#chase atlantic short bios
b-ellyache · 7 months
short ⠀ bios ⠀ | ⠀ like ⠀ or ⠀ reblog ⠀ if ⠀ you ⠀ use ⠀ or ⠀ save
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𝐚𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝗇𝖾 地獄 𝗈𝖿 𝖺 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝖻𝗅𝖾𝗆
𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝓵𝗈𝗏𝖾 ♡’ 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝓯𝖾𝗅𝗍 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍
† 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝗉𝗌, 𝗆𝗒 𝗅𝗂𝗉𝗌, 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐞.
圇。 𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝓲 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝖻𝖾 𝔂𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌
𝗒𝗈𝗎’𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿 ⭒ 𝖨 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁
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kittensteinn · 1 year
╺────╸ ֺ ۪ ʿʿ bios inspired by chɑse ɑtlɑnticꔷ⃘● ֪ ֺ ˒˒
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Pleɑse understɑnd thɑt I'm trying my hɑrdest
My heɑd's ɑ mess but I'm trying regɑrdless
Anxiety is one Hell of ɑ problem
She’s lɑtching onto me, I cɑn’t resolve it
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Dɑmn, I love it
Mɑybe I should drop it, pick ɑ different subject
Mɑybe it's deliberɑte if it's lɑcking substɑnce
Bɑby, you still listen so I know you love it
I know you love it
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We only met eɑch other just the other dɑy
But you ɑlreɑdy got me feeling some type of wɑy
Now, if I could figure it out
I'd tɑke you bɑck to my house
So we could meddle ɑbout
@ ornɑments tɑken viɑ WhɑtsApp, ɑll
credits to's designer's ɑnd chɑse ɑtlɑntic.
I hope you like it, requests ɑre open!!
Hɑppy 2023.
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leite-s · 3 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀wasn't that high, ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⟡ ⠀ ֺ 𓂂
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⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ꮚ ⠀ ࣪   ⠀⊹⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀i swear.
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goolips · 2 years
— chase atlantic long locs !
️and what the hell were we?
️️️tell me we weren't just friends
this doesn't make much sense, no.️️
and you can take my flesh if you want, girl
but, don't abuse it.
baptise in your thighs till it hurts
i'm about to take you back to church.
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yurimatteoo · 9 months
────── 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑜́𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑎, 𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑛𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑎 𝑝𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑟...
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antonbrown · 3 years
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Anton Brown, 25, artist
Anton's parents met at a college business course, quickly sparking up a relationship. One was a city boy, a legacy eager to prove his name, the other an ambitious girl from a small European town, chasing her luck abroad.
They started dating, had a baby, got divorced five years later, and off their son went to live with his grandparents in Europe.
Anton was resentful of his parents growing up, and though he quickly learned to mimic their passive-aggressive behavior, the sheltered upbringing, combined with his grandparent's over-zealous portrayal of their daughter, kept him from ever letting his frustration show.
After his high school graduation, his mother reached out and invited him to spend a summer in New York. Turns out the picture his parents had been painting for years was true - they were both extremely ambitious, undeniably hard-working, and hugely successful in their respective fields. Except - what they failed to mention (or, at the very least, greatly understated) was that their business meetings took place in the most elite of restaurants, the recruitment of new clients happened at the most exclusive events in New York City, and that, wouldn't you know it, his mom even owned a spare studio apartment downtown, just in case a friend ever wanted to crash town for a visit. Lovely.
At the time, Anton's mom had been working her way up the ladder of a prominent New York art gallery. Anton secretly enjoyed the work events she took him to; not only did they inspire his own artistic expression, they just so happened to become the place he met his very first muse
The summer was one of experiments, with plenty of booze, adventure, and sexual promiscuity. Unfortunately, it all came to an end in the blink of an eye, and Anton was sent right back across the Atlantic, back into the close-minded community that wouldn't dare dream of the experiences he'd just had.
He got his BA and MA in American studies and sociology, though he never really had a real passion for either, it just seemed like an easy enough degree to get through. He did do a couple semesters abroad, though never in the US, and lost touch with most friends he made along the way.
He moved to SF soon after handing in his master's thesis, ready for a new start. Well, he thought he was ready, at least, but in the end, moving across the ocean took up so much time and energy, all of those art workshops he said he'd be attending and the job hunts he'd say he'd go on remained nothing but scribbles in a forgotten journal
+ a bonus fact Anton would never bring up
One night in NY, Anton and his new group of mischievous friends spent an evening sneaking booze from an exhibition opening, openly mocking the pieces together. It was meant to make him feel better about his asshole mother, but it ended up giving him the idea for a little "prank".
Long story short, he created a bunch of obviously lazy "modern art", slapped a fake profound message behind it, create a new fake persona to sign under the art, and then used the connections he had made in NY to make it seem like his mom had accidentally stumbled upon the hottest, newest, coolest artist in town, and bam - watch her embarrass herself by putting her highly valued seal of approval on literal piles of trash.
but you see, what this smartass neglected to realize, was that when a prominent figure in the art community presents a new piece as highly desirable, highly desirable is exactly what it becomes - and so a new elusive artist was born. The anonymity only added to the intrigue, and so he eventually decided to just go along with it, sending in pieces every now and then (nearly all of them made during college parties or their clean-ups). He says it's ironic, but he doesn't really mind the money either.
He is trying to become an artist in his own right and is definitely stubborn enough to refuse any and all help from his mom or any of her connections at all.
I'm not saying he's banksy, but I'd like to think at least one of his works stirred up a drunken debate at some academic art seminar
(I also have not thought of his artist name yet, but when I do, you bet he'll hate it and won't want anything to do with it)
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
Hii! I saw your Playlists list and I was wondering if you can also do a Iwaizumi Playlist? His my comfort character👉🏻👈🏻😁
Flipping off Homophobes with Iwaizumi
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A/N to Anon Writer: Heyo! Mhm of course! If you want a part two just ask. I didn’t know how long you wanted it to be so sorry if it’s short. He is amazing tho- Thank you so much for supporting my account. Bye <3
A/N: Hey planning to make a new section for “Hq boys reacting to” because that doesn’t really fit anywhere. Thank you for 200! You guys are so fucking amazing! If you want a playlist please remember that if you don’t want curse words please specify as long as the other stuff. All that is in my rules! Which is linked on the top of my account as well as in my bio!
Minutes Long: 40
Song Count: 10
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♫ Idfc - blackbear
♫ Friends - Chase Atlantic
♫ Asshole - Hooligan Chase
♫ Knee Socks - Artic Monkeys
♫ Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado
♫ Teeth - 5 seconds of summer
♫ Cooler Than Me - Mike Posner
♫ W.D.Y.W.F.M - The Neighbourhood
♫ Daddy issues - The Neighbourhood
♫ Sweather Weather - The Neighbourhood
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leviiackrman · 4 years
The Encyclopaedia of a Design Students Imagination
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Part 2: Jessica Carter / ‘Spectre’ (MCU)
Notes: I had to rewrite this one because honeslty it was awful and it’s still not perfect or amazing but it needed saying: I love this gal way too much to leave her bio like it was haha.
Words: 1675
Tags: @chuckhansen​ @simonxriley​ @noonvvraith​ @ginadotjpg​ @ayrennaranaaldmeri​ @missdictatorme​ - anyone with writing knowledge who might be interested or could help me aha (let me know if you don’t wanna be tagged tho ofc)
Originally raised in England with her brother Michael and sister Peggy Carter, Jess was always wanting to pursue a career in medicine. Her close bond with her siblings allowed her the courage to leave the comfort of her home and travel across the Atlantic to New York City where she studied hard to become a nurse; with aspirations of later becoming a doctor. She lived alone for a while, focussing on her studies while trying to earn enough of a living to survive. As difficult as it was, she soon found company in a couple of young lads who frequented the diner she waitressed in – Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. The next few years proved fruitful for their friendships, supporting each other in their endeavours until they had to part ways as the war broke out. Within the few years of being around each other however, Carter and Barnes sparked a different sort of relationship, but never finding the courage to pursue their feelings.
Things escalated in the later years, with Barnes being assigned to the 107th regiment, and Steve also venturing off to work for the Army – to Jess’ unliking. Although she was concerned for Steve’s safety, she was comforted by the presence of her sister Peggy and continued to aid them as much as she could. Carter had worked hard to become a superb doctor in this time, soon being assigned as head of the medical base on the front line. Now in her element on the front line, she was taken off guard when the news of Barnes’ capture reached her ears. Relief washed over her when she saw the pair return to camp, and from here on she made a point to hide her feelings no longer. Settled as much as she could be within the circumstances the pair now lived in, she enjoyed the knowledge that the end of the war would bring her happily ever after for the 2 of them.
The dawning of The Howling Commandoes allowed her to travel with them as their personal medical aid, but when Barnes didn’t return from their mission; her heart sank. All she had wanted was washed away with him. Promises were made, forcing herself to carry on without him, but losing Steve within the following weeks crumbled the rest of her world in.
Distraught, afraid, alone. Her mind faded for a while, letting the pain of losing her friends consume her as the world carried on around her. Even in her state, she tried her best to keep working – to continue on her lifelong goal, only to faulter at each obstacle thrown her way. Concerned for her wellbeing, Peggy convinced her to live within the Stark mansion with herself and Howard, soon becoming friends with the latter and aiding him in some of his riskier experiments. The possession of the Tesseract now being in the hands of SHIELD and the idea of creating power that could help many lives, Jess jumped at the opportunity to be a part of its completion. Feeling she had no purpose outside of her work anymore, the combination of the Tesseract and her abilities posed many threats to her safety – but none of this could stop her.
The experiment – recreated in a similar way to Steve’s - led her to being infused with the Tesseract’s power, enabling her multiple abilities that she learnt to use over the years. Within a matter of weeks, she was practicing using her new abilities, in the hopes that one day her teleportation, reforming of matter and telepathy could give her life a new purpose. The infusion with her body also caused her to not age, proving useful to the development of SHIELD, where she was trained as an Agent alongside her sister.
Her many years with SHIELD proved fruitful in their development of knowledge and technology. However, many saw her powers as a threat; demanding she was restrained from public appearances and missions outside of the States. She followed her orders, deciding to keep the peace instead of fighting back, keeping the knowledge of her abilities private in a small group within SHIELD. Her experience granted her a high position within their ranks where she could oversee many decisions taking place, but this didn’t stop her from breaking the rules now and then when she saw it necessary to involve her abilities.
The discovery of Steve’s body was the first of many discoveries that would shape her destiny forever. Too many choices sprang to mind; to fight to defend her best friend from the dangers looming their way, or follow the orders given to her so many years ago.
New York’s attack. The deciding moment. To follow her own lead or stay in the shadows. Those around her; all powerful and all in a similar position, how could she not? She knew of Tony, she had watched his work for a while at the instruction of SHIELD, to monitor potential ‘heroes’. Could this group of people really be the answer she had waited so long to hear?
Her mind was made up, and she never hesitated when the time came to follow her own ruling. The next few years proved challenging, but her new family around her was enough to keep her focussed on the job that needed doing. Assignments from SHIELD, communications with Nick and Tony; all this drove her forward.
That is, until Him.
This stability she had recently found was shaken with the return of Bucky – the answer she never got. The piece that was lost forever. With SHIELD now in ashes at her feet, and Barnes now back in the real world; that fear and its thick cloud blurred her judgment once more. So many relied on her clear mind to be rational, but how could she? Her heart drove her towards him, the obstacles throw in front of her only guiding her more towards what she had always wanted.
New York. Washington. Sokovia. They had all brought her to where she was and now she was sat on the edge - facing the one thing she had always been missing. She tried to stay grounded, to listen to those around her and defend the family she had found, only to push it aside when He was just within reach. She tracked Bucky to Romania, watching him closely for a few months before being discovered by him and having to flee back to Steve, explaining what happened and cautioning him on how to approach. Vienna forced their hand, and she was first to decline the Sokovia Accords, knowing she had spent too long hiding her own passions, regardless of the cost. She would defend him. She knew him. Even the man she had watched wasn’t the villain they were chasing. Stumbling her way around the conflict, her devotion to Barnes severed the trust she had formed with Tony and she knew she no longer had options.
For the next few years, she focussed her attention on tracking down remaining Hydra members, removing any threats that could potentially take him away again. Once her job was done, Jess returned to Bucky, spending whatever time she could find at his side in Wakanda and rebuilding the relationship they had lost so many years ago.
Their time together was cut short at the hands of Thanos, where she was contacted by Steve and the others to help find Wanda before it escalated and resulted in returning to Wakanda – but not how she had imagined. She fought alongside her friends, defending their futures as much as she could until… PAIN.
White excruciating pain soared through her as she fell to the floor and starred at the large bite on her leg. An Outrider had caught her during the battle, leaving her defenceless as she used every piece of energy she could find to fight off the infection now soaring through her body.
Her vision blurred, her mind fading in and out of the fight. One minute she was standing, fighting off more and more creatures as they surrounded her, the next she was rested against a tree, facing Bucky as he urged her to stay hidden. Her eyes closed once more, before hearing the sound of an ungodly explosion, forcing her to stand and go to her friends, only to witness the aftermath of Thanos. One by one, her friends vanishing before her eyes. Collapsing to the floor, she later awoke back at the Avengers base. The pain was no longer there, but as she looked around at the dark room she was in, she saw it. The lower half of her left leg – gone. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she needed answers.
It had been years. Tony had been saved, Carol had returned and Thanos was dead. What else could be done? A life spent looking for answers and meaning was faced with a wall when she had awoken, making her furious and driving her out of the compound to do more. To be what she had promised herself she would be. Tony had helped to give back her balance, creating a new piece of her so she could stand another day. It didn’t take long however for her past to catch up with her. Steve found her, brought her back to her home where she struggled to settle in the world that was now made for them.
Scott’s return brought back warmth, brought back hope. She used the last of her will to drive her forward. One more decision and one more chance.
Losing a few to save the many. That was the deal they made.
The pain brought back more fears, the trauma of failing. But they didn’t fail. They won. It took time – patience – to gather herself and find normality again. It wasn’t the life she had wanted; it certainly wasn’t what she had imagined, but one thing was for certain – she was safe in His arms, falling in love just as she had done all those years ago.
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nitewrighter · 4 years
Hiya mun! Can you write like little character bio blurbs for your fankids? Im not sure if you've wrote some already before but if not could you please? :D
I’ve written a short masterpost of who’s who’s kid here but as far as like... bios go...
I’m limiting this to the main continuity because we are practicing Self Care.
Watchpoint Kids
Rei is Mercy and Genji’s daughter, and the first kid on the Watchpoint. Despite her parents’ desire to try and raise her as protected and peacefully as possible, Rei grasped from an early age how much Overwatch’s conflict was affecting her life. She idolized Hanzo from a young age and wanted very much to be a ninja like her father and uncle. Genji and Hanzo obviously had a lot of misgivings about continuing the Shimada skills and traditions, and with them their violence, but in the end they relented and started training Rei as a means to keep her occupied, teach her to defend herself, and to try and direct Shimada ninja arts into a force for good. Rei grew up on the watchpoint alongside Marti, Rajeev, and Samir. Under Genji and Hanzo’s tutelage, Rei became a very competent ninja, even incorporating her Mercy’s Valkyrie wings into her movement and combat. Eventually Rei became frustrated with how slow her training was going and broke into Shimada castle one night looking for answers, but Genji and Hanzo were able to intercept her and convince her to come home before the Shimada clan became really aware of her existence. Years passed and eventually Rei joined Marti’s strike team, going on several minor missions before, at age 18, she was kidnapped by Talon, an incident that ended up catalyzing Aedan’s defection from Talon, but Rei lost her dragon after being killed by Moira and subsequently revived by Aedan. Rei then spent two years away from the Watchpoint as a stuntwoman for the Sentai series “Midori Rider” in Hollywood, all the while struggling with the pain of losing her dragon, and trying to get it back. She eventually did get it back during a confrontation with the Reaper76 Clone Andrea in Shirakami-Sanchi.
Marti is Widow and Sombra’s kid--she actually refers to Widow and Sombra as her “aunties” rather than her parents because she still remembers her biological mother. Marti’s story actually begins well before she’s born, during Sombra’s days in Los Muertos. Sombra’s best friend in Los Muertos was a woman named Soledad, who was romantically involved with Jacinto, a ruthless enforcer for the gang. When Soledad found out she was pregnant, she became disillusioned with Los Muertos and enlisted Sombra’s help in disappearing from the gang to assure a safer life for her unborn child. Sombra was able to secure a new place to live and identity for her, and Soledad named Sombra as Martina’s godmother when she was born. Six years later, however, Talon began opening communications with Los Muertos, and Jacinto, now a leader within Los Muertos, was more than happy to hear them out. Talon was desperate to kill Sombra after her defection, and managed to track Soledad down and alert Jacinto and Los Muertos to her location. Talon initially planned to just use Soledad and Marti to draw Sombra out of hiding, but now that Sombra was involved with Overwatch, the situation rapidly escalated and ended with both Soledad and Jacinto dead. Sombra and Widow adopted Marti, and Marti came to live with them at the Watchpoint. The other kids instantly latched onto her, and while Marti was wary at first and a bit lonely being the oldest, warmed up to them... and got kind of good at bossing them around. Like Genji and Mercy, Sombra and Widow had no intention of letting Marti be affected by the fight between Talon and Overwatch ever again after her loss and traumatizing experience, but Marti’s grief fueled her desire to take Talon down. Always a tinkerer, Marti was playing around with various electrical gadgets from a young age, but eventually used what minor hacking skills she had picked up from Sombra to access Overwatch’s old records. She learned as much as she could about the old Overwatch, and even cribbed information from Sombra’s own work on her eye conspiracy to try and find out as much about the fight between the two organizations as possible. Not wanting Widow and Sombra to worry about her, she kept tinkering with robotics, but now she started bothering Jack Morrison to tell her about the old days. At first Jack was rightfully stubborn and insisting that “This wasn’t her fight” and “he didn’t have time for this” but through sheer force of Sombra-level persistence, Marti managed to cow him into taking her under his wing... and, okay, yeah, he was kind of fond of her at that point. She almost reminded him of Reyes, sometimes. Marti engineered her own full-body grappling harness system based on Widowmaker’s rappel hook, ended up picking up hand-to-hand combat skills from self defense lessons from Widowmaker and sparring with Rei, and all the while used Sombra’s intel and Jack’s experience to gain an uncanny perspective on the scale of the fight. Eventually she told Widowmaker and Sombra that she wanted to fight as well, and while they weren’t happy about it, they understood how invested Marti was in the fight (oh they chewed Jack the hell out for it, though). Marti went on collaborative missions with adults in mentor-like roles as well as a few solo missions before being selected as the leader of the “junior strike team.” The fight would be pretty simple and straightforward if she didn’t have a weird romantic rivalry with Seye Ogundimu.
Rajeev and Samir are twins born to Pharah and Symmetra via IVF. Pharah carried them, and their sperm donor is a Pakistani Olympic Rower, engineer, and philanthropist named Kader Hiraj (Sombra may have hacked the sperm bank to give Pharah and Symmetra an edge, haha). They were born in the orca at 45,000 feet. To their credit, Pharah and Symmetra were able to raise their twins to be a bit more ‘protected’ than Rei and Marti, however, Rajeev impressed on Grandpa Reinhardt and Auntie Brigitte from a young age and loved the idea of glorious battle. Samir, the more quiet of the two, took after Grandma Ana and also became very interested in the applications of Hard-light, which Symmetra was more than happy to share because she saw it as a chance for Hard-light to be about creation rather than control as it had been with Vishkar. Ana and Pharah had a lot of mixed feelings on teaching the boys combat--they made a point of teaching them self defense, and Ana even taught Samir marksmanship (More as a target practice hobby than a combat application). Still, as with the other kids, when you grow up on a Watchpoint, it’s hard not to see the fight affecting virtually every adult around you. Eventually, with help from Marti, they learned more about where Symmetra’s past with Vishkar, and, learned that a lot of Symmetra’s architectural work was actually still in Vishkar’s clutches. At age 16, largely on Samir’s goading, they broke in to a Vishkar office in Oasis to get their mother’s blueprints back, leading to a confrontation with Sanjay Korpal and a Vishkar agent named Akasha. They managed to escape with the blueprints, but Rajeev lost his eye in the fight. Samir blamed himself, and Marti ended up taking Samir under her wing. Marti soon found that Samir’s perspective was invaluable, and he ended up as her unofficial “Right hand Man.” Rajeev eventually got a cool gold-irised prosthetic eye, and both got Wadjet tattoos as a gesture of “Yeah. We’re in this fight, too.” 
Jaime was born to Turkish-Basque parents in Pamplona, but was orphaned in a Null Sector attack at the age of 7. With so many state resources going to trying to just remain stable in the face of Talon and Null Sector attacks, the Spanish government resorted depending on the private sector for many child welfare services and Jaime was given to the custody of a Vishkar Corporation-owned orphanage. Throughout his time in the orphanage, his Vishkar guardians criticized him as “Resourceful but resistant,” “Contrarian to the point of self-destructive,” and “A little shit who needs to learn his place.” Jaime actually had numerous escape attempts over the course of his 5 years in the orphanage. His first attempt he tried to bring five other kids with him, but one of them snitched. The second attempt he whittled down his fellow escapees to two others, except one of them twisted their ankle as they were running out, and the three of them got caught trying to carry him out with them (a part of Jaime still wonders if they would have made it out if they left him). Then there was just one other... but it turned out Vishkar had treated them with extensive conditioning with the express purpose of making them betray Jaime and teaching Jaime “You are completely alone” in the hopes that that would discourage further escape attempts and traumatize him into submission. It did not. It just pissed him off and isolated him. With all of his escape attempts, he was getting better at free-running, at climbing, at breaking in, at picking locks, at pickpocketing keycards, at disabling security cameras---every time Vishkar caught him he got a little better. Two years and 9 escape attempts later, Jaime finally made it out, homeless, angry, and alone, but free. He hopped several freighters, and used the agility and cunning he had learned in his escape attempts to scavenge, steal, and stow-away his way all over the Atlantic and the mediterranean for the next two years. He had only been in Gibraltar for about two weeks when he stole a schoolgirl’s backpack and she and her friend chased him down like a fucking madwoman. It had been the first time in 2 years someone had managed to keep up with him. McCree and Hanzo were able to intercept them, basically looked at him and were like “Oh shit, you’re 14 and starving.” It started out with the offer of food, a shower, and a place to sleep back at the watchpoint, and McCree’s word that Jaime could leave the second he wanted to...and it ended up with McCree and Hanzo pretty much adopting him. When Jaime found out that Overwatch was fighting Vishkar, he wanted to join the fight as well, but quickly ended up butting heads with McCree over the issue. McCree just didn’t want to end up as “someone else’s Reyes” and wanted Jaime to stay out of the fight. In the end, Jaime ended up spending 6 months in the southwest with McCree’s godmother Willow “Billie” Quintero. Incidentally during this time, Jaime met Ashe and ended up learning a lot from her, so basically McCree’s plan for Jaime to “not end up like me” kind of went out the window. But Jaime returned to the watchpoint, significantly cleaned up, now way more cowboy-ish, and still just as stubbornly willing to fight as ever. The other kids were happy to have him on the team.
Talon Kids
Seye Ogundimu was the product of an amicable but complicated marriage of Doomfist to successful Ogundimu Prosthetics shareholder Tujuka Tejuosho. Raised largely by his mother for the first few years of his life, he was only a few months old when Doomfist broke out of prison with Talon’s help. Seye himself grew up in luxury and privilege, attending the finest schools, proving himself both a brilliant student and incomparable athlete, and being groomed to take over Ogundimu Prosthetics once he came of age. Still at the back of his mind, the fear of irrelevance loomed. Every time he turned on the news, the name of his father was on everyone’s lips. To his credit, Doomfist did try to be a good father to him, and while he didn’t exactly pressure Seye to be like him, it was one of those situations where context was everything. Doomfist didn’t need to pressure Seye to be like him... the effect Doomfist had on people, the power he had, was something Seye wanted, too. The only other option, as the son of Doomfist, was humiliation and oblivion. But Seye knew he couldn’t just try to be a carbon copy of his father, and his father was also a product of their company’s own cybernetics. Seye thus decided to throw himself into engineering, and eventually developed his own pair of high-tech graviton gauntlets (nicknamed “The Twofists” by Aedan). Once he finished with his schooling, he kind of just... strolled into the main Talon board room like “Ready to take my seat at the table!” and Doomfist was just like “Oh, you think you have a seat at the table?” And Seye was just like “...uh...” and Doomfist basically made Seye start from Talon’s bottom ranks and pretty much claw his way up. It turned out for the best though, with his ambition, Seye gained the experience needed to lead strike teams, formed alliances and gained loyalty of grunts, enforcers, assassins, snipers, and heavies, and got plenty of combat experience. Still, doubt sometimes itches at the back of his mind.
Faustine was the daughter of two major money launderers for Talon, who died under suspicious circumstances. She was adopted by Maximilien. Afflicted by a rare bacterial infection at a young age, Faustine had nerve damage all over her body and was bound to a wheelchair for the first 13 years of her life. Still, her brain was unaffected, and she proved herself a mathematical, financial, and strategic prodigy. In Talon’s “Private” sector, she served first as an intern, then as a secretary to Maximilien, helping oversee much of Talon’s finances. Frustrated with the limits of her body, Faustine enlisted the help of Ogundimu prosthetics to undergo an experimental procedure outfitting her entire body with “neuroprosthetics.” Not only could she now walk, run, and, to a limited extent fight, but she could interface with virtually any technology. By her own ambition she soon proved herself an invaluable asset in the field of corporate espionage. Almost as if to make up for her previous lack of mobility, she also gained a passion for cars, and got into amateur, then professional racing. Both her neuroprosthetics and the logos slapped all over her racing suit are a veritable billboard for Talon’s many shell companies, and Faustine herself displays a particular ruthlessness both on the racetrack and in the boardroom that, despite her more diminutive phsyicality, makes her no less a threat than any other of her Talon compatriots.
Aedan was engineered by Moira in an amnio-tank. Part of his reason for existence was not only Moira securing her own genetic legacy in the world, but also proving that you could make a stable embryo with nanite-based biology. In essence, while Reaper was falling apart, Moira wanted to know if being nanite-based was actually biologically sustainable on a growing organism... if it could exist, in a sense, “naturally.” There were five attempts before him, and all self-destructed in their first few weeks of gestation, thus making him “Subject Six.” Artificially aged to 10 years old and flushed out of the amniotank, Aedan had been implanted with false memories and brainwashing tech giving him an entire childhood and a staggering intelligence. He and Moira actually had a wonderful rapport together, they were really on each others’ wavelength. He didn’t figure out he was a clone until 4 years in and it did severely affect his trust in her. He understood, to an extent, that Moira did it so she wouldn’t just drop him headlong into an existential crisis, and in its own way, the brainwashing did give him enough of a sense of self to really develop. Still, to cope, he threw himself more into science, interning at Oasis’s labs. At age 17 he met a girl named Rei, not even knowing at the time that she was the daughter of Angela Ziegler and a target of Talon. As soon as he realized who she was, she bolted. He wouldn’t see her again until Talon kidnapped her. Repulsed at the concept of Rei becoming either brainwashed or a constantly-dissected lab experiment, Aedan helped her escape, though in the process he was forced to defect from Talon. Both were harrowed by the experience, but eventually Aedan found his place on Overwatch’s team. 
Andrea, like Aedan, was made in an amnio-tank. She was not only meant to be a more ‘martial’ application of nanites, but Talon wanted to replicate the SEP serum as well, and the only still-living source for that was Jack Morrison. So, Andrea was formed from an X chromosome from Reyes and an X chromosome from Jack Morrison so that they could have a subject with both nanites and SEP serum... there were many failed attempts, and Andrea’s project was titled “Subject 19.” Andrea wasn’t given a childhood while she was being artificially aged, rather, they crammed as much martial knowledge into her as possible. As a result, her personality is very... uh, “Terminator.” While Reyes was warned that her ultimate loyalty was to Talon, and while he was furious that his and Jack’s DNA had been used to create an entire fucking person without either of their consent, he did feel a protectiveness towards her. One of Andrea’s first missions with Talon was assassinating Aedan after his defection, but the mission failed, and even worse, Rei somehow ended up getting her dragon back in the process. So now Andrea’s pissed, and she has no intention of failing again.
 Like Jaime, Akasha was one of thousands of orphans taken under Vishkar’s wing, but she took to Vishkar’s vision like a duck to water. While not able to make the massive constructs most hard-light architechs are known for, she demonstrated an uncanny ability to make smaller constructs really really fast. This paired with a high athletic potential from a young age, slotted her in an experimental program for more martial applications of hard-light. She was equipped with a ‘Projector sword’ capable of making a hard-light blade and functioning as a translocator, but she disappeared after a fight with the Amari twins went awry and her translocator sword was destroyed. It’s not sure if she’s alive or dead, (Schrodinger’s Akasha...) but last time someone got caught in a teleporter incident like this, it was Tracer in the Slipstream. So if she ever comes back, she’s going to need a chronal accelerator, and she is going to be pissed.
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supernovasiciliana · 4 years
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» • * — ( barbara palvin, cisfemale, she/her ) . i think i hear consume by chase atlantic coming from apartment 2613. doesn’t lucile bianchi live there ?? i heard they are a twenty-one year old actress from palermo, italy, but they’ve been living in the apartments for three years. they come across a bit - narcissistic and - capricious, but they also seem like they could be + charismatic and + ambitious. whenever i see them , i think of leather jackets, short nails, and motorbike tracks through a pretty city. oh , and don’t forget to follow them on instagram at @supernovasiciliana !
ayy, it’s me, shannon again, back with my second muse !  i’ve had luce for over a year now in several forms, and she’s probably my favourite — it’s been a journey and i hope you guys love her as much as i do.
name: lucile gianna matilde fiore bianchi
nicknames: luce. everyone calls her luce. call her ‘lucie’ and you’re gonna get hit somewhere.
gender: cis female
birthdate: 8th august, 1998
age: twenty-one
nationality: italian
orientations: pansexual / panromantic
relationship status: married to diana fiore. they’re not committed and everyone knows it except their families.
mbti: entp-a
hogwarts house: slytherin
zodiac: leo
fc: barbara palvin
luce’s family isn’t your usual fare — ‘mafia involved sicilians who’ve made their fortune undercover in the business sector and through organised crime’ just about sums the bianchis ( or these bianchis, since the surname is quite common amongst italians ) up. 
so let’s just say there’s already a lot of things that’ve happened in her life that she wouldn’t especially want to admit to the police. like the drugs, and the people who went into her father’s office and didn’t come back out, and the way her unexpected fighting prowess comes from a need to protect her little brother and sister from as soon as she was capable. also: being business-people as they are — and dealing with a force known to have you in a choke-hold from the moment you sign on the dotted line — she did some of the raising when it came to the other two, only just under a year younger than herself, but less steel-hearted from the very start.
let’s also say that she had different ambitions. which was useful, she supposes, because ‘made women’ don’t really exist. there’s just mafia wives, who she’d seen many times and their lives seemed... dangerous but not so interesting. if there’d been a place for her as the men do under omertá, the story of her life might’ve been different. but being in a significant family, a certain vanity was nursed in her. an entitlement. a capricious temper. everything that all bianchis seem to have; especially the boys of the family, as though she was taking what she could have of their lives. because she was never going to be a business bitch either — not that she doesn’t have respect for people who hustle.
she spent a lot of time in new york with a close friend of hers, diana fiore ( whose father engaged in mafia dealings with the bianchis under the table ) until they began talking about living together: luce had a dream of acting, and particularly going to tisch school of the arts — a dream she would fulfil, hence why she moved into ten23 with diana. they don’t really remember when they decided to get married. though not because they’re in love, of course. because neither of them want to be. ( definitely not because they’re in love. noooooo. ) and it offered both business families added power and opportunity, so in their minds, why wouldn’t they?
she’s still studying at tisch. even after that academy award nomination she got for a movie she shot over the summer between her second and third year ( her current. ) she didn’t win it, which is why she’s still studying — it proves she can still get better.
friends with benefits / hookups — let luce get that libido out lmao she needs to so she can keep herself in denial lmao.
other friends — diana’s her ride-or-die, but luce thrives on attention. she needs her girlsquad.
someone who has a crush on her — please... give her this to play with but also be disinterested in like a swinging pendulum. she’s an arse. let her be one. would love you forever.
fans — people who know her films / short films / music video cameos etc. 
enemies — as i say she’s kind of an arse. even though she’s still pretty easy to get along with, this does happen, and would be interesting.
people who met her in italy — self-explanatory.
smoking buddies, ex-friends, good influences (she needs them), party buddies, former hook-ups, honestly ANYTHING lmao !
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romyism · 5 years
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     – 𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐡𝐚 , 𝐚𝐲 – it’s ya girl , 𝒖𝒉 , skinny penis. jkjk , it’s only me , cc , local apocalyptic Hoe and i’ve been kinda sick lately Whoops. i’m a cst-er and go by she/her pronouns and will respond to any nickname i receive. i’m bringing my bby romy into this friend group and honestly ? she’s quite a handful so i’m gonna sneak in this apology first thing because phew , she’s so much i almost put ‘ these hands / her fists ’ as her weapon but i didn’t think that was the best idea for her.
( kim yerim → twenty → cisfemale ) ROSEMARY “ROMY” NA has been spotted hiding in the cabin. when you see HER, the odds of seeing them with a HIKING STICK in their hand is very likely. apparently their friends see them as the INCENDIARY - which makes total sense seeing as they’re VENTUROUS & PERCIPIENT as well as being CLIMACTIC & PROVOKING. i just hope they can survive the apocalypse…
AESTHETIC: holding back rambunctious laughter in a silent library, never being afraid to confront someone who’s done you wrong, a wide smile with a busted lip, the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair, half-buttoned dress shirts and short skirts, taped fingers from your latest fight, never being seen without a smile, being fiercely protective of the ones you love, the bigger the hoop the bigger the:, pulling hair in the non-sexual way and always being known as a firecracker.
full name: 나 로미  /  na romi  / rosemary na nickname(s): romy preferred name: romy age / dob: twenty  /  may , twenty-third , ‘ninety-nine gender: cisfemale  /  she/her pronouns label: the incendiary  ( designed to start fires / tending to stir up conflict ) faceclaim: loml , kim yerim ( yeri from rv )
legally blind, her glasses are thick af and she isn’t afraid to give someone a headache by making them wear her glasses.
is never seen without a smile on her face , even if she’s getting pulled out of a fist fight or is having a yelling match with someone.
a mix of class clown with drama queen so all in all: a+ annoyance. major annoyance. just isn’t afraid to make an inappropriate joke at an inappropriate time.
like stated above , is also super dramatic. just one of those girls that’ll scream at the slightest inconvenience just to laugh about it.
is very confrontational and isn’t afraid to start a fight if she feels like she or one of her friends has been wronged
has daddy issues but will joke about her dad like he’s a part of her life all the time.
has been in a lot of fights , have gotten a lot of stitches and casts and has had her ass handed to her multiple times but has no intentions of stopping.
genuinely has been getting into physical fights since like the fourth grade and definitely knows how to fight and surprisingly HASN'T gotten charged for assault or battery yet considering she's definitely the type to start AND finish a bar fight and has spent a night in local sherriff's stations.
her weapon is a hiking stick but she's ... good FDSKLASJA, hand to hand isn't the BEST idea with zombies but she's gonna try anyway. ( also, she's probably taped a knife to the end of the hiking stick and probably twirls it a lot, bobbi morse style and doesn't take it seriously smh )
a happy , dramatic , fighting small gorl. so kinda like a golden retriever honestly.
where can i even begin ? to sum up romy’s life in a nutshell , she’s a bundle of trouble who’s gotten into a lot of fights and has some big daddy issues , okay ? if you want a taste of who she is , she’s inspired a lot by the song HER by chase atlantic :)
but ! basically , born to korean immigrants , romy was given a very american name in hopes of giving her a normalized life in america. she was only ever spoken to in english , ridding her of a chance to learn her native language and spent very little time to learn about her culture. all of these decisions were made by her mom , who loved romy so much despite having her at a very young age.
from ages one to six , she was pretty happy and had a pretty average life. her dad was a hard worker , learning the ins and outs of computer engineering / software just as it was taking off and had a good enough job to support the family and she was 100 % without a doubt a daddy’s girl. she had him wrapped around her little finger and she just absolutely adored him , no matter what he did.
then , a couple months after her sixth birthday , she remembers watching him pack up a suitcase and leaving. she doesn’t know why and her mom never told her , but she remembers sitting on her bed and seeing her dad through the crack of her door packing up in silence and leaving without even saying goodbye to her , which sorta broke her little heart.
but she could tell it broke her mom’s heart too , so romy just ... continued with life without ever really dealing with it because That’s Just What You Do , you know ? she became a rambunctious little kid and by the time she was in junior high she was a regular trouble maker. she didn’t intend to make life harder for her mom , but she just had a lot to deal with and didn’t know any other way than to throw hands in the girl’s locker room.
she wasn’t horrible , seeing as she still had friends and was quite popular around school. she wasn’t a bully either , but people knew she wasn’t afraid to get knitty gritty. but , even though she’s known for fighting , she spent most of high school just sitting in the front of class cracking jokes with the teacher. if you wanted someone to distract the teacher while you finished your project , romy was your girl.
in the same vein , she was sort of ? a drama queen. would complain loudly and often about nothing , make a big deal out of nothing and wouldn’t be afraid to march up to someone and confront them if she thought she had good reason to. so actually , maybe she was a little bit of a bitch , but that’s just who she was.
barely graduated , still isn’t sure how because she spent her last semester of senior year showing up late and leaving early. but graduated anyway and since she didn’t have the grades for college , left town and started traveling instead. mostly makes money through odd jobs and things locals will pay her to do , so is now mostly a jack of all trades.
oof , uh if you couldn’t tell from the bio , she’s a handful.
her pos traits are venturesome and percipient , meaning basically: she’s adventurous but she’s got a good grip on things. people don’t expect much from her because ... dumb jock who gets into fights , but she’s mostly got a good grip on things fjsdlfdsj. she’s just v courageous and adventurous and is usually the first to volunteer for doing the Thing nobody else wants to do.
her neg traits are climactic and provoking because: she’s dramatic and she’s confrontational. no stranger to a fight , she’s not afraid to start a fight if she feels like she or one of her friends has been done wrong. unfortunately , that means she’s ready to throw down at any given moment which can be problematic because calm down romy.
all in all , a wild spirit that has no intention of calming down. if she was on a reality tv show , she’d be the crazy one because she just ... is a firecracker of a human being.
all of them fdsafad
BUT ! i’d love to see some rivals / enemies / neg connections because romy is kinda the worst so people who can’t stand her , people who she’s gotten into fights ( physical or not ) , people who think she’s a bit much , all of the above fdksfs
or someone who she loves dearly ! people she considers blood and would fight for no matter the situation or if they asked!
someone she has an unrequited crush on or vice versa ! someone who has she has a mutual crush on but she has daddy issues so it never really works out fjdsa any gender for this one babY
hook ups / exes cause again ... daddy issues. any gender bbies !
ex friends ??? we love an angsty friendship connection here where they used to be friends and something happened and they WANT to be friends again but it’s Complicated.
ex enemies !!! FKDSJ where they ‘hate each other’ because of their really rocky past BUT it’s not that deep they actually love each other now.
a smooth lil will they / wont they / exes / angst-y plots because i without a doubt am a hoe for angst in the apocalypse.
if nothing here floats ur boat PLS lmk and we can brainstorm cause i already love all ur muses and want plots with ALL of them.
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rodgersodimba · 5 years
Wicked Tuna Boats, Captains, And The Season Winners.
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Underhanded Tuna is an unscripted television demonstrate that is about the fish Fishermen that are found in Gloucester, Massachusetts. The anglers are in the incredible business of angling the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna that is found in the Northern Atlantic Ocean. The arrangement has been broadcast since April 1, 2012, on the National Geographic Channel. The show gives extraordinary knowledge on the issues that are presently confronting the Bluefin fish just as offering an incredible look on one of the most established peruses ever. As indicated by the Howard T.Owens, the arrangement is a standout amongst the most dynamic establishments for the National Geographic. The TV show has quite recently finished its seventh season in 2018. Examine all the evil fish water crafts, their chiefs and groups, and the season victors from season one to seventh. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});
Wicked Tuna Boats, Their Captains, And Crews
 Wicked Tuna Boat FV-Tuna.Com: The chief of the Wicked fish vessel Fv-tuna.com is Captain Dave Carraro. The FV-Tuna.com is the most loathed of the considerable number of water crafts in all the Wicked Tuna pontoons. The various groups don't care for these water crafts. The vessel was worked in 2003 and it has a 38 foot high sheer Duffy that has been painted dark. The pontoon is alluded to as the dark watercraft on occasion. Each angler that chases for the Bluefin fish in Massachusetts thinks about this pontoon. The explanation behind this is it gets one of the biggest Tuna fish to shore. This makes the various groups desirous. The other motivation behind why the FV-Tuna.Com is very well known is that the commander of the pontoon is known to give the wrong arranges of the vessel and influence different teams to go on a pointless pursuit at the sea. Numerous fishers see the pontoon as a huge issue for their business. The paint work is held mystery and is known to draw in the monster fish by one way or another that it catches. Wicked Tuna Boat Hard Merchandise This pontoon is 36 feet and eight inches in length. Worked in 1984, this pontoon is a workhorse and has matured past desires. This is a result of the extend periods of time it spends adrift. The ship is a full-time angling pontoon and the wellspring of salary for the two men who make up it whole group. The Hard Merchandise does not have the allure of every other vessel however has an exceptionally qualified commander a by the name Dave Marciano. Pin Wheel The Pin Wheel originates from Rye, New Hampshire. It is lead by one of the most youthful skippers adrift by the fundamental Tyler McLaughlin. The watercraft is alluded to as the fish executing machine. The name Pin Wheel was instituted by Tyler in view of the snared shape that the fish makes when it is kicking the bucket. The Hot Tuna This is the greatest vessel in the armada. It has been one of the best workers of all the watercraft from New England. The commander can discover fish and inspire them to lines. Commander TJ Ott has contributed a ton to the accomplishment of The Hot Tuna.
Also Read. Wicked Tuna Paul Hebert captured. See what occurred and Why he was in Jail.
The Wicked Pissah This is a specially crafted pontoon that is 30 foot. Claimed and directed by Captain Paul, it has taken 40 years to make this excellent angling pontoon. The Fish Hawk. This is the most current vessel to join the Wicked Tuna armada. The skipper of the Fish Hawk is Brad Krasowski which is a Wicked Pissah previous first mate.
List of Wicked Tuna Boats and Their Captains in Table.
Name Captain Seasons Specifications FV-Tuna.com Dave Carraro Season 1- Calvin Beal 44 custom built by SW Boatworks Hard Merchandise Dave Marciano Season 1- 36 feet and eight inches Novi Boat built in 1984 PinWheel Tyler McLaughlin Season 2- 45 Provincial Marine Commercial Fishing Vessel The Hot Tuna TJ Ott Season 3- 45 ft stretched to 48 ft Dixon/series 60 Detroit The Wicked Pissah Paul Hebert Season 5- Custom-Designed 30-foot Boat The Fish Hawk Brad Krasowski Season 6-
Former Boats in Wicked Tuna.
The Bounty Hunter The abundance seeker is made to have every one of the whistles and chime just as all the solace that are in a home. It is portrayed by a perfect deck, an extraordinary bed just as incredible sustenance. It is a standout amongst the most agreeable water crafts, however this does not make a difference in the amusement. What is important is the extent of the fish and the number it snares. In the event that it doesn't play out the proprietor should move it with time. The commander is Bill Monte The Odysea This is one of the littlest of the considerable number of vessels. The chief of the pontoon is Ralph Wilkins who says that the span of the bat does not make a difference. He says the only things that are important is having individuals to direct you on how where to go for the fish. Ralph functions as a group with the commander of the Bounty Hunter who happens to be his closest companion he says that their kinship has made them increasingly intense in the diversion. The Lily This is a standout amongst the best spear pontoons that is captained by Bill Muniz who has been nicknamed Hollywood. The angling technique alluded to as harpooning is an antiquated strategy that has a cutting edge wind. The spear vessel has spotter plane that is utilized to find schools of the Bluefin fish. It can cautiously choose the ideal position to jump on fish with a sing spear shop. This is a specialized technique to angle and is done inside exceptionally short periods of the Bluefin relocation for the waters in Canada. This is as a rule from June to Mid-July. The weight for this vessel is, thusly, progressively exceptional due to the time span.
Also Read. Insidious Tuna Jason Muenzner Wiki-bio, spouse, total assets, age
Lisa and Jake The skippers of this pontoon are Captain Herbert and First Mate Bruce Hebert. Paul joined the Lisa and Jake in the wake of serving for quite a while on the FV-Tuna.Com after his long-lasting companion Captain Dave Carraro terminated him. Paul has had a noteworthy execution in his brief timeframe in the season and has earned admiration from his friends. Christina The vessel chiefs are first mate Grebe Gibbs and Greg Chorebanian who have had a relentless catch of the Bluefin fish. Their primary point is to quiet skipper sacred wood of the Lilly. The Erin and Sarah The skipper of this watercraft is Captain Pete Speeches who has incredible stores structure his angling profession. Kelly Ann The skipper of this pig is Captain Paul who presently has another watercraft just as the new team. The group is anxious to substantiate itself to whatever is left of the armada
Wicked Tuna Winners:(From Season 1 to Season 7). 
Season 1 Winner(2012) The champ of season 1 was FV-Tuna.com with Captain Dave Carraro Season 2 winner (2013) Season 2 was won by Pin Wheel instructed by Captain Tyler McLaughlin with a sum of 16 fish got Season 3 winner (2014) FV-Tuna.com proceeded to win the third season still lead by skipper Dave Carraro, and they had discovered 15 fish. Season 4 winner (2015) Hard stock increased their diversion and won this season. Instructed by commander Dave Marciano, they cause 18 blue-finned fish Wicked Tuna Season 5 (2016) and 6 (2017) Winner. FV-Tuna.com won both of these seasons and in the two seasons lead by Dave Carraro having gotten 22 and 18 fish for the individual season. Wicked Tuna Season 7 Winner (208). The champ of the latest season was Pin Wheel having gotten 19 fish.
Wicked Tuna Season (1-7) winners in the table.
Season Winner Captain Total Fish caught Runner-up Captain Total Fish caught 1 (2012) FV-Tuna.com Dave Carraro $85,950 Unknown Hard Merchandise Dave Marciano $61,000 Unknown 2 (2013) Pin Wheel Tyler McLaughlin $100,861 16 FV-Tuna.com Dave Carraro $96,978 14 3 (2014) FV-Tuna.com Dave Carraro $126,403 15 Hard Merchandise Dave Marciano $61,904 8 4 (2015) Hard Merchandise Dave Marciano $102,690 18 Pin Wheel Tyler McLaughlin $99,876 16 5 (2016) FV-Tuna.com Dave Carraro $104,785 22 Wicked Pissah Paul Hebert $104,611 19 6 (2017) FV-Tuna.com Dave Carraro $98,580 18 Pin Wheel Tyler McLaughlin $98,561 15 7 (2018) Pin Wheel Tyler McLaughlin $103,936 19 Fish Hawk Brad Kras In evil Tuna arrangement, the champ is dictated by the complete worth of the fish they get. Taking a gander at the graph one thing is clear, the watercraft Fv-tuna.com has 4 wins making Dave Carraro the most able commander of all with 2 continuous win in 2016 and 2017. Related Posts Meet Erin from 'Mischievous Tuna'. Her Boyfriend, Husband, Net Worth, Age in wiki bio Dave Carraro Married to spouse or dating Girlfriend? Total assets, Age, Family uncovered in wiki type bio The end result for Hard Merchandise's Jay on Wicked Tuna? Where is he? Evil Tuna Paul Hebert captured. See what occurred and Why he was in Jail. Evil Tuna Cast Tyler McLaughlin: Wife, Married, Girlfriend Net Worth, age in wiki bio Evil Tuna TJ Ott Married, Wife, Net Worth, Weight Loss in wiki type bio. Devilish Tuna Brad Krasowski is Married. Know his Wife, total assets and, age in wiki type account Meet Dave Marciano spouse Nancy and 3 Kids. His total assets, age, family in wiki bio Underhanded Tuna Jason Muenzner Wiki-bio, spouse, total assets, age Trending. Cheap Celebrities Who Are Terrible Tippers Rich Celebrities Who Live Humble Lives Celebrities Who Are Incredibly Generous Tippers. No 8 might surprise you. Best Animal Shows that You will Love. Celebrities Who Drive Most Expensive Cars In The World Read the full article
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allhandson-dec · 6 years
But I'm into it, I'm into it Say she wanna fuck me later Girl, I'm into it, I'm into it This mental pressure got me popping pills and shit But I'm into it, I'm into it...
Name:  Samuel Ryland Carlisle
Pronunciation: sam-you-el ry-land car-lie-le
Other Names: Sam
Gender: Male
Titles: Mr.
Birth Date: August 13th
Birth Place: San Francisco, CA
Dominant Hand: Right
Height: 5’7
Weight: 130
Species: Human
Skin Color: Caucasian
Birthmarks: None.
Scars: Random scars from sports related injuries
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: Short
Hair Style: Just as it is in his icon.
Eye Color: Blue
Mother: April Carlisle
Father: Ryland Carlisle
Guardians: None
Siblings: None
First Love: Sam’s first love was a girl named Annie that went to his previous school. They dated from 9-11th grade, and in the 11th grade, she gave birth to their daughter Hazel. However, Annie died in childbirth.
Love Interests: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Orientation: Bisexual
Significant Other: None.
Love Style: Sam used to be the typical playboy jock. He flirted with girls, knew he was cute, and was able to win over girls with pickup lines and compliments. Once he fell in love with Annie, he was captivated by her and planned on spending the rest of his life with her. Little did he know, he’d only get the rest of Annie’s life. Now, he’s reserved, withdrawn, and still fixated on the blonde that he’d lost.
Flirtiness: Sam can still be flirty, but it depends on the person.
Turnons: He really likes “cute” girls...like not hot, sexy, but like adorable girls if that makes any sense...being accepting of his daughter, kind, nice smile.
Turnoffs: disrespect, negative responses to him having a child, lack of commitment 
Virginity: Sam lost his virginity to Annie.
into it - chase atlantic
a match into water - pierce the veil
iris - the goo goo dolls
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yurimatteoo · 9 months
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