging to see the child, you cleared your throat, knowing the time would come to see her again. “And you…are you an angel?”
“I am.”
“Were you a human once?”
“No,” The voice had a distinct smile in it, “I was always your angel.”
“My angel?” You asked in astonishment.
“What-” You shook your head to clear it, “What does that mean?”
Instead of getting an answer with words, you suddenly felt a strange pull in your chest. Then the being was gone and you were in your beloved forest, the breeze blowing the leaves gently. You turned this way and that, beyond confused. 
You got cut off by the sound of a tiny giggle. Turning in alarm, you froze at the sight of a small child on the ground by the apple tree, her back leaning against it as she played in the grass with her feet.
You, it was you…at four years old…
Taking a step closer to the small version of you, the grass soft beneath your feet, you sucked in a breath when you saw someone else there too, a warm smile on their face as they watched you laugh. 
It was a woman who looked no older than twenty-five, but with an ancient wisdom in her emerald green eyes. She wore a dress of dark green that matched the deepest parts of the forest. Over it were thin plates of armor, a slender sword with a verdant hilt at her side. On her back were large wings that looked like a bird’s; the color of a sunlit field. One of the wings was wrapping around your small figure protectively.
Her hair was blonde, but looked to have hints of leaf green in it as well. 
The angel’s beauty was unmatched; you had never even imagined someone could be so utterly breathtaking. She truly looked like an otherworldly being that had come from the forest itself. 
There was a soft green glow about her as she placed a gentle hand on your head right after a bright red apple had bonked it harshly.
Her head turned at the same moment as your tiny one, looking at the fruit laying on the ground. 
As little you stared at it in bewilderment, the angel looked up and a smile graced her elegant features.
You watched yourself reach for the apple, then you noticed the woman looking up into the tree and laughing delightedly. So, you looked up to see what she was watching. 
Heart flying to your throat, you took a step back when you saw him. 
The small boy with dark hair and eyes that were wide as he looked down at the child he accidentally dropped an apple on. He scrambled down the tree quickly to apologize. 
All of the figures began to shimmer before disappearing, despite your sudden cry for them not to go. 
You gulped and pressed a hand to your forehead as another scene unfolded in front of you. 
The river was there, just ahead. Cold water rushed by, higher than it usually was. After only a moment, you realized what day you were looking back on. Seconds later, you saw two children running over to the river and laughing. 
The little girl said something you couldn’t hear as the boy bent down to pick up a pretty rock. In the next instant, the girl ran into the water. It was swift as it took her off her feet immediately. 
The boy looked up, then dropped the rock and leapt into the water to save the younger child. 
You watched in horror as he screamed for her, swimming as best as he could. 
But his arms were too small and the current was too strong. 
You couldn’t even see the girl anymore, she was gone, dragged under the surface. 
Then you saw the woman again. 
She was on the riverbank, tall and beautiful as always. She reached a hand down into the river and grabbed hold of something before pulling it up effortlessly. 
You saw your own little hand come out of the water as she pulled you out, then your head broke the surface. You gasped and looked around before seeing your best friend holding on to the rose bush. 
It was her…
That was the only thought in your head as the scene changed yet again.
You were back in the forest, by the apple tree. This time, you were watching yourself at fifteen as you cried your heart out after finding out that you were to marry Hoseok and your mother had hurled horrid insults at you. 
“Why me?!” You heard yourself scream at the top of your lungs into the grass, throat burning and heart pounding painfully in your ears.
The angel was there on the ground beside you, bent over in order to have an arm and a wing around you in a warm embrace. You noticed with a hitch in your breath that she was crying too, crystal tears dripping down her porcelain skin and falling to the forest floor as she stroked your hair ever so gently. 
She was whispering words of encouragement and reassurance in your ear even if you couldn’t hear it at the time. 
Once again, the two figures weeping on the forest floor shimmered and disappeared. They were replaced with quick flashes of your life running across your vision, the angel always there; a warm proud smile on her face when you were kind or shining tears drenching her cheeks as you lay sobbing in your mother-in-law’s house after losing your child. 
Then it was all gone. 
You were once again surrounded by white clouds, the giant golden gate looming in front of you. 
But this time, the being was no longer hidden from your view. 
The woman from the visions stood in front of you, a soft knowing smile on her pretty lips. 
If possible, she looked even more magnificent than in the memories. 
She was twice your height, dressed in that beautiful green gown, the armor shining brilliantly and the sword safe at her side. 
You gawked wordlessly at the huge wings behind her. 
You gulped, shocked into speechlessness. 
Her smile grew warmer at the look on your face. 
Finally, you found the words. 
“The invisible person,” you breathed, “That was you?”
Her head dipped slightly in confirmation. 
All the times you ever felt scared, felt unsafe in any way, all the nights you couldn’t sleep thinking of the ghost in the forest…all of it seemed so silly then. With the angelic warrior walking beside you during every step in life, nothing was ever going to hurt you.
You blinked owlishly. “You…how are you my angel?” Was all you could think to say.
Her laughter was like waves crashing against the golden shore. 
“There are many different angels. I am a guardian and I was tasked with keeping watch over you. Guardians have always been angels, from the beginning of time.”
“But…why me?”
“Everyone has a guardian angel,” she explained softly, “Most of them don’t know it until the end. When the Creator made me, He showed me some of your life. He asked me if I would love and protect you. I said yes. Until you were conceived, I simply waited.”
Your heart burst in your chest. 
The angel’s first choice…was to love you?
Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes. 
“Why don’t some people ever know of their angel until they die?” You whispered sadly. 
She leaned down, blonde locks tinted with green falling over her shoulders. 
“There are many forces at work in the world, ____. So very many of them with wicked intentions and a desire to wreak havoc and despair. They try their best to be the loudest. Sin is attractive, until you see its truest form.”
You gulped, “I didn’t know of you though, yet I still felt you there. Do others not?”
Your angel nodded sadly.
The look in her eyes was so vivid, it felt as though you were looking through each and every moment in history, every little thing she ever saw…Your heart ached deeply in your chest at her next words. 
“Because mankind is lost,” she whispered lowly, “And has very much forgotten how to listen.”
The exhaustion is heavy on your shoulders. 
Your eyelids feel like they’re being weighed down with hundred pound weights. But still you walk, dragging one foot after another, again and again. Steps eventually turn into miles. The scenery never changes. 
JK walks beside you, but neither of you speaks very much. Every once in a while, you’ll mention something about how long this stretch is and how hot it is, and he’ll mumble an agreement. 
It’s maddening that you can’t keep him in a certain state for long. He was opening up, he was softening even if just a little. The second the moment passes though, he clams right back up. 
It happened when he offered to let you go, it happened when you spoke by the fire, it happened when you asked him about the value of your soul to him. 
It has happened multiple times. 
And yet each time it passes, he is no sooner retreating into his shell and pretending like it never happened in the first place. 
The only thing keeping your spirits up at this point, is reminding yourself that if it wasn’t getting anywhere, he wouldn’t have softened even for a moment. 
None of this is futile. 
It is slow and it is painful. 
But it is not futile. 
Your stomach turns when you suddenly remember the voice. 
The one that came back when you saw JK’s true form, that mocked him and delighted in his agony. It said something. 
“This is my territory, little angel…you get out.”
He knows you’re here, and that you are not a mere mortal. 
A sickening pit forms in your stomach. You don’t know what will come of it. But one thing is for sure; you have even less time than you thought. 
“Back at the shed.”
You jump a little at the sound of his voice, but recover quickly and look at him as you continue to make your slow trek towards the oddly shaped mountain all alone in the middle of the wasteland. 
You watch him as he stares into the distance ahead, a small frown on his face. 
“You said it was my fault.”
“Huh?” Your voice is weak. 
You know exactly what he’s referring to, but you need time to think of an excuse. 
“When you were losing your shit,” he speaks calmly, not a hint of anything but curiosity in his tone, “You said that it was all my fault.”
“W-Well, yeah,” you try to scoff, but it still shows the anxiety consuming you, “I was delirious from exhaustion and not to mention the unbearable heat. I mean come on, out here is bad enough, but in that circle-”
“Stop lying.”
You gulp, glancing at him briefly as you try not to stop the rhythm of your walk. 
“I was exhausted and overheated,” you mumble quietly. 
Technically you were, so that isn’t really a lie. 
He sighs, “I suppose I brought this upon myself.”
“I should’ve known that sooner or later you would refuse to answer my questions as I have yours,” he shakes his head, an annoyed smile on his face. 
“I mean,” you laugh lightly, “It took me long enough to stop offering answers so freely.”
“Why did you? Before.”
“I don’t know,” you say softly, staring at a black cloud in the sky, “I think maybe I wanted to tell you, as unwise as it seemed at times.”
He doesn’t answer, but he does look at you closely as you walk. 
“Have you never felt that way?” You whisper, still not looking away from that little cloud up there in the bloodstained sky, “Have you never felt so burdened with secrets and struggles that you felt such an urge to just let it out? To let it out to whoever gave you that chance, even if you knew that they would hurt you in the end…”
He blinks slowly, “That sounds like a burdensome way to live.”
“Oh it is,” you say softly as you drag your eyes away from the cloud and over to him. 
“That’s why you offered things up so freely. Why you kept wanting to exchange information.”
“I suppose that’s one reason.” A sad laugh huffs from your lips. 
“What’re the other reasons?”
“There you go again,” you look at him with a playful glare, “Tempting me to say all my secrets, just for a second of fresh air to breathe because I won’t be the only one holding them.”
He shakes his head, “That’s not what I’m doing.”
“Oh? And what are you doing, demon?”
He feels a strange unpleasant thud in his chest when you call him that. You’d been calling him by his name for so long now he had gotten almost used to it. 
When he looks at you, he can see something different in your eyes. Something subtle but calculating. It’s a very careful look as you watch him, as if waiting to see what he’ll do, waiting to see the reaction you’ll get from him.
You know something that he doesn’t. 
A foreign chill runs down his spine, startling him. You are a lot smarter than he’s given you credit for. A split second passes where he’s full of an uncomfortable thought that perhaps he’s never had the upper hand. 
Perhaps everything has been on your terms. 
A pit forms in his stomach when you begin to look different. Your hair doesn’t appear quite as tangled, nor does it look dirty. It tumbles down your shoulders in soft waves. The dress and cardigan you wear are not torn or messy with mud and other unsavory things.
As he stares into your eyes, there’s a very subtle color change in them. As if someone was standing behind him and flashed a bright golden light into your eyes for only a second. 
Then it all fades away and he sees just you looking at him expectantly. 
Just messy little you.
You look the same as you always have, only just a little confused now at his long stretch of silence. You don’t seem aware at all that he was quite literally seeing you in a different light momentarily. 
“JK?” Your voice is soft, “Are you okay?”
“What?” He chokes out, voice thick with confusion and maybe just a little fear.
“You look like you just saw a ghost,” you giggle at the silly term down here and with a demon no less.
“Why did you call me that?”
“Huh?” You step closer, confused by his question. 
“Why did you call me demon?”
“Did I?” Your brows furrow and you cock your head to the side, “I don’t think I did, though.”
“You did,” his voice comes out harsher than he intended.
“Oh,” you watch him closely, bewildered at his behavior, “Well, I’m sorry if I did. I wouldn’t have thought you’d mind if I did anyway, though.”
“I-” JK clears his throat, “I don’t. It just confused me for a second.”
Awkward silence falls between you two, then you nod slowly and turn to keep walking. 
You’re not sure what just happened, but whatever it was, it rattled him quite a bit. 
It takes a moment before you hear him start walking behind you. 
“I shared because I thought you might share as well,” you call to him, “Nothing about you makes sense. You know that, right?”
“You’re the one that doesn’t make sense,” he scoffs, but jogs to catch up to you anyway. 
“Look at us,” you gesture your arms out weakly, “What a pair we make. Nothing about us makes sense!”
He chuckles as you smile.
“Speak for yourself,” he nudges you in the arm as you walk, which makes you smile harder. 
Maybe you can get that shell to crack again after all. 
It took less time than you thought it would to get to the lone mountain. You look at it in confusion, head tilted back to see as high up as you can. “That took forever…it looked further away,” you mumble. 
“When are you going to learn that nothing here is made to make sense?” JK looks up at it alongside you, “If it makes sense, you’re comfortable. You’re not supposed to be comfortable here.”
You turn to him, “Since you’re being somewhat honest right now, I’ve been curious about something for a long while.”
“Mm?” He doesn’t seem to be paying attention to you, his gaze directed towards the bent and twisted vines that cover the small mountain, all the way up to the top. 
You two are around a hundred feet away, but you can see the dead climbing plants clearly. Part of you wonders if those are also snakes, like the ones at the entrance to the fourth circle. 
The memory of that feels so old, like you had given your shoes up and had been walking on bare feet through Hell for years. It makes you feel strange, and unsettlingly confused. 
“When I first got here,” you speak a little louder, relieved when he turns to you, “There was something I noticed that you did.”
“And what was that?” He whispers, subtle mischief reflecting in his dark eyes. 
“Before we even got to the entrance, when we first spoke,” you keep your eyes on his face, watching for a hint of anything other than the bored expression now painting it, “You referred to it as the Underworld. Only after we passed through the gate-...”
There it is. 
You see a flicker of something in his gaze. Swallowing thickly, you quietly finish what you were saying. 
“Only after we passed through the gate did you call it Hell.”
You’re surprised to see a smirk spread on his face. 
“Here I thought you were too daft to catch on to that, and yet you knew the whole time. I’m surprised, little mortal.”
You look indignant at that, but he doesn’t stop. 
“Most humans don’t catch it consciously. Only in their subconscious do they realize how much more uncomfortable it feels to hear the word Hell.”
He whispers that last word as he leans closer, as if the term itself is dirty and he finds pleasure in seeing you squirm because of it. 
You gulp but hold your ground as he moves even closer. 
“I won’t tell you,” he whispers. 
You’re about to protest but he startles you by placing a cold finger to your lips, effectively shutting you up. 
“I won’t tell you,” he says again, staring into your eyes, “Because you’re a smart girl.”
Grinding your teeth, you force yourself not to pay any attention to the feeling in your lower stomach. 
“Aren’t you, Apple?” He asks innocently, the look in his eyes showing the true delight he feels making you twitch, “Tell me that you’re a smart girl.”
One of your brows raises and you purse your lips. 
He’s really pushing it, and he knows that. 
“I also have dignity,” you whisper back. 
If anything his smirk grows.He finds it amusing when you snap back at him. 
“You didn’t say Hell because you wanted to be sure I’d follow you,” you keep eye contact with him, “Make it sound less than it is until it’s too late, right? Underworld sounds far less intimidating, less of a chance for the turning back of a potential soul for you to steal.”
“I don’t steal anything,” he hisses, “I told you that.” 
The staredown lasts another ten seconds before he speaks again, voice a bit strained from trying to reign in his irritation at your accusation. 
“See? I knew you were smarter than you let on. Why bother asking all these silly little questions if you already know the answer to them?”
“I wanted you to confirm it.”
“And?” He seems to have gathered himself again, “Has it been confirmed enough for you?”
One of his black brows raises as he clenches his jaw. 
“Good. Now, can we move on, or would you like to stand here and spew more nonsense?”
You shake your head, eyes drifting back over to the gnarled mountain. 
“We can go.”
The demon turns on his heel and all but marches angrily towards your next destination. 
You sigh, then do your best to pick up your pace in order to keep up with him. 
“Does it annoy you that I talk a lot and ask questions that seem useless to you, or does it annoy you that I know more than those you typically deal with?”
“Both, little mortal,” he snaps, “Fucking both.”
You stumble to a stop and wince when he halts suddenly, looking up at the looming form of nature in front of you. 
A pit forms in your tummy when you see the vines ever so slightly writhe under your careful observation. 
Great. More snakes. 
A shaky sigh leaves your mouth, “Is this the ninth circle?”
“Oh…what is it?” 
“It doesn’t matter,” JK mumbles, then turns to walk away, “We need to go around it, not through it.”
“Wait!” You call out before he can get too far, relieved when he stops. He says nothing though, just stands there. 
“I-” You clear your throat, “I think we should go in.”
“Why?” He scoffs, turning to look at you with an irritated glare. 
“I don’t know,” your voice breaks, betraying you, “I’m…curious?”
“You’re curious?”
You nod.
He stares at you in disbelief. 
“Are you fucking serious?”
When you don’t say anything, he turns the rest of his body, hip tilted and arms crossing over his chest, biceps bulging slightly at the action. 
“You’re telling me that you want to waste more time by looking inside of a useless fucking mountain?” His glare narrows even more, “We’re almost to the ninth circle. It isn’t far from there that your stupid Flame is waiting. Why do you suddenly have time to tour every fucking corner of Hell?”
You glance back at the mountain helplessly; you have to get in there. It might be exactly what you need. 
“Aren’t we just wasting more time standing here arguing?” You ask breathlessly, anxiety clear in your shaking voice, “Just- show me what’s inside and we can keep going-”
“Fine,” he growls, stomping over and grabbing one of the vines. 
You audibly gasp as he grips it harshly, ignoring the loud hissing before he tears it from the handle of a wooden door. The demon tosses it carelessly to the ground, where it slowly slithers away. You hadn’t even seen the door there, you’re absolutely sure it was only rock just moments before. 
The hissing grows louder and you step back, watching in disgust as the vines wriggle and slither off of the door that becomes ever more visible the more they flee. Soon enough, the ancient mahogany door is clear of the snake vines. JK grabs the handle and yanks it open. Dust falls from around the doorway. 
You stare wordlessly into the dark tunnel it uncovered, a lump forming in your throat. 
“Why-” you gulp, “I-...H-has no one come in here for a while?”
The demon scoffs quietly in annoyance. 
“There are other entrances. I guess no one’s bothered to use this one for a couple hundred years.”
“Couple hundred years?” You echo quietly, staring into the void.
“Well,” he sighs and leans against the doorframe made of stone, “Ladies first.”
You glance at him to see a stupidly handsome smirk on his face. 
He’s far too aware of the fact that you don’t even break a small smile at his words, all you do is blink a few times before looking into the dark mountainside. 
Then you walk inside and are soon engulfed in blackness.
“Because mankind is lost,” she whispered lowly, “And has very much forgotten how to listen.”
A few tears fell down your cheeks and you brushed them away with the tips of your fingers. 
“Is there nothing to be done for them?”
“There is much.”
She smiled as she stood straight again and looked down at you tenderly. 
“What?” You whispered brokenly, “What can you angels do against such wickedness?” 
“We are stronger than any darkness, child. But we cannot force humans to choose, they have free will to do as they wish. So we can listen when they are broken, and we can bring them hope. There is a war going on, one that most mortals cannot see. Humans are much more important than they know, for they are constantly being fought over.”
You stared at her with wide shiny eyes.
“We will continue to fight for them, despite their blindness to our existence. Above all else, ____, hope is the most powerful weapon against evil. No human is born wicked, wickedness is made. As angels, dear child, we will fight for Him and his creations until the end. With the Father leading our armies, we will always be faithful, and we will always be strong.”
“And what about me?” You wiped your damp cheeks again, “Earlier, you asked if I would like to be an angel. Could I bring that to humans? Could I help them?” 
One of those proud smiles grew on her face. 
“...how did I live a life worthy of that choice?”
“Would you like to see?”
After a moment, you nodded slowly. 
Once again, there was a bright light around you, closing in until you could see nothing else. 
Then you were in a small room. You immediately recognized it as your childhood house. You were in the room where your mother prepared meals. 
It was as if you were a fly on the wall, watching the scene from your past unfold in front of you. 
Mother was there. 
A lump formed in your throat at the sight of her. She was saying something to six-year-old you, who was sitting on an old rickety stool close to the ground and peeling something carefully. 
You couldn’t see what it was, but you were unable to move from your spot in the corner to try and look. 
The tiny voice came from the child you. “What is it now, ____?”
Mother sounded irritated. You furrowed your brows as you watched. 
Why was she so upset? 
Tiny you smiled to yourself as you continued to peel what was in your hands, “There was a boy today that I saw.”
“Who? Jungkook?”
You giggled, “No. He was smaller than Jungkook…but he said he was nine!”
You got no reply. 
“Mother, he said he was eight, but how could he be so very small? How?”
“____,” she snapped, “I’m busy, can’t you hold it in until Yoongi comes? Talk his ear off instead of mine.”
You didn’t seem hurt by the comment, only nodded, “Ok.” Then you went back to your peeling.
Mother sighed loudly, “He was probably one of the kids from the village over. They always come crawling in here and start begging for scraps.”
“What? You think you’re hungry, child?” She sneered, “There are others out there hungrier than you. Be grateful for what you have, you hear me? That kid is probably so hungry he hasn’t grown. Probably isn’t much use at home.”
Standing in the corner, your eyes widened in shock as you placed a hand on your heart. 
How could she say something so horrible?
Little you immediately burst into tears, startling you. 
“Quiet down, ____! Why must you cry so much?”
“Oh Mo-mother!” You sniffled, “Can’t we share some of our food with him, please?”
“Absolutely not!” She hollered, “Why should we pay for his family’s incompetence??”
“But I don’t mind sharing,” you whispered tearfully, bottom lip protruding. 
“Any food going into that boy’s mouth from this house is off your plate,” she snarled, then told you to hush up as she finished her sewing. 
Everything faded away, then you were in a field. The small one behind the Kim’s barn. That boy was there, as little as you remembered. 
A bright smile graced his features as the six year-old you handed him a cloth with food in it. 
Even though it was plenty long ago, you remembered it clearly then. It was one of the many meals you had gathered from your plate and snuck to him. You swallowed thickly as you watched the tiny girl smile as the boy ate every last bit of food. You knew behind that smile, her tummy was growling awfully.
Before you could fully process it, there were suddenly images flashing in front of you, much like when you were watching your guardian angel during your lifetime. 
Images of you running through the forest and singing with the birds…ever so slightly moving your position so that the sun went into your eyes instead of your best friend’s…slipping another piece of bread from your plate and onto Mother’s when she wasn’t paying attention. 
She was talking about how hungry she was that day…
Rescuing bugs and lying on the floor of that sick boy’s room for hours and hours. 
Everything was going by too quickly. It felt like your entire life was playing in front of you, time passing slowly yet quickly at the same time.
All you could see were flashes of a girl hugging trees and speaking to her beloved clouds…offering to sit on a spot on the log after seeing it looked more rough than the other side before Jungkook could notice…struggling to hold the filled pail but saying nothing so that Yoongi wouldn’t need to carry it for you…quickly pulling weeds so your best friend wouldn’t have to do as many…
Such little acts, usually for Jungkook. 
He didn’t notice all those small things and you always made sure to be subtle so it would stay that way. You did it because you loved him, not because you wanted anything in return. 
The last thing you saw was you lying on the ground by the apple tree, looking at the sky through the leaves. 
That was your seventeenth birthday, the one Jungkook missed.
It was also the day you had forgiven your mother. 
The tear sliding down your cheek as you smiled at the white clouds shone brightly before the rest of the image lit up and disappeared. 
You gasped in a breath, unaware of the tears falling down your cheeks as your gaze focused back on the angel in front of you. 
“You know that you were not perfect,” she said gently, “But now you see the difference you made for others without knowing it. The love you always had for every single one of His creations.”
You wiped your eyes. 
“That kind of love for nature and humanity is rare to come by.”
You couldn’t help but drop your head into your hands and weep. You didn’t even know why you were crying, you were just feeling everything so intensely. 
“I know it must seem like a lot.”
The guardian angel’s voice was gentle and full of sympathy. 
“The decision is not meant to burden you. You need not say yes. You will be joyful no matter the choice.”
“I want to,” you sniffled, wiping your messy nose with the back of your hand, “If there’s anything I can do for those still on Earth, I want to. I want to help.”
The look in her eyes when you brought your gaze back to hers, was so full of love and something that you had never seen before. It was almost like…the look of a mother who was proud of you beyond words. 
That must be what it feels like. 
“Can I help him?” Fresh tears pooled in your eyes, “H-how long has it been since I passed? I don’t even know if he knows. Can I help him in any way? Please? Oh, please let me help him.”
The smile slowly slipped off the angel’s face. 
“What?” You caught your breath, “What’s happened?”
“It…It has been three days since you died, ____.”
“Three days?” You breathed in disbelief. 
“And…Jungkook,” you choke out, “Where is he? Does he know? Is he alright? He must b-”
The look on her face made your stomach drop. You gulped, trying your best to have the courage to ask. 
“Guardian angel…what’s happened?”
You keep your hands out in front of you as you walk along the hall inside the mountain. 
It doesn’t seem as though light has ever existed walking through here. It feels almost thick with the blackness, like you’re moving through syrup. You know he’s behind you, even though he hasn’t said a single word. His presence is unmistakable. It used to bring a wave of warm comfort over you, back when you were both young. Now, there’s a slight energy in the air when he’s around. The energy itself does not bring you comfort, but knowing he’s not far from you does. Just having him close is more than you’ve been able to have for so long. 
Finally, you see a tiny light in the distance. It looks like a ball of fire, way down at the end of the hall. The closer you get to it, the less it looks like a floating orb and more like a doorway. 
You freeze at the sound of his whispered warning, so soft you almost didn’t hear it. Not moving a single muscle, you wait with bated breath. It almost makes you jump out of your skin when you feel a cold hand on your waist, the chill seeping into your thin clothes and making you shiver. 
It doesn’t take much prompting for him to move you to the side gently, just enough so that he can squeeze past. A choked breath is stuck in your throat as you feel his body drag against yours. 
Then his touch is gone. 
You can see his silhouette in front of you, framed by the flaming orange doorway that’s only about fifty yards away. Your heart almost stops the next second when you see a few dark figures past the doorless arched entryway into whatever cavern is in the mountain, walking idly by as their voices carry down the hall.
“The Jia girl?” A high pitched snarling voice asks shortly. 
That voice was deeper, you don’t recognize either of them though, never heard them before.
“She relented quickly,” The higher voice cackled, “Didn’t take much.”
“If you’d gotten me sooner it would’ve taken even less.” 
The third voice that cuts in sends a chill down your spine. You know that one, but you only heard it once. The way he tenses next to you confirms it. 
What was his name…San? Sal?
Something with an S…
That was it, that was the name of the demon that you saw talking to JK. What is he doing here?
“Who cares if it’s already been done?” The first voice sneers, clearly irked.
It sounds like Sav and the whiny voiced demon are about to start arguing when the deep voice cuts in again. 
“Enough!” It growls loudly,, “Sav, have you found him? I thought I told you to figure it out.”
Silence follows, then Sav clears his throat. “The last I saw of him he was in the sixth circle.”
Him? Sixth- sixth circle?
A gasp gets stuck in your throat when it dawns on you. 
“Doing what?”
The menacing sound of the deep voice makes goosebumps go down your arms and legs. 
“How should I know? Probably just fucking around as he usually does.” 
A low chuckle floats down the hall. It’s so low you can feel it in your bones. You have a feeling it wasn’t a good idea for Sav to talk back like that. 
“Tell me Sav, if he’s always so busy fucking around, how does he manage to get almost three times as many souls as you each term?”
Your stomach twists violently. If you don’t get away you’re going to be extremely sick all over the floor. 
A freezing cold hand presses to your mouth as you get pushed into the wall gently, not to restrain you in any way, but to keep you from view. You hadn’t realized the whimper that left your lips after hearing the demon’s words. 
It’s silent outside the hall. It feels like an eternity passes before the low-pitched voice of the demon that seems to be higher in rank growls again, “You asked to be the one to deal punishment. If I don’t see it done by the beginning of next quarter, you will be strapped right next to him.”
The sound of heavy footfalls echoes around, then the loud slam of a door, which makes you jolt in his hold. More silence stretches on. 
Have the others left?
You glance up at JK, a question in your eyes. You can see the tense expression on his face as he stares towards the doorway, a hand still pressed to your mouth. He looks down at you, then slowly shakes his head. There’s just barely enough reddish light to see the way his jaw clenches and eyes squint in thought.
“I told you not to act so high and fuckin mighty- ah!”
A high-pitched yelp cuts off the whiny demon’s comment. 
“If you know what’s good for you, shut the fuck up,” Sav hisses, poison dripping from his tongue. 
Another chorus of footsteps bounces off the walls before the sound of two doors slamming echoes into the hall.
You watch him close his eyes slowly before he swallows and pulls the hand from your mouth. Tears form as much as you try to fight them. 
What were they saying? Why would he be in trouble? They said it themselves, he gets more souls than most of them. 
That reminder makes a wave of nausea wash over you and you put one of your own hands over your mouth to keep from being sick. 
He doesn’t say anything, just starts walking towards the glowing doorway, boots making a loud thunk with each step. It doesn’t seem like he’s worried. The way he walks emits an air of confidence. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have come in here…No. No no no. 
You need to see if this is what you’ve been thinking of, hoping for. 
No sound comes from your bare feet as you hurry down the hall after him, as quiet as a church mouse. 
When you step through the doorway, a small gasp slips from you despite your attempts to keep it in. 
It’s a large circular room. 
The distance from the wall in front of you is almost the length of a tennis court. You saw a few of those on Earth not long before coming here. The entire room looks to be the size of at least two of them but in a rounded form. 
The ceiling is so high you can’t see the top. The sheer vastness of the room is not what made you gasp though. It was the walls covered in glass windows; spanning the entirety of each wall. The windows do not lead to the outside, there is a blood red wall behind each of them. 
Inside, trapped between the wall and the glass, are thousands of darkened souls. 
You know if they were not here, they would be shining with a light that could not be extinguished. 
They would look like stars, only the size of your palm. 
These souls do not look like stars; they are black and shriveled as they hover in their designated place. 
Your shaking hands move over your mouth to keep in the horrified scream that wants so badly to come crawling out. The sound of your knees cracking on the cold marble floor echoes around the huge previously silent room.
JK turns from looking over the ones nearest to him to see you on the floor, torn hands shaking as they stay clamped over your mouth. Tears are streaming down your face as you look around the ever growing collection of tainted humanity. 
“Is this place…?” You finally whisper shakily, horror-struck.
“The Chamber of Souls,” JK responds quietly. Despite that, his voice echoes, feeling like it’s everywhere and closing in on you. 
The walls feel like they're moving inwards, hellbent on squishing you until you can’t breathe. 
Your head feels like it’s spinning as you close your eyes and pray fervently in your mind. 
It’s horrible, so horrible. It’s so sickening to look at. 
Your body is already weakening faster than you have time for. Angels were never meant to be in Hell. Seeing something like this, despite it being what you came for, is beyond what you thought you could handle. As an angel, it’s so much worse. 
To see the result of despair and anger and wickedness right in front of you…It is physically painful to be in the vicinity of these souls. 
JK walks over to you slowly, watching you closely as you shake on your knees, eyes diverted to the ground. 
“Why are you so upset?” He whispers coldly, eyes trained on your face when you look up at him. 
You drop your gaze back to the marble floor, “I wasn’t expecting it.”
He says nothing, and when you look up at him again, his eyes are slightly narrowed as he looks at you. You clear your throat and wipe at your eyes harshly. 
Pull it together, ____. 
Come on now, don’t blow it. 
Not when it’s so close.
“Sorry,” you let out a choked laugh, “I- think I’m just overwhelmed with everything right now.” 
All I need to do is find his. 
I am so so close.
“Are you ready to leave?” He asks, face not showing much emotion. 
“What? No!”
His brows furrow as you scramble to your feet and wipe at your eyes again. 
“Why? The ninth circle is-”
“I wanted to look around in here,” you manage to get out, then turn to walk away from him, ignoring his lingering stare. He’s way too silent for your comfort as you look at the souls grotesquely on display. 
How are you meant to know which one is his? Your mind is spinning in circles as you force yourself not to look at him. 
He hasn’t moved from where he was standing, but you can feel his stare on your back as you walk around the perimeter of the room.
“What’s in here?” You ask when you get to a spot where there is no glass on the wall, but a black wooden door with a rusted gold handle. 
“Exit.” He says bluntly. 
You make your feet keep walking until you reach another door that looks the same but with a dirtied silver handle. You look at him with a question in your eyes. 
“Ah,” you can feel your hands beginning to sweat as you scan the wall of souls over and over again, looking for any indication that one is different from another. 
You end up passing him and the hall that you came from as you go for another loop. 
Only this time, there’s a small alcove that you hadn’t noticed before that catches your eye. 
You stop and look into it. In the shadows is another black door that looks a bit more battered than the others. The handle is a deep crimson color. 
A pit settles in your stomach when you realize the scratches on the side of the door look like the result of long nails. As if someone was desperately clawing at the door in an attempt not to let it close. An icy phantom draft sends shivers down your back the longer you stare at the door.
“Step away from there.”
You jump at the sound of his voice, but scurry away from it anyway. 
“Why? What’s in there?” You ask breathlessly, fear making you shake as you stand close to his side. You want to forget the realization you had moments before he said that. 
The realization that the handle was not red, but bronze. That the bronze handle was covered in dark blood.
“It doesn’t matter. We’re leaving,” he says sharply, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the hall that you came from. 
“Wait!” You cry desperately, eyes frantically scanning the walls again, “Wait, I can’t leave yet!!”
“Stop it!!” You scream, fighting him as he drags you down the pitch black hall, never letting up until you’re outside in the blood light of Hell once again. 
“What the fuck is your problem?!” He lets go of you unexpectedly, which makes you trip and fall to your hands and knees before scrambling back up and lunging for the entrance again. 
But the demon grabs you before you can go back in. 
“Let me go! Let!! Go!!” You screech as you try to fight him off, kicking and hitting as hard as you can. 
But you don’t stand a chance as he yanks you away and pushes you just hard enough so that you stumble and need to catch your balance. When you turn back he’s standing between you and the doorway. 
“Stop it!” He roars before you get the chance to dodge around him. 
You freeze for a moment, then fall to your bottom on the muddy ground in front of him, sobs ripping from your throat, tears leaving wide streaks on your dirty cheeks.
You can’t stop crying, it just keeps coming; salty droplets pouring down your face as your body shakes with heavy gut-wrenching sobs. He watches you grab at your tangled hair and scream.
Everything is ruined, you don’t know what to do anymore. 
That was your one chance and you blew it. This whole thing was your only chance…and you blew it. 
“I’m so sorry,” you can barely get the words out as you cry helplessly, nose running even as you try to wipe it, only succeeding in smearing more dirt around on your face, “I’m so sorry!!”
“Why are you sorry?” He snaps, not having a single clue as to what the hell is happening to you right now.
“I failed,” you whimper tearfully as more tears spill out, “I wasn’t strong enough, or smart enough.”
____, do not give up.
Please, listen to me-
“It’s too late!” You scream as you slap the ground before bursting into another round of uncontrollable sobbing, “Don’t you get it?! I lost! I failed!”
You only begin to settle when you see that he’s come closer and is looking down at you without anger, without anything but confusion on his pretty face. 
“Hey.” He calls to get your attention, sending the most painful pang into your heart as you look up at him, bottom lip trembling. 
Not even on your deathbed did you look such a mess.
“You can finish this,” he says, “The ninth circle is right there. You can make it to the Flame.”
A few straggling tears fall down your cheeks. 
“I never wanted the Flame,” you hear yourself saying miserably.
His head cocks to the side as his brows furrow. 
“What do you mean you never wanted the Flame? The Flame is why you came here, it’s why you’ve suffered through each and every-”
“It’s not.”
The pure confusion on his face makes a thought pop into your head. 
Confusion is the first step…
You hadn’t wanted to do it yet, it wouldn’t have worked before. Maybe it isn’t too late. Maybe if you do it now…it might work.
____, listen to me.
You struggle to your feet, wide eyes looking into his. 
His dark eyes flicker around your messy face stained with tears, the shining glimmer of hope in yours a huge contrast from the sobbing you had been doing only moments before. 
Then you’re stepping closer and he isn’t stepping away. 
He doesn’t even flinch when you take his face in your hands and raise yourself up on your tiptoes. 
He doesn’t protest, he doesn’t fight you at all when you pull him into a kiss. 
The second your lips touch, it’s like that last band snaps inside him and he can’t stop. 
He doesn’t want to stop.
A sigh leaves your mouth when you pull away. Only a second later, he pulls you back in, connecting your mouths again in a desperate kiss, his cold hands holding the nape of your neck. 
He tilts his head to the side to deepen the kiss and you gasp when you feel something wet prodding at the seam of your lips. The moment your mouth opens in that gasp, his tongue meets yours in a heated tangle. 
Your wet lips slide against his as a groan slips from him. 
“Fuck,” he moans icily into your mouth. 
You can feel his hands running down your sides with frenzied desire. 
Focus, I need to focus. 
Your eyes scrunch shut as you try to keep yourself in check. 
JK’s brows furrow as his mind begins to blur, a strange heat building up inside of him as he continues to kiss you. 
Green leaves and a bright sun flash in his mind, startling him enough to pull away. 
“Don’t stop,” you gasp, pulling him into you again. 
He shakes off the strange images and dives right back into your lips, an insatiable hunger burning in his lower stomach as his hands travel to your waist and grasp it roughly. 
Only moments later, he sees a roaring river and hears the sound of laughter. 
You feel him pull away again. 
“Just focus, it’s okay,” you whisper, hands cupping his cheeks as you press another kiss to his lips, “Just close your eyes and breathe.”
He wants to stop and ask you what’s going on, but he doesn’t waste a second before pressing his lips back to yours. One of your smaller hands cups his cheek, then you start running the tips of your fingers down his neck and shoulder before holding onto his bicep where that horrible tattoo lies. He feels you grip the sleeve of his shirt harshly, as if you’re dying to just tear it to shreds. 
A vase of dead roses flickers into his blurry mind, then the image of someone lying on a bed, hair splayed out around her.
His brows furrow more, but he doesn’t stop kissing you as the pictures he can’t make sense of fade away. He doesn’t stop his hands from sliding behind your waist and traveling up your back slowly.  
Trees crowd in all around his vision. 
There’s someone running in front of him. 
A small girl. 
She turns around briefly, a huge smile lighting up her face as she laughs. 
“You’re cheating!” 
She only laughs louder and continues to run until she’s disappeared into the bushes ahead. 
The demon’s eyes fly open and he pulls away. 
You gulp in a breath as you look up at him. 
Then your heart freezes in your chest when you realize what’s happened; the look on his face as he takes a step back from you turns your stomach to rot. 
“Wait,” your voice is weak as you reach a hand out to him. 
You can’t see anything but bewildered anger in his eyes. You were so focused you hadn’t known that he was touching your back. That he-
“Shut up.”
You snap your mouth shut. 
“Turn around,” he breathes, just barely keeping it contained. 
“I can expl-” “I said turn the fuck around!!” 
You flinch but make no move to do as he says. 
You can see the last bit of patience snap in his eyes as he grabs your arm and yanks you to him so that he can rip the cardigan off of you. It tears easily, falling to the ground as you put a shaking hand over your mouth and shrink away from him. 
The white wings on your back droop in defeat, the tips just barely brushing against the ground. 
The furious hatred on his face is clear. 
You’ve never seen him like this, not ever. 
“You’re a fucking angel?” His voice trembles with rage. 
He steps closer, making you flinch again, “Say that name again and I’ll rip your fucking head off.”
You gulp but don’t say a word. 
“So this was your little game the whole time, huh?” He hisses, stepping closer, “See if the precious angel could defeat a demon in Hell..and here I thought you were smart.”
“That wasn’t it,” you mumble, a few tears sliding down your cheeks. 
“What the hell were you thinking, little angel?” He glares at you in disgust, “That I would fall for you? Love you?” A sadistic chuckle leaves his lips as you close your eyes. 
You jump without opening your eyes when a harsh grip snags your upper arm and he pulls you to him. 
“You really thought I could care about you.” He muses with a dark chuckle, “You, a disgusting pathetic little puppet. I knew there was something off about you this whole time. Did He not give you enough love up there? Had to come to Hell to beg for it?”
You refuse to look at him, you just stand there, trembling and keeping your eyes screwed shut. 
“Open your eyes and look at me.”
Reluctantly, you do as he says. His dark ones are full of so much rage and hatred it makes you sick as he searches your watery gaze. 
Then you feel a cold hand close around your throat. 
“I would kill you right now,” he whispers in your ear coldly. You close your eyes when you feel him start to squeeze harder and harder until you can’t breathe, “If I thought you were worth any more of my time.”
A pained gasp escapes you when he shoves you to the ground. 
You hit the dirt harshly, arms buckling as they try to catch you, wings muddied and sore. Your watery eyes raise to him again, desperate and terrified. 
“Please don’t leave me,” you whisper helplessly, voice hoarse from his actions. You know what would come of an angel lost in this place.
He knows it too.
The demon looks down at you, the lowest angel in existence, with a loathing unmatched before spitting venomously, “Find your own way out of Hell.”
Your vision blurs with tears as he turns and walks off without a single hesitation, his tall dark figure getting smaller and smaller until you are completely and utterly alone. 
You sit there in stunned silence for a few minutes, just staring at the spot on the ground where he once stood. There is nothing in your mind, yet there is everything all at once. Everything is spinning wildly, nothing making sense. 
Then finally, a sliver of a cohesive thought passes through and you stumble to your feet, tripping over yourself in your haste to get back to the door. 
The snake vines have begun to return, attempting to hide it once more. 
You smack and tear at them viciously, tears pouring down your cheeks silently as you uncover the handle and yank open the door. 
The sound of your bare feet hitting the rocky ground softly as you run echoes off the walls in the darkness. Before long, you can see the archway ahead.
Despite the pain and fear filling you, you push yourself harder until you’re stumbling into the Chamber of Souls and falling to the marble floor. 
You stagger to your feet and hurry to the wall nearest you, eyes scanning the souls frantically as you limp quickly around the perimeter. 
They all look the same. 
They all look the exact same. 
You start to hyperventilate as you go, dirty fingers running along the glass and leaving smudges behind. 
Come on, Apple. 
You can do this. 
You gulp and force your exhausted legs to keep moving. 
He would not give up on you, no matter what.
Suck it up and keep moving.
Your eyes dart this way and that, mind screaming in a horrible panic when you realize you have no idea what to do. Then a thought occurs to you. 
Maybe you won’t be able to tell the difference by looking at them. But maybe you can in a different way. 
Your feet take off running back down the hall where you came from, until you are outside once again and looking for the first heavy thing you see. 
There’s a decent sized stone not far from the door. You grab it and run back inside, lungs burning as you don’t let yourself stop to take a breath. 
You can do this, Apple, you can do this. 
By the time you make it back into the room, you can barely breathe as you lug the rock over to a section of the glass. Closing your eyes, you mutter a quick prayer before opening them again and hurling the stone right at the fragile substance and watching it shatter. 
You put your arms over your face in an attempt to protect it from the worst of the flying pieces of sharp debris. Only your face, chest, and arms were cut by the shards, but not too badly. 
Your chest rises and falls in heavy breaths as you stare at the gaping hole in the windows in front of you, the blackened souls floating there, undisturbed. 
Just as you’re reaching a tentative hand in to grab one, to hold it and see if you can know who it once belonged to, there is a clapping sound from behind you. 
You whirl around to see a demon there, leaning against the archway you came into. 
His skin is pale, eyes dark blue and shaggy hair a dirty blonde that goes to the top of his prominent cheekbones.
The demon wears a fitting black shirt that’s tucked into the waist of his skinny black jeans.
There’s a smug smile on his unsettlingly handsome face as he claps his hands slowly, again, and again, and again. 
You say nothing, eyes drawn to the tattoo on his bicep; the dead monarch butterfly being strangled by a serpent. 
“Well, if it isn’t the little stowaway angel herself.”
You continue to stay mute, watching cautiously as he pushes himself off the rocky wall and starts to slowly walk to you from across the room. 
“I thought angels were supposed to be…I don’t know, pretty? Perfect little princesses of Heaven?” A dark chuckle leaves his throat at your silence.
Sav stops ten feet away from you. 
“You’re not any of those things, are you?”
When he takes another step towards you, you finally move, inching backwards along the edge of the room with each step he takes. The smirk on his face only grows as he observes your messy hair, bruised skin and dirty wings that droop behind you, currently at rest. 
“This is what JK risked everything for? Seriously?”
“How did you know I was here?” You ask sharply, eyes narrowing, “How did you know what I was and he didn’t?”
Sav scoffs. 
“Because he’s a fool-”
“Really? And why did it take you so long to find me then, if you’re so smart?”
His blue eyes narrow as he continues his slow but steady advance. 
“I wasn’t looking for you, little angel. I was looking for him.”
“That makes you look even stupider.”
You see his jaw clench. 
“I was busy,” he says, strangely calm, “I knew he was up to something, but honestly? I didn’t think even he would be so brainless as to lead an angel through Hell.”
“How did you know?”
“I didn’t. Not until now, at least,” he chuckles, “Your wings kind of tipped it off a bit, I suppose.”
You gulp, trying to figure out which way is your best bet on getting out. 
“Don’t even think about trying to escape, it’ll just be a tire for us both.”
You say nothing. 
“Where is he, anyway?” Sav’s creepy smile returns, “Your little demon lover.”
When you don’t say a word, he throws his head back and cackles. 
“He left you.”
Your hands are sweating as you clench them into fists, your eyes darting around to see which door you can get to quickest. It looks like the one with the silver handle might be your best choice. Sav is standing over by the bronze door in the alcove, the gold handled door is between you. The archway is straight across the room and you know where that leads, but he would catch you before you could make it out. 
Silver it is. 
“You do know what happens to naughty angels when they get caught in Hell, don’t you?”
All you do is stare at him, mentally timing yourself on when to run. 
“JK knew…and yet he left you.”
Your heart feels like it’s been impaled by a hundred swords. 
“It’s almost like he wants you to suffer.”
You continue to slowly inch your way around the perimeter as he keeps walking closer. 
You can make it to that door. 
“I wish he were here,” Sav pouts, “I’d pay to see the look on his face when I torture his little angel until she’s begging for me to have mercy. Telling me she will do anything to make it stop..”
You gulp, forcing yourself not to look at the door you are about to make a run through. 
It’s only a few feet away now. 
Sav is just about to make another snide comment about your appearance when you turn and bolt for the black wooden door with the silver handle. You can hear him screaming something angrily, but you don’t stop to find out what it is. You’re out the door faster than lightning and running at full speed down the pitch black hall. 
It’s unclear whether he’s followed you in with the sound of your panicked breathing echoing in your ears. Your body is so exhausted it feels like it’s going to collapse. You can’t let it. 
You almost made it out. 
The exit was only a few feet in front of you, when an arm riddled with muscles wrapped around your waist and pulled you back. 
The bloodcurdling scream that left you could’ve been heard miles away. 
It was a scream only those that knew the horrors that awaited them would understand.
It wasn’t Sav that grabbed you, it was a demon much larger than he. A demon that cackled maniacally as he dragged you back through the tunnel and into the Chamber of Souls, where Sav was waiting, a delighted smirk on his face as he stood there and watched you cry and fight as hard as you could, fear clear in your eyes. 
He knew. 
He knew you would never have made it out, no matter which door you chose. 
The demon holding you tightly against it- so hard it pinches your wings painfully- has red scales and a horrible long snout full of sharp teeth. It has bony ribs, but muscled arms and thighs as it stands on two mangled legs.
You grit your teeth, gathering yourself. Then you bite the demon’s slimy arm covered in scales, drawing a pained howl from him as he drops you to the floor, knocking the air out of your lungs. 
After a second, you scramble to your feet, blood dripping from your mouth. You aren’t sure if the blood is your own or the demon’s as it hisses curses at you. Sav just watches you closely as you heave in several breaths. 
“You could defeat us right now,” he says casually, “If He allows it. All you would need to do, little angel, is ask Him. Ask Him or one of His little minions to assist you. Call to His strongest minion of all, go ahead.”
You gulp and wipe at the bloody streaks on your chin, glaring at him. 
He’s right, you could get out of this. 
You can make them suffer.
“If ever you need me, little one, just say my name and I will come.”
“If you hurt us even a little bit though,” Sav looks at his nails, inspecting them as he sighs, “We will torture him greater than even the dealt punishment for not delivering enough souls to Hell.”
You close your eyes.
There was never even an inkling of a plan to leave Jungkook here, even after he left you. All you needed was to get out of this predicament. 
But you will not risk him enduring more agony because of you.
Sav tuts when you lower your head, staring at the floor. 
“Why so eager to help him when he couldn’t care less about you?”
You don’t say anything. 
Even as the demon that grabbed you in the hall harshly digs his clawed fingers into your arm, breaking the flesh and drawing blood, your arms wrest behind you, you still say nothing. 
“Thank you little angel,” a devilish smirk spreads on Sav’s pink lips, “For finally giving me something to hold over JK’s pretentious little head. You, I must say, are the most satisfying weakness of his that I could have ever hoped for.”
“I’m not his weakness,” you mumble, knees beginning to shake as the grip on your arms tightens, “You said it yourself, he left me.”
Sav scrutinizes you for a second longer, then he turns on his heel, the demon holding you following behind him as he heads for the alcove. 
Out of nowhere, another demon emerges as you walk. It’s a tall thin man with too big eyes and a smile that stretches across half his face. You swallow thickly when he grabs your left arm so that you’re being dragged between them, feet barely touching the ground. 
When you see Sav opening the door in the alcove, the one JK told you to stay away from, a terror you’ve never experienced takes root. 
Sav smiles sadistically at you. 
“You made a deal with a devil, darling. Now, you’re going to pay the price.”
Every fiber of your being is telling you to scream, to scream and scream and scream. To beg for someone to come save you.
Your body shakes uncontrollably as you’re dragged closer and closer to the door leading into stairs that fall into blackness. Tortured screams echo from below as you stare at the scratch marks on the door. 
If you weren’t restrained, you’re sure your own nails would be digging into that same wood. An act so desperate it would tear that wood to splinters in an attempt not to let the door close. 
Any mortal would have blacked out from pure gut-wrenching fear at the knowledge of what awaited them down those steps. 
You are too horrifyingly aware as you continue to tremble violently, arms sore as the demons clutch you tightly, pulling you closer and closer to the staircase. 
You are too terrified to scream. 
The demon standing in front of you raises a brow and tilts his head at your silence, "You really are loyal, aren't you? Well, pretty thing-"
Sav leans in, mockery dripping from his tongue as he whispers, "Semper fidelis, semper fortis, little angel." He tilts his head back and laughs, then he walks into the door first, the demons holding you following closely behind. 
“Don’t bother begging for mercy, doll,” he calls over his shoulder, “It doesn’t exist here.”
The last thing you see is Sav walking down the steps before the sound of the door behind you slamming shut reaches your ears. 
Then there’s nothing but darkness. 
a/n: tysm for reading, thoughts are always welcome, ily <3
taglist 1; @butterymin @kookxin @telepathytae @kooliv @highoffbaddecisions @meanum @smitssharon02 @kmpac @ggukkieland @jjanjankook @sugaslittlekookies @hobispriteu1306 @kimchibrat @slowlydeliciousjiminie @screamertannie @i-dont-give-a-fok @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @ohyeahjk @babycandy111 @era-genius @xmochiloverx @sopikooo @jamlessstars @bangtannie7 @nuttykittypainter @geniejunn @ane102 @charlesswife @ashbxnny @veronawrites @jjkw-7 @jinsundor @h-g-bts @justvibingsblog @hyunyeon @hellbornsworld @hiii-priestess @nuttypizzacat @vidaficrecs @royallyjjk @thvslvt @hoseoksluv89 @moonchilddna @idkjustlovingbts @aurorathi
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cocotaetae13 · 1 year
A Deal's A Deal: Jungkook (M)
Warnings: Demon behavior. Smut. Baseless allegations to further the plot. unprotected sex, prone position, girl on top, questionable consent practices
Word Count: A little over 5k
Summary: Jungkook is the final boss.
A/N: We're here! We made it! We did it! Thank you all for the likes, comments, reblogs, and messages. I was originally planning on releasing this and something else I've been working on at the same time but then I thought nah. Thanks again for taking the time to read my story <3
A skinny teenage boy with a baby face sits alone crying his eyes out, hiding behind a building.  Big, fat tears roll down his cheeks as he struggles to keep it together. He’d just heard the worst thing in his entire life and he wasn’t sure he was going to be able to do anything about it.  His good friend Hoseok wanted to leave their group and despite all of the begging and convincing Jungkook had done, it didn’t look like Hoseok was going to change his mind.
“I’ll do anything, whatever you want, just stay!” He sobs. The despair of this young boy is like music to your ears. “Please!”
“My, my, my what could cause a young one such as you so much sorrow?” Carefully you show yourself.
“Who are you?” Jungkook backs away slowly.
“Someone who can help you.” You answer smoothly. “Think of me as a genie.”
“You don’t look like a genie, you look like…a foreigner.” He seems confused.
“You’re very bright,” You smile. “I’m not from here.” 
“Where are you from?” His big watery eyes look over you curiously.
“Somewhere far away.” You giggle. You’ve hidden your true appearance so you don’t scare him off. The opportunity is too good to pass up. It wouldn’t be hard at all to get a deal from this scrawny kid. Surely he’ll wish for something short-lived and you’ll quickly be able to get his soul and move on. 
“You’re a genie?”
“I’m very much like a genie. It sounds like you have a wish you need granted. I’d love to do that for you.” You move closer and sit next to him on the stairs, smiling into his face sweetly. 
“I don’t know…” He bites his lip skeptically. “How can I believe you?”
“Would you like to see some of my magic?”
He nods and wipes his eyes clean with a sniffle. You lift a hand, palm up and conjure a small ball of fire hovering above it. 
“Ok, give me your hand.”
“My what?!”
“Give me your hand. I’m going to give you the fireball. Don’t worry it won’t burn you.”
“O-Ok.” He holds his hand out and you gently slide the fireball from your hand to his, ignoring the temptation to allow it to drop into his palm and severely burn him. You do actually want his soul after all. He stares at it in wonder, the ball of fire slowly burning itself out just above his palm and reflecting in his glassy eyes.
“You really do have magic!” he gasps. “Can you really grant my wish?” 
“Of course.” You laugh softly. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”
Jungkook’s gaze leaves your face and drops to the ground, his lips pulling down into a frown as his current situation comes crashing back down on him again. “I’m a trainee in a group. We’re working really, really hard to debut as an idol group but one of our members wants to leave. He won’t say why and he’s really adamant about it. I tried talking to him multiple times to convince him to stay but it doesn’t sound like he’s interested at all. If he leaves I know we won’t debut and we’ll all separate. I don’t want that to happen to us.”
“I see…that does sound really hard. I'm sorry you’re going through this.” You tut. “I can definitely help you though. But you’ll have to help me too.”
“You need my help?” he blinks in confusion. “You’re a genie, how can I help you? Do you need me to wish for your freedom from the lamp or something?”
“No, nothing like that!” You laugh. “We’ll make a deal. I’ll make sure your group stays together and becomes successful at any cost, if at the end of your life you allow your soul to stay with me.”
Jungkook sits and stares for a long moment without saying anything. “My soul? You want our souls to be…together when I die? What does that mean?”
“It’s a lonely life being a genie.” You pout. “Nobody really cares about you other than what they can get from you. Then after they’ve made their wish they throw you away. I don’t have any friends…I think you and I would have a great time together for eternity.”
“You don’t know my name, how can you say that?” 
You pause. Little shit. “Well, Jungkook, it’s ok if you don’t want to make a deal with me. I just thought I’d let you know the terms. I showed you my magic so you would have faith in me and my powers. I came to you because you needed help and I can help you. You just have to trust me.”
“I…want to trust you, but I never told you my name.” 
You sigh. “You don’t remember? When I called you a young one you corrected me and said, ‘My name is Jungkook!’ very sternly. I thought you were going to scold me at first.”
Jungkook looks confused. “Oh…ok.” 
“Tell you what, I’ll even stick by and make sure I fulfill your wish. You can hold me accountable! If for any reason your group doesn’t make it or splits up then our deal is off.”
Jungkook goes quiet for a moment as if considering your words. The look on his face shows you he’s seriously considering what you’re saying. You start to wonder if there’s something you could add to sweeten the deal or if you should say more to try and convince him this is a good idea. Instead you stay quiet and let him think.
“I really, really want this.” Jungkook says finally. “You have a deal.” 
“Wonderful!” You clap. “Now usually, we’d seal the deal with a kiss but I don’t want you to fall for me so let’s settle for a kiss on the cheek.” 
“I-w-what?” He sputters, blushing furiously. Before he can change his mind you lean over and kiss him on the cheek, nearly sending him into orbit. He touches his cheek gingerly and can’t stop the blush from spreading up to his hairline and down his neck. 
Once the deal is sealed you give him a moment to get himself together, closing your eyes with a sigh at the feeling of the connection between you and Jungkook starting. Your body tingles with the taste of his sadness as you take a little bit of a snack from him. He seems lost in space when you stand up and face him while putting your hands on your hips. 
“Ok. As promised, your friend no longer wants to leave the group.” You smirk.
“That’s it?” He blinks, snapping out of his reverie. “That fast?” 
“Don’t doubt my powers!” You snicker. “Hoseok isn’t going anywhere, and I’ll be by your side until the very end of your life to ensure your success.” 
“Thank you, you’re the best genie I’ve ever heard of!” Jungkook is on his feet in an instant and hauling ass up the stairs to go back into the building he’d originally fled from. 
When you’re sure he’s gone your visage of a beautiful older woman melts away into your demon form just before you disappear to follow him inside the building. 
“Good morning Jungkookie.” You say sweetly. 
Jungkook looks up at you in horror, not sure if this is a really bad dream or if he’s really awakened to you sitting on his lap. Your dangerous-looking horns are out and on display and you really don’t look all that happy to see him. He then tries not to show any fear on his face while his mind races to catch up to the present. You were supposed to be with Namjoon right now, not with him. He flinches when you lean over and gently stroke his cheek with the back of your hand.
“It’s ok Jungkookie, it’s just us now. Just like the very beginning.” You grin. 
“Back when you lied to me about being a genie?” He snaps.
“To be fair I never told you I was a genie, I said I was similar to a genie. I know it was a long time ago so your memory isn’t as good as it should be. Maybe lay off all the highballs for a little bit.” You snicker.
“What do you want?”
“Your soul. And for some reason, your dick, but I’m going to ignore that for now in favor of maybe some answers.” You mutter. It was true, you could feel him under his sweats and you were increasingly becoming aware of the urge to rock your hips against him to see what he would do. There’s a growing need to have him in your mouth at the back of your mind as well, very intrusive thoughts you were going to push down. 
“Namjoon-hyung didn’t give you all the answers you wanted yet?” He smirks. 
Little shit. You narrow your eyes. “Your phone broke when he tried to call you to warn you I was coming.” 
You let him up when he shoots up to grab it off the coffee table but finds it on the floor in pieces. Kicking back with your feet up you feel a little better at the distraught look on his face while he picks the pieces up. You should have ground it to dust instead. Next time. 
“We’ve been together for a very long time, haven’t we?” You roll onto your stomach and cross your ankles, watching him move about his apartment to clean up the mess. 
“Too long. Getting rid of you would be really nice.” 
“You’re so mean to me lately!” You fake cry. “First you trap me with this stupid spell, now you’re telling me our time together hasn’t been pleasant?”
“It’s been hell actually Watching you torture my brothers all of this time. That’s the part I didn’t agree to.”
“There are casualties in war, Jungkook.” You say simply.
“That doesn’t even make sense!” He looks down at the crumbled pieces of his phone in his hands with a pout. “The torture wasn’t what I wished for.”
“Maybe if you’d been a little more careful and didn’t trust a demon in the first place we wouldn’t be here.”  You don’t feel like arguing this point with him again but you will for the sake of poking fun and irritating him. There is this nagging sensation at the back of your mind that something is missing. You’re starting to crave something you can’t put your finger on and the need for it is growing every minute.
You don’t hear his response because you’re so distracted by your own thoughts. He must be going on about the things you’ve done to him over the years but what did he honestly expect from a demon? Peace? He couldn’t blame you for everything that happened to him though. Surely he could take some responsibility for wanting to become a singer and being warned about the dangers, frustrations, and disappointments that can come with the career. But none of that matters now, your mind is giving in to the intrusive thoughts and you can’t help giving in to their strong influence.
The couch smells like him. That makes sense since it’s in his apartment which also smells like him, and he was just on it. With that thought in mind it’s almost as though you black out because when you come to again and become aware, you’re rubbing yourself like a cat in heat against the fading warmth his body left behind. You go to push yourself up and away from the cushion and are met with someone’s solid body instead. Not just someone’s.
“Don’t stop on my account.” You can hear the amusement in his voice and you bristle. You want to retort something but he wraps his arm around your middle, long fingers sliding under your dress and resting over your lower belly. “It’s kinda hot y’know.”
Now’s my chance. Jungkook thinks to himself. 
That was something you didn’t need to hear. It makes your blood rush and starts a warmth in your gut that spreads through your whole body. It causes your mind to race with thoughts of being fucked right here on this couch by Jungkook until you’re sticky and dripping and can’t move anymore. You want it. You want it really badly. 
You spread your legs for him so you can show him your intent even though his fingers don’t move any lower. Those tattooed fingers should be buried inside you, his other set of fingers should be twisting your nipple or even better in your mouth while he tells you the filthiest of his fantasies. Shivering and too caught up in your own thoughts, you don’t notice the pattern Jungkook is drawing into your skin.
“Just fuck me already.” You demand, unable to keep yourself upright at this point you want him inside you so badly. 
Jungkook enters you roughly after shoving you face down on the couch, bracing himself on his hands with a loud groan. Your nerve endings tingle and the feeling of him filling you so deliciously has your muscles relaxing immediately.  This is what you’ve been itching to get since the moment you got here. From the second you felt him through his sweats you knew you were either going to have him messing up your throat or your guts.
“You’re still soaking wet,” He murmurs, his pace languid and deep. “Was Namjoon-hyung not enough for you?”
“He only fucked my throat.” You hiss, nails digging into the cushion below you. You’ve watched Jungkook fuck many times, ready to jump in at any moment and ruin it for him, knowing this was his signature move. You’d even made him cry from embarrassment early on because he thought his dick didn’t work properly. But now he was rolling his hips like the seasoned dancer he is and it has your toes curling and your voice coming out in cries you were normally too proud to share.  That has your thoughts wandering to suspicion due to the unfamiliar but Jungkook grunts and shifts his stance, hitting your spot deliciously and you’re thrown back into the present. 
“Jungkook,” You moan finally, completely forgetting yourself. He sits back on his heels and reaches into your hair, wrapping his hand into your locks to pull your head back. “Fuck!”
The sounds you’re making now would normally make you feel enraged at your show of weakness. Allowing a human to know you’re feeling this much pleasure from them is absurd. In fact, that thought starts to make anger bubble at the back of your mind and the haze over your vision starts to clear, making you clamp your mouth shut and reduce your sounds to muted whimpers. 
You shudder when you feel the cool metal of his lip ring at your ear. “I’m going to cum inside you, then I’m going to abuse that witty throat until I cum again.” He pants. You squeeze your thighs together, trapping him between your thighs to give him more friction as he moves, then bear down with a shaky sigh. “Oh, you really like the idea of that?”
“Yes,” You moan. “You feel so fucking good Jungkook.” 
“I know,” he says cockily. “Your whole body is showing me.”
There isn’t a chance for you to think of something sarcastic to retort, he spreads her ass so he can watch your filthy cunt swallow him whole, then clench around him as if to prevent him from pulling away. He almost loses himself in the sensation, head falling back with a loud groan and ready to just make your vile body want nothing more than him, but his pride as a man has him holding off from cumming right now. 
Impatient, you push back against his rhythm so he sinks in you deeper and you actually drool a little. All you can think about is Jungkook’s cock messing up your insides. This isn’t enough. This position isn’t giving you every bit of him. It is when this thought hits you feel actual tears stinging your eyes because you aren’t sure how to get more of him inside you. He isn’t even trying to go balls deep and it’s frustrating, you want it. You want more. He slips out and you actually cry out at the insult of the situation.  You have to take control.
“On your back!” You say quickly, sitting up before he can shove himself back in you. He blinks at you, glistening cock in hand for only a brief moment before he follows your instructions, even being so kind as to hold himself up for you to slide down on. You heave a sigh of relief when you’re fully seated and rock your hips experimentally. As expected Jungkook is quick to put his hands on your waist, plant his heels into the couch for stability, and pummel you from below. 
This is what you needed. The feeling has you lost in him immediately. You have to hold on to his muscular upper arms to keep yourself upright because you want to curl in on yourself and let go. But you have to keep some semblance of control over this human, your human whose soul you’ve been promised, who is also fucking the daylights out of you right now. You let out a noise of protest when he slaps your hands away and pins your arms to your sides without stopping his brutal pace, forcing you to bite your tongue until it bleeds so you don’t give him the satisfaction of hearing the sounds of your pleasure.
As soon as you start to feel the telltale signs of an orgasm approaching there’s a burning sensation at your lower belly. It’s significant enough to give you pause and you open your eyes in an attempt to see what the hell is causing that feeling. Instead you’re met with the sight of Jungkook’s handsome face, eyes clenched shut and eyebrows furrowed in concentration but mouth parted with his harsh breaths. You lose yourself again and whimper when his eyes open and he gives you his sweet smile before it turns cocky as if he knows the turmoil you’re experiencing. 
“Jungkook,” You whimper, suddenly overcome with an emotion you can’t describe. Something you can’t put into words but feels like it’s about to burst out of your body without your control. The burning sensation spreads like vines through your veins, an orgasm you’ve been attempting to keep at bay building with it, finally releasing like an explosion through your entire body. Jungkook reaches up and pulls you down on top of him, fingers clenching your hips while you flood his cock as you’re clenching involuntarily. 
“Ah fuck!” Jungkook cries, grinding himself up into you as deeply as he can, setting off a chain reaction as soon as he fills you up, causing you to rip yourself from his grasp and sit up before you can stop him from cumming. 
You lift yourself off of him and watch his cock wetly slap against his thigh, still trembling from your own orgasm. Jungkook blinks up at you lazily and as soon as you meet his gaze all you can think about is going again. Maybe at the window next. You wet your lower lip and open your mouth to speak when pain shoots up your spine and makes your back jerk straight, head to the sky. You feel your eyes bleed black and your teeth grow sharp without your control as the pain flows from your spine to the middle of your chest. Jungkook realizes as you writhe in pain that perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to let you be on top while the spell is completing. 
The pain is gone almost as soon as it starts but there’s a steady burning sensation at your lower belly. It’s the same spot Yoongi and Jungkook both touched. You give Jungkook a glare before glancing down and finding your skin branded with the Roman Numeral…for seven. 
“It’s complete! You’re finally ours, demon.” Jungkook grins devilishly. 
Jungkook’s victorious smirk falls when, after staring at him for a second, you reach forward and put your hand through his chest  and grip his heart. His whole body jerks in response and he grabs your wrist with a weak cry. 
“What have you done to me?” You growl, bringing your face closer to his. “What is this?!” 
Tears fill his round eyes and he can only groan in pain when you shift. Though he isn’t hard anymore, he still feels warm and thick against your inner thigh. You falter in thinking about killing him in favor of imagining getting him hard again for a second round.
You glance at the floor to ceiling window nearby, covered in a heavy blackout curtain and imagine Jungkook taking you against the glass where anyone at a similar level could see. Or would he crush you against the wall with his hands under your knees, pushing your legs up and baring you to him entirely? 
Jungkook sighs in pain when your grip loosens because your train of thought involves keeping him alive. Weakly he tugs at your wrist and it snaps you from your thoughts. His breath catches in his throat again when you clench your fingers and pull, feeling the first tethers of his soul ripping from their attachment to his body. You were taking this soul by force and nothing was going to stop you!
“S-stop,” Jungkook cries and coughs. He was surely suffering during this but you didn’t care. You were sick of their bullshit and now they’ve gone ahead and done something to your body! Your anger is flushing out the thoughts of fucking him again though they stay intrusive and nagging, begging you to let go of his soul, get him hard, and sit on his cock again. 
“We had a deal, Jungkook!” You seethe through clenched teeth. Now comes the hard task of separating the soul from his body without damaging it. The things can be so fragile if you damage them they don’t taste as good. You’ve been waiting so long for this soul it must come out perfectly.
There’s a loud crackling sound and then a boom followed by thick, black smoke filling the room. It’s the tell-tale arrival of a higher-born demon. Why they’d be here right now is a mystery to you, so you stay still, body still covered in a layer of sweat from fucking Jungkook. You twist your hand in his chest and he whimpers in pain, weakly holding onto your wrist in an attempt to get you to stop. 
“Release the human, Y/N.” A familiar voice booms in your head. You freeze in horror, immediately letting Jungkook’s soul go. He collapses against the couch, coughing and trying to catch his breath while clutching his chest. 
The smoke clears and you choke on your own breath when your superior stands before you looking none too pleased. Her tail whips out and wraps around your throat, lifting you off of Jungkook and dangles you in the air like a rag doll. Your legs kick futilely in the air as you pull at the iron-clad grip she has around your neck. 
Against your will you shudder and whine at the feeling of Jungkook’s release coming out of you. You wanted it to stay so you could show him later how good you were at keeping it inside, maybe pushing it out of you while he watched. The thought overwhelms you suddenly and all you can think about is riding Jungkook again until he spills himself in you again and again, hands gripping your waist, your arms, your breasts, whatever he can get his hands on as his eyes go glassy. 
“Filthy, just look at you.” The higher-demon spits in displeasure. She looks at you with crimson eyes wrinkled in distaste. “You reek of human lust.”
You gasp as you continue to be lost in your own head of the thought of Jungkook taking you again, right in front of this higher demon. You’d let him if he wanted. Maybe the others would come, worried about whether Jungkook was still alive or not and you could have them run a train on you. Seven beautiful cocks taking turns scrambling up your insides until you’re so weak you can’t stand any longer. What would that be like? You clench your thighs together and tremble.
Jungkook finally sits up, looking pale and weak. With shaking hands he manages to pull himself together and get to the corner of his couch, curling up to try and look small and non-threatening to the second entity in his home. How was he going to get out of this if you were suddenly axed by this thing and it came after him next? 
“You’ve fucked up again Y/N, much more than before however. How did you think you were going to get away with this one?” The higher demon gives you a rough shake and you grimace. 
When you open your mouth to speak your superior’s tail tightens around your throat so much it makes you gurgle and you realize they’re not here to hear any excuses you may have. You’ve royally fucked up trying to kill Jungkook.
“You’ve broken your deal by trying to kill your human and take the soul. That’s not very organic of you.” The higher demon’s skin melts into her human form. She appears as a stern looking woman with her hair pinned up in a tight bun. Her horns curl from the sides of her head and behind her pointed ears. Her tail remains wrapped tightly around your throat. Of course it had to be Dain. “I should destroy you right now.”
Jungkook involuntarily whimpers and then nearly passes out in fear when Dain’s crimson gaze shifts from you to him. His body trembles in fear because there’s no way out of this for him. He was just saved by another demon who could end him just as quickly as you almost did and there was no saving him at this point. 
“Don’t worry human, you are safe while I am here. I am only here to punish this one.” Dain smiles in an attempt to calm his nerves but her smile is so terrifying it does the opposite. All of her teeth look razor sharp and her smile spreads entirely too much for it to be comforting or believable. Jungkook stares and is unable to respond. “Hm…perhaps this smile is not to your liking. No matter, my business is with you Y/N.”
“He…broke the deal first.” Your fingers uselessly scramble for purchase against Dain’s tail. “They’ve done something to me! Look! Look what they’ve carved into me!”
“What they’ve done is saved your stupid hide.” Dain spits. “Do you know how many deals we’ve had to miss out on thanks to your fuckery? No idol trainees want to work with us anymore because of the…unlucky road these humans have had. We have you to blame for that. One of our bottom lines has been cut off and that leaves hungry, angry demons Y/N. Then you have the audacity to try and steal the soul you’re bonded to before its time? You deserve the worst punishment I can think of.”
If you could, you'd swallow. Dain’s punishments brought some of the toughest demons to their knees begging to be destroyed. What you didn’t understand is what was holding her back from punishing you.
Dain sighs. “You are no longer my problem. You no longer have a deal with this human.”
“What!? I’ve been working on this for years! What do you mean-
“If you’d been successful stealing the soul perhaps I’d have overlooked your stupidity.” Dain mutters. “However you’ve managed to become the servant of these humans. You have lost your power and we no longer have any business with each other.” 
“I haven’t!” You plead. Your worst nightmare is coming true. Is that what has been happening to you this entire time? The fucks have managed to find a way to make you their servant for eternity and you played right into their greedy hands the entire time? You grip your head in disbelief and feel the bile rising in your throat.  “I haven’t!”
Dain scowls and lifts her hand before snapping. “The deal is done. May you suffer for eternity in the servitude of these humans.” 
Dain’s tail drops you to the floor in a heap and you find yourself unable to move in shock. You’d lost. Namjoon had helped them all outsmart you and you were too hellbent on feeding to notice. A disgrace to demons of your caliber, you can only wonder what the rest of your life was going to be like. Your immediate thoughts are filled with the flashbacks of having your back thrown out in every way possible by each member and to your chagrin you shiver in anticipation.
“Disgusting.” Dain spits. “She is all yours now, human.” Dain disappears with a loud crackle and a cloud of smoke though the room was darkened before Dain’s entrance made it truly black. You doubt you’ll ever see her again which is kind of a good thing.  
You put a hand to your mouth in wonder as you take stock of how different your body feels. You no longer feel comfortable in your skin. It feels as though you’ve been popped into a different body entirely. There’s no power flowing through your veins or deep within you being held back for future use. All you can feel is the constant thrumming of your own arousal deep within your belly as the mixture of Jungkook’s release and your own continues its way out of you. 
“Are you ok?” 
“Fuck off Jungkook.” You seethe, sitting up when he does. You eye him warily. “I see you’ve gotten your confidence back now that Dain is gone.”
“You aren’t a threat to us anymore.” He smirks, crouching down and taking your chin in his hand so you look into his eyes. “Be nice.”
“Whatever you say, Jungkook.” You chirp cheerfully and then gasp. To your horror the weight at your neck hasn’t left, if anything it has become even heavier. 
He’s tucked himself back into his sweats but your eyes are zoned in where his cock would be resting, tempted to just reach forward and take him out again. He did mention cumming down your throat, surely he still plans on doing it?  You wet your lips and gaze up with big eyes at his face, fingers clenching into the flooring when the corner of his lips lifts in a smirk but he doesn’t otherwise respond right away. Was he really going to deny you this? 
He doesn’t say anything and pulls another phone from his pocket before sitting back on the couch. You’re quick to follow him on hands and knees without a second thought, sitting on your legs between his and resting your cheek on his muscular thigh. At the back of your mind you were screaming for him to touch you more, give you some sort of affection that would slow down the arousal that was starting to drive you mad. Was he going to expect you to sit here like some good little pet while he had a nice chat on the phone?!
“Hyung, it’s done.” Jungkook grins, running a finger along your jawline. You nuzzle your cheek into his thigh and close your eyes with a sigh of content. “The deal’s over and we got her.”
“I was worried we’d fucked up for a second there.” Namjoon sighs, running a hand through his hair and falling back onto his couch. He did have a back up plan in case this one failed but he was hoping he wouldn’t have to go through with it if it came to it. 
“Jungkook,” You whine. He hushes you by pressing a thumb between your lips and you suck on it greedily, wanting nothing more than to show him how well you could please him if he would just slide those damn sweats down a little. You didn’t care who he was talking to at the moment.  Just like Namjoon had said originally, they were able to change you into another sort of entity entirely. You were going to exist in a constant state of arousal only to be quenched by a member and only temporarily. You were going to live for them only and relish every second of it.
“Hey Hyung, what do you think of the name Seven?”
Prologue Jimin J-Hope Taehyung Yoongi Jin Namjoon
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helenazbmrskai · 2 years
Neon Lights (m)
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– part of the Nightmares of Mystic Manor Collab for Halloween!
▫  Pairing [Yoongi x Reader (fem.)] ▫  Genre [Mystery, Taxi driver Au, Supernatural, Smut] ▫  Summary [After a long day at work, tired and hungry you decide to get into a taxi that’s looking kinda shady and a bit scary. Your destination is far from home but you’re getting intrigued by the mysterious taxi driver along the way who speaks few words and wears black gloves to hide his hands. He takes you home until one day, you tell him to take you away and he shows you a new world you’ve never dared to see before.] ▫  Rating [+18] ▫  Warnings [smut, grinding, messy car sex, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (f), vaginal fingering, love bites, doggy style, restraint (with a belt), breast play, a few drops of blood consumption, mention of blood, dirty talk] ▫  Word Count [4,5k]
– Earlier than expected I was able to finish my story for Halloween! I wish everyone a great holiday even if you don’t do anything special. Also, don’t forget to check out what the others created once they upload because I’m pretty excited. Thank you for reading!
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The red moon is slicing through the big clouds and the sky is barely littered with stars on that exact spooky night when you attempt to speed walk to a hotel.
The quiet atmosphere was nearly unbearable as the only symphony was your erratically beating heart that accompanied you on your journey. You look behind every two minutes as if something didn’t feel right. There were no footsteps following you or eery figures hiding in the shadows as far as you could see. Yet something was wrong, you felt it in your gut.
You doubled your steps and pulled your coat protectively closer. You sighed tiredly, thinking that the night is especially cold tonight and the walk seems to be a consistent line of endless streets and buildings. You hate to admit it even if you’re not saying it aloud that you've probably lost your way.
Exhaling a shaky breath you look around trying to discern the signs and triangulate where you could be. You almost drop your phone when you hear the faint roar of an engine close by parking at the side of the road.
It’s a black Sedan with tinted windows even the wheels are black which makes it hard to be seen in the dark. This could be the reason why you haven’t discovered it sooner. But the thing that peeks your curious behaviour is the sign on top of the vehicle. You haven’t seen anything like that before. You could tell that something was written there but you don’t know the language to tell what.
You take another look at your dead phone and then up at the car. This is a really bad idea. You know it. But you could either enter this ghost taxi and maybe get home safe or freeze to death trying to find your way around a city that you’ve just moved into two days ago. Fuck it. You’re probably getting kidnapped but that’s your only choice. You can only hope that you’re not asking for help from a serial killer and you take a leap of fate as you walk up to the driver's side of the car.
You wait a couple of seconds for something to happen but nothing does. Your frown deepens, you know that the person in the car could see you for sure.
At last, you knock on the window – one, two and three times before the window finally rolls down.
When the person reveals himself your breath is momentarily caught in your throat. This is not what you expected. The guy behind the wheel studies you with sharp cat eyes and for a moment you’re too lost in his beauty to talk.
”What?” His frown and rude attitude are enough to get your head out of the gutter. He looks angry but you don’t know why.
”Are you a taxi driver?” Pushing aside his rudeness you hopefully ask. There’s no way you could find your way back to the right path so you’re in dire need of a lift.
”..Something like that.” The man frowns as he takes a real look at you. You’re shaking from the cold and you look like you could cry at any moment from how tired and scared you are. This is just your second day in the new city at your new job and you’re already overwhelmed. You know that new beginnings are never easy but you were hoping that it wouldn’t be so hard.
”I’m lost could you please take me home?” Your hands are in a real praying position and your eyes beg him even more. If he has a single kind bone in his body he will take pity on you.
His gloved fingers drum against the steering wheel seemingly considering something before he sighs defeatedly, some of his curly hair falling into his eyes.
”Get in.” Your eyes light up at his words and you hurry over to the other side without further questions.
”Thank you! You saved my life, sir!” You beam at him and even though he gives you a deadpan look back your genuine smile doesn’t falter as you fasten your seatbelt. The car’s inside is surprisingly cold too but the man pushes a few buttons and soon the car starts to heat up. You let out a content sigh when the warmth seeps into your skin. The anxiety you felt is slowly but surely leaving your body and your eyes close on their own.
”Where to?” Your eyes snap open when you hear his voice so close to you and you swear you see a slight upturn at the corner of his lips at your frightened look.
You tell him your address and he frowns again. You’re waiting with belated breath for him to speak. He’s not going to change his mind right? You hope he doesn’t. You know it’s a bit far but it’s not like you could reach it without him. It’s the middle of the night! He’s not going to leave you here, is he?
He doesn’t say anything but turns his car keys and brings the black Sedan to life.
You’re relieved when he rolls up to the main road you finally see something familiar and you know he’s going the right way for you to arrive home safely.
You try to ask him questions; what’s your name sir? – Silence. Were you waiting for someone before I showed up? – Silence. It’s a cold night, isn’t it? More silence.
After a few more futile attempts at making conversation with the mysterious taxi driver you decided it’s best if you just sit still. He’s clearly not in the mood to chit-chat.
He didn’t ask for his payment when you arrived and he left in a hurry as soon as you stepped out of his car. Strange.
Sometimes when you try to sleep but can’t you unintentionally picture his face in the darkness.
Even if you wanted to see him again you made sure you wouldn’t wander around too late if it was within your power. You’re not naive to think that he will appear in front of a damsel in distress again like in some kind of fairytale.
Everything about him is a mystery that you want to unwrap. You thought that you will move past him fast enough, it was a brief encounter and that’s all. There’s no way you will see him again anyway. But even after a full month without seeing him your thoughts kept wondering.
”What are you doing here again?” You’re stunned when you’re face to face with the mysterious taxi driver again. Luck or misfortune that you found him? Depends on who you ask. But does he have to be so rude all the time?
”I- uh.” You know you shouldn’t feel ashamed to admit to a stranger that you’re lost again. It’s not like you did it on purpose just to see him. The thought occurred to you once or twice but you’re not so stupid to actually do that! Or maybe you unconsciously did.
”You’re lost.” He raises one eyebrow as if to say ’you’ve got to be kidding me’ and how much you wish you could just laugh about it. You look away in embarrassment so you just hear him sigh.
”I have a good reason to be!” You cross your arms in front of you defensively which triggers an almost amused look to paint his face. He only shakes his head in disbelief and tells you to get in. It sounded softer than before. You could be growing on him.
This is how your late-night rendezvous started. Back then you had no idea what you were getting yourself into, but even if you did. You would commit the same mistakes.
Yoongi is no longer surprised when you just hop into his car parked on the same road every single night. It became the norm for some reason. Despite his sour personality you genuinely enjoyed spending those late-night drives sitting next to him.
”Did you miss me?” Your words are sweet as honey as you lean in for a chaste kiss that Yoongi reluctantly accepts. He’s still not used to your affectionate nature but he doesn’t push you away as your hands hold his shoulders to get closer. His tongue pokes your lips shyly that you smile into before you open them for him and let it deepen.
”Get out.” You pout but don’t budge otherwise. You stay rooted in your seat as he tries to intimidate you with his gaze.
”Not until you tell me your name!”
You had enough of calling him your handsome taxi driver so you decided to not leave until he tells you. He’s a man of few words and it doesn’t bother you normally – you do all the talking mostly and he listens. You know he does because he sometimes does little things for you that he remembered you mentioned.
You want to know everything about him too but he never shares anything about himself that started to bother you.
”It’s Yoongi and now that you know. Get. Out.” You do. With a grin as big as your face. First his name. Later his heart. No one is too difficult to understand until you never stop trying and trying you did.
You could kiss him for hours and never get your fill of him. His mouth, nose and neck you cover every inch of his skin with your loving kisses until Yoongi’s head lols back against the seat. Things are getting heated and the windows fog up.
He told you when you confessed that he couldn’t love you. Yet he kisses you with such passion and eagerness – that you know he was just trying to protect his heart. Liar.
His smile is sharp – even with his hands bound behind his back by his black leather belt – the restraints don’t lessen you feeling like prey and his midnight gaze holds your attention captive.
You drink his words in before his adam’s apple bobs in anticipation as he swallows drawing attention to his slender neckline.
”Think you have what it takes to claim control over a beast like me?” You barely comprehend him moving so close until his breath fans across your earlobe, and his tongue darts out to lick until you involuntarily start to shiver from the sensuality of it. A beast indeed. Even when you’re on top of his body it feels like you’re under his merciful demands.
”Yes.” Your reply comes in barely a whisper but doesn’t take away from the truth of your words that you calmly claim, your demon’s eyes shine with mirth and something else that is akin to love.
”Even if you know who I am? What I’m capable of?” It’s only the second time you witness the doubts clouding his gaze. You know you hold his heart in your hands – and that you could crush it whenever you want.
”Yes. Yes. Yes.” The sweet confession warms the car’s crowded atmosphere. A fire is lit in your veins that makes your blood boil with each skin-to-skin touch and your bodies move like one under the starry sky. Becoming one mind and one body under the relentless pressure of earthly pleasures.
Loving him doesn’t take away how dangerous he is – it’s in his nature to want to break and destroy things. It doesn’t mean you can’t love a demon. You can. It can even love you back but it doesn’t change who he is at his core. Are you ready for it?
It’s hard to tell how affected he is by you unless you pay close attention to the small details of his body language. His hands tremble when you grab his shoulders and you feel his whole body vibrate with carnal need – keeping them still is knawing away his self-control but the fear of tearing you apart is too great to act upon his desires to devour you. He holds back each time when he’s in your delicate presence. Afraid that you’ll learn to fear him one day.
The outline of his cock through the dark material of his pants creates great pleasure as you grind your hips together moving rhythmically on top. Your body heats up with your movements and his sighs are music to your ears. You love the heavy breaths he lets out into your bare skin his lips firmly pressed against your exposed shoulder whilst you desperately rut against his clothed cock devoured by the hunger you feel for him.
His red-bitten lips find your mouth in a feverish kiss where you taste the iron that invades your mouth as soon as your tongues get intertwined in a heart-searing battle of shared desperation. Even a small drop of his blood getting into your system sets your body alight. No longer in doubt that he wants this any less than you – if anything you’re assured he wanted you way longer than you realised.
That eyes which showed you apathy, in the beginning, turned out to be loving with a devotion that consumes you.
”Yoongs-” Answering your call of his name his kisses grow hurried, doubled in passion and tongue as he sucks your lower lip into his mouth. His eyes are dark when you meet them, dark starless orbs that swallow you like a black hole and you’re happily fallen. You’re panting heavily to regain the oxygen after your devilish demon decided to take your breath away with his eager lips. Sealing your fate tonight couldn’t be any sweeter. Impatient to claim any unmarked skin you offer his lips move south till he’s mouthing at your decolletage. A low animalistic growl is heard bouncing off the car’s humid windows when you puff your chest to get closer.
It takes him little to no effort to free his hands and rip away your upper clothes. You’re too shy once your breasts are exposed to the air to awe at how he hurriedly cut away your clothes without giving you a single scratch. You should fear him and what he’s capable of but you’re trembling for a different reason. Your chest is moving up and down as you take in laboured breaths. The sight in front of him is nearly driving him mad as you see his eyes flash in and out of colour.
He kisses you again with restless fervour whilst his gloved hand trace the line of your spine leaving goosebumps in their wake and you finally take your rightful place on his lap properly. Pressing your bodies together until it feels like you’re one. Your lips are getting puffy and roughened up by his eager mouth but you don’t care about a little pain when everything else he does tells you about his clumsy love.
You forget every thought that you had in your head once you see Yoongi remove his gloves and your heart flutters. He never takes his gloves off. The idea of what he will do with his bare hands is enough to get you wetter.
His teeth catch the tip of his gloved index finger and pull on it until it’s entirely off. A handsome smirk that you know too well is plastered on his face seeing your reactions to a simple glove removal. He watches you lick your dry lips as you can already feel his cold hands on your body engraving each curve and smooth skin into his memory and you want to do the same.
Want to touch him everywhere until all he could think about is you until he forgets about how wrong this is. He always seemed so indifferent that you’re swarmed with his sensual expressions.
Your forbidden relationship will never be accepted either by humans or demons but you’re ready to face hell just to be with him – and you know he would rather be burnt by every fire than be separated from you. As if Yoongi could sense your darker thoughts his hands move to your hips gripping the flesh that grounds you to reality. His touch is cold as ice, waking you up from daydreams. If it’s cold why is your body reacting so hot?
”-Ah.” The sounds you make once his fingertips brush against your breasts are making you blush madly. Yoongi only smirks before he continues to caress your mounds ghosting his middle finger over your perky nipples just to hear you scream louder. ”-Ngh, ah Yoongi- its’ s-sensitive.” Your lover only hums in response your face is cute when you feel overwhelmed. You can feel his smile pressed against your collarbones as he kisses you there. His hand's movements never cease as he massages your full breasts loving the sounds of your cute little whimpers.
”Is that so? My hands are already proven to be too much for you. How will you handle my cock when I sink in you? Hmn?” You shake in between his arms – you want him so bad that you’re unable to quiet the moan you let out alone from his words and the promise behind them. You’re in need of a little stretching though before he could take you entirely.
”Why are you shaking like a leaf my darling? Did you realise you’re trying to lay with a beast?” You shake your head vehemently at the accusation. Afraid? Indeed. Afraid that this moment will never come to reality.
Your eyes snap open to find his dark ones – while – his reflect the surprise when you suddenly grab his hands and guide one to your clothed pussy. You soaked through the cloth of your underwear his eyes only close for a moment to compose himself at the touch of your heat. Yoongi could feel it pulsing under his palm and you clench around nothing when he rubs three fingers experimentally over the dark patch. You both moan out.
”It’s because I want you so bad.” You can’t help the movements of your hips as you seek the friction of his hands on your most private part. It’s so good. Better than any wet dream you had about him for the last couple of months. Your eagerness has awakened the part of him that laid dormant for as long as he could remember, that no one before you tried to reach.
”You’ll have me. I will give everything I have. It’s for yours to take.” His heartfelt words reached out with its invisible warm hands and squeezed your heart in your chest sweetly but you’ll have to thank him later for it because his lips decided to come into the mix. It doesn’t matter where he touches you or how skilled he is – the important part is that he’s finally giving in to you and your love. Heightens every sense that you own.
His hand is taken the job of caressing your pussy over the fabric so one of your breasts is left without any attention that he cannot let happen any longer.
He enveloped a nipple in his warm mouth dragging his teeth across your rosy bud until he elicit a loud moan from your parted lips. It feels like he licks and nips at your skin all over your body at the same time enhancing the pleasure of his touches. It’s clumsy how he rubs you like he’s not used to such tender touches to inflict on somebody.
”You dangerous woman. You always make me lose my mind. I hope you’re ready to face the beast I’ll become.” Your smile is blinding and your eyes scream yes – it’s too pure for a situation like this but you manage to make this demon’s cock swell in his pants from such innocence. He really is a wicked man. Loving a sweet girl like you feels like sin and he’s the poison apple that you’re about to bite into willingly.
Yoongi knows if he does this – if he takes you – he’ll never be able to leave you and a moment of fear passes through him. Loving you is scary sometimes especially when he starts acting like somebody else. Even he realised that his words towards you grew tender and his touches linger longer. He calls you sweet names that he never used in a millennium.
”Take me. Please? I want you.” Your careless act of coyness only brings more wood to the fire but what he doesn’t realise is that you want to burn in the flames you ignite and your hands are no longer shy as you help to open up his pants and pull it down his legs. He lets you undress him until he’s as bare as you. He shivers each time your gentle fingers press on his skin.
You want to taste him but he grips the back of your hair to stop you. A painful expression is plastered on his face when you look up but his gaze is burning.
”Are you sure this is what you want? Being with me will not always be pleasant.” Seeing how concerned he is for you provides you with all the answers you need and your head nods.
There’s no hesitation in your decision when you meet his eyes. His fingers caress your jaw and your eyes close on their own when he cups your cheeks to kiss your breath away.
It’s slow and sensual at first but turns feverish the longer you indulge. His fingers seek your entrance at the same time his tongue invades your mouth, pulling your underwear to the side and the unexpected feeling of his fingers parting your folds makes you break the kiss to moan. Long slick fingers exploring your depths.
His two digits stretch you from the inside as they slide home with an accompanying squelch. The sounds you make are enough to have your lover become feral with his fingers pushing in and out of your wet heat. Slow but gradually picking up speed. All his control is lost with his fingers between your legs and his mouth is nipping at your neck growling when you repeat his name over and over again as you clench around his fingers.
He’s not letting you rest with his intense pace his digits never seem to get tired of pounding into you until you clench around them nearing your end.
The small drops of his blood you consumed heightened the feeling of his touches. Your eyes are closed tightly shut but his dark ones are never leaving your pleasurable expression. He made sure you would only feel good with him.
”That’s enough.” Sounding rough against your ears you open your mouth to protest when he pulls his fingers out and the emptiness follows leaving you hanging around the edge of your orgasm. Your walls are painfully throbbing.
His coated digits make their way into his mouth and the words you wanted to say are stuck in your throat when he hums at your taste. His eyes are colourless dark depths when he opens them again and your body trembles with excitement rather than fear when he leaves fingerprints on your skin as he pushes you into position in the crowded backseat of his car.
You keep pushing your ass against his cock rocking your hips impatiently, waiting for him to finally align his tip with your entrance and feel him part your walls but he’s waiting.
You expect his cock to push in but instead, you feel his wet tongue part your folds in a long lick and your back arches. His hum sends shivers up your spine and you lick your dry lips to get a grip of your scattered lust thoughts.
His tongue fucks into your hole relentlessly until you’re quivering and coming undone from his devilish ministrations. Your cum soaks his face that he buries in your pussy further and you’re gasping for air when you feel the vibrations of his moans directly on your clit. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he keeps teasing you with licks and sucks. Showering your clit with attention as his fingers push inside you again to curl against your pleasure spot.
You’re not sure if it’s to tease you, testing you on how long he could draw it out until you beg for his cock or to gather the last strings of his sanity before he devours you whole.
Your face is pressed against the cold leather seat with your ass up in the air moaning each time his shaft glides against your pussy lips collecting every drop of your essence until his enlarged tip is coated with your mixed fluids. His hands teasingly start to come down from the centre of your arched back until he pulls your asscheeks apart to get the perfect view of your dripping red pussy before he aligns the tip of his cock finally.
You bite your lip when the first inch sinks into your hole slowly and the rest follows at the same slow agonising pace.
His entire body trembles as to keep pushing in slow enough for you and give your body time to get used to it. Even though you don’t need it after his prolonged foreplay.
Yoongi can feel your walls throb and stretch to accommodate him so eagerly that he nearly loses control and slams his cock into you with one thrust. You’re so wet that it drips down his balls when he pulls out of you.
Your mouth is constantly open with a wanton moan when he fills you up all over again the second and third thrusts of his hips are harder than the first.
Keeping a close eye on your reactions he dares to slam into you harder holding your hips firmer and moving faster the more your noises grow louder and skin slapping on skin fills the car’s inside. Your nails scratch against the leather as you grab onto the seat to not get your head bumped into the car door with the ferocity of your demon lover’s hip swivels and you’re already on the brink of your orgasm. You’re not the only one trying to fight against your impending end, not the only one who wants this to last longer as Yoongi thinks the same way.
He stops suddenly and your hips jerk tiredly from the lack of friction but he makes your hip still.
His cock is throbbing and swelling inside your pulsing walls ready to burst and paint your insides with his hot white cum. You’re just as eager to receive it. Yoongi pulls you back against his chest grabbing your breast from behind as he fucks you with sensuality.
You’re glued to each other by the passion of the night when he finally empties in you but not before he forced you to cum around his cock twice.
He holds your trembling and tired body to his chest circling your clit with a finger to feel his cum drip out from your used hole. His hot tongue pokes out to wet his lips at your dirty image and plunges two fingers in you when his cock slips out.
The night is far from over.
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euphoricfilter · 7 months
Devil That I Know:
[Rewritten materlist]
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Pairing: Demon! Jungkook x Human! F. Reader
Genre: Fluff || Smut || Angst || Demon au || Non-Idol au || Yandere au || Reincarnation || Strangers to Lovers
Tags/ warnings: will vary from chapter to chapter so please make sure to read them!
Summary: an extended lifetime spent with the demon on the mountain, and how love blossoms into something a little more daunting
notes: for anyone who may be thinking they’ve seen this series before, it’s probably because you have!! however, devil that i know was the first ever fic i uploaded and it was way too rushed because i was way too eager. so i’m rewriting it!! i like to think that i’ve somewhat improved since the start of this blog, and i really had big plans for dtik so it only feels fair that i do it justice; and id much rather start the rewriting process now than in a year when maybe the series is complete!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Prologue: A Little Death
☆ Summary: It's a shame how refuge will become your downfall.
Part one:
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Chapter 13
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Title: Those Evil Ways
Pairing: OT7 x Y/N (female reader)
Genre: supernatural au, slow-burn, medical, fluff, angst, smut, war
Word count: ~6 700
Characters: (Demons!BTS) Namjoon/Corson, Jin/Agares, Yoongi/Baal, Hoseok/Alastor, Jimin/Aamon, Jungkook/Mammon, Taehyung/Gaap, human reader (with special abilities later in the story)
Warnings: description of Y/N's phobia - some tension, Y/N transforms/ritual, a bit of planning for the upcoming battles, Y/N gets out of her "low", supportive and lovely Jungkook, kiss-kiss – if I have missed something please send a pigeon 😅❤️
Summary: Y/N is a third-year medical student going through life like others do. On one unfortunate night she gets in unexpected contact with otherworldly beings who drag her into their world of violence, war and fight for power.
Author’s notes: TAGLIST OPEN.
After the poll we have a winner! The majority decided that Y/N is turning... *drum and roll*... ah not telling you here 😅 You have to read and see. I'm so excited about the new possibilities that the shift will give me.
Please, enjoy! <3
“I haven’t seen you in a while” Jimin smiled when Jungkook entered the meeting room. His hair was longer than the last time that they saw each other but the silver color was still there.
“Been busy” Mammon replied without trying to explain why. All of them knew.
At the other side of the room Noir, Alastor and Gaap were discussing something over an enormous map that was laid out on the table. When the General saw the other King he approached and the two shared a brotherly hug. “I hope things are going well” his tone was just as calm as always.
The tattooed man only nodded.
“A man of few words” Namjoon spoke without lifting his eyes from the map. “Just on time. We have to make a decision but it’s a tie so your input would be more than appreciated.”
“That’s why I came - to help.”
Taehyung felt how tense Mammon was and wondered if this combined with what he was about to hear next is going to be the perfect recipe for disaster. Gaap liked to be prepared for all kinds of situations so he got closer to Jungkook in order to stop him from pouncing on someone if that ever happened. Let's just include a short note here and say that King Mammon was not aggressive without a good reason but now considering what had happened with Y/N not so long ago the other four wondered if he could have become irrational.
Hoseok was fidgety by the table at this point and wasn't paying any attention to what Namjoon was so eager to explain. He had to keep his head high but explain the struggles he had to deal with the previous weeks.
"Can I talk to you before we start?" He asked, meeting Jungkook's sharp eyes. At this point there was no wrong or right way to say whatever - everything has gone to shit so the only option was to be as transparent as possible and hope for the best.
"Let's hear it" Mammon's smug and mocking expression was enough to put off anyone. His side smirk was laced with disgust and bitterness. "Please note that nothing you say now will be able to make up for what you've done."
Hoseok sighed softly, nodding once before he gathered the courage to begin. "Look I hate this. I don't like apologies and won't give you one but I know I've caused you pain. And… Y/N too." It was still hard to say her name. "There's nothing more I desire than to fix what my jealousy and pettiness managed to destroy."
Jungkook laughed and on the side it sounded like a whole-hearted genuine laugh but it wasn't. The other three demons were standing quietly on the side, pretending to mind their business. Taehyung could see King Alastor becoming anxious.
"You know this tale about the bear and the bad word? In one of the nations in the human world, old people use it a lot to teach the kids to mind their way of speech." There was a note of sadism in Jungkook's behavior, the man was enjoying this and wanted it to last for as long as possible. He wished for Hoseok to crawl and suffer in Y/N's place. "It goes like this - the boy saw a bear cub in the woods one day. It was struggling, stuck in a thorn bush so the boy decided that it was best to help. The mama bear somehow saw it and offered the guy a friendship and he accepted. They became close and talked for a while. One time as a goodbye the boy kissed the bear's snout. It smelled so bad and without even thinking he expressed the disgust he felt when the stench hit him. The mama bear didn't say much, just asked him to hit her with his ax on the head, as hard as he could. Even though he tried talking the bear out of it, in the end the animal threatened to eat him if the guy didn't comply with her wish. He did it and felt extremely guilty for it. For a few years after that they didn't see each other in the woods. At some point their paths crossed once again in a different place in the forest. Before he left the bear asked him to look for the wound but no matter how hard he tried nothing could be seen on the animal's skin - there wasn't even a scar. The boy was amazed by this but the bear said then that a bad wound can be healed and forgotten but a bad word can never be forgotten. It would stay with the bear until the day it died." Jungkook walked closer to the King and stared at him with cold eyes. "Do you get it now? It doesn't matter what you will say to me or to Y/N. She is in a bad place now but things are looking up. What you did to her mind is another topic though, the terrors you've put her through will never be forgotten even if she decides to forgive you."
Long silence followed after Jungkook stopped talking. No one dared to move and Alastor was trying to decide if there's a point to continue. Jimin was surprised, mildly said, to see this side of his friend. To be honest he didn't even remember if there was a time when Mammon was ever like that… "Jungkook, I hate this. This is my promise to you now - I may have been biased and quick to judge Y/N but this is in the past now. I will do everything in my power to support and keep this girl safe since she's so important to everyone. In reality she has never done anything bad to me or anyone else for that matter. Everything after a certain point was my wrongdoing and it will change in the future if she lets me… and you too."
"We will see about that. It's all up to her." There was nothing more to be said. King Mammon turned around and approached the table where the other three demons had gathered.
"Monica?" Y/N whined squeezing the pillow in her hands. She needed someone to hold her so badly and the feeling of being alone was simply unbearable. "When i-is Koo coming?"
"In a while m'lady" the maid rushed to the bed placing her hands over the girl's in an attempt to calm her down. "He promised a few hours right?"
"Mmh." Feeling completely worn out the young woman plopped down on her side facing Monica. "You 'ave pretty hair" she whispered. Y/N was becoming drowsy once more and a few minutes were keeping her away from the oncoming nap.
"Sleep m'lady. You will feel better when you wake up…"
“What?!” Jungkook spat out, his voice bubbling with anger. “How did you even reach this… this… I don't even know what to call it?”
“Decision?” Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t get cheeky with me.”
“But it’s the best we can do” Jimin slammed his hand on the table, feeling like he had reached his limit. “If we leave the frontline unsupervised, who knows what might happen!”
Taehyung sighed and opened his mouth to speak but at the same time King Mammon began shouting, throwing his hands in the air. “Why the fuck did Taehyung trained all those sergeants if they're gonna stay here and scratch their balls?" The fact was that the military personnel was enough to cover the Northern and Eastern borders without any problem but Jimin and Hoseok doubted it would be enough. Taehyung of course trusted his men with his head and Namjoon had faith in the General's judgment. "Only two borders need protection at this point. The other two nations have nothing to do with this war so they won't interfere." Jungkook was fuming.
"Are you sure?" Alastor asked with a low voice. He knew from the beginning that the King of the North would be against this proposition so now he wondered why they were even trying to persuade him.
"A thousand percent sure" the tattooed demon gritted his teeth in the end.
"I know for a fact that Agares will join the troops no matter what our decision tonight is." This was a simple fact but Jimin felt the need to say it. The silver-haired man also knew that…
"I don't care about Agares or Baal or whoever else." Ah… so predictable. "My vote goes for us to stay here." At this point his signature involuntary action made an appearance again - when he was annoyed or angry Jungkook was poking the inside of his cheek with tongue.
This was turning out to be a disaster like their previous talk. A new idea struck Noir while he was folding the map. "Listen to me, I think I found middle ground just now. What if we take turns going to the borders?" The King smiled widely, extending his hands to the sides. The strong presence he had always came in handy especially if he needed to persuade someone. Now after all he had heard the demon saw it as convenient to have one of them with the low-class demons at all times.
"Take turns?" It was Taehyung who spoke up now, intrigued by the new suggestion. "You mean as in someone stays here and someone goes there?" This could be interesting. King Corson nodded, seeing his first supporter in the face of Gaap.
"Precisely." He clicked his fingers engulfed by excitement. Maybe this time the conversation wouldn't go to shit and everyone would be happy. "You see to some extent I agree with Jungkook and Taehyung that the soldiers are trained for a reason but also…" Namjoon smiled. "I prefer to take part and overlook the battle. It's our duty as Kings. The new abilities we got with the Sins we possess now…"
King Alastor's eyes began shining with excitement "It will be just epic. The victory can be ours if things play out nicely."
At this point this sounded like the best option for everyone - Agares would stay with the troops probably the whole time, Baal too, as for General Gaap it was a hundred percent sure. The other four - they could take turns because it wasn't a good decision to leave Doordale in the hands of the Ministry. Jungkook was still deep in thought. He couldn't stand the fact that he should leave Y/N alone for certain periods of time, the demon felt responsible for her and wanted to be there but at the same time he knew his duties very well. Also let's keep in mind that all of them were demons, higher ones at that and warfare and depravities were part of their nature.
As much as some of them wanted to run away from all that - it could never happen - you can never change those primal roots of origin.
"Fine. Let's split the "shifts"" Mammon looked tired and drained. He just wanted this to be over already. He checked his watch - he still had around an hour and a half. Even though he would be back on time the man was considering actually going to the goldsmith and getting a golden bouquet for Y/N.
"Me and Alastor will go first then" it was Jimin who took the initiative. The two Kings worked together like a well oiled machine and what one was lacking the other - was compensating. Such a nice duo.
"I will join you too" Taehyung stepped forward too. "My suggestion is that we switch every five days. No need to travel by horse - it will be most convenient to use the Wishing Well."
Jungkook frowned upon hearing those words. "That's not enough."
"In a normal battle - maybe - but now imagine that: they will start to think at some point that we've shown all there is." The General began gesturing with his beautifully sculpted hands. "At some point when the new party arrives - boom! New tactics, new leaders, new formations."
"Does this mean that whenever we switch places new soldiers will be joining us?" It hasn't occurred to Namjoon and it definitely didn't sound very practical, hearing it now.
Taehyung waved his hands in frustration. "No, no. This is very impractical. How are they gonna travel?" The demon clicked his tongue, to him all of this sounded so simple and easy to think of but apparently to the rest - not so much. The main reason Gaap had this position was because it all came naturally to him - the demon wasn't stressing out or struggling to come up with different plans and no efforts were required. "Listen now - a lot of transparent potions will be prepared. The troops responsible for carrying weapons and food will be also transporting the vials. When they reach this place" the General placed his gloved finger over the map "there's literally nothing here. Only greenery and many animal holes. The vegetation is so abundant here that it will be perfectly fine for the soldiers to hide the stash." His eyes were burning while explaining every little detail. The other four were listening patiently, memorizing each word. "Some of the troops will stay behind and begin drinking the potions. You know the effects - they will lose shape and color for five hours. The groups will be scattered around a three kilometer perimeter so if something happens they would be close enough." Jungkook was impressed - if he didn't know the General he would definitely think that the plan took weeks to be developed. "Everything clear?"
"Certainly" it was a question for all but Namjoon answered instead, as he was the core of their bond.
"Very well. We depart in three days."
When Jungkook entered the palace everything was just the same as when he had left earlier today. No commotion, nothing out of the ordinary, only the guards and the staff at their respective places.
"Good evening, Your Majesty" the butler bowed and reached out to get the cloak off the King's bread shoulders.
"Is everything okay with Y/N?" He asked flatly.
"Of course Sir. The maid stayed by m'lady's side the whole time, now she's asleep." The butler followed Mammon through the corridor informing him of the events that took place around the residence while he was gone. "Is there anything you would like Sir?" It was a simple question asked as per usual with a tone devoid of any emotion, just part of the protocol.
Usually Jungkook either waved a dismissive hand or immediately said what he wanted to be done but this time the demon stopped in his tracks and turned to the man. The King looked at the butler - his face was still blank, there was a scar that began from his left ear and ended in the middle of the chin. Long time ago this demon was part of Leviathan's army but after the coup he joined Mammon's household. Siwan was his name and he was the one to join the palace's staff first becoming the head of it, recruiting and taking care of the other members. "You see I need you to do something for me, it's important to be done as fast as possible because Y/N's wellbeing could depend on it."
"Certainly My Lord. Just say the word."
When the King entered the bedroom Monica was sitting on the chair next to the window, reading a book. The second he opened the door she jumped to her feet and bowed to him.
"I believe things were fine?" he asked, whispering.
"Of course! Lady Y/N was anxious in the beginning but after a while she fell asleep." The maid seemed happy that the girl was recovering, even though it was a slow process.
Jungkook turned to look at the young woman - she was resting and no sign of distress could be seen on her face. Not like last time… the demon winced, feeling physically sick while thinking about the agonizing terrors Y/N had to deal with. "You're free to go now, Monica."
He removed the leather vest and his shoes, then got closer to the bed. On the nightstand there was a glass of water and another one filled with milk. Mammon left the golden bouquet there too for later when Y/N woke up. Climbing in the bed he carefully wrapped his arms around her figure, taking a deep breath - she felt so fragile and small. How could this body hold such great powers he wondered. Y/N's hair smelled like almonds probably because of the hair soap. The warmth emitting from her was enough to calm the demon down and put him to sleep. He felt dizzy and lightheaded so Jungkook closed his eyes, drifting in and out of consciousness.
"You got the letter right?!" Jin almost busted down the door to Yoongi's office because of the excitement. Another day gone and he was still the same old exhilarated self.
Baal turned around in his chair, swirling the liquor in his glass. He nodded with a smirk. "Sure did."
"We're leaving in three days! It's been so long!" The Master was ecstatic which was something that hasn't happened in so long, ever since the problems with Y/N started. Now he was in his element.
"Just don't break anything," his advisor laughed lightly. Both of them were dressed casually with silk shirts and black pants but Jin wanted to have a celebratory dinner and dress up for the occasion.
"Let's spoil ourselves tonight Yoongi! Let's have a drink and… no more like lots of drinks and party!" He spread his jewelry-cladded arms and the metals produced a nice jingling sound.
The other demon just continued smiling then nodded once, feeling the excitement too. But then his joy faded away just as fast as it came. "Hey, Yoongi, what's wrong? I thought you wanted this to happen?" worry surfaced on the Master's face.
"I just wish Y/N was here so we can share it with her too, you know?"
It felt like daggers were stabbing Baal's heart after saying each word. "I know…" Jin sighed and his glee also died down a bit. "But you know she will be here for the next one - we will have many other occasions to celebrate with her. Even the victory-"
"We don't know if it will be a victory" the mint-haired demon cut him off mid sentence. "Don't jinx it."
"Okay, whatever. Let's just go change and do our thing. You will feel better."
"Fine…" now what Yoongi needed was a way to pass the time until Y/N had recovered and the oncoming battles were just the right thing. Then and there the advisor made up his mind to give it his all and win.
Baal got distracted with imaginary situations - in his mind a picture appeared of how the seven of them are returning from the war victorious. Yoongi's armor - covered in blood, as well as his face and hands but when Y/N sees the demon she runs up to him and they kiss like there's no tomorrow. It was nice to dream…
"Hey Earth to Yoongi!" Jin was snapping his fingers in the other man's face. "Get it together! We have three days ahead of us to down each bottle in the residence!" The laughter that followed almost made the windows shake.
At one point Jungkook felt hot breath on the curve of his neck and his eyes flew open and the pupils shrunk to small dots. Without moving an inch the demon began "mapping" the parts of his body and Y/N's. He was flat on his back with one arm still wrapped around her waist and the other - supporting the demon's head. The girl was sleeping peacefully partially draped over Jungkook's body - head slightly tilted upwards and back on his shoulder while hugging the King with a knee between the man's legs.
Oh, the desire to turn around and kiss her was real. So real.
"Y/N…" Mammon gritted his teeth and closed his eyes in an attempt to center himself.
"Hnhg…" she began stirring. The demon froze immediately. What would he do when she wakes up? How to behave? "Kookie?" Y/N rasped, taking a deep breath. To her he smelled clean, like freshly cut wood and grass.
"Hey princess. I'm here" the first thing he wanted to do was give the girl her present. Carefully Jungkook tried getting up but she squeezed him and produced a whiny sound of protest. "Shh. I just want to give you something pretty" reaching out he felt for the metal and then presented the bouquet to Y/N. "I kept my promise to be back in time but still decided to give you this because you're my special one."
When the young woman saw the shiny object her eyes widened and turned glossy. She felt confusion setting in and then realization hit her - he promised to be back and did it but still wanted to surprise her. That's what responsible grown up people do. And also they thank each other - Y/N’s mind was slowly guiding her back to normality, trying to reassure and lead in the right direction. “Thank… you” she whispered, taking the gift with trembling hands. “It’s beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as you” Jungkook smiled, the lip rings hitting his teeth.
The compliment made Y/N’s face turn hot and red. It was so adorable in Jungkook’s eyes but she felt embarrassed and annoyed. “D-don’t say such things if you’re going to leave me alone again” the woman huffed and squeezed the metallic flowers to her chest.
“I will not.” Lie. Of course it was a lie but Mammon had six more days to help his precious girl recover and by then maybe it wouldn’t be necessary to leave her at all…
The next day preparations for the upcoming battle began in the capital. The armory was turned upside down, each item carefully counted and written down in the book, the swords were polished and sharpened, some of the shields - sent to the blacksmiths in order to get reinforced and so on…
Warlocks gathered in the Academy around noon so they could begin working on the potion stash. Taehyung was leading the operations, shouting orders here and there if it was needed, also giving final instructions to the soldiers and revising their strategy. Jimin and Hoseok were back to the West and South so they could take care of the local affairs before departing, while Noir stayed in the capital, having coutnless meetings with the people from the Ministry.
What everyone hoped for was for a possible comeback from Y/N so she could lend a hand if needed. Of course they all knew it was a last resort considering what she'd been through and that was the reason why they didn't even try asking Jungkook about it.
The King of the North was giving his best to reassure and help Y/N on her journey to recovery. The progress was slow but the conversations were getting better, she was becoming more confident in expressing herself and getting bolder. The key was to not pressure the girl in any way so she doesn't revert and have another breakdown. The same day while the two of them were dining a male servant knocked over a silver jug full of water. The loud sound terrified Y/N and she screamed in horror, then knocked back her chair and ran to Jungkook who hugged her and began whispering soothing words in the girl's ear. In the process the demon had thrown a cold hateful stare at the man, then tilted his head to the door signaling for him to leave the dining hall.
It was a rough period but with patience and diligence Mammon believed that everything was fixable.
On the second day Y/N woke up earlier than usual and got out of bed to look at herself in the big mirror hanging on the wall.
“My hair…” she whispered. It was a total mess, tangled and fuzzy. On a regular day the young woman would never let this pass but now was an unusual occasion. Memories of the past flooded her mind, making Y/N wince and scrunch her nose in disgust. She took a few strands between two fingers and lifted them up looking at the state of the hair. Long ago, when those episodes were happening regularly the regression period was ending usually in a few hours to a day. She was giving it to the fact that Mrs. Y/L/N was helping her, the sessions at the psychiatrist and also - the poor thing’s brain hadn’t had taken such a massive hit.
Going to the door she took a few deep breaths and pressed the handle. Going out in the hallway barefoot didn’t bother Y/N much at the moment. You know how kids walk around in the morning when they wake up - in their pajamas and no socks or slippers to speak of, then their parents would scold them that they would eventually get sick. Y/N was the same now. “Monica?” she said quietly but no one answered. Two guards stood at the end of the corridor, facing each other and heard the girl. One of them immediately vanished, heading somewhere. “Monica I need a comb…” she went on while walking on the cold marble.
“Can I help you m’lady?” It was the demon who was left standing in his place who asked.
“Where’s Monica?” the curious tilt of her head made Y/N seem like a little girl.
“In the kitchen. Should I call-“
“Y/N!” Jungkook’s voice came from the further side of the hallway. Immediately recognising the sweet comforting voice of the King she spun around on her heels and ran towards him.
“Kookie!” The girl jumped in the demon’s open arms and he lifted her up. “Let’s do something today,” the tone was joyful and his muscles relaxed. Nothing bad had happened.
“Why are you out of bed barefoot?” Looking down the King asked calmly.
“I wanted to find a comb.” Y/N explained with a pout. “My hair is terrible.”
“Your hair is fine,” he replied with a smile. “Just… oh look!” With a shocked expression Mammon pointed a finger at her. “There’s a nest with small birds inside! That’s amazing!” He ruffled the girl's hair and she began laughing.
“I don’t!”
The guards and the servants passing around heard the two of them laughing and were shocked and surprised to see and hear all of this. No one in the whole Kingdom would believe that the King of the North who was usually so cold and quiet could behave in such a way. He was notorious for acting haughty and harshly but now… there wasn’t anyone who would believe the stories of the servants telling how their King was playing and laughing with a woman.
Jungkook lifted Y/N up in the air and began walking back to her room. “Come I will brush your hair.”
“Put me down! Don’t carry me around like that! I’m not some fragile princess!” The protests fell on deaf ears.
“Oh but you are!” He closed the door behind them and the guards were left speechless in the corridor, looking at each other with wide eyes.
On the third day everything began looking almost as it was before. Y/N was serious most of the time, quieter. There were only two outbursts of laughter during the day - once when Jungkook made a disgusted face while looking at an ugly handwriting of one of the officials in a document and the second time - during lunch when he choked while swallowing a vegetable.
"It just sounded funny," Y/N said with a wide grin. The King didn't mind one bit.
Later the two were taking a stroll in the back garden and she paused in front of one big crooked tree. The girl appeared deep in thought so he didn't bother her by asking why she had decided to stop exactly at that spot.
It was a difficult time for her - she understood perfectly well this state of mind was not normal for Y/N and yet it was comfortable. Her brain was not straining or running laps like a while ago but now it was all coming together. The young woman felt ready to talk to Jungkook. "I need to tell you something."
"Sure. Tell me Y/N" he put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her.
"First of all I want to thank you for the efforts and enormous patience you've had with me."
"But that's not needed, I did it because I care about you." Those words made Y/N blush and turn shy but she tried pushing forward despite the need to regress once more.
"Uhm… sorry, it's… you almost made me revert back." With an awkward smile she turned to look at him. From what the psychiatrist had said certain words and behavior could trigger shifts in her state of mind and it was best if the girl warned those around her about those. "I feel so much better now, almost as before. Just…" she took a deep breath trying to sound confident. "What I think is that from this certain point on you can behave like you did in the past. Of course keep in mind you have to be careful not to trigger me for a while, but I think I'm in the safe now."
Jungkook's chest began rising up rapidly, oh this thrill, the buzz of hearing this was making him want to fly. "Whatever you want Y/N" his voice rose a few octaves and with trembling hands Mammon cupped Y/N's face. The urge to envelope the young woman in a tight hug was almost unbearable and also…
"You can kiss me," she smiled kindly. "I see you want to."
Without waiting to be told twice he dived in. It was so long since the demon had felt this whole. Jungkook moved one hand to her waist and the other places behind Y/N's neck, pulling her closer. The feelings this action stirred were mutual - she was content and thankful for all the demon had done and proud because the struggles to overcome that low-point led to a happy ending in this "chapter" of her book. After a few seconds they separated and Y/N rested her forehead on the King's collarbone. "You think we can call Trophonius here so he can help me fully recover and guide me further into choosing a side?"
"We can do it now" Jungkook grabbed the girl's hand and the two ran back to the palace.
A few hours later the Oracle was there and they were escorted to one of the training rooms. Jungkook promised not to bother the two so he returned to his office to look at some war diagrams.
The sun was setting already but the white-haired man and Y/N were still talking, sitting cross-legged facing each other.
“Are you sure you want to choose the darker side? Your parents wouldn’t want you to, they were striving for the Light their whole lives.” It was irritating to listen to this but Y/N was giving her best to be rational and reasonable and listen to all the Oracle had to say.
“It’s so tiring to think of what someone would want from me or for me. It’s my choice in the end, isn’t it?” So much for the attempts not to sound like a brat… Trophonius’ lips widened ever so slightly in a small smile. This was a sign that Y/N has not given up on her free will and wanted to be in control of what was coming her way. Satisfactory enough.
“Very well child” Trophonius praised and put his hands together. The girl appeared confused for a few seconds but quickly understood that his words were just a test so she nodded with a straight face. “So how you want to go about it? There’s a way to get those abilities faster or you want to wait and help me guide you naturally to them?”
A question for a million dollars. How to do it…? She remembered that time when Mammon had explained how the demons were getting their powers and the process usually was taking decades.Y/N couldn’t wait that long. “I want the shorter way” was what she told the Oracle.
“As exprected.”
“General!” one of the soldiers saluted when he entered the meeting hall. “I have terrible news.”
“What?” Taehyung placed the pen calmly in the holder and casted his eyes up at the lower demon. “Pilwon came forty minutes ago to tell me that the check was going well.”
“We have seventeen long swords missing.”
Gaap’s ears began ringing. “How is that possible?”
“I decided to do a double check before sealing the armory and this is what I came up with” he presented a sheet of paper with the newly counted weapons. The swords that were gone were made of draconic steel and were causing severe burns if someone was cut with it.
“This is bad. Very bad… there’s still a spy among us. Fuck!” The General shouted and kicked and desk, it toppled over and sheets of paper and ink began flying everywhere. “Impossible! That’s just impossible! We checked every unit in the legions!”
The other demon stood quietly on the side, looking at the raging man. “What should we do?” He asked quietly.
“We can’t do shit now! We’re leaving in a few hours…”
Later Trophonius was ready to do his thing. He was standing straight, facing Y/N and holding hands with her. Their energies were intertwining and doing an invisible dance. “Now be ready to let go of all barriers in your head. We’re going back to the time when you first saw the markings on your face. Don’t be scared. You must let them spread all over your body and soul.”
“Is it going to hurt?” she asked the white-haired man sheepishly. The small child in her was still surfacing from time to time.
“Don’t worry to much, I will be as gentle as possible. Of course those things are not pleasant but the key is to not give up. Can you do that for me?”
Taking a deep breath there was one final request from Y/N before starting the ritual. “Can we call Jungkook too? I need him to be here…” there was shyness in her voice but Trophonius seemed unbothered. Letting go of the the young woman’s hands he nodded.
“Let’s call the King.”
Minutes later the demon appeared at the doorway, his gaze falling immediately on Y/N. “You sent for me? Is there something wrong?”
“No. Y/N wanted you to be here for the initiation.”
“Oh” King Mammon looked surprised. Closing the door he stepped closer to the two. “You’ve chosen a side then, princess?” Wide smile softened his sharp features and the man’s nose scrunched at the base. His happiness was not fake, not anymore. The demon was ready to accept whatever Y/N had chosen.
Y/N answered him with a confident smile.
“Then you should take a seat somewhere and wait patiently. Don’t interfere because our bond might be severed and I don’t know what might happen.” Jungkook turned around and slowly approached one of the chairs that were further from them.
“Now then. Take my hands” Trophonius instructed the girl. “I will tap in your memories once again and find the one we need. It will play just the way it had happened in the beginning but you need to find the precise trigger moment and change it yourself. I told you” the Oracle’s long slim fingers were wrapped around Y/N’s tightly and she could feel the soft electric surges going through her. He was already doing it. “Let it play, don’t fight it, don’t be scared. You must let the change wash over you.”
And it began…
Y/N was back in the bathroom of the room she was using then. She was lazily washing her face and teeth, not paying any attention to anything. Then the girl bent over to rinse her mouth of the toothpaste and when she got up there were the markings. Her eyes widened in horror at the sight of the reflection. Scream was ready to escape Y/N’s lips but she took a deep breath in an attempt to ground herself, then her facial features haredened and the eyes got colder.
Raising her voice she called for King Mammon specifically this time. “Jungkook! I need you now!” The sound echoed loudly in the bathroom and seconds later the demon was standing at the door.
“What…” when he saw the scene his eyes widened. “What is going on?”
“I need your help with this.” Y/N informed him flatly and turned to the pierced demon. She placed her hands on his muscular chest and stared straight into Mammon’s eyes. “Do you know what are those weird stains?” He couldn’t take his eyes off the inky black substance sliding down the girl’s chin and neck.
“You’re a demon Y/N” the King gritted his teeth still in shock. “Those are the markings of the transformation.”
“What is their purpose?”
“To show what kind of power you will possess once you’re fully turned.”
She closed her eyes and leaned forward a bit, still touching the demon. He didn’t move one bit and even placed his hands over hers. The young woman’s throat was burning and it felt like her whole chest was on fire. Mammon looked down and saw how the black substance was spreading in thin lines through the girl’s veins. “Let it pass through you, don’t fight it love” he encouraged her and turned Y/N towards the mirror. She slowly opened her eyes and they looked muddy and unfocused.
The King lifted his hand and as if he was in trance with a single motion he smudged the mark on Y/N’s lips even more, pressing himself harder to her back. The vision was so captivating that the demon couldn’t stop.
Tears were glistening in the corners of the girl’s eyes, threatening to spill out any moment. “I feel like…” she chocked on air. “Like I’m dying. What is going on? How much longer is it going to take?”
Back in the real world Trophonius was kneeling in front of Y/N who was breathing heavily, sweat was covering every inch of skin and the hair was sticking to her face. King Mammon was on the verge of losing his mind yet again but then the marking began appearing and he realized - she’s turning into one of them.
Oh the joy…
With trembling hands Y/N leaned on the counter. The black liquid was reaching the tip of her fingers now, it was scary to look at it. On top of that shiny transparent scales began appearing on her cheeks and coming down her neck. The girl’s eyes turned transparent too, the blood vessels were visible under her new “skin”. This was the form she was going to take when shifting. The King found the new Y/N extremely beautiful and unique - he has never seen a demon with a transparent alternative form. The raw excitement triggered his change too…
After one whole agonizing hour the whole ordeal was over and the young woman collapsed on the ground completely drained and breathless.
“Congratulations Y/N” the Oracle spoke quietly “Weclome to your new life.”
Mammon was hovering over her, holding a glass of water in hand. “Hey princess, you did well” the velvet-like voice caressed the girl’s ears and she lowered her eyelids, basking in the pleasant sound. The blurry vision and vertigo were messing with her head but the demon was her anchor and Y/N was thankful for that. “Let’s take you to lie down comfortably. You should rest.”
Once in the bedroom, Jungkook continued talking to the young woman who was already drifting in and out of consciousness. “This was the most beautiful transformation I have ever seen. You will be great.” She only smiled weakly. “Now I can make you my queen for real…”
Chapter 12 / Chapter 14
@princess-sunshyn @thedarkwinterrose
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