#chardev shit
vagueiish · 6 months
i don't know if i should just surrender myself to the inevitable and make oliver's color scheme blue, red, and gold (because i got his hair/eye color combo specifically from roy fire emblem. because roy's my boy.)
...or if i should try to follow the thread of my association between him and autumn. reds and oranges (well, brown mostly, but brown is just orange with context) with a splash of green or blue here and there
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emystic-a · 1 year
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Despite both of their cheerful attitudes and polite speech, it can be noticed the way both of the pair act they wished to be viewed maturely. They see the way Earthling adults treat children as grossly unfair and patronizing. This is most likely due to how their society rears children.
The Ordained Fellowship Sectors don't really give children any semblance of childhoods, especially not the K'la Sector with them viewing even other sectors with judgement. Children Muli and Rell's ages are already treated like mini adults. Not that they're literally viewed as one, but they viewed to be able to be responsible for themselves.
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aviv-kasyanenko · 2 years
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hollidaycarlson · 4 years
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DONALD SUTHERLAND as Lionel Carlson (84)
JESSICA WALTER as Amelia Carlson née Fitzgerald (79)
JON HAMM as Walter ‘Walt’ Carlson (50)
CHEYENNE JACKSON as Phillip ‘Phil’ Carlson (47)
HENRY GOLDING as Theodore ‘Teddy’ Carlson (32)
MEGAN FOX as Holliday ‘Holly’ Carlson née Hughes (35)
COURTENEY COX as Lynette Hughes (55)
IAIN ARMITAGE as Declan Carlson (7) 
Lynette Hughes did not have much by way of riches, but what she lacked in riches, she showered her only child, named Holliday, with love. However, Holly had much larger dreams set in stone, and at eighteen, she moves to LA to pursue her dreams of becoming a singer-songwriter. 
But in the city of angels, a pretty face and voice are a dime-a-dozen — so she sets her sights on Walter Carlson, the heir-apparent to a sprawling media empire built by none other than Lionel Carlson himself. 
Fifteen years her senior, Walt is hardly a perfect match, but she’d given up on love to chase her dreams. Three years of courtship before she’s whisked back to his hometown of Catalina Island, California for an extravagant wedding. 
Yet throughout the entire event she only gets brief glimpses of Lionel and Amelia, who are more of shadowy, mythical figures than her in-laws. Phillip is nice enough, but really, she strikes up a friendship with the youngest Carlson: Teddy, who is ironically closer in age to Holly than she is to Walt. 
But she isn’t on the island for long. Walt had been entrusted by Lionel to take over the family empire, and they shuffle around between the island, LA, and NYC. Sometimes she is with him on these moves, and other times, she is not — though the fear is constant, even without his presence. He is hardly the ideal husband, but she is hardly the picture-perfect wife, and they quickly find solace in other people, strings of flings in place of a healthy marriage. 
Declan, to put it bluntly, had been an accident. Holly had never intended on becoming a mother, but it’s the first time Walt is pleased with her, so she keeps it, hoping that a child would be the magical missing piece to their marriage. 
But Walt’s skills as a father are even worse than his ability to be a proper husband. The child is quickly relegated to a footnote in his great life, but for the first time in her life, Holly truly understands what it’s like to love someone, unconditionally. 
Without Declan, Holly knows she’d still be at the mercy of Walt. At the end of the day, she is a coward to the world, but to her son? She is his protector, his hero, his mother.
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laurent--stpierre · 3 years
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                                       RELATIONSHIPS: PAST & PRESENT.
Pénélope Dusautoir. (ex-girlfriend, 37) Hotelier. Businesswoman. Love of his fucking life I guess.            Coming from similar upper-class, elitist Parisian families, he doesn’t remember a time in which he didn’t know her. Unlike the two boys, she didn’t find any appeal in the French Organization, and was often the one attempting to keep them on a straighter path. Their feelings for each other were always obvious, and as a result, they were inseparable throughout their teenage years. During his time behind bars, however, things deteriorated rapidly. When she seemingly broke off contact with him to instead start a relationship with Michel, it broke his heart. Even with the realisation of how the situation was manipulated by his piece of shit ‘best friend’, too much damage was already done. Laurent will always be in love with her, but he also knows that sometimes that isn’t enough.
Claudia Cacace. (ex-fiancée, deceased) Former Vixen in Launceston.            For someone who racked up one of the highest scores in ‘Vixen Bingo’ he sure never imagined he would end up engaged to one. Though it started out as a no-strings attached arrangement, after taking her as a date to Aurélie and Oliver’s wedding, where she flat-out asked him to stop seeing other people, he found himself wanting to agree. Given that he’d never expected to find a real emotional attachment to anyone else after Pénélope, it threw him. After both enduring their fair share of trauma at the hands of the Russians in Launceston, Laurent retired from the Organization and moved with her back to Sicily. Their time playing happy family was short-lived, however, and less than a year after giving birth to their daughter, Gaia, she ended her own life. It ripped his fucking heart out.
Zahira Hussein. (ex-girlfriend, 34) Barrister. Policy Advisor for the Lebanese Government.            When he’d asked Aurélie for help setting him up with an adequate date for Damon’s white-tie birthday party, she certainly didn’t disappoint. What was supposed to be a one-time thing quickly turned into seeking out Zahira’s company whenever she happened to be in London. Laurent was unsurprisingly hesitant about entering into another relationship after the pain of losing Claudia, but he’s self-aware enough to know that he got fucking lucky. Zahira deserves better than his infidelity (even if he tries to justify it to himself by reiterating that the sexual relationships he has with other women are meaningless) and he knows it. Laurent is considering taking the plunge and fully committing to their relationship before he loses one of the few truly decent people in his life. She’s worth it. Update: It didn’t work out because Laurent is a piece of shit. Shock.
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amosxxdiggory-blog · 7 years
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The (long awaited) Wedding of Ted and Andromeda Tonks
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antipsychx-blog · 7 years
fill out the questions about your muse, repost, and tag as many people you want.
tagged by: @haebxtna & @goghjoo (like a month or so ago) tagging: who else hasn’t done this yet at this point? do it.
1. what does your muse smell like?
terry can’t be bothered to wear perfume anymore. usually, there’s always faint strawberry scent. his clothes smell like detergent, but he likes it, casually smells his shirts before wearing them. he has no clue what detergent it is, though. if he does wear perfume, he either smells like the japanese cherry blossom mist from bath & body works (feminine - tanya’s cologne, really) or that one eau de parfum wood #47 (masculine - a cologne he shares with lance). sans clothes, he always smells sweet. like candy.
2. how often does your muse bathe? any bathing habits?
when he had rotc, he bathed twice - one in the evening before going to bed, then after rotc. now, it depends, but he bathes at least once a day. it’s usually scheduled in the morning, before heading off to work. he can’t go to bed unless he showers within 24 hours. he feels gross.
as for habits, he doesn’t really have any? sometimes he nods off in the shower, can barely even get out of bed. as of now, he stands under the water for at least five minutes before doing anything. (half the time, he doesn’t even remember stepping into the shower.) shampoos his hair before anything else, refuses to use anything that doesn’t smell like strawberries. his siblings avoid showering after him because he turns the heater on close to max. he knows he forgot to turn it off when he hears any of his siblings scream in the shower.
3. does your muse have any tattoos or piercing?
none. he’s thinking about getting a tattoo, but he can’t be bothered. it’s too expensive and takes too much time. it’s mostly the latter that peeves him. he hates staying still, what more for hours at a time with a needle pricking his skin? the pain is nothing, though. or so he thinks. he’s experienced worse. if he does get one, he’ll probably have it done along his ribs or around his wrist to hide his ugly scar/s. as for piercings, he’s thought about it, but thinks it doesn’t really suit him. so, fuck that.
4. any body movement quirks (e.g. leg shaking)?
he shakes his head, but not for disapproval. he does it so his bangs falls around his face. he also chews on his bottom lip when he’s nervous, or hiding something important from someone he cares about. when he’s wearing his hoodie, his hands are almost always stuffed into the front pockets. otherwise, they’re shoved in his jeans - mostly in the side pockets, sometimes in the back one, the latter when he’s tired.
5. what do they sleep in?
loose shirts and sweatpants if he manages to even get out of his everyday clothes. he falls asleep in his jeans sometimes. when the weather gets too hot, he keeps his on boxers or unless he can be bothered with sweatpants, but he either sleeps in a tank top or without a shirt on.
6. what is their favorite piece of clothing?
an overused gray hoodie. he’s rarely seen without it. if he isn’t wearing it, it’s probably tucked away in his backpack, just in case. lately, he’s been wearing denim jackets since it fits right in the studio - dark blue or faded black. he always has to have a cover-up. it’s a safety(?) thing. his hoodie still stands as his ultimate favorite, though.
7. what do they do when they wake up?
opens his eyes, a given, but really only to check the time. since he’s on break/leave, he just pulls the covers up over himself, and tries to go back to sleep. he constantly wakes up with a headache due to heavy lithium and antipsychotics, but those also cause him to be asleep more than half the time. since he hasn’t been sleeping well lately, he’s hypersensitive to light and sound. on a regular working day, he’s out of bed in a few seconds ready to shower and run out that creaky door with a piece of toast in his mouth anime protag-style. 
8. how do they sleep?
on his stomach, mostly. which isn’t at all ideal when he was still in rotc, because of potential lower back pains and spinal problems. he also needs to have an arm draped over something, otherwise it hands limply on the side of his bed. covers stay around his waist area until his older sister walks into the room, and drapes it properly over his shoulders. if not on his stomach, he sleeps on his back with an arm draped over his eyes, which he’s been doing a lot lately. because headache.
sometimes it depends on where he sleeps. he’s been staying in their room a lot.
9. what do their hands feel like?
some fingers are more calloused than the others. his hands are naturally soft, but a little rough because of all the work he does and did. they’re also mostly dry, but have a tendency to get clammy when he feels his heart dropping to his stomach. 
10. if you kissed them, what would they usually taste like?
ask kiel. previously, he would taste like nicotine. sometimes tequila, depending on who you ask. butterscotch candy or spearmint gum, usually. otherwise, strawberry chapstick since his lips sometimes crack and bleed whenever he so much as smiles. he likes how sweet it is.
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preempire-a · 3 years
# of spoken languages: native in mando’a, mando’a sign, galactic basic. proficient in galactic sign, tusken (spoken & signed), shyriiwook. elementary level huttese. understands jawaese, but cannot speak it well.
tone of voice:   high  / average /  deep.  
accent:   yes /  no.    -   din’s galactic basic isn’t counted as accented in the outer rim territories, but might stand out among those of higher society (especially in the core worlds). among mandalorians, his tribal mando’a sticks out compared to the accents of the mainlanders, both in terms of pronunciation, variation in slang, and certain aspects of conjugation.
demeanor:   confident /  shy  /  approachable  / hostile /  other.  -   din doesn’t speak much, but when he does (and if he isn’t in the middle of work that requires otherwise), he’s quite polite about it. he’s terrible at conversation, though.
posture:   slumped  /  straight /  stiff  /  relaxed.   -   unless in high tension situations, din’s posture and stance are easy. occasionally he’ll only rest his weight on one foot or the other, and he has a tendency to setting his hands on his hips and hooking his thumbs in his belt.
habits:   head  tilting / swaying  / fidgeting /  stuttering  / gesturing /  arm  crossing /  strokes  chin  /  er , um , or  other  interjections  / plays  with  hair or  clothing /  hands  at  hips  / inconsistent  eye  contact / maintains  eye  contact (albeit with a visor) / frequent  pausing  /  stands  close  / stands  at  distance
vocabulary:                    ⬛   ⬛   ⬛   ⬜   ⬜  
emotion:                         ⬛   ⬛   ⬛   ⬛   ⬜  
sentence structure:       ⬛   ⬛   ⬜   ⬜   ⬜
notes:   a man of little words, din’s sentences are short and to the point and his words are as simple as he can make them. “emotion” is a trickier thing-- it’s not often that he’s expressing them in his speech, but every time he does, it’s always obvious. din is incapable of hiding both displeasure and joy, and is as honest there as in the rest of his behaviours. he’s also terrible at lying.
frequency:      ⬛   ⬛   ⬜   ⬜   ⬜
creativity:       ⬛   ⬛   ⬜   ⬜   ⬜    
notes:   he doesn’t swear, typically saving them for reactions to other things, and he sticks to the classics. the additional point for “creativity” is really only because mandalorians in general have an interesting time of it.
bold all that apply.
arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy.
given proper religious context
christ  on  a  bike.  christ  on  a  cracker.  damn.  christ on his god/damn/ed cross.   goddamn. godsdamn.  hell.  holy  shit.  jesus. jesus  christ. jesus  h  christ. jesus  h.  roosevelt  christ.  lord  have  mercy.  jesus ,  mary  and  joseph.  sweet  jesus. jesus  fucking  christ.  
this or that
straightforward   or   cryptic?  |  finding  the  right  word or   using  the  first  word  that  comes  to  mind? |  masculinity , neutrality ,   or   femininity?  |  formalities   or   abrasiveness?  |  praise   or   equivocation?  | frankness or   lies?  |  excessive  or  minimal hand gestures?  |  name – calling or   magnanimity?  | friendly  or  blunt | nicknames?
important questions.
do people have a hard time hearing or understanding your character:  almost  always  / frequently  / sometimes  /  rarely  / never.
does your character’s point come across clearly when speaking:  almost always / frequently / sometimes  /  rarely  /  never.
would your character initiate conversations:   almost  always / frequently  /  sometimes  / rarely /  never.      
would your character be the one to end conversations:     almost  always  / frequently /  sometimes  / rarely  /  never.
would your character use ‘whom’ in a sentence:    yes  /  no  /  yes, but it’s always wrong
your character wants to make a counterpoint. what word do they use:   but /  though  /  although /  however  / perhaps /  mayhaps / maybe
how does your character end conversations:    walk  away  /  ask  if  that’s  everything /  say  that’s  everything  /  give  a  proper  goodbye  /  tell  their  company  they’re  done  here  /  remain  quiet  /  they  don’t.  
how does your character address others:  titles  /  first  names  /  surnames  /  full  names  / nicknames.
in what ways does the way your character speak stand out to others:  accent  /  vocabulary /  tone  /  level  /  politeness  / brusqueness  /  it  doesn’t.   -   din says what’s on his mind and doesn’t really beat around the bush. besides that, he’s quiet and uninteresting.
tagged:   @brutalizer tagging:   @dreadxreckoning (issa), @livefreeordiefree, @auroradicit (whoever catches your fancy), @rebelmando, anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! i just tagged people i talk chardev headcanons with quite frequently
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You really played yourself with the “memes for characters that don’t exist” post. Now you gotta write a book or produce a show.
i aint doin shit man once i find those old ass chardev sheets and a doll maker that isnt complete ass i’m droppin them into a google doc on my links page and yall can deal with em as you please.
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lookotherway · 2 years
in all honesty, I feel like Hori's destroying all three of them Dabi, Endeavor and Shoto, this could have been done in a far better way like I'm not against him saving his brother but it's as you've said and others said rushed as hell! plus yeah what the hell is with shoto saying it's the family's crime? no it's the parents for not being able to assist their child, and it's adult Touya for him deciding murder is the way to go!
you're right anon, in the short four chapters all three of them were devastating horribly. we all know shouto is a kind kid but the hell with that? since when kindness is showing no fucking negative conflicts to whom literally was a mass murderer, who tried to kill him, kill his friends and his family and still showing no sign of remorse? shouto was so real during his first chardev, how much we readers can relate to his conflicted feelings. then in the most important battle he was reduced into... a cartoonish just to justify dabi's redemption. even his second chardev is half-baked and contributed half of its meaning to dabi instead of adding to shouto himself. i'm reluctant to call it a "character development".
tbh endeavor actually involved little, since whatever fuck dabi spouted about him never conflicts with the reasons why i hate dabi and love endeavor. it's just that i personally feel insulted as an endeavor stan that there's so many openings to belittle his character depsite the narrative had stated clear as day that he cannot involve this fight. this shit is completely on some certain D stans.
then dabi. ugh, not to mention the whole problem i have with the lov, i lost my last fondness for dabi after 352. it's like i have to see another toga, who did nothing and show nothing for me to be fond of yet i was shoved in my face the tiny little crying baby of them. for fuck's sake when will writers stop using this pathetic cliche to bait the reader's sympathy? what's that for??! dabi's character build has been so sloppy and patched up by pinching a bit from this character a little from that character and now pulling the ultimate trope. did Hori want the readers to fill the plotholes and justify dabi for him or something?
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theasmadness · 7 years
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Task 002: Inner Workings
What is your character’s primary drive and where does it stem from?
What is your character’s favorite childhood memory? You can write as a description or use as a prompt.
Who in your character’s life do they most idolize? And why?
If your character could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Describe your character’s greatest fear.
1. Drive
Thea’s primary drive is currently survival. While it can be argued that ultimately everyone’s primary drive is survival, it is truly Thea’s driving force, because she has no other goals than to just survive to see the next day. With the Crimson King on the throne, the war against the Sea of Song, and her inability to leave Wonderland, Thea cannot focus on anything but staying alive so she can make sure the people she cares about stay alive. One day this might change, maybe she’ll finally have something to look forward to in life, but it’s not changing any time soon.
2. Childhood Memory
Most of Thea’s good childhood memories stem from before the age of ten for obvious reasons, and she’s rather fond of a weekend she remembers spending with her father when she was eight. When she was in primary school there was a father-daughter dance that everyone was going to, so Thea was peer pressured into going. As she expected, she found the whole event rather boring and no matter how much her father tried to get her to have fun, she just couldn’t enjoy it. So after feeling bad about her not having a good time, the next day he took her to the science museum and they spent the whole day there. That day was what really developed her love for science, and she always looks back on it fondly as a good memory with her father.
3. Idol
While she was never willing to admit it when she was a child, Thea always looked up to her mother. They definitely had their differences, and until she saw it for herself, Thea believed her mother wasn’t all there for insisting that the adventures she described in her books were real, but she was a good woman. She was kind, patient, creative, and a loving mother. While they didn’t always see eye to eye, growing up Thea hoped she would end up to be as good as her mother. Now she might just be too much like her for her own good.
4. Job
Back home, Thea was always interested in criminology and forensic science. It mostly came from her obsession with her mother’s murder, but it was her long-term plan before she fell down the rabbit hole. Now that she’s stuck here, she’s perfectly fine with the job she has now in assisting her father with his inventions. Maybe someday she’ll be able to create her own inventions for Wonderland.
5. Fear
Thea’s greatest fear is madness. She fears paranoia, hallucinations, and overall not being able to trust her own mind. Because you can avoid other people that you don’t trust, but there’s only one way you can get away from your own mind.
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renegaderoots · 6 years
How to navigation: Kai edition
Ever wondered how to navigate this shit show of a blog? Me too. So, I’ve decided to show you how to find things on my blog as well as how they’re categorized. It’s a flawed system, admittedly, but it’s a system.
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headcanons   ---- hc;character name, e.g. hc;Rory Lynch
char development ---- chardev;character name, e.g. chardev;Adam Morrison
general tags ---- tag;full character name, e.g. tag;Avery John Williams
wishlist tag ---- ;plot bunny / ;plot bunnies
characterized wishlist tag ---- plots;character’s first name, e.g. plots;Rory
ships list ---- ;ships (overview of all the planned ships and/or established ships I have)
drabbles ---- drabble;character’s first name
rants ---- ;rants (because I believe I have anything of substance to say. We all have to believe in something am i right )
rp NOPE ---- ;rp purgatory (everything from cringe to aspects I vehemently disagree with re: rp )
psa ---- ;psa (things of importance)
wanted opposites ---- ;wanted opposites (a collection of faces I am aesthetically drawn to and will most likely use myself at some point, but would love you forever if you had a character with said face AND substance)
about the kai ---- about the Kai (want to get to know me? That’s what this tag is for.) 
open starters ---- ;open starter
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