honey-tongued-devil · 20 hours
Please reblog and spread.
If you're an artist drawing Sleep Token, know that if you're gonna sell fanart, the label is gonna take them down, instagram posts and accounts may as well.
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I personally got my prints on my Inprnt shop taken down, even with or without tags or the absence of the band's logo.
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The reports started back in march, around the time when ST had switched labels to RCA, owned by Sony Music Entertainment.
Don't want to sit down and let big corporations screw over small independent artists so if you wish to do something against this please interact!
If you have experience with complaining to a label don't hesitate to comment!
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HUITS ch.15
And chapter 15 of 18 has been posted!
I'm currently writing chapter 18. This is to reassure the poor souls who don't know if the story will end (and if I'm heading somewhere, because the plot is hidden) that there actually is a conclusion and a purpose! As I wrote on AO3, if you have any comments, opinions, or questions, feel free to send me a message and I'll respond as soon as possible (that is, as soon as I'm on my computer, because in addition to not being a native English speaker, I'm also dyslexic, so I make fewer spelling mistakes on the computer). A big thank you to everyone who is following the story, to those who comment, have commented, and will comment, to those who will recommend it to someone, and to everyone who has supported me up to this point!
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Sunshine boyfriends
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You'll never guess who's in 5 fandoms simultaneously and experimenting with 3 styles at once.
On the other hand, I'll keep spamming chaotic fanart and fanfiction of every single work (while gaming and rewatching Stranger Things). Today it's my sunshine boyfriend's turn, who spends his days kissing the other two husbands (Sebastian and Elliot) and giving me the strangest things for gardening.
A lil close up!
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Souls crushing desire
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| Here's the full version (click here). If the link doesn't work, go to Twitter/X and search for honey_tongued_ |
I finished Dungeon Meshi. Am I okay? No. I thought the first drawing would be a silly little sketch of Thistle/Sissel and/or Mithrun in bed with a blanket to heal myself, but instead, I had the vision.
"But why without clothes???" You're on the wrong blog; I'm clinically allergic to the fabric of clothing. But desires are still something intimate, not always "ready" to be seen, so for now, I'll give you the original version. In the future, I'll probably make a version with the blue suit on.
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honey-tongued-devil · 10 days
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Is Sebastian taller than my farmer? yes
will that stop him from picking him up like a couple of grapes? absolutely not
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honey-tongued-devil · 11 days
quick sketch sebastian x farmer x elliott
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[Farmer x Sebastian x Elliott]
The poly mod is my favorite mod. I finally married Sebastian too, and he won't stop kissing Elliott, glitching into his arms, and calling him pet names… so here's a quick sketch of how the wedding is going. Sebastian looks like a he/him lesbian for no particular reason, I just really needed to let my thoughts out.
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honey-tongued-devil · 11 days
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I don't draw, I do parkour.
I keep jumping between 5 different fandoms and 15 styles. I'm sorry for the people who follow me and see me posting 60k words about a satanist Swedish metal band one day, and the next day, my he/him wife with a cow.
In any case, I'm playing Stardew and waiting for the Baldur's Valley mod, so for now, I can only draw my party on the farm.
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honey-tongued-devil · 14 days
it’s me again ! first off, wonderful chapter as always—you know well that I love your writing, and it’s no wonder that so many people are as passionate about this series as you are because … hello … your writing is so fucking good?!!? I READ ONE WORD AND IM LIKE “ohhh purrrr okay” like your word is fact and IT IS FACT. but I really liked how the chapter just focused on the 🧡 domestic 🧡 of it all, and it was just the sweetest chapter. I loved it so much. I especially LOVED the rain content I got in this chapter, that’s my man my man my man and the whole time i was likee shitttt 🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦 when we got a lil spicy. You write spice scenes beautifully by the way, the way you incorporate the intimacy of it, the chase of pleasure, the love the characters feel for eachother is something i eat UP. and i am going to be so for real when i say the way he (presumably) spoke to the reader, the way he was like “you are beautiful.” and it was so like. raw. and vulnerable and it was so *true* i deadass wanted to cry
like I DONT KNOW. I feel so much love for rain as a character, the GHOULS, in general and this story just strengthens my love even more—it personifies it actually; the only difference is that if the ghouls ever took me into the pack i wouldn’t question it at all and infact i’d fully believe i was in paradise already actually i would be like “oh you wanna ?? you wanna have a lil sleepover where everybody gets naked and sleeps next to eachother and just loves? shit im down lets go!” i just. i feel so much love for them. they give me so much comfort, and your story gives me so much comfort—i love binging this series because it never fails to make me happier:) that one part where rain was just kissing the reader and they were just being all lovey dovey put me in my feelings because oh my goshhh i wish i wish i wish !!!! I love phantom and rain they’re my lovies. I hope we get more scenes of all three of them (reader, phantom and rain) where they’re all just cuddling and being happy and giggling and kicking their feet cause that woild heal me. ALSO CIRRUS. CIRRUS I LOVE CIRRUS SO MUCH her little feature in the story gave me happiness :( and AETHER AND MARGARET awwww i love them theyre so adorbs!!! I specifically like the line “[…] making her feel again the young woman who ran among the ghouls every chance she got that she was.” i have no particular reason why, its just so heartwarming. I love how you portray each and every character. Also, Phantom picking Dew up and Dew just cursing him out? …me and who I MEAN I MEAN— i literally live for that dynamic though like okay i see you, i see you! I think it’s adorable and that they’re both adorable and that everything in this chapter is adorable and i am so so happy and fulfilled everytime you post another chapter
the latest chapter was like dipping a mango in the sweetest sugar one can find and eating it. basically, i was in heaven. however…
no mention of ifrit 👁️ it worries me to an extent. cuz wdym copias showering ALL of the ghouls. wdym you can hear ALL of their shouts of disobedience. that is NAWT. all of the GHOULS. Where is IFRIT. is he okay. i am worried . i hope hes alright. i hope the shack is homely. i hope hes okay. :( im a big softie.
overall, this chapter REVIVED me. it gave me the motivation I needed to lock in and start reviewing for my upcomign exams. (next week bleh) it gave me LIFE. even. it gave me a good SKINCARE ROUTINE. It gave me ALL OF THE MONEY FROM ITS WALLET. it gave me NEW CLOTHES! I really loved it, truly. You are blessed with such wonderful writing ability—and i hope to see more:D the next chapter will be like a reward to me; much needed after i slave away studying for my several exams🕵️‍♂️ for future reference, i was wondering if we could ask you more questions about the story and some scenarios about it? like for example, “how would the ghouls react to the reader who, upon realizing they were being integrated into the pack, was very happy and actively integrated themselves into the packs routine” or something like that? i like to pry and prod at characters, test their limits and all—also, I hope you know that in actuality, the fact that you’re writing stories so good that I cannot help but send you reviews of the chapter, is the best part for me, myself. I am an avid fan of huits and I literally kick my feet whenever you update. you are such a sweetheart. you deserve everything good that comes to u.
looking forward to another update!! in the meantime, i’ll be binging the story<3 thank you for blessing us with your writing once more!
- @n4zareth 🧡
Hello my dear,
I'll start by saying that you can ask all the questions you want, request headcanons, scenarios, and anything else you'd like. No problem at all, especially since I've just finished the fourth page of chapter 17 (18 for AO3), so I'm really nearing the end, then I'll start working on what's coming next.
Both headcanons and scenarios, whether connected to HUITS or not, are welcome. You (all) can spam more than one request, even better, so I have more choices on what to do first and what to do later :P
That said! It's pretty obvious by now, but I'm really a sucker for the domestic. I'm a country girl, and the sexiest thing someone can wear is flour. Additionally, I quite like relating the fact that before Copia, the ghouls were in close contact with the sisters (besides being social), so they're not at all stressed by the change.
Regarding the spicy scenes, thank you for noticing HAHA. Actually, there's a fundamental issue (which is that I'm a lesbian), so I don't find the idea of a very explicit scene particularly moody or exciting. On the contrary, the overall vibe seems almost tastier than the act itself. I mean, the action is the same, but if the person changes (or the ghoul in this case), all the attitudes around it change. Phantom is awkward, shy, 100% a “missionary because he can both hold your hand and look you in the eyes” type. Rain is more desperate, more needy; he doesn't care about physical contact but wants the visual because he wants to be seen as the "cause" of your pleasure. Dew, on the other hand, would probably keep your head in the pillow because he hates eye contact and doesn't want vulnerability during intimate moments. It's all more frenetic, more intense.
The dish is the same; the presentation, the seasoning, and the sides change.
Regarding the bit where Rain looks lovingly at the reader, I swear I wanted to hit him with a metal bar (affectionately, of course) because he's truly in love. It's not just physical need; it's a need he feels almost in his veins to be yours.
You're so right about the reactions. My two beta readers laughed so hard at the part where the reader hesitates to undress because it's these little things that make it clear I'm not projecting myself but structuring a character (I live undressed; I probably would have been naked before everyone else, to be honest).
Based on this review, I feel like telling you that you'll like the next chapter. One of the requested things is in there. Not Ifrit, but to understand why Ifrit was saved but doesn't appear, I think you'll have to get to the last chapter. The first chapters were introductory, but the plot started from the first trip to the ministry. For now, I don't think anyone understands what's happening. Even though the story is from your point of view, some things will only make sense in the final two chapters (including that poor beast).
But I promise you he's okay! I haven't listened to the song yet, though, because I haven't written for a month or two, so I waited to get back into the vibe before listening to it.
Good luck with your exams, darling!
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honey-tongued-devil · 14 days
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I'm playing Stardew Valley, so I've decided that once we're done saving the world, we'll pack our bags and go work on a farm. No more being heroes; now it's time to collect eggs and bake bread.
(The urge to draw Elliot and Astarion interacting is immense, so expect anything).
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149 notes · View notes
honey-tongued-devil · 16 days
Huits chapter 14 update!
The next chapters are a bit lighter, sillier, and fluff, but please keep trusting me and the fact that there is an extremely serious plot for this story (which is exactly what an author with a story without a serious plot would say)
Fandom: Ghost (characters are ghouls with their ghoul designs, not real people)
Pairing: Phantom x reader, Rain x reader, somewhat generic reader x ghouls
Chapters: 14/18
TW: Graphic description of wounds, references to past torture, graphic description of pain, panic attacks, AFAB reader
Plot: After years of neglecting the abbey's archives, the pope decides to hire someone to organize the room overflowing with books. However, while you are busy with your job, an incident uncovers the presence of some shadows within the abandoned walls of the abbey. Soon enough, you find yourself witnessing conflicts between the pack and the new ghoul, as well as issues involving the clergy and the previous ones. 
[No use of Y/N | fluff, angst, smut, etc | mention of mental health | mention of tics, hyperactivity, avoidant behavior, emotional dependence (among various ghouls) | all feedback is accepted]
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honey-tongued-devil · 16 days
hi,,, i am here to share my thoughts on huits latest chapter !!!!!!!! it made me trip on nothing (sheer joy) !!
first off, kevin? love that guy. amazing. hes an amazing character who can do no wrong. Also, I love that the chapter was used to develop Swiss and Reader’s relationship, I love the way in which you articulate readers thought process and decision-making cause you make the story so inclusive for everyone?? in a way?? like reader is not too soft, but not too rough. theyre not domineering to a fault nor are they too submissive, and i love that. theyre right in the middle, quite literally just right. I also love your humor. It really completes the story !
Swiss is so funny the whole time, i love how we just see him go loco on reader when he finally reaches his limit. I love your portrayal of not only rain and phantom, but of ALL the ghouls!! i hope to see them more in the next chapters, im loving the pack dynamics. ghoul pack, I love u. save me ghoul pack save me !
okay moving on
sweet red seas of HELL?!!!!!!!??!!!! that improvised plan was such a good way to turn the story to him, I loved it. but the way you mentioned his bloody cracked lips made my heart break; I’m yearning to just take care of him ☹️also, in the future chapters, will we be seeing more dew and aether now that ifrit is here and he was a major part of their lives; someone they thought was gone, returned to them? i wonder how’d they react, i hope they are informed!! I feel like in the next chapters it’d be nice to see Dew, Aether, & Ifrit bond more with reader. I just know those two ghouls miss their ifrit, and i hope that reader does tell dew and aether about how they broke a ghoul out of a fucking prison and stuck them in a shack. Did I mention I wanted to take care of Ifrit? my instincts are clawing at me like sharpened knives. im reeling , rolling in my chair right now just thinking about weakened ifrit with his cracked lips and I CRY. i cry i cry i cry. please let us take care of him oh my gosh .
this chapter did not disappoint, you delivered as always! i’m looking forward to what you have planned, and the drawings you might post in the interim:) no pressure to update, I’ll be binging this series atleast once a week to refresh! I love huits alot, if you cannot infer. Well done, wonderfully written, beautifully orchestrated once again. Perfect bedtime story. THE !bsst bedtime story ever!!!
(i read the latest chapter before bed and after i woke up. i loved it both times. please keep up the good work !!youre an amazing writer!!)
- @n4zareth 🧡
I'm replying late, but I swear your reviews have become my favorite part of posting.
I like to include the logical process because I have a very different way of acting from others (ENTP core), and the caracter herself acts differently from how I would. Explaining how they make a decision, the logical process, seems to make the character plausible: they don't do 'thing x' because they have to; they do it because there's reasoning behind it.
Swiss is fun to write, even though I'm not too satisfied with that part because it should have been much longer to have a better rhythm. However, I need him for a couple of things, so I mistreat him, but I swear I adore him, and from now on, he starts to have a purpose too.
Regarding Ifrit, what you wrote makes me smile because the chapters up to 17 are already written, so I read your commentary knowing how it goes (which is nonsense to write because I'm the author), but I smile because there's literally the answer to your question a few chapters ahead.
Unfortunately, in terms of the physical time (chapters) of the story, we can't take care of Ifrit, I can spoil that, but when I proposed a sequel, it was also partly for that, to be honest.
I'm also glad to have received a second comment after a while because it's a long story, and I'm extremely happy with everything. I can't stop talking about it, and seeing someone else share the same enthusiasm warms my heart.
(the new chapter is coming soon, within 15 minutes at most)"
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honey-tongued-devil · 18 days
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Luktelk (Balcans please save me… save me balcans… please)
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honey-tongued-devil · 23 days
Breakfast in waterdeep
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||For the more protein-rich version, click here. If the link doesn't work, search for @honey_tongued_ on Twitter and bypass the system, my comrades.||
I'm slower at drawing than usual so take and eat them all, this is my apple pen offered in sacrifice for you.
I want to draw Gale, I want to draw Astarion, I want to make fanart of Stardew Valley, of Ghosts bc, and so I do nothing to be fair to all my interests.
Reblogs, likes, comments, follows (both here and on the demon's site) are welcome.
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honey-tongued-devil · 1 month
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|| For a whimsical version with more paprika, you can follow me on Twitter/X clicking !HERE! or looking there for @honey_tongued_ if the link isn't working. ||
Listen, this man says shit like "I'm not ready to be a father" and then "mama told be to be a good host" when talking about shit he has inside his body, this means he is not father. He is a mother. And I'm up the challenge.
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honey-tongued-devil · 1 month
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pov: you forgot your shirt in wyll’s tent
( full piece on my twitter! )
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honey-tongued-devil · 1 month
i have been summoned . once more . cannot wait. ready to gnaw more on my enclosure actually. i am SO ready lets do this LETS DO THIS . i am so READY i say. then i proceed to tri p on nothing when the updates are p osted. i am so ready to trip on nothing 🔥‼️
- @n4zareth
HUiTS new chapter!
Fun fact! I write on three separate documents, one has chapters 1 to 5, one from 6 to 11, and the last one is literally called '12-idk'. Plus, I don't count the intro as a chapter, so on AO3 I wrote that it ends with chapter 18, but while I was writing chapter 17 on my documents, I realized that I'll have to update that statement, as it's incorrect.
Title: Hide Us in the Shadows (HUITS)
Fandom: Ghost (characters are ghouls with their ghoul designs, not real people)
Pairing: Phantom x reader, Rain x reader, somewhat generic reader x ghouls
Chapters: 13/18
Word Count: 6425
TW: Graphic description of wounds, references to past torture, graphic description of pain, panic attacks, AFAB reader
Plot: After years of neglecting the abbey's archives, the pope decides to hire someone to organize the room overflowing with books. However, while you are busy with your job, an incident uncovers the presence of ghouls within the abandoned walls of the abbey. Soon enough, you find yourself witnessing conflicts between the pack and the new ghoul, as well as issues involving the clergy and the previous ones. 
(A lot of pack dynamics; Phantom has recently been summoned, and his transformation is still ongoing; the pack is having a hard time trying to manage such a troublesome new member; Sister Imperator is a difficult individual to handle (a bitch)). 
[No use of Y/N | fluff, angst, smut, etc | mention of mental health | mention of tics, hyperactivity, avoidant behavior, emotional dependence (among various ghouls) | all feedback is accepted]
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honey-tongued-devil · 1 month
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| For the 'paprika version', click here, if the link doesn't work, search for @honey_tongued_ on Twitter/X to see everything. |
For now, I'm drawing some relationships between the ghouls mentioned in HUITS, so these are random drawings because I need these two dolls.
I don't know what to say, your honor, they love each other to death. I'm off to post the new chapter. For those who want, by clicking on this fantastic colorful text, you will be sent to the AO3 page of my fanfiction (it's magic but don't tell anyone, otherwise the Vatican will come looking for me).
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