#conrad fisher blurb
imbestforyou · 10 months
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blurb - not requested
pairing: conrad fisher x reader
summary: reader calls conrad to pick her up from a party after she can’t find anyone
word count: 361
warnings: drinking, kinda unedited
a/n: this is the first thing I've written in like a month and it's actually so cute 🫶
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conrad was the type of guy who cared about how you felt. if there were tears in your eyes that you were trying to hide? he would notice. if you were feeling uncomfortable in your body? he would notice. faking smiles to make others feel comfortable? he would make you laugh until you couldn’t stop.
and tonight was no different. ‘cause when he picked up the phone he could immediately tell something was wrong.
you went to a party with jeremiah, steven, and belly. conrad was at home sick. you drank a bit and were having a bit of fun. but before you knew it, the party was boring and you couldn’t find any of your friends. and they weren’t answering your calls. your last option was conrad. and you felt horrible to call him.
“hey conrad?”
“hey baby what’s up? are you okay?”
“um, im so sorry but i can’t find jere or steven or belly and i already started drinking. and i want to go home and i feel horrible to do this to you because you’re sick and i should find another ride but-“
“hey hey. it’s okay. i was already feeling better anyways. do not get in another car, i’ll be there in five.”
you both said your goodbyes and you waited outside the front of the house sitting by the curb. just like he promised in five minutes he was there getting out of the car and making sure you got to the passenger seat safely.
“im so sorry conrad.”
“no- hey, stop apologizing.” he cut you off, “i’m glad you called me. i would rather be throwing up on the wheel sick than you get in some random person's car and me not knowing where you are or who you’re with. okay?” he put his hand on your cheek and leaned in to kiss you.
“okay.” you sighed, “i’d be lost without you.”
he smiles, “well, I'll always be here.” before he shuts the door he kisses you again.
he puts his seatbelt on before opening his phone and calling someone, “and i’m gonna kill jere for supposedly being the dd and not having his phone on.”
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fitzells · 11 months
im just thinking about conrad defending his girlfriend. like imagine conrad is with you and he overhears someone say something rude or insulting towards you?? i feel like his head would just snap up immediately and he’d be pulling you close and being all protective and extremely sassy/sarcastic to get the person to back the fuck off
really cranking out this conrad material. gimme more x this one kinda cringe it’s not my best work. enjoy regardless x KEEP REQUESTING ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
There’s a hand palming at your ass. One that definitely does not belong to your boyfriend, who’s using both of his to overly annunciate the story he’s recounting to Steven just a few steps away. You emit a little squeak, taking a step away from the wandering hand; feeling slightly embarrassed, for some reason.
“Uh. That’s my ass.” The guy laughs loudly, taking a swig from his cup. He shoots you this creepy, perverted little smirk; and you feel your face screw up in disgust.
“Trust me, princess. I know that’s your ass; kinda why I put my hand there.” Taylor sneers beside you, Belly meeting Steven’s curious eyes as she gestures over at the guy in question. “Look, don’t go all prude on me just because of your little boyfriend, ok? You wouldn’t be the first girl I’ve hooked up who belongs to someone else, you know.”
You scoff incredulously, as your fingers wrap around his wrist and remove his grip from your body. The nerve of this guy. “Okay, the reason I don’t want your filthy, perverted paws on me is not just because I have a boyfriend— who does not own me, by the way. It’s because it’s creepy and downright disgusting of you to just think you have the right to put your hands on me when I’ve given you no indication that it was okay.”
He looks around the room for one of his friends, although you’d be surprised if he has any. He seems a little uncomfortable now, probably not expecting you to berate him in front of all of his peers. Less sure of himself, he makes a pathetic attempt to stand his ground. “Ooh.. Indication.”
“Yeah, try spelling it.” A breath of relief tugs at your lips. You know that voice. And you definitely know this hand, rubbing soothingly at that spot between your shoulder blades. “You like feeling up girls who don’t want you? Because there’s a name for that, you know. It’s called perversion.”
The boy raises his hands in surrender, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly; although you can see him shrink in on himself. “Hey man, she was the one giving me those ‘fuck me eyes’ across the room. I’m sure you’re familiar—“
Your boyfriend’s comforting hand leaves your back, and he takes a step in front of you. A crowd is forming behind you, all of your peers waiting for the first fight to really kick off summer. Why do these always have to involve Conrad? “Alright, that’s it—“
You grab at his arm before he has a chance to swing at the shorter boy in front of him. You tug at it, and he turns around to face you. Your gaze melts his demeanour, and you exhale serenely. “Can we just go, please?”
He nods slowly, and you grin up at him. He takes one look at the boy, and then, meets your gaze once again; and he’s made his decision. His fingers squeeze at the flesh of your hip, huffing out a laugh at the faint ‘boo’ the teenagers in front of him yell out in annoyance.
“You okay?” The words are hushed into your ear, a kiss pressed to your temple. You nod, squeezing at his wrist, where it lays on your hip bone. You’re just about to speak when you hear that damn voice again.
“Yeah, take him home. Maybe after that you can come back here for a round two? You know you want—“
You pull Conrad’s hands off of you and after breathing out a quick, give me one second; your hand comes up and slaps that other asshole in the face. Hard. Hard enough that he stumbles back into Belly, who pushes him off of her with a grimace. You sigh, triumphantly. Turning back to your boyfriend, you pat at his chest and laugh at the grin on his face.
“Now, can we go?” You query, with a smile on your face. He nods speechlessly, and pulls you in for a kiss the minute you get outside, in front of everybody; despite his hatred for PDA. Your arms wrap around his neck, and his hands cup at your face delicately.
“Jesus, Con. Everybody knows you guys are together, you don’t have to eat her.” Steven slaps at Conrad’s back. You pull away reluctantly, and follow the rest of your friends out of the house. Steven wraps an arm around your neck, smiling down at you as he ruffles your hair. “Great work in there, by the way. Extremely satisfying to see a powerful woman take down a creep.”
You roll your eyes, and Taylor and Belly’s faces screw up in annoyance in front of you. You jog over to the red jeep you’re a little overly familiar with, opening the passenger door and watching as Steven stomps his foot like a child. “Wow, Steven Conklin the feminist! I’m still calling shotgun though, but nice try.”
Everyone piles into the car, Belly uncomfortably perches on Taylor’s lap to make room for them all. Conrad leans over and presses a kiss to the top of your head, flipping off Jeremiah as he gags from the seat behind you. You grin, cheekily. Conrad grins back.
“We are so getting this girl some ice cream.”
Everybody cheers.
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lnfours · 11 months
SEQUEL TO HAUNTED W CONRAD! Where she finds out 👀👀
oh fuck. warnings: mentions of death, cancer and mental health
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you hadn't seen conrad at all the rest of the summer. it wasn't like you wanted to necessarily see him, either. what was there left to say anyway?
you had gotten to say bye to jere, steven and belly, but ignored conrad with a cold shoulder. you knew you were wrong, but he had hurt you. you couldn't help it.
this summer, the fishers didn't come to their beach house. steven, belly and laurel weren't there. for once in your entire lifetime, the house sat empty, and it only made your heart hurt more.
the icing on the cake was that your mom had seen a for sale sign in the front yard on her early morning jog that morning. the fishers and the conklins were never coming back, and you didn't know why.
you were laying out by the pool your family had put in over the spring, your phone buzzing on the little table next to you. you picked it up, reading the name at the top of your phone screen.
jeremiah fisher
you swiped it over, pressing the phone to your ear, "hello?"
"hey, y/n," you could hear his polite smile and the sound of wind in the background, "are you in cousins?"
you licked your lips, sitting up, "yeah, why? are you guys finally on your way?"
"no, uhm," jere said, "conrad is missing."
"what do you mean 'missing'?"
you heard belly's voice suddenly on the other end, "look, we checked brown already and his roommate said he talked about going to the beach. cousin's is the only beach conrad would ever go to. i know it's a long short, have you seen him or heard from him?"
you let out a shaky breath, "no, but i can check around the town for you guys, how far away are you?"
"couple hours out, still," jeremiah said, "i'll text you when we're crossing the bridge into town."
you nodded, speaking up when you realized they couldn't see you, "okay, i'll text you with updates."
"thanks a lot, y/n." jere said
"you're the best!" you smiled as belly sighed out of relief. you hung up with your friends, tugging your shorts on and slipping into your flip flops. you left the shorts unbuttoned, letting them sit lowly on your hips and your bikini bottoms sticking out from the top.
you made your way over to the fisher house, spotting conrad's car. you swallowed thickly as you walked up to the front door. you knocked, pulling your fist back as you sighed.
there was no answer.
you made your way through the gate and to the backyard. you looked around, a towel laying down on the grass next to the pool, but no sign of conrad. you thought of the last place he would be, walking over to the side of the house and grabbing jeremiah's surfboard. you made your way down to the beach, tugging your shorts off before you made your way into the ocean. you paddled out on jere's surfboard. you let the waves rock you back and forth as you watched conrad surf, smiling to yourself as he pulled off one of the tricks you had shown him. he looked over at you when you clapped your hands.
"nice job, fisher!"
you swore you almost saw a smile on his face as he paddled over to you. you smiled as he floated on his board next to you.
"hey," he said.
"hi," you said back, his hair wavy from the salt water, "didn't think you guys were coming this summer."
he nodded, sniffling as he looked out at the ocean, "yeah, we're... not really supposed to be here."
you looked at him confused, "what do you mean?"
he sighed, "i've got a lot to catch you up on."
you smiled as you squinted out at the waves, "well, i've got nothing but time. hit me, sea creature."
he laughed softly, remembering the nickname you had called him one drunken summer afternoon when he had seaweed all over him from surfing.
"talk over something to eat? i'm starving." he said. you nodded, following him as you both paddled to shore. you threw on your shorts and carried both of your pairs of flip flops as he carried the boards back. he hung them back up on the side of the house, tossing you a towel from the deck. you thanked him as he wrapped one around himself as well, the two of you heading inside.
it was scarily bare in the normally full of life summer house. there wasn't any food in the fridge or the pantry, there wasn't any of the clutter from siblings leaving their things behind. there wasn't the sound of belly and steven arguing in the living room over the tv, and jeremiah wasn't playing music up in his bedroom.
it was eerie. none of it felt like the home you were used to it being.
"i'm gonna order a pizza," he said, "still like your usual?"
you smiled, "yeah,"
he nodded, pressing the phone to his ear as he ordered. you played with your fingers as you waited for him to hang up.
"so," you broke the silence, "what's up? what is that you have to tell me?"
he let out a sigh, looking down at the floor, "my mom's cancer came back last spring. she died a couple months ago."
your eyes watered as you watched him look back up at you with glossy eyes. he continued, "i found out before everyone else and i couldn't tell anyone. that's why i was so shitty to you last year, i didn't know how to deal with loss when she wasn't even gone yet. i'm so sorry. for hurting you."
you wiped the tears from your eyes, getting up from your seat at the island. you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a hug. he happily accepted your hug, holding you tight against his body.
"i'm so sorry, connie," you said, "i wish i had known sooner."
he let out a soft chuckle, "i thought you hated me."
you shook your head, brushing his hair from his forehead after you pulled away, "i could never hate you, conrad."
it was silent for a minute, "there's uh... there's more."
you raised an eyebrow, "there's more?"
he nodded, "i also found out that my dad had an affair the same day i found out my mom's cancer came back."
you shook your head, "what a fucking ass."
he nodded, "i know."
you sighed, "anything else happen?"
he let out a chuckle, "found out yesterday the house was going up for sale. apparently, when my mom died, my aunt julia got the house because my mom's half went to her. she wants to sell it and this is the only piece i have left of my mom. the only place that feels like home without her."
you watched as a small tear slipped down his cheek. you frowned, wiping it with the pads of your thumbs.
"c'mere," you said softly, his front breaking down as he nuzzled into your shoulder. you rubbed his back, your other hand playing with the hairs on the back of his neck.
"i'm sorry," he mumbled.
"no, you don't have to apologize," you said, "it's okay. you were going through all of this alone. i just wish you would've told me so you didn't have to."
he held you tighter, "i tried, i just couldn't."
you pulled back, lifting his head by his chin for him to look at you. you smiled, wiping more tears from his cheeks, "well, i'm not going anywhere now, okay?"
he nodded, smiling softly into your palm and pressing a gentle kiss on the skin there.
"i love you." he mumbled against your soft skin.
he finally said it back.
"i love you, con."
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probably-writing-x · 10 months
Healed and Hurt.
Conrad Fisher x Reader
Summary: Conrad had broken your heart, and broken all of you along with it. You’d finally put the pieces back together… but there was just something your heart could never ignore.
Author’s Note: Can people please make more TSITP gifs so I can get more inspo for writing these pretty pretty please??? Y’all seemed to love the other tsitp one shot so I hope you love this just as much xoxo
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You weren’t sure of the moment you’d lost him. But you knew the exact moment when you realised that you had. He’d come back from surfing, and it had started raining outside in Cousins - a rare summer shower even on the hottest day. Conrad had showered and came downstairs to where you were curled up on the couch, eyes closed. The Conrad that you knew would have grabbed the nearest blanket and settled it over your shoulders, and taken up the spot closest to you so that, when you awoke, you could snuggle into him and he’d share in your comfort. But this Conrad had taken a seat on the opposite couch, his eyes focused on a distant spot somewhere in the lounge. You’d woken up when it got oddly cold and realised that he’d left the garden doors open, letting in sprays of rain and the coldest wind.
“Con?” You’d spoken, voice full of sleep, “Everything okay?”
He looked at you with an off, empty look in his eyes - like he was looking at a stranger. You knew then, and you still couldn’t figure out why.
That wasn’t your Conrad. That wasn’t the Conrad that loved you.
That exact moment had been four months ago, only a week before things ended between the two of you. You’d cried more than your heart could cope with, and you’d had enough sleepless nights to make it feel like you wouldn’t sleep again. You’d stopped eating and stopped enjoying the smallest things in your life. Until, one day, you just felt… better. There was no specific cause or cure, just that you were yourself once again. The self that you’d been before Conrad. Healed.
Your parents had owned a house in Cousins for the past couple of years and that’s how you’d first met the Fisher family. This weekend would be the first time you were returning to Cousins since you and Conrad had finished, and it was agitating a pain in your chest that you tried your best to ignore.
“(Y/n)?” It’s your Mom’s voice that snaps you back to reality, “Do you mind taking a trip to the store?”
You look at her and blink a second time, feeling your mind return to the setting of the beach house, “Yeah, yeah, of course I will.”
“Thanks honey,” She smiles, “There’s a list on the kitchen island.”
You nod and she steps back out of your bedroom, letting you return to welcome solitude.
There was something about being back here - this house, this town - everything reminded you of him.
The shop is relatively empty when you get there and you make your way around the aisles picking up the items from your Moms list. It was thanksgiving next week so these were just the bits to keep you fed between now and then. She definitely wouldn’t trust you with the real thanksgiving shop.
As you round onto the next aisle, your cart bumps into someone coming the other way.
“Oh shit my-“ A familiar voice speaks quickly and you glance up to see Stephen at the end of your cart.
“Stephen!” You grin, “Hi!”
He grins just as widely and stretches out his arms, “Holy shit (y/n) it’s good to see you.”
His arms wrap you in a bear hug and he breathes deeply as your chin perches atop his shoulder, stood on your tiptoes to do so.
“What are you doing here in Cousins?” You ask him, “I thought you guys were only here for summer.”
“Yeah well my Mom and Suzanne decided to start doing thanksgiving too because they think we should see each other more often,” He shrugs his shoulders, “I’m not complaining, it’s more fun here than back home.”
“Yeah, yeah, definitely,” You nod, “I didn’t even think to ask you guys if you’d be here. I mean, normally I’d ask Co-“
Both of you stop and he looks at you with that frown between his eyebrows as if watching the discomfort settle between you.
You clear your throat, “How are the boys?”
Stephen smiles that sort of sympathetic smile, “They’re good. I’m sure they’d love to see you, and my sister would too - she’s going to hate that she didn’t come to the store with me.”
You laugh and drag a hand through your hair, the mention of Conrad and the Fishers bringing back that same glimpse of empty pain you’d had for weeks after things had ended. You avert your eyes from him towards the large windows in the store and notice that the heavens have opened, rain pouring onto the concrete.
“Shit, I knew I should’ve brought the car,” Stephen winces, “I better call Jere-“
“No, no, don’t be silly,” You shake your head, “I’ll drive you home, it’s the same way anyway.”
“(y/n) I always knew you were an angel,” Stephen jokes with a bright smile.
He helps you put your things through the checkout and then the two of you clamber into your car, dumping your bags into the back.
You drive the short distance in the direction of both houses, the Fisher’s house only being a street away from your own. The roads are all familiar, a second home within itself. But the sight of their exact house, as you pull into the driveway, settles an uneasy feeling on your chest. You ignore it.
“Thanks (Y/n),” Stephen smiles, “And, hey, don’t be a stranger. We’d all still love to see you, I’m sure they’ll all say the same when I tell them you were here.”
You smile and go to respond when your car door is pulled open.
“(Y/n) (y/l/n)!” It’s Jeremiah, his arm holding your door as he stands in the opening, grinning wildly as his hair gets rapidly soaked by the rain, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Driving Stephen back to avoid the rain,” You laugh gently, “Which you should be doing too.”
“Please come in, Belly’s going to kill me if you were here and she didn’t get to say hi,” He has those sort of eyes that it’s impossible to say no to, the same golden retriever look that ran through his personality.
You turn your keys in the ignition and pull them out, “Alright, just five minutes.”
Jeremiah reaches out a hand to you and stretched one side of his hoodie out so you can both duck under the material, the three of you hurrying towards the house.
It’s all so beautifully familiar. Stephen grumbling about the rain in his hair and Jeremiah laughing the same way he always did, the warmth of the walls in this house, the sense of home.
The door shuts behind you and you feel it again - that little bit of relief that you really had moved on. This place held good memories - for the year that you’d been dating Conrad he’d been everything and his family came with that. Losing him didn’t mean you lost the sense of family that his own people had always given you.
“Okay, now we can say a proper hello,” Jeremiah laughs, wrapping his arms around you as he lifts you up from the ground, spinning you around before settling you back down.
“It’s good to see you too, Jere,” You return, “I’m sorry, I had no idea you guys were back in Cousins.”
“Yeah, well, it was a last minute decision,” He nods, “Come on, I think Belly’s in the kit-“
Stephen grabs Jeremiah’s arm before he can go any further, “Um, Jere, is Conrad here?”
“Oh shit yeah I didn’t eve-“
“Guys, seriously,” You shake your head at them, “Come on, what happened with me and Con was a long time ago. We’re all grown ups here.”
They look at you with a slight uncertainty but nod anyway, walking through the back of the house.
Your steps pause ever so slightly when you catch sight of him but you don’t let it show, letting your eyes look around the rest of the room before falling back to him.
Conrad stands up almost instantly, his entire being alert.
Your name from his lips turns a knot into your stomach but it dissipates when you focus on it for long enough.
“Hey Con,” You smile, running a hand through your hair.
“What are yo-“
“Oh my god (Y/n)!” Belly squeals and hurries over, engulfing you in a velocity fuelled hug, “What are you doing here?”
You laugh and squeeze her before stepping back, “Just dropping Stephen home.”
“Yeah, it was raining like hell when I was in the store so (Y/n) offered to drive back,” Stephen comments.
“You, uh, you hate driving in the rain,” Conrad clears his throat, eyes on you as if nobody else was there.
You let out a breathy laugh and let your eyes lock onto him, your fingers tightening around the car keys in your hand, “Yeah, a few months ago I did. I guess I just got better.”
He swallows the lump in his throat, his lips parting.
“I should probably get going,” You clear your throat, “My Mom will kill me if I let that ice cream melt.”
“We’ll catch up soon, okay?” Belly squeezes your arm, “I’m so glad you’re here.”
You wave goodbye and step back out, feeling the weight on your chest release just enough that it no longer feels like it’s there. You step back out of the house and, for the first time in a long time, Conrad races through your mind. You turn the music up just a little louder in your car so it’ll somewhat drown out the thought.
The following night, there’s a party down at the beach that it’s impossible to say no to when Jeremiah, Belly and Stephen have all been convincing you all day. You change into a pink ditsy floral dress that has a corset style top and a simple pair of white converse - they’d only end up full of sand anyway. It was cold enough that you knew it was a terrible idea to just wear a dress, so you throw over a baggy grey jumper and roll up the sleeves twice so they don’t hang over your hands.
Once they’ve texted to say they’re already there, you leave and take the short walk down to the beach, bag tucked over your shoulder.
“Hey! (Y/n)!” Cameron waves you over to where he’s filling up a red cup with a can of Sprite.
“Hey Cam,” You smile, “How are you doing?”
He nods, “I’m thinking this party is a terrible idea in the middle of November.”
You laugh, “I’m hoping a beer will warm me up a bit,” You take a cup and fill it from the keg beside him.
“How are you doing anyway?” Cam nudges you, “Is it weird being back?”
You take a second of looking at him before you respond, invisibly composing yourself, “No, it’s okay. What happened with me and Conrad was… and obviously I wouldn’t want to… I’m fine. We’re fine.”
He nods, taking it as certain sign that he shouldn’t persist with the topic, “I think Belly and the guys are over that way.”
You follow him over to where Belly, Jere and Stephen are all sat around a big campfire, warming their hands on the floating heat.
“Hey, are you not freezing in that dress?” Stephen looks at you slightly bewildered.
“Yeah, I’m used to never packing clothes to come here because I always have summer clothes in my closet in the house but… that doesn’t exactly work in november,” You wince, running your hands over the skin of your thighs.
“Yeah who thought it was a good idea to have a beach party in the middle of november?” Belly shakes her head, “It’s meant to get freezing tonight.”
Jere shrugs, “Where’s the fun in that attitude Bels?”
The chatter continues but you find your eyes drifting around the beach for a pair of eyes that you’re yet to find. Somewhere in the lost time, you get through a few more beers and the sun continues to set over the Cousins beach until the cold really starts to set in. The beer is warming your system just a little but far from enough.
A shiver runs over you and draws goose pimples to your skin, so you take it as your cue to leave, saying your goodbyes before heading up the beach towards the path that let you back to the houses.
You’re not sure why. But your feet take you in the direction of the street adjacent to your own, one you’d driven up and walked up countless times. One you missed.
In the one house that catches your attention, there’s a light on out the back and you find yourself pushing through the back garden gate into the yard.
“Jere?” It’s Conrad’s voice that speaks out and you turn to find him sat at the edge of the pool, his feet dragging below the surface.
“Um, no, it’s me,” You clear your throat, “Sorry, I’m not really sure why I came this way.”
He keeps his eyes on you, pushing himself up to stand at the poolside, “Do you-“
“Sorry, I should probably go home I-“
“I bet you’re freezing,” He interrupts, gesturing towards the doors into the house, “Do you want to come inside? I can make you a hot drink or something.”
“Um,” You look at the slightly pleasing look in his eyes and realise it’s impossible to say anything other than, “Sure.”
Conrad nods and pulls open the garden door, stepping aside to let you in.
“I think my Mom and Laurel are out at a bar tonight, it’s just me here,” Conrad comments as you follow him through to the kitchen.
You two spent every minute together when you’d been dating - thankful to be living in the same city without the hours long drive between you that you had at home. This kitchen was where he’d first kissed you. You’d been sitting atop the kitchen counter and he’d been making pancakes at the stove. You laughed when he failed at flipping one of them and he’d come over to make you try the first one - telling you it was good luck to try the first pancake of the night. He’d wiped a bit of syrup from the side of your mouth and the next thing you knew he was kissing you. His lips were uncertain at first but they soon-
“(Y/n)?” Conrad’s voice slices through.
You don’t remember ever hopping up onto the countertop but you’re in the exact spot you’d been in on that pancake morning.
“Do you want cocoa or tea?”
“Tea, please,” You swallow the lump in your throat, dropping your bag down to the counter beside you.
He nods and sets the kettle onto the stove, cracking up the heat before turning around to lean back against the counter opposite you, the water waiting to whistle to a boil behind him.
“What are you thinking about?” He asks you, crossing his arms over his chest.
You look at him and study his face for a moment, a face you’d memorised over and over again, and then shake your head, “That I’m fucking freezing.”
He laughs gently, the kind that rumbles the air, “That’ll teach you to not wear a dress in winter.”
“I didn’t have anything else,” You raise your hands in defence, “And this outfit looks cute.”
“It’s the most impractical outfit ever I mean seriously you must be cold as-“
Without you realising, Conrad has stepped forward from the counter and his hand has come to rest on your thigh - enough for you to feel the electricity charging through you.
“Sorry I-“
Before he can retract, you fly a hand down to press over the top of his, relaxing a little at the contact, “It’s okay. Your hands are warm.”
Conrad looks up at you through the hair that falls around his eyes and you bring your other hand up to brush the strands away from his face. He winces at the cold of your fingers when they brush his face and brings his own hand up to wrap around yours on his cheek to warm your skin there.
Both of you are silent, trapped in the most contact you’ve had in months. You hold each other there for just a moment before the kettle whistles behind him and it seems to snap you back to where you need to be.
“Thank god, I’m dying for a tea,” You pull both of your hands away from him and hop down from the counter, grabbing two mugs from the cupboard.
Conrad stays stood where he was, his hands resting on the countertop in front of him as he squeezes his grip against the edge of it.
You go about making two teas and hand one of the mugs over to him, wrapping your own two palms around the heat of the other.
Conrad winces as the liquid touches his lips, blowing gently on the rippling surface of the drink. You’d always loved his lips. The way they spoke, the way they laughed, the way they kissed. The indent of his cupid’s bow and the shadow of stubble that surrounded them when he didn’t shave. You’d always loved him.
“How come you didn’t come to the beach tonight?” You ask him, your hands burning a little under the heat of the mug.
“In this weather? It’s stupid.”
You shake your head, “You prefer the cold anyway.”
He stops for a moment and sets the mug down, “I figured you wouldn’t want me to be there, and I didn’t want to ruin your night.”
You purse your lips together and look away from him, down at an invisible mark on the floor, “You wouldn’t ruin it.”
Conrad doesn’t speak.
“Come on, just because we split up doesn’t mean we have to act like we don’t know each other,” You comment, “We’re always going to run in the same circles.”
He looks up at you again, studying you, “But we didn’t just split up. I broke your heart (y/n).”
You find yourself smiling just a little, “Anyone would think you’re full of yourself Con.”
“Oh, no, I didn’t mean-“
“I know,” You interject, taking a deep breath, “You did break my heart. But time heals, surprisingly. I’m good now, I’m happy.”
You watch his face falter for just a moment. Conrad was right - he had broken your heart. You’d been hurt by him. But things had changed. You couldn’t hate him forever, and you couldn’t hate your life without him forever. But, the truth was, he didn’t feel even close to being over you. And it killed him to think you’d already slipped away. Far enough away that he couldn’t pull you back.
“I’m glad you’re happy” He swigs the drink, “That’s all I ever wanted.”
You’re not sure what makes you say it. But you do without thinking.
“Really?” You raise your brows, “It didn’t feel like that last summer.”
“I fought for you Conrad. I really did,” You feel your voice tremble a little but regain it, “I remember even after I knew that you were done with me, I was trying so fucking hard to fix it.”
He’s silent, eyes watching you.
“Two nights before you ended it, I remember I stayed up after you thought I’d gone to sleep and I felt you pull away from me. You pulled your arm from underneath me, you took your arm away from around me, you pushed yourself back to the other side of the bed. And I knew you’d wake up and blame it on being cold in the night. But I felt you. I felt you go. And that’s when I gave up. When I knew there was no saving what you didn’t want to fix,” You shake your head, shaking out your hands to fight the way your body seems to tremble against your will.
“I never wanted to lose you (Y/n), I just… I got scared and I-“
“I don’t need you to explain things Conrad. I spent days and nights trying to figure out where the hell I went wrong. And I made my peace with it - if you weren’t going to love me that was fine, it didn’t mean I wasn’t capable of being loved.”
“I did love you, I do love you,” His words are almost pleading and he steps closer to you, still two feet standing between your bodies, “That never changed.”
You look down and smile a little at the thought, words that would have been wrenching at your heart a few months ago. Today, they settle into you and fall into your system like they weren’t ever said to have an impact.
“I shouldn’t have come here tonight Con,” You look up and take a deep breath, “Thank you for the tea, and for letting me in, and for… I don’t know, maybe we can class this as an impromptu therapy session. But I should be going.”
When you turn around, you notice the pounding rain outside, pattering against the glass and into the open cover of the swimming pool. It’s relentless, the kind that you can hardly see through.
“Stay,” Conrad speaks from behind you.
You turn around to look at him, his eyes soft as if there could never be a bad intention behind them.
“You can take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.”
Your breath falls deeply from your chest, staring into eyes that had once broken you into pieces as you say, “Okay.”
The following morning, you step out of Conrad’s room and into the house. Everyone else is asleep, or at least you suppose they are from the shut bedroom doors and faint snores. You collect up your things and pad quietly along the wooden floors, wincing when one of the boards creaks on the staircase. You slip out of the back of the house, knowing the shortcut that would lead to your own house before your parents woke up to realise you’d never made it home.
It’s a crisp morning but the sun is just starting to warm the air and you squint against the bright light. Just visible at the end of the boardwalk leading towards the water, you can make out the shape of a boy sat in solitude. You’re not sure what draws you to him, maybe the same thing that had drawn you in the first place.
Conrad turns around when he hears your feet against the wooden pier and watches as you sit down in the seat beside him along the wooden bench, both of you looking out at the still water.
“Did you sleep well?” He asks, clearing his throat when the words come out dry.
You nod, “I always said your bed was comfy.”
Conrad nods, folding his arms over his chest, “The same can’t be said for those couches.”
You smile a little and look down at your hands in your lap, “Thank you for letting me stay.”
He shrugs, “It’s the least I could do. My Mom would kill me if I let you walk home alone in the rain.”
You’re both silent.
“I should pro-“
“Can I ask you something?” He cuts you off.
You settle back into your seat and look at him briefly, turning your head back to the water soon after, “Of course.”
“How did you get over it?” Conrad asks so simply as if the question has been playing on his mind a hundred times, “How did you make it look so easy?”
You take a deep breath, “It wasn’t easy, Con. I cried for weeks over you.”
He clenches his jaw, the mention of your hurt making him hate himself a little more, “But what about now?”
“I was home and you were in Boston. It was easier to get over you when we weren’t around each other. I just… I realised I could be fine by myself,” You swallow the lump in your throat, “I just convinced myself that there was nothing I could have done. That in a thousand lives in a thousand universes, you’d have still done the same - because you’d have just fallen out of love with me. And so it was out of my control.”
“You really think I fell out of love with you?” Conrad looks at you with his eyebrows slightly raised, his lips parting as if he’s echoing the hurt into silence.
“Come on Con,” You turn your head to him, “I was there. I watched you slip away.”
“I-“ He takes a deep breath, “I meant what I said yesterday. I was scared. It wasn’t that I fell out of love with you. Hell, I think I fell so in love with you that that’s why I jumped. Because I’d wake up and Id think of you and then I’d want to see you all day, and I’d go to bed thinking of you and every single day I knew you were all I ever wanted.”
You feel the lump form in your throat, the electricity coursing through your hands that just seem to want to reach for him.
“People would mention your name and I’d be listening for the rest of their sentence. I couldn’t see colours without thinking of you, I couldn’t hear songs without reminding myself of you, I couldn’t do anything without being consumed by you,” He gasps as if all air has left his lungs and his hand lifts to press against his chest, “You became me, my whole life. And I was so fucking terrified of it. I just… it’s stupid, I know it is. But I loved you too much to ever think I’d be enough for you, like I was waiting for the moment Id hurt you.”
“And you don’t think ending it was what hurt me?” You point out.
He laughs a little and you see the tension release a tiny bit, “Yeah, yeah, I guess I should’ve thought of that.”
“You know the worst thing you can do when you love someone that much is to push them away? To make them feel like they’re not loved, not wanted, not worth it,” You explain, “You might’ve felt all of those things Conrad but did you ever try to tell me that? To show me that?”
He closes his eyes and swallows the lump in his throat, “I want to. Now, I want to.”
You shift yourself on the wooden bench and draw your legs up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them, “Okay.”
“Wh- what?” Conrad blinks, “I don-“
“We’re not getting back together, Con. I’m not the same girl that I was when we first got together, and you’re clearly not the same guy. But I think we need to get to need to get to know these versions of ourselves - and if those two love each other, then they’ll make it work,” You nod, more certain of yourself than ever before, “I’m (Y/n).”
Conrad looks down at your outstretched hand and smiles to himself, clasping it to shake his hand with yours, “I’m Conrad.”
He keeps his hand around yours and his thumb brushes your skin. When his grip releases, you watch his hand flex slightly away from the loss of touch.
You look into his eyes, the ones that pierced into your soul so often. And you feel a little piece of yourself melt under his gaze, a little piece of your heart swell softly.
“Well, (Y/n), do you like pancakes?”
“I do.”
He outstretches a hand once again and this time you lace your fingers with him, a course of adoration flooding through you.
You could do this.
You had healed.
You could be you, and he could be him. And the two could cross once more.
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lafleshlumpeater · 5 months
Conrad Fisher x Reader (fake dating)
warnings: one swear word, fake dating, fem!reader, mutual pining, mentions of food, lmk if there's anything i've missed<3
conrad fisher masterlist
“Remind me why I’m being your girlfriend again?” You ask, kicking the passenger compartment in front of you nervously as Conrad drove next to you.
He takes the next right, glancing at the GPS as you do. Shit. Almost there.
“I told you, remember? My mom thinks I’m lonely and depressed and she keeps trying to set me up with her friends’ daughters.”
Nibbling your lip, you frown. “And you thought I was the best person to do this because-?”
“It’s believable,” he reassures, fingers drumming against the steering wheel in repetition. Your eyes scan him up and down. Not checking him out, of course, but because you want to see if the two of you look good enough together for the story to be plausible. You can’t picture it.
“I mean, look at you,” he speaks, slightly distracted with trying to keep below the speed limit, yet still managing to effortlessly read your racing mind. “You look like the definition of someone I would date.”
You try not to smile at that, smoothing your pleated black skirt down over your thighs. You had asked if it was too formal earlier, paired with your maroon sweater and black tights, but Conrad had assured you it was fine and that ‘you look… great’, and maybe you were reading too much into it but you could have sworn you noticed his blue- green eyes (you could never really tell which) linger on your elegant neck and down at your calves through the sheerness of the fabric poorly concealing them.
You put it down to your wishful thinking, seeing things that weren’t actually happening.
The car comes to a stop, causing you to immediately snap out of your spiralling thoughts.
“We’re here.”
You instantly rummage through your crimson leather handbag for a mirror and check your immaculate reflection. Pristine eyeliner, lip stain steadfast, hair in behaving. Conrad turns to you, noticing your jittery movements.
“Yeah?” You cringe internally at the way you respond too quickly, and you find yourself wishing you had just stayed in your dorm all day, lounging around and eating ice cream and watching cheesy rom- coms.
“You really don’t have to do this, if you don’t want to. I can just tell my mom that you feel really ill-”
“No, honestly, I’m…” Your teeth peek out again to gnaw on your lip. “I’m- fine?” The fact that it comes out like a question causes your eye to twitch.
He steps out of the car, shutting his door and comes around to open yours. You almost scoff. Why does he have to be so gentlemanly?
Conrad’s hand tentatively reaches up to your face, delicately pulling your thumb from your incessant teeth. “Are you sure?” He persists, and his voice is so gooey and thick with something you would love to assume is tenderness. You wonder if it was a waste of time deciding on your new designer blush that you’d been saving to wear for the first time.
Your words fail you as your breath hitches in your throat, and you can do little more than nod. “What if- what if I mess it up, and she realises that, we’re not really… dating?”
Conrad tucks a tuft of hair away behind his ear, something you’d been aching to do for most of the drive. “She won’t,” he says firmly. “I trust you.” A laugh almost escapes your throat as you realise he has more trust in you than you possess in yourself, but you push the thought aside as you realise he’s staring at you intently, awaiting an answer. You nod, and his face pulls up into that gorgeous grin which frequently haunts your daydreams during the dreary college lectures. It’s infectious, and you find yourself beaming very similarly as he offers his hand to you, helping you out of the car. It’s impossible to find his courteousness overbearing, not when he squeezes your hand as if telling you it’s okay or his eyes flicker to you for a moment, but the look in them feels like he’s looking at you like you’re his everything, and you’re not sure if that makes you adore or be wary of him.
You’re still pondering this when mere seconds after Conrad knocks on the door it swings open. A woman, who you assume is aged somewhere around forty- five, stands at the doorway and from the face- splitting smile on her face you can just tell she’s the life and soul of every party. “You’re here!” She hugs her son first, and you stand somewhat awkwardly beside them when she releases your ‘boyfriend’ and observes you, but you can tell from the sparkling glint in her eyes that it’s not for the sake of criticising but out of genuine inquisitiveness.
The woman you deduce is Susannah meets your eyes. Although her face is precisely lined with age, there’s a pleasant sense of life and hope and quintessence in her gaze. She greets you by your name, and you’re not surprised- Conrad had mentioned calling his mother earlier that morning.
You reach out for a handshake and she surprises you, wrapping her arms around you- warm and motherly. You reciprocate the gesture, and guilt fills you at the lies you are to spoon feed her.
During the delicious (late) lunch of homemade food, you’re bombarded with questions. How you and Conrad met, if you shared any classes, your family, your hobbies… everything and anything. And not just by Susannah, either, but by Conrad’s brother, who you kept forgetting the name of but knew it started with ‘J’.
Susannah’s eyes switch between you and her older son. “So, are you looking for something long- term, or-?”
A dusting of pink covers the tops of Conrad’s cheeks and nose- something you don’t see enough, and you’re indecisive as to whether you love or hate that the sight turns your insides to mush. “Mom.”
You hold his hand over the table, playing your role perfectly. “It’s fine,” you say, accompanied with a tinkly laugh. “In full honesty, I’m not one hundred percent sure. But…” You turn to stare at the boy beside you, his hand growing clammy in yours- “I’m pretty sure we’re both planning on staying together. Your son is a very special person, and I care about him very much- I’m so lucky to have him.”
You want to sigh and laugh at the irony at the same time- your last sentence was the embodiment of black and white; the first part had been completely true; Conrad was special, and you wished with your whole heart he could be yours, but you definitely did not ‘have’ him.
 It wasn’t anything you didn’t know; Conrad Fisher could just simply, never be yours.
“But equally,” you carry on when Susannah nods in satisfaction. “We’re both young, and… anything could happen. Right, babe?”
“Yeah, definitely,” Conrad nodded, but when he turns to you his eyes flash with content and he offers you a genuine half- smile, both gestures saying more than words ever could, and you knew he was satisfied with your deliberately vague response.
A little while after, Conrad excuses both you and himself to rest a while in his room, because of ‘the long journey’. You obliged without needing to consult him; you knew the effort of keeping the act up was mentally draining from first- hand experience.
He shuts the door behind you both and falls back on his bed, kicking his shoes off. Standing self- consciously, you wonder if he minds you sitting on his bed, of all places, or not.
He raises an eyebrow. “You can sit, you know.”
You sit on the edge of the bed, fiddling with the thin chain around your wrist. 
“Hey, thanks for… thanks for doing this for me.”
You look up, surprised. “You don’t need to thank me. Just a friend helping out a friend,” you feign nonchalance, not meeting his gaze at your heart squeezes painfully at your own words.
“No, I’m serious,” he goes on. “I love my mom, but she’s been going on about me getting with someone for ages. You’re a life- saver.”
You look down at where he’s resting his arms behind his head next to you, the first two buttons of his black button- up undone. Your eyes fight to remain focused on his. “You’re good.”
His eyes narrow, eyelashes fringing observant irises as he sits up. The fact that he’s now closer than before doesn’t escape you. “You’re not uncomfortable by all this, right?”
“Not at all. I’ve really enjoyed meeting your mom, even under… unusual circumstances.” He smiles at that, no teeth but all dimples and your fingers twitch with wanting to trace over them. His eyes remain trained on you for a couple more seconds. You iron your hands over your skirt again, a repetitive, nervous tic.
Conrad shuffles slightly closer- your heart flirts enticingly with your thoughts, convincing your brain that the distinct smell of ocean spray and wet sand was coming from the handsome boy next to you and not through the open window.
Your head tilts up to look at him- startled slightly, but not unpleasantly so when you realise you’ve miscalculated how close he actually was. Every detail on his face is visible; the unreal sharp of his jawline, the faint freckle just under his left eye you yearn to kiss…
“You’re beautiful,” he mutters under his breath- you almost miss it, it’s so sudden.
“Wha- what?” 
“You’re beautiful,” he says simply, as if it’s a well- known fact everyone knows. Your stomach flips and suddenly the white of the ceiling looks very interesting. “Hey, look at me.”
You do.
“I’m serious. You’re really pretty and I-”
“Where is all this coming from?” You interrupt.
Conrad looks bewildered. “What do you mean?”
“Like, do you just feel bad because I did this for you? Or is it something-”
What Conrad does next stuns you; all of a sudden, his hand is on the side on your neck, his thumb caressing along your jaw and his lips are pressed to yours, sweet and all- consuming and slightly wet but it’s everything you’ve dreamed about and more, causing you to melt into him with your eyes closed, arms tentatively creeping around his neck.
You don’t know whether it’s been a minute or an hour, but it’s definitely been a while, judging by the telltale screaming of your lungs for oxygen.
Time is a strange thing.
Pulling away for a gasp of air, you can’t help but giggle at the faint red marks of colour on the boy’s lips. He smiles, albeit confused, sneaking an arm around your waist. “What?”
“You’ve got a little…” You reach out and gently wipe the smudge away with a manicured fingernail. He’s still staring at you intensely.
“I really like you, you know.”
Your lips quirk upwards, fixing his slightly creased collar. “Nice to know it’s not just because you think I’m pretty.”
His jaw tenses, thinking you’ve misunderstood, but he relaxes quickly when he sees the playful glimmer reflecting in your pupils. “It isn’t. You’re… amazing. Smart, funny, great sense of humour-”
“You talk too much,” you cut across him, pulling him down for another sweet kiss which you both smile into.
taglist: @kimorna
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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princesachicana · 2 years
𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐲 (steven conklin x reader)
description: in which you’re head over heels for steven. But he isn’t head over heels for you, right?
wanna be added to my steven conklin tag list? just send me a direct message , ask box or comment on this post!!
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God why couldn’t he just notice you? Steven Conklin was like a daydream when you looked at him. If he speaks even little as three words to you, your heart rate spikes. But no he didn’t look at you the way you looked at him, he’d only ever saw you as a friend. He romantically liked girls like Shayla maybe even Taylor? Seeing as he made out with her. You remembered that one of your sisters jokingly pushed you towards Steven, implying to make out with you next, the look on his face after made you mortified.
It’s like he was repulsed by the thought of even so much as giving you a peck on the lips. It seemed like everyone knew you were head over heels for Steven, but Steven himself. You noticed the sympathetic looks your friends and sisters gave you when you embarrassingly tried to make conversation with Steven. Just for him to shut it down saying “I’ll be back.” and actually never come.
You craved a summer romance. With all the other boys who’ve asked you out on dates? No. With Steven Conklin there was no better boy in your eyes. You craved a summer romance just like your sisters. A set of twins dating the fisher boys? Just like a romance novel. You saw how Jeremiah made Maria’s smile bigger, You saw how Conrad’s eyes softened every time he glanced at Mariana. Yeah that’s exactly what you wanted, but you and Stevens own version.
But right here, right now you doubted that it was even possible. You were currently sitting with all your friends and sisters around a fire. You’ve probably carved your name in the sand a thousand times. Being as the conversation was about a party that occurred a week before, you had little to say. You didn’t show up, and probably run into Steven making out with a girl? No. No. No. “Why didn’t my butterfly show up?” Steven asked nudging you with his shoulder, you smiled the nickname warming your heart a little.
Everyone called you “Butterfly” because when you were younger you took a little longer than most twelve month olds to take your first steps. So when you finally did your family compared it to a butterfly that finally spread its wings and flew. After your father told the story three summer’s ago, it just stuck. So when Steven used, it felt special for only a millisecond, because then you remembered everyone else also called you that.
Your mind went back to Steven’s question, of course you couldn’t say the real reason.
I didn’t show up, because I refuse to stare at you when your kissing someone else.
“I already told you, I was tired.” Your eyes went around the bonfire, everyone else giving you knowing looks. “Bullshit, you’re never tired” Jeremiah laughed. Maria who was in between his legs, her back to his chest, turned her head quickly giving her boyfriend a knowing look that said “you are so not helping” They had the type of relationship where they had a silent language, often times they gave each other looks and just automatically knew what the other was saying telepathically.
“Well I missed you, and hopefully you got some beauty rest cause tomorrow your coming!” Steven wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. You immediately giggled, you softly laid your head onto one of his shoulders. “She can’t!” Mariana spoke out loud, she was seated on Conrad’s lap who hadn’t stopped playing with her hair. Oh right you couldn’t come even if you wanted to. “Well why not?” Steven asked. “And I want no stupid excuses!” He declared with a grin.
“I have a date.” You whispered, eyes closing for a second. Yes, you had a date. The guy was nice, you didn’t know much about him. You only talked to him for five minutes and the only information that you got was, his name was Michael and he’d asked you out to an arcade. “You have a date? With who Casper?” Steven scoffed, laughing as he pulled away from you. You opened your mouth to reply but your all to protective sisters spoke before you. “Yeah, and he’s like so hot right y/n?” Mariana said making her boyfriend frown.
“Sorry babe.” She whispered, turning towards Conrad placing a chaste kiss onto his lips. “He is attractive.” Your voice was broken. You were embarrassed, Steven couldn’t even believe you had a date. He’d jokingly asked if your mysterious date was a ghost! It hurt. “Yeah, and they’ve been like FaceTiming non-stop right y/n?” It was Maria’s turn to defend you. Yeah, you wouldn’t say you’ve been FaceTiming Michael “non-stop” but he’d called a couple times and he was fun to talk to. “We have interesting conversations” your voice was small, almost preparing yourself for another insult from Steven.
“Yeah right” he muttered before getting up and walking away. You stared at his retreating figure, your eyes getting misty. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. You repeated the words in your head like a mantra. “Don’t listen to him butterfly he’s an asshole.” Conrad spoke up, giving you a small smile. You nodded your head, scared that if you spoke you’d burst out into tears, you didn’t wanna ruin the rest of the night.
5 Minutes. 10 Minutes. 15 Minutes. 20 Minutes. 30 Minutes. Why had you waited this long? He wasn’t going to show up. You had stood by the prize stand for the arcade for almost an hour waiting for Michael like you both planned. You had stared at each and every couple who walked in hand in hand, you could tell which ones were on their first date and which ones had been together for awhile.
Really this was all your fault, right? You should have figured he wasn’t coming after your 3rd message went unanswered.
But you waited standing there, probably looking absolutely ridiculous in your outfit that your sisters helped you pick out. It wasn’t exactly your style but you figured this was what boys expected girls to wear on dates. You also tried something new with your makeup, a darker lip that made your lips more “kissable”, well according to Mariana.
After last night and how Steven had acted, you felt more than embarrassed. No doubt, he’d be laughing at you right now. You sat alone on the beach, it wasn’t a far walk from your parent’s beach house. Everyone else was at the party you contemplated showing up and lying about how the date ended quickly, but you’d face one hundred questions that would end in more lies so you just walked to the beach.
It wasn’t till now with the ocean’s waves swooshing in the background, that you cried. You had been stood up. You should of figured Michael wasn’t actually interested in you. He’d only ever asked you questions like “are you a virgin?” Or “what are you wearing right now?” and you’d occasionally get the “you up?” texts not surprisingly followed by him asking for nudes, of course you never sent any, maybe that’s why he didn’t show up?
This was just another reminder that you weren’t destined for a summer romance. “Hey” the greeting was quiet and soft, you knew it was Steven. You attempted to wipe your face, but the smeared mascara would be a dead giveaway that you had been crying. “Guessing the date didn’t go well?” Steven sat next to you hesitantly. “He didn’t show up, so just leave because I don’t really want to hear how you think it’s so funny.” You spoke staring straight at the ocean, contemplating on jumping in and letting the ocean take you anywhere but here. The boy you’ve been in love with sitting next to you as you admitted something humiliating.
“He’s fucking stupid.” Steven’s words were harsh. “Him? Look at me I got dressed up for him, I’m like the epitome of stupid.” You said, looking down at your outfit. “You look pretty really, well beautiful actually.” Steven said causing your eyes to meet his. “Thank you” His words made your heart nearly jump outside of your chest. He’d called you pretty, no he called you beautiful for the first time ever, he only ever said you looked “cute.”
“I think anyone who fucks up a chance with you is stupid, by the way” Steven’s words once again were a complete shock to you. “Anyways, any other dates or boys planned?” When he spoke each word, it looked like it took a lot for him to ask. “No, not right now at least, there’s this one boy, but he’s not interested so it doesn’t really matter.” You shrugged, like the boy you were talking about wasn’t right next to you. “Idiot” he mumbled if you weren’t sitting so close to him you wouldn’t have heard him.
“Can i ask you a question Steven?” You whispered not exactly knowing where you were going with this. “Of course y/n” he nodded motioning for you to continue. “Do you think a guy will ever be interested in me romantically, be honest am I ‘girlfriend’ material?” You needed to know, cause what was the point in trying if you were never gonna get anywhere? Your breath hitched when Steven softly took your chin in between his fingers. “You are so much more” Steven smiled, god that smile did it for you every single time.
“You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met, you smile at me even if I was an ass to you the night before, so far you’ve remembered every single detail about me, like you really always let me draw invisible shapes on your skin when you see me getting anxious.” Your heart was pounding again, we’re you able to fall in love all over again when you already were? The answer has to be yes because that was what was happening. “You’re beautiful, you always have that pout on your lips when someone interrupts you, and the beauty mark that sometimes your self conscious about is beautiful too.” Steven’s rant stopped when he noticed you were crying.
“Hey, I’m sorry what’s wrong.” Steven grabbed your face in between his palms. “Don’t say stuff like that, cause then I’ll think you actually like me.” You closed your eyes, the feeling of his hands on your face somewhat calming you. “Hey,hey I like you, I really like you.” His confession made your eyes blink open again. “You really mean that?” Steven nodded his head his eyes shifting from your eyes down to your lips. “Can I kiss you butterfly?” You giggled mumbling a yes.
Steven Conklin was kissing you! Something you’ve dreamed about many times before, it was actually happening! His lips against yours was soft, it was like fireworks being lit, an unspoken declaration for the both of you. You were both in love with each other. Maybe you showed it more than him at times? But it was always there for him as well.
You pulled away after a minute, needing to catch your breath. “Wow.” You said against his lips. His forehead was pressed against yours. “Wow? really that’s all you have to say.” Steven laughed. “I just can’t believe this is happening.” You admitted shaking your head. “Well believe it cause your mine butterfly.” Yes.Yes.Yes you chanted in your head.
“Wait? aren’t you supposed to be at the party?” You asked curiously. Steven laughed nodding his head “yeah, but it didn’t feel right without my butterfly.” He quickly said before pulling you into another kiss.
His butterfly. His butterfly. His butterfly
You were his, and he was yours.
TAGS: @gillybear17 @snowsharkk @tessastle @conradsupporterr @alyssa-cabrera @eranthisphiny @xoxoloverb @lostaurorax @lanisdreams @alexzluvz @lalaland-notfound (I TAGGED SOME OF YOU WHO ASKED TO BE ON THE CONRAD TAGLIST! But if you don’t want to be on Steven’s just let me know!)
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sourholland · 2 years
hiii! can I request one where the reader injures herself and conrad takes care of her?
Surf || Conrad Fisher
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“Hold on!” Conrad called after you, throwing his surfboard to the side as you limped out of the water.
“Seriously, I’m fine!” You told him, blood coating your entire leg.
Somehow you’d sliced your leg on a piece of coral or something. It was a fairly large gash, the saltwater not doing any good things for you. Conrad noticed almost immediately when the blood got all over your board.
A large open wound in the ocean was definitely not the most optimal thing. Paddling back out, you felt a terrible stinging pain. He followed you, knowing you were hurt.
“Y/N, stop!” He shouted at you, undoing the velcro at your ankle and looking ay the gaping cut. “I’ll carry you back to the house, otherwise you’re gonna get sand in it.”
He lifted you up bridal styles, face hot. Not protesting, you let him carry you up to the house in silence. You only hoped you wouldn’t need stitches. He carried you effortlessly through the sand and up the stairs, pulling the sliding door back and setting you down on one of the counters. All you could think about was his pink cheeks and the sand you were trailing into the house.
“I’ll get some peroxide, and see if my mom is home,” he said, leaving to go find the medicine cabinet.
Once he came back, he was holding the plastic container and some other things in his arms. Susanna was nowhere to be found, neither was anyone else, not even Jere. You held back tears, feeling horrible for the blood droplets getting on the floor.
“Alright lemme see,” he motioned for you to put your leg up and he placed a towel underneath you, on the floor. “This is probably gonna sting.”
He poured the hydrogen peroxide onto the gash and you put your hand on his shoulder and squeezed. There wasn’t as much blood as he dried you off and started to wrap your leg up. Every so often he would look up from in between your legs.
“I don’t think you need stitches, but I’m also not a doctor. Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?” He asked you, on his knees in front of you, he cut the medical tape off, not with scissors, but his teeth.
“No, no—don’t worry about it,” you sighed. “I think I’ll be fine, I’ll have my mom look at it later.”
He nodded, looking up at you through the few wet strands of hair hanging over his eyes. All you could think about was kissing him, you were so close and all you would have to do was lean forward. His lips parted, still salty and wet.
“We’re home!” Jeremiah called through the house, door opening and Conrad backing up.
“We’re in here,” he shakily responded.
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kolsmikaelson · 2 years
can i request a fic for conrad x fem!reader? one where you know when belly gets hurt at the bonfire? instead of belly, can it be the reader? after the reader gets hurt, conrad gets super mad at the person that hurt the reader and is all like “don’t ever touch her again”? after that it’s all fluff!
thank you!!!!!
lover boy — conrad fisher x fem!reader
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gif is not mine. full credit to the owner.
follow my library blog, @padmeslibrary , to see the rest of my works.
word count - 858 | join my taglist | warnings - underaged drinking, foul language, mentions of fighting + blood, conrad being soft for reader, not proofread.
a/n — thank you so much for the request!! i hope you enjoy!!
do not copy or repost my works, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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“no, thats my beer.” conrads drunk voice utters loudly, reaching to grab the bottle back from the boy that took the beer that he was reaching for. “what’s your problem man? it’s a party, relax.” the brunette scoffs.
“it’s just a party,” conrad repeats, mimicking the boys words. “okay? that’s still my beer, man.” he sneers.
“i don’t give a shit, give me my beer back.” he pushes the boy to the sand. the boy pushes himself off of the ground and lunges at conrad landing on top of him, conrad pushes him off and stands up, holding his hands up in fists.
a mob of people surround the two, watching them throw punch after punch. the hollers cheering the boys on is what catches your attention, getting up from your spot beside jeremiah and belly you take short strides towards them. you push your way to the front only to be met with conrad flat on the ground, with the boy back on top of him.
“what the hell? get off of him.” you all but shout, putting your hand on the boys shoulder to pull him away. the brunette looks back at you and scoffs, shrugging your hand off of him. you reach back, this time with both hands, ready to push him away, instead he stands to his full height and shoves you to the ground.
immediately conrad is on his feet, holding his hands out, pulling you to a standing position. “you okay, angel?” he asks, eyes focused on yours as he rubs his hands up and down your arms. giving a slight nod, you mutter a quiet yes before thanking him.
“the hell was that, huh? you keep your fucking hands off my girl.” conrad says, voice low and laced with anger. with every word he says, he steps closer to the boy. “got it?” he throws a punch, effectively knocking him to the ground. he nods and spits blood onto the ground beside him.
“yeah, yeah whatever. you got it lover boy.” he brushes the threat off as if it were nothing, pulling himself into a standing position before turning on the balls of his feet and stalking away from you and conrad, pushing his way through the crowd of people.
“d’ya wanna get outta here now angel?” conrad asks, a smug look covering his face.
“mhm, yeah gotta get you back home before you try and defend my honor again, maybe even your beer too.” you snicker, teasing him before cupping his face and pulling his lips towards yours. when you break apart conrads cheeks have a deep red blush tinting them.
when you arrive back at the house conrad lets you lead him up the stairs and into his bedroom. “connie? baby?” he hums in response, signaling that you keep speaking.
“what was that back there? i mean before he pushed me, why were you fighting?”
conrad sighs, knowing you’d ask sooner rather than later. “its just- all the stuff with my parents you know? i don’t know, it just has me feeling like crap lately. i know it was stupid to get so defensive over a fuckin’ beer but,” he trails off shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head, not knowing how to finish his thought.
“‘s okay connie, you don’t have to explain it. i understand.” you say sweetly when you see the tears in his eyes. “i’ve got you, and i love you connie.” you add, hoping to convey that you weren’t mad about what happened.
conrad wraps his arms around your waist pulling you flush against his chest, uttering a soft but sweet ‘i love you too’ into your neck.
“sure you’re okay, angel?” he asks looking into your eyes, changing the subject. “mm yeah i’m okay, guy pushes like a little kid.” you joke thinking back to when he shoved you.
“good. he looks like he does too.” conrad hums, holding back a smile.
“angel?” he questions, eyes closed as he rests his head on your chest. “can you mess with my hair? helps me calm down, relax y’know?”
you answer him wordlessly when you bring a soft hand to the back of his head, running your fingers through his soft hair, causing him to let out a soft sigh of contentment, “y’know you don’t even have to ask babe, love doing this.”
“now c’mon we’ve gotta get some sleep.” he groans, not happy about getting up from his spot curled next to you.
“okay you big baby, the sooner we’re laying down the sooner i can play with your hair.” smirking, you know you’ve won. conrad quickly stands, pulling his shirt off and lays on his side of the bed quicker than ever.
“connie!” you exclaim, giggles leaving your mouth when he tugs at your wrist softly, causing you to land right beside him.
“g’night love.” you press a sweet kiss to conrads lips before turning the lights off.
“sweet dreams my angel.” he smiles to himself when he can tell your breathing evens out and soft snores fill the quiet room. he presses one more kiss to the crown of your head as he closes his eyes.
taglist — @prettysummerbaby @madisontaxarn @fictionalho @pronsletss @ssprayberrythings
if your username is bolded that means i cannot tag you.
© joelsfarabees 2022
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From the Dining Table — c.f. x reader
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**not my gif**
Summary: (based on From the Dining table by Harry Styles) - Following a bad breakup, Conrad is trying his hardest to move on... AKA pure angst.
A/N: hi again!!! just binged tsitp so if you have any requests, send em my wayyy. enjoy this short little thing for now :)
Conrad had never been one for phone calls. He found them annoying and inconvenient and hated how little time they gave him to think thoroughly about a perfect response.
But as he laid in bed now, his eyes couldn't seem to leave his phone placed on the nightstand, as he silently willed for it to ring. He wished that your name would pop up on his screen any second now, and your sweet voice would fill his ears once again.
But it didn't.
It hadn't. For months.
"Conrad?" He was jolted to reality as the dark-haired girl in bed beside him gently shook him awake. As he turned his head slightly to look at her, he couldn't help but notice how foolish he had been.
Drunk out of his mind and desperate for any semblance of contact from you, he almost jumped when he saw the girl at a party last night. In the euphoria of an intoxicated and lonely mind, he had foolishly smiled at how similar she looked to you. The same dark hair. The same tan skin. The same eyes.
But he soon found out that she didn't feel the same as you did. She didn't sound the same and in the sober morning light, she sure as hell did not look the same. Her hair was a shade or two lighter, her eyes were a different shape and her skin didn't hold the radiance that Conrad loved about you.
Conrad grimaced slightly when he remembered how your name almost slipped out of his mouth on multiple occasions last night.
"I... I think you should go," Conrad said, averting eye contact with the girl who no longer served as a sweet reminder of you. She bore a more bitter resemblance now. A half-hearted imitation but nowhere close to the brilliance of the real thing.
As he got out of bed, he headed straight for his liquor cabinet, which had expanded in size significantly since the breakup. Conrad had never been one for day-drinking, either, but here he was.
Bottle in hand and his head already going a bit fuzzy, he bitterly thought more about last night and what had transpired at the party. With reluctance, he allowed himself to remember seeing Cameron last night, dressed in a shirt that he was sure he had seen before.
"Conrad?" Cameron had smiled at him, "How are you, man?"
"Fine," Conrad had sighed as his eyes roamed Cameron's blue shirt before it clicked. It was his shirt.
It was his shirt that you had borrowed one time and never returned. Appalled, he had brought his eyes to look at Cameron in anger and he could see it then. He could see it written all over his face. You had moved on after all.
"What?" Cameron had asked and Conrad thought he could sense some hint of guilt in his voice.
"Nothing," Conrad had whispered, "How's [Y/N]?" He had tried to pose it as a nonchalant question but he couldn't control the way his voice shook slightly when saying your name out loud.
"Fine," Cameron had said awkwardly as he scratched his neck, "She's fine."
"Good," was all Conrad could manage before he walked off to grab another drink.
And now, as he sat pathetically in his room, he couldn't help but hope that you would someday call him. Maybe you'd apologize too, for the way things ended. Maybe this time, you would be the first one to break.
But then again, Conrad had never much been for hope. He didn't know how to hold onto it, so instead he gripped his bottle tighter and took another swig.
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rekrappeter · 2 years
the way i loved you | c.f
pairing: conrad fisher x fem!conklin sister  trope: best friends to lovers triggers: underage drinking, drunk antics word count: 3.1k a/n: my favourite trope. forgive me for the writing errors, I’m just getting back into writing <3 please leave me some lovin’ 
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“I’m never drinking again,” you moaned, your legs dangling over the back of the couch and your back bent in what looked like the most uncomfortable position but it was the only way to stop the nauseous feeling in your stomach. 
A groan from the floor beside you made your eyes peek open, a small smirk spread across your face as your best friend, Conrad Fisher, wore your big sunglasses to block the glistening sun from irritating him. “What about Joey’s later? Will we cancel our RVSPs?” he teased, his arm reaching up to rest on your forehead.
The feeling of his fingers touching your skin made you shiver, your jaw clenching tight to hold back a gasp. It wasn’t new to you, to being touched by Conrad but each and every time, it felt like the first time and it still shocked you. Despite your head banging from last night’s antics, you couldn’t tear your tired gaze away from him. There was no doubt in your mind that he was the most attractive person on this planet, and you believed that since the first day you met him. There was no one that compared, with his dark features and crooked smirk that made you swoon - and every other person in Cousins.
Conrad flinched at the sudden sound of your brother, Steven, and his brother, Jeremiah, trudging down the stairs - loud laughter and conversation echoing around the beach house. “Jesus Christ,” Jeremiah exclaimed, “what the hell happened to you two?” 
“Vodka,” you both said in unison. 
“y/n, you better get up before mum comes down and sees you in this state… again,” Steven warned, and he was right. If your mother caught you hungover for the second time this week, you were setting yourself up for a talk that would ultimately end up as a screaming match and you storming out of the house. You flipped your legs off the back of the couch, groaning at the uncomfortable movement in your back and sat up straight. Conrad’s hand fell from your forehead and landed on your ankle closest to him now. 
That was something you did notice recently. Conrad always had this urge to have some physical contact with you, and you most definitely weren’t complaining. 
As you were walking out of the living room, Conrad shouted after you, “So will I tell Joey you won’t be there tonight?” 
You rolled your eyes at the tone of his voice, teasing yet knowing. “I’m cured already,” you replied, knowing that you could never say no to a party. It was summer and you liked to have a good time. You walked out to the patio, pulling your t-shirt over your head and shimmying out of your shorts before you pencil dove right into the water. The coldness of the water interacted strangely with your boiling skin, but it was one of the best feelings you could ask for at that moment. 
Resurfacing with a dramatic sigh, you brushed your wet hair out of your face with your fingers and began the process of floating on your back. You kept your eyes closed, knowing that the brightness of the sun would make your head implode. You should have taken your sunglasses of Conrad you thought. One image kept replaying in your head from last night; the sight of Conrad dancing in front of you, the biggest smile on his face and a beer bottle in his grasp. His eyes solemnly on you, urging you to dance with him. It was a side of Conrad that you adored, the playful and carefree Connie that you grew up with - a side that seemed to have been rare lately unless alcohol was involved. 
The feelings that you adorned for Conrad were probably feelings that you shouldn’t have for someone that you’ve known your entire life but that was the thing, you’ve known Conrad for forever and it was inevitable that you’d fall deeply and madly in love with him. Conrad was your rating scale for past boyfriends and flings, and truth be told, no one ever compared to him and hence why you were single for the 100th summer in a row. You don’t know if Conrad felt the same way that you did, but if he did, he hid it a hell of a lot better than you did. 
Not that you were necessarily open about your love towards him, but you wouldn’t mind being caught staring at him or you wouldn’t hide the twitch in your lips whenever he spoke to another girl for longer than thirty seconds. Your peace was interrupted by the voice of Jeremiah, “Let me guess what… who you’re thinking about.. Does the name begin with a C and end with a D by any chance?” 
“How did you guess?” you chuckled, turning on your front and swimming up to the edge of the pool where he was standing in his flip flops. 
“You were wearing the Conrad smile. So, tell me,” Jere said, sitting on the edge, “You gonna make a move?” 
“I will,” you mumbled nonchalantly, “at some point.” 
That was the truth. You realised this summer that there was no reason to pretend that there wasn’t a strong connection between you and him. There was no reason to keep trying and failing in other relationships because none of them laughed or joked like Conrad. You just prayed deep down that you haven’t created some fictional reality in your mind, and that he did truly share the same feelings as you. 
Later that night, you were pushing through a crowded house to try and catch a glimpse of Conrad. You all arrived at the party together but went your separate ways almost immediately - you went to the bathroom, Conrad went to get drinks, Jeremiah went to the makeshift dance floor and Steven was whisked off by Shayla. You’ve been here about an hour and haven’t been able to find a single soul that was worth a conversation. 
You stumbled into the kitchen, relief washing over you as you spotted Jeremiah out on the patio. Someone that you knew. “Jereeee,” you cheered, wrapping your arms around his body from behind. 
“There you are, gorgeous,” Jere’s hands automatically went to yours, cupping them before turning in your grasp. His eyes darted around the backyard quickly before offering you to play a game of beer pong. You automatically agreed because that’s what you and him do at most parties but as you turned your head, you caught a glimpse of something that he obviously didn’t want you to see. 
Your lips parted and your heart got heavy, tears building up in your eyes. “I-Is that Conrad?” you whispered, your voice getting stuck in your throat. You couldn’t remove your eyes from the brunette backing a redhead up against the wall, his lips swallowing us and his hand caressing her cheek. You knew it was Conrad, it was the stupidest question you ever asked but it was the only thing to make it past your lips.
“y/n, he’s drunk..” Jere reached for your body after you stumbled away from him, and his hand moved you to him, allowing his body to block your line of vision. You wanted to watch even though with every second, it tore your heart to pieces. “I’m sorry..”
“No, no,” you shook your head, moving your gaze to the soft eyes of Jeremiah which instantly gave you some comfort, “It’s fine, we’re not together.. He can do what he wants.” You weren’t angry with Conrad, there was no reason to be. It was evident that you were hurt but that was your own fault, you waited too late. 
This was the first time that Conrad has ever got with someone at a party that you were also at. You thought it was because he had feelings for you but maybe it was just convenience, he did enjoy spending time with you. Your brain got it wrong and that was okay, or it would be okay eventually, after you drown your sorrows in a bottle of vodka.
“You’re a lot prettier than her, don't you worry.”
“Jere, it’s okay, really.. Let’s just go play beer pong,” you forced a smile, pulling him in the direction of the cheering and you tried your best to push the image of Conrad to the back of your mind. It was a completely different picture than what you were obsessing over only just hours before. 
The longer the night went on, the more alcohol you poured down your throat. It got to the point that the vodka started to taste like water, and that’s when you knew you had too much. The party was still in full swing but you had enough, you wanted to go home and crawl into bed and honestly, you just wanted to sob. You were only able to hold yourself together for so long. 
“I’m going home,” you mumbled, stumbling to the side as you pushed yourself away from Jeremiah. You began to leave out the back entrance, ignoring Jeremiah yelling after you. ‘It’s a twenty minute walk, you’re not walking home alone’ but the further you got away, the less you could hear. Your eyes were barely able to stay open, your stomach nauseous already but you were on a mission. 
Your legs were dragging themselves behind you, and you had to hold yourself up on a pillar. An amused chuckle made you lift your head and you frowned, the sight of Conrad Fisher walking up to you. He so effortlessly looked gorgeous with his hands in the front of his jean shorts and his hair tousled messily because obviously someone was running their fingers through it. “Drink a little too much?” he teased, getting closer to you. This was the first thing he said to you since arriving.
“Where’s your girlfriend?” you spat back at him, catching him off guard. You never spoke to him like that before, and a sharp ache shot through his heart. Conrad didn’t get a chance to say anything because you broke down in front of him, sobbing into the palm of your hands. He was shocked, looking around for back-up but it was just you two. He had been following you for the last five minutes, making sure you got home safe. 
“y/n/n,” Conrad mumbled, reaching for you and pulling you to his chest, the aura of his aftershave filling your nose, “what happened?” He was so clueless.
You never said anything, you just sobbed. You were too drunk to care how you looked in front of him, but you most definitely weren’t drunk enough to confess your feelings for him. Conrad held you there for a couple more seconds before motioning you in the direction of the beach house, which ironically was not in the direction that you were walking. 
Conrad had deemed this the longest walk of his existence. You stopped crying about five minutes ago, small and light sniffles being let out but you never said anything and he didn’t want to push you to open up. You still leaned up against him, needing him for support. You both snuck back into the house, treading lightly on the stairs. Conrad walked behind you, his hands placed on both of your shoulders as he directed you to your bedroom door. “Will you be okay?” he mumbled, and you turned to face him, acknowledging him for the first time.
“Why did you do it?” you whispered, shaking your head and feeling the tears welling up again.
“Am I the reason for this?” Conrad asked. 
“You’re the reason for everything,” you disappeared behind the door, closing it softly, leaving him there to think about what you said. Conrad couldn’t decipher the message, he was confused and staring at the door. He eagerly wanted to follow you in after but he could hear you sobbing, and that broke his heart because now he knows, he caused this. Whatever the hell this was. 
It was easy to avoid Conrad. You knew his routine inside and out, he would be gone to work for nine a.m and wouldn’t return home until shortly after three p.m. You came down to have breakfast at nine thirty, spending the afternoon in the pool before disappearing from the house at three o’clock and sneaking back into the house in the late evening. It didn’t take more than a day for people to realise that something happened between you and Conrad. 
“They’ll deal with it themselves, leave them be..” Susannah had told everyone one morning when neither of you were in sight, and everyone respected Susannah’s wish. 
It was day five of avoiding Conrad when you noticed that he started to sleep in and missed work. Jeremiah told you that he asked about you, that he wanted you to have your space but he was there when you needed him. That made your heart leap out of your chest. There was no way you were going to get over these feelings you had for him. It was only the middle of July, but you spoke with your mother and she was agreeable to let you go stay with your father for the remainder of the summer. You knew you needed space and you weren’t going to get it by restricting your movements to avoid Conrad. 
You broke the news to your siblings and Jeremiah, who broke into an erupt but slowly he started to understand where you were coming from. “I need to focus on myself,” you mumbled into Jeremiah’s chest when he crushed you in a hug, “and I can’t do that here.” 
“I feel like I’m on love island or something,” Jeremiah sighed, tears streaming down his cheeks, “we never even got to have our yearly bowling competition.” 
“That must mean I’m still the champion,” Steven piped up, making everyone laugh but it suddenly stopped when Conrad walked into the living room, unaware of what was happening. Steven and Belly both cleared their throat awkwardly, stumbling off the couch and leaving through the back door. Jeremiah still had his arms wrapped around you, and Conrad’s glare immediately went to your hand resting on him. 
“What’s going on?” He mumbled, his jaw tense. Conrad hasn’t been the same since the night of the party, he hasn’t been himself since you stopped talking to him and he still didn’t know what was happening. 
You sucked in a breath but Jeremiah spoke before you could say anything, “y/n is leaving.”
Conrad’s eyebrows shot together, ignoring Jeremiah and looking at you, his gaze heavy. “What? Why?” you could feel Jere untangle himself around you, and he tapped you on the back gently, as if telling you that you got this, before quietly seeing himself out. Conrad’s eyes never left yours, he only walked closer to you but you stepped back when there was a little over a metre between your bodies. “What happened that night, y/n? Did someone hurt you?” 
Sighing, you ran your hands over your face before shaking your head, “he didn’t mean to hurt me.” 
“Who the fuck was it? What did he fucking do?” the cursing was too much, Conrad knew that you hated cursing but you could see the anger swirling rapidly in his eyes. 
“It was you,” you said softly, the air tense around you. Your words made Conrad speechless, his eyes searching for any sort of explanation or hint of what you meant. His lips parted, opening before closing again. Not knowing what to say. “Conrad,” you sighed, “I’m going to be honest with you..” 
“Please do, y/n..” the way he said your voice sent shivers down your spine, made your mouth dry up and your heart skipped a beat. He was absolutely clueless about this whole situation. It was a fictional reality that you made up. 
“Con… Connie…” you started, taking a step closer to him and reaching to caress his cheek, “I’ve been in love with you since the day I found out what love was. I wanted to tell you, I wanted to scream it but I never had the courage to say it to you. The feelings I have for you are strong and they’re not going away… but I know you don’t feel the same way… there was something inside me that had a sliver of hope but after the party, I realised it was my mind playing tricks on me…” you rambled, feeling breathless but you couldn’t stop, “so I have to leave tonight, I can’t keep torturing myself in this house… everytime I see you–” you were cut off with his lips crashing against yours, leaving you shocked. 
You didn’t move, you couldn’t. Your body froze but the moment his hands wrapped around you, you melted into him. Your lips moved in sync with his, effortlessly. Your fingers danced through his hair, resting on the nape of his neck as he pulled you even closer. Your tongues intertwined, he tasted exactly what you expected him to taste like. It took you a second to realise what was going on, and you gasped, pulling back so that your lips detached from him. 
“y/n, I’ve been waiting eighteen years for you to say that..” 
“You hardly loved me before you met me,” you mumbled, chuckling for the first time in a week.
“No, no, I did.. I know I did.. You were always the only one for me, you understand me.” 
“But the other girl… why?” you asked, eyes pleading with him and you could see it all start to make sense to him. It was like he put the final piece into the jigsaw puzzle and he sighed deeply, bringing your lips to his again. He was already addicted to kissing you. 
“I’m sorry about that,” he mumbled against your lips, resting his forehead against yours, “I had a moment of doubt where I was convinced you only saw me as a friend, I couldn’t find you at the party and someone said you went upstairs.. And you know what happens upstairs at parties..”
You shook your head in disbelief, “yeah, I use the bathroom,” you teased, your lips turning at the side. 
“I’m so stupid,” Conrad moaned, you couldn’t help but find amusement in it all and you brought your lips back to his, getting lost in the feeling. 
“It’s about damn time,” you heard and ignored the voice of Jeremiah in the background, allowing yourself to be happy in this moment. 
<3 <3 <3
please leave feedback or requests, or recommendations of other fics that you think I might like! I’ve barely seen any conrad fisher love <3
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mindofharry · 2 years
Hey! Here’s a Conrad Fisher request. Reader is sneaking out of Conrad’s room and gets caught by Jeremiah or Steven or someone.
“I have to go,” You pouted, as Conrad wrapped his arms around your waist. If you could, you’d stay here forever. But your mom is expecting you home at 11 sharp and she’s pretty strict, so you really don’t want to get into trouble with her.
“I’ll take the fall for it, just one more cuddle,” Conrad grumbled, moving his body over yours so his head was on your breasts. You giggled and placed a hand in his wavy hair. You ran your fingers through the strands and sighed.
“I wish we can stay like this forever,” You said and Conrad hummed, pecking your neck.
“Let’s runaway,” Conrad said nonchalantly. You smacked his shoulder and then rolled out from underneath him, sitting on the edge of the bed to pull your shorts back on. You looked back at the brown haired boy and his head was resting on his hand as he lay sideways just admiring the view.
“See you tomorrow?” You asked leaning over to kiss him goodbye. Conrad pecked your lips and nodded, taking your hand and squeezing it.
After that, you picked up your shoes and then tip toed out of his room. Just as you were about you close conrad’s door someone cleared their throat.
You winced and then turned around slowly to see Jeremiah looking at you with a raised eyebrow and now a nearly melted ice cream in his hand.
“I’ll pick up your early shifts if you don’t tell anyone,”
Jeremiah smirked, “Deal,”
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fitzells · 11 months
request for conrad bringing his girlfriend to the boardwalk in e4 with the group??? maybe a distraction kiss during the laser tag game so bellys team wins instead
i’m like a conrad fisher blurb machine. seriously. requests still open for all characters. hope i did this justice!!!! belly conklin i love u and ur need to win everything u are the love of my life. this NOT PROOFREAD! and not written very well i can do better trust. ok bye.
You like seeing him happy. It suits him. His entire face just lights up the minute his lips contorts into a grin, it’s contagious. He needed this day, with his friends. With Jeremiah. With you. He really needed you here in Cousins; but Conrad Fisher is not known for being vulnerable, he’s not even remotely close to an open book. So, a couple of days ago, when he opened the front door to be greeted with you, Jeremiah and Belly; it took all of his strength to stop himself from breaking down on the spot.
He hadn’t seen you in a while, and you both blame it on the distance; really, you do. That’s why you love summer so much. Cousins. The beach-house. It’s just for you and Conrad; for a little while, it’s just magical. He knows he could be putting more of an effort in, but he really doesn’t want you to see how low he gets. You’re his sunshine; and he really doesn’t want to dampen that.
You were tucked into his chest now, peering up at him and feeling the pure serenity rushing through your veins at the sight of him smiling. You love him so much it hurts.
“Laser tag!” Belly snaps you out of your daze, her fiery competitiveness making you jolt a little. “Hey, Conrad; hands off my girl. No mind games, I’ve got my eye on you.”
She gestures for you to stand over with her, Taylor and Skye. Taylor narrows her eyes at Conrad, and sends you a happy little grin as she reaches her hand out for you to grab at. You shrug your shoulders, swivelling your head away from your boyfriends attempt to kiss you a quick goodbye; and all of your friends laugh loudly at the rejection.
“Yeah, Conrad.” You snide. “No mind games.”
He flips you off.
“We actually don’t need mind games. We’re simply the better team.” Steven declares. Conrad and Jeremiah yell out agreements as the three of them wrap their arms around each other.
You spin on your heel and face your three teammates. “Four against three. We have an advantage he—“
Conrad boos loudly. “You have no advantage.”
“Ignore him.” Belly chimes in, the two of you standing before Taylor and Skye. You nod. “We have to beat them. Game face on; in it to win it. Team Belly for life.”
“Oh please, that’s the worst pep talk I’ve ever heard!” Your boyfriend laughs. Steven and Jeremiah spew out words of agreement.
You raise your eyebrows. “Okay, Fisher. You wanna trash talk? Because remember that night I went to visit you and your dorm hall was empty and you wanted to—“
His face falls, and turns bright red. “Alright! Let’s play.”
Belly pulls you in for a hug. “Hit him where it hurts, I like it. Also.. I’m gonna need to hear that story later.”
You grin.
The game is actually not as lighthearted as one would think. So, maybe you’re all in your late teens; and maybe it’s a game aimed for six year olds’ birthday parties, regardless; you have a competitive streak that could possibly be labelled a little toxic. You need to win, badly. You’ve hit Steven and Jeremiah, easily. Your main target is Conrad; and you can’t seem to find him anywhere. Until you do, and you smile sweetly.
“Hi.” You whisper. He smiles and greets you back.
You hold your hands up in surrender. “I come in peace.”
You get a little laugh from him; and he shakes his head. You melt a little. “You know, you’re cute when you’re all competitive. Maybe slightly hot, too.”
You gasp. “Only slightly?”
“If I promise not to shoot, will you kiss me? Please.” You hit him with the puppy dog eyes and suddenly he finds himself not even caring about this game anymore. He loves you so much it makes him feel ill.
“Promise you won’t shoot?”
“Promise I won’t shoot.”
He pulls you in by your waist and kisses you softly, then a little harder. Your hands find his hair and you stand up on your tiptoes to deepen it. This is way too lovey dovey for an arcade. You fear not even Cam Cameron could prevent you guys from getting kicked out if some overprotective mother stumbles upon you.
He’s zapped in the back, and he freezes. Grimacing in aggravation when he hears Belly’s evil cackle from a few feet behind him. She doesn’t stop zapping, maybe enjoying it a little too much. You bite down on your bottom lip to trap your laughter.
“You promised.” He whines.
“Promised that I wouldn’t shoot. Unfortunately, Belly is a force to be reckoned with. The woman cannot be contained.” You shrug, and Belly hits him with a yeah, suck it Conrad.
He sighs. “So that was planned, then.”
“Yes and no.”
He falls in to step with you as Belly races forward to claim your spot as the winning team. “And no?”
“I was told to kiss you. Just not like that. That was..” Your voice trails off. “Wow. That was just wow.”
He laughs, and you laugh with him. “I love you, you know that? Like a lot.”
“Good. You should love me.” You exclaim, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I’m the world's best girlfriend.”
He nods, pushing the stray hairs on your face behind your ears. “You are. Seriously.”
You kiss him again, this time there’s no ulterior motive. You’re just sickeningly in love.
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lnfours · 11 months
haunted w conrad GO
okay so you’re trying to fucking kill me. i’m convinced. warnings: language, mentions of drinking, a little bit of fluff, angst and just pure heartbreak idk.
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if there was one thing you knew about conrad fisher, it was that he was unpredictable.
you had always been friends with the fisher and conklin siblings, living next door to them every summer for as long as you could remember. it wasn't a secret that you and conrad were the closest out of the group. but, as the two of you got older, you had realized that it was because you had fallen for the brunette boy with floppy hair that always seems to end up in his eyes no matter how short he cuts it.
you thought back to the moment on the dock, the two of you laughing as you sat with your feet in his lap. he was looking down at his phone, trying to figure out which song to play next on the speaker. belly, jere, and steven were all back by the pool, laughing loudly and carrying on.
you looked over at him as you caught his glance, you smiled, "what?"
she shook his head, "nothing,"
you raised an eyebrow, "sure it's not just nothing, con?" you could tell when he was trying his best to keep a secret, but it never worked. not around you, anyway.
"i just... you have a crush on me?" he asked, his lips turned up in a smile. your eyes widened as you sat up.
"uhm," you trailed off, looking at his expression. he didn't seem grossed out and if anything, he looked relieved? "uhm, yeah. how do you know?"
he smiled, "belly."
you rolled your eyes, "that girl is going to be the death of me."
he laughed, "it's okay. i mean, i guess i kind of have a thing for you, too."
you looked over at him, "you have a crush... on me?"
he smiled, nodding as he moved closer to you. you smiled as he brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "i do,"
your heart pounded against your ribs as you smiled, "cool."
"cool." he echoed back.
you made the mistake of looking down at his lips. he smiled softly, doing the same. you had always wanted this exact moment to happen, every wish on a candle, every penny in a fountain, you had wished for him. for this moment.
and now it was finally happening.
"can i kiss you?" he asked. you nodded your head.
he smiled before connecting your lips with his. every thing about the kiss was all you'd been waiting for. it was finally happening.
and the two of you had been together ever since. even during the spring, fall and winter, he was yours during every season.
now it was the next summer, and everything had changed from when you'd last seen him. he was quieter, kept to himself more. spending his days daydrinking, and smoking more. something was off, and it was like he was forcing himself to act happy around you.
you had tried asking him about it, but he always just shut you out, insisting he was fine when he really wasn't.
you sat in your bed, putting down your book as your phone buzzed on the mattress next to you.
connie can we talk?
your heart dropped, things like this never ended well.
y/n beach in 5?
connie sounds good
you tugged on a hoodie and slipped on your flip flops before making your way out the back door. you walked onto the beach, spotting conrad sitting down in the sand.
"you wanted to talk?" you asked, hugging your knees to your chest. he looked down at the sand by his feet, not making eye contact with you.
red flag number one.
"i uhm," he started, brining a hand up to run through his hair, "i think that we should put us on pause, for a minute.."
his voice trailed off as looked over at him, "are you serious?"
he finally decided to look over at you, his eyes red. had he been crying?
"yeah," he said, "i just... i don't think we should do this, not right now, anyway."
he knew that look on your face, you weren't listening to what he was saying, instead your eyes studied his facial features, "what's wrong, conrad? what aren't you telling me?"
he groaned, "for fucks sake, are you even listening?"
you repeated your question, "are you listening to me? i'm trying to help you!"
"i don't need your fucking help, y/n!" he was yelling now, standing up as he rubbed his face with his hands, "jesus."
you looked at him, standing up to face him again, "why're you pushing me out? what's going on, just talk to me. please."
the please came out quieter than you had meant for it to, and he knew it was because you were on the brink of tears. he looked over at you, "this was a mistake."
you looked at him confused, "what was?"
"us," he didn't mean it, he just was doing what he knew how to do best, push people out and hurt the ones you love the most.
you scoffed, looking away from him and looking out towards the ocean. the moon was hitting the water at just the right angle for it to reflect onto the waves. it would've been a pretty sight, a nice moment if he hadn't ruined it.
ruined you. with that one word. mistake.
you thought you had conrad all figured out up until now. up until this summer, he was different.
"don't leave it like this," you whispered, looking back at him with tears in your eyes. he desperately wanted to reach out to you, tell you he didn't mean any of it. tell you the truth about his mom's cancer, and his dad's affair.
but he couldn't. he didn't know how to.
"please, don't," you whispered, "i love you."
he let a tear fall from his eyes as he shook his head, turning to walk away, "i'm sorry."
he ignored you calling back for him as you stood on the beach. you were frozen in the sand, watching the love of your life walk away from you. he let the tears roll off his cheeks and disintegrate into the sand as he walked away from the one form of true love he had ever felt.
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probably-writing-x · 5 months
When The Ball Drops
Conrad x Y/n
Summary: You and Conrad had become fast friends, and you were convincing yourself it was nothing more. But new years always brought new beginnings, right?
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There were a lot of things that Conrad disliked. Pineapple on pizza, films with stupid plot twists, wearing suits when the shirt felt too tight around his neck, when his brother would get into those moods and just whinge about everything. And New Years. He hated New Years.
He’d never been the biggest fan, but it had felt a hundred times worse since his Mom had passed. The year turning to the next just felt like the continuous reminder that he was going into another chapter of his life without her in it. And as much as the firsts were coming and going - the first summer without her, the first thanksgiving, the first christmas - there was still more to come. And every new year would now be another new year where Conrad didn’t have his Mom. And that made him HATE new years.
He wanted to forget it was happening this year. He’d go to sleep at 11:50, wake up the following morning and forget that anything had changed. He’d miss the fireworks, he’d avoid the celebrations, forget the new years kisses, and simply wake up for another new day.
“Conrad Beck Fisher are you even listening to me?”
It’s your voice that breaks him from his thoughts.
He glances up from where his eyes had been focused on a single spot on the kitchen floor, turning his attention across to where you were stood on the opposite side of the kitchen island. You were spreading a thin layer of mayonnaise over the sandwich you were making for him.
“I-“ He clears his throat, “What were you saying?”
You shake your head at him and let out a soft chuckle - Conrad’s sure in that moment he’d pause and playback that exact sound just so he could hear it again.
“I was saying…”
You and him had met this past summer. Cleveland had got Conrad a job on a yacht to keep him busy over the summer to ‘take his mind off things’. You happened to have a job on that same boat working as a server. At first, Conrad had been nothing short of cold to you. He was blunt, he was rude, he practically ignored you and everyone else for that matter. It was a couple of weeks later when you wore him down a little bit more. He started to say hello to you at the start of a shift, he offered to help you carry the crates of drinks on board, he stood with you whilst you cleaned the glasses and he had nothing to do until the guests came on board. Eventually, he started taking on more shifts so that he was always on the same days as you were. And that then turned into him driving you to and from your shifts most days - on the days when he didn’t, it would be you offering to drive him instead. He lived further away than you did and he practically had to pass your house to get to work anyway but that didn’t matter, you felt guilty if you never offered to pick him up. It was on those drives that he first started opening up to you. He told you about everything his family had been through. He told you about his Mom, his brother Jere, his relationship with his father, and the Conklin family whom you’d quickly learnt meant the world to him and Jeremiah. He told you about college and his dreams of working in medicine. He asked you about your family, found out about your own plans with college and your career. Despite the initial coldness, Conrad quickly became one of your closest friends.
When summer ended, you both went your separate ways. But he started to text you more then. He’d send you videos that he thought were funny, and he’d send you photos of the assignments he had for class that week. Those texts turned into calls when you both needed to revise some nights. Those calls turned into midnight deep confessions, him telling you he was scared of losing Jeremiah, confessing that he felt insanely out of his depth at college. You listened. And Conrad became more certain than ever over those few months that you were the best friend he’d ever had. He never told anyone as much as he told you.
“Okay you’re not listening and you’re not getting your sandwich now,” You wipe your hands on the kitchen towel, the sandwich now cut in two triangle halves and presented on the plate in front of you.
“No, no, I am listening,” Conrad ensures you, “You were saying about…”
You walk around to the other side of the counter until you’re stood in front of him, taking one half of the sandwich from the plate and nodding your head towards him, “About?” You take a bite of the food.
“About…” He clears his throat again, “Jake from work and how my brother asked you… something.”
You chuckle at him again, holding the sandwich out for him to take it from you, “Your brother has invited people for tomorrow night, and he asked me to invite people from work. So I texted Jake, Allie and Peter, and they can all make it.”
Conrad groans, “I told Jere I didn’t want to do anything, I’m not doing a party.”
“Conrad,” You raise your eyebrows at him as if you’re waiting for the reasonable half of him to return.
He instead bites the sandwich and stares into your eyes as if he can see your soul behind them.
“I think it’ll be fun. And Jere’s been planning it all week,” You point out.
Conrad shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t know what we have to celebrate.”
“Con,” You try to speak softly, not wanting to overstep a line you weren’t sure existed, “I think it’ll be good for Jere. He could probably do with the distraction. Plus, you guys haven’t seen Belly and Steven in ages and I haven’t even met them yet so that’s reason in itself to have a party.”
Conrad rolls his eyes, “I’ll stay until midnight and then I’m done.”
“Wow, to what do we owe the pleasure?”
He blinks at you as if waiting for you to retract your sarcastic remark.
“Oh, and Jere asked us to go shopping for supplies so I’m gonna go pee and then we’ll leave yeah?”
“What?” Conrad half chokes on the food in his mouth, “I didn’t agree to shopping.”
You’ve disappeared out of the room before he gets a response from you.
Conrad drives to the store which means he also gets to pick the music, though he opts for your playlist anyway. It’s colder in Cousins now and it doesn’t quite feel the same without the windows down and the air ripping through the car, both of you hot and bothered after a shift at work. But there was something comforting about being back with Conrad again. You’d missed him for the few months you’d been apart.
“Okay so what do we actually need?” He asks you as both of you step out of the car, making your way across the empty parking lot.
“Well, party supplies,” You shrug, “All the usual stuff.”
“And this needs two people? Why couldn’t Jere do it?” He grumbles, pulling out a cart from the waiting line.
“Conrad do you ever stop complaining?” You scoff, trying to wiggle the next cart free as the wheel gets stuck in your attempts.
“Here,” Conrad leans over behind you, his arms either side of you as his hands settle over yours on the handle of the cart, tugging sharply to free it for you.
You pause there for just a moment and so does he, until both of you seem to snap back to reality and his hands part from yours almost as quickly as they’d arrived.
“Alright come on, let’s get in and out before you complain any more,” You encourage, “We’ll both fill up on supplies and you can just be there to silently hate your life and store things in your cart. We need cups, plates, food, decorations, everything okay?”
His shoulders drop as if in defeat but he agrees with you nonetheless, letting you go in ahead of him so that he can watch as you disappear down the aisles, already reaching for things to put into the cart in front of you.
The two of you browse each one of the aisles and you switch between throwing things into yours and his carts, slowly filling them with each aisle you went down.
“What even is that?” He frowns, examining the last thing you’d picked up.
“Photo booth decorations,” You grin, “It’s not a party if there’s not good opportunity for photos.”
Conrad stares at you as if the words had made him hate you the tiniest bit for the tiniest amount of time.
“You know, I really think you need cheering up Conrad,” You point out, eyeing up the shelves until you find what you wanted.
You reach for the rainbow boa and lift it over the back of his neck, smoothing your hands down the bright feathers that fell down either side of his chest. Conrad suppresses a sigh and it bobs into his Adam’s apple instead, his jaw clenching as he looks at you. There’s a hint of a smile on his lips however, the faint evidence that he couldn’t not love to see you happy.
“You look ready to celebrate now,” You grin.
“Are you sure about that (Y/l/n)?” He raises his brows, turning around to pick something up from the shelf behind him, “Because I think this is much better.”
A pair of flower shaped golden yellow glasses now covered his eyes, his lips curling into a reluctant smile. You laugh the kind of laugh that throws your head back, clasping your hands together.
Conrad knew he looked like an idiot. He knew this was probably the most colour he’d ever worn. He knew the feathers were itching his neck and the glasses were tight on the top of his nose. But it didn’t matter. You were laughing and he was sure that was a sound he’d do anything to hear.
“I think they need to go in the basket,” You encourage, taking the glasses slowly from his face.
Your fingertips brush the temples of his head, grazing across his skin with such minimal intensity and yet he still feels his cheeks burn a fiery red at the contact.
“Come on Fisher, we just need mixer and then we’re done.”
You disappear around the corner of the next aisle before he has a chance to think about it any longer.
The following day you spend the majority of your time helping Jeremiah set up for the party. Whilst you were here for the couple of weeks over winter break, you’d been staying in the spare room so you’d started to get used to this house.
You helped him hang up streamers in the lounge and balloons from every inch of space in every room you could find. There were helium balloons that read ‘happy new year’ across one of the sets of cupboards in the kitchen and the paper plates and cups had already been set up on the countertop.
Conrad had disappeared earlier this morning to go to surf and you hadn’t seen him all day since. You couldn’t blame him. He didn’t want the party, let alone for it to consume his entire day.
“So do you think my brother’s going to make it to midnight?” Jeremiah asks, stretching a deflated balloon between the fingertips of both of his hands.
“Id be surprised if he came at all,” You joke, dangling your feet over the edge of the kitchen island where you were sat.
Jeremiah scoffs, “You’re going to be there, he wouldn’t not come.”
“Wh-“ You let out a laugh, “We’re friends. He wants to see me just like he wants to see everyone.”
“Come on,” Jeremiah rolls his eyes, “You can’t be serious.”
You frown just a little and he must notice the expression on your face, interjecting quickly before your concern can increase.
“I just think he cares about you, is all,” Jere encourages, “And it takes a lot for Conrad to be as open with someone as he is with you. You’re good for him, that’s all I mean.”
You nod and offer him a small smile, “Well then I’ll make sure he stays until midnight, at least just to see the ball drop.”
Jeremiah grins, “You have a deal.”
He glances at the time on his phone and his eyes widen at the screen, which he turns around to you quickly.
“Bells and Steven are almost here.”
You were yet to meet the pair that the Fisher brothers spoke to highly of. But you’d heard enough about them to feel like you knew them already. And you also knew that you were about 95% sure that Jere had a thing for Belly. You’d decide that for yourself once you saw them together.
You’re just about to hop down from the countertop when you hear the back door open and turn to see Conrad walking in. His hair is damp and there’s a towel slung over his shoulders.
“There you are!” You smile, “I was starting to think you’d froze out there.”
He laughs and walks around the counter and over to you, standing just close enough to you that his thighs bump against your calves still dangling over the edge.
“It was pretty cold,” His voice is soft as if it’s been drained by the freezing temperatures of the water, his lips ever so slightly blue.
You run your hands down his arms, the cold of his skin.
“You must be freezing,” You frown, squeezing at the skin as if you wanted to inject some warmth into him.
He hums in agreement, his eyes on you as yours seemingly scan him, full of worry, “I’ll warm up.”
His voice is soft, softer than usual as if he doesn’t want to disturb the moment by talking.
“You haven’t told me that the decorations look nice,” You point out, furrowing your brows at him.
Conrad tears his eyes away from you to glance around at the room, eyes scanning all of it before returning back to you, “It’s definitely something.”
“Something,” You narrow your eyes, “You’re such a party pooper.”
“They’re here!” Jere yells out, shortly followed by the sound of the front door opening.
“They’re here!” You repeat to Conrad, your hands moving to his shoulders to steady you as you hop down from the counter, “Time for me to make a good first impression.”
He mumbles so quietly under his breath that youre too far away to hear as he says “It would be impossible for you to give a bad one.”
Belly Steven and Taylor climb out of the car and hurry straight over to Jere, engulfing him in a hug of reunion amongst a chorus of overlapping conversation.
Conrad walks out with you and steps forward to greet the three of them, ruffling his hand over Belly’s hair.
“There’s someone you guys need to meet,” He mentions, glancing back at you with a smile warming his face, “This is (Y/n)… my friend.”
“Yeah, hey, it’s so nice to finally meet you guys! I’ve heard a lot about you,” You step forward and smile, “Like a lot about you.”
Steven laughs, “Yeah the boys are obsessed with us, that makes sense.”
“Oh my god I love your hair how do you get it like that?” Taylor steps forward and starts conversation with you.
“Oh um thanks, yeah-“ You glance up and see Conrad looking at you, that same warm smile on his face as if he was relieved you’d finally met this part of his life.
“I’ll take your bags inside,” You hear Conrad mention, soon feeling the soft touch of his hand on your back as he leans down to pick up Taylor’s bag from next to her feet.
His touch lingers for a moment longer, the faintest pressure on your skin. You’re certain the contact is electric, only recognising it in his absence.
“Hey Bells I told (Y/n) she could get ready with us in here,” Taylor encourages as she pushes open the door to the bedroom they were sharing.
Belly looks up from where she was sat in front of the vanity mirror fixing her hair, “Oh, yeah sure.”
“Sorry, I’m pretty sure I’ve been stealing Steven’s room whilst I’ve been here so I’ll try not to be in the way,” You smile.
“No don’t be silly you’re not in the way, right Belly?”
“Yeah, right.”
You take a seat on the floor in front of the window and make use of the disappearing natural light whilst it was still here.
“Okay so tell us everything (Y/n), what’s going on with you and Conrad?” Taylor asks, perching on the floor in front of the full length mirror.
“I-“ You laugh a little, “I met him at work, we both worked on this yacht over the summer. And I think if you spend any time with someone in that place you either hate them or become inseparable. And apparently me and Conrad were the second option.”
“Inseparable huh?” Taylor grins.
“Oh no no I just mean he’s like the only person in Cousins I spend any time with nowadays,” You laugh, “He’s just a good friend.”
“Really? Because the way he looked at you earlier didn’t look like friends, right Belly?”
Belly glances up from the mirror and you notice her pause momentarily, swallowing a lump in her throat, “I don’t- I mean I guess I didn’t notice.”
You offer her a smile and there are the faintest hints of her returning the gesture but they disappear quickly.
Conrad had mentioned to you that things had changed with him and the Conklins ever since his Mom had passed. He mentioned that the start of the summer was shitty but that things had worked out afterwards, when you and him became friends. But he never mentioned it in too much detail. He preferred to tell you of the years before and every memory of summers he had with them.
“You’re not looking for a new years kiss then (Y/n)?” Taylor asks you.
“No, no, not me,” You shake your head, “I don’t even know who I could see myself with.”
You set your makeup bag out onto the floor and Taylor plays music through her phone and the conversation dies down into the three of you singing along to the music instead. Belly’s quiet though, you can tell. It might be the day you’d met her but anyone could read that something was off.
You’ve smoothed your hands over your dress a million times and it still doesn’t seem to sit right. But you ignore it when you hear the door open again and more guests pour inside. You grab your phone from the bed and run a hand through your hair before hurrying outside and towards the stairs.
The party is already spilling through the entire house, oddly busy for how quiet Cousins felt during the winter. Jeremiah must’ve invited everyone they knew and told them all to bring friends.
You shuffle past a bunch of people you don’t recognise, spotting the familiar curls of Jere across the crowd to give you enough of a focus of where you were heading. The music was loud and you needed a drink.
“There you are!” Taylor grins when she sees you, “I was just about to come and find you.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to change again,” You smile, glancing down at your dress again.
“Well it’s good you didn’t, you look killer,” She encourages, “Right Belly?”
“Yeah you look really pretty (Y/n),” Belly smiles a little bashfully in your direction as if she’s silently trying to apologise for something. Maybe she knew how it came across earlier, because you were already at least 70% sure that this girl didn’t like you, and you weren’t even sure what you’d done.
“Oh come on we have to dance to this one,” Steven grins, reaching over for Taylor’s hand and dragging her with him into the mass of people that were seemingly forming some sort of dance floor.
Belly steps around the kitchen counter so she’s stood closer to you as Jeremiah is busy chatting to a boy you didn’t recognise. You hadn’t seen Conrad yet.
“So how come you’re here for the new year?” Belly asks you, taking a quick sip from the red solo cup in her hand.
“Oh, yeah, well I told Conrad I didn’t have plans over the winter break and he told me to come and stay with them since they’d be here alone,” You nod, “And I didn’t have anything better to do.”
She nods, “So you two are pretty close then?”
“Well,” You shake your head, “We’re just fast friends, I don’t think it’s much more than that.”
“Conrad never makes fast friends,” Belly shakes her head, “And this is like the happiest I’ve seen him since… everything.”
You swallow the lump in your throat. Before today, you’d never thought too much about things between you and Conrad. You liked being friends with him so much that you were scared of ruining it - and thinking of him as more than a friend would definitely ruin that. You thought you knew Conrad’s type and you weren’t that. He saw you as a friend, the way a guy is different with the girls he doesn’t see something with. You’d convinced yourself of that early on and it was only today where your thoughts of that had started to change a little. Maybe he could see you as more than a…
No. He was your friend.
“Speak of the devil…” Belly’s voice trails off as she finishes off the rest of her drink.
“Okay who are these people?” Conrad comes up behind you, the crowd behind him pushing against him so much so that he reaches out a hand to your waist to stabilise him a little.
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” You return, glancing up at him as he comes to stand beside you, his arm bumping your shoulder.
“Jake and Peter say hi but they’re in a beer pong tournament apparently that’s too important to leave,” Conrad explains, grabbing a beer bottle from the open box and cracking it open.
“I’ll try to catch up with them in a bit,” You nod, glancing back over your shoulder as if you’d catch them in the crowd.
“I’m going to-“ Belly clears her throat, “I’m going to find Taylor.”
You feel the heat rise in your cheeks, like you’d just been caught in the act or something. You’d never thought there was tension between you and Conrad when the two of you were together but it felt that way now and you couldn’t explain it.
“It’s weird seeing you in a dress,” Conrad comments softly, leaning down so that you can hear him a little better.
“Weird?” You practically grimace at the word, frowning a little up at him.
“A- a good weird,” He stumbles slightly into the words, “A good weird.”
“Learn how to compliment a girl Fisher,” You narrow your eyes at him, “Better than that.”
He rolls his eyes at you and grabs a red cup from the stack of unused ones, “What are you drinking (Y/l/n)?”
You’ve just about managed to settle into the party, and you’ve now been roped into the beer pong tournament that has absolutely strayed from being a tournament anymore. It’s just games of beer pong that don’t end. You’re on a team with Conrad and you’re playing Steven and Taylor, who are losing by two cups.
“Okay aim for that back one Taylor, any of that back line,” Steven encourages, his hands clasped together as if he’s praying,
“Steven you’re not even good at this stop coaching me,” She rolls her eyes, tossing the ball and watching as it bounces away from the table.
Steven suppresses whatever comment he was going to say and instead just wraps an arm around her shoulders, pulling him into him, “We’ll get them next time.”
“You’re up (Y/l/n),” Conrad nods, leaning back against the wall behind the two of you, arms crossed as he watches you.
You throw the ball and it bounces once, landing in their front cup with a splash.
“That’s my girl,” Conrad beams, looping an arm around your shoulders to pull you into his chest.
“My girl?” Steven laughs, “Can you two just shut up and get married already?”
You hear Steven laugh, and so does Taylor, and Jeremiah, even Belly. And Peter, Jake and Allie were only a few metres away, they probably overheard it too. Were all of them thinking it?
You can’t explain it after that. You pull yourself abruptly away from Conrad’s chest, probably a little harshly. He looks down at you with a frown that quickly turns into utter concern when he sees your face, your frantic eyes.
“Wh- (Y/n) are you okay?”
“I’m sorry I-“ You drag a hand through your hair but no more words come to mind on time.
Instead, you turn and push as frantically as you can through the crowd until you reach the door to the garden, hurrying down the steps before anyone can catch up with you too soon.
The beach was eerie and peaceful at this time, at winter too. For as far as you could see, it was just you. You were stood on the sand a few feet away from the crashing waves. Your arms were wrapped around your torso to keep in some of the heat and you were already starting to shiver. It was nearly midnight in the middle of winter; of course you were freezing.
“(Y/n)!” It’s Conrad’s voice coming from behind you, but it sounds deeper when he’s worried, more like a bellow.
You don’t turn around.
“(Y/n) you had me worried sick, I didn’t know where you’d gone,” He breathes out a sigh of relief, “You must be freezing out here I-“
“Why do they all think something is going on with us Conrad? And why is Belly acting so weird with me? And why can’t they just accept that they’re friends? And what have you said to them about me?”
You turn around to face him and it’s as if everything rises to the surface in that exact moment.
He looks at you with worry on his face but it quickly dissipates into something more level headed as soon as your questions land.
“Okay,” He raises his hands as if in surrender, “I know they’re being assholes about us two together, but that’s just what they’re like, Steven’s an idiot and Taylor always wants to know people’s business, I promise they don’t mean any harm.”
You don’t respond.
“Belly’s weird with you because…” He takes in a deep breath, “This time last year, when my Mom was sick, I was dating Belly. It ended before my Mom died and we’ve figured out a way to be friends since but I think it’s just weird for her to see me with someone- someone that I’m close to.”
You feel your heart skip a beat, just for a second.
“I’ve told them a lot about you, I talk about you to them probably as much as I speak about them to you. You’re important to me (Y/n), and I want my family to like you.”
“But we’re just fri-“ Your voice shakes in the cold, “I mean you don’t see me like that-“
“Earlier,” He cuts you off, “When I first saw you tonight, I should’ve said you looked beautiful. That I think even with a thousand people at that party I don’t think I could find anything that would make me want to take my eyes off you. That even with a hundred voices and a million songs I don’t think anyone will ever say something that interests me as much as every word that you speak. That for the past few months I’ve felt exactly like that. That I wait for you to call and I’m sure I would talk to you every moment of the day if I could. That you look beautiful in that dress and you look beautiful every other day too, even more so when you don’t even think you do. I should’ve said that tonight and I should’ve said that long before tonight too.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, feel the blood pounding in your ears, and yet all you can focus on is him.
“The truth is I’ve been lying to you, (Y/n),” He shrugs his shoulders, “I told you that you were the best friend I’d had. And that part’s true. But where I lied is that I don’t think I could ever convince myself to be just friends with you. I’d spend too long trying to make you laugh, focus too much on every detail so that I could remember it for next time, swap my shifts to shittier days just to see your face. So I’m sorry I lied to you, but-“
You see it then. It’s Conrad. Is it Conrad? Is it really the boy you’d been spending so long convincing yourself was just a friend?
“Kiss me.”
He pauses, swallowing the lump of nerves in his throat, “I-“
“Kiss me,” You repeat, more certain of yourself.
Conrad steps forward, closing the space between you. One of his hands falls to your waist almost instinctively, the other cupping your cheek softly. His eyes flick between yours, dropping to your lips before coming back to meet your gaze. And then his lips are on yours. Soft and hesitant at first, quickly met by the pressure of his certainty. His lips move against yours like the two were made for each other, his hands holding you like they were carved for you. You feel yourself moan against his touch as his hand draws to the small of your spine to pull you closer into him, craving more of your touch.
He only pulls away when the two of you are gasping for air, his forehead coming to rest against yours. His chest rises and falls in rhythm with your own.
“That was-“ You breathe out but all of the other words disappear as you’re interrupted by the echoing chorus of a countdown from the house.
Conrad’s eyes are on you and his lips curl into a smile, “I think our new years kiss was a little early.”
You laugh as their countdown gets closer and closer to zero.
“Kiss me,” Conrad is an echo of your own words from before, more certain of himself now that his veins are flooded with adrenaline.
Three… two… one.
Your lips are on his. Soft, longing, neither of you wanting to break away.
“Happy New Year, (Y/n),” Conrad whispers the words like he doesn’t want the breeze to take them away from you, his hands on your waist holding you like he would never let go.
“Happy New Year Conrad,” You return, your cold hands cupping either side of his flushed face.
He wraps his arms around you, radiating every ounce of heat his body had left as your head rests on his chest, watching the sparkle of fireworks across the other side of the coast as they ignite into the sky. And you’re sure then that Conrad would never let those same fireworks die out. And you could stay like this forever.
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saigonharrington · 2 years
Hey I love your works Izzie! I fell in love with your latest work with Steve. Could I ask for something similar with Conrad Fisher? Something based on „Heather” from Conan? Something along the lines that Conrad and Y/N are best friends, but she has been secretly in love with him for years. (People think they act like a couple in love. His mom thinks they will be married in the future, and she only sees Conrad with her. ) But the vacations are coming and it becomes obvious that he has feelings for Belly? Y / N notices this and maybe moves away from him? And she wish she was Belly. Thanks, and love you so much!! ❤️
You ask and i shall deliver!
Heather yn x conrad fisher
wordcount: 2.7k
category: angst
I'm not quite fond of this one but boy do I love these dramatic speeches and misunderstandings,
the fic is under the cut, enjoy!
„You have to admit that this one’s a beauty” Susannah pulled her wedding dress from the closet to show it to you two. „You might think I’m crazy, but I like to imagine that one of you will be wearing this while marrying my son. It’s my dream come true and I’m positive it will fit. It always does.
Belly looked at you awkwardly, wondering what has led to this conversation, and thinking how one could reply to Susannah. 
„I love it, but I’m afraid my mom has planned for me to wear her dress instead.” She said, mumbling apologies only not to see Susannah’s disappointment.
“Well, Y/N, then I think it’s clear you’ll be wearing this while marrying Conrad. And I could make you a beautiful flower crown that will suit perfectly the wedding of your dreams. Good thing there are flowers in almost every color. And…”
“Yes, yes, I would love to.” You put your hands on hers to calm her down, seeing how excited she was getting to be. To be honest, you understood her, because your mind was also going crazy while imagining this exact situation, but you had to stay calm around Susannah and especially Belly.
It was crazy. You knew that she had a crush on Conrad since you were kids because you did too. It was easy to notice how she was reacting to his touch, his way of speaking, you noticed everything. Conrad was your best friend forever, if you could, you would find a way to befriend each other while being in a womb. You were already best mates even before your first school year started. You would have to be blind not to know how many girls were in love with Conrad. Both Fisher boys were on many girls’ minds. But you cared for Conrad in particular because you loved him.
For you, it wasn’t a secret. Even Susannah knew or implied that it’s obvious that you two are made for each other. Her support made you believe that the feeling is mutual and that you truly have a chance to be with him. You wanted to, really, really bad. But it wasn’t the easiest thing to do.
Belly was always there. Mostly during summers, but she was here. She was a little younger than you, leading you to think of her like a little sister. Or more of a cousin, since she wasn’t here all year round, but anyways. The point is, even if you weren’t always on friendly terms, you didn’t want to hurt her by having a relationship with Conrad. It would cause a lot of drama and ruin the perfect summer at Cousins. So you kind of stayed back, trying to hold everything inside and wait. Because if something was going to happen, you didn’t want to be the first to make a move and hurt Belly. It had to be Conrad.
The truth is, he wasn’t eager to do anything as well. He was the quiet kid, only Belly’s mother made her way to his heart somehow and was able to talk with him about his feelings. Sure, you were his best friends and he opened up to you to talk about almost everything. But not about love. That’s why no one was sure who does Conrad like. He kissed some girls at parties or hung around with them for a while, but there hadn’t been any long-term relationship. You desperately wanted to be his first serious girlfriend, hoping that this summer might be a little different, giving you more luck and him more confidence, but nothing happened yet.
“What were you doing with our mom?” Jeremiah asked insinuating something weird while swimming in the pool. 
“Yeah Bells, did Susannah make you take her clothes again?” Steven chimed in, wanting to tease his sister.
“It doesn’t matter. Girl stuff. You wouldn’t understand. Right, y/n?” She asked you for confirmation.
“Of course. And why do you care? We have much more important stuff to do, especially since we got invited to the bonfire party this evening.” You added and saw that the boys were smiling at that idea.
“But do we need to take Belly? She’ll need to be taken care of all the time. I pass.” Steven was unhappy that his sister was getting older and could join boys in many activities. 
“I can take care of her. I’m pretty good at being a pool guard and that means I have an eye on lots of people. One Belly is nothing compared to this.” 
“Stop, Jere.” Belly was annoyed. “I don’t need to be taken care of. I’m not a kid anymore. And I’ll be there with Cam, so I won’t be needing anyone of you. I hope not to notice you there. I’m gonna go prepare and you guys have fun without me.” She left the patio and went to her room, leaving everyone speechless.
“This Ted talk didn’t go well. But she’s right. She’s mature enough to be careful at parties. I can have an eye on her but in a not-so-obvious way like you guys do. Besides, I have nothing to do at the party, so don’t worry. It will be great.” You added, hopefully waiting for Conrad to offer his company to you at the party.
“I have some things to sort out with Nicole, but I might join you in doing nothing. This party is going to be boring.” Conrad finally took part in the conversation, jumping out of the pool to put his, now-empty bottle of beer in the trash can. “See you in front of the cars? Don’t be late everybody.” And he left too.
Getting ready for a beach bonfire party was something you’ve gotten quite used to. It was a common event during summer at Cousins, since it was available for everyone and no one had the responsibility to clean the house afterward before the parents come back, because at the beach there were more hosts and everyone kinda took care of themselves and tried not to make a mess.  There was always a little moment of panic when you had to choose what clothing items to wear and which colors should dominate your makeup. But it was also exciting,  because sometimes Conrad showed you what he was going to wear and you tried to match with him, even with makeup, and other times you tried to guess and match with him without having any clues. Today you knew, since he was messaging you about every single thing you both are going to do this evening not to get bored.
Time was flying so quickly that you didn’t even notice when you were heading back to Fisher’s house to meet up with the boys. “Hi. Belly isn’t going with us?” You greeted them again, finding your place in the backseat with Conrad since Steven was driving and Jere was sitting next to him.
“Nah, she left with Cam Cameron a while ago. I think they were planning to go for a milkshake before going to the beach.” Jeremiah replied to you while putting his sunglasses on. “We’re going to have fun without her. Let the kids have their date or something. We’ll annoy the shit out of her later.” He laughed and high-fived her brother.
„Nice makeup. It never ceases to amaze me how you do it. I like how it looks on you.” Conrad mumbled, wanting to have a bit more private conversation.
“Thank you, Con. It took me AGES to do it, but I’m proud of myself. I think we’ll look great tonight. Who knows, maybe finally some boy will want to dance with me.” 
“I don’t understand why they never do. It’s so hard not to fall for you, there should be a line to get you as we get out of the car. But maybe I will dance with you if they are shy enough to ask you. They need to know what they miss.” His words got you butterflies. It’s so hard not to fall for you. For me? Who tries not to fall for me? If it’s you, Conrad, then please stop trying. Let the feelings sink in. Fall for me, please. I beg you.
“That’s an amazing idea. Let’s have fun and put ourselves out there. You know, show off how great we can be at parties and how we can get along. Let’s present ourselves to possible candidates.” You tried to treat it lightly and commented on the whole thing as if both of you were on a reality show with the purpose to find loved ones, but it only made him chuckle a little. It sounded funnier in your head and maybe it should stay there.
“Yeah and while we’re at it let’s invite some tv hosts to find us blind dates. Funny, y/n. But I still have to talk to Nicole first. I’ll let you know if I’m officially single because for now, I’m not sure.” He got along with it but reminded you that he still has a girlfriend. God, it felt so wrong to love him when he was seeing other girls. It made your heartache, feel like it was punched harder and harder with the purpose to make holes in it with bare hands. But who were you to convince yourself to stop? It wasn’t the easiest task to do.
When you got there, Conrad left you immediately, seeing Nicole with her friend from afar. Steven also went to his girlfriend, so now there was only you and Jere, but it was likely that he will leave you too, considering that everyone here liked him and his company. 
“I think he’s gonna break up with her for good. It makes no sense for them to be together.” He said while glancing at them and trying to decode their facial expressions.
“I don’t know. I thought they had potential, but Conrad messed up a few times. He told me how he ignored her or didn’t tell the truth about something. Maybe you’re right. If I were her, I would leave him.” You tried to be calm, but the thought of Conrad being single made you smile a little.
“Don’t get so happy about it. He’s not the type to break with someone and find another girl the same day.”
“What are you insinuating, Jere? I don’t want to be with him!” You exclaimed a bit louder than you thought you did.
“Yeah, and I’m an astronaut. I’m just saying. It’s pretty obvious that you like him. All the girls do.” He said as if everyone from cousins wasn’t liking him as well. “But the truth is, I don’t think Conrad’s the type of guy to fall for his best friend. I assume that he wouldn’t want to risk losing the relationship for good. Hate to break it to you, y/n, but it’s not the best time to be his girlfriend. We’re young, we need to experiment with others and be casual. Don’t you think so? Look, there goes my experiment.” He ended his monologue following a guy that has just waved to him. As he was leaving he mouthed “h a v e f u n” and got out of your sight. 
While you waited for Conrad to come back with the news, you took a cup of drink from someone who was serving them and sat on the sand alone. Of course, you wanted to have fun but your best friend was always on your mind. It was hard to get loosened when such important stuff was happening to him. Maybe it sounds a little exaggerated but honestly, since he started dating or just generally showing interest in girls, you were always on your toes, not so patiently waiting for him to finally do something with you. That’s why every time he was single and no girl was around you tried to open up a little, but without success.
“It went well.” Your best friend appeared out of nowhere and took your drink from your hand. “She was fed up with my and my behavior, so I’m a free man. Let’s get wasted.” He said it without excitement making you realize that maybe some part of him liked - or loved - this girl. You wanted to console him and make this evening about him. “Have you seen Belly?”  He asked out of nowhere.
“Yeah, I think she and Cam were walking by the seaside like 10 minutes ago? But they might be far from here now…” 
“Of course. I don’t understand what she sees in him.” He took another cup of drink and drank it all. 
“What do you mean? Don’t get all protective. Even her brother isn’t that much bothered about it.” 
“I don’t know. I miss the times when she wasn’t interested in this type of thing. When there were only us in summer. Besides, I don’t trust that guy.” 
“I think he’s nice. He’s got a great impact on her. Would you like her to be with a guy who smokes and drinks every night? Cam’s cool. In my opinion, he’s the best boyfriend that Belly can have. She’s getting older and you have to accept the fact that she will be dating. We can only be glad that she’s with an unproblematic guy.” You defended Belly’s choices because Conrad was getting angrier.
“I think he’s boring. And a show-off. Oh, I’m so perfect, so intelligent and sober.” Conrad imitated Cam’s voice to mock him.
“I genuinely don’t understand you lately. You have just broken up with Nicole. Are you jealous of Belly? What’s gotten into you?” You asked curiously. “Or maybe you just miss the times when she was smitten with you because you and Jere were the only boys around her? Let her go.” You started to get a little dramatic, with a tear in your eye, but you tried to focus to keep your voice low since not everyone should listen and be involved in this argument. 
“I don’t know. I don’t know what I feel. God, it feels so wrong. I don’t know what I want. Maybe I want Belly. Or maybe I just don’t want her to hang out with other guys. I can’t do that.” He replied, getting lost in his thoughts. 
“Maybe it’s high time for you to know. Because it’s pathetic that I’ve been in love with you for so long. I waited all the time, watching you and other girls, and god, I wasn’t even hiding. Everyone knows that I have feelings for you, but you. Your mom today showed me her wedding dress and asked me to wear it on our wedding day.” You started crying. “Don’t you see what it looks like? Everyone roots for us or acknowledges that something is happening. You must be blind to see it, or worse, you knew but chose to ignore it. I can’t do it any longer, Conrad. If you love her, do something. Because of this, I am the perfect example of someone who waited for so long. And see how it ended up for me? I’m choking with tears at a party, where everyone sees me, I’m standing right next to you, looking ugly, after revealing my feelings, and you know what’s coming next? I’m gonna be the only one crying and hurt. And probably with no ride back home. And you will be waiting for her forever. I loved you. I love you. But I see that you don’t love me, not the way I wanted to. But I’m afraid that being friends is not enough for me anymore. Don’t make the same mistakes as I did. God, I wish I were her." And you left him alone, without getting a response or even a goodbye look because he was too stunned to do anything.
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(currently writing and waiting for requests) superache fanfics <-
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princesachicana · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐭.𝟐 (conrad fisher x reader) (𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
description: you find yourself leaning on the one person consistent in your life, cameron
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑
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You were pretty sure your boss hated you at the moment. You were currently on your 3rd cup of coffee and that still didn’t help how tired you were. “I’m gonna go ahead and send you home alright?” Your boss, threw you a nice smile. “Thank you” You whispered, politely waving goodbye to the rest of your co workers.
You hadn’t got a lick of sleep. Right after you got home from Conrad’s last night, you stayed up contemplating what to do. All you knew was that you were tired. Tired of crying, tired of thinking you weren’t enough, tired of being used. It’s gone on long enough and you were just done.
It would be hard ignoring Conrad’s late night texts though, at first you both started out as friends. He would hang with you in public, have actual conversations with you. All that changed of course, one night after a couple of beers, you embarrassingly spilled your feelings for him. He had kissed you, and you remembered feeling like you were on top of the world.
That night you had slept together for the first time, everything was fine between the two of you, until a week later he confessed that he thought your night together was a mistake. You of course were embarrassed and ashamed that you fell in so deep for this boy that clearly didn’t feel the same way. But when he proposed that he was still sexually attracted to you and wanted to start a no strings situation you agreed with out hesitation. Stupid, you thought back to your past self.
You didn’t think the hookups would turn into him ignoring you every chance he got. You didn’t think he would visibly have his lips on other girls when he was doing the same to you a night before. He acted as if you didn’t know each other in public, but if there was one thing that was consistent in your life it was cameron.
That’s why you breathed a sigh of relief when you noticed him standing on the porch of your beach house. “My shift wasn’t supposed to be over for another two hours, you we’re going to wait that long?” You questioned with a smile. “Well I was gonna surprise you with a picnic on the beach, since I haven’t seen you in awhile but here you are ruining my plans.” He joked shrugging his shoulders.
You gasped dramatically throwing your arms over his neck. “Please forgive me” The smile that broke out onto his face was contagious, his arms immediately wrapping around your hips. He could stay like this forever, the way your fingers tickled the back of his neck, the way your coconut shampoo smelt, the way you both seem to hold each other tighter at the same second. “Uhh- excuse me.” The annoyed voice made you both pull away.
“Ohh sorry.” Cameron nervously grabbed his wallet from his pocket. The food delivery guy. After handing the guy a twenty dollar bill in exchange for the food, you both took a seat on your porch swing. “I was supposed to have this whole set up” Cameron sorted through the bags of food,he was nervous. “Hey, this is good to.” You reassured him.
When he handed you your plate you sighed, you hadn’t had time to eat breakfast this morning. So you were starving. As you opened the plate you almost burst out into happy tears. “OH MY GOSH, you got them?” The chocolate chip pancakes from the diner. “Yeah, its no big deal, just know you’ve been mentioning them a lot” Cameron laughed, “they look good” and he certainly wasn’t wrong.
“So how come you got sent home early?” Cameron asked as you walked on the beach. The waves as background noise comforted you. “Didn’t get that much sleep.” You answered looking up at him. “You went to see him again right?” Cameron’s voice was quiet, almost unheard. “Yeah, i did don’t hate me.” you pleaded, voice sounding almost desperate.
“I don’t hate you, I hate the way you allow him to treat you.” you both stop walking, now completely facing one another. “What’s so special about him anyways?” Cameron’s words dripped off his lips like venom, he was getting angry. “I don’t know- I just-“ You were at a lost for words, that’s was such a random question coming from cameron.
“He’s using you y/n, and you go back to him every single time, why?” Cameron stepped closer this time, eyes begging for you to see that your worth so much more. “I know he’s using me okay, sometimes I feel like he really wants me, sometimes he holds me for a little longer, I just want someone to want me-“ You stopped, cameron gently grabbed your face with both hands. “I want you.” he whispered, his forehead against your own.
One hand trailed down your cheek, his thumb brushing against the soft skin. His eyes going from your eyes onto your lips. “Can i kiss you?” Your breath hitched, heart going 1000 miles a minute. “Yes, please” He wasted not one second, his lips were immediately on yours, butterflies went off in your stomach, it never felt like this kissing Conrad. His lips were soft against your own, the kissing was delicate, almost as if he were afraid you’d pull away.
It wasn’t just lust like with Conrad, Cameron had no intention of it, it was something so pure you couldn’t exactly pin point it just yet.
You pulled away first one hand coming onto his shoulder “you meant that?” you questioned him instantly, he smiled against your lips “do I need to kiss you again to prove it to you?” You nodded your head “Maybe?” this time you were the one that initiated the kiss. The feeling of his lips on yours was something you never expected, cameron was one of your best friends. But it felt so right and so good.
“You’re so beautiful.” Cameron whispered “let me show you how you deserve to be treated just give me a chance.” he placed one chaste kiss onto your forehead. The action, causing you to feel dizzy, cameron was so sweet.
“Okay..” You smiled leaning into kiss him again, you were interrupted by your phone going off with a text message.
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗿𝗮𝗱: 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 ?
The text made you roll your eyes, It didn’t make your heart leap out of your chest like it usually did, it only annoyed you. You deleted the text message thread without a second thought and put your phone back into your pocket.
“What is it?” Cameron questioned hesitant. “Nothing important” you smiled, arms coming around his neck “Just kiss me.”
And he did just that, pouring all his feelings for you at once. Cameron was good to you always.
Tags: @zelzablues @exonct07 @fyegyall @youguysoozechemistry @ilymarkchan @snowssharkk @dopedaegus @summeerrr @multilover19 @pevqnsies @isicoss @silentninja24 (just tagging those you I thought would want to read. Sorry for unwanted tags!)
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