#but Andrew and Neil are very soft for each other. and Neil is gonna be getting a lot of attention from Andrew. hence this being part one.
foxgloveinspace · 1 year
Spoonie Neil headcanons (pt. 1/?)
Hey I decided to write this, and probably won’t be updating this headcanon series, sorry guys!! (You have to be logged into ao3 to read it)
It all starts when Abby jokingly says ‘and remember, the normal amount of pain is no pain’ as they get ready to start a game. He rolls his eyes at first, but then that night when he really thinks about it he starts to wonder to himself
Is the pain I remember having constantly from a life on the run and then a life of constant practice?
He takes a couple nights off of extra practice, making Kevin pissed at him, and Andrew silently concerned, but him pulling back in day practice as well has most of the team on edge for the week it keeps up.
On that Saturday he walks into Abby’s office and sits on her table, and looks her right in the eye and says ‘I have pain all the time. I have been in constant pain since I was a kid. I don’t know if it’s something my dad did, or if I’ve always been like this.’
She’s concerned. Duh.
They do some tests come up with 🤷🏼 it’s pain.
She asks Neil if she should tell coach or if she should, and he says he’ll take care of it.
He doesn’t.
He doesn't tell anyone and starts practicing hard again.
Except that now that he knows about it, it's harder to ignore.
The constant ache in his left hip and ankle that are just barely there, the way his fingers hurt after it gets cold, when he feels it down to his bones.
It's all harder to push to the back of his brain now.
Kevin notices first. (Andrew knows something is up, he just figures Neil will now tell him about it....) He notices Neil rubbing his left knee in the hall once, when he thinks he's alone in between classes.
He corners Neil before night practice, Andrew already in the goal, and them putting on their gear.
'you pushed yourself too hard, your injured, you don't play while injured' lecture.
'it's not an injury.' 'I saw you rubbing your knee, and limping. Stop Lying to Me'.
He ends up shouting it, 'Im always in pain'. He's so loud even Andrew stops what he's doing (swinging his racket around, practicing sick af spins).
They all stand there. not saying anything, Neil's panting even though he doesn't even feel out of breath.
'what.' Kevin says it in an icy voice.
'im always in pain, I have chronic pain, I don't know why, but I hurt all the time.'
Kevin is quiet. and then he says, Neil's worst nightmare, 'we're not practicing tonight.'
Neil hasn't shed tears since he was a kid, since before his mom knocked it out of him (literally), but he's close in that moment, taking off his gloves and throwing them on the ground/at Kevin, and stomping back into the lockers.
Kevin doesn't even say anything, just picks them up and Andrew walks out after them, having come close enough to the door to hear the conversation.
When they get back to the room, Neil just wants to be alone. But instead Kevin follows after him, and pushes him down on one of the bean bags.
Neil's leg hurts too much to really argue, but he sits there stewing.
Andrew is staring at him fron across the room, he's sitting on his desk, and Neil looks at him, but he can sort of read Andrew's expression, and he doesn't like it, so he looks at the black tv screen.
the microwave goes off, and Neil almost jumps. he almost does again when the door to it is slammed shut.
Kevin comes back in the room, holding a heat pack.
He walks over to Neil, and drops down to his knees in front of him, 'which knee?'
Neil shakes his head, and presses his hand to his hip, and Kevin lays the heat pack over Neil's side, and Neil makes a quizical sort of noise, but then he sighs as it starts to ease the pain a little.
Kevin hesitates for a moment, his eyes flickers toward Andrew's direction for a second, before he sighs, and reaches up to ruffle Neil's hair.
'I'll teach you how to take care of it better, ok?'
Neil sighs, but nods, his hands curling in the front of his hoodie.
'We'll try ice for your knee, hows that sound?'
Neil just nods again.
he dozes to the sound of Kevin and Andrew discussing compression leggings.
they get them overnight shipped.
Kevin places both hands on Neil shoulders and stands him in front of Coach until Neil finally tells him.
'Yeah, so. Me and Abby figured out I have chronic pain.'
Coach nods, 'ok. That why you where late this morning?'
Neil cringes, 'no, Kevin got me weird leggings that seem to help.'
Coach pauses his watching of the rest of the team, and turns too look at Neil, 'when did you and Abby figure this out again?'
Neil, finally getting fidgety, 'uhh, last month.'
Coach pinches the bridge of his nose, 'ok, dipshit, I'll work on changing your routine now.'
the tension melts out of Neil's shoulders. Kevin sighs. David looks frustrated, 'did you think I was gonna bench you?'
Neil doesn't do anything, but Kevin nods his head.
David sighs, 'get back to practice idiots.'
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kweenkday · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
Awww. Thank you, lovely!
Here we go. My faves of what I've written so far:
1. To one's surprise: I Will Find You Here Inside The Dark.
There's healing, there's angst, there's softness, Kevin is the best. friend. ever! And Andreil name their kid after Aaron. Okay? Okay.
2. Inked Petals
Amnesia 👏 fics 👏 make 👏 me 👏 weak 👏
(Also KevJean, and they PROTEC BABY NEIL🥺)
3. The Shore We'd Come To Find
Some Kandreil love. One of my unpopular ones but writing it made me feel all the feels, and they write letters to each other! And hide them in public libraries all over Europe! Come on... 😍
4. Was Sorta Hopin' That You'd Stay
Enemies to lovers & neighbor pranks. That's all I'm gonna say.
5. Least Favorite Only Child
Aaron-centric. Another very unpopular one but it's very dear to me. *Some* plot, lots of healing and trauma exploration. Andrew keeps the letter Aaron wrote him in his wallet. 🥺
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onbeinganangel · 1 year
2022 round-up ✨
ooooh this is such a fun end of year little tag game!! thank you @danpuff-ao3 for the tag!
1. Post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), 2. your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year, 3. your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, 4. your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, 5. and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
Before I get into it, I’m tagging @vivantesopales @the-starryknight @mintawasalreadytaken and @sweet-s0rr0w 💕 no pressure, have fun! Alright, here we go:
5 fics
(i wrote a total of 6 so this should be easy enough lol from favourite to least loved — by me personally, fuck stats — we have:) savage natures [aftg, andrew/neil, mary hatford character study, 6k, M]
It starts with the now-familiar smell of blood long seeped into the fake leather of the car seats, with the stench of burning plastic, flesh and gasoline.
It starts like any good ghost story should: I am dead, and Nathaniel has come back at last.
geometric equilibrium [aftg, andrew/kevin/neil, getting together, mutual pining, 10k, M]
Kevin graduates and Neil thinks he’s pretty. Andrew graduates and Kevin pines. Neil graduates and Andrew is way more than 100% done with all this triangle-shaped bullshit and can’t believe he has to be the one to fix it.
Or: the Flawed Court get together, in three graduations acts.
Second Best [hp, harry/regulus, past jegulus, past sirry, porn with a side of hate/hurt but it's not quite hate fucking, 8k, E]
Can you want me like you wanted him? Because I do.
Liturgia Horarum [hp, draco/harry, very soft domestic fluff, 1.5k, M]
From morning melodies to evening encores, a day in the life through the soundtrack of routine.
facedown on my bed (thinking of you) [hp, fem!drarry, hogwarts is an all girls school, getting together, uni au, friends to lovers, 10k, M]
Sometimes the feelings you have for your enemy-turned-roommate-turned-bff are not as platonic as you think. Sometimes you're the last person to realise it.
4 current WIPs
(these are all AFTG fics, sorry HP pals) [redacted aftg mixtape exchange fic] - can’t say much except that my recipient chose an amazing song and a brilliant pairing and that the mods are the best and the stars aligned and fate was on my side when i was given this prompt and i’m really excited to finish it and for it to be out in the world
the next three are actually a series of pwp fics set in the same universe where we have established kandreil but i’m giving them all one-on-one time (therefore, three fics)!! i’m very excited about it! this series features: trans neil, professional athlete shenanigans, kevin being a freak, neil being a horny little shit, andrew being his little weirdo self who plays exy because there's nothing better to do but actually is the epitome of a malewife. lots of porn with a side of domesticity, just the way i like it stand in awe of him - the kevneil fic, which yes is titled after a psalm do not dare @ me lol this one is a very soft rapid escalation of morning glory snuggles and domestic chats in which kevin and neil are in bed and start talking about andrew and at first it's like "oh he's so cute when he's grumpy" and suddenly it's like "and that thing he does with his tongue" and they just get each other off thinking about how much they love their bf!!!! like good for them tbh
clinging to you - kandrew!!!! size difference!!!!! 🥵🥵 like there is one vertical foot between those two bastards and you think i'm not gonna make it a thing? i'm gonna make it a thing. i actually have a good chunk of this one written already, it has taken over my brain. just kevin being "ah andrew is so Large and Beefy and Good at Exy" (*cough cough* exy kink *cough cough* competence kink) but then suddenly they're in bed and he realises he can cover ALL of andrew with HIS body and he's like "oh it turns out he's smol but that's also hot?" immediate fireworks in the ol' brain box!!!!
waiting, wanting - ah. the andreil with that one premise that has been done a gazillion times across every random on earth but idc because i want it. neil is horny, andrew is asleep, kevin is across the world and in the end andrew and neil end up fucking with kevin on the phone listening in. neil gets fingered within an inch of his life and andrew gets mocked for his bad french accent and it’s all very delightful, if i say so myself
3 biggest improvements
oh yay tooting my own horn, my favourite activity lmao cutting back - i started this year with a very clear goal of doing No Fests. i did nearly fail at this and i DID sign up to a fest although for no fault of my own that didn't work out in the end which means No Fest 2022 was a success. i also spent a lot less time forcing myself to write and a lot more time thinking about my motivations, the stories i really want to tell and what kind of presence i want to have. i wish i had cut back more but it's very hard. a while ago i described to a dear friend how falling out of love with a fandom community is a bit like moving house, and this move hasn't been smooth. i am proud of my efforts here though!
finding a balance to my outlining process - outlining has always been my weakness. my two longer works are a bit of a mess continuity-wise because my brain just hates outlining. the moment i write down what happens it ticks the wee box for that task and assumes i am done. this year i have found a happy balance where i don't outline too much so that my brain still thrives on the mystery but enough so that the final product isn't a total mess.
characterisation vs plotting - this ties in a little bit with the outlining thing above but i feel like a lot of what i wrote this year was character motivated rather than plot driven! it's a bit of a new approach for me but i am very pleased with the results. it took a lot of studying (mostly reading original stuff, but also a ton of @skeptiquewrites fic because in my opinion, no one does a full cast of characters that feel real and fleshed out and wonderful every single time like tee does!) and a lot more time considering who these characters are instead of actively writing to advance a story, which really worked out for me
2 resolutions
get back to original work - i have a novel idea that's been in my head for a very long time and my goal was to work on it at some point this year. i even gave it a good go during NaNo — unfortunately, it is largely horror and also very much based in my childhood home, in which i am currently living... you can see how that probably wasn't a good idea in the first place. (wtf was i thinking) so, depending on whether or not i manage to finish building and move into my tiny home at some point in 2023, a good chunk of a first draft should be achieved sometime next year!
give myself some grace - well. yeah. that. this is basically an extended version of the "cutting back" improvement from this year. i have to remind myself a lot that unexpected heartbreak and real life shit and bad mental health are all a thing. i'm not always going to be able to finish my projects, and sometimes i will be able to finish them but it won't be what i want it to be. so i'm putting joy above every other feeling next year by cutting myself some slack
1 favourite line
all my favourite lines this year are from the same fic but i am obsessed with how kevin and neil are basically canonically soulmates so i’m gonna go with:
“A raven-black string of fate tying their pinkies together — Neil's own scarred hand to Kevin's racquet-mangled one.” from geometric equilibrium
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kimkhimhant · 19 days
there are a lot of absolutely delightful aftg fics and i read and enjoy pretty much anything in this fandom but sometimes people just make andrew and neil too damn soft and affectionate and normal. like. these boys aren't normal and that's okay! it's okay if they never say i love you or act like other couples, it's okay if they don't go on "normal" dates.
i can only see these two ever getting married for legal purposes. neil gets hurt too much, and andrew would kill anyone who stands between them. them getting married would mean people can't stand between them, that andrew is allowed into any hospital room neil ends up in.
but like. i feel like people try to turn andreil into just any other ship. and they're never gonna be that. they're both way too fucked up and traumatized, and also like, andrew's just not that type of person? their idea of dates are sitting on the roof smoking or going for drives. andrew's affection is heavy-handed comfort and reassurance (and even that is fucked up), violent protection. it's not... soft and gentle, and it doesn't need to be, and that's not what neil needs from him either. like i'm not saying andrew is never gentle – he's very careful with neil, all the time, but especially when he needs to be. but he's never verbally affectionate, he never babies neil, he's not that type of person. his character can be read as aromantic, and i don't think he would ever label his relationship with neil as like. simple romantic love. it's something else completely, but its still just as important.
and neil is. neil. he's feral and fucked up and touch starved and doesn't know or understand how most people work. he finds andrew's sharp edges and violence comforting. he doesn't want andrew to change for him. he understands andrew and andrew understands him. he loves the other foxes and the easy affection they give, but he also feels uncomfortable with it a lot of the time. what andrew and neil offer each other is completely unconventional but it's exactly what they both want and need.
i don't want to read about them learning how to be normal people in a conventional romance
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jingerhead · 3 years
I'm gonna write...some more andreil headcanons...
Hey listen they're fun and give me some serotonin when I need it
I'm gonna write about some more about cuddles 'cause it's fun. Neil likes it when Andrew lays on top of him, but one day he got the chance to lay on top of Andrew, and that was just as great. Andrew's entire body is hard and soft in the right places, making him extremely comfortable. Andrew's chest is the perfect pillow. The only problem is that the cats think so too...
Andrew gets into crafting. He always seems to need something to do with his hands, so doing something like making friendship bracelets helps. Neil wants every friendship bracelet that Andrew makes - and he's very good at it, able to make super complicated ones - and gets jealous when someone like Renee gets one instead. One time the press asked why Neil had seven friendship bracelets on each arm, and Neil proudly started showing them off without revealing that Andrew had made them.
The Minyard-Josten rivalry is both the best and aggravating years of their lives. It starts the first year Andrew goes pro and continues even after they move in together. Sometimes they would tweet at each other while sitting on the same couch. It all came to an end when Neil was caught with Andrew in public and people started thinking he was Aaron of all people, and he had to shut that shit down before Aaron could find out and kill him.
When shopping for things for their apartment, they forgot to get non-stick pans, and thus every meal was a nightmare. They were both determined to still use them, but that came to an end when they tried to make fish. It didn't matter how much oil they tried to use, it stuck to the pan and ruined it. The cats got whatever remnants they could pick off and they decided to order a pizza that night instead. The next day they bought non-stick pans.
They have a vegetable and fruit garden on their balcony, and if that wasn't enough they decide to make a flower box as well. Neil gets a vase and picks flowers once in a while to put in it. King ate one and the two of them freaked out when their cat suddenly vomited on the carpet for seemingly no reason.
Andrew takes good care of the Maserati, going so far as to only wash it himself. Neil joins him once and is only allowed to help that once because he started a water fight by spraying Andrew with the hose. They had fought over it, Andrew had gotten the upper hand and proceeded to drench Neil until he was shivering so badly his teeth kept chattering. Neil got sick after that, so Andrew makes him sit on the side while he washed the Maserati from then on.
Neil gets into yoga. It drives Andrew up a wall because he only does it in their apartment. Sometimes he'll do some stretches after his morning run, and it's always when Andrew is trying to eat his breakfast. Sure, the view is nice, and Neil is very flexible, but does Andrew ask to have a gay panic at eight in the morning?
Andrew knows that Neil doesn't believe their ghost-mate, Harold, exists. That's why it surprises him when Neil comes home one day with an EMF, Sprit Box, DVR, and giant flashlights. He claims they're going to find out if Harold exists once and for all. That night, they go from room to room with the equipment, asking for Harold to show himself. The spirit box says more than one word, they catch more than enough whispers on the DVR and the EMF goes wild in the pantry. All things Andrew knows is proof that Harold is around, but does Neil think it is? Of course he doesn't.
Just a few today lovelies! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed :)
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stargirlwnchstr · 4 years
I have a visual to share with y'all. Say welcome to my long ass 'The Foxes + tiktok' headcanon
@ nickythefox_es (part 1???)
Basically Nicky gets tiktok but all of the foxes show up eventually and just use his profile.
• Most of the videos are with nicky and allison, also matt and dan and occasionally neil.
• Allison and nicky learn so many dances.
• Their duet of make his pockets hurt with Mariah and Zane from the vlog squad is the first one to go v i r a l.
• Yeah most of their followers know them but some and a lot of the comments are non exy fans that just watch them because they're cool
• So many of the "what is exy" "stickball game??" "dont even bother explaining to me what is the sport they play I dont care I'm just here for neil." And related comments get a liked from creator (andrew told nicky to like them)
•The "Oh my god she's coming." "I'm so afraid of her." Audio are the twinyards and nicky shows up, he had to bribe them to be a part of that one.
• They post another version but it's Kevin that enters and Allison and Nicky talking
• So many comments thirsting over them and calling matt and dan parents
• "the real bisexual struggle is simping for matt and dan in the same tiktok." -> liked from creator nickythefox_es commented/replied: ASDGFKSSDWADKWB
• Someone makes a 'put a finger down: Neil Josten edition' and nicky drags him to do it. They both smile as they listen to the prompts and Neil obviously puts all his fingers down but they're like "put a finger down if you clapbacked/if you bad mouthed someone (bonus points if it was on national tv)" "put a finger down if you're under 6 feet" "put a finger down if you love exy" and the last one just says "put a finger down if andrew minyard." Neil does and smiles at someone off camera. Needless to say it goes viral as well. A few weeks after nicky gets verified.
• Allison becomes friends with thenavarose and wisdom sorry I dont make the rules (they're fashion tiktokers)
• They make a series of rating each of the foxes throughout the day, including one of Wymack.
• They do receive bad comments, from bitter ravens fans or just recalling their pasts and nicky sits down and makes a video telling everyone about how they do this videos for fun they dont need hate and negative comments on their videos and all that
• Then another one posted minutes after, neil comes in and nicky says "okay neil you have one minute. Rant off." And neil goes on this rant like how they already hit Rock bottom a single comment is not gonna hurt them and "do you get how insignificant and meaningless your lives must be? You took the time to write and post a comment that you thought was gonna cause an impact and failed. Also thanks for the comments though it helps nicky stay on the algorithm." NICKY SCREECHES AND THE VIDEO ENDS WITH THEM SMILING
• Allison vlogs neil and her going shopping or thrifting also cutting Neil's hair
• *neil walks into the room wearing his orange bandana* *camera moves and zooms on Andrew's face* he doesnt lip sync but the song sings "oh noo I think I'm catching feelings" andrew tells him to delete it "but it already has thousands of likes andrew"
• They post some of their work out routines per request
• One of them is the fast and "I'm spinning like a ballerina" chill of neil just running on the treadmill and doing sprints and squats and leg stuff while it cuts to allison doing a bit of everything but looking like a queen on a matching set.
• A fun one that goes viral for "vine energy" is: it's very quiet on the court and Kevin, very in the zone, throws the ball to the goal, which Andre's catches easily and almost without moving. The camera goes back to kevin as he screeches and let's himself fall on the ground. Neil is standing beside him shaking his head and looking at the goal with a smile on his face.
• They try to teach neil the dances but while filming one of them he just leaves. They post it either way.
• They're in the bus, nicky is on selfie mode and says "it is game day my dudes" he turns and shows the whole bus S C R E A M S, in the corner Wymack is covering his face.
• The iconic "they say drunk thoughts are sober words" or something like that and it cuts to a series of videos of the foxes drunk af. Example: Nicky grabbing Allison's face and saying 'Remember. Bread. Head. Leave.' And allison nodding.
• Nicky films kevin standing up and put the "do you ever wonder what is going on inside their head?" And it cuts to pictures of racquets and exy and Jeremy Knox and one that says history stuff.
• Another one that goes viral is kevin very seriously and p e r f o r m i n g, rapping Jefferson's side of the cabinet battle #1 from Hamilton then towards the end andrew stands up in front of him and with his iconic bored expression he starts rapping Hamilton's part. Behind the camera there's a soft "...oh my gOD" and kevin is shocked eyes widen open and then the camera zooms on Neil who's mouth is open in shock but GRINNING and ~impressed~
• Dan and matt do The challenge, you know the one that like has to flip them over and all that and they ace it, nicky points the camera to where andrew and neil are stating and Andrew says no.
• A few minutes later another video of the challenge is posted only this time is matt and neil.
• Nicky and allison are in full gear filming a dance video (maybe savage or captain hook) on the court and someone films them filming that and then Wymack looking at them SO disappointed cut to Wymack with nicky's phone, having confiscated it and nicky besides him "coach, it's cardio!"
• Hours spent trying trick shots
• Foxes: "get back! Move!" Ravens: "Let me in! I be the I g g y!" Trojans: "Oh my God do no let her in" Foxes: "I am trying!"
• Nicky lying down: "okay but someone needs to tell me how old is the shirtless pottery guy. I can't be part of another controversy. It's for science c'mon. *debby Ryan's*"
• Someone comments "he's eighteen. Simp away, nicky." And he makes a video with his feet swinging and smiling. Aaron gets on the frame and says "we are deeply in need of some bowls." The caption: hi @ papapots
• They are verified so obviously he gains a couple of thousands followers and he duets smiling and with a package in his arms. Text: thanks for the support (and hi new followers from sport side of tiktok hope you enjoy my pots) caption: hi @ nickthefox_es I got you aaron.
• After the package comes they duet it with nicky screaming and showing off the goods and then he moves stop show andrew eating ice cream out of one of them. Caption: AJSNEPWLDKSS THANK YOU DAX
• Allison and nicky do the "I love you!" "No you dont topper! You love the idea of me. You love being seen with me but you dont love me." But nicky is Sarah and allison is topper. Next day the obx ig page reposted it "we stan the psu foxes pogues for life." And chase stokes posts it on Twitter saying "yoo the palmetto foxes watch??? my show???" Nicky takes a screenshot and on green screen he says "hi chase!! We do! The whole team binged it. Currently we've been debating who of us is going to dress up as pogues for Halloween." A lot of voices start arguing and as nicky is gonna enter the debate the video cuts.
• Allison does the facetime *deep male voice says hey* prank on them. Neil doesnt react. Nicky doesnt look up from his phone but does the finger thing and says "get that d, allison!" Dan and renee look at each other and then at allison and she bursts out laughing.
• aaron studying to be a doctor: *two plus two is four etc sound* andrew (eating pretzels from the bag while watching a game show lying down in a bean bag) and his eiditic memory [basically not needing to study]: *three is a magic number sound*
• Nicky runs through the court and enters the lounge beside the photo wall there's a poster he shows the camera as the sounds says it "alive ahaha fuck"
• Somehow they convince all of them to show up and do the wipe it down trend that ends up with wymack throwing the towel at the mirror.
• Comment: so how many members of the team listen to girl in red or sweater weather? Nicky stands there with the color filter: 👁👄👁👉👈 caption: yes❤
• He gets neil to duet to the whole "british people be like". "Neil I'm not british." "Part of you is so just read the tweets." He does and the comments are all thirst and simping
• Comment: raise your hand if you've been victimized by neil josten. Where my fellow Simps at? (The comment gets hundreds of thousands of likes) they make a video, everyone on the team except aaron who walks out raises their hand as the sound says "welcome to simp nation" kevin rolls his eyes but raises his, says something that nicky captions "i simp over his exy skills". andrew doesn't at first, but next to him neil whispers something and after andrew says yes, neil grabs Andrew's forearm and raises it. Andrew looks away and neil smiles.
• Nicky lying down: okay but what if Jean moreau traded places with the french guy from here you know who, david.
• Comment "ugh your mind nicky" reply video: right? Big brain, many thoughts, head full all the time. But like actually the idea of david playing exy and Jean hanging out with ducks and making viral tiktoks just-
• Comment "i feel you and @ austincantdrive would make the best chaotic duo" reply: we would be too powerful together. Austin replies too: agree.
• Allison makes a sports jersey/comfy wear but make it fashion and she styles herself. Everyone on the comments d i e s for her.
• Comment "okay but what about the boys. help allison." She makes a video too with matt and nicky and at the end neil wears an orange crop top and the internet b r e a k s
• Comment "allison do you listen to girl in red?" video reply: her winking at the camera and lip syncing as sweater weather plays. The comments a lot of them liked by creator: a win for the girls (and the boys)
• Upperclassmen Back in 2003: okay but hey do we always have to be involved? Can we do normal stuff that normal people do, like, go for brunch? Us (aaron, andrew, kevin and me): what the fuck is brunch?
• Of course they do the mr blue sky trend. Nicky: drunkenly goes to flirt with a guy. Aaron: drunkenly follows to get away from kevin. Kevin: drunk on pure vodka reminds us we have practice in the morning.
• Or another one all of them. Neil: ready to insult a reporter. Dan: tries not to laugh on camera. Matt: gets ready to hug him afterwards Allison and Nicky: Filming everything. Wymack: the only one trying to stop it from happening and failing.
• Dan and matt duet their reactions to every video edit of them, smiling and saying "your parents love you guys!".
• Comment "literally what is wrong with the ravens/ravens fans?The foxes are such a nice group of people and they're doing great in the sport y'all worship just shut up you cult-y athletic hype house." video reply: "ladies and gentlemen. The volume inside of this bus is A S T R O N O M I C A L."
• comment video reply: okay so we're not gonna talk about nicky at the gym?? Bc C A K E. nicky lip syncing "I'm glad you brung it up because I've been dying to talk about this for a fucking hot minute. First of all-"
• Colin uses one of Neil's or Andrew's interviews replies as one of his sounds and nicky fanboys a lot
• Allison and nicky do the Kardashian sound compilation.
• Nicky with a picture of Erik on green screen: "hi I just wanna say if you look anything like this please contact me. Thank you." Caption: miss u baby. And Erik watches his tiktoks and he facetimes him immediately. Nicky takes a screenshot and duets his own video crying with the screenshot caption: SKALSBSKAJSL Erik comments: stop making tiktoks and answer the phone, hemmick. Nicky replies: yessir everyone below comments keyboard smashes and you got a good one. Goals. Lmao kids that's what we call bottom panic. We stan one healthy long distance relationship and after that a bunch of long distance relationship questions that he makes another video on.
• A video of Katelyn and neil chatting and it pans to the twins watching them with the *when worlds collide sound*
• He reposts a snippet of one of his interviews post game where he grabs the mic from the reporter and nicky: can I say something? Reporter: sure, go ahead. Nicky: thank you. *looks straight into the camera* all the birds died in 1986 due to Reagan killing them and replacing them with spies that are now watching us. The birds work for the bourgeoisie. Thank you." And leaves. IT GOES VIRAL INSTANTLY.
• Comment "is everyone else gonna forget that tiktok where he said he was already part of a controversy? We stan a problematic icon?" Video reply: guys I might have been part of a whole Twitter beef thing against my little hoodie and Bruce hallway but c'mon, like, c'mon you can't blame me.
• Comment "for neil: does the carpet match the drapes 👅😍?" Video reply: neil on selfie mode. "Allison gave me her phone, told me to answer this and ran away so umm." He reads the box on the screen and frowns he walks and stands next to the window, where Andrew is sitting down and is barely seen on frame. "uhmm, the internet is confusing. Our carpet is like this" he turns the phone and shows the floor (grayish carpet) and then back at him "but we don't have drapes so, technically they don't match, I dont know." Andrew's head goes up and simply says "Neil." Neil turns "what?" And the video ends.
• of course nicky and allison do the WAP dance, on the court, when they should be running drills.
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kevindayscrown · 3 years
The one where Kevin Day falls in love with an ice hockey player.
Part 13
Anything included in this head canon takes place the semester after the Foxes won the championship against the Ravens.
Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about varsity teams in the United States so excuse any false information. Head over to the directory to find the previous parts.
When the two of them managed to pull away from each other, Kevin decided it was time to let Neil and Andrew know that he would take a bit longer to go find them.
He pulled out his cellphone from his pocket, only to see that Neil had already texted him;
‘Find something to do with yourself in Atlanta for tonight.’
Kevin stared down at it for a while, not sure what to do with it; was he supposed to ask Eric if he could spend the night here? The semester started in two days which meant that they’d both have to go back to Palmetto the next day. It would be only for a night but Kevin wasn’t so sure how he felt about it.
He was even more surprised that Neil had managed to convince Andrew to leave Kevin behind in the first place. Then again, it wouldn’t be the first time Andrew agreed to something just because ‘Neil asked’.
“Dinner is served. Ma says you are more than welcome to stay and eat with us,” Eric said, his hand finding its place on Kevin’s lower back. It took some will on Kevin’s part to not pull away and welcome the touch instead.
How was he going to ask such favor from Eric? Maybe he didn’t have to. Maybe he could call Neil and yell at him until they would turn the car around and come pick him up again.
“Yes, dinner would be nice,” he finally said, deciding to think about that later as he shoved his phone in his pocket.
The two of them headed downstairs, where Riley was helping Hien set up the table. Apparently, they’d already decided on their own that Kevin was going to stay for dinner.
Kevin wasn’t sure if any of this was a good idea, but it was too late to back down, turn around and leave. Instead, he pulled up a chair and sat down. Eric took a seat next to him and flashed him a smile that he couldn’t help but return, even in a passing moment.
The food served in front of them was a dish Kevin didn’t recognize, but could guess from Eric’s lit up expression that it must be one of those traditional ones that he’d told Kevin he favored.
Kevin never did well with new flavors. He’d already started to calculate potential calorie intake and how much he would have to work out to make up for it when Eric reached and put his hand on his knee under the table.
“If you want to have something else, I’m sure Ma wouldn’t mind it,” he said. Kevin wasn’t sure how he noticed or if he’d already put the pieces together from previous interactions of Kevin’s with food, but the striker wasn’t very willing to be rude to Hien and her attempts to welcome Kevin.
“No. It’s fine,” he said firmly, picking up a fork and starting to eat when everyone was seated. He could tell that Riley, seated across from him, was already dying to say something, held back only by Eric’s warning gaze.
Kevin let out a scoff at that, counting down the moments until Riley finally spoke;
“So… are you guys finally dating again?” They asked with a toothy grin. Kevin shifted a bit in his chair at the same time Eric coughed.
Where they dating? Kevin supposed they were. He wasn’t sure what that entailed. His only dating experience was not exactly an example he should be looking up to. However, if Eric had certain expectations from Kevin, he would probably be disappointed.
“Yes, we are,” Kevin finally said, taking both Eric and Riley by surprise. He didn’t elaborate though as he picked up the fork and brought it in his mouth slowly.
“That’s awesome! Oh wait- does that mean I’m third-wheeling? Are tonight’s plans cancelled?” The question was clearly directed at Eric, who seemed to hesitate as he turned to look at Kevin.
“Are you leaving after this? How did you even get here in the first place?” He asked. Kevin realized then that he could no longer stall making a decision.
“With Andrew and Neil. They left. They are probably on the way to Palmetto by now,” he said, sounding bitter about the fact that, once again, Neil was getting in someone’s business, thinking it was actually going to help.
“Wait- where are you staying then?” Riley asked but then their eyes lit up. They glanced between Kevin and Eric and then let out a mischievous hum.
“I was gonna sleep over here but I just remembered I have to keep my grandma company tonight. I’m sure Kevin will be comfortable on the spare mattress,” they said, looking very satisfied with themselves.
Eric glanced at Kevin, almost with a hopeful expression. Kevin wasn’t usually one to fall for such things, but Eric had already done a lot for him. Some small part of him also wanted to stay. To spend a little more private time with him before they got back to campus.
“Alright,” he said with a small nod, feeling Eric relax by his side for a moment. Riley grinned as they watched them and then stood up to pick up the plates. Kevin had enough common courtesy to decide and help, seeing as the family had already done a lot for him, and they would apparently let him spend the night here. Despite Wei’s persistence to let them handle it, Kevin picked up some of the plates and followed Riley in the kitchen.
“I’m glad you worked things out with Eric,” they eventually said as Kevin handed them plates one by one for them to wash. He wasn’t sure how to respond to that, but apparently, he didn’t really have to say anything because Riley just kept talking.
“He’s been crushing on you forever. Seriously, it was hard to hear him talk about how much he ‘hated’ you-,” they had to put the plate down and do the air quotes with soapy fingers, “- when it was just so obvious.”
Kevin raised an eyebrow as he listened, leaning up against the counter, watching Riley as they kept washing the dishes, like they hadn’t just dropped a bomb and waited for it to explode.
It made Kevin halt and think for a moment. Eric had never really been affectionate before. If anything, Kevin had earned a fair share of bruises from fights they’d gotten in. He couldn’t imagine the goaltender actually liking him in any way during that time.
“What has Eric said about me?” He eventually asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Riley realized at that moment that they had spoken too much and hesitated as they kept rubbing the glass to get rid of the stains on it. Eventually, they shrugged and put on a small innocent-like smile.
“I guess you’ll have to convince Eric to tell you himself.”
Kevin wasn’t able to extract any further information after that. Riley eventually left after biding the whole family goodnight. Hien and Wei let Kevin get settled after making sure he had everything he needed. Eric had set up the mattress Riley had mentioned by his bed and even offered to take the mattress himself to let Kevin sleep on the bed.
“It’s fine,” Kevin said as he sat down and removed his shoes. The two remained silent for a long moment before Eric finally spoke:
“So. We are dating. Officially,” he said, as if still being unable to believe it.
Kevin himself was hesitant but he was slowly coming to terms with the fact that he was attracted to a guy. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but he’d rather not think too hard on labels right then. People had been labelling him his entire life already.
“Yes. We are.”
Eric smiled at that and then slowly leaned down from the bed to reach the same height as Kevin. Kevin met him halfway and brought his hand to Eric’s cheek as their lips touched.
“Alright then, boyfriend,” Eric hummed with a soft chuckle that had Kevin’s heart skip a few beats, “You can’t back out from this one now. You have no idea what you are getting yourself into.”
Judging from their previously fake relationship, Kevin knew exactly what he was getting into. He finally had someone who could tolerate him without dismissing him, someone who was helping him see things the way they were.
“Really, Jiang?” He finally asked as he gripped the other’s collar of his shirt and pulled him down, closer to his face. Eric watched him intensely, and Kevin could see his throat bob as he gulped.
“I think that now you are in my domain.” Kevin finally whispered before pulling Eric in for another kiss.
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jeni182 · 4 years
Hi here's a prompt: Andrew keeps insisting it's 'nothing' right? So now Neil is hell bent on making him admit that it isn't, so he's trying various things to do so, including making him jealous.
First, I’m sorry this took so long! Second, I know this is probably not what you had in mind and I’m sorry for that. This is just where my mind took it, and I think I just didn’t want to see Neil making Andrew mad on purpose to get him to admit it bc I’m fragile okay I HOPE THIS IS FINE.
Andrew’s mouth was cold.
Usually, it was warm, and Neil knew it would warm up soon enough, but he’d been sucking on an ice cube right before they kissed, and Neil was enjoying the novelty of a cold mouth on his own.
They were at the Columbia house in their room, in their bed, in their feelings. Neil was, anyway. He suspected Andrew was too, but he’d never admit it.
That was the thing though, wasn’t it? They’d been doing this for a year now. They’d been together practically every second. They’d stood together and fought together and taken each other apart together, after slowly and carefully building trust bit by bit.
Neil pulled away from Andrew’s mouth, panting slightly. Andrew turned his attention to Neil’s neck instead, and he had to fight against the urge to close his eyes.
“Hey.” Andrew stopped and looked at him. “One of the soccer guys asked if you were my boyfriend.”
Andrew’s face didn’t change. “So?”
Neil shrugged. “I didn’t know what to tell him.”
“You? At a loss for words? Wonders never cease.” Andrew didn’t lean down to kiss Neil again, and Neil knew he wouldn’t. He’d wait until it was made clear that Neil wanted to keep going. He sat up instead. They faced each other on the bed and Neil looked down to the soft black blanket Andrew kept on it because he liked rubbing his feet against it at night.
“Seriously, though. What should I have said? Are we?”
“Are we what?”
Andrew tilted his head just slightly, his mouth turning down a bit at the corner. “No,” he finally said, and moved to leave the bed. Neil stood with him to stand in front of him.
“So, what then? It’s been a year Andrew. This is still nothing? This is still just a fun way for you to pass the time?” Neil hated the way he sounded. This wasn’t him. Whining and carrying on about labels. He didn’t even need a label, really. He just wanted Andrew to admit that yes this was something and yes Neil was something.
Andrew patted his pockets like he was looking for his cigarettes. “Fun is objective, don’t you think?”
Neil crossed his arms, clenched his jaw, and threw his cards on the table. “So, you’d be totally fine if I hooked up with someone else? Since this is nothing and I’m nothing?”
Andrew’s head snapped up and his gaze met Neil’s. He could see a muscle tic in Andrew’s jaw, but all he said was, “Do what you want.”
He left the room. Neil didn’t follow him.
They were quiet with each other after that. Still together, still connected. It was like Andrew was inside his own head constantly, but Neil didn’t mind. He didn’t really know what to say anyway. He was still thinking about it but pushing Andrew to admit something he wasn’t ready to didn’t seem like a good idea.
They were in the library one day, studying for midterms. Neil felt good about this, because Andrew despised the library and the fact that he was here at all was, Neil was pretty sure, just to be with him. They sat across from each other, both reading. Neil, a history textbook. Andrew, something that looked very unacademic.
Neil startled a little when someone slid into the seat next to his. He’d gotten too comfortable here, he thought for the millionth time. He was out of immediate danger, sure. But for how long?
He looked to the person next to him, and it was a guy he vaguely remembered from one of his math classes.
“Hey, Neil.”
Neil didn’t say anything. He looked at the guy confused. He didn’t know his name. Tad or Jake or Brad or something similar to the hundreds of other white guys at this school who all looked exactly the same to him. Brown hair, eyes, a nose maybe, taller, weakness is in their lack of speed.
Tad or Jake or Brad cleared his throat, eyes flicking to Andrew before landing back on Neil’s face. Neil looked at Andrew too, who was still staring at his book, eyes not moving.
“I just wondered if maybe you want to study together? This statistics final is gonna kill me, and I know you’re so good at this.” He flashed Neil a smile of straight white teeth.
Neil shrugged. “I guess, sure.” He needed to study, too, after all. He didn’t think he’d have a problem, but his scholarship was dependent on his grades and the last thing he needed was to risk it now that his choices were to go pro or die.
“Perfect. Here’s my number.” He reached over and used Neil’s pencil to write his number on the corner of his history textbook, which seemed unnecessarily rude. He squeezed Neil’s arm and left with one last glance at Andrew. Neil watched him leave before shrugging to himself and looking back down at his book. He could feel Andrew’s eyes burning a hole in the top of his head a minute later.
“What?” he asked, without looking up.
Andrew didn’t answer. Neil did look up at him then, confused. He was staring at Neil with his normal blank expression, but there was something about the tightness around his mouth, the slight narrowing of his eyes that Neil didn’t like.
“What’s wrong?”
Andrew stood, shoving his book in his bag and leaving the library without looking back. Neil started to follow him but stopped. Whatever Andrew was pissed about, he probably just wanted space to sort it out. Neil knew by now that bugging Andrew to talk was only more likely to send him deeper inside his shell. So, he stayed in his seat, wrote flashcards to study, and thought about Andrew the whole time.
He let him have until after dinner before he tracked him down to the roof. Andrew was there like he was always there. Sitting at the edge with his knees pulled up, arms circling them loosely. A bottle of vodka at his hip and the acrid scent of cigarettes on the air. Neil took a seat beside him and looked out over the glowing lights of campus.
Neil waited for Andrew to talk first. Whatever this was, he was here as silent support until otherwise requested.
“Did you set up your date?”
Neil looked at Andrew in surprise. “Date?”
“With statistics boy. He seemed awfully eager.” Andrew threw his cigarette off the side and immediately lit another one.
“You mean to study? No, that exam isn’t until next week.”
Andrew snorted. “Oh, Neil. You can’t be this clueless. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you mention hooking up with other people and then you agree to study with a guy who looks at you like he’s already fucked you.”
Neil’s hackles rose immediately. “I seem to remember you telling me to do what I want. Or did I hear that wrong?”
Andrew threw the new cigarette off the edge, too. Even though it was only half spent. “No, you didn’t.”
“Then why are you complaining?”
Andrew took a swig of the vodka in answer, and Neil grabbed it from him before he could take another.
“I don’t plan on hooking up with anyone else. I don’t want to hook up with anyone else. I still don’t swing for anyone but you, in case you’ve forgotten. That guy was asking me to study, and I agreed. I’m not going to manipulate you into admitting that there’s something here by fucking someone else. If you really think I’d do that, you don’t know me at fucking all which is a shame, because I know you, Andrew.”
Andrew laughed with no humor. It was sad, and Neil thought maybe a little broken. “You don’t know me.” Neil’s chest tightened to the point of pain. Because he did know him. He knew this man, knew him better than he knew himself sometimes.
“Yeah?” Neil leaned into Andrew’s space and Andrew did not lean away. “I know you’re afraid of heights, and you’re afraid of me. I know you think as soon as you admit to yourself - to me - that this isn’t just two guys getting off together, it becomes real. It’s one more thing for you to lose in a life where you’ve lost so fucking much. It’s one more thing someone can hold against you when they want to hurt you again.” Neil leaned closer, and not getting any resistance from Andrew, he placed a kiss on his neck. Andrew shivered. “I know you’ve never had this, because I’ve never had it either. And I know it’s scary, because I’m scared too. But Andrew,” Neil sighed and leaned back again, “I’ve been nothing my entire life. I still feel like nothing sometimes. You are my something, and the fact that you also think I’m nothing is fucking soul crushing sometimes. As much as you don’t want to hear it, you are everything.”
Andrew looked from Neil to campus, and Neil watched his throat work as he swallowed hard. He closed his eyes before looking back to Neil.
“Are you going to study with that guy?”
“Not if you don’t want me to.” Neil honestly didn’t know if the guy was flirting, but if it was something Andrew took this seriously, he would take it seriously, too.
“I don’t want you to.” He took out his pack of cigarettes but didn’t light another one. He just flipped it over and over in his hands.
“Why?” Neil couldn’t help but ask.
Andrew looked at him, pale and washed out from the artificial lights, but eyes still bright as they landed on his.
“Because you are everything, too.”
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It's Christmas and I'm thinking about Andreil. What else is new.
So Nora said that they never say I love you, which might make sense given their situation but we as a fandom collectively disagree. I know there's a lot of headcanons about this already but idc, I'll make my own.
I respect Nora's decision to not make them say any openly affectionate things because as we know neither of them think much of love.
What they have is so much more than that. They couldn't just say I love you to express all their feelings for each other. It wouldn't be enough.
Also, they both prefer expressing themselves with gestures and witty side comments. Saying I love you isn't important then.
So they don't say it.
But when Andrew graduates and Neil is the last remaining member of our original Fox line, captaining the cubs, they can't show their love in gestures anymore.
They stay in contact through phone calls. Neil finally learns how to properly use his phone and regularly charges it. He also doesn't turn it off much because Andrew wants to be able to contact him in case he gets worried about Neil's wellbeing and wants to check if he's safe
Every night Neil would go up to the roof and sit where they had sat every night for years. And they'd talk about their day on the phone.
During all these years with the Foxes Neil has gotten a bit better with expressing his feelings and telling the truth. The Foxes taught him well and they're very proud of him for his progress.
But Neil still wouldn't get too sentimental with them. (He is no soft, fluffy baby and I will fight everyone who writes him that way)
Anyways, he'd sit on the rooftop and Andrew would be on a balcony or something. And they'd talk, mostly Neil would complain about captaining and Andrew would silently listen. Then Neil would get him to talk about his own day. They never say they miss each other but they both know.
That's their routine.
Normally, at the end of every call they'd just quickly say goodbye. No big deal.
But one night when Neil has to hang up because there's an important match the next day he says "Okay, I gotta go. Love you, bye" without really realising.
Andrew doesn't respond and Neil hangs up.
Andrew is confused. Did he just hear that correctly? Wtf?
Next time at the end of their call, Neil has to hang up again and says the same thing "Love you, bye"
Andrew sharply inhales, which Neil can hear over the phone. So Neil's like "what?"
"What did you just say?"
"I said bye"
"Before that"
"I said... Love you... I guess" That's when he realises he said it in the first place. He quietly curses Dan and Matt for having said it so often around him.
"Is that okay?"
"... Do whatever you want" Andrew sounds chill but actually he's super confused and his heart is beating faster.
"... Anyways, I'm cold, I'm gonna go inside now. Bye"
The next day Neil reluctantly says "Love you, bye" again. Maybe chuckling a bit to pass it off as a joke.
From then on Neil says it more often. On most days he'll end the calls that way and Andrew kinda gets used to it. To both of them it's still a strange concept but they also know that what they feel for each other isn't only attraction anymore. If it even ever had been.
After years they finally move in together with the cats.
Neil doesn't have to say I love you over the phone every night as a part of their routine anymore so at first he won't say it anymore but they both find that they miss it and that it had actually been quite a nice thing. They've gotten used to it.
So sometimes when they cuddle he'll whisper a small I love you to Andrew at his neck and Andrew would tense up a bit.
If Neil said it during heated make out sessions, it would drive Andrew absolutely crazy. He'd bite out a "shut up" but Neil knows better.
Neil gets more and more comfortable with the word love. So when he's cuddling with the cats or lying with them on the ground he would bury his face in their fur and whine slightly distressed I love you's into them. Andrew always rolls his eyes but he secretly finds it endearing.
Neil goes for a run every morning and sometimes he picks up ice cream for Andrew on his way back to their apartment and puts it in the fridge.
One day Andrew gets up a little later and Neil has already returned from his run, sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee.
Andrew goes to the kitchen and looks for something to eat. Then he notices the ice cream that Neil had bought before. He takes it and goes to sit with Neil on the other end of the couch. Ice cream for breakfast, yes.
They sit there, minding their business in comfortable silence, doing their individual activities like reading while eating or whatever.
Neil only spares Andrew a side glance as he acknowledges the ice cream.
Andrew picks up on it tho.
So he swallows once while trying to keep it together.
And mumbles a "Thanks... I love you"
Neil's eyes widen in surprise but he's not stupid enough to say anything. So he just smiles to himself, pleased and extremely happy to have gotten to this point in his life.
In conclusion, after a few years into their relationship nothing, Neil says I love you more often and Andrew says it very rarely. But they needed a lot of time to get where they are and they're very happy with the way their relationship works even if it's not understandable for others.
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honestlyzenoouh · 3 years
Aaron Goes Big Instead Of Home (And Poor Kevin Dies A Bit Inside)
This fic is also on AO3 if you prefer to read over there :) 
This was all Neils fault, 100% the little assholes fault. It was a simple bet, a very small one indeed. The fact that Neil even agreed to the bet, should have tipped Aaron off from the very start. But sadly, Aaron is nothing but a salty bitch when it comes to Neil, and the fact the bet involved his brother was even better. He could kill two, no actually tree birds with one tiny victory. Convince his brother that his relationship with Neil was nothing but loveless sex, prove Neil wrong whilst also getting to humiliate him. Win win win.
Teeny tiny flaw in his plan though. Neil won. Neil actually got Andrew to casually display relationship like PDA. With Andrew initiating. Holding hands, kisses goodbye, softly touching hips to get by each other, the whole shebang. Fuck. Damnit. Crap. He wasn’t suppose to readily showcase his emotions towards Neil, he was suppose to prove to both Aaron and himself that the relationship was a fad, and let it fizzle out like his and Katelyns. Okay, he might have been a little bit bitter, as well as the usual annoyance Neil brings out in him, when he made the bet. Whatever.
So here Aaron stood, almost exactly six months after the bet started, in Katelyn’s bathroom just looking at the offending clothes. Katelyn and him might have broken up, but they still consider each other their platonic soulmates. The sex kinda spelled that out for them, not really enjoyable for either of them. Katelyn found out she definitely was on the asexual spectrum, where sex was only enjoyable for her sometimes. When they first got together she had laid all the cards on the table, and told him her feelings about sex, and Aaron had been very understanding and patient with her. It took a long time for their relationship to turn physical, other than the casual kissing and hand holding, and in the two and a half years they had been together, actual sex had only happened a handful of times. And only one of those times had been somewhat satisfactory for both of them.
It was after the last time they had sex, one of the worse experiences for both of them, that Katelyn suggested they might be right for each other. Aaron had wanted to argue with her, wanted to be hurt she would say such a thing, but Aaron had been having the same thoughts for a while before. Because while Katelyn might be asexual, Aaron sure as fuck wasn’t. He got urges and fantasies, and whilst he understood Katelyn didn’t, he also knew it wasn’t her fault they weren’t clicking right sexually. So they mutually decided that they might be better of as best friends instead of partners, but weren’t ready to tell people. Katelyn wasn’t ready to come out, and Aaron would like to keep his pride and not be pitied.
(The sexual identity crisis that sprung forwards in Aaron when he actually realized that it was not only Katelyn that didn’t find pleasure in their sex life is not to be spoken about. Internalized homophobia and too much alcohol doesn’t mix, too many tears, understanding Nickys, and not nearly enough answers. Whatever, he has time to figure it out when the time is right.)
The uniforms material felt way too heavy in his hands, considering it was only a two piece, yet it was surprisingly soft. He guessed that’s what happens if you actually use fabric softener, but what was he suppose to know? He didn’t care enough about his clothes to spend the extra cash on that shit. Katelyn does though, or whoever she borrowed the clothes from did.
He shifted the fabric around his fingers and actively considered forfeiting his dare. However the mere thought of letting Neil win even more, made him visible recoil and slightly nauseas. Fuck that, a thousand times over. A simple knock on the door and a voice asking if he was okay in there, got him out of his staring contest with the outfit, and mumble something even he wasn’t sure what meant.
Taking a deep breath he finally shimmed out of his pants, and pulled the undergarment of the uniform on. A bit shorter than he was used to, but not too bad. Taking off his hoodie and replacing it with the top, made it all a bit much, and way too real. He’s gonna lose his dignity as well as his masculinity to this. The bright orange Vixens uniform sat tight against his chest, but flowed nicely the rest of the way down. Turning a bit this way and that, he got to study his whole body. His ass which normally was kinda flat, popped a bit with the skirt accentuating its shape flatteringly. His shoulder and biceps got the same treatment with the tanktop’s broad straps. So maybe not all masculinity is lost to this. Gathering a bit of his spite for Neil, and general courage, he finally unlocked the door. Finding his last fucks to give after a couple of more moments, he also opened the door. Luckily, it was only Katelyn waiting for him. She moved her head from her phone and smiled from her upside down position on the couch.
“You good?” She simply asked him. Kneading the fabric of the skirt, and pulling at it a bit he nodded.
“As good as I’m gonna get, wearing a skirt because of a stupid fucking bet. I’m so stupid.” Pulling  a bit more on the skirt, he looked around. “Where are the others? I just really wanna get this over and done with” Katelyn helpfully pointed downward, hopefully meaning Fox Towers third floor and not the parking lot. Sighing and looking at her with tense shoulders, a question all by it self, she only raised an eyebrow and gave him a look. Obviously not the parking lot, who did he think she was? A monster? Him lifting one of his now unclenched shoulders, no, but you do enjoy to slightly bullying me, so why not. Katelyn snorted and finally got up from the couch.
“I thought about it, not going to lie to you, but your face when I gave you the uniform made me reconsider. You looked like a kicked puppy, it was so sad.” Aaron grunted to make his displeasure know, but followed her to the front door. He only hesitated a bit going through, so little only people who really knew him would realize. Luckily, (or unluckily, depending on how you view it) Katelyn was one of those very few people, and she put an arm around his shoulders for comfort. Together they walked the short way to stairs and down the two flights from fifth to the third floor, thankfully without running into anyone. The hallway of the third floor also blessedly empty, gave Aaron a false sense of fortitude. Holding on to it, until it became as genuine as it’s gonna be, he looked up to Katelyn, “Which room?”
After a quick glance at her phone, she nodded towards the upperclassmen’s room. Great, so Neil roped the whole team together to witness this. Fucker. Shaking off the rest of his nerves, he shrugged off Katelyn’s arm and walked up to the door. Opening and stepping inside made his heart start pounding, but nothing happened. Literally nobody was even looking at him, or acknowledging his presence at all. All eyes seem to be on his twin, currently laying face down on the floor. “This is the worst day of my life” came muffled from the floor. Looking from face to face, Aaron finally made eye contact with someone. Sadly that someone was Neil.
Raising an eyebrow at him, Aaron silently dared him to comment. Unable to backdown, Neil did just that. “Okay Minyard, that’s a bit low, even for you” Nodding towards Aarons chest area whilst he said so, made Aaron look down at the v-neck. Sure it was a bit deep, considering his lack of boobs, but it wasn’t that bad. The v stopped at about the middle of his chest, pale blond hairs exposed to world for once. Bracing himself once again for all the attention that was bound to come his way, now that Neil had spoken to him, he took another step into the room, Katelyn right behind him. But still, all eyes except for Neils’ were on his twin as an unenthusiastic “fuck you” came from the floor. This time it was Neil that raised an eyebrow, want to make a game of this? Aaron nodded once, intrigued with this whole situation.
“Seriously A, isn’t this a bit over the top?” Neil gestured a bit with his hands, presumably meaning the Vixens uniform. Fair question, when the forfeit only specified a skirt. But Aaron kinda lived by go big or go home, and when he asked Katelyn if he could borrow a skirt, and the only thing she had he would be able to fit in was the uniform he said fuck it. To answer Neils question he nodded towards Katelyn, who gave a tiny wave. A look of understanding crossed his face when an answer came from the floor. “This is a perfectly reasonable reaction” This startled a laugh out of Nicky, and made Kevin look up from Andrew towards Neil. When he saw him looking nowhere near Andrew he followed Neils eyesight and caught sight of Aaron. His eyes widened and he stood stock still, but not a noise or word passed through him. Aaron didn’t get the time to analyze that particular reaction, as Neil once more spoke up.
“Right, sure. Kevin, what is your take on the situation? I mean, he only lost a bet, isn’t that a bit overly dramatic?” The mischievous grin he wore didn’t bore well for Aaron. He knew something Aaron didn’t, that fucker. When all Kevin seemed able of answering was a stuttery mess, the foxes finally shifted their attention away from Andrew, most likely to laugh at Kevins inability to talk. Yet, once they saw Kevins now slightly awed expression, and both his and Neils direction of sight, they subsequently came to look in Aarons direction.
What followed was probably the most awkward five seconds of Aarons life. It started as a stunned silence, which was broken by Kevin sadly saying “This is a very bad time to have an identity crisis.”, after that all hell seemed to break loose. Nicky and Allison were actively trying to get Kevin to elaborate on that, and close some bets for them. Matt and Dan were looking at each other, and then at Aaron seemingly trying to work out how best to approach the situation. The new foxes tried to gently blend into the background and disappear with no luck. Only Renee was brave enough to face him. “Hello Aaron, I like your outfit. Is this a new thing we might see more often?”
The innocent question floored Aaron for a bit, and shut the foxes up again. Sure he was still trying to figure out his sexuality, but his gender identity was never a question for him. But now that he was thinking about it, he didn’t actually mind wearing the skirt. Sure it wasn’t completely comfortable, but it was a sports uniform. His own was made of the same kinda fabric and had the same feel, so he was use to that. But if he found a more modest skirt in more comfortable fabric, he didn’t think he’d mind it all that much. I did make his ass pop. Really thinking about that fact made his brain momentarily shut down. Once rebooted he looked Renee in the eyes and answered
“I don’t, I don’t think so? I mean, I’m not sure? It might? Can I get back to you on that one?” Trying to be more open with foxes had been a thing he’s been working on as a new years resolution, but here two months later, it was still really hard. Admitting that hurt a little. Shifting his attention towards Neil again he suddenly realized something. “You didn’t tell them did you?”
“No, I didn’t actually think you would go through with it.” He shrugged his shoulders and smirked at Aaron
“Tell us what?” Came from floor. Andrew had finally decided to join the conversation, apparently. He had only turned his face from directly down, to towards Aaron at the door. He didn’t seem too judgmental, only a bit confused. Ever since Bee had finally convinced Andrew to try a new type of medication, to treat his bipolar disorder and depression, Andrew had become a whole new person. A much more readable person, but you still can’t be a 100% sure with him.
“I made a bet with Neil, and obviously lost. So my punishment was to go out of my comfort zone in the clothes department, considering and I quote; I bitch so much about his. I thought a skirt was the most out there for me. Why are you lying on floor?” Ah, the dreaded communication they needed to better. They were getting there, albeit slowly. Bee helped a lot.
“Andrew got cocky about his biceps, and Matt challenged it with an arm wrestle match. As you can probably guess, Andrew lost.” Dan cheerfully informed from beside Matt, who looked rightfully smug. This made Andrew turn downwards agin and groan sadly. “I benchpress more than any of you” was spoken into the floor. This made the foxes laugh once more. Aaron shuffled a bit from foot to foot, and made the tactful decision to leave with all the focus on his brother. He technically did do the forfeit after all. Get out of his comfort zone and show at least 4 different foxes. Whether it was individually or in a group was up to him.
When he got to his room and about to close the door, he got stopped by a hand on the frame. A very uncomfortable looking Kevin was the owner of said hand. He opened and closed his mouth a couple times, and took a big breath, but didn’t say anything. He then got into motion and just walked into the room. Well then. “What do you want Kevin?” Crossing his arm across his chest, Aaron “patiently” awaited an answer.
“Go on date. Me with. I mean, uuuhhh” Aaron’s brain shut down once more, and this time the reboot apparently took a little too long, because when he refocused in on Kevin once more the man was fidgeting. Which wasn’t something Aaron had ever seen him do. What the fuck was happening here? Was Kevin actually asking him out? And more importantly, why was he asking him out? As far as Kevin was concerned, him and Katelyn was still happily together. He tried to come up with an answer, but Kevin’s flickering eyes threw him off. They kept going from his face to the skirt and then landing on the v neckline. It was almost a pattern. His eyes went from the skirt to his face again when he suddenly spoke up again.
“You need to change. I just. I can’t think, and I really want to talk to you, because I overheard Nicky one time, but I don’t really know if it was just Nicky being Nicky or if it’s actually true. I did ask him but he shut down and wouldn’t even look at me for three days after, so I don’t know for sure. So can you make me think? I mean change. Pl- if you could be as kind.”
Aaron thought he nodded before he turned and walked in to the dorms bedroom, but he honestly wasn’t sure. So many thoughts swirled around in his head, made it hard to concentrate on getting changed. Had Nicky really been so careless he accidentally outed him? It was with Nicky he had had his sexuality revelation and cry with, that cursed night after a Trip to Eden.
It had been a few weeks after Katelyn and him had called it off relationship wise, and Aaron had been having these weird feelings and his mind kept supplying him with these random observation. Objectively speaking, your Chemistry 102 TA is attractive. His sharp cheekbones and plumb lips are attractive features to have. The boy sitting across from you smells nice, wonder what cologne he uses? The man behind the counter at the coffee shop had really nice eyes. They were a warm brown you could get a little lost in.
He had just crossed the doorway into the house when the thought hit him. What if the reason that sex with Katelyn wasn’t satisfying for him, wasn’t because of the fact that Katelyn was asexual and weren’t as in to it as he was, but because she was a girl? What if the reason he seemingly couldn’t have as good an orgasm with a partner then alone, was because he had the wrong gendered partner. He had had earlier girlfriends in high school, both before and after Andrew had arrived, but he always seemed to excuse the bad sex as inexperience. But what if it wasn’t?
That had floored Aaron completely, and he had taken a stuttered breath and stumbled to the couch so he could sit down. Nobody seemed to pay him any mind, hopefully just chalking it up to drunken behavior, not the life revelation it had been. Neil and Andrew hadn’t been drinking that night, and they wasted no time bringing their things up to Andrew’s bedroom to go to bed.  Kevin had stayed at Palmetto to spend the weekend with his father, but Nicky had bargained with Andrew for them to go to Columbia anyway, and gotten his way somehow. (Aaron hadn’t asked, didn’t really want to know.) When they arrived at Eden he had all but begged Aaron to drink with him. So Aaron had matched him drink for drink, and actually had a good time. He even danced a bit with a random person with a pixie cut and let a little loose.
He hadn’t realized the tears gathering, nor the way his breathing had picked up until Nicky appeared out of nowhere sitting down next to him. He had swirled his head to look Nicky in the eyes, and the easy going smile he had on his face died when he saw Aaron’s face. He must have looked terrified because Nicky sounded completely sober when he spoke,
“Aaron are you okay? What’s wrong? Did something happen at Eden? Should I go get Andrew?” The more he spoke, the faster the words spilled out and the more panicked he sounded. Aaron tried to draw in a breath to answer him, but it got stuck in his throat so he just shook his head desperately. He really didn’t want to include Andrew too, and rather die than include Neil. Nicky had nodded his head, but still looked at him worriedly. When he finally mastered the art of breathing again he blurted out what he should have said ages ago, even before his little revelation.
“I’m sorry Nicky, I’m so sorry” He crumbled while he said it, and his head had landed in Nicky’s lap. The tears had started to fall about halfway through his apology and he didn’t predict them to stop anytime soon. But neither did the muttered apologies, I’m so sorry spoken softly into Nicky’s thigh. Nicky was bordering on hysteric at that point, franticly petting his hair and seemingly answering Aaron’s apologies
“It’s okay, I forgive you! I don’t really know what you’re apologizing for, but it can’t be that bad! Sure, you’re kinda an asshole, but you’re apologizing so you’re not that big of one. Why do you keep apologizing? It’s okay, I’m right here. Whatever you did I’m always gonna be in your corner, so please stop crying I don’t know what to do! How can I help? If you don’t calm down I’ll have to go get Andrew because I really don’t know how to help you if you don’t speak to me, and I’m starting to get really worried now. Please talk to me.”
It was only when Nicky had started to shift around, as if trying to get up, that Aaron finally snapped out of it. He wrapped his arms tightly around Nicky’s legs and shook his head, turning around to look up at him with pleading eyes. Nicky had looked back at him, tears in his eyes as well and shifted once more. “I’m giving you two minutes to start explaining or I’m getting him. This will not go unspoken of, do you hear me Aaron? I’m pretty sure you’re having a mental break down or something, and you can’t keep that all inside. That is super unhealthy and can cau-“
“I think I might be gay” Nicky had gotten very quiet and still, just looking at Aaron and blinking rapidly. Aaron took a steadying breath and wiped his face free of tears, head still in Nicky’s lap. Figuring fuck it, I already said the hardest part he continued speaking, voice croaking making it deeper than normal.
“I don’t actually know, I just. I keep having these thoughts ever since Katelyn and I broke up, which we did like, a month ago, and I think my brain is just now connected the dots because apparently I’m fucking stupid, and can’t figure out that sex wasn’t as satisfying as regular masturbation, was not because the people I’m with are bad at it, but because they don’t have what I need. Or is it the bad thing and I’m only overanalyzing? The only thing I’m really sure of right now is the fact I’m a huge asshole for giving you and Andrew such a hard time for being gay, when I might be it too. That and apparently I find my chemistry TA hot, and like the way men smell and what is wrong with me?” Aaron sniffed and a few more tears fell from his eyes. They were starting to feel a bit sore now. Aaron had jumped when Nicky suddenly took a huge breath and whispered something that sounded like okay, you can do this. Making eye contact with his older cousin he got a small smile. He reached down wipe the last of the tears away, and began petting his hair again. Much more soothingly this time around.
“So this is a lot to unpack, so what do you say we take it in small bites hmm?” When all Aaron did was nod, he continued on, “So you and Katelyn broke up? Are you okay in regards to that?”
Aaron looked down at his hands, playing with his fingers but answered him, “Yeah, about a month ago. Maybe a little longer. It was an actual mutual decision, something we both felt needed to be done. We had a big fat discussion about our feelings and called it quits. We just aren’t ready to tell just yet. Might not for a while to be honest. She has some things to work through, and she’s my best friend so of course I’ll put it off for as long as she needs.” Shrugging his shoulders he looked up again.
“Okay then, I’m happy to hear you’re doing okay there. These… thoughts you mentioned, what exactly do you mean?” Wincing a little, Aaron had tried to clarify his brains jumbled observations. They sat on the couch talking about each and everything Aaron had been feeling and thinking about those past two months. Aaron found that Nicky could be surprisingly quiet and understanding, and that it was really cathartic to talk about it all. So apparently Aaron could see the attractiveness about guys, but he didn’t know if he wanted to date them. Kissing had crossed his mind once or twice, but quickly shut down because he wasn’t ready to think about it.
The last thing Aaron had asked of Nicky before they went to bed that night, a few hours later, was that he kept quiet. He wasn't ready to explore his sexuality, let alone come out. Nicky had given him an understanding smile and sighed out of course.
A knock on the door startled Aaron out of his memory and into the present again. Shrugging his hoodie over his head he decided to just get it over and done with. Fucking Kevin sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. When he was fully dressed once more, he walked over to the door and ripped it open.
"What do you want Kevin?" He said maybe a little too forcefully. Kevin had moved away from the door, and was sitting at the couch Matt had supplied the living room with. He gestured to the other end where he was sitting. Sighing to make his displeasure known, he got to the couch and plopped down. Looking over at the other boy he repeated his question, a bit more mellow this time. Kevin was sitting with his legs curled up under him, his right hand playing with the fabric of his pants.
"A date, ideally. With you, specifically." His face was set in a small smile, eyes sparkling hopefully. Aaron's heart sank a little, so Nicky had outed him. Accidental or not, that still shot a pang of panic and hurt through him. Before he could muster up the energy to answer him, Kevin continued,
"I don't actually know if you'd be interested, or even actually into boys. About three weeks ago, I overheard Nicky speaking to who I assume was Erik, considering he was speaking some german. He kept switching between english and german though, and going on a tangent about queerness being genetic, the twins, and breaking up with girlfriends. Never mentioning any names. So I don't- I'm not actually sure it was you he was talking about. I tried to ask him but he just shouted no, hung up the phone and all but ran away from me. He haven’t really spoken to me yet. I think he feels bad, because I overheard him.”
A feeling of relief spread through Aaron. Even though Nicky had spoken about their conversation from months ago, he had worded it so only people who knew Nicky intimately would have a clue. Or simply think he was talking about Andrew. Still feeling some of his earlier panic, Aaron opened his mouth to profusely deny deny deny, not at all ready to talk about his sexuality again, he remembered a tiny detail from Kevin’s explanation. If he had overheard Nicky three weeks ago, why in the world hadn’t he said anything? Either to him or the others? Closing his mouth again, Aaron tried to calculate what would happen if he “came out” to Kevin. He wasn’t even sure what the ever-loving fuck he was, other than not straight, but if Kevin had held tight for those three weeks maybe he would for however long it took for Aaron to figure it out. One small parentheses made the equation hard though. Kevin’s apparent desire to date Aaron. Aaron might not be the best at math, but a huge glaring pair of parentheses in an equation needed to be addressed first, in order to solve said equation. Right? Aaron’s pre-med not a simple math major, how was he supposed to know?
“Why?” It had slipped out of Aaron’s lips without permission, but he really needed to know before they got any further in this equation. Why now? Why him? Kevin furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly, apparently not getting Aaron’s question. Aaron elaborated his inner thoughts, and the questions made Kevin pause. A slight flush rose across his cheeks, but it didn’t take long for him to gather his thoughts, only a shake of his head.
“So, I’ve been talking to Bee right? In the process of becoming sober” Aaron nodded, not really in the mood to actually talk right now. Luckily, Kevin continued on.
“Okay, so. She hasn’t just been helping me getting sober, also just. Better? In general. We have been talking trough my growing up, and Riko and Andrew. Just. Everything I guess. It made me realize some things, and she has been encouraging me to do something about it. I haven’t wanted to, until three weeks ago, where I heard I might have an actual chance.” He shrugged his shoulders, now looking down at his lap, really focusing on the piece of fabric between his fingers. Aaron’s mouth went a little dry at that implication, not that he really knew why.
He thought all bravery had left his body, after having to endure his forfeit, but apparently not because he felt himself reaching his right hand across and over Kevin’s left. It made him start and look up at Aaron. Sitting there with his hand over Kevins made him feel the same sense of fuck it, as he had with Nicky all those weeks ago. So throwing caution into the wind, he unstuck his tongue from the roof of his mouth, and asked what he thought was the most pressing matter.
“What did you realize?” Kevin’s face went from flush to straight up red, but he kept his eyes locked with Aaron.
“Apparently it is possible to admire people of the same sex aesthetically, and not just because of their exy skills. And that I find your personality and general body incredibly attractive.”
Kevin’s voice had gone down an octave, and the sound of it sent a shot of something, through his stomach. The very same something he has been feeling pertaining his chemistry TA lately. Great, now he also found fucking Kevin hot. Not that that might be a problem with Kevin considering the resent confession. Though now that he really thought about it, Kevin really is an attractive person. He has sharp cheek bones, but his green eyes softens his face up, so he doesn’t look so severe. His nose is slightly upturned, but with a tiny bump on the bridge, which is something Aaron hadn’t noticed before. Wonder where he got it from? Exy most likely. His thighs has the same kind of muscle definition that Katelyn has, which is something Aaron has always found arousing.
He should probably say something though, instead of just mindlessly looking at Kevin. The poor dude looked about one breath away from a minor break down. He shook his head to clear it from his Kevin related epiphany.
“Fuck it okay, all cards on the table?” He gestured with his left hand, just now noticing his right still laying over Kevins. When he got a hesitant nod from him, he continued on now determined.
“I don’t actually know what I am, other than maybe not straight. Katelyn and I are broken up yes, but we haven’t actually told anyone. Not ready yet” A slight flush rose across his own cheeks when he thought about his next admission, “And I kinda find you aesthetically pleasing as well.”
A small smile spread across Kevin’s face and he opened his mouth, but Aaron cut him of before any words could come through. “But! But, I really don’t know what that means. And I don’t think it’s fair for you, if I didn’t make that abundantly clear first. Your face is attractive, I think, and I know you enough to feel safe maybe starting a thing with you. Just, some minor things before you ask me again?”
Kevin nodded his head quickly and opened his mouth again, but once again Aaron cut him off before he could speak. “Okay so one;” He held a finger up on the hand not holding Kevin’s. 
“I’m nowhere near ready to tell people about anything related to my sexuality, so if we do this. It’d have to be in complete secret,” Another finger joined the first one and he went on. “Two, we’d have to take it slow. I don’t know what I’m comfortable with, or how far I’m willing to go, so you’d need to be patient with me. Possibly really patient with me.”
He raised a third finger to go with his last bit.
“And lastly but most important, you need to tell me if things isn’t working for you anymore. I know I come with a lot of rules and regulations, but I need to figure out if this is really for me. You feel safe enough for me to try with specifically, but if that ever ends up not being enough for you, you tell me. Immediately. That is very important to me. If there is one thing my relationship with both Katelyn and Andrew have taught me anything it is honesty is super important. Well, and consent but you know Andrew too so of course you know that. Okay, you can talk now.” He unfurled his hand, and waved it at Kevin’s to demonstrate his point. Kevin looked a little shell shocked after being loaded with all that information, and he took a moment but finally he spoke, his small smile lighting up his eyes.
“Yeah, I can work with that.”
It was spoken softly, and it took Aaron an extra two seconds to realize what Kevin meant. He still wanted to “date” Aaron, even with all these rules. And he had not seen that coming, expecting Kevin to give up and find someone new to pester about dating. He hadn’t really taking his stubbornness into consideration, which really was an oversight on Aaron’s part, and predicted this would happened.
“Ask me again.” He challenged him, a small part of him still excepting him to not go through with it. And by now, Aaron kinda really wanted to go on this gay adventure with Kevin.
Kevin’s smile grew in size, and made a dimple appear in his right cheek, another thing Aaron hadn’t noticed Kevin do(had, could?), and he shifted closer to Aaron. He shifted his left hand so they were holding hands, rather than Aaron holding Kevins, and took hold of his right hand as well, placing both in his lap. Aaron could feel his cheeks warming up, but didn’t hinder his movements.
“Would you like to go on a date with me? And maybe hold a little hands with me? That’s all I ask for now, and we can figure adjustments out as we see fit in the future. And secrecy is okay with me at the moment, and I promise to tell you if I change my mind.”
Aaron’s whole upper body felt warm now, most likely a blush, but he also felt surprisingly excited. This had suddenly turned into a thing Aaron really wanted to explore. Mirroring Kevin’s smile he answered, feeling confident in his mental math. This equation wasn’t so hard to solve as the first one.
“Yeah okay, I think I’d really like that”
Part 1 of “Aaron Tries His Best”
1 - 2(coming soon)
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phantaloon · 3 years
right so, vent below on all for the game aka the book series I finished in three and half days bc my stupid brain would not let me live my life if I didn't finish and I haven't studied for two tests I've got tomorrow but this is somehow more important in my brain (and everyday I'm more convinced about adhd)
first things first... I love neil josten with all my fucking heart and oh jesus christ I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM, he's the typical damaged mysterious character I always love but I can't regret it, like I love every single one of these characters which is a lot to say bc that never happens? (well except maybe aaron, but he has his moments, and I totally get his attitude) BUT NEIL owns my heart, like genuinely, he is my everything now, he might be one of my favorite ever characters?? like I said, I love this type of angsty character, and it's dumb but I love him
also can I say how much I love this bc it literally is one of my favorite tropes? like found family? check. queer? check. mentally and emotionally unstable? check. enemies to friends to lovers? check. abusive pieces if shit getting what they deserve? check. did I mention found family????
like I genuinely love this, and the suspense of wtf will happen next is honestly what's pushed me not to sleep this past few days and push my assignments aside (which is so not me lmao) because I physically need to know what's gonna happen fr
like nora is a very clever writer that way, even though three books cover a year which is odd, she really has a way to captivate the readers, ffs she got me to read a sports novel?? I just love the simplicity and symbolism of her writing
but oc at this point, if you have any semblance of how I am you know exactly what my vibe is... andrew and neil. lowkey toxic relationship at first, andrew was truly a piece of shit as a friend, but am I a sucker for characters finding that person they can call home and feel safe around after not ever having that?? absolutely. (warm is the word I love when describing this, a person that makes you feel warm) the way their relationship was shaped over the three books and how subtle the details are is amazing
and how much of a fucking simp neil is. there you have andrew hiding his sexuality like a pro for a long ass while and then neil just cannot stop staring at andrew like dan howell looks at phil lester. he really did nothing to try to hide his fondness for andrew once they started hooking up even though they pretended it was purely physical. I just love how hard neil fell for andrew in so little time, like he went from yes I think I'm attracted to andrew to loving and looking for andrew like nothing else mattered (big percabeth vibes)
also can't not love andrew's development. like not in the literary character development kind of way, but more of a... personal kind of way, like it's not in a writing sense, it's simply his emotional development in a human sense. idk how to say it. it's not like apollo's in toa or damon salvatore's or tony stark's. it's simply his personal development from being self isolating, possessive, closed off, and just done with everything, with no semblance of a purpose to live, to someone whose doors just opened in every way. he gave in to his own dreams, his feelings, and he understands that he truly is not alone, he has aaron again and kevin and nicky and renee and neil and everyone else. he actually allows himself to be happy and live for once instead of just existing, and maybe he's not there yet, but he's definitely working to get there now, and I love him so much istg I wanna cry rn as I write this
but getting back to neil and andrew, god I love their relationship. they worked through every step of the way, they're so caring and careful of each other's boundaries and triggers and stuff, and they just understand each other so perfectly. not one of them expects of the other more than they can give, and they just work so well. I love that they never told anyone absolutely anything, their relationship is theirs, and theirs only, they don't deny anything, they're not ashamed of being together, but I really love that they chose not to let the others make a big deal out of it.
and I can't ever forget how much andrew must really love neil. we know neil is head over heels for andrew, but technically we don't know how andrew feels. except every single action he does proves it. it's in the details. from the second book and onward, andrew has such a soft spot for neil, even through what happened with drake in TRK, god andrew cares so fucking much for neil it hurts. he may pass it off as 'there's nothing here', but every one of his actions proves otherwise. even right after coming back from rehab, he cared for neil like he cared for no one else, not aaron or kevin. everything that happened was perfectly paced. from their first kiss to their last. just andrew even going against kevin when he was being too aggressive to neil is enough proof, not to talk about andrew letting the deal with Aaron go to be with neil, or everything when neil was kidnapped.
it's just, they both deserve all the happiness in the world, and I'm very fucking happy they found love in each other after all they've been through.
I'm sorry I'm ranting so much, but you can guess how I feel about smth when I've slept so little the past three days bc I was obsessed with finishing it despite having too much to do (I didn't pay attention to a class bc I was reading and it's fair to say I didn't do good in the following quiz), so yeah I have a lot of feels for this series
I just love their little family so much, you don't understand <3 found family is just my favorite ever trope and I have to stop my rant short before I write way too much when I should be studying for my very important tests to come
anyway you can bet I'll keep posting about this lmao <3 truly recommend it but mind the trigger warnings, some content can be a lot for some people, hell I like reading angst and I had to put my phone down a couple of times bc it's a lot, so yeah, ttyl
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v-vvia · 4 years
some kevaaron for you hungry sluts
Aaron Minyard was going to become a doctor. There were no exceptions, deviations-this was a fact. He grew up what could possibly be considered Hell on Earth, and he wanted to live a normal life. Of course, as soon as he scribbled his messy signature onto David Wymack’s contact that basically sold his soul to the exy coach for five years, he should have known his life would be anything but normal. Aaron should have known when he was adopted by his very much homosexual cousin and reunited with his psycotic twin brother that his life would never be normal. 
Kevin Day was going to be a professional exy star. He really had no other option, thanks to the Japanese yakuza. His life wasn’t normal and he knew it was never going to be normal. After leaving The Nest, Kevin had to learn how to be a member of society. He didn’t know how to make friends or be his own person. He didn’t know how to live. Being introduced to the Foxes was a big adjustment, but they accepted him and his crankiness. They were more of a family than he could ever ask for in life. 
Aaron, after moving out of the monster’s dorm, would find his way back to the hell pit every so often. Living with Matt meant an endless supply of coffee to fuel his long nights of studying. Yet, there was something missing. Maybe it was Andrew’s cold stare as he drank milk straight from the carton. Maybe it was Nicky’s late night video chats with Erik, keeping them all up with his loud voice. Most of all, maybe it was Kevin’s constant need to be warm. 
Aaron swore that dorm room was set at seventy-five degrees, even in the sweltering summer heat. He hated it after a long and hot practice but, now that Matt kept the windows open in the winter, he missed it. 
Which is how he, at quarter to one in the morning on December 13th, found himself carrying his bag full of textbooks and a blanket pulled from his bed into the monster’s dorm. Andrew and Neil weren’t anywhere to be found but, Nicky and Kevin sat in the beanbag chairs in front of the TV. Nicky was losing his patience trying to teach Kevin how to play some video game. Kevin looked like he was about to burst a vein in his forehead. They both turned when the door opened. 
“Well, if it isn’t my long lost son,” Nicky said happily with a grin. 
“Not your son,” Aaron replied, used to this. “I don’t think you could produce a child this good looking.” 
“Ouch! Savagely burned by my own flesh and blood!” Nicky dramatically placed a hand to his heart. He fell back against the beanbag. “After all I’ve done for you! I’ve washed your underwear and cum socks and this is the repayment I get? You’re lucky I don’t ground you, mister!”
“Do you know how to shut that mouth of yours?” Aaron practically collapsed onto the couch behind the two, letting out a sigh as he dropped his heavy bag. 
“Do you know how to ever take a break?” Nicky retorted, looking back at the cousin with only a face that could be described as a motherly Latino ‘you did not just sass me, child’ face. “Seriously, dude. You’re up until ungodly hours of the night and then you get up at 6 to make it to morning practice. And aren’t you taking like, 18 credits? You sir,” Nicky pointed a finger. “are either a madman or stupid. Probably both if you’re my child.” 
“You’re not a medicine major, Nicky. I’ve gotta work twice as hard as everyone else,” Aaron mumbled, shrugging. “Besides, why do you think I came here? Since when have I ever done any work in the presence of your loud mouth?” 
“Good point. Want in on next round?” the cousin asked, offering him the third controller. Aaron shook his head. He let himself lean back into the couch and actually rest. 
“I just came here to cool off for a few before I head to the library,” he said, pushing the controller away with his foot. His Addias joggers and his high top Chuck Taylors didn’t really go together but he wasn’t known to be the most fashionable. If it was comfortable and he could hide snacks in the pockets, he was sold. 
“Suit yourself,” Nicky replied, turning back around. “Another round, Kev?” Kevin lifted his hand and checked the time on his watch. 
“I placed some books on hold at the library earlier and they should be ready. I should go pick them up before I get carried away,” Kevin said, stretching his long limbs. His Foxes shirt lifted a little with the action; the small glimpse of bare skin caught Aaron’s eye. He couldn’t help but stare, not noticing that the man had said something to him. 
“Earth to Aaron,” Nicky said, waving his hand in front of his face. “C’mon, I know Kevin’s insufferable sometimes but you gotta respect your elders.” 
“Fuck you,” Aaron said before turning to Kevin. “What did you say?”
“I said we should go to the library together.” Kevin stood, walking over to his desk to grab his bookbag and dorm keys. “I know you’re practically flunking American history and we can’t have you being benched because you’re an idiot.” 
“Okay, fuck you too,” Aaron said. His words had no weight because he stood with his bag. “Hurry up before I change my mind.” The two walked towards the door, saying a quick farewell to Nicky on their way out. Aaron was sure Nicky would be grateful to have a quiet dorm for a while, so he could call Erik. “I need to get my history stuff from my room if we’re doing this.” Kevin nodded and followed the shorter man to the other end of the hall. Aaron unlocked the door, knocking once in case Matt and Dan were practicing for their honeymoon. Stepping inside, he found that it was empty and dark. Matt had left the windows open, yet again, sending a shiver down Aaron’s spine. 
“Its cold in here,” Kevin said, blank faced. 
“Yeah, no shit dumbass.” Aaron walked over to his desk, flipping on a light along the way. The living area was decorated with a couch and television-both of which were Matt’s. Aaron didn’t care much to decorate. The only thing he needed and had was a picture of him, Nicky, and Andrew pinned on his desk. It was from his and Andrew’s high school graduation and he swore he could almost see a glimpse of genuine happiness in Andrew’s eyes. 
“Can I ask a question?” Kevin said, poking around the room. 
“You’re gonna ask anyways so get on with it.” 
“Am I really that insufferable?” Something in Kevin’s voice made Aaron turn. He frowned once he saw Kevin’s usually cool demeanor turn unexpectedly serious. Kevin didn’t care what anyone thought about him. He only cared about exy. Why was this even a conversation the two were having?
“I mean,” Aaron started, not really sure how to approach this. “you’re annoying but I wouldn’t call you insufferable. What’s with you, man?” 
Kevin stood silent for a moment. “Sometimes I hear Nicky telling Erik how mean I am.” Another moment of silence passed. “I don’t want to be like him, Aaron.” 
Something inside Aaron’s stomach churned. Kevin didn’t have to say a name for him to know he was talking about his former teammate, Riko Moriyama. It had never occured to Aaron that Kevin had feelings about things over that exy. That was all he talked about and never once brought up emotions. 
“You aren’t like him,” Aaron said. His voice was unexpectedly soft. “You’re never going to be like him.” Aaron dropped his bag onto his desk. “Sit down. We’ll get your stupid books later. You want some hot chocolate? That always cheers Andrew up.” Kevin sat himself down on the couch while Aaron crossed the room to make two cups of hot chocolate. 
“Do you still think about your mom?” Kevin asked, his voice just as quiet as Aaron’s. “I still think about Riko all the time. I see him when I close my eyes. I can’t sleep hardly because hes...he’s always there. He’s there after eight hours waking me up to go to practice. He’s there counting my calories and picking my food. How do I live when he’s still with me?”
“I think about my mom a lot,” Aaron said, bringing over the hot cup. He handed it to Kevin before sitting down himself. “Not as much as I used to but yeah, I do.” Aaron wasn’t one to talk about this stuff. He liked burying it deep inside him and letting it spill out once a week during his session with Betsy. “Talking about it helped. As much as I absolutely hate Neil with my whole being, he was right. Pushing me towards Betsy was the only right thing he’s ever done. You should try it sometime.”
“I don’t talk to her,” Kevin admitted. “I don’t want her to think I’m crazy or something.”
“She talks to Andrew every week. I think you’ll be on the mild end of her patient spectrum.” Kevin let out a breathy laugh that sent Aaron’s stomach into a somersault. 
“I guess you’re right,” Kevin said, looking over at the other. They both sat on either end of the couch, leaning back against the armrests to face each other. “Sorry...For dropping this all on you. You’re really the only one who might get it.” 
Aaron waved a hand. “Yeah yeah, its whatever dude. Just drink your hot chocolate before I stop being nice and kick you out.” They both shared a laugh before going back to sitting in silence. Eventually, Aaron turned on a movie and they both just sat. They drank their drinks, keeping their eyes on the screen in front of them. Somehow, Aaron’s legs ended up up on the couch, his feet resting comfortably against Kevin’s thighs. Somehow, Kevin’s hand found itself rested on Aaron’s calf. Somehow, Kevin and Aaron ended up laying, side by side, buried underneath Aaron’s comforter. They slowly drifted to sleep, Kevin’s head on Aaron’s chest. Whatever they were watching was long forgotten in favor of each other’s presence. They weren’t worried about Matt walking in; they were far too sleep deprived to give any thought to it. 
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ghost-in-the-stalls · 3 years
Neil Josten's Playlist Part 1: Andrew
Masterpost and link to the playlist in its entirety
These songs are going to be the biggest chunk of the playlist. Are we surprised?
Okay here we go:
1. Take Me To Church - Hozier
I was not joking about Neil being a Hozier fan. You cannot tell me this boy doesn’t hear this song on the radio and immediately think of Andrew. Every time it came on he’d make sure the radio stayed on the station so he could listen all the way through. It got overplayed but he’s probably the only person in the world who never got sick of it at the time. He got used to listening to the same songs over and over again with his mom, so he's even comforted by repeating songs now.
5. Stay - Rihanna & Mikky Ekko
So one night, after several nightmares within the span of a few hours, Neil wasn’t too proud to admit that he absolutely wasn’t going to get any decent sleep that night. Andrew took him on a long drive without even having to be asked. The silence was shoving Neil even further into his thoughts, so Andrew turned on the radio. He settled on a station that was playing softer music that Neil probably wouldn’t hate, and he just kept driving. Once this song came on, Neil became enamored with it. It’s another one of those songs that makes him think of Andrew, but it’s more because he listens to the lyrics and realizes Andrew has said half of these things to him. It’s now a song that, even years later when he and Andrew are living in separate states and desperately trying to land contracts with the same team, Neil listens to on bad nights.
6. River - Bishop Briggs
Listen... this is just another really solid Andreil song.......... and I’m absolutely positive this is a song that Neil would like. Let me have this.
For Neil everything with Andrew is simultaneously loud and quiet and intense and gentle and hard and soft. He’s never known someone to make him feel so much yet calm him down from panic to nothing so smoothly. Even their intimacy holds so much complexity and weight to it. This is a song I feel like Andrew introduced him to, because it absolutely makes him think of Neil too (not that he'd say that out loud).
8. Dreams - The Cranberries
Renee likes the Cranberries and she got Andrew into them too. Andrew pretends this song doesn’t make him think about Neil but no one is actually fooled by that when they catch him listening to it. Least of all Neil because he feels the same thing listening to the lyrics. Not much explanation past that. Neil vibes with this song right from the opening lyrics (”Oh, my life is changing every day in every possible way”), to the comparison of a lover to a dream (he still remembers when Andrew called him a pipedream, even if he didn’t understand at the time), to the vocal breaks in the middle and at the end where it just sounds like someone singing their soul right out of their body.
Neil is a private person and not someone to ever scream his love from rooftops. But that doesn’t mean the concept doesn’t hit him deep. He’s been through a lot and he’s come out the other end with a love of his own that’s deeper and more than anything he ever imagined. His lack of expressing passion about most things (Andrew) doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel incredibly passionate about certain things in a way that cuts deep. He found love and it’s incredible
12. Easily - Bruno Major
I've mentioned this previously, but I hc that Andrew and Neil almost broke up in Neil’s last year at Palmetto. Not going to get into it, but this song had a big part in pulling Neil through that whole year, ESPECIALLY the situation with Andrew. Maybe I’ll make a separate, more detailed post about that sometime. But basically I hc that neither of them were in good spots emotionally. And Andrew was very close to giving up on everything - including Neil.
They managed to pull through and stop one another from giving up on it all, even when things got really hard.
15. Sunlight - Hozier
No I’m not done with the Hozier songs. Did I say I was done with the Hozier songs? Not gonna happen.
Anyway so the story of this song is he was talking with Allison and Nicky once about music and their SOs (well he was listening more than talking but he wasn’t ignoring them), and Nicky outright asked him if there was a song that made him think of Andrew. He’d heard this one for the first time recently and it was just the most recent of many songs that make him think of Andrew, so he threw it out there to humor them. They hadn’t heard it but were very doubtful that any song titled “Sunlight” could have anything to do with Andrew at all, so he showed it to them. They didn’t really change their minds and instead Allison went on another tirade about how Neil is gone for Andrew in a way that Andrew couldn’t possibly be for him and how she was worried for him. Nicky stood up for his cousin a bit, but ultimately was still agreeing with Allison to a degree that Neil may be expecting more than what Andrew could give him blah, blah, blah.
Neil wasn’t happy. Instead he found himself latching onto this song even further and becoming even more assured that it was a song for Andrew. Just because the others refused to understand who Andrew really is and the ways he’s learning to grow and heal and the fact that he’s someone worth loving god dammit, doesn’t mean Andrew is the monster they make him out to be.
For a while afterwards, he’ll put this song on if he’s ever given the aux cord. Because he’s petty. If Andrew catches on to what he’s trying to do, he never says anything.
19. Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
This is definitely a song that makes Neil think of Andrew, though he'd never tell him that. They have both played both parts in this song, and it makes Neil's heart ache to think of all the bad nights that they weren't there for one another - whether it was distance or stubbornness or just general shitty circumstance. They both can get so trapped in their own heads in different (and sometimes similar) ways, and they're relationship has really been built in a lot of ways on the depth of emotional support they've learned to give one another in rough times. That steadiness, that presence that stays by you and keeps you grounded even when you want to crawl out of your own skin and hide somewhere far away. That is what they give one another.
24. Day After Day - Badfinger
This is another one he used to listen to with his mother, but he didn't really latch onto it until his final year at Palmetto when he and Andrew were doing long-distance. He learned in that year just how sentimental he had become in some ways. He finds it in the bone-deep longing he gets on late nights when he just wishes he could lie in bed next to Andrew - because he knew that's when he sleeps best. He'd listen to this song and let himself wallow for a little while, and then eventually put it away and carry on because he didn't have the time to slow down and feel things too hard.
Things are much better now and he doesn't feel as bad when he listens to the song. It's just a pleasant sound he leans into sometimes.
26. Don't Dream It's Over - Crowded House
This is another one that he first heard from his mother, but kept for himself without allowing it to be stained with her memory. It is one of those ones he listened to a great deal during his last year when things with Andrew got hard. He committed himself to not letting him go or breaking off what they had unless Andrew ever directly asked him to. He couldn't find it in himself to ever do that.
This song reminds him of that commitment and helps him stay strong with it, for better or worse. Everyone was convinced from the beginning that either Neil was bad for Andrew (Aaron) or Andrew was bad for Neil (everyone else except Renee and Nicky basically). This reminds him that he knows Andrew better. He knows HIMSELF better. He knows they aren't perfect, but he refuses to let himself fall into their blocked mentality where they choose to be blind to the reality of Andrew's character (or his own for that matter). He knows they are good together. He knows they help one another, they don't hold each other back. And he refuses to give up on them unless Andrew asks him to.
28. How Deep Is Your Love - The Bird and The Bee
This is another final-year-at-Palmetto one. He stumbles across this song while listening to one of Robin's playlists while he was driving her to practice. Listen to the lyrics and hear just how Andreil this song is. It fits so well, and Neil has to pull over and collect himself for a moment when he first hears it. It had been an especially rough week and he'd been struggling trying to balance giving Andrew space and support with communicating his own needs. This gives him the push he needs. He calls him later that night to talk and their time apart starts getting a bit more bearable for it.
29. TALK ME DOWN - Troye Sivan
This was Andrew's song that made him think of Neil. In every way. He found it while they were doing long distance. Neil first heard it on a midnight drive they took while he was visiting Andrew. They didn't say anything, but they didn't need to. Neil eventually asked him why he listens to this one when his taste is usually much louder stuff. He was expecting a stoically-delivered joke denying any potential relation to Neil or a comment about how Nicky got it stuck in his head or something while they were video chatting one weekend. Instead, Andrew just responded "You know why."
Neil stored the song away to listen to later on when they were once again sleeping in separate beds in separate states, knowing Andrew was probably listening to it as well.
38. Talking Bird - Death Cab for Cutie
Neil doesn't know why this song makes him emotional (yes he does). He doesn't know what it is about it that feels like it cuts so deep (it's because Andrew sent it to him). He doesn't get why Andrew showed it to him (it's because Andrew asked him to stay, but would never force him to if he ever did decide to run). He just listens and feels comforted.
44. I'm so Tired - Lauv & Troye Sivan
This is another one Neil found when he and Andrew were doing long distance. It was a bit of a rocky time for them and there were several of those make-or-break moments. You know, the kind any relationship has where you either pull through it together and are stronger for it, or end things where they are and go your separate ways. I imagine - during a particularly rough patch - Neil heard this song from one of his underclassmen roommates. He was thinking about Andrew (when is he not) and part of him wondered if Andrew was better off finding guys in bars to take home and have no connection to. It was a spiteful moment of self-pity that he let himself indulge in before coming to his senses and giving Andrew a call to smooth things over a bit.
He still listens back to the song sometimes. It has a nice, soft, smooth feeling to it. Now when he listens to it, he finds himself focusing more on the singer asking their lover to take them home so they can move forward because they're too tired to fight. He remembers how, when he and Andrew have reached that point, they've continuously chosen to fall back to one another instead of pulling away. It's a very comforting thought for him.
45. NFWMB - Hozier
I don't even know if I have to explain this one.
There are a lot of things that Andrew and Neil see in one another, but I think one major thing is how strong they both are in their own ways. Neither of them are someone you want to fuck with. This song is perfect for that.
And, once again I will say, Neil is a Hozier fan and I'll die on this hill.
50. It Will Come Back - Hozier
Another Hozier song look at that
Anyway this is song encapsulates exactly how Andrew feels about Neil repeatedly choosing Andrew (at least, how he feels about it in the beginning of their relationship). And Neil isn't blind to this at all. What he also isn't blind to (but that he knows Andrew forgets sometimes) is how Neil is also the stray Andrew showed too much kindness. Andrew is as stuck with Neil as Neil is making himself stuck with Andrew.
51. Love Lies - Khalid & Normani
If asked why he likes this song, he'd say it's because Matt showed it to him and it reminds him of Matt and Dan's inspiring relationship. There are very few people he'd admit the truth to.
Something about the song feels too typical and approachable to admit applying to him and Andrew. They don't have a "normal" relationship and there are a lot of norms they don't stick to. Neither of them are ashamed of that in any capacity (as they absolutely shouldn't be), and ultimately it just feels very strange to them both to consider what's between them as being on the same level of what other's have. Not necessarily in a better-worse context, more just an acknowledgment of stark differences.
But I think Neil also experiences a certain level of comfort when he catches himself relating to other "normal" people. So when he finds himself thinking of Andrew when he hears this song, he's not going to ignore that or let it go. He may, however, keep it to himself for a while. It just feels nice to do that.
72. 99 Luftballons - Nena
As a general rule, Neil doesn't like loud music. This one is an exception (though "loud" may be a bit of a stretch here) because he once got to hear Andrew singing along to it in the car late at night.
Andrew does that sometimes, sings along to songs when it's just him and Neil. It's never with a great deal of gusto or volume, more so just a soft mumble on a late night drive to ground them both. This song came on on a particularly rough night, but by the end of it Andrew was singing along louder than he ever did. Still not saying much, but it was a noticeable change to Neil.
Neil knows he was allowed to see something special that night - Andrew allowing himself to let out something he was feeling. Neil got to see Andrew in what amounts to a moment of vulnerability for him. It means the world to him.
74. Gooey - Glass Animals
This song makes Neil feel the way Andrew makes him feel. There's no other way to describe it. When it's just the two of them and they have moments of quiet intimacy, there's a specific feeling Neil starts getting - float-y but secure. Like he'd drift away if it weren't for an invisible string Andrew was holding.
If Andrew caught Neil humming this song one night as he fell asleep, unaware, he kept quiet about it.
75. Turn - The Wombats
This song Neil keeps because it's one Andrew specifically sent him. He didn't give an explanation, just "for your playlist, rabbit".
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senstia · 4 years
You were asking for Andriel prompts and I saw this prompt somewhere and I can’t get it out of my head. It’s the ‘quick we’re somewhere he’s shouldn’t be kiss me so we don’t seem suspicious’ scenario please and thank you x
I kinda turned this into a bisexual kevin fic (oops) but its still Andreil for the prompt hehe, hope u enjoy!!!
Kevin had been acting strange for weeks, jumpy, like he was hiding something. Andrew noticed. Neil noticed. Both of them asked Kevin about it on several different occasions but Kevin would just stutter out a paltry excuse for his behavior and run away as fast as possible. Kevin was a horrible liar. It would amuse Andrew if it didn’t worry him so much. Kevin hadn’t been this jumpy in years, and even though things were different now that Andrew had Neil, Andrew still wanted to protect Kevin if there was something wrong.
He just didn’t know what he was supposed to do when he had absolutely no idea what was up with Kevin.
Neil and Andrew both were ruminating over how to figure out what was up with Kevin when Neil realized he was late to class. He gave Andrew a quick kiss and jogged out of the dorm hoping to make it to his math class on time. That was when he ran straight into Kevin at the quad. Kevin was holding his phone tightly in his hand, immediately hiding the screen when he saw Neil. His face was deeply flushed, his hair messy like he’d been running his hands through it. His body was trembling with the need to get away from Neil. Kevin nodded tightly to Neil and jogged away. Neil looked back and just stared as Kevin got back on his phone, seemingly calling someone. Neil would have stayed to watch more but he was late.
Later, Neil and Andrew were lounging on the couch in their dorm, finally having rare some alone time together. Neil’s head was resting in Andrew’s lap and his legs were sprawled out on the couch as Andrew listened intently to Neil ramble about his day while he ran his fingers through Neil’s auburn curls. Andrew loved listening to Neil talk. Loved that Neil was too busy with his loud mouth to point out Andrew’s staring. Because yes, Andrew was staring. He took in every inch of Neil’s pretty face as he spoke. Those bright blue eyes and faded freckles and those heartbreakingly beautiful scars. Then Neil started relaying the odd events with Kevin and it got Andrew thinking aout something besides Neil again. He was worried about Kevin. Worried someone was after him, trying to hurt him. It he’d been long enough with no information. Andrew needed to find out Kevin was okay for himself. He sat up suddenly. Neil jumped up, out of Andrew’s space, just in case.
Andrew’s eyes softened at Neil’s efforts but said, “We should investigate.”
Neil cocked his head and blinked, “Investigate how?”
“We can search his room, see if we can find out why he’s being so sketchy.”
Neil smirked, “You mean like how you went through my binder freshman year?”
Andrew assessed Neil and saw that Neil held no resentment for that intrusion and there was only teasing amusement in his eyes. Andrew snorted, “Yes, exactly like that.”
Neil’s face split into a mischievous grin as he followed Andrew to Kevin’s room.
“How long do we have?” Neil asked as they started picking through Kevin’s things.
“Don’t know. Anywhere between two minutes and two hours,” Andrew said as he bent over to peek under Kevin’s bed.
Neil just huffed in amusement and exasperation and opened one of Kevin’s drawers. He froze at what he saw.
“Andrew,” he murmured, “Come here you’ve got to see this.”
Andrew looked in the drawer and could barely suppress his sigh.
“Oh Kevin...”
Neil lifted the items out of the drawer. Lube, a dildo, and a book called “Guide to Bisexuality” or something like that. Neil flicked through the pages curiously. The book seemed very informative and helpful as he looked through it.
Neil carefully put the objects back in the drawer and glanced at Andrew. Andrew looked contemplative and if you looked close enough, you could see a glint of solemn understanding shadowed in his eyes.
“All that homophobic bullshit...” Andrew sighed, “At least now we know he’s not in any physical danger.”
“We should leave. We’ve invaded his privacy,” Neil said, glancing nervously at the bedside table again.
Andrew nodded in agreement, “If I had known... I only wanted to investigate because I thought he was in danger, he’s obviously not,” Andrew shook his head, “we should go.”
Right when Andrew finished his sentence they both heard Kevin enter the dorm, he was on the phone again, his soft voice filtered through the door to the main room.
“Yeah I know [...],” Kevin murmured softly, “I miss you too.”
“I’m gonna tell them soon, i just... It’s scary yanno? Especially after all the shit I gave everyone before.”
“Yeah, I love you. Bye.”
Neil and Andrew were frozen as they heard Kevin come towards the door.
Andrew snapped his head to Neil, “Quick kiss me so he doesn’t get suspicious, yes or no?”
“Yes,” Neil said quickly and Andrew lifted Neil and set him on the bedside table, crowding his space.
Andrew nodded permission and Neil wrapped his legs around Andrew’s waist as they kissed. They kissed hard, both’s hands tangling in each others hair as Kevin walked in the room. Kevin froze as he saw them, thinking he had walked in on something private. Andrew kissed Neil for a few more seconds before he pulled back to look at Kevin. Something like longing was settled in his face, and then fear as he saw what particular drawer Neil was pressed against. Andrew and Neil broke apart and nodded to Kevin as they left the room quickly, hoping he believed their lie.
Kevin felt his chest ache as they left. He needed to tell everyone. He didn’t want to hide anymore. He wanted to be able to kiss the man he loved in his dorm room like Neil and Andrew did every day. Like they just were. Watching Neil and Andrew and how in love they were made Kevin’s heart hurt. And even though it was against everything he ever believed in, he still wanted it. He had wanted it with Thea, but that didn’t work, they just didn’t fit together, not the way Neil and Andrew did so perfectly. And then he’d met [...]. And it was like an answer to a question he’d been asking his entire life. It was so hard for him to push past the internalized homophobia that had been drilled into him at the nest, but he was done with that, he was healed. No more hiding. He called [...] and said he was telling the team tomorrow. And that was that. He silently thanked Neil and Andrew for unknowingly giving him the courage to be honest as he laid in bed to sleep.
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willinglyhomosexual · 5 years
Nicky and videos
Nicky films Every Single Thing All The Time and it's so annoying
The videos are everywhere. Youtube, vine, instagram, fucking facebook - everywhere. The fans are well fed
Some of the classics include:
- a video of Aaron and Kevin drunkenly belting the pokemon theme song
- the foxes in a supermarket. Andrew setting down a family-sized tub of ice cream into the cart. Kevin putting it back on the shelf. Andrew placing it in the cart again. Kevin putting it back. Unwavering eye contact. It goes on for a solid minute
- Neil smearing ice cream on Andrew's face and then saying "there, now you're short AND sweet!" after which there's simultaneous groaning from off screen. Andrew just stares blank-faced into the camera like he's in The Office
- a grayscale video of Kevin yelling at a zoned-out Neil, zooming in on Neil's face as all around me are familiar faces plays in the background
- a "foxhole game night" monopoly video featuring ear-piercing screaming, Dan and Allison rolling on the floor in hysteria, a cry-laughing Matt clutching his stomach with one hand while pounding on Neil's back with the other, Neil beaming, Andrew looking almost smug by his side, Renee showering them both with monopoly money, Kevin snatching Aaron's whiskey bottle and downing half of it. You can imagine what happened here
- a video of Neil gingerly sipping on his soda at Eden's with "shots shots shots shots shots shots" playing over it
- a compilation of Renee smiling because it's too pure. Everyone loves it
- a clip of Aaron and Katelyn flirting, all soft and cutesy directly followed by Andrew and Neil cussing each other out
- Dan and Matt cuddling which cuts to Nicky fake gagging at the pure heterosexuality of it all. It's been liked only by Andrew
- Andrew on his tippy toes trying to reach something with the caption "they tried to put me on the cover of vogue, but my legs were too long". It's liked by everyone but Andrew and Aaron
- Andrew and Neil staring each other down, lost in their own world, when suddenly Nicky sneezes. They turn their heads to glare at him at the same time
- Wymack saying "road work ahead" to which the entire bus screams in unison "WELL I SURE HOPE IT DOES"
And finally:
- Andrew reciting The Crush Song to a very confused Neil
"I'm single as I can be-"
Nicky zooms in on them.
"-you're single, perfect for me. I'm gonna give you a bunch of reasons why you should date me."
Neil's face is pure, genuine confusion and worry.
"Reason number one - I'm super hot. Reason number two - she's super not." Andrew is completely expressionless. His voice is monotonous and bored. "Reason number three - I'm all you got, and all you got is someone hot."
A door slams in the distance, most likely Aaron. Andrew doesn't blink.
Nicky is wheezing behind the camera.
Occasionally Kevin tries to butt in but Andrew raises his voice and talks over him.
"First name hot-" "wh-" "aND LAST NAME BITCH. Wanna get with me? Now that's the stitch."
The camera is shaking uncontrollably.
"you think I'm trash?" "andr-" "HELL NO, I'm class, and I got a-" "andre-" "-bIG FAT ASS."
Eventually Kevin gives up.
"Please date me because I'm single. S-I-N-G-L-E, love me. And hug me, and touch me. And, well, fuck me," Andrew recites.
When he gets to the end of the song he immediately leaves to get himself a beer without saying anything else. Neil is left staring off into the distance, possibly having an existential crisis.
Nicky flips the camera, and through sniffles says, "...and that was Andrew Minyard with 'The Crush song' featuring Kevin Day. Have a good night."
It instantly becomes a viral video. People who haven't even heard of exy are sharing it. A bored twink monotonously serenading The Crush Song to a confused twink? Hilarious. Aaron hates them so much
Bonus: when tiktok becomes a thing Nicky is all over it. You can imagine how that goes. The monsters refuse to interact with him in public
On the flipside: once, Nicky managed to convince Kevin that e-boy stands for exy boy so Kevin had "professional e-boy" in his bio for a good week or two
It was a good time
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jemej3m · 4 years
HAVE U EVER THOUGHT OF A BAND!AU?? i love band au's and ur work!!! (not to mention but i think u would write an excellent drummer!andrew)
are you kidding me??? have i ever thought of a band au? bruh i breathe band au’s
also, i wanted this to be soft, so have some childhood friends starting a band out of their mum’s garage :DD
“Can I now?”
Neil ducked his head, trying not to show Andrew his grin. “No, ‘Drew.”
Andrew cocked his head. “How about now?”
Neil turned around and arched a singular eyebrow at the man. “You cannot shove your drum stick through Kevin’s brain, Andrew. Not now: not ever.”
“I hate you,” he muttered. Neil just grinned. 
“You say the sweetest things to me, ‘Drew.” With that, he turned and continued to tune his acoustic. Behind him, Andrew was going bright red. 
What started as a friendly, neighbourhood band had turned into something else entirely: Neil and Andrew were cramped backstage, tuning and warming up. Kevin was probably talking to his mom on the phone, whilst Nicky was most certainly trying to escape their security detail and go flirt with fans in the event centre’s foyer. He could charm a crowd. 
They’d started the band up when they were just kids: Neil remembered Kevin grabbing him by the sleeve and dragging him across the street, where he’d noticed the three Dobson boys setting up instruments in their garage: Nicky on bass, Aaron on keyboard and Andrew on his drumkit. 
Neil, having been only 11 whilst the others were 12 or 13, wasn’t as outspoken or enthusiastic about joining them as Kevin was. 
“Come on, Neil,” Kevin insisted, dragging him by the elbow. “I’ll sing and you play the guitar. Okay?”
“It might be fun, Neil,” his sister, Dan, insisted, giving him a gentle push out the door. “It’s just messing around in a garage band. Nothing serious.”
If little Neil knew where he’d be, nine years later, he probably would’ve spontaneously combusted out of paranoia and fear. 
Adult Neil still got anxious - he always wanted to perform his best - but it’d taken years of gigs and scouts and labels to work them up to where they were now. It was a gradual process, which definitely helped the whole stage-fright thing. 
“What are you thinking about?” Andrew inquired, sitting down behind Neil and hooking his chin over Neil’s shoulder. He smiled, leaning back against his best friend. 
“Just stuff,” he responded. “How we got here. Where we’ll go.”
“Next stop on the tour is D.C.”
“Yes,” Andrew agreed, deadpan. “That’s what I’m known for.”
Neil just laughed, getting to his feet. “We’d better get ready before Kevin comes back.”
“Your brother is the worst,” Andrew grunted, following suit. 
“At least we’re not related,” Neil grinned, jostling Andrew’s shoulder. “You can’t talk: you’re Aaron’s twin.”
Andrew just pointed a stick at Neil in warning. 
The lights were flashing. Audience screaming. Neil opened his eyes out of his reverie and looked to his counterparts: Nicky was rushing up and down the front lines, giving out as many hugs as he could. Kevin was waving and blowing kisses. And Andrew - 
He stood behind his drumkit, shirtless and dripping with sweat. He still bore his armbands, brimming with blades and secrets, and in his hands he loosely held his favourite pair of drumsticks, a pair Betsy had bought him, one’s he’d been careful to not break. 
Neil’s mouth was dry as he walked over to where Andrew stood. A spotlight blazed from above, shrouding Andrew’s head and illuminating his hair like a golden halo. He looked angelic. He was angelic. 
“You were amazing,” Neil said, voice lost under the cacophony of the crowd. His hand was reached out, gently brushing the bare skin of Andrew’s bicep. He didn’t know what he was doing anymore: the post-show euphoria was driving him. 
Andrew didn’t need to hear him. He could read lips. Read intentions. 
They were ushered off the stage soon after, Neil’s ears still ringing, his fingertips still burning. Andrew tugged on a fresh shirt, a towel around his neck. He had the most laborious job out of all of them, save maybe Kevin. Neil looked away from the way his hair curled at the nape of his neck. 
“Good show,” Kevin panted, sweat sticking his hair to his forehead. Neil nodded, the exhaustion of playing for four hours settling in. His shoulders ached, fingertips raw with playing both his guitar and the keyboard (Neil filled Aaron’s vacancy when he’d fucked off to college) whilst his throat ached from countless harmonies and backups he sung for Kevin. 
Genuine praise from Kevin was rare and prized for their band, and was usually reserved to the few moments after a performance finished. Then he’d go back to his regularly scheduled criticisms and evaluations. 
“Wasn’t it?” Nicky grinned. “We are such hot shit sometimes! Anyway,” he slung his guitar off to the side, careless. Neil winced a little. “I’ve got a cutie waiting in my car, apparently.” He winked. “His name’s Erik and he’s built like a wall. I’ll see y’all tomorrow!” 
“Jesus Christ,” Kevin said, not unkindly. They were all used to Nicky’s antics by now. He looked back to Neil. “You gonna stay with Andrew or me?”
Neil narrowed his eyes. Was he going to stay with his brother or his best friend? The choice wasn’t exactly hard to make. 
Kevin put up his hands. “What? I thought you two’d had a lover’s spat or something, before the show.”
“Kevin,” Andrew warned, voice low. 
“You guys weren’t as synthesised as you usually are,” Kevin continued. “Did Neil say something, again? Neil, what did you do?”
“Kevin,” Andrew snapped. 
The man took his final warning with a grain of salt and rolled his eyes, peeling off to cool down and head back to the hotel. He left Neil standing in the middle of the corridor, baffled. What the fuck was he talking about? A lover’s spat?
“Don’t think too hard, junkie,” Andrew muttered, fingers hooked into the collar of Neil’s shirt. “He’s just sprouting his usual bullshit.” But Andrew couldn’t look him in the eyes. 
“Right,” Neil agreed, smiling weakly. “You’re right. Sorry.”
“Shut up,” Andrew tugged him down the corridor with a finger hooked through Neil’s belt loop. 
Neil went willingly. He always went willingly with Andrew. There was no one else in the world that he trusted more.
“What do you mean, you’re not a thing?”
Neil paused with his fingertips up to the door, ready to push it open. It seemed as though he had stumbled upon a conversation - perhaps not for Neil’s ears. 
“He’s not interested,” Andrew said, sounding exhausted. “And I’m not about to pressure him into something he doesn’t want.”
Huh. Maybe they were talking about a new guy. Andrew didn’t date that often - or very successfully - and he was usually not willing to talk to Neil about it whenever it did happen. Neil wasn’t quite sure why but respected his boundaries nevertheless. He just didn’t know that Andrew went to Kevin about it. 
Neil wondered who it was, this time. Roland? He’d been the most long-term thing Andrew had ever attempted. No, Andrew said he wasn’t interested in Roland. Unless he was lying. 
Andrew doesn’t lie to me, Neil reminded himself. 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Kevin insisted. “He’s been in love with you ever since he first saw you. Don’t give me that look, Andrew. Put away your knives.”
“Do you think so?” Andrew asked, voice low. Gravelly. Tainted by disbelief.
Something in Neil’s chest tightened. He sounded…hopeful. Neil was arbitrarily jealous. Who was this guy? 
Wait, why was Neil jealous?
He pushed against the door, ignoring the way that the two of them shifted so that it didn’t look like they were engaged in conversation. 
“We’re loading up the bus,” he supplied. “Time to get moving.”
And if Neil noticed the way that Andrew walked around him, careful not to brush their knuckles, well. 
He didn’t say anything. 
By the end of the third week, Neil couldn’t handle it anymore. He wasn’t sure what he’d done, or why Andrew was so adamant in avoiding him, but he hated it. He hadn’t felt this isolated since his early years when his father would shut him in a wardrobe and his mother would scold him for eliciting his father’s ire, before both of his parents died and Wymack adopted him into his strange little family, brought him into the tiny cul de sac  where Betsy Dobson and Abby Winfield lived with their own collections of abandoned kids. 
“Andrew,” he mumbled as he watched Andrew tuck himself into his own bed. They were sleeping in the same hotel room but they were millions of miles away from each other. Neil felt stiff and confused. 
Resigned, he shut the light off. 
“Fix it,” Kevin demanded. 
“Fix what?”
“Just tell him already. It’s getting nauseating.” 
Neil narrowed his eyes. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Kevin threw Neil’s lyric notepad back at him. “‘Living limbless, lost, lonely, ever since you went and left me’? What do you mean, what am I talking about? I thought you two were already together - now he’s saying you were never interested? What the fuck, Neil. You’ve been practically married for years.” 
Neil blinked. “Me and -”
“Andrew, yes, who else?” Kevin continued, irritable as he scrawled down new ideas. “You’re so fucking dense sometimes - ow!” 
Neil stuck out his tongue, satisfied with the large black line his thrown pen had left behind. He fished out another pen from his bag and kept writing, letting Kevin’s banter distract him from how painful his chest felt. 
The tour was ending. They were looping back to South Carolina. Andrew hardly looked at him anymore, let alone spoke to him. Kevin looked at Neil with pity. Nicky tried to cheer everyone up with icecream. 
Neil couldn’t understand why they were falling apart. What had he done? What had he said? 
The screams irked him. They sounded less ecstatic and more afraid. Neil was falling apart onstage, overthinking. They’d just played for Charleston, one of their last stops on the tour. 
The curtains came down. Neil couldn’t move. The others were already off the stage. Neil couldn’t breathe. 
“Neil,” Andrew said. He couldn’t look Andrew in the eye. How was he to explain that Andrew’s estrangement had left him in such a miserable state that he could hardly perform without breaking down? 
“Neil, look at me.” 
Neil closed his eyes. “Whatever I did - I’m sorr -” 
“Abram,” Andrew whispered, before pressing a bruising kiss to Neil’s lips. His eyes flew open, though he didn’t move. It didn’t matter: Not a moment later, Andrew ricocheted back, hand over his own mouth. In his other hand, his favourite drumsticks snapped, falling to the floor in uneven halves. 
By the time Neil had opened his mouth, Andrew was gone. 
Neil spent the drive to the pub they’d chosen to ride out their performance high in silence. Andrew was stoic and unmoving, silent despite Nicky’s attempts at conversation. When they arrived, Neil felt like he wanted to throw up. 
It was bustling at the late hour, but dark enough to slip in unnoticed. Neil followed Andrew up to the bar: at one point, someone shoved into Andrew and Neil felt him press Neil against the marble top, warm from shoulder to shin. Neil wanted to lean back into him. He wanted Andrew to look at him, to talk to him. He wanted Andrew back. He wanted Andrew. 
Quickly, he turned around, ignoring the bar tender when he asked if he was sure he wanted a virgin martini. Andrew was right there, pupils blown, cheeks red. Angry. 
He was furious. 
“Andrew,” Neil insisted. “Why -” 
He grabbed the tray of drinks and disappeared before Neil could form a sentence. 
And - well. Neil wasn’t known for subordination. 
He waited patiently for the others to get drunk and disappear into the crowd, like they always did. Sometimes Nicky dragged Neil with him, if the night was right. Andrew usually just sat, patiently waiting for his family to return to him. His whiskey sips were cautious and slow. 
Tonight was different. As soon as they were alone, Andrew stood, knocked back the entire glass and strode towards the exit. Neil let his breath hitch and followed, almost jogging in order to keep up with Andrew’s stride. 
“Andrew, this is insane,” he said as they walked down the street, leaving the bar behind. “I’m losing my mind here. Why won’t you talk to me? Why won’t you even look at me? What did I do?” 
“Exist,” Andrew snarled, hands curled into fists and shoved into the pockets of his denim jacket. 
Neil ran ahead of him, almost tripping over the uneven sidewalk. They’d walked far enough that they seemed to have removed themselves from any remnants of the club, and instead were stood in front of a circular, patheon-esque church and its haphazard graveyard. 
Andrew stopped walking and stared. In the moonlight his skin was pale enough to be translucent. 
“Tell me,” Neil whispered. “Truth for truth. We promised, Andrew. To never lie, to never leave. Why did you kiss me?”
“You promised,” Andrew corrected him. “I swore I would have your back. Does that have to constitute being attached at the hip?” 
Neil crossed his arms, petulant. 
Andrew’s sigh was aggravated. “It was never meant to be a problem.”
“What was?”
“Andrew -” 
Fingers curled in the collar of his shirt, then slipped across the warm skin at the nape of his neck, then tangled themselves into Neil’s hair. Andrew pulled their foreheads together, squeezing his eyes closed too tight. Neil wanted to iron out the crease between his brows. 
“Shut up,” the man croaked. “Shut up. Shut up.”
“Andrew,” Neil said, weakly. “I wanted to kiss you.” 
Andrew’s nails dug into Neil’s scalp. “No you didn’t.”
“Yes,” his fingers carefully found their way onto Andrew’s jaw, forcing the man to look up at him. “I did.” 
Andrew just swallowed, red-cheeked. 
Neil pulled Andrew closer, head dropping to Andrew’s shoulder. His heart throbbed like a drumbeat, heavy and insistent and never, ever out of time. “Is that what this is about?”
“No,” Andrew lied. 
“I think I like you, ‘Drew,” Neil whispered into the skin of Andrew’s neck. “I think I really do.” 
“I hate you,” Andrew managed, sliding his hands around Neil’s waist and holding him close under the Charleston moonlight. “I hate you.” 
“I know,” Neil managed, closing his eyes. It made a lot more sense, now. 
Between their erratic breathing and racing pulses, a drumbeat formed. 
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