#byler theory
ghostlyaces · 3 days
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I can’t stop thinking about them
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cloudycleric · 1 day
reason 3747 byler is endgame: the show pays so much extra attention to when will & mike touch in anyway. i.e. the airport scene, 02x02 & later in season 2 as well. the show does pay attention to the way mileven touches too, but tbh after s2 it seems so forced & empty. example: kissing at the dance only because max/lucas did. S3 was kind of like “please just shut up & kiss me” but in a bad way if that makes sense, like completely trying to shut down mike when he wanted to be playful in the first episode by literally trying to shut him up, i dunno, it sits with me weird. it always does
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you-were-alone-too · 3 days
although im LIVING for what seems to be confirmation of gay mike and the fact that the lyrics suggest that he wants will to confess to him first... (see exhibits a and b below)
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if we assume that these lyrics are decently accurate to mike's arc in s5, then we'll see mike struggle a lot with communicating his feelings and that he hopes will makes the first move, but i don't think that necessarily means that's how it's going to happen.
mike tries and fails to communicate his true feelings to el multiple times throughout the show, and the few times that he does manage to tell her how he feels are usually based on impulse or because she's on the verge of death (and as we know, they're not necessarily his true feelings).
it's important for mike to be the one to confess to will, not only for his own emotional growth, but also to show the audience that will is the only person that he's able to be his true self with (both platonically and romantically). even though he's been able to successfully express his true feelings to will in the past, he's only been able to do so under the guise of friendship. but any time his feelings could possibly be misconstrued as romantic, we can see him acting similarly toward will like he does el: by pulling away, acting impulsively, or lashing out (like at the airport when he doesn't hug will, or at the roller rink when he says they're just friends. this is probably because mike is worried that treating will in the same way as he's expected to treat his girlfriend could be seem as romantic).
will has already done his part to try and communicate his feelings to mike. although he DID lie by saying the painting is from el, we know that mike is eventually going to realize that will lied, so will's true feelings will still be understood by mike in the end, regardless of will's intention to push him closer to el instead.
this now puts the ball in mike's court, leaving it up to him to be the one that has to confess to will. and i think that these lyrics do a great job of showcasing mike's struggle to communicate his true romantic feelings. he's so used to repressing himself and his interests and tries so hard to be "normal" that he wants someone else that isn't as scared of being different (or at least less scared than him) to do the hard part first.
so i think that mike has to be the one to clearly confess his feelings and put himself out there. this season is going to force him on a journey of emotional growth and self-acceptance. finally, mike is going to be the first one to step out of line and risk it all, even if he thinks he might be rejected. he's going to fully accept himself, not just the fact that he's d&d-loving nerd, but also that he's gay and in love with his best friend
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teambyler · 2 months
Mike and Will both love singing cheesy 80s songs
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El didn't like it. But you know who WILL sing with you, Mike Wheeler?
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And neither of them would stop the other. They'd think it was CUTE!
Who's up for Mike singing to Will with that guitar of his? Or a Mike and Will duet in s5? They can be "cheesy together." ;)
They like all the same things: comics, Nintendo, D&D, and singing their hearts out! Mike and Will can be THEMSELVES with each other!
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greenfiend · 2 months
The Significance of Lover’s Lake and Byler (Theory)
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'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact
Yes we're lovers, and that is that (Heroes by David Bowie)
Part 2 here
(Warning: This post has mentions of sex (nothing graphic)… if you’re uncomfortable with that please do not proceed.)
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So, Lover’s Lake has existed within the show ever since season 2, when Will mapped out the entirety of Hawkins. The lake is shaped like a heart (keep this in mind for later) thus the name “Lover’s Lake”. Makes sense within the town of Hawkins, but does not provide an explanation on a subtextual level. None of the “lovers” existing within the show has been associated with the lake (you could say Steve/Nancy but honestly it’s a stretch since they never actually rekindled their romance.)
This leads me to the question… why call the lake “Lover’s Lake” without associating any lovers to it?
Because maybe, there will be lovers connected to it… but they aren’t lovers… yet.
Okay, let’s get back to the shape. A heart. ❤️ Hm. Now which character within the show is most associated with hearts? Which character is even referred to as the heart by their love interest?
I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that he’s one part of the “lovers” here. Thus ruling out many other romantic pairings within the show. Leaving only two pairings: Mike/El and Mike/Will. I won’t go into detail on why I believe Mike and El will inevitably break up, you can read a lot of different analyses for that. So that leaves… Mike/Will. Not lovers yet.
Okay, here’s the part where I may get crucified. The definition of lovers.
Please put your pitch forks down for this.
Lovers usually refers to two people in a sexual relationship outside of marriage.
With all the subtext (and actual text) around sex and sexuality, and how we see Will struggle with his own sexuality, there is a likely conclusion here. He’s going to confront his sexuality. To do so, he will have sex. With whom? Well, with the one person he loves the most, the one he affectionately refers to as the heart… his best friend… Mike.
Now, where’s this going to happen? What better location than somewhere empty and secluded.
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Reefer Rick’s lakeside house.
Now, who is “Reefer Rick”?
Also known as, Rick Lipton, Reefer Rick is a drug dealer who’s closely acquainted with Eddie.
He’s an enigma. We never see him. All that is known about him are the things mentioned by other characters.
He’s currently in jail apparently for dealing drugs. Also, he seems like a town pariah.
Also, he isn’t too keen on Fast Times (returned on time), at least not as much as “Cheech and Chong” (returned late each time.) That shot at 53 minutes and 5 seconds in Fast Times doesn’t do it for him, I guess. Unlike watching two guys get high.
His name choice is an interesting one.
“Reefer” Rick Lipton.
“Reefer” is a synonym for “marijuana cigarette”. Okay, makes sense, he is a drug dealer after all. But why the term “cigarette”? Well… there’s this other word that also happens to be a synonym for “cigarette”…
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Then Rick… short for “Richard”. Richard is one of the few names out there with a nickname that is also slang for male genitalia… “Dick”.
Then finally… Lipton.
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As Robin says, spelled like Lipton tea. Now, why would the writers use the name “Lipton” and even reference the tea company if there were no significance to it? They wouldn’t. We know this about them.
So why “Lipton”?
Let’s do a bit of research here, shall we?
The founder of Lipton tea was a man named Thomas Lipton.
Thomas Lipton just so happens to have been a closeted homosexual man who had a long term relationship with another man whose name is… *drumroll please*
William Love.
Okay, that can’t be just a coincidence right?
So moving on to Reefer Rick’s house.
We see glimpses of his living room, kitchen, and briefly his bedroom.
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Jason and his buds are searching for Eddie and this involves looking under the mattress? As if, Eddie could successfully hide under there? Haha okay sure.
The angle of this shot is interesting too, because the bed is essentially being shown off to us.
This bed with a blue blanket and yellow sheets. Hm. Interesting.
Keep in mind this scene is essentially unnecessary. They could have easily shown Jason et al searching for Eddie without creating an entire new set for a room that’s only used in one single insignificant shot. Therefore, I do not think it’s unreasonable to believe this is used for foreshadowing.
Then we also get this shot from outside the window into the bedroom.
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Look familiar? I thought so too.
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Okay. Now for my theory/prediction.
As I mentioned earlier, Will is currently struggling with his own sexuality and feels a lot of shame and internalized homophobia. There’s also a lot of evidence that Mike is experiencing the same thing. Unlike Will, Mike conforms to the society’s expectations. He dates El, performing as her boyfriend. This is comparable to Nancy’s arc in season 1. She also conforms, and like Mike, leaves her best friend behind. We all know how that ended.
Now, what better way to wrap up the show than to have Mike correct his sister’s mistake? To have Mike reject societal expectations in favour of his best friend?
Okay so this is my theory.
Mike and Will have their first kiss an episode or two prior to 5x07. Tensions are high, but they’re busy fighting interdimentional monsters along side their friends.
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Then comes 5x07 which somehow leaves Mike and Will alone by Lover’s Lake. The tension between them reaches an all time high, leading to a passionate kiss and then… more. Let’s just say it involves that blue and yellow bed.
At the same time as these two become the lovers they were meant to be, another character is being saved, or perhaps being brought back to life. Perhaps another red head, one we all know and love. Yes, a major parallel and contrast to Steve/Nancy’s sex scene in season 1, which featured Barb dying. But because Mike is rejecting conformity and being authentic, another character lives instead.
I mean, what better way to represent the beauty of the love and intimacy between these two boys? Their love is literally bringing back life to the world.
So yeah, basically I’m saying that Mike and Will expressing their love for each other will save Max.
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This also wouldn’t be the first time that Max’s survival is correlated with their relationship. As I doubt that it was merely a coincidence that in episode 4x04 we have Mike’s genuine monologue to Will, then we have Max surviving Vecna. In contrast to 4x09, which features a forced monologue from Mike to El, followed by Max losing to Vecna and barely surviving.
So, as their bond strengthens, Max’s life bar goes up (so to speak). If something interferes with their bond, Max’s outcome is more dire.
The writers have also been associating Mike/El with death…
[Tumblr only allows a limited number of images so pretend we have one of El holding dead flowers and another image of the cut scene from 3x05 with Mike/El having a moment cutting to a dead body on the hospital floor]
Mike/Will on the other hand have been associated with life. The birds chirping in the background of their final scene together, the flowers blooming between them as they stand together. Plus, blue plus yellow does equal green after all. Which is the most commonly associated colour with life.
To conclude, I just want to say that I personally think this would be a nice way to end their arc. I know a lot of people are uncomfortable with associating Mike/Will with anything sexual… but the show has been doing this already. Whether you like it or not, Mike and Will have been shown implicitly and explicitly that they desire each other both romantically and sexually. The fact that they have sexual desire for each other does not minimize or trivialize their friendship and love, it’s an aspect of it… adding another dimension to their relationship.
Do I think or hope they would show anything pornographic? Absolutely not (do I even have to say this?) But explicit like Steve/Nancy? Yes. Do I think they’ll be only 14/15 years old when this occurs? No. This will likely happen after a time jump.
Being authentically yourself and not conforming is overall a major theme of the show. I mean it’s called Stranger Things after all. Will people be upset by the ending of this arc? Bylers included? Absolutely. Many people within the town of Hawkins and people watching the show will both show disgust for it. But that’s the point. It’s not “normal” and that’s okay. Different is good, and can be a beautiful and wonderful thing. We all just need to open our minds and hearts a bit. I’m not just talking about the GA; many Bylers are also closed minded and stuck in their ways too. Let’s all try to work on that, shall we?
Despite the opinions of others, Will and Mike will choose to love each other which will inevitably lead to their defeat of Vecna. Love concurs all. It may be cheesy and cliche but personally? I think that’s a beautiful thing. We all can learn to love more.
Anyway, would love to know your thoughts on this.
Then we could be Heroes, just for one day
Part 2 here
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sophskullz · 2 months
Okay so after listening to the recording a bunch of times I heard some new things that were not originally heard and I think I’m on to something. First of all the person that is screaming is 100% Will, but I don’t think it’s Steve he warning I think it’s Mike. The first thing Will screams never sounded like “Steve” to me and on closer listen it really sounds like he’s yelling “MIKE”. This would make a lot of sense given other leaks and theories we have, Holly goes missing so Mike and Will team up to look for her just like how Johnathon teamed up with Nancy. This would explain why they’re in the upside down together (I’m asumming they’re shooting in the upside down rn). Also Will is 100% getting possessed and I think he’s fighting Mike in this scene, he’s telling Mike to run so he doesn’t hurt him but Mike doesn’t listen and things escalate. This would make sense with the (not confirmed) leak of Mike getting badly hurt and going to the hospital, I mean the fight sounds pretty brutal and there’s also a clip of Finn talking about have fake blood in his mouth and he started saying “there’s a lot-“ but cuts himself off when answering about not being a stranger to gruesome stuff.
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This does however make Will kissing Mikes forehead a little sad, he probably feels so bad for hurting Mike. I feel like Wills gonna try to distance himself from Mike in fear he’s gonna hurt him again (praying I’m wrong I really want more byler scenes 😭)
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there’s something about this little moment here that tells you everything you need to know about the love triangle between mike, el and will.
i remember that video of eduardo talking about how the directors would pause to make finn and noah have a “shared look” and this is so clearly one of those moments. this is so prevalent to bylers’ relationship. they are the first person they look to in a room. they want to share their reactions with each other. they look to each other for reassurance in their own reactions. they know what the other is thinking at just a glance (“i didnt say it” “you didnt have to”). but what is so important about This “shared look” is that mike turns away from will to look at el, almost like he wants to share this moment with her as well. all three of them know what really went down, how its not “a miracle” as lucas says, and they are the Only three that know, it would make sense for them to all share a moment of understanding between the three of them. instead, what happens? mike and will share a look, share understanding, mike then looks to el to share understanding with her, and she is looking away. mike and will both prioritize communicating this revelation with each other while el is only focused on max, she doesn’t need, want, or prioritize that connection at this time. its not that mike and will dont care about max, they simply want to share that care and worry and reaction with each other. i think mike in general wants someone who he can share that type of communication with, so he looks to who’s supposed to be his partner at this moment, el (post love confession they should be closer right?), and simply does not receive it. i think you can even see the little look of disappointment when he turns to her and find she’s not looking back at him. he is looking for the connection he so naturally has with will in who he’s in an Actual Relationship with and cannot find it. he will only ever find that within his relationship with will, there is no replicating it with a girl he is simply not in love with.
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mid13s · 2 months
so i saw this picture on pinterest
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And it made me think of these pictures
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In the og post, it says that at the end of s4, El is shedding Mikes color to symbolize her entering an independent arc.
And in the leak (left) you can see that it is the same shirt as the leak on the right. In s5, Will is shedding his layers to reveal the blue underneath, symbolizing his new arc with Mike.
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pandabyler · 2 months
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the biggest byler proof imo
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sade-alicious · 3 months
by the way i fully support the theory that stranger things is actually a comic written by mike and will when they’re older, turning what they experienced into a written series. which explains why the seasons are called volumes and the episodes are called chapters
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carigm · 3 months
So Millie has been giving a lot of interviews lately promoting her latest film Damsel, and ofc interviewers have been trying to get some ST5 info out of her. (We all saw that clip where Mlvn got mentioned to her and the face she made lol)
Well there are two new interviews in which Millie talks about El and they are making me kind of nervous…for lack of a better word.
The first is this one…
She was asked what song helps her cry, and she said “when it’s cold I’d like to die” Now that song famously plays every time a character dies on ST, so it wouldn’t be weird for an actor in the show to associate it with sentimental emotions. However, what concerns me a bit is that she mentions that this is “El’s theme” uh??? Since when girl??
The other interview I’ve already seen it floating around so I won’t add a clip, but she was basically asked about whether she knows how it ends for her character. She goes on to say that she asked for a meeting with the Duffers and she saw a board with her character’s fate and went “ohhhh” and slowly walked out.
I’m not gonna lie that answer is not inspiring happiness in me.
I don’t think the Duffers will “traditionally” kill El. In the sense that I don’t think they would fully kill her off (that would be too fucked up). I do wonder if her character will be around after Vecna has lost and the supernatural has gone away, though. Will she somehow disappear after the conflict is gone? Was she part of a bigger allegory or metaphor related to the supernatural plot of the show?
In the original pitch, the Duffers described El and Mike’s relationship as an Elliot and ET bond. ET is an alien, therefore at the end of the movie he has to leave Earth. He can’t stay there with the other characters. Are we gonna see something similar regarding El? She won’t die but maybe she has to go/be somewhere else?
I don’t want to alarm anyone it’s just that I feel like I’m putting some pieces together here lol…
The Duffers also admitted after S2 came out that El was originally written to “die”, as in she was gonna disappear when she took out the demogorgon. However, they changed their minds when the show got renewed for more seasons. Nonetheless, the Duffers have said that their ending for S5 draws inspiration from the ending of S1.
What the hell are they referring to with this???
I’m also aware that Millie is an actress and she’s drumming up suspense for the show. I know she has admitted to lying in interviews just for fun too. Can’t really trust an actor ever, but I do wonder if we’re seeing some truth from her here.
What do you guys think? Any theories?
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ghostlyaces · 2 days
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bibylers · 3 months
If Mike is SOOO in love with El.. then why did he do this after El had just told him she LOVED him:
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Like.. he could’ve made any other expression like for example: 😃 or 🤭 BUT INSTEAD HE DID: 🤨.
Like he genuinely looks like he just discovered something huge.
This also somehow gives me the same vibes as this:
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Like- he just reunited with El and then he just looks at Will like: 😃 and back at El like: 😞
There’s no way that doesn’t mean something.
Like NO WAY.
Mike wheeler I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE
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gayofthefae · 4 months
Thinking about how of course Mike immediately tried to talk El out of her state in the season 4 finale and became more desperate as it didn't work. To him, all he knew is that doing that in the past had worked immediately almost every time. He didn't notice the pattern:
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And similarly, it's only natural for Will to assume it would work and encourage him, too. They took it as a universal, impersonal rule.
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jelly-gelly · 4 months
shut up what if the first scene in s5 is a flashback to this scene but Will’s pov??
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hotchocolatebeforebed · 4 months
I don't want Mike and Will to get Murrayed.. I *need* them to get Clarked.
Like Mr Clarke has known them since they were 12 and obviously knows them very well. He's literally the sweetest and I feel like the boys trust him and his opinion a lot (even years later) so him talking to them and telling them it's ok would be so cute 😭
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