#c: danielle fenton
charlietheepicwriter7 · 4 months
Source Red Robin: Torture me all you want, I won't tell you anything! Dr. Danny Fenton, Gotham rogue: Oh, I don't want you to tell me anything... I want you to beg, I want you to whimper... I want you to sing. I don't want to talk; I want to hurt you and I want to enjoy it. Red Robin: Well, it's going to take a lot to get me there! Danny: Oh, I hope so. I can't wait to hear you scream- Ellie: Um, hey boss? Danny: Ah- What? What is it, we're a little busy here! Ellie: Yeah, I can see, it's just... I had a question? Danny: Oh, for Christ's sake, what is it, Ellie? Ellie: Well, the goons and I have been talking and we were just wondering... When are you two going to fuck? Danny:...What? Red Robin: Yeah, what? Ellie: Like, I get that this is a torture session and all, but... it kinda sounds like ya'll are gonna bone or something. Danny: This is my archenemy, what the fuck, Ellie! Ellie: This isn't like a enemies slash lovers thing because like, I'm down for it if you are- Danny: Get the fuck out of here, Ellie! I'm busy, don't ever interrupt me again! Ellie: Alright, I'm going, I'm going! Danny: Jesus, Ellie... They almost caught us this time. Red Robin: Well, that was close. Danny: Do you just want to make out now? Red Robin: Yeah.
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aidanwaynealghul · 21 days
Ghostly Cores:
Danny's Core is an Ice, Wind and Light core, though it's still growing and he hasn't really gotten any wind related abilities yet other than passive things that most people including him wouldn't notice. Naturally he has an Ice and Wind Core, but he was told that when he became King of the infinite Realms he would develop either a Light or Shadow aspect to his Core. Pariah Dark had possessed a Shadow Core, Danny developed a Light aspect to his core. Frostbite told him that since he had an Ice Core as oposed to Pariah's Fire Core it was likely that was what was going to happen, but he hadn't had any way to know for sure.
Dani like Danny has an Ice and Wind core, unlike him there is no Light Core aspect to hers however because she is not a ruler of the Realms or in a position of power. Technically, if Danny were to officially name her as his heir there is a chance that she could develop a Light aspect to her core, but she doesn't exactly want that.
Dan has an Ice Core like Danny, however because of the merging with Plasmius he has an Ice and Lightning core. In his timeline Dan defeated Pariah before everything that happened with his family, because of that he eventually became King of the Infinite Realms. Unlike Danny though he had a bit of a violent take-over, the observants having been trying to find a way to avoid allowing him to become King despite having won the right. Possibly because his Core is an amalgamation of his own and the power that he stole from Plasmius, he developed a shadow aspect to his core rather than a light aspect. Though after everything that happens and his release by Clockwork he has no desire to challenge Danny for the throne, he does still have that shadow aspect to his core; something that he feels is a reflection and constant reminder of what he did.
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phantomrose96 · 1 month
Sham Sacrifice
(Hi it's time for my favorite headcanon)
Vlad Masters sat firm and proper on the Fenton Family couch, legs crossed, teacup pinched in his fingertips, fighting subtly against the sinkhole that came with the mistake of taking Jack’s usual spot on the couch. He appeared with all the same charm and delightfulness of an ant swarm rearranging your picnic.
Danny stood at the doorway, just-still-in-the-kitchen, just not inviting himself to join the adults in the living room where Jack boomed and rambled and Vlad sat so stiff and polite and nice that his tea in his hands was going cold.
“Oh, Danny you’ll love this story—Danny, you should join us—Danny this was, what, summer of ’84? When was that heatwave, Vladdy? The one where you—”
“There’s no need to bore Daniel with the mad ravings of two old kooks, Jack. Kids would rather be off at the mall or—some store, surely. No need to stick around Daniel on my behalf. I assure you I won’t be offended if you leave.”
“No worries, V-man. I’m good right here. I love hearing Dad’s stories." Danny met Vlad's challenge, speaking with more poisonous courtesy than Vlad had proffered first. "In fact I think he should tell a few more, if he’s got more in mind.”
“In fact I do have more in mind—” Jack answered.
Neither Danny nor Vlad were listening to Jack. They held eye-contact, Danny with a stern unblinkingness of a sheepdog on duty. A lot was said without words. A lot was understood when Vlad decided to visit through the front door. Vlad only used the front door when he wanted something.
And it was never good when Vlad wanted something.
“—the core reactor project, yeah? That summer? That was in the lab with no A/C. Top floor. We were sweating like pigs, all of us. And I dared you to eat the really moldy pizza from our fridge the night before and you ralphed right into—”
“—Surely you remember this more fondly than I do. Daniel, really, you can go.”
Not a chance.
“Actually,” Danny answered, brightening some as his opportunity struck. “I am interested in this. For science class I need to write a report on the invention of an important piece of technology. I was gonna ask Mom and Dad about the Ghost Portal. And now that you’re here, I can get the whole history.”
Jack made a giddy little noise. He leaned forward, words primed, but Vlad was quicker to the draw.
“Sorry to say, your faith in me is unfounded. I wasn’t the portal guy back in college—that was always your mother and father’s passion project. I was their skeptic.”
“Bet that’s got you feeling pretty foolish right now, doesn’t it V-man?” Jack chided, a quick jab to Vlad’s ribs that nearly unseated the teacup from his suspended saucer. “Considering the fully-functioning portal right beneath our toes.”
“I hardly feel foolish, Jack. Your calculation for the portal in college was never going to work.”
“What do you mean? Of course it did.” Jack thumped the ground with his foot. “It’s running the old girl right now.”
At this, Vlad’s eyes narrowed. For the first time he’d been shaken off whatever skeezy machinations had brought him in. His pride was being challenged, and by Jack no less.
“Absolutely not. With that calculation? Absolutely not.”
“Well forget the tea biscuits Vlad, because you’re going to be eating your words in a second. Mads, hold my spot,” Jack said, as if anyone was planning to take his spot. He bounced from the couch, scooted from the living room, and vanished into the dark maw of the lab stairs, leaving only the waning beat of his footsteps behind.
His absence filled only a swallowing few seconds. The footsteps returned, bounding upward, creaking with his heavy cadence, and Jack bounced back into the room in much the manner he left. A pad of yellow lined paper was clutched in his hand. When he dropped it on the coffee table, it revealed row after row of tight scribble, churning math, carrying down the page and occupying two entire pages more that Jack flipped through.
“Same baby I came up with in college. It just needed heavier dampening and higher voltage than what we made back then. The portal downstairs has that in spades. Well, in like two-thirds of a spade.” Jack tapped something on the last line. “The projection was still only hitting 70% of the threshold we calculated to reach dimension penetration. But it’s an art, not just a science. We fired it up anyway, and it took!”
Vlad grabbed the paper pad, agitated. His eyes ran over it. Then again. Until he settled on one line, a firmness overcoming his face. He tossed the pad back onto the coffee table, and Vlad leaned back into the couch, arms crossed.
“The lambda, Jack.”
“The lambda?”
“Check it again.”
Jack did, lips pursed, pad of paper nearly swallowed in his big meaty hand.
“What about--?”
“It squares. The units don’t balance otherwise. It originates from an integration step of λ*∂λ/∂t. It squares.”
Jack’s brow remained furrowed, firm, until delight cracked into his eyes, and he let out a laugh.
“Gods, my handwriting is gonna be the death of us. Mads,” he tapped something unseen on the second page. “That’s the genius of Vladdy. Cracked this puppy wide open with just a glance. I never noticed that in all my checking. That explains the missing 30%, at least. That explains how the portal took. Lucky for you Danny that Vlad was here—”
“Jack,” Maddie said.
“—your report can have the correct formula. It’ll be—”
“—A+ worthy—”
“—Jack,” Maddie said, curt. “Lambda is the ambient ecto-energy. It’s a few ten-thousandths of a unit.”
Maddie had surfaced a pen from her pocket. She sheared a few blank pages out from the back of the pad and started the formula fresh. She made quick work of copying it over, quicker work of solving it through – lambda-squared intact.
She hit the final line and hatched a pen mark beneath the number. Jack stared, confused.
“That can’t… no.”
He repeated the same. New pages torn loose. Formula copied over, processed, line by line by line—lambda squared—by line by line by line.
Jack settled on his answer. Same as Maddie’s.
Confusion made his face tense.
“So it’s not 70% of the way to the threshold… It’s 0.013% of the way to the threshold.”
He held the pen hard, his whole body holding firm and taut as the gears turned in his head. Jack’s eyes flickered across the formula, again and again and again. He looked to Maddie, like a dog issued a command he did not understand.
“But it worked,” he said, small. “But it worked.”
Jack stood, robotic almost, eyes lost in something far away. He disappeared into the lab almost as quickly as he had a few minutes before, but now he exited with a smoothness and a quietness so very uncharacteristic of him. It bothered Danny, somewhere deep in his gut.
Maddie followed, a possession matching Jack’s.
Danny’s fingers curled and uncurled. He’d succeeded. He’s successfully interrupted Vlad’s… whatever this was. But the disquiet infected him. He didn’t like it.
“So what does that mean?” Danny asked, perhaps to Vlad. “What’s wrong with the calculation?”
Vlad sipped on tea ice cold.
“Who knows?” Vlad lied.
The math didn’t work.
Maddie and Jack burned through paper, burned through pencils, burned through hours.
The math didn’t work.
Clothes stuck to skin. Sweat lingered fetid and stale in the cold basement air. Exhaustion beat like a slurry through their veins.
The math didn’t work.
The portal supervised all, placidly green, the light for their table, the light for their work when the lightbulb overhead burnt clean out and neither Jack nor Maddie could be pulled away to replace it. It stood, it watched, a testament of contradiction to everything they could not solve on paper, and yet everything they built directly into the fabric of reality.
And it should never have worked.
They threw every radical what-if they’d ever conceived over 20 years of ghost research.
The ecto-ether layer.
The latent activation stitches in space fabric.
The anti-ectomatter collision proposal.
The positive-feedback crystallization theory.
And still nothing worked.
All together, every crackpot theory in their favor taken for granted, racked them up to an activation energy 200x more potent than the calculation, and still just 2% of what would be needed to rip open, and hold open, a stable fissure between their reality and the ghost zone.
Maybe by pure luck, unfathomable luck, Fentonworks basement was directly situated atop a natural portal.
Maybe that would explain ripping it open. It did nothing to explain the stability. Natural portals were unstable by definition. There and gone in a few seconds. Not hours, days, weeks, months, a year, that the Fenton Portal had been open. Never so much as faltering.
It was late. 3am ticked away to 4am, and 4:30am. The discarded paper stacked higher than Jack and Maddie both. Calluses oozed from their hands at another attempt, and another, and another.
Maddie flipped through a folder’s worth of yellowed papers, aggressively thumbed over and over after two decades left untouched. And she settled on the one she’d passed over a few dozen times already, always seeking something else, something better.
This time she unsheathed it, and she placed it on the lab table.
“…If a mouse died. In the machine. If a mouse ran through the machine and accidentally bridged two live wires, and died of violent electrocution. 500 milliamps. Instantly melted into the circuitry.”
Maddie’s mouth was cotton-dry while she wrote. Ambient ecto-energy was low. Always very, very low.
Unless something very, very bad happened to something with the capacity to become a ghost.
The numbers wove. Maddie started the formula fresh, and it was pure muscle memory. A mouse. A big mouse, even. A 99th percentile beast of a mouse. And a wire that had been wired incorrectly. Something grounded that never actually grounded. An absolutely horrific amount of electricity.
0.37%, by pure numbers. If she included every permissive crackpot idea they had thrown on top, it topped out at 6% of the needed activation threshold.
Not a mouse.
“A cat,” Jack said, words gummy, tongue dry, face tired. “If we’ve got mice down here, maybe… a stray cat wandered in. Chased the mouse.”
Maddie nodded. It didn’t matter if it made sense.
She penned it in. A large cat. A devastating electrical short. Cats carried more ecto-potential than mice did. Ecto-potential did not necessarily go up with size. It went up with complexity. The things with the most ecto-potential were the things that most became ghosts.
1.45%, by pure numbers. 18% at absolute, absolute crackpot best.
“A dog,” Jack proposed with a shaky laugh. He swallowed. “A mouse… chased by a cat… chased by a dog… all electrocuted at once”
Maddie didn’t say the thing they both knew, which was that both of them would have noticed the evidence left behind by the electrically exploded pieces of a dog.
Maddie did it anyway. A mouse and a cat and a medium-sized dog, maybe just small enough to notice no evidence of, all together. All at once. All violently ripped apart, sacrificed to a machine still asleep in its wall.
Mice did not often make ghosts. Cats did not either. Dogs, occasionally. But infrequently. Very infrequently.
37%. At best.
“Maddie, I know just—maybe something really smart—”
“—like an octopus—”
“I hear, maybe, pigs are smart. If it was—”
Maddie was writing, already. Not for a pig. Not an octopus. Jack watched, and he knew what the numbers meant. The ecto-potential she penned gave her away. An ecto-potential that high.
65kg, an estimate
10,000 milliamps, a catastrophic accident, a death certificate.
A human’s amount of ecto-potential.
Maddie wrote.
And she wrote.
And she did not apply a single crackpot theory, not a single discredited proposal, not an ounce of exaggeration.
Threshold, and then some.
Comfortable, easily, then some.
For the first time, after all the hundreds of times she and Jack had penned this equation over the course of 2 decades, the number met her and Jack’s threshold.
A breakthrough.
A revelation.
A pure eureka moment.
Jack and Maddie were silent.
Alone in a humming basement. Alone with only the soft swirls of the portal for company, happy, stable, purring its contentment, singing to the cold air.
“It has to be something else,” Maddie said. And she said it weakly. And she said it childishly.
“You’re right. It can’t be this,” Jack echoed. “If someone died down here, we’d know. Dead bodies don’t walk away. We’d have seen it. O-or even if, if the body got stuck in the portal, we’d have heard of someone going missing.”
Maddie sat, quiet. A thought held her mind hostage.
“Unless they didn’t go missing,” Maddie said, and she said it barely audibly. “Unless the portal spit them right back out.”
“Then—that’s what I said—a dead body, on the floor, we’d have seen.”
“Not a dead body.”
“It had to be lethal, Mads—”
“I know Jack. But if they died, here, in the portal Jack, then their ghost did not get ripped away from the body and sent to the Ghost Zone. …They ripped the Ghost Zone here.” Palms slick with sweat smoothed over her notes. She pointed to one specific line and found her pen tip trembled no matter how badly she stabilized it. “The ecto-potential of a creature is how strong of a pull their ghost creates on the Ghost Zone. A strong enough pull means the ghost can reach the Ghost Zone and stabilize, like a fish reeling itself up, yeah? We agree on this Jack, yes?”
“Yes,” Jack answered.
“It’s what makes the math even work, Jack. Someone dying in the portal didn’t reel themselves to the boat. They reeled the boat in. Jack, they brought the Ghost Zone here…” Maddie wasn’t breathing right. She pulled sweat-soaked bangs away from her face. “Their ghost never left their body Jack. They died, Jack. And they walked back out.”
“…No. No,” Jack said. “No, they didn’t.”
“Then what?” Maddie asked.
Jack stared. He looked away. He didn’t like the expression on Maddie’s face.
“It—what about the ecto-ether theory?” Jack said, of the theory they’d tested and retested and tested all over, all night. He grabbed his pencil back up and pointed it aimlessly at Maddie’s piece of paper, pointed end out in self-defense. “If the ecto-ether is maybe… if it’s only 250-times stronger than we calculated. Then it could…”
Jack’s voice died. His pencil hung idle. Maddie’s paper remained unblemished.
“If it… was a pig,” Jack offered. “If it was a pig that died in the portal.”
“How, Jack? How would a pig get in? We lock all the doors at night, Jack. No one else can get in, Jack. It’s just us, Jack.”
Jack and Maddie were not there when the portal turned on.
Maddie’s statement carried two possibilities. Only two. Both felt like claws digging all the flesh right out of Jack’s heart.
“I want… I want to try the ecto-ether theory again,” Jack choked. “I think it’s the ecto-ether. I think it’ll work.”
Jack slid a piece of paper over, already covered in scribbles. In its single untouched corner, he started the equation for the several-thousandth time that night.
Above their head, birds were singing.
Sunrise hailed unseen from the windowless laboratory.
At 6am, Vlad answered his cell phone. The reception crackled, struggling through the layers of sheetrock above his head.
“Vlad?” Maddie’s voice crackled. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Not at all my dear.” Vlad leaned his weight against the wall, playing with the singsong melody in his voice. “But you sound exhausted. Is anything the matter?”
“Yes. Well… Yes. Jack and I have—all night—trying to fix the equation.”
“We found something that maybe works.”
“Oh?” Vlad asked. He straightened, pacing now, cracklingly attentive. “And what might that—”
“If someone died. Activating the portal. We have an on-switch inside the portal’s interior. The trigger we use to press it is external to the portal, of course. But if someone went inside the portal, and they pressed it directly, and if they died, and pulled the Ghost Zone here—”
Vlad’s red eyes reflected pools of iridescent green. He twirled his free hand in the fringes of his cape, tongue working over the fanged edges of his teeth. He stared, consumed, forward.
“—and just, you, I was thinking, you’re the only other expert I’d trust to… maybe weigh in.”
“What does Jack think?”
“He denies it. He’s still. He’s trying other theories.”
“Well who knows, surely? The answer may lie somewhere you haven’t looked.”
“…I’ve looked everywhere, Vlad. That's the thing. There is no more ‘somewhere else’. I’ve looked.”
“You sound like your mind is made up.”
“I just… if maybe you have some idea.”
“Am I meant to talk you out of this idea?”
“Do you think I have some secret information you don’t? Sorry to say, I’m just your skeptic.” Some noise came through muffled from the other side. Vlad flashed a smile. “But…as your skeptic I will offer you this—It all sounds a bit absurd, doesn’t it? To kill someone and have them come back intact and… for you to never notice? Who would they be? How would they be? Surely not human anymore, surely. How would you never notice?”
Vlad paced forward, booted feet clicking along his laboratory floor.
“It would be ridiculous,” he continued, with a building crescendo, “so unfathomably self-centered surely, to not notice something like that befall someone so close to you, who died at the hands of your own invention? …If I’m correctly inferring who, in your household, you suspect of having activated the portal?” Vlad’s tongue lingered along his teeth.
Maddie’s line held, quiet. And the seconds of static drew long.
“Ah, apologies. I’ve overstepped,” Vlad continued. “I meant this as a vote of confidence in you. You and Jack both. Two people as attentive, caring, compassionate as yourselves. You would notice. I promise.”
“You’re… Okay, thank you, Vlad. I appreciate it.”
“Is there anything else, my dear?”
“No. No. Thank you, Vlad. I’ll think about this.”
Maddie’s line clicked dead. A chuckle built to Vlad’s lips and he let his head tip back with mirth. It lasted only a moment. He stowed his phone. And as if the interruption had never happened, Vlad reaffixed his attention on his own portal swirling in front of him. It bathed him, swimming green, purring contentment.
And Vlad vanished into his portal.
(Chapter 2)
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noxcheshire · 1 month
Back at it again with my Danny is mom coded au’s, but this time it’s because of Clockwork that he suddenly has a whole ass teenage kid.
Clockwork had been bored or maybe he was playing a game against an opponent, or even lost a bet, whatever it was, he stepped in right as Jason was searching for his biological mother.
The DNA that would have registered itself as one Sheila Haywood, confirming Jason’s mother, glitched a terrible green across the screens of the batcomputer.
In those few moments of chaos Jason’s heart beat rapidly as he tried to figure out why the computer wasn’t working, wondering if his only chance to find his mom — his blood mom — would never find success.
Then as suddenly as things went wrong the DNA settled and pinged.
Jason watched, his chest tight, as one Danny C. Works, formerly Danny Fenton appeared onto the big screen.
Danny looked a lot like Jason, short cut black hair more straight than the subtle curls of Jason’s own; deep blue eyes, tired in a way that spoke of long days and nights, but with a warm happiness that made the familiar smile — the one Jason would see on himself every time he looked into the mirror — even more striking.
Jason didn’t linger too long on the male identifying gender, nor the fact his mom leaned more towards a masculine name or clothing.
There were plenty of male to female, and female to male leaning individuals that lived in Crime Alley. He had seen it enough to not even bat an eye at it, even now. After all, in Gotham you minded your business least you find yourself in business you can’t leave.
On a different monitor information of Danny C. Works piled for Jason to quickly browse through.
Danny was a senior engineer, no intimate relationships, and with no close connections to family outside of the tentative calls from Jasmine Fenton.
Danny was estranged from Jack and Madeline Fenton, a falling out that had occurred just a little before Danny’s high school graduation. If Jason calculated it correctly that would have been — around the season Jason himself would have been born.
Okay, so no grandparents then but I might have a maybe aunt. Jason scrolled further and stilled.
Twin toddlers: Dante and Danielle Works.
Jason had baby siblings.
He doesn’t let the sting of younger siblings consume him, doesn’t allow the whispering thoughts of why he had been given up when his younger siblings had been kept and so very obviously loved.
Jason took deep breathes, he didn’t have time to linger here. He had a family to get to, and a family he would get to.
It took almost all night to reach, the starlight night sky slowly and surely fading into cloudy wine as the sun rose, but Jason made it.
And when the door opened to his hesitant but firm knock, Jason was unable to speak. His mom — dad, maybe? Did they want to be mom or dad? — stood in the doorway, brows furrowed in confusion.
It was when Danny spoke his vigilante name did Jason only just realize that he was still dressed to the nine’s in his Robin costume.
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rboooks · 1 year
Alfred's Boy: Part 2
Bruce felt his blood pressure rise as Damian shoved another pair of swimming trucks into his cart. His youngest insisted that he needed something flattering, as his previous outfit was "functional but not attractive to the youth of today."
Damian had never cared that he wasn't up to the trends, but that was before Danny moved into the manor. Now he had to wait hours for Damian to find a satisfying outfit, knowing darn well its only because Danny mentioned he was interested in taking a dip in the inner pool.
The boy, technically being staff, felt it was essential to ask permission before taking a swim. Bruce had spent years telling Alfred he had free range over the manor, only to always have the man ask before doing anything. He hopes Danny won't develop the same habit.
He wanted the young man to feel at home with them.
His younger children- who honest to God forgot they even had a pool- had all scrambled to go swimming with Danny. Tim had practically thrown himself over the table to change from his WE suit into his swimming wear, Duke use his grappling hook to zoom up the stairs and Steph begged Cass to lend her a bikini.
Damian remained seated, despairing that his old swimming shorts had been bought by Dick the year previous. Dick had gotten him green shorts with little cats and dogs. Damian- who refused to even go near public pools- wore them to the family pool with no desire to purchase new ones since he saw no point in it.
And now he was paying the price for keeping childish wear. Personally, Bruce thought they were adorable and perfect for his fourteen-year-old son, but being two years younger than Danny gave him a terrible disadvantage, and Damian could not afford falling futher behind.
He just sat there, staring longingly at the retreating back of Alfred's assistant after telling him he had nothing to wear. Danny had told them he could join the rest another time before scurrying away to finish his cleaning of the right wing.
What else could Bruce do besides offering to take him to the nearest outlet mall and get him something nicer?
"Damian are you almost-"
"I am ready, father. Make haste to purchase our wears. Daniel must be finishing his duties, and I wish to get back." His son announced, yanking the cart out of Bruce's hand and practically running to the cashiers.
Bruce sighed.
It's not that he minded his son's crush on a boy or that it was Danny. It just felt like he shouldn't be encouraging his children to try and romance someone going through a lot.
Alfred had forbidden anyone from looking into Danny's background, and he had respected the request. There was a lot Bruce and Batman were willing to do but defying a direct order from Alfred was not one of them.
(Honesty, if Alfred ever turned evil, Bruce's contingency plan for him was simple: Die.)
Danny took his assistant butler job very seriously. Often wearing a neat and pressed suit, finishing his work in record time, well mannered and very intelligent but kept a distance from the family. Alfred also had a small wall of professionalism but he would crack a joke and be in their presence like a grandfather.
Danny only spoke when spoken to, tried to refrain from being notice and basically kept the reminder that while he liked them all he was always going to be a employee first and foremost.
Maybe it was due to his parents? Danny probably couldn't relax until he felt safe once more. Not for the first time, Bruce wondered what type of monsters the Fentons had to be to make a boy capable of discovering the Batcave without so much of a blink, flatter.
"Father!" Damian called impatiently, tapping his foot before the nervous-looking teen who what been attempting to ring him up.
The Wayne's made everyone nervous.
"Yes. Yes. Here put It on my card-" Damian snatched it out of his hand before Bruce even took it out completely from his wallet.
Suddenly his phone rings. Seeing that Damian could handle punching in the Pin, he accepted the call, not bothering to check the screen.
All his children have personalized ringtones, so only one person would cause Gun and Ships from the Hamilton musical to blare from his phone.
"Bruce!" Jason yells in a wheezing voice "Tim almost drowned!"
"Is he alright!?"
"He's fine!" Jason assures, voice breaking to manic cackling. "He's just really embarrassed. He forgot about the bruise on his back, so when he tried to do cannonballs with Danny, he cramped up. Danny had to help him out of the pool and then lectured him about jumping in the deep end because of peer pressure. He thinks Tim can't swim, Bruce!"
Bruce felt a headache building behind his eyes. "Jason-"
"Wait, wait, there's more! Do you know how Steph never wears bikinis because she is uncomfortable? Danny clocked that as soon as she walked in and offered her the old t-shirt he was wearing. Took it off right then and there, and do you know what Steph did!? She walked into a wall! A wall Bruce!"
"Duke hasn't stopped staring at Danny. I think his brain is in a permanent blue screen. I'm actually thinking he's-"
"Jason!" Bruce cut in which finally seemed to get his second oldest attention. Don't get him wrong, he was thrilled that Jason was spending so much time around the manor but the constant updates on his children tripping over themselves for Danny was not well for his heart. "I think you need to make sure your siblings give Danny some space. The poor chum might not be comfortable-"
"I'm not helping you stop Danny from finding true love, old man"
Bruce rolled his eyes as his son hung up. He can't wait for school to start up again. Danny will be homeschooled by his own request and Alfred's agreement but at least most of his kids will not be around him as often.
His phone started playing Sk8er Boy and he considered not answering. He really did but honestly his son probably needed him.
With a sigh he presses the accept call button "Tim-"
"He thinks I can't swim Bruce! He banned me from the pool!" Tim sobs and Bruce sees Damian perk up, happy Danny had put distance between one of his suitors ans himself.
Was it too late to ask Alfred if he was sure his contact Clockwork had no where else to foster Danny?
Being Batman on the night all his rouges broke out was easier then this.
( Part 1) (part 3)
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Half-Ghost Billy Batson
(Inspired by a post that I can’t find😡😤. If you recognize it please let me know! I have searched. Everywhere. I remember it starts off with Billy contemplating how he’s different and his dad didn’t want him, and then Danny shows up.)
Danny Fenton grows up, gets crowned King of the Infinite Realms, and then discovers that time it weird in the Zone if the portal you came through doesn’t stay open. He’s been ruling for over a century, but it’s only been a few years on Earth. Early on he made sure to keep popping in and out to visit family and friends and keep up a human identity, and so was able to age normally too.
By the time he’s 25 (2015), he’s in a serious relationship with a woman named Mary Batson, and has decided to tell her about his other life. Before he can however, he is ‘killed’ in an explosion at his civilian job as an engineer.
He’s fine, but was weakened enough that he reverted to his core, and Clockwork retrieved him and took him to the Realms to heal. He does, goes discreetly looking for Mary, and discovers it been a year and she died in a car accident. Heartbroken, and with no civilian identity anymore, he starts spending all his time in the Zone, only making weekend trips to see family/friends.
Unknown to Danny, Mary was pregnant, gave birth, and little William ‘Billy’ Daniel Batson was saved via emergency C-Section after the accident and placed in foster care, because she had no family and no one looked into the father’s well enough. Mary only survived long enough to name her son and give them Danny’s name.
10 years later, Billy gains the title of Champion of Magic. The influx of so much magic also triggers his… other genes.
As Billy, he is faster and stronger and heals quicker and if he concentrates really hard he can turn invisible and walk through things— at least for a few moments. He also discovers that he’s essentially a cat, since he can hiss and purr and randomly sprout claws.
Billy only uses a mirror if he needs to give himself a haircut, but the next time he looks he notices the tiny little baby fangies. And that his eyes are more teal than blue, his hair has a few white spots in it, and his ears point a little more. No wonder no one’s been bothering him lately.
(He’s basically 75% human and 25% ghost, so unless he gets hosed down with pure ectoplasm and also eats a bunch of the stuff, he’s not going to be able to ‘go ghost’. He’s just hasn’t got enough Phantom in him to manage it.)
As Captain Marvel, the magic of his patrons and the Rock of Eternity kinda work as a counter-measure against the partially-dead thing, as the magic sees it as a threat to the Champion’s health and fights the genes’ effects like it’s a virus. So the magic is basically shutting down all of the actual powers he gets as Billy. But he does get little things that the magic doesn’t care about, like sharp little fangs and pointy ears.
Billy just thinks it’s all side effects of the magic, and uses his new ‘adaptations’ as Billy to survive on the streets.
The Justice League comes knocking about 6 months in, meet this huge chipper dude who can evenly match Superman and uses magic in a way that causes other magic users headaches and rage, and invite him to join.
That’s when they notice that he’s a bit… strange.
Not like, in a bad way! Just, the other day Batman did the ‘appear behind you from nowhere’ thing and when Marvel noticed he full on hissed at him, like a feral cat, before looking sheepish and apologizing.
A few weeks later, they’re rescuing some kidnapped meta kids and they find Marvel sitting cross-legged on the ground, several toddlers draped over him and a very distinct purring noice emanating from his chest.
A week after that, and Superman confides worriedly that sometimes Marvel’s heart will just… stop beating, and/or he’ll stop breathing, and that when his heartbeat is gone there seems to be a strange hum coming from the center of his chest.
Then another 2 weeks later, after a meeting, he and Flash were talking and they both laughed, but when Marvel did he just flashed these very sharp incisors that Flash swears are fangs.
And then one day they call him in to help fight some demons and one growls at him and he freakin growls back, bares his definitely fangs I told you so! And just freakin launches at the thing. They basically roll around like a couple of territorial tomcats, and at first Marvel is throwing punches and lighting but then the demon bites him and Marvel just… bites back.
And then he like… sprouts claws?! And then it really is like a cat fight, with these two just hissing and growling and clawing and biting until Marvel does something and the demon breaks away and flees, whimpering like a kicked dog. Superman has to snag Marvels cape and dodge some claws to keep the guy from chasing after it.
He’s covered in claw marks and scratches and there’s blood like everywhere but once they drag/convince/bully him into going back to the Watchtowers medbay, there’s nothing. The wounds are gone, the blood is fading away, and the suit is repairing itself. Marvel just shrugs and says magic, which, fair enough.
But then they have to have a talk about what the hell that was, and all Marvel can say for his feral-cat behavior is “I just heard him growl and had the uncontrollable urge to bite him. Like, he’s in my territory, and he’s gonna challenge me like that? Heck-no.”
…Territory? Territory?! What does that- does this possibly-immortal being consider all of Earth his territory? Is he secretly a Fae? An eldritch being in less terrifying form? Part demon himself? A cat transformed into a person?
Marvel shrugs.
“I never met my parents, so honestly any of those have a chance of being true.”
Oh No. Oh F*ck. Those were rhetorical!
Meanwhile, Danny is back on Earth and finds out from Tucker that Mary had a kid. They discover this because he was reported missing after he ran away and the cops tried to find out if there was any more family, and do a better job looking this time. Danny is ‘dead’ so they called the Drs Fenton, who told Jazz, who told Tucker, who dug around and realized oh sh*t, Danny has a son.
But they can’t tell Danny this, because some a-hole in a different dimension is trying to invade the Infinite Realms, so Danny has to go kick a**. The time in the other dimension is weird too, so several years pass on Earth by the time he stops the threat, locks away the demon Trigon, and finds a nice home in the Realms for the demon’s half-human orphaned daughter Raven, who fits in very well with the ghosts.
So, Danny’s back and between Tucker and Danny they figure out what city Billy is in, and Danny spends days flying around invisible feeling for any ectoplasm. He finds it, finds Billy facing down some wanna-be teenage gangsters, and watches with growing pride as his son hisses at them with his widdle baby fangs oh my Ancients!
So after the other kids flee from the ‘crazy demon kid’, Danny invisibly follows Billy back to his current hideout in the basement of an abandoned warehouse (only someone Billy-sized or smaller would be able to fit through the window, and then they’d have to do it again to get into his little blocked-off closet. Smart. Very smart. I have such a smart kid, the family will Love him!)
Danny doesn’t want to freak his kid out— strange man+small space=bad no-no— so he just settles himself in front of the exit and starts chirping. Calling.
Billy, who has never heard the sound before, still knows what it means. Can’t resist following it out of his hidey-hole. Sees the man, cross-legged on the ground, sees his blue eyes flash green-green-green and knows.
“Hi, Billy. Is so good to meet you!”
2015: Danny=25
2016: Billy born
2027: Billy=11, Danny=27
Hope you guys like this!
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vala-dreams · 1 year
Daniel Masters AU
So this is brought to you by a fever dream at 6 in the morning. In this au, one Vlad Plasmius partakes in the noble and completely not illegal act of cradle robbing. And by cradle robbing I mean kidnapping toddler Danny because he is a batty old ghost with a family obsession and no morals. (I've decided to change his obsession from maddie to family. No I don't take criticism)
Vlad kidnaps Danny with the intention of turning him into a halfa too.......the only problem is that the portal he's trying to make isn't functional. yet. So in the meanwhile he's gotta juggle making the portal and taking care of Danny in his Wisconsin manor.
This leads to many shenanigans, sleepless and tired Vlad who has no idea how to take care of children + one baby Danny = c h a o s
A year passes by and finally, the portal is up and working and the big moment finally comes. Vlad places Danny as gently as he can, into the portal and turns it on.
Except he doesn't.
He can't
Because all he can see as his index finger hovers over the button are cold linoleum tiles of a hospital. Harsh florescence of lights overhead. Faces of people he doesn't know, covered by surgical masks. All he can hear are the squeaking of stretcher wheels, the beeping of monitors, muffled voices he cannot understand.
All he can feel is fire.
The next thing he knows, little Daniel is in his arms again.
His feet are lead, unmoving. His arms are steel, wrapped securely around Daniel's still slumbering form. And that's how they stay all afternoon, in front of the empty portal.
Thats fine. In the end, he cannot do it. That's fine. Daniel doesn't have to be a halfa to be his son. Little badger was his the moment he was born. Jack would never be a factor. Maddie would never be a factor. They wouldn't even be in the equation.
(And isn't that exactly what they deserve? They left him. They left him to burn and they never looked back they laughed as fire licked at his heels they left him they left him they lef-)
They never figured out what happened to their Danny. Years and years of missing posters and sleepless nights and tears and research– it was like he never existed.
The only clue to what might've happened to their boy was a single splatter of ectoplasm on the floor
They would find their son. Or they would die trying.
One fine sunday night, one Daniel Masters stumbles into a secret basement in his house.
There's gonna be updates on this cayse I'm sleep deprived rn and it's not as well written as I wish it could be.
This started out as crack and kinda got serious and I'd like ro establish that Vlad isn't going to be a "good" character. He is narcissistic, self serving, controlling and deliberately keeps things from Danny. He basically just ignores the fact that he stole Danny and tries to convince himself that Danny is his. His ghostly nature only makes it worse.
However, he does genuinely love Danny. Not when he first kidnapped him, at that time he only cared about hurting jack and maddie and fulfilling his family obsession. But over the course of the year he spends with Danny, he starts to care for him. Their relationship will eventually be fixed. It'll probably never be okay but Vlad will do anything it takes for him to not hurt Danny anymore. He will find a way to be better. And even if no amount of apologies will make up for what he did, he will still apologize.
The Fentons aren't going to be good either. They have very fixed views on ghosts and it's only increased due to the cradle robbing. They are even more ruthless and cold. They throw themselves into their research even more. Danny is absolutely terrified of them. And they're completely convinced that Danny stole their kid. (Will elaborate later) But they too will learn eventually.
Jazz grows up with her parents constantly working on their ghost research and projects, and she doesn't really believe in it. She grows up with the faint memory of a brother she doesn't know. And even though he parents love her, she wishes that they could let go.
Sam and Tucker will be explored in later posts
@little-pondhead I did a thing
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bleedingectoplasm · 1 year
A Spark (Real or Imagined)
This was inspired by the prompts for DP Side Hoes Week Day 1, Tucker and Power Up! Of course, I am posting it on Day 3, but better late than never, I suppose? I hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3.
Tucker stands frozen outside of Danny’s bedroom door. He wants to knock, he really does, but for some reason, he can’t get his limbs to cooperate. Some sort of disconnect between his brain and his body is stopping the signals from his synapses from reaching the nerves in his arm.
Maybe it’s some sort of self-preservation instinct. Maybe his body knows that his heart will skip a beat the second he looks into his best friend’s eyes. Maybe his muscles know the best way to maintain homeostasis is to stay far away from Daniel James Fenton and his soft hair and sharp cheekbones and paint splatter freckles.
Ever since Danny and Sam broke up, things have been…different. Well, not between Danny and Sam. Their breakup was amicable, prompted mostly by Sam’s realization that her strong desire to be close to Valerie at all times was not, in fact, entirely platonic and she is, in fact, a lesbian. After the breakup, Danny was…completely fine. Shockingly so. While Tucker never doubted that Danny would fully support Sam’s moment of self-discovery, he expected for there to be some hurt in the fallout. It seemed almost unavoidable. But that hurt never came.
When they talked about it, Danny had just shrugged and said, “we both wanted different things.” He didn’t volunteer any additional information, as if that statement was enough of an explanation in and of itself. And then, Danny had given him that look, the one he’s been wearing more and more lately when he catches Tucker’s gaze. The corners of Danny’s eyes get all soft and his lips quirk up into a fond smile, almost like he’s looking for something and liking what he finds. It’s an expression that makes Tucker’s breath catch in his throat, equal parts intoxicating and unreadable and overwhelming.
The shift in their dynamic hasn’t been because of Danny and Sam. In fact, Tucker is pretty sure that if Danny and Sam had their way, the three of them would still be hanging out every day like nothing has changed at all. No, the difference is entirely within Tucker.
Something stirs in the pit of Tucker’s stomach whenever he and Danny are together. It’s a feeling he is intimately familiar with, a want that has burned inside of him for as long as he can remember. The fluttering of infatuation was much easier to control when Danny was dating someone else. But now that Danny is single again, now that the smallest, dumbest part of Tucker is hopeful that there might be a chance for his friendship with Danny to become something more, he can’t seem to get his butterflies to fly in formation.
Tucker hates it. He hates feeling like a little kid with a schoolyard crush, hates that he can hear his pulse in his ears every time Danny laughs, hates the way that ecstasy tips into nausea whenever Danny’s hand brushes his own at lunch. The butterflies are only manageable when Danny isn’t around, so Tucker has been valiantly trying to avoid him for the past few weeks. He’s made up homework assignments and family commitments and pulsing migraines. Danny knows it’s bullshit, Tucker can tell. He can see it in the little furrow of Danny’s brow and the tiny tilt of his head and slight purse of his lips. However, instead of calling Tucker out, Danny’s skepticism will always melt into that stupid fucking look, and he’ll accept the excuse at face value.
Tucker has been completing his duties to Team Phantom remotely, but his latest project requires face to face interaction with Danny. He’s been working on some modular enhancements to Danny’s suit, and there needs to be a fitting before final adjustments. Tucker tried to just get Danny to send over his measurements, but Danny couldn’t quite figure out how to use the measuring tape properly, for whatever reason.
Mechanical engineering is a bit outside of Tucker’s comfort zone. He’s always been more of a software guy, but Danny’s rubber hazmat suit isn’t doing enough to protect him anymore. Danny’s armor needs an upgrade, and as Danny’s guy in a chair, that responsibility falls squarely on Tucker’s shoulders. So, with little to no experience in practical construction, Tucker has been tasked with crafting something that will protect his best friend and guy he’s maybe sorta kinda in love with from facing mortal injury.
No pressure at all.
It should be a simple visit, really. He just needs to take some measurements, have Danny try a few pieces on, and then he can leave. In and out. Easy.
After one more heavy sigh, his brain and his body finally get on the same page, and he forces himself to knock.
“Come in,” Danny calls, voice muffled through the door.
Slowly, cautiously, Tucker opens the door and steps into the room. Danny is splayed out on his bed, scrolling through his phone. His shirt has ridden up a bit, and Tucker can see a small sliver of skin right above the cut of his hip bone. All the air empties from Tucker’s lungs, and he sharply turns away, unable to meet Danny’s eyes.
Danny throws Tucker a lazy grin as he hauls himself into a sitting position, his movements relaxed and self-assured. Tucker is grateful when Danny’s shirt drops to fully cover his stomach and he can breathe somewhat normally again.
“Hey,” Tucker says, hating himself when his voice waivers. “Hey, dude.” He tries again.
“Hiya, Tuck,” Danny smiles back at him. He stands and stretches his arms above his head, exposing that strip of skin once more. Tucker can feel himself short circuiting. The butterflies have become wasps and are pounding at the edges of his ribcage. He’s pretty sure that all the blood in his body has rushed up to his cheeks to paint him bright red.
This visit may be trickier than he initially thought.
“So, what’s the plan?” Danny asks.
“Uh,” Tucker says eloquently. “Um, yeah. Plan. Right. I’m just going to try these pieces on you and see what adjustments need to be made.”
Danny nods, then asks, “Do I need to change my clothes? Or does this work fine for the whole fitting thing?”
Danny is wearing jeans and an oversized NASA hoodie. The hoodie has a small blotchy stain on one of the sleeves, and Tucker can’t quite tell if it’s remnants of ketchup or blood. The stitching of the front pocket is ripping, like Danny has shoved his hands inside of it a bit too hard a few too many times. The jeans are fraying at the edges, and Tucker is pretty sure that they’re the same pair of pants that Danny has been wearing for the last four school days.
He looks beautiful.
“Are you wearing a shirt under the hoodie?” Tucker manages to ask around the lump in his throat.
Danny cocks an eyebrow at him.
“I just mean for fitting purposes,” he rushes to explain. “The hoodie looks like it might be a little thick so, you know-“
“Yeah, I gotcha,” Danny interrupts, stopping Tucker from embarrassing himself further. “I can take it off, one sec.”
Danny crosses his arms over himself, grabbing the sweatshirt from the bottom hem and lifting it over his head. Mercifully, his t-shirt remains in place, and Tucker is spared from seeing any flash of Danny’s torso.
Danny tosses the hoodie onto the bed before ruffling his unruly hair back into place.
“All good?”
Tucker swallows. Hard. “Great,” he chokes out.
The air between them is supercharged with a tension that Tucker can’t quite place. He steps closer to Danny, removing the armor prototypes from his duffel bag and laying them onto the bed.
Piece by piece, Tucker places the suit upgrades on his friend’s body, snapping and buckling the flexible plating into place. He tightens the breastplate around Danny’s chest, careful to touch only the armor itself, refusing to indulge in fantasies of resting his hand on the small of Danny’s back. As he settles the shoulder piece across Danny’s collarbone, he can feel Danny’s icy breath dance across his cheek. It’s tantalizing, and it takes all of Tucker’s willpower to hold himself back.
His fingertips just barely brush against Danny as he places the final piece of the armor around Danny’s forearm. There’s a spark that skitters across the surface of Tucker’s skin where they made contact, and for a moment he thinks it’s just in his head, the same sort of electricity he always feels whenever he gets too close to Danny. But as he catches the incremental shift in Danny’s expression as he winces, he realizes the spark was very real.
Tucker jerks his hand away from Danny, tripping over himself to apologize. “I’m sorry, this is new tech and all, but it shouldn’t have—”
His voice seizes as Danny catches Tucker’s hand in his own and presses Tucker’s palm firmly against his arm, refusing to break eye contact. The atmosphere in the room shifts and gravity collapses into them. Tucker can’t move away, he doesn’t want to. He may never move from this spot ever again. He keeps waiting for Danny to say something, but Danny offers no explanation. The only sound in the room is the twin rattling of their breathing. Danny’s bedroom has become a cathedral, and speaking would disturb the holiness of the atmosphere.
The moment stretches into an eternity. Tucker can feel a flush licking over his skin like fire. He is afraid he may burn up, completely consumed by the flames of his own desire. In a last attempt at self-preservation, Tucker finally finds his voice.
“What are you doing?” The question resonates in the room with a rasp.
There it is again. The look. Tucker’s nerve endings are lit anew.
“Pressure is good for pain,” Danny explains. The twinkle in his eye dares Tucker to disagree.
Tucker’s head is pounding. The butterflies have migrated from his stomach to his skull. His entire body is an inferno. The metaphors are getting all mixed up and Tucker can hardly move. Breathe. Think.
Danny edges forward by a nanometer, and his nose is practically brushing against Tucker’s cheek. He doesn’t know when Danny got so close. Tucker turns his head on instinct, and he can feel Danny’s breath skitter across his lips. An electric sensation zings down Tucker’s spine. His mouth parts ever so slightly, and the movement causes Danny’s eyes to dart down to Tucker’s lips. He can see Danny swallow, hear his shuddering breath, feel his uneven pulse where his fingers hook around Danny’s inner elbow.
Danny moves impossibly closer. Tucker is frozen, either in fear or anticipation. He’s not quite sure. For the briefest moment, Tucker thinks that Danny’s lips will meet his own. He braces himself for the brush of Danny’s chapped lips. He doesn’t know what he wants. He wants this. He wants everything. He wants nothing at all.
Suddenly, Danny pulls away, opening a vacuum between them. Tucker gasps, feeling as if he has been plunged into an ice bath. Danny seems completely nonchalant.
“This looks great, Tuck,” Danny flexes a bit, turning his arm to get a better look at his new gear. “Thanks for the power up.”
Tucker is still struggling to catch his breath. “Uh, yeah. Of course. Anytime.”
“And Tucker?” Danny peers over at him, a patient smile painted across his freckled face.
Tucker absentmindedly rubs his thumb across his lips, the ghostly memory of Danny’s breath still buzzing beneath his skin. “Yeah?”
“Let me know when you’re ready, okay?”
Tucker has never been more confused in his entire life. “When I’m ready?”
He forces himself to meet Danny’s gaze, and only to be met once more with the look.
God fucking damn it.
“Yeah. Just let me know.” Danny says softly, lovingly. “I’ll be here.”
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scarletsaphire · 2 months
Dash, Star, and Paulina all take a nice walk through the park, before the girls abandon him. It's a good thing Danny Fenton is there to keep him company!
Fic 6 for @phicphight! This prompt fill is for @nat-space-obsessed, and is also the spirtual successor to Cheerleader Lock In, but is also perfectly functional as a standalone fic. Prompts used are listed at the bottom!
It was a nice day for a walk in the park. That's what Star had said when she'd invited Dash out. She was right; it was a beautiful day for a walk. The sun was out to warm his skin but not enough to burn, the wind was just strong enough to be cooling and comforting, and to rattle the leaves, and the birdsong was on point. He couldn't think of a better way to spend it then with his two best girl friends, Paulina and Star.
If only he actually was spending time with them.
They'd made it to a scenic picnic table, in the shade of a tall willow tree and overlooking the lake, the kind of table that was rarely ever actually available. Dash had barely sat down before Paulina was looking at her phone and announcing that they had "important girl business to take care of" and that he needed to sit right there until they came back.
Dash picked at the flaking wood of the table. It was bullshit; the day was perfect, and here he was, waiting for the two girls to figure out undisclosed girl talk. It was probably something to do with their period. Dumb crustacean cycle. Mother nature was a bitch for making girls go through that kind of thing. It should've been him, and his fellow men who had to deal with that shit; he was fairly certain he could handle it. Besides, his mother had told him it made girls more tolerant to pain, and that would help him on the field.
Dash had managed to peel off a solid three inches of the table, and all in one piece too, when he felt the bench shift underneath him. He looked up, hoping to see that Paulina and Star had made it back. Instead, he was met with Daniel Fenton sitting across from him. He was beautiful; the sun was shining down on him in just the sort of way that made his hair look like it was floating in the wind and gave him a halo, his smile was small and slight but so charming, and the freckles across his nose spread in such an intricate pattern, unlike anything Dash had seen before.
"Um... do I have something on my face?"
Dash shook himself out of his stupor. He wasn't surprised that he'd ended up staring; he normally did, when it came to Danny. He'd just never gotten caught doing it. "Uh. No. Sorry. I was just um. Looking at the pond?" Nailed it.
Danny laughed, and Dash had to put effort into not staring again. "Right. So, um. What are you doing out here?"
"Oh, Star and Paulina asked me out," Dash replied. He immediately started backtracking. "Not as like, a date! Just as friends. To enjoy the weather."
"It is really nice out, yeah," Danny agreed. "I guess you're waiting for them?"
Dash nodded. "Yeah, they had some stuff to take care of. I'm sure they'll be coming back. Eventually."
"I know how those two are. Always up to something."
"Yeah. If you want to, you can join me? Until they come back? Or after too, I don't think they'd like. Kick you out or anything, since you're their friends too and all."
"I can stay for a little while," Danny said with a full, proper smile, and Dash could feel his heart skip a beat in his chest.
There was a beat of silence, and then two, and Dash could feel the awkwardness filling the air. He spoke to try and break it, but Danny had the same idea.
"So, what are you-"
"I saw you at-"
They both stopped at the same time too, before laughing together. "You go first," Danny said.
"You sure?" At Danny's nod, Dash continued. "I was just wondering what you were doing out here?"
"Oh! Just. Going for a walk," Danny said, and Dash was almost able to convince himself that he was blushing. It was probably just a trick of the light though.
"It is a nice day," Dash said. "What were you going to say?"
"Oh, I was just going to say that I saw you during the game last week. You were incredible, as always."
Now it was Dash's turn to blush, and this one was definitely real. "Thank you," he said. "You did amazing too. I don't get how you can be thrown around like that and not vomit all over everyone else. I'd be spewing chunks everywhere in a heart beat." Yeah, real smooth, Baxter. Talk about vomiting. That'll get him to like you.
"It's not that hard, really," Danny said. "You get used to being in the air after a while, and I've had a lot of practice."
"I thought Paulina recruited you because you were already so good at stuff like that?"
There was a brief pause. "Uh, well, yeah, she did, but that was mostly cause I'm flexible and know how to do flips and stuff. Not because I was comfortable in the air. That came after."
"That makes sense," Dash nodded again. "Cause I was gonna say, I don't think most people get a lot of experience in the air without, you know, doing something in the air."
Danny laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, you're right."
This time, the awkward silence fully descended upon them.
Dash glanced around the park, but there was no sign of Paulina and Star anywhere. "Where did those two girls go?" he mumbled.
Clearly, he wasn't quiet enough. "See, about that," Danny said. "This might have been a set up?"
Dash blinked in surprise. Mostly because he had no idea what Danny could mean by that. "What?"
"Well, the cheerleader lock in was yesterday, and they said that you have a crush on me, which I'm not saying you do or don't! That's just what they said, and then they kind of read that I have a crush on you, which, once again, am neither confirming or denying, but after that they said that you would never like. Actually ask me out? Because you were scared of crossing a boundary, which I get and super appreciate, cause if I didn't like you back that would've been super weird and awkward, but they also knew I wouldn't ever ask you out, and they were right, so they put together this scheme to get us alone together? And so I guess I'm asking you out now? But only if you want, to, I'm not going to force you or anything, and also if they were lying than please let me know, because I wouldn't put it past them, and-"
"Danny." Dash put his hand on Danny's, effectively interrupting the other boy's rambles. "Do you want to go get ice cream?"
Danny's smile was bright enough to blind, and Dash couldn't help but return it, even while his cheeks burned red hot. "Yeah."
Dash did not let go of Danny's hand, even as they stood from the table and started walking towards the park's exits.
Those girls could come back to an empty picnic table, for all he cared. Dash had found a better way to spend the day.
Natt- Is there something on my face?
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The Bracket!
Sorry for taking so long ya'll- I finally managed to fit the submission into some decent brackets. My own life's been crazy enough recently, I wanna get the tournament running! Finally!
The match-ups are mostly random. Polls will start going up sometime this week.
Part A
Miles Edgeworth & Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Nico di Angelo & Hazel Levesque (Heroes of Olympus)
Carter & Sadie Kane (the Kane Chronicles)
Ray (@portalford-hasadeathray) & Evan (@transford-pines) (Tumblr/real life)
Izou & Kikunojo (One Piece)
Daniel "Danny" & Jasmine "Jazz" Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Portgas D . Ace & Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Stanford & Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls)
Roronoa Zoro & Perona (One Piece)
Mungojerrie & Rumbleteazer (Cats the Musical)
Sanji & Vinsmoke Reiju (One Piece)
Lark & Sparrow Oak (Dungeons & Daddies)
Taako & Lup Tacco (Adventure Zone: Balance)
Ellie & Scooter (Borderlands)
Rock & Roll (Mega Man)
Timerra & Fogado (Fire Emblem Engage)
Part B
17. Apollo Justice & Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)
18. Nami & Nojiko (One Piece)
19. Maya & Mia Fey (Ace Attorney)
20. "Franky" Cutty Flam & Iceberg (One Piece)
21. Annika & Brietta (Barbie and the magic of Pegasus)
22. Zuko & Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
23. Peter & Ted Spankoffski (Team Starkid's Hatchetfield universe)
24. Charlotte Katakuri & Charlotte Brûlée (One Piece)
25. Cain & Abel (Judeo-Christian mythology)
26. Leonardo & Donatello Hamato (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
27. Gepard & Serval Landau (Honkai Star Rail)
28. Sans & Papyrus (Undertale)
29. Seto & Mokuba Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
30. Ianthe & Coronabeth Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb)
31. Ezran & Callum (The Dragon Prince)
32. Shadow the Hedgehog & Maria Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Part C
33. Callie & Marie Cuttlefish (Splatoon)
34. Carlos & Mikey Rámon (The Magic Schoolbus)
35. Finn the Human & Jake the Dog
36. Eda & Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
37. Fred & George Weasley (Harry Potter)
38. Mion & Shion Sonozaki (Higurashi When They Cry)
39. Data & Lore Soong (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
40. King Clawthorne & Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
41. Amaya & Sarai (The Dragon Prince)
42. Twitch & Thrash (Transformers: EarthSpark)
43. Sarah & Jackie Bryant (Virtua Fighter)
44. Parasoul & Umbrella (Skullgirls)
45. Floofty & Snorpy Fizzlebean (Bugsnax)
46. Calamus & Alula (OneShot by FutureCay)
47. Violet & Jinx (Arcane)
48. Ruby Rose & Yang Xiao Lang (RWBY)
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crazycatgirl420 · 9 months
First Lines
I'm not sure if this is the first line of the whole fic or the first line of the part I'm currently working on so...since I don't actually know the rules I'll just do whichever feels right for it Kay? Cool.
1) Ellie sat on a stool on the stage, a simple black dress shimmering under the light. She was supposed to sing some sad love song tonight but all she could think about was the death of Robin the Second. Looking at the crowd of Gotham Citizens she wondered if they even knew yet.
This one is still a draft but it's teenage singer Danielle in an dp×DC universe. The song that inspired the first chapter was actually a cover of the Beatles song Blackbird.
2) Sam wasn't related to her by blood, but Grandma Ida had always loved her for who she was. Sam would never truly worry about money, though she had spent most of her savings on her car and the apartment, because Grandma wouldn't let Sam go hungry or cold. A thousand dollars would be sent to Sam's bank account evey month, and had been since she was a baby.
The next chapter of Gotham's Black Rose is a bit of a struggle for me right now, it takes place after they've moved to Gotham, about them settling in and finding their footing in a new city, and Sam does some reflection on her relationship with her adopted Grandma.
3) "Father, Grandfather, Uncles," Danny greeted as he walked into the dinning room and sat down. The adults all looked at him, but Danny just smiled.
"Who let a kid in here?" - "Uncles?" - "Father?" - "Who are you?"
They all spoke at once but Danny waited for them to quiet down before he spoke up.
"Daniel Bertinelli, or Constantine if you check magical lineage, or Wayne if you ask for my mother's biological father's last name."
"I've got a kid?" The blond Constantine dropped his cigarette.
"...Helena Bertinelli is my daughter?" Bruce Wayne stared at the table as if the wood would make any of this easier.
The next part of The Fine Print where 'everyone' finds out they've had children they didn't know about.
4) Gotham was not a good city to be homeless in, Danny learned. It was cold at night, and rained at least once a week, and he never knew here he was going to sleep.
My Project R fic is not doing too well, I'm not sure why or what to do with it.
5) When Paulina imagined her Graduation from High School, she never would've pictured this for herself. She was Eighteen, turning Nineteen this summer. She thought she'd be dating Dash or Star, that she'd be taking photos and going out to dinner with either of them or maybe the cheer team would meet up.
Of course she never would've predicted Phantom. Couldn't have imagined Fenton. And you can't predict an unexpected baby. That's what makes them unexpected.
But here she was. Kneeling on the grass of the football field, blue Graduation gown the only thing protecting her JJ House designer dress from stains, and her heels starting to sink into the dirt.
"Grad-u-lates Pauli," Ellie said, carefully, with a toothy smile and her happy bright blue eyes. Her little arms went up, hands grabbing at the air. "Uppies?"
It's a Paulina/Danny raise baby Danielle in Gotham fic idk if it's going to go anywhere but I find it cute to think about.
6) Soul dreams were a safe place, at least they were usually. A neutral place where souls met to bring each other into their lives. How the soul dream took shape depended on who was asleep first, and was still asleep when the other joined them.
I hit a self doubt wall with my first soulmate fic, I wanted to analyze Jazz's sense of responsibility towards Danny and her tendency to treating him as a child even while acknowledging he's a teenager. I also wanted to analyze Dick's relationships with his own siblings once I picked him as Jazz's soulmate for this fic. I'm not sure if I should go back to my notes and try again or if I should give up on it entirely for a different soulmate fic.
7) I'm not sure if cleaning the Fenton house was a good idea anymore. Jasmine Fenton sat on the couch in front of me, her hands clasped together and a strange look on her face.
My self instert fic has hit a wall so hard I decided I am going to change it completely. I tried I struggled and I had no idea what I was doing. Here's the last I had for it as it is now though.
Okay! So there's my 7 current WIPs sorta. I haven't had the heart to actually remove anything from my list of projects even though I'm done trying to write for some of them. I did my best though! And I'm proud of what I learn every time I try something new.
I think I'm supposed to tag other people to play too so I guess I'll tag @faeriekit @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @evandarya @spooky-fm @p0ssym1lker
Okay I'm not brave enough to tag more people in a silly game, maybe next time. I'd like to thank @weirdfishy for tagging me, sorry it took me so long to make play too! This was fun once I stopped over thinking it.
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theguardiansseries · 2 months
From the Beginning - Chapter 3: Danny Is Just Trying Really Hard To Survive His First Day At School (Dani Is Just Swearing At All The Static)
A/N: Sorry this is a little late (but still uploaded when I said I would! Rejoice!), I got caught up re-reading the chapter because I was enjoying reading it that much. (That's gotta be good, right?) So hopefully you all enjoy it just as much!
Rating: Teen Audiences
Dani Fenton (who is sometimes starting to go by Danny Fenton) is a fifteen-year-old almost sophmore who was just going about her normal life when she figured out she sort of liked being seen as a boy. Oh, then he (he had definitely been a he at the time) got shocked by a machine his parents built to view into another world that they believed contained a world of ‘ecotplasmic entities.’
Danny really isn’t sure how to tell them that they were right and that he was in the machine when it turned on and that maybe he isn’t so human anymore. (He might also not be a girl anymore, but that one was a little more difficult to explain than the fact that he ((she?)) might be half-ghost.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54944266/chapters/139747483
Chapters: <<First>> <Prev || Next>
Chapter Three: Danny Is Just Trying Really Hard To Survive His First Day At School (Dani Is Just Swearing At All The Static)
Danny Fenton nervously rubbed sweaty palms against her (his!) new favorite pair of jeans while inside his chest his heart was playing double dutch with how much jumping and stuttering it was doing. It would have been easy to blame it on first day back jitters and even easier to say his skipping heart was due to some lingering effects from the Portal, but, no. No, his panicked heart was all due to one person and one person alone. 
“-can’t believe you talked me into letting you return to school. You still had a fever! Granted it was a low one, but 99.2 is still a fever!” Jazz, being annoyingly cautious of stop signs as always as she drove the two of them to Danny’s high school, hadn’t yet said a word about Danny’s new look. 
Oh, sure, there had been a conversation or two sort of close to the topic a few weeks back, but that had been when he (she?) was wearing a dress and still looked like just Danielle. But now, altogether with his hair fully tucked up under his hat and the layered very obvious guy clothes and the fact he was trying something new and trying to lower his voice even though it was way harder than it should be- Well.
It wasn’t like Danny was expecting Jazz to lose it and go all Karen on him, but he had at least expected a comment about the fact that he was wearing the outfit Sam had first picked out for him back when he decided to try being Danny instead of Dani. With the way it all turned out he definitely looked more like he than anything else — and Jazz hadn’t said a word-! Well, no, she had said way too much in such a short time, but it had just been about… stuff.
“-know that you’re looking forward to finally being out of the house after everything, but school can wait! Teachers can be pretty understanding when it comes to things like this- Don’t give me that look. I had all the same teachers you did-”
“Petricoff,” Danny cut in, viciously pleased to both be distracted from his worries and see Jazz pause, close her mouth, and then gain a look. It was the same look she usually had when she wanted to say something bad about their parents but then remembered it was about their parents.
“Alright,” Jazz said after a minute. “Maybe not all of your teachers are understanding, but Petricoff doesn’t count and you know it. She’s some evil, demonic creature from the pits of hell.”
Not bothering to fight back a laugh, Danny couldn’t help but push it with a smug, “Never gonna forgive her for that C, huh?”
Danny half-expected some lecture about forgiveness and not holding things against people, but instead he was blessed with a wonderful, “Never. She’ll be in her grave and I’ll be sure to graffiti her tombstone every halloween. Now, did you get everything for your first day back? Backpack?”
Looking down at his backpack, which was on the floorboard, Danny looked back to Jazz, who was glaring at some old guy without a helmet passing them on a motorcycle. At least she was consistent in her hatred of motorcycles. “No. I threw it out my window to try and attract the attention of some aliens.” 
“Notebooks and pencils?” After the first day of freshman year? Danny was pretty sure he had a notebook and pencil for each class — including lunch. 
“Nope. I used them all to build a boat. I plan to use it to escape down the river tonight and sail all the way to Atlantis.” It was disappointing that Jazz no longer even looked at him. 
“Lunch money?” 
“Donated it to an organization that has a goal to punch every first grader in the face.” 
“Phone and phone charger?”
“Gave ‘em to Tucker so he could make a supercomputer out of them. I’m pretty sure he’s just a few pieces away from taking over the White House.” 
“Tell him the real power is through the Senate and to strike there first. Pain medication?”
“Took it all this morning at the same time so I can finally enter into a coma like I always dreamed of.” 
“And should I be calling you Dani or another name now?” 
Words dying in the back of his throat, Danny felt like his heart, which had traitorously calmed down in the familiar back-and-forth between him and Jazz, was going to explode. He was pretty sure it was beating faster than possible, Danny barely able to suck in a breath because how was he supposed to respond to that? 
He had no response. He had nothing planned, his mind had gone absolutely blank, and there was no Sam or Tucker around to distract Jazz or defend him and he had no idea what he should be doing. They were pulling up towards the school so Danny could always bail and jump out of the car and run. That seemed like a good, solid option. 
He was just about to try when he felt the car roll to a stop behind a few others, Jazz’s hand settling on his shoulder and it was fifty-fifty whether she would freak out or start being over accepting and- “I see you’re trying out a new outfit today.”
“Wait, what?” Was she being subtle? Jazz wasn’t subtle. She was as subtle as a brick wall. Was it a trick? It was probably a trick. “I mean, uh, yeah- No? Um… Sam helped me pick it out.”
“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me,” Jazz laughed, a hand resting on his shoulder and giving a light squeeze and okay, that was… a good sign? “You look good…?” The last word trailed off and sounded like she was trying to ask a question- Oh. Oh! 
“Danny.” She wasn’t freaking out. “Still Danny, just with a y, now. And another n.” She wasn’t going off into some spiel about accepting every part of himself like she would have even a couple years ago, either. “At least it, uh, sometimes is. I think.” She was just… smiling at him. 
“Well, Danny.” And there was emphasis there. There was emphasis to show that it was more than just… her. (It showed it was him, too.) “I think you look very nice for your first day back at school.” 
Letting the silence stretch and half-aware that they were probably going to get honked at soon because they were just sitting there, Danny finally bit his lip and risked a quiet, “Really?”
“The only thing I ask is to keep me updated so I know whether I should be gushing about my smart baby sister or my smart baby brother.”
“You’re the worst,” Danny managed, refusing to admit he was choked up and absolutely ruined by such simple acceptance. Danny had been expecting some dramatic scene or a fight or to try and find the words to explain what the whole thing was about and instead it was just… It was Jazz smiling and accepting him. Just like that.
He really shouldn’t have expected anything else considering this was the sister who, after being told that Danny planned to become an astronaut, went out and bought a couple hundred dollars worth of instruction booklets and flight simulators. Still, it took way more than it should have to resist the urge to start crying and school hadn’t even started yet. 
“The absolute worst,” Danny repeated, grabbing his bag and tumbling out of the car as he tried to steady himself because he had been ready for some kind of fight and instead he got that. Jesus, it was like the universe knew it gave him pretty useless parents so it made it up to him with Jazz. “Why can’t you insult me like a normal older sister!”
“Have a great day at school, sweetie!” Jazz called out to him through the open passenger window, grin smug and ugh. He loved her. “Be sure to make new friends!” 
“Hey, now, what’s wrong with his old friends!” Ah, and here came Tucker to make the situation even worse. Danny didn’t even flinch at the familiar arm over his shoulders, Tucker beaming at Jazz and breaking up whatever had been left of The Moment. 
“Like I said, make some new friends!” Jazz called as she started to pull out from the lineup of cars dropping off kids, Danny just barely biting down a laugh at Tucker’s over-the-top offense.
“See if I get her any obligatory Christmas gift,” Tucker huffed, squeezing Danny’s shoulder and giving him one of those quick, questioning looks even as he grinned. “Ready for our first day of sophomore year?”
“As long as we make sure to find Sam so she can scare off the jocks for us.” Right. Right! His first official day as Danny Fenton. What could go wrong? 
“You know, when you think about it, there’s probably enough jaded students to start an all out war against her.” Sam’s bracing, amused tone was the only thing keeping Danny from shoving himself face-first into a locker out of a mix of rage and shame. “Like- Here. Hey! Mikey! What do you think about Petricoff!”
Mikey, one of the self-proclaimed ‘nerds’ in their year, startled from where he was walking next to them in the hallway on his own way to lunch like the rest of them. Danny, somehow, managed to feel even more shame and embarrassment, “Sam. Don’t just-”
“She’s a total asshole,” Mikey answered, which, okay, he hadn’t expected that. “See you guys at lunch.” With that he was speed walking away, which, fair. Sam had just shouted him down in the middle of the hallway and Sam could be… Sam. 
“See? Total asshole and all the students hate her,” Sam beamed, linking her arm with Danny’s before her grin fell into something a bit more serious. “I promise, no one else in class looked like they agreed with her.” Well. At least there was that. Danny had been too busy trying not to look at anything or anyone when Petricoff had started frowning when he corrected his name on the call-sheet from Danielle to Danny (or Dani, depending on the day).
“Pretty sure some of them were glaring at her,” Tucker chimed in, bumping his and Danny’s shoulders together. “Plus, hey, she was the only teacher who had a problem with the whole name thing, right? We can deal with one homophobic teacher!”
“It’d be transphobic since this is a gender issue,” Sam cut in, frowning and slowing down in the hallway. “At least I think. Technically it’s about gender fluidity, but still…”
“Guys, it’s not that big of a deal. I mean, my name still is Danielle, and she’s a teacher. Pretty sure she gets final say.” While Danny hadn’t expected to have to go through his first day telling most of his teachers that he would prefer to go by Danny (Dani, technically), it hadn’t been that awful. Most of them just nodded, made a note of it, and then had kept going with roll. Petricoff, though… 
Danielle, apparently, was what was on the attendance sheet and so in her class her name would be Danielle. After all, Dani sounded like such a boy’s name, and she didn’t want that, right? 
God, the only thing that had kept Danny from sinking through the floor was Sam’s hand snapping out to hold onto his tight enough to hurt and Tucker’s chair squeaking like he had actually been about to get up and start a fight. 
“Not every adult can be as cool as Jazz about the matter and, besides, there’s more important things to worry about, like the fact I’m starving.” Which wasn’t a lie. Danny was pretty sure he could eat at least three servings of a Thanksgiving dinner he was so hungry. 
“That is the fifth time you’ve complained about being hungry and lunch has only just started.” Sam shook her head as she steered them along towards the cafeteria lunch line, other kids already sitting down and digging in. “Did you even eat this morning?” 
“Bold of you to assume Jazz would let me leave the house without eating as long as she’s still at the house and not the dorms,” Danny snorted, digging out his lunch money, and, yeah. Jazz had been paranoid so he could probably double up on some things. “Think there’s a limit on how much cafeteria food I can- Shit!”
“Got it!” Tucker caught the dropped tray — and the food already on it — before it could hit the floor, handing it back to Danny with a frown, “You okay? That’s like the sixth or seventh time you’ve dropped something today.” 
“I…” As much as Danny wanted to snap and say he was fine, that… had definitely happened more than it should have. 
It was Sam to set a hand on his shoulder, giving a light squeeze, “Hey, it’s okay. Just let us know when you need help or if you need to go home early.”
“Yeah, man, I know you wanted to see the first day through, but you’re still recovering,” Tucker said, Danny pretending not to see the look of fear in his eyes. “It was… It was pretty bad, Danny. When you came out of there-” 
painpainpainpain it hurt it hurt why did it hurt so fucking badly 
cant breathe cant breathe cant breath make it stop make it stop makeitstop
why does it hurt so much-
“I’m fine.” Absolutely refusing to look down at his hands which he knew were shaking, Danny grit his teeth and kept moving down the line, shoving his stupid memories down as far as they could go. “I’m just a little shaky. It’s nothing some food won’t fix.” 
Even as he said it he knew it was a lie. He hadn’t felt his hands shaking constantly like the doctors feared they would, but he knew what side-effects could be caused by getting electrocuted. He was lucky he could walk without his body suddenly going limp and numb from all that energy rushing through him-
“Oh, look, hey,” Sam’s voice, louder than it should be, had both him and Tucker following the direction she was pointing. “I told you guys the school board approved my petition to add vegetarian options to the menu!” It was an olive branch and distraction in one and Danny happily took it for what it was. 
“Oh, yeah, you were saying something about that a few days ago.” Danny shoved a few fries in his mouth as Sam loaded up on her salads and fruit cups, Tucker making a face at it. “Is it here for a trial period or…?”
“Nope! Year-round,” Sam grinned, her happiness making Danny feel a little less raw around the edges as they finally got up to the cashier. “Hey, I got it,” Sam said, digging for her wallet before Danny could pay. “And it’s important to make sure kids have the choice to eat healthy and follow their beliefs.” 
Glancing at Tucker and half-expecting the blood feud of carnivore versus herbivore like in middle school, and most of their freshman year, Danny was pleasantly surprised Tucker did nothing more than roll his eyes. “What? No fight about meat being better?” 
“She’s got a point about the whole belief thing,” Tucker sighed, dramatically. “And the health thing. Just because my body can handle five double cheeseburgers in a row doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone. Plus, Sam’s paying. I’m not gonna start shit until after I’ve eaten.” Ah, there was the jerk best friend he knew and loved. 
Focused on completely decimating his fries, Danny absently listened to his friends talk until they were settled in their own little corner at a table. It was while Danny’s mouth was full that his friends looked at him and ah… The battle was about to start. 
“Focus up, Danny, it’s time to go to war.” Sam was looking way too serious as she pulled out a notebook and pen that Danny had no doubt was for nothing except dramatic effect. “We need a battle plan if we’re going to survive the year.” 
“I thought our battle plan was to just keep to ourselves and avoid pissing anyone off,” Tucker countered, shaking out some of his fries onto Danny’s own tray. Danny made a note to let him win the next game they played because his best friends were literally angels — fallen angels, yeah, but still angels. “Unless you changed that plan and we’re going to war against the A Listers, now.”
“Oh, god, tell me that stupid name didn’t stick.” Sam looked horrified while Danny smothered his laughter into his food. While ‘A Listers’ was a little on the nose when it came to identifying all of the ‘popular’ kids, it was great to use just to hear Sam complain about what an awful name it was. “Okay, Tucker, you’re literally wired into the internet. Have the generals remained the same?”
Tucker took a moment to just stare at Sam, finally shaking his head, “Okay, you know I love you, but you’re getting into the war strategy way too much. How late were you up playing last night?” The guilty look was answer enough and made it even more hilarious considering Sam had been looking ‘menacing’ while talking about ‘battle plans.’ 
Swallowing the last of his burger in a few quick bites, Danny gave Sam a light nudge against her foot with his own under the table, “No worries, Sammy, we all get caught up in all-night gaming marathons, sometimes. Seriously, though, come back down to high school. We need you to survive.” 
“And to answer your question, yeah, everyone came back for the year as far as social media has told me,” Tucker chimed in, counting off on his fingers. “Paulina, Dash, Kawn, Star, and Valerie all accounted for.” 
“Good, we should tell Paulina about the name thing, Danny. Gossip monger that she is, she'll have it out to the rest of the school before- Holy shit, are you already done?” Jumping at Sam’s words, Danny glanced down to his empty tray, which, yeah, okay, so he had been a bit hungry. “Your tray was filled.”
“Guess I was just hungry.” He still was, honestly, but like hell was he going to say it when Tucker and Sam were already giving him those looks again. The looks that showed they were worried and ready to call Jazz to take him home early because now he was fragile and hurt and-  “Okay, what’s our ‘battle plan’ for the rest of the day, then?”
He was maybe a little out of sorts, but he was fine, or at least, he was recovering. Besides, being a little hungrier than normal and a little more clumsy didn’t mean anything bad. It just meant he was a little off his game, so, really.
He was fine. 
Even if, after all she ate, she was still hungry- He. She. Ugh, Dani didn’t even care anymore whether it was he or she or even it because she just wanted to go home and get something to eat before crashing in bed. God, she’d never even be able to admit it but coming back for the first day had been a horrible choice. 
She was starving, she was clumsy to where everything she held kept dropping it felt like, and now her skin was all tight. Her skin felt like it did after a bad sunburn or a too hot shower, all tight and overheated and like it was all just about to crack. 
It was her last class of the day which was of course her stupid English class which meant of course she had Lancer and, of course, he was the one teacher who cared. That meant he kept looking at her as if checking to see if she had finally kicked the bucket or not.
She was honestly ready to either jump out of the window or stand up and scream if it would make the stupid day end early. Maybe she could distract herself by eating the notebook paper in front of her. It probably wouldn’t taste good, but- 
Static. Static electricity. 
Static electricity felt like it punched her in the chest before spreading out to every inch of her, skin tingling like her entire body had fallen asleep and was now just waking up. The only reason she didn’t call it burning or lightning was because it didn’t technically hurt but also what the hell. 
It was like the feeling of when she had been really little and had been watching an old VHS tape before the movie had ended. She had been left with a static filled television and the feeling of dragging her fingers through the static that prickled up from the television in the remaining quiet. It was like that except everywhere. 
It reminded her of the Portal way too much. All the static spreading across her skin and making it feel like a storm was about to break reminded her of the Portal way too much. The only thing that kept her from going into a full-on breakdown was the feeling of her pencil bumping into her fingers and almost rolling off her desk, sending her scrambling to catch it and right, right. 
Right. She was fine. She wasn’t in the Portal. She was in her English class and she was supposed to be taking notes about what books they were going to read that year and she was okay. She was… Actually. She was okay — or better, at least. 
Apparently a flashback to the worst moment in her life was enough to distract her because she no longer felt starving or even hungry, just bored as was usual in Lancer’s classes. She… He. That was right. 
He still had to finish his first day of school.
Holding her breath as she sat down carefully on the middle step, Dani didn’t let herself breathe until she heard the soft, frustrated voices of her parents from where they were sitting at the kitchen table. While Dani couldn’t see into the kitchen from where she had sat herself, she could hear them well enough, and even see the harsh kitchen light that filled the hallway and ruined the soft darkness that had been there. “-just don’t understand. None of these readings make sense. We shouldn’t be seeing such a sharp increase so soon.”
Her mom definitely sounded frustrated. It was a tone Dani was used to overhearing when it came to discussing whatever they were working on in the lab, but it had been a while since Dani had heard the tone sound angry, too. Her dad didn’t sound much better, mumbling something that was just too soft for Dani to catch.
“-checked them against the previous readings. I even made sure to check them against our projected readings. The numbers aren’t lying, Jack, it’s just… far more powerful than we planned for.” The two were definitely trying to keep their voices down, but they weren’t trying to be quiet. 
“You think we should try shutting it down? It’s been running since Danielle’s accident.” It was nice to hear the concern in her dad’s voice, but Dani was more focused on how the accident had happened just a little under a month ago. That meant the Portal had been active for almost four full weeks. That was… a long time to have something so dangerous and experimental up and running. Even Dani knew that. “The numbers have only been climbing.”
It was quiet except for the sound of rustling papers before his mom gave a sharp, frustrated sigh, “No, I don’t think we should try shutting it down, it just- There’s so much we don’t understand, yet. It’s making me as angry as it is excited.” 
And that was definitely her dad laughing, the sound nervous and excited both, “Hey, we always planned on it being powerful. We just didn’t plan on it becoming self-sustaining.” Okay, whoa, hang on, the Portal had become what? “Mads, this could change a lot.” 
“It could, but please remember, dear, that we’re not scientists looking for a cure to the world’s energy problems,” her mom said, anger and frustration seemingly gone as her laughter filled up the hallway. It made everything in the hallway seem less empty for a few moments. “We have all of this set up for a reason.” 
“Hey, nothin’ wrong with dreaming about winning the Nobel Peace Prize here and there, right?” Her dad may have been joking but, well… Self-sustaining energy. That was a pretty big deal. If it was running off of nothing but itself and ‘ectoplasm’ instead of the generators and power though, then that was a huge deal. “I know, I know, we’ve barely even scratched the surface. It’s… All our old research is holding up though, Mads.”
“I know.” Voice soft and excited, she reminded Dani of Jazz in a way she couldn’t quite name before she focused on the quiet words. “Jack… Isn’t this exciting? Our life’s work — we’ve almost done it.” 
There was another laugh before their voices dropped off, the sound of rustling pages and long strings of words and numbers filling up the space instead. Dani took the opportunity for what it was, careful and quiet as she snuck her way back upstairs and into her room. 
Moving to collapse on her bed, Dani stared up at her glow-in-the-dark stars once again. This time she made sure to stick her tongue out, “Judge me all you want, but I’d like to see you try to get information out of them.” 
Her parents had always been strict about their lab work and keeping them out of it so they didn’t get hurt, but after the Accident? Dani was lucky if she could even mention the lab without her parents sharing looks and Jazz swooping in to usher her back to her room and seriously. There was an entire world — or at least close enough to an entire world — in their basement. How was anyone not supposed to get excited over that! Even her parents were crazy excited! Granted it was for different reasons, but still! 
The Portal was up and running. The Portal was working. Just down a few flights of stairs was a portal into what was an entire new world and-
“Jesus-!” Body flinching and arching away from what once again felt like so much static shock tearing through the air, Dani swore even louder as she slipped off her bed and landed on her hardwood floor in just the right way to hit both her elbows. 
It was a tense moment of mentally screaming every swear she knew as Dani waited for either Jazz or her parents to start yelling at her or panic-worrying. When neither happened, Dani eased herself off the floor with a soft grunt, wincing and rubbing at her elbows.
“Jesus, universe, if you wanted to teach me a lesson about eavesdropping then there are easier ways to do it without triggering me,” Dani muttered more to herself than the universe at large, tugging herself up and back into the bed cautiously. There were no more shocks from the blankets or anything else, but jeez. 
It had felt almost like it had in her English class earlier, a sensation of static jolting through her heart and then spreading out through the rest of her body. If the Portal really was still active and self-sustaining and putting off a ton of crazy energy, it might at least explain the crazy static shock everywhere. 
Right. She had school tomorrow and her parents kept the lab locked up tight. There was no time or way to do anything about the super-secret-awesome portal that led into another world. 
Then again… no one ever said she couldn’t daydream about it just a little.
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stleoshi · 2 years
Top 4 Fic Recs
If I could only read four fics per fandom for the rest of my life, I would choose these.
Under the cut are recs for Danny Phantom, Daredevil, House M.D. Rurouni Kenshin, Sherlock Holmes, Supernatural, and Thor, though I may add more later.
Danny Phantom
The Disparaged Series by imekitty (gen, rated T) Long
Maddie Fenton’s obsessive quest to capture Danny Phantom brings disastrous consequences.
A recent take on the classic “dissection fic”, with Danny/Maddie’s relationship at the center of it. The first two fics in the series are complete, and the third is currently being updated monthly.  The author skirts the limits of the readers comfort in an absolutely fascinating way which would not work in a lesser authors hands. I’ve been loyally following it for a couple years now and I find that I’ve never had to reread a previous chapter in order to remember whats going on. It’s very memorable.
Masks by Cordria (Gen, rated K+) Mid-Length
Sometimes, people hide who they truly are behind masks. This is a short story about the day that Lancer decides enough is enough when it comes to Daniel Fenton. Sequel is 'Plunge'.
It feels a little blasphemous to pick this Cordria fic when they have many, far more iconic fics to choose from (*cough* PITS) but this one just holds a special place in my heart.
Phantom of Truth by HaiJu (gen, rated T) Long
Locked away in a secret government lab with Phantom as her subject, nothing stands between Maddie and the truth... except, perhaps, herself.
Everyone and their mother recommends this fic, and that’s because it fucks severely. There’s a complete sequel now, but I find that I prefer this fic over it. The progression of Danny and Maddie’s relationship is titilating, you’re constantly on your toes wondering how he’ll make it out of this situation half-alive. 
What A Nice Surprise by DarkNymfa (gen, rated T) Long
A ghost and two ghost hunters, sitting around. Like a family. Which they were, but, well. The other two didn’t know that. --- AKA the story of how the Fentons accidentally adopt their own son.
In a fandom full of fucked up and sad fic, it’s nice to have this cute, fluffy series to come back to at the end of the day.
Lucky Devil by ChuckleVoodoos (Matt/Foggy, rated T) Mid-Length
Matt gets caught, Foggy gets a clue, and cases get won.
Emotionally intimate, loving and believable. I’ve read this fic a thousand times and can never look away once I’ve started it.
Of Monstrous Shape by RosaLui (Gen, rated M) Short
“Put me in the ring,” Matt said. His glasses were cracked like a spider’s web, and in the shifting shadows it looked as if he was raising hackles in disgust.
“The House doesn’t profit from quick deaths,” said the jailor.
This fic is dark, violent, dramatic, and insanely engrossing.  The author deftly paints the world of Daredevil and I am always in particular gripped by the climax.
Trial and Error by shyday (Gen, rated T) Mid-Length
'You're a lot of scary adverbs right now, my friend. Trust me when I say that "fine" is not one of them.'
This author loves to get into Matt Murdock’s head and imagine the world the way he perceives it, and they do it very well. Each fic of theirs is a sensory trip, but this one is my favorite. Very strong dialogue between Matt and Foggy as well.
Trust: Handle With Care by ceterisparibus (Matt/Karen, rated M) Long
Matt and Foggy's new client is a mother whose son was sexually abused by a priest.
This is a fic that deals with the heavy topic of abuse in the Catholic Church, but if you are able to stomach that it is an expertly executed fic. Not many authors would be able to craft a fic like this, but you can tell that every aspect of it comes from a place of deep personal knowledge and care. Also, the author is a lawyer, which is a rare treat in that the legal case is legit.
House M.D.
Codependency by debbiel (Hilson-ish, rated PG) Short
 It was the sort of diagnosis that wouldn't rate a sad-face on his whiteboard.  And yet it could change everything.
I’m a huge sucker for the premise of this fic, but none that I’ve found have hit quite like this one. Like a soulmate au, but more poignant ;)
Down to the Water by Blackmare (Gen, rated PG-13) Short
After Amber’s death, House and Wilson try to figure out their place in eachother’s lives.
So many little moments of this fic have stuck with me over the last decade, it’s quiet and beautifully melancholy. There’s a sequel as well which you can find on blackmare’s profile.
The Open Road by Pun (Hilson, rated M) Mid-Length
Wilson goes along for the ride.
Another road trip fic! This one is how I used to imagine the show would end, and somehow in the end it.. kind of was. This is still better.
Two Solitudes by mer_duff (Gen, rated PG) Short
"You were protecting me," House snapped.  "What would you have done if he'd had a gun?  Stood there and taken the bullet?" Wilson shrugged.  "Better me than you."
A short exploration of Wilson’s tendency towards self-sacrificial protectiveness for House. I come back to this fic constantly.
Rurouni Kenshin
An Unexpected Lesson by Conspirator (Gen, rated PG-13) Long
Three years after the end of the Bakumatsu, a chance encounter with a kabuki troupe teaches Kenshin an unexpected lesson in survival.
A wandering era fic that gives us a window into what might have aided Kenshin in developing his “bumbling rurouni” act. I’ve read it a hundred times over the years, it is a great story with believable OCs and balance of humor and drama. 
Out of Time by Siriusfan13 (Gen, rated PG-13) Long
During a trip to Kyoto with his friends, Himura Kenshin winds up in deep water... thirteen years in the past. How will Kenshin deal with the Revolution again? And how will his friends deal with Battousai, who has traded places with him?
This is such an earnest and loving study of Kenshin, who is my all time favorite character. This is certainly in my top fics of all time, and shares a  similar premise to my other favorite fanfiction Bargaining, which just goes to show I have consistent taste lol.
Recovery by hakubaikou (Gen, rated T) Long
As Kenshin recovers from his wounds after his duel with Shishio, his friends sense a threat and take precautions for his safety. Complete.
Kenshins characterization rings absolutely dead on and the tone in general is like canon . This fic always feels like a warm hug to me, and I come back to it often. Hakubaikou was an amazing writer and she is missed every day, I’m so happy she shared her work with us.
Twelfth Knight by an_earl (Gen, rated T) Long
A bloody street-side massacre has been identified by Saito as the product of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. There are two suspects: Himura Kenshin and his master Hiko Seijuro the Thirteenth. Unbeknownst to them, a third user of their exalted style has time travelled to the future: Hiko Seijuro the Twelfth.
A fic about mistaken identity inspired by Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
An ongoing fic that reads like a fandom classic (and I mean that very, very affectionately). The author’s Saito/Kenshin interactions absolutely crackle.
Sherlock Holmes
Bel Canto by bendingsignpost (Johnlock, rated T) Long
After years of waiting for wealthy patrons to faint, Dr John Watson discovers a far more interesting patient in the opera house basement. (AU through a Phantom of the Opera lens.)
The Phantom of the Opera AU I hold all others to as a standard. So delightful and entertaining.
How Sherlock Holmes Was Compelled to Remember One Festive Occasion Per Year:  A Reminiscence by John H. Watson, MD  by MirithGriffin (Johnlock, rated M) Short
Known to the SH fandom as The Turkish Bathhouse Fic. Charming as hell with ACD canon flavor, reading this fic has become a Christmas tradition for me.
Particular Peculiarity by saavik13 (Johnlock, rated M) Long
“How high is your regard for me, Watson?” He asked abruptly, his eyes still trained on the fire.  “If I were to confess my darkest secret would you leave? Would you abandon me here to my melancholy?”
A case forces Holmes to reveal the truth to Watson and risks both their reputations and their liberty.  Just how understanding is John Watson?
An obviously well researched and beautifully characterized fic. It feels very Granada in Holmes’ mannerisms, though it can be read as ACD or Granada. This fic is like a warm cup of tea on a cold day to me.
The Quiet Man by ivyblossom (Johnlock, rated E) Long
"Do you just carry on talking when I'm away?"
This is a BBC fic, as opposed to the rest on my list. It’s well worth the read though, ivy’s prose is so organic. It was a fandom classic for good reason.
a turn of the earth by microcomets (Destiel, rated M) Long
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run. Frigging fantastic.
(Or, in which Castiel gets stuck in Dean’s timeline preseries and Dean kind of hates it—until he doesn’t.)
This fic is overflowing with love, desire, longing and loneliness . It’s a time-traveling Cas fic which is something of a trope in this fandom these days, but the premise of Cas being dead by the time he meets a young Dean just lends something special to it.
I CARRY YOUR HEART (I CARRY IT IN MY HEART) by unicornpoe (Destiel, rated E)
“Take me,” Dean says. He doesn’t have to think about it. “Take me as your vessel, Cas.”
or: Cas is cursed into an endless sleep. Dean offers himself up as his vessel while they try to break it.
Compassionate, tender, and full of evocative imagery. It’s about being taken care of, and the act of caring for another.
Phantom Load by lovesrain44 (Gen, rated M) Long
Dean and Sam return to Boulder, CO, where they investigate a haunted school. The job seems simple enough to Sam, who has good, although vague, memories of living in Boulder back in 1992. Dean, however, has altogether different memories, far less pleasant and far more damaging.
Quiet, moving, and melancholy. The past-present scenes are woven together very well. Subtle where it needed to be. Just an amazing fanfic, though it deals with some possibly upsetting subject matter which is presented up front in the warning section.
So Says The Sword by komodobits (Destiel, rated E) Long
Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
Original, dazzling and creative, komodobits was an absolute force in this fandom. They took it upon themself to recreate the entire Destiel relationship timeline, and did so beautifully.
Bargaining by Proantagonist (Gen, rated T) Long
Faced with an eternity without his brother, Loki strikes a bargain to change the past. Post TDW.
This is a near-perfect fanfic, and one of the most emotionally satisfying stories I’ve ever read. Cannot stress enough how much this fic means to me, it’s possibly my favorite fanfic of all time.
Mirror, Mirror by Lise (Gen, rated T) Mid-Length
While poking around in corners of the palace, Loki finds a peculiar mirror that doesn't show his reflection.
It’s clear that I love Loki’s various issues, and this fic puts an industrial spotlight on them.
Slow Poison by Mikkeneko (Gen, rated T) Mid-Length
Years before the events of Thor and Avengers, Loki is working as a spymaster for his father the King. Or at least... that's what he  thinks he's doing.
I love miscommunication and fucked up family dynamics. This fic is like a friend to me.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
How to Become a Step-Dad in 5 Easy Steps
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YHKxlE4 by CallMeStrega There are 5 easy steps you can take in order to become a step-dad: Step 1. Meet a single parent Step 2. Get to know said single parent and their kid(s) Step 3. Ask them out with their child's blessing Step 4. Enter a relationship and woo the heck outa them Step 5. Eventually marry them and adopt their child as your own (Sub-steps may be included) In which: Jason meets his new neighbors: Single dad Danny Nightingale and his 6-year-old daughter Ellie and subsequently falls in love and joins their little family. Words: 5504, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of How To Become a Step-Dad au & Extras Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Danny Fenton, Jason Todd, Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Vlad Masters, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Jazz Fenton, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Danny Fenton's Parents, Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Frostbite (Danny Phantom), (minor) Captain Marvel | Shazam | Billy Batson, (minor) John Constantine Relationships: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd, Danny Fenton & Jason Todd, Danielle "Dani" Phantom & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Danny Fenton & Vlad Masters, Vlad Masters & Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Clockwork & Danny Fenton Additional Tags: POV Jason Todd, Jason Todd-centric, Romance, Falling In Love, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Fluff and Humor, Danny Fenton Is Danielle "Dani" Phantom's Parent, Single Parent Danny Fenton, De-Aged Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Jason Todd is Good With Kids, Soft Jason Todd, Soft Danny Fenton, Danielle "Dani" Phantom is Called Ellie, Found Family, Ghost King Danny Fenton, GiW mentioned, Misunderstandings for Comedy, Creepy Vlad Masters, Vlad Masters Being an Asshole, (eventual) Vlad Masters Redemption, but probably not in this fic itself, the Fenton Parents' C- Parenting, Neglectful Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton, Vlad Masters is a frootloop, puns, this started bc I wanted to write Jason punching Vlad in the face at a gala, but also because i want Danny and Jason to have nice things, which just so happens to be each other, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, the main focus is the relationship between Danny Ellie and Jason, all other characters and relationships are pretty secondary, Ghost Sense (Danny Phantom), Jason Todd is So Whipped, Danny Fenton is So Whipped, they are simps for each other, Jason Todd Tries to Be a Good Sibling, Danny Fenton is a Good Dad, Jason Todd is a Good Dad, or rather he will be read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YHKxlE4
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thxnews · 7 months
NHSE Triumphs: Bloodborne Virus Testing Success!
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  A Year of Progress in Diagnosing Serious Infections
In a groundbreaking report published today by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the University of Bristol, the National Health Service England's (NHSE) emergency department opt-out testing program has successfully diagnosed thousands of people with serious bloodborne infections. This initiative, funded by NHSE and evaluated after its first 12 months, is proving to be a game-changer in the fight against HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.   Opting In for Health: NHSE's Emergency Testing Program The NHSE emergency department opt-out testing program, launched in April 2022, targets individuals undergoing blood tests in emergency departments, irrespective of symptoms. The primary goal is to increase the number of diagnoses and ensure timely treatment for HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, aligning with disease elimination objectives.  
Addressing the Silent Threat
Undiagnosed bloodborne viruses, such as HIV, hepatitis B, and C, affect thousands in England. These infections, if untreated, can lead to severe complications. The program aims to identify cases that may otherwise go unnoticed, offering treatment that not only improves long-term health outcomes but also saves lives.   Testing Milestones and New Diagnoses Within the first year, 33 emergency departments conducted a staggering 857,117 HIV tests, 473,723 HCV tests, and 366,722 HBV tests, significantly elevating the annual bloodborne virus testing figures. NHSE data indicates nearly 2,000 new diagnoses, including 499 for hepatitis C, 1,143 for hepatitis B, and 341 for HIV. The testing is proving instrumental in reaching individuals who might not have sought medical attention without specific complications.  
Demographic Insights into Diagnoses
Data analysis reveals that men and individuals aged 35 to 64 years have higher new diagnoses for all three bloodborne viruses. The highest proportions of new diagnoses for HIV and hepatitis B are among people of black African ethnicity, while for hepatitis C, it is among people of white ethnicities other than white British.   Pathways to Care While hepatitis B sees the highest proportion of new diagnoses, pathways into care are more established for HIV and hepatitis C. Dr. Sema Mandal from UKHSA emphasizes the need for improvements and increased capacity for hepatitis B care pathways to meet disease elimination targets.  
Stakeholder Perspectives on the Success
Leaders and Experts Laud the Impact of NHSE's Testing Initiative Matt Fagg, director for prevention and long-term conditions at NHSE, acknowledges the program's pivotal role in identifying and treating thousands more individuals with HIV and hepatitis. In addition, Public Health Minister Neil O’Brien praises the positive results, emphasizing the real and substantial difference made in people's lives through early diagnosis and treatment.   Expert Endorsements for the Opt-Out Testing Program Professor Kevin Fenton, Chief Advisor on HIV to Government, hails the opt-out testing program as a flagship initiative, expressing confidence in its effectiveness. Furthermore, various experts, including Pamela Healy, Rachel Halford, Daniel Fluskey, Anne Aslett, and Richard Angell, commend the program's success and strongly advocate for its expansion across the UK.  
Moving Forward: Recommendations for Equal Access
Consideration of Diverse Needs The report recommends that integrated care boards, NHSE, and other stakeholders consider the diverse needs of individuals diagnosed in emergency departments. Additionally, community support should be offered to facilitate linkage to care for those identified through the program.   Ensuring Equal Access to Testing To achieve equal access to testing, the report suggests maintaining consistently high testing rates across all program sites. Moreover, standardized opt-out procedures, including automated testing and appropriate verbal prompts, are essential to prevent inequalities in testing offer and access. The groundbreaking success of NHSE's emergency department opt-out testing program is a testament to the impact of proactive healthcare initiatives. This initiative is creating a pathway towards the ambitious goal of eliminating new transmissions of bloodborne viruses by 2030.   Sources: THX News & UK Health Security Agency. Read the full article
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falsebooles123 · 2 years
Diary of a Horror Buff 8.28.22
Ugh ok so I kinda just have this weird listliss feeling right now so lets watch movies instead of doing anything productive with my time.
I mean I am also doing laundry but you get what I'm saying.
also I watched the rest of the Ghost Storys for Christmas so lets get into it.
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The Dead Room (2018) dir. Mark Gatiss.
So it turns out Mark Gatiss is the director for the last four AGSFC and while I still like Clark better I don't hate his style. This one is an original story and its a bit meta, its about a voice actor who reads ghost storys for radio, you know a real david cummings type. A reference that totally doesn't show my age.
The dude long in the tooth and grumpy and also
but also the ghost is gay cause he is a HOMOSEXUAL and I love that for them.
So this was an alright film it had some nice ideas and some lampshading references to the series. I can't say this is my favorite of the series but it has its moments.
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Martin's Close (2019) dir. Mark Gatiss
so this is a more traditional rendition of M.R.James and it really pointed out to me why people don't like the new series as much as the original clark run. Mostly theres no Grit. this stuff is too clean too brightly lit too crisp. And yes you can have historical fiction without patina but it needs to sell itself in other ways. This was solid plot wise I liked the court drama aspect. The bridge narrative was completly pointless but it was watchable.
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Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968) dir. Jonathan Miller.
so this was my least favorite in the series. This film is aestetic it has some lovely visuals but dear lord is it rather dry and I careth not for the main character. so um yeah lets just spam some gifs of it.
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Ok enough about the subliminal and empty expanse of the oceanside lets watched some fucked up shit.
Inside the Human Lab (2018) dir. Joe Blandamer
CW: Gore, Torture, Animal Abuse(symbolic)
Ok so claymation we always love how fuked up that looks. Basically this is a story about human experimentation and its styleized and fucked up and also meant to be a metaphor about animal testing which honestly is super fucking up.
The Twins (2022) dir. Michelle Tang
honestly his twin brother is kinda a bitch.
so we start off with as you can imagine a pretty shitty sibling rivalry, and then we get to what makes animation such an amazing medium, the ability to suddenly change tone to blur the lines between the natural and the fantastic. This like many of the Calarts ones we have seen are absoltuely lovely. Good job bitches.
Winters Last Bones (2022) dir. Izabella Itzia
CW: Child Murder
ok so this was exactly the vibe we would expect. The art style is reminescent of Emily Carrol, Minna Sundberg, or maybe, Josceline Fenton. that sort of loose storybook style that feels heavily reminscent of folktale and myth.
Its grimy it uses these desatriated pops of color , and you have these graunt gangly characters, absolutely lovely, my bussy is popping over everything in this. what an icon what a qween.
Teeth ALTER (2015) dir. Tom C J Brown, Daniel Gray
CW: Teeth Harm, Gore, Titties.
Ooh dear god I hate it i hate it i hate it.
everything about this is pain and suffering.
this is a story about a man obsessed with teeth and how much he hates have them inside of there head. this is distrurbing on so many levels, The teeth, the gore, the sound design. the narration, it had everything I needed to make my skin crawl.
The Clockmaker's Secret (1907) dir. Gaston Velle.
ok so this is another one of those medieval storys adapted as morality tales type things. Basically some mayor dude is like yo I want a big fucking clock and this dudes like UWU and then the devil comes over and is like yo you want this cool clock plan and the guy was like bet. but then the devil like but like BTDUBS you kinda owe me your soul now and the dudes like oh no.
honestly this is actually a really charming film. theres a lot of charm in melies especially his later works but this one managed to take that inspiration while still having its own form. Its hard to understand early cinema since it just doesn't have the same visual language as modern cinema. its takes a lot of inspiration from stagecraft and I really like how this one has a central story but has these short but very satsifring performances like the clock dancers at the mid way point or the devils running around with torches. Its a type of vibe that really sings with me every once in a while. Obviously I'll need to watch a lot more of these films before I can trully appreciate them but I do like this Gaston Velle guy would watch his stuff again.
Dr. Jerkyl's Hide (1954) dir. Friz Freleng
Oh dear lord where these characters annoying we have this obnoxious pipsqueek character who basically just constantly sucks his friends dick whose this generic bull dog thug type. Like bro literally has a cockney accent which just feels kinda offensive.
also I think Slyvester was trying to give him a glasgow smile which is a bit fucked up just saying.
Theres some quite gags here but honestly I never really enjoyed this era of cartoons. Its the lack of cell shading for me I think. That being said its cool to watch the history of cartoon animation during this challenge.
Eaten Horizons (1950) dir. Wilhelm Freddie, Jørgen Roos
OK so this is definetly something I don't understand.
so this one follows two hobos? maybe who interact with a scary loaf of bread and a woman filled with either motor oil r beef stew. I don't understand the imagery and maybe I'm not supposed to. Maybe I need to understand that not everything is representary. that just like other art not everything is a representation of some deeper emotional state. Some things are simple a interplay of light and shadow, an aestetical exploration of format devoid of inherent meaning. I can fuck with that. But seriously why is that bread so scary.
The Little Mermaid (2011) dir. Nicholas Humphries
Ok I always love a story thats like mermaids but make it fucked up.
This has a general dark circus vibe which I love theres something so mysterical about the concept of curios or freak shows. Think of The Jar by Ray Bradbury. This one feature swhat appears to be a honest to goodness mermaid and proabably one of the top 10 most fuckable ringmaster daddy doms ever.
So I mean if this sounds like the aestetic you wan't in life well do I have a short for you.
Missing Girl (2017) dir. Andrew Adams
so this is another one of those short teaser type shorts thats basically what if you were walking along and you found a bunch of missing posters of yourself.????
Meow CRYPT TV (2019) dir. Christopher Jopp
ok so first everytime I see that thumbnail I'm like bitch thats the Junjo Ito cat.
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Its like looking in a mirror.
so yeah this is the story of a girl who moves into a new apartment with a no pets policy and as you can imagine theres a car involved.
theres a lot to like about this. the music, the aspect to aspect shots, the main character, The POV shots.
Of course like junjo ito I just like cats so this was always going to be a win for me.
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My First Day CRYPT TV (2017) dir. Jon Kovel
OK so i picked this one since its one of the last of Jon Kovel's shorts on letterboxd. This one features little Anthony Kane on his first day of school, that school being a school for serial killers and slashers. So good for him hope you get straight A's bucko.
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The Oven CRYPT TV (2017) dir. Unknown
Yeah this is just a guy being burned to death in an oven. Riviting stuff.
Anyway home slices that was the end of our movie watching for today. We have three days left in the month so stay tuned for whats left of the movie challenge.
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