zombilenium · 7 months
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Abandoned villa, Chemin du Raidillon, Saint-Pierre-en-Port, France
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toyastales · 7 months
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This gives a new meaning to a cliff side home
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1-900-venusluvs · 30 days
“Miguel..” was all you could say as you stared into his dim red eyes. As you stare you can see him kissing your neck as his warm lips are trailing down to your neck.
“Yes honey? Speak up.” he says in a certain tone, he can feel his cock growing at the thought of fucking with you til your panting and sweating. His lips go to your breasts while he cups them and kneads the fat. You moan out at the sudden touch of your sensitive nipples. You can hear a bit of mumbling spilling from his lips but they go unheard by your moans and whimpers. His thick fingers find your clit and start to rub in a circle like motions. He shoves them inside before pulling it back out and playing with your tiny bud. He rubs before shoving it back inside. Suddenly he pulls his fingers out and does something unexpectedly puts his damp fingers to his mouth and sucks them. As the taste hits his buds he groans instantly, his cock twitches. He decides to just reveal his hidden cock since you've guys already got to that point, He pulls down his gray sweats to reveal his fully hard cock. Beads of white precum is oozing out of the swollen tip. He looks up at you, holding eye contact saying.
“See honey..this is what you’re doing to me..” his hoarse tone silences you instanty.
Here’s to my taglist🥂: @monstera02 @muchosbesitos @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @yournextbimbogf @blahblahblahblueslol @chiwhorei @lazyjellyfish300
A/n: guys I wanted to try something new uh🤓 I DUNNO IF U GUYS FW HIM DOING THAT BUT HEAR ME OUT😔 this is only a preview and imma leave it off an cliffhanger bc why not😩
Btw if you want to be added to the list just dm me and tell me what series you’d want to be added/characters you want to be added on your if you want to be added onto anything!🫶
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breeloveschris · 4 months
You’ll Never Understand
Pt 2
pairing: Chris x reader
summary: Y/n always been best friends with the triplets.. until one random day in sophomore year Chris despised Y/n, and till this day Y/n still don’t know why. Nick and Matt will never understand why Y/n has never stopped being sweet and caring to Chris as if nothing ever happened.
warnings: cussing and the fact this is my first time writing anything 🤷🏼‍♀️
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When Y/n got a text at 12AM that her bestfriend wanted her to come over to go see a new movie, she quickly got out of bed and was heading to her bestfriends house. Y/n didn’t get ready, all she did was throw on a hoodie and called it a day.
All that could be heard was loud music and wind coming in from the windows as Y/n was driving. She would’ve thought everything was against her because she was hitting every red light making her 15 minutes late.
As soon as she got to her destination she threw her car in to park and made a bee line to the door. When she raises her hand to knock on the door someone was already opening it. Y/n’s smile grows seeing Chris but he freezes. “Hey chris, how are you?” she said lowering her hand. All she got from Chris was a mumbled “good” as he brushed past her shoulder.
“That’s good!” she says as she turns to watch him walk away without dropping her smile, Chris continues to take the trash out without another word. Y/n would say she was hurt but truthfully she’s used to it. She makes her way into the house and up the stairs seeing Matt and Nick sitting on the couch both on their phones.
Nick looks up from his phone due to hearing footsteps and he immediately smiles and gets up to bring Y/n into a hug. “I’m so sorry i’m late, i kept getting stuck in red lights” she says with a groan, “You’re good, the movie doesn’t start till 1 so we still have time” Nick said with a smile. “Hey i’m here too” Matt says waving, Y/n laughs and makes her way to hug him.
As she’s mid hug with Matt, Chris coughs and says “when are we leaving, i wanna be able to get snacks and Y/n being late is already making it harder”. Y/n sighs and said she’s sorry in a small mumble. “Are you dumb? You can get snacks during the previews” Nick says with an annoyed sigh. “Whatever let’s just go” Chris said obviously annoyed.
Y/n is sat in the back of Matt’s car with Nick, showing each other funny memes and Y/n must’ve laughed a little to loud causing Chris to whip his head around and yell “shut up! Your so annoying” with an eye roll turning back in his seat. Y/n bites the inside of her cheek and sits quietly for the rest of the ride with a small smile to Nick every now and then.
In the movie theater, Nick and Y/n are getting drinks while Matt and Chris are waiting for the snacks and popcorn. “I don’t understand why you let him walk all over you girl” he whispered, Y/n shook her head sighing “I’m just hoping one day he’ll forgive me for whatever I did that made him so mad at me”. Nick groans loudly at the memory of his dumb brother randomly treating her like shit.
“What’s your problem” Chris randomly chimes in. Y/n looks up and shoots him a smile before walking to the bathroom. After using the bathroom, she walks out and spots Nick and Matt patiently waiting for her, with Chris nowhere in sight.
The trio makes their way to the theater talking about how excited they are for the movie. “Y/n you good?” Matt says worryingly, “yea i’m good, just kinda tired” she says with a soft smile. They make it into the theater but not going without Chris’s complaints.
After the movie they were walking back to the car, Chris and Matt walking ahead of Nick and Y/n. “Did you see how he was with her??? That’s the kind of love I want.” Y/n says with a big smile, “Girl you reject every guy that flirts with you” Nick said with a laugh.
“Only beca-” Y/n starts but quickly get interrupted by Chris, “Y/n, your never gonna find someone.” but Chris isn’t done, “remember Jaxon? Yea he only wanted to fuck and then he dipped” Chris said with a sinister laugh. Y/n stops in her tracks and huffs, “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about Chris.” she rushes past him making sure to hit his shoulder hard.
She makes her way to the car with tears in her eyes threatening to pour out. Jaxon is Y/n’s ex who broke up with her just because she wouldn’t put herself out there for him. He didn’t like that he couldn’t have his girlfriend in bed so he broke up with her. Chris knew how sensitive she was about him. So the fact he said that has Y/n steaming out of her ears. She was furious.
Matt unlocked the car so Y/n could get in, she gets in and accidentally slams the door shut. “Y/n stop being a fucking crybaby” Chris says while getting in, “Chris shut up. Deadass your gonna start something you don’t want to.” Nick says with a stern voice. “Yeah? Start what? Crybaby over here ain’t gonna do nothing” Chris says with a laugh. “Chris i’m asking you for fuck sakes, please shut the hell up” Matt says huffing out a breath.
During the whole argument, Y/n was sat there shaking with tears still threatening to fall out. Chris has never in her life gone this far, yet he still won’t stop and has no remorse for what he said. They were already half way home and Y/n was sleeping. It was 3 in the morning of course she was asleep.
“Chris, you do realize Y/n has never ever yelled at you, until now” Nick starts, “You have officially pushed it way too fucking far”. Chris just shakes his head with a laugh. “She shouldn’t have let him play her like that” Chris states with a shrug. “You don’t even know what happened, yet you’re listening to what Jaxon said?” Matt barks out.
“He was on our lacrosse team” Chris starts but gets interrupted by Nick “So fucking what?? You’ve know Y/n since the 7th grade.” Chris just sighs turning up the music which ends the conversation.
Matt and Chris make their way into the house while Nick wakes Y/n up. “Wake up Y/n/n” Nick gently shakes her. She groans and fluttered her eyes open. “You staying the night?” Nick asks as she was getting out of the car with a stretch. “If you don’t mind, I’m way too tired to drive right now”
Y/n walks in the house straight to the kitchen to grab water, only seeing Matt on the couch. “Did Chris go to bed?” she asked with a soft mumble. “Yeah I believe so” Matt says with a sweet smile. She slowly nods and walks over to hug both Matt and Nick. Nick whispered while hugging Y/n “I love you girl, i’m sorry he’s like that”.
She shrugs with a sigh and walks up the stairs to Nicks room with a small “goodnight”. When she opens the door, her eyes widened and she lets out a loud gasp.
AHHHH MY FIRST STORY EVER 🥰🥰🥰 should i make this a series??
taglist: @lacysturniolo
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Clarisse La Rue x DaughterOfApollo!Reader
In which Clarisse gets jealous after you kiss Luke
Clarisse strolled through the lively grounds of Camp Half-Blood and her expression was as fierce as ever.However, beneath that tough exterior, there was a storm of conflicting emotions swirling within her.
It all began with you,a daughter of Apollo known for your radiant smile and musical talents. You and Clarisse had been friends, or rather,reluctant allies since your days in the camp.The tension between you was palpable,fueled by your differing personalities and the constant competition for recognition as formidable demigods.
One sunny afternoon, the simmering conflict boiled over into a heated argument.You and Clarisse clashed in a verbal spar near the training arena,your voices echoing off the surrounding trees.The words you exchanged were sharp and cutting,each accusing the other of perceived weaknesses and failures.
Amidst the escalating tension, a familiar figure approached, Luke Castellan, the charismatic son of Hermes. Luke had a way of navigating through conflicts with a sly grin, but on this occasion, he found himself inadvertently caught in the crossfire of you and Clarisse's feud.
As the argument reached its zenith,you, perhaps fueled by a combination of frustration and a desire to one-up Clarisse, did the unthinkable.With a defiant glint in your eyes,you turned to Luke and planted a passionate,lingering kiss on his lips.
Clarisse's rage flared to new heights, and her grip tightened on the hilt of her sword. However, something unexpected happened. Instead of escalating into a full-blown brawl, the tension shifted, and an electric charge lingered in the air. The intense gaze between you transformed, and the anger that had fueled your argument morphed into something else entirely-pure,unadultered fury.
She grabbed your hand forcefully - not even attempting to be gentle,and dragged you all the way back to her cabin - which luckily for her and unluckily for you - was empty at the time.She slammed you against the wall,towering over you,her hands placed on the wall behind you,resting besides the sides of your face.She looked right at you,her eyes burning holes through you as she leaned in,whispering in your ear
"You wanted to make me jealous?Was that your fucking plan?Of course it was.Then...I'll show you just how jealous I can be when someone touches what's mine,angel."
A/N:I need her so bad it's not even funny anymore
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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Information
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A Study in Torture
TW: Blood, Gore, Torture, graphic depiction's of violence Summary: Reader was caught on a mission and has been in the clutches of the enemy for over a month...
Apprehension, Rescue, Rehabilitation
You wake up sputtering, freezing cold, and drenched in water.
“Good morning little bird. Thought you would like a bath.” Your captor stands above you, rolling you onto your back with his foot, “You are pretty filthy.” You squirm slightly, and he steps on your arm to pin you  in place.  He crouches over you, gripping your face with his hands. 
“You know how I feel about you sleeping without permission, little bird. Why’d you have to go and break that rule? Now I have to punish you.” He says sadly. He gets off of you, only to yank you up by the collar wrapped around your throat and let go. You teeter, vision swimming as your broken body tries to compensate for the change in position. 
The room you are led to is mostly bare, with just a tub of water in the center. Your heart sinks, fear pooling your belly. You’ve been here long enough to know that water is your least favorite method of punishment. When you first were brought here, the goal was to extract information from you, but now it seems more like your captor gets off on you being in pain. 
“You know how much I love water Little Bird.” He laughs, dragging you forward. 
“Kneel.” He murmurs, standing you in front of the tub.
 You drop to your knees without hesitation. 
“Aw you can learn something. I’m so proud.” The man says happily, petting your  hair. Despite yourself, you preen under the praise.
“Unfortunately, you did break rules this morning, soooo.” He grabs your hair, twisting so it's balled up in his hand, “Deep breath little bird.” He shoves your head under, digging his knee into your back to hold you in place.
 For the first minute you sit still, waiting, but as the seconds tick by with you not being allowed up, as your lungs begin to burn and scream for air, panic sets in and you try to fight your way up. 
He lets go, allowing you up. You sucks in ragged breaths, coughing and vomiting up water as your body shakes. He gives you another second before grabbing your shoulders and forcing you back down. He does this again and again and again, until you are a shivering, pathetic mess. 
He cups your cheek, running a hand through your hair. “It doesn't have to be like this little bird. All you have to do is listen to me. It’s really not that hard.” 
You shiver violently, staring at the ground, still kneeling in front of the basin. The man frowns, yanking your head up.
“Look at me when I am talking to you.” He snarls, “God, why are you so stubborn? I don’t want to do this, but you just. Won’t. Listen.” He wraps the chain attached to the collar on your neck around his hand and pulls, yanking you up. 
You let out a startled yelp, vision going black as your body screams for you to rest.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper. The man growls, yanking you toward him and slamming your face into the wall. “You will address me by Sir.” He screams at you, “Is that really so hard? It's three little letters you stupid, worthless slut.” 
You sink to the floor, sobbing. Blood runs down your face, getting in your eyes, in your nose, in your mouth. Your head throbs, your lungs burn, and your ears ring, but you can still hear him screaming at you over the sound. “Say it.” He screams, each word sending spikes of pain through your skull, “Say you are a stupid, worthless slut.” You won’t. You may have lost every scrap of dignity, may kneel at his feet like a dog, but he had not broken you so completely that you would desecrate herself like that. 
“You. Fucking. Worthless. Whore.” He snarls, foot connecting with your body with each word, “It's no wonder no one has come to save you. No one wants a disobedient bitch. You won’t tell me what I want to know, and now you won’t even listen to me. I saved you from death and this is how you repay me?” You shriek in pain as he brings his heel down on your wrist, shattering it. He kicks you again and again and again, bones crunching, skin breaking, the sheer agony of it dragging you into the blessed depths of unconsciousness. 
The video ends there, your body so bloody and broken it's almost unrecognizable. The conference room is completely silent, save for the dry heaves coming from Gaz’s direction. 
“We have their location Captain.”
LMK what you think and if you want a part 2
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What is... a cliffhanger?
A man is falling off a cliff. At the last second he is able to grab some grass and is now holding onto it. Will he be saved? Or will he fall to his death?
You're not going to find out right now, because this is a clever plot device to keep you interested and invested enough to wait for the next installment to find out if he will survive.
A cliffhanger gives the audience a shocking revelation or a precarious situation at the end of the story to keep it open and interesting. It wants to incentivise the audience to want to immediately read/watch the next part of the story to find out how the dilemma or situation will be solved. To accomplish that there should be something at stake for the characters, something that will alter the way the story is going. And to keep the audience happy, you should always be careful with solving the situation in a clever and interesting way, so that no one feels cheated for waiting for it for so long.
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vertigoartgore · 7 months
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Bruce Campbell/Ash Williams at the end of 1987's Evil Dead 2.
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haunted-headset · 5 months
💜 Oh, Distant You. 💜
Summary: Tommy asked what happened between you two.
a/n: hello! i was in the mood to make a short angsty fic, so i present this to all of you! this was (obviously) based on "Oh Distant You"
contains: angst, a break-up with you & Wilbur, crying, flashbacks, cursing, a cliffhanger ending, mentions of presumed death, the reader is said to have had mental health issues in the past, & mentions of suicide.
words: 651
tags:@zuuriell @somebody-v @vibestillaxxx @ax-y10 @joviepog@themonsterunderurmom @ogelizasoot @wilburstan@smolsleepykitten@funnyreally2009@crows-death@dykepunz@aresriiots@0miamor0@defonotval@chipch0p@mazzistar16@unmellowyellowfellow@thosecolorfulsheets@vopix@aine-lasagna@merianakross@veeislost@urfav-sapphic-siren@shazbaz58-blog @wifiatthetrainstation@mcr-pr-fob@shd454@rqvii@idioticion@m0thza@artistphantom @lexx-the-gay-rubber-ducky @finleyforevermore @poraphia @radio-to-trenchcoat-demons @mysticalsoot @21-cats-in-a-trenchcoat @strangleetomz (let me know if u don't or do wanna be tagged)
[Wilbur's {3rd person} POV]
Tommy had invited Wilbur to his house for an "intervention". He'd been locking himself in his apartment for days without messaging or calling anybody, streaming, or going to the studio. The Lovejoy members called him & messaged him uncountable times, but he never responded. Some of his friends thought he had killed himself. Nobody had heard from Y/N, either; they were an active streamer, usually streaming twice or thrice a week, but they hadn't streamed for two weeks. Y/N wasn't on tour with their band, either, & hadn't announced a break, so it worried Y/N's followers & fans.
"What's going on with you?" Tommy asked him. "Nobody's heard from you or Y/N in a few weeks. Did you two have a secret wedding & a honeymoon without telling anybody?" While the light-hearted joke was obviously intended to make Wilbur feel better, it just made him feel worse.
"We broke up, Tommy," he murmured, covering his eyes with his hand.
"You what?" Tommy raised his brow, not hearing Wilbur correctly.
"We broke up, Tommy," Wilbur repeated, louder this time.
Tommy was shocked. "I thought everything was good between you two! Why did they dump you?"
"I dumped them, Tommy," Wilbur said shakily, holding back tears.
"Why the fuck did you do that?" Tommy asked.
"Because I'm an idiot, Tommy, that's why!" Wilbur shouted, removing his hand away from his now red & glossy eyes. "Because I'm an idiot who thought prioritizing my music & my career over them was the better option! & they could be dead right now, for all I know! Their mental state was terrible when I broke up with them, so for all I know, they could be hanging from a noose right now, dead as a motherfucking doorknob."
"Woah, woah, woah, Wil, take a breath," Tommy said, his eyes wide from how Wilbur reacted. "Tell me what happened."
"I just--I got in over my head & started panicking & being an anxious idiot like how I was when I was a kid & I thought that my career & my band needed to be prioritized over them," Wilbur explained shakily.
"Why did you think that?" Tommy asked.
"Because I thought my career was better than them," he said softly.
"Is your career better than being with them?" Tommy asked, his eyebrows raised slightly.
"God, no, Tommy," Wilbur said with a catch in his throat. "I hate the way I talk when I'm trying to compliment or praise them because it'll never give off the praised esteem they have. They're two stars from grace & I'm convinced that this world turns for them & nobody else." He paused. "No offense, Tommy."
"Were you looking for somebody better or--" Tommy started.
"If the Lord or the universe or whoever fucking controls everything were to whip up a clone of them," said Wilbur, "I wouldn't even glance at it, so, no, Tommy. & if I did date that clone, I'd have to take a month off work & everything to sit down in the kitchen, & explain all our in-jokes, & cry with them to Wall-E, & still, I'd fuckin' miss Y/N."
"So you regret it all?" Tommy asked.
"Of course I do!" he exclaimed. "I thought I was creating the solution to their problems, that I was being the fix-all, but I was just the villain. & every single modicum of energy that I gave to all the little things compounded all my placidity, & I drove out all the good things & made life so fuckin' heavy, & now I can't wake up & talk to them." He was crying at this point, having to pause a few times to calm himself down.
Tommy held his phone up & pointed at the screen. He was on a call. He was on call with Y/N. He had been this whole time.
"Hi, Wilbur."
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eyeonyou · 3 months
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My Immortalstuck 9 - Tumblr stop ruining the image quality challenge 2k24 edition. Btw, this is probably obvious but I'm omitting most of the references to self-harm for Personal Reasons :]
There's a New Character next week. I will be very amused if anyone guesses who.
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Fire font by Billy Argent fonts :)
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Part 12 - it was just for fools
"We were searching for reasons to play by the rules, but we quickly found it was just for fools." -Mary On A Cross by Ghost
Masterlist Part 11
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Wonder Woman, with her extensive diplomatic training, was the perfect speaker to bring before the United Nations council. 
There was something regal about Diana, something that demanded attention from all genders and ages, her accent smooth and light with eyes hardened with barely concealed anger at what brought her to their door. 
The Anti-Ecto Acts. 
Diana understood war. There was very little she hadn’t experienced where it concerned the subject, from betrayal to a very personal loss, but now she had another chance to draw from her past. 
Prevention of a war. 
Only fools would believe a war against the Infinite Realms, the land of the End and death incarnate, that which holds every afterlife for every belief, was winnable. 
Every death on humanity’s side, was another solider for the King of the End. 
That was yet another point. 
The Once and Future Star King, Vanquisher of the Dark, Protector of the Light, Great One…. Was a Protector spirit. The spirit of a child who died wanting to be saved. 
Diana sighed, awaiting her fellow heroes in the meeting hall, Black Canary, Superman and Batman (with his ever tiny Robin) were already present. Red Robin was sat with a tablet, reading through a collection of data instead of conversing. 
It was almost seven on the dot, the meeting filled with nearly all members of the League, when Constantine portals in with a flask in one hand and a book in the other. 
“Not a word.” He grumbles around an unlit cigarette held between his lips, unceremoniously dropping into an unoccupied seat. 
Despite the surprise of John Constantine being on time for something, much less a Justice League meeting, Diana had other concerns to deal with. 
Namely, the repeal of the Anti-Ecto Acts. 
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An unexpected summoning was a shard of ice in her spine, twisting like a knife of betrayal in the nerves, utter agony. Jazz had little warning, little time to brace herself before she was hooked behind her navel and yanked. 
Thank the Ancients she wasn’t in the shower, because whoever had the audacity to summon the Ghost King was not going to receive an eyeful for their trouble. 
Jazz allowed her armor to materialize, a slick sensation of water down her back soothed the lingering pain of the brutal summons, but her back plate soon settled firmly in place and irritated the nerves more so. 
Just as her helmet locked into place, sealing her fully into her armor, green smoke announced her arrival with a dramatic flair she couldn’t find humor in. 
Rested on one knee, head bowed, the Regent was quite an intimidating sight for the uninitiated. 
Her helmet, full coverage with a crown of green shards embedded into its pulsing ebony metal, only allowed the green tint of her eyes to shine through. Once her head lifted, the several shivers her gaze got proved how effective it was at unnerving others. 
With a breath, the Regent stood. 
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“You have tried to summon the King of the End, why?” 
John Constantine was many things- a liar, a cheater, a non-believer- but he was certainly not a fool. He’d been against summoning the Ghost King, knowing full well to whom they would be dragging unwilling instead. Somehow the title of Regent failed to comprehend to most present, which was not Constantine’s fault in the slightest. 
(Hey, at least he was mostly sober summoning, right?) 
(Had to give credit where it’s due.) 
Bats was unamused with Constantine’s first warning of ‘Do not fuck with’ when Phantom had first shown himself, but this was ridiculous really. A message was always better than trying to summon the King, who would want to be interrupted right? 
Yet again, the Magician was overruled. 
(At least he didn’t have to sell his soul this time.) 
(The Phantom already gifted the glued together remnants to his Regent.) 
(Morbid as it was, at least John knew it was in better hands than some half wit demon he’d scammed.) 
No one answered before the Regent spoke with some amusement lacing her words, “I should have known a summon from you, Constantine, would be painful.” 
(Was it a good or bad sign that the Regent didn’t immediately call him ‘Sad Trenchcoat man’?) 
Diana politely interjected, “Greetings, My Lady. We apologize for the unfortunate experience and will endeavor to do better in future meetings.” 
(Good old Diana.)
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“Greetings.” The Regent replied, helmeted head slightly tilted as she studied the others present before her, having been ignored for the time being. 
Wonder Woman pressed a fist over her heart with a slight bow of her head as she spoke again, “May I introduce the Justice League and it’s founders; Batman, Superman, and myself, Wonder Woman. You are familiar with Constantine, who is a member of Justice Dark.” 
“I am the Regent of the Realms, Lady of the Acropolis, you may refer to me as either.” Jazz intoned, serious as was only right for her titles. “I’ll ask once more… Why.” 
Constantine, despite the familiarity he held with Phantom, shivered in the presence of the Regent. The owner of his soul could command he turn on his allies, zap away his free will with only a few words. Sure, he had some doubts that the Regent would, but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t. The AEA proved that the Infinite Realms had every right to declare war on the Living and its citizens would be drafted to fight in the Legion, regardless of mortality status. 
John was many things- a liar, a cheater, a non-believer- but he was not a soldier or a fool.
He would be called to arms, as a magic user and battle-blooded soldier. There would be no choice, no deal he could make that would see his fate change. 
It was fortunate that the Regent didn’t want a war, but there was only so much she could do to hold back the growing tide of angry entities that wanted vengeance on parents, siblings, and children taken from them. 
(Ancients above and below, he needed a drink.)
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It was times like this that brought the Regent back to her long days of training in the Acropolis. The echo of steel against steel, dodging ecto-blasts, deflecting weapons with her bracelets, Pandora’s steady words…
Pandora was many things- Leader of the Acropolis, Guardian of Hope, teacher, advisor, so on and so forth.
Pandora might be a ghost, an Amazon tasked with guarding her box, a Warrior of the ages past, but she was ultimately the Ancient of Peace. 
The Peace she never knew in life, war-hardened as she was. Raised with one hand clutching a weapon and the other an open palm, Pandora was a diplomat at heart. War had not been kind to her, but still, she taught her pupil (the Regent) the importance of listening. 
Many issues could be solved when one took the time to shut their mouth. 
Draw weapon, draw blood.
Aim at nothing you’re not willing to destroy.
If your opponent believes they have the upper hand, break it.
(These are just a few rules of war.) 
(She knew them all by heart.)
(Each one ingrained on her body, scars a testament to a faith in her training and herself.) 
The only rule Pandora had given her where to concerned Peace was this: 
Reach for it, but know that hearts aren’t so easily swayed as minds. 
It was why Jasmine never bothered trying to negotiate with the GIW. Their hearts were black and there was no changing their minds. 
Here she was, summoned by the Justice League with their own diplomatic trained Amazon at the ready. Pandora would be proud of her sister-in-arms, because despite the Regent’s unknown threat potential Wonder Woman had not reached for the sword at her side. Instead, she’d done a traditional Amazon greeting, from one warrior to another, a sign of respect that Jasmine had not expected to ever receive outside the Acropolis. 
“We had expected to summon the King, but were unaware of a Regent, my lady.” Wonder Woman spoke, but Constantine interrupted whatever she would have said next. 
“We wanted to discuss the possibility of war against the living, Regent.” 
Jasmine snorted, the voice-modulating function of her helmet made it sound funny to her ears, “Blunt as always, Constantine. You’re worried I would order you against your allies?” 
The Sad Trenchcoat Man blinked once, twice, “Bloody Hell, you don’t waste time, do ya?” 
“You possess the power to command Constantine?” 
That question had come from Lady Gotham’s first Knight, steady with no discernible emotion in voice. His hands were resting on his utility belt, which was a bad sign of his current judgment of her character. 
“For the sake of honesty, yes, Dark Knight, as the keeper of his Soul Remnants, I could command the Magician to do my bidding.” The Regent continued, “However, it was a gift and Phantom is fond enough of the Sad one that I wouldn’t use it unless I had no other choice.” 
“What would constitute ‘no other choice’?” 
Huh, Jasmine was starting to understand why Phantom chose Batman to give the Ghost Files too. She could feel the determination and protectiveness radiating off his soul, a familiar (though less powerful) sensation she only got from her little brother. 
“War.” The Regent retorted, “I’m beginning to understand why Phantom would choose you, Knight.” 
Constantine perked up a bit, “Didn’t you avenge him?” 
Wonder Woman came forward again, “My Lady, we wish to discuss the conditions of Peace between the Living and the Infinite Realms.” 
Jasmine smiled a bit sadly, though no one could see it, “I would be honored to.” 
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If anyone asked, Red Hood did not swoon when he witnessed his future wife girlfriend kick a man straight in the balls so hard he saw God. 
Jazz was a beacon during a Gotham night, beautiful red hair seeming to catch fire with every light that danced across it, shoulders back and head held high his girl resumed her steady pace towards her apartment. This was a typical night for them, minus the would-be mugger and Jazz being unaware of the Red Hood following from above to make sure she got home safely. 
(Jason hadn’t been able to convince her to carry a gun.)
(Nonetheless, he knew his girl could take care of herself, but that didn’t stop the worry.) 
Hood wasn’t convinced about the safety of the area bordering his Alley, The Ridge,  with two relatively unknown metas acting as it’s Vigilantes and seeming to drive down the crime rate in the neighborhood to near extinction faster than he’d seized control of his own territory. It was odd that the metas weren’t crossing into the Alley, seeming to go around it and more into Gotham proper when they decided to roam, as if they respected the Red Hood claim more than the other bats. 
(Wasn’t that just a hoot.) 
(Two non-bats had more respect for him than his own family.) 
The Ridge was the lesser known little brother to Crime Alley, with its residents being mostly three-jobs and a drug problem demographic, but with Phantom and Regent the area had begun to show a bit more life. Sure, most of the builds were on the wrong side of dilapidated, hanging on with duct tape and a wad of gum, but when it was just bright out enough- no matter the time of day- Phantom’s ice can be seen glinting from miles around as it curved itself around foundations and floors to stabilize the structures. It hadn’t melted in the slightest the two months since it’s been formed. Hood had even tried to get a sample for testing, but the ice would not budge. Hell, he’d even taken a cheap shot at it- nothing. Well, except for the fact that you could now see a bullet encased within the ice. 
Phantom was a chill guy, apparently. 
(Hood internally groaned at the unintentional pun.) 
(Quick mental note made to shoot Dick in… well, the dick.) 
Red Hood had been gritting his teeth against the warm sensations of protect-anxiety-nervous for days, sensing danger every time he closed his eyes. Something had invaded Gotham and was messing with the Pit. 
No, not the Pit. The Pit was gone, no longer bubbling in his gut or green edging his vision, it was gone and replaced with something else. 
Something that gave him trouble, but was definitely a step up from Pit Madness. 
(And what a time for it to vanish, with Jason dating Jazz no more bloody nightmares when she was in his arms.)
He’d followed that ball of anxiety in his chest across Gotham, unconsciously avoiding Bruce’s usual patrol route and he climbed up to one of the gargoyles that kept vigil over the clock tower. Barbie hadn’t opened the comms to ask him what the hell are you doing here, but he wasn’t going to waste what little time he had with Phantom before he had to return to the Alley. 
The kid wasn’t older than Tim, but was ethereal in his form that felt cold to Hood. There wasn’t any sign that Phantom had been hurt by the Drs. Fenton, but Hood was all too aware of how looks could be deceiving. 
(The fuckers had vivisected him.) 
With every word passed between them, had Hood confirming the Ghost Files information to be accurate as far as Phantom was concerned. He was a teenager, a ghost in Gotham who was under the protection of the Regent and Ghost King. 
(Though incredibly corrupted, Barbara had been able to find a few frames of clarity.) 
(Lo and behold, the death of those bastards.) 
(He knew he recognized the armored figure, but couldn’t figure it out.) 
(It was right there on the tip of his tongue.) 
That same ball of anxiety loosened its hold with Phantom, a sense of protect-worry overwhelmed whatever else was in his chest. 
Phantom was a kid, ghost or not, vigilante or not. 
(No more dead robins.) 
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It took two days and twelve hours for Jason to finally connect the dots between Regent and why in Hell he felt he knew the armored knight. 
Jazz was in her kitchen, hair braided and swinging back and forth against her back as she hummed and swayed in time with the soft music playing. His girl looked good in his Gotham Knights t-shirt, shorts revealing her toned thighs and legs, neckline of her borrowed shirt riding low enough to reveal several hickies he’d left on her earlier on the couch. Pride warmed his chest as he watched his darling Jazz, love for her settled deep into his bones. He knew she was the one for him, no going back, even if she didn’t know everything about him-Red Hood, his death, etc.
Jazz was made of steel and iron, forged with love and cracked with betrayal. Who had betrayed her in the past was obvious, her parents, their death must’ve been a mixed bag. Not to mention making the decision to allow their souls to be claimed by the Regent of the Infinite Realms. 
He had no doubt she would be unafraid of his nighttime persona, but he didn’t think he could handle her judgment of his past sins. He loved her too much and wanted to be good. 
The music stopped, dragging Jason out of his thoughts to find Jazz watching him with concern plain on her face. 
“Jace?” She lightly called for him, helpless to her he rose and gently wrapped her in his arms, her head tucked comfortably under his chin. 
“I’m ok, Jazz, just have a lot on my mind.” 
His girl hummed lightly, the sound vibrating slightly through Jason’s chest where her head rested. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” 
“They’re not worth that much.” 
Jazz pinched his side in retaliation for his lightly self-demeaning comment, but ultimately let it go. Another reason he loved her, she didn’t tolerate his bullshit. She’d been horrified to hear his comments about his self-worth, as much as he was joking, and had firmly threatened to punt his ass into the sun if he didn’t start getting a better self-image. 
To his credit, he listened and began seeing Harley for counseling, which he knew he’d needed when he’d finally gotten a working braincell again after his dip in the line green Kool-aid. He’d put it off long enough, believing that the Pit wouldn’t let him remain calm enough to discuss his abandonment issues and mental health. 
The Pit wasn’t churning in his gut anymore so any anger he felt was all Jason’s, and Jason’s alone. It was oddly satisfying to know that he was once again responsible for how he handled his anger. 
Jazz never really demanded anything, only insisting on some boundaries at the start of their relationship when it was difficult to keep his hands to himself while she was in his sight. His darling was the same this why she set those boundaries so they could get to know each other without it just devolving into sex. 
Sure, they have done some heavy petting and Jason definitely liked leaving his mark on her, but they hadn’t felt compelled to go further. Now that they had been together a little over a month the heat between them settled into a slow summer in his blood, no more threat of them acting like a pair of degenerate dumbasses with lesser brain function. 
Not that Jason would ever be against having sex with Jazz, he loved her and wanted to know her in every sense, but he had to confess several things before he could allow himself to be put off guard with his pants down. The big Y-incision scar on his chest was horrific and Jason didn’t want to scare his girl away before he had a chance to come clean. He wanted, no, needed Jazz to accept every part of him- life, death, Jason and Red Hood. He was ready for her to know the truth. 
What he wasn’t ready for, like last time, was the bomb.
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A/N: Yes, beta read by @meditating-cat! Great beta reader, really appreciate the quick response and notes. Thanks!
We're gonna have a bit of a time jump between the summoning and the cliffhanger, which means that Jazz being summoned happens after. I wrote it this way for a reason... I think. Don't quote me on that.
Anyways, special red tint this time, because I just watched Death in the Family for the first time before writing this part and...I didn't like it. No, I'm not sure why I don't either. Jason is my favorite character for a reason.
Now, if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go read Wayne family adventures to make myself feel better.
Thanks for reading!
PS: 3k words???
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clarissesrealwife · 2 months
Sub tomboy reader x soft Dom! Abby or Hazel
Rest is up to you! 💗
Tell ur girlfriend☆
A/n - yall this MIGHT suck but js work with me okay😢😢(there's a cliffhanger but I promise there will be pt.2🥳🥳)
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Warnings - breakups, making out, cheating🌚, reader has a bf, arguing
Summary - you and hazel were originally js study buddies in relationships but things escalated...
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Last month you had realized your grades were dropping, thinking nothing of it you continued your life as normal. But last week you had failed your history test, this resulted in a hour long lecture from your parents and a long call with your best friend hazel who offered to help you with your work everyday after school.
"So we still studying tonight?" Hazel asks as you two walk to hazels next class "yeah of course!" You reply. Your about to say something else when Hazel's girlfriend(Mia) walks over, Taking hazels hand in hers while standing on her tippy toes to give Hazel a kiss on her cheek, she's so annoying I don't understand how Hazel puts up with her I just wish she would breakup with her alre-
Your thoughts are interrupted by your boyfriend hugging your waist from behind "hey babe" he says while kissing your cheek.
"oh hey! I heard you got a A on your test?" You question playfully while turning around to face your boyfriend of 7 months.
"Yeah I did and my mom said as a reward we're going out of town for the weekend so I don't think we can hangout tomorrow" you could tell he was hiding something or atleast wasn't telling you the full story but you didn't want to question him about it right now as you had to finish your conversation with hazel.
"Oh well I have to go talk to haz-" your words slow down as you turn around and don't see hazel anywhere. mia must've taken her to makeout.
"Nevermind I guess her and Mia left. Wanna walk me to class?" You ask Lucas.
"Of course babe".
After your last class was finally over you decided to go and wait outside the gym as you know she has a fight club or whatever they call it after school.
30 minutes and it's finally over. Hazel walks out and you call her over as she didn't see you.
"Hey haze! You ready to go?" You ask her while slightly tilting your head in a questioning way.
"Yeah let's go I have lots of homework to do".
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"Shit" Hazel says while searching her backpack as if she's lost something.
"What's wrong haze?" You ask as your getting worried by the expression on her face.
"I just forgot my phone in the gym" she says while leaning back into the seat. You start admiring her, wondering how some 3/10 girl who is to "girly" in ur opinion pulled a gorgeous 10000/10 women who you would let do anything to you
Your slowly processing her words as your to focused on her facial features. But once it finally hits you your quick to offer getting it for her.
"I could go get it" you say a little to fast, fast enough she giggled while saying "Yeah that's fine with me".
A little flustered, you get out the car and go back into the building as it was still open.
Walking to fast for your legs liking you finally reach the gym. After 3 minutes of searching you find the familiar phone that you've seen and used many times as you have a habit of forgetting to charge yours.
Just as your about to walk out you hear people talking. As a natural instinct of a person who has social anxiety you decided to stay there until they leave.
2 minutes have passed and they're still there. You started actually listening 30 seconds ago as you realized it was your boyfriend, Lucas and his friends.
"Shes kind of stupid I don't know why she would belive something like that" one of Lucas's friends say. Assuming they're talking about someone else's girlfriend you continue to listen.
"Yeah honestly I didn't think it was gonna be that easy. I'm just excited to hangout with Maddie tomorrow" You recognize this voice, This is a voice you've talked to many times, A voice you trust, no trusted because you realize this is your boyfriends voice your hearing.
Although tears are beginning to form in your eyes you continue to listen as you want to get the full story.
Another 4 minutes and they finally leave. You open the door to the gym slightly and look around to make sure no one is there. When confirmed you walk to the main school doors. Quickly jogging to Hazel's car.
"Here" you say bluntly as you hand Hazel her phone. "What's wrong y/n?" Hazel says as she tucks a peice of your hair behing your ear.
"Can we talk about this later?" You say as you look into her eyes. Your eyes are red so she can obviously tell you've been crying.
After a few seconds of her debating whether to drop it or not she decideds she'll just bring it up later at your house
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It's been 2 hours and hazel had just finished her last sentence for her homework. You on the other hand finished it in 30 minutes. Scrolling on tiktok waiting untill she's done. She finally says "I'm finished!".
"God that took forever" you say while rolling your eyes. "Shut up you love my company" she says while pushing ur chest away in a playful way.
It was just silent for a while after that, nobody knew what to say or maybe they were just preparing themselves for what was next to be said.
"So what happened ealier" Hazel said quietly, you almost didn't hear her, but you did which means you had to answer.
"Hes cheating on me" You say with a loud sigh.
"WHAT WITH WHO?!?" Hazel practically screams. You slightly luagh at her loudness untill you remember what this conversation is about.
"With Maddie" You slightly shift so you're in a more comfortable position on the bed
"Really? I didn't even think they talked"
"Me neither, but here we are"
It's silent.
Not an akward kind of silence though.
One that makes you want to go to sleep.
The one that makes everything okay.
You find comfort in the silence with hazel.
Untill she speaks up.
"I'd never do that to you" she whispers. Your face heats up what did she mean by that you wonder, but right now your main focus is making sure she doesn't see how red your face is.
"What do you mean?" You question while sitting up, putting all ur weight on your elbows while staring at her, trying to keep eye contact but she just won't look at you.
"Cheat. I wouldn't cheat on you" She finally looks at you. But all of a sudden your confidence dissappears and you lay back down and turn away from hazel.
Hazel doesn't like that and grabs you so you're facing her again. You're both laying on your sides staring at eachother. Your eyes flick to her lips and back up God I hope she didn't see that . "Whatcha thinking about?"
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breeloveschris · 4 months
You’ll Never Understand pt 2
Prt 1 Pt 3
pairing: Chris Sturniolo x Reader
summary: Y/n always been best friends with the triplets.. until one random day in sophomore year Chris despised Y/n, and till this day Y/n still don’t know why. Nick and Matt will never understand why Y/n has never stopped being sweet and caring to Chris as if nothing ever happened.
Warnings: cussing
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Y/n freezes, “Chris?” She whispered confusion written all over her face. “Just come sit down so I can get this over with” Chris says with an eye roll. Y/n is hesitant but nonetheless sits on Nicks bed. Maybe this is when she gets her explanation or maybe even an apology. “Look Y/n, I’m not gonna apologize for what I said cause frankly, I don’t care.. but I am sorry for making you cry. That was never my intention” Chris starts with a sigh. “Can I ask a question?” Y/n mumbles.
“Go ahead I guess” Chris says with a shrug. “Why do you hate me?” she starts with a tear running down her face. Chris shows no emotion but inside, his heart seizes seeing her cry because of something that started all because he couldn’t get over his middle school crush. Chris never hated her. He just needed her to believe that so he could try to push his feelings for her away. “Chris?” She says gently placing her hand on his leg trying to bring his attention back to her. His eyes snap to her hand, opening his mouth to speak.
The door opens revealing Nick before Chris can even speak. “Ew. What are you doing in here?” Nick says with a groan. Chris quickly gets up mumbling a quick “nothing” rushing out the door and down to his room. “Okay? What the hell was that?” Nick asks. Y/n wipes her tears and sent Nick a soft smile “nothing! He was just apologizing for making me cry. He didn’t apologize for what he said tho.” She says with a small frown.
“Weird.. well I’m tired so we should watch a movie and go to bed” Nick says with a content sigh. “I’m down” she said with a shrug. They end up staying up another hour talking and watching the movie but end up falling asleep mid conversation with the tv still playing.
She slowly blinks her eyes open, looking around seeing Nick nowhere in sight. Sighing and turning to grab her phone with sleepy eyes, her phone read 3 pm. Y/n groans and gets up with a stretch, walking to Nicks bathroom where she has an extra toothbrush and clothes for when she stays the night. As she gets done, she walks down stairs to the kitchen only seeing Chris sitting on the couch. She internally groans and grabs a water making her way over to the couch. She sits down with a huff Chris not looking up once.
She sighs “where did Nick and Matt go?” He looks up for a second and looks back down just as quick. “They had a meeting” he said just above a whisper. “Okay well I’m leaving. Tell them I said thanks for having me and I’ll Venmo them some money for my ticket last night”. Chris looks up and sighs “Y/n you don’t gotta pay us back you know this.” She gets up “but I do. See ya Chris!” she says with a smile and wave making her way out to her car.
Y/n hated going home. She hated the quiet. She hated being by herself with so many thoughts running through her head with nothing to distract her with besides TikTok and Fortnite. But when she gets home, she jumps in the shower cleaning off from her nights adventures. Changing into some gym shorts and an oversized crewneck. She quickly gets her phone out and shoots the group chat she has with Nick, Matt, and Chris, letting them know she made it to her house safe. Before setting her phone down to jump on the game, she Venmo’s Nick $20 and Matt $25 for gas.
2 hours have gone by. She’s playing Fortnite with her friends Krystal and Sarah. She’s mid game and gets a call making her shoot a quick “hold on I’ll be right back” to her friends and muting herself. “Hey Nick!!” She says with a smile as she’s still playing. “Hey! I saw that you Venmoed us. You didn’t have to do that.” Nick explains. “But I did. And I told you I’d pay you back!” She says with a giggle “okay but then why’d you send Matt $25 for gas girl?” He says with a laugh. “Hold on let’s FaceTime. I need both hands” she lets out a giggle. “For what??” he says while popping up on Y/n’s screen with a smile. “Oh are you playing Fortnite!? Bitch let me hop on” he says excitedly.
“Okay I’ll send you my friends discord so you can hop on the call” she says with a wide smile, looking at Nick. “See ya over there byeeeee” Nick said hanging up. Y/n unmutes herself to explain that she’s having Nick come join them, but Sarah starts speaking “bitch what the hell was taking so long” just as Nick joined the call. “I was on FaceTime with Nick. Nick say hey to Krystal and Sarah” she says excited to introduce her bestfriends. Everyone shared their hello’s and were all just talking instantly hitting it off.
Somehow Y/n, Sarah, and Krystal are up still playing Fortnite at 2 am, Nick having to get off due to him and his brothers having to film a video. “Getting kinda lateeee” Sarah states with a yawn. This is what Y/n dreads everynight. She doesn’t want them to hang up because she’s just gonna go back to wallowing in her thoughts, but she knows they have regular jobs and have to make money so she always lets them go. “I’m not that tired tho, Y/n/n wanna keep playing for a bit?” Krystal said, making Y/n smile and giggle a bit. “You already know what I’m gonna say!” Y/n states.
After an hour of playing, Krystal heads off to go to bed, leaving Y/n laying in bed scrolling through TikTok. Realizing she never ate, she gets up to look in her fridge for something to eat, when her phone starts ringing. Confused, she runs back to her room and answers her phone seeing Nick pop up on her screen, causing a big smile to come over her face. “Hey y/n/n, wanna go to Waffle House? We’re near you so I thought you might wanna join us” Nick asks with a smile.
“Nick, if your gonna call me everynight to come over and I end up staying the night, I might as well move in with you” she says with a loud giggle. Nick smiles but before he can say anything you can hear Chris in the background yell “hell no”. Nick rolls his eyes and continues, “you down or what? We almost at your apartment”. “Duh! I’ll make my way down now” she says with a bright smile and then they exchange byes. She brushes her headset hair away before making her way down her apartment complex.
She gets down just as Matt pulls up, smiling and waving as she gets in. “Hey Matt!! Thanks for picking me up.” Y/n says hugging Matt from behind. “Of course, anytime Y/n” Matt says smiling and pulling out of the parking lot. There was low music playing while Chris and Matt were having their own conversation. “Nick you have no idea the perfect timing you had” she says with a laugh. Nick smiles giving her the go to continue. “I was deadass looking in my fridge for something to eat when you called” she giggled.
“I know, I just know you so well. I just always know when you’re hungry” Nick says sarcastically with a laugh. They make it to Waffle House pretty quickly even tho Y/n lives 10 minutes down the road from it. As they walk in, Chris, Matt, and Nick go to order while Y/n makes her way to the bathroom. Nick knows Y/n’s order. They’ve been going to Waffle House late at night together since Matt could drive.
Making her way back, Y/n gets stopped by a body much taller than herself, causing her to look up with a small gasp.
What do we think?? Who’s blocking Y/n??
Taglist: @lacysturniolo @mattsaq @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosreads @creamoncreamoncream2 @robins-scoop @blahbel668
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glitterynightslight · 17 days
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toyastales · 10 months
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Well damn ...
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abybweisse · 2 months
Ch211 (p4), Travel-ready
Just like with Baldo's mission with Lau, we are getting a cliffhanger, so hopefully the kids make it to our earl ok....
We go back in time, yet again, to Lau's opium den. This time, it's Sebastian and our earl getting ready to leave on their mission to Brighton. Sebastian's uniform is now clean, so he dons it.
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Then Ran-Mao and the other ladies who work there bring in a bunch of clothes ordered by Sebastian. I see a hat box with Lock & Co Hatters on it and several boxes from Nina Hopkins' shop.
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Sebastian goes to get his master ready to leave, but our earl doesn't know how to pay the tab to Nina. Sebastian seems confident that our earl will regain his title and funds, then he can pay the bill plus a nice tip.
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"Clothes reeking of opium are unbefitting of you." 🙄 😆
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Sebastian goes over his master's cover story, for going to the resort hotel, while dressing him.
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And emphasizes the importance of Earl Phantomhive being fashionable in bespoke clothing.
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Ready for travel... and another turn at chess with his brother.
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I'm wondering how on earth they will walk into the hotel controlled (ultimately) by Undertaker and real Ciel... as Earl Phantomhive and his butler. Are they not going incognito this time? A bold chess move, indeed, if they just walk in like this, even if it's run by some random person from the Aurora Society. People will recognize them; there will be talk. There's been front page news about the scandal.
Maybe that's the intention, at this point. But... can they get away with it for long enough before local police or the Yard shows up again?
🤔 Maybe they take on some disguise before they enter the hotel....
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