#cai writes
dadbodosamu · 1 year
bachira meguru who loves cockwarming.
he would have you cockwarm him all day if you’d let him.
he loves having his cock wrapped in your hot, tight walls. loves the way you whimper and whine as his cock stretches you out.
one of his favourite parts is when you get so needy for him. your hips are squirming and you’re trying so hard to be good for him but you can’t help but whine and beg in his ear as he completely ignores you.
but the part he really loves, that really just drives him crazy, is when you slump against him, head falling to his shoulder when you’ve fallen asleep. you’ve been sitting on his cock for so long, all you wanted was for him to fuck you but you’ve been waiting and you’re tired.
the way you moan and roll your hips in your sleep, still desperately trying to fuck him. he gets so riled up, even your subconscious wants to be fucked by him.
so it’s then, only then, will he grab your hips and slowly bounce you on his cock. you’re barely awake when he finally loses control, manipulating your body onto the couch to finally give you what you want.
just,,, cockwarming bachira.
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candyello · 2 years
hes just so cute man—just look at him
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 1 month
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has been edited as of 4/27/24!!
summary: Luke’s long term girlfriend is a beautician. The team chirps him about his unruly curls so he goes to see her at work.
warnings: profanity
The work day had just come to a close when the bells on the door jingled signaling someone had just entered. Out of instinct your head jerked to look towards the door. Thankfully, to be greeted by your sweet boyfriend who usually wore quirky half smile. Only tonight he was your stress stricken looking boyfriend. After swiftly leaning the broom that you had in your hand back up against the wall, you quickly approached him. “Luke? Is everything alright? You look like you did the day of your draft…” You let your voice drift to almost nothing as you reached him. He didn’t make a sound. Only made grabby hands, just like your toddler nephew does, signaling he wanted to hold you. Moments passed where the only sounds were the music still playing over speakers and your alls breathing. “The guys are chirping me about my hair again. Even my own brother is in on it this time.” His mumbling almost inaudible as he’s pressed his face down into your neck. But after two years of dating and three years of friendship prior, you’re a Luke Hughes mumbling specialist. Luke lifted his head and rested his chin atop of your head.
He pulls out of the embrace and starts pacing while he keeps rambling about the absurd claims his teammates have made recently. “They’ve gone as far to point out that my girlfriend is a professional beautician for all sorts of people. Celebrities, athletes, everyday people, and I go around with an unruly mop of whatever.” He stressed the importance of ‘I’ and made a gesture to himself when talking. You grab ahold of him by the waist pulling him back into your arms. Unable to watch him pace any longer. “They go on and on about how they don’t know how you’re not embarrassed of me.” His voice waivers at the end of his statement. “You.. you’re not embarrassed of me are you?” His voice completely cracks, he can’t stay in your arms he has to look at your face. You feel a fragment of your heart break. Pulling out of the embrace completely, he turns away unable to look you in the eyes anymore. You can tell he’s struggling. You know he grew up with kids bullying him for his curls and how unruly they could be. Kids are cruel but they are kids. It’s something that happens growing up. It isn’t something that happens when you’re 20 and surrounded by professional athletes. Or at least it shouldn’t. Reaching out to grab his hand, you slightly tug him at him to come back into your arms. Loosely holding him with one arm, using your other to be able to lift your hand to cup his cheek softly. Running your thumb across his cheek. “Baby I promise you, the last thing I am is embarrassed of you. I am nowhere near being embarrassed. I love you every way that you are. Hair unruly. Hair fixed. I’d love you if you had me shave your head. But please don’t make me do that. I love your curls so much. You’re perfect the way you are.” Luke exhales a breath he was holding since you had pulled him back to you. “There is only a couple things I am and those are, proud of you beyond what words can express, in love with you more than you know, and the luckiest girl there has ever been to be your girlfriend.” The two of you holding eye contact, nothing but pure love shining in your eyes and contentment breaking through Luke’s. He slowly begins to relax. He is still far from letting himself forget and let go what’s happening with the team, but knowing that the most important person to him doesn’t care how he looks and when he looks it.
Taking a moment to contemplate a way to help him further feel better, you rub your thumb slightly across his cheek again, he leans into it sighing. “What if we experiment on styling your curls baby? I have different products for curls. Curly hair is all different, so we can try one and if you don’t like it we can try another?” Luke slowly nodded, feeling even better already. Although he trusts and believes what you just told him about loving him in anyway he looks, he also knows you’re doing this for him. He has always been your soft boy. Luke is apprehensive, always considerate, questions his actions, and wants you to be a part of his decisions. That is until you’re both having your alone time, then he is a completely different person. And well that is a story for another time.. Luke sat down in your chair waiting for you to gather whatever it was that you were going to try first. His eyelids were beginning to feel heavy, he knew it wouldn’t be easy to stay awake once your fingers were in his hair.
Only after a few short minutes of working working shampoo through his hair, his eyelids fluttered shut. It was so hard to have to wake him up to move back to the other chair. His groggy face was precious as he teetered over to the seat and plopped down. Moments later you looked in the mirror and caught a glimpse of his face. The sweet boy had fallen asleep again. Finishing up quickly you decided to let him rest instead of waking him to go home, you leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and a ‘I love you Hughes’ before cleaning up your station again.
After cleaning everything up, you locked everything up and decided to wake Luke up. You two really needed to leave. “Lukey, I’m done. Let me drive you home.” Instead he pulled you in his lap and mumbled an I love you. Giggling an I love you back, you patted on his chest and insisted he get up. “Baby please let me sleep” he whimpered. “You can sleep when I get you home. I’ll stay with you if you get up.” You bargained. He opened one eye to look at you. “Do you promise? You’re not going to just leave once you drop me off?” “No lukey, let’s go”
At Luke’s the two of you get changed into pajamas quickly. You are both so exhausted. Luke lays down first, so you have to crawl over him to “your spot”. “Hey (y/n)” Luke whispers. “Yes?” “Thank you for loving me for me and not for being in the NHL or for being rich or for having a boat or for having a-“ you cut him off with a soft kiss. “Luke, we met before you were drafted, before I knew you had a boat, before you had money. None of that matters to me now that I do know. Just like you said. I love you for you. and well your unruly curls are plus.” You say eliciting a groan from Luke. “Not funny. Goodnight baby girl, I love you.” With his last words for the night, you cuddled as close as you could into his side and let your eye lids close. Mentally telling yourself to text Quinn tomorrow to go off on Jack for what he’s done to Luke’s confidence.
**edited and majorly updated 4/27/24 ♡︎
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catermeow · 3 months
The DHP office is so… liminal. Misplaced. Hidden away from sight, a building and parking lot one might expect to see in a major city instead located in the middle of a forest, no roads in or out. There is no way in. If you force entry, you are greeted by a vast empty room, the only furniture a receptionist desk and filing cabinets in the center of the room. There is a single light hanging above it. 
There is a man standing behind the desk. There is no one else there. You approach, and inquire about… something. The words don’t feel like your own. The man smiles, an average customer service smile, but there seems to be some tinge of malice behind it. He explains the forms that need to be filled out, the paperwork that needs to be signed- this is such a long process, you know. 
The light seems to be getting dimmer. You look up, and it has begun corroding, decaying as you stand there watching. Some of the words the man says don’t make sense- you’d think they were gibberish, but something about this place is off, and you don’t trust yourself right now. You ask what he means. He says he’ll have to put you on hold for a moment, and music begins to play. You feel almost rooted in place. The man stares at you silently. The light gets dimmer. You can’t move. The music, pleasant at first, begins to grate. Finally, the man leaves, disappearing behind those file cabinets. You still can’t move. It feels like an eternity. Moss has started creeping its way up the cabinets. The ceiling is leaking. The floor is eroding. The light gets dimmer. You don’t want to move. 
Something pops, and suddenly the music is gone. The man is back. You can move again. The light is back to normal, no sign of any damage. The room is pristine. The man says something about the paperwork not being quite ready yet, you’ll have to come back later. You aren’t really listening, something in your brain is screaming that something is wrong. You want to leave. You don’t want to come back. Something about the man’s blank eyes seems to look through you, and you get the feeling you won’t have a choice. You thank him. You leave. You want to run, get as far from that place as possible. You walk.
You enter the forest, and turn for a final look at that strange building. There’s nothing there but more forest. Something doesn’t feel right.
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starscay · 6 months
Drunk on Your Love
“Marinette!” He calls, running over and throwing his arms around her. She returns the embrace as he burrows his face into her shoulder.
“I thought you left,” He whines, his breath hot against her and smelling vaguely of the tequila shots she had seen him taking with Juleka earlier.
A very drunk Adrien, his lack of object permanence, and his love for Marinette (1.1k words)
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merakiui · 6 months
thinking,,,,,,,, darling who has a cryptic pregnancy....... [insert twst character here] reacting to it,,, maybe you and floyd and you're both a little dense because neither of you could have ever guessed. T_T
"what do you mean you were pregnant this whole time???? i thought shrimpy just got softer. :D" - floyb mindset.
in floyd's defense, he has no idea how human pregnancies work. he slept through that part of land boot camp!!! fell asleep the minute the professor started droning on about how humans don't lay eggs like mers do. jade can only chuckle (maybe he knew, but in classic jade fashion he won't tell because it's much more entertaining to sit back and watch everyone slowly figure it out) and azul is shaking his head in disbelief. had he known, he would have prepared well in advance to lend a helping hand. and you're just so amazed because maybe you were told you're unable to get pregnant, but somehow it happened and you had no idea all this time.
thank you to floyd and his mer virility for doing what was thought to be the impossible!!!!!! <3
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lunarharp · 4 months
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marsneedstherapy · 8 days
juliette describing her and roma's relationship during tvd/ove in lvc as the "terrible on and off phases" is never not funny
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caycanteven · 8 months
To: Balsam (HorrorFell sans)
Can I please kiss you?! I'm such a huge fan of you!! -Kayla Shea the human.
Bal couldn't help blush at your words. While he was surprised and, deep down, appreciative of your attention, he wasn't sure if he had the confidence to return the gesture you sought from him as easily as you asked. Kindness and affection weren't common practice in his underground, and the hunger problems didn't help. He was still learning how to accept it himself, but he's had some time to adjust.
However, he wasn't a skeleton to disappoint if he could manage at least something for you.
He cleared his throat as he hid his flustered state. He bent over at the waist, bringing himself closer to your height as he lifted his hand to his teeth. He eye light blinked out of sight for a moment, before returning to gaze at you. He moved his gloved fingers from his teeth, gently pressing them to your cheek without breaking eye contact with you.
He hoped that you weren't discouraged by his attempt, but perhaps this could be a chance he got to know you better going forward, too. Maybe take you out to lunch one day, if you'd like. He was always hungry, after all.
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excaive · 11 months
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woah sunshine carrot boy that's not very in character of you, did something happen mid story to hurt you that got you coping terribly :(
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whumpcloud · 1 year
Things End | People Change - Four/Six
taglist: @whumpsday @whumpycries @whumpwillow @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @whumpshaped @suspicious-whumping-egg @chibichibivale @melancholy-in-the-morning @zillastar13 @bloodinkandashes @whump-me-all-night-long @sickophantic @thecyrulik @itsmyworld98
content: vampire whumpee, whumper turned whumpee, (lady) whumpee turned whumper, captivity, beating, panic attacks, dissociation, broken bones, dehumanisation, begging (for death at one point), questionable caretaking
It's Clary alone, this time, and Vincent's surprised, but he accepts it. She's getting braver. Good. Good for her.
He means it. He's happy that she's better, that she's working to live with everything he did to her. That she can be in his presence and not be so afraid anymore. Cai's told him a little, in their brief conversations, of what Clary's recovery was like, and it only made him feel more guilty and more grateful that she's given him a room and a bed and a meal every day, and given no indication that it could be taken.
Not that he doesn't think it could be. Of course. But it seems like it won't simply be on a whim. As long as he behaves, he gets to have it, and he's good at behaving.
"May I ask a question?" Vincent whispers.
Clary sighs, and shrugs. "Fine. Go ahead."
"Were you planning to take me here?" Vincent asks. "W-When you came to see me. I mean, you had… had the bed set up, and…"
She stares at the floor. "I don't know. The bed was here already, I just threw in an old nightstand and put the bedsheets on in case I ended up taking you for whatever reason. But the bed's here 'cause I used to sleep in it."
"You slept in the basement?" Vincent's confused.
"Because of the deadbolt," she mumbles.
Oh. Because of him. Vincent shifts uncomfortably and goes back to his meal.
Clary hates watching him feed, so she stares at the wall. Tense silence. She twists her stiff neck, and scratches where her scars are under her scarf.
"Were you going to kill me?" Vincent murmurs.
"No," Clary shrugs. "I mean, I wasn't planning to. I just… wanted to see what they'd done to you."
Vincent doesn't say anything. Clary isn't sure she's really seen any of it. The cuts and bruises and burns on his exposed skin are bad, the starving is horrific, but the begging.
The begging. How did they get him to beg for the pain like that? The Vincent she knew wouldn't debase himself in that way.
He didn't change, she reminds herself. They just killed a part of him. He didn't change.
Vincent drops the bag a good distance from himself, so that Clary doesn't have to get too close. She doesn't move from where she's standing against the wall.
"C-Clary?" he whispers. "I'm finished."
Cai's started giving Vincent his clothes, the ones he doesn't wear anymore. Vincent's hiding himself in a blue jumper that looks too big for him, and it's the same fucking one that Cai wore when Clary saw him again for the first time in years. It's not his fault. He doesn't know that it's important to her.
Why should Vincent get to have it? Why should he get to have anything from them, from her? Her heart is pounding in her ears. Chest hurts. He left her to die, and this is kind, this is the kind option, because even if she just let him go, he'd only be alone again.
"Clary?" Vincent says again, worry in his tone, and puts a tentative foot on the floor to stand up.
"Get away from me!" she snaps, and presses up against the wall.
Vincent immediately recoils, curling into himself. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I sh-shouldn't… I shouldn't have moved, I'm sorry."
He's right there, this fucking thing that has haunted her for the last four years, and he won't move if she tells him not to. Just like she wouldn't, just like he fucking trained her with the pain and the fights and the uncertainty.
"You!" she screams. "You did this to me!"
Of course he's scared. He's scared out of his stupid animal mind. But it's equally relieving when her fist finally connects with his muzzled face, and he can sink into pain. Pain is a lesson. Pain is a reminder. She hates him and that's all he needs to know or care about. Even if he wishes she didn't.
She grabs him by the hair and pins him to the floor, the force of it reverberating through his skull. He cries out, though it really could hurt worse. Clary still isn't that strong, but he'll be in however much pain she wants him to be, for however long she wants.
Clary holds him down with her left hand, even though he knows she's left handed and would hit him better with it. Because he broke her left wrist, snapped it in his grip unthinkingly, and his whimpers and cries only get louder as she repeatedly hits him in the face. Blood drips from his nose.
He goes entirely limp to make it easier to pull him up. She slams him into the bedpost by the shirt, and stands up, breathing heavily. She kicks him, again and again and again and again.
One of his ribs snaps. It's isn't a sensation he hasn't felt before. Still, a sob sticks in his throat and he raises his arms to defend himself, or to at least block any more blows to the face.
And she stops. She stares at this broken, pathetic creature on the floor in front of her, and she breathes out, and she wonders why in hell she feels like crying.
"Thank you," Vincent whimpers.
"Fuck you," she growls, but there's no real malice behind it.
And she leaves.
Cai finds her eventually, in the middle of the hallway, hugging her knees tightly, breathing as though she's drowned a moment before.
"What did he do?" Cai signs sharply.
"N-Nothing," Clary whispers. "I… I…"
Cai shushes her and kneels down, giving her his arm to squeeze. "Breathe. Four, six."
In for four, out for six. Clary breathes. In for four, out for six. Four, six, four, six, four six four six four six-
"I c-can't!" Clary pulls at her hair and Cai gently takes her hand and places it back on his arm.
"Yes, you can." Cai's whispery voice is gentle, steady. "Come on. Both hands."
"I want him gone!" she sobs. "I wanna send him back, I can't do this, I wanna send him back!"
"Think about it later," Cai replies. "You're upset."
"I know!"
Cai doesn't acknowledge the outburst. "Four, six."
Clary breathes. Cai counts for her. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, five, six. Two, four, three, six. Two, four, three, six. Four, six. Four. Six.
It's been four years, she's twenty-six. She's safe.
"Okay, can you do six and eight?" Cai says, using his other hand to gently rub her shoulder. "You got this."
Three, six, four, eight. Three, six, four, eight. She lets go of him. Six, eight. Six, eight. Six. Eight.
"I'm okay," she exhales. "I'm okay."
Cai smiles. "Okay, dickhead time."
He flips her hair into her face and she laughs. Weakly, but she laughs. She brushes it away. Cai helps her up, and gives her his awkward little pat on the shoulder.
"Peppermint tea?" he suggests. "And I'll go deal with… him."
"Yeah," Clary nods. "I, um… I hurt him."
"Okay," Cai shrugs. "I'm dealing with it."
The peppermint tea isn't really about the tea. It's about the process, having something to do with shaky hands, because you can't spill it. Their mother came up with it when they were kids after Cai was diagnosed with autism, as a self-soothing technique and to remedy his clumsiness. Cai adapted it for Clary's anxiety when she came back. Clary pulls the box from the kitchen cupboard. It's about the process. Focus.
Cai feels like he's going to need an entire pot of coffee after this.
He heads down to the basement. The moment he opens the door, Vincent scrambles back, cowering under the bed.
"Don't!" he pleads, eyes wide. "Please don't, please, I can't, please!"
"Come on," Cai sighs, and leans down to pull him out by the arm.
"NO!" Vincent struggles, but Cai's stronger than him, and he starts to sob as he's forced out from under the bed. "Please, PLEASE, anything else, please, I can't go back, d-don't make me go back!"
Cai lets Vincent's arm fall, and stares at him as he cries and curls up on the floor. There's a trail of blood from his nose leading down his cheek, and his chest is almost definitely swelling under his shirt. It actually isn't as bad as Cai thought it would be.
"Please, please," Vincent whispers, "don't send me back to them, I'll do anything, I'll do anything you want, please…"
"You heard that?" Cai asks. Same tone as always, but lacking the edge that Vincent's come to expect.
"Mhm," Vincent nods. "I- I'm sorry, I can't help it--"
"Shh," Cai says. Not shut up. "She didn't mean it. She was upset."
"She hates me," Vincent whimpers. "Please, please don't send me back. Please just kill me instead. Please kill me, please--"
"Neither of those things are happening," Cai interrupts, crouching down. "You're not going back, and you're not dying. You're staying here."
"But I- I wouldn't… if it were me I'd… I'd want me dead…"
"Well, unlike you, Clary's actually a good person."
Vincent doesn't understand. Vincent can't focus. Vincent is somewhere else again, more so than usual, and all he can see is the silver knife and the smile and then Cai takes off the muzzle.
Vincent slaps his hands to his mouth anyway. He can't bite, no matter how hungry he is. Cai sighs deeply.
"Come on, I'll lift you up," he mutters.
The whine of pain is piercing, but Cai doesn't hesitate. Vincent barely weighs a thing.
"Thank you, sir," Vincent mumbles.
"Cai, not sir," Cai gently corrects. "Come on, you know that. I'm gonna lay you down on the bed."
Not sir. Bed. Does he know that? He has a bed. He doesn't have one of those. Didn't have one of those.
"A bed," Cai repeats. "Laying you down now."
Vincent sinks into the mattress, and lets Cai sit him up. He slowly moves his hands from his mouth, wipes his eyes, and stares at his lap. The marks on his hands are fading, now. Fading. They aren't being replaced every day.
"M'sorry," Vincent says softly. "I… I didn't…"
Cai can't believe he ever thought Clary needed to be protected from this thing.
"You didn't know where you were," Cai finishes. "Yeah. How bad are you hurt?"
"I'll be fine," Vincent whispers.
Cai sighs. Fine, he'll rephrase to suit. "Is there anything I can do to make it hurt less? Painkillers or ice or something?"
Vincent shakes his head. "N-None of them work. As far as I know. We heal too fast for it to be useful, I think."
"You're not healing though," Cai says. "Not fast."
"It's…" Vincent tries to block Cai out of his view. "It's the blood. A-Animal blood is fine, it's good, it's--"
"Don't give me your whole grateful spiel again," Cai sighs. "I know. Just be honest."
"...animal blood will stop me from starving," Vincent mumbles. "But that's all. I need human blood to heal as normal. B-But more blood would- would help. Even animal blood."
Cai's fingers slip under his sleeve, and he scratches at his wrist for a moment. Then he backs out.
"Two bags a day, then," he says. "Clary does actually want you to heal, believe it or not. And… I'll leave the muzzle off for now. But only when it's just me."
"Oh. You don't have to do that."
"And? I'm gonna."
Vincent doesn't have a response for that.
Cai turns to leave, then stops for a moment. "If we did kill you, we'd do it quick. If that makes you feel any better."
"Thank you." Vincent almost smiles. "It does."
Cai isn't sure it should.
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candyello · 2 years
lord please stop giving me your hardest battles i am a whore
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 1 month
Are they really just a friend with Luke plssss
“Are They Just a Friend?”
Warnings: use of y/n,
Luke had just played an intense and phenomenal game. He had a natural hat trick along with two assists. You were waiting for him down by the locker room doors. The energy down there was electrifying. Other friends, family, and significant others were standing around waiting for the players to emerge.
“(Y/N)!” Your head whipped to the left to follow the sound of Jack’s voice. He didn’t play tonight, still recovering from his surgery. “Luke told us to go ahead and head to the bar. He has a line of media waiting to interview him.” You follow Jack to the private parking garage, where you were allowed to park as you drove Jack to the arena today. “How long do you think he’ll be? You know how I feel about bars and not having Luke…” You question his older brother but let your voice fade away afraid he may get offended or think you don’t trust him.
It’s not that you don’t trust Jack to take care of you or keep you safe. It’s that Luke is your best friend. Your safe place. Your person. And in the unfortunate case for you, the person who unbeknownst to him has had possession of your heart since high school.
You managed to catch Jack rolling his eyes after hearing you. He let out an exaggerated sigh after getting in the car. “(Y/N) I shouldn’t have to ask this, but are you two really just friends?” It feels like all the air has been sucked out of your lungs. It feels like your body forgets how to move. You don’t know why but hearing those last two words strike hard. “Yeah, just friends” , you defeatedly admitted, you start the car and start to head to the bar. Jack remains quiet, but begins plotting a plan.
A plan to help the girl who’s always been like his little sister get his actual little brother to open his eyes and see the good thing right in front of him.
You and Jack had been at the bar an hour and a half already with no sign of Luke. Jack had bought you lemon drop after lemon drop. You were feeling the alcohol streaming through your blood. “Jackey, can I tell you something?” You asked him, all anxiety long forgotten. “Always, sunshine.” He had his glass of water in his hand as he couldn't consume alcohol while still taking medication. “You asked me if Moose and I were just friends. I wish we weren’t. I loooooooove him” You started giggling uncontrollably leaning over to lay on Jack’s good shoulder.
“You looooove who?” Luke asked. As he suddenly appeared and was sitting down on the other side of the table. Jack let out a laugh. “Oh my god Jack! Look, it's my moose!” You scooted all the way across the booth to Luke and started to snuggle up into his side. “Well? Who did you just tell Jack that you love (y/n/n)?” Luke questioned again. You looked up at him from where you were cuddled up into his side. Craning your neck to see all of his face.
“If I tell you, you can’t stop being my best friend okay?” You took a deep breath waiting for confirmation. Your drunken mind starting to sober up as adrenaline was rushing through you. Taking a Quick Look up again at Luke you see him staring at his brother then quickly looking back down at you. His eyes tell a thousand stories that you can’t read. “I told jackey over there that I love you moose.” You emphasized the ‘you’ by tapping him on the nose. A giggle broke out of you again as it did before after admitting your feelings.
Only a few seconds pass before Luke shifts and is grabbing your face moving it to meet his. “Thank fuck.” He finishes pulling your face to his to connect your mouth to his. He doesn’t care that it’s probably the sloppiest kiss either of you have ever experienced. “Lukey.” You whisper afterwards. The kiss sobering you up quite a bit. “You just.” “(Y/N) if you tell me something about being best friends, I will show you just how much we are not best friends and haven’t been in a long damn time.” You leaned in next to his ear so he could hear. “Don’t threaten such fun things lukey.” Grinning as you leaned back so he could see your face. “Okay, well Jack we’re leaving. Let’s go.” Luke threw you over his shoulder, insisting that by the end of the night “best friend” would not be a term between the two of you.
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catermeow · 3 months
Prince Etho is engaged. He would really prefer not to be, but there’s not much he can do about it. His conflict is interrupted, however, when the wizard Joel curses him to eternal sleep, only to be woken by a kiss from his betrothed.
Luckily, his best friend, Lady Cleo, won’t let that happen without doing something about it.
Or, a Sleeping Beauty-inspired story where true love’s kiss isn’t the cure for every curse that comes along.
Here’s my piece for @mcyt-aro-week! I had a lot of fun working on this, thanks for hosting!
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starscay · 2 months
Sleepy Memories
“Go back to sleep, Chaton.” She tells him as she slides under the covers. She hopes the soft sounds of the tv and his breathing will act as her lullaby, and calm her mind enough to sleep.
“Come here,” He’s mumbling, but he pulls her against his chest, her nose burying into it. “You’re so cold.”
“That’s because I run colder than you do.” She replies, and he mutters something unintelligible in response.
Chat Noir does not remember what happened the night before
for @rosekasa prompt fill community on ao3
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