#chinese astrology
lilithgreye · 16 days
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Vietnamese Astro Notes
— by greye
Keep in mind that your numerology plays a big role in all this as well. For example: If you’re a 7 life path or born on a 7 day but your animal sign is the Tiger you may still be a party animal and not a huge loner like some other 7’s can be
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• Vietnamese astrology does not go by years exactly. The new sign starts sometime in between January or February every year. You must search your exact birth date and year along with “vietnamese zodiac” for this reason in order to find what your animal sign is
• The Goat, Pig, and Cat trine are the wealthiest trine, especially when working together. The Goat is the richest though. Rat’s can also be wealthy sometimes though
• Tigers, Goats, and Dragons are the most attractive signs to society (physically)
• Goat’s are one of the most sexual signs besides Pigs
• The best romantic match out of all the signs are the Goat and the Pig
• Similar to numerology the energy of the year we’re all in effects us. Example: During Goat years people may be more emotional
• Tiger’s are very unpredictable similar to how Aquarius energy is
• Your enemy sign is important to stay away from but also your enemy signs whole trine in general
• The matrix favors the Rats - m(atr)ix. The rat’s enemy sign is the Horse so for this reason Horse’s tend to have the most challenging lives. Goat’s also tend to have hard lives though
• Monkey’s are often very confident but at worst can be self absorbed
• Snake’s are considered the wisest sign but for this reason can be very good liars and deceive lots of people often
• Cat’s are genius’ but will play mind games with you a lot
• Dog’s are the most loyal sign but Ox’s and Rooster’s tend to be loyal as well
• Tiger’s are the biggest cheaters but Pig’s come in at second place and Goat’s at third
• Dragon’s are the best fighters (physically)
• Goat’s tend to worry too much about things that genuinely don’t matter
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yebreed · 23 days
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Dramatic Twenty-eight Constellation Figurines From The Jade Emperor Temple
Twenty-eight Constellations (二十八星宿) provided an inexhaustible source of inspiration for Chinese religious art of the Song and Yuan dynasties. Such images are characterized by amazing expressiveness. Something you can never unsee.)
These samples date back to the Yuan dynasty. The statues are on display in the Jade Emperor Temple (玉皇廟), located in Jincheng (晉城), Shanxi.
The temple itself and the main hall were erected during the Northern Song dynasty. These stunning clay figures appeared a bit later and remained there during all subsequent architectural expansions and transformations.
Photo: ©俊灵-
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
Wuxing and Its Influence Over Sailor Moon
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NOTE: if I get anything about wuxing wrong, please correct me! I did research for this post but I'm sure I greatly simplified things.
I don't recall seeing a post about this on Tumblr, so I figured I'd be the change I want to see!
Anyway, something I don't see discussed often in the Sailor Moon fandom is the fact that much of the Inner Senshi's powers and personalities are based on wuxing, or the Chinese system of Five Phases. Well, okay, technically wuxing influenced the Japanese naming system of the 5 planets known since antiquity (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), as wuxing was originally used to refer those planets in ancient Chinese scholarship before it took on a broader meaning. But I still think Naoko Takeuchi was influenced by wuxing and not just the Japanese names of the planets themselves!
Anyway, you can kind of think of wuxing as similar to the Western idea of the classical elements, but it's far broader in scope. In traditional Chinese fields, it's used to explain a wide range of phenomenon, such as cosmic cycles and the succession of political regimes.
However, this post will only be exploring how wuxing is used to classify the planets and how that influenced Naoko Takeuchi when she created Sailor Moon. The elements and their planetary matches are:
Water: Mercury
Metal: Venus
Fire: Mars
Wood: Jupiter
Earth: Saturn
There are also certain mental/emotional qualities assigned to these elements:
Water: Wisdom, wit, intelligence, flexibility, resourcefulness, softness, anxiety
Metal: Determination, strength, ambition, self-reliance, strength of mind, rigid, leadership
Fire: Passion, intensity, resolve, spontaneity, dynamism, restlessness, hate
Wood: Warmth, generosity, idealism, cooperation, courage, kindness, anger
Earth: Patience, thoughtfulness, nurturing, honesty, stability, agreeableness
So yeah, I think there are some clear parallels here.
Sailor Mercury: Ami Mizuno means "Asian Beauty of Water" and Sailor Mercury has powers over water in all its states of matter (fog, water, and ice). I've sometimes seen people be confused over why Sailor Mercury has water powers when the planet Mercury is so hot and devoid of any semblance of water; well, it's because of wuxing! Anyway, Ami herself is also known for her intelligence and wisdom as well as for her soft heart.
Sailor Mars: Rei Hino means "Spirit of Fire" and Sailor Mars commands control over flames. Sailor Mars is known as the "Senshi of Flames and Passion," and lives up to that name by being one of the most passionate and intense Senshi in the series.
Sailor Jupiter: Makoto Kino means "Sincerity of Wood" and while Sailor Jupiter is commonly associated with electricity, her powers really encompass nature as a whole. In the manga/reboot anime, she has a number of attacks that involve plants. Mako is loved by her friends for being incredibly warm and generous, and Sailor Jupiter is known as the "Senshi of Courage."
Sailor Venus: Minako Aino's name ("Beautiful Child of Love") and her powers overall take much more inspiration from the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus, than from wuxing. However, she does still incorporate metal into her attacks, especially in the manga and reboot anime. In the manga/reboot this is done via her trusty chain, which is utilized for most of her attacks. Regarding personality, Minako is very self-reliant, ambitious, and determined, and of course is the leader of the Inner Senshi.
Sailor Saturn: There's not much to say here, because I don't think Naoko Takeuchi was inspired much by wuxing for Hotaru. However, "Earth" is reflected in Hotaru Tomoe's name- "Firefly Sprouting From Earth"- likely because the planet Saturn follows the wuxing naming convention in Japanese (it's called “Dosei," or "Earth Star"). That being said, Hotaru is very patient, thoughtful, and honest (I would not list "stability" as one of her qualities though, considering the whole "possessed by an evil alien and then reborn as a rapidly aging baby" thing lmao).
Anyway, that's it from me! I hope someone out there learned something new!
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jareckiworld · 1 year
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Xu Na — The Four Spirits of the Sky “White Tiger”  (mixed media on paperboard, 2020)
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ryin-silverfish · 28 days
Hi! I read your posts about Su Daji, and I believe one of them were about her being the literal incarnate of the Moon Fox of the 28 mansions.
I was wondering if there's any lore surrounding the 28 mansions, and if there are any incarnates of them other than her
I more specifically wanted to know about the Moonbird of Net, but I wouldn't mind learning about the others!
Well, tiny correction: Su Daji is not the incarnate of the Heart Moon Fox, but Wu Zetian, China's one and only female emperor, is said Lunar Mansion incarnate in Flowers in the Mirror, a Qing dynasty novel.
In another Qing dynasty novel, Shuoyue Quanzhuan (说岳全传), the notoriously corrupt historical figure, Qin Hui's wife, was the Maiden Earth Bat (女土蝠) incarnate: having been killed by the Golden-winged Peng for farting during Buddha's lecture, she would take revenge on his reincarnation, the heroic general Yue Fei.
About the 28 Lunar Mansions themselves: originally, they are kinda like the Chinese equivalent of the 12 zodiac in western astronomy.
Like, think of the sky as a belt, divided into 4 quadrants, each quadrant containing a giant constellation that represents the Divine Beasts of the Four Directions: Azure Dragon(E), White Tiger(W), Vermillion Bird(S), Black Turtle(N).
Each of these giant constellations can then be broken down into 7 smaller stars/star clusters, corresponding to a section of the sky. They are used to mark the position of the moon during a given month, as well as determine the seasons via the sun's location in a given mansion.
Azure Dragon: 角(Jiao)、亢(Kang)、氐(Di)、房(Fang)、心(Xin)、尾(Wei)、箕(Ji)
White Tiger: 奎(Kui)、娄(Lou)、胃(Wei)、昴(Mao)、毕(Bi)、觜(Zi)、参(Shen)
Vermillion Bird: 斗(Dou)、牛(Niu)、女(Nv)、虚(Xu)、危(Wei)、室(Shi)、壁(Bi)
Black Turtle: 井(Jing)、鬼(Gui)、柳(Liu)、星(Xing)、张(Zhang)、翼(Yi)、轸(Zhen)
However, like many things astronomy, they were later appropriated by astrology and used in divinations, by assigning an element/phase and an animal to each of these stars, making them into the "Beast Stars" (禽星) who can faciliate or obstruct each other, with different implications on your best course of action that day.
Now, look back at the list above. Each vertical column is assigned an element, in this order: Wood, Metal, Earth, Sun, Moon, Fire, Water.
So Star Lord Mao of the White Tiger Quadrant would be the "Sun Rooster Star", Star Lord Xin of the Azure Dragon Quadrant would be the "Moon Fox Star", etc.
But wait, there is more! Outside of the Beast Star divination system, traditional Chinese astrology also viewed the starry sky as the Heavenly Emperor's palace, with each constellation representing an area/building/resident of said palace.
Following that line of thought, people in the Tang dynasty came up with a catchy poetic star catalogue, 步天歌("Song of the Sky Pacers"), in which the 28 Lunar Mansions are kinda like managers who watch over their own group of stellar officials.
And the big 4 quadrants they are part of? Well, they are like four departments, each with their own general themes.
These themes aren't absolute; for example, the Azure Dragon Quadrant represents the front gate all the way up to the main palace halls, so they have a lot of stellar officials in charge of chariots, gates and honor guards, but also...grain baskets.
As for the Moonbird of Net, a.k.a. Bi Yuewu the Moon Crow Star: well, ain't this the damnest coincidence, I actually had an old OC concept based on this very Lunar Mansion!
Bi the Moon Crow
In traditional Chinese astrology, the Bi star was the god of rain, the "Master Rain"(雨师) to the "Duke Wind"(风伯) of Ji star: it was believed that whenever the moon came near this star, there would be a huge storm.
Since the Grand Compendium of the Three Religions' Deities stated that "Master Rain" was actually a one-legged divine bird called Shang Yang, who first appeared in 孔子家语 as this little creature who'd dance before every downpour like a goofy weather forecast guy, I drew his Stellar Beast form as a one-legged crow.
(OC-specific stuff below, not mythos canon)
He is very skilled at creating cloud formations, to the point where he got "borrowed" by the Wind and Thunder Bureau more than some of the Water-aligned Lunar Mansions.
After the Havoc, he has also become the new guy in charge of the Peach Garden(one of the constellations falling under Bi's section of the sky is Tianyuan, the Celestial Garden).
Anyways, traditional Chinese astrology is super fascinating, and I've only gone into a tiny fraction of it here. Hope it helps, though!
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gremlinsbooty · 4 months
Megurine Anniversary countdown. (Chinese New Year style since its coming soon) 🎆🏮
This is sort of design if she had a chinese voicebank + symbol of the year when she was released (2009 - Year of the Cow/Ox).
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kleptostrology · 2 months
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🥷 klepto astrology 🥷
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junkbbykow · 2 years
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Astrology Across Asia by DearAsianYouth
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zorubark · 8 months
Inktober day 10: The Fortune Witch(excuse my finger)
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My inspiration for her comes from Ziwei Doushu, a type of chinese fortune telling that uses stars. I also love chinese astronomy, astrology not as much, but i am willing to listen to it for the sake of creating characters.
Her fan is also a wand that she uses to cast spells. She doesn't have much traditional witch traits at all, but to me being a witch is about more, and she uses a wand so there's one requirement filled.
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She has magical objects of not only constellations, but lunar mansions, asterisms and the zodiac. Most go under the same category of being keys, but asterisms don't come in keys though.
Depending on if her fan is closed or not, she can perform different kinds of spells. The structure of the wand actually affects how she can use it, so she uses it strategically.
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I didn't take the pictures very well today, but at least the drawing is very pretty.
I'm gonna choose her name and you bet it's gonna relate to astronomy, hopefully I find one with the character "星", "曐"(which is retro, but it fits bc of that) or "宿".
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harmonyhealinghub · 5 months
2024 - The Year of the Dragon: A Majestic Journey Begins Shaina Tranquilino January 4, 2024
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In Chinese culture, each year is associated with a zodiac animal, which is believed to have certain qualities and characteristics that influence the events and lives of people born in that year. Amongst these twelve animals, one holds a special place of honor and reverence – the mighty dragon. Known for its power, wisdom, and good fortune, the Year of the Dragon is met with great anticipation and excitement by millions around the world. Let's delve into this awe-inspiring year and discover what makes it so extraordinary.
1. Symbolism and Significance:
The dragon symbolizes many virtues deeply valued in Chinese culture. It represents strength, prosperity, wisdom, success, and luck. Dragons are often seen as guardians or protectors who bring harmony and blessings to those they encounter. With such auspicious associations, individuals born in the Year of the Dragon are considered particularly fortunate.
2. Personality Traits:
People born under the sign of the dragon are known for their ambitious nature and unwavering determination. They possess strong leadership abilities and tend to stand out from the crowd due to their confident demeanour. Dragons are highly intelligent and innovative thinkers, always seeking new challenges to conquer. Their charisma captivates others effortlessly.
3. Historical Significance:
The Year of the Dragon has a rich historical significance that transcends cultural boundaries. In ancient Chinese dynasties, emperors were believed to be direct descendants of dragons; thus, this zodiac sign was closely associated with imperial power and authority. Throughout history, many significant events have occurred during dragon years, making them even more intriguing.
4. Economic Prosperity:
Just as dragons bring good fortune in folklore tales, their presence in a zodiac year is often accompanied by economic growth and prosperity. People believe that starting new ventures or making important investments during a dragon year can yield favourable outcomes. Businesses thrive, careers flourish, and financial abundance becomes more attainable.
5. Celebrations and Festivities:
The arrival of the Year of the Dragon is marked by vibrant celebrations and traditional festivities that span over several weeks. The most notable amongst these is the Spring Festival, commonly known as Chinese New Year. Streets are adorned with colourful decorations, firework displays light up the night sky, and families gather to share special meals, exchange gifts, and honour their ancestors.
As we embark on the Year of the Dragon, a sense of excitement permeates the air. This majestic creature brings hope, prosperity, and new beginnings for all who embrace its energy. Whether you were born in this auspicious year or not, it's an opportunity to tap into your inner strength, courageously pursue your dreams, and seek out the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. May this year be one filled with success, wisdom, and good fortune for us all!
So let us embrace this celestial guardian and embark on a journey full of wonder as we navigate through the Year of the Dragon!
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oraclekleo · 4 months
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To anyone who celebrates or is interested in a Chinese astrology and lunar calendar, happy new year. I'm one day late now but I hope you can forgive me. 💖
Do any of you actually celebrate the new lunar year? How do you celebrate?
I personally like the Chinese lunar calendar and astrological signs. I have been interested in them for few years now. I used to go to Chinese New Year celebrations held in Prague in the past, there were workshops, you could have a taste of traditional meals, you could buy traditional goods at stands and the best part was a performance of mixed arts like acrobatic performance, Chinese opera or theatre. It was really interesting and the atmosphere was quite nice as Prague has a pretty decent community of Chinese inhabitants. There's even bigger Vietnamese community in Prague and they also often follow the Chinase Lunar calendar so I was exposed to it naturally.
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This is just a snippet from a website I sometimes use to learn about Chinese Zodiac, you can check it out if you are interested.
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yebreed · 1 year
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Astronomical personifications in Chinese art are distinguished by impressive vivacity. These dramatic faces.
Jade Emperor Temple (玉皇庙), Fucheng, Zezhou, Shanxi. The Hall of the Twenty-Eight (Lunar) Mansions (二十八宿殿), colored clay, Yuan Dynasty.
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jareckiworld · 1 year
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Xu Na — The Four Spirits of the Sky “Blue Dragon” (mixed media on paperboard, 2020)
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vampirae · 2 years
Chinese Astrology Briefly
🐁 Rat - charming,  aggressive,  quick-witted,  loving and devoted.
🐂 Ox - diligent,  judgemental, impulsive,  responsible and  loyal.
🐅 Tiger - unpredictable, warm-hearted, over-confident, hard-working and jealous. 
🐇 Rabbit - kind, artistic, placid, sentimental and insecure.
🐉 Dragon - idealistic,  aggressive,  dauntless,  generous and intelligent.
🐍 Snake - intellectual,  thrifty,  charming,  egotistical and well-mannered.
🐎 Horse - social, suave, cunning, impatient and ambitious.
🐑 Sheep - nature loving,  creative, hesitant,  disorganised and romantic.
🐒 Monkey - cheerful,  opportunistic,  flighty, carefree and deceptive.
🐓 Rooster - observant,  straightforward,  vain, practical wnd loyal.
🐕 Dog - honest, intelligent,  defensive,  finicky and reliable.
🐖 Pig - chivalrous,  naive, selfless,  possessive and curious.
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astrosky33 · 1 year
𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖞 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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◉ 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖞
◉ 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖔𝖋 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖞 𝖎𝖘 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑
✧ 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 1
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⇲ 𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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bluekat12345 · 1 year
Chinese Zodiac Polarity
I got a little book on Chinese Astrology and I got really interested in when it started talking about the polarities, Yin and Yang. I wanted to share some fun facts regarding these two.
Elements/Chinese Names
Wood: Jia
Fire: Bing
Earth: Wu
Metal: Geng
Water: Ren
Wood: Yi
Fire: Ding
Earth: Ji
Metal: Xin
Water: Gui
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