#caitlyn x you
am-i-interrupting · 1 year
hi hi hiii !!
idk if you're still doing requests for Arcane, but if you are, I'd love to see Ekko, Victor, Jinx (and any other characters of your choice) with an s/o that's really good with with kids? maybe they could be a teacher/ mentor or babysitter but just very much loving caregiver vibes for any and all kids they come across
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She loves seeing you with kids, in your element.
She thinks it’s cute to see the way kids hang onto your every word and the way you teach them without them even noticing.
She will pop in on you with kids carrying toys and games.
She does enjoy kids company as well and they do like her but maybe mostly because she’s an enforcer and she brings them toys.
Sometimes she’ll find herself watching you with a kid (especially if that kid looks like either one of you) and daydreaming about somewhere in the distant future where you two would have one of you own.
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He’s not the best with kids himself. He’s not bad by any means but he can find himself often freezing up and unsure what to do.
This caused him to find it fascinating how good you are with them when he finds himself floundering.
When the Firelights have to go on missions often times the ones who have kids will leave them with you.
Upon arriving back, he will spend a minute just watching you doting on the kids.
He is just so enraptured in everything you do and that includes your ability to form relationships with kids.
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There aren’t many kids in the areas Jinx grew up. Not too many parents are gonna bring their kids into what is now essentially a club.
The first time she saw you with a kid was one of the times you went outside together. She had stepped away from the kid crying on the street, her hand instinctively on her gun, and she got itchy when she saw you approach.
She didn’t say anything she just watched as you crouched down to the kid’s level and started calming them down.
Slowly but surely her hand on her gun went slack and she just watched you enthralled.
When you offered to walk the kid back home and they agreed and you started leading them to her, she just looked at them wide eyed as she cocked her head, her braids pooling on the ground as a result, and waved her hand.
The kid hid behind your leg but you reached out and grabbed her hand and slowly the kid got more comfortable around Jinx on the way to their house.
Later that night Jinx was tracing the seam lines on your shirt and asked you what you thought about kids.
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He would find it amusing how good you are with kids that aren’t his.
It’s almost like he indulges in watching you with them but in an almost smug way as he is with everything.
Seeing you be good with Jinx though changes everything. It completely knocks him off his guard.
Watching you play with her and make her smile makes him soft.
If you’re there when Jinx is having a mental health moment, she’ll cling to you and beg you to make it stop while you do your best to calm her down.
The emotions he feels is a combination of sadness, sympathy, and oddly pride in those moments.
For other kids, he couldn’t care less about how you interact with them but when it’s his, it means the world to him.
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He’s not good with kids himself. Those pivotal years of learning to make connections were stolen from him because of his inability to do things so many others could and kids having a habit of being cruel, especially in the lanes.
Seeing you with kids is something like a case study to him.
He finds it fascinating and seems to almost take notes on what you’re doing.
He would never engage for the longest time with any kids that were under your watch unless they directly asked him questions.
Then one day, he just did and they adored him, not as much as they adored you but it was a close thing.
They would like him for the fact that he refuses to talk to them like they’re idiots and indulged them in their endless curiosity.
You find a notebook later on filled with things that you did around the kids (even something as small as your tone of voice) that made you realize he was mimicking what you did in his own way.
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Vi, Caitlyn, Jinx & Ekko having a crush
Requested by RaineRin13 on wattpad- Can you do one on how they react with us after they found out they like us (like if they act normal or get flustered since they like us)?
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Vi didn’t really have a moment where she “found out” she liked you, per say
The feeling was just kind of always there
You both had known each other for a while
Vi and you were always pretty close, some people would say a bit two close
Zaun wasn’t a really place where anything was out of the ordinary, everything was normal
I think the moment Vi realized that you and her weren’t normal friends was when Vi saw two women in a relationship
Either it be in a TV show Vi saw passing by a shop, or in the streets or in the bar
Vi noticed how they acted around each other
And that got the gears turning and Vi realized you both sorta acted like that
Vi knew those women were in a relationship, but you two were not
So Vi started thinking about it, did she wanna be in a relationship with you?
And Vi realized she did, so she didn’t think of you just as a friend
She liked you
And Vi didn’t really know how to feel about it
Vi didn’t know if you liked her back or anything
She didn’t wanna mess anything up
But this is not a if
She was always flirty, even when you two were younger
Girl was always saying something a friend shouldn’t say to another friend
You follow?
She didn’t really know how to say it
Does she just go “Hey! I know you’ve been my friend for like years and all but I like you. You like me back or nah?”
No. She does not.
So she relied on her actions to tell you she liked you
Please pick up on it
Or this is gonna go along for years
(It in fact did go along for years.)
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Caitlyn has always been a sorta loving woman
But it was always different with other people and you
When Caitlyn started having feelings for you she immediately noticed
She didn’t know how to really deal with them
She never had been in a relationship
And Cait was a sorta hopeless romantic, if that's what they’re called
She was terrified of rejection
So she kinda got awkward around you
Then realized she was being awkward and fixed that
Not a lot though
She was mixed with awkward, anxious, flirty and loving all at once
She acted always different around you after she had those feelings surface
And in the early stages when she realized and you did anything for her?
Or to her, like hug her, smile at her, even fucking say her name
I’m sorry but this amazing woman doesn’t know what to do and is sorta frozen
She is kinda flustered a lot around you
Hopefully this will end when y’all get together
Hopefully soon because she doesn’t know how much longer she’ll last
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Jinx was very affectionate, a sorta clingy person mixed with a lot of fucking issues
So she had some friends, some crushes along through the years but she was never really that into them
Most lasting a week or two before running off
But when you came along? 
Jinx didn’t know she liked you
She didn’t like a lot of people
She knew she cared for you
She hung around you, you thought she acted normal but her normal wasn’t very “normal” 
I don’t know how to describe it really
Jinx doesn’t get flustered a lot but she does when she does anything really affectionate with you
Or y’know when those people in movies are hanging out and laughing and one sorta stops and just stares at the other?
The staring one is Jinx when she realizes slowly she cares for you a lot more than others
She kicks up the affection
She acts normal around you for the most part
She did more things for you thats for sure
She was protective alot but it just got more and more over time
Get a new friend? 
“Who are they? When’d you meet ‘em? How did you meet ‘em? Can I meet them? Why not? Do they know about me?”
God forbid you find someone that likes you
Jinx shuts that shit down so quick
I mean, she’s Jinx. The mention of her or a mere thought or her presence scares the shit out of anyone
So she uses it to her advantage
She sticks around you 25/8
Never lets you go
When she likes you, she likes you
No way out of it
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Ekko knew what it means to like someone or be in love with them
He saw a lot of his friends in the firelights in love
He never experienced it for himself though
He wanted to though
And then you came along
Ekko wasn’t really familiar with the feelings he felt when you were around
He just knew he looked at you differently than the others
Scar had told him that
He didn’t even notice till his friend pointed it out to him
Ekko didn’t really know how to deal with his feelings or why he felt that way about you
He just knew he did, and he liked feeling happy when he saw you
For the most part, he acted normal with you
He just smiled more, laughed more and hanged around you a lot more
He was also more close to you
He hugged you a lot, Ekko liked putting his arm around your shoulder or around your waist
He liked doing things for you
He also liked making things for you
But if you ever reciprocate or be the first to give him something or give affection yourself when he doesn’t expect it?
He gets a little flustered and a bit blushy
He doesn’t know what to do truly
But he hopes his feelings lead to somewhere with you
And he didn’t know that they would 
Soon enough
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g4l4xy-qu33n · 1 year
Arcane Characters with an S/O that Loves Headpats/their Hair Being Played With <3
Characters included: Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko, Viktor, Jayce, Silco, Vander, Mel, Sevika, Ambessa and Finn
A/N: Readers gender isn’t mentioned and can be whatever you would like. Their hair length isn’t mentioned either, and can also be whatever. This totally isn’t self-indulgent at all- Proofread by Nobody, and the tense changes a bunch but whatever. Also this isn't very long, I wanted to write this but had like no motivation.
Warnings: None! Just pure fluff and head pats :)
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When you told Jinx that you like head pats, she literally jumped at the chance to give you them
Jinx utilises her long nails and scratches your head with them
If she happens to just be walking by, she’ll pat or tap your head as she walks past
When cuddling, it’s nothing out of the ordinary for Jinx to kiss your head either
Jinx won't hesitate to bite your hair, and/or chew on it (it feels nice in her mouth)
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Vi chuckled when you told her that you liked head pats
Since Vi has strong hands and arms, she can’t help it if she gets a little too rough when petting your head.
Vi tends to pat your head with quite a bit of force
She also enjoys ruffling your hair and making it all messy, no matter how long you spent on it
She likes scratching your head, even if she doesn’t have long nails
If stressed, Vi may occasionally gently pull on your hair
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Caitlyn was a tad flustered at the thought of patting your head, but she’d do anything to make you happy
She’s very gentle when petting you and runs her fingers down the back of your head
If she’s stressed, she may fidget with your hair by curling it around one of her fingers
You’re no stranger to receiving soft kisses on the back of your head when Caitlyn’s playing with your hair either
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Ekko was excited when you told him that you liked head pats, and had a goofy smile on his face for a little
Ekko knows that he has quite big hands, and isn’t afraid to use them when ruffling your hair
Like Vi, Ekko is strong, and may get a little too rough when patting your head if he’s zoned out
Ekko also isn’t embarrassed to tease you about liking head pats
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Viktor is a bit flustered after you told him you liked head pats, but as a scientist he isn’t opposed to trying new ways of affection with you
Just like everything, Viktor likes to take his time finding things out when trying something new, so at first his pats are soft and curious
Once he realises how you enjoy getting pet, then he will use that technique as much as possible
Eventually, Viktor warms up to the idea of planting soft kisses in your hair, but only occasionally, since he doesn’t want to spoil you too much
If he’s playing with your hair while he’s working, he may sometimes tap his fingers on your head in thought
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Jayce is completely fine with the idea of giving you head pats.
He loves it when you sit on his lap while he works, since then he has time to give you head pats.
Because of his big hands, it seems that his pats may be quite aggressive, but you would be mistaken
Jayce is gentle and soft when he pats your head
He may occasionally ruffle your hair (gently, as he doesn’t want to mess it up)
If he’s working, he would fidget with your hair
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When you told Silco you like head pats, he scoffed and begrudgingly gave you them
In actual fact, Silco loves giving you head pats and does so whenever he can (which is most of the time)
He usually does long, slow caress like pats down the back of your head, which trail onto your neck.
He finds that the feeling of your hair on his palm and fingers is incredibly relaxing, and pats you when he’s stressed
He’d never say anything like that to your face though
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Vander – as always – is completely open to the idea of giving you head pats, and immediately asked if you wanted any
Like Jayce, Vander may seem like his pats would be quite rough, but in actual fact, he’s incredibly soft and gentle with you
He would sometimes run his hand down your back as well as caressing your head
If you're feeling tired or sore, Vander would gladly massage your scalp during head pats
If you’re just joking around or having a laugh, Vander would ruffle your hair for fun
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Mel is kind of surprised when you tell her that you like head pats, but is in no way opposed to the idea
When she actually started patting your head regularly, the feeling of your hair under her hand became a feeling she missed quite often
When Mel pats your head, she trails her fingers through your hair, and takes the time to carefully remove any knots that may be there
If your hair was intricately styled, Mel would take the time to make sure that she doesn’t mess it up by doing slow and gentle pats
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Sevika isn’t completely opposed to the idea of giving you head pats but whatever makes you happy?
She mainly just scoffs out of sarcasm and exasperation when you ask for head pats, but complies
She purposefully pats your head very rough and aggressive, no matter if it's styled or not
Sevika scruffs up your hair a lot, and uses her whole hand when she does it, making it all knotted
Sevika would also bonk you on the head for no reason
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Ambessa gave you a small smile and quiet chuckle when you told her you like head pats
She mainly just messes up your hair, then fixes it over and over again
Ambessa also curls your hair around her fingers, which are quite big mind you-
She loves it when she makes your hair all fluffy and scruffy as well
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Finn was shocked when you told him that you liked head pats, but immediately hid it and smirked
The pats that Finn does shouldn’t even be called pats, it more like he’s letting out his anger on your hair
He scruffs up your hair on purpose, and clenches it in his fist
Finn also tugs and pulls on your hair just for fun (and a little to annoy you)
He also may randomly just bonk your head with his hand or fist
tsym for reading this, it means so much to me!!! Also I'm open for requests for lists like these if you'd like to! (or a oneshot but I'm a bit too busy irl for those rn so you might have to wait a bit, sorry).
-galaxy <3
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Hello! I adore your writing. Can I request a fic with female arcane characters when they have a touch starved gf? (Definitely asking for a friend ahah 😅)
RAHHH. ARCANE LADIES LETS GOOO. tbh, im not that in tune with Mel and Sevika as characters so they may be OOC. Thanks for requesting!
Arcane Ladies w/A Touch-Starved Reader | Headcanons
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Headcanons of Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Mel, and Sevika with a touch-starved lover and/or discovering said trait.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Lower Case Intended (Kinda?), Suggestive Themes (Mel/Sevika), Not Proofread, Short
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
JINX ᝰ๋࣭𝜗᭡
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- In a romantic setting (or really any setting), Jinx is touch-starved herself.
- when taking hostages or messing with those in her way, she will often touch them such as stroking her nail along their jawline or grabbing their chin when they're hurt and on their last limb.
- now she does this not because she's a bit insane and wants to add salt to their wounds but because she's curious. "What would this feel like?" "What would happen if I do this?"
- Much like most things in her life, curiosity is the main thing that gets her into trouble
- in terms of touching, you're not exempt from her touching curiosity.
- she'll drag her nails along your spine. cup your cheek and chin, and squeeze you like the baby you are to her.
- it's not until you linger after a hug that she notices your touch-starved like her
– since that moment, she made a mental note to cuddle you, kiss you, or poke at you more
– even if you tell her to stop annoying you or that she should focus on her work and not mess with you, she'll continue to poke and hold you.
– why? well because you're smiling through your complaints and she can't get over that smile you try to hide when you let yourself melt in her touch
VI メ
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– much like her sister, Vi is touch-starved herself.
– y'all saw how she acted with Caitlyn and when she reunited with Jinx. She was all OVER them. With you, she's the exact same
– With her, you're more reluctant with touch. You want to hug her, cuddle with her, cling onto her like the clingy thing you are but you're scared to.
– you didn't grow up in an environment where that was normalized so it was out of your comfort zone to go out and cling to someone.
– in the beginning of your relationship, Vi was touchy until she noticed you weren't super comfortable with it.
– when she noticed, she had a discussion with you. – "Hey, are you comfortable with me hugging you 'n stuff? I noticed you get kinda tense when I first hug you." She'll ask you on a random night in the living room. You were hesitant at first, wanting to immediately ease her insecurities and tell her everything was fine.
– But if you lied, even if the lie was more a half-truth, your initial reaction to her touch would be the same. Tense at first then ease seconds into the touch.
– So, because you couldn't do anything but bite the bud, you told her
– Since telling, Vi said she'll help you work on getting more comfortable with touch.
– She'll even tease you when she notices you're more hesitant than normal.
– "Oh, come on," she'll tease you with her arms squeezing around your torso and your cheeks smushing to another. "You know you love it! Ease up, Mufifn."
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- With Caitlyn, you literally CANNOT get off of her. Can't blame you though.
- 6' foot something to cling onto? YUM.
- Caitlyn didn't mind your touchiness. She assumed you were that way so she didn't think anything of it.
- It wasn't until she met your family that she saw that your touchy side is something you keep hidden from your family, if not the world.
- You were so stiff around them, uncomfortable dare she say. You kept to yourself, restricted that pretty smile of yours, and you wouldn't let yourself ease into her touch.
- At home, she brought this up to you and you told her that being affectionate wasn't something your family did. To them, holding each other, hugging, expressing hellos and goodbyes with kisses was weird. Unfortunately for you, you're a naturally touchy person so you had to keep that part of you concealed.
- Caitlyn didn't like the thought of you hiding yourself from your blood kin. You didn't deserve that treatment so at home, after the event, Caitlyn went out of her way to be more touchy with you.
- she cradled your head when cuddling on the couch, gave you kisses on the cheek, and when she complimented you on something or congratulated you, she kissed the top of your head while giving you a polite squeeze.
– being super-duper-mushy-gushy-affectionate wasn't something she wasn't used to but she'll do anything for you. Plus, a couple extra kisses and squeezes haven't killed her yet.
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- You didn't care about touch all that much before your relationship with Mel. At the start of your relationship, you and Mel were younger so you had fewer responsibilities. All your free time, literally all of it, you guys spent with each other
- walking arm-in-arm while shopping, resting on each other on hot Summer days with your feet in a body of water, and mindlessly playing with each other's clothes or hair during late-night talks.
- but as she got busier, you saw her less, and seeing her less meant fewer touches.
- Mel wouldn't call herself touch-starved but starved for your touch.
– She'll miss your lingering touches on her fingers while you lay in bed, your lips on her back as you held each other, and your face in the crook of her neck.
– In a way, you both were touch-starved for each other. Maybe even a different word but this is a PG-13 space LMAO.
– at night, you would wrap your limbs around her tight and in the morning, you'd cling even tighter. What do you mean it's time for her to go already? She just got in bed!! (it's been 7 hours.)
– with Mel, your touch-starving-ness doesn't go unnoticed. In fact, whenever there's a time she notices you're more touchy than normal, she'll make it up to you
– And you never once complained about her way of making it up to you.
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- oh lord, where do i start with this one, hm?
– One, Sevika loves the crap out of your touch-starved-ness. She won't admit this out loud but she thinks its the cutest thing in the world.
- She'll see you go in for a hug or maybe a wrap around her arm but then decide against it because of your own insecurities.
- Sometimes she'll take matters into her own hands and wrap her arm around you, pull you into her lap, or sneak a kiss on your cheek but other times she likes to make you suffer.
– "Mm, what was that?" she'll tease with a smirk on her lips. "Oh, did you want to hug me? Kiss me? Cling onto me or something?"
- Tbh, if you're with Sevika, you gotta be a little bit of a brat, right? right. So, you'll refuse the allegations she put on your name.
- That is until she pushes and pushes and boom. Like a perfectly boiled egg, your shell has been cracked and peeled, and the softness of your personality has been brought to light.
– with embarrassment plastered along your body and face, you'll do what you were too shy to before. (Cling, hug, kiss, etc).
- Sevika plays a big game but she loves it when you cling to her because just like you, she's a bit touch-starved too. The only touches she gets on a day-to-day basis are punches, kicks, etc.
- When you swallow your pride at home, you'll pull her down to your chest and hold her tight. She'll ask what's up but you'll just ignore her and she'll melt into your body like you intended.
WC: 1,229
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sonderessence · 6 months
#. 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄. vi, caitlyn, jinx, & ekko.
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#VIOLET / VI — female reader.
blood stains.
see you again. ( coming soon! )
i could be a better boyfriend than him. ( coming soon! )
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#CAITLYIN — female reader.
coming soon...!
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#JINX — gender neutral.
coming soon...!
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#EKKO — female reader, gender neutral.
coming soon...!
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©sonderessence, 2023 — do not steal or copy works, seriously.
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concededlesbian · 1 year
Untitled Caitlyn Smut
This is literally something I wrote like a year ago that was supposed to have a plot but I just wrote the spicy parts and gave up on the plot
Includes: Strap on sex (receiving), oral (giving and receiving), scratching (giving), Soft Dom Caitlyn (?), Overstimulation (receiving), very brief degradation (receiving) , and multiple orgasms (receiving)
Anyways enjoy! >_<
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Caitlyn grabs your wrist and gently pulls you onto her lap. She cups your cheek and pulls you into a kiss. You wrapped your arms around the back of her neck and kissed her back. She removes her hand from your cheek and grabs your waist 
"Get on your knees for me darling," Caitlyn whispers the order in your ear.
You slide off her lap with shaky legs and onto the floor in front of her. She places a hand on your cheek, 
"You're so good for me," She praises.
Caitlyn grabs the hem of her dress and pulls it up to her hips. She wasn't wearing any underwear. It wasn't uncommon for Caitlyn to go without underwear but you never thought she'd do so at such a formal event. 
Caitlyn grabs your chin gently, making you snap out of your thoughts, 
"What are you waiting for, darling? Eat." She ordered, asserting enough dominance without even having to raise her voice.
You bring your face closer to her pussy and start gently kissing on her clit. Caitlyn lets out a quiet breathy moan that encourages you to take it up a notch and you start flicking your tongue over her clit. Caitlyn lets out a loud gasp and grabs your hair in her fist, pushing you closer against her.
"Fuck, darling.." She says in a breathy voice, 
Soon the stimulation wasn't enough and Caitlyn starts thrusting slowly against your tongue for more. You took the hint and slowly pushed two fingers inside her wet cunt. You thrust your fingers slowly, rubbing against Caitlyn's G spot with each thrust. Caitlyn's quiet moans are soon exchanged for louder ones as she humps your fingers and tongue.
"Fuck- you're such a good- good girl," Caitlyn says, her fist in your hair tightening.
The pressure on your scalp makes you moan against her, the vibrations sending her into a frenzy. Her thrusting got more frantic and her moans got so loud you were sure people downstairs could hear them. 
The way she writhed on your fingers encouraged you to move your fingers faster inside of her; you were addicted to the way she reacted to the pleasure you were giving her.
You looked up to see her face and the sight you saw could've made you orgasm right there, her eyes half-lidded, and her mouth formed an "O" shape. 
You started flicking your tongue against Caitlyn's clit faster, licking her like she was a shimmer-infused lollipop. You felt Caitlyn rapidly clenching around your fingers and you realized she was close to an orgasm. Her grip on your hair was now painful but you loved every second of the pain.
"Fuck- fuck! I'm so close- be a good little slut and make me come!" She whimpers loudly.
You take her clit in your mouth, sucking on it gently. Caitlyn's thighs squeeze the side of your head tightly and her body quaked above you as she came on your fingers. You kept your fingers thrusting slowly, helping Caitlyn ride out her orgasm. She finally pulls you off of her by your hair and you pull your fingers out of her. Caitlyn leans down so she is face to face with you.
"Open." Caitlyn orders, still out of breath from her orgasm. 
You do what she says, opening your mouth, Caitlyn grabs your hand and presses the fingers covered in her wetness on your tongue. 
"Now suck." She instructs, 
You lick and suck Caitlyn's essence off your fingers as she told you to. You pulled your fingers out of your mouth and let your hand fall to your side.
"You were so good for me; I think you deserve a reward." She says, soothing your tingling scalp by lightly scratching it.
Caitlyn stands up and walks over to her closet to get something. She pulls a black box off of her shelf and turns to you.
"Get on the bed and get on your hands and knees." She ordered.
You did just as she said, crawling on the bed into position. You look over at Caitlyn as she opens the box, pulling out a navy blue strap-on. You watched as Caitlyn slid the strap on her slender legs and fastened it around her hips. There was something so hot about watching her prepare to absolutely ruin you.
Caitlyn walked back over to her bed and positioned herself behind you. She trailed her hands down your body, her breath hitching at the way you tense up under her touch. 
"You're so beautiful, Y/n." Caitlyn's hands stop at the hem of your dress and slowly raise it just above your hips. She pulls you against her hips and you gasp at her strap bumping against your clothed clit. Caitlyn whispers a faint 'fuck' and pulls your underwear down your thighs. 
"If you want me to stop at any time just yell out 'Red', okay?" You nodded your head in response.
With that, she slides the strap into your dripping core and starts thrusting slowly but passionately. The silicone dragged slowly against your walls, moans start to fall from your mouth as Caitlyn hits a pleasure point with each thrust. The obscene sound of her skin slapping against yours was better than any song you could ever listen to and it was only yours to hear. 
Caitlyn wraps her arm around your waist and pulls you against her chest. Her scent filled the air around you; she smelled of lavender with a hint of vanilla. You never get tired of having her this close to you. She starts drilling into you at a quicker pace, making you slightly tremble in her grip. 
"Fuck darling, you look so good shaking for me like this," Caitlyn whispers in your ear.
Your moans and whimpers filled the room; the pleasure Caitlyn was giving you overwhelmed all your senses. You threw your head back against Caitlyn's shoulder and she took the opportunity to wrap her free hand around your neck. She squeezed your throat just enough to make you feel slightly light-headed.
"Mmh, you're taking me so well." Caitlyn praised, making you clench around her strap.
Caitlyn removed her hand from your throat and brought it down to your clit, rubbing it gently. She started placing kisses on your temple, a sweet contrast to the harsh way she fucked you. Caitlyn whispered praises against your forehead, sending shockwaves of pleasure down your body.
"Fu–ck Cait please!" You pleaded, not even knowing what you were begging for.
Your breasts bounced with each rough movement of Caitlyn's hips; tears welled up in the corner of your eyes from pleasure. You grab Caitlyn's thigh, digging your nails into her skin in an attempt to ground yourself. She lets out a quiet whimper in pain and you pull your fingers back once you realize you were hurting her. 
"No- baby keep doing that." She said abruptly, desperately not wanting you to stop.
You were a bit surprised that Caitlyn was into this but regardless you did as she requested, sticking your nails into the soft skin of her thigh. Caitlyn let out a moan of pain mixed with pleasure, and her thrusts become even faster. 
Hearing Caitlyn moan against you made your orgasm build up quicker than you expected and she could tell by the way you were writhing against her. The familiar knot in your stomach gets tighter with each rough thrust to your cunt. Caitlyn applied more pressure to your clit, pushing you closer to the edge. She unwrapped her arm from your waist and grabbed your chin, tilting your head back to look at her from above you. "Fuck Cait please I'm so close- I'm gonna cum- please!" You begged, the desperation in your voice very evident to Caitlyn.
Caitlyn smirked at your desperate state, "Come on darling, cum for me- make a mess all over my covers." Caitlyn encouraged you.
The knot in your stomach finally snaps and you are sent into a mind-numbing orgasm. You start scratching at Caitlyn's thigh and her moans filled the room along with yours. All you could say were jumbled versions of Caitlyn's name. Your legs uncontrollably shook, threatening to give out from under you and your wetness stuck to your thighs. Caitlyn let you ride out your high on her strap while she rubbed on your clit.
"Good girl, you sound so nice when you cum."
Caitlyn wrapped her arms around your torso and you relaxed in her hold. You laid against Caitlyn's chest, infatuated with the way her chest rose under your head with every breath. 
There was a moment of silence with you sitting between Caitlyn's legs and her holding you tightly. You soon start to become very aware of the sticky feeling in between your thighs and shift uncomfortably. Caitlyn takes notice of that and spreads your legs open.
"Oh, I've made a mess of you, haven't I? Let me clean you up." Caitlyn says.
Caitlyn unwraps her arms from around you and positions herself between your legs. You quirk your eyebrows at her, 
"What are you doing, Cait?" You question.
She let out a giggle, "I said I was gonna clean you up, didn't I?" She remarks coyly.
Caitlyn trails kisses from your ankle all the way up to your thigh, the ticklish feeling making you whimper. She makes her way up to your pussy and gently drags the tip of her tongue over your clit. You whined at the feeling because you were still fairly sensitive from your previous orgasm. Caitlyn moves her tongue down to your slit and curves the tip of her tongue inside you to collect your cum from your climax. She moans at the taste of you and whispers "Fuck, I can go slow anymore.." just loud enough for you to hear it.
As if something just snapped in Caitlyn, she hooks her arms under your thighs and closes the distance (which wasn't a big one) between your cunt and her mouth. She begins to lap at your pussy like it was her first meal in weeks. You squirm violently at the aggressive stimulation and buck against Caitlyn's face. Caitlyn tightens her hold on your thighs and pulls away to look up at you. 
"Honey, I need you to stay still or I'll stop, okay?" She says sternly. You nod vigorously and Caitlyn smiles and sucks your clit into her mouth. You fist the covers to try to keep yourself from squirming or bucking into Caitlyn's face. Your breath is caught in your throat and all you can do is gasp brokenly at her ministrations. Caitlyn let's one of your thighs go to push her fingers into your cunt. She moves her fingers around until she finds your G-spot and thrusts her fingers against it. Your second orgasm begins to build before you can even think about it and you screw your eyes shut and buck your hips against her face.
Caitlyn lightly slaps your thigh, "Look at me, baby- look at me as I make you cum." She says with her voice muffled against your clit. Your eyes snap open and you look down at Caitlyn. Her eyes are filled with intense lust as she watches your face contort with pleasure. 
"Fuck- you look so beautiful right now with your pretty eyes glazed over and your face all sweaty." Caitlyn says with a dark edge to her voice.
Your second orgasm felt like it was going to paralyze you and Caitlyn's dirty talking wasn't at all helping. You whimper out Caitlyn's name religiously as your climax got closer,
"I know you're close. Come on, baby, cum on my fingers." Caitlyn says, speeding up her thrusts. 
With that command your orgasm hits you hard, you grab Caitlyn's hair and push her against you as she helps you ride out your orgasm on her fingers. Your whimpers echoed throughout the room as you came down from your orgasm.
Caitlyn places a gentle kiss on your clit and sits up. She looks down at you and smirks at how fucked out you looked. You laid back on the bed limp and you could barely keep your eyes open. 
Caitlyn giggles and kisses your cheek. "Let's get you actually cleaned up, yeah?"
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A/n: also excuse the last part it was very rushed ngl
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caitlynskitten · 1 year
Y/N & Caitlyn watch Jinx commit crimes from afar
Y/N: *dreamily* I can fix her.
Caitlyn: *pulling out her sniper* I can too.
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smoart · 1 year
Arcane Women~How you met
A/n: this is my first ever post and first time writing for my own interest instead of school I’m open to suggestions or ideas or even criticisms
You were a kid in the lanes around the same age as her
You were taken in by Vander a couple years after Vi was after you were caught stealing some drinks and snacks from the last drop
Vander talked things out with you and instead of finding some way of doing away with you. he took you in!to your surprise he brought you into the basement of Last Drop and introduced you to the rest of his family
“Welcome to your new home y/n”
He had a comforting hand on your shoulder as you looked around the unfamiliar room filled with soon to be familiar faces
“This is Vi- she is in charge of things when I’m busy or not there”
He gestures to the pink haired girl and she looks up from playing with the younger blue haired girl
She seems to be eyeing you up before saying anything
Eventually she stands and walks over to you with a hand outstretched asking to be shaken
“Like he said I’m Vi, what’s your name?”
You were the child of a family friend
Your parents always met together and eventually brought you along this lead to you being lead by your parents into Caitlyn’s estate
Walking through the large doors you are met with a fancy decor that made you feel a little overwhelmed like you’re in VIP area with no pass
You then see the faces of the Kiramann parents who you’ve spoken with maybe five times so they’re somewhat familiar
Then looking to their side you see the one you’ve been brought here to meet a cute blue haired girl
“Y/n we’ve brought you here to meet Caitlyn our good friends little daughter”
Little was an overstatement you may of been the same age but she probably still had 3-4 inches on you
You see her bashfully wave and flash you a smile
“Why don’t you show your new friend here around Caitlyn”
“Yes mother, come on Y/n we can start in the kitchen”
You were living with Ekko and Benzo so it was bound to happen that you would run into their group
You had seen them hanging out in the shop a couple times before you had even introduced yourself you were pretty shy because you were still young
However you did want to meet the blue haired girl who looked to be the same age as you and Ekko
“Hey Y/n have you met these guys yet”
You turn to see Ekko looking at your with a smiling face pointing at the group of mainly older people
You shook your head slowly and began to walk over their way making eye contact with the smallest of the group
“Well guys this is Y/n they’re the best at artsy stuff they made the sign out front”
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Ekko, Vi, Caitlyn & Viktor x S/o with Amnesia
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he doesn't know how it happened or why
He just gets angry though
Not at you, at himself and the universe
How could this happen to you
And why you out of everyone?
He loved you and I think he somehow blames himself
He'll try to hell and back to get your memories back
He's heartbroken when you woke up and asked the dreaded question
"Who are you?"
He felt like his entire heart cracked and his stomach just dropped
It was you but not you at the same time
You didn't remember him or anything
He tries to help you or be around you without being sad but its hard
He'll help you around and help you with things you struggle with
Eventually when you get better at things he'll be happy
Still sad though
After sometime he starts losing some hope but refuses to fully give up
And one day he just finds you and you look so happy
He was confused until you told him you remembered everything
It was after you found a gift he had given you when you guys were kids
It was accompanied by a photo of you two as kids
It felt like everything snapped into place
He swore he felt like he was about to pass out
He hugged you so tight you felt like you were about to pass out
Shed some tears shamelessly
He was so happy he had you back
Please never scare him like that again
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She was extremely confused
When you woke up and asked her 
"Who are you?"
She thought it was a joke
Kept telling you
"I'm Vi, you're girlfriend?"
She felt like her world crashed down
She only had you left, you couldn't just lose your memory just like that
When she found out for sure you had amnesia, she had no clue what to do
One thing she wanted to do was comfort you
But you didn't know who she was
And that crushed her, you had been stuck by the hip since you were young
Everything felt wrong without having you by her side
She helps you with things, doesn't want you to get worse
She gets to know you as you are now
It's painful more than comforting
You don't remember her, how you met, your friends or anything
She feels like something is always missing
She subconsciously does things that remind her of you or sometimes forgets you have amnesia
And when she remembers it feels like she heard that dreaded question over and over in her head
And one day she was just sitting around and you came running over
You then hugged her, you of course hugged her back but she was confused
Until you told her you were you again
She froze for a second before practically picking you off your feet entirely
She felt like crying out of relief
She had you back
And you in whole
She felt whole again, please, never ever do that again
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She's shocked
She's scared at the same time
Could you get worse? Could something else happen to you?
"Who are you?"
Her smile slowly faded from her face as she held your hand after you had woken up
She had waited hours or even days or weeks for you to wake up
She thought she would feel over the moon but you looked at her confused
Like you had never met her before
And it rocked her to her core
As the doctor explained you had amnesia she had to leave the room for a bit
Not gonna lie, she cried
It felt like you had died and someone had replaced you
She wanted to hug you but was afraid you would be uncomfortable
When she helped you, she reminded you of things you used to do or things you guys loved doing together
She then would look at your face as you just looked confused
It felt like her world went quiet all over again
You didn't remember things you always used to do
Or places you went or dates
It felt like someone was in your body or your memory haunted her
It overwhelmed her
And it wasn't on purpose, but she ended up avoiding you entirely
Felt guilty when she realized it but it was to painful
One day you were somewhere you guys loved
Maybe the part, a cafe you frequented or a library
It felt like everything snapped in and the memories flooded in
You went running to her and when you found her you cried
She thought you were hurt and forgot about the amnesia
You kept blurting out random things but she just got that you remembered
And she remembered the amnesia, but you remembered now
She felt so relieved
She almost cried right there and then
She was probably on the job
But who cares?
She hugged you back so tight
She made a promise to herself never to lose you
And to protect you so that it never happened again
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He didn't want to believe it
He had health issues himself
But for you to have this happen to you?
You didn't deserve that
Wanted to crawl into a hole right there and then when you woke up
"Who are you?"
Your question rang in his ear every second of every day after it happened
He avoided you, he didn't even know it though 
he spent all his time in the lab once again
You never really saw him after that day when the doctor told you both you had amnesia
He grew more determined over time to maybe find something to help you remember
He wanted you back
It was like you were a shell of yourself
You weren't you, the person he loved and the one that helped him through everything
He was so fucking desperate to get you back
He even resorted to finding Singed once again
Eventually he was in the lab one day and you came barreling in the door
He jumped as you hugged him
You blurted out you remembered
He froze and stood still, even when he began to cry
You even checked on him to see if he was okay
He didn't answer, he just hugged you back and cried silently into your shoulder
He had you back
You weren't gone forever
He didn't lose you
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novacqnes · 1 year
mrs officer // caitlyn kiramman
summary: over the course of a year caitlyn obsessively investigates one of piltover's most notorious criminals, and it culminates into a heated interrogation.
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warning: mentions of violence and death, suggestive language
word count: 2.0k
pairing: caitlyn kiramman x fem reader
a/n: i took some inspo from the beloved killing eve when writing this
“she’s responsible for the deaths of over 50 enforcers and god knows who else—“
“are you even listening to me?” jayce asked.
“just let me think for a second.”
they stood on the opposite of a one way privacy film, glaring at the woman behind it. to their knowledge she’d committed numerous crimes against the city of piltover and despite being in police custody— she was far from done. 
jayce paced back and forth, seething. he wanted to storm in and interrogate her, even bringing her to tears if necessary with the horrors of stillwater. yet one thing held him back, caitlyn.
she’d hardly said a word since jayce announced your arrest. she’d fantasized about this moment for ages, obsessively following every clue and miniscule piece of evidence leading up to meeting you. 
the last few months you’d consumed every aspect of caitlyn’s being. she knew you better than she knew herself at that point. and one thing she was covinced of was that you’d purposely led them to you. 
you were meticulous, each crime was done efficiently and in the beginning you made sure to leave absolutely nothing behind. with no trail it would be only a matter of time before you disappeared, sparking waves of panic throughout the city until you struck again. 
however the moment caitlyn began following your case you grew sloppier and less calculated. complete derailing completely from your original methodology. initially she thought it was just pure luck but with each shred of evidence left behind there was a clear distinct message. 
you wanted her to find it. 
“i should talk to her first.”
“what?” he sputtered, his eyes narrowed into slits.
“i can get her to open up, just let me speak to her, please?”
begrudgingly jayce nodded, gesturing to the guard, “look, she’s handcuffed so she can’t hurt you—“
“that won’t matter.”
caitlyn stepped forward, a cold chill crawling up her spine as she walked into the gray room. despite the darkness, the blinding lights from the ceiling illuminating everything around her, including you. 
she couldn’t explain it, and it wasn’t because of the handcuffs but she wasn’t fearful. you were heavily bound yet the guards and jayce flinched with your every movement, meanwhile she just watched.
a small gleeful grin spread across face as caitlyn sauntered towards you. a glimmer of excitement sparked in your eyes as she got closer, a brisk wave of her scent filling the room. 
she was beautiful.
you’d only been able to admire her poise and elegance from afar but finally seeing her up close knocked all of the air from your lungs. a quick repeated thump came from your chest and your cheeks took on an extreme fervor. she sat across from you, on the opposite side of the table pulling out a thick file. 
caitlyn couldn’t allow herself to be distracted by formalities. she furiously flipped through the pages within the folder to your latest attack, slamming in front of you. 
she began, “you’re currently the most wanted person in all of piltover. you have threatened the safety and well being of all citizens, and they won’t stop until you’re brought to justice.”
you gazed at the blurry picture, in it was a building demolished to nothing but pieces of rubble. 
“i don’t understand?”
she spat, “look closer.” 
leaning in closer you inspected the mountain of destruction. bodies were scattered everywhere, blood spatter decorating the decrepit pieces of the building. however at the very top of the hill you noticed a small gold circle glimmering through. engraved in it was the kiramman family sigil. 
“you left it for me. why?”
leaning back in your chair, you examined caitlyn even further. her crystal blue eyes held a look of determination and a tinge of light pink colored her cheeks.
and god was she cute too.
she wanted to seem more intimidating, scare you into whatever confession you were expected to give but she was failing— miserably. instead, you allowed your eyes to roam over her inspecting every inch of her sculpted frame.
“you have such pretty eyes,” you teased. 
the splotches of pink deepened to a fiery red hue. caitlyn faltered for a moment, she felt like she was losing at this complex imaginary game the both of you were playing. 
she should’ve expected this. 
you’re a flirt, it was evident at every scene, you wanted to show off and even in custody it was no different. being stern wasn’t going to work. 
“why the sigil, y/n?” she said, this time with a softer tone. she leaned forward allowing her hair to fall beautifully at her shoulders. she ran her fingertips across the white table, tapping her nails against the edges of your hand cuffs.
you sighed, “i was never going to hurt you— or your family, i just wanted you to know.” 
“know what?”
“that i saw you, that night after the explosion. i came back and you were there alone in your uniform….”
those were her first fateful days on the job. and in a matter of minutes dozens of enforcers were wiped out with a single deadly bomb. vividly, she remembered the smoke that poisoned her lungs, leaving her gasping for just a sliver of fresh air. 
the bodies— there were so many and they were all dead, just scattered about like ants in the ruins. she must’ve stayed there for hours, caitlyn couldn’t fathom how anybody could do such a thing. 
she imagined them to be the epitome of a ravenous monster lurking about, waiting to consume everything and anything. not a cute— almost innocent looking face. it frightened her how someone could look so harmless and beautiful while concealing such dark secrets. 
“why were you watching me?” she whispered, her heart beating even faster at the looming silence filling the room.
you looked up, beads of sweat forming at the top of your forehead. caitlyn’s heavy gaze bore deep holes into your eyes that made it difficult to look away. her scent was closer than ever and it made you feel like you were walking on air. 
“i couldn’t look away.” 
the distance between the two of you was gradually waning. caitlyn felt like she was losing control, this is what you did, you lied, manipulated and cheated— but in this moment it felt so good.
“and after?”
“oh that?” you smirked, looking directly at the glass, before glancing back at caitlyn. 
“that was to impress you.”
immediately the door bursted open. jayce stormed in, his face splashed with a fiery red as he stomped over to you. he towered over your seat, eyes filled with great disdain.
“this is why wanted to come here? to flirt?” he growled, sticking an accusatory finger at caitlyn on the opposite side of the room.  his collar was soaked in sweat and his hair beyond disheveled. he whipped back around glaring at you with fierce, crazed eyes. 
“you….i’m going to make sure you never see the light of day.”
his threats felt like mere insults, leaving you almost amused. you couldn’t help but laugh at the spectacle causing both him and caitlyn to shoot confused glances at one another. 
“what’s funny?” 
you doubled over, loud and obnoxious fits of laughter filling the room. to the two however it didn’t sound like simple laughter it was menacing and unsettling. the strange noise caused the hairs on jayce’s neck to rise and that same wintry chill to find its way back to caitlyn’s spine. 
“you know jayce, i like you. you’re quite charming but clearly not very bright.” 
“excuse me?” he scoffed, while caitlyn stifled a laugh. you lifted your hands up, gently yanking on the silver cuffs.
“we’ve been through this enough times to know that no matter how many restraints you put on me, i’ll get out. i mean come on— that’s what mrs officer was trying to tell you in the first place, no?” you taunted.
jayce was baffled— all could do was stare blindly. he cursed himself for not listening to caitlyn sooner, the arrest had been to easy and now they were trapped. 
on the other hand, caitlyn was unsettlingly calm. she’d replayed this moment in her head for weeks— maybe even months. she’d studied you to the point where she could almost predict what was going to happen. and it would either end with all of you dead— or alive. 
“now, this is going to go one of two ways, so keep up. i could blow this place to shreds with you and the dozens of innocent people still in it. or you can let me walk out…”
quickly your eyes darted to caitlyn on the opposite side of the room.
“….with her.”
he protested, “what no—“ 
but caitlyn’s mind was made up before she even set foot into the grim room. she didn’t share jayce’s sentiments and more importantly she wasn’t afraid of you— she was fascinated by you. 
“i’ll go.”
“you can’t be serious.”
“it’s not your decision to make,” she sighed, gently patting his shoulder before walking over to you. she removed a small key from her pocket, freeing you from all your restraints.
it was the closest you’d ever been to her, and it drove you insane. her touch was light and gentle like a feather. she was careful and handled each part of your body with the utmost care, and for just a second it allowed you to forget where you were. 
“cheer up jayce, it’s just a safety measure, that way once i’m out of here i know you won’t try and kill me.” you chirped, proudly sauntering out of the room with caitlyn on your heel. 
enforcers lined up and down the halls were dumbfounded as they watched you walk free. hatred and anger were sept from the dozens of looks, and you felt each one.
wild butterflies filled your stomach, leaving you with a giddy feeling as caitlyn’s body brushed against yours. the two of you walked in silence but you felt closer to her than ever. she’d blindly put her faith in you. purely based on the countless of hours she'd spent analyzing you and it made you fall even deeper for the woman.
you snuck a glance at her, gently nudging her with your shoulder, “hey, look at me.” 
she brushed her hair from her face, her crystal blue eyes finding yours.
“i’ll take care of you, i promise. but you can leave whenever you want.” 
the further you got from the building, the more reality began to creep in for caitlyn. she knew just how dangerous you were but she was certain you’d never hurt her. the way you spoke to her differed from most people. there was a layer of sensitivity and caution, even you giving her the option to leave, it felt completely out of character from the person she’d analyzed.
“you weren’t actually going to blow up the building, right?” she blurted.
“you’re the expert, you tell me.”
for most of jayce’s performance caitlyn had stayed silent and it wasn’t without reason. unless you had help— which she hadn’t anticipated, there would’ve been no way for you to trigger the explosion alone. however, given his state of mind rationalism wasn’t on his side.
“you certainly could’ve, you enjoy showing off but a murder suicide would be too easy and messy.”
“and she’s correct again!” you sang, skipping along the pavement. 
“so are you trembling with fear yet, officer?”
although you liked caitlyn you knew time was limited. you gave her a couple of days— a week at most before she’d abandon you, sending you onto your next fixation. however caitlyn hardly reacted to your theatrics. 
she shrugged her shoulders uttering a clear, “no.”
“you don’t scare me, y/n,” she admitted. 
you stopped dead on your tracks, your lips perking up into a sly grin. nobody had ever stood up to you before, at least not in the way she did. and it drove you mad but in the best possible way.
“these next few days are gonna be fun.”
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dinasmoon · 9 months
bestfriend!! Caitlyn taking care of u // headcanons
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warnings: nun this is pure fluff (no mention about readers apparence or gender/pronouns)
summery: cait is ur bestfriend and she likes you a little more than that but don't know how to show it and also u have a cold
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a/n: i had a cold last week so this is a little smth that was on my mind so here ya go
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ୨💜୧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
୨¡୧ first of all she would be calling you and idiot for not taking care of yourself properly
୨¡୧ "i told you not to go out in the rain, you should've listened to me" she would say over the phone, constantly. As she called you when she realized she hasn't heard from you since yesterday.
୨¡୧ and then she would come over (uninvited ofc) and her excuse would be that she wanted to lecture you about being irresponsible and she only can do that when you can see her
୨¡୧ As she goes on and on about the lecture she makes her way to the kitchen and warm up some soup and brings it to you when shes done
୨¡୧ you'd tell her you're not hungry and she'd say "i know you haven't eaten anything all day, there is no dishes in the sink" and you'd say "how are you so sure that I haven't already washed them" and she shakes her head and says "you don't do dishes usually" she says as she continues "so you definitely wouldn't when you're sick and I swear if you don't eat it ill feed you" with a serious look on her face
୨¡୧ jokingly you'd laugh and say "yeah sure feed me ju-" and before you can finish that sentence she has already taken the spoon with a bit of soup and put it in your mouth
୨¡୧ you surprised swallow the hot soup as she takes the spoon back and says "do I have to keep feeding you or will you eat by yourself now?" you'd mumble that you can eat by yourself as she gets up and says "good" and she leaves you in your room again
୨¡୧ by the time she's back you had already finished the soup, she returns with a glass of water and some medicine. as she gives the coughing medicine, she barley has any emotions showing on her face as she takes everything and puts it back in the kitchen.
୨¡୧ when you start to slowly fall asleep as she watches you, you mumble the word "baby" "how many times have I told you not to call me th-" you stop her in the middle of her sentence
୨¡୧ as you say "you take good care of me, baby thank you" she gives you a embarrassed smile as she says. "Uh yeah because we’re friends you idiot. I’d do anything for you. Now stop talking nonsense and just lie down and get some rest. I’ll look after you, ok?" you do as she says but you can't help but stare at her.
୨¡୧ "quit staring at me" "ur so pretty I can't help it" she starts to blush and gets all flustered from all the sudden attention. her tough act in scrambles within seconds as you ask her "how stupid would it be of me to kiss you right now? like on a scale from 0 to 10" you whispered and bring your hands to her neck bringing her down a bit towards you.
୨¡୧ her mind completely blanks out, her heart racing, as she is shocked from your words and also blushing "Oh gosh...I...uh...I mean...10, it would be...super stupid. Like...dumbest move ever." she says but she doesn't move as you pull her down and kiss her gently. she quickly goes from suprised to kissing you back. As you slowly pull away you say "well that was probably super stupid of me"
୨¡୧ she sits up and look at you as her heart is racing, she notice how you are smiling at her "No, I mean, it... uh..." she can't talk, she stammers over her words as she finally says "not that stupid..."
୨¡୧ she is feeling so many things at once right now but yet your smile drives everything away.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ୨🕰️୧⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
୨¡୧ next day she woke up before you, as she remembers the day and night her face flushes red. the kiss, the name you called her. the laughing and arguing about how stupid it was for the two of you to keep kissing knowing you have a cold.
୨¡୧ she goes to your bathroom and washes her face as she comes out you were already awake "I'm just gonna make you some coffee" she says embarrassed as she walk into the kitchen and barley five minutes you hear a loud sneeze and another one after it which makes you giggle "GOD DAMN IT, YOU GOT ME SICK" you barley holding in your laugh as she keeps sneezing. she runs into the your room as you are quick to defend yourself
୨¡୧ "you can't blame me!" you say as you use the pillow behind you for protection "i cant? YES I CAN" she says almost getting on top of you "you're the one who was begging for five more minutes of kissing" you say and she looks at you completely red as she remembers "U SHOULD HAVE STOPPED ME" she says "HOW? YOU WERE ALL OVER ME" "JUS- IDK" at that point you both laughing so much that your stomach hurt.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ୨🤎୧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
🩰 tag list: @xioriae @princesspookieforevs @likedovesinthewindd
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
Hear me out Caitlyn and Jinx x pregnant reader
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She is so happy.
Absolutely giddy when you tell her.
She goes to every doctor appointment.
She is storing all the baby pictures away.
She will be buying so many cute baby clothes.
She will absolutely take on your work for you if you can’t do it.
Constantly reminding you to eat and drink and don’t pick up heavy things.
A researcher at heart, she is looking up every single sign and what it means and how to parent and what to expect with a newborn.
If there’s a baby shower she is telling people not to just get toys but you need diapers and clothes past newborn sizes and you don’t just need bottles but baby formula and a lot of it because some kids just won’t take to certain types.
Gives you feet massages.
Will constantly tell you that you get gorgeous.
When the baby comes she is so happy and excited.
Holds it like it’s an Angel.
You’ve never seen her glow up as much as you did when you woke up and saw her holding the little baby, bouncing it as she told it a story.
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She is so fascinated that there is a human inside that stomach.
She will feel your stomach as often as you’ll let her.
She also gets you so many clothes that are just meant to bring attention to the baby bump. It’s her favorite thing ever.
She will spew out information you kind of wish she hadn’t and say things that aren’t wrong but Jinx, why would you say that?
“Babies are a type of parasite when you think about it. I mean, they’re making you sick and taking away vital nutrients from you but instead of just getting some blood disease you get a little person at the end of it! Isn’t that so weird?”
When the baby starts kicking she will like it back.
If it is on your ribs or your bladder she will rub your stomach while telling it off.
It is very responsive when she sings.
She is painting and fixing the baby room.
Jinx is very strong, especially for her size but if there’s something that needs to be moved to the baby room that she can’t pick up Sevika is doing it whether she likes it or not.
“My beloved partner is carrying a baby, Sevika. You can carry a fucking box.”
She will buy and make it toys.
Absolutely gets the cutest baby clothes. Topside expect some robberies for baby clothes because your baby deserves the best.
When the baby comes she is so much more nervous than she thought she’d be.
She is absolutely terrified that she’d drop them.
If you’re asleep while she tries to figure it out, she’ll turn to Silco for help but he’s just as clueless as she is about how to hold a baby. A child, maybe but a baby, no. He hasn’t had to do that.
A nurse will have to show her and reassure her that she’s holding them correctly.
When you wake up, she is holding them so delicately, so carefully, so very obviously terrified but she coos at them nonetheless.
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17 for Vi, Jinx, Caitlyn and Ekko.
(Hi! Sorry this tooo a few days but I just finished it so here ya go. Enjoy!)
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You loved the rain ever since you were little
And Ekko knew this
So he wouldn't complain even when you guys were younger when you would drag him outside
Rainy, stormy or haling you dragged him outside
And he was always up for the ride
He also had a small calendar that would show what days it would rain
So he knew when to prepare for you to come bursting in your room all happy
"Ekko!" You shouted, opening the door as he jumped a bit. "It's raining!" You smiled, Ekko nodding his head as he stood up.
"Already on it." He smiled, you going up to him and grabbing his hand. "Come on!" You dragged him, pulling him down the stairs of the hideout.
"I'm coming, Y/n!" He chuckled, almost tripping on a step as you guys arrived at the bottom of the tree.
"What are you doing?" He asked, watching as you began splashing in the puddles. "Hurry up before it stops!" He shook his head, smiling as he made his way over to you.
What he didn't expect was for you to splash him, he stood there shocked for a moment as he felt his pant legs grow wet and his legs get cold.
"Really?" He chuckled, you proudly nodding your head. "Okay then." He splashes you back, laughing as you try to block it.
It caused an all out war, both of you splashing each other while running around as some firelights and kids joined you.
All around you heard laughing, splashes of puddles before yelping as Ekko picked you up over his shoulder, spinning you around as you giggled.
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She liked rain, but she didn't like it at the same time
She liked how happy you were when it was raining
She also liked the smell
But she didn't like how cold it was and how wet she would get when outside
But nonetheless, she let you drag her around if it made you happy
But she what she wouldn't let you do was when coming inside sit on anything till you changed
Which usually qued her sitting under dozens of blankets
"You're crazy." Vi shook her head at you, standing under a stall in the plaza as she watched you run around like a child.
"Come on, Vi!" You beckoned her over, Vi shaking her head at you. "I'm good." She stated, rolling your eyes as you headed towards her.
"Whatcha doin?" She asked, dragging her out the stall as she tried to cover her face with her arm. She then froze, cold water hitting her as she looked up to see your smirking face.
"Oh, it's on." She smirked, your eyes growing wide before shrieking and running away with her on your tail.
"Y/n!" She yelled, trapping you before you went around her, she grabbed your arm but it just ended with you both in a pile in more water.
"Why do I let you do this to me?" She asked, looking at you under her as you looked so proud. "Because you love me." You smuggly stated, nudging her cheek as she scoffed amusedly.
"Yeah, poor me." She flinched, you had flicked her forehead with your finger. "Hey!" She swatted at your hand, climbing off you and sitting in the water.
"Poor you."
"You're lucky I love you."
"No. You're lucky I love you."
"You're right."
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She didn't really like rain
It affected her day to day schedule
But she knew how much you loved the rain
So she made a compromise
You would play in the rain like a mad men
You also got to drag her in it for a bit
And after a while she got to go inside and make tea and sit in a blanket
You gladly accepted
"Cait!" You yelled, the woman sighing as she knew what this was. She heard the pattern on the windows, she glanced at you and saw your stringy hair that was damp.
"It's raining, isn't it, love?" She asked, putting her book down as you nodded your head and pulled her up from her seat.
"Yeah, come on!" You yelled, the woman following after you as you pulled her into the rain. She immediately felt the water dripping into her hair and down the side of her face.
"Are you sure we won't get sick?" She asked, worried as you waved your hand at her. "We'll be fine. Stop being a worry bug." 
"If I don't worry, who else will?" She asked, you shrugged as she shook her head at you with a smile.
"Come on!" You said, leading her over to a puddle and splashing in it as she moved slightly as it splashed her leg. "Oh! Y/n!" She laughed, you trippin in the water.
You grabbed her hand, the woman yelping as you took her down with you into the water. 
"Yeah, we're definitely going to be sick." She laughed, pushing some wet hair out of your face as you smiled at her.
She pulled you up off the ground, you immediately going back to the puddles with her following along. Maybe getting sick would be worth your smiling face. 
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She was usually the one pulling you into the rain
She liked it, it was something she couldn't destroy or ruin
Even if it held some bad memories
Even if you liked it she liked it 10× more
Even if she got sick after it all, she was usually sick with you taking care of her
So it was a win-win situation
She liked how you would usually pull her into you, swaying to the sound of the rain falling down
Even if it was loud she could only hear your heartbeat, the world going quiet
"Baby!" Jinx yelled, popping her head through your room door and smiling as she already saw you putting on a jacket and your shoes.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Get dressed!" You state, throwing a jacket that hit her in the face as you winced. You smiled though when she began to giggle and put the jacket on. 
"Okay, all done!" She yelled, grabbing your hand and quickly pulling you along outside. "Hey!" She yelled, laughing as you splashed her with water.
"That's all you got?" She asked, you were confused until she splashed you with a bigger wave and laughed. You smiled, picking her up as she yelped and spun her around.
She clung to you, laughing but trying not to fall before you finally let her down. She hugged you, you wrapped your arms around her as she began to sway you both to the rain.
She smiled, closing her eyes as she heard your heartbeat and felt like the world was fading away.
Yeah, she loved the rain.
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sevikasfav · 2 years
Her Darling
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Pairing: Caitlyn Kiramman x Reader
Summary: You and Caitlyn try something new.
Word Count: 1743
CW: Bondage, Dom/Sub, Vibrators, Praise Kink, Spanking, Edgeplay, Face-Sitting, Usage of the honorific Mistress
Notes: Mommy dom Caitlyn make the brain go brrrr
"You know, I thought you couldn't get any prettier." A voice came from behind you, letting out a low chuckle. "But seeing you like this, I was so wrong." You were tied up, hands behind your back with your feet tied along with them. You laid on your stomach, completely naked and laid bare for her gorgeous blue eyes to see. Your pussy throbbed from being toyed with for the past two hours.
"Please Caitlyn." You finally spoke intelligible words, lips sore from biting on them so hard. Your hips bucked forwards on the soft sheets of her bed and you were grinding against the cover. Your thighs and back muscles ached, cheek flush with the bed. Your face was smushed, one eye closed and the other open. Caitlyn landed a harsh smack to your ass, you jolting forwards and a high-pitched whine coming from your lips. She had spanked you many times beforehand, your bottom sore from the hits that she had laid on you with her hard and calloused hands.
You whined, a new wave of arousal heading towards your pussy. "Did I ask you to speak?" Caitlyn growled, you then violently shaking your head as best as you could to please her. You loved the way she could make you feel stupid with a simple word, look, and even action. You took a shaky breath in, legs jolting forwards when a vibration could be felt on your clit.
You let out a moan, the tips of your fingers digging into your palm. "How bad do you want to cum?" Caitlyn asked, your eyes closed when she went up a setting. "Answer me, or I’ll stop." She spoke, taunting you. “And I’ll leave you here, cold and wanting.” Her voice went deep, you letting out a moan and biting your lip in an attempt of self-restraint. Your cunt throbbed, you wanted to reach out to her but were unable to do so due to the fact you were tied up like a Christmas present.
"So bad, please, please, please." You bucked your hips into the bed. Caitlyn laughed, watching you pathetically squirm like an animal. You frowned when you heard no response. “You took too long to answer me, so you're getting 15 and you're going to have to count them out loud." Caitlyn pursed her lips, eyes trailing over your bound form. "Do I make myself clear?" You hastily nodded while letting out loud moans of 'yes'.
Caitlyn massaged your lower back, you leaning in vaguely to prevent from getting a harsher punishment than what you were receiving. Caitlyn swept some hair out of your face, staring into your eyes for permission, and you hurried to give her a yes.
Caitlyn leaned behind you, grabbing where the rope tied up your hands and feet. She untied the delicate knot, the rope becoming loose around your limbs and you stayed still, waiting for another command from her. You still had the ropes tied around your wrists, your wrists having a tint of red and being slightly sore.
She kept your wrists tied up, your legs being released. You felt her tighten the velvet ropes, your hands now tied behind your back. You let out a low sigh of relief, your legs now free; the appendages losing from being tied up for so long. “On your knees darling,” Caitlyn commanded, and so you did as you were told.
You felt a harsh smack on your bottom, you automatically letting out a squeak of “one!”
“Good pet.” Caitlyn purred, her fingers sliding down the back of your thigh. You waited for the next one, you felt Caitlyn raise her hand before spanking you again, you counted and Caitlyn chuckled. She kept raising her hand, the cold of her glove contrasting to the warmth of your skin. Every time she touched you; you couldn’t help but to make a noise, wanting to hear more praise from the woman above you.
“Fifteen.” You moaned out, wincing from the ache in your bottom.
“And what do we say?” Caitlyn asked.
“Thank you, Mistress.” You replied. “Good slut.” She smiled at your obedience. Even though Cait wanted to punish you more; she saw you were dripping, your thighs damp with arousal.
“You’re ruining my sheets.” She stated aloud, “Sorry Mistress.” You apologized.
“You should be sorry.” The woman sneered, palming your ass before spreading you wide. You whimpered, leaning into her touch desperately. She pressed the wand against your sex, bumping the tip against your clit. You moaned unrestrained, hips bucking when the toy hit the right places.
“Slow down darling,” Caitlyn warned you; and you regained your composure. She stopped the wand completely, like numerous times before. You sobbed from her absence. Her gloved fingers felt along your slit, teasing you. You groaned at her touch. You were turned over, now on your back.
Your eyes met Caitlyn’s, your lover possessing a look of pure lust on her face. Her azure hair fell over her shoulders and in her face as she faced downwards. “What are you willing to do to show me your sincerity?” She asked, your mouth shooting a reply of ‘anything.’ Caitlyn smirked at your willingness, her coming up with an idea.
She backs away from the bed, your neck tilting to watch her form. She undressed, sliding her red velvet button up down her shoulders and then proceeding to slip out of her black skirt. She wore a lingerie set underneath, sheer mesh that was the color black with flowers decorating the cups of the breasts. Matching panties with an attached garter belt that was holding up stockings that matched. She slid her bra strap down, before releasing the hooks of the garment, letting it fall her built shoulders. Your eyes drifted to her breasts, her nipples hard from the cold of her bedroom.
She smiled when she caught you staring. She unhooked her garter belt, sliding her panties and belt down her strong legs; her form naked except for the stockings. She came closer to the bed, raising her leg and settling it on the side of your head. She was now straddling your face; her glistening cunt visible to your eyes and positioned over your mouth. You knew what to do, opening your mouth and using it.
You left soft kisses against her clit, your tongue peeking out your mouth and replacing your lips on the spot. You heard Cait’s soft moans from above, her hips bucking into your mouth, the top of her sex bumping against your mouth. She gripped what she could of your hair, running her fingers through. You whined into her cunt, her fucking your face to get off. You felt her juices drip and soak the lower half of your face, the taste of her on your tongue. You kept moving the muscle going from her clit to circling her hole; her letting out praise in whispers and low moans. The sound of the wetness and the smell of her sex filled your senses, with you also sensing that your lover was close.
“Good slut,” Caitlyn cooed, moaning loudly; her affection making you press your thighs together. You kept going as Caitlyn’s hips kept moving. She came, gushing on your mouth; the entire lower half of your face covered in her fluids. She rose from your face; tongue reaching up to clean her. When she was done using your face as her personal toy, she gripped your chin and said with undeniable arousal, “You deserve a treat.” Then she hopped off your face, strutting to your now closed legs.
“Spread your legs for me, darling.” She breathed out, eyes nearly black from dilation.
You hadn’t even realized that your thighs were pressed together, your body subconsciously trying to relieve the twinge between your legs. You obeyed, and spread your legs as far as you possibly could. Caitlyn came before you, now in between your legs. She pressed the highest setting on the wand before lowering it to the space where you needed it most. She hung right above your sex, smiling when you frowned at her callousness.
“How bad do you want it?” Caitlyn asked, you hurrying to answer her.
“So bad, need your fingers Mistress,” You begged her, your body aching. “I wanna cum,” You said aloud, letting out a loud gasp when Caitlyn finally gave you genuine relief. She placed the wand back on your puffy clit, her fingers sliding effortlessly in your soaked hole. She leaned forwards, fingers twisting inside you, causing your body to melt. She curled them upwards, finding the spot and making you screech in heightened arousal.
Your felt your hands become numb from the weight you were putting on them, but your brain was too fogged to care. She kept rubbing the wand against you, her fingers moving rapidly and swiftly. You let out moans of ‘Mistress’ and gibberish; your insides clenching around her slender fingers. You could feel yourself tipping over the edge, you felt the tightened cord in your abdomen loosen.
Sounds of your sex making your body hot in slight embarrassment. Caitlyn leaned over you, her lips tracing over your neck; the simulation delicate and gentle. She made her way up to your mouth, curling her fingers once more against your spot, the action making you sob in her mouth. She kissed you fiercely, you letting her possess access to your mouth. She leaned back down, enveloping your bare nipple in her mouth.
“So good for me.” She panted; releasing your tit, watching your form become undone under her talented fingers. Your hips stuttered, eyes shutting and lips sputtering. You came; creaming on her fingers. Your body convulsing under hers. You gasped loudly, eyes closing your hips bucking wildly in the air. “That’s it.” Cait reeled you in with her sweet voice, halting the vibrations of the wand and slowing down the movements of her fingers.
You came down from your orgasm, mind now aware. Caitlyn undid your bindings, you reaching out to rub your wrists when you raised them. She helped clean you, passing something cool for your bottom, and clothes to get dressed in. Sliding in the bed, you laid your head down; facing Cait.
“You did so well,” She whispered, caressing your hair. “Thank you for doing this with me.” You grinned, eyes heavy from exhaustion. You fell asleep, Caitlyn following shortly after.
This was definitely something you wanted to try again.
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pastel-peach-writes · 7 months
Hello! Can I request a caitvi x reader where the reader is really clingy due to some...unforseen event in their past? Sorry if it's a bit too vague😓😓.
Hola hola!! It's not that vague at all! Thank you so much for your kind words! Here's your request, Anon! Also, do you guys mind if I reuse gifs? I try to find different ones each time, but there are only so many LMFAO
Cling Onto the Words You Say | CaitVi x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Every morning it's the same thing: Vi and Caitlyn get ready for work and you cry about them leaving. It's not like they didn't come back. Vi didn't understand your being upset. After a conversation with Caitlyn, Vi realizes she has some maturing to do and an apology to curate.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: F-Bomb, Hurt/Comfort(?), Comedy, Cheesy Costumes, Dramatic Use Of Rain and Water, No Use of Y/n
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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"You can't go," you plead, tears stinging in your eyes. It was around 5 in the morning. Soft pellets of rain hit and ran down the glass window while the orange haze of the light strained your eyes. This morning was cold, the air nicking your skin and rattling your bones.
Your socks, thick comforter, and heater were doing nothing to keep you warm. Only your partners can keep you warm.
"Muffin," Vi sighed. She tore your hand off her sleeve. It was too early for this. Every morning you cling to her and Caitlyn as if you'll never see them again. She didn't get it. Every morning they'd leave and every night they'd return. It was like you had some sort of separation anxiety.
"We'll be back before you know it," Caitlyn's voice soothed the heartache in your chest. Vi's thick boots sloshed together as she met Caitlyn near the en suite's bathroom. You sat in the middle of the comically large and now empty bed.
"I just-- I don't understand why you have to go so early. Can't you go at a later time?"
Vi closed her eyes to suppress an eye roll and a groan. You warned them before you three started dating that you were clingy, but she never thought it would be this much. It annoyed her how much you thought of the worst. She's proved herself over and over that she'll come back; Caitlyn too, so why can't you ever believe them?
Caitlyn put a patient hand on Vi's shoulder. "You know we can't. We're going to be okay, darling. I'll check in at lunch." She then leaned over to Vi's ear. "Come on," she whispered, "let's go."
The two of them left the room, giving you soft smiles.
The tears that have been threatening to fall finally do. The hot liquid rolls down your cheeks and the strain of the light is no longer.
You're now alone in your room, sitting in the dark while the rain clatters down your windows.
"I just don't get it," Vi huffed, throwing her hoodie over her head. Caitlyn offered her umbrella, but Vi pushed her hand away. "Every morning it's the same exact thing. The tears, the clinging. It's getting too much for me."
"Vi, now come on. You don't know what they went through."
"Oh, what, and you do?" Vi scoffed. She sharply turned her body towards Caitlyn, blocking the woman from walking. Caitlyn sighed. With the readjusting grip of her umbrella, she vaguely moved her shoulders.
"That's not what I meant."
Vi rolled her eyes. "Wow, okay. What a morning for me, huh, Cupcake? I'm not already annoyed that I have to come in early, but then I have to find out my partners are keeping secrets from me!"
Caitlyn thinks this could've been due to the weather, but she swore she saw Vi's eyes darken in color.
"Vi, let me explain--"
"And it's fucking raining too!" Vi barked. She stormed to the curb to violently kick her foot through the puddle of water. The disturbed water further soaked the concrete underneath the two women. "I fucking hate the rain."
"Violet!" Caitlyn shouted. Another eye roll came from the pinkette. She squared her shoulders to Caitlyn and gestured, saying "Now what?" with her body.
"You need to calm down," Caitlyn's voice calmed down as she eased towards Vi. "It's nothing personal and no one is keeping secrets. You also wouldn't be soaking wet if you got under the umbrella."
"I don't need no umbrella."
"Right. I'll be sure to remember that when you're ill on the couch, claiming you're dying when you have the common cold." Caitlyn motioned to the spot beside her. "Come on."
Vi huffed. "There's no point of me being under the umbrella anyone. I'm soaking wet," the woman complained, yet found herself beside the taller woman.
Caitlyn's face lit up with a warm smile and squinted eyes. "We'll get you fresh clothes back at the office. For now, listen to me with your head, not your heart."
On the walk to work, Caitlyn explained to Vi the reasons behind your clinginess. At first, Caitlyn was hesitant. It wasn't her business to tell, but your lack of storytelling was putting a wedge between you and Vi. Caitlyn didn't want her partners to hate each other. You were meant to love each other and her.
Throughout the work day, Vi spent most of her time processing the information Caitlyn told her and reflected on her actions. God, I'm an asshole.
Honestly, Vi should've known. She went through something similarly traumatic with her parents and even her sister. You would think going through such events would make her more emphatic, but nope. Instead, the past created a hothead with a big head and thick skull.
As Caitlyn promised, she checked in at lunch, but in a different way than she was planning...
"This is ridiculous," Caitlyn pouted at Vi. They were at your shared doorstep dressed in cheesy costumes they found at various stores.
Caitlyn was dressed in a red and shiny halter top with a Barbie pink mini skirt. She had black straps around her shoulders that held up white angel wings. She also wore a headband halo, white garters, white and lacy thigh highs, and finally, oh finally, cheesy ass face paint with hearts and "I love you" plastered all over her face.
Vi grinned. "I think you look hot, Cupcake."
Vi herself was wearing a red tank top, a doctor's coat, and black jeans. She also wore "hipster" glasses. Whatever the hell that meant.
"Of course you do," Caitlyn scoffed. "What is the point of this? We're supposed to be delivering lunch and we have," she stopped to check her watch, "30 minutes until our lunch is over."
"Oh, come on! That's plenty of time!" the pinkette beamed.
Caitlyn sighed, fixing the hold of the basket she was carrying. At least Vi had the smart to pick up lunch before forcing Caitlyn into this ridiculous costume and painting her face with childlike mischief. "What the hell are we supposed to be anyways?"
Vi's grin hasn't left her face once. She was enjoying this so much, the joy she felt overlapped the pain she was feeling in her cheeks. "I'm glad you asked. We're Dr. Love," Vi gestured to herself, "and his Cupid! Tada!" She gestured to Caitlyn who wore a stoneface.
"Who the hell is Dr. Love?!"
"I don't know!" Vi pouted, bringing her shoulders to her ears. "Look, I only had a few minutes to put this together and I really want to make it up to Muffin for being an ass, so, if you won't do this for me, do this for Muffin. Please?"
Vi's gray eyes stared into Caitlyn's blue. Her pupils were large and her bottom lip protruding from her mouth. At work, Vi was distant and closed-off like her mind was somewhere else. She had a permanent frown on her face and this was the first time all day Caitlyn saw joy in her eyes.
With a heavy sigh, Caitlyn pressed the doorbell to the house.
"Yes! Oh, yes, yes!" Vi grabbed Caitlyn's face, careful to mind the paint, and pressed a big kiss to her cheek. "I owe you one."
Caitlyn shrugged with a bashful smile, her cheeks matching the color of her top. "Oh, well..."
The dark wood door creaked open, revealing your frame. You didn't look much better from this morning, but at least you were dressed. "Hello--?" you blink at Caitlyn and Vi. Vi grinned proudly, holding her hands in front of her while Caitlyn shyly smiled.
"We brought you lunch," Caitlyn said.
With your eyes shifting between the two of them, your heart couldn't help but skip a few beats at the gesture. You had no clue what the hell they were dressed as, but the colors hinted towards something with love. "Okay," you said dragging out the word. You stepped aside and invited Vi and Cait into their own home.
"Why the getup?" You finally ask them once they settle themselves on the couch. Caitlyn was peacefully sitting with her legs crossed at the ankle. With her perfect posture and angel wings, she looked something short of ethereal. With her outfit, however, she looked like a drunken college student on Halloween night.
"I wanted to do something special for you," Vi explained. She was setting up the arrangement of your favorite treats and lunch foods on the coffee table. She was comfortable sitting on the floor while she did this. "Especially after this morning."
"Oh," you pursed your lips to the side. You sat on the opposite side of Caitlyn. "That? I don't even remember," you say as if you didn't cry for 2 hours after they left.
"Yeah, you do," Vi and Caitlyn said in unison.
You shrugged. "Who's to say?"
With a soft chuckle, Vi turned herself around to look you in the eye. "Muffin," she took ahold of your hands. "I love you. I love you more than I can put into words. Never, ever, in my life, will I abandon you. Never will I say one thing yet mean the other. Never will I say one thing and do another.
"You," she pulled herself off the floor. She situated herself between you and Caitlyn. "are my life," she continued. She turned to place a hand on Caitlyn's knee. "You both are."
Just like this morning, tears stung your eyes. Your heart ached and wept, yet unlike this morning, for a happy reason. Someone took the time to understand you, to get you, and to apologize for what they've done to you.
You don't know how Vi came to this realization, but you're thankful to any force that helped her along the way.
"I love you," Vi said, her eyes on you again "and I'm sorry."
A sob broke past your chest as you threw yourself onto Vi. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders, sobbing into the nape of her neck.
"Oh, hey now," Vi whispered, wrapping her arms around you. Her heavy and comforting hand rubbed your back. She closed her eyes, taking in your scent and feeling you sob and break down against her chest. "It's okay. It's alright."
Caitlyn frowned at the sight though her heart was smiling. You were allowing yourself to be vulnerable with them, something she knew was hard for you given your past with your family. You trusted them. Finally, your heart knew you were safe with them.
Caitlyn reached to wipe away any tears she could see.
Snotty and emotional, you pulled yourself off of Vi. "I forgive you. Th-Thank you for apologizing to me."
"Hey, don't thank me for the bare minimum. I upset you and apologizing should naturally be the next step. I don't want to lose you, Muff." Vi held your face between her hands.
Her eyes danced around your face, taking in your features as her heart broke to see tears. She kissed them away, licking off the saltiness left on her lips. "Now, tell me," she whispered, a smirk showing on her lips. "How hot does Cupcake look right now?"
"Hm?" you peered from behind Vi. There, you see Caitlyn with her legs still crossed at the ankle. Her posture was still perfect, her wings and halo standing tall, and you didn't notice it before, but her top had a heart-shaped boob window. You snickered. "Very," you whispered back to Vi.
Seeing your lips move but not hearing you, Caitlyn raised a brow. "Hey," she pouted. "What are you talking about? Why is Vi laughing? What's so funny?"
"Nothing, Cupcake!" Vi laughed. "Let's just eat lunch, okay?"
Caitlyn pouted but complied nonetheless. They're running out of time to be with you anyway and she's hungry. She grabbed a tea sandwich and nibbled on it.
Vi grinned at you. "We good?"
"We're great."
WC: 1,989
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yoze · 2 years
bondage headcanons with caitlyn with sub!reader? :(
First and foremost, Caitlyn appreciates your trust in her and how you emboldened her to do this.
She'll be so gentle and doting. Particularly if this is your first experience with bondaging.
Naturally, she will talk to you about boundaries. Talk about your perceived preferences and disapprovals.
You are welcome to use the safe word whenever you want, she will encourage you to do so.
She'll take her time. You need to be at ease for this to work out the way you both want.
She'll use anything you're acquainted with to make you more comfortable; neckties and scarves in place of rope or handcuffs for the time being, and Caitlyn will only restrain one area of your body at a time.
Expect, and accept, to be questioned by her all of the time.
"How does it feel?" "Is this alright?" "It's not too tight, is it?"
Every so often, she will check to make sure it isn't too tight and harming you.
Constantly complimenting you on how well you're doing.
Any area of your body that was subjected to bondage after the fact will absolutely be stroked and kissed.
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