#but not entirely
loxare · 1 year
On their wedding day, he put his hand to her cheek and called her the most beautiful woman in the world.
He could have been correct, from an objective standpoint. Truly, she was one of the beauties in town. Her curls always in perfect order, her smile plump and joyous, her figure comely, even hidden modestly beneath clothing. From an objective standpoint, he was wrong, as nothing about beauty is objective, but none in the town would have disagreed with his assessment.
They spent several years together, in loving bliss. They built their house together, they planted their garden together, they grew together.
And then came the day that a hole in reality opened beneath him. Without thought, she jumped in after, a bare half second after he vanished.
When she opened her eyes, she was somewhere else. The stars were different, and wrong. There was the wrong number of moons, and the sun was the wrong colour. But the worst, most egregious wrong was that he was not there next to her. This, she could not abide.
She had nothing to her name besides her labour, but that she had in abundance. She travelled, from town to town, trading hours of work for food and board. She taught herself to draw, and she drew her love. Over and over, she drew him. In the dirt, on walls, on her own clothes. Asking, always asking, if any had seen him. Eventually she acquired paper and ink, and drew her husband again. Her inquiries became easier, more frequent, although the answers never changed. For none had seen her love.
She learned many things as she travelled. She learned how to fix a carriage wheel. How to tend to livestock and how to weed a garden far larger than the one she had known. She learned to shape a bowl from clay and to chop timber and to carve wood. She learned to fight off brigands who would take from her her sparse money, her life, or worse.
She learned other things, about this place she was in. It was a place where many came, and few left. A nexus one called it. A refuse heap, another said. But the method of arrival was always the same. One moment in the familiar, the next falling into the strange. But the people were the same, for all that they were often of alien appearance. Some looked down upon her dirt covered hems and worn boots. Some ignored her. Most were willing to at least listen to her question, to look at her picture, so carefully drawn. To keep an eye out, and pass on a message should they find him.
Time passed, and passed, and passed. The world she came from did not have things such as magical crystals or soul mates or wizards, or if it did they had none of the power that those here did. Regardless, one town she stayed in recommended she find the local witch, for they specialized in red strings of fate.
And so she did. The witch gave her a bowl of stew and a comfortable chair, and then listened when she spoke, and looked carefully at the drawing. It was a different one. She had drawn many, over the years, as the old ones wore out, and as her skill increased. And the witch said that they did not know if he was indeed her soul mate, but if he was, then the red string of fate that they revealed would lead her right to him. She need only follow it.
It was not an easy ask. The witch wanted a blanket woven by her own hands in payment. And so she stayed in the town, longer than she had stayed anywhere. She traded her labour and her art for thick wool, and weaving lessons. It was near winter before she had a result she was pleased with, carefully folded in her arms to be presented to the witch. The blanket was unfolded immediately upon delivery, shaken out to its fullest extent. The blanket was scrutinized, for quality of the weave or for something else that she could not fathom. Finally, the witch nodded their head. They turned back to their cottage, moving to close the door. She protested, concerned about her end of the bargain, but needn’t have worried. For around her finger was tied a red string which hadn’t been there before. The end led off, through the woods.
And so she followed it. She followed it through fallen leaves. She followed it across rivers. She followed it through snowbanks and through melt waters and through hot summer sun. Finally, she followed it into a clearing on a mountain. And fell to her knees in despair. For in this clearing was nothing but moss, and the end of the string, fading into nothing.
She did not have long to weep however, as a hole in reality opened above her, and down he fell. Without thought, she moved to catch him.
He was just as he had been on the day she had left him. And as he opened his eyes, she suddenly felt ashamed. For he was here, perfect and whole and young. But it had been years and years for her. Her hair was frizzy and knotted. Her lips were thin, her hands were rough, and her figure both hard and flabby at once.
But he opened his eyes, and he called her name, and she nodded. And he smiled at her, and called her the most beautiful woman in the world.
On a truly objective standpoint, he was incorrect. Both because beauty was not within the realm of objectivity, but also because there were many women who could be called more beautiful, subjectively.
But she also knew that he was speaking nothing but the honest truth. For he loved her. He loved her, he loved her, he loved her. He loved her hair, frizzy as it was. He loved combing it free of knots, and helping her braid it in the mornings, and loved tucking flowers into it, to surprise her when she looked in the mirror. He loved her smile, and loved seeing it, and loved being the cause of it. He loved it when she spoke to him, when she told him of the things she had done, and what she had learned. He loved her art, even as he blushed darkly at being her only subject. She taught him what she knew, and delighted when he found particular pleasure in pottery. They travelled, to find a home that suited both of them. The first time she defended him from brigands had been a terrifying and yet exhilarating experience for them both.
And they built a house. With a room full of paper and clay. And a garden, and a loom. And always, forever, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
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emotionaldisaster909 · 7 months
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sketched some studies for an upcoming fox tattoo design
but it can also count as fox fafa studies!
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cecanardditquack · 5 months
choosing to ignore the fact that now four out of six of the bad kids canonically have summer birthdays because it statistically doesn’t make sense to me specifically. also what do you mean Adaine spent another birthday without Jawbone?? what do you mean Fabian is 18 now because Lou didn’t know how old a high school freshman normally is??
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lydiablackblade · 8 months
You know, I have this regular nightmare. I have this nightmare, where at the end of S3 we will get a happy ending.
You see... Neil is untrustworthy. He's a liar. He is the kind of jinni who makes your wish come true with a sick twist.
He knew fans wanted romance. They wanted a kiss. So he casually dropped S2 as "gentle, romantic, quiet" with A KISS™️ and everyone (the characters included) lost their sanity. Not in a good way.
Now we want a happy ending. There will be a happy ending, he promised. But what will it cost?! AT WHAT COST?!
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
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Wanted to try something new
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minimooberry · 1 year
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woc as a collective need to stop falling in love with sketchy white guys because they do weird shit like get recruited by the government to fight living biohazards 6 months after you got married and leave you to raise a toddler that only sees their dad like three times a year and STILL have the audacity to be desperately in love with you 🙄🙄
YES i made a resident evil oc what are yall gonna do about it 😤😤😤 their names are shivaani and seth and the toddler is june
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irondad-defensesquad · 5 months
// personal
my dad will make me feel like shit for "being too loud" then he wonders why i get sad and stop talking altogether lmao.
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Fandom pet peeve: when people pick a character and say, "oh, they did some bad things, they must be morally grey!" With no regard for their actual attitude towards morality, or their mindset during that time and whether it was any different from how they are normally, or the fact that those actions may have been taken a long while ago.
Please, say it with me: moral greyness is not about what things people have done in the past! It's about their relationship with morality, in the present. 
...But the attitude people have towards that is scary, and not just for fandom-related reasons. That way of thinking seems to hint that you think that once somebody does something wrong, they can never really be a good person, and it’s all too easy to apply that to real life, too. And that is often the case, if cancel culture is anything to go by. 
Accept that people change, that characters change. They’re not irreversibly corrupted if you make the slightest misstep, or even one that’s not so small. Someone can do bad things, grow, reflect, and change as a person, into someone who would not do that. And afterwards, they are not morally grey! They’re someone who did bad things and then learned from them!
(And just for the record – if the character, in the actual events of the story, is a person who acts on their morals and in the best interests of others, and had one period in their backstory when that wasn’t necessarily the case? Or if they were evil and were reformed prior to the events of the story? Yeah, there’s no excuse. If you want to talk about their more dubious actions and say they were morally grey, specify the time period, because that is not who they are in the story itself.)
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lamothla-art · 1 year
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brooklynstar · 2 years
Why do these three give off the same vibe
That vibe being “I’m kinda evil but I love you”
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I love them.
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michael-afton-posting · 7 months
I looked up my own name in the gif search and for some reason it pulls up a lot of gifs of people passionately kissing.
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poohbea · 5 months
GUYS!! GUYS I’VE DONE IT. I’VE MAPPED OUT THE PLOT FOR ORC REINER PT 2! I have it in my brain. All the motivations and plot events and how they’re gonna defeat the big bad monsters. I’VE GOT IT.
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^ me @ y’all cause I know everyone’s been waiting 84 years 😂
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abybweisse · 1 year
Feral smartass Is really fitting for ut,lol
Also i cant stop imagining claudia and vincent as feral disasters,poor tanaka I geuss
Referring to this post.
Worse for Tanaka when you figure that Francis/Frances is likely either another Feral Disaster or an Angelic Smartass. The Angelic part would be her own, but the Smartass would be taking after her father, which also helps for the pattern of inheritance in the Kuroverse. Now I'm wondering if there's a Friday the 13th not too long (or too soon) after Vincent's birth that would place her as a Feral Smartass, like daddy. 🤔
Anyway, we don't know Tanaka's western zodiac sign... and Yana-san hinted in a tweet years ago that Tanaka's got quite the dark steak himself. I think it's a safe bet he was well-chosen for his role....
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toby-du-coeur · 11 months
apple beauty gestalt self portrait ✨
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destiniesfic · 2 years
Chel who is your fave character in the dragon house? What’s your top 5?
Anon, have you seen this interview where GRRM was asked who his favorite character to write in Fire and Blood was and he replied "Hmm, that's a tricky question, it's like asking me to choose a favorite child... [zero seconds later] Daemon Targaryen, The Rogue Prince—" because that's me, yeah! I think Daemon was my favorite character to watch on the show and I continue to enjoy him immensely, but I think Rhaenyra is my favorite character to write, if that makes any sense? It may not.
In no particular order, my overall favorites are Daemon, Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, Viserys, and Alicent, with an honorable mention to Corlys Velaryon. I am sorry, I'm not really attached to any of the greens aside from Alicent. ;_;
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melnathea · 1 year
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Finished a sketch @shuckstruck made of dove c:
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