#but yesterday it was all rainy and stormy and I had two new books and it was the best day possible to have a slimey cough (:
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flowesona · 4 years
The Midnight Channel [1/2]
Yandere ??? x reader
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Inspired by Persona 4 (2008)
“Have you heard about the midnight channel?” (Y/N) dragged her attention away from the rain drumming on the window of her classroom to see her friend leaning over to talk to her. 
“If you look at the TV at midnight on a rainy night, you’ll see your soulmate.” Jungkook rested his chin on his hand as he spoke wistfully.
“Come on. Don’t tell me you believe in that nonsense? Sounds like someone made it up when they were bored.” (Y/N) snorted, but ceased her laughter when he didn’t seem to waver. 
“You’re kidding me?” Now, their friend Taehyung, who’s been quietly eating his lunch and enjoying their company joined the conversation to take (Y/N)’s side.
It was ridiculous to say the least. Jungkook was a reasonably intelligent guy. There was no way he could think all that soulmate hokey-pokey was legitimate, right? 
“Well, I know a friend who tried it, and he said it worked. We should try it tonight!”
“Yeah, right.” Taehyung raised an eyebrow, his lunch now forgotten as he dragged his chair closer to (Y/N)’s to help defend her side of the argument.
“Who do you think you’ll see?” (Y/N) humoured, only for Jungkook to shake his head somberly.
“Not saying. But we have to try it, I trust Namjoon to tell the truth-”
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Her friend was cut off by a sudden voice. A young man was standing next to her desk, rocking on his heels. Lunch was coming to a close and people were starting to reenter the classroom and take their seats, yet this pupil was drawn to stand by her desk instead.
“Hey…” She felt guilty for not remembering his name, letting her voice trail away.
“I heard that you’re single. And I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?” The boy had such a giddy smile on his face it unsettled her to no end. 
“I’m sorry, but I don’t know you well enough.” (Y/N) tried to reject him as politely as she could, but he seemed adamant. 
“Just give me a chance? Please? I know I’m not the best looking guy around, what with that idol back in town, but I promise I will treat you like a superstar!” The raising of his voice was starting to draw attention to the duo, people even peeking in from the corridor to get a peek at the drama going down. 
(Y/N) felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck. Sure, this boy seemed nice enough, but there was something about his smile that was so forced it hurt to look at.
“Leave me alone, I said-”
“Mr Kang, I don’t believe this is your classroom. Get out.” Before the situation could escalate any further, the student was grabbed by the scruff of his collar and pushed towards the door without the chance to say another word. The onlookers dismissed themselves, their chatter filling the halls.
───── ⋆⋅ ☂  ⋅⋆ ─────
If having to deal with one clueless boy was bad enough, (Y/N) found herself being plagued by another before the day was through. Whilst Jimin had an undeniably kind heart and his softly spoken words were often what she leant on when times were tough, she wasn’t in the mood for company.
“You’re sure that you don’t want to come to my place? You know my mom’s an amazing cook, and I rented that new movie just in time for-”
“I’d rather just go home, Jimin. It’s been a tough day. Maybe another time.” (Y/N) gave her friend a reassuring smile before leaving, droplets of rain making her shiver lightly and clutch her parka over her body just a bit tighter.
Even so Jimin trailed after her, hoping to change her mind by gently pushing his umbrella into her hands so she wouldn’t get as soaked as she first expected and whilst the heartfelt gesture was appreciated, she was exhausted and not ready to deal with another person snapping at her heels.
After two minutes she stopped to talk, turning briefly to address the student, whose gaze resembled that of a kicked puppy more than anything.
“Go home, Jimin. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She plugged her earphones into her ears and let herself finally breathe as she heard his footsteps slowly fading, the light rain tapping against her umbrella in a soothing manner to 
Distract her from the embarrassing scene from earlier in the day. She became so caught up in her music she ended up colliding into someone’s chest. 
“Watch where you’re going, idiot.” The stranger spat at her. His blonde hair was becoming matted with rain and his clothes were barely protected by the heavy leather jacket as the downpour became heavier by the minute.
“I’m sorry. Here, do you need my umbrella?” 
The boy grimaced before reaching out to take it. Before he turned away, (Y/N) heard a quiet ‘thank you’ from under his breath as she took off in the opposite direction to get home before she became fully drenched.
Unbeknownst to her in her panic, the boy was staring after her, fingers clenched so tightly around the flimsy plastic handle that it was starting to hurt.
───── ⋆⋅ ☂  ⋅⋆ ─────
Rumours were quick to spread in the usually sleepy town. With its only claim to fame being the birthplace of a famous idol, people clung to whatever excitement they could find, and (Y/N) had already had several people texting her to ask about the dramatic event and offer words of comfort.
As she desperately tried to cheer herself up with a cup of cocoa and the warmth of her blanket, (Y/N) was still restless. She glanced over at the TV in her room, a big enough flat screen she’d weedled her mother into buying with her only child privileges. 
“If you look into your TV at midnight on a rainy night, you’ll see your soulmate.” 
She let out a chuckle at the thought. Yet, she couldn’t help glancing out the window to see the rain pelting down, nor checking her alarm clock to see it was three minutes to midnight.
There was no harm in giving it a try, right? After all, she could shove it in Jungkook’s face when she could conclusively say it was a stupid legend.
Suddenly, as she was caught up in her thoughts not even realising that she’d been staring into the screen in her daydream, the TV crackled to life. Through the heavy static she could see a figure. 
As shadowy as it was, she could somewhat make out Taehyun’s figure, seeing as his visage had all but plagued her for the day. (Y/N) shook her head, trying to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating but the image was gone as soon as she opened her eyes, leaving her kneeling in front of a blank TV screen.
Trying to erase the questions that plagued her mind (Y/N) crawled into bed, closing her eyes to rest for a while.
───── ⋆⋅ ☂  ⋅⋆ ─────
(Y/N) felt completely disgraced the next day. She could hear people whispering all around her about what had happened yesterday, how she’d rejected someone in such a cold manner. The story had flown around the school overnight, much to her dismay.
“Taehyun hasn’t turned up at school today. Do you think he’s heartbroken?” (Y/N) overheard a couple of her classmates gossiping.
“Poor guy. He just wanted a chance but she’s humiliated him in front of everyone.” One of the other girls replied. (Y/N) stood up abruptly, letting her chair fall onto the floor with a loud clang.
The noise drew everyone’s attention to her, but she just walked out trying her hardest not to burst into tears.
“(Y/N)!” She heard someone calling her name but it was white noise.
It wasn’t until there was a hand on her shoulder to stop her in her place that she snapped out of her hysteria.
“(Y/N), are you okay?” Through her slightly blurry vision she could make out Jimin, his face crumpled with concern.
“I-I-I’m fine!” She choked out.
“Is it that guy who was bothering you yesterday? We can just bunk off school today and you don’t have to see him. How does that sound? Let’s-”
“Leave me alone Jimin.” (Y/N) finally said with a heavy sigh. He was sweet, and she could tell he cared, but she just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
“You don’t mean that, right?” Her friend was shocked at her abruptness, when she would normally find a much sweeter way to reject him.
(Y/N) didn’t reply, turning to walk away and her herself in the library only to have her hand snatched back.
“Whatever is wrong, you know you have me, right? If you want me to fight that Taehyun boy to the death I’ll do it to make you happy.” Jimin was almost pathetic in how he was pleading for her company. “Just let me help you.”
(Y/N) just slapped his hand away.
“Leave. Me. Alone.” She snapped, leaving the rejected boy to wallow in pity as she stormed off. Once again all eyes were on her, and regret was starting to build up, but she brushed it off in her pursuit of some serenity in the library.
The library, whilst still crammed full of students studying for their exams, provided some solice. The kind eyed library assistant had led her to a corner amongst the history books, and whilst he opened his mouth to say something - presumbaly to suggest a book, or offer her a drink - he closed it again upon seeing her stormy expression, and left her in peace.
───── ⋆⋅ ☂  ⋅⋆ ─────
Feeling more isolated and hated than before, (Y/N) spent the evening in bed with a book Jungkook had lent her, trying to immerse herself in the fictional world rather than facing the real one. However, the rain pattering against her window reminded her of last night. Was seeing Taehyun on there a trick of the eye? Was he really her soulmate? Or was there something more to it?
With her restless mind she was still awake as the clock crept towards midnight and, unable to quell her mind and knelt in front of her cold black television screen.
Once again, it flickered to life. But this time, rather than just showing a silhouette, there was something happening.
It was Taehyun, and he was crawling away from some other shadowy figure, obscured by the strong static.
“No… you’re not… I  love…” Through the muffled sound she could hear his voice, crying out as if he was witnessing a monstrosity. Her hand almost wanted to reach out to touch him, but she was frozen in place, only able to watch. She saw a flash of his face, terrified beyond all else, before the image cut out entirely.
She leant forward again, trying to see if it would come back, but the TV stayed black.  Switching it on only showed a late night horror movie, not the scene that she’d seen before. 
Was Jungkook’s friend right about the Midnight Channel showing your soulmate? Was she mistaken to reject the eager boy? And more importantly, what was happening to him? Was he in trouble?
Trying to erase the questions that plagued her mind (Y/N) crawled into bed, closing her eyes to rest for a while.
───── ⋆⋅ ☂  ⋅⋆ ─────
Maybe it was the caffeine from doubling the espresso in her usual coffee, but (Y/N) knew from the moment she stepped out the door that something was wrong.
The fog was so thick that (Y/N) could barely see ten metres in front of her. Still she persisted, hoping that by being early she could get an extra hour of studying in before someone would bother her. There was the occasional passerby - one of the school librarians hurrying past with a heavy book bag weighing down his back, a shopkeeper with their keys in hand to open up in time, and a leather-wearing stranger on a noisy motorbike. Even with these small reminders that civilization was alive and well amidst the weather, there was still an eerie atmosphere.
And (Y/N) was right to be afraid. The fog’s density was not enough to hide the secret waiting for (Y/N) as she turned the corner. When her eyes landed on the sight she staggered back, the urge to puke stronger rising up.
There was a corpse dangling from the telephone line.
Everything seemed to blur together, from her screaming for help to one of the passersby calling the authorities in the place of the shell shocked (Y/N), to someone finally pulling her away and covering her eyes.
Her mind was static as she felt someone comforting her, pressing her face to their hard chest. The regular heartbeat helped soothe her breathing, and the scent of cologne enveloped her sense to numb the pain. 
She didn’t question the comfort for a second, relishing the warmth and protection from the sight that was sure to haunt her for the rest of her life. The sight of her former admirer, a sweet innocent student, hanging from the telephone pole.
“You’re okay, (Y/N). Don’t look. You’re safe.”
───── ⋆⋅ ☂  ⋅⋆ ─────
“So you’re telling me prior to yesterday you had no contact with Mr Kang at all?” For what felt like the hundredth time that day, (Y/N) shook her head.
“Well, as soon as you sign your statement you’ll be free to leave. Take care.” The detective didn’t offer her any consolation as (Y/N) attempted a signature with her shaky hands.
She was so ready to collapse into her bed, but there was still something tugging at her.
“Do you know about the midnight channel?” She spoke up, her voice slightly hoarse.
“Is this related to the case at hand, Miss (L/N)?” The detective had a sour grimace, his forehead creased with the stress at hand, and (Y/N) felt slightly worried about poking the bear.
She shook off the feeling.
“I’m not sure. But thank you, I’ll go now.”
It couldn’t be just a coincidence. There was some connection, and (Y/N) wanted to seek the truth even if the police force could not.
Stepping outside, she felt a weight on her chest as heavy as the fog. Somewhere in the sleepy town was a murderer. They were perfectly blended in, you could see that much. Life was going on, people briefly discussing the murder under hushed breath before discussing the more conventional gossip aloud.
Even with some unknown guilt burdening her mind, (Y/N) could slip into life again as she found her friends waiting outside for her, Jungkook giving her a warm hug and Taehyung offering her a bottle of water seeing how wearing the morning had been. 
Even as she walked home with her friends, there was still something amiss in their sleepy town. And the trouble lay closer than she could possibly imagine.
Part 2/2 coming 11/09/20
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Rainy Days (Part 3 of 4)
Link to AO3 -----  Part 1  Part 2   
It is later than I said I would post it, I’ve been busy, Sorry!
Summary: Emma and Julian are in charge of the London Institute for a week and find a box that once belonged to Cordelia Carstairs and contains poems written to her by James Herondale. The story switches between Emma and Julian and oneshots about things that happened in Jordelia's life to inspire the poems.
Sorry if the formatting for the poems is messed up, I tried.
TW: There is demon fighting and someone gets hurt.
“Well that one was…” Julian trails off as they both kind of laugh. They felt kind of weird reading something that was pretty personal to them. They put that poem back in the box and started to look for another when Emma’s phone buzzed. She grabbed it from the shelf she left it on. It was a text from Clary.
“Looks like we are going to New York next week,” Emma says. Jace and Clary were needed in Idris for a meeting and wanted them to run the institute while they were gone. It would only be for a few days and they loved New York anyways.
Jace and Clary had been to L.A. recently, though their vacations were far and few with the stress of running and institute. They spent the day by the ocean catching up and having fun. They also played an incredibly competitive game of volley ball and Julian and Clary worked on some painting.
“What are Jace and Clary doing?” Julian asks.
“I don’t know, something in Idris.” Jace and Clary had been going to Idris a lot lately helping to sort things out, after the cohort had been defeated there had been a lot of work to move stuff back to the shadowhunter's home country. 
Hopefully they could just have a relaxing weekend, maybe even find another old jewelry box filled with her ancestors' stuff, though that was highly unlikely. They had been trying to have a relaxing weekend for the past 6 years and were epically failing at something that seemed so easy. Cristina had even made fun of her for it because of how often she tried to take a couple days off and then got dragged back to work. She said Emma and Julian were a “magnet for trouble.”
“Maybe we can go see a show on Broadway next week,” Julian says thoughtfully, “We haven’t been on a fancy date in a while.” 
They really hadn’t been out much, Alec had them all around the world helping because they were so short on people and her and Julian had existence running an institute. They didn’t mind it really, if they did all they had to do was say the word and they would be home, but they loved to travel and explore different institutes. It gave them ideas for what they could do back in LA. 
“That sounds great,” she says. She picks up another poem titled Daisies.
I want to take you to the green meadow, Where the sky is blue and wild flowers grow. And where there is everlasting spring and peace, So that we can escape the natures of city life.
I want to take you to were the songbirds sing, Where even the dragon finds fitful sleep. Hope flows through that warm calming breeze, Inviting us to enjoy the wonders the world has to show.
There is no one I'd rather explore it with than you, Nothing it can show me will be as extraordinary as you, And there you'll find a woven crown of white flowers, Because you are always and forever my queen, my Daisy.
Cordelia and James were out on patrol the night before their first anniversary. There had been an increase in demon activity in London with the recent stormy weather. Tonight was no exception to this weather pattern, it was raining cats and dogs while the couple wandered the streets.  
“I hate the rain,” Cordelia says, James responding with a quiet laugh. 
“Hopefully we can find this demon soon so we can go sit by a fire,” he says. 
They were tracking a demon that had been wreaking havoc in the train stations for the past week. They had almost had it yesterday but it just got away. They were now using a tracking rune and a bit of it’s blood that was spilled during the fight. It led them to an abandoned warehouse by the Thames River. 
They cautiously entered the warehouse and the door slammed shut behind them, closing off the light of the full moon and  leaving them in pitch black darkness. They could hear the rain against the metal roof, some of the water was dripping through it onto the floor. Cordelia pulled out the witchlight that Alastair had given her and it lit up the dusty building. 
“Well this is underwhelming,” James said, “for a demon layer it really lacks style.” Cordelia gave him a look and then went to explore further into the warehouse. She stepped in a puddle of black slime. 
“We need a vacation,” she says with a sigh while looking at her shoe. James nodded. 
Out of the corner of the room they could see two glowing eyes as a demon moved out from the shadows. Cordelia had a feeling it was not the only one. James pulled out a knife and hit the creature with deadly accuracy. They hear a flutter of wings and scales above. They are definitely not alone. 
Cordelia unsheathes Cortana, the bronze sword lighting up the dark room. She could see her reflection in the blade, her hair was pulled up in preparation for a battle but a few strands were coming loose and she was wearing gear. She looked at James, both of them had a determined look in their eyes. They started fighting as the demons swarmed down from above. It was all arcs of gold and light from seraph blades. Cordelia wielded her sword as though it was an extension of her own arm and James’s knives never missed their mark. 
James pulled out a seraph blade and named it Raphael. He yelled something at Cordelia but she was too focused to understand it before it was too late. The demon’s claw grabbed her shoulder as she spun and swung Cortana at it turning it to dust. 
They quickly took out the rest and were both exhausted from fighting. James noticed the cut on Cordelia’s shoulder and ran to help her as she practically collapsed into his arms.  The world went dark as she fell into James’s arms. 
When she woke up they were at the institute and she was laying on one of the beds in the infirmary. Her shoulder was bandaged and she could see multiple iratzes. She was feeling much better. She looked over and saw James reading a book next to her bed. He saw her and smiled. 
“What happened?” She asked, holding her still sore shoulder. 
“We found the demon hideout, thankfully you finished them all off,” James said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Cordelia glanced at the clock and smiled.
“It’s technically our anniversary you know.” She said, “It’s past midnight.”
“I know,” James said with a confident smirk, the door opened and his parabatai walked in. Both boys looked far too smug about whatever idea they had come up with. 
He gestured to Matthew standing by the door. 
Mathew walked back in holding a bouquet of daisies tied together with a bow. There was also a small envelope that he handed to James and then left. 
“Happy anniversary Daisy,” James said and kissed her. 
She opened the card and saw a poem written out on the left side. 
“Thank you James, happy anniversary.” Cordelia said happily and returned his kiss.
Tag list: @fortheloveofthecarstairs  @thehotfaeriethreesome  @shadowrunner2000  @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @surrounded-by-exquisite-clutter @gabtapia  @niathesanctuary-bolastair-kanej @all-thestoriesaretrue
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list :)
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This Charming Man [Moder!Jorah Mormont x Reader]
Request: "Ay drug dealer can I get a fresh batch of Modern AU!Lord Mormont?" by @orderoftheflamingflamingos
A/n: Coffee Shop AU is just perfect for this case. I realized many of my imagines are named after song titles, oops. Hope you like it and thanks for requesting 💘
Words: 1900  || GoT Masterlist
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Working in a small coffee shop in the heart of Edinburgh was not how you imagined your life after college would be. Unfortunately PhD's did not pay for themselves so you were forced to take a gap year in order to collect enough money that would finance you for at least the first few months. The fact that you were new to the country had seemed a bit frightening in the beginning but slowly you got used to the gloomy and yet majestic city and its habitants.
People were kind and friendly, especially as they made their orders and you had even come to know most of the regulars. Your life was going smoothly without any hint of drama or tension and you couldn't be happier about it. And then he walked in.
It was a specifically rainy day and you had lost the bus making you super late for your morning shift. Having run into the rain and cold caused your hair to end up in an absolute mess. It was that day the hottest and classiest man you had ever seen chose to enter your life. He was wearing a dark navy blue coat with a matching suit underneath. He sat down in a small table next to the window and pulled a book out of the leather briefcase he was carrying. Seeing how focused he seemed to be you were reluctant to interrupt him but you did either way.
"Good morning, what can I get you?" you asked politely hoping you didn't sound as nervous as you felt. There was something about that man that radiated calm and confident. The moment his stormy blue eyes met yours you could swear your heart skipped a beat. Never before had you seen such a capturing blue color, making his glance to seemingly pierce right through.
"A latte, please" he replied as his deep velvet voice send a small shiver down your spine.
"O-of course" you stutter mentally kicking yourself for your awkwardness. Usually you made the most amazing latte art, always causing a smile to form on customers' lips but knowing he was observing you, there was no chance your hands could be steady enough for that.
"There you go" you said leaving the hot cup of coffee on his table, a few minutes later.
"Thank you" he responded giving you a nonchalant smile. Soon, that became a routine, he'd come every day, sit on the same table and read. At first you didn't talk much but as days went by the two of you started chatting and getting to know each other and in no time there was no denying you had a huge crush on him. Jorah was always incredibly thoughtful and kind, never failing to make you laugh and lift your spirits.
Sometimes he would even wait for the end of your shift just so you could continue a conversation that had been interrupted way too many times. The two of you talked about all kind of things, but the one that stood out was literature. Never in your life had you seen someone having the same interest as you in the classics before meeting Jorah. The subject had come up when one day you saw him reading War And Peace, one of your favorites and had asked him about it.
After having been disinherited by his father, Jorah had left Edinburgh with no intentions of ever coming back and yet, years later, he was summoned back by the family lawyer only to be told his father had passed away without leaving any heir. Being back had been all but pleasant for Jorah, until he met you. Getting to see you every morning was the highlight of his day. Somehow he found himself unable to keep his thoughts away from you and all the feelings your soft smile caused him. At first he brushed those feelings off as mere excitement of having someone as young and beautiful as yourself around. However, he slowly started to notice it was much more than this. In the end it was your witty and intriguing personality that won him over.
Yesterday had been one of the most stressful days of his life and the results made themselves known the moment he opened his eyes in the form of a splitting headache. Mentally groaning, Jorah decided to ignore his body's way of demanding some peace and quiet and continued with his daily routine, making his way towards the familiar coffee shop.
"Morning, may I guess, the usual?" your cheery voice broke Jorah out of his thoughts. However, there was something different about him that day and you realized it the moment your eyes met his. Instead of replying he nodded in agreement prompting you to cock your eyebrow giving him a questioning look "Something's on your mind" you stated.
"It's just some family related stress, don't worry about it" he explained, but you knew there was more behind it.
"Want to talk about it?" you asked leaving down the trail you were holding and sitting next to him. Usually that conversation happened the other way round, as the blue eyed man had a way of understanding whenever something was troubling you.
"I wouldn’t want to impose on your time" he said despite wanting the exact opposite. Somehow talking to you always made him escape his problems and feel better. You could turn even the darkest days bright, with your sweet smile and comforting voice.
"Nonsense, just give me a second" you replied before getting up. A few moments later you returned without the signature green apron or the tray "It's sorted, I'm out for the day. How about we go for a walk and you can tell what's going on" you suggested and Jorah couldn't refuse the offer as a wide smile made its way to his face. He picked up his coat and followed you outside.
"You didn't have to do that, you know" he said feeling slightly guilty
"Jorah, you're always helping me through my problems I want to do the same" you explained reassuringly as you made your way to a nearby park and sat on a small wooden bench "So, what's going on?"
"My family and I haven't had the best of terms the past few years but after father's will was opened I have been running the family company. There were some bumps along the way but things finally smoothed out" Jorah explained trying to stray off details as much as he could. It wasn't that he didn't trust you, he was simply terrified you'd change your mind about him.
"I'm sorry about your father" you said, shocked that you didn't know about it sooner, as you placed your hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner causing Jorah's heart to flutter. In general you were a very touchy feely kind of person, for which Jorah couldn't be thankful enough as he enjoyed every single chance of physical contact that made his skin burn and his heart race.
"I hadn't seen him in a long time" Jorah added, brushing it off "The problem is my niece returned to town. She categorically despises me and to be honest, I don't I really blame her. Nonetheless, it reminds me of the person I was back when I lived here and the mistakes that person had made. I have greatly tried to let go of the past" there was a great amount of sadness hidden behind his blue eyes, finally coming out after being pent up way too long.
"I don't know what happened between you and your family, but I know who you are, Jorah. No matter what you've done in the past, that's exactly what it is, the past. You're a great person with a good heart, you only have to show her that. You deserve a second chance" you argued looking into his eyes. Seeing you defend him like that gave Jorah a newfound sense of confidence while the fact that you believed in him was enough to make a spark of hope light up in his heart.
"Do you really believe that?" he asked and it was the first time you ever saw him acting so vulnerable seeing that usually he was the most collected and put together person you knew.
"Of course I do, Jorah. You've been nothing but a great support to me. And I refuse to believe a person who loves War and Peace so much to be a bad person" you added chuckling which caused him to mirror the action as a slight laugh escaped his lips "Your niece will come around, just give her time to see who you are now"
"Lyanna may not be as forgiving as you are, but that can work" Jorah was about to say something else before your eyes widened in shock.
"Lyanna Mormont as in the youngest MIT graduate? I knew I had heard the name before. Lyanna is your niece? But I've heard she came from a noble family. Wait are you…?" your mind was struggling to wrap up around the facts causing a bemused smile to light up Jorah's features at your adorably confused expression.
"Lord Jorah Mormont of House Mormont" he introduced himself formally, deep down enjoying the way your jaw dropped in surprise.
"W-what?" there was a ton of questions running through your mind in the speed of light as it all clicked together. His sharp appearance and formal vocabulary, the love he held for classic literature and the way he seemed to know everything about the city, everything made sense.
"Precisely" he agreed nodding positively.                                        
"So, you live in Mormont Manor? I've heard you can see the whole city from the balconies, is that true?" you asked enthusiastically. It was no secret you had heard a lot about that place.
"Indeed it is" he replied and that was when it hit you that you were completely missing the point.
"I'm bubbling aren't I? I'm sorry for intruding" you apologized suddenly feeling like you had overstepped a line.
"It's perfectly fine. Besides, I'd like to suggest something, my cousin Maege is holding a celebration for Lyanna's return and I hoped having someone with me would help making it worth suffering through" he suggested trying not to let his nervousness show. If he wanted to be honest if it weren't for you, he would find a way to skip the whole event despite knowing it would only make the situation worse. Maybe, with the right company, there was a chance to make the most of it though.
"You mean like a date?" you asked before you could stop yourself, instantly feeling your face burning by the intense blushing.
"A date, indeed" Jorah agreed giving you a heartwarming smile
"I'd loved to" you replied mirroring the action with one of your own.
That was the last thing you expected to come out of this day and yet you couldn't be happier. Jorah had come to mean a lot to you and seeing that he trusted you with something as serious as that meant a lot. Upon seeing the look in his eyes, you couldn’t help noticing a hint of excitement and maybe something more, something you'd go as far as to call affection. All in all, you couldn’t wait until Saturday…
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the-pallid-king · 7 years
All the munday asks :p (also, did you and Shiro get my two submissions?)
I was supposed to do this yesterday, but I was too lazy… And I realize the muse is supposed to answer them, but… Nah. (alSO YES BUT. ABOVE STATED ISSUE… OTL)
✈️ What is the mun’s dream vacation?
A N Y W H E R E Literally anywhere. I just love to see new things and new places and do new things and eat new foods. I don’t care if it’s hot or cold or tropical or desert. If it’s not my home state or a copy of it, I’m ready to go.
👋 What was the mun’s first impression of the muse?
Love at first sight how dare you question my affections. But seriously. Bleach was always just kind of “Eh. It’s interesting, but I like [insert different manga here] better.” buT THEN. And I have been smitten ever since. And then, during college, I kind of fell out of reading manga and forgot bleach existed for a while, then I picked it back up after a couple years and it happENED ALL OVER AGAIN. BUT STRONGER. And thus I entered the bleach fandom and started writing fanfiction; because I needed more murder baby.
📝 How did the mun react when he or she realized they wanted to write the muse?
I was so afraid to create this blog tbh I debated on doing it for at least a full year before I actually made it… I was certain no one would like my portrayal and I was really shy about RPing in general.
👥 What is your favorite experience together as mun and muse?
All of them. We’ve had so much fun on this blog, so many good times and good friends and good memories. This blog helped get me through a very self destructive time, as silly as that may sound. Shiro has become my outlet and he sure as hell doesn’t seem to mind.
💭 What does the mun typically dream about?
Weird…horror-ish, Lovecraftian… Things. Idk man, I have strange dreams. Occasionally I reorder them and turn them into fanfics
⏰ What is the mun’s ideal evening spent alone?
Rainy, stormy weather outside, cozy clothing, a steaming cup of tea and a good book or, if it’s going well, writing a good fic.
🎬 What is on the mun’s Netflix “continue watching” list?
Uhhhhhhhhh…. I think the last movie I quit watching was this dumb as shit, low budget, dino-vs-people movie. My friend and I went into it knowing it would be bad, but it just kept getting worse until it wasn’t even funny anymore. Just dumb. I wont be continuing it lol
💙 What photos does the mun typically share on Facebook?
Photos of my snakes, and the occasional selfie.
📱 Does the mun take their phone with them to the bathroom?
📖 What is the mun’s favorite fanfiction about the muse?
This isn’t a fair question.. I wrote most of the fics out there that are about him, all the good ones, at least. ˇ^ˇ 
👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 What is the mun’s relationship like with his or her family?
Estranged, mostly. I see my parents two or three times a year, for very limited amounts of time (like. A few hours. Not even a full day). I see the rest of my family even less and the only person I actually wish I saw more of is my brother.
👶 Does the mun want kids?
N O. I will stick with animals.
👀 Would you classify the mun as an extrovert, introvert or ambivert?
👣 Describe a time the mun took a lesson from the muse in a real life situation.
JusT FUCKING GO FOR IT. In any given situation where that mentality has been needed. It usually works out tbh
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Rainy Days (Part 4 of 4)
Link to AO3 -----  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
Summary: Emma and Julian are in charge of the London Institute for a week and find a box that once belonged to Cordelia Carstairs and contains poems written to her by James Herondale. The story switches between Emma and Julian and oneshots about things that happened in Jordelia's life to inspire the poems.
Sorry if the formatting for the poems is messed up, I tried.
Thank you all so much for reading this story, I really enjoyed writing it <3
“Daisies must have been her favorite flower or something” Emma says as they look around the room. Looking now that was a very obvious statement. Even some of the blankets neatly folded on the end of the bed had daisies embroidered on them. The wall paper was lined with a daisy print and on the box itself was intricately carved flowers. There are also some very old flowers that were carefully pressed and put in the box next to the poems. They were afraid to touch them for fear that they would fall apart. 
“Yeah, maybe I will do a painting of her when we go home,” Julian says thoughtfully, “I should include some daisies if I do.” 
“I’m sure it will be great,” Emma says thinking of his other paintings. He has done so many great pieces that if he was a mundane she was sure his work would be in an art gallery. The institute itself had turned into a sort of gallery these days, some people visited just to see the murals Julian painted on the walls.
They both were laying back on the bed and Jules had his arm around Emma. This was a nice day off after the busy day they had yesterday, they had run into some demons by the river and were outnumbered. Luckily, Emma is the best shadowhunter of their generation. Her wielding Cortana was definitely a scene he wanted to paint when he got home. The grace of her movements when she was fighting was like a dance, he could never quite capture the movement with a set of acrylics. 
He checked his watch, they had plenty of time before Jem and Tessa would get here. 
“We should read another poem,” he suggested. “They are kind of interesting to see what they said to each other 100 years ago.”
“Ok, I will,” she says, reaching into the box again for another poem. There was one titled Rainy Days.
“That seems fitting for today,” Julian says, glancing out the window. Emma reads the poem aloud.
Rainy Days
Outside the sky is dark and gray, The rain falls in puddles on the ground, We are in the library by the fireplace, Listening as it down pours all afternoon.
The heat of the flames warms the room, You by my side warms my heart. Even on the darkest of dreary days, You light up everything by being there.
Now you are asleep next to me, While I write about our day. I'm starting to think that I quite like, These warm and rainy days.
It was another rainy spring day in London, the snow had just melted and it was still very cold out. You could hear the wind blowing all around outside, it was quite the stormy day. None of the merry thieves or their family members would be venturing out today, they too were curled up by a fire, just like Cordelia and James. 
James now looked at the sleeping Cordelia on his lap, she looked so at peace. Her soft red hair was undone and free from it’s unusual style, he combed his fingers gently through it. He thought about the day they had had. Today was very good weather for writing. With a notebook in his hand he began to come up with ideas. 
“Good morning,” Cordelia says, sitting next to James at the kitchen table. She poured a cup of tea and looked out the window, it was raining very hard and forming puddles in the street. 
“Good morning” James responds, reaching for some breakfast, “Looks like any plans for today are cancelled”
“I think it is far too cold to go adventuring in London,” Cordelia says with a shiver, it was almost spring but they still had many cold days ahead of them. 
They finished their breakfast talking about rain and what crazy things their friends have been up to lately. Christopher had been working on a new invention, Mathew caused some trouble at the Hell Ruelle, nothing much different than usual. They then decided to head upstairs to the study where they could sit by the warm fire and play a game of chess. 
“Shâm-Mât” Cordelia says, winning her 12th consecutive game in a row. James just laughs as they reset the board for another game. There isn’t much to do and he is still holding on to hope that he can win at least one round.
“You're too good at this,” James says with a smirk. She has always been brilliant at battle strategy, she could outsmart any opponent she faced. He looked at her with a smile as she planned her next move, her face was full of concentration. He could feel her plotting his demise. 
They played chess until it was time for lunch, the sky was still gray with rain clouds. They then decided to venture to the library to look for a book to read on this cold and rainy day. James walked over to put more wood on the fire while Cordelia went to look for a book. They settled on the couch by the fire, Cordelia leaning her head against James’s shoulder while he read from an old volume of The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens. There were a lot of Dickens novels in the library mostly from James’s parents' fascination with the author. Will and Tessa were both staying in Wales for a week and were not at the institute, it was just James and Cordelia. 
She began to fall asleep and he smiled as he see the book on the night stand. He grabbed his notebook and began to write. 
So now James was still sitting on the couch trying to write a poem about the letter but he realized the poem wasn’t what he should be writing about, he spent the whole day with Cordelia and she was more fierce and interesting than any storm. 
“That was very fitting for today,” Emma says, putting the poems back in the box. She looks at the time quickly, Jem and Tessa would be there soon. 
“It must rain here a lot,” Julian says, “I miss the beach” They laugh, they would be back in LA soon enough to deal with the chaos that ensues there. 
They had just renovated the institute more and had been busy painting more murals on the walls. They also updated their computer and Jules got a laptop which made some things easier and more organized. 
They hear footsteps coming down the hall and Tessa looks into the room. 
“I see you found James and Cordelia’s room,” she says with a smile. 
“I haven’t been here in years,” Jem says looking around the room. Tessa was looking at the box in Emma’s hands. 
“I see you found Cordelia’s jewelry box,” Tessa smiles as though she is remembering her, “She is an ancestor of yours, she was a Carstairs before she married my son.” 
“James, right? Did he write poetry?” Emma asks. Tessa looked a bit confused.
“Yes, he did. But I thought I had all his notebooks saved at my house, did you find one?” 
“We didn’t find a whole notebook but we did find a few poems he wrote to Cordelia.” Jules says. Emma opens the box and pulls out the pieces of paper. 
“I always wondered where the ripped out pages went, I always assumed they were just rough drafts that got tossed away.” She paused for a moment, “did you two happen to find a book called The Beautiful Cordelia. I have been looking for it for a while now and I know Cordelia had it.”
Emma pointed over to the shelf they had originally found the box on. Tessa pulled out the leather bound book that had The Beautiful Cordelia across the top in fancy calligraphy and a small “by Lucie Herondale” on the bottom. 
“Thank you,” Tessa said, holding the book. Jem was looking at something across the room. 
“Hey, did some of our stuff get moved up here too,” he asked, picking up a stele. 
“I think so, did you find something?” Tessa asks. 
“This was Will’s stele,” He says, handing it to her and looking slightly incredulous. “How much of our stuff is still here?” Tessa laughs.
“Leave some for the other generations, we don’t want to fill our house with 100 years worth of clutter.” 
They all turn to leave and go get something to eat. They would never forget the poems they found, the remnants of someone else's rainy day, of another time period far away yet so near to them. While the day was dreary, dark, and wet, never let the weather depict whether there is a storm cloud raining on your day off.
Cordelia looks at the poems one more time with a smile before placing them in her new jewelry box. It had been an anniversary gift from James. It is wooden with her name and intricate little daisies carved onto it. The box truly is beautiful. It had been raining so she took the opportunity to organize a bit but now the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds. 
James walked over and kissed her on the cheek while she latched the box shut. 
“ We were invited to a picnic in the park, just the usual group. Do you want to go?” He asks, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 
“That sounds lovely,” she says, standing up from the bed and carrying the box over to the shelf. She puts it between The Beautiful Cordelia and a book of persian mythology her mother had given her. She slipped on her shoes and took James’s hand. They walked off happy as can be, standing in the sun for a change instead of being stuck inside on those rainy days.
Tag list: @fortheloveofthecarstairs  @thehotfaeriethreesome  @shadowrunner2000  @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @surrounded-by-exquisite-clutter @gabtapia  @niathesanctuary-bolastair-kanej
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