#but lamb is just a teasing asshole
maybmila · 30 days
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Stay tf away from him ur scaring him lamb
Messy incorrect quotes there will be more
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uglypastels · 2 years
Following the Herd // dark!cult!Eddie x reader
summary: Eddie Munson has never been anything but sweet and caring to you. He had always made sure you were alright and safe and always helped you with anything you asked for. So now, that he needed you, how could you possibly refuse?
PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING TO READ THIS FIC AND IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE SOUND OF THEM, DO NOT READ IT. if you do and still have any complaints about the content that has been tagged, that's on you. <3
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word count: 14k
warnings the occult and cult stuff. blood. ritual sacrifices. inflicting non-lasting injury on self/others. subliminal indoctrination. Manipulation and taking advantage of the naive and innocent reader. Eddie is protective, possessive and controlling. has issues. mention of character death [the Creels]. mention of drinking, smoking and drugs.
Explicit Content! 18+ only. Minors DNI! fem reader. PIV sex. unprotected sex (big no-no). heavy s/d dynamic. thigh riding. extended orgasm denial. overstimulation. innocence and corruption kink + virginity. knife kink (kinda). spitting. oral [f receiving]. debatable dacryphilia. blindfold. Eddie's handcuffs. praise. "whore" x1.
If I missed out on any warnings, I severely apologise. Please let me know and I will add them
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"Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint"
-the Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil
The thing one must understand about Eddie Munson is that he never meant for anything bad to happen. On the contrary, he had nothing but good intentions for you, for anyone. He was a kind, deeply caring person who wanted nothing but the best for others. It was not his fault that people didn't understand him. 
So what? He didn't dress like all the other conservative assholes in town. He was different and dared to speak up for himself; since when is that a crime? He had his beliefs to fight for, just like anyone else; why would that make him the bad guy? People have started wars over way less, and yet, Eddie had been the one cast out from society, branded as a monster. He, who had never done anything wrong in his life. 
You knew like no other how wrong these misconceptions about him were, having experienced his kindness first-hand. It was only a year ago, but it could have been a lifetime. It was almost a coincidence how he found you at that party over spring break. There were so many people, and the music was so loud, that it was easy to get disorientated. The air was thick with smoke and the smell of liquor, making you sick. He had helped you then. It was Eddie who took your hand and led you outside into the fresh and cold night air. 
'You alright?' He looked deep into your eyes with a soft smile, to which you could only smile sheepishly. Maybe that is how he had thought of his cute nickname for you? 'What's a cute little lamb like you doing out here, all alone, anyway?' 
'I'm here with my friends. Just… seemed to have misplaced them somewhere.' You had laughed, not wanting to show how scary that had actually been. The music from inside the house was still blasting, beating against your chest. Eddie nodded in understanding. 
'You've got to be careful, sweetheart, don't want to lose yourself to this chaos.' He brushed some hair out of your face; your skin was burning up from how warm it had been in the house. You only noticed it when compared to the cold touch of his hand. His eyes were still on you, focused, the deep dark of his irises pulling you in. 'Haven't been drinking, have we?' He smiled innocently, clearly teasing, intensifying the burning heat in your cheeks. 
'No.' You could say it earnestly, but the reasons behind your honesty felt a bit embarrassing. You almost didn't want to admit that you had never had a drink before and were still apprehensive about alcohol. He would surely think it's silly, to be 18 and never even have had a beer or a shot. There were so many things you still hadn't done, in fact, that he would probably see as normal.
But his smile grew bigger, and he almost sounded proud when he continued with the conversation: 'Good. Good. You don't want that stuff in you.' 
'I don't?' You blinked as he shook his head. Anyone else would have told you to suck it up, but not him.
'No, all it will do is ruin that pretty mind of yours. And we don't want that, do we?' His voice made your heart flutter in excitement, which proved everyone else's suspicions wrong. Because no evil could make you feel that good, could it? 
And it never really stopped. Neither the feeling you felt when you were around him nor how he treated you. Eddie had a very protective and caring nature. He needed to be sure you were safe and alright. At school, he would ensure you ate your lunch, had a good night's sleep the night before, and weren't too cold or too warm. He invited you to hang out a lot– an offer you could hardly refuse. He walked you home and would help you with your homework or take you back to his trailer, where he would play you songs on his guitar. The music he listened to sure was different from what you were used to. Heavy, gritty and dark, but all of that talk that it was Satan's music was ridiculous. Anyone who would listen to a few bars of it could know that. And the artistry of these musicians was also undeniable. 
Eddie had never expected you to enjoy his kind of music as much as you did, but it brought the biggest smile to his face, which, in turn, made you that much happier. You couldn't get enough of his happiness and could do anything for it. It would be the fair thing to do, considering everything Eddie's done for you... 
When your parents found out you had started hanging out with a boy like Eddie Munson, they were, quite honestly, scared. They did not want his likes to influence you, making you stray down to a dark and dangerous lifestyle. 
But it couldn't be further away from the truth. 
Eddie ensured you stayed away from things such as alcohol or drugs, even cigarettes. He didn't even want you talking about it, didn't want you anywhere near the stuff. And even though he used all of it, he made sure to never do it around you. He would hide away the weed and the liquor bottles in his trailer, and he'd control his need to smoke until you had left. 
'It's too late for me, I'm beyond saving, but that doesn't mean you have to go down that path too.' He would say, stroking your hair, if you ever asked why he was so adamant about keeping you away from these vices. 'Can't have my little lamb be ruined like that.' And he would kiss your forehead, ring-clad hand upon your cheek. His rips were usually chapped, and fingers roughly calloused, but you didn't mind. His touch still felt divine. 
Eddie protected you from more than just these substances. He knew you were not the most experienced in living life, which was something he appreciated and praised, but the shock on his face when you had told him you had never even had your first kiss… the idea of that made his head spin. It excited him more than he had ever thought imaginable, but it also scared him. Since he had found that out about you, you had noticed how much more protective he had gotten over you around certain people. It was cute, how possessive he got when other guys looked at you. 
'Believe me, baby, they're no good for you.' He would hold you close, turning your back to whoever had been trying to catch your eye. 'Guys like that… they only have one thing on their mind.' 
'What's that?' you asked, but he never gave you a direct answer. It was nothing his little lamb should be worried about. You were his pure, innocent girl, and he couldn't have the evils of others corrupt you. He wanted what's best for you. 
He really did make you feel safe and comfortable, in a way no one had ever done before. You felt like you could tell him anything, no matter how personal or embarrassing. Things you wouldn't dare tell any other guy. 
'Uhm, Eddie,' you mumbled one time. You were in your bedroom, sitting on the ground with your backs against your bed. Eddie had you sitting between his legs. His hands around your middle, rubbing small circles on the bare piece of skin between where your shirt and trousers met. The sensation it left on you spread across your whole body in sparks, particularly between your legs, making it very hard to focus on the book you had been trying to read.
'Something wrong?' He asked, head propped up on your shoulder as he spoke, so his words came out with his warm breath against your neck, not helping your situation. 
'I uh–' you were flustered; the only thing you could think about was how his fingers were creeping over your stomach, inching your waistband. 'Nevermind.' 
'No, no, sweetheart. Now you got to tell me.' 
'It's a bit warm in here, don't you think?' You breathed out slowly. 
'Not really.' He shrugged. 'But you can open a window if you want.' 
You took the opportunity to get away from his touch. Not that you minded it or that it wasn't pleasant. On the contrary, you had to escape it because of how good it felt. You had never felt like this before. Hot and bothered, all over. It wasn't something you were used to or even knew how to handle. 
'Are you sure, you're alright?' Eddie asked once you came back to sit in his lap. You hummed out a response, but he could tell it wasn't all true. 'C'mon, it's me. You can tell me, can't you?' Of course, you could. You could tell Eddie anything, that much you knew. 
'I just– feel a bit hot. That's all.' It still all felt a bit silly. A bit difficult to put into words.
'Hot?' He asked for a clarification, to which you only nodded your head. You looked down at your lap, embarrassed even though you knew there was nothing to be ashamed about. Eddie wrapped his arms around you, but his hands were low, pressing at the hem of your trousers, and it wasn't making matters any better. 
'What are you doing?' You gasped when you felt him slip past the material of your shorts, fingers sliding over your panties slowly. You arched your back in anticipation; it was an automatic, subconscious reaction. Still, it felt wrong, though. He had always told you how that part of you was sacred, off limits for others. 
Others. Yes. 
Not him. 
'I just need to check something.' His voice was a mere hush as his fingertips brushed over your core, just the thin layer of cotton keeping up the barrier between you. But he wouldn't actually touch you there. Not yet. He couldn't ruin you like that. It would be inconsiderate and selfish, and that's not who Eddie was. He just wanted what's best for you.
'You are burning up, baby,' he clicked his tongue when his fingers added some pressure to the touch. Your back stiffened, and you held your breath, unsure what to do. 'I wish I could help, but I can't right now.' Of course, you would never actually protest anything he did, knowing he had his valid reasons, but you wished he hadn't pulled away. 
'Why not?' your voice was shaky. 
'It's not the right time,' he pressed you back against his chest, taking in your sweet scent. Your shampoo, your perfume, even the ink of the pen you had been writing with for the past few hours, and your arousal– all mixed into something that could only be described as you. 
'Right time?' you weren't sure what he meant by that, but Eddie talked a lot about funny things that you didn't understand. Mostly, it was about the game he played at school with his friends, Dungeons and Dragons. He had tried to explain it to you several times, and most of it was easy enough to grasp, but he could talk on about it for ages, and it was almost as if he was pulling you into a trance of attention. Words would lose their meaning as you were too focused on Eddie himself. The sound of his voice and his movements– he always used his hands to emphasise what he said. And maybe it was for the better you didn't understand everything that was happening in the club. 
Not that it mattered, anyway. It was nothing his little lamb should be worried about.
'Yeah, got to wait a bit, sweetheart. Patience is a virtue, isn't that what they always say? And believe me, if you wait a bit longer, it will be so worth it.' 
'How long?' you already didn't want to wait. His featherlight touch had been enough to ignite a fire in you. But, unfortunately, it wasn't enough to subside whatever feeling was gnawing at you there. If anything, the memory of his touch only made it worse. You needed more. 
'Not too long. I'll let you know when it's time, ok?' He started rubbing his hand over your arm. 'But you got to promise me one thing.' 
'Of course.' Anything for Eddie. He knew what was best. 
'Do not touch yourself there, ok? It might be difficult because you might not feel much better without it, but it will feel so wonderful in the end. I promise.' He made plenty of these kinds of promises and had held up to them every single time. That was another reason you trusted him; everyone else was simply wrong in their perceptions. An evil person would not keep to their promises as Eddie did. 
Eddie cared
About you. 
So you listened to what he asked of you, nearly blindly. 
The feeling inside of you grew much to your frustration, but you kept your promise to Eddie. The days went on rather slowly, not helping your problem, and neither did Eddie. His touches seemed to linger more than they used to. He was always at your side, keeping you close to him; that didn't change that much. But he would let his hands wander over your body. 
Perhaps he was nervous about something, and the way he coped was to draw invisible shapes all over your body when he had his arms wrapped around you. He'd mumble to himself, little nonsense things you couldn't make out. He also got a bit forgetful; at lunchtime, he would forget to save you a seat, leading you to have to sit in his lap. Not that you minded. But what was a bit frustrating was how antsy he had gotten, letting his leg bouncing up and down. (What was he so nervous about?) Other times you wouldn't have minded, but how his jeans grazed over your sensitive and already frustrated core made you want to cry out. 
'Eddie, could you maybe stop that? Please?' You looked up at him, trying to get rid of the lump in your throat. 
'Sorry, baby,' He stopped, but the friction was just replaced by the hand he had put on your thigh. So many people were around you, all chatting and enjoying their free time out of class, yet there was only him for you. His big brown eyes sucked you into a place where it was just the two of you. So you weren't even embarrassed when he asked you: 'have are you feeling? Been a good little lamb for me?' 
'Yes.' As if on cue, you couldn't help but rub your legs together, needing some kind of stimulus to keep you away from that burning feeling between your legs. It had been going on for days, only getting stronger, and you could do nothing about it. 
Your action didn't escape Eddie's vision, and he was quick to pull your legs apart. However, his hand remained sturdily between them. 
'Haven't been touching yourself?' He wasn't whispering or trying not to be heard, but no one was paying attention really anyway. But even if they had, you didn't care. 
'No. Of course not.' He would ask you the same question each day, and each day you could happily respond. Even if every time it got harder and harder to do. 'But… Eddie–' 
'Hmm?' he hummed, pushing some hair out of your face with the hand that had not settled over the warm gap between your thighs.
'I feel like it's just getting worse,' your voice was almost lost in the ocean of others, but he heard you, and he smiled softly as you continued. 'I don't know how much longer–' but that is where he cut you off. 
'I know, baby. I know. But you're not ready yet, and we don't want all of this to go to waste, do we?' He looked you in the eyes until you shook your head in agreement; what you agreed to, however, was a bit vague. 'But it's not much longer anymore, and then just think of how good it will feel. Your reward will be grand.' 
'Reward?' He had never even said anything about a reward. 
'Oh, of course. My little lamb deserves a prize for behaving this well.' He squeezed you into a tight hug, pulling you in. You could feel his thumb press against your sensitive bud again for just a second, but you pushed aside the urge for more. He propped you up, helping you sit up better in his lap, but this again only made you feel his hand on you more prominently. His lips were nearly against your jaw when he spoke up again. 'How about you come over to my place later, and I'll try to help you with your problem, hmm? A… little taste of what's to come?' 
'Are you sure?' You didn't want him to do anything that could end up hurting either of you. If he said, you weren't ready… 
'Yeah, I can't have you walking around like this, all flustered. It's making all the other guys stare.' 
'What?' This made you stiffen up a bit. Why were they all staring at you? Could they tell, see even, how enkindled you were? You hadn't thought so. 
'Shh, it's alright. I'll take care of them. Don't you worry.' He would make sure you were safe, that much you knew. 'Meet me at the car later. I'll drive us home.' The bell for the next class would ring soon, and you wouldn't see Eddie until after school ended. Those were always the hardest times of the day, besides maybe when you were lying in bed alone, wishing he was with you to help you fall asleep and make that ache between your legs finally disappear. 
The classes were almost impossible for you to get through, as all you could think of was Eddie. Minutes were passing by so slowly, that you wanted to scream. Was no one else upset about how time just did not seem to move forward? That could not be possible. But, then again, you were the only one irking to get out of there to meet Eddie in the parking lot. 
You practically jump into his arms. The wind blew in your face, bringing his dark locks along and tickling your neck. He smelled like incense and his musky cologne. Someone like him should have something more bitter about him, you had thought at be beginning of your friendship, but Eddie was sweet. Not just in his actions, but in everything else around him. Because even with that smokey scent, mixed with his cologne, there was still a sweetness around him that you could not identify. It pulled you in, the familiarity of it, and yet you could never quite place it in your mind as to what it was. 
Eddie's hand never left your body as he drove you to the trailer park. You loved when he drove his car, but it was also frustrating that his hand was all he could give you. His eyes were, of course, entirely concentrated on the road ahead, and you missed them. 
Fortunately, the drive wasn't too long, and before you knew it, he led you out to his trailer, into the back of it, where his room was. It was messy, like most days, and there were things strewn about all over the place, which Eddie tried to sort out as he went along. He picked something up that looked like a long glass vase from next to his bed and put it in his closet. 
'What was that?' you asked curiously as he sat down on the bed. You were still standing by the door. 
'That? Oh, nothing, baby. Just c'mere.' He held out his hand for you to take once you had made your way over to him. You were ready to sit down, but Eddie pressed the palm of his other hand over your stomach, keeping you up. 'Hmm, no. Wait up.' He took both your hands in his, kissing your knuckles. 'Before we start, I need you to listen, really carefully, to me. I got to know you understand.' 
Eddie rarely spoke in such a serious manner, so it made you a bit nervous. He held your hands tightly, and you stood between his spread legs. He looked up at you, almost with pleading eyes, as if he didn't know that you were already listening to him intently, taking in each word he gave you desperately, never wanting him to stop giving you his attention or time.  
'I'm listening, Eddie, always,' you smiled, and he hugged out a little laugh. 
'This is just really important to me,' he chuckled lightly again, 'I want to make you feel good, sweetheart, but I can't make that feeling that is bothering you go away just yet. It shouldn't go away just yet, because you're not ready, we're not ready… but we can do something to help with it; for now, does that sound alright?' 
'Yes.' Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as he kissed your knuckles again. 
'Good, come sit here,' he tapped onto his right thigh, and you sat down, but apparently not in the way he had meant for you to do, as he laughed. 'No, baby. Like this. Here.' He shuffled a bit back onto the bed and made you sit with your legs on either side of his, locking him in between you. He put his hand on your hip, pushing you into him. The material of your jeans pressed into you, releasing some of the tension that had been building up in you over the past few days. Then, with his guidance, you started moving your hips over his leg. 
'Feels good, doesn't it?' Eddie asked, and you nodded your head quickly. 'Yeah, and it will only feel better the longer you keep doing it. Go a bit faster– that's it.' 
'It– oh my- aah,' you gasped out at this foreign sensation that rushed through your body. 'Thank you,' the words came out with a heavy breath of air as you found your rhythm.
'You're very welcome, sweetheart. You've been doing so well for me, haven't you? Deserve a little treat.' Your faces were nearly at the same level with you on his lap, and his mouth ghosted over yours. You could feel it there, not even an inch apart, but he couldn't– no matter how much he wanted to kiss your perfect lips, they would remain untouched for now. But it wouldn't be long anymore. Soon, he would make all this wait worthwhile. 
'Keep going as long as you want, baby,' the sight of you pleasuring yourself on his thigh made him short circuit, but he had to keep his mind clear. 
'It feels–' you didn't know how to describe the feeling that started to overcome you. You were tensing up again. Suddenly the release you felt from this friction didn't feel as satisfying anymore. It was urging you on to keep going, to tense that tight feeling in you until it snapped, but it was getting worse. Finally, you had to squeeze your eyes shut. 'Eddie!' 
'Woah, Woah, Woah.' He halted your hips tightly. 'Stop.' 
'What-' you were confused, not sure what had happened. The tight feeling in your gut loosened, but the satisfaction you had felt also reclined. 
'You were close, weren't you?' He asked, and you weren't entirely sure what he meant by "close", but somehow, on a deeper level, you knew that that is what you had felt, and so nodded a bit meekly. Eddie nodded along in understanding. 'See, you're not ready for that yet, baby. So if you feel it again, you got to tell me and stop, got it? If you feel that tightness coming, do not keep going. It can be too much for you right now, I don't want you to ger hurt.'
'I get it,' a lump formed in your throat again. 
'Alright. Do you want to do it again?' He squeezed your hips, and you bit your lip. You did want to keep going, as it did feel amazing when you could release some of that tension your body had built up. Eddie just wanted to help you; it wasn't his fault that he couldn't get rid of this hollow feeling inside you. He did everything he could to make you feel as good as possible. He let you writhe over his leg for an eternity, replaying the cycle of your pleasure, letting you inch toward that unattainable high. Every time you felt the knot in your stomach, you would gasp out his name, and he would hold you still. It was torture you brought upon yourself to keep going over and over again, but it felt so good. It didn't matter that you could never actually get it to completion. That initial feeling of bliss compensated for the pain of unfulfillment. 
'You're so good for me. My sweet little lamb, always listens so well.' Even if there was nothing to inherently pleasure Eddie, he still felt fantastic. Seeing you like this made him feel like never before, and to see you obey his requests as you did… it was pure euphoria. 
Tears were stinging your eyes, but he was quick to brush them away, right at the corners of your eyes. You could not possibly go on much longer. Your grip on his shoulder weakened, and your hips started jutting forward haphazardly, exhausted.
'Eddie,' you gasped out a final time; you didn't even have energy left in you to reach that edge anymore. Your body shut down as you fell forward into Eddie. He fell back, holding on to you as his back hit the mattress. 
'Did so good, baby. So good.' He held you tightly as you caught your breath. You were shaking, so he grabbed the covers and pulled them over you. 
'I– thank you.' You nuzzled deeper into his hold. No words were exchanged for a while. His arms stayed wrapped around you, caressing your back gently as the seconds on the clock ticked by. 
'How are you feeling?' He eventually asked, whispering, in case you had fallen asleep on top of him. But you answered, voice weak and tired: 
'I'm alright.' Everything was still spinning a bit; you couldn't quite tell up from down. The only thing grounding you was Eddie. He started to draw more random shapes over your back, mumbling nothings to himself, and you were ready to doze off. Peace was coming over you. Then his voice turned up a bit louder as he spoke directly to you.
'I'm so proud of you.' It was still a whisper, but his voice vibrated through his throat. 
'Thank you, Eddie.' 
'Mmm, did so good, you know what?' He kissed your forehead. 'How about we go to the mall tomorrow. Get you something nice?' 
Your head shot up in the excitement, and you looked into his eyes. 'Is– that my reward?' 
'No, I just want to spoil you,' he chuckled, petting your hair flat, 'Your reward will be so much better. Just you wait.' He rolled over to his side, taking you along so you'd fall onto the mattress beside him. 'Want me to take you home?' He asked, and you had nodded yes, and maybe had even said it, but your eyelids were so heavy, and you were so tired, that soon sleep came over you, and you had never felt quite as peaceful as you had in his arms. 
Eddie not once thought of letting you go. He did what he had to do to keep you close and safe. 
His pure and innocent little lamb. 
All his. 
The next day, he did indeed take you shopping. It was a lovely day full of sunshine, and he held your hand as you walked past stores. Even if you hadn't realised it, he already had something in mind he wanted to get you, and it just so happened to be at one store you frequented. 
He watched you go through the racks of clothing and smiled anytime he caught your eye. He had to pull you back. Otherwise, you would have missed the one thing he had wanted you to see. 
'How about this one?' He picked a dress up from the hanger. It was a long and flowy white summer dress. You furrowed your brows, not having expected that to be his choice of outfit for you. It was neither his nor your style, yet he handed it to you with plenty of enthusiasm. 
'Are you sure?' You asked, watching him nod his head adamantly. 
'You'll look gorgeous, I can already tell.' he pressed the dress against you, looking at how it would look on you. 'Wanna go and try it on?' 
'Yeah, of course,' you smiled, and the next thing you knew, Eddie was opening up the door to a dressing room for you. He hung the dress on a hook next to the mirror and closed the door behind him. He said he would be right there if you needed anything, and you knew it was true. He would be sitting right there in one of the fuzzy chairs, waiting for you to come out and spin around for him. 
But unfortunately, the zipper in the back of the dress was not as easy to pull up as you thought, so you called out his name. Not a second later, Eddie popped his head inside the little room, eyes closed for your decency. 
'It's alright, Eds,' you giggled, 'you can look. I just can't get the zipper up.' 
'Ah, well, let me,' he came up to you, and his hands were on the small of your back, holding the two sides of the dress together so he could pull the zipper up. It was cold against your skin, and Eddie moved extremely slowly, not wanting to accidentally snag the fabric or get your hair caught in it. He pulled it all the way up and smoothed out the dress at your sides, not that you thought it had been that wrinkled. You had been facing the mirror, so he put his head on your shoulder to look along with you. 
'Absolutely beautiful.' He whispered, imitating the confined intimacy of the dressing room. Your cheeks heated up at the compliment, but also because you did actually feel beautiful wearing the dress. It fitted perfectly, wrapping around your body at every angle. It was light, comfortable, soft… just the white colour felt slightly off for you. Eddie noticed this apprehension in your face. 'What's wrong, sweetheart?'
'I'm just not so sure about white. It doesn't really feel like me, does it?' 
'Thought you might want to try something new. And just look how good it looks on you.' Then, with a finger under your chin, he made you look in the mirror again, 'An angel.' 
'Oh, Eddie,' you swung around to hug him. 'Thank you.' you mumbled the words against his chest. 
'Anything for you, baby.' His hand moved up and down over your back. 
After the dress shopping, the two of you walked around, with no real goal or destination in mind. The presence of each other was more than enough. But as the day went on, you couldn't help but feel down. Eddie had done so much for you over time, especially in the recent days; you wanted to repay him somehow. Show him that you cared for him just as much as he cared about you. Did he even know that you would do anything for him? You hoped so. 
You kept on thanking him as the day went on, which only made him laugh. The message had been quite clear after the first three times, and now it was becoming almost excessive. But he could never complain either, loving how much you appreciated him, but enough was enough. Surely. 
'I just wish I could do something in return.' 
'You really don't need to.' He cupped your face in the palm of his hand. 
'But I want to.' You persisted. 'There must be something I could do for you.' 
'Not that I can think of, but if anything comes up, I will let you know.' And that was that. You didn't want to press on the matter; why nag on a little thing like that, ruin what would be a lovely day? So, you went and had coffee at a café on Main Street, where Eddie again demanded to pay the bill, and then he drove you back home. Only when the car stopped in front of your driveway did you realise that this had been the longest time you had ever spent with Eddie: Almost an entire day. And it had also been one of the best days ever. Not because of how he had spoiled you– you couldn't care less about that stuff– but because you had not once stopped smiling. With him, you felt like you were on cloud nine, seventh heaven, paradise, and you never wanted it to stop. 
'What are you doing tomorrow?' you asked hopefully. It would be a Sunday then, and like most Sundays, you would have nothing to do. Eddie tapped the steering wheel.
'I got some things to take care of. Nothing too exciting.' Perhaps he saw your deflated expression. 'We'll hang out another time, yeah? I'll see you at school.' If you had been two different people, you would have leaned in and kissed goodbye, but instead, Eddie cupped your face again and tapped your cheek lightly with his hand. You did lean into his touch, not wanting it to leave you, but it always did at some point. 
'I'll miss you.' You pouted, which he mimicked. 
'And I'll miss you too, but this thing– it's really important. I can't miss it, and it will most likely take me the whole day–' 
'Why don't I help you?' You interrupted as the idea jumped to your mind. 'Then we can still spend time together and maybe you might even finish sooner.' 
'Oh, you don't want to–' 
'But I do,' you persisted. This was your chance. You could finally prove to Eddie how much he meant to you. 
'Are you sure?' Eddie raised his brow inquisitively. You nodded your head once but very clearly, indicating your standpoint. He couldn't get rid of you even if he tried. He knew it too, as seen through the deep sigh he took, but he was smiling. Your persistence was adorable. 
'Ok, fine. Do you know where the Creel House is?' 
'The creepy old boarded-up building?' Yeah, you knew the Creel House. Everyone in town did. Everyone had heard the story of what had happened there all those years ago, and it still made you feel uncomfortable to think about it. 
'I'll see you there at 5, ok? Wear the pretty dress we got today, too. I can't get enough of you in it.' And this time, he did lean in to kiss your cheek. Or, almost your cheek. It had been where he had intended for his lips to touch you, but it had only missed your own lips by less than an inch. The kiss was also just like all the other formalities. It probably lasted less than a second but left you wanting more. That warm feeling in your body resurfaced, much to your dismay. After yesterday, you had hoped it would stay hidden a bit longer, but apparently, one tiny featherlight kiss on the apple of your cheek was enough for it to come back up. 
'Who knows,' Eddie took your hand, 'maybe tomorrow will be the day, too.' 
'You mean–' you looked up at him with wide eyes. 
'We'll see. Now go, sweetheart.' He left you thinking about it for the entire night. Were you finally ready? Would this unbearable ache in your pit finally disappear? You hoped so. You were jittery with excitement about the next day. You could barely sleep, even though you knew Eddie wouldn't appreciate that (he always needed you to be well rested). And then the morning came, and you couldn't get a bite of your breakfast down your throat as you jumped in your seat from anticipation. You knew it was silly, but after all this time, you finally got a chance to show Eddie everything. And you had waited for weeks to touch yourself, and it was as if your body could tell that the waiting time was almost over. 
It was almost over; you told yourself as you made your way to the house. You were too early; you knew that, but better too early than too late. Maybe Eddie would already be there, and then… that is when you realised you actually had no idea what you were coming into the house for. What did he want you to do there? 
A harsh wind blew, pulling at the hem of your dress, which you had to hold not to let the street see your backside. The steps to the porch creaked under your footsteps, and the door you knew was once covered in wooden boards was now broken open. The beautiful stained-glass window was broken into shards, with a large hole in the middle– exactly where the rose used to bloom daily. 
'Hello?' You called out as you stepped inside. The temperature immediately seemed to drop, and the air had a moist hint, thick with dust flying around you. Footsteps were coming from upstairs. 
'Baby?' It was Eddie, and the sound of his voice immediately made all your worries go away.
'Yes! It's me!' You wanted to tread the stairs, a large and eccentric staircase, but Eddie showed up at the top of it. His hair was fastened up with his black bandana. You had imagined he would appreciate your early arrival, but a grimace covered his face instead. 
'You're early. I told you 5.' The old clock in the back of the hallway still clicked away and pointed to ten minutes to five, so you weren't that early. 
'I'm sorry. I walked faster than I expected.' 
'It's alright, just– just wait here. I'm almost ready.' Oh, was he setting something up for you? A surprise? Your reward? It brought back all these fluttery feelings in your stomach. 
You could hear Eddie shuffling around the upper floor, right above you. He was walking up and down the room, carrying things around. You wanted to go up and help him, but since he had told you to wait– you waited. Five minutes went by, ten, fifteen, and you were getting restless at the bottom of these tall stairs. With each creak in the floorboards, you hoped Eddie would appear again. 
That only happened a bit later, when you glanced up and saw him walk out of a dark room. He grinned down at you, and your body screamed to run up those stairs, but again, you waited for him to let you. 
'C'mere, I want to show you something.' And that is how you eagerly made your way upstairs finally. Eddie waited at the top step and watched how your dress flowed with your movements. Truly angelic, if such things existed. Holding you by the hand, he led you into the room he had just come out of. 
All the large windows were plastered shut, covered with wooden planks or plastic tarps, and while that should have made the room pitch black, you could still see everything inside clearly. That is because Eddie had set up candles all over the surfaces near the large bed that stood in the middle of the room. The orange flames gave the room a warm glow, and it must have been the most romantic thing you had ever seen. 
'Is this for me?' you glanced over at him, still in awe and shock. He laughed at this lightheartedly, squeezing your hand. It must have taken him hours to prepare all of this, but it was so worth it, you could tell him. The atmosphere brought to the room was fantastical, otherworldly. 
Eddie led you to the centre of the room, where the candles on the ground were positioned in a circular shape, with just enough space for you to stand. 
'You look beautiful, y/n,' Eddie spoke in a hushed whisper. 'Divine. My little lamb.' He pushed the hair out of your face again. Why did it always get in the way? Such a gorgeous face should not be covered up with anything, which is why he was glad you hadn't put on make-up today. You were standing in front of him in your purest form. The white dress accentuated it. 'You know why you're here, don't you?' 
'Because you asked me to?' you spoke, voice shaking for some reason. The fire of the candles flickered on. In the dim light, you could make out some kind of graffiti painted on the walls, strange symbols you did not recognise. 
'Yes, but I meant, why I asked you to come here.' The entire house had been left in its original state, never emptied out after the original owners had… left it. This meant that the old bedroom still had all its furnishings around. The bed was behind you, but you could also see a dresser and an armchair in the corner. Eddie walked up to the dresser and picked something up. Long, thin, the silver reflecting the golden flame light– 
'Eddie?' You wanted to step back at the sight of the sharp knife but remembered the candles positioned all around you. 'What- what are you doing?' 
'It's ok, baby. I'm not going to hurt you,' Eddie smiled kindly. He toyed with the sharp tip of the blade, twirling it against his hand. 'I would never hurt you. You know that, right?' You did know this, so you didn't bother to back away when he came closer. Eyes remained locked, ignoring the fire, the symbols, and the blade. There was just you and him. 'You know that, right?' Eddie repeated his question, to which you nodded. But he needed you to say it and hear your voice.
'Yes.' He only wanted what's best for you, to protect you. But, of course, he would never do you any harm. 
'Good. Really, sweetheart, you don't know how happy I am I found you– you're so– you're just so perfect.' His perfect little lamb. All his. You couldn't tell if the heat burning inside you came from the candles or his words. 'You have always listened so well, always been so good. And you'll keep being good, won't you?' 
'Mhm.' The power of longer words escaped you. Eddie cupped your cheek in his hand, patting it gently.
'Because I really need you to listen and do as I say, baby. This is really important to me.' 
'But-' you pushed the words out, 'what are you doing?' You still couldn't quite make sense of the things around you. But Eddie smiled at your question, as if he had been expecting it, had wanted you to ask. Your hair was poking from behind your ears again, sticking at your cheek, which he brushed off. He could cut it right off with the knife in his hand– he always thought you would look prettier in shorter hair, it would frame your face so nicely–  but it would probably not be appreciated. Maybe one day, if he asked nicely if you would still have him after today.
Of course, you would. 
'We're going to heal the world, sweetheart.' He smiled his big gorgeous smile, but you were too caught up in his words. 'Restore the order of life, make everything wrong right again– you want to help me with that, don't you?' 
'Well, yes, but–' the fire was heating up the room quickly, and you could feel it on your skin. The knife in Eddie's hand kept reflecting the light, making you look at it, but each time you would, Eddie would press his fingers into your cheek so you would find his eyes again. 
'You don't have to be scared; I'm not going to hurt you. I need you to trust me, y/n.' The way your name flowed out of his lips, so smooth and sweet, you felt terrible just for having a thought of doubt ever sour mind. But even if you told yourself not to be scared, he did see that fear in your eyes. It was frustrating to see, because how many times could he comfort you? What would it take for you to understand him? Finally, he moved, turned slightly to the side, and the cold blade hit your arm. It did not cut or hurt, but it made you flinch. 
'Eddie–' your voice was so weak, nothing like he was used to. 
'Can I tell you a story?' He watched you nod your head. ''Humanity is a pest, y/n. We are poisoning our world with this structure and order, depending on these vices as if we were not the ones who had created them in the first place– there is nothing structural about us! We live our days just waiting for them to be over, numbing ourselves and telling lies to make it feel like it means something while it is entirely useless. It is hard to find a pure soul out there, yet… here you are. 
'Me?' you couldn't possibly imagine why you would have anything to do with this. 'I don't understand–'  
'You are at the centre of it all. My sweet sweet little lamb, fresher than fallen snow on a meadow. You are the prime example of what we all could be, a special gift. He sent you to me.' He had been gaining more and more energy and enthusiasm through his speech
'He?' You were starting to feel silly, being able to only respond with more questions and poorly phrased ones at that.
'Vecna,' he breathed out the word in a hush. You had heard him say the name before, but you had never questioned it, figuring it had just been one of the endless characters in his game. Eddie's eyes were bigger than you had ever seen them as he kept on talking passionately. 'He spoke to me, showed me everything. He was the one that made me realise just what a cruel and messed up world this is– and– and I'm not the only one. The people that lived here that died here… You know why they died, don't you? It had all been a part of this plan, you see. A… an offering. They gave their lives subject to a higher power. It was all for a greater cause.
'But they had not meant to die, it all just went so horribly wrong. They didn't know what they were doing, the Creels. But I do! Vecna told me and showed me everything I had to do in order to make this work. I've spent months making sure everything will go right, and you are the key. I need you to do this, y/n. Please.' In the time that you had met Eddie, you had seen a lot of sides to him. You had seen him be happy, sad, angry, tired, hyper, everything between and around it, but this was new. As he spoke to you, he almost seemed desperate. He was shaking with his words, purely out of the need to get his words out, for you to hopefully understand what he was trying to do.
The presence of the cold blade didn't get lost to you anymore, as you could feel it with every breath you took, pressing against your stomach with its flat side. You looked deeply into Eddie's eyes, trying to figure out what his intentions were with it, with you. Surely, he would not actually hurt you? That wasn't him. You could not imagine Eddie, your Eddie, doing such things as your scared mind was conjuring up at the moment. 
'You wanted to help me, didn't you? This would be the most wonderful thing you could ever do for me, y/n. It would be glorious. Just think about it, when it works, the life we will have together. Vecna will show you, help you as well. You just have to let him, let me.' 
Let me guide you, my little lamb. 
Let me help you, my sweetheart. 
Let me use you. 
He needed you. Truly needed you, and only you. You stood there, in your white dress, surrounded by the golden flames of the melting candles, Eddie just far enough not to press his body into yours. As he waited for an answer, maybe bored or nervous, he started tracing the knife over you. The tip of it pinched at your skin, teasing, over your arm up to your collarbone, down your sternum. It had hagged on the strap of the dress, and you had been sure he would have snapped it right off. It would have probably been enough for the whole dress to fall apart. It would pool at your feet, leaving you in nothing but your underwear in front of him. The thought of it should be flooding you with fear, but to your surprise– it excited you. All of it did, in fact. 
'What- what do you need me to do?' You pushed down the lump forming in your throat, but you didn't need much force for it as it dissolved at the sight of Eddie's relieved grin. He kissed the top of your head, the blade in the same hand he brushed your hair with, so you felt the steel at your ear. It made you shiver. You could hear him whisper some more of those little words he always mumbled, still unable to make any sense out of them. Then, he made you leave the circle of candles and walked you to the side of the room, where the symbols were painted onto the wall. It is then that you noticed that the black paint was still wet in spots, freshly applied, but long enough to have already dried up for the most part.
'Give me your hand,' he asked of you, and you eagerly obliged, placing your hand over his palm. But then he pulled that knife up again, and you flinched, which made him visibly upset with a frown. 
'I'm sorry,' you apologised before he had even said anything. 
'I understand, baby, all of this is new, but you have nothing to fear. I'm here, and I've always made sure you're safe, didn't I? Right, so you know you can trust me. Look–' he put up his own hand, flat in front of you, and dragged the sharp knife over the skin, breaking it from the centre of his palm, right to the edge. The blood immediately started to spill out, colouring his pale skin crimson. But what you focused on was how he had not winced, not twitched, barely moved a muscle as the blade penetrated his outer layer. His eyes had been focused on the cut, just to glance up at you momentarily, to ensure you were looking at him. He wiped the knife on his shirt, letting the cut drip out onto the wooden panels of the floor. 'See? It doesn't even hurt.' Then he wiped his hand on his t-shirt, smearing the blood all over it. With the small and shallow cut, it would dry up in a few minutes. There was really nothing to be scared of. Eddie never wanted to hurt you. He just wants what's best for you– what's best for everyone. Just like he had said: restore the world order, make what's wrong right again. 
So, you held your hand out, steady. But as much as you trusted him, you couldn't get yourself to look as he pressed the blade into you. It stung as it moved over your palm. 
'Open your eyes,' Eddie told you. You were greeted with dark red stains on your hand when you did. It was already pooling in the small cup of your manus, dripping between your fingers. It stung as if he had kept on cutting, even though you had heard him put the knife away. It was lying untouched on the set of vintage drawers now. 
Eddie's next words were another request, as he guided your fingers to close in over your palm. 'Squeeze it.' And he pushed your fingers closed. You yelped at the shooting pain that came from it. The indentation splurged for more blood to come out. You saw flashes of white in front of your eyes as Eddie pressed it harder. 
'You see it, don't you?' He asked you eagerly. You nodded, keeping your tears at bay. You didn't want him to see you cry, not when you didn't even mean to. It was just sort of happening. 
Then, Eddie pulled you a step forward, pressing your bloody hand against the wall. This again pulled a wince out of you. It was so sensitive, and he pressed it so hard. He needed the blood to make its mark. He used you like a paintbrush, adding strokes of red over the black, making new symbols out of the already existing ones, finishing what he had started. 
'Look how great this looks. And it could only be you, to make it all work. Only someone as pure and innocent as you has that kind of power.' He had everything prepared in advance, so when he dropped your hand from the wall, he reached for a towel that he had also placed on that dresser earlier. He pressed it into your hand, applying the right kind of pressure this time to hopefully stop the blooding rather than encourage its continuation. He took care of you, just like any other day, showing you that he was still your Eddie after all. There was nothing to be scared of. 
'Is this it?' You looked up at him, the towel still wrapped around your hand. His sympathies peaked through the corners of his lips. 
'Not just yet, baby. There's one more thing, but this we can do together, and I promise you'll enjoy it much more than this.' 
'What is it?' 
'You already started the cleansing process, but we have to show Him that we mean our loyalty, and for that, a sacrifice is needed– just a small one, don't be scared,' he hushed, taking the towel away. 'And don't be nervous. I know you will do well; I made sure of it. That's why we waited. Had to know you would be able to handle it, but you're ready now.' That funny feeling in the pit of your stomach emerged again, covering your body in a flash of heat. It was that frustrating sensation you just could not get rid of that even Eddie could not help you with… but now you were ready. So what the two of you did in his bedroom last Friday… the cycle would be complete. There would be no more torture and pleading for a release. He could bring you to it, finally. 
'You're ready now.' Eddie didn't show it, as he repeated his last words, but he was conflicted about it all. It broke him to see you lose some of that innocence, but it had to be done, and it was an honour that he would be the one to do it. Better him, who understood the value of your purity, rather than some boy who would use you for his own pleasure. In a way, he was doing this to protect you, too. By letting you join him in his venture, he was ensuring safety for you. He would protect you. Vecna will protect you. 
But for this, he actually had to make you his. 
Again, holding your hand, he led you through the room. Avoiding the candles spread out over the floor, he got you to stand next to the bed. Both your hands were sticky with drying blood. The cut still burned when he squeezed at your hand, but neither of you showed any signs of discomfort. 
He wondered if once this was all over, your eyes would still be full of the innocence he was so enamoured by. Would you still look at him with this naive bewilderment, or would he ruin you completely? If so, that would be his sacrifice. He would give up the pleasure of the sight for the sake of the greater good, naturally. 
This would then perhaps be the last time you looked at him this way, so he would have to cherish it to the fullest extent. He let his fingers draw down your face, caressing the soft apples of your cheeks. Finally, his thumb moved over your chin, barely touching your bottom lip. How long he had needed to feel it, touch all of you, but held back. Now he finally could, though. 
Too immersed in his deep brown eyes, you didn't see what was happening around them. You only heard him pull something out of his pocket– material. It was a handkerchief. But not the black skull he would wear often around the school. This one was white, like your dress. However, it was quickly getting tainted by the pink of the last remaining blood that could still transfer from his hands. How you had not noticed it on him before was a bit silly. 
The material was smooth and pleasant to the touch, warm, as Eddie pulled it over your face. The metallic scent of blood wavered over it; no one could tell whether it was his or yours. Eddie tied it behind your head, making sure your eyes were covered, and just like that, you were enveloped in darkness. 
'By taking away one sense,' he whispered into your ear, 'all the others get heightened. It is an experience like no other, to submit yourself to the elements. An honour. Now– ah.' He hadn't even needed to ask you anything, as when his thumb fell over your bottom lip, your mouth immediately parted, like an impulse, to let him enter. He pressed the finger over your tongue and watched you suck on it desperately. This was it—the first touch. Just like that, one simple act had already been enough to corrupt you. 
'Sit down. On your knees. There we go, so good for me.' If he hadn't known better, if he hadn't made sure you never lied to him about what you have or have not done, he wouldn't have assumed you had experience, that you knew exactly what you were doing. That his little lamb was, in fact, just a whore like everyone else. But no, of course, you weren't. He had prepared you for this moment, let out what was only in your nature already. It was the right thing to submit to his touch like this. 
But eventually, after a few seconds, he had to pull his hand away from you. The action came unexpectedly, and you were ready to follow him, even though you couldn't see where he had moved to. You tried your best trying to figure out what was happening, using those other heightened senses to their fullest potential. You could hear the flickering of the flames around you, and the burning smell came with it, which was still not strong enough to cover up the musky scent of Eddie, how the wooden floor dug at your knees, even through the fabric of your dress. And even though you could not see him, you could feel his presence towering over you. 
It didn't matter how much you tried to focus on your surroundings; nothing would have prepared you for Eddie grabbing you by your chin to pull your face up, hollowing your already open mouth into a perfect little O-shape. Next thing you know, you heard a strange noise and felt something wet touch your mouth, spill into it. The sensation made you squirm, no idea what it was that Eddie had just done. You didn't know what to do. 
'C'mon, baby. You know what to do when you have something in your mouth. Swallow.' He shut your mouth with his grip on it, helping you take the spit– because that's what it is, you realised– down your throat. He hummed in satisfaction through your whimpers. 'It's ok, baby. This is all a part of it. Got to get used to each other, it's all bonding.' He wanted to be closer to you, connected, and that idea warmed your heart. The way his hands then brushed over your hair, you nearly mewled into the touch. 
Trying to position him was difficult, as he seemed to walk circles around you, his lips filled with those mysterious words and mumblings again. If you could see now, you would have stared at the ground or the hands you had placed over your lap. His flavour was still in your mouth, and it felt strange, but not in the wrong way.
He had walked another circle around you before stopping at your back. You felt the tension on the dress as he pulled at one of the straps, letting it slide down your shoulder. Then the other. Eddie undid the zipper from behind you as slowly as he had pulled it up the day before in the dressing room. Except for this time, you were not wearing a bra underneath it. It wasn't the kind of dress that would really work with one, you had thought in the morning. It certainly wouldn't look pretty, with the undergarment straps visible, and you wanted to look nice when seeing Eddie… so, that is how you ended up sitting on the floor in this old house, hands on your lap as Eddie pulled the dress off of your top half, revealing your breasts to the hot air.
'So beautiful.' he said, mumbling something under his breath again. 'Absolutely beautiful. He let his hand wander over to your chest, toying with the nipples, taking turns in giving attention to them. To think he was the first person to have the pleasure to touch you like this. To make you arch your back with just a simple pinch– oh, and the sounds that fell from your lips as he pulled at them, he started to feel the constraint of his jeans. Stand up. 
Your legs were already sore from the position you had been sitting in, and they trembled as you got up. The dress fell off your legs, down to the ground as you did. You stepped out of it, accidentally kicking it to the side. A bitter smell erupted from somewhere in the room like the smoke was getting stronger. 
'What is that?'
'Nothing,' Eddie's calm tone had wavered for a moment, or so it seemed his following words were just as smooth and charming as before. 'Nothing you have to worry your pretty little head about. Just, c'mere,' It would have been difficult for you to do that with the blindfold in front of your eyes, but he had reached out with his hands to you.
And then, his lips were on yours. They were chapped as always, feeling a bit rough compared to how soft yours were. He tasted like the cigarettes he smokes when you aren't around, combined with another bitter flavour you couldn't place. It was soo much to take in, your senses all going into overdrive trying to keep up with him. You didn't know what to do with yourself, so you stood still, letting your lips move accordingly to how his did. But he kissed you with such an urgency, such hunger and vigour; you could hardly keep up.
It was messy and left your head spinning, nothing like you had actually expected your first kiss to be, but it was still perfect, as it was with Eddie. 
You were now completely naked, standing in this attic room filled with candles; Eddie was holding on to your sides, kissing your neck. Each time his lips left your skin, it didn't even matter as you could still feel him on you. The trace he left behind was sloppy and needy and seeking out the weak spot on your neck so you could roll your head back in pleasure. All of these feelings were so new to you, so overwhelming, but you understood why Eddie wanted you to wait, why you had to be ready for this… and it was only the beginning. 
Perhaps Eddie got a bit over-excited, for he suddenly picked you up off the ground, hands around your thighs. The suddenness made you scream out. You were utterly disorientated as he took a few stops and then dropped you down onto the bed. It could not have been a drop of more than a foot, but your stomach twisted. The mattress creaked loudly underneath you, but didn't continue as Eddie had not joined you in the bed just yet. So you lay there, waiting for whatever would come next– which was that Eddie had grabbed you by the hand and pulled you across to the head of the bed. A shriek left your lips. It would have been better if he had told you what he would be doing. The constant uncertainty of it all made your brain whirl. 
And then he took your other hand, before you could even say something and gripped both your wrists tightly. 
'Eddie, what–' you felt the cold metal against your skin and the faint clink of something locking. When he released your arms, you wanted to pull them away from what you assumed was the headboard, but you could barely move anymore. 
'Remember those handcuffs that always hang in my room,' Eddie had leaned down beside the bed to be at your level. As you could not see anything, you kept your head straight up, directed at the ceiling. Your breathing got heavier, the constraints confusing you, but Eddie had his reasons. 'It might all get a bit too much for you at a certain point, so this will help you keep grounded. And a physical restraint helps us as a reminder that we should restrict ourselves in indulgences, the things that only break us more. We do not want to get carried away, so this will help, I promise. Just trust me.' He kissed your cheek, which felt wet for some reason. His thumb brushed over the same spot his lips had just met, and then, for a short time that felt like an eternity, there was nothing. Eddie had moved to another part of the room; you could still hear him, walking, shuffling around, mumbling his usual incoherent phrases to himself. You tried to listen to them, finally trying to make out what he was saying, but it was too soft of a whisper that ended too close to his mouth. 
'My little lost sheep has finally found her way,' he said when he came back, the weight on the bed shifted, 'I have done my best guiding you towards this point, y/n, have done anything I could to protect you, to make sure you ended up here, where you belong. Now, you have to tell me, make the final decision– do you want this?' 
'Yes.' You wanted him. He had been gone far too long, and you were already missing his touch. The anticipation was building inside you, coming together at your centre, burning with a need for him. You had thought that hunger and thirst that had been torturing you over the past weeks, the one Eddie had told you to ignore, that it had died down after the little help he had given you, but it was all coming back ten times worse. Something in you was eating you alive, and you couldn't lay still anymore, closing your legs, trying to get some kind of friction from the movement of rubbing them together, trying to find an angle at which some kind of relief would come out. 
'Should have brought something to tie those pretty legs down as well. Stop, please.' He placed his hand over your thigh, rubbing circles over it slowly, 'you're gonna hurt yourself, moving like that.' So, you did stop, both the wiggling of your legs and tugging at the cuffs in frustration. His touch on your leg got rougher as he spread your legs wide open, revealing you to him. 
'Yes, there is no doubt about it, sweetheart. You are ready.' He said voice laced with something that you had never really heard before in Eddie– pure lust. So ready, and he touched you. Right there, between your legs, this time with no panties or jeans to keep you apart, you felt his calloused fingers slide right over your slit. He moved his hand up and down, stroking lightly, and with each lap, he would add a bit more pressure, letting his fingers slip past your folds but not entering you quite yet.  
You moaned; you didn't whimper, mewl or giggle. You moaned out his name. He had broken you now. Unsealed you. He was going to make you his. 
His little lamb. 
His fingers started moving faster, slipping inside you now and then, teasing. But you took it all so well, taking anything he gave you with the most gratitude. It was all so new, so much all at once; even a tease of his fingers was enough to make you see stars. He broke your barrier, broke you; there was no going back now that his fingers were deep inside you. Each time shooting up sparks through your body, letting you revel in it. You pulled at the handcuffs again, not because you needed to get out of them, but because you felt the urge to react somehow, and this was the only thing you could do. Hands tied up in the metal, legs spread out, and hips pushed down by Eddie's grip, you were stuck in a prison of delectation.  
As his fingers continued making you feel ecstatic, he kissed your thighs over and over again. A sweet and haste peppering of his lips at your sensitive skin, hot and needy for both of you. When he pulled his fingers away from you, you could hear a smacking sound, followed by a hum. 
'You know what you taste like, sweetheart?' 
'No?' you could not say that had ever been something you thought about, but now that he had subjected the question, you were eager to find out. 
'You taste like the sweetest nectar,' he kissed your stomach, 'Perfect and pure.' He could not get enough of your authenticity, your unadulterated and untouched body. It still hurt him to think that it would not last much longer, this vestal beauty and glow that seemed to radiate off you, but something so much better would come. Just you wait and see… 
Eddie started repeating his little phrases anew as the kisses continued, and, this time, you could hear his mumbled words more clearly, each syllable emphasised with a breath of hot air against your core. The exact meaning of the words might have escaped you, but it did not stop them from sounding like what it was. A prayer, a blessing, finished with his sigh of "Hail Lord Vecna" in almost a whisper, before delving between your legs and kissing you there passionately. 
The scream had not meant to come out, as the only thing you felt was a foreign pleasure. It was just a heavy shock to the system. Never before had you felt something like that. 
Eddie's tongue pressed deeper into you, dipping at your sweetest spot, licking at your arousal. Before this, the handcuffs had not felt much like a nuisance, but you understood it now. All you wanted to do was to grab Eddie by the hair, pull it, show him how good it made you feel– but it could be distracting. It could pull him out of his concentration, ruin his whole plan, everything he had worked so hard on. 
Yes, he had prepared, as he knew exactly what he was doing, reaching your desired spots, kissing you in a way you never expected a kiss to feel. You were glad he didn't tell you to keep quiet, because it did not seem to be a possible task. Moans kept leaving your mouth constantly.
'Eddie! Oh my–' your eyes rolled back, hips bucked up, which Eddie quickly pushed back down. But, to your horror, he pulled away from you entirely, and if you could see him, you would have seen his eyes, now almost as dark as a starless night, stare at you. 
'It's not me you should be thanking,' he kissed your pelvis before whispering another "hail Lord Vecna". 
'Hail Lord Vecna,' you repeated after him, but much breathier. 
'Yes, good, sweetheart. Say it again, Louder. He will be so happy to hear your voice say his name.' he encouraged. 
'Hail Lord Vecna,' you dared to say it, and Eddie supported it with a new kiss toward your clit. Then, with each repeat of the phrase, he extended it and kissed you longer and deeper until he was back to eating you out completely. 
Not long after, the feeling came back, except ten times harder, as if you had already been circling around it for hours. Again, the knot in your stomach tightened. It was coming closer and closer– 
But Eddie pulled away again, at which you mewled out. 
'No, please, please,' you whined, much to his amusement. Eddie started making his way up again, hands on either side of you, leaving kisses all over your body, his metal necklace chain trailing behind until he reached your lips once more. His chin was wet with your juices, and you could taste yourself on him as he kissed you. A flavour that turned your stomach, but Eddie's hands were still on you, kneading and squeezing at thighs and hips, and then he pulled the blindfold off of you. It was dimly dark in the room, but you still had to get used to the light of the candles. Most of them had already started burning out. 
Eddie hovered above you, the white handkerchief in his mouth before he spat it out next to you. His hair fell down his face, the tips tickling at your collarbone and neck. All you wanted to do was to brush your hair through it, but you couldn't move your arms more than an inch away from the ornate headboard. 
'Eddie,' you whimpered, tugging at the handcuffs again. He just smiled and leaned in to kiss you again. That's when you noticed he had also taken off his clothes. You were both naked, piled on top of each other, in the most intimate and compromising position a person could find themselves in. 
Your heart was beating faster and faster, pushing against your chest, drumming in your ears. This was it. This is what everything had been leading up to. The moment Eddie had been preparing you for. The climax of his plan. 
He kissed you once more, tenderly.
'This might hurt, baby, but it should. It will be a good pain. The best feeling you've ever felt, so don't be scared, ok? It's all going to be ok.' He spoke with his eyes locked on yours; you were dazed and confused, unsure what he was talking about. You had already felt so good, couldn't possibly imagine something that would feel even better. 
But then the pain did come. There where his fingers, and his tongue, had been, and now you felt something stretch you out on the inside. Eddie pushed inside you, ripping you open, stretching you out. 
'Eddie!' You tugged at the handcuffs, but they didn't budge just like before. 
'Shh, this is good. It will be over soon. Trust me. Just trust me,' he repeated as he moved his hips. Moving out of you, but the pain didn't stop. Not when he pushed back into you or when he moved back out. With every thrust, it seemed to get worse, harsher and rougher, the pain not ceasing to stop but instead shooting up your spine. Soon, the tears started to roll down your cheeks again. 
'It's ok, it's all alright,' Eddie whispered, kissing your nose, but he let the tears roll this time, dropping down your ears into your hair and onto the mattress. Just another sign of your loss and what you were willing to give him. How good you were, so willing to give yourself up for the cause. He was so proud, and then your moans returned, and he felt his heart grow twice in size. You looked, sounded, and felt so perfect. 'Yes, that's right. So good. C'mon, baby, doesn't this feel good?' 
'Yes, yes,' you managed to say. The pain had finally receded and slowly turned to the promised pleasure you had been waiting for. The moans were now seeping out of you, body shaking at the force he was taking you with. His lips had made their way down to your breast, kissing at the valley between them, kissing over your pebbled nipples, sucking lightly, stimulating an even higher scream of pleasure from you. He kept on going, hard and fast. 
How right he had been, saying this would be the best feeling you'd ever feel. There was nothing like it than to feel him inside you, stretching you out, hitting at the right places that made your toes curl. He kept this power over you with just his movements, controlling your body with his, giving you so much to respond to. He had prepared, knew what to do to the right reactions out of you, what would please or not, what to do to make it all work. Not much longer now. It was so close, all coming to an end. 
'So beautiful,' his voice was airy but in a lost sense. He was seeking out oxygen as he continued his strikes. Both your breathing started to get heavier; everything was getting hotter and hotter around you. Your stomach tightened, and you remembered what Eddie had told you the first time it happened. 
'Eddie! I- I'm–' what was it that he had called it? You whimpered the words out before it got too much. 'I'm close! Please.' What you were pleading for, you weren't sure. But you had waited so long, so excruciatingly long, you couldn't take it anymore. 
'Wait, baby. Just a bit longer.' He huffed out, his thrusts becoming sloppier. 
'Eddie,' you cried out. How much more could you possibly wait before you would explode? 
'Be good for me. I know you can do it.' You wanted to cry and scream. He had made you wait so long, then said you were ready, just for you to wait even more. When would it finally end? When could you finally gain your euphoric release? 
Was this the sacrifice? This torture he put you under, was it all for the sake of his plan? Would this appeal to Vecna? Your tears and screams as you lost a piece of yourself to him, would that heal the broken part of the world? 
'Hail Lord Vecna,' he grunted with his final juts of the hips. It made your ears ring and your skin rise in goosebumps. And this gravelly coarseness stayed in his voice. 'Come. Come to me.' 
You would follow him anywhere; you knew that. And as he stopped to let his pleasure release into you, you followed right after. Stars were crossing over your shut eyes. You couldn't breathe, move, or do anything but let it all wash over you. A million butterflies fluttered inside you. 
Eddie cursed as he pulled out of you, and you immediately felt empty. It was like a spell had immediately dissolved out of you, and the fatigue took over. 
Just like that, it was over. 
'Here we go,' he breathed out, pulling the chain off his neck, where his guitar pick hung, but now it was also joined by the little key that fits into the handcuff lock. With a click, one cuff opened, then the other, and you were free to let your arms drop to your sides. 
You thought that moving was not an option anymore as you lay in that old bed, staring at the cracks in the wooden ceiling. The muscles in your arms were already souring, only to get even worse by the time the sun would rise again. You'd have to get home, but the idea of just getting up off the mattress was making you tired. Even rolling over to your side to greet Eddie's face was too much at the moment. 
But you could not stay there forever; the candles would burn out entirely soon, shrouding you in darkness and the cold. So, slowly you managed to get up, ignoring how everything seemed to sway around you. Just had to close your eyes for a second. 
You rubbed at your wrists, which were now red and sore from the handcuffs. Eddie had gotten off the bed, too, pulling his shirt over his head as you looked around to see your dress on the floor. The white fabric was covered in red stains. There was no way you could wear this outside now; what would your parents think if they saw the blood?! And maybe, relatively, it wasn't even that big of an amount, but the contrast on the snow white enhanced each drop to an extreme. 
'Eddie,' you gasped, reaching out for the garment, and that is when you noticed the scorch marks underneath. That bitter, smoky smell– it had been your dress burning. You wanted to cry. It was the only thing you had brought with you– your special gift from Eddie nonetheless– and it was now completely destroyed. 'I don't–' 
'Shhh,' he sat back down on the bed, taking your hand in his. The wounds on both of you had stopped bleeding entirely and were closing up, but it still hurt when he dragged his finger along the harsh line. Then, he leaned down and pulled a duffel bag from underneath the bed. It must have been where he had carried everything in. when he opened the bag, you saw a sealed candle, identical to some of the lit, nearly burned up ones around you. But he wasn't pulling the candle out of the bag. Instead, Eddie showed you clothes you recognised all too well. 'I brought these for you in case the dress wouldn't work out after all.' And he handed you the shirt and shorts, both yours, which you had had for years, your favourite until you had lost them, so you thought. Things got misplaced; after all, you could have easily forgotten them once you had been at Eddie's place. 
The fact he had kept them for you and brought them along to this house in case you would need a spare change of clothes… warmed your heart. 
With happy tears threatening to escaper your eyes, you hid your face in the crook of his neck. 
'I'm sorry, Eddie', you mumbled against him, still feeling horrible that his gift to you had been ruined. 
'It's ok, baby. We'll get you a new one.'  He caressed his hand over your back, giving you something to find comfort in. after all, that's all he wanted, for you to be safe and happy. Nothing but the best for his sweet little lamb. Always leading her in the right direction, straying from the dark and the dangerous. 'How about a black, this time? Or a pretty red one?' 
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Part Two
15 days before Christmas Steve Harrington flinches when the Christmas lights strung along the arcade flicker. 
Eddie only notices because he makes a habit out of keeping an eye on questionable people when he's out and about. 
Watches Harrington recover with a little shake of his head and a roll of his shoulders, as Gareth finishes up his shift, swapping cashier positions with Jeff. 
Dustin and Lucas stick around long enough to greet Jeff as Eddie stares, before scuttling off to Harrington's car, pushing and shoving each other the whole way. 
Eddie frowns, but decides to put the whole thing out of his head. 
He doesn't need his little lamb's adoration of evil high school figures to poison his day. 
12 days before Christmas and Eddie is starting to realize Harrington is everywhere. 
There's a little holiday display the town center has put on. A temporary ice rink surrounded by dazzling lights, hot chocolate stands, and plenty of things to see. 
Wayne and Eddie, with their traditional day of Christmas shopping complete, stroll within it, a cup of hot chocolate in hand. They never buy much--can’t, but it’s still something fun for Eddie to do with his Uncle and so and he bounces about with glee as they people watch. 
A familiar shriek hits the air, and Eddie turns in time to see Mike and Dustin collide on the ice, while Lucas and his sister skate literal circles around them, laughing. 
Unable to pass up on the opportunity to tease, Eddie flies to the edge of the rink, waving his hand and demanding one of the kids do a flip. 
"A flip!? Eddie, I can't even skate a circle!" Henderson shouts, at the same time as Wheeler adds; 
“Let’s see you try and skate with these idiots!” 
“Sorry Wheeler, I think getting on the ice with you might be hazardous to my health.” 
“Shut up!” 
Delightful banter officially traded, Eddie turns to find his Uncle in a conversation with Steve Harrington. 
Grin immediately faltering into a frown, he approaches cautiously right in time to see Wayne clap Harrington on the shoulder. 
“It gets better.” Wayne says gruffly, in that tone he uses when he’s trying to give deeply emotional advice without the emotional part.  
The younger boy gave a hard nod, muttering something that might have been “Thanks.”
Eddie jerked to a stop several steps away, but close enough for Wayne to see him, to know he was done and it was time to go. 
Thankfully his Uncle picked up the signal, and made his way over, so the two of them  could finish out their lap around the town center. 
"He’s one of your classmates, right?" Wayne asked, as they turned away from the rink, Harrington back to watching the kids laugh and play around the ring. 
"Not anymore." Eddie scoffs. "That's Steve Harrington."
Wayne hums noncommittally.
"As in, the rich Harrington's.” Eddie prods, because come on everyone knew who the Harrington’s were, just as everyone delighted in rightfully shitting on them. They weren’t good people. “As in, the assholes from Loc Nora?" 
Another hum. 
Then; "People are more than their last name, Eds. You should know that."
Eddie jerks back, stung at the admonishment. 
Wayne’s not mad, never is, but Eddie recognizes his Uncle’s disappointed tone loud and clear. 
"One of the gifts you got from me was seein’ through people's bullshit.." Wayne continues, before sucking in a draw on his cigarette. "I'm surprised you didn't see through his." 
‘I don’t want to see through his!’ Is what Eddie wants to say, but keeps it to himself.
Changed the subject instead, shoulders hiked to his ears, because Harrington having some kind of claim on his new players was one thing, but his Uncle!?
He didn’t care about whatever crap the guy was going through. King Steve has been an ass for as long as Eddie had known him, the kind of bully whose downfall you cheered for. 
Sure it was petty, but guys like Harrington reveled in pettiness. 
So who cared if Eddie didn’t want to look closer at him now? Harrington wasn’t a lost lamb.
He was at best, an injured wolf, and no amount of sad looks was going to make him any safer to be around. 
 9 days till Christmas and Wheeler is having a tantrum that's delaying Hellfire's holiday oneshot.
"I don't get why he hates Christmas so much. He didn't even know Will when he disappeared!" Mike snips with his arms crossed. 
Dustin is across from him, a furious scowl on his face, as Lucas stands between, a physical barrier between the two. 
"As usual, you're talking out of your ass, Mike." Henderson spits, furious. "He was in Will's house with Jonathan and Nancy. That's reason enough!"
As if that makes any kind of sense, but then this isn’t the first argument that went into weird territory like this. Eddie’s always prided himself on pulling stories out of people, earning secrets and truths with a well trained ear and a smarter mouth. 
The freshman though, were proving to be a hell of a challenge.
Mike throws his hands in the air. "I'm just saying, we all have way more reasons to hate Christmas, but none of us are acting like the grinch!"
“I know you can only have two good thoughts a day without breaking your brain, but you're being so stupid." Dustin thunders. "Did you ever think Steve might have other reasons to hate Christmas!?”
Eddie almost groans aloud, because of course, of fucking course, this is about Harrington. 
The guy was a goddamn ghost at this point, hellbent on haunting Eddie’s entire life. 
Didn’t even have the courtesy to die first! 
"Guys." Lucas stressed, hands now firmly pressed against Mike and Dustin’s chest. “Come on, we’re wasting time. We can talk about this later.”
“Oh don’t worry about that Sinclair,” Eddie purred, making the three of them jump, as though they had forgotten they had a full ass audience in the form of the rest of the club. “I’m just docking their HP points for every minute they hold up the game.” 
“Shit!” Dustin and Milke yelled as one, scrambling to get to their chairs. 
Gareth and Jeff snicker, Grant making it known he was over their antics with a look that could have burnt gold. 
Eddie clapped his hands once, hard enough for it to echo throughout the room. “If everyone is done bickering,” He announced, slipping into his DM voice, “we can begin our tale…” 
He launches into the story he’d planned, and enjoys pulling everyone into it, all thoughts of Steve Harrington left behind.
5 Days before Christmas and Eddie is panic shopping.
He’s not the one panicking, nor the one shopping, but he has a car and friends who know where he lives, so he’s woken up at an ungodly hour of the morning (10 am) by Gareth, Grant, and Henderson of all people. 
“Gareth’s sister took the car again.” Grant explains with dramatic, rolling eyes at Eddie’s exasperated face. 
“I’m sorry you planned going shopping five days before Christmas?” 
“Well--no-” Grant continues at the same time Dustin and Gareth yell protests. 
They talk over each other for a moment, loud enough to make Eddie crave coffee and the comfort of his bed. 
He runs one hand through his frizzy, bedhead hair before yanking it out and waving it around to catch his friend's attention. “Alright, I get it! You all decided to do white elephant gift thing last minute, and are now scrambling." 
"Speaking of which, you're invited." Henderson tells him with a cheeky grin. "We're doing it on Christmas Eve." 
Of course they were. 
 "Please man? It'll be fun." Gareth pleads, as Grant shoots him his patented puppy dog eyes. 
Eddie sighs. 
"I'll do it, but!" He sticks a finger in the air as grins broke out, "I'm demanding food and coffee and payment!" 
With that he retreated from the door, stomping back to his room. 
"Good coffee, too!" He hollers as he throws on clothes, happy chatter breaking out among his friends. 
Several arguments and one run to the best to-go coffee shop in town, and Eddie was following his buddies around as they wandered through downtown Hawkins. 
Since the mall had burned, shopping options had been rather limited, shops slow to reopen. 
It made it difficult to buy things last minute, but Eddie found it was actually kind of fun as Henderson explained the rules they'd all agreed on (hopefully, Gareth added, because the rules had been passed along in pieces.) 
"The goal is to get outrageous, funny stuff." Dustin explains as they browsed the local bookstore. "Nothing more than fifteen dollars, and nothing Christmas-y."
Eddie raises an eyebrow. "Nothing Christmas-y?" He echoes curiously. 
Dustin nods, serious. 
"Yeah. Christmas can be kinda a downer for some people. We came up with this as a way to celebrate without all the holiday stuff involved."
"Some people like Harrington?" Eddie guesses, sinking feeling in his stomach. 
There's no way Grant and Gareth would've  agreed to do a gift exchange with Steve Harrington.
Dustin sighs dramatically, whole body heaving. 
"I know you've got a weird hate-on for him, but this time of year is really hard on Steve." He snaps, exasperated. "It's not my place to talk about it outside the Party, but he doesn't deserve to deal with it on his own."
There's that word again, Party. 
Capital P implied, just as it implies that it's a group that Eddie is firmly excluded from. 
It stings as it lands, an unintentional insult that reminds Eddie that his newest little lambs have secrets they refuse to share.
Nevermind the fact that Steve is clearly included. 
Eddie collects secrets like candy, but his poking and prodding had yet to get him a solid answer on the mysterious "party." 
Rather than press, Eddie raises his hands in surrender. 
"Easy there, tiger. No offense meant." 
Full offense meant actually, but Eddie wasn't in the mood for a full blown Henderson Rant. 
Dustin narrows his eyes, but takes his words at face value. "You know, you guys would really like each other if you both just got over yourselves." 
Eddie snorts, but covers it by playfully shoving Henderson's cap down into his face. 
"When hell freezes over maybe. Now look, they have a new science fiction display!" The last part is sing-songed. 
Thoroughly distracted, Dustin lets the conversation drop, much to Eddie's relief.
(Because really him? Liking Harrington?
Not in a million freaking years.) 
 It's Christmas Eve and Eddie is staring furiously at Steve Harrington's house. 
"No one told me he was involved." He hisses angrily, knuckles white on his steering wheel. 
"Oh my god, stop being dramatic." Dustin rolls his eyes as he talks, unbuckling himself. “I told you Steve hates Christmas, so this is how we’re including him!” 
Jeff is looking equally uncomfortable, even as Lucas and Mike fall out of the van.
Gareth's car is behind him, Grant with him.
No doubt they too, are staring at the massive house in front of them in horror. 
Slowly the elder Hellfire members file out, standing in a clump as the younger members rush forward. 
They storm the door like they live in the damn place, fluttering about like moths. 
"What the hell." Jeff mutters quietly to Eddie's left. 
"Yeah guys, what the hell." Eddie repeats, shooting a glare toward Gareth and Grant. "No one mentioned this part!"
"We didn't know." Gareth defends angrily. "This was all the freshman!" 
"Are you idiots coming inside or not!?" Robin Buckley of all people yells, appearing in the now open front door. 
Or rather, one of the front doors, because Harrington is rich enough to have two. 
"Shit." Eddie mutters. 
"It's not weird if we just--leave, right?" Grant mumbles, shuffling from foot to foot. 
"It's very weird if we leave." Jeff responds flatly. 
A flare of anger ignites in Eddie. It comes from Steve Harrington invading this entire holiday, and Eddie finally has a chance to catch him off guard.
He'd be damned if he let it pass by. 
"Brave faces men." He says, tossing his hair back with a jerk of his hand. "We're storming the castle."
Struts forward determinedly, present in hand, fully planning on making Harrington as uncomfortable as he had made Eddie.
Unintentional, or not. 
It's the day before Crapmas, the one holiday Steve hates, and he's somehow been sweet talked into hosting the kids white elephant exchange.
Which was fine--they were welcome in his home anytime and they knew it--but they'd conveniently forgotten to mention this was a Hellfire Club event.
As in, Eddie "the freak" Munson and his crew of three other dudes whose names Steve doesn't know (but who probably knew his.) 
"I dunno man, I wasn't the best person to a lot of people." He worried at Dustin this morning, when the brat had sprung it on him. "This probably isn't the best idea."
"Please Steve!? It's too late to change the venue and you promised you'd do a holiday thing with each of us!" Dustin whined on the other end.
At least he had the forethought to not actually use the word "Christmas." 
"You did everyone else's, you can't skip out on mine!"
Everyone else's was simple shit like taking them ice skating, or shopping, or making gingerbread houses.
Not hosting a whole ass party with four people who likely hated his guts--and for good reason.
Which Steve repeated to Dustin, staring vacantly at his carefully decorated house.
Once again, his parents had called in designers to come keep appearances, sending along their usual message that they may or may not be home depending upon various work factors.
"We just never know anymore with your father's job honey." His mother slurred on the phone, four years ago. "We'll make it up to you, sweetheart. Promise."
Like more money on his credit card could fix years of ruined holidays. 
(At least them being gone was better than forcing Steve to perform in their horrible holiday parties. Dressing him up like a doll, gathering drunk adults around the piano to make him play horrid Christmas songs. 
Showing him off like a well trained dog, complete with finger snaps to signal him to move on to his next trick. ) 
As always, Steve crumbled under Dustin's badgering.
"Fine, fine!" He’d said. “You're responsible for letting them know me and Robin are gonna be there though!” 
Robin, who’d been laying on his couch, poked her head up at her name. 
“They’ll know!” Dustin had promised. 
Then abruptly hung up, like the brat he was.
Now four half-terrified, half-murderous looking dudes were staring Steve down as they awkwardly stood in his living room, and he had the wondrous realization that Dustin had probably sprung this on them too. 
‘Little. Asshole.’ Steve thinks, but plasters the best non threatening smile on his face. 
“Hey, uh, guys.” He says with an awkward little wave.
He gets three sets of glares and one impressive looking spooked face back. 
Mike and Lucas were already tackling the snacks he’d put out, cheeks full of chocolates and popcorn. Dustin was re-arranging furniture to his liking, and Robin, in-between her four classmates and Steve, glanced at both sides and rolled her eyes. 
“Steve, go pull the pizza out of the oven. You lot, come sit down, you look like you’re about to bolt.” Robin snaps, making everyone sans the kids jump. 
Happy for the distraction, Steve quickly retreats to his kitchen, overhearing Robin try and get the elder Hellfire members to identify themselves. 
Chatter fills the room, slow at first, but it becomes more fluid with Robin’s ruthless prodding. The pizza ends up needing another five minutes, which suits Steve since he hadn’t had time to pull out drinks. 
He’s bent at the waist, pulling out various cans when Dustin loudly announces his presence by barging into the fridge and smacking Steve’s ass with it. 
With a yelp, cans fly everywhere as Steve drops them, bouncing off the floor and rolling across the kitchen. 
“Henderson!” He gripes, standing up as the kid grins at him. He has all his teeth now but the smile will probably always feel cute to Steve. By-product of knowing the little shit for far too long. 
“Sorry Steve.” He says dismissively, before stepping aside with a dramatic flair. “Now stop being a total housewife for a second and meet Eddie!” 
The sound of cans still rolling ringing in his ears, Steve finds himself staring into Munson’s eyes. 
Who looks all too delighted to have seen Steve fumble. 
“Thought you were a jock, Harrington. What happened to those reflexes?” He smirks, and Steve feels his face flush red. 
“Yeah well,” Steve says, hand reflexively rubbing the back of his neck, “Turns out hanging around kids kinda ruins them.” 
This is clearly not the response Eddie was expecting. 
Nor is he expecting Dustin to loudly announce that; “Steve once played a D&D campaign with us, but he totally ate it as a cleric. You should give him some tips, Eddie!” 
Now it’s Steve’s turn to smirk, because Munson looks completely thrown. 
“Is…that a joke?” Eddie asks carefully, looking between the two of them. 
Dustin shakes his head. “Nope! You can ask Lucas’s sister, she was there.” 
He then glances down at his watch, and gives the biggest fake gasp Steve has ever heard (and Steve once sat through Will and Mike acting in a play for their English class, while Nancy and Jonathan silently suffered second-hand embarrassment next to him.) 
“Oh shit, I forgot something! Be right back!” 
“Language!” Steve calls, as Dustin shoots out of the kitchen. “And be careful not to trip on the cans!” 
Munson, who looks like he’s taken a wrong turn and ended up in the Twilight Zone, stares at him. “Did you seriously play a cleric?” 
“Weave Healington was a brave man who sacrificed himself in a time of need.” Steve tells him seriously, just to see the guy’s reaction. “May he rest in peace.” 
“Weave Healington.” Eddie deadpans. 
Steve, keeping his face blank by the skin of his teeth, nods. 
“Please tell me that wasn’t the pizza you just dropped.” Robin says as she flies into the kitchen, interrupting Eddie’s face rapidly cycling through different emotions with a badly wrapped present in her hands. 
“Stevie boy dropped the pop, Buckley Bird.” Eddie says, recovering quickly. “I would not recommend drinking out of anything currently laying on the floor.” 
“Noted.” Robin says, pausing to stare at the cans scattered about. “Hey Steve, did you wrap your weird eyeball thingie? Or do you want me to do it? I dunno how long the kids are gonna wait.” 
Like a dog hearing a whistle, Munson’s whole head tips sideways. “Weird eyeball thingie?” 
“Oh my god, it’s this--I don’t even know how to describe it. Like an alternative ouija board? It says it’s a “fortune telling game.” Robin makes the quotation marks with her hands. “It has this giant, ugly eyeball in the middle.”
She leans forward conspiratorially to add; “It glows in the dark.” 
 “Oh my god, Steve, your gift is Ka-Bala!?” Dustin says, bouncing up like a damn jack-in-the-box. “I’ve always wanted that game!” 
“Robin!” Steve hisses, because of course she’d announce that right as Dustin would pop back up. 
“Oh shit.” Robin says, shooting him an apologetic glance. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin your gift.” 
Steve sighs dramatically, but keeps a small grin on his face so Robin knows he’s not really upset. “Guess I’ll have to go find a new one--which means your punishment is that you and Dustin are now in charge of the pizza. And also picking up all the cans.” 
“Curses.” Robin says flatly, before breaking out into a grin herself, while Dustin whines. 
“It’s probably for the best.” Eddie says, though the guy sounds weirdly like someone desperately off balance and scrambling to fix it. “You know you weren’t supposed to pick cool gifts, right Harrington?” 
Steve raises his eyebrows at him. “Cool? It’s kinda weird. It’s disgustingly neon green. And Robin forgot to mention it’s a board game.”  
He pushes Dustin’s hat down as he walks by, and laughs aloud when Eddie follows up by knocking it right off Henderson’s head. 
“Hey!” Dustin squeaks, hands darting to cover his hat hair.
He’s ignored. 
“Neon green, giant eyeball, fortune telling board game?” Eddie sums up. “Yeah might have to murder Buckley because that sounds rad as hell.” 
Steve snorts as he walks down the hall and up the stairs, somehow unsurprised to find the metalhead is following. 
“You want it, Munson?” He asks as they hit his second floor, Steve aiming for his fathers office. “You’re welcome to it, I never even opened the thing.” 
“What do you want for it?” Eddie asks, following Steve right through the door, before stopping dead. 
A typical reaction to someone walking into his fathers stuffy, stupidly expensive office. Like the rest of Steve’s house, it looks as though it was transported straight out of a magazine. Everything is shiny and worse--unused. 
“Nothing, man.” Steve said, standing in front of said desk now with his arms crossed. “I mean it, it’s still got the plastic on it. You’re gonna have to sneak it by Dustin though.” He turned to smile at Eddie, feeling like they were sharing a joke, “He might physically fight you for it.” 
For some reason this made a hell of a blush streak across Munson’s cheeks, before the guy coughed and swung into the office behind Steve. 
“He can try.” Eddie managed finally, voice a shade higher than normal. 
As he always did to social things he didn’t understand, Steve just ignored the change. 
“Why’d you never play it?” Eddie asks, as Steve scans the shelves of stupidly expensive knick-knacks. 
“Someone trying to impress my parents got it for me one Christmas.” He says with a shrug. “They wouldn’t let me open it then, and I forgot all about it until I was digging for something else.” 
“They don’t care about it now I take it?” 
Steve can’t help the snort that leaves his throat. “They’d have to be around to care.” Then to get the conversation back on track, says; “Okay, I’m thinking the shitty World’s Best Boss trophy.” 
He points to the gaudy thing, all shiny from the ass kissing the person who’d purchased it had done in hopes Steve’s dad would give him a raise. Or not fire him, Steve never knew which it was. 
 "I take it your dad’s not gonna be here to care that it’s gone?” Eddie asks, walking up to stand next to Steve. 
 Another grin appears on Steve’s face, shared conspiratorially with Eddie when he looks over to the metalhead. “That’s my gift to myself man. I’m gonna see how long it takes before he notices it’s gone.” 
Eddie whistled, quiet enough to not hurt Steve’s ears. “Fuck the old man, huh?” 
“Absolutely.” Steve agreed, stepping forward to fish the trophy down. 
“Gotta say man, you’re surprising me. I didn’t expect such a thing from you. Especially since Henderson told me you hate Christmas.” 
Steve shrugged as he turned back around, new white elephant gift in hand. “Yeah it’s a thing I’m trying.” 
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Not hating Christmas?”  
“Not being a dick. Which,” He shook the trophy, “--means sticking it to the biggest dick in my life. I think I’ll always hate Christmas.” 
Eddie snorted a laugh, then looked startled, like he hadn’t expected that reaction out of himself. 
Steve grinned at it. 
“You uh--you know if you ever want to talk about the hating Christmas thing, I think I get it. Or can relate. Sorta.” Eddie says, and it’s so stilted that it takes Steve a moment to figure out what he’s offering. 
He almost asks him if he’s kidding, but thinks better of it. 
“I think I’m less cut up about it then the kids are but, for what it’s worth--thanks.”
Doesn’t think he’ll ever take anyone up on that offer, epically not someone who doesn’t know that an entire hell dimension exists under them but--
It’s nice. To have someone recognize that Steve hates it. That there are reasons he might.
He recalls suddenly that the man at the ice rink who’d also seen through his melancholy was in fact, Eddie’s Uncle, and briefly wonders if this just runs through the family. 
“Come on, I gotta wrap this and then get back downstairs before Robin and Dustin burn the house down.” He says instead, because he doesn’t want to get in his own head about it. Not tonight, when he knows the kids have gone out of their way in an effort to celebrate the holiday without making him feel like he was celebrating it. “Or worse, they start the white-elephant without us.” 
“After you, my liege.” Eddie says with a dramatic bow. 
Steve pauses awkwardly for a moment, before giving the world's most careful curtsey back. 
(Laughs loudly  as Eddie almost falls on his face in surprise, before the older man scrambles to chase after Steve, out of the office.) 
It’s 12:00 pm, making it officially Christmas day, and Eddie Munson is rapidly re-evaluating his entire life.
Well perhaps not all of it, just the parts with Steve Harrington.
They’re playing the best white-elephant game Eddie has ever participated in, a cutthroat competition that’s filled the house with shrieks and laughter. 
Henderson’s gift, cat-paw shaped mittens with “You’ve gotta be kitten me” scrawled on the back is the current winning prize, with Mike’s salt and pepper shakers made in the shape of two pigs “porking” being a close second.
The worst gift is a tie between the eye searing scarf Gareth’s mother had created (complete with bedazzled gems) and an abomination of a stuffed animal Grant insists is an ET doll.
It looked like a deformed llama sat on its ass, and Lucas already scared Mike with it twice. 
Eddie’s own gift, ( a mug with Tom Selleck posing shirtless) was jokingly fought over by Robin and Steve to the bitter end, while Gareth was defending the blue circular cookie tin (the kind that mothers shoved needles and sewing threads into, but shockingly enough actually held real cookies) with his life. 
Literally at one point, as he laid over it while Jeff tackled him. 
Eddie himself had gone for the gold, wanting the trophy Steve had procured. He too, was defending it aggressively against Dustin, who was currently stuck with Lucas’s gift (one of his sister’s pet rock creations she’d apparently tried to sell to her classmates. 
It was hideous.)
Now stretched out on his bed, legs in the air as he stares at the Ka-Bala game Steve had snuck into his arms with a wink, Eddie finds he’s the guy’s managed to go from haunting his whole life, to trying to haunt his heart. 
Made him want to do the thing he’d angrily been against this entire time--take a look at the guy closer. 
See past his bullshit, at the person hiding underneath. 
Find out what Steve was talking to his Uncle about, and why his house looked like a Christmas themed tomb. 
Why his parents were gone. What the hell made him he pick a cleric in D&D. How he met the kids and why Dustin thought the sun shines out of his ass. 
But most of all?
Why the hell had Steve Harrington put a note on the back of the Ka-Bala game? 
‘Hope you like the game..’  It read, with the dorkiest little smiley face. ‘I wouldn’t mind hanging out again.’
Below it was a number, and Eddie felt himself go red in the face. 
Steve Harrington was a fucking mystery, but one Eddie himself, had been personally invited to solve. 
‘Merry Christmas to me I guess.’ He thought, and tried very, very hard not to kick his legs in the air. 
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zhipzhap · 5 months
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soo i've been playing cult of the lamb a LOT lately, so i decided to draw these two goobers so i could calm my hiperfiaxiation a little (spoiler: it didn't work)
so first we have my boy Leónidas, he's supposed to be a warrior and he's based on the Spartan king of the same name: Leónidas. He always likes to battle and go on crusades whenever he gets the chance, not being the best when it comes to ''diplomatic cultist things''. But he cares a lot about the cult, taking his roll as cult leader very seriously, trying to be a better leader as much as he can, even if sometimes he's to stoburn to understand.
Narinder it's still pretty much the same, i think he's just a bit more of an asshole than usuall now lol. i still trying to figure out how i want him to be, but i think he would like to tease Leónidas taking advantage of the struggles he has whit leading the cult.
i'm pretty much still figuring things out since i made these two designs just for funsies. they're not as elaborate as i would want them to be but i'll try to polish them a bit more if i have the time.
[here are some bonus doodles]
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i'm so ill about them
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bluebeary-jay · 10 months
Playing pretend
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Jack "Whiskey" Daniels x f!Reader
Summary: a simple mission turns out to be quite a challenge when you find out that you're partnered with Jack Daniels. oh, and that you have to pretend to be in love with each other. easy? not at all.
Tags: fake dating lets gooo!! idiots in love, fluff, some steamier scenes later on, reader is a tease and Jack is a disaster. equals mutual dumbassery
Warnings: jealousy, not smut but some steam for sure, a few ridiculous southern sayings i had way too much fun coming up with
Word count: 5.5K
A/N: i don't really know why i chose jack for this prompt but i think it fits nicely. @pedrostories i know i'm late but i wanted to do this for you ❤️ congrats again!! and for all the other lovely people who stick around, i hope you like this and happy reading!! 💕 comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated and i love you all so much for the constant support 💗
This was supposed to be a delicate type of operation, which is why you were the first choice for the mission. It wasn’t a dig of any kind – everyone just knew you were good at handling tense situations and skilled at staying out of sight, not to mention your gift for making people trust you easily. Everything that was needed for this particular task.
Who wasn’t good at blending in, however, was Agent Whiskey. Which is why you were more than a little surprised when it turned out he’ll be your partner for the mission.
“I know he’s not exactly a subtle sort,” said Champ when you brought it up. “But we do need to get the target’s attention and… well, we can count on him when it comes to that. Besides, who knows,” he sent you a half-smile, though he seemed unsure of his own words, somehow, “maybe you two will balance yourself out. Maybe it’ll be good for you.”
So that’s how it happened. That’s how you got stuck with Jack Daniels.
It wasn’t that you disliked Jack. He was a handful, yes, an arrogant asshole and a show-off, but he also could make you laugh. He was very skilled at fighting and you knew you could count on him if things went south. And, though you would never admit it, he wasn’t the worst to look at.
The main problem was the combination of his stupid cockiness on this particular mission.
Because you had to pretend to be in love.
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“C’mon, sunshine, it won’t be that bad.”
“Maybe for your dumb ass,” you murmured in response while walking to the table, squeezing Jack’s arm tightly and subtly looking around the hall. “I swear, Whiskey, if you try something…”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” The man you were supposed to pretend to be dating leaned in, and your whole body tensed. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman, sweet pea.”
“I doubt it.”
“...For the remainder of the mission.”
“There you go.”
In his usual ‘Jack Daniels’ fashion, he started pushing your buttons to the extreme even before your jet plane landed, and you had to close your eyes and count from ten to zero several times already, ordering yourself to calm down. Sometimes, you had to admit, his confidence and cheekiness were quite endearing, making you think about that frustratingly beautiful face of his late at night, but this time he was treading on very thin ice and you didn’t feel like being understanding.
You used to pride yourself in knowing exactly how to handle him. Jack was the biggest tease and a diva, and as long as you balanced the thin line between not encouraging his antics and giving him just enough attention, he became as gentle as a lamb in your presence. But this… this stupid, stupid mission…
“Would you like a cupcake, my lovely tater tot?” Whiskey’s voice jolted you out of your thoughts, and you had to stop the grimace on your face at the over-the-top nickname and his smug smirk. Instead, you just smiled sweetly.
“Only if you have some, my little meatball,” you answered through gritted teeth, but his infuriating smile only grew. Great.
The problem wasn’t even Jack. It was you, and that was what was driving you crazy.
You used to have a small, tiny crush on the older agent, but you liked to think it was long gone, water under the bridge and all that crap. He was Jack Daniels, for heaven’s sake – he’d never be interested in someone as guarded and shy as you, and though it took you a few months to realize that his ‘flirting’ was actually how he talked with every woman, you made your peace with it.
But being here with him, watching him acting as if he loves you, as if you hung the moon and stars in the sky… Touching you as if you’re the most precious thing in the entire world, trying to be as close to you as possible (though still respecting your boundaries, just like he promised)... It was tearing you apart.
And you hated feeling so out of control of your own emotions.
“You okay?” Jack murmured after a couple more minutes of silence, doffing his hat to someone walking by. “You’re unusually quiet.”
You were sitting on his lap all stiff, trying to remember how to breathe, but it wasn’t easy with his hand on your thigh. His touch was soothing, as if he suspected how uncomfortable all of it was for you and wanted to help you relax, but for all you knew, he could be just looking for an excuse to feel you up.
“M’fine,” you answered, trying to ignore your closeness. “I can just sit next to you, y’know.”
“Never hurts to act a bit over-the-top,” he said, and then eyed you warily. “You’d better not be sayin’ that ‘cause of these women’s talks about ‘bein’ too heavy’. I’ll have you know, cutie pie, that these thighs are meant for a wilder rodeo than holdin’ a pretty little thing like you perched on ‘em.”
You ignored his frivolous remark. Jack waited a couple of seconds before he sighed and slowly leaned in, probably wanting it to seem like he was kissing your neck. But instead of his lips, you felt his hot breath on your skin, making you shiver.
“You look like a gazelle in a lion den, sugar,” he whispered worriedly, taking his eyes off of you to look around inconspicuously. “If anyone’s to believe that we’re a couple of lovebirds, you gotta stop acting like I’m holdin’ you hostage.”
“Easy for you to say.” You had to stop yourself from smacking his hand away from your leg. “You’re probably upset the mission doesn’t let you flirt with any of those women,” you said to draw the attention from your own emotions, but Whiskey just laughed quietly.
“Who said I’d want to? I have the most beautiful gal right here on my lap.” He sent you a wink. “Though she could be more handsy for ol’ Jack’s standards.”
You shook your head disapprovingly, but that didn’t discourage him, especially when he noticed a small smile on your face.
“I’m serious. Or as serious as you’re comfortable with me to be.” He smirked, the bastard, and glanced at you with his eyes half-lidded. “So what will it be, sugar? You have to do your part, too, no?”
As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. Ever since you got here, you were wary, avoiding his touch and teasing more often than not, while he didn’t have any problem with acting as if he was interested in you. You presumed it was nothing for him – he’d do a good job with any woman on his arm, but for you it was almost too painful to attempt.
But if you didn’t want to blow your cover, you had to get over yourself and your stupid heart.
“My part?” you repeated in a whisper, steeling yourself and lifting your hand to his face. Jack froze in place, his eyes wide when you hummed and stroked his cheek with your thumb. “How’s this for acting all lovesick, cowboy?”
“Uhm…” he cleared his throat. There was a hint of surprise and enjoyment in his eyes, but though he tried to hide it behind his usual mask of arrogance, you could also see that he was almost… nervous. “S’better, sunshine. You’d have m– anyone fooled.” You squinted, and then, as if the spell was broken, all the awkwardness disappeared from Jack’s face, and he took your chin in-between his thumb and forefinger, bringing you an inch closer. “Though you could still learn a thin’ or two from your dashin’ lover.”
“Watch what you’re doing, Jack.”
“Oh, c’mon, I don’t mean anythin’ bad.” His hand squeezed your thigh just a little, making you tense. “Just a bit of harmless fun. Our target isn’t even here yet.”
“Talk quieter,” you hissed, but he just chuckled.
“Wanna shut me up, sugar?”
His smile was positively shit-eating, and you wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his face. Jack always knew how much to push and prod at your usually composed self, all to rile you up just the right amount. Ginger told you several times that he hopes for your reaction and that’s why he’s doing it, but it didn’t change the fact that sometimes he was pissing you off so much that letting him win would be considered a dishonor.
You squared your shoulders and just as you predicted, Whiskey’s eyes strayed to your collarbone before snapping right back. You raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer, closer, closer… until you heard him inhale sharply.
Your chests were brushing against each other with every deep breath you took, but you didn’t pull back.
Harmless fun, he said?
Your fingers traveled up to the collar of his shirt, fixing it a little, and then slid down his chest. His heart was pounding under your palm, and finding this out brought you a lot of satisfaction, so you took it to the next level and whispered sweetly:
“Please shut up, or I’ll act out a messy breakup and you will have to explain yourself to Champ.”
Before you fully grasped what you were doing, your teeth grazed his earlobe gently, eliciting a low groan out of the agent. His arm around your waist tightened, and that’s what finally brought you back to reality.
In an instant you pulled away from each other. Your neck was hot with embarrassment at your sudden boldness, but at least you achieved your goal – Jack looked completely stunned and, for once, speechless.
Both of you stared at each other for a few moments before Jack mustered a tight smile and nodded.
“Gotta say, uh…” Your eyes met briefly again, and he swallowed heavily, all his bravado leaving him. “Actually, ‘scuse me for a sec.”
Not paying attention to your bewildered expression, he stood up, almost causing you to fall to the floor. His name died on your lips when he fixed his tie and turned around, heading to the restrooms.
It was so unlike him to act this way, that you started to worry you crossed some boundary even someone like agent Whiskey didn’t dare to approach.
You behaved unexpectedly, yes, but was it a reason enough for him to leave like that?
“Looks like my date isn’t the only one who bailed.”
With the strange voice came a man you didn’t recognize, but who sat down right next to you with way too much confidence for your liking. It took you a second to realize he was talking about Jack, and you summoned a small smile.
“Oh, no, no. He just went to the restroom.” You waved your hand in the general direction. “He didn’t leave leave.”
“Then perhaps you won’t mind me keeping you company?” The man – tall, blonde and in a damn expensive suit – offered his hand for you to shake. “My name’s Jacob.”
Jacob? Was it the same Jacob that supposedly planned to seal some dark deal during the reception tomorrow?
You opened your mouth, but before you could ask about his last name – or offer him yours, for that matter – he continued. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before, sweetheart. Are you a friend of someone here?”
“Lillian’s old friend, actually.” That was the name of the maid of honor, the same one who had some connections with Champ and notified him about this whole business. “But I came a day before to see the city with my boyfriend.”
“Your boyfriend…” He nodded to the side with his eyebrows raised. “The Southern Sam?”
“That’s funny, cause his name actually is Sam,” you attempted to make a joke for Jacob to lower his guard, which seemed to have worked.
“And how long have you been together?”
Was that an interview? “Almost two years, why?”
“I’m asking ‘cause I saw the cowboy chatting with some ladies at the bar before.” He gave you a fake sympathetic look. “And you were nowhere to be seen.”
You knew about it, of course – Jack tried to get some information out of the singles gossiping at the minibar, but other than an offer for a ‘time of his life’, he couldn’t drag anything useful out of them. But still, Jacob was clearly looking for a reason to make you doubt your boyfriend’s intentions, so you went with it.
“What?” You changed your voice to be softer, and looked over your shoulder. “Oh… well, I’m sure it was nothing.”
“Sorry to say, babydoll, but it didn’t seem like it.”
Jacob shifted closer, now making you really uncomfortable, but you were careful not to let it show. He placed his hand on your thigh and draped the other arm over the back of your chair, sending you a flirtatious smile.
“But just to let you know, if, let’s say… things don’t work out with your cowboy, I have a beautiful mansion not far from here that I��d love to show you. There’s some things I have to take care of tomorrow, but after that…”
He trailed off, and his eyes suddenly strayed above your shoulder. You felt another, stronger arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer, and when you lifted your gaze, you were met with Jack’s brown eyes, full of well-hidden anger.
“Hi there, buttercup. Who’s your new friend?”
Though his tone sounded friendly, you knew it was anything but. You smiled tightly and turned to him.
“Sam, this is Jacob,” you said, giving the former a pointed look to let him know you’re in the middle of handling the latter. But the older agent seemingly didn’t take the hint and narrowed his eyes at their target. “We were just getting to know each other.”
“Well, hate to interrupt your chat, but I’ve got somethin’ I wanted to show ya, darlin’.”
Your eyes popped when you heard him, not believing that Jack was really sabotaging your work like that. But he didn’t back down, keeping his stare cold and hard.
“I think I’ll stay here,” you answered dryly. “We can talk later.”
“We’re talkin’ now,” he doubled down, tightening his hold on your waist. You glared at him angrily but before you could say something you’d regret, Jacob butted in.
“Maybe I should take my leave for now,” he said with a charming smile and winked in your direction. “I’ll see you later, doll.”
You watched in frustration as he walked away, and then faced Jack with barely concealed anger, but he didn’t even look your way.
“Found the conference hall,”he just murmured before standing up. “Follow me.”
An irritated huff was the only answer he received. You did as he asked, however, deciding to give him a piece of your mind in a more secluded location.
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“So I think this is the place,” Jack said, stepping slowly around the table. He guided you through a closed off section of the building where you definitely shouldn’t be, stopping in a big, though quite narrow, room. “Had to break down the lock at the door, a pretty sturdy one. I reckon we plant the bug under one of the chairs and maybe somewhere on the other side, but I wanted to get a second opinion–”
“Aren’t we gonna talk about what happened there?” you interrupted him, crossing your arms over your chest. Whiskey paused and looked at you with his brow raised.
“What happened where?”
“With Jacob. What the fuck was that about, Jack?”
“You really wanna talk about this now?” he asked in response, but your unwavering stare spoke for itself, and he threw his arms in the air. ”Fine. Damn me for lookin’ out for ya.”
“He was eating out of my hand, and you blew it!” you accused him, which made him clench his jaw.
“If you didn’t notice, he was gettin’ way too close an’ personal–”
“He’s our target, Jack! The mission is to get close to him.”
Whiskey huffed and turned around, shaking his head. He adjusted his hat, angling it in a way so you couldn’t see his eyes anymore. “Look, sugar, I know the mission’s important and all that jackal’s shit, but we– you don’t need to let the bastard feel ya up to get the information outta him.”
“Is that what’s bothering you?” you cocked your eyebrow, not believing him. “It’s my job, Whiskey.”
“And besides, it’s none of your business! What if I don’t mind it?”
He did look at you in that moment, with a gaze so cool and dark that it caused your confidence and resolve to waver. His face, so harsh in its beauty, looked like it was carved out of a block of marble as he slowly strode forward, walking around the long table. Not for one second he took his brown eyes off of you, and you had to resist the urge to hold your breath.
Jack was rarely someone who could be considered ‘intimidating’. Goofy, arrogant, smartmouth – sure. But not intimidating.
But agent Whiskey… Agent Whiskey was a different story altogether.
“S’that so?” he murmured lowly, making your insides tighten at the timbre of his voice. “I didn’t realize my girlfriend is the sort to throw herself into the arms of the first man she meets.”
“Don’t forget yourself,” you scoffed, done with his theatrics. “We’re not together.”
“Jacob thinks so,” he shot back, stepping into your personal space and – to your irritation – forcing you to take a step back. “And now he’ll think I’m neglectin’ a gem like you.”
“So that’s what it’s about!” A short, dry laugh fell from your lips, and you rolled your eyes. “It’s all about Jack Daniels’ precious, fragile pride that some stranger will think you’re not the sex god and womanizer you think you are.”
“I’ve no clue what you’re blabberin’ ‘bout, pumpkin.” That bastard dared to smirk, his chest colliding with yours when you refused to move away from him again. “Sam Brooks is a very faithful and attentive boyfriend.”
“Oh, screw you.”
“And…” he continued, ignoring you. “He doesn’t wanna see any chowderhead’s hands on his girl. Mission or no mission.”
“You’re forgetting yourself,” you shot back with a pang of both irritation and electricity from the way he said ‘his girl’. “This is an act and… and besides, who do you think you are to be telling me that?!” His expression didn’t change and it made the flames of your rage burst higher. “It’s you who has a reputation of jumping at every chance to fuck any female target–!”
The man in front of you moved abruptly, quickly as a whip he was so proficient with, and though your training prepared you for such situations, you still didn’t manage to block his palm from covering your mouth. His head was turned to the side, but returned to its previous position when you smacked his hand away with an angry huff and pushed him strongly.
“What is wrong with you?!”
“Don’t shush me, asshole! You started it, so now–”
“For cryin’ out loud, shut it!” he hissed, lifting his hand to signal you to be quiet. He tilted his head again and held his breath, waiting. And then you heard it.
Someone was in the corridor, from the sound of it opening and closing the doors to every room one at the time.
You and Jack looked at each other.
“We need to get outta here, sunshine.”
You had to save your argument for later, but the quick search soon showed that the door you came through was the only exit route. There were no windows in the room – a sought-after thing when you don’t want anyone to spy on your shady deals, you supposed – or even any nooks and crannies one could hide in. You were screwed.
“Fuck!” Jack hissed, quietly going back to you from searching around the conference room. “We’re trapped like a pair of mice under the cat’s tail!”
The echo of footsteps was getting louder, more frantic, and you raked your brain about what to do to appear the least suspicious if someone were to nail you in the area you absolutely should not be.
Beside you, Jack sighed heavily, closing his eyes for a moment, before quickly shrugging his jacket off. Then he unbuttoned two of his shirt’s buttons and walked up to you, forcing you to draw back until your back hit the wall behind you.
“What the hell are you–”
“You’re gonna hate me even more, and m’really sorry,” he cut you off hurriedly and apologetically. You shot him a furious, questioning look, which turned to total confusion when he took off his hat and placed it on your head, ruffling his own hair. “Just go with it, sugar.”
The door on the other side of the room creaked, but you didn’t have a chance to turn your head because right in that moment Jack crashed his lips to yours, kissing you with such passion that it stole the breath away from your lungs. It took you a few seconds to get over your surprise, but you quickly understood what his plan was.
It was wrong and you could still come up with another way to distract whoever was at the door, but if you were honest… you didn't want to.
With the first fiery caress of Jack Daniel’s lips, it became clear to you that his touch was extremely addicting, and as improper as it was, you were already starving for more. It briefly crossed your mind to push him away, because that is not how you imagined this evening to go, but… you had to admit, this was a good idea for a distraction.
And probably your only chance to kiss this handsome, maddening cowboy.
So you reciprocated, your hands grabbing him by his clothes roughly, and poured into the kiss all the longing and feelings you had for your fellow agent, and which you tried to contain all evening. You let it all out.
Jack didn’t waste any time, and the second you returned the kiss, he grabbed the back of your thighs and lifted you up, pressing you harder against the wall and forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. The moan you let out was swallowed by his mouth, and he continued to kiss and caress you like a man starved, like he planned to devour you whole.
And maybe it was the alcohol you consumed, or maybe just that infatuation you never fully suppressed, but you didn’t fight your own desire to be as close to him as possible. You used to fantasize about wiping that stupid smirk off Jack’s face by stealing the breath out of him, but you never imagined how wonderful it’d feel.
God, the noises he was making when you tugged on his hair… the feeling of his hands on your bare thighs… and his mouth. On your lips, on your neck and collarbone, kissing every inch of your skin like there’s no tomorrow… Nothing could ever prepare you for how much you wanted him to keep going, to–
You pretty much forgot the reason this make-out session even started, and your heart almost jumped out of your chest when you heard someone clearing their throat pointedly.
Jack’s lips left yours in an instant and you had to stop yourself from pulling him back by the material of his shirt, your head still dizzy from what just happened. Instead you turned to the door, your nerves dying down when you saw a young and clearly uncomfortable man.
“Uhm, apologies,” he spoke up with a nervous smile. “Have any of you seen two little girls running around?”
He sounded sincere, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t calm down your pounding heart. Jack was still holding you up and for a second you worried that he’s going to drop you, but he supported your weight without breaking a sweat.
“No, buddy. Sorry,” your partner answered, and the man nodded.
“Alright… It’s just, they’re wrapping up the party for today, but my daughters ran off somewhere.” His eyes shifted to you and your bare thighs, the material of your dress rolled up where Jack had his hands on you. Before you could become embarrassed, the lost dad coughed again. “Uhm, the staff asked everyone to leave in the next half an hour, so… just so you know. Bye.”
The door quickly shut behind him, slamming a little too loudly in the sudden silence. The shame at being caught – and at your own eagerness to what Jack did  – only now came crashing down on you. You didn’t want to face him, but knew it was inevitable.
Jack’s eyes were already on you, with his pupils blown wide. His expression showed the same desire as the one scorching your insides, the same unwillingness to pull away from you, but the special moment you shared was long gone. After ten seconds of silence, he cleared his throat and gently set you down. Your arms and chest felt cold without his body pressed against yours.
Whiskey sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes. You slowly took his hat off your head, holding it in front of you awkwardly, and waited for him to speak.
And finally, Jack hung his head low and cursed under his breath. You watched in confusion as he turned to you, stuck his cheek forward and closed his eyes.
“Smack me.”
That was not what you expected him to say. “...what?”
“Smack me,” he repeated with confident readiness, not moving an inch. “I deserve it.”
“No,” you said, totally confused. “I’m not gonna hit you. You did it… only so we wouldn’t get caught…” Jack’s shoulders slumped, making you hesitate. “...right?”
“It’s not just that,” he spoke up quietly, opening his eyes but not looking at you. “If you knew, sugar… the things I did to–”
He let out a dry laugh, shaking his head at the words coming out of his mouth, but the sound wasn’t joyous at all. He ran his hand down his face, and you couldn’t help but be drawn to the motion of his thumb wiping the edge of his bottom lip.
“You were s’pposed to be paired with Tequila.”
This one sentence, which seemingly came out of nowhere, just made you even more confused. “Jack, I don’t underst–”
“I asked to go on this mission with you,” he repeated louder, looking almost irritated that he had to explain it to you. “Practically begged, like a damn fool. Tequila was s’pposed to be your partner, but I couldn’t… That is, didn’t want to…”
Whiskey let out another breathless chuckle, running his fingers through his dark hair. “I’m gonna sound like the most selfish asshole, though that’s probably not far from whatcha actually think of me…”
“I don’t understand a word you’re saying.” You went around him to look him solemnly in the eyes, but he avoided your gaze. “Just tell me, what do you mean by all that?”
“Look, darlin’, I’ve no clue what I wanted to achieve,” he spat with annoyance, as if it was your fault he wasn’t making any sense. “I just fuckin’ knew I didn’t want to see Tequila or any other agent act all lovey-dovey with ya, hold your hand and maybe…” he choked up suddenly, his gaze softening, “...maybe kiss you.”
Your eyes were wide and your mind struggled to comprehend what all of it meant, but Jack didn’t even give you a second to gather your thoughts.
“To be clear, I didn’t plan on that.” He gestured towards the wall against which you were pressed just a few minutes ago, and you understood he’s talking about the unexpected kiss. “I might be a dickhead, but it wasn’t all some grand scheme to suck faces with ya. I wasn’t thinkin’ in that moment.”
Why did his last words hurt you more than anything else he said? Your thoughts kept circling back to the passionate kiss you two shared, and it didn’t seem to you like Jack was acting at that moment. Or just achieving a goal he pursued. It felt like he lost control. Just like you did.
But you knew now that you didn’t hate it. What about him, though?
“It wasn’t?” you asked after a few seconds of silence. Jack furrowed his brows, to which you clarified: “A grand scheme to get into my pants. It… wasn’t?”
“Fuck. No, f’course not.” The sigh that escaped him was so heavy with guilt and suffering, you could almost feel it in the air between you both. “It must be obvious t’ya that I find you attractive, sugar, and… I love talkin’ with ya. You’re sharp, funny, pretty as a peach, and I really… really wanted to do it right this time. Show myself from a better side, but…” He took a deep breath, then exhaled unevenly. “I blew it.”
He locked eyes with you, and smiled lopsidedly, but there were no emotions in the gesture.
“So I reckon y’know now why I deserve this smack. Probably not just one, but…” He closed his eyes and spread his arms wide. “C’mon, sweetheart. Bet it’ll feel better for both of us.”
You realized that, yes, Jack was really ready for you to slap him – because that, according to himself, was what he deserved. And maybe on another day, you’d even considered it. But after what you’ve been through tonight and after accepting that the feelings you harbored for the older agent never truly disappeared, you didn’t want to do that. You just needed to kiss him again.
So that’s what you did.
It wasn’t a confident display of affection. More like a shy, light brush of your lips against his, which almost immediately came to a halt when Jack pulled away, looking at you with wide, shocked eyes.
It must’ve been evident on your face, though, that you were equally – if not even more – terrified than him. You gulped and took a step back, but he caught your wrist before that could happen. His eyes were still unsure, but so bright and hopeful, it gave you a boost of confidence you desperately needed.
Jack liked you, you reminded yourself as you went in for a second kiss, which this time he eagerly reciprocated and melted into. He was jealous, you thought as your tongues naturally met and entwined.
He wanted you.
When you parted, breathless from adrenaline, and your lips swollen from the intensity of his kisses, his eyes stayed closed. You waited for any sign of regret on his face, but saw none, only raw wonder.
“I think you smacked me too hard,” he murmured, his eyes darting behind his closed eyelids in a weirdly adorable way. “M’pretty sure I’m hallucinatin’.”
“You’re such a dumbass,” you chuckled while shaking your head, and Jack snorted. “Now open your eyes and look at me.”
He obeyed, and a big grin spread on his face the second he laid his eyes on you. He drank in your bright smile and happy expression, and you let him – that is, for only a moment before you jabbed him in the ribs with your finger, causing him to grunt in pain.
“I like you, too, cowboy. Against all common sense.”
“Thank god for the bats in your belfry, then.” You scowled and scrunched your nose in a fake offense, but he just laughed. Then, very tenderly, he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, his eyes warm and soft like never before. “You’re cute as a speckled pup, you know that?”
“I think you’re the lovesick puppy here.”
“Technicalities,” Jack murmured before leaning down to claim your mouth in a gentle kiss. You’ve never thought he could be so tender, and immediately longed for more of this side of him – but too soon, he pulled away, gracing you with that smirk of his you always found so irresistible. “I was thinkin’...”
“That would be the first.” Jack shot you a warning glance at that, and you yelped when he smacked your butt lightly. “You’re so fucking lucky I like you.”
“And I can’t fuckin’ wait to shut you up,” he whispered, making you giggle at the clear fondness in his tone. “As I was sayin’, I think we have a king-size bed waiting for us in our shared room.” Your face split into a wide smile, and Jack shrugged nonchalantly. “All to keep up appearances, of course.”
You tugged forcefully on his shirt and claimed his lips again, but in a deeper, more heated kiss this time. A sound similar to a growl escaped Jack’s chest, and one of his hands found its place in your hair while the other one squeezed your butt lightly. You couldn’t help but giggle into his mouth, which caused a similar smile to spread across his face.
“We wouldn’t want anyone to suspect we’re just playing pretend, right?”
His response was immediate.
“Of course not, sugar.”
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luveline · 2 years
Hi! What about a suuuuuuuuper confident reader that gets literally sooo shy the second she and Eddie are alone together
-luv ur writing
does this still count for shy Saturday? ♡ gn!reader | 1.1k words
Flirting with Eddie Munson is fun. He's very pretty, very nice, and very very easy to wind up. Not in any malicious way – you aren't messing with him. You genuinely like him and think he deserves to feel as attractive as he is. That's why when you're at one of their Hellfire club meetings to pick up Mike, Lucas and Dustin as a favour to Nancy (though it hardly feels like a favour, you'd practically leapt to go) you give him your sweetest smile. 
Maybe you look a little silly but you don't think so. The kids are brushing past you, out the door, and you say, "Hey, handsome. How's it going?"
Used to you by now, Eddie says, "It's awesome. We finished a great campaign today, extremely well-written if I do say so myself, and Mike only cried once." 
You don't believe it for a second but it's easy to joke with him, even as Mike protests from behind. 
"He's getting better, poor little guy," you say.
Eddie smirks. "He's a lamb," he says agreeably. 
"Assholes," Mike says. He sulks off down the hall and Lucas follows, though Dustin waits for you at the precipice like the gentleman he is.
You'd hoped to speak with him a little longer but Dustin waiting prompts you on. "Catch you around?" you ask with a 'what can you do?' smile. 
"Actually, could I talk to you? Five minutes tops, promise." 
You open the door a little wider. "Sure, is everything-" 
Your hand squeezes the door handle. "Yeah, of course. Dustin, here. Take my keys. Don't try anything funny, please." 
Dustin takes the keys from your outstretched fingers and gives you a smile you don't understand. He turns before you can ask and makes a funny sound when he's halfway down the hall, like a cat purring. 
You turn back to Eddie. He's cleaning up the table in half efforts, haphazard as he scoops up the club dice and folds his divider. One of his knuckles hits a dice and sends it flying. 
You leave your station at the door to pick it up. It's a tiny thing with a crazy amount of sides, made up of green and black resin like dark smoke. You pick it up, straighten, and find yourself chest to chest with Eddie. 
The door clicks shut. 
You don't know what comes over you but your heart skips. You take a small step backwards. "Shit, sorry." 
He holds his hand out. 
You stare at his palm. 
"Can I have it?" he asks mildly. 
"Sorry," you whisper. 
You don't recognise your own voice. You can't understand what's happening to you – why is your face so hot? You feel itchy all over and want to move back, further away, only he looks so pretty and he's waiting patiently like you aren't being a real weirdo. 
You drop the dice into his hands. His fingertips stroke the centre of your palm as they close around it. "Thanks."
"Uh-huh. So uh, what did you wanna talk about?" 
"Right," he says. 
He drops the dice into a small wooden box and leans against the 'throne', hip popped out. Your eyes flit to his waist and then back to his face.
"How do you feel about rock music?" he asks. 
You blink owlishly. "Rock music?" 
"Yeah, are you into it?" 
You want to impress him badly, but you don't know anything that isn't popular. "I like Van Halen." 
"Yeah? You know, his name is Eddie too." 
He hold a hand to his chest in a show of extreme surprise. "For real. Anything else? Anything… heavier?" 
You hold your hands behind your back and can't work out his angle. Worse, you can't work out your own. Usually flirting with Eddie comes easy. He eats it right up and the kids egg you on. Now, you feel pinned by his eyes, the grinning uptilt of his pretty mouth. 
"Well," you start, looking over the table covered in eraser shavings and scratches from enthusiastic throws, "I like The Clash?" He laughs, not teasing, just a nice deep laugh. You try to save yourself. "I don't know. But I like listening to new music. Is there…" You swallow.
Is there a reason you're asking me? 
Eddie tilts his head to the side. Dark curls fall every which way, limp with humidity. The pieces closest to his face are tighter from sweat. "Is everything okay?" he asks. 
"Of course." 
"You don't seem like yourself," he says carefully. "Flighty. Do you wanna sit down?" 
You sit down without answering and Eddie skirts the table until he's by your side. "Shit, are you good?" 
"Dizzy spell," you mumble. You feel bad for stretching the truth – you do feel dizzy, but not because you're sick. 
He moves away and is back just as quick with a water bottle. "Here." 
You take a sip and wish the ground would swallow you up. "Sorry," you croak, wincing. "I'm fine." 
"Sure are." 
You feel queasy. 
"Anyways, I'm asking because I'm in a band." He sits on the table and looks down at you, talking to you like your best friends. It makes it all so much worse. 
Get a hold of yourself, you think desperately. 
"You are?" you ask weakly.
"I am. Corroded Coffin," he says, flaring his eyes, lips moving slow around the band name, "we play at the Hideout every Tuesday. I guess I wanted to ask if you'd come see us." 
The water bottle crinkles in your hand. You look up at Eddie and picture him now, doused in sweat from a set and the hot, bright lights, a guitar hanging from his neck. His ring heavy fingers curled around a pick. 
"Yeah," you say, and even to you your voice is loud, like you're underwater. "I'd love to." 
He kicks his shoe against your ankle gently. "Really? We're not much like Van Halen, but I could definitely fit something in there. We usually do a cover or two- of, like, Sabbath but- we can do Halen. Especially for a pretty thing like you."  
It's hardly the worst thing he's ever said to you, but you gasp. Eddie stops twisting his rings to look you over quizzically. Slowly, so slowly, something like understanding clears his expression. 
"Tuesday. Hopefully you'll be… feeling a little better by then," he says quietly. The smugness in his tone can't be missed. 
You doubt you will. 
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bloodypeachblog · 1 year
You got any daddy Sammy Headcanons?
You fucking bet I do!
Sammy Lawrence headcanons
(This is with F!Reader, btw)
• Sometimes his personality when he was human can show when something doesn't go right or his way or he's just annoyed. He can be a real asshole when he's like that. But if he upsets you, he would apologize later.
• the instance you responded to his 'can I get an amen?' tape with an 'amen', he fell for you almost instantly. He knew that his savior has blessed him with you, you had to be his bride. He waits til you fall asleep and he carries you to his room. You're his now.
• the songs he writes for you? Oh so lovely and romantic. He even plays them on his banjo and sings them for you.
• when he likes you, he can get a bit flustered and tongue-tied at times. When you've been together for a long time, he gets a bit better with that, but his inky heart still flutters when he sees you and hears your voice.
• if you can't sleep, he would sing you a lullaby or tell you a story from his bible (he wrote one where it's basically the christian bible, but Bendy is Jesus) until you fall asleep.
• he lets you join him on his searches for sacrifices and sometimes lets you choose their fates. They'll still die, but you get to choose how they die.
• Total. Drama. Queen. But not in a way that'd make you hate him, more in the way where you can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it.
• guy's mind is stuck in the 1920-1930's, so if you show him something like, an iPhone, or you dress in modern clothing, his brain would probably implode.
• he LOVES listening to you read passages from his bible during sermons. He just marvels your words and pays very close attention. You could see a big smile though his mask.
• the same goes vice versa, he speaks with such energy and dedication and he smiles to himself when he sees you're just so enthralled by his preaching.
• basically when he speaks about you, he's exactly how Gomez Addams talks about Morticia. He ADORES you.
• "I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss." "To think, Lord Bendy has blessed me with such a beautiful angel such as yourself." "To live without you, only that would be death." "I cannot see, I am blinded by such beauty."
• pet names: Darling, Love, Angel, my little lamb, my sweet, Dear, Dearest.
• master of seduction. Just, pure incubus skills. His soft voice makes you melt, and he knows it.
• oh he is all for foreplay. He wants his little pet to be ready for him.
• his cock is about 6 inches and pretty thick, but that's thanks to the blessings of the ink.
• *psst!* if he wanted, he could grow two of them to double-penetrate you, but he'll immediately pass out once he cums because it takes twice the energy, so he doesn't do it often.
• he wouldn't exactly whisper dirty words, but the way he phrases things...
• "don't be afraid, it's what our Lord wishes. We wouldn't want to disappoint him, now would we?" "You're so wet for me, how sweet.." "I'm so blessed that you're mine.." "You're doing so well, love..." "Just relax and let us share this bliss that our Lord has blessed us with." "Perhaps Lord Bendy will bless us with little sheep of our own tonight.."
• kinks? Well...he does like tying you up nice and tight. Can't let the little lamb run off, can he? No, he cannot. He has a praise kink, where he just loves to praise you for being such a good little wife.
• he LOVES to tease you and make you beg for him. The grin and deep chuckle he lets out from hearing your begs will make you melt.
• he'll make sure you cum a few times before he does. You'll be putty in his hands when he's done with you.
• yes, he cuddles you during the afterglow. He also whispers loving words into your ear, making sure you feel loved and cherished, because you are.
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winterbuckwild · 1 year
For @babyboymunson inspired by their adorable angry farmer Steve prompt.
Today everything was pissing him off. His coffee machine pissed him off when it conked out in the middle of the drip leaving him caffeineless and adrift at 5am. The horses had pissed him off: one not wanting to go out to the paddock and the other wanting to go out a bit too enthusiastically on his two hind legs. 
The sheep had pissed him off by escaping their lambing pens running amok over the cabins front lawn and one adventurous cow had decided to investigate the commotion and took an entire fence line with it. 
Which is why at 8am Steve was loading up fence posts onto the quad trailer and cursing the fact that they ever thought farming was a good idea in the first place. 
He had just thrown the last roll of electric fence tape violently into the trailer bed when a dust trail could be seen kicking up across his unfinished driveway. 
Dust. Fuck. Now Steve was pissed off with the lack of rain and the sheer blinding effort it was going to take to drive the god damned fence posts into the hard ground. 
A familiar truck rounded the corner and he felt his bad mood lifting as a dark head came into view, curls bopping with the metal drum beat blaring out of the speakers. 
A couple of sheep startled and took off towards the cabin, most of them used to the cacophony by now and not letting it interrupt their destruction of the rampant front garden. He glared after them and studiously didn't think about where else the little fuckers could end up and what they would destroy when they got there.
"Well, that is a face." The big truck cut off as Eddie stepped out, his long, lean body loose and relaxed and a lopsided grin on his handsome, scarred face. He'd gone out early - right before the coffee incident - to pick up the feed order and there was a large hump under a tarp in the truck bed that was distinctly non-feed shaped. "Who pissed in your cheerios, princess?" 
He took a look around at the fence, the sheep and the damned cow, noticing the chaos and winced. "Nevermind. Need a hand?"
His husband skipped over, kissing him lightly on the mouth just because he could. It still made Steve go a little goofy on this inside, enough to make the whole thing worth it. Even the damned sheep. Eddie was worth everything. 
"Give me a hand with the fence?" He gestured to the quad behind him. "We can round up the assholes when we have something to put them behind."
What he actually wanted to do was drag Eddie up to their shared bedroom and give him the morning wake up that he deserved. He contemplated just ditching the madness for a full three seconds before guilt over shirking responsibilities raised it's ugly head and he sighed. Eddie must have seen the hot look in his eyes, because his smile widened and he winked. 
"Only if you give me something pretty to look at, big boy." He walked back to the truck to grab his thick work gloves and turned around to find Steve's shirt stripped off, skin golden and glowing in the morning sun. "Perfect." 
They worked slower than they could have, the flex of Steve's biceps as he rammed the posts into the solid ground distracting Eddie while the latter tried his best to tease through the whole process, brushing against his other half, pressing kisses into sweating skin as he tried to resist climbing the ex jock like a tree.
When the last post was hammered in and the stock fence attached Eddie slipped his arms around Steve slim waist and pressed a soft kiss on the side of his neck. 
"I love you." He whispered, just holding on. "I love this." 
"I love you too" Steve answered, taking a long, deep breath and melting into his husbands embrace. "I love all this." He looked over the rolling land, fields of green and swaying hay in the summer breeze. He filled his lungs with sweet air and closed his eyes, the stress of the morning almost forgotten. 
A loud clang sounded behind then, the loud noise jolting through them like a live wire. Steve didn't open his eyes. 
"I'm not looking." He murmered darkly. "I refuse to look. I'm comfy. You look." 
He felt Eddie shift and swear, arms dropping from around him as he darted off, cursing a blue streak. Steve turned around as his beloved chased a sheep out of the bed of his truck, the feed and mystery covered item in danger and shook his head in despair. 
"I fucking hate sheep." He sighed, "cock blocking bastards." 
May do a little part 2 if people like it and I can gather the brain cells....
Sorry guys should have added that I'm not able to do tag lists right now :(
Also on Ao3..
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thelaughtercafe · 4 months
Ler Hatsuharu, Kyo, and Shigure*
Tea Type: Brown Sugar Boba
Potential Triggers: Suggestive twording mentions, especially in Shigure's, and it has a brief mention in Haru's as well!
Pairing: Hatsuharu/F! Reader, Kyo/F! Reader, Shigure/F! Reader
Length: 1.7k+
Summary: I split up White and Black Hatsuharu here just to give a heads up!
White Hatsuharu:
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Ok confession time. Hatsuharu's been a dream Ler of mine since childhood so buckle in.
White Hatsuharu is an asshole.
Love him, but as a Ler? He’s an ass.
That bitch who will pretend he isn’t touching you when you’re falling to pieces.
Tickle you in public discreetly so you jump a foot in the air and look behind your shoulder every 5 seconds only to still manage to catch you by surprise.
Make you squeal, bang your knee on a table at a family dinner, or snort and draw attention to yourself and revel in the blush that fills your cheeks as you scramble to brush off your reaction.
0 shame too omg. You think he won’t do it in public where people can full on see because it’s been teases of exposure before?
Oh sweetie. How naive.
Don’t recommend calling his bluff unless you want to get wrecked right in a public classroom while he apologizes for you “overreacting” and you weakly try to hit him, which does literally nothing.
“You didn’t really think this would work did you? If you wanted me to tickle you more all you had to do was ask, not be a brat.”
He sighs like it’s a big inconvenience as if there’s not a faint smirk tugging at the edges of his lips.
“Guess I’ll have to wreck you more now to keep a desperate brat like you sated a little longer. Now behave before I get annoyed.”
King of cheer up tickles too though. That man will make you laugh with deadpan humor first and then attack later while you’re watching tv and cuddle while he makes you laugh yourself hoarse.
Technique wise he varies. If he wants to startle you he’ll dig in to a place like your hips, sides or ribs but if he wants to draw out the tickling for a long term session he can easily start out slow and methodical and gradually ramp up the heat.
Black Hatsuharu:
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Oh you poor lamb. Have fun being fed to the Wolf.
See, White Hatsuharu? He’s a saint compared to when he goes Black.
White Hatsuharu can pace himself, has certain things he doesn’t do so he doesn’t overwhelm you.
Black Hatsuharu uses that against you to make you regret angering White to the point he lost his inhibitions. There’s a reason I made his title “The Punisher” in my notes.
And it definitely has nothing to do with the fact I’ve had a Ler! Haru Lee! Reader Bully fantasy in my head for over a decade what-
So yeah! Black Hatsuharu really only comes out if you either ask for it, verbally or by being intensely bratty.
Or if you provoke another Ler/get tickled by someone else. He’s possessive af and wants to be the only Ler you have, or at least the most memorable.
Therefore, his methods are much meaner than Hatsuharu's. Unlike White Hatsuharu he only Ler’s you in private.
But he’s also much more ruthless.
White Hatsuharu doesn’t use tools or his mouth but Black Hatsuharu uses both liberally so good luck with that.
Will gleefully make you scream yourself hoarse.
Also bondage. And blindfolds. Yup. Sensory deprivation in general.
After all, can’t focus on anything but him when you can’t feel anything but what he’s doing to you right?
Oh yeah, smirks openly the whole time he Ler’s unlike White Hatsuharu's stoic expressions.
He’s also much more vocal, and raunchy as well(if you like twording that way obviously!)
Either way he’ll make fun of you for liking tickling, all while wrecking you to oblivion. Especially if you verbally have asked for him rather than acting up.
“Oh? Were you really so desperate to scream yourself hoarse that you called me?”
He’d snicked coolly as he pins you to the nearest bed or wall.
“You’re being an unusually good girl today. Perhaps my lessons are sinking in at last. …or maybe you’re just that much of a needy ticklish brat.”
Kyo Sohma:
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Kyo’s…funny as a Ler.
He likes the control it offers and though he’ll never admit it he also loves the touching more than anything.
A healthy way to show affection that’s not too emotionally draining where he’s in control and can cope with his touch starvation? Of course he adores it.
But he can’t ask for it! That’d be a weakness and Kyo isn’t weak!
Tries to get Yuki and has succeeded one singular time when he went to move him aside and ended up brushing his side.
Yuki left him gasping when Kyo laughed and taunted him and though he still tries now and again Yuki will look at him deadpan, smirk a little and move to attack or wiggle his fingers at him and Kyo is gone before Yuki can so much as take a step towards him.
Kagura teases him about liking it a little too much and that makes him flustered so he tried Hatsuharu.
…He went Black once and he has never tried to Ler Hatsuharu since. He was still confused when he came to, only to find Kyo near tears and trembling from exhaustion.
So his next target was Momiji, and he found rather than forcing it that it came very easily. He had the excuse of the boy annoying him for a cover and Momiji, even if he knew Kyo liked tickling him, never said a word.
Kyo would never admit it but he was grateful.
He’s shyly begun expanding his horizons with the boys in class when he has the nerve to. Little things like poking their sides when they ruffle his hair and such or call him Kyo-Kyo.
When he lers, he tends to act bothered by their weakness. He’ll scoff and act annoyed and tell them he’s “toughening them up” or “helping them get stronger”.
“Can’t believe you’re this ticklish. Tsk. You know what a big handicap this would be in a fight?”
Speaking of; loves to playfight. Will let his tired Lee up, encouraging them to wrestle/spar/try to come at him and then scold them when they don’t have the right form or not enough strength behind their moves before taking them down gently and continuing to wreck.
This is typically the point he can’t hide that giddy schoolboy-like smile he has so try and steal a glance while laughing your head off if you can.
“Hah, wow. That was pitiful. Maybe we’ll just focus on your stamina for now huh? That’s clearly all you can handle at the moment. Let’s see how you do with another 10 minutes of tickling hm?”
Shigure Sohma:
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So I dunno too much about Shigure given I’m not fully caught up in canon(I’ve only watched both anime's first seasons since I want to watch the new stuff with friends).
But I do know there’s more to him than meets the eye. He’s got this fascinating darkness inside him that pops out through snide comments that cut someone deep before he covers it.
I believe Hatsuharu referred to it as “being unable to see a wound without rubbing salt in it.”
So, as a person in general and a Ler I peg him as a closet sadist.
To build a little off my prior Fruits Basket headcanons!
In Kyo’s case it’s a more tsundere like affection for exerting control over others, and for Yuki it’s also a touch of closet sadism but he’s much less mature and experienced so he hasn’t grown into it yet or likely even realized he actually is a sadist in some shape or form. This is likely in part due to his trauma and not wanting to be like you-know-who, in any capacity.
Shigure however? Oh, he definitely has had the experience and time and uses it well. He’s explored every facet of himself throughout his years and recognizes his penchant for sadism as an unavoidable part of him.
What does this mean for him as a Ler?
It means his poor Lee is fucked of course. Especially if they know about his darker side. Even if they don’t if it’s been a while since he could let that sadism flag fly and his mask may slip a tad.
Shigure’s mask is cheerful, playful and light.
He’ll make jokes, take pictures or video of you laughing yourself silly or blushing and send it to your friends.
Stupid, fun stuff like that.
Which is why his more cruel side is often such a shock.
But in a dark mood he’s eerily professional.
First off, Shigure is a grown adult at 26, even at the start of the series, and the people his dark side would show for would also be of age.
It’s a big departure from our other babies so I just wanted to clarify.
Let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if Shigure had a raging tickle kink.
I’m keeping this sfw but yeah. Something to keep in mind.
In any case, he’s a big anticipation guy. I could definitely see him using blindfolds and silk bondage.
Proceeds to let you stew in anticipation while he works on a new chapter for his novel; maybe has one of those motion activated fans that’ll blow air and listen to you squeal in expectant surprise just for fun.
Once he finally does touch you he may as well not be, initially, his touch is so light. You can barely feel it. He doesn’t truly start till you’re near crying and begging for him to tickle you.
Lives for the intoxicating sense of control and relishes in utilizing it over you. Will absolutely degrade while he lers.
Unlike Hatsuharu; doesn’t make fun of you for liking it we’re way past that if he’s made you beg for it, oh no.
He makes fun of you for begging him for a break, or not to tickle you somewhere.
“Ah, not here you said? But your hips make you squeal so loud for me, and that’s to say nothing of those endearingly pathetic bucks you’re doing in hopes of dislodging me.”
“Come now, a break? It’s only been an hour, my sweet. Surely you’re stronger than that? If not, you have a safe word. Use it if you feel so inclined. Otherwise; keep that pretty mouth of yours shut until I give you permission to do anything but laugh for me. Understood?”
God he’s such an asshole, he’s lucky you love him enough to put up with all his shit honestly.
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use this ask to talk about your random headcanons for any character you like :)
Whoa, boy! It's been a long time since I wrote random headcanons (like, a month ago? idk). A great reason to add another portion of my crappy headcanons about sdv and sve. I hope you like it!
Some random SDV and SVE headcanon:
Once at the Stardew Valley Fair, when many tourists with their children come to the festival, a couple of teenagers began to tease and offend Jas. Shane, of course, was not happy when he found out that some brats were teasing his dear niece. But instead of barking at those little assholes, Shane acted differently. He whistled with all his might, and all the chickens that were in the aviary at the festival came running to his call. Shane gave them the command to 'sic'em, girls', and all his feathered friends rushed at the offenders, clucking and pecking to drive them away. Jas is saved, Shane is laughing his stomach out, mayor Lewis is not too pleased that the chickens are terrorizing the tourists. How Shane managed to train chickens like that - no one knows, except maybe Marnie and Jas. Also, Jas gave her uncle the nickname "The Chicken Lord". Well deserved, some would say.
Every Sunday, when Andy goes to Pierre's shop to pray at the Yoba altar, he always stops for a couple of minutes near the fence at Marnie's ranch and pets the baby goats and lambs, which quickly rushed to the old farmer in search of affection. Only Marnie knows about this little "tradition" and Andy asks her not to spread it, because he doesn't want to be called a slobber. Marnie doesn't mind, especially since Andy almost always brings a couple of his crops to treat her favorite animals. She also sometimes gives him a gallon of milk or fresh goat cheese as a thank you. No, Andy is not shy, go away, shoo!
Sam, Sebastian and Abigail went out one autumn day at night into the woods to perform a 'summoning ritual' using crystals, bird feathers and other crap that they found on the Internet and thought it would be scary and fun. None of them knew that the ritual had actually worked, how the fuck- A portal opened in front of them, from which the head of an ugly horned monster crawled out, ready to destroy everything around. Fortunately for them, Rasmodius felt a strange magical aura and arrived in time, drove the monster back from where the creature got out and closed the portal. Later, he severely scolded the terrified trio and promised to whoop their asses if anyone thought of doing the summoning ritual again. If you are doing magic and occult things, turn to Magnus for help, it's better to do it with a mentor than to do it anyhow.
Lance has repeatedly expressed his desire to explore the deepest levels of the mines in order to study the growth of purple mushrooms, which are in abundance there. To his luck, Marlon just needs the help of a battle mage in clearing those very levels from monsters and finding rubies and diamonds for Magnus's experiments. The hunt went well and Lance was able to pick up a couple of great specimens to study. They will serve as excellent material for the continuation of his book on magical plants and mushrooms, as well as for the brewing of important life elixirs. But the shroom stew turned out disgusting. Well, he still have to eat it, you can’t just throw out food, right?
Olivia was the one who instilled in Harvey his love for truffle oil. When Victor caught a terrible cold that was accompanied by a high fever, a frightened Olivia called Harvey for help. The doctor took care of Victor all week until he fully recovered. Relieved, Olivia already wanted to pay extra for Harvey's services, to which he categorically said no, explaining that this was his job and that he was doing it to save people, not for money. Olivia sincerely understands and respects his position. And yet, the next day, she sent a couple of bottles of expensive truffle oil by parcel to the clinic as a thank you, noting in a letter that she insisted. Harvey has to give credit, with oil the dishes really got a lot tastier and richer. It's better than the Joja ready meals anyway.
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dykeseesgod · 12 days
what well its just that you havent spoken to me in years except to call me a faggot or to dislocate my shoulder and you know what else is missing besides an attentive listener a segue i suppose forgive my bluntness please dont hit me but i could giv two shits about you or your vacant mind or your morbid curiosities or your dead fucking dog so why dont you just leave i never dislocated your shoulder according to my doctor you did in shop class last spring you twisted my arm behind my back and said you wouldnt let go until i said and i quote i like to get it up the ass i was just playing around with you oh that makes me feel so much better you know through my screams and the searing pain i can definely recall hearing laughter any way i can contribute to the fun of the group we were just messing around with you fuck you cb id rather you say we beat the shit out of you because we cant stand you rather than youre just messing with me that implies light teasing or slightly oproprious behavior i havent eaten in the cafeteria in 2 years for fear of going home with some part of it smeared across my shirt i havent been to the bathroom on campus since my head got slammed into a wall i believe you were there i didnt do that well you didnt stop it either and the faculty doesnt care you know what im tired of hearing they only pick on you because of your own insecurities aw jeez mrs blank now that you said that my head doesnt hurt so much and people wonder why kids bring guns to school to shoot you fuckers down maybe youre not the bully but you stand idly by and watch and to me thats even worse so please just go youre being hostile and im just trying to have a conversation with you like a civilized i dont want to talk to you i just want to be left alone i dont need social pointers i just want an apology for the five minutes youve stolen from my day see this is why you dont have friends i think we both know why i dont have any friends oh dont be so melodramatic youre in here crying about a dead dog and im being melodramatic shut the fuck up about my dog ok or what youll hit me go ahead ill show you how people get hurt and dont run away to cry like a big fucking baby whats so funny asshole im sorry nothing i dont see anything to laugh at its nothing its just that i was scared of you for like a second im sorry no its ok i deserved it promise me you wont bring a gun to school i dont even know where id get one you were one of my best friends you all were i just dont get it can i be honest if its any consolation none of us knew what to say to you after your dad got arrested it was pretty awkward it was more awkward for me im sorry we werent there for you that means a lot see now youre being sarcastic again no i wasnt its hard to tell with you truce i wasnt fighting a war but sure truce are you i dont know ive never had sex so kinda hard to tell at this point what about my dad im not sure thats considered sex you remember how my dog used to howl when you played the piano yeah i always found it pretty annoying he was singing along what do you think happens to animals when they die they go to heaven you believe in heaven sure there has to be some reward for living through all this and you think there are animals there in heaven the wolf will live with the lamb the lion will lie down with the goat and the calf the lion and the yearling together and a child will lead them the cow will feed with the bear their young will lie down together and the lion will eat straw like the ox the infant will play near the hole of the cobra and the child will put his hand into the vipers nest but my dog killed a living thing wouldnt god be mad he was sick cb he couldnt help it you know they say a dog sees god in his master and a cat looks in the mirror i hate cats me too
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merakiui · 2 years
Tweels defff have a spit kink and cum kink and anything to do with slimy sticky body contact, sandwiching darling, just overall some really gross stuff,
They really love the idea of darling smelling like them and being marked as theirs to the extent of exhibitionism.
Thigh riding in the middle of a lecture, cock warming while testing drinks in mostro lounge while having to review and talk about the drink in front of people, confiscated panties while cum drips out of your pussy. They would flash you and flex the fact that the rest of the school got no bitches.
Ace deuce would have boners when they see you because they just don't see you the same anymore after all the things the tweels done.
Heck, even jack would start looking at you funny with a flushed face and wagging tail along with a massive problem down there.
You would have no one to run to for protection other than the octo trio because the rest of the school was much 'worse' despite that your subconscious is aware that it's not true.
Not to mention Azul just adding salt to the wound by posting blackmail pictures of darling and spreading it around campus. (Those assholes be gaslighting as fuck)
The school has just became a pack of wolves against one tiny little lamb. Oh poor darling, not even Crowley would save you, he too is a wolf....well crow(?)
At that rate you are just contained in a room always slimy from the cum and spit they always give you, as long as you are safe right?
(cw: yandere, nsfw, female reader, marking/biting, mentions of blood/spit, captivity/confinement)
The twins are both shameless when it comes to sex. Floyd's fingered you during lectures so many times now, to the point where other students start to expect it when they notice Floyd's hands wandering. You can beg and whine all you want; he's still going to curl his fingers inside you and relish in the way you squirm and bite down on your hand to muffle your sounds. He hates when you do that and it'll only spur him onwards in his endless teasing, until you're practically sobbing as he stretches your pussy with his slender digits.
Jade won't touch you during class. Instead he'll make sure there's a vibrator inside you and he'll use its various settings and intensities to play with you during the lecture. You poor thing, he thinks as he peers at you, but there's no pity in his thoughts. Watching you grab at the cauldron during alchemy lessons when the intensity surprises you or seeing how you lower your head onto your desk during history lectures greatly amuses Jade. He's a little disappointed if you cum before class ends. He would have liked to edge you a little longer. Oh well. At least he can train you to get better at these things.
Both of the twins love double penetration. They'll hush you when you struggle and whimper about how there's no way both of them will fit inside, and they'll take that as a fun challenge. Your teary-eyed expression only entices them more. They'll turn you into a sobbing, moaning mess when you're sandwiched between them. Floyd complains that Jade's greedy dick is taking up too much space; Jade chuckles and says that your hole's just too tight for both of them, but you'll get accustomed to the sizes and stretch eventually. :)
Their kisses are sloppy and hungry; it's all teeth and tongue. You practically exchange breath and saliva with every kiss. Jade's arguably more romantic when it comes to kissing. There are times when his kisses are genuinely soft and loving, a stark contrast to the sharpness in Floyd's impatient kisses. Your lips are always bruised and bloodied by the time they're through kissing you.
Additionally, they love having their mouths on you whenever they can (eating you out is a very fun hobby of theirs)! You're littered in love bites after just one round and you can always tell who left which because Jade's are usually shallow bites, whereas Floyd's are deep enough to draw blood. He's threatened to bite your jugular before and the brief fear that flashed across your face was enough to get him hard again. You know he'd never do that, but sometimes Floyd can be a little...destructive with the things he loves.
Their 'love' is always messy and destructive, truthfully, and you used to fight them. You learn rather quickly that your protestations mean nothing and they'll smother you in their version of violent love. If they fuck you enough, they might even condition you to expect sex whenever they're around. All it takes is a single glance and you'll know. They'll train you to accommodate them in the best of ways.
You're almost always covered in marks that the twins leave (most being in difficult to cover areas) and the other students struggle to see you as a fellow student. You're really just stress relief for Jade and Floyd, and Jack feels so bad for you. Of course he's ashamed when he thinks about you in such a lewd way, and Deuce curses himself for thinking such thoughts whenever he sees the twins walking beside you, their hands holding you in place when you stumble, cum-spattered thighs trembling. Ace wants a chance with you, too. It's really not fair that the twins get to have you. Floyd laughs when he overhears this. So Crabby wants to fuck his little shrimpy? As if his sad excuse for a dick can satisfy you.
Anyone who even tries to lay a hand on you risks broken bones and bloody noses. The twins are always happy to defend their precious mate. They'll even return to their room (all bloodied and disheveled from the brawl) where you're chained and naked and kneel before you, asking for head pats and kisses and other rewards for the job well done. And since they're in such a good mood, they'll even be gentle when they fuck you (although that won't last long when Floyd hears your cute gasps and moans).
Working at the lounge, especially with a boss like Azul, is so stressful and taxing. Floyd complains endlessly about how annoying Azul can be and he'll return to you for a quick pick-me-up. Jade can manage the work well, but that doesn't mean he doesn't get stressed. Of course it's a lot managing lounge work, Vice Housewarden duties, and wayward souls who break the terms of their contracts. He'll want some reassurance from you, too. Sometimes that comes in the form of having you pinned against Azul's desk in the VIP room or pushed against the glass of the aquarium while he's in his mer form for some after hours sex. When it comes to fucking you in their true forms, they're a lot more particular about where they cum, which is almost always inside. And they're so much bigger in those forms, too. You'll probably pass out after a round or two from the sheer exhaustion and pleasure, but that won't stop them.
Things are considerably different when you're with Azul, should you be afforded a break from the twins. He serves you a delicious (on the house) dinner and the two of you eat in the privacy of the lounge after hours before he takes you back to his room. He's very suave about everything and is so very gentle when you're under him. He always, always frowns when he sees just how marked and bruised you are and he'll kiss each bite, new and old, and murmur sweet praises against your skin. You're so beautiful, you're so pretty, you're his sweet, lovable angelfish, you're his perfect human. So many wonderful things are spoken in the dimly lit confines of his room, and if you focus solely on him and his treatment of you you're able to ignore the twins for just a brief moment.
Azul lies beside you afterwards, and the both of you gaze at the ceiling in silence. He doesn't like it when you're quiet and he encourages you to speak your mind. What happens in Azul's presence stays with Azul; that's a promise he will never break no matter what. His hand closes around yours and you'll look at him with glassy eyes. He can't quite say it, even when he works himself up to the confession. Instead, the two of you talk about very random things. You get to hear his genuine laugh, see his genuine smile, witness the real Azul when he's most comfortable. You'll fall asleep in his arms and your dreams are so soft and saccharine. He's always there when you wake in the morning, a comforting presence who asks how you slept, if you had sweet dreams, if you're hungry.
It's almost enough to make you forget about threats of blackmail and other nefarious things the trio are known for.
Crowley isn't too worried when it comes to you and the students. There are plenty of ways (both magical and non-magical) to prevent pregnancy, and if sex is what keeps his students from Overblotting... Obviously he sees nothing wrong with this solution! The less incidents he has to worry about, the more appealing the idea becomes. He's even willing to compensate you for your efforts. Isn't he such a generous Headmage? His kindness knows no bounds!
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I'm So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel)  || Chapter 13b (She's My Addiction) ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 13C: Patience
Said "woman take it slow and things will be just fine" // You and I'll just use a little patience Said "sugar take the time 'cause the lights are shining bright" // You and I've got what it takes to make it We won't fake it, I'll never break it, ‘cause I can’t take it...
Soundtrack: “Patience,” Guns N’ Roses, 1988 [click here to listen]
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“What did you say to Geordie, Claire? Before we went to my dressing room?”
They were back in their hotel room – Jamie’s shoulder-length hair still wet from his shower, Claire already in bed reading Billboard.
He sat on the bed next to her, wearing only his sleep pants. She looked up, smiling. Traced the words and flames and roses inked on his arms from wrist to shoulder, and then the Claire tattoo arcing over his heart.
“I said that he needs you more than you need him. And that he better not fuck it up.”
“Mmm.” He leaned in for a slow, deep kiss.
She pulled back slightly, forehead leaning against his. Breathing him in. “I asked Uncle Lamb to look into Geordie, after Colum told us about him yesterday. Turns out Geordie was fired from his last job at Variety when he wrote something about Madonna that her people didn’t like. He knows that all he needs to get back on the bandwagon is an exclusive with Jamie Fraser, fresh from rehab and ready to rock.”
He kissed her again. “You’re so badass.”
She smiled. “He seemed pretty thoughtful.”
Jamie nodded, lacing his fingers through hers. Every day now she wore his grandmother’s engagement ring on a long chain beneath her shirt, but here in the privacy of their hotel room it was on her ring finger. He’d given her the ring on the first night of the tour, tears streaming down his face, as he pledged to always put her first, and to be the best version of himself for her and the family that, God willing, they’d have one day.
“He’s the real deal. Knows his shit – especially hard rock. I don’t blame him for flaming out on the Madonna thing, I’m sure it was the last thing he wanted to do.”
She set down the magazine and he took her other hand. She was always fascinated by how his tattoos shifted and flexed as he moved the muscles in his arms, caressing her hands, tracing long, slow lines up to her elbows.
“Do you think you can trust him?”
Slowly he kissed her bare shoulder, where the neck of her sleep shirt had slipped. “He’ll stick to the three conditions, that’s for sure. Colum will see to that. And he’ll write honestly. Which is what I want. I want people to know what I’ve been through, and to see how I’m so much stronger now that I’m clean, and I’ve got you.”
“Even though you won’t be the rock god who gets all the girls?”
He snorted. “That guy was an unhappy and unhealthy alcoholic asshole and addict who was on the fast track to early death. This new guy – he’s a lot happier. He’s healthier, and he’s somehow convinced the best woman in the world to love him.”
She smiled. “God knows how.”
They kissed again, long and sweet.
“I could say the same about you, Jamie,” she teased. “God knows how this plain Jane, a divorced and disgraced doctor, ever convinced you to even look twice at her.”
He kissed the tip of her nose. “Give me the rest of our lives to convince you,” he breathed.
“Got it!”
Angus slapped a magazine onto Claire’s lap, hurrying after the groupie who had raced, giggling, down the aisle of the tour bus, his arm slung around the other groupie.
Claire turned to Jamie. “Do they – ”
“You don’t want to know, Claire,” he interrupted. “Ian and I got all the gory details yesterday. Trust me when I say, everything you’re thinking is true.”
She shook her head and looked down at the copy of Rolling Stone. There, in the bottom right corner:
“From One Addiction to Another: Print’s Jamie Fraser on Sobriety, Love, and His New Songs.”
Ian’s bass tech hustled down the aisle.
She traced the letters softly. “It’s real.”
“All right! Everyone back from the pit stop?” Colum stood on top of the front seat, counting heads.
A hush settled over the bus – punctuated only by high-pitched giggles emitting from behind the closed drapes of Angus’ bunk.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Three more hours until Pittsburgh, folks. See you on the other side.”
The bus pulled out of the parking lot and merged onto the highway.
“Do you want to read it in the bunk?” Jamie asked softly. “It’s more private.”
Claire shook her head. “It’s all out in the open anyway.”
She turned to page 32. A live shot of Print from the current tour graced half the page – Jamie in black head to toe, his acoustic guitar slung over a shoulder; Ian sitting on a stool with his acoustic bass guitar; and Angus squinting in the lights from behind his drum kit.
Jamie’s chin settled on Claire’s shoulder as they read.
It took a cancelled European tour, several months in rehab, and one very special woman for Jamie Fraser, Print’s guitarist and chief songwriter, to finally find his voice…
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Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Chapter One (Alucard x Reader)
Request: No
Warnings: Mentions of violence (its Hellsing, what do you expect?), vampires, blood, cursing, weaponry, Alucard being an asshole, mentions of coffin/caskets, guns
“Sir Integra, you must be joking, surely I’m not good enough to join the ranks alongside the Hellsing force!” I say, eyes wide at the proposal. Me, to join the ranks and officially work for Hellsing Organisation? I’ve never even held a gun before, never even gotten into a fight!
“Are you implying that I made an error in judgement by giving you such an opportunity?” She asks, a hint of challenge in her voice, daring me to step out of line.
“S-sir Integra…n-no of course not it’s just that I don’t want to disappoint you, or my father,” I reply, I could care less about disappointing her, it's my fathers reputation that is on the line if I am to be joining the organisation.
“Then it's settled. Alucard,” She calls that beast's name, and as if he was waiting=g her appears, walking through the wall, a twisted grin present on his face. He seems all too happy about this if you ask me.
“I am placing Walter’s daughter under your supervision. You did well in training Walter and you should see to it that you do the same with Y/n.” she continues, why am I to be put with him? Why not shadow my father and work in the estate? Why not at least with Garrison and his fellow men?
He looks towards me walking over and I clench my jaw, as much as I despise his kind, those human sized leeches, I can’t help but feel fear. Most of the vampires I’ve seen disgust me, they invoke rage…but he makes my blood run cold with a simple look. I hate that my hatred can not extend enough to make me glare at him as well. I can’t believe my father would even go along with this! Especially without talking to me!
“My, my, entrusting me with such a delicate specimen? If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were testing my resolve Master.” He comments, his look hidden behind the brim of his hat and the glasses he wears, “Are you sure?” he questions.
Sir Integra flicks her cigar into the ashtray before standing up and placing away some papers in a file, “It seems that everyone has taken to questioning me today, need I remind you who I am or are we done wasting time here with these silly questions?”
His lips twitch upwards as a low sound escapes him, a gloved hand taking my chin and forcing me to look up at him into those crimson eyes,”So you're The Angel of Death’s daughter, you look like a little lamb to me. Lost and afraid, are you lost little lamb?” I clench my fists at the mocking tone in his voice, he looks at me as if testing my reactions to his mockery. I maintain the intense eye contact, the opia of our locked gaze almost tangible enough to cut with a knife between us.
“Get your hand off me, you little pet.” I managed to get out, it's not as convincing as I would've liked it to sound but it got the point across. As his grip loosens I pull away from him and huff keeping my arms by my side lest they decide to make some unwise gestures towards the demon. As I turn my back on him I can hear him chuckle at my actions, he just loves to play those childish little games. Playing as if he didn’t know that I was my fathers daughter, all he does is tease and poke fun at me through the estate!
“Perhaps there is a wolf behind that innocent exterior of your little lamb,”
“My name is Y/n use-” I whip around to correct him but trail off seeing had already gone, with a sound of frustration I head to my chambers, unnecessarily slamming my door behind me and unceremoniously flopping onto my bed. I may feel an intense hatred for those overgrown leeches but I don’t aim to ever kill anyone! The thought always stirs something in the back of my mind and I equate it to fear. I may know many ways to hurt people, hell even to extract intel and body disposal methods, but I don’t want to hurt anyone. I take a few deep breaths and sit at the vanity by my bed to brush my hair, it always helps calm me down. As I brush, each stroke working out the knots and kinks within my hair, my mood improves. Perhaps it won’t be too bad, she never said I had to kill anyone, I could be working in intel recon, or a liason of sorts. The only bloodsucker I may encounter is Alucard. Just as I set my brush down a knock comes at my door.
“Go away leech, I want nothing to do with you and your little games today!” I don’t want to deal with him, not right now.
“Now I know I’ve raised you better than name calling, I thought I’d come by and ease your mind. Tea?”
My father asks, pouring himself a cup, I nod and he hands me my own just how I like it.
“Ease my mind? Funny how you think to talk to me now and not before making such a decision as me working for the Hellsing Organisation,” my voice comes out terse, my frustration from earlier boiling up.
“Well it was my intention to speak with you about it much earlier and come to a mutual agreement, but with Alucard and the rise in Vampires I haven't quite had the chance to help make a decision so Sir Integra made one for us I’m afraid,” he say taking a sip and sitting on the chair I was previously in as I move to sit on my bed.
“Did the thought ever cross your mind that maybe I didn't want to work here? I could be leading a normal life outside the estate right now, yet you have me confined within the walls of Sir Integra’s manor.” As I say this, his boot tip bumps into the cart causing a knife to fall off, without a second thought I swipe it up from the air and go to stab it into the cart. I take a pause, why was I going to stab the cart? Placing it down I turn to him for an answer.
“While this did occur to me, you never once complained of working anywhere else or wishing to leave. You very well could have, and it should be in your best interest to continue our tradition of serving the Hellsing Organisation. The Dornez have been doing it for years, your mother and I had an especially long go of it. I do not hold my title for killing dust bunnies about the estate,”
My eyes widen and I look up from my lap, “You killed people-vampires- too? And Mum as well?
“Many, your mother and I both have quite the streak of blood to our names. We knew Alucar then too. Your mother was an excellent snipper, I would string some of them up and she would pop off their heads one by one, the bulls had such a force that nothing was left, quite the mess we often made.”
Hearing him talk so fondly of memories of murder stirs that feeling in the back of my mind, but I don’t really feel afraid.
“And your mother she had quite the affinity for playing with her victims before being through with them, we’d let them loose in the basement and one at a time she would catch them and string them up in a nice little web, torture them in the most atrocious of ways and then finish them in the bloodiest of ways. Earned herself the name Black Widow, because the heads were always found missing.”
That feeling stirs rather violently this time as he tells me in detail an event one time my mother and he took part in, the worse it gets the more intently I listen. There isn’t a way in my mind that that feeling is fear, though now I don’t know what it is….
“But Dornez and your mothers family have been killers for years, though your mother always had a certain air about her with her craft. Enough of that now, rest well and I will show you your choices in weapons tomorrow,” He kisses my forehead and I nod as he leaves. The feeling swirling around in my mind seems to be fighting to the forefront, I change into a nightgown and hum to myself softly lulling myself to sleep.
I hope that whoever read this enjoyed it and don’t be shy to request a story of some sort! Have a wonderful day!
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andtheny · 1 year
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A Vanilla Prick wants me because I don't want him
He's lonely, desperate, and on the lamb
His ex-wife is chasin' his bank account
He thinks he can hide under my mattress
Squeeze in my closet
And nestle against my bosom like a baby lion
But I'm not your fucking mother, Vanilla Prick
A Vanilla Prick isn't always white
In fact, nine times out of ten, he's black as Africa
But skin don't matter, I can see his insides
He tastes like VANILLA
Like a virgin, he's only had sex with his ex-girlfriend
He never learned how to please a woman
That's why she left you, asshole!
She didn't give a rat's ass that you gained ten pounds, you stupid fuck
Just wanted a good time, and you failed to deliver
A Vanilla Prick loves the rat race
He's gettin' his steps in
Makin' those gains
Those muscles fail to impress me, Vanilla Prick
Not only do I find them asthetically displeasing
But, as a bonus, I've learned that a muscular men taste Vanilla
I want to fuck a cyborg, thanks
Tall or short, happy or sad
As long as he knows what the fuck he's doing
Actually, you know what?
I'm an excellent teacher
Give me a virgin, sure
I'll show them what I like
But stay the fuck away from me, Vanilla Pricks
Your ex-boyfriend tainted you
This Vanilla Prick was bisexual when I met her at the LGBT club
But her ex-boyfriend, Prince Eric, lowered her self esteem
Now she thinks she can take that out on me?
I'm sorry, did my C cups resemble his man tits?
Did I forget to shave my fucking mustache again?
My bad, this is so all on me
Listen up, Butch, you're a Hello Kitty Batman Vanilla Prick
You're obsessed with sex, erotica, monster fucking, etcetera
But you can't even be arsed to give me a fucking hug?
What a frigid Vanilla Prick
Oh, I'm sorry, how politically incorrect of me
You aren't frigid, you're asexual
My bad, my bad, let's Just Be Friends
In fact, I was looking for a roommate that doesn't secretly want to fuck me
How convenient!
Do you promise not to secretly wish you could fuck me?
If so, let's get married
Pardon, let's be roommates, I should say
Queer - Platonically, of course
Ah, I'm not allowed to flirt with my female coworkers?
I'm only allowed to have one night stands with stupid straight men?
Why, if we're just roommates?
Ooooooh, and now I'm not allowed to marry my girlfriend Robin? That's funny, my Daddy said the same thing. He ALSO told me to stay away from women and only have sex with straight men
Well, technically he told me he wanted me to find a husband, but it's synonymous, honey
Why are you fucking crying?
We're just roommates!
That's what you told your family, isn't it?
What do you mean, you secretly wanted to be more than roommates since we met at the LGBT club in 2015?
You psychotic cunt!
Listen, I understand
Bitches be crazy
However, I'm damn tired of Vanilla Pricks treating me like fucking trash
Do you want to fuck or not?
Don't tease me, baby
What, did he think I wanted to look at a photograph of his penis?
Was it supposed to impress me?
I looked at it, shrugged, and said, "Look, are you DTF or not?"
He said, "I'm married!"
What a Vanilla Prick
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aajjks · 5 months
tattoos, eyebrow, lip, and TONGUE PIERCING?!! 🤤
you knew it. you knew he would sit next to you but part of you was hoping he wouldn’t notice your presence and would sit with someone else but here you are.
at first you don’t say much. you contemplate even helping your bully because he called you ugly, burnt you diary without apologizing, and even now he’s making fun of you by calling you a nerd and loser. why should you help this piece of shit?
you sigh. “we’re on this page” you point with your pencil and open the textbook but the next thing that comes from jungkook’s mouth leaves you disgusted. your mouth? he would know so much about mouths since he’s “been around.”
yeah, jungkook’s reputation isn’t the cleanest. he’s fucked around like any other and was the kind of guy good girls loved to have in their beds and to some, he obliged. it was gross to you because he probably takes pride in fucking around and is probably thinking he’ll get some from you.
never. never in life or any lifetime ever.
despite your repulsion, you try to get jungkook up to date with the new topic of the week being production in art. you show him your notes and explain the important points of the textbook and what you’ve written down.
you know jungkook isn’t paying attention to you and his eyes looked to be more focused on your face and growing red cheeks from his intense focus on you. you wish you could just tell him to pay attention and quit gawking at you but you’re nervous.
indeed you are shy. you’re like a mouse when all eyes are on you and before danielle, you always walked with your head down and sat alone. i mean, you still do but it’s not as bad as it used to be.
you go on and on and jungkook rudely interrupts you and asks for your number. finally, you look up and make eye contact with him. sure you glance everywhere so he doesn’t stare into your soul but you’re looking at him, somewhat.
“m-my number?” you whisper “no way. you bully me, make fun of me, call me ugly, and you burnt my journal” you say meekly while twirling your pencil in your hand.
even when you’re “fussing” at him, you’re still shy. you’re still a meek little mouse and it’s hard for jungkook to take you seriously when you look so cute? in his eyes, you’re surprisingly really cute and you’re so smart.
“go ask another loser for their number because i’m not gonna give you mine”
can this class let out already? you’re tired of his presence and you won’t let his pretty-boy charms distract you from your real love. at least eunwoo doesn’t call you ugly, well, you guys barely talk but you get the point!
you can’t even see yourself being friends with an asshole like him and you never will be.
Even your rejection is so polite. 
He doesn’t mind this, you’re just so fun to talk with and tease. Jungkook scoffs and just leans his face closer to yours and he is so glad that he did this because the way your eyes widen and and you gasping in surprise has his heart beating so loud.
“If you won’t give me your number I’ll make sure to put all the blame on you so that the Professor won’t give you any extra credit- it will be because of you that I don’t catch up.” He shrugs.
You are a nerd, in the cutest way possible and he knows how important it is for you to have extra credit on your academic records. “So… just give me it.” He is playing the with his tongue piercing because he knows that you take some time to reply to him.
“Come on, little lamb.” He rolls his eyes, “I’ll text you or even better.. call you tonight.” He is looking straight into your eyes. “You will narrate all of this to me.” And with that he’s back to the side of his table again.
“Ha. Fix your glasses.” He points out.
You are annoyingly cute.
“Class, focus because I’m about to give you an essay. Write one on the importance of production.. and whoever will do the best. I’ll make sure to include it in the competition that’s gonna take place in a few days and it’s got a huge scope- so opportunities will come knocking.”
Jungkook watches you as he notices the way you bite your lower lip, you’re so focused on the information the teacher gave just now.
“ you can win.” He suddenly says. “You’ll probably take the first place.” of course he believes in you, because you are one of the most intelligent people in the school.
And he’s not exaggerating, of course.
“In 2 weeks. You can turn your essays in, so take your time and do your best.
“just use your nerdy little brain and charm.” of course you’re so lucky because he’s giving you his exclusive advice.
And before you can respond, the bell rings, and it’s of course his favorite time.
“Okey bye bye little lamb, I’ll visit you after school and you better give me your number.” He’s picking up his bag and woosh he’s out, but not before winking at you.
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