#carrie's birthday blurbs
smolvenger · 14 days
First Lady (President Loki x fem! Reader blurb)
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Summary: It's not easy being in the spotlight as First Lady of the Nation. But your President's Husband knows what to do when your online critics take it too far.
Or "Who did this to you?" with President Loki.
Word Count: 1318 (blurb time)
Warnings: SMUT! 18 + (wall diddling, whee), online bullying and harassment (inspired from my own personal experience, whee) mention of sex. Angst and then fluff and hurt/comfort. I steal ideas from Ana Huang and Sadie Kincaid. Bad grammar. I had writer's block with this one and was stuck so not as revised and polished as I could be bc I just wanted this done, I'm not Shakespeare or Donna Tartt okay? If I miss a warning, please inform me at once. Don't victim blame those affected, Report it! If you see something disturbing or triggering that isn't tagged that I missed, then that is on me to take accountability for it and it is your responsibility to report it!
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
Dick-Tionary: The exact, more explicit smut begins at “Open wide, my dear.” and ends at "He gently let you down."
Something about the internet gave people anonymity and with that came power. They could say and do what they wanted…even the vilest things.
Comment after comment. Ding after ding on your phone. There were posts about how you were wrong. Irresponsible because they didn’t like your cause of supporting raising minimum wages. Even under posts where you were talking about the importance of your cause, so many people went “Well, to be fair-” 
You couldn’t help but look at more about you.
A pig.
And those were the tamer ones. 
The constant bullying and demands from these people. You thought you were qualified for this. That you knew your way around tenfold. Dolled up in your nice dress and makeup…and here you were, crying. Wanting to throw a fit. Wanting to scream and call them vile, horrible things. T sob until you couldn’t breathe and crash down, heels, pearls, lipstick and all.  No better than a little girl playing dress up. Not an adult who handled everything with strength and grace. Not a First Lady of an entire country.
You should be strong. Thick-skinned. “Don’t take it personally” was the advice everyone gave you. Every single time. Without fail. But at this point, it just numbed in your head. What did that even mean? It meant nothing. Like “thoughts and prayers” maybe at once it could help, and has helped but now…it was just a phrase people threw out that fixed nothing.  And how could you not take a comment beneath your post telling you to not take it personally?
You found yourself stumbling onto the Oval Office adn there he was- your husband in folden horns. A crowd of suited men around him.
He noticed your state. You had no time to compose yourself. But he raised a hand and their chatting voices silenced.
“Everyone! Leave- now!” he ordered, snapping his fingers.
They ducked and left. A few careful eyes at your frazzled, pensive state.
He went over and looked at you. Then he put one hand and put it under your cheek so you faced him. His voice was soft, yet subtly angry not at you, but at your tormenters. 
“My darling…who did this to you?”
You sniffed. Then you answered him.
“All of the comments…online…I know I have to. It’s part of the platform. A First Lady has to have social media…but…but…”
He wiped a tear. Then you leaned onto him. His cold buttons grazed your cheek and he let you cling to him. Let yourself break down.
“What am I even doing? Why should I say or do anything online? They just want to tear you apart and spit you out! And they just want a lady who looks pretty and does or says nothing. Even when I wear anything, they tell me I look like cat vomit. I can’t win whatever I do, Loki. And the split second I try to do anything, say anything they…they..”
“Give me your phone,” he said.
You handed it to him. From his pocket, he took out a chip and attached it to yours.
“Firstly,  I’m taking this away from you for now. You will get a new one for communication. I will not have my wife and First Lady miserable.”
 He set the chip in.
“What are you doing?”
“Keeping track of them. We’re going to track them down. They’re going to regret every word of it…here…”
He sat down on the chair in the center and tapped his lap.
How could you resist?
He set you on his lap. He pulled out his personal phone and immediately was making calls. You leaned into him, snuggling him close. 
“Yes, Grant, I want you to hire a Social Media manager for the First Lady. Have the comments filtered and in need of approval before posted. Also, look for security. There are several people we must hunt down. They have threatened the security of the first lady. The tracker is on her phone, we’ll analyze the data on the comments and find each and every one of them- they cannot go on without consequence, don’t you think? Freedom of Speech is overrated anyway…hurry along, do it now- no- Grant, I don’t care if you’re about to get a blowjob from the Black Widow this second, I want you to do it!”
He ended the call.
He held you. And then kissed you. You leaned in more. How handsome he looked- his suit fixed up. His smirk was confident, rakish. You found you were straddling him, his hands on your hips. As you kissed again, he pushed his tongue inside.
He raised your skirt some, to feel your bare leg.
“I feel if I make you cum, that would make you feel better…wouldn’t it?”
He slid a hand and saw you weren’t wearing underwear at your hip bone. 
He tilted his head, his voice even quieter. 
“And you followed my one little rule, too. Good girl.”
He held up the phone one last time, pressing a call.
“Barton, cancel my meeting for this hour. Reschedule it. Emergency, shall we say.”
Before the man on the other end could ask why he hung it up.
He smiled at you.
“Open wide, my dear.”
Keeping your legs open, he adjusted them to wrap around him. He backed you up to part of the wall. Not caring about the curtains of the window. Not caring about the security cameras.
 In fact, let them watch if they want.
He kissed you intensely, his tongue inside and out. Tasting you. He lifted your skirt to your hips, backing you up. You hung onto him, shaking with wet, desperate need as he undid the zipper of his trousers.
“I’m going to fuck you. Fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk and live the next week curled up in the lap of luxury, how does that sound?” he asked, his voice husky.
“Please- fuck me, Loki-”
“I’m the President-” he corrected.
“Fuck me, Mr. President-” you quietly begged.
He entered briskly. You let out a loud gasp. But you were already so soaked from him, it was clear. He kissed you again. One hand going to move one of your legs to hook around his waist. 
He only slowed down so he could speak, his eyes intense. 
“Yes, moan louder. I want them all to hear- I don’t care who hears- or sees. I want them-to- to know you’re mine- My little doll. My little toy. My First Lady- my wife-”
Your breasts bounced lewdly as he picked up speed, thrusting in and out of you. He pounded you so much, the portraits shook. You held onto his shoulders, and then his horns on his head. He was grunting like a madman.
He fucked hard, his hand digging.
“I want you to cry out, say what I am as you cum. I am Loki, I am your president, I rule you- say it- say it, fuck, I’m cumming-I’m going to-say it.”
You cried his title, your throat scratchy. Pleasure breaking on you, as well as on him.
He gently let you down. You adjusted his dark curls. He smoothed your dress, though your legs wobbled. The bliss of ecstasy makes you forget what even happened just an hour ago.
“Now…how do you feel now?” he asked.
You took in a deep breath, the blood still rushing and the world spinning.
“Better…” you replied. 
He wrapped an arm around your waist. But he traced a finger down your spine, into your skirt.
“Good. Because I’m going to order some…gifts for you tonight. For you to wear beneath these dresses and skirts and blouses. And I want us to have dinner- just us. And when I rip off your clothes, that lace will be on you. Because, my dear, once this next meeting is done…we are far from over with this.”
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chrisevansleftpeck · 1 year
Little Spook
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Spencer Reid x Pregnant!Reader
Summary: Reader finally starts to show just in time for Halloween and Spencer’s birthday.
You stood in front of the full-length mirror in you and Spencer’s bedroom, cradling your arms around you exposed stomach. Two months in, you were finally showing. And at the best possible time too: one hour until Spencer’s birthday. 
Something stronger than love stirred in your stomach as you admired the way your baby was beginning to settle into its temporary home. But between that moment and your hormones, you didn’t even hear Spencer sit up in bed and call for you. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” You turned to see Spencer’s fluffy hair in an entangled mess. 
You accidentally laughed at how perfect he looked even then, “Nothing. Nothing at all. Somebody actually brought you an early birthday present and Halloween spook.” You said, smiling at Spencer as he gained cognitive consciousness. 
“It’s eleven pm, did somebody stop by or-” Spencer asked sleepily, stretching to turn on his bedside lamp and join you beside the mirror.
“No.” You shook your head, biting your lip to contain your smile. “They’re right here.” You grabbed Spencer’s warm hands and pressed them against your stomach. 
Spencer knew your body like the back of his hand, so he noticed as soon as his hands touched your belly. “Oh my...” He trailed off, kneeling to his knees so he could place a kiss on your stomach. You felt him uncontainably smile into the kiss. “Well hello.” Spencer whispered into you.
You toyed with his hair as he spoke to your stomach. “Somebody wanted to tell their daddy happy birthday.” You smiled, twisting a curl around your finger. You stood comfortably as a short silence followed before hearing small sniffles come from Spencer. 
Affectionately, you reached for your husband’s chin, tilting his head up. Spencer stood up to throw his arms around you in a tight hug. “Thank you so so much.” He cried into the comfort of your neck, rubbing your back as he did. “Thank you for carrying the best birthday present I could ask for. Your body is so amazing.” He pulled away, wiping away his tears. Yet, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from your stomach.
You tried to make some joke to ignore the tears building in your eyes. “Maybe she’ll grow if you talk to her more.” You laughed then climbed into bed, letting Spencer pull the covers away and tuck you into bed beside him. 
“How about I work on that and you work on resting for two.” Spencer suggested. You nodded into a yawn and peacefully snuggled into Spencer’s chest, letting him rest his hand on your tummy and swiping his thumb over it, telling his baby about all of the Halloween outfits he has planned for it. 
Spencer rattled off ideas started at age twelve all the way down to the baby’s first Halloween, which you forced yourself to secretly stay awake for so you could fall asleep with the complete story. “And finally, first year is a cow, for sure. That way Mommy and I can be farmers and you can be our baby cow- which is called a calf, by the way. So technically, we’d be farmers and you’d be a calf.” Spencer seemingly ended his story before exhaling a long withheld breath and whispering his goodnights. “Goodnight, baby,” He whispered to you, placing a small warm kiss on your cheek. “And you too, little spook. I’m gonna get you back for this early surprise.” Spencer whispered and quietly laughed into his pillow, careful not to wake you and his baby.
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maxverstappendefender · 3 months
drivers as your boyfriend
some headcanons of how i think the drivers would be as boyfriends, or like cute things they would do! only doing 3 drivers at the moment but might do a pt.2 (leave some requests for drivers you would like to see). also might do some blurbs based off of these headcanons
requests are open too!
drivers included:
max verstappen
lando norris
charles leclerc
would never let anyone show any disrespect towards you, if any media commented on you in a poor light you can expect hell to break loose
if he has a bad race, you can expect him to sort of self-isolate. he is too busy trying to focus on what went wrong to make it a bad race
will hold your hand whenever possible. king of the thumb thing (rubs his thumb over yours while holding your hand, or over your knuckle, honestly just look it up)
even if he is away from you due to racing, he would send you flowers randomly when he misses you
hates texting, would much rather facetime you
making sure you laugh when you are down about something
would read any book that you are reading just so he can talk about it with you
would always be down for a random trip, "hey, you wanna just go to spain for the weekend?"
literally your number one supporter in everything
loves napping with you
if your feet hurt from the shoes you are wearing, he would most definitely give you a piggy back ride or carry you bridal style
would blush and get a little flustered if the media asked about you
always would feel bad if he had to stay late at HQ or at the paddock and would probably accidentally wake you up after getting into bed after a shower, then shaking his damp hair out on you once he sees that you're awake
takes mini-golf dates very seriously
says "im sorry" first always, even if it wasn't his place to apologize
would learn your favorite songs on the piano
would never forget an anniversary or birthday or other special occasion
calling him "pretty boy" only because he blushes from it
would send you pictures of funny signs fans have
would give you the friendship bracelets that fans give him
will always talk to you, even if the timezone difference means he is up in the middle of the night sometimes
would call you his "future wife"
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supercutszns · 2 months
sweet on you | jason grace
wc + pairing: 1k, jason grace x f!reader
notes: short-ish jason blurb while i chalk up some of my beefier fics (& my 1k celebration thank u again)<3 this is my first time publishing for him so hopefully this isn't too ooc! i need to let myself write shorter stream of consciousness things,, all fluff, just jason taking your makeup off after a party <33 also its set at chb because i said so
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Whenever Jason washes off your makeup, he acts like it's his sworn duty.
You’re a little hazy as he wets a cloth in the sink, repositioning himself between your legs that hang limply off the bathroom counter. You keep scanning his face for any trace of weariness or urgency. After a long day of camp duties, the last thing you think he’d want was to clean up his drunken girlfriend after a secret party. But he’s as kind and patient as ever, and you don’t know if it’s your heart or the alcohol talking, but you are deliriously in love with him right now. He’s a leader—a brave, powerful demigod—but he’s only that good because he’s gentle. That's what you see, anyway. Everyone loves him for a reason, but you're still sure you love him most.
You got drunk. You got anxious. But it’s more than worth it if Jason takes care of you after. Even under these fluorescent bathroom lights, he’s beautiful.
“Why thank you,” he says, a bemused smile on his face.
You blink. “Did I say that out loud?”
“Sure did.”
The scar on the corner of his lip lifts as he kisses your cheek. You hum pleasantly, and you feel the ghost of his laugh before he pulls away. “Close your eyes for me?”
You oblige. In seconds, you’re greeted with the warm press of a towel on your face. Jason keeps you in place with his hand cupping your chin. “Let me know if I poke your eyes, okay?”
“If you do I’ll just bite your finger.”
“Awesome.” He works on sweeping the cloth over your skin to drag off all that makeup. You wait patiently, happily, indulging in the occasional idle chatter and the steady brush of Jason’s thumb underneath your chin. Every pass of his fingers against your face lulls you further into your haze. He’s warm, methodical, sweet. He switches the cloth to a different side and drags up your cheekbones. Your brain is mush with alcohol and appreciation.
“‘M sorry I got carried away, Jace,” you mumble, head swaying involuntarily. “Didn’t need to come get me like this.”
His soft laugh swims in your ears, and he lowers himself a bit to see you better. “Trust me, I wasn’t doing much. The only notable thing this evening was crossing the hundred-page threshold in my book.”
“Is it good?” You slur, toying with his dog-tag necklace you’d gotten him for his birthday.
He tilts his head, “Eh. Alright. I still like taking care of you more, though.”
You must be beaming stupidly wide, because Jason shakes his head with a smile, and he wraps his arms around you to kiss your jaw. “Besides, you’re sweet on me when you’re drunk.”
The feel of his lips would have shut you up in any normal circumstance, but your idiotic thoughts only heighten. “Sweet on you?”
“That’s a thing?”
“Yes! They … people say it.”
His cheeks flush red in that insanely adorable way, and he presses his face back into your neck. “They said it in my book,” he mumbles, and you laugh so hard he has to shush you.
He goes through the rest of your rather particular skincare routine as per your instructions. He’s seen you do it a thousand times, but you repeat the order anyways just to be sure—although it’s likely you’re jumbling up your words and taking too many pauses for any of it to come out coherent. He takes his time, focused intently on the planes and ridges of your skin. If you were any more sober you’d probably be self-conscious, but sometimes his thumb runs across your cheek with a tenderness that has nothing to do with your serums.
Once all’s said and done, your skin refreshed, you’re practically snoozing on the counter. “Sweetheart,” Jason hums, winding arms around you once more, “Let’s get you to bed.”
“Only if it’s with you,” you yawn, cheek smushing into his chest.
“Well, that’s a given.”
He’s smiling again as he runs his hands down to your thighs, so you can loop your legs around his hips. “Hold on, okay?”
You oblige, relishing in the curl of his biceps against your sides as he hoists you off the counter. Usually you’d be hesitant to let him carry you around with you clinging to him like this, but your capacity for embarrassment had vanished about two drinks ago. You hear him chuckling into your hair as the breeze tickles your face, although it's far less severe in his arms.
Camp’s practically deserted this time of night so Jason has no problem getting you into his cabin. He puts you down on his lonely bed in a sea of marble, lit with nothing but the warmth of his reading lamp. “Thank you, baby,” you murmur as he helps you out of your clothes and gives you a shirt of his own. The way he smells reminds you of morning mist as he ties your hair back.
Soon you’re in your favourite place in the world: drowned in blankets on a cool summer night in Jason’s bed. You’re nestled snug against his chest, letting the fog in your mind settle as he traces shapes on your back beneath your shirt. Transfixed by the ebb and flow of his breath, you can’t help but press your lips to his collarbone, lazy chapstick kisses spooling onto his skin.
“Y’re right,” you mumble, “I am sweet on you.”
Jason laughs quietly, setting down his book. He taps on your chin to draw you out of his chest, leading you to his mouth. You’re giggling and falling into him before you even kiss. He tastes like sweet mint as he cages you against him with his arms, nothing but gentle. “Love you,” you whisper with a plucky smile.
He kisses your forehead, “I love you.” He disposes of his glasses and turns off his lamp, sinking the both of you down onto the mattress. “Get some sleep, angel.”
You must be a lot better at following instructions than you thought, because you smother yourself in his warmth and you’re sure you’ve never slept better.
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chrisevansonly · 8 months
it’s a very small idea but something with charles carrying readers heels for her after going out! maybe they’ve gone to a meal or something💓💓💓
i’m gonna do a little blurb rn too…
“stupid shoes, why are you so pretty but hurt so bad”
charles laughed watching as you had begun to struggle down the sidewalk to his ferrari that sat a few blocks from the restaurant
“mon amour, are you regretting your shoe choice?”
“yes…but i refuse to tell you that you were right.”
you really were regretting the decision to wear your gorgeous saint laurent heels that charles had gifted to you for your birthday this year
“baby pause for a moment”
you stopped turning to stare at him, wincing ever so slightly
“char please i can’t stand around in these anymore…”
“i know, just give me a moment love”
he guided you backwards to sit on the edge of a raised flowerbed, kneeling down as his hands ran down your legs to take your heels off, instantly relief washing over you as your feet were free from the death grip they were just in
“oh that’s nice…”
normally charles would have brought a pair of flats for you but since you weren’t far from the car he’d let you walk barefoot the rest of the way, not worried about the pavement
“much…thank you lovie”
a smile graced his lips as he leaned forward to kiss you gently
“you’re welcome, can’t have my girl i pain can we?”
taking your hand in his, your heels in the other he walked you to the car, helping you get in before handing you your shoes, a teasing glimmer in his eyes
“still not going to admit i was right?”
“in your dreams leclerc”
laughing as he closed the door, charles knew by the time you got home and into bed you’d admit he’d been right when telling you to avoid those heels, but for now, he was just happy to provide you a little bit of comfort, even if your feet were completely destroyed now.
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runnning-outof-time · 8 months
Birthdays Are Better In Bed | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - just wanted to write a little something for my birthday
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) starts her birthday off in the best way possible: in bed with her family.
Warnings: no warnings…just some birthday fluff
Word Count: 1924
A/N: I hope you don’t mind the break in the celebration blurbs…I was just daydreaming and this came out of it. Sadly, this wasn’t how today started for me. I’m making the most of the day though. Enjoy! :)
A/N 2: I used the family from this set of preferences…and I’ve added a member to the family.
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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(Y/N) was just waking up when she heard the door to the bedroom squeak open. Footsteps on the hardwood made her open her eyes and turn on the bed to see her husband and two daughters approaching her. A smile formed on her face as she noticed what they had with them.
"Go on," Tommy said to his youngest daughter, nudging her softly once he noticed his wife was now awake.
The biggest smile formed on Rose's face as she stepped forward, her tongue stuck out slightly as she focused hard on not dropping the cake she was carrying. "Happy birthday, mummy!" she exclaimed in an excited whisper that melted (Y/N)'s heart. It was sweet that, even though she was clearly excited, the little girl knew that her mother had just woken up.
"Thank you, sweetie," (Y/N) answered, her smile growing as her eyes settled on the cake.
"You can go too, love," Tommy said to Amelia, who was still standing shyly by his side. He placed a gentle hand on her back, physically telling her that it was ok for her to join her sister by the bed.
"Happy birthday, mum. I made this card for you," she said as she held out the card she'd worked hard on for a week before this day.
(Y/N)'s eyes lit up as she looked at the card her daughter had made. She felt the tears brim at her waterline as her heart swelled with love. "Did you make this all on your own?" she asked, looking at her eldest child then.
"I did!" Amelia beamed with pride. "Do you like how I made the 'B' a butterfly?" she then eagerly asked.
"I do. I think it's a lovely touch," (Y/N) nodded with a smile.
"I did it because butterflies are my favorite! And also because birthday begins with a 'B’ and butterflies can sometimes look like the letter ‘B’," the eight year old explained her logic.
"That was a bright idea, Amelia," (Y/N) agreed with the young girl's reasoning.
"I made the cake with Ms. Frances, mummy!" Rose jumped back into the conversation, her chin jutted slightly upwards to show her pride. She turned back to her father before (Y/N) could respond. “Daddy please take this, I want to get on the bed," she said, holding the plate out in Tommy's direction.
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes finding her husband as he nodded and took the cake from their daughter's hands. He shot her a glance then, a crooked grin on his face as he then moved to place it on the vanity. (Y/N) couldn't make a comment about him being careful because Rose was already clambering up onto the bed so that she could topple onto her mother.
"Don't ruin my card, Rosie!" Amelia shrieked as she tried her best to get out of her sister's way.
"Birthday hugs!" Rose exclaimed, flinging her little body down onto her mother, who greeted her with open arms.
"You're getting to be too big for this, Rose," (Y/N) said, regaining her breath after the six year old had effectively knocked the wind out of her.
"No, I'm still little," Rose disagreed, burrowing her face into the crook of her mother's neck as she hugged her tightly.
(Y/N) simply laughed at her daughter's statement, planting a kiss on the little girl's cheek. "Come here, Amelia," she then waved her hand at the other girl, who was quietly watching on from the edge of the bed.
A smile formed on Amelia's face as she heard her mother's words, and within seconds she joined the hug pile. (Y/N) laughed, not minding the extra weight that had been added as she wrapped her arms around both of her girls. She held her daughters until the sound of the door closing was heard.
All three sets of eyes darted over to the entrance of the bedroom in time to see Tommy coming back over with their two year old son, Theo in his arms. "Someone wanted to join in on the celebrations," he stated, nodding his head to the boy, who was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"Theo!" Rose and Amelia exclaimed in unison, scrambling off of the bed, and their mother, to go and greet their baby brother.
"Can I have him, dad?" Amelia asked with pleading eyes, clasping her hands together for extra effect.
Tommy glanced over to (Y/N), who was watching the interaction, before answering. He waited to see the slight nod she gave before he handed the boy over to Amelia. Theo didn't protest. Instead he rested his head on his sister's shoulder as he hugged onto her.
"Let's say happy birthday to mummy, Theo," Amelia spoke to her brother in a soft voice as she turned around to face the bed again. She brought him over to the bedside, smiling at her mum when he didn't immediately let go of her to get onto the bed.
"Good morning, Theo," (Y/N) said softly, reaching out to run her hand over his back. The touch and sound of his mother's voice made the boy raise his head, a sleepy smile present on his face. "Did you just wake up?" she asked, laughing softly as he rubbed his eyes again.
"Happy birthday, mummy," he said in a soft voice, letting go of Amelia's neck to go onto the bed. He crawled over to (Y/N) and flopped on top of her, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug.
Meanwhile, Rose had returned to the cake that was sitting on the vanity. Tommy, knowing that the middle child had a tendency to go rogue at times and act before thinking, kept an eye on her, watching as she inched closer to the icing-covered dessert. He watched until she reached out to grab the plate. "What're you doing, Rosie?" he asked her, making her freeze and quickly spin to face her father.
"Mummy hasn't done the candles yet," Rose answered, pointing to the unlit candles atop the cake. "It's her birthday...she has to blow the candles out.”
"Alright," Tommy nodded, moving over to the vanity as he fished a lighter out of his pocket. "I'll light 'em and bring the cake over to mum. We can't chance you dropping it, ok?" he explained what he'd do, watching for Rose to nod before he flicked the lighter to life and began lighting the candles.
"I'll walk right next to you," Rose stated, standing dutifully by her father's side as he picked the cake up. She waited for Tommy to begin walking before she fell in time beside him, a beaming smile on her face. "Happy birthday to you..." she began singing, and sure enough the rest of the family joined in, all of them gathering around (Y/N) on the bed as Tommy held the cake out in front of her.
(Y/N) smiled at her husband and children, listening to them sing the birthday song to her, her heart just about ready to burst from all of the love she was being surrounded by. She waited until the song was finished before she closed her eyes, paused a moment, and then blew the candles out. The girls cheered and Theo clapped his hands together as (Y/N) opened her eyes and smiled at them once more.
"What did you wish for, mum?" Amelia asked, an eager expression present on her face.
"It wouldn't come true if I told you it, darling," (Y/N) answered, her eyebrows raising as she smiled.
"I think she wished for a piece of cake," Rose guessed, her eyes settled on the cake now.
"Why don't you girls go and ask Frances to cut the cake?" Tommy suggested, and the girls were off in seconds. Amelia carefully took the cake from her father, trailing behind Rose as she bolted out the door. Theo even climbed off of the bed and went chasing after his sisters.
Tommy and (Y/N) both laughed as they watched their children run out of the room. They waited until the doorway was cleared and there was no distinct yelling coming from the hall to look at each other.
"I hope that's as dressed as you'll be getting today," (Y/N) commented, her eyes drifting over his white shirt and waistcoat. Of course he'd be dressed for the day...she was just happy that he wasn't wearing one of his three-piece suits already.
"I've cleared my schedule. I'm not going anywhere," he assured her, turning slightly so that he could sit on the edge of the bed.
"Good," (Y/N) affirmed, scooting over on the bed so that she was closer to him, "I got what I wanted for my birthday," she added, wrapping her arms around his midsection as she rested her cheek against his back.
"I hope that isn't all you wanted for your birthday," Tommy stated, lifting his arm to drape it over her shoulders, letting her scoot even closer to him.
"It was one of the things for sure," she told him, lifting her head to send him a smile. He only chuckled and shook his head at her.
"You know I would've come in here at midnight to be the first to wish you happy birthday," he said then, his words making her giggle.
"I'm happy you didn't do that...I like my sleep too much."
"I hope you didn't mind the wake up you got now."
"Oh I loved it," she smiled up at him. He sent a smile back, and her heart swelled yet again as she noticed the spark in his eyes. She thanked her lucky stars everyday that she got to see a side of Tommy Shelby that very few did. She was thanking those stars even more this morning.
“Happy birthday, love,” Tommy’s voice brought her out of her thoughts, making her focus on his smile again. She smiled brightly back at him, reaching up to take hold of his cheek so that she could bring him closer to her and match their lips together.
“Thank you, Tommy,” she mumbled against his lips, feeling him smile as she closed the gap again. She held him there, giving him a few more, short kisses before pulling back to look at him again.
“I think our pieces of cake are coming,” he commented, hearing the sound of rushed footsteps approaching the bedroom door.
“Just in time,” she smiled, running her hand down his cheek before looking over at the door to find her three children entering the room.
Rose and Amelia each had two pieces of cake and Theo was carrying his own. Each of the girls gave their parents a plate before joining them on the bed. Tommy set his plate on the nightstand so that he was able to hoist Theo up and onto his lap. When he did, Theo was quick to pick up a forkful of cake and offer it to his father. Tommy chuckled and accepted the food from the boy.
(Y/N) smiled, looking at each of her children before she was coaxed into trying the cake by Rose. She took a bite and sang her praises, making the middle child smile with pride.
She already knew it to be true, but this confirmed it: birthdays are better in bed.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @youtifulsunshinelixfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @iambored24601 @shaddixlife
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leilanihours · 18 days
Hii For nikaaa can you do something really domestic? like waking together making breakfast (forehead kisses alll the fluff)
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pairing: nika muhl x gf!reader
word count: 2243
warnings: fluff and like one suggestive line
summary: your perfect girlfriend loves to spoil you with her deep love and meaningful presents, especially on your special day
from lani: this was supposed to be a short blurb while i work on a longer (smuttier 🤭) fic for my girl nika but i got a little carried away ig sooo enjoy! oh also this was not proofread at all bc finals r killing me tbh oops
A BRIGHT SMILE is plastered on nika’s face as she quietly slips out of bed to jumpstart your special day. it was your 22nd birthday, your first one spent with nika as your loving girlfriend. the brunette had been carefully planning this day out weeks in advance to ensure that everything went perfectly.
with both of you having worked so hard at games and practices, she really wanted to make sure that you two had a day to relax and enjoy each other’s company all while celebrating you. nika is a gift giver, she loves curating special presents that she knows people will love. and when it came to you, there was no limit whatsoever.
one week before today, she snuck out of your shared off-campus apartment to pick up a little sundress that you have been talking about non-stop. she knows that you’ve been eyeing it but had to convince you not to buy it - only for her to buy for you herself, of course. and just last night, you and her were hanging out and paige and azzi’s apartment along with the rest of the team. while she went to pick up food for you all, she also bought your favorite flowers and snacks. so it’s safe to say that nika was not afraid to show her love for you.
reaching for the balloons, first round of presents, and bouquet of flowers she hid in the storage closet, she is practically bouncing with excitement at the thought of your reaction. she strategically sets up the gifts on the marble kitchen island so that it would be the first thing you see when you walk out of the room. after making sure the setup has been perfected, she gets to work on making breakfast.
nika happens to be an amazing cook, as her mom was enthused to have her help out in the kitchen when she was a child. so today, she opts for your all-time favorite breakfast meal: chocolate chip pancakes, turkey bacon, and a side of strawberries. however, it must have slipped her mind to be a little more quiet, her eagerness practically taking control of her.
you stir in your sleep as you hear the distant sound of pans and bowls clanging around. you rub your eyes and sit up slowly, still trying to process what was happening. you pat the space next to you, the space where you would usually find your girlfriend, but are met with cold emptiness. you frown at the realization and sleepily get up to brush your hair and teeth, simply assuming that she went for an early morning jog and you were just imagining the sounds. you clearly don’t remember that today is your own birthday.
you rub your eyes gently as you waddle out of your bedroom and into the kitchen, immediately noticing the cluster of adorable gifts laying on the counter. you take note of the flowers: pink and orange tulips paired with a couple of small white daisies - all wrapped together in brown parchment paper and a pretty white bow.
you walk hand-in-hand with nika as you both stroll down the fields of colorful flowers. you are surrounded by spring’s beauty, one of them being your girlfriend who is wearing a long, flowy sundress with her hair tied up in a messy braid. her brown strands compliment her skin and eyes perfectly, framing her face as you observe her features closely. her cheeks are slightly pink from the warm sun, adding a natural blush to her complexion. 
she turns her head to look at you, feeling your close stare. “hi,” she smiles.
“hi,” you respond, pressing a kiss to her pink lips. you could never resist the tint and shine of them, as if they were pulling you in like a bee to the pollen of a flower.
she giggles into the kiss before pulling away. you both slow your walk as she kneels down to pick one of the nearby flowers. it’s a tulip of pink and gold, almost resembling a sunset. she hands it to you to place in your shared basket, knowing full well that pink tulips are your favorites. 
you begin to walk ahead thinking she was right behind you, but you turn around to see her back on the ground picking up another flower. this time it’s a small white daisy. you saw it earlier and thought it was out of place amongst the vibrant tulips.
“c’mere, my love,” she says, beckoning you over. you oblige with furrowed eyebrows, confused as to why she would pick that flower out of all the other ones.
your question is answered when she gently brushes your loose hair out of your face and carefully positions the flower in the crook of your ear. you blush at the action as she goes to hold your free hand.
“my beautiful girl.”
the stuffed toy: a light brown cake character decorated with white frosting, strawberries, and a candle.
“oh my gosh, nika, come look at this,” you call your girlfriend over to your spot on the couch.
“what’s up, y/n?”
you show her your phone screen that is currently playing a video of someone’s jellycat haul. as the creator quickly showcases her collection, you point out how cute each one is - the small feet, cute expression, and pretty designs. you begin to go on a small rant as to why you think jellycats are the cutest stuffed toys, being too passionate for your own good.
however, nika is solely focused on the way your face lights up every time you see one you like. the upturn of your lips as you speak. the shine in your eyes as you ramble about the randomest thing.
the brunette has grown insanely found of your mannerisms, finding solace and comfort in your happiness.
the two vinyl records: “lover: live from paris” by taylor swift and “emails i can’t send” by sabrina carpenter - the two albums being at the top of your wishlist.
you were currently standing in between nika and paige, waiting to be interviewed by kk for your team’s socials to post for media day. you were all wearing your blue jerseys, hair and makeup done perfectly.
kk walks up to the three of you with a tiny mic in her hand as she makes her iconic “okay so boom” intro to the camera.
“let’s start with you, paige,” she begins, “fans have noticed you putting in extra work this season, you gonna show them that come back they’ve been waiting for?”
“yeah, man, i’m super pumped for the new season and for just being fully healed after warming the bench for so long.”
“maybe that’s just ‘cus you belong on the bench though,” kk jokes. paige fakes a punch to her as you all laugh along.
“okay so boom, moving onto the media’s favorite princess, ms. l/n,” kk teases, “what are your top three songs to get you hyped for game day? the fans seem to love your music taste…for some reason…so let’s give the fans what they want.”
“ignoring that sneak diss,” you say as you jokingly side-eye the freshman, “my top three would have to be the man by taylor swift, diva by beyonce, and feather by sabrina carpenter.”
“there you have it folks, y/n l/n’s pre-game favorites!” she exclaims, “now watch the streams on those three songs go up like crazy after today. okay nika, let’s get it.”
“how you doin’ kk?” she smiles.
“i’m doing great, thank you so much,” she puts a hand on her chest and fakes crying, “see this is what a loving and supportive teammate looks like y’all. take notes,” she directs to you and paige. you both look at each other and laugh.
“man, whatever,” paige waves her off, “she’s just buttering you up so she gets an easy question.”
“well it worked because i already know her answer to the question ima give her.”
“oh really?” nika asks with her eyebrows raised, intrigued by the freshman’s confidence, “hit me.”
“who, and be honest, is your favorite on the team?” she asks before turning to the camera to mouth: “it’s me.”
“y/n,” nika answers truthfully, turning to grin at you.
“yo, wait what? run that back, what’d you say?” kk says confused.
“y/n l/n. number 7. this girl right here,” she repeats as your wraps an arm around your shoulder. you rest your head against hers as you laugh at kk’s disbelief.
“alright whatever, i know you lying so let’s just end the video here.”
“oh one more thing,” nika says into the mic as she pulls kk back into frame, “y/n has better music taste than you.”
“okay, you know what? cut the cameras, cut it all,” she waves her hand in front of the phone as she jokingly storms off at the comment. you lift your head from her shoulder only to bury it in her neck as you laugh at her antics. you completely forget paige is still there with you guys.
“dude,” she says, trying to get your attention, “that was literally just me and kk being third and fourth wheels.”
you could tear up at the amount of thought put into these gifts as you distinctly remember having conversations about each of them with your girlfriend, who has now noticed your presence from her spot at the stove.
“y/n!” she yelps and rushes over to you, “you’re awake!”
“that i am,” you smile warmly as she hugs you tight.
“happy birthday my love, you are the brightest light in my life and i love you so so much,” she says, peppering light kisses all over your face.
you giggle at her antics and finally realize the meaning behind today. “thank you, nika, i love you too. did you get all this for me?”
“of course, baby, you know how i love to spoil you,” she winks.
“are you making breakfast, too?” you say, surprised.
“yes, i am. your favorites, naturally,” she grins as she makes her way back to the stove before the food burns.
“can i help?” you ask shyly.
“you’re supposed to be relaxing, baby, don’t you wanna just sit back and watch on the tv?”
“all i really want to do is be around my favorite person right now, but she seems a bit busy,” you tease. you come up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist, hugging her and kissing behind her ear.
“alright, i guess you can help me out,” she rolls her eyes playfully.
you smile into her neck before separating yourself to get the bacon out of the fridge. while you get to work on frying, nika goes to connect her phone to your bluetooth speaker. the first song that plays is “until i found you” by stephen sanchez. it quickly became the theme song of your relationship when you had your first public kiss at one of his concerts. fans went crazy over it once they saw videos and pictures, immediately loving your relationship.
you turn your head to the brunette, grinning widely. you both hum lightly to the music as you resume the cooking. nika occasionally presses a kiss to your temple or slides a hand on your waist whenever she walks past you, the small touches making you blush intensely.
a few songs, spills, and smiles later, nika sets the table for the two of you out on the balcony of your apartment. she put the flowers she gave you in a vase with water, bringing it out to the warm sun. as you bring out plates, cups, and cutlery, she snatches from your hands and insists that you sit down and let her do the work. despite trying to resist her, you cave once you notice the pleading look on her face.
once the two of you have settled into your cushioned chairs, you dig into the warm, delicious food as nika begins to discuss the plans for the rest of the day.
“so,” she starts, “once we’re done here, there’s one more gift waiting for you in the closet that i need you to wear today.”
“don’t tell me you got me lingerie,” you laugh.
“that’s not what i’m talking about!”
“i’m not hearing a denial,” you smirk.
“because i’m not denying it. that’s for later, though, don’t worry.”
you bite your lip in anticipation, already pumped for what she has in store later tonight.
“nika, you know i don’t need all of this to be happy on my birthday, right? as long as i have you next to me, my day is made,” you clarify as you reach for her hand.
“i know, my love, but you deserve to be spoiled and loved and appreciated, especially today, so i really wanted to show out for you.”
“thank you, baby,” you grin as you reach over the table to give her a kiss
“i love you so much, do you know that?”
“always have and always will.”
as the word slip out of your mouth, you warm up at the thought of spending the rest of your life with this girl. all the thought, time, and effort she must have put into making you feel special makes you aware of her undying love for you and yours for her. you never really believed in love, in long-term relationships. until you found her.
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daisyvisions · 2 months
[12:43AM] All to Myself - (jc.b)
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Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), newlywed!Jacob, fem!reader, unprotected sex, breeding, creampies, mentions of multiple orgasms (fingering and oral), drunk sex (if you squint), slight dry humping, a lil manhandling, some good ol’ cock rubbing, lots of kisses, “sweetheart” used. Word Count: 0.8K
A/N: Happiest birthday to the lovely @jasminexox5, don’t think I didn’t forget about writing a bday fic for you hehe thank you for our friendship and hope you had a good day! This one’s short this time around but hope you still like it 🥺 been having trouble writing again but this is a good start I think! Proofread once, also tagging @deoboyznet
(p.s. this is a short fic based on a blurb mentioned in this Jacob fic. iykyk 😘)
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Thinking about newlywed!Jacob, who stumbles into your hotel suite while attempting to carry you with all his might and whatever’s left of his rational brain. Both of you had been exhausted from all the festivities your wedding day had to offer.
Everything had gone beyond perfect, but as much as he wanted the celebration to never end Jacob could not wait to have you alone all to himself.
Sure you’ve had your fair share of intimate moments together as you were dating, but to finally be able to call you his and to fully love you the way he wanted to… That’s all he could ever think of as soon as he woke up this morning.
He still couldn’t believe that he was finally married to you. Truth be told, he had been wanting to marry you since the day he laid his eyes on you. You were already the prettiest girl in the room, but the moment he truly got to know you, that’s when he knew you were it for him.
You both giggle nonstop from all the champagne you drank running through your system, barely making it to your suite without nearly falling on each other. Both your minds were drifting into a state where you could only think of nothing but your inner desires for one another as you hurried your way back to the suite.
As soon as Jacob sets you down and closes the door he has your whole body instantly pinned against the hard surface. His lips pressing onto the column of your throat, kissing every space he could like it was his last.
Jacob’s kisses were messy, hot, sweet and dirty at the same time and it was making you incredibly delirious. His hands were everywhere trying to grab all the softest parts of your body while your fingers ran through his hair, grinding himself on your thigh as you elicit the softest but incredibly erotic moans known to man.
“Finally get to call you mine.” Jacob whispers as his hands snake behind you to unzip your dress, kissing your shoulder as the straps start to fall.
As soon as Jacob saw you wearing this gorgeous dress at the reception, he had to pull all his willpower just to keep it together. You were so beautiful in your wedding dress, a literal goddess walking down the aisle. But this? He felt himself throb beneath his slacks. He couldn’t wait to get you out of this dress and have his way with you as soon as you were finally alone together.
A trail of clothes were starting to form from the front door to the king sized bed, both of you eager to strip down and just bask in each other’s love. Jacob was like a mad man, you’ve never seen him this feral over you before. And it was getting you wetter by the second.
Jacob doesn’t waste any moment with you under him. Kissing every inch of your skin from top to bottom, praising you like it was something he was born to do, making you chant his name as he touched you like he never had before. Leaving you absolutely breathless after god knows how many orgasms he’s given you tonight from his mouth and fingers alone.
You feel his manhood slipping in and out between your folds as he kisses you passionately, mumbling incoherent words against your lips as his hands gently knead your breasts.
“What did you say?” You pant as he kisses that spot you love below your ear.
“Wanna put a baby in you so bad…” he slurs.
“Fuck Jacob… Please” You grab his hair tight, making him groan as you feel his cock twitch between your folds. Your moans gradually increasing as you feel the tip nudge your sensitive bud over and over again.
“Yeah? Want me to fill you up sweetheart? Fill you up so good ‘til your belly swells up? Hm?” His hot mouth presses against your ear as his fingers pinch your nipples in the process.
The thought of him breeding you and getting you pregnant does nothing but short circuit your brain, leaving any coherent words fading at the back of your mind, making you elicit a very desperate “uh-huh” instead.
You squeal as you suddenly feel him manhandle you. Pulling your legs over his shoulders, hooking his arms under your knees to lock you into position, and instantly folding you into a mating press as his mushroom head eagerly inserts inside your wet entrance. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you as you both moan from his length slowly fill your entire hole all the way to the base of his cock.
He looks into your eyes lustfully, pulling his length out and slamming it back into you with one thrust, “Good, because I’m gonna keep fucking my cum into you no matter how long it takes.”
And boy did he keep his promise…
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leqonsluv3r · 6 days
hi! i love your writing sm so i wanted to ask you if you could do a short fic about leon’s first day at the rpd and reader is a detective or someone who works at the rpd and they become friends or something else <3
just the thought of leon being silly and shy about the little party they made just for him to say “welcome” makes my heart skip a beat……..
anyways have a good day! <33
so high school
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—leon joins the police department and you just know that he’s going to be everything to you, a blurb
masterlist taglist
an: i hope this is what you had in mind <33 i left it open ended at the ending for your guys imagination. thank you guys again for 900, i love you all. sorry it’s taking me so long to get out all my requests. they’re open again in my bio. pls reblog, comment and interact to support your writers.
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the first thing you thought of when you saw leon was how he was too cute to be a cop. that was your first thought, your second was how is this man single.
you didn’t know he was single at first, but for his entry papers, it didn’t say anything about a spouse or an emergency contact girlfriend. which made you very, very happy.
he was a sweetheart, he left a lasting impression on you and you didn’t know how to handle it. helping you carry files to the file room and taking desk duty in stride.
he was humble, sweet and outgoing.
you didn’t really see any faults in him, not at all. most guys you did date in the past, you could see the red flags from a mile away. like a big ugly tattoo on their forehead that just said: STAY AWAY! IM TERRIBLE!
but with leon, it wasn’t like that.
he didn’t ever say anything negative about anyone, he didn’t mention hating being on desk duty. he just simply lived and did his job, same as you. it made you feel lighter being around him. especially getting to know him, getting an idea of him.
you liked him a lot.
you realized that when you agreed to host his welcome party two weeks after he had been hired, most entry coordinators didn’t want too. but you practically jumped at the opportunity to give him his dream welcome party into the unit.
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you planned it all out, you went a little overboard. which wasn’t always a bad thing but in this case…it was extreme.
you never did this for any of the other rookies welcome parties you helped organized, you never went this far. blue and yellow balloons, a large chocolate cake, a big banner that you custom designed. all made for leon and based on his tastes over the last two weeks you’d known him.
but when he arrives, a surprise, he sees all the effort. he sees all the decorations and he sees you. he never had felt so welcome in his entire life.
his mom never even put this much effort into his birthday party’s when he was a kid. so his surprise wasn’t fake, it was real and it was written all over his face as he scanned his room of coworkers leading all the way to you.
you, you were so welcoming. so goddamn magnificent that it made his head spin, you got him everything he wanted right down to a T. all the decorations, the cake…the banner.
it was everything.
you were everything, he’d had a crush on you the first day he started. the first day he saw you and you swiped him up into your world. he felt like he was on a different planet half the time when he was with you.
he had to tell you, he owed it to you.
after all, you did throw him an amazing welcome party.
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he made his way to you half-way through the party. you were just so gorgeous and he liked you so much, god. you were so…he couldn’t even put words to it.
if he had to pick a dream girl, it would be you.
and he didn’t even realize he had those standards until you came into his life, making it turn from a dull throbbing gray to a beautiful multicolored world. one that used to be so drab for him but now…
now it gave him purpose.
and if you rejected him, at least he got to say he tried. got to say that he attempted to reach your heart, your mind…just you.
he might look like an idiot if you said no, but at least he was attempting. he was trying to make that attempt to confess and not be a coward in front of people like he usually was.
“you did this all for me? i knew you were up to something.” he says with a small smirk on his face when he approaches you. his blue eyes scanning you with nothing but appreciation. something that made butterflies flutter in your belly.
you shrugged innocently, your face heating up into flames. “i just wanted to give you a good welcome. you deserved it, especially when you got saddled with desk duty.” you crack a smile up at him, your eyes never leaving his.
“i don’t mind desk duty. my view is pretty great.” he says with a subtle teasing smirk as he looks down at you, you knew that his desk was a few over from his and he could look directly at you. you bite on your bottom lip and your cheeks flush a deeper scarlet.
you look up at him, “i’m glad you like it,” you gesture to the party around you. all your coworkers talking and the decorations. “i worked hard…i just wanted you to feel welcome.”
he smiles widely, dimples and all. “it worked, i feel welcome. you’ve made me feel welcome.” he feels himself admitting as his blue sparkling eyes rove over you.
you feel your body become hot beneath your pencil skirt and blouse, “uhm, i-i yeah, well…” you try to say but fail miserably, gnawing on your bottom lip.
“anyways,” he saved you with a small smile, tilting his head down to look into your eyes. “i was thinking that maybe we could…uhm, go out sometime?” he managed to get out. he felt like it was hot in here, like his uniform was strangling him.
your heart was beating out of your chest, you blinked up at him. you almost felt like you could pinch yourself because this couldn’t be real. he couldn’t be asking her out, he couldn’t like you like you liked him.
“uhm, me…me? you mean me right?” you swallow, your mouth suddenly dry despite the punch you were holding in your hand. he smiles beautifully at you, showcasing his cute cheeks and his straight teeth, “yeah, i was talking to you. unless you see any other beautiful office managers around here?” he says with a small scan of his blue eyes over your frame.
you felt like you were about to melt into a puddle on the floor. his words and his eyes, dear god.
you straighten your spine, “i’d…i’d love too.” you manage to get out with a small gnaw on her bottom lip to hold back the smile threatening to beam on her face.
he feels relief flood over him, the amount of it was overwhelming. you had no idea how much he needed to hear those words from your lips. to hear you say that you wanted to go out with him.
“that’s-thats cool, yeah. i’m…i’ve been wanting to ask you that for a while.” he admits with a small quirk of his lips, feeling the nerves frazzle out of his body and short circuit his brain.
you can’t help the smile and blush that coats your cheeks, to feel the liking that was reciprocated by him. even after throwing him this party, it was still nice to know where you stood with him.
but you knew now.
“me too.” you blush as you keep your eyes on him, the party continued around them but they stayed deep in their conversation. like it would pain either of them to tear the attention away from each-other for five seconds.
“i’ve wanted…to ask you out, but ive been too nervous. i didn’t know how you would react.” you say softly as you sip on your drink, trying to find something else to focus on besides the red on your cheeks and the thrumming of your heart.
he smiles gently, “your too pretty to be nervous. but i would’ve said yes.” he says with a small wink in her direction, he had no idea where this confidence was coming from but he was glad he found it in this moment.
you look down at your punch in your hands, trying to will your heart to relax for five seconds. you were going to go out on a date with him. you were talking to him. he liked his welcome party…he was flirting with you.
it was safe to say you had him.
and he had you.
“i can’t wait for our date.” you say softly, looking up in his direction. your eyes gleaming a little as you stared at him, with something bordering on fascination and excitement.
he grins sheepishly and looks down at you, taking a small step closer. “me either. your gonna look so beautiful. your always beautiful but…i bet you look even better out of work clothes.” he says with a small gesture of his blue eyes up and down your frame.
you tuck some of your hair behind your ear, “thank you.” you breathe out some air, trying to calm the nerves and the erratic beating out of your chest at his compliment, his eyes. just everything about him.
it made you feel like you were a giddy high schooler with a crush. like you were back in school and you were talking to a guy you were so enamored with, it just made sense with leon. you were so comfortable around him but your feelings made you feel like a frazzled teenager.
like you were back where you once were, it was exciting.
you knew he was the one, even if you hadn’t had the first date yet. you just had a gut feeling.
and your gut was always right.
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taglist: @elihii @heartsforvin @argreion @sqiim @adollrable @leonkennedygvrl @cherubify @porcelainseashore @squazmine (if you wanna be added interact with the link at the beginning <33)
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moonlinos · 3 months
Hi love 💖
Which romance trope do you associate each skz member with?
For eg: enemies to lovers, forbidden, friends to lovers, boy next door etc
Tbh, from your perspective what relates to them....
Bye, keep writing more 🥰🤗☺️
Ahh I loved writing this, thank you for asking. I got a bit carried away, but it’s not proofread since it’s a drabble so I tried to be less annoying with myself 🙃 Basically a trope for each member + a small blurb 🩷
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Chan - Second chance love Maybe it’s because I just wrote about this, but it fits Chan well.
He was your college sweetheart, the one boyfriend you could never truly forget. After he moves to a different country due to a job offer, you’re left to reminisce about the amazing relationship you foolishly let slip through your fingers. You unknowingly compare every boyfriend you have to him, and they all fall short. No guy is as caring as Chan — he missed out on his own birthday party to console you after failing a test. No guy is as romantic as Chan — he was too broke for flowers during your relationship, so he made you paper roses every day until you broke up. No guy would ever live up to what Chan meant to you. Although you want nothing more than to look for him, your falling out wasn’t quite amicable. When you meet again, it’s by pure coincidence. He’s been transferred back to Seoul, where his company is located across the street from the building where you work. You’re completely different from who you were when you were together. Somehow, that’s exactly what you needed, and you find yourselves wanting to give your old romance a second try.
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Minho - Friends to lovers This is so strange to me because this is actually my least favorite trope, and this man is my bias.
Minho is the one person at your job who you can stand to be around. You always joked about how his hidden talent is making you laugh even while you’re crying. Having worked together for three years now, you two have your little routine: going out to eat cheap street food after work and getting drunk at your favorite bar on weekends. He’s nothing but a friend to you, but he’s secretly pining after you, just waiting for that right moment to confess his feelings. But that moment never comes — you’re always too focused on work, or whining about yet another failed blind date. It takes one drunken night, when he’s carrying you from your car up to your apartment, for just how sweet, caring, and handsome Minho truly is to dawn on you. From there, you begin to subtly show him your feelings — which would totally make him flustered and maybe even a little annoyed that you could do it so effortlessly while he just waited around like an idiot. When you’re asked why you had a change of heart after being his friend for so long, you simply answer that you had no choice but to fall for him. He’s your best friend and the love of your life all wrapped up into one, how could you not want him?
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Changbin - Holiday romance He just screams hot, funny dude you meet on a holiday.
You’re a bit down as you walk into the luau; the beautiful beach does little to distract you from the ugly jealousy inside your chest. Your friends are finding their perfect partners one by one, getting married, and leaving you to be the single friend. Your last friend from your little group is set to get married in two days, her wealthy fiance flying all the guests out to Hawaii for a dream beach wedding. You’re happy for her, but being her bridesmaid was almost like rubbing salt in your wound. Changbin’s loud voice is the first thing you hear after sitting down at the bar. You two get to talking, and his contagious laughter and constant jokes have you enthralled the entire night, and the way the sleeves of his shirt strained against his biceps certainly helped. You end up hooking up that night, leaving you hopeful you won’t be so lonely during yet another wedding. Except he simply disappears when morning comes, a small note explaining he had to catch his flight left on the pillow beside you. He didn’t know if adding his number would be too much — maybe you were just looking to de-stress and have a good time at your friend’s bachelorette party. So he doesn’t, simply signing his name and telling you he had an amazing time with you.
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Hyunjin - Forbidden love In so many different ways. A crown prince set to be king, your bodyguard who really shouldn’t have fallen for you because it puts his life at risk, your best friend who’s already in a relationship. A love you know is unattainable, but you pursue it anyway.
The crown prince has a soft spot for you, even though you’re only a village girl who runs your family’s bakery. Despite his guards surrounding him and his cold appearance, he treats you as an equal whenever he visits your shop — which happens frequently, seeing as his mother cannot live without your strawberry pound cake, a recipe that’s been passed down to you by your late father. Hyunjin’s love starts shyly, without him noticing. His father often berates him for being too soft on the help, too kind to people below him — he simply assumes it’s his seemingly too-kind nature that makes him want to befriend you. He begins escaping from the palace under the pretense of fetching his mother’s favorite treat himself, until he finds himself escaping simply to see you. You spend your days teaching him how to bake various treats while he revels in feeling so normal for the first time in his life. Hidden inside your little bakery, he’s not expected to be gracious and courteous, or to be ruthless and calculating. He can simply be himself around you. Only problem is his parents announce he will be marrying a princess from a neighboring kingdom in less than six months.
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Jisung - Fake relationship Jisung screams early 2000s romcom for me, you can’t change my mind. The real chaotic ones like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Wedding Planner, and of course, The Proposal.
You were certainly not his first option, given his love for tormenting you and your history of bickering at office get-togethers. But Jisung is left with no choice as Christmas is quickly approaching, and his entire family expects to meet his fiance when he visits. In all fairness, he did have one, but she broke off the engagement with no real explanation, leaving him heartbroken and in a huge predicament. He could either come clean to his family and endure two weeks of nagging or find someone to act as his fiance. Unfortunately for him, you’re the only single woman in his department he knows would accept this crazy deal — that’s enough ammo for a year of teasing, and you can’t pass up on that.
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Felix - Sunshine/grumpy I know this is the most obvious choice but hear me out, it’s for good reason.
Felix moves back to Australia to get away from the corporate world he’s been sucked into, missing his carefree days at the beach when he was a kid. You move in next door after a year and a half of enduring a terrible writer’s block that threatens your career as a writer. You have no time for futile things, seeing as your livelihood depends on you sitting down and finishing your book before summer ends. Except your neighbor is unrelenting, determined to help you find your lost passion through his carefully curated list of days at his favorite childhood fair and late-night ocean trips to teach you how to swim. It’s irritating at first, and you want nothing more than to get through his silly list as fast as possible lest you drown him during one of your swimming lessons. Only Felix’s outlook on life slowly wins you over, and you find yourself with more than just your forgotten love for writing filling your heart.
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Seungmin - Enemies to lovers He also screams romantic comedy. His handsome face hiding his chaotic need to pester everyone he loves makes this the obvious choice to me.
As a lawyer just starting her career, you expect to be faced with the usual issues: overworking, your boss being an asshole, and dealing with cases that make you question your own morals. A co-worker who makes every second of your day unbearable was not on your bingo card. Seungmin is assigned to the same team as you, working under the supervision of the firm’s most prestigious lawyers. His need to be the best drives you up the wall, his competitiveness possibly being the worst trait you’ve seen on a man, only rivaled by his cockiness. If that wasn’t enough, he’s seemingly determined to make your life a living hell, constantly engaging in petty fights and teasing you every chance he gets. When a particular case proves too much for you to handle — hitting too close to home — Seungmin trades his unwelcome jokes for words of encouragement, keeping you company after work hours simply to help you. You see him take a step back from his beloved spotlight for the first time just to watch you shine. You find it odd, to say the least, but you can’t bring yourself to question it in your situation. Little do you know he’s been falling for you since he was first introduced to the team, and his need to rile you up is simply a desperate attempt to make you pay attention to him.
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Jeongin - Boy next door I read this one in your message and I just knew it was Jeongin.
He moves next door after a heartbreak, which makes him want nothing more than to run away from the bustling city of Seoul and its cold residents. Jeongin intrigues you from the first day — having lived in that small town your whole life had you desperate for excitement, for what adventures the city could provide you. You have a happy, albeit quite monotonous life. Running the only bookshop in town provides countless stories from your nosy neighbors’ chaotic lives that keep you entertained throughout your days. Still, you’ve grown tired of only hearing about these experiences. Jeongin begins frequenting your bookshop, walking you home, and coming inside for a piece of cake every day. During your talks, you always complain about your dull life in the town, while he swears you wouldn’t trade the tranquility of your little life if you knew how ruthless and lonely the city can be. You fall first, his bright smile and gentle nature capturing your lonely heart. But he falls harder, vowing to help you find the excitement you yearn for in life, even if it means losing you to the city he hates so much.
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♡ taglist: @bloom-ings, @linocz, @farahia, @mirbokk, @jisunglyricist, @jazziwritesthings, @seungseung-minmin, @yourcvndx, @hynjinnnnnnnie, @vlctorriaa, @yongbokkiesworld, @kiensecent, @redstayrosie
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eclipixels · 6 months
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- short fluffy blurb on all the times Coryo gave you roses -
The first time Coriolanus got you roses was when you were both 13.
You'd been going to the academy together and inevitably grown a bit close over the years. It was your birthday that day, and while everyone else gave extravagant gifts that their families could afford, all Coriolanus could give was a simple plain white rose. He was nervous, a bit ashamed that he couldn't give anything more to his best friend.
But, to his surprise, you were ecstatic. He still fondly remembers the way your eyes lit up and you threw your arms around his neck. With your face buried in his chest, a lasting impression was etched in Coriolanus's memory, marking the inception of deeper thoughts about your connection. That was the first day he started thinking about you.
The second time Coriolanus gave you roses was on your first unofficial date.
He showed up outside your window in the evening as the sun just set. He asked you to sneak out with him and with an anxious heart, you agreed. You didn't know where he was taking you, but that didn't matter. You trusted him.
"Coryo, where are we?" You giggled, his hands covering your eyes with the few steps you took. You could hear the chirping of crickets and a distant muttering of people.
"Just a few more seconds... now! Open your eyes," he grinned, observing the fascination on your face as the night sky burst into a kaleidoscope of colors. However, he personally found the way the hues painted your skin more beautiful than any firework display.
"By the way, I grabbed some flowers from my grandma'am's garden. I hope you like them," Coriolanus awkwardly reveals, pulling out two roses from his coat. Bandages adorned his fingers, evidence of the thorns that pricked him during the collection. You stood in silence, your hair tousled by the breeze, caught in the moment with a racing heart, appreciating the heartfelt gesture.
"Y/n?" he asked, a hint of confusion and concern in his voice, wondering why your silence lingered. Did he come off as weird? Was he overdoing it?
Following the whispers of your heart, you closed the gap between you two.
The third time he gave you roses was on your 2 year anniversary.
You woke up bright and early to bouquet of roses sitting in front of your door with a little handwritten note. You smiled, smelling the scent. It was so similar to his own. At this point, you associated the two with each other. Roses are Coriolanus Snow. And Coriolanus snow is Roses.
"Sorry I can't be there to greet you this morning, my love. I have to get back to the academy for mentoring, but I plan to take you out to dinner this evening. Wear the dress Tigris made for you.
XX Coryo"
The most recent time he gave you roses was when he asked you to marry him.
It was cliche. Petals scattered the path leading to a willow tree, and he somehow rounded up white doves to flutter around. As he knelt down on one knee, a single rose emerged from his coat, its fragrance mingling with the air. In his grasp, a stunning diamond ring glistened. With bated breath, he spoke those timeless four words that carry the weight of an eternity.
"Will you marry me?"
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smolvenger · 5 months
Also, I can't say no to blurbs and especially not to something extraordinarily fluffy like "Touch her and you die", tehehe... Perhaps with Henry V? 🤭
Hiiii bestie! I'm going to make the blurbs shorter and simpler if you don't mind!
His Queen (Henry V x fem! Reader blurb)
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Your boat docked right on the shores of France. So while your husband, the king, was determined to fight there- you had to see him.
Henry had waited with his whole army on the shore of a cliff. Then he dismounted his horse and ran up. It was a reminder of his youth- the young, firey, springy king. He easily bounded through the little beach and the plank right as you stepped up to get off the boat. Before his army and the guards, he embraced you passionately and you back.
"How are you, my sweet wife?"
"Weary from the journey though it was smooth," you confessed.
"For such a lady as you, even the seas and winds themselves would still and become gentle for you to cross," he said.
He hugged you again, peppering a kiss onto your cheek as you laughed, feeling the tickle of his facial hair and re-acquainting yourself with his lips.
He gestured to one of the lords. The Lord of York brought forth a beautiful white mare and you gasped.
"A gift for you, my lady," he offered.
You thanked him and he helped you to mount her. She accepted you- gentle was her demeanor and what a good companion she would make here in France.
"Why, the seas were quite misty- I should call her Mist, for she reminds me a little of it," you cooed, petting her mane.
"A noble, strong, yet sweet and beautiful thing, much like my dearest queen and lady," Henry said.
"My, what words roll off your tongue now! They shall call you a poet, not a ruler," you teased.
"Then it means I am an artist, and you are the muse then for such words. And if I must continue my pen, then my muse shouldn't be kept too long from me," he bantered back lightly.
He got up on his own horse- a white stallion quoting yours. You felt like a fairy queen, not a mortal one, as she trotted over the grass.
And you were led to ride and sit on your horse before the army. Dressed in their greys and blacks and scraps of leather, their eyes were big.
"This here, is Her Majesty, the Queen of England," announced Henry.
You smiled, though part of you went stiff. A few looks seemed to be borderline leers. How long have these men been deprived of a woman's presence?
Henry noticed, and his voice turned a darker tone, a fiercer one.
"She is both your ruler and a lady, and you must respect her as you do both. She is also my wife, I must remind you..."
His eyes darkened. The army stiffened, turning pale and attentive like naughty schoolboys caught by their teacher.
"You must guard her and listen to and follow her as you do Harry of England. She is England's Woman and it's most precious jewel. And should any miscreant or bully among you dare lay a finger on that precious jewel, I shall condemn you at once to hang. Remember the fate of Bardolph- one of your own who greedily robbed a poor church of its dearest sacraments- and she here is the greatest sacrament of England. And if none of you want to share worse than his fate, then cool your lust elsewhere...or I shall execute you myself." Henry threatened all of them.
The soldiers bowed their heads and complied. You gave him a smile. Though the only woman there, you were unafraid.
You were ready to join your husband and support him without fear.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
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Hope We Grow Old, But We Never Grow Up
(Harry Styles x Reader)
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Summary: It’s Harry’s birthday and you’re determined to make him feel special. (Also I’m v sorry this is only a blurb. Things have been rough so I haven’t had much energy)
Contains: Fluff fluffy vomitness
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! WE LOVE YOU! Thank you for coming into my life when I needed you. I've met so many amazing friends because of you and I wouldn't be me without them.
“Y/N, come on! Where are we going?”
I laugh and shake my head as I focus on the road, Harry unable to see due to the blindfold I made him put on.
“Calm down! You know we’re in California and that’s all you’re getting until we get to our destination.”
He groans and grips my hand, most likely due to my clumsiness and he doesn’t trust that I’m not going to lead him into a pole.
I lead him to the entrance and walk behind him, removing his blindfold. He lets out a small gasp and I smile. He turns around and pulls me into the tightest hug.
"We're at Disneyland?!
I laugh and pat his back until he pulls away. We walk hand in hand into the park. Our first stop is one of the shops, where I of course have to buy him birthday ears and a button to wear, despite his arguments. We walk out in our new gear and make a plan on where to go from there.
For a good part of the afternoon, we make our way around the park until we finally make it to in front of Aurora's castle. My nerves make my stomach twist in knots as I build up my courage to do something big. While Harry gazes at the castle, I pull the ring box out of my pocket and get on one knee. It takes him just a minute to notice me and when he does, his jaw drops.
"Look I know this seems crazy but- I love you Harry Edward Styles. I have since the day we met. These 2 years... They've been the best of my life and I-.."
He smiles and gets on his knee as well, a ring box in his hand.
"I've had this for a few weeks... Just carrying it around, trying to find the right time. I know you're not one for big proposals- especially because they make you cringe-."
I laugh as I tear up.
"Yes you big dummy. I'll marry you. Only you could read my mind and pull this at the same time."
He laughs and slips the ring on my finger before I slip the one in my hand onto his. He stands up, pulling me into his arms and kisses me passionately as I smile into the kiss. Cheers, applauds and whistles echo around us as we kiss. He finally lets me go and he grips my hand.
We stay for the California adventure fireworks show and we decide to watch from the ferris wheel.
"Y/N, how long have you been planning this?"
I smile and shrug.
"The proposal? A few months. Your birthday? A few weeks. You were really upset about turning 30 and I wanted to make you feel like a kid again. And i knew once I finally set everything together that it would be the best day to propose."
He pecks my lips softly and I smile.
"It was perfect... But you know- I wouldn't mind growing old with you- As long as we never grow up."
I laugh and shake my head.
"With you? Never."
Please like and reblog! Requests are open!
Tag List
@be-with-me-so-happily @swiftmendeshoran @babyiamperfectforyou @freedomfireflies @kaminokatie @harrysmimi @violetsandfluff @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs @cupidsdolll @rafaaoli @kimmi-kat @erggggggggg @cayleyhannha-blog @acesofspadess @that-mcu-fan @styles-barnes-bitch @purple9950 @justmystyles @itslottiehere @cinnamonone @gurugirl @ameliascreampuffs @mouthfulloftoothpasterry
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Snack Wars.
my masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here!
authors note - niall and louis have done it, now it’s time for hazza to take part.
word count - 2.6k
in which, on this episode of snack wars, we sit down with a certain curly headed lad who goes by the name of harry styles who happens to be comparing british and american snacks.
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"Hi, M’Harry Styles, and this is Snack Wars: Britain versus America on LADbible."
He was sat at a small table, wearing an open buttoned black blouse revealing his swallow tattooed partially, and a matching pair of black trousers, with a black version of his satellite stompers.
The scene cut to a moment of anticipation as Harry, a playful smile on his face, leaned forward to lift the silver cloche that concealed the surprise snack showdown. With an air of curiosity, he wondered aloud, "What ‘ave y’got for me, huh?”
With a theatrical flourish, Harry unveiled the hidden treasures. His eyes widened as he beheld the items laid before him.
"Well, this is intriguing," he mused.
On the British side, there sat a classic bone china teacup, adorned with delicate floral patterns. Steam wafted from the cup, carrying the unmistakable aroma of freshly brewed English tea. A smile tugged at the corners of Harry's lips as he appreciated the comforting sight.
Then, on the American side, he found a tall Starbucks cup, its iconic logo staring back at him.
"Hot chocolate, huh?" Harry noted, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. The rich, velvety beverage was topped with a generous dollop of whipped cream, drizzled with chocolate syrup—a quintessential indulgence.
Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the contrast before him.
"A classic cup of English tea versus a Starbucks hot chocolate," he said with a playful grin. "S’like comparing tradition with a bit of modern comfort."
As he picked up the English teacup, Harry took a contemplative sip and savoured the warm, familiar flavour.
"Y’just can't beat a good cuppa," he admitted with a nod of approval.
Turning his attention to the Starbucks hot chocolate, as he brought the cup closer to his mouth and took a sip of the Starbucks hot chocolate, a warm smile crossed his face.
"Y’know," he mused, "S’m’son Jude's favorite drink at t’moment."
From behind the camera, the producer, Becky, chimed in with a playful tone.
"Well, Harry, you might have to take it home with you then," she suggested.
Harry turned toward the camera, a twinkle in his eye, and replied,
"Yeah, I might have to," adding a soft chuckle. The idea of bringing a taste of the challenge back to his family seemed rather appealing.
"N’this s’like a cosy hug in a cup," he quipped.
With both cups now in hand, Harry found himself in the middle of a delightful dilemma. He was torn between the classic cup of English tea and the comforting Starbucks hot chocolate. He took another sip of the hot chocolate, the rich cocoa flavour lingering on his taste buds, and then turned to the English tea, its aroma inviting him back to tradition.
With a playful frown, he mused aloud, "S’a tough decision, isn't it?"
The camera captured his contemplative expression as he hesitated. Finally, he extended his index finger, pointing toward the cup of English tea.
"Y’know," Harry said with a hint of hesitation, "y’just can't beat a bit of tradition."
As he made his choice, he looked into the camera, a mischievous glint in his eye, and added, "But don't get me wrong, s’hot chocolate s’fantastic too."
The crew behind the scenes chuckled at Harry's charming indecision, understanding the difficulty of choosing between two beloved beverages.
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As the scene wrapped up with Harry having chosen the English tea, there was a moment of transition, and another producer, Sarah, stepped in, placing a fresh cloche on the table.
Harry, ever the showman, decided to play along. He feigned excitement, clapping his hands together as if he were a kid about to open a birthday present.
"Ooh, S’under this one, ey?" he exclaimed with playful enthusiasm.
The crew behind the camera burst into laughter at Harry's antics. It was a heartwarming moment of genuine amusement, and it made Harry feel happy that he could bring a bit of laughter to the set.
Sarah joined in on the fun, making a dramatic reveal as she lifted the cloche, unveiling a new surprise snack.
With the producer, Sarah, excusing herself to organise the next set of snacks, Harry turned back to face the camera. He couldn't help but maintain his charming grin, fully embracing the fun and spontaneity of the Snack Wars challenge.
With a sly wink to the camera, he reached forward, once again lifting the cloche. The reveal this time brought forth a quintessentially British delight – a plate of buttered crumpets. The golden-brown crumpets glistened under the studio lights, promising a warm, comforting taste of the UK.
As Harry lifted the cloche to reveal the buttered crumpets, he couldn't quite hide a slightly disdained expression. The golden discs of toasted goodness sat there, tempting, but his reaction was unmissable.
Producer Becky, who was watching closely, couldn't help but notice Harry's reaction. She raised an eyebrow and said, "Not a fan of crumpets, Harry?"
Harry chuckled, his signature honesty shining through.
"Y’know ‘hat?," he began, "M’not exactly t’biggest fan f’crumpets, t’be honest. S’the texture, y’see."
He leaned forward, elaborating, "M’don't really like how they feel in t’mouth. S’a bit... spongy f’m’liking." He demonstrated by pressing a finger into one of the crumpets, watching it bounce back. "But ey’, s’just me."
With the crumpets before him, Harry Styles decided to give them another chance. He leaned forward, picked up one of the buttered crumpets, and took a cautious bite. However, as soon as he tasted the spongy texture, his face contorted in discomfort.
He chewed for a moment, but it was clear that the texture didn't sit well with him. Harry quickly reached for a napkin and discreetly spat out the bite he had taken. He shook his head, a look of mild frustration on his face, and simply said, "I can't do it. I can't."
The crew around him chuckled, empathising with his culinary struggles. Harry Styles may be an international superstar, but even he had his food preferences.
Harry, ever the trooper, decided to set aside the crumpets and turned his attention to the colourful box of Lucky Charms. With a playful glint in his eye, he grabbed a bowl and poured a generous serving of the whimsical cereal. The rainbow-hued marshmallow shapes and toasted oat pieces tumbled into the bowl, creating a delightful medley of colours.
He then grabbed the jug of cold milk and added a generous splash, watching as the cereal pieces began to bob and soak up the milk. With a cheeky grin, he couldn't resist poking fun at his previous crumpet encounter. He turned to the camera and quipped, "Anything's better than those crumpets, am I right?"
The crew burst into laughter, sharing in his jest. Harry then picked up a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of Lucky Charms, and brought it to his mouth. As the sweet, crunchy goodness met his taste buds, his eyes sparkled with delight. He savored the delightful combination of textures and flavors, nodding approvingly.
With a mouthful of cereal, he gave a thumbs-up to the camera, clearly enjoying the contrast between the playful sweetness of the American cereal and the earlier challenge of the British crumpets.
“One point to America.” He grinned after he swallowed the mouthful.
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The scene transitioned smoothly, and as the camera focused on the table, another cloche awaited Harry’s playful curiosity. With a grin, he leaned forward and lifted the cloche to reveal a Greggs bakery wrapper and a McDonald's wrapper neatly placed side by side.
Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. "Well, well, well," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "Can't go wrong with either of these, can ya?"
The crew laughed, understanding the dilemma he was about to face – a classic choice between the savoury delights of a Greggs bakery treat and the fast-food comfort of McDonald's.
With a mock-serious expression, he picked up the Greggs wrapper, his anticipation evident. "S’what we've got here,ey?"
As Harry pulled the Greggs wrapper open, he was met with a surprise – a vegan sausage roll neatly nested inside. He leaned forward, his curiosity piqued, and brought the roll closer to his nose to take in its scent.
He gave it a tentative sniff and then grinned.
"Interesting," he mused, before taking a hearty bite out of the vegan sausage roll. His eyes twinkled as he chewed, clearly contemplating the taste.
After a few moments, Harry swallowed and offered his verdict.
"Well, I like it," he said with a nod. "S’got that sausage taste, y’know?
With the taste of the vegan sausage roll still on his palate, Harry shifted his attention to the McDonald's wrapper. He couldn't help but smile as he pulled out a Fillet-O-Fish box. The familiar golden arches symbolised a comforting fast-food favorite .
The producer, who had orchestrated this surprise, chimed in, "We thought you might enjoy that, Harry, considering you're pescatarian."
Harry's eyes brightened as he looked at the Filet-O-Fish box.
"Well, thank y’for thinking of me," he replied warmly. "S’always nice t’have options."
With gratitude in his voice, he proceeded to open the box, revealing the crispy fish sandwich inside. The delightful aroma of the fish and tartar sauce filled the air, making him even more eager to take a bite.
With a grin of anticipation, Harry took a big bite of the Fillet-O-Fish. The moment the flavors hit his taste buds, his eyes closed in pleasure, and he let out a satisfied hum. It was clear that the familiar taste brought him genuine delight.
He tilted his head back slightly, savoring the moment, and the producers couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiastic reaction. It was a simple yet heartwarming display of food appreciation.
As he finished that delicious bite, one of the producers asked, "Harry, do you have McDonald's a lot?"
Harry shook his head, his mouth still full. He chewed and swallowed before answering,
"Not really, but it does hold a special place in m’heart."
He continued,
"Y’see, it was actually mine and m’fiancée's first takeaway together, about six years ago. So, s’got some sentimental value." Harry's eyes softened as he reminisced about that memorable moment.
The crew smiled, appreciating the personal touch Harry added to the Snack Wars challenge.
So it was safe to say that McDonald’s got the point for that one.
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As Harry lifted the next cloche lid, he uncovered a delightful surprise – a Victoria sponge cake and a Twinkie side by side. The contrast between the classic British treat and the iconic American snack was evident.
Harry couldn't help but smile at the sight of the Victoria sponge, its layers of sponge and sweet jam filling beckoning to him.
"Now, this looks promising," he remarked.
However, his gaze lingered on the Twinkie, and he let out a small chuckle.
"Ah, Twinkies," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "V’actually had a bit of a... bad experience with these."
Producer Becky, always curious, couldn't resist asking for more details. "Oh, really? What happened, Harry?"
Harry leaned back, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Well, when I was around nineteen, I was touring in t’States," he began, "n’someone dared me t’eat a whole box of Twinkies in one go." He paused, his eyes crinkling with a mix of nostalgia and humor. "I took up t’challenge, but let's just say it didn't end well. I ended up... well, throwing them all up."
The crew burst into laughter at Harry's candid confession. It was a tale of youthful daredevilry and the consequences of overindulgence, and it added another layer of charm to the Snack Wars challenge.
Harry couldn't help but be drawn to the sight of the Victoria sponge cake. Its soft layers and sweet jam filling were a comforting temptation. With a subtle smile, he slowly pushed the Twinkie away from him, turning all his attention to the British delight that made his mouth water.
Without hesitation, he picked up the entire cake with both hands and, with a mischievous glint in his eye, took an enormous, unapologetic bite. The sweet icing smeared all over his scruff and lips as he indulged in the delightful treat.
Amidst Harry's enthusiastic cake-eating, the crew couldn't contain their laughter. Icing adorned his face, and the scene was a humorous mix of sophistication and playful indulgence.
With his mouth full of cake, Harry attempted to speak, his words muffled as he declared, "Britain... takes the point on this one!" His sentiment was clear despite the sugary obstacle, and the crew erupted into even more laughter at his charmingly messy verdict.
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As the Snack Wars challenge continued, the next cloche was unveiled, revealing yet another intriguing matchup. On one side of the table sat a bottle of Pimms, accompanied by a glass of lemonade, and on the other side was a shot glass with a bottle of bourbon beside it.
Harry, ever the adventurer, leaned forward to examine the options before him. His eyes sparkled with curiosity as he took in the contrasting beverages.
"S’a fun choice," he remarked with a grin. "We've got a taste f’British summer with Pimms and lemonade on one side, and a good old American bourbon on the other."
With a thoughtful nod, Harry decided to start with the Pimms and lemonade. He picked up the bottle of Pimms and carefully poured some into the glass of lemonade. The vibrant red and orange hues mingled with the fizzy lemonade, creating a refreshing blend.
He brought the glass up to his lips and took a sip. His eyes lit up as he savoured the harmonious combination of flavours.
"S’good," he declared with a contented smile.
Harry leaned back in his chair, gazing into the distance with a nostalgic glint in his eye.
"Y’know," he began, "s’actually reminds me f’when I go back t’m’mum's house in the summer. S’her favourite drink."
After enjoying the Pimms and lemonade, Harry turned his attention to the bourbon, a drink he admitted he hadn't had much experience with. He picked up the shot glass, inspecting the rich amber liquid within.
"V’not really had bourbon before," he admitted with a curious expression.
Undeterred, he decided to give it a try and threw the shot down the back of his throat. The moment the bourbon hit his palate, he grimaced as the fiery liquid burned its way down his throat. He shook his head, trying to soothe the sensation.
The crew watched with amusement and sympathy, realising that bourbon could be quite the intense experience for a first-timer.
After his adventurous sip of bourbon, Harry Styles placed the shot glass back on the table and looked between the two drinks before him – the Pimms and lemonade and the bourbon. His expression conveyed a sense of contemplation as he considered the flavours and experiences each beverage offered.
With a thoughtful nod, he finally made his decision.
"I think," he began, "I'll give the point t’Britain on this one."
His choice was clear, as he favoured the refreshing blend of Pimms and lemonade, a taste that held sentimental value and fond memories for him.
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With the Snack Wars challenge completed, Harry still faced the camera, a contented smile on his face after the culinary adventure he had just embarked upon. The table before him held remnants of both British and American treats, a testament to the diversity of flavours he had experienced.
Becky, one of the producers, couldn't resist the opportunity to share the results. She leaned in and asked, "Harry, would you like to know the final result?"
Harry turned toward her, his curiosity piqued, and replied with a playful grin, "Yes, I'd love t’know!"
Becky beamed and announced, "Britain won!"
Harry chuckled and nodded in approval.
"Ah, y’can't go wrong with t’British," he quipped, showcasing his patriotism with a touch of humour.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
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au: in which Jack and y/n (lovie) have a daughter named Eleanor, El for short!
if you have any blurb ideas, questions, scenarios, thoughts, ideas of any kind for this au, my inbox is always open!
the playlist for this au can be found on apple music and spotify
The Start of It All
Motherhood (the original start of the el!hughes au)
Happy Birthday & Mother’s Day! (insta edit)
Throwbacks (insta edit)
Lukey’s B-Day (insta edit)
Quinny’s B-Day (insta edit)
Surprise! (insta edit)
Second Trimester (18+)
Gender Reveal (insta edit)
Sweet Sweet Baby
Welcome to the World (insta edit)
el’s first time at the lake house
el’s first game
finding out they’re pregnant
the devils meeting el
el’s first family skate
grandma ellen & grandpa jim
el gets a playoff jacket
announcing the pregnancy
el goes to uncle quinn’s family skate
gender reveal
el spends time with her uncles
jack missing a milestone
el’s clingy phase
jack carrying el in a baby carrier
el gets hurt
first date night since el
lovie & jack’s el free morning
baby shoes
the family finding out lovie is pregnant again
el being jack’s biggest fan
jack and lovie headcanons
jack and lovie’s origin
how y/n became “lovie”
lovie on the kiss cam
lovie & trev = bff’s
how did they reveal the gender?
jack always talking to el
chunky baby el
el’s nickname’s
el being scared of graves
lovie getting a clogged milk duct
el’s reaction to jack’s missing tooth
jack being proud of lovie
luke’s disgust with breast milk
jack trying lovie’s breast milk
luke moving in with them
how long does luke live with them?
el’s uncle luke phase
el’s uncle luke phase pt2
el’s reaction to luke possibly moving out
el’s reaction to luke getting a gf
el and luke’s gf bonding
el having her own room at luke’s
lovie’s relationship with quinn
el & lovie cheering up jack & luke after a loss
trevor being a bad influence
el being a biter
jack being possessive over lovie the milf
jack’s el tattoo
a mean lovie sign at a game
el & uncle trevor
el freaking jack out with a “boyfriend”
el’s pre-game rituals
lovie and el sitting by a mean fan
uncle quinn visiting
lovie’s not “shy”
jack the “baby daddy”
lovie’s thoughts on jack tiktoks
who helps el with homework?
jack loves ogling lovie
lovie & jack pregnancy scares
jack’s bday & mother’s day morning
el’s cards for jack & lovie
lovie the sister
lovie & jack’s double day celebrations
has jack gotten shit for marrying young?
lovie’s tattoos
lovie & jack’s off-season vacation
lovie & jack take el to disney world
el the water baby
lovie ogling jack as he works out
el’s first birthday
el’s one year milestones
possessive lovie
how lovie and el dress
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thebearer · 9 months
could you please write a daddy!carmy spanking blurb? she’s just been being a brat all damn day and he has had absolutely enough and ends up forcing her over his knee
absolutely. i love a spanking blurb don't look at me. esp with dom!carm ok? lol minors dni 18+ everything is consensual and pre-consented to :)
"What's the matter with you?" Carmen's tone was tired, exasperated even, eyes pleading softly with you. A look you didn't return.
Oh no, instead your lips twisted together, arms crossing over your chest furiously. You'd been like this all day- mean. Mean from the moment he'd picked you up. Mean on the train ride into the city. Mean at the store, even when Carmen held your bags for you. A permanent snarl on your lips, snapping and rude comments that left Carmen retreating.
It wasn't your birthday, anniversary, no important dates he could think of. He'd cancelled the night before, staying too long at the restaurant, but you sounded fine on the phone, especially when he made it up to you by taking you out today. Carmen couldn't figure out what was going on with you, but he was slowly teetering out of concern and edging more towards annoyed.
"Hey," Carmen tried again, hand snaking under your jaw lightly. "Baby, what is goin' on with you-"
"-Nothing." You snapped, fierce and mean, louder than you should have. The people beside you on the L cutting their eyes only for a moment before turning back to their own tasks.
Carmen's cheeks flushed in embarrassment, dropping his hand from your grasp, knee bouncing furiously. You knew he was fed up with this attitude of yours, that you'd probably be in for it when you got home- you hoped you would be. Carmen had been so busy at the restaurant. Staying late hours and early mornings, and you couldn't help but feel jealous. Absent of his affection. You tried to coax it out sweetly, yet it still wasn't working, so you decided to get it the only other way you knew how to: by being a brat and pushing him to his limit.
The ride back was silent, an even quieter walk back to Carmen's apartment. He still stood beside you, still carried the bags, still held the door open for you when you got home.
"You gonna help me?" Carmen grit, putting the groceries away.
"Why?" You snapped, rolling your eyes. "You don't know where it goes?"
"Alright, are you bein' serious?" Carmen snapped, whirling around to face you, brows furrowed and eyes bulging in anger. It made your tummy flip with excitement.
"Being serious? I mean, do you seriously not know where it goes?" You huffed, stomping towards a bag. Carmen's hand caught you by your upper arm before you could.
"Hey, hey, look at me." Carmen barked, your eyes lifting to his with a slight roll. His jaw flexed making your lips twitch. "What the fuck has gotten into you?"
"Nothing, Carmen, Christ." You huffed, yanking yourself out of his grip. "You're so annoying today. It's pissing me off."
You didn't miss the flash of hurt that fell across his face, making your heart skip. Maybe you were taking it too far. Being too mean.
Carmen's lips pressed together, shaking his head. "You just tryna piss me off?"
"Why? Is it working?" You sneered, that familiar glint in your eyes when Carmen caught them. Dark and daring, one he knew all too well. Of course this was what you were doing. Carmen rolled his eyes, slamming the fridge shut.
"Yeah, you're bein' such a fuckin' brat today. It is really startin' to piss me off." Carmen sneered, stepping towards you. "Better watch that mouth."
"Or what?" You challenged, heat of excitement pooling between your legs, hoping your excitement didn't show. "What are you gonna do? Just bitch some more?"
"Really?" Carmen tilted his head to the side. You just glared at him, leaving him scoffing. "Fine. Wanna be like that? I can be mean too." His hand was on your arm, dragging you over to the couch.
You squirmed in his grasp, huffing and pushing on his arm. "Carmen, stop, holy shit. You are pissing me off now-" You were over his knee with a slight grunt, Carmen's hand yanking your leggings down easily.
"This what you wanted? Wanted me to be mean?" Carmen's hand cracked down on your upturned ass, a loud clap that had you gasping, arching off his lap.
That delicious sting spreading over your ass, leaving you aching between your legs. You bit back a cry of pleasure, taking a cleansing breath instead before looking at him over your shoulder.
"That didn't even hurt." You sneered.
Carmen scoffed, his free hand pushing on your spine so you were flat against his lap, other hand lifting to crack down on your ass again- harder this time. You gasped, squirming as he settled in his rhythm, alternating from cheek to cheek. You keened, whimpered, outright moaned. You were enjoying yourself far too much, Carmen thought, but he didn't dare stop.
Instead, he let you lift you hips up, raising them so he could strike where you needed him. His own cock throbbed, knowing he was already leaking every time he saw your puffy, slick lips peeking out and teasing him. His mouth watered, desperate do dive in and lick you until you were screaming.
He'd wait. Wait until it was right. He had to finish this first- you had to finish first.
Carmen's hand tingled with every sharp smack against your ass, focusing on the center of your ass, pleased with how you'd whine and your breath would hitch.
"You gonna be nice?" Carmen asked, free hand pulling you by your hair when you didn't answer. "Better fuckin' answer me. You gonna be good?"
"Yes!" You panted. You were so close. The vibrations from Carmen's palm were sending waves of pleasure right to your core, combined with the friction from rubbing yourself on his thigh, and that brilliant sting of pain that left you throbbing- you weren't going to last much longer.
"Who?" Carmen sneered, hand cracking again, then again, sharp and purposeful. "Who're you talkin' to?"
"You." You snipped. Carmen's hand fell hard against your cheeks, actual punishing smacks that had you crying out. "You, D-Daddy!"
"That's right." Carmen hummed, continuing his pace, letting go of your hair. "You better be good f'Daddy, or I'll bring out the spoon again. You hear me?"
You didn't reply, strangled words caught in your throat while you shook and bucked over his lap, body twitching with pleasure. Carmen's hand ran over your hot cheeks, squeezing them lightly while you whimpered, lying limply over his lap.
"Ready to be good?" Carmen rasped, lips hovering over your cheek.
You nodded, eyes glossy still shuddering at your own orgasm. Carmen's fingers dipped between your legs, sliding through your slick folds while you whimpered and shuddered above him. "Good. Be good for Daddy and let me taste you."
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