#charlie loves to cuddle
polubrony · 29 days
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Charlie without her suit jacket edition
Vaggie is still a simp, nothing new here
If you have suggestions for these sketches, let me know
How was your day?)
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dykevanny · 5 months
Please Draw more of your alive afton kids (and friends), I love them sm [beam]
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Ohhh friends ever..<3
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charmac · 1 year
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love the head cannons. NEED A PART 4
Perv!Charlie Walker~headcanon 4
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warning : big angst, hurt/comfort, kiss, cuddling, slightly knife play, blood, wound, threat, mention of murder, one sided love, touching without consent, yandere behavior, obssed love, obsession
part one, part two , part three
Thanks for the request anon have fun reading
°It was the middle of the night when she woke up. Dazed and with an aching head, she opened her eyes. She blinked several times and needed a moment to compose herself. ,,What...happened?" she mumbled and felt something soft underneath her. A bed, she thought and looked around.
°She was lying on a single bed, it was relatively soft and yet as she let her gaze wander she felt fear creep along her body. This was not her room, nor was she in her house. She was no longer at the barn either. She was in a strange place.
°Sitting up, she suddenly felt something slightly sticky on her leg. Looking down her leg in confusion, she saw a white, almost transparent substance. Confusion and fear were in her eyes as she wiped the substance off her leg with her fingers. ,,Who smeared this...on me?" she asked herself in shock and felt her heart beat faster.
°She got up from the bed and looked around. It was a small room without windows. A large metal roller door formed the door, so to speak. Going to the exit and entrance, she tried to push the door up. But no matter how many times she tried, she could not do it. ,,Open, please!" she shouted at the gate and tried again. But it was no use, she kicked at it angrily and fearfully before looking around.
°It was furnished a bit like a normal room. Almost as if the person had tried to create an inviting environment. Desperately looking around for a way to escape, she opened all the boxes. But next to normal materials, pillows, blankets and clothes, she found something that gave her pause. ,,What-Why is this here?" she muttered and picked up the Ghostface mask and the long black robe.
°There was no blood on it, but when she looked into the killer's face, a shiver ran down her spine. Is this his hideout? she asked herself and had only one more reason to get out of here. Away from this place and away from Ghostface. Throwing the clothes behind her she continued to look through the box. With a relieved sound she held the knife in her hand, trembling slightly.
°It felt heavy on the handle and the blade were cold but the steel was sharp. In an emergency it would serve her well. ,,Somehow out of here," she murmured and continued to look around. She was about to look under the bed when her gaze caught on a small mirror. ,,What the" she said when she saw the dark hickeys and bites scattered over her body.
°And suddenly the room scared her even more than it should have. Before she could move around, a sudden noise came from outside. Someone was standing in front of the gate.....
°Everything had gone wrong her plan completely ruined and ruined. Kirby dead, Roobie dead, and Jill headed straight for prison. ,,Damn Sidney," he cursed and heaved his way along the warehouses. The stab wound on his stomach was still bleeding. He just left a trail of blood instead of breadcrumbs for the police. He knew it was pure luck that he had somehow escaped in all the chaos.
°But it would be worth all the pain once he was with her. He would finally have her to himself and they would be together. He stifled a cry before dragging himself the last few metres along the walls and gates before arriving at his. ,,Help! Is someone there?" he suddenly heard her beloved voice.
°You're finally awake he thought and knew his luck was in. ,,Yes-yes, it's Charlie!" he called to her and continued to press his hand on the wound. He looked nervously behind him, afraid the police would be around the corner any second. ,,Oh my God Charlie! Ghostface he's locked me in here help me. The door won't open!" she shouted at him and if he hadn't been in so much pain he would have laughed at her naivety.
°Instead, he clenched his teeth briefly and suppressed a painful hiss. ,,Wait, I'll get you out of here!" he shouted back before taking the key out of his pocket and opening the lock. Pushing up the gate and going inside, he finally saw her again.
°Scared, she took a few steps back. Perhaps out of fear that Ghostface might come after her and him. Before she ran towards him in relief and embraced him. He felt her rapid heartbeat, her relieved yet frightened voice thanking him. ,,You're bleeding, wait, there were bandages here," she said in shock and started rummaging through the boxes again.
°Meanwhile he closed the gate behind him and saw her stop a moment later. She saw through it he thought and couldn't help smiling a little. ,,What's the matter...still a little tired, my dear?" he asked sacrastically and heard her mutter something before she stood up. Before he saw the knife flashing in her hands.
°She took a few steps back from him. ,,You-you did this, Charlie! You drugged me-the alcohol...my body. You're Ghostface, you murderer!" she screamed at him as the scales fell from her eyes. ,,Bingo, my love, just like it should have been all along," he said, seeing her shake her head in denial. ,,N-No...Charlie-you're crazy what are you saying?" she asked, still clutching the knife protectively.
°He laughed even though it hurt like hell. ,,Crazy about you, my love. Since we've been at school, I've seen the way you've looked at me, your loving words, the events" he counted up and slowly came towards her. ,,What-no Charlie...you've got it wrong. I've been nice to you because you're my classmate...I love you no-" but he didn't allow her to say the words. That's when he lunged at her and pulled her to the ground.
°They fell into the boxes, but he managed to get the upper hand. He sat on her hips and had the knife in his hand. ,,Don't say that! It's all true. I'm doing all this for you!" he shouted at her and held the knife to her throat. Her hands lay limp at her side, afraid he would slash her. ,,Will-Will you kill me too now?" he heard the question.
°Instantly his heart contracted. His free hand ran down her body, over her side, her soft breasts, placed his fingers on her aorta, felt her pulse. Before he wiped away her tears and clasped her hand. ,,Oh, my sweet, don't cry, I would never kill you. No no, all these other sacrifices were just necessary so that we could be together" he said and let the knife draw small circles over her breast.
°Suddenly he heard the police sirens approaching from a distance. In one swift movement he sat her up and pulled her into a hug from behind. So that one hand with the knife was at her neck and the other kept wandering along her body. ,,Shhh no noise" he whispered and pinched her lightly before she hastily said ,,Yes understood".
°They both heard the police pass by the warehouse. He felt that she would have liked to scream, but the knife at her neck forbade it. ,,They look beautiful on you," he whispered and kissed her neck where one of your hickeys was. His free hand moved lightly up her leg to her middle. ,,You don't know what else we'll do together," he whispered and let his fingers wander over her centre. He noticed how she pulled her legs together, which made him smile.
°The police withdrew after a few minutes and the blue light moved on. ,,You see, it's easy, good girl," he praised and let his free hand grasp a bandage. He easily loosened the knife on her neck. ,,Now you will put the bandage on me and if you do it well I will be gentle...if not you will see" he said and she was about to pull away from his grip when he held her by the jaw. ,,I love you" he said and kissed her. She began to unbutton his shirt and lift his jumper before reaching for the bandage.
°Later, the papers said that Ghostface Charlie Walker and his now-deceased partner Jill Roberts were behind the murders. That he had kidnapped his classmate and taken her out of America to hide somewhere. Not knowing that in his eyes it was a pure necessity to commit the victims. To be with his love, his heart, his obsession, his muse, his property forever.
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a-nice-egg-offering · 10 months
Sorry I’m so emotional over the fact the gang canonically have movie nights where they cuddle up in blankets. Sometimes they can be so soft
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newvegasdyke · 3 months
Hanging out with my brother but I’m outside finishing this bowl so I don’t have a half smoked bowl to deal with. He had to tap out so early which is fair but also smoke with meeeee :( looking forward to my friend and her boyfriend visiting for multiple reasons a small one being that her bf can match me in smoking and it’s very fun to create a smoke for smoke party vibe. They’re staying at my parents bc they have a very cool guest room and amazing basement for hanging out and it’s going to be soooo fun to have a little get together hang out down there. And the cats will be so excited. @katievick666 start stocking up on lint rollers now
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ktysh · 9 months
joshua is taking very careful baby steps; charlie thinks it's just the general way he shows affection for his friends (which is true, but... this is different)
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miniscule-meow · 1 year
Next Best Thing
888 Words
"Do you actually like it this cold?" She asks looking up at him. They're watching a movie inside today. Normally, they would set up a projector to show the movie on the side of the house, and Felix would grow to his full height. But the weather outside is too cold and wet to try to do that today. He's larger than his true height, which is about the same as Charlie's height at 5'9", but he is significantly smaller than the full height he would typically grow to. She isn't sure how tall that is exactly. She just knows that it's so large he wouldn't be able to really fit in his house. Currently, he's just oversized, sprawled out on the couch next to her. Still, she is easily dwarfed by him.
"It doesn't bother me." He shrugs, "Why? You're cold?" He asks looking her way.
"How are you not?? I'm seriously freezing! Do you have like a blanket or something?" She looks around, most people would have a blanket on the back of the couch or something, but Felix isn't like 'most people ' in more than one way. Maybe it has something to do with his ability to be so large, he doesn't need to be as warm. Or maybe he's just odd and likes being cold.
"I uh... Not really actually, sorry." He looks at her apologetically.
"You don't own... any blankets?" She asks.
"I have the comforter on my bed. That's about it. You see, blankets are more annoying than anything when you're my size. Because, they're never as big as you want them to be, but then if your normal sized they're just too big and" he rambles before he catches himself, and sees her shivering next to him, "Ah, sorry... Here." He reaches over, his extra-large hands wrapping easily around her middle, and he pulls her onto his lap. His massive arms fold around her, surrounding her with his warmth.
Immediately, her face gets hot, but that's just from her blushing. She didn't think that Felix was a particularly cuddly person, so being pulled this close to him just caught her off guard. Typically, when they hang out they're either somewhere like a restaurant or the library, or he's absolutely massive. So, she supposes that he doesn't get a lot of opportunities to be very physical, even if he wanted to be.
Now that she's thinking about it, he's only ever held her twice when he was gigantic. Once when he saved her from that bear, and they both learned that she was afraid of heights. Then the other time - well, she doesn't like thinking about that very much. The other time was during their stupid fight. She remembers dangling roughly from his fingers, held high above his head. The apathetic look he had in his eyes as he let her free fall for a moment before snatching her out of the air with his other hand. No, that wasn't a great time, but it's behind them now, they're fine. And now, here he is, cuddling her like a stuffed animal.
"Next best thing, yeah? Oh, I should've asked. Uh, is this alright?" His voice rumbling through her breaks her from her thoughts.
"I've never related to a housecat more than right now." She laughs, his arms start to pull away, "Wait, I don't mind! This is nice." She grabs his wrist, or at least trying to, her hand isn't big enough to really grab him. She guides his arm back over her. "It's - yes. You're really warm... Thank you."
They settle in to continue watching the movie, his cheek gently rests against her head. Charlie's heart just swells; there's just something about being completely surrounded by warmth. His heartbeat thrums against her, his breathing rustles gently through her hair. She feels completely safe, and cozier than she's probably ever felt before. She is really glad that Felix is apparently a cuddly person. She really didn't expect him to be. She would have been fine with a blanket, but this is so much nicer.
She decides that she quite likes him at this size. He seems very comfortable like this. A lot of times when he gets really big, he seems stressed. Even when they're just hanging out. She supposes he has a lot to think about being that size. He has to be mindful of where he is and where she is, how loud he's being, and how fast he's moving. But at this size, he can still be inside, he can still talk normally and he doesn't have to worry as much. He just can't use the TV remote very easily. It was kind of funny honestly, watching his massive fingers fumble with the tiny buttons before giving up and handing it over to her.
About half way through the movie Charlie notices that his breathing slows, becoming long and even. She shifts a bit, but her movements are limited in his arms. He doesn't respond to her wiggling. She thinks he's asleep. She tries to peak up at his face, but she doesn't have a good angle. Her cheeks grow warm once more, he's actually fallen asleep holding her. Well. It looks like she'll be stuck here for a while. There are worse places to be.
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ghostsinthecellar · 7 months
I'm so tired
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detectivelokis · 1 year
🐇🖐☔️😊 for Charlie and John, please? - fourlittleseedlings
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🐇 - Who wants to cuddle the other longer in the morning?
John! Even though he wakes up much earlier than Charlie, he still wants to spend a good bit holding her. But, he’s also like this at night too. Outside of the time they were injured, there really hasn’t been a time they haven’t cuddled.
🖐 - Who can’t keep their hands to themself?
John and he’s been like that since the minute they met. Small touches during her confession sessions, gentle caresses during her baptism and when she broke her ankle. It got so bad that she started to feel off when he didn’t touch her. She’s pretty handsy herself, though, even if she doesn’t want to admit to it.
☔️ - How do they make up after a fight?
They’re a pretty physical couple and Charlie isn’t big on talking about her feelings when she’s upset. So, it’s mainly sex, sex, and more sex. Once they’re all cuddled up afterwards, John can’t help but start talking about their feelings. But their pillow talk is always weird. If isn’t admitting to past murders, it’s him wanting to psychoanalyze her emotions.
😊 - Where do they want to go on vacation?
Anywhere outside of Montana? lol they do talk about going to France one day so Charlie can see where her father comes from. Unfortunately, they’re stuck as heralds of the project so the most they do before the reaping is take his plane out to Billings every once in a while.
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Kissing scars
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Fandom : The dark pictures , the devil in me
Tags : Fluff & Comfort
Charlie Lonnit x fem reader
The small apartment in the big city that seemed to be alive at all times was dimly lit. The two shapes that moved through it were quiet and both seemed to be unable to wait to finally get on the couch and just switch off and watch something together. The work had condemned both to stay longer before they came home exhausted in the evening. Where the cozy little apartment with her black cat Curator was waiting. ,,Have you got the cocoa?" Charlie called questioningly from the shared bedroom as he changed. The woman who was about to reach for the milk replied, ,,It's almost ready". The couple, who had been living together for only a few months, was new to the city, at least from her point of view. Since she previously the city rather avoided and calm in the country or in quieter contrary lives.
This, however, prevented due to her work as a restaurateur which had brought her to the city. Her boyfriend Charlie, on the other hand, seemed to be able to get used to any life. At least that was what he always claimed. She heard the door to the bedroom open and close before Charlie and the cat came out. The one-eyed green-eyed black cat crept around the woman's legs before meowing to get her attention. ,,No chocolate for you, my friend," Charlie said, nuzzling the animal behind the ear. ,,Here you go," she said happily, handing the older one a cup of warm cocoa with two marshmallows floating on it. ,,Thank you my dear," he said and she looked at him with amusement. Instead of his rather distinguished dressed sytle with shirt vest, tie and expensive leather shoes. He wore a simple slightly large gray T-shirt with plaid jammies and gray wool socks. ,,Staring is rude" he said playfully as he sat down on the couch and put the cocoa on the small table.
His girlfriend reached for the remote control and leaned against him before he put an arm on her shoulder to pull her closer. While it was getting darker outside and the movie seemed to be getting longer and longer, the warm cocoa was already drunk and the two cuddled on the couch. The film which bored both almost already to death meantime only as background noise. The cat had curled up in front of them on the floor and purred softly while he dozed peacefully. Her hands played with the neckline of his shirt before it slipped down slightly. She could see the bright scars that stood out on his skin. One of the reasons why they didn't shower together since they were together, he always wore something without cleavage and or a jacket. ,,I hate them...these scars," she heard him say softly as his fingers trembled slightly over the bruised flesh. She looked up at him slightly and saw the blue injured eyes that fixed an inconspicuous point behind the glasses.
He looked so hurt that even she was pained. In the time she had known him after meeting him by chance in an antique shop after they had both picked up the same typewriter. There were only a few moments when she saw him so fragile. But each time her heart broke. Her hand laid carefully and deliberately on his trembling fingers and she gently stroked his pale, bruised flesh. ,,They don't change the fact that I love you Charlie" she answered softly and she sat up next to him to look at him better. He avoided her gaze, perhaps even with shame or vulnerability. ,,But...but they're ugly, it's like I can still feel the knife carving into my skin" he said after a short pause and his hand gripped hers a little tighter. Her hand slowly went to his cheek and turned his head back to her. She saw behind the glasses how much he struggled not to look weak in front of her.
Always so strong she thought and she leaned up slightly before giving him a caring kiss. ,,It's over, he's dead. He won't hurt you or your friends anymore and if he doesn't he'll have to get past me and Curator" she said seriously and Charlie smiled slightly before a small smile appeared on his lips. ,,Curator would tear him apart with his paws" said the older one with a grin and gave her a grateful soft kiss on the forehead. ,,May I?" she asked, pointing at the scars. Briefly, uncertainty appeared in his blue eyes, but when their eyes met again, he nodded. She leaned forward slightly and placed a soft but loving kiss on the scars before running her fingers over them. ,,Better...Charlie?" she asked anxiously as he looked away.
Fear and uncertainty spread through her, had she gone too far? But when she almost looked over him now, she saw what he had. Charlie's cheeks had taken on a pink tone and a grin of admiration and surprise was on his face. ,,Do something sincere like that again and you'll give me a heart attack," he muttered when he finally looked at her. He actually seemed to almost collapse from overwhelm and excitement. ,,Oh, Charlie!" the younger girl laughed and wrapped her arms around him. ,,I'll do anything for you," she told him as he took her in his arms and they shared a loving kiss before spending the rest of the evening together. Knowing that they were always there for each other.
First of all, I hope you liked it, I would be very happy about a comment as you found the short story. Generally I am open to suggestions for oneshots or requests. Just write and tell me freely from whom. When they come but then I have to look because of school. Anyway, I hope I could make the Charlie fans happy. I personally have at least made me happy ; ) The dark picture fandom is great but the devil in me fandom needs to be bigger because bigger fandom equals more Charlie and more of Jamie and Erin who own everything.
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The cool kid zone, no room for us peasant humans and aussies
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waugh-bao · 2 years
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Charlie and Keith (2008)
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vampstel · 1 year
OH, I found a goodie to share about Rei and Lawrence. These two are absolutely hilarious when they’re drunk.
The best way I can describe them as drunk is: clingy. Like, they’re uncharacteristically clingy to the point where it’s concerning. They’re both reserved (Lawrence especially) so it’s so odd to see them drunk cause they’re so affectionate.
For Rei, it’s not that shocking, but it’s still amusing. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this but Rei’s a tease and flirts a lot cause he thinks the reactions he gets from people are cute. His friends expect his flirtatiousness to get worse when he’s intoxicated but it actually dumbs down and he just turns into a baby koala that attaches itself to anything.
Rei is a lightweight so Lawrence supervises him and stays with him at all times during parties so you know damn well he clings to Lawrence even before they were partners. Rei also giggles a lot at literally nothing and starts gushing about how much he loves the person he’s clinging onto. It’s adorable and it’s never failed to make Lawrence flustered.
Lawrence tries to scold him but it often results in 1. Rei ignoring him or 2. Rei crying so Lawrence just gives up and lets him do his thing. The blond’s too soft for him and everyone bullies him for it. God bless him, he goes through enough already leave him ALONE *coughs* Allen *coughs*.
Speaking of Lawrence, he’s drastically different when he’s drunk. He’s very reserved and hates physical affection but all that goes out of the window. It takes a lot for him to even get tipsy so this is a rare sight to see.
Lawrence, much like Rei, gets clingy when drunk but he’s more teasing/flirtatious with it. Rei is an absolute gay disaster when this happens. He may be known for being a tease but GOD DAMN does he suck at being the receiving end of said teasing. My man malfunctions when someone calls him pretty. What more when the love of his life is starting to flirt with him and call him cute?
Rei tries to scold him but of course it doesn’t work and it leads to Lawrence teasing him even more.
Lawrence gets so embarrassed and apologises for his behaviour as soon as he’s back to normal btw. He gets even more embarrassed if other people saw him like that. He really can’t catch a break I swear 😭😭
Anyway in conclusion: They’re gay, your honour.
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ceruleanvulpine · 1 year
why do i feel bad. well, kid, you slept poorly, woke up early to do stressful things, and then ignored everyone to play minecraft for way too long. yeah but wh-
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