#call it what it is
silicacid · 5 months
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The little boy who died with an unopened packet of biscuits in his hand. The baby girl who died with an uneaten croissant in her fingers. The boy who was playing football with his friend when his head exploded. All those Palestinian children had futures. And now they’re dead.
— 🇵🇸 noorii 🇵🇸 (@/inejmydarling) December 28, 2023
The first photo is from Ahmed Hijazee (Instagram , Twitter). The child was still alive at the time, she was one of the victim of the bombing of Al Ahli Baptist Hospital in Oct 17, 2023 and then treated at Al Shifa Hospital.
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I haven't find the child's name and current condition, if anyone know please feel free to add.
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procrastiel · 16 days
Them, to each other: you are the love of my life. The TV show I met you on changed my life forever. I want to spend every day with you.
The fandom: ah, yes. Such bestiesTM
Them: we’re getting married! 😍
The fandom: whaaaaaatttt?!1?!1?1! You guys are ToGEtHeRrR???
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thiagodasilva · 10 months
maybe the worst part of the USWNT getting knocked out is the absolute hate & vitriol they’re going to get from their own country. I can’t remember the last time a country wanted their own nt out so bad for the dumbest, most misogynistic reasons
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swftsp · 4 months
i'd just like to make it clear that if you're coming to my posts just to say "oh make ellie hold a israel flag" or "oh don't do my fav character dirty" on a pro palestine post on MY account, don't even. i'll delete your comment and pretend like you don't even exist.
if you want to argue with me or do shit like that, my dms are open. i won't argue in the comments nor will i accept pro israeli replies.
also, i forgot to mention, STOP sending me dead threats on my dms. it won't stop me and i am not fazed by it.
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pokedex-sys · 4 months
You’ve heard of Narc abuse
now get ready for HPD abuse 🤩🤩
I’m waiting for the day someone says that so I can go ballistic missile on them. Idk I find it funny that there’s a term for abuse where the abuser is just self-centered(Narc abuse) but not one for where the abuser is attention seeking and needs constant apprise to have self esteem that can lead to inappropriate behavior like hmmm kinda odd tbh
if ppl go say “borderline” abuse and “narc” abuse then why isn’t there terms like that for all personality disorders like DPD PPD ASPD HPD ScPD STPD (help I can’t remember any of the others) as a lot of times they tend to overlap and ppl get diagnosed with more then one like *why*
maybe bc most ppl don’t know that there are multiple personality disorders instead of just BPD and NPD idk guys
anygays, PSA there’s more than 2 personality disorders and by useing “narc” abuse and “borderline” abuse you are hurting all of them even if you didn’t know they existed, all the more reason to not use a name of a disorder to characterize abuse, it’s the same as using Autistic and Psychopath as an insult 😃😃
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psychiatricwarfare · 1 year
"interacting with a narcissist ruined my life" no it fucking didnt. an abuser did that. someone having npd (according to you) isn't what made your life miserable, it was a person who refused to work on themselves and the abusive behaviours they have, which ended up causing you harm. a person's mental illness is not the cause for your trauma, an abusive person's unwillingness to grow and become a better person did. this happens with those who have npd and those who dont. stop conflating the two
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 3 months
This is something I fundamentally do not understand about historians and the study of history:
A lot of very clever people do not think the American Revolution is a Revolution. They will refer to independence and the independence movement, the War of American Independence and so on, and they will very cleverly tell you that the same class--white men--are in power before and after, and in some instances, the exact same men had power in the colonial era and kept it after independence, and so there is no Revolution, and aren't you silly for having thought so?
When you turn to France, by 1815, the exact same family that was in power in 1789 is in power again. Nobody pretends that the French Revolution did not happen.
I don't know what causes this. It appears to me some odd blend of nationalistic snobbery from outside observers, rigid adherence to Marxist theories that delineate what is and is not a "true" Revolution, refusal to open up even the possibility that something might be said about the United States that fuels someone's belief in its exceptionalism, and, though I am not sure how many would admit this, bitter disappointment with how the Revolution appears to have turned out.
In this and all questions about Revolutions a significant portion of your interpretation depends on when and how (and if) you think a Revolution ends.
In the words of John Adams writing in 1818, "The American Revolution was not a common Event. It’s Effects and Consequences have already been Awful over a great Part of the Globe. And when and Where are they to cease?"
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faloverfae · 7 months
I've seen some people use the "Gaza doesn't support LGBTQ+ people" as an argument for why they don't deserve our support and it's such a scary reason. The demographic arguing this is the same one that doesn't "agree with our lifestyle" and they seem to believe that we think anyone who doesn't support us deserves to die.
Obviously, this is fucking bullshit.
But the clear lack of empathy is INSANE, and it is honestly terrifying to see what their beliefs truly are. Bear with me here.
People approach life through the lense of their own experiences. They can agree with others, and understand them to a degree, but they will never have the experiences that another person has. Because we can only see things through our own lense, it is even more important to listen to other people, to learn and educate ourselves on topics and experiences we do not and will never have.
However, this is a realisation that is unfortunately not super commonly occurring (at least in my experience this far) as most people are content to simply believe that everyone sees things the same way they do instead of looking inward and grappling with their own experiences and resulting prejudices. The group that makes this argument, that we should not support Gaza because they don't have LGBTQ+ rights, is the same group of people that do not do this inward reflection.
They believe we think like they do. They believe that we, like them, are unwilling to show empathy in situations where it is very important to show empathy, simply because we disagree on a certain point. They think we don't believe that people are complex and ever changing, that countries can grow and progress and improve given time. They believe we can be convinced (tricked) to agree with a fucking GENOCIDE because the Palestinian people don't have LGBTQ+ rights yet.
They already believe that there are some people in the world who are less human than themselves, so it can't be a surprise that the same logic applies here. The people of Palestine are far away, therefore whatever comes of this "conflict" (genocide) will not affect their own lives. To them, the children in Gaza are not human. They do not have complex lives, they do not have hopes or dreams, they simply exist as shells. And as such, they are not real people, and therefore they are not important.
So the argument then is not that we should not support Palestine because they don't support the LGBTQ+ community. It is that we should not support the people of Palestine because they are not actually people.
And then we have to grapple with the implicit racism that is contained in that statement; how this dehumanising is not at all new and the people on the recieving end of this treatment are nearly always people of colour; how there can be parallels drawn from the current genocide through every genocide in history, and how it all traces back to colonialism, but that is far more intersectionality than most people are ready for in a Tumblr post, and honestly I am too tired to try and write that essay right now.
Do your daily clicks!!! It literally takes 14 seconds (I counted)
Here is the link to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund!
That one vice article in case anyone doesn't know about the TLOU shitshow yet
A link to a website that lists resistance rallys for Palestine! It has days, times and places so if you are interested in attending the ones in your area but don't know how to find them this is a wonderful source!
A resource on intersectionality! I suggest listening to this series, it is very informative and although they don't talk about Gaza directly, much of what is said about other situations (or simply the ways things are spoken about) can be applied here too!!! I wish I had more resources to add about intersectionality but I'm just starting out in the activism world, so please feel free to suggest any you know of!
Free Palestine. We will not stand by as the Palestinian people are slaughtered. Do research. Inform yourself.
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obsessive-dumpling · 1 year
My new favorite thing is watching my [anime only] sister watch the war arc. Because she'll see...well... *waves hand at all the bkdk canon content* and whip her head over to me like I somehow convinced studio bones to prank her.
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silicacid · 5 months
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At least seven bodies of forcibly displaced Palestinians, including children, who were ‘shot point-blank’, were recovered at the Shadia Abu Ghazala School in north Gaza — Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) December 26, 2023
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plumslices · 1 year
my mom “youve never been a textures person”
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captain-casual · 3 months
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Girl, WHAT???!?!
I… wha… jbdghdjdnghji??
What would YOU call it then, Singapore??
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its-lick-the-lollipop · 7 months
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I’m terrible at using this blog but hey, I won’t leave @reversedshinyoumaru (hifuuclubfan on Twitter) get away with this
so let’s get the record straight: I said what Shadman drew is wrong. No doubt about it, “erotic art” of children or using children should not be made. But the correct term isn’t art, it’s also not porn.
It’s abuse. Specifically, child sexual abuse material
and the 16 year old loser ”criticized” me and said I was the idiot for pointing out that “child porn” is wrong because the word “porn” implies consent. And as everyone smart enough knows, children can obviously NOT consent to sex!
which is why even child protection organizations such as NCMEC have BEGGED people to call it what it is: child sexual abuse material
this 16 year old comes off as if what Shadman drew was “harmless”! And that’s why I’m stressing it so much: words have meanings.
And this clown and everyone who defends it are watering down the severity intentionally to protect abusers.
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tartrazeen · 1 month
Every time someone at work says they've got a "bad cold"
Covid. You've got Covid.
"wahhh it's not covid -"
Your dumb ass got sick during a pandemic, when everyone stopped masking and shoved us back into large gatherings at work.
"tis the season" fuck you
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i-peregrin · 2 years
‘bromance’ this , ‘bromance’ that. babe that’s a romance.
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lunarsands · 2 months
Probably going to be late to work today but I've been waiting over a month and a half for a back brace they said they would order for me, and I will continue to be waiting because it didn't come in the supplies that had to wait until the March budget was available (on the 9th, not even the 1st) so I guess it got pushed to the April budget, and meanwhile the company transferred one of the department managers who was willing to help me with heavy lifting and the person they sent us as replacement is doing everything the opposite of what would help me, so. Like. What incentive do I have to give them my best anymore?
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