#cali loves photoshop
girls-are-weird · 5 months
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[ID: desktop background featuring wilhelm and simon from young royals standing close and laughing in the middle of a party, with the lyrics "This is where I belong: with the beat of your drum, not any other" in the middle. End ID]
all the stills were great, but this one breathed life into me, cured all my various ailments, saved the world from impending disaster, and redefined the meaning of love in nothing but the most gorgeous, wondrous, hopeful arrangement of pixels. and i can't stop staring at it.
so yeah, if you like this, please share it-- i spent literal hours of my life last night when i was supposed to be sleeping, trying to scrub the neon magenta cast off of wille's face. i feel like i deserve some love for that, haha. i am le tired. (worth it, though!)
ANYWAY, how about you? how we doin', folks? march 3rd! are we ready? (i am not, but also i would prefer to have the season NOW, plzkthx.)
the base image for this was HD, so if anyone needs a slightly larger resolution, let me know, and i'll see if i can whip it up. the lyrics are from the song "crystallized" by young the giant, which is an excellent song that you all should look up! it was the first song that popped into my mind when i saw this still, and also inspired some of the filters i used here.
choose your resolution below--
color only w/text:
color only w/o text:
color+b&w w/text:
color+b&w w/o text:
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tom--22--felton · 1 year
Hi Val and everyone I just want to say a couple of things, regarding the break up with R, I would not speculate so fast if the profile disappeared maybe it did, maybe it didn't and if so or not maybe hiding the earring is also or only due to another separate reason, that we don't know, on the other hand about the new profile "spirit" or whatever it is clearly a stalker, it is clear that T is trying to get rid of him without giving him much entity on the one hand let's remember the facts as another anon said first T puts in the subs channel the glass then and coincidentally only by sayings of this iG a girl called convenvenienteme G if you see the profile you can not see the name, this is the same as if we say that because as T published a photo in a place and a girl x that as I understand follows him published one at the same time and place are together?, well no the world is free and T can calmly go to a fast food place at the same time as many people remember as I said before he is a normal person at the end of the day that they are in the same place does not prove anything, It wouldn't be the first fan to find him in a place on the other hand as for the anon that talked about the acronym although at first glance it may seem "Looking for Giselle" as the account that spreads the audios wants to make it look like. If you google it you will see that it is actually a common use for "Looking for a group" so if we start from that base maybe the only thing we will find is that it is not as solid as many here believe, maybe the only thing we will see is a meeting between T plus friends? Derek among them I guess in the future maybe. I mean he was up to his eyeballs in the comments and he understood that too- that's how he interpreted the "LFG", plus if as many say he broke up with R for cheating, which he may not, sometimes there is more than one reason for a break up and it's not always infidelity, Also if this G was his girlfriend with the history of harassment that his previous girlfriends suffered I do not think that even if Cali is more relaxed, he is so comfortable hexibiendo already so fast their relationship because what does not rest there are the paparazzi, and because at the end of the day I think he is the type that when he loves someone takes care of him a lot but why would hide both R for years, eh? I think that if there is G is just a girl of the moment and nothing too important, also if I agree with the anon who spoke of the AI system for the voice of T and Photoshop templates for chats with the alleged official account because according to hear that in his official account can not receive messages from anyone if you want Val I send you the evidence of this by PM. For all this I doubt it is true and that he has a girlfriend so quickly when they say he finished so recently with R, for me he just wants to have fun, hang out with friends and therefore if this is true it is nothing serious, so please do not do so much drama and let him live without drama. Remember he is a normal person like all of us at the end of the day and if it is true that he broke up he is free to enjoy himself as he wants. It's very ugly that this account doesn't even wait 5 minutes to cause drama he is clearly looking for attention. And remember me and all of you are here to support T don't forget that.
Thank you so much for taking time to share your thoughts, anon. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but it's almost impossible for me to read and understand your ask. I'm not a native speaker, so please bear with me and put some dots in the sentenses and make them shorter in the future, if you can.
I will just have to repeat what i already said: - no proof that they broke up - i don't believe G (if she exists) is his new girlfriend, she's most likely just a fling - for me LFG means "let's f***ing go" and i consider all other interpretations a stretch.
Just my opinion.
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This is as close to a pin-up as I’ll ever get with in-character Loboto XD Here is Cali (and a salmon) fed up with work and how his life is going. He is drinking whiskey in the middle of a lovely day, while his labcoat, apron and undershirt are in the wash. He is TRYING to work, but some remnant of his sanity has taken over and he just stares at the sky, wondering where he would be if he had just gotten a chance. Rendered in DAZ3D, postwork in photoshop.
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lunainsane · 5 years
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thats-life-cast · 7 years
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I <3 California!
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felassan · 4 years
Mass Effect development insights and highlights from Bioware: Stories and Secrets from 25 Years of Game Development
This is the Mass Effect version of this post.
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[In case you can’t read it the subtitle in the bottom left logo above is “Guardians of the Citadel”]
Note: Drug use is mentioned.
Cut for length.
Mass Effect 1
ME began its life in a vision document in fall 2003
Codenamed “SFX”
Conceived of by Casey Hudson and a core team from KotOR. Its genesis was the intention to create an epic sci-fi RPG in an original setting that BioWare owned (so they could have full creative control), and in a setting that was conceived of first and foremost as a video game
Initially players could control any squadmate, but they wanted it to be about Shep and for players to be focused on Shep being a battlefield commander, rather than on switching bodies
By the start of 2004 its story was shaping up. Initially humans landed on Mars in 2250 and discovered evidence of an ancient alien race and a powerful substance, Black Sand, which rapidly advanced tech to the point that FTL travel was possible. (My note: obviously now the Prothean artifacts on Mars & associated mass effect force tech enabled this in the final canon, but I wonder if aspects of the ‘Black Sand’ naming-type & powerful substance stuff was rolled into red sand from final canon) Humans were suddenly capable of travel to multiple star systems and made contact with a multitude of other species. At the start of the first game, these species together with humans had a fragile peace, with focus placed on the political center of the galaxy, a hub known as Star City, later renamed the Citadel
Multiplayer was a vision for the series as far back as 2003. The plan was for ME1, an Xbox exclusive at launch, to take advantage of the platform’s online components. Early designs saw players meeting in one of the central hubs to interact and trade items in their otherwise SP adventures
By 2006 it had the name ME and the story was more specific, with the theme of conflict between organic and synthetic lifeforms. The story’s scope now stretched across 3 games and included scope for full co-op MP
They tried to do MP in every game, discussing it from the get-go, but it always just fell by the wayside. “When you’re trying to build something that is a new IP, on a new platform, with a new engine, you’ve got to really focus on the core elements of the game.” 
The conversation system prototype was made in Jade Empire, and some of ME’s earliest writing was done in an old JE build. At first there was no conversation wheel. Paragon was “Friendly” and Renegade “Hostile”. In the prototype Shep was a silent unnamed Spectre. Many conversations in the prototype about the player’s choice in smuggling a weapon through Noveria made it into the game
In said prototype a merchant referred to themselves as “this one”, though the word hanar never appeared. The PC in it also had the option to end a conversation with “I should go”. In the prototype also, Harkin was voiced by Mark Meer
An early version of the Mako got used as the krogan truck in ME2
Early concepts of the Citadel were drawn in pencil by CH. A piece of concept art of its final design was painted based on a photo of a sculpture near Aswan, Egypt
As with any new IP naming it was a struggle. They put out a call to all staff for ideas, did polls, made a name generator that combined words that they liked in random ways and made pretend logos of ones they liked in Photoshop to see if they could make themselves love the name or find visual potential in it. (Some of these names are in the pic at the top of this post.) CH liked “Unearthed” as it was a reference to Prothean ruins dug up on Mars and humanity’s ascendance going away from Earth. They knew the game would have a central space station featuring prominently so some of the ideas were based on that - “The Citadel”, “The Optigon”, “The Oculon”. “Element” was another one they had in mind due to the rare substance in the game 
CH: “I was a big fan of John Harris’ book Mass, which had epic-scaled sci-fi ideas, so that was a word that came up often. Many of the names came from the idea that the IP featured a fifth fundamental physical force (in addition to the known four of gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear) so the word ‘effect’ came up pretty often.” Ultimately none of the ideas really felt right. One Monday morning they were going over the names and Greg Zeschuk said he had an idea on the weekend: “Mass Effect!” CH: “I said, ‘I don’t hate it’, which in the naming process is a high compliment. And it stuck!”
CH on Shep’s Prothean vision from the beacon: “It was hard to imagine how we would do this. CG was - and is - really expensive. Instead I wanted to try doing it through photography and video editing. So I went to a local grocery store and bought a few packages of the weirdest looking meat that I could find. Then I set up a little photoshoot in my basement, complete with some electronics parts and some red wine for juicyness.” He used these props to create a video sequence where the photos were rapidly cycled and blurred, along with production paintings, to create the scary vision an organic/machine experiment on the Protheans. These mashups were also used as inspiration for concept artists and level designers who were working on these themes
Tali used to be called Talsi
On the licensing side they often joke that they’re licensing N7 not “Mass Effect” due to N7′s popularity
There was a confidential internal guide to the IP in 2007 to help devs along and summarize/synthesize the vision etc. Some excerpts from it are shown in the book and this is the first time the public have ever seen them
Early versions of Asari had hair
Asari were designed as a nod to classic TV sci-fi (with human actors wearing obvious makeup and prosthetics to play aliens)
The turian design guideline was “we want them to be birds of prey”. They also wanted a range of alien types, some close to human like Asari, while others were to be a lot further away, like turians
BioWare patented the conversation wheel, which was a first for them. CH had been frustrated with reviews of Jade Empire that said that the actioncentric game was too wordy [with its list dialogue]. “I’m like, story is words. [...] What is it about our games that is making people feel like they’re wordy?” Then he thought “In a game you kind of need to feel like you’re continuing to play it. Maybe you should continue feeling like you’re playing it actively into the dialogue.” “[The wheel] kind of gave a new experience with dialogue when you did start to react based on emotion, and that’s ultimately what we’re trying to bring out in our games”
The original krogan concept was based on a bat “with a really wide squidgy face. We just used its face on top of this weird body and it kinda worked”
Geth musculature was based on fiber-optic cables, with flexible plates of armor attached
The vision for the IP was 80s sci-fi inspired space opera
The concept art of Saren lifting Shep by the throat inspired a similar scene in-game. The staging wasn’t planned til designers saw that art
A squadmate with Shepard on the way to meet Ash in an old storyboard was called Carter. Early name of Kaidan or Jenkins?
Bono from U2 was kinda instrumental in bringing us ME lol
Finding the right cover art for ME1 was notably tricky
Matt Rhodes got his start drawing helmets for ME1, including one which would become Shep’s “second face”. He estimates he drew between 250-270 different ones
Some of the sounds in-game were people smashing watermelons with sledgehammers and sticking fists into various goos
The audio team had fun trying to slip the iconic main theme into unexpected places throughout the MET. “We were very aware of how powerful that track was for the fans and it was tempting to overuse it for any moment we wanted to make really emotional”.
The theme was creatively repurposed in ME3: slowed down and reworked as the ambient sound for the SR-2. “If you listen to it for a really long time, just stand in the Normandy and listen, you’ll actually hear the notes change slowly. It doesn’t sound like music, it sounds like a background ambiance, but it’s there.” (My note: Well no wonder the Normandy feels so much like home?? 😭 sneaky..)
Bug report: “Mako Tornado”. There wasn’t enough friction between the tires and the ground, causing testers to lose control of the vehicle and send it spinning into the air like a tornado. “As it turns, the front end comes up, and then it starts spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning faster and faster and faster until it just flies up in the sky” (My note: Sounds like a regular day in the Mako to me)
Cerberus originally had a bigger role in this game. It was cut but they had a whole explorable outpost. “I called it Misery,” says Mac Walters, “It was this planet with a little outpost that said ‘Welcome to Misery’”. Everything on the outpost was shit - dirty worn stuff, no windows, no kitchen, the vehicle bay was open to the elements etc
The Reaper sound is literal garbage. Some audio designers went on a recording trip to a national park. One of them got fixated on a garbage can, “a metal bear-proof receptacle with a heavy lid that creaked horribly when opened”. “It was like, ominous, spooky, tonal and almost musical. I decided to throw a mic into the garbage and record it moving. I didn’t know what it was going to be until later”
They were making lots of noises to record like throwing logs and rocks around. An old couple peered at them through the window of their camper van in the woods and must have called the cops because then the cops showed up, pulled them over and told them to stop. The cops towed their car (the driver’s plates were Cali plates and expired), drove them to Edmonton outskirts and then the audio producer Shauna got a call and had to go pick them up “like three little boys”. “We got a stern talking to”. Once back they were playing around with the garbage sound, editing it etc. Casey heard it and proclaimed “That’s the sound of the Reapers”
Preston Watamaniuk: “There are things I could have done to Mass 1 to make it an infinitely better game with better UIs” and some simple cuts and changes. “But when you’re living with it, it’s very hard to see those things”
BioWare Labs
As social media and smartphone games exploded, BioWare dedicated a small team dedicated to exploring opportunities here - BioWare Labs
Mass Effect: Galaxy used a unique graphic art style and static visual presentation common in visual novels. It has the distinction of being the only iOS game BW have made during their first 25 years
Scrapped ideas were a 3rd person space shooter called Mass Effect: Corsair and 2 DA titles - a strategy game and a top-down dungeon crawler starring young Wynne. (My note: Maybe the corsairs stuff was rolled into Jacob’s backstory in 2, the Alliance Corsairs)
Corsair was a very short-lived project that never got its feet under it. It was a spin-off on Nintendo DS featuring a behind-the-ship perspective and branching dialogue. At one point it had MP. The idea behind it was basically “ME: Freelancer” - fly your ship around, do missions, get credits. It had a limited branching story but was a gameplay-centered experience intended to fill the gap between ME1 and 2. That gap ended up being filled by Galaxy
Galaxy and Corsair’s smaller screen allowed concept artists to use bold colors and a simplistic character design style to help those games stand out from Shep’s story
Nick Thornborrow did some art for Corsair but was worried his art style didn’t fit ME. He moved to DA where he feels his art style fits better
Lots of BioWare VAs and even a lead writer and the VO director are drawn from Edmonton’s local community theater scene, which is vibrant. Think this is how Mark Meer got involved
Mass Effect 2
Player choices carrying over was a first for BW
Dirty Dozen-inspired plot
Its plot is a web of conditionals (see Suicide Mission)
Was more of a shooter than anything BW had made since Shattered Steel
There was 2 camps on the team, those who wanted to push combat and systems forward and redefine the ME experience and those who wanted to make a true sequel, with the same gameplay and systems but a new story. Karin Weekes: “I think it ended up being a good push-pull. It felt like a pretty healthy creative conflict”
“ME2 was a game you could hold up to someone who argues that games aren’t a serious medium and go ‘Oh yeah, then why is Martin Sheen in this?’” Sheen was their first pick for TIM
The idea for TIM came from a mash-up of concepts CH had collected over the years. The name “Illusive” originally came from his pitch for naming DAO’s Eclipse engine, a word inspired by Obi-Wan’s line “It’s not about the mission, Master. It’s something... elsewhere. Elusive”. “I thought, what if we called our next engine 'Elusive', but used an ‘I’, and then it’s like ‘Illusion’. [...] I still really like the word with an ‘I’ and what it conjures”
When ME1 DLC was in production, CH had been watching a lot of CNN, specifically Anderson Cooper. “How is one guy travelling to all these places and never looking tired and always being able to speak with clarity?” CH says it seemed almost superhuman. “What if there was someone who is the absolute maximum of the things you would aspire to be, but also the worst of humanity?” Cooper, though not evil, became an inspiration for TIM down to the gray hair and piercing blue eyes
Inspiration for TIM’s behind-the-scenes role pulling political strings came from Jack Bauer’s brother Graem in 24. Graem “can call up the president and tell him what to do and hang up, because he’s so connected and so influential”. Sheen had played a president and his performance brought gravitas and wisdom to the role. He had quit smoking, but the character smokes. He didn’t want to fake it, but he also didn’t want to smoke, “so he actually asked for a cigarette” to hold so he could stop his words to take drags with natural cadence
Writing was still pushing to write and revise lines hours before VO started. A series of problems like injury and some writers leaving for other opportunities left it so that Karin, Lukas Kristjanson and editor Cookie Everman hand to land the story safely, with PW helping where they could. Lukas: “We took over the writing bug and task list, and I can’t stress enough how much [Karin and Cookie] did to get ME2 out the door. There’s no part of that thing we didn’t touch”. Karin: “That was the most dramatic 2 weeks of my life”
Initial fan reaction when they started promo-ing ME2 was very negative because people didn’t want to know about new chars like Jack and Mordin. “[fans were like] ‘Get them out of here. We want our characters from the first game’. But then when they played them, those became some of the most popular chars [of the series]”
Concept art of Thane has an idea annotation saying “Face can shapeshift?”
At one point when designing Thane concept artists sent multiple variations of him to the team asking them to vote on which was the most attractive
Most of the Normandy crew was written by lead level designer Dusty Everman. Lukas gave him advice in the evenings between bugs
BioWare Montreal made ME2 and 3 cinematics
CC for Shep was based on tools used by char designers to create in-game chars. Under the hood similar tools existed to create aliens
Aliens were much easier to animate than humans. When something is human it’s very difficult to make it look realistic and you can see all the mistakes and everything
Over the holiday period in 2007 CH worked out a diagram on a single piece of paper that would define the entire scope and structure of the game. The diagram is included in the book
Bug report: “I shot a krogan so hard that his textures fell off”. At one point shotgun blast damage was applied to each of the pellets fired, and shot enemies ended up with just the default checkerboard Unreal texture on them after their textures got blown off
Blasto was meant to be 1 step above an Easter egg but his fan popularity prompted them to bring him back in ME3
They rewrote chunks of Jack 2 days before she went to VO. She was the only one they could change because all the other NPCs were recorded. They redesigned her mission by juggling locked NPC lines and changing Shep’s reactions by rewriting text paraphrases to change the context of the already-recorded VO
Lukas snuck obscure nods ito ME2′s distress calls. In the general distress call for the Hugo Gernsback, there’s BW’s initial’s and Edmonton’s phone number backwards. In a fault in a beacon protocol there’s the initials and backward phone number from Tommy Tutone’s “Jenny”. In 2 other general distress calls there’s initials and numbers from Glenn Miller Orchestra’s “Pennsylvania 6-5000″ and initials and numbers from Geddy Lee and Rush’s “2112″ respectively 
Mass Effect 3
“The end of an era marks the beginning of another”
ME3 “marked the end of Shep’s story”
Saying bye to Shep was as difficult for devs as it was for players
JHale’s final VO session included Anderson’s death and romanced Garrus’ goodbye. “We were in the session and we both just started crying”, Caroline says. “I couldn’t come on the line to give her notes because I was crying, and she was crying. And so there was just this minute-long pause of like, nothing, nothing, nothing - just silence through the airwaves. And then I came on and just told her that I was crying and she said ‘I’m crying!’” They talked about these anecdotes also here on the N7 Day reunion panel
The Microsoft Kinect voice support required devs to teach Kinect hundreds of commands in a variety of accents across multiple languages. The result was useful but made for some awkward moments. Numerous players accidentally said “geth” or “quarian” while making a particular decision and accidentally killed Tali
MP chars were voiced by cops and military people
The helmet on one of the MP chars was originally designed for cancelled project Revolver
The payload device at the end needed to attach to the Citadel while essentially serving as a giant trigger. “It ended up becoming quite the engineering feet just to visualize how this thing would move and connect to the Citadel”
Concept artists explored creating an anti-team, where Kai Leng was almost an anti-Shepard essentially, with an elite squad to counteract your team. This idea never went beyond concept phase
ME3 Special Edition was released on Nintendo Wii U exclusively. This exclusive version of the game includes Genesis 2 (a sequel to the original Genesis comic) and unique gameplay features that took advantage of the touchscreen GamePad. For years Sonic Chronicles: Dark Brotherhood had had the honor of being BW’s only game made for a Nintendo console
FemShep regrettably didn’t feature in major ME marketing til ME3. Later releases like DAI, MEA and Anthem have taken increasing care not to gender their protagonists in cover art
To capture combat sounds they took a trip to CFB Wainwright, a military base southeast of Edmonton. They got a big tour of it and were allowed to record anything they could find. The tour ended with them getting to drive and shoot tanks (real shells). The force of doing that sent waves through Joel Green, he felt his whole chest compress when it went off; the perfect sound for the Black Widow! After the trip the soldiers let him keep the shell he fired and it’s been passed on like a torch to various devs since
Kakliosaurs began life as a joke in the writers’ room after John Dombrow placed a Grunt figure on a t-rex toy he had on his desk. Lore was brainstormed to justify the mash-up before someone asked, “Why don’t we put this in the game?” They loved it so much Karin had custom coffee mugs made
Bug report: For a while Tali’s final romance scene would fire when she was supposed to be dead
“Balancing combat: how designers in ME3 entered an ‘arms race’” - the solution to players feeling OP vs players feeling frustrated by really strong enemies is to find a good middle ground, but for designers Corey Gaspur and Brenon Holmes, it was war. Brenon designed enemies, Corey designed guns. Corey “was obsessed with bigger, heavier guns. We had this sort of informal competition where he’d make this crazy overturned gun that would just murder all the enemies, and then I tuned some stuff up to compensate”
Brenon had to invent new ways to “stop Corey” and this led to the Phantoms. Corey had in turn designed consumable rockets that could wipe out entire waves of enemies. He must’ve figured this would make short work of Brenon’s space ninjas, but Brenon had other plans: “I had just added the ability for her to cut rockets [when Corey was playing MP and he was watching]. She cut the rocket in half... Corey just turns and looks at me and is like: ‘Really dude? I just shot a rocket at this Phantom and she’s fine? Not even damaged? Zero damage?’” 
This friendly rivalry helped elevate ME3′s gameplay. Corey had a knack for making a gun feel so good to fire it had his fellow designers scrambling to keep up. It was his version of balancing. Before Corey sadly passed away he mentored Boldwin Li in all things weapon design and the arms race continued
Corey designed the Arc Pistol. It was causing problems for enemies because it was too powerful. It seemed hell bent on staying that way, Boldwin would tune down all its stats and it was still doing 3x the damage it should have been doing. “I was like ‘What the hell?’, and then I looked closer. It secretly fired 3 bullets for every pull of the trigger! Corey, you sneaky jerk”
The day it launched there were midnight launch parties across North America including one near the BW building. Numerous devs sat at long tables greeting fans and signing autographs as the fans picked up preorders. When midnight struck the line was long enough that it took several hours for some fans to get their game. One particular fan is remembered: “It was 3am. Some guy drove up from Calgary with his friends. He was like one of the last people in line. I think he was sort of tired-drunk. He threw himself across the tables, pulled up his shirt and shouted ‘Guys, sign my abs!’ And like I did, because he waited so long. It felt impolite not to. So I hope he enjoyed his copy of ME3″
For designing Protheans concept artists had free reign to design something that read as ancient
Before the concept art team had the story of the game to work toward, they explored wild ideas of their own including an image of the crew stealing back the Normandy to go after the Reapers
Jen Cheverie was testing scenes and was initially excited to be testing Mordin scenes, til she saw she was testing the Renegade version of his death. “This is even before like all of the audio and everything was in, so you didn’t even have the sad music. I remember sitting at my desk and my hands just went to my face when I saw that the gun Shep pulls on Mordin is the gun he gives Shep in ME2. I burst into tears and was crying for the rest of the day. People are waving to me as they walk by and I’m like, ‘It’s ok, I’m just killing my best friend’” 
There’s a segment called “Shepard’s story ends”. Casey on the ending: “There’s a whole bunch of things that come together to make it incredibly tense and emotional for players. I think the biggest one was the sense of finality, that whatever it was that happened in that very last moment... was it.” 
Wrapping up the story was a massive feat. In a way all of ME3 is an ending. Its final moments were the players’ last with a char they’d been with all the way from Eden Prime
“And while the critical reception of the game was extremely positive, many fans were unsatisfied with the ending, which became one of the most controversial in the history of games.” CH: “We were, on one hand, at the end of a marathon trying to finish the game and the series. But as devs we also knew that there would be more. We knew that we would continue to tell the story. In retrospect, we didn’t fully appreciate the tremendous sense of finality that it would have for people”. He envisioned an ending that posed new questions, something in the tradition of high sci-fi that left players dreaming about what that particular galaxy’s future could hold. “Frankly, there’s a lot more that we could have and should have done to honor the work players put in, to give them a stronger sense of reward and closure”
AAA games are massive undertakings with a million moving parts. Somehow they come together but even the best-planned projects don’t turn out quite like devs hope. From start to end video game production is a series of compromises. It’s rare if not impossible for devs to ship a game they’re entirely happy with. “I think that people imagine that when you finish a game, it’s exactly the way you wanted it to be. But whether people end up loving or hating the final result, we work hard to finish it the best we can, knowing that there’s a lot we would have wanted to do better. I think that’s true of any creative work”
As the dust settled after the initial reaction to the ending and later its epilogue, meant to show the wide-reaching ripple effects of Shep’s final choice, “players emerged mostly asking for one thing”. CH: “Now, most of what we hear, after both ME3 and MEA, is ‘Hey, just go make more Mass Effect’. And that to me is the most important thing. Knowing that players want to return to the ME universe is what inspires us to press on and imagine what comes next”
Mass Effect: Andromeda
By creating a new ME in a new galaxy the team was challenged to put their own visual stamp on the game while keeping it true to the franchise
Being the first ME game on a new gen of consoles meant for more detail
“Massive transport ships called arks populated with salarians, turians, humans, asari and quarians” made the risky jump to the Cluster
MEA was the first time BW had truly codeveloped across 3 studios: Edmonton, Montreal and Austin. The bulk of the work especially early on was done in Montreal, which was composed of a handful of Edmonton expats and heaps of experienced devs who joined from elsewhere specifically to bring a new ME experience to life. Series vets in Edmonton then came on to contribute writing, cinematics, design and QA, along with leadership from creative director Mac Walters and the core Production team. Austin writers and level designers also joined the fray
“It took a new team to take ME beyond the Milky Way”
Mac: “A lot of people in Montreal joined BW as fans of the franchise, so they just had this passion, and it felt like it was more like the days of Jade Empire, where a smaller younger team gets to do something for the first time. Even though it wasn’t necessarily a new IP for me, it felt fresh and new because of that. The team was just super excited to be working on it”
Early plans had the player exploring hundreds of worlds, procedurally generated, allowing for a nearly infinite variety of experiences. But as development wore on, it became clear that the game narrative required more specific, hand-touched level design on each world to keep the story focused and the experience engaging. “The plan was to give players numerous uncharted worlds to explore. Designers worked hard to come up with procedural elements that would make such planets special. Eventually the team made the difficult decision to abandon procedural planets in favor of more memorable hand-touched alien worlds, each with a specific story to tell”
One challenge was defining what ME meant without Shep. Care was given to include many of the MET’s key species. “Ryder recruited turian, asari, krogan and salarian followers”. Like Shep Ryder represents humanity’s hope for a peaceful coexistence among aliens who had long operated without human contact
Beginning with MEA the team decided that with few exceptions vehicles in ME have 6 wheels. Early Nomad concepts were bulkier. Later ones focused on its ability to move over its ability to protect itself from hostile fire, underlining the themes of exploration
German concept designer and auto-motive futurist Daniel Simon was contracted to create the Nomad and Tempest. The Tempest’s final design took inspo from the Concorde 
Concepts for angaran fighter ships have the following notes: “Two doors swing open, wings rotate down to function as landing struts, the landing struts split open. It has a spinning turbine engine 
Despite being set a galaxy away and some 600 years after Mordin’s death, there was a time when he had a cameo. It wasn’t cut due to running out of time however, it was cut due to drug references. John Dombrow explains: “One day I had to write a small quest for Kadara. I thought it’d be amusing if these 2 guys living way out on the fringes in a shack were growing plants for uh, medicinal purposes, and needed Ryder’s help with it. It occurred to me, wouldn’t it be amusing if Ryder had the option of actually trying ‘the medicine’ to see what would happen? And I thought, what if it turned into some hallucination that somehow involved SAM - like maybe SAM would sing? But why? How could I motivate that? Then it hit me. Who else in the ME game sings unexpectedly? MORDIN. As a nod to him I wrote SAM singing Modern Major-General. It got even better when our cine designer John Ebenger wanted to take it even further. Bless him, he came in on a Saturday to do a special hallucination showing Mordin himself. It was great. Til the fateful day we were told MEA had already been submitted to the ratings board. That’s when you declare things like drug references in your game. Mordin fell under that category which meant it was a no-go. We were too late”
Ryder’s white AI armor contrasts Shep’s iconic dark armor (intentional design)
Concept art for Ryder involved experiments with cloth (cloaks, ponchos, capes - “Pull here to release cloak”) and asymmetrical design elements
For alien design, there’s a few exceptions but humanoid figures are the ME standard and this persisted into MEA
Kett and angara concepts explored striking lines and textures 
– From Bioware: Stories and Secrets from 25 Years of Game Development
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Wedding Job
leverage 1.07
Nate: No. No, it's-it's not right. But, you know, uh, we're not detectives. And if you want to prove your husband's innocence, there are plenty of agencies I could recommend.
eliot and hardison share tired, annoyed looks and I felt that in my soul
- - - - - 
Teresa: I understand. Thank you. Where did my daughter go?
Hardison:I think she was with Parker.
(Parker is teaching the little girl how to pick locks)
Parker: Go! 
(they both begin to work on the locks, after a few seconds, the girl gets hers open)
Parker: 6 seconds! Give it up! Good job.
parker can be good with kids and it’s adorable
- - - - - 
Hardison: Just take the mob out of it.
Nate: What? Take the mob out of it?
Hardison: Hear me out. Isn't this just a breach of contract?
Eliot: These guys had a deal, right? And your boy, Ray, he lived up to his end, but Moscone didn't. And for that, there's not a court of law in this world this lady can go to.
Parker: Which is exactly the kind of case we take
the ot3 immediately jumping in to support sophie’s idea
- - - - - 
Hardison: We can't. That thing's a fortress, man. I clocked four armed guards, a Tikva security system. That thing's Israeli-Made. It's used to protect their military bases. It's unhackable. Oh, and then there's the FBI parked around the corner.
Parker: FBI? Where? (looking through camera lens)
Hardison: You see that crappy van that says "plumber"?
Sophie: Did you say "plumber"? That's their cover? Oh, that is so cute. It's like it's 1978 all over again
- - - - - 
Parker: I saw some rubber gloves. What do you do with those?
McSweeten: Oh, actually, we've just been kind of blowing them up and playing volleyball. But, uh, yeah, if we need to do any kind of investigation…
big boredom during quarantine mood
- - - - - 
eliot being proud of the one (1) thing he did on the computer 
- - - - - 
parker winked at mcsweeten that poor boy, I’d be smitten too
fic writers get on this, parker smells like jasmine
- - - - - 
Hardison: All you have to do is rip them on my flash drive and run.
[FBI Offices]
(Eliot closes the door)
Eliot: I don't have to type anything, right?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: No, just plug it in. It does the rest.
Eliot: All right, 'cause you know I just learned the Photoshop thing you told me.
Hardison: I-I know. Baby steps.
[FBI Offices]
Eliot: So I just plug it in.
(Eliot forces open a set of cabinet doors and they open, revealing stacks of cassette tapes. He looks at the flash drive in his hand)
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: Now, audio files, they can take a little while to run, but, uh, the servers are pretty loud, so that should give you some cover.
[FBI Offices]
Eliot: It's tapes.
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: Wha-hold, wait. Did y-you just say "tapes"?
Eliot: I just said "tapes"!
Hardison: Cassette tapes?
[FBI Offices]
(Eliot picks up a cassette case and taps it with the flash drive)
Eliot: Your little thing, it's not gonna work.
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: But at least you ain't got to type nothing.
[FBI Offices]
Eliot: Hardison, how am I supposed to get out of the FBI offices with a boxful of surveillance tapes, huh?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Hardison: Punch somebody.
[FBI Offices]
Eliot: Oh, I’m gonna punch somebody
- - - - - 
Nate: Can you break the codes?
Hardison: The codes? The codes to the Cayman Bank and Trust, where the Cali cartel and the African dictators keep all their dirty money? The ones that Moscone changes anytime he damn well pleases? Like, it's-c-come on. Dude, are you kidding me?
Nate: You know, you're-you're very negative lately. 
Eliot: Yeah. 
Nate: And the sass, it doesn't-doesn't help.
bruh lay off hardison
- - - - - 
[audio of mob family fighting playing off of hardison’s computer]
Sophie: It's a bit like an opera, isn't it?
Eliot: You mean 'cause I want to run away
- - - - - 
Nate: Sophie. Where are we at?
Sophie: Huh? I don't know, Nate. I think you need to ask yourself that question. You called me, remember? And now we're working together every day. I don't know what you want. And to ask me that dressed like a vicar? You're a very strange man.
Nate: No, no, no. I meant where are we at with finding the money?
Sophie: Oh.
chaotic sophienate 
- - - - - 
Nate: How are we doing? How's the search?
Eliot (chopping vegetables): I haven't started yet.
Nate: Okay, you know, I haven't gotten one answer I was looking for today. What is it that you're doing? What's going on?
Eliot: I'm cutting onion, deveining shrimp, uh, pan-searing some scallops. I've got 200 people I got to feed, all right? Back off.
Nate: Okay, okay. Hmm.
Eliot: What, you think the only thing I know how to do is bust heads?
Nate: No, well, yeah.
Eliot (demonstrating): Look, hold a knife like this, cuts through an onion. Hold a knife like this, cuts through, like, eight yakuza in 4 seconds. Screams, carnage. People are like knives. Everything is in context.
Heather (enters): Okay, hors d'oeuvres.
Eliot: Yes, ma'am. Stuffed mushrooms, pine nuts, kiss of basil, some sun-dried tomatoes, and the finishing touch, lemon juice. (gives her bite)
Heather (spits it out): Does this look like a food court? Does it? I want high-End food - High-End! What are you— (walks out)
(Eliot starts to go after her with the knife, Nate stops him)
Eliot: I know.
also, eliot only becoming murderous when someone insults his food? iconic
- - - - - 
Sophie (to bridesmaid): You look lovely.
Cindy: You don't think it makes me look fat?
Parker: Oh, definitely. I mean, why do you think I had to let out the waist? To make you look less skinny?
Sophie: She... she didn't mean that.
Heather: Oh, suck it up, Cindy. You'll be fine.
if someone did this to me I would c r y and that’s the truth lmfao
- - - - - 
the ot3 eating pizza and laughing as nate verbally fucks himself over with sophie lmao
- - - - - 
Hardison: Yo. No way in hell I could ever imagine getting married. I mean, it's just - It's just a piece of paper.
(Eliot, eating an apple, looks at Hardison)
Hardison: I take it you've never been married.
Eliot: No.
Hardison: Ever come close?
Eliot: No.
Hardison: What was her name?
Eliot: It was a girl I grew up with. But anyway, she married somebody else, so...
Hardison: Hot-hot damn, what did you do?
Eliot: What did I do? I liberated Croatia. (leaves)
Hardison: Oh, see, now, me, I would have just got fat and started up a comic-Book shop. That's you and me right there.
relationship foreshadowing in s1 we love to see it
- - - - - 
Hardison: Now, I know that you're in charge of the bridesmaids' dresses, but why are you wearing one?
Parker: A bridesmaid's dress is like an all-access pass at a wedding. Plus, I kind of said something, and the maid of honor cried. And Sophie said I should make it up to her. 
Hardison: By looking much, much better in the same dress? Yeah, you let me know how that goes.
Parker: Hmm, you really think I look good?
Hardison (pinning flowers on her dress): And now you're perfect
they’re BABIES your honor
- - - - - 
(of course the trashy mom wears a sparkly white dress to her daughter’s wedding) 
- - - - - 
(Eliot walks up to the rest of the team)
Eliot: What is it? I got bacon on.
Parker: The Butcher is here.
Eliot: Does he have the baby lamb chops?
Hardison: No. The butcher of Kiev.
Nate: Think he'll recognize you?
(flames surrounding them, the Butcher has Eliot by the neck and is trying to cut him with a meat cleaver. Eliot is barely holding him off)
Butcher: I kill you!
[Exterior House]
Eliot: Yeah, I think he'd remember me
I live for wacky eliot flashbacks
- - - - - 
Nate: You're staying? Sophie, Sophie, it's the Butcher of Kiev.
Hardison: Have you ever been to Kiev? The cake-maker of Kiev would whup all our ass. This is the butcher.
Sophie: Uh-Huh.
this isn’t that notable, but it’s funny
- - - - - 
parker smushed up against the glass door ,,, just imagine if anyone saw that lmao
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eliot using a frying pan to fight the butcher of kiev,,, iconique
- - - - - 
we need to start making a list of things that are Specifically Not Weapons™ that eliot uses as weapons:
for this episode, a frying pan, a whisk, an appetizer platter, the platter itself 
- - - - - 
Hardison (eating appetizer): This is pretty good, man.
Eliot: Thanks, man. I squeeze, like, fresh lemon juice on it.
Hardison: Cool. Cool.
(they follow Nate out of the kitchen)
eliot is so genuinely happy when someone finally appreciates his food, you can see it in his face ,,, he starts to love hardison just a little bit for that
- - - - - 
Nate: Did you clear out Moscone’s accounts?
Hardison: I left him five dollars for socks
we love the team being petty
- - - - - 
the girl immediately jumped into parker’s lap at the restaurant I’m soft
- - - - - 
soft chef eliot serving his -friends- family is everything 
- - - - - 
I understand that this was technically supposed to be the third episode, so this would have been their first meal as a family and I stan them so hard for it
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coralsgrimes · 2 years
Random observation but jules is posting all old stuff. Nothing from today and we know that woman loves posting things. Maybe she's in London.
Lol she does and her stories/posts/comments are posted either crazy early for Cali or crazy late for the UK.
Sooooo imma pretty sure she's not in London? First of all cuz she would let us know xdd she posted the buttercup pic from Cali I'd guess when Benny was in London, and over the days of dreadful comments drama she posted some stories with fancy notebook and spiritual rocks or something and it was overall lookin not like anything she could have in London.
Went out to investigate and she ain't with the fam I think? Her family in their white houses it is :c
Checked bestie/assistant lady. She posted overly photoshopped Christmas pics of them two BUT yesterday she posted she has covid since almost two weeks back. Twin flame was in New York a week or so back. So either she got the c word recently or she's with Mr energy healing :c she was not posting much of herself while in Miami too right?
Honestly I have no idea cuz the moment I laid Bulianne to rest I stopped focusing on her almost entirely but Imma sure homegirl ain't in London :c cuz Bulianne is no mo x.x
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girls-are-weird · 5 months
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[ID: desktop background featuring wilhelm and simon from young royals sitting together with the hillerska main building in the background, with the lyrics "They say that love is forever. Your forever is all that I need." in the middle. End ID]
i finally managed to find enough of a hi-res version of the poster so that i could finagle it into a decent desktop background! if i subsequently find an even higher-res one, you might see alternate versions of this pop up around here. i'm still stoked that the season is releasing on my birthday, so i'm still feeling motivated to work with this pic. stay tuned.
somehow they're both giving james dean-ish vibes here, and that made me think of this song, so of course i had to use it. so: lyrics from the song "scene one - james dean & audrey hepburn" by sleeping with sirens.
choose your resolution below--
w/o lyrics:
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frostedbasilisk · 3 years
Hello! I just love your art style, very inspiring! I was wondering what program you use to draw?
Ahhh!! I’m so happy/surprised my stuff is inspiring 🥺✨ Thank u for that complement <33  I use CSP and the soft cali/dense watercolor brush for 99.5% of my work!! I color edit/add noise/etc in photoshop after I’m all done in CSP. I know you can edit in CSP but I’m just more quick in photoshop for image editing u-u
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calypsoff · 3 years
Twenty Seven.
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Rolling my eyes hard while on FaceTime to Chris, you know what why is the man I love, also is the love of my life and I adore him so much, but he is so fucking stubborn. He has his moments where he will leave his ego at the door where he will obey me and what I say and then the next day he will refuse to hear me out or say I am being judgemental and I need to listen to what I am saying to him, it’s always my way, it never is anyways. But I swear he does shit and doesn’t think of the bigger picture at all “you got a face on with me?” So he says “not so much, you could be here with me in Cali but instead you’re there in Virginia about to do something dumb, it’s not even your child to care” I want to tell him no, I want to say to him if you love me don’t go but I know it will fall on deaf ears. I will look like the nasty one and that I look insecure when I don’t “exactly, show my face and go” I sniggered “that is the issue, you know why Chris. Do it, go. I am busy anyways, I think you need a lesson” rubbing my forehead “you are doing the most for nothing, it’s really nothing. But anyways I’m going to go and look pretty” annoying asshole “ok bye” disconnecting the call before he could say anything more, he just wants to annoy me “why does he purposely go out of his way to be an asshole!” I shouted “baby you could have said no, it’s easy” Mel added hearing the whole conversation, this is whole other issue. I don’t like how we are all dating people in the same circle, if shit goes wrong it will affect us “you don’t know Chris like I do, but you know what. Let him go, he hasn’t had the blogs be on his ass, he doesn’t know what it is like being famous and he will soon find out, I want him too. I’m going to rehearsal and ignoring him when he’s getting tagged in false claims, I don’t care for them. I just didn’t want the mess but let him, he will be calling me up saying I didn’t do anything. Let it happen Mel, who am I to hide him when he doesn’t want it from me, but I am angry, and until further notice I don’t want to know” shaking my head, he is going to get a nasty wake up call.
I enjoyed Virginia a lot, I loved how homie it was. I enjoyed my time with Chris, and I loved it all. It was a real good time away to be honest, it was my home when I was doing the exchange programme, I loved that his family treated me well and I feel Chris and I are closer than ever. But he just needs to stop trying to hear his own voice, like he doesn’t need to go but he will. And I can’t wait to hear him call me and say I didn’t do anything when they are dragging him, me. I have become immune to it, Chris will get a lesson in this “you have a face like thunder, the dancers are going to be shook” Mel said through her laughter “oh I’m not angry, I was just thinking. But how is you and Barry getting on? Is he less stubborn than Chris? Does he actually listen” Mel chuckled, she is laughing but I’m not, I hate when Chris is like this. Tries to be the man of our home, he knows damn well he will be crying to me “he’s a nerd, like Chris and I like that about him. He’s easy going, and we talk every day. He said that if we do end up being together and it works out well enough that he would move here and I’m like nigga already!? I mean I am not whipped at all but he’s nice, and easy going” I sighed out “oh brother, now why can’t Chris be this way” my man is a whole pain “because he likes to be the man of the house, I don’t know. Something he will get over but I’m excited” I’m scared of this whole relationship with friends’ things, I am just not sure of what to make of it. I feel like we will be judging each other, maybe that’s me because Chris is being a pain, but I hope it’s not what I assume it will be, I want better for me, for him, for us to be honest.
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Robyn is cute, like she left me her gold chain. I mean it’s cute and small, but she left it behind, I think she did, or she purposely left it here, but I am wearing it anyways. Putting my snapback backwards, I wore the chain anyways, but I am just wearing the minimum, I wore white tee and grey sweatpants. I am just going to go to the thing and then leave, I am there for the free food like the fuck. It’s not even that deep, like I don’t understand why it’s a big thing, I mean I get it but it’s nothing. Go there and leave, that is it. I am late anyways, I told him I am going to go there late because I don’t want to be there all day. They are having the reveal at a hall, so I will turn up and then leave. I showed my face, I am there for my nigga so does it matter. Closing my bedroom door and making my way down the steps “where are you going?” Desean asked me “out, I will be back. Dad, I am borrowing the car!” I shouted; I been borrowing the car every day since being here. I need to get my own car; this is my list for my family. A new car for them, a new home. A bigger one anyways, they deserve it “when will you be back?” my dad asked “I won’t be long, I am going to see TJ” my dad nodded his head “uh, isn’t it Seiko gender party today? I saw someone post a little something about it” nodding my head “anyways, bye” I don’t need to hear anyone speak on this, I know what I am doing. This is my life, I need to take a hold of it in a way of making big money, I need to get into that life. And I think California, well me being in California will do me good. I need that in my life, I need to win big for me and my family and also Robyn, I need to do it for her too.
Locking my car door and making my way to the hall, these Jordan’s I have on right now are brand new, I just bought them today and these sweatpants is what Drake gave me from his clothing line, dope. I ain’t dressed up, I ain’t even shaved so if anyone thinks I made the effort then they lying as fuck. Licking my top lip pulling open the door to the place, I told TJ I am coming, and he came to meet me “I am so fucking happy to see you my brother” TJ hugged me “nigga got a whole fucking clown suit on” Barry snorted laughing “I had to look the part, I got the Burberry tie on. Man, my momma is so happy about this. I hate it” moving back from the hug and dapping Barry “well of course you ain’t going to be happy, shit was a mistake” I chuckled “is Seiko brother’s here?” not like I care “mhmm yeah, they trying to beef me up but whatever” of course “I am hungry, where the food at. There better be chicken wings” rubbing my stomach “nigga I paid half, I made sure there was. We wait on you so come. We can get some alcohol and food” nodding my head, least they waited on me. I don’t care for anyone, just my brother’s.
Licking my fingers as I placed the paper plate down, I am getting weird looks from people I don’t know “little rat, why you keep coming here?” TJ said to his sister “can I get a picture with you?” wiping my hands on my sweatpants “who?” I asked “you” she pointed “me!?” I spat half confused “can I? I want to tell my friends that I know you because you date Rihanna!” she half shouted, I chuckled “who is Rihanna? I don’t date Rihanna ma, see. The pictures you see they are photoshopped. I am single” I lied, but she doesn’t believe me. She seems more disappointed that I even lied to her, she looked down at her phone “my sister is pain bro, like she into this celebrity shit. Like live you damn life “look” she patted my lap, turning to her “oh wow, who is that woman?” she out here pulling out receipts of Robyn and I “stop lying, can I please have a picture with you. You’re super famous now” she is tripping “I am not famous, my god. It’s me Chris! I ain’t had this before with you” TJ nudged me “just do it bro so we can get rid of her” taking in a deep breath “fine, come here” waving her over “TJ take it” she passed her his phone and she openly sat in my lap, I ain’t into this picture thing “you look so annoyed, smile for me. Quick” I grinned at the camera “now go away! Leave us alone, dang” that is the weirdest shit to happen to me today.
Sitting back in my seat as TJ made his way to his baby mother, I find this hilarious to me. I know this nigga hates this, but he is putting on a front, I am so happy it wasn’t me. Chewing on my bottom, Seiko and I eyes met and she is just blatantly staring at me in a room full of people, I mean I wish she looked away, but I can tell she regrets things, she looked away as she should. Clearing my throat looking away laughing to myself “you look well Chris” looking to the side of me “I do? You look well too Kristie” moving my arm from the chair “you’re rather the celebrity in this joint, kind of knocked my best friend off her pedestal” moving my chair away from her as she sat down “I don’t bite, I mean you should know that” rubbing my hands against my sweatpants “I ain’t do shit, I come here to support my friend” there is one thing, I never fucked ugly bitches and I love that for me “likewise, she does love you and still does” I sniggered “right, and having sex with my best friend made that right” she pointed at me “you sir are a hypocrite, you fucked all her friends” shaking my head “she was right there, y’all was ok with it. She knew it was wrong from jump with TJ. She knew that” is this girl being real right now “I never liked her like that anyways, that is the point. I am happier, away from her” Kristie laughed “who wouldn’t be dating Rihanna? She is beautiful and rich, you tell me Chris did you purposely take her there to get with Rihanna?” shaking my head “I didn’t think Rihanna would even remember me like that, I love her so much and I don’t pass around that word much so you can’t say it’s like that when it’s not. Nothing to do with being rich, she is my childhood sweetheart” I don’t care, I will tell the whole world “that sent my friend a shut up letter, Seiko loves you still. I say good riddance, she says she lost but you look well. Better then I last saw you naked” she winked at me “it’s the tan” she got up from her seat “I suppose” watching her walk off, now I should have dated her between her and Seiko.
I clapped seeing that my friend is having a son, happy for him. I think if he was having a girl he would be even more depressed “are you dating Rihanna? You’re the guy she is dating” this girl pointed me out, I stopped clapping “huh, what?” I said all confused “you’re like the guy Rihanna is dating, she was in Virginia and she was at her old school, oh my god you are actually him. I follow him!” she shouted “I am just a regular dude” I put my hands up, in my defence I am “can we like take a picture with you? You are literally the sexiest light skinned nigga. I get why she would date you” I chuckled “I will pass on the photos” I walked by them “congratulations brother, a boy” dapping TJ “I am so happy, like I don’t know what I would do with a girl. Now you need to have a boy, then Barry we all going to have a day care” shaking my head laughing “you need to get Rih pregnant, on god” I shushed him “relax on that, she busy now. But I am happy for you” hugging him “thank you” I know he appreciates it “nice seeing you here” Seiko spoke to me, I stepped back keeping my distance “for TJ, I am going to see to Barry” dapping TJ walking off.
Barry is eating again “people are weird here, they all are speaking on Rihanna and I am her boyfriend. I am but the fuck. I am just a regular dude” Barry is stuffing his face “that makes you famous by affiliation now Chris, you famous” furrowing my eyebrows “that is bullshit, anyways. Kristie came up to me. Started speaking on Seiko still in love with me and shit. This is why I ran here but I think it’s my time to go” I think I do “can we talk?” Seiko is right there “about what? There is nothing to talk about” Barry stood next to me, I ain’t moving anywhere with her “did you go to her concert to get back with her, I hate myself. She was laughing at me all that time when she took you from me” taking in a deep breath “I was never yours, yes I was with you. I dated you but it really meant nothing when I always loved her, I did. I wish you let me go, take off my pictures. Move on, so you can be happier in yourself also. I came here for TJ, not to see you. I am going Barry, good luck with that” I pointed at her bump as I walked off, all I know is that I am in my city but people are acting mad weird now with this Rihanna shit and I want to run home.
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cristian-rich · 3 years
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AP 1:2 🌈👑✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️ #graphicdesign #design #visualdesign #graphic #crtvchurch #prochurchmedia #churchgraphics #worshipandcreative #designer #art #typography #digitalartist #digitalartwork #digitalart #love #sundaysocialtv #crtv #crtvchurch #jcdesigns #stopbadchurchgraphics #churchgraphics #adobe #photoshop #creative #churchmarketing #gradient #easter #churchdesigns #digitalchurchtoolkit (en Santiago de Cali) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTz8tFBpvTd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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recetasmagikas · 7 years
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#miperromagiko 🐶 ilustrando y ya finalizado. Ahora solo falta el texto que lo acompañara. ¿Qué tal? ¿Te gusta hasta ahora? Pronto subiré la imagen terminada y el video del proceso #ilustrandoperros #illustration #illustrationart #love #mydog❤ #bogota #lol #adobephotoshopcc #photoshop #color #colorist #amazing #colombia #cali #meddelin #bucaramanga (en Recetas Mágikas)
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legendfur · 4 years
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#family . . . #photolove #photo #photographer #photography #photographs #foto #fotografia #fotografa #fotografo #fotos #photolove #camara #camera #photoshop #photoedit #fotoeditada #edicion #practice #edit #ediciones #editado #edits #love #instagood #photooftheday #cute #followme #like4like (en Cali Valle del Cauca) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6G02vXhf3j/?igshid=23wlro58wuqj
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calithechodsky · 5 years
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