#calon bach
jerswayman · 2 months
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hockey moments that make me insane: THAT double hug
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arcxnumvitae · 9 months
Part 6 (aftermath)
Gentle hands touched the quickly developing bruises at his neck.
"Fy calon bach! What happened?! Who did this to you?! Are there bullies giving you trouble?" Loving eyes, eyes glazed once more with glamour, worriedly took him in. Not a single trace of her hysteria from a few moments before remained, but of course it didn't.
She was glamoured again, this time by her own son.
Warm arms wrapped around him to pull him into a loving embrace when not long ago she had just pushed him away. He trembled like a leaf in her hold, shaking so hard that he may have just fallen apart had her arms not been there to keep him in one piece.
"My poor boy, don't worry, I'll hunt those bullies down and toss them in the well! No one hurts my sweet one." A kiss was pressed to his feathered temple, and Mhoirbheinn choked back a sob.
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inkdrinkerworld · 6 months
I didn’t have the best relationship w my dad and I could totally see Remus healing r just by how kind and genuinely interested he is in their daughter. He loves talking to her, understanding her, getting excited with her on the things she gets excited about
Baby same same SAME
Your daughter bursts through your bedroom door, bolting straight for Remus who’s just finished dressing.
“Daddy, you wouldn’t believe what happened today.”
You roll your eyes, already aware of the whole ‘put down’ that happened in Kindergarten today.
Remus stops brushing his hair and sits on the floor- on a soft rug in the corner of your bedroom that was their designated ‘decompress’ space.
“What happened that I wouldn’t believe, calon bach?”
Your daughter vividly recounts the way one of the boys at school had decided that lunch time was the perfect time to try speaking to her- while she was eating her fairy cake no less and dipped his finger in her frosting.
“Daddy, I don’t know why he would even do that! And I scraped off all the frosting after even though that’s my favourite part because I’m not sure where his hands have been!”
Her dramatics- as Remus fondly refers to them- come from you, and it makes your heart stutter to see Remus remain so enraptured by her story.
Suddenly, tears spring to your eyes, even more so when he says, “How abouts tomorrow we pack an extra fairy cake and you can offer it to him?”
She frowns, a deep worried line in the middle of her forehead. “Do I have to? Because I really do love fairy cakes.”
You watch as Remus rubs her back, pulling her to his lap and deliberates her words.
You remember, without your consent, how conversations like these were usually exchanged with your mother, or your older brother if he was home from work but your dad never allowed any of it.
It would result in a flick of his wrist, a huffed ‘I’m busy can this wait?’ Or a simple yet very hurtful, ‘I don’t want to hear about your day, I just want quiet.’
Remus is never flippant or rude or anything that you had experienced when it comes to your little girl or even to yourself but it makes your heart grow an even stickier fondness for him.
“Okay maybe we can just start by telling him keep his hand to himself and if he wants an extra fairy cake you can offer it to him, yeah?”
Your daughter flops in Remus’ hold, head hanging off his thigh. “I guess.”
You chuckle wetly and Remus looks up at you- worry and then understanding passing across his face. He winks at you and you smile, wiping away your tears.
“Can we watch Klaus tonight? I fell asleep early after tea last night and I don’t think you and mama watched it without me.”
You both didn’t, having been far too exhausted to even blink for long after she had fallen asleep.
“No we didn’t look at it without you, sassy pants,” Remus pats her butt as they stand, “Go lay with mummy and I’ll bring up some snacks and water.”
Her eyes narrow as she climbs up the bed next to you. “Daddy you know I like the juice, the one mummy likes.”
Remus does know, he also knows it’s well past her bedtime already. But then you join the puppy dog eyes against Remus party and he’s putty.
“Fine but only a little.”
“I love you,” is repeated twice to him and he finds the words have never been truer even as he waters down some of the juice for your daughter and opts for her animal crackers that all of you love.
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elen-benfelen · 3 months
welsh remus guide pt.4
Fourth Part
Welcome back, lads. It’s time for slang, swearing, exclamations and terms of endearment. Buckle up, this is a long one.
Just to get it out of the way, I will begin by stating that, whilst a very romantic and poetic language, Welsh is not what I would personally rely on for dirty talk.
I’m sure there’s folks out there using Welsh for such purposes, most of us however will cringe because it just doesn’t land in the same way as English dirty talk.
This might genuinely in part be because a huge part of the language’s preservation came from people learning Welsh at their local chapels and churches because you weren’t allowed to speak it in most schools at that point in time. But this is just me guessing.
On the flip side of this, if the goal is romance or a beautiful proclamation of love, Welsh is absolutely your best friend. It’s a very loving language, and not just platonically.
It is very common for older people to call you “bach” or “cariad”. Anyone can use these for anyone. Especially when comforting someone or being polite.
Bach - Small
Cariad - Love
This is done in both Welsh and English.
“Ti’n iawn, bach?” (Are you alright, bach?)
“Dere ‘mlaen*, cariad.” (C’mon, cariad)
*slang for ymlaen meaning “forward” and in a Carmarthenshire accent sounds like “mlân”
Many folks will also use “cariad” to refer to their partner.
“Fy nghariad.” (My love/My partner/etc)
South Walians (especially south west) might say:
Wajen/Wejen - Girlfriend
Sboner - Boyfriend
Your married partner can be more specifically called:
Priod - Marriage partner
With a wedding being a “priodas”.
Gwraig - Wife
Gŵr - Husband
Conclusion here is: Everyone is “cariad” and your romantic partner is “my cariad”.
The word “calon” meaning “heart” can be used in the same way.
“Shwd i ti, calon?” (How are you, calon?)
Personally, with “fy nghalon” (my heart) I would use that directly with my partner but not when talking about them with others.
So again, everyone is “calon”.
Now we get to the real funky bit of exclamations/swearing.
We don’t have a word for “fuck” we literally just say the English one and then spell it phonetically so that it’s “ffyc”.
It’s my favourite thing ever.
Cachu - Shit
Buwch - Cow
Ceri i grafu - Fuck off / Go to scratch
(Apologies for those who aren’t comfortable with what is considered blasphemy in some communities but these are common exclamations here)
Iesu Grist - Jesus Christ
Iesu Mawredd - Christ Almighty
Both “Iesu”and “Mawredd” can be said by themselves as well and are generally what I personally say when I’m tired, facing a problem or have hit my foor against something.
Alternatively, a little less Jesus focused is:
Bois bach
Mam fach
I uh….don’t know how to explain these ones. I really don’t, lads. Because the literal translations just don’t make sense.
“Little boys” and “Little mother”
We just, say them.
I say them a Lot. Again, same concept of being fed up, tired enough or in enough pain to just exclaim. It’s like saying “gosh” or “dear me” and such. Very common.
Now to return again to the more blasphemous ones. We reach one of my Mamgu’s favourites:
Jiw jiw nefi blw
Again….I don’t know where nefi blw comes from or if this is even the right spelling. My Mamgu (grandma) says it so often but she also doesn’t know what it means.
The “jiw jiw” can be said alone without the second part and sounds a bit like “jew jew” but is just a evolution of the phrase “duw duw” which means “god god”.
The first time I said this in front of a very English friend they were very confused and concerned that it was some kind of antisemitic phrase - fortunately it is not!
Duwedd annwyl - Dear God
On the more positive side of exclamations is the word “lush” which is more popular in the South and is used a lot in the English language within Wales. I believe it’s short for “luscious”.
“That coat’s lush!”
“Ti’n edrych yn lush!” (You look lush!)
This is common amongst non-Welsh speakers as well as Welsh speakers.
Some very common Northern / Gog slang is “champiwn” and “eidial”.
Which are basically “champion” and “ideal” with heavy North Walian accents.
It’s like, a confirmation in a way. For anyone who’s familiar with the word “slay” and how that’s used, it’s similar to that.
Like instead of saying “okay” sometimes someone will just say “champiwn” or “eidial”. With the “ch” being the English “ch” in “change”.
Which brings us to the greatest criminal of the language but also one of my favourite words:
The only official word in the Welsh language that has that “change” ch sound spelt as a “ch”.
Would I go back in time and stop them from spelling it that way if I could? Absolutely.
Cwtsh is how it should phonetically be spelt. Alas. There is no reversing the insane amount of merch across Wales with Cwtch spread across them.
It’s particularly warm hug or cuddle but it can also be like a nook.
In my area we refer to the cupboard under the stairs as the:
“cwtch dan star” - (cwtch under the stairs)
but also:
“Put that in the dog’s cwtch.” Is a perfectly acceptable phrase.
“This is my cwtch, go get your own.”
Like “lush”, this word is used by many non-Welsh speakers in their English and is a very common term (at least it is in the South)
So a cosy reading nook would be Remus’ cwtch and Sirius would be his cariad.
I think that about covers swearing and endearment? Of course there’s probably ones I’ve missed or aren’t familiar with but these are what came to mind for me.
For the next part I’ll go into terms for family members before moving on to culture/history with a focus on events that would influence the marauders era. Which, oh boy, things were a bit rocky in Wales then. Lots of protests for the working class and for the language.
Note: I am not the collective consciousness of every Welsh person. My experience is not universal - especially when it comes to North Walian things. This is just meant to serve as a general guide. Hope this helps and good luck with your writing!
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b1odeuwed · 5 months
wnes ni ennill am un waith brodyr :’) ahhhh wnes i llefan yr HOLL amser roedd q!quackity yn darllen dyddiadur gan pepito bach <3 mae fy calon yn llawn !!!!
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leucaenaleucocephala · 6 months
Dari aku yang nggak RK RK amat
Kaget sama yang baru booming terkait RK terafiliasi dengan parpol tertentu, padahal nggak sama sekali, kecuali awardenya dididik untuk menjadi insan yang rendah hati, optimis, open minded, moderat, prestatif, dan kontrobutif. Sesuai visi RK. Tapi emang di RK iklimnya manusia berpendidikan, kita diminta untuk menjunjung nilai islam. Syumuliyatul islam. Islam sebagai way of life dan dasar dalam bergerak. Aspek yg tdk boleh dilepaskan bahkan dari aspek terkecil sampai ranah politik, muamalah, ekonomi, dsb.
Oh jangan lupa kalo persyaratan jadi calon awardee nya juga syarat utamanya adalah beragama islam. Bahkan melebihi syarat IPK. Sampai sini paham lah ya betapa pentingnya nilai islam yang ditanamkan RK. Being open minded and moderate. Mungkin ini juga kali ya yang menjadi salah satu aspek kenapa RK diduga terafiliasi dengan politik tertentu. Karena Islam, karena banyak “nggak setuju”nya, karena kritis.
Flasback tiap pembinaan, nggak pernah tu kita didoktrin untuk mengikuti afiliasi partai tertentu. Malah kitanya dibebasin mau menjatuhkan tendensinya kemana. Karena sejatinya di RK itu yang tau mau kemana diri kita ya diri kita sendiri.
Kalo dibilang RK sebagai wadah pengkaderan salah satu parpol, absolutely false. Coba dilihat, kiprah keren para alumninya, banyak banget yang jadi akademisi, enterprenure, terhun di startup, ASN, oh pasti yang masuk politik juga ada, nggak hanya pekaes kok. Malah ada yang satu parpol sama si “abang” ini. Tolong lah sebelum ngomong tu riset dulu. Lebih baik lagi diem kalo ga tau atau sini join lihat sendiri bagaimana sistem RK membina para awardenya. Tolong kasih paham dong bang Faldo. Eh, wkwk.
Selain itu, apa nggak malu sama status intelektualnya. Gelarnya banyak tapi risetnya kurang, melihat sesuatu tidak secara holistik. Jangan asal nyimpulin bang, apalagi Anda influencer yang belum pernah “nyemplung” di dalamnya. Jatunhya misleading kek gini.
Mungkin kalo nggak bawa RK, maksudnya saling adu argumen dalam politik masih bisa dikontrol kegeraman ini, it is still fine. Tapi naasnya ini malah bawa bawa latar belakang instansi yang sedikit banyak sudah ngebentuk Qusnul sampe dititik ini. Rasanya ada tanggungjawab moral untuk meluruskan pemaham yang salah di luar sana, ya walaupun nyalinya baru sampe di X dan tumblr wkwk. Semoga statement ini bisa menjadi salah satu hujjah kalo apa yang dilontarkan oleh bang Ade itu salah.
Jadi inget dulu pas pembinaan bareng bang Bach dalam hati ngomong, emang RK seinfluence itu po dalam politik. Eh nggak nyangka hari ini jadi salah satu isu yang digoreng menjelang pemilu 2024. Panjang umur hal hal baik dan penyeru kebaikan. Semoga Allah is always blessed us.
“Kami ingin agar bangsa ini mengetahui bahwa kami membawa misi yang bersih dan suci; bersih dari ambisi pribadi, bersih dari kepentingan dunia, dan bersih dari hawa nafsu. Kami tidak mengharapkan sesuatupun dari manusia; tidak mengharap harta benda atau imbalan lainnya, tidak juga popularitas, apalagi sekadar ucapan terima kasih. Yang kami harap adalah terbentuknya Indonesia yang lebih baik dan bermartabat serta kebaikan dari Allah, Pencipta alam semesta”
Penggalan “Idealiseme Kami” yang dibaca tiap apel hari senin.
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jonnyvangelis · 3 years
ANON REQUEST: “ok idk if this too vague but,,, polymechs with a focus on jonny and marius being very, very stupid and the rest of the mechs being like "NO!" and them being like :3c and maybe Jonny and Marius are very in love”
274 words, fluff with some canon-typical drinking and shouting
"Hey Jonny. Jonny. My darling, my love, fy calon bach." Marius is draped cross Jonny's lap- sprawled, really, with a nearly empty bottle of Ol' Janx Spirit clutched tight to his chest.
Jonny blinks down at him— a little too slowly, one eye and then the other, and grins with a soft "mm?" which Marius takes to mean he can continue talking.
"We should get married." Marius tries to sit up, though he only succeeds in sort of throwing his arms around Jonny's shoulders.
"You two are not getting married." Ashes doesn't look up from their game of mahjong.
Nor does Ivy, though she chimes in, "Every single one of your marriages starts over a bottle of Janx Spirit, and all twenty-three have ended in the destruction of the entire star system of the planet you were married on."
Ashes places a tile with a click. "And while I'm usually very excited for such an affair, we nearly wrecked the Earth in the 2000's last time, and we need Tim's ancestors alive to... y'know, have a Tim."
Jonny pouts, then lights up and stage-whispers to Marius, "We should elope." (His stage-whisper is more a loud hiss.)
Marius is about to try and kiss him when he recoils at the very loud cry from every crew member present in the commons— Ashes, Ivy, Tim, and Brian— of "YOU'RE NOT GETTING MARRIED."
Brian tries to soothe the spooked Marius. "We'll all have a nice ceremony on the next planet. How's that sound?" (He is, in truth, aiming his question at Aurora. He smiles as a ceiling panel displays her response— "CALCULATING TRAJECTORY TO CLOSEST AGREEABLE PLANET.")
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abigneignenn · 4 years
"Drunk dialling you at quarter past two" Jordelia, oneshot
For @liviablackthorns thank you for joining my celebration!
Cordelia's fingers twitched nervously around her phone, hovering over the call button for the last few minutes. The muffled music from the entrance was an unwanted reminder that at any moment one of the girls could burst from the door, seeking her out to return to the dancefloor and enjoy her last day of singlehood. Her time was running out, like little grains of sand slipping through her hands, and still she hesitated.
“Nothing will ever be the same,” whispered a gentle voice in her head. “Are you strong enough to welcome your undoing, darling girl?” And a small portion of her mind begged her to forget about everything, to yield and submit to the course of events; but the other part of Cordelia, the one with tattered heart in her chest and liquid courage in her veins, whispered harshly back, “Then I shall reap what I sow,” and pushed the button before she lost the nerve to do so.
One. Two. Three. After five rings she wondered if the universe was giving her a sign and contemplated hanging up. At seventh she heard a distinctive click and noises on the other side.
“Daisy?” James’ startled voice reiterated from the dynamic and all the words she carefully treasured and wished to tell him, the ones she repeated before her sleep as a soothing lullaby, a ward against her personal insanity, fled her head at once. “Anna said you were going out for a ladies’ night—is everything alright?”
She felt a prickle in her eyes and touched her cheek, only to find it wet with tears she didn’t notice shedding. The concern in his tone almost unravelled her on the spot, her knees buckling until her back was flush against the cold wall.
“Daisy?” James repeated with more urgency, panic lacing his words. “You are scaring me, I beg you, say something–”
"They are congratulating me."
"Cordelia-" he faltered, but the rest has already started to pour out of her in an unintelligible speech, “They are congratulating me, and I hate every second of it. Ariadne and Anna got me the most exquisite dress I’ve had a chance to see, Eugenia cried because Barbara would love to be with us today and Lucie,“ she willed the lump in her throat to go down, “Lucie keeps saying how joyful she is to finally become my sister, and it’s all fake.” Her voice broke on the last word, a painful sob heaving its way out of her chest.
“I hate lying to them and pretending as if every little fabrication and deceit doesn’t eat me up at night; I hate being reduced to the person with no free will nor choice; I hate the situation my father’s addiction has forced us in, and I hate him more for that.”
“And, most of all, I hate that in my darkest hours, when I am awfully honest with myself, I feel grateful,” she spat, a hollow laugh bubbling from her lips, “because then I can pretend for a minute that all of this isn’t a beautifully crafted illusion and I can have you for mine.”
She uttered the truth and blamed the alcohol for the words on her tongue, and yet it was the most faithful she’s been in a while. “Cordelia, where are you? Tell me and I’ll be there,” James pleaded anxiously and when she didn’t reply swore under his breath, “Matthew, call Anna and find out where they are.”
“I–I’m sorry for condemning you along with me to this nightmare.” Light shudders racked her body and she was suddenly very thankful for her position on the floor.
"Don’t ever apologize to me, Daisy. Are you at Hell Ruelle? Please, tell me, calon bach—I’ll get you and we will talk about our engagement.”
"Our fake engagement," she corrected on autopilot and then, stricken by a thought, cried out in terror, “You can’t see me—it's a bad omen! And fabricated or not, I will not gamble my marriage.”
“Cordelia,” James started softly, and she could hear a clear amusement in his voice, which wasn’t there a moment before, “I don’t believe in luck, or superstitions, or that our destiny is sealed by the God, but I believe in you–”
“How can you, when I am a jailor and not the dear friend you view me as?” She sniffed.
“You think you are the jailor, but what you failed to understand is that I gave my heart freely away, making you its keeper. Daisy, I believe in you,” he punctuated the word, leaving her no room for argument, “because in your actions and selfless love and brave heart, in every little detail that shapes your character, I glimpse your soul and know that it’s worthy of my faith, and…” he hesitated, drawing a slow breath. “And I would love to believe in us, if you let me.”
“Please, darling, stay where you are. I suppose we owe each other the talk we’re long overdue.” And then James hung up the phone, and no matter the cold tiles under her skin or the wetness on her face, for the first time in those cruel months Cordelia’s heart was filled with blithe hope and sweet anticipation.
*calon bach — little heart
Hope you liked it!<3 Also, it's not proofread, so if you see any mistakes, let me know!
Taglist: @christopherslightwood @taco-taco-belle @shadysaltshaker @faironda1e @tyisthebestshadowhunter @thanatosangels @fairchild-squad @drusillaxblackthorn @jon-the-rat @heronblackstairs
Join my celebration
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lady-death-herself · 4 years
“Eurion,” he calls to get his lover’s attention and pats the spot next to where he is lounging on the bed. He pushes forward a small, rose-colored box. He had been to town recently and had visited the confectioner.
Eurion inhaled, and his fingers tightened around the elegant pen in his hands, as the familiar tone of his beloved broke the silence within the sizeable caravan—a tone that indicated he wanted the young preacher to remove his attention away from the sermon he had been intently writing; prepping for the weekend; with the intent of inspiring community and loyalty—to banish the fears of being wrongfully punished by the law. He wanted to lower the number of people, who would have to be sent to his elder brother, for further training in unwavering loyalty to Eurion.
Lifting pale green eyes from one of the seven pages, the blond grimaced under the tension that sparked throughout his neck and shoulders, and didn’t hesitate in placing down his pen—and stretching out the numerous aches; with a groan. It had still been dark, when Eurion had started writing, and another small glance outside; revealed that it was quickly nearing darkness once again—indicating to Eurion, that he had been writing for the majority of the day. That explained a lot.
“Hugo,” Eurion finally acknowledged the older man; turning his head towards where the former bishop was lounging so nonchalantly across their bed, as if he had absolutely zero worries within his life—a thought that amused Eurion. Tired eyes glanced across the relaxed figure of Hugo, and as he pushed himself from the chair; to join Hugo upon the bed, those same eyes came to focus upon what was undoubtedly a box of confectioneries—drawing a small smile upon his face. Sitting himself down; Eurion settled backwards against the wall of the caravan, and instinctively took one of Hugo’s hands, entwining their fingers; and carefully moving the rose-coloured box to rest between their two bodies. “Sometimes, I’m convinced your timing is pre-planned...” It wasn’t exactly an unknown secret that the preacher had developed quite the sweet tooth—and there were...definitely moments when Eurion could believe that Hugo deliberately used it against him.  
However, Eurion couldn’t exactly complain about such a possibility—he enjoyed spending these moments with his beloved; and it always did him some good, to take a break from his own mind. “Thank you, calon bach.” Eurion mumbled, with the faintest hint of red within his cheeks. Even now—the young preacher felt all too odd accepting gifts from his lover; but perhaps that was due to his own lack of experience with relationships. He hadn’t exactly had many, before the one he shared with both Hugo and Percival, and it felt odd to be...cherished by others. With a small sigh, Eurion carefully peeled open the box, and felt his own heart practically melt at the sight before him—a handful of delicious looking chocolate.
He was certain that his adoration was clear within his expression; backed up by the action of Eurion leaning downwards, and pressing a warm kiss unto Hugo’s forehead—allowing his lips to linger for a moment. “Hugo, you’re spoiling me.” Despite having the intention of sounding even vaguely chiding—there was no denying the gratitude within the slight whine, as Eurion straightened himself up, and freed one of the smaller chocolates from the box. He took a small bite from the piece in his hand; ensuring not to rush, although being caught off guard by the burst of strawberry filling within his mouth—it was such a vivid taste; divine. Had he just discovered his new favourite type of sweet? Perhaps. “Is there any particular reason for...these?” Eurion questioned, with a brief gesture towards the box, as he finished the rest of the truffle in his grasp. Of course; there was no specific need for a reason—but if there was one, Eurion wanted to learn of it.
/ / /
Calon bach — Means ‘little heart’ in Welsh.      
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szlachtas · 4 years
Ahhh okay, fine. Nosy.
Slidori kinda came into my existence like a whirlwind or something and I haven't been able to get him out of my head since. Silly bug. Calon bach. Fy cariad.
I don't know if he makes it clear in his posts or if many of you have met him face to face but he has this tangible energy. He's like an excitable puppy but with knives. You couldn't tell he's 90 something.
I've not done relationships before and I was terrified of what the hell going in to one would be like but he makes it so easy? I don't know. I don't deserve him.
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Yes, hello~ let me just say I love your blog and the way you portray the characters in your writing. Since Mycroft can speak several languages, can we get a fanfic for him using these to the MC? Like, he's complementing her, yet she can't understand him, or something?
(I hope this is okay, I got a lot of help gathering up a list of pet names for him to use.  Please let me know if these are okay)
It was one of the few mornings he didn’t have to work; making MC even more determined to slip out of bed without disturbing him, which was nearly impossible with how tightly he had wrapped his arms around her.  In the middle of the night it was sweet how he nuzzled into the back of her neck, his sighs of contentment, and his warmth seeping through her.  With the dawning light and the slight cramp in her legs urging her to get up and move, these small actions now trapped her in the tangled sheets.
With less delicacy than she’d like MC eventually moved his arms enough that she could start slipping out of the bed.  Moments from being freed she felt a tug back on her wrist, barely keeping back a yelp as Mycroft slowly sat up in bed, his drowsy eyes barely focused, but sleepily searching her face.  “Mycroft, go back to bed.  It’s alright.”  She whispered sweetly, hoping to coax him into letting go.
“Süße.”  The word fluttered from his lips tenderly as he tugged her closer.  
“I don’t…”  MC wrinkled her nose in confusion while allowing him to draw her in closer.  
He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her shoulder whispering, “حياتي (hayati).”
“Mycroft are you alright?”  She leaned away from him, trying to get a better look at him.  Sleep still wore heavily on him, his eyes waivered as if still dreaming, but he looked determined.
His hand caressed her cheek, sending warm tingled through her.  He leaned forward, his lips warming along the side of her neck whispering in between the kisses, “miláčku,ma biche, kulta, mon ange, mo cuishle, καρδιά μου (kardiá mou),  जानू (Jaanu), kedvesem, ástin mín…”
“Mycroft!”  The words and the kisses swam in her head and was making it hard to think.  “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
He chuckled, “tanga…” A moment lulled and for a second MC thought he was swaying backwards onto the bed when his hand reached out for her, bringing it to press against his chest.  She pulled, but finding him not willing to let her go he continued to murmur as she slowly started to feel his pulse beneath her fingers. “Itoshii hito, mīļotā, toku aroha, coração, солнышко (solnyshko), srećo, älskling, calon bach… my darling MC.”  
“I… love you too Mycroft.  But go to back to sleep.  I’m just going downstairs.”  She didn’t need a mirror to be sure that her cheeks were rosy, though she didn’t know what he said.  With her hand still on his chest she urged him to lay back down.  “You’re going to have to tell me exactly what you said though when you get up, okay?”  
Mycroft nodded, a satisfied smirk on his lips as he took her hand placing one more kiss on her knuckles before promptly passing out again.  MC smiled to herself as she finally slipped from the room, determined to find a piece of paper and a pencil to write down as many of those words as she could remember.  She didn’t hold it against Mycroft if he didn’t recall when he finally woke up.  But with how hard her heart was still beating, it wasn’t fair that he could affect her like this in more than one language.
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jerswayman · 2 months
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linus ullmark: an UNBOTHERED king
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arcxnumvitae · 9 months
Part 2
It was a few years later that the servants from the manor began to come and fetch him. He'd seen them from afar, but the boy always took care to avoid them whenever he did. He wasn't even supposed to be outside, after all, and he wasn't sure what would happen if he got caught by one. Some of the servants looked like him with their pointed ears and looks, while some had his mother's rounded ears. Maybe those were "humans" too? Whenever he asked her about it, she always seemed confused.
'What do you mean, fy calon bach?" She'd blow a raspberry on his cheek, sending him into a fit of giggles. 'We're all human!' He'd tried to point out the difference in his ears, or the feathers on his hands, but she'd only stared blankly at him with a small smile on her lips.
The servant that came to get him had ears like his and the only thing they said was that he was to come with them. His mother wasn't there, he couldn't ask her what was going on. But he was going to the manor where she worked, so maybe it would be okay? With shaking hands, the boy made his way to follow the servant from their small, plain cabin towards the magnificent house that he'd never once set foot inside.
And oh how he stared once he was inside! The furniture in their cabin was, as he was beginning to realize, simple and unremarkable when compared to the lush floors beneath his bare feet and the sheer amount of things all around him. A small hand reached of its own accord towards one, a sparkling glass sitting atop a table of wood so polished he could nearly see his own reflection in it. However, before he made contact, a sharp admonishment from the servant made him yank his hand back.
Mhoirbheinn stared wide-eyed as they walked through what felt like an endless amount of hallways and passed by an endless amount of rooms. Just beyond one doorway, Mhoirbheinn caught sight of a boy, fair-haired, who seemed a bit older than him. He'd never seen anyone near his age before. Mhoirbheinn offered a shy smile. The boy stared for a moment with a shocked look on his face, and then he scowled and turned his head. Mhoirbheinn's smile fell, but before he could dwell on it too longer, he was swept away and a few more hallways finally saw him settled in a room, seated at a table. His legs swung idly in the air as he was told to wait for a..."teacher" to arrive?
"Lessons" were what he'd been called into the manor for, and lessons meant learning how to make markings on a parchment in front of him, and how to read those markings too. He didn't understand why it was so important he learn this, he'd gone this many years without knowing how to just fine, but it was better than sitting in the cabin and waiting for his mother to return home, so he didn't complain.
Every day a servant would come to fetch him, sometimes with ears like his, sometimes with ears like his mothers, and every day he would be returned back to his cabin. He didn't run across that other boy again, but with a house as big as it was, that wasn't a surprise.
Every day after returning home from his "lessons", he'd sit and wait for his mother to return from work. He also never ran across her while in the manor, but that also wasn't surprising. He'd tell her about what he learned that day and she'd listen and laugh at how fanciful his imagination was.
'Learning to read and write at a school are only for the kids of the English nobility!'
He'd long since gotten used to the odd way they talked around each other.
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ioantalfryn · 3 years
Syllu i fyw llygaid ein gilydd
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Yn y theatr y digwyddodd y peth, yn ystod yr egwyl. Os ydw i’n cofio’n iawn roeddwn i’n dychwelyd i’m sedd ac yn gorfod gwasgu heibio coesau’r aelodau hynny o’r gynulleidfa oedd eisoes wedi eistedd. Yna, edrychais i fyny ac, yn sydyn, ac draws yr ystafell, fe’i gwelais ...... ac fe’m gwelwyd.  Am eiliad fer roedd hi fel petai amser ei hun wedi rhewi a ninnau’n dau’n syllu i fyw llygaid ein gilydd.  
Dw i ddim yn gwybod am faint y parhaodd yr oed weledol.  Mae’n siwr fod popeth drosodd o fewn chwinciad.  Ond parhaodd yn ddigon hir i wneud i’m calon guro a deffro rhyw gyffro angerddol, annirnad yn nyfnderoedd fy mod. Esgorodd y cyffro angerddol, annirnad hwnnw ar gwestiwn ac ymbalfalodd y cwestiwn yn ansicr ac yn betrus tua’r goleuni.  Ffrwydrodd y cwestiwn yn fy mhen ac atseiniodd yno’n ddistaw, ddi-sain heb i’m gwefusau gael y cyfle i’w anwesu.  
“Pam ar wyneb y ddaear” holais fy hun yn ddi-leferydd “y mae o yma?”
Yr ‘yma’ o dan sylw oedd theatr Pontio, Bangor ac roeddwn yn y theatr i weld addasiad pwerus o’r nofel ‘Chwalfa’ gan T.Rowland Hughes ynglŷn â Streic Y Penrhyn.  Yn llenwi’r llwyfan roedd gynnoch chi weithwyr huawdl, egwyddorol, dewr (hwre) ac arglwydd ac uwch swyddogion milain, trahaus (ia, bŵ, his).   Roedd hi’n dipyn o bantomeim tywyll, mewn gwirionedd, yn ddu a gwyn gyda bach iawn o  lwyd ynddo (heblaw am ambell gymeriad bradwrus o blith y gweithwyr a rhai trueiniaid dioddefus a wthiwyd i weithredu yn erbyn eu cydwybod).  
Rwan, mae rhai’n honni fod Americanwyr yn methu â deall eironi.  O fod wedi byw gydag Americanes am dros ddeugain mlynedd dw i ddim yn siwr faint o wirionedd sydd i’r gred honno.  Ond mae’n bosib fod hynny’n wir am Gymry Cymraeg cefnog. Ac mai dyna sy’n esbonio paham yr oedd o ‘yma’.
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O ran ei anian personol a’i ymddygiad byddai sawl un yn dweud fod y cyfaill y bûm mewn coflaid gweledol fer ag o yn agosach at yr Arglwydd Penrhyn nag at y gweithwyr a bortreadwyd yn y ddrama (yn enwedig yn y ffordd y mae’n trin y merched sydd o dan ei ofal yn y gweithle).  Ond, wrth eistedd yno’n gwylio’r ddrama tybed a oedd o ei hun yn ymwybodol o hynny? Neu a oedd yr hunan ddallineb sy’n etifeddiaeth esblygiadol i bob un ohonom, gwaetha’r modd, wedi llwyddo i’w amddiffyn rhag gweld hynny a phrofi loes emosiynol.  A oedd o’n medru gwahanu’r darlun gwrthrychol o ymddygiad gormesol amlwg yr arglwydd ar y llwyfan o’i brofiad goddrychol o ddefnyddio a chamddefnyddio’i safle a’i awdurdod dros y blynyddoedd?  
Pwy a ŵyr?  Ond, fel y gwyddai’r hen Roegiaid gynt, mae dramâu yn medru bod yn ddrych i enaid dyn.  Dim ond i rywun fod yn fodlon syllu i mewn i’r drych hwnnw ac i fyw ei lygaid ei hun.  
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inasportdotcom · 4 years
Thomas Bach calon tunggal di pemilihan Presiden IOC
Thomas Bach calon tunggal di pemilihan Presiden IOC
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Jakarta (ANTARA) – Thomas Bach dilaporkan akan maju tanpa lawan untuk menjalani masa jabatan kedua sebagai Presiden Komite Olimpiade Internasional (IOC).Dilansir AFP, Selasa, Bach, seorang pengacara Jerman berusia 66 tahun, dikonfirmasi akan mengisi lagi jabatan empat tahun kedua dalam sesi IOC pada Maret di Athena.
Bach sebelumnya terpilih memangku masa jabatan delapan tahun sebagai bos IOC pada…
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gwagedd · 4 years
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Afon Braint ydi enw iawn yr afon ond bod cenedlaetha yn galw y darn yna yn Afon Rhuddgaer, Cerrig Llama yw’r cerrig. Bu bwthyn a elwid yn Giatws neu Gatehouse i'r Rhuddgaer wrth yr afon. Deuai'r nwyddau o Gaernarfon i fyny'r Afon Braint i ddadlwytho yn y Giatws. Glanrafon a Trosrafon oedd y ddwy fferm ar ochr Niwbwrch i'r afon.. Ychydig ymhellach yr oedd fferm y Dyffryn cyn cyrraedd Penwal ar Lôn Filltir. Loes calon ydy gweld cyfeirio at y Llamau fel y Stepping Stones a Cerrig Stepio yn y pamffledi a llyfrynnau cerdded, rhai ohonynt yn gyhoeddiadau swyddogol awdurdod lleol. Roedd pererinion yn arfer lletya mewn ffermdy cyfagos i’r Llamau cyn eu croesi ar ei ffordd i Eglwys Clynnogfawr ac yn eu blaen drachefn i Enlli. Daeth y fferm i’w hadnabod fel Clynnog Bach yn yr oes honno ac erbyn heddiw yn fythynod moethus ar Stad Clynnog.
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