lunaapudleonem · 3 days
Hello there, What are some placements (including asteroid placements) that can indicate being well-liked by others?
Hii thank you for your this interesting question!! I love when my followers come up with creative ideas like this 🥰🥰
Placements that can indicate being well-liked by others
Venus in the 1st/7th/11th house
Libra ASC
Libra Stellium
Libra Venus/Mercury
Leo placements - especially Sun & Mercury
11th house stellium - especially Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 11th house
Sun conjunct/sextile/trine Jupiter
Venus sextile/trine Jupiter
Jupiter in the first house/conjunct ASC
Vesta in the 1st/7th/11th house
Ceres in the 1st/7th/11th house
Jupiter in the 7th/11th house
Mercury positively aspected
Amica in the 1st house/conjunct ASC
Gemini placements can also attract a lot of people and be liked a lot by others, but more often they're oscillating between being popular/liked by others and being hated by others
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soundlessroom · 2 days
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Some Karlach-love (Requested on my RP Blog) x - Kiss chart used for requests
Ceres hangs with her tail over something for the spiderman kiss!
Guess who forget to have higher DPI on one of the pictures?
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zeldasnotes · 4 months
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Some of the most kind people Ive ever met had had Jupiter conjunct Moon/Venus. Pure, genuine kindness.
Fama(408) conjunct Uranus can indicate overnight fame. This aspect reminds me of the people who are recorded saying something really funny without realizing it and when they wake up in the morning and see the video went viral.
Venus 10th house is common in the charts of people who work with beauty procedures with a more permanent effect like microblading, cosmetic tattoos, laser hair removal etc. People with these placements often like to get these procedures done on themselves too. Since 10th house is ruled by saturn and saturn is time they want something that lasts instead of just going to a makeupartist.
If one of your parents have Venus in the 5th house you probably hot af.
Moon/Venus conjunct Chiron can mean constantly befriending or falling for the wrong women. They are drawn to people who need healing. But what they forget is that misery loves company.
Everytime I like an artist to the point of liking EVERY song they make we had Venus 8th house synastry. There is a deep understanding here when it comes to art.
Fama(408) conjunct Moon = Soccer mom image👩🏻‍🍼⚽️🧸
People with Ceres(1) conjunct personal planets tend to be well liked.
Venus/Saturn aspects might be hated on more by older people than people their own age. Older women might comment on their looks and older men notice them.
Everytime someone throws a fit in my comments its because I said something about their Moon aspect/sign. Which kinda proves what a sensitive planet the Moon is.
Moon can show where you spend so much time to the point of living there. I read about a person in true crime who lived in her car and she had Moon in the 3rd house, Ive seen Moon in the 6th house who are at work all the time, Ive seen Moon in the 11th housers who are always at their friends house.
Mars, Nessus or Lilith in the 11th house can be keyboard warriors. 🤬💻
Part of Fortune in the 5th house makes someone blessed with extraordinary creativity.
Ive seen people with Lilith Square Jupiter might have to suffer a lot because of rebelling against cultural/religious expectations.
Mars Square Uranus are the kind of people to EXPLODE with physical energy. This makes them excellent at martial arts since they move quick. Mike Tyson have Mars Square Uranus and Pluto.
Venus in Leo in the solar return chart can make you more interested in fashion & haircare that year. 💅
Transit Asteroid Destinn(6583) was conjunct my natal Venus and Transit Moon was in my natal 7th house the day I met the love of my life. Transit Juno(3) was conjunct my natal Juno.
Transit Dejanira(157) conjunct my natal Ascendant was hell. Ive never been victimized by others like I was during that year.
Women with Lilith and Pluto aspecting the Ascendant always look so good in bloodred or jetblack hair.
Moon in the 11th house might find a lot of comfort in social media. Social media can be their escape.
Juicy Couture just screams Taurus energy to me. The soft comfy but still so rich and pretty look to the clothes and bags is pure Taurus. (I cant be the only one who relate certain brands to a sign?)🛍️
Be careful with 2nd house synastry bc it can really make you want to buy someone stuff. I dont know if its house or planet who usually wants to buy bc Ive seen both ways around. Sure it can be a positive thing but not if one is a user and the other is naive. Can also make one expect stuff from the other. 💰
Me and my lilsister have 2nd house synastry but we would never use eachother we just love buying eachother stuff and discuss food and shopping together. For us the giving goes both ways. But Ive seen other situations where one just gave and gave without getting anything back.
Most Libra Venus men Ive met made a very big deal out of what their type is. The type to let eeeeverybody know about how they only date redheads. They can become VERY into what they find beautiful.
Venus says a lot about your behaviour bc Venus is what we find attractive and ofc we act as we want to be seen. Capricorn Venuses for example tend to act in a very mature and serious way. Their behaviour really screams ”take me seriously or live to regret it.”
People with Venus/Pluto tends to get a lot of unwanted suggestions on what to do with their looks.
Transit Asteroid Destinn(6583) was conjunct my natal Venus the day I met the love of my life. And transit Juno(3) was conjunct my natal Juno.
Plutonian Moons can always spot eachother. Same with Chiron 1st house and Lilith 11th house. Thats because these placements all bring experiences in someones youth that can be easily seen on the person later in life.
©️ 2024 Zeldas Notes All Rights Reserved
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astrolovecosmos · 2 months
Sun in the 1st House - main character vibes
Moon in the 1st House gives off protective, maybe even mom/dad of the group vibes
Mercury in the 1st House gives off * ~ ~ * vibes
Venus in the 1st House gives off glamorous and seductive vibes
Mars in the 1st House gives off "ready for battle" vibes
Jupiter in the 1st House gives off lucky vibes
Saturn in the 1st House gives off "old soul" vibes
Uranus in the 1st House gives off 🌟🌀🛸🌠vibes
Neptune in the 1st House gives off romantic or magical vibes
Pluto in the 1st House gives off mysterious and/or intimidating vibes
Chiron in the 1st House gives off "on your side" vibes
Juno in the 1st House gives off "wifey or husband" material vibes
Ceres in the 1st House gives off comforting or familiar vibes
Black Moon Lilith in the 1st House gives off seductive and enigmatic vibes
Asteroid Lilith in the 1st House gives off rebellious, wild, and defiant vibes
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harmoonix · 1 year
Intense Astro Observations
~ Your comfort room ~
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~ It's never easy to walk away ~
Pluto - Moon aspects can feel the pain in different ways based on the way they experience the pain, if is anger they can act feel a lot of pain, if is sadness they can have a depressive mood etc..
Sun - Moon harsh aspects could've experienced in a war between their parents, it was always something happening and always ended up hurt, these things make them stronger but with the heart on thorns
Mars - Moon aspects are getting annoyed very fast and aswell they do get angry fast, their emotions can be very powerful and tend to have a hot temper (some natives with this aspect can experience anger issues)
Chiron in the 1st house or aspecting ascendant can make the native to experience different types of healing during their life time, emotional, physical and mental, you need to learn how to heal them when you feel them
Cause I knew that that was
The last time i see you
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Mars - Chiron aspects are another indicator of someone who can experience anger issues or someone who can get violent fast, sometimes they don't understand how they react like this because of their feelings
Chiron - Neptune aspects can actually suffer of having nightmares or insomnia, especially if Neptune or Chiron are in the 6th or 12th house, the native can often have vivid dreams and experience nightmares and tend to stay late in the night
Juno in the 12th house or aspecting Neptune can often get signs in their dreams about their lovers, sometimes these can come as daydreaming for some natives
Sometimes I wake up by the door
That heart you caught must be waiting for you
Even now, when we're already over
I can't help myself from looking for you
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Venus, Mercury, Saturn or Moon in the 11th house are the people who have loyal friendships/friends, for Saturn in this house the friends can appear in your life later or after you learn a lessons about friendships
8th house placements can experience grief or loss of someone in very sad and harsh ways, they can be broken mentally and emotionally disconnected from everything, in these situations their souls and hearts have a healing episode trying to heal
Pluto - Asc aspects and Lilith - ascendant aspects can often get blamed or accused for things they never did, and experience this "They started first, they did it first" kind of thing, people blaming you and you did nothing, makes you feel bad and hurt, your mentally strong babes 🙏🏼❤️
Is very hard to make someone to feel loved when they were hurt and couldn't feel nothing for a lot of times, that's what Pluto - Sun and Pluto - Saturn aspects can experience
Venus - Moon/Venus Pluto aspects are having this "I don't want anyone else just you", these natives love so much and can feel so much love towards their partners while Venus and Saturn aspects have this "You're the one for me" energy, because it can be very fated for them to met
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Moon - Saturn aspects have indeed a very sensbile soul, they experience anxiety, panic attacks and a lot of phobias from very young ages and carry this "Fighter/Warrior" title on their head, they can get hurt easily and when karma comes back for those who hurt them it's unforgivable
South Node harsly aspecting Saturn/Moon can often have this "I always wanted to feel loved but my heart is empty" this aspect usually means problems with their family and the native was not loved properly
"I love but you i can't let you go" is someone with Lilith - Moon aspects can experience, they get attached very fast and become posesive of the person they attached to
"Learn what love means and then fight trying to make it work" is what Saturn - Venus/Saturn in the 7th, 8th and 5th houses and Saturn - Moon/Sun aspects can experience
"Love can be unpredictable, and it can hit when you don't expect it at all but it comes with a price" is what Uranus - Venus/Venus - Pluto and Venus - Mars aspects can experience
Neptune - Ascendant aspects and Neptune - Sun aspects can often experience flashbacks from their past and it can happen very often, talking with someone about a thing and then your mind goes back to something you experienced in the past
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Chiron - Moon aspects can actually have a very hard time to get over bad feelings or bad moments that happen in their life, and it can happen for them to be very hard on themselves
Chiron in the 12th house could have a wound that implies their spiritual beliefs or their subconscious can be hurt, let's say that they could've had a very hard past life and some memories from that certain past life would come in dreams in this life (Chiron in the 12th house is such an interesting thing to have in a birth chart and can represent so many things I would need a whole post to talk about this placement i love it)
Chiron - Asteroid Nessus 7066 aspects can indicate having a hard time to heal from abuse/trauma/bad things happening in your life but aswell as having an "re-birth" after something traumatic can happen on your life
Vesta (4) in harsh aspects with Venus/Moon are the meaning of "No matter how kind you are, you can still get hurt". They usually are very kind people but it can happen for them to be so hurt
Juno (3) in harsh aspects with Ceres (1) shows that you need some amount of nurturing and love in relationships and the same can happen for your spouse they can be the type of people who got hurt pretty often and need this nurturing,love, support etc..I feel like people with these aspects love harder/different and can happen to need a lot of physical touch/love
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🥀 Hello dear people 🤩, How have you beeeen? Sorry for not being so active it seems that some countries get holiday way faster than others 😭 anyway it is so warm outside it literally kills me because i don't really like this much warm (I prefer cold seasons more😭). I hope everyone stays safe because the climate change is no joke at all, please make sure to drink enough water or something cold to keep your body in a good state with such a warm climate 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
🌩️ About my post this is an interesting topic for me because usually there are good sides of astrology but of course there are gonna be some darker sides aswell 🌩️ If you have placements from this post that doesn't mean you are having bad placements it just means your placements can be more intense than others which is perfectly fine 🫶🏼🌩️
🩵 Much love and good energy for everyone reading my post, have an wonderful day angels🩵
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astrosky33 · 7 months
Synastry Observations by Astrosky
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Venus - Ascendant aspects indicate that the Venus person has feelings for the Ascendant person and finds them very attractive both physically and romantically. This is because Venus rules over who we’re attracted to and the Ascendant represents outward appearance and persona
Juno conjunct/trine/sextile Venus can indicate the Juno person is very committed to the Venus person romantically. This is because one of the things Juno rules over is commitment
Ceres - Saturn aspects can indicate long term attachment. This is because one of the things Ceres represents is “attachment in relationships” and two of the things Saturn represent are “longevity” and “old age”
In readings I’ve found that Moon square/opposite Saturn is a very challenging Synastry aspect and the Moon person is often left feeling shut out from the Saturn person. This is because the Moon represents care and Saturn represents restriction/isolation. The Moon person really cares about the Saturn person but often they don’t feel the same
Venus-Jupiter aspects can indicate being able to make lots of money together and gain wealth
I personally find relationships with a lot of oppositions in their Synastry chart to be more exciting and fun. Too much harmony honestly leads to boredom sometimes
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Masterlist - More observations - Compatibility Readings
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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d4rkpluto · 1 year
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔠𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔰 [1]
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this post also links with my majestic virgo posts so if there's some definitions/interpretations you don't get or think doesnt make sense with ceres; it'll make sense to read that post!
paid chart readings open!
[you can now ask for asteroid ceres for chart readings!]
paid intuitive readings open!
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𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔠𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔰 1 is about support, nourishment, money, your spiritual skills and where no one can compare to you!
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in aries ⟶ to have this asteroid in aries shows that people could be really open about the support they want to give you or you could be a very supportive and encouraging person. could quickly intake food and spend money hastily, you might be a very intuitive person as aries rules the head and you can be really good at leading people or could be very good at sports, people might compare themselves to you because of this.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in taurus ⟶ to have this asteroid in taurus shows that you'll be very evident about your support to other people, or for you when you put your mind to something. it may have took time for people to support you, but when they do they become very loyal. could be slow while eating and might be stingy with your food and money. your spiritual skill could be speaking things into life, easily manifesting things and you could be a really good singer or chef! people might not be able to compare when it comes to your beauty, singing or possessions.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in gemini ⟶ to have this asteroid in gemini shows that there'll be a lot of people evident to their support to you, could be the type to tell you affirmations and encouraging quotes, and you could be this to other people. you could be very flirtatious as well. you could be quick with money and intaking food, you could like all types of food as well. you could be someone who is very intuitive, and quick with finding out spiritual things/knowledge. when it comes to things people cannot compare to you on can be your writing skills and intelligence.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in cancer ⟶ to have this asteroid in cancer shows that you might've gotten a lot of support from your mother figure or other feminine figures. even family. or you might've not gotten that support from those people so you give it to other people who deserve it, you can be very nurturing and encouraging. when it comes to nourishment you can be emotionally tied to it, when you feel sensitive you can spend a lot on money or intake a lot of food. when it comes to spiritual skills it could be something genetic but compared to other family members your spiritual skill could be the most raw and talented. and when it comes to things people cannot compete with you is the ability to make a name for yourself in everything you do, very business minded.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in leo ⟶ individuals who have this asteroid in leo might've been popular amongst folks and might've easily been able to gather support from other people quickly. or they could be people who do things out of validation; when it comes to nourishment they could be really aware with what they take in due to their figure, and could be handed money a lot or like to flaunt their things. also to have ceres in leo could mean that your spiritual skills could come in creatively, your creations could feel charmed. linking to what people cannot compete with you in, it could include with you having the ability to perform you might always be given credit due to how good you are.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in virgo ⟶ individuals who have this asteroid in virgo might've been popular in work-spaces or in their family, might've been an idolised child. might've gotten much support from their family members or learnt to become self-encouraging, could be the type of people to take in small bits og food or just being very aware with what they take in and how they use their money. i have noted in the majestic virgo post that virgo placements are very spiritually skilled and prophetic and they could be unbeatable and incomparable with they music they put out.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in libra ⟶ individuals who have this asteroid in libra are very supportive in the relationships they have, and with the connection they have with other people it can get them famous with other individuals and helps them gain support. they can be people who are casual about the things they take in and could be casual about the things they spend, but can spend their money on irrelevant things. the spiritual skills they have feels very bohemian to me, as it is an air sign, they can be very prophetic and might be able to tell what other people are thinking or feeling. and when it comes to things people cant compare these ceres in libra people, have an unbeatable sense of style.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in scorpio ⟶ individuals who have this asteroid in scorpio are most likely going to get supported by a mass number of people, and they can sometimes feel overwhelmed by a lot of people supporting them. they can be people who take in a lot of food and are the type to hide food from siblings out of pettiness. they're likely to spend a lot of money or hide a lot of it. their spiritual skill could include of getting numerous of people to become mesmerised by them to the point they would do almost everything for them, and to the point where people cant compare to them? it could be the influence they have over people or the appeal.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in sagittarius ⟶ people who have this asteroid in sagittarius are likely going to have large support by many people, and they're the type of people to give back the support they've received. the type of people to allow it to get to their head, having asteroid ceres in sagittarius can make someone intake a lot of food and spend a lot of money just as they earn it. when it comes to spiritual skills these people are very talented and can be the type to understand many different practices, moving to what people cannot compare to them can include specific topics they're interested in, could manifest them being excellent film directors.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in capricorn ⟶ people who have this asteroid in capricorn are specific about the type of support they give to other people, and might've not received the support they deserve from others. having this asteroid placement could be beacon of someone having struggles with food and with money, or they can be very tight-fisted about both topics. when it comes to their spiritual skills they could've learnt from other people and might've tapped into the ability that appeals to them and when it comes to subjects people cant compete with them on is business oriented things, having the ability of always making cash.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in aquarius ⟶ people who have this asteroid in aquarius are likely going to get support from so many people and are the type of people to give support to those who are rebelling against something. when it comes to food intake, it could be quite erratic, one moment they eat a lot and they second they do not. they could have patterns like this with their money, they could either know how to spend their money wisely or not. when it comes to their spiritual skills, they can be people who can tell what is going to happen in the future, very prophetic, and when it comes to what people cannot compare can be their authentic and original ideas. being ahead of the game and bringing new things to the table.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in pisces ⟶ people who have this asteroid are most likely going to be people who seek out the encourage and approval from other people, or people might want their approval. they're the type of people to be using eating food or spendings lots of money as a coping mechanism. when it comes to spiritual gifts, they're likely the most talented sign, being prophetic and hearing things from the other side. with what people cannot compete with them on can be their glamour, musical skills and beauty.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the first house ⟶ individuals who have this asteroid in the first house are very likely to be popular people, or strive to be someone who is known for encouraging others. they are likely to have a fit body and might like to eat healthy foods that correlate with their diet. they're the type of people who also look expensive; when it comes to their spiritual skill, they can be people who are very linked to the material and physical world. the type to always know what is going to happen, and people might compare themselves a lot to people who have ceres in the first house, can be seen as role models or as someone to look up to. people might compare their bodies to these people.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the second house ⟶ individuals who have this asteroid in the second house feel valued when they're encouraged by other people, might belong to a very supportive family. could be someone who is insecure about the food they eat or amount, or they can be someone who's very giving with their food, same thing can be said about money. when it comes to their spiritual skills it could be genetic, might be able to speak things into reality. and in your family you can be very skilled at money-making, other people might compare themselves to you due to that, could also be because of your beauty.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the third house ⟶ individuals who have this asteroid in the third house are very encouraging people. might have very encouraging siblings/relatives or people from social media or their neighbourhood. could have a very versatile taste when it comes to food and can be quick to spend their money. as it comes to their spiritual skills these are other people who can speak things into reality and know what other people are thinking. and they can be skilled at social media, knowing how to be relevant and what people cant compare is their skill of comedy, intelligence and story-writing.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the fourth house ⟶ individuals who have this asteroid in the fourth house are very supportive people, they could come from a supportive family, by depending on the aspects ceres makes, they could've been people who got raised in a family that lacked support. when it comes to food, they can be people who are known to be good cook, and they could be really good at handling money. when it comes to spiritual skills they could be those who can be very empathetic with others and can easily have gut feelings when it comes to intense situations. these people can be really good at interior decorating and cant be compared when it comes to making a home, a home.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the fifth house ⟶ people who have this asteroid in the fifth house are very enthusiastic people, type to be overwhelming with the type of support they give to other people due to them being very generous. they can be abundant with the type of food they give to themselves, might like to eat spicy food. they can be generous with the amount of money they spend on themselves and they could be very giving financially as well. moving onto their spiritual skills, they might be able to make people mesmerised with their performances which could link to what people cannot compare themselves on, these people are made for the stage and could be excellent at dancing.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the sixth house ⟶ people who have this asteroid in the sixth house might be a very encouraging and enthusiastic, person majority of the times. or you could be the type of people who give yourself quotes or mottos to help yourself with the day. you could be someone who is very specific about the type of money you spend daily and even the type of food, might not eat meat a lot, or could fall into the vegan/vegetarian or pescatarian category. moving onto spiritual skills, might be very close to the physical world and being able to make things into reality whenever you put your mind to it, could be very skilled at many things, like handling money, being able to bring money to yourself, at caring for plants or being able to hear things other people cannot.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the seventh house ⟶ people who have this asteroid in the seventh house are likely to be the encouraging partner in a romantic bond, or they could have a romantic partner. they're the type of people to eat only if it'll make their body/ass look good. they can be the type of people to spend money on their partners or to make themselves look good, anything cosmetic. when it comes to spiritual skills, they can be very balanced people, they could have a spiritual gift that a grandparent might've had. they could be seers. when it comes to where people cannot compare, could be the type of partners they have, or their style and how they present themselves.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the eighth house ⟶ people who have this asteroid in the eighth house are likely going to have masses of people to encourage them, people might encourage them to do dangerous/exposing things. they can be quite insecure about the food they have or the type to eat weird things, or spend money on weird/dangerous things. can spend their money on cosmetic surgery their spiritual skill can them being able to see spirits or have dreams where a lot of spirits visit. when it comes to where people cannot compete is their allure, influence over others and sexiness.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the ninth house ⟶ to have this asteroid in the ninth house implies that you can be very generous of the support you give, or people might admire you a lot and support you for almost every decision you make. when it comes to nourishment/food you can take in a lot or give food/nourishment to a lot of people. you can be really good at trading and making money and being noble enough to give finances to other people. individuals who have this asteroid in the ninth house are very spiritually gifted, could have a future spouse that is very prophetic or you might've inherited your prophetic energy from your father. people could be envious of the admiration and attention you get, or you may not like it when people take the attention from you, people may not be able to compare when it comes to your knowledge and screen-writing skills.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the tenth house ⟶ to have this asteroid in the tenth house implies that you are someone who is respectable, might receive a lot of support from your father's side of the family. church/holy place. could be very restrictive about the food/nourishment they give themselves, could be organised with the type of money they spend and give to others. when it comes to spiritual gifts, could be a very prophetic person or might've inherited it from their father's side of the family and people might compare themselves to you because you might become quickly famous, due to your reputation or the occupation you have.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the eleventh house ⟶ to have this asteroid in the eleventh house implies that you are most likely going to gather support from your friends, community or the internet. or you can be seen as that mutual that is really encouraging. your tastes for food can be random, and there might be moments when you either eat a lot or too less, your spiritual skills can include of you being able to dream of the future a lot. and people might compare your internet personality to their own a lot, might compare their friendship group to yours as well.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 in the twelfth house ⟶ to have this asteroid in the twelfth house implies that you are most likely the type of person who isnt really encouraging or you might've had not a lot of encouragement from other people, or you can be someone who is low-key about it. might like to drink more than eat food, could be addicted to eating something in specific. could spend money recklessly and get scammed easily. can be very prophetic, might be able to shift easily, could get a lot of visions, especially in dreams, might be able to get in touch with the spiritual realm. where people cant compare can be in your glamour, spirituality and creativity.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting the ascendant ⟶ having asteroid ceres aspect the ascendant [asc] can give someone a curvy figure, very elf-like appearance as well. people might compare themselves to your features and you could be really connected to the world/atmosphere you're around. if poorly aspected, you can be perceived as someone who is quite shallow and unhealthy. might find it hard to separate realities.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting the imum coeli ⟶ having asteroid ceres aspect the imum coeli [ic] can make someone belong to a very spiritual family, your breasts might be spoken about a lot, might've been given motherly duties at a young age, and could have a very encouraging family, entire family might be passionate to achieve their dreams. people might compare their family to yours and some might want to join yours. if poorly aspected, kin might've come from an over-whelming family and might've been sexualised a lot due to their figure.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting the descendant ⟶ having this asteroid aspect the descendant [dsc] can make someone a cupid or people might play cupid for you and put you in relationships with other people. people might compare their butt/lower body to yours and the romantic connections you're in. even the platonic, this can make them into your enemy due to the envy. if poorly aspected, individual might envy other people's relationships.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting the midheaven/medium coeli ⟶ having this asteroid aspect the midheaven [medium coeli or mc] can make a lot of people compare themselves to you. people might praise and encourage you and your reputation all the time so people might want to achieve your status, could be a religious person or want to be admired a lot. if poorly aspected person might not have the best reputation, could be seen as negligent and reckless.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting the sun ⟶ with this asteroid aspecting the sun, the person can be seen as a superstar, and as someone who is idolised, could have great intuition and knows how to cook food well and spends money on things that matters. if poorly aspected, might've had a negligent parental figure, specifically father figure. might be too competitive.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting mercury ⟶ with this asteroid aspecting mercury, the person can be seen as someone who knows how to charm anyone and calm people down from anger. might be compared a lot to their siblings/relatives, very mentally agile and always know the right thing to say, if poorly aspected, might have power issues and could talk down on people a lot.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting moon ⟶ with this asteroid aspecting the moon, the person can be widely watched by people, people might depend on them a lot and this person can be very prophetic, might get spoken a lot in dreams, the type of people to find out secrets due to their dreams and their mother might've compared them to a lot of people when they were younger. if poorly aspected, they might always think they know best for everyone and can get overwhelming.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting venus ⟶ with this asteroid aspecting venus, the person could be really encouraging in relationships, the type to stick by their partners for the long run. could be someone who is a really good cook, the type to spend money on things they find pretty/nice, could spend money on their lovers. might have very intuitive daughters if they want children. if poorly aspected, might be someone who cannot be "pinned" down, could be promiscuous or attract promiscuous lovers, might not know how to spend money with a level-head. could attract envious friends.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting mars ⟶ having this asteroid aspecting mars could make people heavily respect you, you might be seen as a "cool girl" or "cool guy", might be perceived as someone who is ardent with their goals. could be someone who is good at keeping fit or someone who is good at sports or physical pleasure. if poorly aspected, could be someone who gets easily tempered, might be forgetful and a lot of men might want to walk over you.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting saturn ⟶ having this asteroid aspecting saturn can make someone very wise, might eat a lot of cold foods like ice cream, ice in general, might be level-headed when it comes to their money, could have a spiritual gift that they inherited by an ancestor/or father-figure. if poorly aspected, might have owner-ship issues, authority issues, might have low iron issues as well. might not get along with father's side of the family or older people.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting jupiter ⟶ having this asteroid aspecting jupiter can make someone have an abundance of spiritual gifts, they might feel lucky a lot or situations where divine intervention steps in a lot. very musically talented people, could receive a lot of money, could be good at trading and can get along with foreign people, [backgrounds, religions etc], could be widely admired by other people and if poorly aspected, could allow their admiration to get to their heads, might invest in bad things.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting uranus ⟶ having this asteroid aspecting uranus can make someone depend on their society/community they're in. especially friendship groups, they can be the type of people to give food to their friends/community and even money. they can be big on charities and could get a lot of random spiritual downloads about people and future events. if poorly aspected, they're the type to use their power/status for bad, could be an envious friend or could have envious friends that compare themselves to the person who has this asteroid aspect.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting neptune ⟶ to have this asteroid aspecting neptune can make someone depend on themselves when it comes to encouragement. they can be the type to receive good omens to carry on, very spiritually gifted people, could be seers, and they can be someone who likes to drink more than ti eat, and they can spend money on travelling or on some things that are water-oriented. if poorly aspected, a lot of people who compare themselves to them will begin to negatively project themselves onto the individual, these people who have this aspect might spend money all the time and could drown themselves in drinks and food when they feel upset.
♇ asteroid ceres 1 aspecting pluto ⟶ to have this asteroid aspecting pluto can make someone heavily admired by people, people can become very strong about their encouragement to these individuals, these are the the type of people who might like spicy food or just food that are very seasoned. they can get given money a lot and could get a lot of intense dreams about future situations, if poorly aspected, people might get very obsessed with them, might get money by fraud too.
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paid chart readings open!
[you can now ask for asteroid ceres for chart readings!]
paid intuitive readings open!
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Astro observations part 3
🌻 Individuals with Jupiter trine Mercury are great storytellers. You want these people around if you ever go to summer camp or somewhere boring lmao
🌻 Girls with Mars square Saturn have got heavy periods
🌻 I noticed that every Libra Sun i met, they like rock music🤨
🌻 Ceres opposite/square Moon individuals didn’t get emotionally nurtured by their mothers in their childhood. As adults, they most likely have mommy issues
🌻 If you've got asteroid Manilius (12163) conjuncting your ASC, IC, DSC, MC or personal planets, you're likely to become an astrologer and write astrology books
🌻 Aries on the 2nd house cusp people love eating spicy food
🌻 While Pisces on the 2nd house cusp people love salty food
🌻 Ruler of 7th house in 1st house individuals are going to find their long-term partner once they are confident enough to be themselves
🌻 This is more of a personal theory, but your dominant planets indicate your music taste
Ex. If you're Moon, Neptune and Venus dominant - you're into romantic vintage songs, classical music, bubblegum pop
If you're Moon, Saturn and Pluto dominant - you're into minimal wave, goth neo-classical, blues
Of course, the signs and the additional aspects between the dominant planets are just as important (i might make personalized music playlists if you're interested)
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I hope you enjoyed today's post <3
Take care and don't forget to drink water!
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dacquoisettes · 5 months
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forgive me
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soundlessroom · 5 months
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When you love to have a nice dance, but your Wizard reads the room better than you do. Secret Panel will be on Patr0n!
I mean, until to this point, we had a bit of magic with us imagining a kiss, and him just saying he likes the idea of it. That was it. Later he tells us he likes how we smell and then it takes a whole act of him to tell us he wants to bang us on the battlefield. But does he feel romantically interested?
We don't know!
Until we dance with the devil.
It was just a dance, I swear!
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zeldasnotes · 11 months
(According to me)
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Cancer Moon
These people are so sweet and family oriented. But what Ive noticed with people with this placement is that they have that almost scary kind of cunning that we see in movies. This is a real ”femme fatale” placement. Ive had a lot of friends with Cancer Moon and they all had people fall head over heels for them. These women know how to use their femininity and societys view of women to their advantage. They know when to bring out Eve and when to bring out Lilith. This is the family matriarch placement. Ive seen the coldest of people fall for the charm of these women. And they dont need to do much, their energy does it for them. Think Marissa Cooper from The OC who constantly had people fight for her or Brooke Logan in Bold and the Beautiful who came from nothing and became the family matriarch of the richest family in LA. People want to be their knight in shining armour.
Virgo Mars
Mars is strategy and virgo is perfection. Combine these and we have a dangerous person who can make the perfect plan to reach a goal… or take you down. Aries Mars will beat you up and go to jail, Scorpio Mars will ruin your life and their own in the process, Cancer Mars will cry about it, Sag Mars will leave town owing you money but Virgo Mars? They will make the perfect plan and nobody will know it was them bc they are so cute and innocent. They have a purity in doing things so that people wont know its them, i think pisces and virgo have this in common. Being the puppeteer to not get their own cute innocent little hands dirty.
Moon aspecting Saturn
Yes this aspect can unfortunately make a person very insecure and horribly critical towards themselves. But they are also incredibly strategic. They think before they act and it comes naturally for them. These people can be cold as ice if they have to. They can turn off their feelings when needed, not saying that that is something positive or cool but in this world its sometimes needed. They are goal oriented and their often low self esteem (sorry) makes them incredibly perfectionistic and social climbers. These people are realists and use logic when making decisions instead of using their emotions. Because of this they almost always get what they want. Saturn is also all about social status and these people know how status works. They know how to behave to be taken seriously. In a room full of people these people know how to get noticed by important people.
Mercury aspecting Neptune
We all know these people have a good sense of fantasy so ofc they can be super good at coming up with ideas. But they also sound innocent and like they are less intelligent than they actually are, so people are not prepared for them. Nobody would think that cute guy with Mercury/Neptune who falls over words and pronounce words wrong on purpose could be calculating? These people know what to say to make you feel like shit just like Mercury/Pluto and Mercury/Mars but they will just do it in a nicer way. They also have soothing voices even tho its not as ”in your face” as Venus conjunct Mercury. Voices are actually proven to be very important when it comes to how people respond to you. A harmonious voice makes people want to believe you and it also makes people find you more attractive and more pleasant to be around.
Ceres conjunct Sun or Ascendant
Making people feel safe and nurtured around you is super beneficial bc there is nobody who can resist that. Not everybody fall for beauty or intelligence but most people will fall for someone who makes them feel safe and special. These people are just so soft and warm. Marilyn Monroe have Ceres in the 1st house and she had that plump look and comforting energy that ceres gives. It can even be felt through the screen. This makes these people attract a lot of admirers because you become addicted to being around them. People with mommy issues will follow these people like puppies.
©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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ginabiggs · 4 months
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Chibi Moon and her senshi, the Sailor Quartet: Sailor Ceres, Sailor Juno, Sailor Vesta, and Sailor Pallas! And, of course, that cutie, Helios!
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todays-xkcd · 1 year
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Your chitin armor is no match for our iron-tipped stingers! Better go hide in your jars!' --common playground taunt
College Knowledge [Explained]
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ulrikkedraws · 1 month
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I'm so excited to announce the preorder for my otome heroine charms! The preorder period will last from today until May 12th, and products will be ready to ship by late June - early July!
Get one here!
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 5
Hey, here's another astro observation. 🍻🍻
Highlights: north node in houses, ceres, pallas, ascendant, sun, mercury, venus, neptune, uranus, lilith, saturn, pluto, chiron, degrees, cancer, capricorn, virgo, 1st house, 4th house, 6th house.
🍄 NN in the 4th or opposite MC. It's all about your sense of security. These people learn how to create security inside themselves instead of looking for it in people or outside sources. You should feel safe wherever you are physically and in your life journey, as long as you have yourself, it's all you need. You may not feel at home anywhere, you may dislike your family, which leads you to adjusting the concept of "home" to something suitable to your life, where you feel emotionally safe. Once you create your home inside you and nurture it fully, your home might manifest outwardly and you could certainly have the house of your dreams. (if you have this placement let me know how it manifests for you). 
🍄 NN or SN in 4th, or in cancer/capricorn natives make others feel very safe around them and in their house/work. They give off a natural sense of warmth and security which make people trust them. They care for others without expecting things in return. Their houses/companies are often very homey and beautiful. These people just have vibes that make guests stay longer than they intended.
🍄 NN in the last 4 houses (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) can have a purpose that has to do with the collective. The lessons they learn or the talents they have should be something that inspire a change to the collective's shared sets of values and outlooks on life, people and the world at large. They can make people around them see a whole different viewpoint of the things they believed were facts. There's no such thing as absolute truth or fact, everything in the world is changeful and so the people at large should be able to change and adapt with it. That's why many of these people are celebrities or in the public eye. 
🍄 NN or MC major aspects to uranus (conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile) can mean that the native doesn't necessarily follow the usual get a degree find a job typa life. But with softer aspects it's less forceful and destructive, more free flowing. Even if they tried to follow the traditional route, there is usually an underlying desire to break free from that and create a different path for themselves. They're always met with pleasant/unpleasant surprises, cuz uranus wanna do what they wanna do lol. I have uranus opposite NN and conjunct aquarius MC, and I can’t tell you how much I hate that system with just words. 
🍄 I noticed that animals are attracted to virgo ascendant/moon/venus/mars, personal planets in the 6th or 5th, or ceres in the 1st or 6th. Animals feel like they are taken care of by these individuals and trust them. The type of people that when they call the pet's name, they LISTEN. Also, If you have a lot of fire in personal planets animals might see you as an equal lol (their sass come out). They might pick up little fights with you out of nowhere, especially cats. 😽
🍄 Your ascendant could be your mom's ceres sign or degree. (if you aren't sure of your ascendant checking her ceres sign might help!). You could have the same ceres or pallas sign/degree as your mom or they could conjunct/opposite one of your personal planets. If there are such placements, then your mom might have had a strong influence on you. 
🍄 Pallas aspecting NN and neptune can bring and expand popularity especially if other aspects support it (like neptune or sun aspecting NN or MC). Pallas conjunct NN can mean making your talents known in this lifetime. 
🍄 Pallas conjunctions are very powerful. Neptune conjunct pallas is a natural artist, like naturally good at some hobby they have. Venus conjunct pallas, naturally good at beautifying things and themselves. Mercury conjunct pallas, naturally good at speaking/writing/singing. Ascendant conjunct pallas, natural beauty, naturally good at presenting themselves. Michelle Pfeiffer has is exactly conjunct her ascendant. It can give a variety of different talents and good luck. 🐞
🍄 A mix of Cancer and Libra in personal planets can give dimples and charming smiles and also beautiful voices. Speaking of charm, sun conjunct venus or moon can give a youthful charm and a personality that is admirable, especially if it's in a fire sign. Venus conjunct any personal planet is a charming aspect. 
🍄 Neptune conjunct lilith, can make the native appear sexy in an innocent and otherworldly way. Emphasis on the seductive eyes here, especially if neptune or lilith also aspect the ascendant. Can give sanpaku eyes. They don't have to try so hard to be desirable. Very hard to replace their appearance. e.g. Vanessa Paradis, Britney Spears, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp. 
🍄 Sun opposite/square/conjunct saturn, feeling inadequate, overworking themselves, feeling unworthy when they're not working. Having high expectations of themselves and thinking they can’t achieve it all in the time they set for themselves. Attaching their sense of worth to their achievements. These natives are super hard on themselves. Bottled up emotions, underestimating their emotions, putting on a strong face, facing the world with a sense of responsibility. You are hard workers and deserve all the success you want. You are worthy no matter what you do, plz. (these difficult emotions can come up strongly with the transits too I noticed, even if you don't have that aspect, don't bottle them up, release them). 
🍄 People with pluto opposite ascendant attract others with pluto conjunct ascendant and vise versa. It's that power dynamic, it happened so often to me. That push and pull can be euphoric and obsessive. Wanting to dominate the other, fear of being dominated. Wanting to empower or destroy each other. Wanting to feel needed and wanted or needing the other. Wanting to own that person or being owned by them. It is hot ngl, but it never ends well if there are control wounds at play, which often are and at the forefront. 
🍄 Venus opposite NN natives give me the sense that they mastered their type of beauty or other venus related topics. Many celebrities with this aspect are conventionally attractive. e.g. Cameron Diaz, Zooey Deschanel, Britney Spears, Billie Eilish, Jennifer Lawrence, Song Hye-kyo. Same with venus conjunct NN, but moreso they need to learn how to accept, apply and use their beauty no matter how different it is. They also need to learn how to be in healthy relationships and to accept the overall blessings that come their way. e.g. Lana Del Rey, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Kylie Jenner, Taylor Swift (wide orb but still same sign). 
🍄 Chiron conjunct/opposite personal planets, especially sun/mercury/mars, or having heavy chiron aspects, is someone who is authentic in their self expression but they might not see it. They give off this authentic vulnerability that is so beautiful. Taking a messy/crying/bad hair day photo of themselves and sending it to their friends typa vulnerability. They embody the qualities of the sign the planets are in with a chironic touch that makes their very existence healing and delightful. They may use self-deprecating humor as a way to bring joy to themselves and others through the pain they feel. They don't see the good qualities others see in them fully, and others might take it as a chance to deliberately make them self conscious, especially when young. They may attract a lot of jealousy from friends because they don't always see their delightful personality and it may trigger others (yes delightful and heartwarming, fight me). The way they see themselves is often blurred due to the experiences they went through and the already existing wound of their self concept that they often go to extreme phases of self doubt and introspection. 
🍄 Mercury conjunct/opposite jupiter can make someone funny, it brings a humorous layer to the native's outlook on life and the way they express their views. Mercury rules gemini and jupiter rules sagittarius, both are known to be funny, when they conjunct it creates either a philosopher or a chrackhead or both lol. They are deep thinkers, but they acknowledge the contradictions in life, in themselves and in people, which leads them to use sarcasm, wit and irony. The way they speak and change their voices can be funny too. This aspect is often seen in the charts of comedians or just naturally funny people. e.g. Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Rowan Atkinson, Jenna Fischer, Pete Davidson, Emma Chamberlain, Aubrey Plaza, Billie Eilish, Kevin Hart. 
🍄 Venus degrees like the placements can tell you about how you like your relationships or your love language. Venus in a leo degree can indicate liking when your partner gives you gifts and praises you, loyalty, dramatic love. Venus in an aquarius degree, needing freedom, wanting your partner to also be your best friend, stimulating conversations, online dating. Venus in an aries degree being fierce, childlike and adventurous in love and flirting a lot, physical touch. Venus in a scorpio degree being loyal, intense and flirty in love, physical touch and quality time. Venus in a virgo degree liking the act of service, being cared for and noticing the little details. Venus in a Libra degree, the typical relationship stuff, words of affirmation and gifts. I have venus at 11° and in the 11th house, I can tell you I prefer the friends before lovers typa love, it's easier to develop feelings, you can just be yourself, also no awkward first date. 
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affinitystoryblog · 24 days
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Magical Girl May Day 5: Sun/Moon
this prompt was PERFECT for these two and i never draw ceres as much as i should. i quite love this piece despite its simplicity!
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