r0ryy · 4 days
and what if Mako sleeps in the Megalophile after Cass dies. what then?
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binkyfsh · 4 months
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secret samol drawing for @arohawke :)
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swordbreakerz · 1 year
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You find a box labeled ‘do not open.’
happy secret samol @scarykeith!!
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whales-are-gay · 4 months
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the ship brain got me alright
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trestletables · 4 months
happy belated secret samol @r0ryy !!! thank you for this opportunity to give the chime a baby!
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flyawaybooks · 11 months
shhh don't cry
cassmako Cinderella story, okay?
Euanthe is on the verge of death, Sokrates has betrayed the Apostolisian empire, and after Cassander, there's no heir to the throne. This simply will not do. The Apokine declares that it is time for their child to find a suitable spouse, and that there will be a royal ball open to all eligible citizens of the Golden Branch sector who can afford a transport to Apostolos and an outfit suitable for a royal event.
Mako is nobody. He's iteration 37 of an experiment gone mostly wrong. He's good at fogging, though, so the September institute has decided that he's their best shot at getting access to the inner secrets of the Apostolisian court. And, if it goes wrong? Well, there's more Makos where he came from.
Mako knows how to do this. Well. He did until about thirty seconds ago, when he crashed his Ring of Saturn directly into a finely-dressed Apostolisian and sent their bundle of dried squid-ink pasta and fresh vegetables tumbling to the streets.
"Seriously?" they snap at him. "Can you watch where you're going?"
Mako grins sheepishly and starts scrambling to help pick up the scattered ingredients.
"Sorry, got caught up with getting to my final destination as fast as possible, and I'm also a little lost. Guess I forgot to make sure the path was clear!" He hands over a bundle of formerly fresh basil, which is now decidedly squashed. "Uh, I don't suppose you happen to know where the Embassy is?"
The Apostolisian sighs. "Follow the market path past the next three crossings, and turn left at the fourth one. Keep going until you see the huge ostentatious building on the right, it's impossible to miss."
Mako finishes collecting a handful of what appear to be bright blue tomatoes and gives them back to the stranger. "Listen, I really appreciate it. And...yeah, sorry again, I got a bit carried away." He gives the Apostolisian a once-over, taking note of the well-pressed midnight blue tunic and slacks, the golden-brown skin, and the light dusting of teal scales scattered across their cheeks and over the backs of their hands. Their shoes look expensive, too. Upper class, then, or at least wealthy. Probably gonna be at the ball. "Hey, maybe I'll catch you at the big party this weekend, yeah? I'll save you a dance to make up for it!"
He reaches out a hand to shake the Apostolisian's, and then remembers that shaking hands with someone you haven't been introduced to is considered rude in Apostolisian society. He awkwardly pretends like he's fixing his hair and blushes a little bit, finally feeling the weight of his rapid-fire social failures. Great.
He's too focused on remembering the way he's supposed to be acting to notice the way the Apostolisian blanches at the mention of the party. Embarrassed and ready to make a speedy exit, he fires off one last, "Sorry!" before hopping back on the Ring and surfing away down the street.
Cassander now stands alone in the crowded market square with a bag of very rumpled groceries and a whole lot of questions about what just happened to them. But somewhere behind their initial surge of frustration, they find themself intrigued by this skinny, messy, clumsy guy who believes that he'll be attending the party. How did he get to Apostolos? He's clearly not a local. Dressed in a baggy pink hoodie and the shortest jean shorts they've ever seen, he also didn't seem to be a foreign dignitary. And yet he had asked for directions to the Embassy. What in the name of the Apokine was going on?
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onlyghosting · 9 months
A CassMako playlist in the year of our lord 2023? it's more likely than you think
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ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
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fish princes probably have birthdays right
(day 4 - waking up)
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gracelandmp3 · 4 months
listening to last nights counterweight finally . every single week we get more and more back
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wizardfvcker · 2 years
just realized the author of maybe the most insanely good disco elysium fic of All Time is Also a friends at the table fan. they're fucking everywhere
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
i do not often understand the Popular Ships in fatt fandom but broun asking valence if they were comfortable checking out the mysterious tarp alone in pzn 1... ah yes. i get it.
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r0ryy · 4 months
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good luck kiss ^^
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fourteenfifteen · 6 months
may i request some friends at the table fic recs? i haven’t ventured really into the tag
HELLO ANON yeth you can.
i am not an expert and have not read everything but i have some faves! which i will sort by season for your convenience : ] also i have not finished sangfielle so i can't help you there lo siento. if you want more fics i would say a good place to start is @arwainian's fic marathon project. he has been reading everything in the tag and recommending things as he goes there's probably as many recs as u could want right there
ALSO stating at the top that i also write fic! not going to rec any of mine but i'm kind of a hottie i won't lie to u so that's there
OK recs under the cut
these are not in any particular order within seasons!
pzn/pld [at the top bc i have a palisade fic agenda]:
bad endings by elanoides
the stellar combustor arc but a time loop. amazing writing and an instant fave as soon as i read it. i mean come on dude it's a time loop fic come onnnnnnnn
i will reveal you by rozecrest
a recent addition to the tag that i really liked very fun brnine/gucci fic. where's that post about wanting every fic to also be a literary analysis essay that's me rn
use you as a focal point by joeysnowy
theeee crysanth/SI fic which ok it's a niche market but this is just a great one
party 2nite @ bc, rsvp capt. kb by fangirl_squee
VERY fun fic where the blue channel hosts a halloween party. i was giggling bro i won't lie to you
the cat who got the whipped cream by bluecloak
how often do you get to say that the most kudosed fic in a tag totally earns that in terms of quality? lovely and funny and absolutely gorgeously written
my place to land by lady_mab
yes it's the longest fic in the tag yes it's worth the time. total au that still manages to hit that tm vibe
as many times as it takes to get it right by theorangewitch
i just read this for the first time within the last couple weeks and oof it's a great one. very funny and creative and sweet reincarnation fic
excerpts/yours/beloved/signet.asmblg by kalcifer
signet and belgard twine fic!! great shit this one goes out to all the divine likers
rising water by yellow
in lieu of a summary i'm just going to say that i'm actively not a cassmako person but i have read this fic a dozen times
light up the way by harpydora
damn i love these crazy kids. very good fix it fic for the ppl who cried at the end of counter/weight (everyone i assume)
moving shadows / moving light by waveridden
uhh ok so do you know the reality show naked and afraid. ephrim and throndir on that. my secsam gift from last year which was a PRIVILEGE
champions of the world by fangirl_squee
an elaborate hieron hockey au longfic. very cozy and well-thought out
presque vu by fangirl_squee
ok this one is odd and hard to describe but very cool. genuinely have read very few fics like it. read if you like: hieron's tone, weird aus, and magical realism
and i follow just to find you by angstandcaffeine
oh my godddd i love this fic. the cw's supernatural WISHES
the killing of the king god's car by the traitor prince maelgwyn by thunder_rolled_a_six
a total classic that probably everyone would recommend to you. marielda high school au but ok i don't usually like that kind of thing so trust me on this one
fits and starts by luckydicekirby
augh. oh my god. does anybody else like crying. totally amazing samfam fic that really digs into god weirdness in a way that i love and also yeah it broke my heart
making something new by harpydora
love the samol characterization in this one also i just think it's fun
who put love in my head? by kaynara
does anybody else remember half past and flashback and absolute territory? no just me? ok well in any case this fic is so fun and the character voices are so great
ok that feels like a good list! i could absolutely generate a dozen more but i'll leave it there lol generally i will say the fic generated by this fandom is pretty high quality and you'll have a decent experience just looking around in the tag like there's some good stuff in there. worth taking a chance on things (esp recent stuff!)
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swordbreakerz · 2 years
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📐 : did you see? 🐟 : mako, focus 📐 : yeah but did you see that shot?? 🐟 : i did see your shot yes 📐 : it was good right! 🐟 : it was very cool, your aim is improving, but please stop distracting me while im holding a live firearm 📐 : if you say so team captain 🐟 : im going to kill aria for starting that
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guccigarantine · 4 months
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trestletables · 1 year
made a cassmako for my secret samol giftee (shoutout to @legend-ofzegend) cassmako renaissance part ii in 2023 see you all in counter/weight hell
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