swordy-da-goat · 8 months
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deebrisbyfish · 4 months
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A few years ago, Heidi's son (and my stepson) Rick, moved down to Florida for a job. After the pandemic, he moved back, but I never folded any of that into the strip. he just kinda... vanished. Since then, every now and again, he says or does something strip-worthy, but since he's not been IN the strip for years, I needed a way to bring him back in for future use. This gag came to me after a weekend in which he was so engrossed in gaming that we almost forgot he was down there until he emerged for food. It was a simple and funny solution to reintegrate him into the narrative. lol
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dailybehbeh · 6 months
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birdcanart · 1 year
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warrior cat sona! they have mastered the autistic stare
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ltwharfy · 8 months
The AV Club has a review of the fist two episodes of the new season of "Bob's Burgers" (hey, anyone else remember when they did that weekly? No, I'm old? Okay, got it.) I feel compelled to share it, because as a Rudy connoisseur (not a self-proclaimed title, Babs labeled me that!) I am naturally interested in the season's second episode, "The Amazing Rudy."
I'm not going to post any of the article's discussion about it (don't want to expose folks to more spoilers than they may want) but I will post one prediction and one fear I have about this episode.
The prediction: it will make me cry. It sounds like Rudy's parents and their divorce play a pretty central role. One of the reasons I love Rudy so much is that I relate to him in a number of ways, including being a child of divorce. So, I feel like this story could hit some of those nerves for me. Not a bad thing necessarily, but something for me to be aware of.
The fear: maybe it's too Rudy-centric? I know that sounds like a weird thing for someone who's obsessed with the character to say, but the review compares it to Buffy's "The Zeppo" and South Park's "Butter's Very Own Episode" and I don't know if I really want Rudy, or any Bob's supporting character, to get that level of focus. I've always liked that the show tends to keep the focus on the Belchers (well, and Teddy, who is also a main character). I think it's a concern that comes from "The Simpsons". For me, one of the signs of that show's decline was when it started doing episodes that focused entirely on Comic Book Guy or other minor characters where the roles of the actual Simpson family members were really small. Hopefully, this isn't that.
Wow, this is a long post for a link to a review of two episodes I haven't even seen yet! Anyway, tl; dr "The AV Club reviewed Bob's Burgers again; I am way too obsessed with Regular Sized Rudy."
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hey guys i just made the worst thing in existence
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urielwiththegoodhair · 7 months
wait, so you hired a human. just to mop up Sandalaphon's tears? that kinda seems like not much of a job.
or are there other things to clean in Heaven? For that matter, why would you even need to clean anything in Heaven?
Occasionally, the foolish, the clumsy or the dangerous leave material matter, which must be disposed of.
As well as this, our desks do somehow get dusty, as for some reason, we have oxygen here.
We can, of course, miracle it away, but a general consensus is that nenial work like that is below even the lowest ranking angel.
Anyway, no one really wants to mop up Sandalphon's puddles, but Abby seems strangely willing.
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8bit-mau5 · 2 years
alright late night gang sound off
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crapscicle · 2 years
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went to pride and made a friend :)
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subtotechno · 1 year
I mean I'd help to wipe the dishes but. Y'know. Voice in head.
yeah yeah the voices get an exemption too
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swordy-da-goat · 8 months
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kikuneesama · 2 years
when you write one of your favourite ships and it does so poorly, not even as in people dont click it, no, they just dont like it apparently
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sketchistudios · 7 months
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waking up kind of sucks sometimes. i just wish things weren't always shitty
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dakovas-basette · 1 year
Is it bad that i kinda like Australia's entry?
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1hellofacookie · 1 year
I'm at Amanda's weddin, In a church on Thomas Street
I'm lookin at a bridesmaid, and she lookin back at me
And when the service ends, ask her if she wants a lift
back to the hotel, anything goeS, well finger and a shift
She says Fitzy drives a Mitzy, and he offered me a spin
Enda have a Honda, so I might just go with him
and Darren Gibney said he bring me in his Subaru
so what the fuck would make you think I'd wanna go with you
I said Fuck your Honda Civic, I've a horse outside
fuck your Subaru, I have a horse outside
and fuck your Mitsubishi, I've a horse outside
if you're lookin for a ride I've got a horse outside
She said I don't believe ya
I said it's fuckin true
I swapped him for a bag of yokes in 1992
I don't need insurance, I don't need no parkin space
and if you try to clamp my horse he'll kick you in the face
I don't pay no tax, fuck NCT
you'll arrive in style if you ride with me
and the boys are walkin over, jinglin their keys
I look the fuckers up and down and give them one of these
I said Fuck your Honda Civic, I've a horse outside
fuck your Subaru, I have a horse outside
and fuck your Mitsubishi, I've a horse outside
if you're lookin for a ride I've a horse outside
Giddy up now baby, bless my soul
I rode the fucker round a field back since he was a foal
He runs a bit like Shergar, and he jumps like Tír na nÓg
He looks like Billy Piper after half an ounce of coke
and the boys are lookin jealous, as I lead yer one away
and just before I close the door I look at her and say
Would you be my girl, and she says I will of course
if ya grab me by the ponytail and ride me like a horse
Fuck your Honda Civic, I've a horse outside
fuck your Subaru, I have a horse outside
and fuck your Mitsubishi, I've a horse outside
if you're lookin for a ride I've a horse outside
The horse outside:
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shoutout to earlier when i briefly distracted everyone with chorse
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