#canon asexual character
heretherebedork · 2 days
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Kao realized that the best way to keep from strangling his best friend was to have some wine in his hand instead.
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asexualenjolras · 2 months
"It's not fair. I would do anything. Why does it have to be the one thing I can't change about myself?"
Heartbreak High have done it again. Ca$h Piggott is the most beautiful asexual representation. I have never related to anything more. He is trying so hard, but he's staying true to who he is.
And that is so important to see.
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meyerlansky · 9 months
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how do you want me to see you? as a person? would that be so much to ask?
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yoma-999 · 2 years
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In honor of Asexual Awareness Week, here is Lilith Owlhouse pining for her canon love interest
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mmeveronica · 2 years
Why isn't everyone talking about Pavarti from the game "The Outer Worlds"?
Like she literally a canonically sapphic asexual female character that you as the player character can bond with over being asexual. How is Tumblr not losing it's mind 24/7 over that?
She is literally the first companion you meet too! You literally get a mission to wingman her into dating the captain of the biggest non-corperate trade hub in the system!
I mean, sure the game is old, but I'm having a blast!
(please don't spoil anything for me beyond the point where Pavarti starts dating that captain and the unreliable takes flight, I've only just started playing the game really)
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Perry the Platypus from Phineas & Ferb is Canonically Asexual!
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lizard-queen-izzy · 4 months
How I think the Archives Gang met eachother [+ their sexualities imo because]
Jon - he falls on the demi-romantic spectrum somewhere. I feel it in my *bones*. [And ofc Asexual. That being canon is *SO SO* important to me.]
•Him and Tim meet during their Research Days. They started around the same time. Tim was the first one in their department who listened when Jon spoke, and Jon was the first one who took Tim seriously. They weren't *close*, but they were friends. They were eachothers support in this new environment, and when Jon got promoted to Head Archivist, he was adamant about bringing Tim with him.
•He met Sasha through Tim. Tim met Sasha one day when he had to go to Archive Storage to follow up with something, and then he promptly dragged Jon there with him the *second* they had a break because he insisted they had to meet. They got along great, bonding over a mutual love of academia and disbelief of the supernatural nature of most of the Institute.
•Jon doesn't officially meet Martin until he's assigned to his Archive team. But his reputation proceeds him, and leads to Jon being hesitant and extremely stanfoffish. It leads to him being rude, until Jane Prentiss attacks him and he realizes that he's just as scared as him. And now he can *do* something, he can help. They further bond while Martin is staying in the archive.
Tim - bisexuality takes human form. And this man *FUCKS*
•Tim and Jon go back to their Research Days. Tim latched to Jon, maybe more than he'd ever admit. It was nice to have *someone* firmly in his corner.
•Tim met Sasha and it was an immediate spark. He knew she was important, he knew he wanted her in his life. [And naturally he *had* to introduce her to his #1 Guy. And when they hit it off he was So Excited]
•Tim knew *of* Martin before they all got reassigned to the Archives team. They'd interacted in passing, water-cooler talk type vibe. Once they were working together he decided Martin was cool. Jon's distaste for him led to slight disinterest, but he realized quickly it was more than likely the stress of the new position so he decided to befriend Martin
Sasha - She's both panromantic *and* aromantic and I can't explain it. The woman exists in multitudes
•She met Tim when he stumbled into her workspace while trying to find an item to fact check something, and instead ended up talking with Sasha while she worked because she made an offhand comment about being a bit spooked working up there alone
•when Tim showed back up with Jon in tow, Sasha knew she was doomed[/pos]. And then Jon was so much like her, but also so unlike her. He fascinated her, she had to know more.
•Sasha met Martin before Jon or Tim did, but also not long before the Archives team was assigned. She met him when he got lost in the shelves of artifact storage, and she found him while organizing when she *literally* ran into him. He got flustered and ran off so she didn't think much of him until they were assigned to a team together.
Martin - Panromantic demisexual. I'm right. Anyway.
•He meets Sasha when she runs into him, dropping the Box of Things she was moving around. He apologized *profusely* and then ran off. They meet again more formally when hes assigned to the archives team, and she's incredibly kind but her academic viewpoint intimidates him
•Tim is someone Martin has Heard Of before. And he's chatted with him in passing/in a larger group before, but nothing formally one on one until the team assignment. He thinks Tim is SO Cool. But he's got that scary ass cat hovering behind him
•Jon TERRIFIES him at first. He's his new boss, and before they've even met,he's decided he's not qualified [which, he's right but he doesn't know that so why is he being mean??] The concern he shows when he hears Martin's statement though? It gives Martin a glint of hope
If there's implications of polyarchives here, maybe so but mind your business.
I think Jon and Tim definitely met eachother first, because they were in the same department. Then it's only natural Tim would find another highly intelligent academic skeptic in artifact storage and what's he gonna do? Not introduce the only other person he considers a friend to her? Of course he's going to introduce them, even if he has to drag Jon by his arms [which he damn near does]. I stand firmly in the court of 'Jon, Tim and Sasha were all much closer Pre-Archives and that was intimidating to Martin because they work so well together'. They're like a well oiled machine. Jon and Tim know eachothers work habits down to a T after working caddy-corner from eachother and and doing so much feild work. Sasha is so fast as finding necessary information and she's still got most of Artifact Storage memorized so she finds stuff up there almost before she's asked. The three of them can almost communicate without speaking, just a few pointed looks or hand gestures and they understand. Sometimes Tim or Sasha will walk in and Jon's hand is up/out for the folder without even lifting his gaze from his own work.
But still, calling them close isn't right. They don't know eachothers personal lives. Sasha only knows where Tim and Jon live from her spying but she's never been to their flats. They've never gotten into the nitty-gritty of their personal reasons for being at the Institute. But they're fine with that. They don't need that to work well together and to trust eachother, so they don't see it as necessary.
Martin probably makes a joke about how close they all are once to Tim and Sasha and is met with blank stares from both. Which does nothing to help him in figuring out what is up with his new coworkers. At least Tim and Sasha are nice to him, that's more than he can say for Jon. Sasha insists it's the stress of the new job and the organization of the archives. Tim tells him to just give Jon time, he'll come around. But no matter what Martin does, it seems to be wrong for Jon. He doesn't know what to do. Other than keep pushing forward and do his job best he can.
And then Jane Prentiss happens. And Martin is trapped in his flat for so long. Alone. And he doesn't know what to do. And he finally gets out and gets back to the Institute, back to the Archives and no one seems relieved to see him at first. Everyone thinks he was out sick? And so he goes to Jon. He gives his statement. And Jon looks genuinely worried, the first expression Martin has earned from him that wasn't a scowl. And he offers the spare room in the Archives since Martin can't go home. And Martin thinks, 'yeah, this is progress'.
It doesn't take long to fall back into the old song and dance though. Jon's all the more stressed with the worms and the statements. And it seems like Martin can't stop messing up.
And then Sasha meets Michael. And Jon's on even higher alert. He's snapping more. Mostly at Martin. Because Martin is the only piece he isn't accustomed to. A new gear Elias rammed into his perfect machine for reasons he can't begin to understand. And it's not entirely fair to Martin but, it's what Jon can control.
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dissolving-mansion · 2 years
Melanie: why are girls so hot?
Martin: why are boys so hot?
Tim: why is everybody so hot?
[tape recorder clicks on]
Archivist: global warming
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you're nobody's rainbow, you're nobody's princess, you're nobody's doorway but your own, and the only one who gets to tell you how your story ends is you.
Every Heart a Doorway, Seanan McGuire
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aroaceineveryplace · 9 days
“I thought having a name for myself, asexual, would be the answer. It isn’t, though. I don’t just want to know myself. I want other people to know me, understand me, believe me. So that I can actually be myself.”
– Karen Wilfrid, Just Lizzie
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This is so important actually. Too often characters (and people) are reduced to their sexual orientation, but like... no? We're so much more than that.
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heretherebedork · 20 hours
I hope Kao can find his cuddle partner that he's been looking for by the end of the series. Someone he can vent to at the end of the day. Like, when they're cuddling with their wine, he can be like "had to stop myself from trying to strangle Dee twice today!" and his partner just gets it!
I want that so badly.
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This man deserves so much love.
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He would be so cute and so happy.
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I need him to get the boyfriend he deserves. Why did we start with him complaining about dating if we don't get to see any dating!?
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I am judging GMMTV if he doesn't get something.
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Give this man a romance!
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asexualenjolras · 2 months
I can't stop thinking about the friendship between Quinni and Cash in Heartbreak High. I really hope we get more scenes between them in future seasons.
I can't stop thinking about Cash's face when Quinni is having her meltdown because he knows he can relate on some level. He's listening to her every word, and he is feeling so deeply for her.
His face when she says she doesn't want to be a burden made me sob. He looks so sad.
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Quinni's words must have held some resonance with Cash, and I can't stop thinking about it.
Because he doesn't want to be a burden either, and he is trying so hard in his relationship with Darren and it still isn't enough.
Quinni says: "And then I find this thing, this one thing that I can control, that I can share with you all and participate in, one thing that I'm useful for, and I'm told I'm doing that wrong too. It's just not fair."
Cash knows how that feels. He's doing absolutely everything in his relationship with Darren, but he still feels like it's not enough. He's really letting her words sink in.
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Quinni needs someone that can understand what she's feeling, and Cash can (in a different way).
I love that we saw Cash pick up on how upset Quinni was at the zoo. She needs someone that notices her, and Cash did.
Anyway, I love the scenes with Quinni and Cash together. And I hope we get more of their friendship in future. Because I think they understand each other on a very personal level. But maybe that's just my autistic, asexual self hoping they can find some solace in each other.
I resonate with Cash just as much as I resonate with Quinni, and I'm not saying that Cash is also possibly autistic but it's possible with his stimming, his mental health history, his deep empathy for living things and his struggles communicating how he feels. I'm running with this headcanon.
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Hey drop any recommendations in the comments for characters you would like to see in these polls!
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rolaplayor101 · 2 years
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The IDW Sonic annual comic came out recently AND Snapcube's Shadow the Hedgehog Real-Time Fandub premieres today! So I figured I'd post something Sonic related :)
Mickey is a dad and I won't tolerate slander against him /j But yeah corporate Disney sucks. Background image credit to @annaalncz
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maximum-potential · 1 year
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Had to draw my favorite guy for international asexual day
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