theroundbartable · 2 days
Now I want more awkward crush Arthur.
Merlin *about to retire*: is that all, Sire?
Arthur *suddenly captivated by the fire dancing in Merlin's eyes*: uh... Of course. Yes. Always, as you said.
Merlin: what?
Arthur: what?
After a long, awkward dream, during a game of never have I ever:
Gwaine: have you ever had gay dreams?
Arthur: *chokes on drink from last round*
Gwaine: you okay, mate?
Arthur *coughing* who'd ever have dreams about THAT? With Merlin? Don't be ridiculous, Gwaine.
Gwaine: I never mentioned Merlin?
Arthur: *blanks* but it was implied
Gwaine: noo... I'm pretty sure I would not imply such a thing if I knew it made you so flustered.
Arthur: well, anyways. I'm not going to drink on it because this never happened. *Chucks a whole glass of wine*
Lancelot suggesting at an inn that Merlin and Arthur share a room.
Arthur: what? No, we - this is inappropriate!
Lancelot: *jesting* Merlin is not a fair maiden. You don't have to protect his virtue
Arthur: that- but he's - i didn't mean - he couldn't have-
Merlin: Arthur, are you alright?
Arthur: did you? Lose your virtue?
Merlin: when I was 16. Jeez, Arthur, what the hell are you on about? We can share a bloody room, don't be a prat! Unless you have any virtue we need to protect?
Arthur: *sputtering nonsensically* maybe a little?
Lancelot: what do you mean, a little?
*Merlin dressing as a noble to fool some bandits. He and Arthur exchanged clothes and now Arthur is wearing Merlin's tight jacket that smells like him, while Merlin looks like a regal King. He even walks like one*
Gwaine: Oi, princess, you good?
Arthur: *in a daze* uhu
Gwaine: *waves hand in front of Arthur's unmoving eyes* I think we broke him
Princess: *trying to flirt with Arthur* maybe we should go somewhere else? to talk?
Arthur: *watching Merlin from afar* hmm? No, I'm good
Princess: you, eh - *follows gaze* oh my. That servant of yours is quite attractive, isn't he?
Arthur: yeah. *Realizes what he said* eh - what? Sorry, I wasn't listening. What were you saying?
Princess: I believe I've lost this battle, my Lord. *Leaves*
Arthur: uh - what?
Arthur: *undressing for bed*
Merlin: *stares*
Arthur: what is it, Merlin? Would you like to request a painting, it'll last longer.
Merlin: hmm... Would you do a nude for me?
Arthur: *voice breaking* now?
Merlin: i was - joking
Arthur: oh *chuckles awkwardly* yes, of course. Sure. ...
Merlin: go on - get ready for bed
Arthur: yes, sure, sure, of course *sweats*
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keepingitneutral · 1 day
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Hortus Project, Bordeaux, France,
Theo Domini Architect
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pencilbrony · 3 days
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Big bladed
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Fissore Aruanda, 1964. A city car concept designed by Ari de Rocha, a Brazilian architecture student. The futuristic mono box design featured a sliding perspex canopy that slid backwards and forwards to allow access to the cabin though the high cowl line made getting in and out somewhat inelegant. Based on a Fiat 500, the proposal was that it could be ether petrol or electrically powered. It didn't progress beyond Fissore's prototype
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ultimatepad · 2 days
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"Terrarium" Residence, Bali,
Courtesy of J’s Archistry
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black-suns-rim · 2 days
Alternative King Resh Design
This is for an AU where Resh doesn’t have a son. He’s just a king that lost his way and became corrupt
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mangaka-neko-chan · 2 days
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Expanding on the Fiddlesticks cult idea with the Priest of Fear, favoring the image of the scarecrow, using illusions and prayer to dedicate to the first King.
Fiddlesticks' following slowly expands with the Priest and the Herald of Fear.
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Dr. Robotnik Sonic CD Concept Art
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This Is very unusual and Interesting concept art for Sonic CD of Dr. Robotnik.
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YeSeo (Kep1er) - 1st Album [𝐊𝐞𝐩𝟏𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐧] Concept Pics
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avinnypencilman · 2 months
Been thinking on a fantasy concept where Orcs and Goblins are actually from the same species from different genders. Kind of inspired on the large female sexual dimorphism found in spiders and anglerfish.
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puba24 · 9 months
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Some ideas of grown up Hogarth in Gravity Falls :3
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theroundbartable · 1 day
Arthur would LOVE phones.
As soon as he gets a mobile phone, 'for emergencies', he'll use it ALL THE TIME.
Arthur: Merlin?
Merlin: this is the fourth time you've called me in an hour, Arthur. What do you want?
Arthur: I'm bored
Merlin: are you serious? Watch a movie or clean the kitchen! I have work to do!
Arthur: But you've never been gone this long!
Merlin: I - seriously .... No, Mrs. layne, he's not my boyfriend... No, not my child either. Even if he requires the maintanance of both. Arthur, I have a thousand things for you to play with, let me work! I have to provide for both of us, remember?
Arthur: when will you be back?
Merlin: *sighs* 2 hours from now
Arthur: okay...
10 minutes later, Merlin's phone calls again
Arthur: Merlin
Merlin: I swear, if you do this one more time-
Arthur: i was trying to cook .... your kitchen is on fire.
Merlin: uhhhhrgh. I'll be there in a Minute. Do NOT move!
Arthur: yay :)
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caelestishound · 3 months
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Jeep Wrangler Tabasco Concept, 1997. A TJ series Wrangler liveried in association with the McIlhenny Company, makers of Tabasco-brand products. There was a chili-pepper tread pattern and a Tabasco-bottle-shaped nitrous tank.
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ultimatepad · 2 days
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Floating House, Mathiveri, Maldives
Courtesy: Dymitr Malcew
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