#ekko x y/n
Could you possibly write for ekko with a s/o who has wings and has many not really human qualities that show in show in the way they show him affection. Like their wings fluff up around ekko, tend to try to trap him in their wings, they bring him loads of shiny random items, and they subconsciously tend to sniff him to see where he's been or just to enjoy his scent
(Sorry if this is weird!)
(its not weird and I'm glad to do it! Sorry for taking so long but enjoy!)
Ekko x Winged!Reader
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This is actually so cute and I love this and so would Ekko
Ekko has seen a LOT in the Undercity, but someone with wings?
That's a new one that not even he can not gawk at
It's not a bad thing, he's more in awe of you than shock
He wants to know everything and anything about yourself and how your wings formed
Don't leave out any details because he has so many questions and never looks away as you talk
He finds it so cool
He loves to fly by your side on the hoverboards and have little races or who can go up the highest
I feel like he would fall off the hoverboard on purpose just for you to catch him
He loves feeling the sensation of your wings
And when he hears the familiar flapping of them his heart races because he knows it's you coming to see him
Ekko loves any affection, really
Baby boy is touch starved as you can tell
So you liking to wrap your wings around his is actually very comfortable
He loves the way you just hug him and add the wings around him like a cacoon
He teases you a bit on wanting to be so close to him but if you dare pull away he is not letting you go
He loves collecting the feathers that fall from your wings if they do
He keeps them as little keychain things all around his room or as decoration or just in his pocket as a little good luck charm
When he walks up to you and he sees your wings fluff up he gets so happy
Especially when he sneaks up on you and when you see him they fluff up
Boy feels so loved and is so happy
You bringing him shiny little items confused him for a bit I won't lie
But he thought they were cute and he likes the gesture so he kept them all
They're all over his room, his desk, and even as a little decorative little thing in the hoverboard or on the chain to his pocket watch
You giving him small gifts is the highlight of his day because he knows you picked them out just for him
You sniffing him he finds funny though
He smells good and you can't resist it
He also teases you about smelling him so badly as well
He'll get like different cologne or something and he'll see if you get it right as a little game
He loves sleeping with you with your wings around him I bet
He's in a warm cocoon he will never leave
@FensDelight @kaorussgf
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sonderessence · 6 months
#. 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄. vi, caitlyn, jinx, & ekko.
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#VIOLET / VI — female reader.
blood stains.
see you again. ( coming soon! )
i could be a better boyfriend than him. ( coming soon! )
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#CAITLYIN — female reader.
coming soon...!
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#JINX — gender neutral.
coming soon...!
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#EKKO — female reader, gender neutral.
coming soon...!
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©sonderessence, 2023 — do not steal or copy works, seriously.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Could you do hcs with ekko with a s/o who loves to paint?
Of course!! This sounds so cute!!
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A s/o who paints includes….
Ekko always has the softest and sweetest compliments for you when he sees your works
Providing for the others who don’t have much, but Ekko’s mood changes dramatically whenever he sees the bright colors of your art
The bleakness of the Undercity is such a contrast to your
You helped him by painting the mural to commemorate others (he got a bit teary-eyed)
If you have a habit of painting on yourself, Ekko likes to trace his fingers along your drawings/tattoos. It calms him down.
The others constantly vie for your attention, be it to paint their armor or to just see what you’ve created
Of course, you always notice Ekko first and foremost. His smug smile says it all 💕
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Ekko x Clingy Reader
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Ekko and you had been together for a few years, maybe 2-3
And during that time you were pretty clingy with just a hint of obsessiveness
He just chalked it up to a sorta response to you being like this since you both lost everyone so quickly
Plus, he sorta liked it
He found it funny on just how you would basically be over his shoulder all day, everyday
When he's working at his desk? Right there probably on his lap helping him
Planning our missions? You're right there next to him
Obsessive wouldn't be how he put how you were
He guessed it was just how you loved 
He was right, and plus, he liked doing the same thing
Sometimes firelights would be confused as they walked by to see Ekko just standing around
Until they would see you hanging off his back, it was a regular occurrence
Ekko liked being with you because you were always attached to him at his hip
You were so nice
He liked how clingy you were because it was like a warm puddle of warmth
And he didn't like the cold
And you liked him so win-win
He finds it weird when you're NOT with him, holding his hand or dragging him along
He doesn't remember a time where you weren't holding his hand, a arm around his neck or hugging him
Even when you guys were kids
He particularly liked when he got back from a mission, walked into his room and you just attacked him in a hug
He thought of it as a very affectionate (and violent) gesture
He wasn't really one for PDA, so like no kissing, mainly hugs
And you on his back, hence earlier
But alone?
Hell yeah!
On missions you're probably always gonna be right by his side and his #1
But when you don't go he'll try his best not to be gone too long
Days usually end with you both sleeping next to each other, both fighting over who gets to sleep on who
Usually you win, sleeping on top of his chest
But he wins to sometimes
Breathing can wait
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insensity · 2 years
𝐷𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑?
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: headcanon of asking arcane guys "do you need head?" and giving them a doll head
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: cringe writting, fluff, crack
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-you came up to ekko and tap his shoulder, as soon as he look at you and ask what do you want.
-he choked on his words after you asked him and stutter
-he asked you "where tho?"
-And when u show him the doll head he lost his faith in humanity
-u knock on silco's office waiting for permision before entering
-as u hear silco's voice saying u can enter j quickly rushed over to his side and whisper
-u can feel the room tense up as he slowly looked at you in the eyes
-silco didn't actually know what his expecting but clearly it's not that
-he looked at you with wide eyes
-he asked you "are u sure?" u eagerly nod as he chukled
-vander eyeing the bodyless doll as he say "clearly wasn't expecting that"
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|| 𝑛𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑦 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑇-𝑇
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t4ct1c4l · 2 years
Black fem reader x Arcane characters
How I think arcane characters react to pet names pt.2
Character’s: Caitlyn, Viktor, Jayce, Ekko
• At first it was just playful teasing towards her since she got flustered easily by your words and your body
• This specific time you had been in your sleep wear, Leggings and a Tanktop, it hugged your body perfectly
• Caitlyn was also getting ready for bed, she had taken off her hat wand was meditating before bed
• You bent down to meet her face smiling kissing her on the forehead “Goodnight sweetie.” Before you climbed into the bed and went to sleep
• She looked like she was holding it together on the outside but when she felt your body go limp knowing you were asleep
• She was a red mess all she could do was turn over and try to fall asleep but your voice kept repeating the same thing
• Boy was this going to be a long long night for her
• Viktor was taking a break sitting down looking out of the window, he was at peace he rarely got time to himself but he made it work
• He heard the door open he turned around to face you to see you holding a glass of water waking towards him with a smile on your face
• He couldn’t help but ask how your day was, he continues to talk but then after a while he catches you staring at him
• He begins to apologize “I’m sorry [Name] I didn’t mean to ramble so much-” but you cut him off
• “No no honey, you’re just so pretty.” His eyes widened at the compliment nonetheless he was happy “Th-Thank you…”
• He didn’t know what to say. After you had left the room he had turned back to the window and couldn’t keep himself from smiling
• While he was busy writing down a paper you had walked in and noticed he looked stressed, what did you do to help?
• You massaged his head of course whispering sweet nothings into his ears “You’ve got this baby…”
• You managed to help slightly, but this also caused him to be tired and loving so he continued to push through his work so he could lay with you
• Only until he finished his work that he noticed the pet names you had called him, he smiled to himself thinking about them
• You both were stargazing together, your head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around you
• It was peaceful, you almost thought you would fall asleep out there. “Darling…?” A low hm escaped his lips
• He was tired “Nothing, just checking if you were awake.” To you it seems like he didn’t care but deep down he was smiling to himself
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honey-tongued-devil · 2 years
⤝Writober - Day 2⤞
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▶Writober Day 2 “We wanted to be the sky” [Ekko]
↠English is not my first language ↠No use of "y/n", fem reader ↠TW: SFW, kinda fluff, romantic, a bit angst ↠Character/s: fem reader, Ekko, Scar ↠wc: 1.1k
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▶“We wanted to be the sky”
Your eyes struggle to stay open, sleep makes eyelids heavy, and staying awake is suddenly the most difficult task in the world. It was undoubtedly a heavy week: there were toxic spills in the Sump, a couple of raids by the enforces in the Entresol, and even three firelights seriously injured which you had to rescue. I mean, you giggle between you and you, you’ve definitely earned a little rest.
You feel Ekko’s strong arms pick you up and make you do a little hop so he can grab you better, more firmly, and it’s absurd how all the noises are muffled except for his heartbeat: the boy’s heart is wriggling in his chest like a dragonfly in a cage, it seems ready to break his ribs to get out, you can almost feel it hit against your cheek, furious.
You know how much he loves to carry you in his arms like that, he does it often, and every single time he adds that remark that never fails to make you laugh: "I train for the day I marry you".
You hide your face against his chest, squeezing what little you can to gather a minimum of heat while the temperatures of the underground city suddenly drop. You can’t even imagine how cold he’s since he even took off his coat to wrap you with it. God, you always believed that being born in that sewer of the underground city was a curse before knowing him. 
But to this day, if you had to choose between seeing the sun every day or having to crawl in the Sump for the rest of your life, you would always choose the dirty air of your native land if it meant being with him, with the firelights, with your people.
"We’re almost there, hold still." his voice is broken, perhaps from the wind that slams in his face, so strong that his eyes are filled with tears.
"Are you going to marry me?" you speak softly, your voice is feeble but you know he hears it because he squeezes you even more to himself in response, nodding with his eyes tightened. You giggle, but you have to stop immediately when you feel a shooting pain in the belly.
But you’re kinda used to it, it’s quite inevitable for the place you live: you’re all full of bruises and scars, it always hurts everywhere for how many times you fall from overboard, buildings, or roll on the ground during fights and training. You just have to follow the procedure, breathe slowly to get the pain over, and he keeps running as much as possible.
"I’ll marry you now, I swear."
And you find yourself wringing your lips slightly in a smile, closing your eyes, and squeezing even closer to him.
"We get to the lair and I’ll marry you, and I'm gonna carry you in my arms..." his voice stops, and you don’t quite understand the verse that follows, maybe he slammed? A muffled sigh, before he keeps talking "...like a princess, and I’ll show everyone how beautiful my wife is." his wife. You may already be getting used to it.
"Say it again..."
"My wife"
"Once again..."
"My wife. My wife. My wife" his wife.
"I like how it sounds. From today I’ll officially be your wife. And you… you’ll be my husband."
Your neck hurts, as so does your head, and the cold is always sharper, but opening your eyes you begin to recognize the ‘sky’ above your head, now close to that place you call home. You can’t believe it, who knows if he was serious. You wonder if once you get there he really is going to marry you, I mean, it was an odd way to propose, but his voice didn’t sound like a joking person's.
But when you finally get there, instead of smiling, he screams at the top of his lungs.
Scream so loud and desperate you get goosebumps.
He asks for help, yelling so much that he loses his voice. He falls to his knees, but you don’t get hurt, no, even blinded by despair his first thought goes to you, he covers you with his body as if he wanted to protect you from everything. And he cries.
He’s so happy to finally marry you that he cries as his life depends on it.
You don’t really understand what people are saying, and in all honesty, you find it hard to distinguish their faces because of sleep; someone pushes Ekko away and you try to get up but the limbs don’t respond, probably numb from the cold. Damn, and to think that this morning you were even sweating!
"It’s all right, hold on" Scar whispers caressing your face, someone rips your shirt off, and you feel warm water soaking your chest in an unexpectedly relaxing sensation. Thinking becomes more and more difficult, everything turns, everything is confused, but you trust them. It must be a strange custom of firelights, you think. Some kind of preparation for the bride.
"you know..." your voice is hoarse, the taste that reminds you of iron is getting stronger and stronger in your throat, and it’s disgusting. "Ekko and I are getting married."
Scar grits his teeth, probably he wanted to hear it from his best friend, but you need to say it out loud to feel it more real.
"We are getting married, and he promised me..." your chest hurts "that he will carry me all over the lair, to show everyone how beautiful his wife is." Just laugh, your head spins.
"When we were younger we wanted to be the sky. I know, it doesn’t seem to make sense, but the sky was huge, it was beautiful, it was boundless. And we wanted to be like that. We ran to Piltover to look at the clouds. But as I got older, I realized that if the sky equals freedom, my sky is here. I don’t have to climb the rooftops to reach it." You smile weakly at Scar, sleep is becoming really unbearable but you’re embarrassed to admit that despite how excited you are your eyes are struggling to stay open. You are tired, your eyes are tired, your voice is tired.
You just want to sleep.
"I can’t believe it" you see them moving their mouths, they seem to talk but you can’t hear any sound, just annoying static noise. You don’t even know if you’re just thinking or talking out loud at this point. "We’re getting married. We’re finally getting married".
Your eyes close.
And everything fades black.
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j-art-2d2 · 2 years
taking ekko requests!! anon said they’re starved and i wanna deliver!! pls send !
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hilichurl-lover · 2 years
Caitlyn X Vi (What if they had met eachother when they were young)
A/N: I didn't finish arcane but one of my closest friends asked me these so, here we go. Also a little reminder that my requests are open. Check the rules here
Artist of the photo here
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What would had happened if Jayce bought Caitlyn with him that time were he went to The Lanes???
Can't imagine?? I'll help you buddy ;)
Ok so, Jayce wanted to make a surprise to little Caitlyn.
And because she's so curious of what The Lanes looks like he brought her with him.
In the way there he warns her about the people down there and how she needs to behave, he gave her a little weapon to defend herself because, nobody knows what could happen.
Like just imagine that some random from there kidnaps her. People from The Lanes can be very dangerous dear.
When they arrive they go to Ekko's Father's shop.
Jayce makes a silly move and let Caitlyn have a little walk (of course near the shop) just while he's there.
Little Ekko sees Caitlyn and goes to tell it to Powder (Little Jinx) and Powder tells to his big sister (Little Vi) that Ekko told her that a pretty little girl from Piltover was having a walk here, like she wasn't in no other place than The Lanes.
Vi was curious about the news so she went out to take a look, just in case these was a plan from the people from Piltover (little minds tend to go wild sometimes)
When she arrived she hides behind some pile of wood that was near the store.
She then starts looking for a little pretty girl with Piltover looks. She didn't know nothing more about her appearance.
Her eyes then rest on the most beautiful girl that Vi has ever seen in her entire live.
She just freezes in her place and her face went red like a tomato.
After 5 minutes of staring at her, Caitlyn noted that someone was spying her.
She turns her head were Vi was and she freezed too.
Oh there first love at first sight, how pure.
Caitlyn waked up from her little dream and walks to where Vi was
When the last mentioned one noticed that, she tries to hide more
-Hey!! I can still see you- Caitlyn seas
Vi goes more red if that's posible, her voice was like listening to angels
-Why were you staring at me while you're hidden. Your trying to rob me??. Just for you to know I have a weapon and I know how to use it- Caitlyn continues while her hand goes slowly were her little weapon was hide.
After a moment of silence Vi sad. -Did someone ever told you that you have the most beautiful eyes in the entire world??. Just by looking at them is like traveling to another world-
It's now Caitlyn's turn to brush -It's that the way people from here use to fool others?? Because that's not going to work with me.-
-No, no I'm saying these seriously- Vi answers while she stops from hiding herself and looks straight to Caitlyn's face.
After saying these, Jayce goes out of the store, and sees Caitlyn with Vi. He runs worriedly to Caitlyn and hide her behind her back.
-Look, if a just find out that you harmed her you will be in serious problems little girl- he seas and then catches Caitlyn hand to return home.
While these Caitlyn looks back at Vi and waves her had as a goodbye.
Vi does the same.
Who knows probably they meet up in the future, in another place.
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Hope you like it :D
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maybemanymuses · 2 years
Arcane Masterlist
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This is a masterlist for all of my Arcane content!
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Nothing is here yet...
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Nothing is here yet...
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Vi, Jinx And Ekko x Reader Flustering Them
What makes them flustered? What action or words make their heart race by us? Is it a tiny simple action or something huge?- requested by RaineRin13 on Wattpad
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Vi doesn’t get flustered a lot
By actions or works, really, she isn’t even used to being dependent on someone else
So for her to get flustered by something you said or did is a very big accomplishment
I have no idea but I feel like if you helped her with her bandages
She’d like that??
Like she has been in a lot of fights, it’s not a secret
So it's practically undeniable that she has scars on her knuckles 
And on her face
I feel like if you ran your fingers across them, like stroking the scars
She’d love it
It just feels so nice
Especially when you do it without even knowing
Her heart goes boom
She won’t say it does but the blush and red on her face says it all
She isn’t really all about bit gestures or big things
If you keep it small and meaningful she’ll love it
Also she likes when you run your hands through her hair, one of the ways to make her all happy inside
Heart in her ears I’m telling you
Also if you tell her like “I love you” or worry about her in any way
She can’t deny that she loves it
She likes being cared for even if she denies it
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There's not a lot of ways to make Jinx truly flustered or blushy
She usually shake it off or flirts back
But she loves when you flirt back or get sassy
Or when you throw flirty comments at her when she doesn’t have time to process
Watch her slowly let it sink in before curling into herself with giggling
Like a lovesick teenager
Which she very much so is
Jinx mainly likes making YOU flustered
She made it a goal to try not to be flustered by you to see what would happen if she eventually did get flustered and she loves it when she did
I don’t know why but I feel like if you guys get very very serious, she may, MAY, focus on the may, call her Powder
If you knew her before it all
But only reserved for you
Like anyone else?
But you? 
One way to get her heart to race is just by being there with her mainly
Or goofing off with her
Or mainly just helping her with stuff
Like when she has a moment or when she’s making gadgets and shows them to you and you just help her with it
She loves those moments with everything she has
Jinx loves big gestures
Especially if they involve explosions
One very big way to get her heart to race also is if you help her when she is very vulnerable
Or when you tell the voices to fuck off
Like “What’s wrong, Blue?”
“They won’t go away!”
“...Mylo, and sometimes, Claggor…”
“Tell them to fuck off before I beat Mylo’s ass like I did when we were kids. Does he not remember when I kicked him into the gutter?”
She loves it man
Always happy to be with you when they’re bickering at her
She gets sorta flustered when coming to you and you know what’s wrong so you tell them to fuck off and just sit with her
She loves when you try and get her mind off things also
Making gadgets or whatever
She just likes being with you
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I feel like a way to get his flustered is if you knew him before, calling him Little Man again
He didn’t have anyone else after the explosion that knew about who he was or what he was like before
So he liked having you and you calling him the Little Man nickname again all over
It reminds him of happier times
Also by helping out with the firelights, that gets his heart blushy
When you like plan out a mission or order people around for a mission 
He just feels so lucky and secretly blushes in a corner
A small action he also loves, like Jinx, is when you help him with his gadgets and inventing shit
He doesn’t care what it is you’re making
As long as he gets to stare at you while you do it
And if he gets something wrong and if you correct him
He doesn’t get mad, get gets flustered and happy you caught it
If you also catch him staring at you while you fix the gadget yeah, he’s blushing
Also one action is giving him small things or smooth talking
He’s not a really big flirter is all I’m gonna say
He has no game so he’s surprised when he was able to get with you
He’s grateful that he did
Don’t get me wrong
But just being with you gets him all flustered a bit
Also defending him
Don’t get me started
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pow-pow1111 · 20 days
ARCANE TEXTS- Unknown Number Prank
Arcane x reader
Summary: you message them pretending to be a stranger hitting on them
Includes: Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Viktor, Jayce, Mel, Ekko, Sevika
Note: So sorry that the pictures are so blurry!!!! I hope you can tell who everybody is, idk why the quality is so bad :(
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Hello! Could you write hcs with ekko with a s/o who is deadly afraid of heights?
Sure thing!!
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It came as a surprise to Ekko one afternoon.
You two were floating around on the hover board at a moderate pace until Ekko wanted to go higher.
He immediately noticed your whimpers, occasional scream and how you dug your nails just to hold onto him.
That’s when it dawned on him. Quickly Ekko takes you both back down to the ground level where you barely peel yourself off.
“Are—are you afraid of heights?”
You meekly nod as you try to avoid eye contact out of fear and embarrassment.
He spends the rest of the day comforting you and checking up on you.
From that point on, Ekko is mindful to never go higher if it’s flying around with you.
Of course, while you may not like heights, you cheer him on from below as he flies above you.
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Ekko x Reader Fluff
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Let's say you both had known each other since you were kids
You both were stuck to each other like glue
You were taken in by Vander, Benzo was his best friend who taken in Ekko
You, Powder and Ekko had been beat friends
Until the heist and death happened
Powder left and in came Jinx
But you and Ekko stood together
You both made the firelights
And eventually got together
Happiest time of your life
You had Ekko
That was all you needed
He always is by your side on missions with the firelights
Afraid of you being harmed
Whenever you are walking around the lanes?
His hand is resting on your waist or the small of your back
Hugs from behind from Ekko?
Top tier
Forehead kisses, cheek kisses or even regular kisses feel like your being pulled to heaven
You get the honors of sitting on the bathroom counter, Ekko standing between your legs as you do his face paint
It's always hard though because you both keep laughing
With a lot of fumbles and falls he helped you learn how to ride a hoverboard at the start
You both run around doing anything with the kids of the community
You liked jumping on his back, he always yelped when you did it
You found it funny
Ekko seemed to always be there
Through the good and the bad
In arguments he never raised his voice
No matter how mad he got he never did
Sleeping in the same bed at night?
He likes hugging you when you both are sleeping
It's like a big bear hug
You feel like you can't breathe but can and don't want to
I don't know how to explain it
Hw gives the best gifts
Even handmade stuff
Wanna know why it's the best?
Because he didn't buy it
He spent the time finding the parts AND making it
For you? 
He doesn't mind the time, your smile is always worth it
If you have long hair or short hair you better believe he is running his fingers through it
He lets you help him do his hair at times
He loves you but if you mess up he's never letting you near it again
His hair is so cool though
You help him plan out missions
Sitting at his desk, in his lap ass you both try and find the safest way for it
You have any tattoos?
Loves them no matter what they are
They're works of art to him
You have any scars?
Loves them
Wants to know the story behind them, if you'll tell him if you are comfortable with telling
He thinks they tell you survived whatever you went through
Have any siblings?
He helps take care of them 
They probably eventually like him better than you at one point
You both at one point got bored one day and found a stick and poke
Gave each other their own little tattoo
Mornings always are the hardest
Because you have to pray yourself out if his arms
Not even because you have to
Because he has a legit death grip
Boy is strong as hell
But you love it
So does he
Amazing couple goals
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insensity · 2 years
i feel like ekko have some super good eye sight, even tho you're in the very top part of the tree house his eyes will always catch yours.
You're gonna be out of your room for some fresh air and there when u see him playing with the kids, and ekko just turn his head and then your eyes meets again.
even tho you're just walking out from your friends room and decide to stop by the edge to relax there he was again downstairs staring at you.
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