#clone trooper headcanons
sunshinesdaydream · 10 months
We talk about clone cuddle piles, hugs, and our beloved "forehead bonks", but what about clones and forehead kisses?
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trylynarie · 9 months
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hellhound5925 · 10 months
Welcome to my Headcanon series about nicknames! I’m going to do a few different clones so check back for the others 😏 I’ll also take requests!
Warning: Smut…yeah…smut
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Commander Wolffe
The minute 'Wolffie' came out of your mouth he wasn't sure what to do so in typical Wolffe fashion he grunted. For a second you thought he was mad and decided it wasn't worth him being annoyed or angry. One day it slipped out of your mouth and you tried to move on like it didn't happen. Stopping what he's doing, he slowly turns to face you, the expression on his face unreadable.
"What did you call me?" His gruff voice sending a chill down your spine. "Wolffie" You say rather coyly. He tips his head down slightly and stalks over to you, like an predator stalking it's prey. Your eyes grow wide not sure of what to expect next. I mean it's not like he would ever hit you - Maker he would probably kill anyone who did try to hit you - but sometimes he can be so hard to read. His brown and cybernetic eye roam your face, you immediately try to apologize "I'm sorry, it just slipped and—" he cuts you off with a gloved finger to your lips.
His action sparks something inside of you, something a little dark and definitely needy...needy for him. But before you could even muster out any type of words let alone a sentence, Wolffe slowly traced his gloved fingers over your lips, down under your chin, tipping your head up with a sudden sharp movement. A loud gasp leaving your lips, heart pounding with the anticipation.
"Say it again" he snarls. "W—Wolffie?" You stutter out. His grip on your chin tightens. "Like you mean it" his voice is gruff and harsh. Swallowing hard you collect yourself, before a devilish grin tugs at the corner of your lips. Batting your eyes lashes and biting your lip, laying it on thick you say "Wolffie" flicking your bottom lip. His eyes dart down to your lips.
"If you call me that in front of my men...I will ruin you, do you understand?" He breaks away from you, chest heaving as your eyes linger hungrily over him. Making eye contact, your mouth slightly parts. "Maybe I want you to do that Commander" your voice laced in lust for this man.
That was Wolffes invitation, he crashed against you pinning you against the wall his breath hot fanning over your face. His fingers achingly making their way down your body, it was like torture until he reaches your core slowly, skilfully playing with your heated sex.
The passion was building up more and more like a wildfire unable to be tamed.
You grab the nape of his neck pulling him in for a longing kiss, his tongue ran across your lips asking for permission you gladly accepted. Fumbling at his pants while your tongues entwined with each other was sending a contestant surge of pleasure through you.
"Ohh Wolffe just fuck me!" You beg breaking off the kiss nails clawing at his broad shoulders.
Wolffe stays silent his eyes burning with desire say it all. Bending you over his desk you feel him rip off your bottom layer of clothing, the cool air hits your fluttering core.
The stretch of Wolffe is something you've never felt before you feel so full you block out the slightly painful sensation, his hips roll into you, his thrusts slow before picking up a relentless pace. The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping against each other and your sweet moans.
Thanks @cloneloverrrrr again for the assist. Also, sorry for taking to long to post it 😅
Masterlist to all here.
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coffeeandbatboys · 18 days
The clone troopers as rodeo competitors, part 1/2
Tagging @saggitary and @nerfpuncher because I know they’ll get this.
First off. I wholeheartedly feel like Fives and Echo would be rodeo clowns/bullfighters. Like, not because of the clown part (absolutely) but because it actually does take a lot of skill to be one. And they’d also have fun while doing it.
Rex and Cody would be team ropers. So would Dogma and Tup. One person ropes the head, the other ropes the back legs. If Fives and Echo weren’t clowns they’d do that. They probably do in their spare time. Waxer and Boil too.
Jesse would be a bronc rider. No explanation.
Hardcase would 100% be a bull rider. And be good at it too. I feel like he’d be a steer wrestler also.
Kix would be a calf roper. He’s too careful to ride rough stock but he’s still quick on his feet.
Bonus: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka and Padmé would all be team ropers interchangeably. Independently, Ahsoka would be a breakaway roper AND a bronc rider. Padmé would do barrel racing.
If anyone has any questions about what these things are please feel free to ask. I’m always up for educating about this lifestyle!
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anxiouspineapple99 · 11 months
A silly little HC I thought of…💭
I am fully convinced the clones are skilled artists. You can’t look at some of the elaborate personalizations to their armor and the art on the gunships and tell me our boys aren’t ARTISTES! 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
They doodle in their down time to decompress.
If you asked, they would 1000% DRAW YOU LIKE ONE OF THEIR FRENCH GIRLS (GN)❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Fox draws offensive caricatures of Palpatine and senators that piss him off. They get passed through the Corries and end up on their break room fridge eventually.
The Wolfpack draws pictures for Master Plo. He has them hanging up all over his room in the Jedi Temple.
Fives and Echo draw hilariously offensive comics of the 501st. Rex reprimands them every time. But he secretly loves them and keeps them all in his desk for when he needs a laugh.
Obi-Wan once asked Cody to sketch a portrait of him looking elegant with his favorite tea cup. It’s Obi-Wan’s most prized piece of art.
Rex gifted a little portrait of Anakin and Padme to them when Anakin finally confided about his marriage to him.
Out of the Bad Batch, Tech sketches the most, with Hunter in a close second. Tech loves to draw the flora, fauna, and native art from the planets they visit. Hunter draws his brothers at their happiest moments. He loves sketching Omega and she’s asked him to teach her. They relax by doodling and cuddling.
Tech painted the pinup Padme on the Marauder.
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euphoriacafe · 2 months
I made a playlist on Spotify
And I’m actually super proud of it!
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raisethestake · 28 days
Just sat imagining if the Republic had actually won the war and the GAR all separated.
Yearly battalion reunions
Rex (after becoming the clone senator) nipping into the Jedi temple for a throwback horrible army food lunch with Anakin
Comm chatter putting Facebook to shame with the sheer amount of cargo shorts and dad energy
Clones getting day jobs as hairdressers and mechanics
Clones who are obsessed with 'mundane' jobs so Riyo sets up a clone school where they can learn stuff like cooking and cocktail making
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iamda05 · 11 months
I love captain rex he acts like an anime girl but is a male soldier that is seen as a badass
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Clone Trooper Headcanons
Based off my experience with reality shifting so I guess they're not really headcanons lol I've met everyone except Omega, as the timeline is still pre-Order 66. Updated now that I've met (most of) the Bad Batch.
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It can be hard to get him to open up when you first meet him, but once this man decides he likes having you around, it's hard to get rid of him.
Seriously. Try putting yourself in danger and he will throw himself into the line of fire, whether you're a Jedi or not.
And after you both get out of there alive, expect a lecture from him as if he were your older brother.
I can't tell you how many lectures I've gotten from this man. He really is the older brother you never knew you wanted or even had. He always means well, though. He just worries.
This man can, and will, goof off and give you sarcastic comments.
Rex has actively said that Fives is going to be the death of him someday.
He makes it his mission to annoy Rex as much as possible, but also knows when and where to do it. If things go south, you'd think you're suddenly standing next to Cody with how fast his attitude changes.
I once had to do a double-take with how fast he switched from goofy to serious. That was not a very fun day. We scrapped a lot of clankers though.
This man just wants some peace and quiet every so often.
Don't underestimate his quietness, however. He will throw a punch at someone if he has to.
Sometimes it's Fives on the receiving end and Echo does it just for fun.
He's also fascinated with far off galaxies, especially if they're vastly different from the one he's from. It's nice to sit and read with him, too. He loves real discussions, not debates.
Update to Echo: He's still as chaotic as he was before. He's definitely loosened up a lot more, especially on regulations. He and Wrecker seem to be close since they were feeding off each other about naming the moon we crashed on.
Don't do anything that breaks protocol. Just don't. At least not around him.
He will have you neck-deep in paperwork and other assignments if he catches you.
He's loosened up a bit, but not much. Fives always reminds him to, though.
I've got nothing. I've tried, Fives has tried, even Rex has. This man loves protocol and won't be separated from it. We've joked before about him one day marrying it. That was the day I found out just how much datawork there really is in the Grand Army of the Republic. Did that stop us? Never.
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If someone were to show genuine interest in the information he spews, he'd be riding the high of seeing his brothers proved wrong for weeks, months even.
And this man can talk.
He would randomly spew out facts if said person was around, not even needing any cue that he was heard.
This man has tattoos. He knows what he's doing regarding them, too. He's done Hunter's tattoos, as well as Crosshair's. He can definitely talk. We spent so much time just talking about random things. I think he was happy to have someone to talk to, honestly. He doesn't randomly give out facts often, but he learns very quickly what someone is interested in and bases his randomly given facts on that. He told me that during our half a rotation's worth of time conversation we had because I asked him how he felt about randomly giving out facts.
Getting through to him would take a miracle. He's a hard nut to crack.
If he thinks you're useful to the team at all, he'd at least tolerate you.
Spend enough time around him and his brothers, he may even pick on you like he does with the others.
Even though he came to sit with us by the fire, that was literally as far as we got. He went right back to being a loner, but that's okay. So, he's definitely not the easiest to get along with (especially with the rocky introductions we had with each other), but it's not impossible to do it. For everything else, I have no idea yet lol
He knows more about you than anyone around before you even open your mouth.
He could even tell whether you're Force-sensitive or not.
This man is incredible and everyone forgets just how good his senses actually are until he actively needs to use them.
I learned a lot about Hunter while on our hunting trip. This man might as well be Force sensitive with how good his senses are. During the actual hunts, we didn't need to speak, only needed to rely on our senses. He works incredibly well with Jedi. It's amazing.
If you even just casually mention that there's the smallest possiblity you like to blow things up, you've just gained a new best friend.
If you give him something to blow up on top of that, he won't let you sit out on it. He'd have both of you press the button at the same time.
Literally would have his finger on one half, yours on the other.
Nobody tell Wrecker that I'm planning to find and secure explosives on our next mission together that he will 100% get to use. I'm serious. No one tell him.
She'd probably be the first to befriend you. Let's be real.
She'd want to show you her room on the Marauder and would be excited the entire time.
She'd probably be extremely happy to know someone who doesn't see them as just clones. She'd be even happier if you became part of their little dysfunctional family, whether they see you a lot or not.
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Commander Fox has horrible pollen allergies because he’s been on Kamino or Coruscant basically his whole life, but he’ll still go lay in a field without taking allergy medicine because it’s so much more peaceful than Coruscant that it’s worth the allergies.
This has been crack headcanons with Flash.
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deejadabbles · 11 months
which clones do you think would be the best cooks? and which would be the worst cooks?
Another good one! Thank you anon <3!
Tech! There's a lot more to cooking than just science, however, that does help. And Tech also has a creative side, so both of those combined makes for the perfect skill set to cook! He doesn't do it very often, unfortunately, but when he can he likes to feed his family a good meal, their reactions make him happy <3
I also have a headcanon that after meeting Cut and eating with his family, Rex becomes interested in cooking. At first he is bad at it. Like, BAD, almost didn't keep trying but mans up for a challenge and now he's a really good cook! His secret dream is to make dinner for his partner and children every night
Gregor! He may have been a dishwasher when he had amnesia but I think he still got super interested in the cook's job while working at that restaurant, it's the only thing from that part of his life that he liked and decided to make it his own by exploring cooking on his own. Plus, you're telling me those giant worms him, Rex, and Wolffe were hunting on Seelos were that tasty without help? Nah, man, it's because him and Rex were working their cooking magic.
Fives. Boy tries, he really really does. When he stays overnight he tries to be sweet and cook his lover a nice breakfast but now the smoke alarm is going off, your favorite pan is ruined and he looks like a scared puppy
Hardcase! Plz don't let him anywhere near the kitchen! Found a way to burn water once!! No Case that's not a safe way to cut fruit!!!! YOU LEFT IT IN THE OVEN FOR HOW LONG???
Wolffe, but only because he puts WAY too much salt on everything and he does it on purpose
Boil. Got his name because as a cadet he once snuck into the messhall to boil water for tea and somehow started a fire.
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sunshinesdaydream · 9 months
Random Middle of the Day Headcanon
Hardcase uses his partner basically as a weighted blanket.
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wormkllerceo · 3 days
echo has a domino "deck" with only 5 pieces under his bunk, one for each one of the members of his former squad. a 6-6 piece (hevy), a 3-6 (droidbait), a 5-5 (fives), a 0-0 (him) and a 1-6 (cutup). and i would die on this hill
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blackat-t7t · 2 months
Silly headcanon: most of the clones can't grow facial hair to save their lives
Because, it takes most people (cis or trans) several years of having testosterone in their systems to grow non-patchy facial hair (I say this as a transmasc person who went on T in their 20s)
And the clones, with their accelerated aging, grow bigger and taller faster than average, but they've only had like. 3 years since puberty, instead of 6 or 7? So they haven't had testosterone in their systems long enough to grow full beards yet.
That's part of why Waxer and Boil have the sytles they do, because they can grow hair around their mouths for a mustache and soul patch, but not along their jaw or cheeks. (It'd slso why Mayday wears his facial hair so long. He's one of the few who can grow a full thick beard, so he wants to rub it in 😂)
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anxiouspineapple99 · 1 year
Just an idea i was rolling around last night in the throes of my insomnia.
Imagine: A Jedi resting with their men after a particularly hard battle. It’s late and the Jedi went back to save one squad. They’re struggling to understand why their Jedi felt they were important enough to be saved when they fell behind. Their Jedi gives them this explanation:
“Sir, I still don’t understand why you came back for us. We’re made to be expendable, nothing more than numbers.”
“Not to me. Look at the stars. Looking at them right now they don’t seem extraordinary, correct? At first glance they all look the same, serving the same purpose, nothing special about a bunch of identical stars. No one would miss it if a single star burned out. But that’s not true. Those stars aren’t identical, not really. Once you look at them, really look at them, you see how unique they are. Some are huge suns, warming the planets of a system. Others are smaller, contributing to constellations. Some burn fiery hot and wild while others are cooler and steady. No two stars burn the same and the loss of one of them will always impact those around it. A sun burns out and a whole system is gone. A constellation is incomplete when it is missing even just one of its contributors. When a star dies, those around it are left with the empty void. They try to compensate for the loss but it’s never quite the same. It will always be a little less brilliant with one missing. And what happens when it’s more than one? First one star, then the next, and then the next. It won’t be long before the sky is dark, empty, and lonely; no light to guide our way.
That is why I came back for your squad trooper. You and your brothers are stars, appearing identical at first glance but each and every one of you is, bright, warm, beautifully unique and unquestionably important. The loss of even one trooper leaves us incomplete, coping with the emptiness their absence brings, the loneliness of a brother no longer by our side, a system plunged into darkness, and the surrounding stars trying to compensate for the light they’ve lost in their fallen brother. You’re neither expendable or just numbers, to me or to your brothers and I will always come back for you.”
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trylynarie · 9 months
Fruit Sniper (Crosshair)
-imagine tbb as cadets for this one :) -
Crosshair was on the brink of insanity. These regs can't shoot basic targets yet they had the balls to claim he was the defective one. Okay granted not many ten year olds could shoot like a trained hitman and he was practically mute most of the time but it was the principle of it!
"Heya, Crosshair!" Wrecker on the other hand was beaming.
"Have you got to bring that stupid toy to the mess?" He sighed.
"Hey!" The big clone pouted, "Lula is apart of this team to! Where we go, she goes! And I know it was you who made her for me."
"Anyway, doesn't it drive you insane?" Crosshair said through gritted teeth, he had indirectly started a staring contest with a reg and he was not losing.
"What insane? What ya lookin at?"
"These stupid regs."
"Reg are just regs," he shrugged, "not worth worrying about them."
The reg in particular was rapidly losing this contest. From the other side of the mess, Crosshair could see that his eyes were beginning to go red and water. Red like... oh... what a wonderful idea. Petty, yes. But petty enough to turn the insanity tables.
"Wrecker... how many watermelons can you carry?"
"Haha! More than you! .... Umm.... Why?"
"Break into the kitchen and steal as much fruit as you possibly can."
"Well what's in it for me?"
He gave a satisfactory smirk as the reg couldn't take anymore and lost the game, "you get to watch me put these Shebs in their place."
About an hour later, Wrecker and Crosshair were hiding in the kaminoans viewing platform of the mess, curtains only slightly ajar so Crosshair could see what he was doing. Was this severely breaking the rules? Yes. Did they care? No of course they didn't, it's only a crime if you get caught after all ;). The door was locked and at this point anyone in the bad batch knew the ventilation layout like the back of their hand.
"So what exactly is it you're gonna do with a sniper and fruit?" Wrecker questioned.
"Prove that regs are stupid?" Crosshair focused on the point he needed, if he short this right...
This didn't exactly provide Wrecker with much clarity.
"So what do you want me to do then?"
"Go to the vent in the mess ceiling and drop the melons of course."
"Of course." Wrecker imitated, rolling his eyes and climbed back into the vent.
As expected, Wrecker was having a growth spurt earlier than his fellow defective counterparts and the vent seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. Tech predicted that in a couple months he wouldn't be able to fit anymore. Sure he took pride in being the strong one but it suddenly made him more different than his friends; more different than he was comfortable with. But it made the vent cover easier to take off so it was a 50/50 situation.
The first water melon was casually rolled out the ceiling. Now was was crosshair going to-
A singular shot was fired, hitting the melon and making it burst with a loud bang and spraying the floor dwelling regs in a red watery mess. The cadets would have mistaken it for blood if one of them didn't get it in their mouth. The confused wails were a melody to Crosshairs ears. Nobody shall dis his squad!
Besides the one cheering Hardcase he could hear in the background.
"Hardcase shut up!"
"There's watermelon all over my revision notes I have a heart exam in less than an hour."
Wrecker had a Birds Eye view on the whole scene and could see Crosshair had covered a significant amount of surface area. This was too good, their faces looked so confused! Now what if he threw down another?
It would have helped if his grey haired companion was actually looking out of the window rather than giggling into the sniper. It was only by chance he saw a large amount of green move rapidly across his peripheral vision.
"Sheb!" He cussed as he quickly leapt up to the window, barely getting the shot in time.
The pieces came at the regs this time with much more velocity, one of them being physically blown back from melon to the face. This was pure gold. He knew he was going to get in some form of trouble for this but it was totally worth it
"There's another one." Tech cocked his head towards Hunter.
"Yeah, are we being attacked or something?"
The pair of them were in the barracks, in a mutual stale mate of 'this noise is really overwhelming me but I'm not going to tell you that'.
As much as he didn't want to, Hunter concentrated on the noise's whereabouts.
"I... I think... it's coming from the mess hall."
"Didn't Crosshair and Wrecker go there?"
"Oh no?" Hunter went pale, not expecting it to be their creativity causing the ruckus, "we gotta go."
He made his way for the door but was pulled back by a concerned Tech.
"If it really is an attack we shouldn't go through the corridors!"
"Yeah," Hunter agreed, "take the vent."
There were multiple vents into the mess hall. Having more common sense than the other two, they went for the one that was closest to the floor.
"What do you see?" Tech asked.
"There seems to be no droids," Hunter surveyed the scene, "but they're all panicking about something or other. And they're... covered in fruit?"
"I'm not joking."
They clambered out of the vent, only to get hounded by the newly painted red regs.
"You!" One pointed at them accusingly, "I bet you freaks had something to do with this!"
Hunter raised his hands, "hey calm down, soldier. We just came to investigate. What's going on up here?"
"Guys!" Another reg bounced over to them, assumably Hardcase.
Despite Hunters heightened senses, he still couldn't tell him apart from the others. He felt bad about it but the guy was so hyper he could tell off personality. What he didn't know couldn't hurt him.
"There's watermelons exploding everywhere, it's hilarious!"
Tech raised an eyebrow, "water melons?"
"Yes!" The angry reg butted back in, "and you can't tell me otherwise that it's you!"
"We may be more skilled than you but defying the law of gravity may be difficult even for us." He shot back in a deadpan tone.
"Well then where's q-tip and smooth brain?"
Hardcase glared at him, "they have names you know?"
"You're just as bad as them you little traitor."
While Hunter tried his best to stop Hardcase going ham, Tech went about figuring out what on Kamino was going on. Melons from the ceiling? Well there was a vent... oh- OH! The vent was open with a clear face poking out the shadows and conveniently half a face behind observation deck curtains. The face in the ceiling also gave a little wave to him. Impressive. As funny as he thought this was, there was a high chance it would damage their reputation more than it was already.
"Hunter, can you do me a favour?"
"I'm a little busy right now!"
"Just go check on a ceiling vent, will you?"
Hardcases medic batch mate had now joined the fray. They had an arm each on Hardcase with the medic silently begging Hunter to not let go.
"You go!" Hunter shouted back.
Tech let out a sigh as he crawled back into the unsanitary vent. Why was it him always doing everything? It wasn't easy to scale up a vertical vent but the skill might come in handy one day. The vent was pitch black so he had to make some very well educated guesses on where he was but he was a Tech so this was fine.
Fine until he heard a "Wait Tech no-"
He had crawled straight into the melons causing one to dislodge.
"No no no oh no..." all Wrecker could do was hope that-
"I had to dip," Crosshair was coming up behind him, "The Kaminoans were breaking down the door-" he froze as he heard a loud thump.
"I don't wanna look..."
"Wrecker just look down."
He looked, "well... I don't think Hunter is going to remember any of this again."
And he was right. All Hunter remembered after the incident was a large amount of green then darkness. The melon had knocked him out cold.
"Yeah and that's how the glorious Sargent was defeated by a watermelon." Crosshair smirked, Omega looked spellbound.
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