#but trust i put a lot of time into making sure my translations were right
scruff-mutt · 3 months
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Have you ever wanted to be 100% accurate when creating Splatfest-related art? Consider downloading the Splatfest Script today!
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mayearies · 8 months
ꨄ BONCHINCHE HOUR .. miles g. morales ⟡
󠀠󠀠󠀠󠀠󠀠󠀠 “my ma can be really chatty sometimes. she talks her own ear off.”
✦ synopsis you never took rio for someone who would talk a lot. she seemed pretty closeted and quiet around everyone else but her son. well, i guess today you saw that side of her for the first time
✦ genre giggles
✦ disclaimer possible innacurate spanish, possible rio ooc, lazy maye alert ALSO CREDITS TO DALIA FOR THE NAME SORRY SORRY
✦ translations ¿me estás culpando por esto? / are you blaming me for this?
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“seriously? she doesn’t seem like one to talk much.” miles’ soft and relaxed expression remained as he was focused on the movie you two were supposed to be watching, “trust me. once you know her like i do, that’ll change.”
you didn’t believe him a whole lot. she wasn’t hostile or anything towards you—a few how are you’s and you would go your separate ways. “mhm.”
“hey! don’t doubt me.” he pouted, tickling your stomach making you squirm. “now go get us some popcorn so we can watch this movie.” you raised an eyebrow and nodded with a laugh under your breath.
walking into the kitchen, ms. morales was leaning against the counter drinking some tea. she looked like he had just gotten off of a shift. well, this would be a little awkward. “oh! hi, ms. morales. sorry i didnt- i didnt expect you to be back home this early.”
“hm? oh no, they let me leave early tonight,” she chucked under her breath as she sipped, “needed that break anyway. what’re you and miles doing up so late?”
“just planning to watch a movie. i picked out a horror movie and he hesitated. yet, he tryna pick fights with random people sometimes. odd, right?” you chuckled as you grabbed the bag of popcorn out the pantry. you heard her laugh, too.
“he’s always been odd—believe it or not.” you mouthed the word ‘seriously?’ and she nodded with her eyes wide. “this little boy would do the weirdest things when he was younger. ay dios mio, he was such a hassle.”
“this one time—he was doing some arts and crafts with scissors and all, i walk out of the room for five minutes. there he is. with half of his hair on the floor. now you know the reason why one of his braids is shorter.”
you snorted, and you’re pretty sure miles grew suspicious. that and you were gone a little too long to just be getting popcorn, “he told me it was his barber!”
“his barber??? nobody else is touching that damn head of his. you know what-” rio snapped her fingers and there he was. “¿me estás culpando por esto?” miles hummed in confusion until she gestured his braids.
“you did not tell her about that story.” she raised her eyebrows, “oh, i did tell her about that story.” miles groaned as if he was in agony, and he probably was.
despite his overrall character coming off as cold and stoic, he was just like any other teenage boy your age. dramatic and sassy for no apparent reason. “oh! did i tell you the time i caught him singing once?”
“or the time i first found out about him and his obsession for comics-con?”
“or when i found him putting cat hairclips in his ha-”
“alright, conversation over!” he shoved the bag of popcorn into your hands and pushed you down the hallway towards his room, giving his mom a bothered stare. “they’re in his top drawer!”
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@ mayearies , no swiping!
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fishwithtitz · 9 months
Can you write something about Copia accompanying Reader to their tattoo appointment? I'm a little jittery about mine (even though I really want a tattoo of Copia's cornette/year zero look)
Thank you sm 💙
Your wish is my command, darling.
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Summary: You're nervous about your upcoming tattoo appointment. Lucky for you, Papa Copia has agreed to accompany you.
Rating: Teen
Papa Emeritus IV x reader / 1.9k words
Warnings: suggestive language, description of tattooing/needles, mention alcohol, poorly translated Italian
ao3 link
“Tesoro, you are fidgeting.”
Rolling your eyes, you lobbed your head to the right to peer out the car window. It was midday on a Saturday and the roads were unexpectedly clear as you drove towards the city center with Papa Emeritus the fourth to your long awaited tattoo appointment.  
You were hoping that he’d missed your annoyed gesture, but as always, he was ever perceptive. His eyebrow rose and his tone became a little darker, though you were sure you could hear an edge of jest. 
“Am I going to have to pull this car over, hmm?”
At this, you couldn’t help but smirk. You turned to face him and saw a similar look engrain his own features, his green eye peering at you from across the vehicle. Reaching over, you slapped at his thigh playfully in retort. 
“Don’t tempt me,” he all but growled, waggling his eyebrows playfully before his face took on a more serious demeanor. “Why do you fidget, eh?” He returned his gaze to the road. “You’ve done this before. You know what to expect.”
You bit your lip. “I know, Papa. I jus —” Letting out a sigh, you ran the palms of your hands over your black leggings. “I’m working myself up, I suppose.”
Papa looked over at you briefly with a warm smile and a hint of mischief. Damn that man. “Well, none of that. That is my job, sì?”
The irritating part was that he was right. You did know exactly what to expect. It wasn’t as if you were afraid of the pain — pain you could handle. Besides, you knew that given the placement, it wouldn’t be all that painful. No, it was the idea of something permanent. Something quite literally etched into your skin by someone else. And as an artist yourself, letting go of the creative control to allow someone to mark you was an act of vulnerability, of trust. 
A quiet calm washed over the car and you did your best not to shift in your seat or wiggle your leg. The only sound was the soft rumbling of “Darling Nikki” playing over the car’s speakers and Papa’s fingertips tapping to the beat against the steering wheel. A love of music was something that the both of you shared, and when he’d offered to throw the artist formerly known as Prince on while you drove to your appointment, you nodded with urgency at the nostalgic comfort you knew that His Royal Badness would bring. 
At about the time that the song ended, Copia pulled into the parking lot of the tattoo parlor and put the car into park. He killed the engine and clicked off his seatbelt before turning to you. 
“Do you want me to be supportive or incoraggiante?” He said, eyes peering at you with sincerity.
You snorted. “Is there really a difference?”
He cast a slightly annoyed look at you and again your eyes took a somersault. “Fine. Supportive.”
He nodded. “No one is making you do this, dolcezza. You know this. No one will judge you if you decide not to go through with it—”
“—I know, Papa. I want this. Free will and all that.” You made a circular motion with your wrist in the air as you said it, punctuating your sentence with your hand in sarcastic reference to the key tenet of the church your boyfriend led. Talking with your hands was something you’d picked up a few months into your relationship with Copia, though to be honest, it was something you didn’t even realize you did. You hesitated a moment before continuing. “I’m just nervous, is all.”
The older man leaned over the center console and brushed a loose strand of hair from your eyes. You felt your stomach melt into your ribs at the satiny feel of his leather gloves as they stroked your cheek. 
“I will be by your side the whole time.”
You threw a look of gratitude to him and nuzzled your cheek against his fingertips for good measure. After a beat, you unbuckled your own seatbelt, and moved to exit the car. Papa rounded the vehicle and slipped his hand into yours, giving it a light squeeze as you both made your way through the chiming door of the tattoo parlor. 
Immediately, a distant buzzing sound tickled your ears and you felt the pattering of your heart begin to uptick in your chest again. Your tattoo artist sat at the front desk seemingly waiting for your arrival. As he looked up, a confused look imprinted into his otherwise rough-looking mug. You assumed this was at Papa’s appearance. It wasn’t every day that most people were privy to seeing a man in full skull paint wearing a poet shirt and cravat with impossibly tight jeans. But then again, it was something you loved about your Copia. 
The artist was chosen with purpose. You’d spent months researching someone local who could specialize in the specific style you were looking to get: a woodcut design that emulated block printmaking from centuries prior. To your relief, you noticed that the artist was able to quickly hide his momentary surprise at Papa and a professional façade took over as he greeted you and led you to his station in the back.
With every footstep, your heart thumped loud enough to quake seismic shockwaves. Your nerves seemed to be peaking, now, and you did your best to ignore it as you sunk down into the black pleather seat.
After a brief discussion of your desired design and a quick examination of the stencil the artist had prepared for you, you settled into the backrest of the chair. You barely registered as your arm was cleaned and prepped (although had you looked to your side, you would have seen Copia’s expression contort into one of confusion as the artist ghosted over your skin with a disposable razor to remove the peach fuzz). Your dissociative reverie was broken when the tattooist asked you to confirm the stencil placement. A fleeting look in the side mirror accompanied by a meek “looks great” was all you had in you to respond. 
Papa sat next to you, calm and gentile, and reached over to grasp at your hand lovingly. Normally, he would attempt to make small talk with the artist and end up causing awkward conversation, but he could tell you were already overstimulated enough by the bright light and noises of the shop, so he kept his lips sealed. The moment that the needle pressed against your skin, you sunk into the padding of the chair and closed your eyes. It felt just as you remembered: a scratching feeling, a slight sting, but not unbearable. 
You could feel Copia’s presence over you and you opened an eye to see him loom over your body to get a better look at the machine. You held back a giggle. The man was insanely curious and completely uncouth about hiding his childlike wonderment of how things worked. What you weren’t expecting, however, was the color to begin to drain from what little flesh peeked out from around his meticulously placed paints. Copia leaned back and all but cemented into his own chair. 
You’d forgotten about his fear of needles. 
“You okay, champ?” You teased, although a slight undertone of seriousness laced your words. 
“Me? Oh- sì, yes, I am just fine. It’s just the eh, ehm…” the painted anti-pope cleared his throat awkwardly and looked down, a hand moving up to scratch the back of his neck, “needles.”
“Copia, you have a tattoo,” you shot back with a contested look on your face. 
“Pah,” he replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. You could tell he was trying to appear more stoic despite his obvious discomfort with the tattoo gun. “Don’t remember getting it. I was uh…sbronzato. Too much sambuca.” 
“Salute,” the artist quipped. It was the first time he’d said anything since starting the tattoo, and his timing made it hard for you to hold back your giggles. 
A blanket of comfortable silence followed. You leaned back once more in the reclined chair and allowed for your eyes to flutter closed again. The drumming hum of the tattoo gun as it scoured the precise lines into your skin acted as a kind of white noise that threw you into a trance. 
Time passed at a moderate pace, and before you knew it, the tattoo gun was clicked off and its absence created a temporary void in your eardrums. You felt a wet pressure as a sterile towel was wiped over the design, clearing it of any ink remnants still clinging to the surface of your skin. 
“We’re all finished, if you’d like to take a look,” the artist said, wheeling back on his stool to give you some room to stand. 
You rose, feet a little unsteady from sitting for so long, but eventually made your way to the full length mirror perpendicular to the artist’s station. Turning, you hiked your arm up a bit to get a better view of the final piece. 
It would be an understatement to say that you were in awe. The subject matter you chose —an occult-themed portrait — was beautifully captured in a medieval woodcut style. A smattering of precisely hatched lines varying in thickness danced across your upper arm in a way that seemed like they were always meant to be there. The contrast was beautifully evident and your skin served as some sort of divine light on the value scale. Your lips curled in a smile that bled kismet. 
You didn’t even notice that Copia had slunk up behind you until you felt his infernal eye boring into your reflection. His hands came to rest on your stomach and lower back, gaze moving to rake over the stylized design on your brachium. 
You watched as his irises slowly scanned your reddened skin in wonderment. His own lips, which had been perpetually pursed as a side effect of his trypanophobia, were now relaxed and barely parted in awed, focused study. He must have realized this, because it lasted only seconds before a small smile crept across his painted features. 
Later on, during the car ride home, it was nearly silent. The stereo was switched off and the only sound audible was the tires rotating against the asphalt below. You held your hands in your lap as you rested your temple against the cool glass of the window. 
Papa was the first to break the silence. “I’m proud of you, tesoro.”
He reached over to squeeze at your left hand with tenderness obvious to avoid shifting your now sore arm. 
“It’s not like I did anything that brave. It’s just a tattoo,” you murmured. Immediately, you bit your lip as you realized how your response must have sounded. You’d always had trouble taking a compliment. “ —But thank you, mio cuore.” you added, removing your head from the window to brandish a blush and an upturned corner of your lip.
He licked the black pigment coating his own. “You were bellissima before, ovviamente, but there’s something about your tatuaggio that just—” A light groan emanated from deep within his chest. You felt your own tighten inside your ribs and flames licked through your limbs. 
“Although,” he added a second later, “I wouldn’t mind leaving some marks of my own.” His hand snaked down from your own to brush at the tight black polyester covering your thigh, trailing up its expanse ever so slowly before kneading at it with his gloved grasp.
The motion (along with his husky tone) made your flip flopping titillation take a sudden nosedive straight into your core. The dull ache of your arm was replaced with one building in your abdomen. And as your mind filled with the possibilities of the bites and bruises that could pepper your skin later that evening, suddenly you were open to an entirely different form of artwork.
image credit: pinterest, reddit
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geneticcatalyst · 10 months
as promised, an exploration of my one pet problem in fandom, or: misinterpretation of jby's first death (ft. zzs)
heres the thing. i occasionally see people reference what seems to be a misconception of the (english translation) text in qi ye. both the fact that its a translation and the metaphorical phrasing make it pretty clear to see why they got the wrong idea, but i firmly believe its still the wrong idea. i am by no means calling the people who got this mixed up dumb or bad, i am simply leaning over their shoulders going 'wait no bestie pls read that again pls read that one more time!!' because this is one of my favorite books and this thing is a key piece of one of my favorite things about it.
i said i was gonna pull screenshots for this post but i think it will be a little while before i get to another reread and i can't ctrl+f the google doc so im just gonna whip this out from memory. if anyone does have this particular passage on hand feel free to pop it in here. the rest of the context/explanations are just from my cursory research, im not chinese or a historian.
cards on the table. the only thing i love more than unhinged gay romances is unhinged platonic soul mates. its catnip to me. i go feral every goddamn time. and i havent stopped losing my mind about zhou zishu and jing beiyuan since that first qi ye scene. what do those guys have going on? not even sure they know but it's A Lot. ive got like 18 other unpublished drafts trying to work that out slash losing my fucking mind at the lengths they go to about each other. that relationship is at the center of both novels even if the spotlight isnt on it. so I admit that my readings are colored a bit by how much i like that they like each other!
which is why im shocked baffled and, ok, lightly salted, to see a few people make the claim that zishu (personally) tortured/killed beiyuan in his first life.
so what the text says is that after helian yi stopped trusting beiyuan (after su qingluan's accidental death), he was basically put to death. but even the emperor has to have a half decent reason to execute someone. the text describes these reasons- ten of them- as zhou zishu's masterpieces. it also refers to them as great shames to beiyuan's standing. what's happening is that helian yi has zishu frame beiyuan for treason or other betrayals against the emperor/the country. it isn't specific as to what, but it doesn't really matter, because its all fake and zishu is really good at his job. so yes, it is fair to say that zishu is the INSTRUMENT of beiyuan's death, but he didn't kill him, he just laid the groundwork.
the text goes on to another slightly confusing line where it says something to the effect of that when each of these accusations were read out in court, each line drew blood from jing beiyuan. that's a metaphor! it's just saying that his reputation was torn apart and ultimately his fate is sealed, despite the phrasing there are no literal injuries happening.
also, i may not have the timeline perfect on this part, but in zishu's introduction in the beginning of the novel, the narration tells us outright that while zishu is partially responsible for beiyuan's death, he was like. cool about it. in what seems to be the first and only time he ever steps out of line or goes against helian yi's command (!), after setting all this up but- if im remembering right- before the news actually breaks in court the next day, zishu warns beiyuan. now this admittedly doesnt do a whole lot because the only other possible option (cut and run) isn't a very good one, but it's the only thing zishu can do. he doesnt have to, but he does it anyway (!). of course beiyuan doesnt even consider doing this, he's stubborn and heartbroken, but he really seems to 1. appreciate the risk zishu took here to try to give him a chance and 2. not hold the whole set up against zishu or take that bit personally.
so what actually happened at the end of beiyuan's first life? he was sent the 3 zhang of white silk. the text does explicitly say this once, but if you're not familiar with the practice it may not click. receiving the white silk from the emperor is what happens when you're too high ranking to execute like a commoner but you've fallen from grace and are being politely asked to hang yourself in order to clear your name. and of course beiyuan, stubborn and heartbroken, does. yes, it's a forced suicide, but it isn't a murder.
anyway, its in that secret conversation, where zishu secretly meets with beiyuan seemingly to try to convince him to save himself and beiyuan outright refuses, that beiyuan promises that if theres a next life (ha), they'll get drunk together. and of course against all odds, there is and they do.
the thing about the idea that some people might think that zishu killed beiyuan is that after that nothing between them makes sense. even if it was at helian yi's request, i just cant see that not permanently damaging the friendship, i don't think beiyuan could immediately pick back up being best friends in the seventh life with that memory in the way. why would zishu go out of his way to warn beiyuan one day if he was perfectly capable and fine with killing him the next? why would beiyuan not only be happy to meet zishu again in the seventh life but also go out of his way trying to save zishu's? none of their other interactions really make sense if you believe there was a murder done there. idk. it clouds the whole throughline of the story which is that they have a bond!
i think maybe people think it is in character due to the other ruthless murders, and they're not wholly wrong, but that's the kicker for me. zishu will murder all kinds of innocents no questions asked, but he's suddenly trying to give an out to his coworker and drinking buddy? hello? thats insane, and that's the point.
furthermore, if you think maybe it would make sense for helian yi to have beiyuan violently killed (since it keeps fucking happening later), i actually have to become helian yi's lawyer for a moment here and say that that doesnt make sense either. helian yi is sitting on a throne gained by shadowy means but he's the Good Guy Ruler and that reputation is important. hes not a cruel person and he may have become paranoid but he still has a shared history with beiyuan. plus, even the emperor has to abide by a certain amount of decorum when he wants to have people killed, especially when that person is also a high ranking member of court. beiyuan's status is basically second only to the royal bloodline, he's essentially the prev emperor's godson, as well as a previously close confidante of helian yi himself. the white silk was regarded as a privileged, dignified means of offing someone. helian yi is perfectly within social acceptability to do this to beiyuan with the pretext of beiyuan's disgrace. but it would be pushing the boundaries for the good and just emperor to suddenly have one of his top advisors and members of high nobility brutally killed like a common criminal. he could probably do it, but it would reflect on him and his reputation too. he could do it in secret, but would have to cover up the disappearance of a prominent court figure. it just makes sense to use the white silk as the neatest, most acceptable legal justice channel here. maintain emotional detachment, be polite, everybody's honor gets honored and such.
so that's the ted talk. theres even some beautiful fanart on here of white-haired first life beiyuan holding the white silk! he wasn't tortured or outright executed, and he chose to obey rather than escape or fight the false claims of treason even though his friend tried to give him the only out he could manage. to interpret things differently really skews the character motivations and plot for everyone- beiyuan, zishu, helian yi- in a way that warps the story out of believability, imho.
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cumbertunita · 9 months
Cinnamon skin
Tenoch Huerta x reader
Warnings: none, it’s fluff :) but part 2 maybe won’t be 🔥
Note: This is the official English translation of “Piel Canela”
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I have been with him since the beginning of this journey, since he accepted the role of Namor in the MCU for the Black Panther Wakanda Forever movie. I have worked with him intensively day and night to make sure everything went perfectly during filming and at the premiere. Yes, I am his English teacher.
Tenoch Huerta and I met during the filming of The Forever Purge. I was hired as a support interpreter for the actors and crew who didn't speak English well. Part of my job is to make a connection with the parties I will be serving, so I spent a lot of time being around the entire film crew to build trust. This often happened during the lunch hour.
Tenoch and I exchanged glances from time to time as the others chatted and laughed. Suddenly we would start our own conversation about films, poetry, racism and other cultural topics that he had mastered to perfection. The conversation was enriching and so entertaining that I didn't want it to end, the breaks were so short. At the end of the day, we always said goodbye with a kiss in our cheeks, and as time went by I was dying to stay by his side, that our conversations and exchange of glances would last forever, but he is an actor...he would never feel attracted to someone like me.
On the last day of filming we said goodbye like any other day, everyone praised me for my great work and that they hoped to see me soon.
"Well, then... today is the last day, right?" Tenoch said lowering his eyes as he put his hands in his trouser pockets, "will I see you again?"
"I have no idea, I hope so...when you make another movie in Hollywood."
"Because of my skin colour and my background you know they probably won't cast me in big roles..."
"Hey, you're the most hard working person I've ever met in my life. You'll see that someone will discover you soon and take you to Hollywood" I took a breath and got very nervous, but I couldn't help it, I reached out to him, took his face in my hands and he gave me a beautiful smile.
"heh...your hands are very soft...it feels very nice".
At that I heard a honk interrupting our moment, it was the film director offering to take us to our respective hotels. We both got into the car and first went to drop me off at my hotel. I said goodbye to him with great difficulty as I didn't want to leave him.
I returned to Mexico and continued my work as an interpreter and English teacher for several months until one day I received a call from an unknown number: it was him, how did he get my number?
"Hi, Y/N"
"Tenoch? How did you get my number?"
"A little birdie over there shared it with me" we both laughed "how are you?"
"Good, just finishing work here at a conference at the WTC."
"Can you have lunch with me?"
"Yeah, sure. Where are you?" I said as I walked towards the exit of one of the halls in the building.
"Behind you" I turned around and there was Tenoch in a tight t-shirt, jeans, dark glasses and a cap. He looked so good, that cinnamon skin awakened something in me that I didn't know.
We both couldn't hold our excitement and ran to hug each other tightly. I hadn't realised how much I missed him until that moment. We turned to look at each other and I could see a special glow behind those dark glasses and his sly smile.
"How did you find me?"
"Mmmm...Instagram" he said making a naughty boy face.
"So I have a stalker" I winked at him and we both laughed. One of his hands let go off my waist and he took off his glasses. His eyes studied every part of my face and without a second thought he presses his lips to mine. A kiss I've been waiting for since The Forever Purge...so much so that I couldn't help but respond with the same sweetness.
"Ever since The Foreve Purge I've wanted to do this” he said pulling away for lack of oxygen.
"Me too" I said trying to catch my breath, it was almost a whisper "and that lunch date is still on or do you intend for us to stay here cuddling?"
"I wouldn't mind...but we can go and eat some tacos nearby because I have great news for you".
We went out to eat those tacos he wanted so badly while he told me that Ryan Coogler contacted him to offer him the character of Namor in the Black Panther Wakanda Forever movie. Obviously it was already something I expected to happen because Tenoch is a super talented and hard working man, as well as an excellent human being, he deserves the best in the world.
We finished eating and decided to go for a walk in the surroundings to continue talking as we did during the filming of The Forever Purge. I missed the laughter and the debates that were generated around everything we read and thought about certain topics and of course, I missed his devotion to the eradication of racism in Mexico.
"And how are you doing with your English? I don't think everyone speaks Spanish".
"Don't make fun of me, my English is a bit chewed up but I can defend myself".
"aha..." I had an idea that will possibly have some consequences, but I didn't want to lose the opportunity to stay by his side "hey what if...what if I go with you like when The Forever Purge? I'll be your language assistant... we can discuss the details in my apartment... if you like".
"Are you making me an unseemly invitation?" he said mischievously.
"If I were..." I said as I slowly approached him "...I would do this" I put my arms around his neck and kissed him fervently. He responded to the kiss in kind and grabbed my waist to pull me closer to him.
His tongue demanded access to my mouth, which I granted, deepening the kiss. He began to caress my back and I tangled my hands in his hair.
"Let's go," I said as I pulled away from the kiss, took my mobile phone and requested an Uber.
Well, I think this English translation is good, isn’t it? Tell me what you think! Part 2?? 🔥 🔥
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pommunist · 3 months
my one thing is that we dont know if when Q talked about "leaks" he was refering only to twitter
many of us are all assuming that's what he ment, but also, when he said so he's specifically mentioned "the people who affected the project kept finding out about it and used that to their advantage to smudge stuff away" (im hispanic, btw, this is gotten via a translation or anything, this is what i heard)
so my biggest guess (PERSONAL OPINION, im probably making shit up, wtf knows) is that he knows whoever these people are (seems to be multiple persons), but he doesnt know who is the person or persons who kept giving them information about what, and making the process of him being able to completely cut out whoever these individuals were more difficult; and just to make sure that they were not getting information of his actions via anyone, he just didnt give any information at all
it sucks, cause if that was the case i can see se reasoning, but i can also see how fucking terrible that would be for any innocent party (admins) involved
I feel like he should spend less time worrying about these « leaks » and « people affecting the project » and more about the people his company wronged and how his and his teams actions are impacting on the project.
Once again everything is so vague and communication sucks : what leaks ? you mean Lea and others updating each other and the community on whats going on ? Or some like malicious person trying to sabotage ? And when he talks about people who wants the downfall of project does he mean people legitimately complaining or some secret hater working behind the scenes ?
Lots of words not to say much tbh. We still don’t know anything, admins still haven’t been contacted. On top of that the stream felt more like damage control than anything else to me. I’m not saying he had bad intentions but talking so much about haters trying to put down the project, about how there are people who don’t belong in this community just fuels the fans will to just trust him and not question anything bc criticism is just from malevolent haters. All this while not having a thank you, sorry, or any words really for the admins doesn’t sit right w me
« people affecting the project » bro that’s YOU
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taylor-on-your-dash · 2 months
I'm slowly (very slowly) transcribing Taylor's interviews for my Interviews Timeline, and I came across some interviews in foreign languages on TaylorPictures.net, like this one. This is an experiment, I randomly picked one and I "translated" them with Google Translate (I can translate Italian and German but I can't speak any more languages).
An interesting thing about this interview is Taylor saying that all of her relationship from the previous year had failed. It's crazy to think that All Too Well was in the making. Translation below the cut, and Happy belated Easter!
-The boys lie in rows at your feet. Has it always been that way?
Taylor Swift (21) is a tough chick who is not afraid to approach nice guys. After relationships with Taylor Lautner and Joe Jonas, she is now often spotted with Jake Gyllenhaal, but Taylor is saying nothing about it for the time being. She does talk a lot about one of her favorite topics: loooove!
-'Not actually, no. I really didn't have much success in love in the past. It was so bad that out of insecurity I paired the boys I liked with my girlfriends. I managed to arrange dates for everyone except myself. The advantage of this was that I became friends with all the boys at school, but on the other hand, that was of course not really fun. Sometimes I fell in love with a boy who mainly saw me as a BFF and then fell in love with someone else. Then I could cry..."
-You must have been very popular at school with all that matching work!
-'No. it was not! The girls at my school were a bit bitchy and they were very jealous because I was so good with the boys. They also bullied me because of my... glasses with thick lenses. I have pretty bad eyesight and was regularly called 'Jampot'. Actually, I didn't really fit in anywhere, because I was very different from all my classmates. I was pretty quiet in class and kept busy writing lyrics. I didn't really care what they thought of me. Somehow I was just sure that I would eventually go further than everyone else.
-Which type of guys do you actually like?
-'I don't have one specific type, but I mainly like guys who have a passion. I find someone who loves his job or is completely absorbed in a certain hobby very attractive. I used to think it was especially cool if a boy had a nice car, wore cool clothes and all that. looked good. Now none of that matters to me anymore. I am especially looking for a boy with a strong character, whom I can trust completely."
-But your famous ex-boyfriends aren't exactly ugly, right?
-'Um… that's true. But I find someone Not really ugly anyway. And of course it's no problem if my future boyfriend is the biggest hunk in town. I just want to point out that the appearance is not the first thing I fall for. On the other hand, Chace Crawford is a guy I won't say no to! In short, like everyone else, appearance is partly decisive for me, but in a bad way I lose character very quickly. And besides, in the end, handsome boys just become old grandpas with dentures."
-Are famous boys an advantage or a turn-off for you?
-That in itself doesn't really matter to me. It usually clicks more quickly with someone who is also in the world. For other boys, my fame is often clearly something puts them off a bit. It makes me very uncomfortable when they find out who I am and then start praising me. Boys who are also in the spotlight will understand that faster. I'd rather be treated like an ordinary girl than a superstar.
-What kind of guys can't stand you?
-'I am very sensitive and I talk a lot. What I really hate are guys who have nothing to say and just say "yes" or "hmm" to everything. Those closed types who don't talk about anything are of no use to you. And what I also find a turn-off are guys who drink a lot and want to go out every weekend. I'm a bit of a homebody and I like it if the other person can be the same every now and then.'
-Do you dare to tell your friends if you don't like their new lover?
-'Absolutely! Isn't that why you're friends? When you are in love, you often look through rose-colored glasses. Then some properties are not noticeable. My friends are everything to me. If done right, they will last longer than any crush."
-As a former queen of couples, do you have any good tips for seducing someone?
-'Just because I'm a good matchmaker doesn't mean I'll make anything of it, right? Last year all my relationships failed. When it comes to love, I have no idea how to go about it. That is different in every situation, so I would actually advise: just go with your feeling. Last time I jumped straight into the deep end. That was great and very exciting, but in the end it also hurt me a lot. The time before I worked carefully and exploratively and it didn't yield anything for me. That also hurts quite a lot, I can tell you.'
-What do you think is the best cure for a broken heart?
-'You just have to do a lot of things that make you very happy. I am also very optimistic. A sad day. being is fine, but inside I know that the sun will shine again. For the rest I write everything down. That's why so many of my songs are about broken loves.'
-Do you regret some things that have happened to you in the area of ​​love?
-'No, I wouldn't have missed all my adventures for anything. These were all important life lessons that I will benefit from in the future. So I don't regret anything.
Which love lesson has been the most important so far?
-"I've learned that nothing is set in stone. That's a terrible conclusion for someone like me, who likes to plan and organize. But love can't be forced. You can want it to last forever, but before you know it, it can It has to come from both sides and both parties have to be fully committed to it.'
-In other words: love is...
-'Like a dice. Love cannot be predicted. Sometimes you roll a six in one go, sometimes only after ten rolls!'
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thedreamwraptwriter · 2 years
The Cupcake (Tenth Doctor x Reader)
Prompt: Reader and the Doctor try to make an alien recipe. 
1,461 words
Warnings: none, just fluff
Tenth Doctor x Reader
Note: this is my first fanfiction in a long while so I am rusty! Please bear with me. I hope you enjoy this small snippet of Ten and the reader enjoying some very 'domestic' time in the Tardis
            “[Y/N] are you quite sure that it said to mix it counter clockwise four times and then clockwise sixty-eight times?”
            “Doctor would I steer you wrong?”
            There was a lengthy pause.
            You snorted. “Thanks Doctor – I’m happy to know you trust me enough on dangerous adventures but not in the kitchen.”
            The Doctor grinned at you, his face covered in flour and hair in disarray (well, more than it usually was). He was currently attempting to stir an incredibly thick batter that you two were in the midst of preparing. Cooking utensils, ingredients, and splatters of foodstuffs covered the Tardis’s kitchen. To be quite honest, it looked as though a small bomb had detonated.
            “Listen [Y/N], of course I trust you, I’m just not sure why we need to stir this batter sixty eight times,” he chortled. “I’ve been lots of places and in lots of times – never have I found a recipe with such a ridiculous piece of advice.”
            You tried to not roll your eyes as you scanned the alien cookbook again. Though the Tardis was able to translate the strange runes, you often wondered if she made a mistake here and then. As though hearing your thoughts, the Tardis rumbled grumpily.
            “Sorry, sorry,” you mutter, trying to find your spot on the page again. “Aha! Here it is Doctor.”
            Triumphantly, you hold up the book and show the Doctor the specific instruction where it stated to stir it clockwise sixty-eight times. The Doctor paused his stirring for a moment to squint at the page, one stray hair strand falling into his eyes that he absentmindedly brushed up, adding to the flour painting on his face. 
            “That is ridiculous.”
            “I didn’t write it!” 
            The Doctor huffed and he went back to stirring. “If these aren’t the most delicious cupcakes of all time, [Y/N], I will personally toss you out of the Tardis and into space.”
            You gasp in feigned indignation. “You would do that to little old me?!”
            The Doctor winked, a cheeky grin flashing across his face. “I’d do a lot for little old you.”
            The gentle flirt made your heart flutter for a moment, but you quickly got a hold of yourself. He was nothing more than your friend – right?
            Ignoring the burning on your cheeks, you hurriedly stuck your head back into the recipe book, hoping he didn’t notice the flush in your face.
            “Ah well, after my arms fall off from stirring, at least tell me what the next step is and I can probably do it with my feet,” the Doctor said, turning his attention back to the batter.
            “Keep your nasty feet away from our dish!”
            An hour and ten ingredients later, the Doctor and you stood side by side, staring into the bowl filled with what looked to be a vanilla batter with little sparks and stars emanating from it. Each star exploded into a rainbow as they rose from the thickened batter. It was quite beautiful though also … confusing?
            “Doctor, is this – right?” you asked slowly. “I’ve never seen this type of…” you motioned to the stars helplessly.
            Even the Doctor looked a bit confused, his nose scrunched and brow furrowed. He’d put his glasses on to better help him discern whatever it was you two had made. 
            “To be honest, I have no idea. Might as well bake it?” he said, gesturing to the waiting oven. 
            Carefully, you took turns pouring the batter into little cupcake tins and placed them into the oven. You wondered if the little stars would bake or if the cupcakes would come out with fireworks on top. How was one supposed to eat them if they were exploding?!
            “That was an adventure,” the Doctor sighed, leaning on the kitchen table. “I think I’m more exhausted after that than when we ran from those yellow alien creatures.”
            “Doctor those creatures were trying to kill us,” you exclaimed.
            “Still easier to run from that than make these wild cupcakes!”
            You laughed, gently punching the Doctor in the arm affectionately. “You’re too much, you know that?”
            “And yet here you are still.”
            “I’m trapped in time and space!”
            “But you’re with me!”
            “…I suppose that is a bonus.”
            Again, your cheeks burned and you had to turn away, busying yourself with cleaning up the kitchen. You heard the Doctor chuckle again behind you, and his warm presence joined your side as you both worked on getting the cooking area back to working order.
            About thirty minutes later, the kitchen was sparkling and the alien cupcakes sat cooling on a wire rack. Once again, you found yourself staring at these odd confections.
            “Hm,” said the Doctor, hand on his chin. “They look lovely, though I’m not sure I want to eat them now.”
            You grimaced. “Agreed.”
            The baking had turned your little vanilla cupcakes with stars into literal black holes. Each cupcake was a swirling mass of tiny stars being pulled into a tornado-like hole. Either the recipe was very messed up or you’d just ripped a hole in space.
            “Show me this cookbook again?” said the Doctor. 
            Nodding slowly, you handed him the book. You kept staring at the strange creations in front of you, not sure if they would grow larger and encompass the Tardis or if they’d stay small and just be …decorations? The last thing you wanted was to eat one and lose your insides to a miniature black hole.
            The Doctor’s voice made you snap out of your reverie. 
            “What? What’s wrong?” you gasped, turning towards him.
            The Doctor was staring at the first page of the cookbook, one hand in his hair, the other holding the book up in horror. “This isn’t a recipe book! It’s an alchemy book! We’ve made magical little rips in space!” 
            You blinked once. Twice. Three times. Alchemy book? Didn’t the alien who sold it to you say it was a recipe book?!
            “I – well what does that mean?” you exclaimed, now side-eying the ‘cupcakes’ with renewed suspicion. 
            “It means,” began the Doctor, snapping the book shut with one hand. “That the entire universe as we know it is going to collapse in about…two minutes?”
            The blood drained from your face. The universe? Collapsing? All because of some stupid cupcakes?! 
            The Doctor noticed the horror on your face and gently put a hand on your shoulder. His face was grim, his brown eyes furrowed. “I’m sorry, [Y/N], but this is the end…”
            You felt tears welling up in your eyes. This was it? All your adventures with the Doctor over because you couldn’t tell the difference between an alchemy book and a recipe book? All your friends and family on Earth about to pay the price because of your own stupidity? How could this have happened. You wished you could take it all back.
            “Doctor I have so many things I want to tell you. I’m so so-“
            Then you noticed the Doctor begin to grin. His lip was twitching, his eyes were twinkling..and you saw red.
            “DOCTOR THAT ISN’T FUNNY!”
            The Doctor burst out laughing, snorting even, as he doubled over and slapped his knees. 
            “Y-You should have seen the look on your face!” the Doctor howled, pointing at you with tears streaming down his face. “I’m sorry [Y/N] but it was the perfect opportunity!” 
            You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The relief of knowing you weren’t going to be the reason the universe split in two was lovely, but your ‘friend’ was about to be thrown head first out of the Tardis.
            “Doctor! If it is a recipe book, then at least tell me what these are?!” you screeched, gesturing violently to the still swirling cupcakes on the table.
            The Doctor straightened up, still wiping tears from his eyes. His brilliant smile was enough to melt your heart, and you couldn’t stay mad at him for long.
            “Th-they are actually alchemic items,” he gasped, shoulders still spasming from his raucous laughter. “I think something was lost in translation when you picked up the book. Thankfully, these are harmless. Basically, science experiments for children.”
            While the explanation was heartening, you suddenly felt extremely defeated. An entire afternoon of hard work with no cupcakes to show for it? And just a dozen science experiments that young aliens would perform at school.
            “What’s wrong, [Y/N]? Disappointed with our successful experiment?” the Doctor asked, noticing your slouched shoulders.
            “I really wanted a cupcake.”
            The Doctor chuckled, gently grabbing you by the shoulders and planting a kiss on your forehead. “Good thing for you, I’m a Time Lord. What era of cupcake do you want?”
            “Any – just get me away from this disaster.”
            The Doctor smiled and guided you back to the main control area of the Tardis. “Anything for you, sweetheart.”
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astolary · 2 years
Hellooo! I dont send many requests so sorry if im a bit off!
So could i request for Reyna, Yoru and Sova with a s/o that calls them cute nicknames in tagalog? :))
Feel free to ignore this if ya dont wanna write it tho!
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( Synopsis ) A name I'll give only to you.
( Author’s Note ) How could I not write this?! Thank you for the request ^^ Filipino pride even though the Philippines suck from time to time :'>
( Pairings ) Separate! Reyna, Sova, and Yoru x GN! Filipino Reader
( Content Warnings ) Cursing. Use of pet names. Writing this at 2 am so pointing out grammar mistakes is greatly appreciated 💕
( Word Count ) 1.0k words // EDITED! 
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[ star chosen: ali (akin lang ikaw), mahal ko (my love) ] 
At first, REYNA would believe you were talking to someone else. Yun pala kanina mo pa tinatawagan siya wala ka ng boses :')
— You were calling her since a while ago so now your voice is gone.
Oh. You were calling me. Kind of moment.
You would explain to her what they would mean, Mahal ko meaning my love or expensive depending on how it was used in the sentence. She likes the nickname meaning both because she really is expensive, I mean look at her.
Absolutely prideful when you call her that, "That's right everybody they're my significant other and you don't have a chance with us anymore."
During softer moments when you lay on her lap, it reminds Reyna of when her younger sister used to lay on her lap as well.
"Ali? Luh bakit parang masama pakiramdam mo."
"English please dear."
"Ali, why do you look so down?"
I am yours as you are mine. A deeper translation of how it is, and I love the concept of intertwined lovers for the rest of their lives.
Reyna is never one for vulnerability. But she melts a wee bit inside when you call her that. Just a wee bit. Then her ego becomes bigger.
Reyna sighed in contentment— a feeling she hasn't felt in so long. The kind that never faded away and always resurfaced back to the shores on her heart.
You laid peacefully on her lap, Reyna's manicured nails softly massaging your head.
"Mahal kita." She softly whispered.
She'll make sure she won't make the same mistake again.
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[ star chosen: tangi (someone you cherish), adi (blessing) ]
Do you guys ever get that moment where you glance beside that person beside you then the whole world fades? Not to the point somebody will bump into you of course. Or not to the point you'll die in an earthquake because you were busy staring at them, gosh no. An unconscious smile would make its way to your face and your heart would fly around with Cupid wings a tad faster. SOVA made you feel that way.
Sova was a man, and that man was your whole world. Your whole world revolved around him and all the beautiful things he loved.
"Adi, need water?" You once spoke to him, pressing a water bottle to the side of his face while you were both bird-watching.
"Adi?" He repeated the word as it rolled from his tongue, "And that means?"
No, you were the blessing in Sova's life. He has never believed he could put so much trust in a single person in his lifetime.
Invite me to your wedding please the two of you are the sweetest couple that makes me run and squeal and run around SM with my tsinelas kahit daming tao diyan sa loob. Tatakbo din ako sa labas pero potek traffic pala. Did I say run?
— I'll run around SM in my slippers even if there are a lot of people inside. I'll run outside also but fuck there's traffic.
Sova has his fair share of knowledge regarding language. He thought you were calling him tanga (dumb) when you were saying tangi 💀
"Sova, that means you're someone that I cherish— how did you make the meaning of the name so cruel in a few seconds."
"I am so sorry—"
Please continue calling him tangi he didn't mean to offend you in any way please don't not call him that anymore—
Every time you spoke to him, he felt like he was hearing the honey from the bees of the beehive; the morning dew from the aftermath of a raging storm.
His heart would only swell with pride and love and his mood would be lifted brighter and brighter.
"Sova, tangi, let's go buy some groceries. I think our rice won't last for long."
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[ star chosen: my angel angel baby angel, bebe quoh, jo (dear/darling) ]
YORU wanted a cool nickname.
You had a few nicknames. But you wanted it cute so that you can embarrass him in front of his friends.
"What about, Milo? Ooooo or lalove?" Diyan lang si Yoru sa upuan niya naka headphones nag se cellphone di manlamang sumagot sayo amp—
— Yoru was just on his chair wearing headphones, using his cellphone, not even bothering to answer you***
"My angel angel baby angel! Bahala na! (Who cares!) "
Neon's laughter intensifies in the distance. "CRINGE AHAHAHHAHA—"
That's when Yoru's headphones fall off.
Yoru would entirely hate that nickname, it wasn't even Tagalog!
Yoru shouldn't blame you blame Coco Martin there were so many dramas that had you banging your fist in the pillow when something cliché happened pero wala ka pang jowa noon so where was your right for screaming to the heavens and ABS-CBN.
— You had no s/o before :')
"Hoy, at least I'm not calling you bobo." (Stupid)
"Just shut up."
You saved him as "Bebe Quoh 😻" in your contacts.
Honestly, you thought you could get away with it but he saw his name while he was opening your phone to order food.
"What the fuck (Name)?"
"I labyu <3"
Okok I'm serious now. Ish.
Your relationship with Yoru can't be the luxury 5-star hotel dates and bouquet of roses type of relationship. More like the arcade dates and a new pair of earphones type of relationship because people who buy AirPods can't afford the wires.
"Then I'll call you Jo na lang! It can mean dear or darling!"
Yoru softened his usually sharp eyes a tad bit, watching how you animatedly spoke while typing aggressively in Google. (You were trying to prove a point that it wasn't a nickname you were going to use to tease him.)
Yoru never believed in luck. But he thought he was a lucky man to be able to be with you. Not that he'll ever admit it.
"Sure. Why the hell not."
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astolary 2022 — do not edit, repost, or translate.
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louscartridge · 2 years
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i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform without credit.
 requested by- @sublimecatgalaxy​
cw- not rly proof read, barely mentions of fighting (demo dog), enimies to lovers, uhhhhh i dont think anything else tbh. 
summary - robin is unsure if her enemy likes her back or not untill she makes a bold move.
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“did you see her hair when the hair tie fell out?!” robin continued to daze to steve doing her eyeliner in the passenger seat of steves car.
she cut his speaking off and put her hand down from her face for a minute to look at steve. “now yes steve i now it wasent exactly the best time to find something attractive but..that was attractive!” she looked at him with a “duh!” face almost saying ‘i mean you like girls! you gotta admit, that was hot!’ without actually saying that. 
what robin was currently talking ab was when you were fighting a demo dog, swinging around so much your hair tie fell out of your hair, letting strands stick to the sweat on your face and some still loose from behind you. so yeah. not really the best moment to be crushing but oh well what can you do right? 
“i think i should ask her out.” robin bluntly started.
“are you sure you want to do that?” steve asked hoping robin would think about this but instead she immediately replied with a strong ‘yes’
“ok but listen i can think of atleast two reasons why you shouldnt do that!”
“oh reaally mr. lady puller? you want her that bad?” robin teased seriously and rolled her eyes.
once steve pulls into a spot in the school parking lot he turns in his seat to look at his (quite frankly only) friend and smacks her hand causing her to drop her eyeliner. 
“hey!” robin went to unnecessarily banter.
 “no robin ok listen! for one we dont even know if she likes woman and two she hates you!” steve yells mater of a factly. 
“yeah well one can be solved by me asking her out doofus. and two shell know i dont hate her once i ask her out. so really! asking her out will clear everything up!” robin states mater of a factly. 
not wanting to be late to class for once steve gives up.
                                                time skip bc i suck 
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“hi” robin cheekishly said to you.
“hi?” you said back in a undertone.
“uh- are- are you hurt to bad from yesterday?”
“no. not really... it just kinda sucks that i have to like- hide from everyone you know?”
“oh trust me i know.” as robin was talking she saw you open a mini cupcake.
“oh my god! y/n!” she randomly shouted.
“oh my god! robin!” you copy sarcastically. 
“i just saw you open the cupcake, duh, im right here of course im gonna see you open it but it reminded me that i made a cake yesterday its like red velvet with chocolate icing that i might add also made myself it took me so long and i was scared like so scared that i was goint to like explode something but guess what? i didnt!”
as she kept rambling you slowly smiled remembered something steve told you. 
“when robin likes someone she can not stop talking. like she starts talking non stop and really fast.”
“robin.” you cut her off
“yes?” she quickly replied.
“do you like me?” 
“yes. no! maybe? i dont now how do you feel about me?”
“how i feel about you is if you were to say you like me.. i wouldnt say i didnt like you too.”
“well then yeah. i do like you. y/n”
“i like you too robin.”
“i like your smile.”
one thing being said right after the other untill robin started ramling again. but this time you decided to cut her off. 
“will you be my girl friend?”
robin just stared at you in shock making random hand movements sometimes making some stuttering noises.
“robin?” you say in a sing songingly voice.
“uh- yes? yes! i will be your girlfriend!”
the moment was cut when steve came up behind robin.
“aha! yes! she likes you! thank you for not listening to me!”
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I had a dream where Vox kidnapped Alastor, and alastor got Stockholm Syndrome or smth, Anyway Can you do Trans Alastor Headcanons?
You have chaotic energy, I respect that
I'm going to preface this with a couple details. First, I have a headcanon that when trans people fall into hell, their new body is going to reflect who they actually are (so ex. a trans man would now have a masc body, trans women would have a fem body, etc). Because yeah it's hell but I refuse to believe the universe is that level of cruel
Having said that, I know that's probably not what you were asking so I'm going to talk about about his human life and then also if my hc wasn't right and he was still having to deal with that in hell. Also I'm transmasc too if that matters
Alastor growing up did not know the "proper" words for any of this. I'm not going to talk a lot about this specifically bc I'm still learning it's history but Voodoo as a religion is generally very accepting of diverse sexuality and gender. He was a child that grow up in relative isolation, apart from his immediate family and the few kids his age he talked to, so when as a young kid he refused to wear certain outfits or sliced his own hair off with a pair of kitchen scissors, nothing rang any bells in his mind about being different. As he got older and more physical changes happened, that was the cue. It was something he confided in his mother and, though she didn't necessarily understand, she would hug him and quietly tell him that she was proud to have him as her son. Neither of them had to say out loud that telling Alastor's father would only end badly, so he put up with it in silence when his father grew stricter with making sure their family was presentable and they didn't have a kid who look like a freak. Until his father ran into an "accident", of course.
If Alastor was still in a feminine body when he fell into hell, after spending years of his mortal life fixing that, it would've been uttery misery for him that translated into brutal anger. Alastor's microphone has the ability to edit his voice so that would be the first thing he figured out how to do. He never liked being touched much to begin with, but that was even more emphasized now and the only people allowed to even put a hand on him were those he'd trust with his life (or in the case of Mimzy, someone who knew already). If you've seen Alastor's weird undercut, it's because he did it himself and was unaware that bodies in hell don't change over time and the hair wasn't going to grow back.
I have no idea if that satisfied what you were asking but I tend to ramble oops
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hyenahunt · 4 months
Rouge & Ruby: February's Situation - 6
Writer: Umeda Chitose
Season: Winter
Characters: Hiyori, Nagisa, Ibara, Jun
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Mirei (Adam) & hyenahunt (Eve)
Ibara: I'm unfamiliar with this so-called "love-filled" and "tender" Valentine's you speak of.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Hiyori: (....Wow. Who'd have thought Jun-kun would actually speak up and object like that?)
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Nagisa: (…It's quite the rare twist, isn't it? ...No, this might be the first time ever.)
Hiyori: (I'll watch how things unfold. I'm curious to see how Ibara will react...)
Ibara: … About that, as I have already explained, I cannot ignore, much less disregard, their wishes.
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Jun: I get that. I mean, if you seemed fine with it, I wouldn't be saying anything.
I'm not the sharpest guy here, but I'm pretty sure I understood the situation as you explained.
But even though you're supposed to be in with those jerks, you're here complaining all about it, aren'tcha?
And you were so fired up for Chocolat Fes, too...
If you extend your plans to involve COMP all for the sake of sucking up to the higher-ups and their greed, then that shit'll blow up in your face if it goes wrong, not theirs.
Ibara: … This is simply part of my duty as vice president.
Jun: Like Ohii-san said, we've already finished our job for COMP by shooting that promotional video.
I may not know much 'bout project planning and scheduling... but I mean, I'm sure there'll be other chances to use up the remaining budget.
Wouldn't it be nice to just sincerely convey our love to all our fans, at least for Valentine's Day?
Ibara, you put so much thought and effort into Chocolat Fes, and we'd give it our all for that.
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Jun: If we do that, then Eden's performance is gonna be something great. In fact, it'll be straight-up incredible.
And if we manage an incredible performance, then it'll naturally have a positive impact on things, I think...
And so, um...
Ibara: …
Jun: When you first started planning for Chocolat Fes, you didn't take COMP's extra budget into account, right?
And now they wanna use that budget to make a good impression of CosPro-affiliated schools, and on top of that, they put you in charge of the plan for it, too.
Honestly, don'tcha think that's kinda screwed up?
Ibara: … Watch your words. It will do you no good to make blatant remarks against the executives.
Jun: I already checked to make sure no one's around.
But I mean, a plan that ends up happening 'cause of cash alone... Well, the one making that plan happen will be you, but...
I dunno, it seems kinda like a selfish cash-grab on their part to me...
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Jun & Ibara: ….
Nagisa: (… Jun seems like he has a lot to say. He's really trying his best to articulate himself.)
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Hiyori: (But he's tripping up because he's trying to talk before gathering his thoughts.)
(Plus, he's trying to be nice and not talk poorly of Ibara's choices... it's tantalizing to watch...)
(...That's getting across to Ibara too, I'm sure. His replies are much more hesitant compared to his usual tone.)
Jun: ...I understand that there's a lot of conditions and compromises I don't know about.
But I know about what you've told us, Ibara. Some of it's got a competitive aspect to it as always, but I trust in your way of doing things when it comes to that, so I think it's fine and all...
So I don't wanna have anything related to COMP throwing a wrench in that, at least this time 'round.
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Jun: What I'm saying is — if it's gonna stress you out so much to try to shove it in, let's just win this thing with your own plan and our own abilities.
And I mean... I feel like Valentine's Day is usually a tender event, meant to be filled with love.
So y'know, there's no place for any kinda scheming in that. That's what I think, anyway.
Ibara: Overflowing with love…?
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Ibara: (Valentine's, to me, is a war of business—a competition. It's the time for the sweets companies to fight each other — It is a brutal conflict in which manufacturers vie for domination.)
(I fail to see the connection to this event described as "tender and filled with love".)
(Perhaps I've had more chances to speak of fondness and friendship lately, but those emotions remain incomprehensible to me. And for you... to say that to me…)
… How annoying.
Jun: Huh? What'd you say?
Ibara: I'm unfamiliar with this so-called "love-filled" and "tender" Valentine's you speak of.
Rather than wasting time trying to understand, it's much faster and easier to use the money wisely to impress those executives and ES.
Jun: But I'm saying—
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Ibara: .. However, your opinion has been heard. We can hardly call this plan complete if it cannot even convince you, Jun.
It won't do any good to either of us if we continue the debate now — please give me some time.
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Ibara: I'll contact you later... Excuse me.
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roydeezed · 1 year
One Piece-Chapter Round-Up(Chapter 1085)
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Holy hell, my heart was in my throat the entirety of that chapter. There was such a sinister atmosphere engulfing the first part of this chapter. It really felt like stumbling upon something we shouldn’t have and the fact that we were so close to learning the truth was exhilarating. I don’t want to get into spoilers so I’ll put my more in-depth discussion below the cut. For now check out Franky and the cute turtles! It feels like forever since Franky’s been on one of these cover stories. To be honest I can’t remember the last one with him or Brook. But Franky’s defeated a crab trying to eat the baby turtles and is shepherding them to the sea. I swear that years after it ends people are going to find connections between these Cover Pages and details we haven’t found out. I say that because these baby turtles having to fend for themselves reminds me of how Franky had to fend for himself after being abandoned by his parents. I’m a freak about One Piece so I could go on about how I love Franky’s emotionality and how this reminds me of Tom taking care of a young Cutty Flam but let’s get to what we really should be talking about below the cut!
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To save some time and space let’s just say I was very generous with the use of expletives during this entire first part because it was that harrowing. Right away we start off with Imu referring to themselves in the third person while talking in an older style of speech. They talk about how the D clan were their ancient enemy. Coba also says how Imu was the name of one of the 20 Kings. If Imu isn’t Lili, which I still consider a slight possibility, then the fact that Imu cursed her mistakes gives way to a pretty clear narrative. Imu was the one that killed Lili for her mistakes. And if I’m trusting the clues through the dialogue and trusting that cultural differences and translation haven’t obscure anything, then Imu is a child who was given Ope Ope No Mi surgery and has been alive since the Void Century. Imu being alive since the Void Century comes from their formal olden day speech and being young comes from the fact that they refer to themselves in the third person and that it would be along the lines of Oda’s comedy and the parallels we’ve seen so far. Though it could be that Imu thinks of themselves so highly that they refer to themselves in the third person, I’m sticking to Imu being a kid cause it’s hilarious. And finally Imu being given the surgery also suggests one more part of the narrative. That combined with the fact that Imu doesn’t directly condemn Lili, instead wondering at her motives, makes me believe that Lili was the one that sacrificed herself to give Imu eternal life in a show of fealty. At least that’s how I see it playing out. And I can definitely be wrong as last chapter I was speculating that Lili was actually Imu. 
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As we see after Imu asks Cobra the question, Cobra admits that he knew he was probably going to die, as he was only holding on to a small sense of hope that was not gonna be the case.  It also seems like Lili was a secret co-conspirator to the D clan as Imu uses this moment to confirm that she indeed was a D. Now getting to the D’s. This gives us a lot of vital clues. But I think the most hope-affirming one is this: It’s not an inherited Name. Bear with me here. What does that mean? I think that the D is a chosen name. And the evidence in this chapter towards it is that there was a seemingly cute but mostly irrelevant flashback to Ace giving Sabo a D in his name. Sure, it was to show that he connected the dots but I think it’s for a deeper purpose. And the other piece of evidence backs that up. And that is that Imu didn’t know that Lili had a D in her name! Despite seeming to be comrades in arms! And the fact that Blackbeard was called a false D. And the stated fact that the D refers to the enemies of the Celestial Dragons. Do you understand? The D isn’t a family name. It’s a name that you take on when you oppose the Celestial Dragons. It’s been there all along! I literally stumbled across this while writing but I believe this wholeheartedly.
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And speaking of the D itself. I’ve always been of the mind that it’s been meaning Dawn. Cause think about this. Raftel was actually Laughtale. That clears up any illusion that the D must stand a Japanese word. And then the DON sound effect from the drums of Liberation. Just as how “Laugh” was obscured by being “Raf”, so too, at least in my opinion, is the “Dawn” obscured by “DON”. And obviously Romance Dawn being the title of the first volume and chapter is a huge clue. Alongside that is the idea of passing dreams down being similar to waiting for the dawn to rise. It fits the theme. And not only that. But the sun and moon imagery. The moon, being the lunarians and the kozuki and the minks and many others, who watch over the world and wait as the sun-coded warriors of D, such as the Sun God Nika in Luffy, bring about the dawn. I had previously thought the Dragons and the Gorosei and Imu represented the Moon and the people descended from there, but seeing the hellish and demonic imagery of this chapter makes me believe they represent the darkness and Hell itself. And seeing as we haven’t yet ventured back into a Impel Down like arc, I can see an arc in the future where it utilizes that. 
A few asides before we move on. First of all, the way the Gorosei literally looked like giant demons with their barbed tails, Oni and Akuma like silhouettes makes me think the naming of the Devil Fruits is a misdirect. The dragons have already manipulated history to obscure the true name of the Gomu Gomu No Mi so why couldn’t they do something similar for Devil Fruits? Maybe these powers come from the sacred treasure of Marejois. Some sort of parallel to the apples in the Garden of Eden? Another thing is that thinking of the Lunarians also brought up some ideas. While they are Moon-Coded, their name literally derives from Luna, they also wield the fire of the suns. I wonder if they were the mech pilots of the giant robots that were on Egghead as they required a lot of energy. Or if they were used as energy sources like some Omelas type thing. It would certainly fit with what I think happened to Kuma and his people.
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Anyways, I know it seems like this giant figure in the back crawling down the throne in the panel above is Imu but it’s actually one of the Gorosei. As you can see there are two silhouettes on either side, and when the five are shown again, the giant figure become the second one from the left in the panel below. Also we can see the snail capture the photograph that we eventually see in the newspaper.
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I wonder if they have something to do with the Giant Shadows at the end of Thriller Bark. Finally, let’s move on to the end. Wapol finds out the truth and saves Vivi, who was captured by CP0. It seems they were carrying out Imu’s orders, who was not only motivated by whatever they saw in the frozen chambers but also their personal goals. 
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That brings us to the end. Please let me know what you think of my theory that the D is a taken name because right now, that’s the only thing on my mind. Another thing I want to mention is that it reinforces the idea of inherited will and dreams. And spits in the face of fate and dynasties. Because Luffy chose the will of the D by following Shanks, not because he was Dragons son or Garps Grandson, those two oppose the Dragons their own way. It would also make sense why the Gum Gum Fruit chose him. He chose to oppose the order of the world by being kind. I’m still reeling from this chapter so I’ll end it here but I might reblog in the future if I have anything to add.
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wwilsonbarness · 1 year
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pairings: bucky barnes x sam wilson 
summary: Sam takes Bucky out flying.
warnings: none, pure fluff
word count: 802
a/n: i couldn’t stop picturing this happening so I just had to write it  
Also i'm aware this is probably so inaccurate as to how to ‘fly safely’ LOL but let's just move past that
Feedback, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) 
I do not give permission for my work to be copied, reposted or translated on any other platform.
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“Sam are you sure this is a good idea” Bucky was looking out the windows of the jet, this was a lot higher than he thought it was going to be. He could feel his heart rate rising the higher they got.
“Bucky this was your idea” Bucky stares at him, Sam was right. 
“I didn’t think we were going to be this high up” Sam started laughing at him.
“Believe it or not, the higher we start the safer it will be” Bucky continues to stare at Sam, clearly not pleased with what he is hearing. “Hey” Sam softens his tone and kneels in front of Bucky, “you trust me right?” 
“I do Sammy” Bucky looks out the window again before continuing, “it’s just reallllly high” 
“I promise you will be fine, but if you really don’t want to, I’ll ask them to take us back down in the jet” 
“No! I will do it” he may have been scared of heights but he was more scared of people thinking he was weak. “Just give me a minute” 
Sam couldn’t help but snicker at his boyfriend, “okay, we still have a couple minutes before we have to jump anyway” Bucky just nodded, Sam could tell he was internally freaking out but was trying to make himself look calm. 
“You ready?” 
“No. but let’s do it anyway, before I change my mind” 
“Okay, come here” Sam ties a harness around Bucky and explains what he has to do. “When we jump, keep holding on to these straps, I’ll tell you when to let go. When I tell you, open your arms out as wide as you can. I’ll do the rest, okay?” 
“Okay, you better not kill us” 
“Bucky I am very good at what I do, you have nothing to worry about” 
“Sam look how high we are, there are a million things to worry about” Sam reaches his head round Bucky’s shoulder and gently places a kiss on his cheek. “I promise, I’ll keep you safe” 
Bucky cracks a smile for the first time since they step foot on the jet but it doesn’t last long, “3, 2, 1, JUMP” 
“OH MY GOD Sam I wasn’t ready!!!” Bucky yelled just loud enough Sam could hear him over the wind. He goes over what Sam told him before they jumped, keep holding onto the straps he thought to himself, don’t let go. But before he could even get used to holding onto the straps Sam shouts right into his ear. 
“Put your arms out now Buck!!” 
“What?!” This was all happening so fast, but he surprisingly liked the adrenaline rush he was feeling. After he took a few seconds to process what was happening he opens his arms out. It’s only now that he actually takes in what is around him, the view was amazing, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t done this before -not that he would ever do it again, he’d rather stick to the safety of the jet.
He would probably never tell Sam how much he was enjoying it, but he had to admit to himself how good it felt, kind of like he was free from everything in that few minutes. Sam could see the slight smile forming on Bucky’s face and couldn’t help but smile with him. 
“We’re nearly down Buck, bring your arms in a bit” There was much less wind now they were lower down so Bucky actually clearly hear what Sam had said and brought his arms in slightly. 
Within 30 seconds they were on the ground, and as always Sam had a gracious landing, even with Bucky stumbling to find balance again.
“So, we going back up Buck?” 
“Nope, never again am I doing that” Sam laughs and pulls Bucky in for a hug. 
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad”
“Sam, that was so high” 
“Bucky, you're a super soldier but you're afraid of heights” Sam joked.
“You keep talking, but next time there’s a spider don’t scream for me to help you” 
“Hey!! Spiders are a big deal!” 
“You’re Captain America and your afraid of spiders, harmless little things” 
“They are far from harmless” Sam replies in the most serious tone Bucky has ever heard him speak in which made Bucky laugh, it reminded him of the last time there was a spider and Bucky came home to find Sam crawled up into a ball on the kitchen counter freaking out.
“I can’t believe I just did that” 
“You did good babe, I’m proud of you” Before Bucky could respond Sam continues, “Even if you did scream like a little girl” Bucky pulls away dramatically. 
“There’s a spider on your shoulder” Sam freaks out, flailing his arms around and screaming. Bucky walks away laughing.
“Now who’s screaming like a little girl” 
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lisutarid-a · 12 days
[Gakuen K] Munakata Reisi Route Translation
In good terms?
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: Excuse me. Huh, only Fushimi-kun is here so far?
Fushimi: As you see.
Saya: …That's right.
Fushimi: Tsk…
Saya: …
Saya: (This is awkward…)
Saya: (Come to think of it, Fushimi-kun and I are classmates, but we've never talked properly)
Saya: (Since we're both here, maybe I should talk to Fushimi-kun more)
Saya: That puzzle we did the other day was a tough one.
Saya: I didn't expect a puzzle with that many pieces but no pattern.
Saya: I wonder where they sell such kind of stuff.
Fushimi: …I don't even want to remember.
Saya: S-Sorry.
Fushimi: It's nothing. You were here till the end, weren't you? I don't know how you manage to stand it.
Saya: Yeah, I got kind of carried away. Fushimi-kun was gone before I knew it.
Fushimi: I've been called by the Discipline Committee. Didn't you hear?
Saya: U-Uhm. I realized that everyone had left after I was done…
Fushimi: How focused you were on a jigsaw puzzle…?
Munakata: Fushimi-kun, are you there?
Fushimi: Yeah.
Munakata: Can I have the documents I asked for?
Fushimi: Here.
Munakata: Thank you. You work fast.
Fushimi: Thanks.
Munakata: And it looks like you put your hand on everything, Fushimi-kun is very attentive and helpful.
Munakata: Oya, there are sticky notes on the documents…
Fushimi: There were a lot of typos, so I checked them along the way.
Munakata: I beg your pardon for that. I should scold Domyoji-kun.
Fushimi: I'm sure you noticed but handed them (documents) to me anyway.
Munakata: No, no, that's not true. Thank you for making me aware of it, Fushimi-kun.
Fushimi: Pf…
Munakata: I missed them too, so I'll pay attention to them in the future.
Fushimi: …You would never have missed this bunch of mistakes.
Saya: (It is true that Munakata-senpai doesn't seem like the type of person who would miss a simple mistake…)
Fushimi: And not only today, but lately there have been a lot of stupid mistakes, please fix this too.
Munakata: …Fushimi-kun.
Fushimi: What is it?
Munakata: I didn't realize that you think so much about the club…I am touched.
Fushimi: Ha?
Munakata: I am very proud to have you as a member of our club.
Fushimi: …sigh
Munakata: Thank you for always covering my imperfections.
Saya: (Senpai definitely knows what he's talking about…)
Saya: (Munakata-senpai trusts Fushimi-kun, Fushimi-kun also follows Munakata-senpai's instructions, no matter what)
Saya: (Maybe they are closer than I thought?)
Saya: Fufu.
Fushimi: …What are you laughing at?
Saya: Ah, sorry. I thought you're in good terms.
Fushimi: Ha? Who? With whom?
Saya: Fushimi-kun and Munakata-senpai.
Saya: I enjoy watching your conversation.
Munakata: Oya, it seems we've been entertaining you for some time now.
Fushimi: Tsk…And whose fault is it?
Munakata: Isn't it Fushimi-kun's fault?
Fushimi: No, no matter how you look at it, it's President's fault.
Munakata: Hm. Well, then, to meet her expectations, we'll play this game together…
Fushimi: No, I don't want to. That's what President had planned, right?
Munakata: No, it's just to entertain Konohana-kun.
Fushimi: Then why you started it in the first place?
Fushimi: I mean, if you came here to get the documents, don't you have to go back?
Munakata: …You're so heartless, Fushimi-kun.
Saya: (I thought Munakata-senpai and Fushimi-kun were a little unapproachable at first, but maybe they're not)
Saya: (Since we are in the same Blue club, I hope we can get to know each other better)
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thebroccolination · 2 years
Is Hemp Rope Novel a Long Book or a Short Story?
So, Hemp Rope is going to be a completed novel as far as I’m aware. Sheep once shared that her publisher had found English translators for both Red Thread and Hemp Rope (once it’s finished), so I expect them one day!
Also I apologize because I’m about to go into a very long tangent about the writing process and the whole lead-up to Between Us in general. I just got very emotional and had to make a lot of words about it.
Okay so right now, Hemp Rope is up to chapter 13 or so? (I just tried to check but I can’t remember where I put the links to the Thai sites where Sheep uploads her work.) But it’s still far from finished. We’ll probably get through most of Hemp Rope’s material by episode 7.
Which is, in fact, what New recently said!
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Hemp Rope is incomplete, which is part of why it took so long to finish the script for Between Us. (In addition to Sheep’s personal, ongoing struggle with mental and physical health and an incredibly harmful day job situation that she luckily got out of earlier this year.) Sheep had to not only adapt what she’d originally written as a novel for the screen, she also had to finish the story, rework the old parts of the novel that she’d written sporadically over five years from 2017-2021, make sure she was honoring the queer community with her portrayals of certain events and incidents within the story, try to create the best possible launch for BounPrem’s career as lead actors, and so much more. She made a thread to that effect in 2021 sharing how terrifying the whole process felt to her because more than anything she wanted to do well by BounPrem and New and the entire queer community with this script that people were screaming at her to finish faster so they could have their TV show. During a pandemic.
(I get very protective of her. She went through so much and I think Thai fandom is extremely supportive, but I saw a lot of pressure and insults from interfans who kept making jokes in various languages about how long it was taking and how funny it was. There were other factors that delayed BU, but none of them are especially funny, least of all what happened with Sheep. She deactivated her Twitter account once last autumn and has never really come back and interacted with fans the way she used to since.)
It touched my heart when New publicly announced last summer that he was giving her the time to rest and heal. He didn’t ask for a deadline or pressure her. He suffers from depression himself, and he was incredibly supportive and encouraging and gentle with the nightmare she was in. Even as he was trying to hold together a production studio and agency that was struggling during a pandemic able to film zero series under an abusive military government that’s hostile at best to the queer community of which he’s a member.
Like, I think these two are a powerful partnership because they understand and trust each other. When Sheep kept winning awards in 2021, she got so embarrassed about going back up onstage over and over that she asked New to come up with her so she wouldn’t be alone. She’s lovely. :’(
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So yes! Hemp Rope is a novel.
And I’m so glad it’s finally being made into the series it deserves to be.
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