#conner habib
posalis · 16 days
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"i am you and you are me. compress. repress. repressed. compressed. and then just surrender."
hawk mountain (2023) // challengers (2024)
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comfortcomes · 13 days
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Did he... Anthony?...
Just finished Hawk Mountain
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emstillhere · 1 year
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bookcoversonly · 1 year
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Title: Hawk Mountain | Author: Conner Habib | Publisher: W. W. Norton Company (2022)
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Hawk Mountain Conner Habib
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I'm not really sure what to make of this book, there was a lot about it I liked, and a lot that to me, didn't work. But I found it compelling enough to finish quickly, and interesting enough to think about. However, there was no creep factor--and I was promised creeping horror! This may be my own fault; that I've read too much in the horror genre but whatever. I found the premise of the book most aligned with that movie 'The Gift'--especially with an old school bully showing up for unknown reasons but there is such a lack of explosion that any sustained horror fizzled out.
Some of the stuff that didn't work for me SPOILERS: Why was the ex-wife even included? She either needed to amount to some kind of real threat or be kept as a looming threat entirely; existing as a hidden threat to the plot. I had such a hard time seeing why I should care about Todd as a character. Why he murders Jack, why he calmly destroys his body, why he does ANYTHING makes little sense. I also frankly thought with the amount of time we spend with Jack's corpse that something would come of it. That Todd would...face consequences, or lose his mind so badly he'd murder Anthony, something.
I think I was expecting something much more bombastic but got something much smaller and personal. Which isn't bad at all, but was in some ways, deeply unsatisfying. You can have horror that's small scale and still manages to horrify or disgust, and I was really missing that. There also seemed to be so many layers obfuscating what the author wanted me as the reader to know or get from the story. I would like to read something else from Habib, and do think this is an interesting read that could work for others. It just for me, didn't hit that sweet spot of interest--disgust--tension that's needed for really solid horror.
Format: physical copy
Read in: April 2024
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sinterblackwell · 1 year
i literally only have about 16 hours before i can read the next volume of the heaven official’s blessings series, which really isn’t that long, and it’s probably better for me to just go to sleep until then but no, a booktuber brought up a random thriller that my brain immediately latched itself onto because of the premise, and now i’ll probably be staying up all night reading it
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mochinek0 · 1 year
Daminette December 2022: 18-Alien
Jon came up with a great idea; He was going to shop in Gotham for the holidays. Metropolis was too busy and he'd likely run into his parents. Besides, he needed a gift for Damian. Damian wouldn't suspect him of being in Gotham and he probably wouldn't run into him. His best friend wasn't a fan of the holiday traffic and preffered shopping online. He very much doubted that Damian would be walking aound Gotham and would catch him in he act. He would just swing by the manor and surprise him with his gift later.
Jon quickly descended into an empty alleyway. Jon walked out and began to search shop after shop for something for his best friend. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something that made him stop in his tracks. Jon turned and saw someone standing in front of a shop, dressed in a pink jacket. She had bright blue eyes and her hair was in pigtails. She looked so much like a real life doll.
'What is she doing in Gotham? Doesn't she know where she is? She's gonna get kidnapped!'
Jon quickly walked over in her direction.
"Are you okay?" he smiled, hoping to gain her attention.
The bright blue eyes that had drawn him in, turned dark. He never thought she would glare at him.
"I'm fine." she declared, "I'm waiting for my boyfriend."
'An accent? She must be a foreigner. She might be walking into a trap!'
"Do you mind if I wait with you?" Jon questioned.
He watched the girl take a step back and press her back to the store wall. She quickly looked down the street.
'Oh god, she thinks I'm a kidnapper!'
Jon shook his hands in front of her and took a step back.
"I'm not trying to hurt you or anything!" he cried out, "You stand out! I just wanted to make sure your boyfriend got you safetly!"
'She's so cute. It's a shame she already has a boyfriend.'
Jon saw her eyes light up, like a kid on Christmas. Jon turned to see who or what had made her look like that. He never expected to see Damian.
"Damian!" she cried, before rushing and hugging him.
'Damian has a girlfriend?'
"Jon?" Damian called out.
"Oh." the girl spoke, "You know him?"
Damian looked from Jon to Marinette and glared, "How do you?"
"He said I stood out." she sighed, "Said he wanted to make sure I was okay."
"Habibiti has trust issues." Damian voiced, before turning to her, "And I believe I expressed my concerns of your wardrobe choices."
"You're dating?" Jon spoke, interrupting what looked like would become a lover's spat.
"Is that a problem." the Wayne heir growled.
"N-No!" Jon exclaimed, "Just, uh, um surprised."
Marinette looked between them and returned to glaring at Jon.
"How well do you know him?" Mari questioned.
"Enough." Damian quipped.
"We're friends." Jon sighed.
"So you have stated over the last seven years." Damian announced.
Marinette turned to her boyfriend. He looked at her with concern.
"So....trustworthy?" she asked.
"Yes." he nodded.
Marinete turned and smiled brightly at Jon.
"Then, thank you." Marinette said, "Sorry for assuming badly of you."
'Holy shit! She has a cute smile!'
Jon could feel his face turning red as she continued to smile. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his best friend glaring at him and reaching into his back pocket.
"Um, I'll swing by your place later with my gift." Jon announced, "Just dropping it off and heading home."
Damian nodded, grabbed his girlfriend's bag, her hand and led them away to his car.
The Kents' could tell something was wrong with Jon. It had been a week since he went to Gotham for a present and his mood had been sour, since.
"What's wrong?" Clark questioned, after dinner.
Jon groaned in response, throwing himself of the couch.
"Did you find a present or not?" Conner asked.
"Yeah." Jon answered.
"Then?" Lois pushed, "What's the problem? Did you find your gift? I would think the Waynes know to wrap your gifts better."
"I got a crush on a girl." he admitted.
"Ask her out." Conner sighed.
"I'm sure she'll like you." Clark smiled.
Jon sighed, "She's dating someone else already."
"Seriously?" Conner shouted.
Jon nodded, burying his face in the couch cushion.
"Is it a girl from Gotham?" Mr. Kent questioned.
"She's cute." he mumbled.
"I'm sure you can win her over." Lois commented, rubbing her son's back.
"I'd die if he ever knew." the youngest Kent whined.
'And I think he does.'
Conner rolled his eyes, "Bro, no one can kill us."
"You say that but-" Jon began.
"Who is she dating?" Lois interrupted.
"Damian." Jon pouted, sitting up, clutching the pillow.
"You're right." Connor spoke, backing off, "Those Bats have a plan to kill everyone."
Jon sighed, "Yeah. The others may have plans, but Damian is probably the only one who wouldn't hesitate to carry it out."
"So, what's she like?" Clark asked.
"Yeah?" Conner questioned, "How did you fall for the Demon Bat's girl?"
"She's cute and adorable, like a doll. She was wearing pink and her hair was in pigtails." Jon spoke.
"No way!" laughed Lois.
"She has an accent so she's not even from around there. I don't know what language she speaks; she only spoke English in front of me." Jon began to explain, "The moment I walked up to her, her whole demeanor changed. She glared at me."
'I wouldn't doubt that Damian trained her in some shape or form.'
"What did she look like?" Clark asked.
Jon smiled, "Wayne bill."
The rest of the Kents' laughed.
'The look was genetic.'
Connor sighed, "I'm still shocked that brat has a girlfriend."
"Me too." Jon groaned, "He didn't even tell me. I found out only because she was waiting for him and I thought she'd be kidnapped or something."
"What do you mean?" Lois quizzed.
Jon lowered the pillow, "I saw a girl, who looked like a doll: pigtails, bright blue eyes, wearing pink in Gotham."
"Either a trap or new to Gotham." Clark replied.
"Exactly!" Jon shouted "So I tried to help, but she glared at me and backed away. She was cautious."
"Civilian?" Clark pushed.
"I-I don't know." the youngest Kent admitted, "I never even x-rayed her. I was just sorta in shock that someone looked like that was in Gotham. Her eyes went back to normal when she saw Damian and he hugged her."
"Mr. No Touchy hugged her?" Lois asked in shock.
"Yep." Jon answered.
"Bro." Conner began.
"Yeah?" his brother wondered.
"You're dead meat." the eldest declared.
Jon threw himself back into the couch, "I know!"
"What's her name?" Conner asked.
Jon opened his mouth and shut it.
"I don't know. She never told me and he never said it." Jon stated, "He called her 'Habibiti', but that's something Damian has told me is precious names to his parents. So, it must be in Arabic."
Lois patted her son's head. Before they could blink, Clark was back with a pint of everyone's favorite ice cream. Jon smiled and reached for the strawberry shortcake swirl.
"So, what did you end up getting Damian?" his father asked, changing the subject.
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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gudrunbrangwen · 8 months
conner habib could facilitate the human instrumentality project but gendo ikari could never host a podcast
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Art: Saint Michael in Autumn Flame by MidJourney + Me
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The Feast Day of Michael and All Angels is coming up on September 29th. It’s called Michaelmas – yep, just like "Christmas" is to Christ. It’s adjacent to the changing of the seasons, the Autumn Equinox in the Western Hemisphere.
Conner Habib shines a clear light on why we’d benefit from the warmth, relationship-building connectivity, and radiant spiritual values of Michael today, saying:
"To understand Michael’s character, one must think of the turning of summer to fall. What was given to us from the outside is now going away, and we must cultivate the strength inwardly within ourselves what was once given from the outside. We now have to bring this out from ourselves. Just imagine the leaves on the trees; the green is being driven out by that fiery red. Those leaves are falling, and the tree has to depend upon a different kind of life in this season, as autumn approaches and we head into winter."
To me, this evokes two profound teachings of Jesus:
“Then Jesus told them, ‘Every scribe who has been apprenticed into the kingdom of heaven is like a householder, bringing forth out of their treasure things new and old.’”
(Gospel of Matthew 13:52)
“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you suppress will destroy you.”
(Gospel of Thomas, Logion 70)
[Michael Morrell]
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thebestestbat · 6 months
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Hawk mountain upsets me like Hannibal did that's why i read a lot of it when i sit with it but have a little trouble picking it up again
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i had planned to read conner habib’s hawk mountain over the holibobs but i finished it in one day. maybe a little heavy handed but a great gift for the sad bloody gay lover in your life
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ocd-kenobi · 2 years
i have a literature rec for obikin fans: hawk mountain by conner habib! it's about an english teacher, todd, who runs into the guy who used to bully him during high school, and the bully just insinuates himself into todd's life again. the book actually brings up a separate peace, which i think it is more similar to than obikin, but i think obikin fans would appreciate the obsession, repression, betrayal, and guilt that is in hawk mountain too!
This sounds amazing! I read the summary and it sounds like a Hitchcock movie or something. I'm excited to read! It's so new my library doesn't have it yet so I'm going to go bug my librarian for it lol.
Thank you for the rec!!
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comfortcomes · 1 year
tagged by @conven1encestorewoman 🥰 !
last read: no one belongs here more than you, a decade late but i loved it sm
currently: ties that bind which is great but it’s hard for me to get hooked on nonfiction…and dune messiah which I’M HATING but i’m 2/3 through already so i have to finish it hopefully today. not a single lady jessica scene yet, fucking flop
next: falconer by john cheever and hawk mountain by conner habib, both of which i’m really excited to read and i have no idea why i started the dune book first. also bird theme hello 🦅
tagging @heart-time @yourcoldclay @vapericot @fdsbhalfk @nachtlichter 💓
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 I read Hawk Mountain by Conner Habib this week. I feel ambivalent about this book. There were elements I liked, but I can’t say I liked the story as a whole.
Here’s the summary:
Single father Todd is relaxing at the beach with his son, Anthony, when he catches sight of a man approaching from the water’s edge. As the man draws closer, Todd recognizes him as Jack, who bullied Todd relentlessly in their teenage years, but now seems overjoyed to have “run into” his old friend. Jack suggests a meal to catch up. And can he spend the night?
I’ll start off by saying I like the prose:
It’s just for a second, but it’s like slow motion: the space between their unclasped hands, the space between her face and Jack’s, it all lingers. Then she squeezes Todd’s hand again, and time goes back to normal
Though I will say there’s a continued metaphor about memory in part four that feels overwrought.
For those interested in reading this book, as a warning, the final third is pretty morbid and graphic.
One of the main theme of the story is cycles of violence, bullying, and abuse never end. It’s a bleak message, and not one I’m fond of.
Until a pivotal moment, adult Todd is pretty passive when Jack comes back into his life. He only takes out his anger on people who can’t fight back.
Despite his own experiences as a teenager, as a teacher, Todd relishes in humiliating one of his students. 
Teenage Todd doesn’t deserve what Jack puts him through, but it’s hard to say he was ever a compassionate person. Todd is a complex character, and I liked exploring the gap between his professed values and his actual actions.
Most of the other characters felt more like set pieces than actual people.
I did feel a lot for Anthony, since he had no idea what was going on and no one to help him through it.
Finally, this book centers around a cliche I’m very tired of as a queer person, and as soon I realized the story was going in that direction, I became less invested.
Overall, I would rate this book somewhere between a two star and a three star.
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