fattributes · 9 months
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incorrect-hgs · 1 month
Caraway: Now, class, I have a little surprise for you.
Rosemary: You're getting a nose job?
Parsley: You're getting married?
Slime Boy: You're getting fired?
Source: powerpuff girls
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unteriors · 1 year
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S New York Avenue, Caraway, Arkansas.
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valkylander · 2 years
You ever think about how Pidge was so textually trans that the actual show doesn’t make sense unless she’s a trans girl and so many people have just... missed it entirely. Not even willful ignorance, it just doesn’t seem to enter their mind as a possibility.
And then you have Caraway in High Guardian Spice who says outright that he’s transgender and you have so many people saying it’s unrealistic and in your face and that they should have been more subtle about it. As though anything less than saying “I’m transgender” onscreen will ever be taken as a character actually being transgender. As if Pidge could have people recognize that she’s trans when she didn’t say “I’m transgender” onscreen.
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loftyangel · 2 years
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thesquirrelqueer · 2 years
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Day 4: Professor Caraway from High Guardian Spice
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mothmiso · 11 months
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Flowers (2) (3) (4) by Oksana Gracheva
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aleheartilly · 1 year
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Caraway losing to Martine (in FH) the Ifrit card I just gave him will never not make me laugh.
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Hi! I'm Caraway! It's great to meet you! We'll be doing an ask blog, so feel free to ask us anything! Sorry the photograph's in black and white, the colour printing wasn't really working... From left to right, that's Basil, me, and Valerian. We hope to hear from you!
Please come visit me on ao3 as well!
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dollsandmasks · 2 years
Does anyone want any High Guardian Spice headcanons? No?
Well, guess what, here they are anyway.
I was thinking about Lavender and Caraway and their school/early adventuring days, and how precious these two are, and brain things happened.
- If you think these two did not explore the entire Academy while they were students there, you are wrong. They looked high and low for any hidden passages, secret rooms and possible buried treasure. One time they got stuck in a small room which closed upon entrance and had to wait for two hours to get rescued; no one was amused and the two got reprimanded badly, but it did not stop the exploration. Caraway still uses some of the passages to move quicker around the Academy and create the illusion of being in several places at the same time.
- They would sometimes sneak onto the rooftop to stargaze, have long deep conversations about stuff they didn’t usually discuss during daytime and practice with swords/magic; miraculously, no one ever fell or got injured.
- Lavender loved exploring outdoors way more than Caraway did, so she usually did not drag him with her and only showed him the best places she’d find while exploring. He still visits those places sometimes to reminiscence.
- Their friendship was always very physical (no sniffing, though): they would hug each other, pretend fight, have two people mosh pits, the works. Lavender was physically stronger, but she always made sure to be very gentle with Caraway. This level of control over her own strength came in handy once she started training with a sword.
- Lavender was very protective of Caraway and did not mind threatening whoever attempted to upset him with a fist (or a sword). Caraway used to be pretty sensitive as a kid, but having to calm down Lavender often took his mind off of whatever was said to him, so Lavender’s attitude kinda helped (even if Caraway was always worried about her getting in trouble for protecting his honour). 
- The two of them would often get competitive and test their strenghts in various contests. Trivia quizes and memory games were Caraway’s speciality, while Lavender excelled at physical endurance tests. When it came to food-related contests, it was usually a tie (if one of them won, it was at a great cost).
- They would also play Gospel or Gauntlet with a ridiculous level of seriousness and dedication. No question or dare was off limits, and boy oh boy did they get up to some wild things sometimes.
- At some point early in their adventuring careers, they were dicking around with potion ingredients and Lavender dared Caraway to take a bite out of an extremely spicy root usually considered inedible. Caraway ate the entire thing in one bite, all while maintaining eye contact. He got very sick to his stomach afterwards, and Lavender kept apologizing and freaking out over it so much she cried. They spent that night on the bathroom floor, one completely in tears and the other laughing hysterically while also doubling over in pain. This is Caraway’s second favourite story of their times as novice Guardians, the first being the manticore.
- Neither of them ever learned how to make flower crowns properly, but God knows they both tried. Lavender would get hers halfway done but end up losing her cool and scrapping the entire thing, while Caraway’s crowns came undone as soon as you put them on. They both still kept each other’s failed attempts.
- Lavender never really got used to keeping pictures neatly in albums like Caraway does, her few pics of them together could be found at random in her work papers, drawers and old books. She somehow could still find a picture she needed within reasonable time.
If (when) I come up with more, you know where to find me.
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0witchy-bitch3 · 2 years
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Continuing with the drink spam as I’m finding them really fun to creat (and enjoy) Todays new experience was Kúmenkaffi, or Caraway coffee, from Iceland! The idea to add caraway seeds into my cafetière came without external research however once I tried it I decided to look it up because it was to delicious to be a unique concoction. And of course its a thing! The caraway adds a subtle sweetness and just elevates the coffee. I personally don’t take sugar in my coffee, or any of my drinks for that matter, but the seeds had a similar affect in cutting the tannin tastes. The best thing is thats its not an overpowering flavour in the slightest, its very harmonious. 100% recommend! ☕️✨
Like with most spices, caraway seeds come with health benefits that modern science can back up. But as with all things, do your research before adding large amounts into your diet. Caraway is an excellent source of, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, niacin and folate. But they are not a suitable supplement if you are deficient. Caraway seeds are also a good source of antioxidants, containing significant amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these are carotenoids. However one of the most interesting properties of caraway seeds is their ability to reduce chronic inflammation. Potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases linked to this type of inflammation, namely heart disease, arthritis and arthritis. However I have to stress that a couple spoons of seeds from your kitchen spice drawer are not going to win the fight against each individual’s genetic lottery. Caraway has also been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Which does not make it ideal for those with diabetes. In to large a quantity (a measurement that is relieve to each individual) caraway can therefore cause a person to become hypoglycaemic. Things like this is why its important to do though research before you add any significant amounts of any herb into your diet. There are many plants that have positive medicinal properties but nature is not a laboratory. There are countless factors that influence the potency and effects a herb can have on the human body and unlike modern synthesised medicine there is little to no regulation in dosage. If you are ever unsure about something either consult with a physician, do more research (taking into account bias) and think “is the person telling me this trying to sell me something” herbal and ‘natural’ remedies are a big market nowadays and in the pursuit of profit, side effects are glossed over. Folk medicine can interact with prescriptions, and just because something works well for other people doesn’t necessarily mean its suitable for you. Remember, lavender honey can help sooth a sore throat but it ain’t gonna do shit against pneumonia. Aloe vera can sooth a sunburn but it won’t fight sepsis. Stay safe, stay educated and support modern medicine xx (also get vaccinated its 2022)
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fattributes · 3 months
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Polish Paszteciki
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incorrect-hgs · 14 days
Caraway: Why shouldn't you put a toaster in a bathtub full of water?
Rosemary: Because your toast would get soggy.
*other students agreeing*
Source: Powerpuff Girls
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unteriors · 2 years
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S New York Avenue, Caraway, Arkansas.
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parfumery-wiki · 2 years
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Green Tea Green Tea Elizabeth Arden
From a lush, green world of freshness comes Elizabeth Arden Green Tea, the fragrance that energizes the body, excites the senses and invigorates the spirit. Brimming with sparkling flavors, the scent harmoniously intertwines natural ingredients to form an uplifting, revitalizing and balanced fragrance experience.
Top notes: Bergamot, Caraway, Rhubarb, Lemon, Orange Heart notes: Green tea, Peppermint, Jasmine, Carnation, Fennel, Celery Base notes: Amber, Oak moss, Musk
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lucky-cleric · 2 years
I uh… I watched High Guardian Spice
Just the Fall Festival episodes (8 & 9) but holy my goodness
When people tell me something sucks, I go indulge in these things to form my own opinions on them because I don’t trust peoples judgment
Regardless of my opinion of HGS, THIS
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Look, I’m sorry Rose, I know you’re sad about Sage ditching you for her new girlfriend but I’m trying to focus on the gay adults in the background
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