dorokora · 8 hours
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He gets to be the Top this time
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coldresolve · 10 hours
Moneymakers, pt.xlviii // Blood
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The combination of numbness and rage doesn’t feel like two oceans clashing against each other. It feels like liquid fire hurdling down a dark pit - but contrary to reason, the fire never stops burning, and the pit is never filled. Renee doesn’t know what to do with it. His hands tingle. He can barely see.
The quick rise and fall of Lazarus’ chest is the only part of him that moves. Face still marred by despair, he blinks, dislodging tears. “Put the knife down. They’ll kill you if…”
 “You set me up,” Renee says. His voice is strained, barely forced even.
Shutting his eyes, Laz draws in a shaky breath. “I love you. Please put the knife down.”
It stuns him, but only for a moment – then it hurts. Renee paces backwards, pressing his hands to his temples, feels the hard handle dig into his forehead. “Don’t fucking say that,” he sneers. “Don’t fucking pretend when you just—”
“I’m not pretending,” Lazarus whispers. “You need help, Renee. I’m trying to help you.”
Renee lets out a hollow laugh, only to shake his head, swaying in place. The blade shakes in his tightening fist. “You just killed me.”
A suppressed sob makes his body jerk. “This isn’t the end, okay? It’s not the end. Please don’t do anyth… This doesn’t have to—”
Renee throws out his arms, . “You have no fucking clue what—”
Everything after that happens at a break-neck speed.
A dull boom resonates in the apartment, loud enough to send vibrations through the floor. Startled, Renee half-spins around to locate the source of the noise – quickly realizing that what he just heard was the sound of something colliding violently with the front door.
And while his head is still turned, Lazarus seizes the opportunity to tackle him.
Renee barely knows what’s happening before his legs catch, and he topples over, colliding shoulder-first with the coffee table, winded as Lazarus lands on top of him. The knife slips out of his grasp, sliding across the floor toward the kitchenette. Renee chokes out a gasp, following the knife with his eyes. Grits his teeth at the immediate, overwhelming surge of adrenaline, the tint of red spanning his vision. Clawing to right himself, he grabs Lazarus and twists his body, making the both of them tumble over the edge of the table, crashing to the floor. But instead of pausing to catch his breath, Lazarus continues their momentum. He pulls Renee to his back and rolls along to pin him with his own weight, struggling to catch his arms.
Renee lets out a coarse shout, jerking wildly against Lazarus’ grip. As soon as one arm is yanked free, his elbow hits the TV stand hard enough to dent a cabinet door, and a potted plant wobbles, shattering just above his head, sending dirt and shards of terracotta flying.
“Stop!” Laz orders, voice shaking. “Please, listen—"
Renee snarls. “You fucking—”
With no way to really buck himself free, no way to level a solid push, Renee’s rage slide into desperation. His fist connects with Lazarus’ mouth – he recognizes the feeling of thin flesh over teeth – and despite having no room to put much force behind it, Lazarus’ head snaps sideways.
Laz gasps, but doesn’t let go. Renee punches him again, this time connecting with the side of his head, clipping the top of his ear. The fingers curled in his clothes loosen for a fraction of a second, and Renee writhes free in that moment, shoving Lazarus back. He twists around again, eyes locking on the white reflection of the blade, a mere five, six feet away. It’s erratic, there’s no thought behind it. His body just moves.
By the time he has staggered to his feet, Laz grabs hold of his leg, hugging it tight, and Renee falls forward, bracing with both hands. Shards from the broken pot dig into his knees, but the only pain he can feel comes from his arm, and even that is considerably muted. Growling, he pulls himself a foot forward, but a hard yank to his ankle draws him back again, nails scraping the floor. Without looking, Renee kicks out behind him, and despite the crude, almost frenzied quality of his movements, his foot connects with something.
“Please just stop," Lazarus cries out, tearing at his clothes to climb over him, either to pin him to his stomach or to rush for the knife. A mess of limbs scrambling for leverage, frantic grunts of effort. Renee finally manages to haul himself to one knee when his progress is halted by hands dragging him down by his sweatshirt, drawing the collar taught around his throat. Heat flaring, he swings an elbow out behind him, continues the movement as it connects, turns around -
The next boom is accompanied by the sound of splintering wood. Deep voices shout, now only muffled by the second door.
The TV stand shudders under Lazarus’ weight. He doesn’t get to recover from the rough landing. With more strength than he should be able to muster, and less pain than a broken arm should elicit, Renee grabs him by the scruff of his shirt and pulls him up, flinging him toward the coffee table.
A glimpse of arms poised to cushion the fall is all Renee sees before his attention snaps back toward the knife. As he dives for it, he hears a breathless “No!” behind his back, a moment before his fingers wrap around the handle. Breathing hard, Renee pulls himself up by the counter, staggering as his gaze briefly flickers to the barricaded door. He hears them scuffling around, barking orders. He hears sound of something heavy being dragged across wood.
And he hears Lazarus, back up and closing the distance. Turns just in time to brace for the impact as the man crashes into him a second time.
Renee doesn’t fall – instead his hip slams into the corner of the kitchenette’s counter, one arm flailing for balance behind him, inadvertently sweeping at spice jars and bottles of condiment, some of which shatter on impact with the floor, while others merely roll. Lip bleeding, Lazarus struggles to pull him close enough to pin his arms down when Renee punches him again. There’s momentum behind it this time, enough space for a proper swing, ; Lazarus cries out and stumbles a few dazed steps backwards, nearly trips when the back of one leg collides with the couch.
A deafening crack makes the door to the living room rattle in its frame, but Renee’s wide eyes zero in on the closest threat. Heat burning in his gut, teeth bared in an inhuman gnarl, he pushes off the counter and jumps at him, sending him backwards onto the couch, legs sprawled over the armrest, hands instinctually raised to protect his face. In a split second, Renee raises the knife over his shoulder and drives it into Lazarus’ chest.
The force alone fractures ribs a little left of center, not only audible, but felt through the handle. The soft tissue underneath offers no resistance against the sharp point. The entire blade is buried, only stopped once the hilt hits the fabric of Lazarus’ shirt.
An elastic cord snaps inside Renee, an immediate, disorienting clarity. Time slows as his hand recoils, hovering in the air. He’s panting heavily, but suddenly feels as though he can’t breathe at all.
Lazarus’ eyes are wide in shock, or something like open-mouth confusion.
“No,” Renee says.
Laz draws in a sharp breath, and it hurts him. His face contracts in pain, back arching, and he coils his fists in Renee’s shirt, head rolling back, shoulders seizing up. The knife moves with every breath that catches in his throat.
“No, nonono—I didn’t—Laz, I didn’t mean to—”
Boom. Another crack, too small to be a full breach, but something in the door gives. They’re shouting in the entryway, but Renee can barely distinguish the words. Blood already blooms from the wound. Lazarus shudders.
Renee has the impulse to yank the knife out - it shouldn’t be there, it looks wrong - but whatever sliver of reason still remains in him stops him in his tracks. One hand cradling the back of Laz’ neck, Renee’s other hand trembles over the handle, terrified to even touch it. The breath whines in his throat. “I didn’t mean to do that, Laz – please, I didn’t, I didn’t mean to do that, I didn’t mean to do that—”
Lazarus croaks. “… Renee.”
Splinters from a broken frame spill across the floor, particles of dust . As the door caves in, it tumbles over the chair still blocking entrance, but their shouts are crystal clear now, and when Renee’s gaze snaps to look, he sees the flash of a barrel briefly poking through. Some of them are shouting his name. His full name.
Laz grabs his arm, his shirt, and it’s not clear whether he wants to pull him closer, or if he’s curling up from pain. When he tries to speak again, his body jerks in a hard cough.
Renee whimpers. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that, I’m sorry, I’m sorry—”
He feels another wave of ice course through his body when the first black silhouette in his periphery manages to kick the door to the side, taking up a stance just beyond the threshold, rapidly followed by others still taking cover behind the broken frame. Renee doesn’t have to look to know where their firearms are pointed. A choir of them, as if they’re trying to out-shout each other.
“Hands up. Get away from him. Hands up!”
No convulsion of Laz’ body makes him let go – instead, as his would-be saviors barge in, he pulls Renee closer, tear-stricken face contorted in a grimace from the effort. Close enough that Renee can feel the heat of his breath on his face.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…”
Letting out a hoarse groan, Renee grits his teeth and pries himself free.
Hands grasp for his sleeves, then reach out in his wake. Renee feels like throwing up as he stumbles to his feet, knocking his shins into the coffee table, frantically looking between Lazarus and the cops still screaming commands that barely register. “Help him,” he breathes.
“Don’t move!” and “Get your fucking hands up!”
Head spinning, Renee takes an uncertain step backwards toward the window, the door to the balcony. Something more frantic to his voice. “You have to help him.”
The first uniform follows his retreat with a step of his own, letting others spill into the small living room. “Put your hands up, Vaughan. Do not back up, stay where you are—”
Eyes shut tight, face still contorted in pain, Lazarus reaches an unsteady hand out into the room, as if trying to get between them. “Don’t sh-shoot,” he gasps, and it sounds strange. Wet.
His teeth are stained red. He’s coughing it up.
Renee folds over himself, nearly drops to his knees. “Fucking do something!” he screams.
But it’s abundantly clear, even by the blurry image painted when he spares them a glace, heaving frantically through gritted teeth: between four, five pairs of eyes, all of their focus is squarely on him.
Another split-second decision, one he barely manages to put thought behind. As Renee turns on his heel, their voices erupt behind him. In a flash, he sees them move a fraction of a second after he does. He wholly expects a bullet in the back as he yanks open the balcony door, but as far as he can trust his senses, it doesn’t come; not even as he climbs the plastic furniture, shoes nearly slipping on the slick surfaces.
There’s no moment of hesitation, no pause. Kicking off from the banister, Renee leaps off the fourth-story balcony.
He misses against daylight, too exhausted to focus properly, although his vision swarms with movement all the same. It’s residue from last night, he guesses. Behind the white paint on the ceiling, veins pulse faintly along the rhythm of his heartbeat.
His head hurts. Everything does, really, but his head is the worst. One side of his face is still swollen enough to prevent his eye from opening properly, and he can feel a stitch in his cheek tugging at skin. Parched tongue moving in his mouth, he turns his head to the side.
Davin is leaned against the wall next to the door, hands in his pockets. Looking at him.
How long he’s been standing there, Conrad couldn’t say. He lets out a small sound and painstakingly rolls over to face the wall, groaning as he curls his legs up. It’s long since become impossible to lie down in a way that doesn’t agitate some injury or another, but at least like this, he can pretend to be alone in the room. He’s just tired. He’d like to go back to sleep.
Minutes pass. Four, maybe five. Long enough that he actually does start to forget about the silent eye of his captor. Tentatively drifting, he jolts a little when Davin finally speaks.
His tone is thoughtful, a little distant. “This didn’t go the way I thought it would,” he mutters.
Conrad tucks his chin into the duvet.
“I would’ve liked to keep up that balancing act you and I had in the beginning. Diplomacy is easier. Most of the time, anyway. I don’t know, I’m not sentimental… It is just sort of fascinating to me, how quickly the novelty wore off for everybody. You gave up. Renee got cold feet, that’s been frustrating. I poked a few too many nerves.” A pause. “Pardon the metaphor.”
If Conrad had enough energy to spare, he would’ve grimaced, but even the thought makes him feel heavy. “… go away.”
Davin snorts. “You’re listening.” He sounds vaguely surprised.
Conrad squints over his shoulder. “What do you want?”
For a moment, Davin is quiet. Something oddly reserved in his demeanor makes Conrad wary, but as always, the man’s expression doesn’t betray much. It’s neutral, apart from slightly pursed lips, as if he’s contemplating. The usual detached gaze. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
Conrad frowns. He tries to watch for any clue about intentions, tries to post-hoc piece together anything he might’ve missed in the past five minutes, but his head is foggy.
Eventually, Davin pushes off the wall and lets out a sigh.
“Eh… Are you hungry?”
Renee’s ability to process what he sees is so fragmented, when he catches a glimpse of the larch he’s hurdling towards, he doesn’t even try to brace before he hits it feet first a half-second later.
Hundreds of stripped, thin branches whip at his body as he sinks through the crown. The larger ones catch at clothes and limbs further down: instinctually, he tries to grab at them, but they fly past too quickly. His back hits something hard enough to knock the wind out of him, and it changes the trajectory of his fall. Renee isn’t sure how the rest goes. He’s not fully conscious for the landing.
He can’t see anything. It’s that same state he experienced the night before: he knows his eyes are open, but it’s all black. His face is pressed to the dirt, mouth open, body hungrily sucking air into his lungs.
If something major broke in the fall, he can’t feel it. His whole body is buzzing once his vision finally begins to clear. What feels like a century of blinking passes before he can finally distinguish up from down.
The first attempt to push off is a little too quick for his battered body to keep up with. At a blinding flash of agony in his knee, he loses his balance, tumbling to the grass, gasping for breath. His second attempt is considerably slower. His balance is off. The whole world is spinning.
Somewhere behind him, maybe thirty, forty yards, the telltale rustle of a uniform, and a woman’s winded shout: “Stop! Get on the ground!”
It hurts like a bitch, even through rush after rush of adrenaline. He can still run, but it’s farslower than it needs to be. Sprinting across the lawn, darting over dirt paths, Renee hears the cop closing in.
Between his first and second footfall on the sidewalk proper, rounding the corner of the building, she slams into him, arms coiled around his waist. She’s not particularly heavy, but Renee is running on fumes: they both skid across the asphalt, both thrashing.
The cop is first to recover, landing rather favorably with her torso on his legs. As she claws her way forward, Renee tries to blindly kick, but she’s quick to right herself every time he manages to throw off her balance. By the time he has twisted himself onto his back, she’s already straddling his waist, struggling for a grip on his arms.
“Over here,” she screams to the side.
“Stop resisting, stop—”
Surprisingly strong for her size, a distant part of Renee is almost insulted when she manages to pin his right wrist to the opposite shoulder, leaning her whole weight on that hold. He lets out a shout of frustration.
“Stop resisting – you’re gonna get tased – st—”
With his free hand, Renee has reached for the left side of her belt. There’s a mechanism in the holster that prevents the uninitiated from drawing the gun, but it’s no more complex than the child safety lock of a bottle’s lid - all he has to do is press it down and twist. Vision blocked by his own arm, Renee can’t see it, but he hears a faint, dull click.
She must’ve felt it, because her eyes widen, and then her entire focus immediately shifts.
The gun is halfway out the holster by the time she wraps both hands around his, forcing it to the side – a move that inadvertently clears the gun completely. She presses his arm into the tarmac, but Renee manages to push the rest of his body up with his other arm, now freed. Thrown off, she frantically grasps for the gun as he pulls up both legs and kicks her hard in the chest, sending her sprawling backwards. He shifts his grip while she gathers her bearings, switches off the safety, an enraged snarl tearing at his throat. Hand shaking violently, he aims for her head and pulls the trigger.
The close proximity of the shot makes his ears ring. The woman screams, kicking away from him. A flash of red spills from her neck before both her hands dart up to grasp it; it immediately starts leaking through her fingers.
Wincing at the pain blooming from the recoil, Renee hauls himself to his feet, staggering backwards. A lingering trace of anger makes him point the gun at her again, but he can’t fire, he physically can’t. She’s on her knees on the asphalt, trying simultaneously to shimmy away from him and put pressure on the gushing wound in her throat.
It's another close encounter with reality. Locking his jaw, Renee’s grip tightens on the gun, but his index finger leaves the trigger.
He turns on his heel and sets off toward his car.
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devildaisies · 5 months
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they only got one paperboy cap down at dropout hq
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probably-writing-x · 10 months
Hotter and Hotter
Summary: hi 👋🏼 I don’t know if you take any request now but I will still ask.. Can you write about the scene of the grocery when Conrad just lean on and take a sip (he was soo f hot ) and make it like more flirty and it can go like you want between Conrad x yn? thanks u ❣️
Warnings: Sexual references (Minors DNI)
Author’s Note: I’m not taking requests atm but this came through and I was inspired so maybe I am taking requests, we’ll never know xoxo
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“This is the hottest it’s ever been I swear to God,” Conrad grumbles from the couch, hand resting on his chest.
“Well you try and fix the air con then, because it’s doing fucking nothing when we try,” Steven shrugs his shoulders, his head resting back against the seats of the couch from where he sat on the floor.
“You’re an engineer Steven, isn’t this like your job?” Belly points out, dragging her hair away from her face.
The air conditioning in the house had been out all morning and the temperature had been slowly rising with the sun. Now, it was stifling hot inside the house and just as bad outside too. And, clearly, the group were at their wit’s end.
“Okay, can we please stop talking about it? Like, can we talk about anything else?” You roll your eyes, your back against the couch where Conrad was laying, your head mere inches from his.
The two of you had been friends for years, ever since Belly and Steven had started coming to the summer house, you had too. The group of you were always inseparable whenever you were all in Cousins. But, before this summer, you and Conrad had realised your feelings for each other. He’d started calling you every night, texting you more and more often, and eventually the two of you spoke to each other more than anyone else. You’d both agreed, however, that is was not worth the drama for the rest of the group to know that anything was going on. You’d kept things completely private and, so far, it worked.
You’d turned up to the summer house this year terrified to see him again, and when you had done, it was like there was a weird tension that you’d never known before. There were sparks whenever he looked at you, electricity coursing through you whenever you briefly touched. You hadn’t even kissed the boy and yet all you could think about was doing so. It was driving you insane.
“Well, what else do you want to talk about, (y/l/n)?” He turns his head so that it is facing you but you keep your gaze averted away, worried he’ll make you blush.
“Anything,” You groan, “Like, seriously, it’s making it worse if all we talk about is how hot we are.”
He smirks, “You think you’re hot, (y/n)?”
You whip your head around to face him and roll your eyes, “Grow up, Con.”
His smirk remains, eyes trailing over your face as the conversation grows behind you. Jere and Belly were agreeing on getting into the pool and Steven was refusing to join them under the premise that he couldn’t find any swimming shorts in his suitcase.
“How about we head to the store?” Conrad suggests, pushing himself up to sit on the couch, “We can get some cold drinks, some ice cream, anything remotely cold.”
The group all sound into chorus of agreement and you nod too.
“Yeah, just get anything they’ve got,” You encourage, watching as he swings his legs over the side of the couch so that he’s sat next to you now, his knee bumping your shoulder.
“Oh, you’re coming with me,” He nudges you, “I need someone to help me push the cart.”
Conrad stretches out a hand to you and waits for you to take it.
“Right because that’s definitely a two person job,” You roll your eyes, taking the grip of his hand and pushing yourself up from the floor.
“Oh, absolutely it is,” Conrad shrugs his shoulders, walking out of the lounge towards the front door, grabbing his car keys on the way.
You sit in the passenger seat and he sets his hand behind your chair as he reverses, the air con in his car blasting enough for you to both cool down.
“Why didn’t we think of coming in your car earlier?” You question, glancing out of the window at the changing street beside you.
Conrad turns his head in your direction, “Because then they’d all want to come.”
You nod in agreement and fall silent, fiddling with your hands in your lap.
“So, has anyone said anything about…”
“What? Me and you?” You finish the sentence for him, “Why? Do you think they know?”
Conrad smirks a little, “Jere told me that sometimes you talk in your sleep and he can hear you through his wall.”
You frown just slightly, cogs turning in the expectation of what he was about to say.
“Apparently he heard you call my name,” Conrad fully grins then, turning the car into another corner as he approaches the store.
You feel your face heat up more than the sun was capable of, your heart sinking a little, “I did… I mean he heard… what?”
Conrad chuckles gently and his hand moves from the wheel to squeeze your leg, “Oh come on, (y/l/n), I already knew you were obsessed with me.”
You clench your jaw and look away from him, the embarrassment seeping through you. He squeezes your bare leg again and keeps his hand there as he pulls into a space in the parking lot.
“Okay I’ll get a cart and I’ll meet you at the checkout,” You nod, taking a deep breath to relatively compose yourself as you get out of the car.
Conrad follows behind you, fighting back the smile on his face. He walks up behind you as you go to get a cart, his arms dropping to either side of your hands on the handle, thumbs brushing your pinky fingers.
“See, Ive just got so many questions,” He mumbles the words into your ear as his chin drops to your shoulder.
You feel a tingle go over your spine and quickly step out from underneath his arm, “And I won’t be answering them.”
Conrad persists, of course, pushing the cart into the store and following your every move.
You both take a silent sigh of relief at the feeling of the air con in the store, walking a little slower as if to revel in it for as long as possible.
“Okay, so what was this dream about?” Conrad asks, stopping the cart as you throw in a few items from the produce section.
You make brief eye contact with him in the coldest glare you can muster, “Con, I said we’re not talking about this.”
“I mean, it must’ve been pretty good for you to be calling my name,” He points out nonchalantly, throwing a few bags into the cart, “So, tell me what it was about?”
You spin on your heel and grip the end of the cart, squeezing down on the plastic as you look at him, “Conrad, I don’t remember, okay? Now can we please drop this because you’re being an asshole.”
He raises his hands as if in a gesture of surrender before placing them back on the cart and following you still in your slow steps around the aisles.
Conrad didn’t need to know to boost his ego, or to use it against you. He needed to know because the thought of you thinking of him like that made him feel like a kid with his first crush. He was infatuated, and his curiosity was getting the better of him.
Things were awkward between the two of you now, and neither was willing to break the tension with any form of conversation.
You were embarrassed, of course you were. The chemistry between the pair of you had been sky high since you’d arrived back in Cousins - all of the awaited feelings of seeing each other again had come bubbling to the surface. And yet neither of you could do anything about it. So there it stayed - bubbling wildly on a surface that would not release. Of course you were thinking about him, how could you not be?
“Okay, you get the ice and pay for this, I’ll meet you at the car,” You nod, holding your shoulders a little more sure of themselves.
“Oh, so I’m paying?” Conrad raises his brows, stopping in his tracks with a bag of ice in his hands.
“Your daddy’s credit card will,” You taunt in response, disappearing around the corner of another aisle to leave him to his own devices.
Minutes later, Conrad appears through the sliding doors of the store, the fully loaded cart bumping in the parking lot in front of him. You’re stood by the car, waiting for him, two large drink cups in your hands.
“And what’s this?” He nods his head a little towards the drinks, eyes returning back to yours.
“A peace offering,” You shrug your shoulders, “I’m sorry I got annoyed about you asking about… I just, I was embarrassed and I didn’t want you to think I was some weird stalker that was obsessed with you or something.”
Conrad laughs gently, the kind of laugh that always manages to ease your worry. He steps out from around the cart so that he’s mere inches from you.
“You know,” He lowers his torso down to take a slow sip from the drink, darkened eyes staring up at you as he does, “If you wanted to be screaming my name in the night, you should’ve just asked.”
Your mouth falls agape slightly as all words seem to escape you.
“Come on, I’ll load this up before the ice cream starts melting,” He clears his throat, as if nothing had happened, “Get in the car.”
You oblige and sit in the passenger seat waiting for him as he piles the bags into the trunk, climbing into the driver’s seat shortly after.
He reaches over to take his cup from your hand and his fingers brush yours - still electric as you repeat over the words he’d just said.
“So, home?”
You hum in agreement and keep your eyes focused on the road ahead of you as he reverses out of the spot, unable to hide the smile tearing at your face.
“We’re back!” Conrad calls out as the two of you head inside, arms full of brown paper bags.
“Thank god!” Jere exclaims, grabbing a couple of the bags from you to alleviate the weight, “Successful trip?”
You and Conrad exchange a quiet glance before looking back and both saying at the same time, “Yeah.”
Jeremiah frowns at you and his brother, “You two are weird.”
He helps to unpack the shopping before turning back to both of you.
“Hey, Con, did you ask (y/n) about her dre-“
“Grow up Jere,” Conrad snaps quickly, throwing the last bag of ice into the freezer.
You look at him and smile a little to yourself, averting your eyes back to the drink in your hand.
Jeremiah rolls his eyes at his brother and disappears out of the kitchen, leaving just the two of you once more.
“Here, they’ve not melted yet,” Conrad pulls an ice pop from one of the boxes and unwraps it, handing it to you.
You set down your drink and take hold of the wooden stick. Now was your chance to get him back. You make sure you’re stood as close as you can get to him, your eyes gazing upwards to focus on his. And you stick out your tongue, drawing it from the bottom to the top of the cold ice, not once breaking eye contact with Conrad as you pop the top in between your lips and suck gently before pulling away.
You watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows the lump in his throat, and find yourself hiding back a grin at your obvious effect on him.
“What’s wrong Connie?” You ask him through batted eyelashes, “You look all… flustered.”
It’s almost as if you see the second that the cogs turn in his brain as his hands stretch out to grip your waist, both tightening to lift you up and onto the kitchen counter behind you.
And then, without a second thought, his hand grips your face and he pulls you in to kiss him. It’s rushed at first and overly fueled by passion but you don’t care. He can taste the sweetness on your lips and it only seems to encourage him more, kissing you like he’d been waiting to do so for years. His hand tightens once more on your waist, pulling you into him as closely as he can as your hands grip onto his shoulders.
Conrad pulls away then, only breaking contact at your lips to catch his breath as his forehead rests against yours.
“Don’t tease me,” He grumbles quietly, his lips plump in the absence of you.
You chuckle a little, nudging his head a little more, “From what just happened there, maybe I should be teasing you more often.”
Conrad smirks and pulls away, standing up straight as both of his hands settle on either side of you on the counter. He glances behind you at where the large glass doors lead out to the garden, “You know, nobody’s actually in the house.”
You turn over your shoulder to catch a glimpse, “Yeah, looks like it’s just us.”
He takes the opportunity as you’re turned away to kiss at the exposed skin of your neck, his touch hotter than any weather was capable of.
You let out a quiet moan and grip the back of his head. Damn, he was good at this.
“Connie-“ You hum, pushing into him as closely as you can.
He smirks against you and pulls away, eyes widening slightly at the mark left on your skin from his lips.
“We should probably join the rest,” You comment, dragging your fingers through his hair.
He flutters his eyes closed at the contact and sighs, “Five more minutes.”
Conrad leans in to kiss you again but stops as he hears;
“Conrad! Can you bring the ice pops out?” It’s Stephen yelling to the pair of you.
You look at Conrad and laugh a little, hopping down from the countertop, “Come on, before they suspect anything.”
“I think that mark on your neck will make them suspect enough.”
You bend down to take the ice pop box from the freezer and reach one hand behind your head to untie your hair, letting it fall around your shoulders.
“There we go, it’s like it never happened,” You wiggle your eyebrows and saunter outside towards the garden.
Conrad watches as you go, a smile on his face before his eyes drop to the barely-touched ice pop you’d both discarded onto the counter.
Thank god for hot weather.
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conniesanchor · 9 months
Conrad xClingy!reader pleaseeee
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a week ago, you had looked over at your boyfriends phone and saw a text from one of his friends asking if conrad could hang out. without thinking, he responded with, ’sorry, man. with my girl right now, maybe soon.’ and he put his phone down and immediately returned his attention to you.
his friend texted back quickly, "again? god, she's all over you." conrad rolled his eyes and set his phone on the table next to the couch. it didn't seem like he was upset with you, but you wanted to give him space regardless.
now, instead of going to his house every day, you had only seen him once this week. conrad had been blowing up your phone asking if everything was alright. it was rare for you to go multiple days without seeing each other, but a week? he was spiraling with the thought that he had done something wrong.
the newest texts read,
connie <3
Hey. Can I come over?
sorry, connie. im not feeling good. maybe tomorrow. i love you.
then, he called you.
"hey, everything okay?" he asked over the phone, worry lacing his voice.
"yes, connie. just don't want to get you sick." you lied, feeling the familiar pit of guilt build in your stomach.
he took a moment to respond but then hit you with, "don't care. im coming over. i haven't seen you in days," he mentioned, "i love you. see you in a bit."
he hung up before you could respond.
it was ten minutes exactly before conrad was knocking on your door. sighing, you got up to let him in. your heart broke when you saw the grocery bag full of medicine and candy.
conrad was confused when you opened the door. you didn't look sick. your nose wasn't red, and you didn't look like you were in pain. he tilted his head, "thought you were sick," the boy mumbled, "got you ibuprofen and cough medicine."
that was what sent you over the edge. tears welling in your eyes at how thoughtful he was. "sorry, con," you apologized. he wasn't sure why, though.
he set the bag down anyway, wrapping his arms around you. "sorry for what?" you pulled away, "big breath, baby," he encouraged, giving an example.
you did as told, "im not sick, i just-" you got cut off by a hiccup, "last time you were here, your friend, he-"
he quickly realized where you were going with this. he hadn't talked to that friend since that text message. "is this about the text he sent me? how he thinks you're all over me?" you nodded. "i love you, y/n. okay? you're just the right amount of all over me and i would never trade it for the world," he assured you, rubbing your back gently.
you cried more at that, pulling away from him. you moved to go sit on the couch, and he wasn't far behind, "talk to me, baby."
"i just feel like im holding you back-"
"no," he responded flat. "you're not holding me back. there's not a day i would rather hang out with my friends rather than you. you're first, if they don't like that they can find someone new to hang out with. you have never been upset at me for spending time with them, they don't get to be upset that im spending time with you. got it?" conrad asked, but it wasn't much of a question at all.
"got it," you mumbled, wiping the tears from your face.
he helped you in your efforts, placing a hand on each side of your face and dragging his thumbs across hour cheeks, "now be nice to my girlfriend, please?"
you nodded, "can we watch tangled?"
"of course, pretty girl."
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jammysworks · 10 months
imagine conrad keeping nudes of you on his phone for when he’s at college missing you
one of you with your lips wrapped around his cock, drool seeping from the sides of your mouth and dripping down onto his abdomen
one with you splayed out on his mattress, back arching into him as he drilled into your overused pussy, his unoccupied hand gripping onto your wrists
one of you holding the camera pointed towards him as he ate you out like you were his last meal, tongue darting in between your folds and circling your clit
one with his fingers toying with your nipples while the dark hickeys on your cheekbones and neck glistened in the background
one being a video of you whining his name and babbling about it being too much while he continued to push your hips back and forth against his thigh
one showing your with you ass arched into the air and head turning back to make direct eye contact with him while overstimulation tears streamed down your pink tinted cheeks
his ultimate favorite is the one of you two staring at each other while you laid in missionary position, eyes threatening to roll into the back of your skull. his hips slowly grinding into yours, your hands being interlocked with one another
i need this man rn
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bloodkeep-escape · 9 months
honestly i think we're not talking enough about the parallels between conrad and the fix. conrad, who reorganizes newspapers but will put them back when asked, who eats coffee grounds so no one has to make a new drink for him. the fix, who takes back hallways so he doesn't startle people, who takes staircases so he doesn't squish people in elevators.
conrad, who spent time as a wayward interest. the fix, who connects with those children, who knows what it's like to care about something that... maybe other people don't think is the Most Important Thing.
the fix cannot be unobtrusive. conrad can.
but i think they both want to be
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writersblockedx · 11 months
Jealous? C.F.
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Requested -  Maybe like a jealous conrad? or conrad comforts you after a fight with Jeremiah (you're bestfriends in this case) @nomorespahgetti I tried by best to do both, hope this is okay!
Pairing - Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader Summary - You’re uncertain if your feelings for Conrad are one side, so you hatch a plan to see if he’ll get jealous. Warnings - Violence, use of alcohol Words - 2.5K
A/n - I’m writing more for The Summer I Turned pretty so send in some requests here
You had been friends with the Fisher boys for a long time. And for a long time, you had done practically everything together. As you went into high school, parties became a more frequent activity you did together.
Another house was swarmed with teens. Flashing lights, blaring music, enough to reel everyone in. Jeremiah pulled into a spot on the road as the three of you glared at the scene. It was thrilling and it was a promise of a good night. Quite frankly, none of you could wait to join in all the fun.
Jeremiah turned around in the driver's seat, his eyes jumping between you in the back seat and Conrad in the passenger seat. "You guys know the rules alright?" Said Jere, stern in his expression.
The older brother laughed, "Of course we do." He replied. "You do realise you're barely ever the sober driver?"
"I am!" He argued as the brothers did. "There was Abi's party! I was the sober driver then."
You joined in with Conrad as you gave a giggle, "You do realise that was almost a year ago, Jere."
His expression moulded into one of disbelief, "What? No, no, it wasn't, I-" He came to realise you were in fact right. "Just, please, both be ready to leave at one." That was always the rule: one out of the three was the sober driver and the other two would always have to be ready at 1 am on the dot to leave.
Of course, it didn't always go to plan. But it was the plan you always followed. "Yes, understood."
Conrad's hand was on the door when he added, "Make sure Alec knows as well." It was a sly comment, similar to all the others he had been making for the past month.
You glared at him but he wouldn't look back. "He knows." You assured before being the first to exit the car, eager to slip away from Conrad's grumpy exterior.
Alec was another Summer hookup. One of which was made on the basis of no-strings-attached. It was meaningless, but thrilling and fun, a way to burn time when you had nothing else to do. And the moment you walked through the front door, he was by your side. And, only a moment later, you came to realise it was because he wanted to trace his hands around your waist, wanted to see if you would end up staying another night in his bed.
Instead, your hands tore his from your clothing, "Let's get a drink, hm?" You suggested.
His expression was hiding a scowl as he forced a nod. "Sure." He sighed, trailing behind you as you took his hand, dragging him through into the kitchen.
All night you had Alec's hands clawing at you and Conrad's gaze piercing into you. It was torture. You knew Conrad didn't like Alec, he didn't like any of your hookups, but it was beginning to get on your nerves. So, rather than stay put, you waited until it got to half past midnight when you downed the rest of your drink, grabbed Alec's hand and pulled him upstairs.
You shut the door, finding yourself in what you hoped was only a guest bedroom; very beige, very empty. You rushed towards the window, looking outside to spot Jere's Jeep. If Conrad thought he could make comments like that, stare as much as he pleased, you would make it as worse for him as you could do. Or maybe you just wanted to see what he would do - not that you would admit that to yourself. Deep down, you were truly just wanting to see how he would react if he would dare to be jealous or show any sign that he felt something romantic for you. Maybe it was an unfair way of doing things, but it had been years now, and never did he make a move.
"Finally," Came the voice from behind you. One of which you had almost forgotten. "Was beginning to think you weren't going to spare me some time tonight."
You turned, brows knitted, "What?"
He took a step closer, letting his eyes gaze across the lines of your body like it was his. "You've barely given me any attention tonight." He pointed out.
He went to go closer before you put out your hand. Your palm hit his chest with a thud that sounded through the whole room; his demeanour altered. "And you're making me not want to give you any more." His hands were sticky, once they touched your skin they seemed to never leave. And you were planning to make sure tonight, he never got to even brush a fingertip against you.
It was fun while it lasted, you thought.
"Come on, don't be like that." Alec critiqued.
"You're just pissed because you're not gonna get any tonight." It came out of your mouth before you could stop it, but you weren't exactly upset about it.
The boy across from you simply scoffed, "Don't pretend as if you're not in this for any other reason." You couldn't argue about that.
"You know I don't even think I've got any more reasons to continue this." You huffed. Tonight had seemed to put you completely off the boy.
"So, you're ending this?"
Your arms folded around your chest and you came to shrug, "Yeah, I guess I am."
There: the door swung open. You and Alec, meters apart, scowls on both of your faces. And in the doorway stood Conrad Fisher, him too wearing a scowl.
But rather than another sly comment about why you were late to the car, he found the scene cause for concern. "What's going on?" His eyes were burning into Alec, only daring to give you a glimpse every now and again.
You thought then it was best to screw your plan. It wasn't as if Conrad was getting jealous. In fact, he seemed more protective over you, worried by the state Alec was in. "Nothing." You huffed in an obvious lie, grabbing your bag and heading to the door. "Let's go."
Conrad was right behind you. He was turning, ready to leave whatever had happened behind him. But then, of course, Alec had to go and open his mouth. "You know I should have believed what they said about you!" He yelled, the door open for everyone outside to overhear.
Both you and Conrad came to a halt. And you both turned to face him. His skin was burning, his fists clenched and you were scared if you got any closer, you would be leaving with a black eye. "Everyone makes mistakes." You flashed a weak, sarcastic smile, more than ready to fleet this scene you had caused.
"Every week, a different boy right? I'm surprised I lasted this long!" He chuckled so sinisterly.
Conrad started walking over. The second his foot moved, your hand reached for his, so unlucky that his fingers slipped from yours like butter before you could get a grip. "What you gonna do, Fisher?" Alec tormented.
Like that, he invited what was coming for him. "This." Before he had even finished his before, the fist was thrown.
"Conrad!" You snapped but it was no use.
Alec stared back at him, fury written within his pupils. Before you could do anything, they were wrapped between limbs, fighting to leave bruises, a punch here and there. By now, half of the party was crowded around this small doorway, cheering the two boys on like it was a boxing match. It took a good few minutes before Conrad finally got Alec to stay down - not without a few lingering bruises and cuts himself though.
He was staring down at Alec like he was meat. And before you came over to him, you weren't sure he was going to snap out of it. Your hand wrapped around his forearm, "Conrad," You whispered his name like it was fresh air. He almost jumped as he stared back at you. Your finger came to his cheek, brushing at it, "Let's go."
The boy nodded, letting you lead him towards the Jeep where Jeremiah was still waiting for you. As you weaved your way through the party, neither of you dared to let go of the other. You weren't sure why Conrad was so pulled to punch Alec, and you weren't saying it wasn't deserved, but you knew them bruises weren't going to be painless. For that, you would feel a tad guilty - you were the reason he had even come up to the room, why Alec was so angry in the first place, you just wished you could have stopped him from breaking out that fight.
You wandered out to the car where Jere jumped out from the driver's seat. He was readying some lecture to you both but when he took in the state of the two of you, he was taken aback. "Jesus," He huffed as you and Conrad stumbled towards the back door. "What the hell happened to you guys?"
Conrad stopped for a moment to address Jere, "Long story." And with that, he got into the car and you followed him.
It was silent until Jere started driving, his eyes flickering to the rear-view mirror to catch glimpses of you two tangled in the back seats together. Finally, he had to ask, "This didn't have something to do with Alec, did it?"
Conrad glared at his brother, "He just doesn't know when to shut up." The boy grumbled, going back to staring mindlessly out the window.
"So you started a fight with him?" The younger brother quipped.
And before an argument could spark between the two you jumped in, "I tried to stop it alright." You didn't realise that was only going to start an argument between you and Jere instead.
"Really?" Jere shook his head and it prompted a pit to grow in your stomach. "The only reason he was up there was because you weren't at the car when you were supposed to be. And by the sounds of it, you were hooking up with your little boyfriend while we were waiting for you!" That guilt only grew with every word that fell from Jeremiah's lips.
You sat further back in your seat, "I'm sorry," You said like a scolded child. "I lost track of time."
The rest of the car journey was silent. There was thick tension between each of you and when you returned to the Fisher house, it finally started to settle.
Jere went straight to his own room. And Conrad was about to do the same before you reached out your hand, taking a grasp of his wrist. He stopped ad slowly spun to face you. A good few silent seconds passed before you said anything, "You can't go to bed like that." You pointed towards the black eye that was forming on his face. "Come on," You nodded your head toward the kitchen and he started following you.
His fingers came to interwind with your own as you wandered towards the bar stool, guiding Conrad to sit on one of them. From there, in the silence and the dim light, you gathered frozen pees and returned to the beaten boy. Your eyes locked onto his. It was as if the whole world stopped when you looked at Conrad. For that one moment, you were completely encompassed by his blue pupils, forgetting why you were here, why he had a swollen eye and why you had a pit in your stomach.
When the moment passed, it all came flooding back. You took a step forward and ever so quietly pressed the packet towards his eye. "I'm sorry you got hurt." You finally broke the silence.
Conrad shrugged, "It was worth it, knowing he's hurting more." You could have predicted he would say that.
"Jere's right though." You said, the guilt laced within your tone. "The only reason you were there was because of me."
Conrad stepped up abruptly, forcing you to retract the frozen pees, "Don't let him get to you like that, he was just pissed. If he was in that room too he would have done the same thing too." A part of you faulted at that. If Jere would have done it, then maybe Conrad's actions didn't come from a place of deep-rooted romance, more just like protecting a younger sister.
"Yeah, maybe." Your eyes fell to the floor.
It sparked something. Before you could move, Conrad's finger was under your chin, prompting you to look back at him; there you were, locked. "He was a dick anyway." He offered a smile.
"That's what you say about everyone I get with."
Conrad couldn't deny that but he could excuse it. "Because they'll all dicks and don't how to treat you right."
That urged a grin of your own, "Okay then, find me someone who isn't and maybe you'll have one less black eye." Your own hand reached out this time, tracing the yellow patches which were already forming.
"That might take a while." He shrugged.
You didn't move your hand from his skin, "Maybe not."
You watched as his expression moulded into one of confusion, "What?"
"Conrad," Your voice had a sudden shake to it, "You're the only person I know who treats me right, who knows exactly what I need, how I feel, you're like a mind reader." You were beginning to pour your heart out. "You've been by my side since I can remember. And you are always the one to pick me up after the dickhead guys leave me behind, and you're always the one to fight them for me - when it's needed of course." Conrad was following your every word as you tried to forget this could be the be-all and end-all. "What I'm trying to say is that I really like you and I don't want to go through any more hookups or stupid boys. I just want you."
You took a breath like it was the first time. Like now you had said that your breath was fresh, it was weightless. When you looked at Conrad, you felt like you were hanging onto a thread and he was holding the scissors. His hands came to cup the sides of your face and you became weak at his touch, "I'm glad you finally came to your senses." And with that, he sealed the words by leaning into your lips.
Sure, the night had been chaotic, but somehow it had ended in the dim light of the Beach House kitchen, whispering sweet nothings and confirming the feelings that you had been holding in for years.
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friendlyengie · 1 year
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For some reason we are scoutposting. Drawing him with his stupid Tom jones tattoo because it is forever funny to me, and some recycled scout ocs that I’ve been wanting to draw .
tried to transcript my writing and the text screenshots in the alt text bc I keep writing so much shit on my sketches and it’s probably not very easy to read !!!
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birdiestays · 2 months
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mm,,m ore bigtop burger text posts i made bc they r silly :))
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tristamp-gunpede · 10 months
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Trigun as text posts 29/?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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baranedizille · 6 months
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jozlyn-moon · 11 months
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Bill and Conrad’s “Tapestries”!
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thelazyonehere · 11 months
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Credits to @litoperezito
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probably-writing-x · 10 months
Just You.
Summary: Conrad was a different person now that the two of you were together. It was a side of him the others had never seen before, and a side he wanted to show just for you.
Warnings: Just sickeningly sweet fluff and Conrad being a reassuring king.
Author’s Note: Once again entirely inspired by this gif so plz keep making tsitp gifs so that I can keep writing this stuff lmao
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“Shit,” You grumble under your breath, stretching up on the tips of your toes to reach the top shelf in the cupboard.
You groan and wiggle your fingers as if it’ll help you to reach any higher, before feeling the touch of a hand on your waist.
Conrad reaches up behind you and takes the salt down from the top shelf to hand it to you, “There you go.”
He presses a kiss to your temple and squeezes your waist.
“Thank you,” You smile, “I don’t know why Jere insists on putting everything back on the top shelf as if there isn’t space anywhere else.”
Conrad winces, “Actually I think that one might have been me,” He mentions, leaning back against the kitchen island opposite you.
You turn around and fake a gasp, “Do you want breakfast or not?”
He raises his hands in surrender, “Definitely, yes,” Conrad smiles, “Although I’m not sure it counts as breakfast at this time.”
“And whose fault is that?” You narrow your eyes at him, turning back to the two plates of avocado toast laid out in front of you.
Conrad hums and walks up behind you once again, wrapping his arms around you and perching his chin onto your shoulder, “Your fault. You kept distracting me from getting up.”
You giggle and place your hands over his, “I think we’re both remembering this morning very differently.”
“This looks so good,” He comments, looking down at the food you’d prepared.
“Yeah? You normally don’t like avocado.”
He shrugs, “Not when you do it.”
You hand him a plate and take your own and he stops to lace his fingers with yours before the two of you head into the lounge.
The two of you flop down onto the couch and Conrad sits close enough to you that he can drape an arm around your shoulder, bringing it back around so that he can still hold his plate in front of you. You laugh, it’s hardly practical but he never liked being too separate from you.
“You know you two literally make me sick,” Steven comments as he walks into the lounge.
You look up from your food and grin, “Are you jealous Conklin?”
“Yeah do you remember what it’s like to actually have a girl that likes you back?” Conrad wiggles his fork in Steven’s direction.
“Hey, hey, hey, Taylor likes me back, okay? She just doesn’t know it yet,” Steven drops himself down onto the couch opposite the two of you.
You finish your food and reach forward to set the plate down, Conrad following suit and putting his on top of yours.
“And you didn’t think to make food for me?” Steven gasps, “I’m starving.”
“Boyfriend privileges,” You shrug and Conrad wraps his arms around you tightly.
Steven looks at the both of you with disgust before fake gagging at the sight, “I can’t even watch.”
“Fuck off virgin,” Conrad yells in his direction as Steven disappears into the kitchen.
You snuggle into him a little bit tighter and rest your head against his heartbeat, “Do you think we are too much?”
Conrad takes a deep breath as if he’s considering it, “No.”
You smile a little to yourself, “I mean, I do practically live at this place now. Maybe I should go home some time.”
He hums in response, “Maybe. Maybe not.”
His arms shift on you and both of you stay in that position as if there is no reason in the world to move.
It’s later in the afternoon before either of you decide to move, eventually agreeing on going outside to the pool now that the sun is fully out.
You both get changed into your swimwear and Conrad grabs you two towels from the cupboard, making sure to pick you one slightly softer than the others. He fills up bottles of water for both of you because he always picked up on when you hadn’t drank enough, and he’s got your flip flops waiting at the door before you’ve even realised you’d forgotten them.
The two of you step outside and you drag a lounger into the sun, laying your towel over it.
“I’m going for a swim, okay?” Conrad comments, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
You hum in response and flutter your eyes shut, pushing your earphones into your ears and turning up the volume. You’re sure you could stay here forever.
You’d been dating Conrad for the past six months since the two of you met at college. Your parents had a beach house only forty minutes from where the Fishers had theirs but you’d spent nearly your whole summer with him instead. You two were inseparable. From the day you two had met, it was like you’d just clicked. He made you laugh, he challenged you, he adored you. Maybe you were a little obsessed, but you couldn’t imagine going without him.
“Hey!” Belly drops down onto the lounger next to you, nudging your arm.
You take your earphones out and smile, “Hey! I didn’t know you guys got back.”
You see Jere walking across the garden towards the pool and wave.
“Yeah, they were out of blueberry pie so it was a wasted journey anyway,” Belly shrugs, “Where’s Conrad?”
“In the pool, I think,” You crane your neck to look in that direction, “He normally hates being in the sun.”
Belly laughs, “Yeah, well, there are lots of things that guy hated that he doesn’t seem to hate so much anymore.”
You prop yourself up onto your elbows, “What do you mean?”
“Oh come on,” She giggles, “He’s literally head over heels for you. He’s so different now.”
“Good different?”
“He frowns less,” Belly smiles.
You look back again and watch his head bob up from the surface, chatting now to Jeremiah who’s sat at the edge of the pool.
“He’s happy, it’s a good thing I promise,” Isabel encourages, “It’s just, we’re not used to seeing him like this.”
You nod in her direction and go to say something more before you’re stopped by a shower of splashes falling down onto your head. You flinch involuntarily and look up to see Conrad towering over you, his head blocking the sun from your eyes.
“How dare you,” You narrow your eyes at him.
Conrad breaks into a laugh, a kind of boyish charm as his shoulders rise and his lips break into a wide grin.
“We were in the middle of an important conversation Conrad,” Belly says sarcastically, “Girl talk.”
“Girl talk?” He raises his eyebrows at the two of you, “Should I be worried?”
You fight back a smile when you look at him.
“I was just coming to see if you wanted to come in the pool? Jere wants us to play volleyball,” He glances in the direction of his brother, “You can be on my team, darling.”
You grin, “Alright, help me up,” You say, outstretching your hands to him.
Conrad instead reaches down and wraps his arms around you, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
“Con!” You squeal, gripping onto him tightly.
He carries you the short distance to the pool and tightens his grip on you at the exact second that he steps over the poolside, plunging you both into the water.
You drop underneath the surface and flail to get your bearings before you push upwards, your head back above water.
“I hate you,” You narrow your eyes at him, dragging your hands back through your hair to pull it away from your face.
He stands up in the water and steps to you, “You’ll get over it.”
You hum as if considering it and he grabs your hands, tugging you towards him.
“Alright lovebirds let’s play!” Jeremiah claps his hands from the other side of the pool and Belly throws him the volleyball.
Conrad looks at you once more and grins before turning his attention to the two on the opposing team.
You play until Belly and Jeremiah have won three times before finally conceding, noting that Con needs to teach you how to get better at volleyball.
You dry off enough in the sun and carry your things back into the house, heading upstairs for a shower before everyone else was waiting for one too.
Conrad’s room was tidier now that you were staying here. He made sure of it. He changed his sheets every week and kept a drawer of his free for all of your things - a collection that had been piling up since you got here. You had a nightstand on one side of his bed and he brought your morning coffees up to leave just there before he woke you up. It was a pocket of perfection away from the rest of the house.
“Hey darling,” You turn around to find him stood at the doorway of the room, “Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?”
“Con we’re supposed to be saving money for college, we shouldn’t be spending this much money on food,” You laugh, squeezing a towel through your hair to get out the remaining pool water.
Conrad narrows his eyes, “But why wouldn’t I want to take you out?”
You laugh and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso. Both of you stay in that position for a moment, your head against his chest.
“Hey, um, I wanted to ask you something,” You mumble, quiet enough that it bodes the question of if he’d even hear you.
“Yeah?” Conrad looks down at you, taking your hand in his as he walks over to the bed.
He sits himself down on the edge of it and you stand in front of him between his legs, his hands trailing up and down your skin as yours rest around his shoulders.
“What’s on your mind?” He asks, kissing lightly at the skin of your stomach.
“Um, earlier, when we were in the garden… Belly started talking to me about us,” You begin, drawing your hands up towards his hair, “And she said that they think you’re completely different now…”
He doesn’t pull away from you, his hands drawing patterns on your skin, “Yeah, I am.”
“Do you think so? I mean, I don’t want them to feel like I’ve come in here and changed you, they’ve all known you your whole life and I don’t want to be the one to blame for-“
“Hey, hey, hey,” Conrad pulls away slightly so that he can look up at you, his hands resting on either side of your hips, “There’s nothing to blame you for.”
You look down at him and chew at the inside of your cheek, “But don’t you think… I don’t know, isn’t it a bad thing that you’ve changed so much because of me?”
Conrad lets out a faint laugh, “(y/n) all she means is that they’re used to me being grumpy and argumentative and short tempered. You might’ve changed me but only in the good ways, I promise.”
You look down at him still unsure of his words, your own self doubt creeping around his reassurance.
“Come on, look at me!” He laughs, “There’s not one bad thing that’s come from you being here.”
You fight back a smile and he takes your evident relief as an opportunity to flip you onto the bed, his legs hooking around yours so that he can pull you down onto the mattress beside him.
You lay on your back next to Conrad as he turns to look down over you, his fingers trailing down your arms.
“You’re it for me, (y/n),” He assures you, “And I’m the person I want to be when I’m with you.”
You blush and bring your hands up to cover your face, smiling bright beneath your palms.
Conrad shifts so that he’s hovering over you, one arm resting down by your side and the other coming up so that he can pull your hands away from your face.
“Does that ease your mind a little?” He asks, leaning down to kiss your jaw.
You hum in response and drag your hands through his hair, “It does.”
Conrad smiles against your skin and moves his lips down to kiss your neck.
“Alternative suggestion instead of going out for dinner,” You say, a little breathless against his contact, “We order in and stay in here for the rest of the day.”
Conrad pulls away from you and shifts so his face is in line with yours, “(Y/n) you just can’t get enough of me.”
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
I've Never Stopped. (c.f)
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Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
Summary: coming back to Cousins for the summer after skipping out last year after a rough breakup with your ex-boyfriend, conrad fisher. you hoped that maybe both he and his family had forgotten about you, but it seems like you’re in for a treat.
Warnings: lots of dialogue. swearing. angsty mention of a breakup. little kiss. fluffy ending tho. UNEDITED
a/n: the timeline that i have doesn't fully match with the actual series. also if you feel like you're seeing this twice it's because this was going to be two parts but i ended up liking it as one!
word count. 3.5k
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“You’re coming back this year, no more moping around about it, and that’s final,” your mom tells you.
“But what am I even suppose to do this summer while I’m there, it’s not like I have anything planned.”
“Actually, I signed you up to be a big sister this year for the debutante ball.”
“Wait, what?” you question.
“I knew you would say something like that so I got you something to do while we’re there.”
“Fine, whatever.”
You were sat at table two by Paige, the lady hosting the event and instructor. All the girls were mainly welcoming to you. Asking you questions like if this was your first time in Cousins and why they haven’t seen you around. You brushed off a majority of the questions but told them that you had skipped out last year due to college admissions. Which wasn’t a complete lie since you went to go tour universities like Upenn, Columbia, NYU, and Yale. You got early admission into Columbia and it started beginning of July of last year. 
You learned the girls' names which are Nicole, Shayla, Gigi, and a couple others. You tried your best to not give a reaction when they mentioned the infamous Conrad and Jeremiah Fisher. You noticed the chair next to you was still open at your table. 
“Hey, are we missing anybody?” you asked the girls.
“Yeah, this girl is a new deb this year,” Nicole replied to you.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Belly Conklin and Jeremiah Fisher walking into the room. You wanted to sink down to the floor to disappear but it was too late. You saw Jeremiah dodge Paige and make his way towards you all giddy. You saw the girls around the table slightly fix their dresses thinking he was coming toward them. You keep your eyes glued down to the table but looked up the second he called your name. What a rookie mistake.
“Y/N! You’re back, man, Conrad is not going to believe this. We missed you last summer. Are you back for good or you going to disappear again?” he rambles to you as he gets closer. He hugs you from behind your chair and kisses your cheek. You blush immediately and notice that Gigi is glaring at you from the table.
“Hey, Jere,” you mumble out.
“I’m glad, you’re here.”
“You know, me too,” you found yourself admitting out loud.
“Okay, I gotta go before Paige has me kicked out, but I’ll text you,” he says rushing out the door.
“Hi, Bells,” you greet the oh-so-familiar girl taking a seat next to you.
“Hey, Y/N,” she replies, smiling at you. 
“So when were you going to tell us that you know, a certain lifeguard…” Nicole teases you, trying to ease the tension at the table. 
“Family friend, you know.”
“But that’s it, right?” Gigi asks you.
“Yeah, of course. He’s like my little brother.”
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“Y/N, wait up!” you hear from behind you seeing Belly.
“I don’t want to push you or anything, but I just want to you know that I think Conrad would really enjoy a visit from you, we all would,” she says bashfully looking down to her feet. 
“Bells, I miss you too, but he was the one who broke up with me, remember? I don’t think that’s the best idea.”
“Think about it, okay?” she tries again
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“CONRAD, GUESS WHAT!” Jere yells barging into Conrad’s room. 
“What, Jere?” Conrad says, tiredly looking at him from his bed.
“She’s back.”
“Who’s back?” Conrad questions him.
“Who else, Y/N!” as those words left Jeremiah’s mouth, Conrad found himself getting whiplash from getting up so quickly.
“You sure, it wasn’t some girl that just looked like her?” he asked.
“Oh, it was her,” he hears Belly add from the hallway. 
“You’re shitting, me,” Conrad says exasperated falling back down to his bed. 
‘Ding’ Jeremiah takes his phone out of his pocket to look at the text message he had just got. He looks to Conrad who had his head stuffed into a pillow then went back out of the hallway to call for Belly. 
“Hey, Belly, you wanna go get ice cream with, Y/N?” that got the attention of quite a few people in the house.
“Of course, when?” “Wait, Y/N’s back?” “You’re going where?” all directed towards Jeremiah who seemed occupied on his phone texting back. 
“Bells, later before dinner so like in 20-30 mins. Steven, yeah, we saw her today at the deb lunch thing. And, umm, Conrad, we’re going out with Y/N,” Jeremiah blurts out in a rush. 
“You think I could go?” Conrad asks. 
“Yeah, me too,” Steven adds on.
“Steven, yeah sure that’s fine. I don’t know, Conrad.”
“Come on, I’m sure, she won’t even care,” Conrad pushes.
“Fine, but you better not make her feel unwelcomed. Don’t be selfish here, we all miss her you know,” Jere gives in.
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Your breakup with Conrad didn’t just affect you two but the families too. Your dad didn’t really like Conrad after finding you in your room crying when he had broken up with you. You were thankful for your parents especially your dad considering he was your shoulder to cry on during it. He made sure your mom didn’t push you too much during the weeks after everything happened. You loved your mom, but she never really got the hint when to stop at times. After the breakup your family still went to Susannah’s Fourth of July party that year, breaking the news to everyone you skipped out of going to Cousins because of college admissions. Everyone knew that it was deeper than that. 
When Conrad had broken up with you it was truly out of fear, you never knew that. You believed that he didn’t want to be with you anymore and didn’t care enough to give you a valid reason for it. Nobody really understood why he did it. It was so out of the blue since it seemed like you two were so in love with each other. They never expected for Conrad to turn so cold to you right before the summer, well neither did you. 
What was going through Conrad’s mind was the fear you would find someone better than him at the universities you talked about. He thought to save himself the pain and do it first. He broke up with you thinking that you would move on and be with some college guy. He loved you too much to see you fall into the arms of someone else while he wasn’t there. He trusted you, but that didn’t stop his fears from overwhelming him. What really pushed him over was when he found out that his dad cheated on his mom while she was going through chemotherapy. 
He was so scared to lose you that he lost you in the process. 
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You sat down outside of the ice cream parlor, nervous to be spending time with them again. Jeremiah had responded to your text saying he and Belly would both be going. You looked around to see if Jere’s car was around but you see a red jeep pulling up from down the street. 
“Shit,” you muttered to yourself.
You prayed that maybe Jeremiah just took Conrad’s car instead of his, but it seemed like the world was against you when you saw him coming out of the car.
“Yo, Y/N, I didn’t believe Jere when he said he was coming to meet you,” you hear Steven say first approaching you. He pulled you into a hug whispering into your ear. “Don’t worry about him, okay?” 
You appreciated Steven in moments like this.  You guys have a very brother-sister relationship and he always tried to look out for you. He won't admit it out loud but he was so furious with Conrad screwing up with you. He called you immediately when he found out last you. You've been helping him with trying to prepare for Princeton without anyone knowing. You reassured him that he could do it.
“I’ll try,” you whisper back while hugging him back. 
“Y/N!! Oh, have I missed you,” Jere says tackling you with a hug after Steven stepped back.
“You saw me earlier, you know,” you laughed at him.
“Yeah, but for like a minute, so that doesn’t count.”
“You guys could let her breathe,” Belly says behind Jere waiting her turn to talk to you.
“Hey, Bells,” you smiled at her.
“I’m glad, you thought about it,” she says to you quietly.
“I didn’t though, I texted Jere thinking only you and him would be here,” you whisper into her ear as you two hug. You glared at Jeremiah, but he didn’t seem to notice or maybe he just didn’t care. 
“Oh, sorry about that,” she responds to you nervously as she lets go.
You felt the world stop for a second when you locked eyes with the one and only Conrad Fisher. 
“Hello, to you too,” you replied monotoned. You didn’t want to give him the pleasure of giving him a reaction to his presence. 
“Let’s get ice cream, shall we?” Jeremiah says cutting the tension between you two as you turned your head to look at him. 
“Yeah, let’s head in,” you said changing back to your usual tone.
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“So, how’s uni?” Steven asked once you guys headed back outside to sit down.
“It’s interesting, to say the least…” you started
“Any hot people?” Jeremiah said, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You felt Conrad’s eyes bore into you when Jere asked the question.
“Some, but frat boys aren’t really the best at relationships,” you answered.
“YOU GOT WITH A FRAT GUY??” Belly gasped.
“No way, you gave a frat a chance, Y/N,” Steven added.
“It was just a fling. Nothing that serious, really. We went out for like two weeks before I broke up with him,” you said looking at everyone sheepishly. 
“Was he good?” Conrad challenged.
“Excuse me?” you said puzzled. You couldn’t believe the nerve he had to ask you that.
“Conrad, chill,” Jeremiah gapped at him.
“Belly, how do you feel about being a deb?” you asked Belly trying to move on from the subject.
“Umm… I don’t know honestly. I’m really nervous about it but I’m glad you got assigned to be my big sister cause I don’t know what I would do without you,” she rambled on.
“Bells, you’ll be great. There’s nothing to worry about and if anything happens we’ll do it together, okay,” you said as you squeezed her hand affectively. 
“I can’t believe you’re a big sis, Y/N,” Steven joked with you.
“Yeah, my mom made me deb last year in New York. Then she signed me up to help here.”
“That sounds like her,” Conrad said quietly.
“Did you have fun last year?” Jere asked.
“I did actually. It helped take my mind off things,” you answered while making eye contact with Conrad for a sec before turning your attention back to Jere.
“Someone escorted you?” Steven voiced out.
“Yeah, I have a friend Luke who took me.” as you said that you heard Conrad scoff at the name. 
“Hey, we have to head back soon but what if you came to dinner? Please think about it, mom misses you,” Jere begged you.
“Yeah sure,” you agreed already regretting your decision. 
“You want one of us to ride back with you?” Belly asked with a mischievous look on her face.
“If one of you want to sure,” you had a feeling where this was going.
“Conrad will go with you,” Jeremiah stated while Conrad stared at him wide-eyed.
“Whatever, I guess, you’re driving though,” you add turning to Conrad.
“Okay,” he muttered out.
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The driving was filled with tension. Neither of you talking to each other but sneaking side glances hoping no one will notice. 
“Columbia, treating you good?” he asked while looking to the road.
“Better than you did,” you said bitterly
“Y/n/n, don’t be like that.”
“Be like what?”
“I’m sorry,” he said so quietly that you barely heard it.
“For what exactly?”
“For making a mistake.”
“Conrad, stop.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“You know what you’re doing and stop it.”
“What am I doing?”
“You trying to make me forgive you after everything.”
“Can you?”
“That’s not the point. Why should I give you the decency of forgiveness when you couldn’t even give me a damn reason.” you scoffed as he pulled in front of the house.
You walked out of the car and headed towards the door, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. You got to the door and debated on knocking but instead chose to walk in trying to not make any noise. You heard Conrad shuffle behind you but ignored him. You walked into the kitchen and saw Laurel and Susannah cooking dinner. You sat down at the counter not wanting to disturb them. 
“Y/N! You’re here!” Susannah says happily to you. She lowered the heat on the stove and went to you for a hug.
“Hey, Y/N,” you hear Laurel say while you are engulfed in a hug from Susannah.
“Mom, you can let her breathe now,” Conrad told his mom.
“Connie, be quiet for a second. Let me just admire her, she’s so beautiful.” you blush at her words.
“Your mom was telling me that you got into Columbia last year right?” Laurel asked.
“Yeah, early admission.”
“That’s exciting,” she replies.
“Now, why haven’t visited us yet?” Susannah questioned you.
“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy getting stuff together to be a big sis for the ball,” you answered giving an excuse for the summer only.
“Oh, Belly was telling me about that. She’s really glad that she can spend time with you again. She’s always looked up to you,” Laurel said smiling warmly at you.
“I missed her.”
“Well, we’ve all missed you,” Susannah told you slightly glaring at Conrad behind you, pulling you into another hug. 
“Yeah.” you hear behind you. 
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Nothing was ever in your favor. You sat right next to Conrad and had Steven next to you and Belly in front of you. The room was filled with awkward tension seeping from both you and Conrad. You talked to Steven quietly as everyone else had their own conversations. 
“How’s the application process?” you asked Steven.
“Dad, says he thinks I can get in with some financial aid and I’m going to apply for a couple scholarships.”
“A couple scholarships for what?” Laurel sparks interest in your guys’ conversation. 
“I’m applying to Princeton,” Steven told her. Everyone dropped their side conversations and paid attention to Laurel and him. 
“I thought you gave up on that.”
“No, Dad and Y/N think I can do it if I get some help so I thought it was worth a shot,” he says to her slowly quieting his voice by the end of it.
“Laurel, Steven will be fine. If I could get into Columbia on a full ride, I’m sure he can too,” you try to reassure her.
“Yeah, and Y/N would only be like a 2-hour drive away too if I ever need anything,” Steven adds on. 
“Steven, I think that’s great for you, hun,” Susannah says sweetly.
“You going to let me steal your sweatshirt?” Belly asks Steven excitedly. 
“As if,” Steven scoffs.
“Hey, Bells how do you feel about a Columbia hoodie?” you say to Belly trying to make up for Steven’s rudeness.
“Yeah, of course, I’ll bring it next time.”
“So you’ll be here the next time?” Jeremiah says jokingly.
“I'll be around.”
“That’s great, sweetheart. It would be nice having you around again,” Susannah tells you as you feel Conrad’s stare from your side.
“How’s football, Conrad?” you asked trying to make small talk. 
“I quit.”
“You still doing volleyball?”
“Yeah, I’m trying out for captain next year.”
“That’s good.”
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“Can we talk?” you hear Conrad say behind you.
“Sure, give me a sec. Jere, she really likes you don’t mess it up.”
“I won’t!” Jeremiah yelled walking back into the house.
You and Conrad sit beside the pool as everyone is inside. You kept a distance between you two but Conrad seemed to inch closer to you by the minute. 
“What’d you want to talk about?” you said breaking the silence.
“I never meant to hurt you.”
“You see, Conrad that’s the problem you did.”
“It was for the best.”
“What do you mean for the best, I was in love with you.”
“I loved you too.”
“Sure didn’t seem that way when you said you wanted a break.”
“Y/N, I was scared okay.”
“Scared for what exactly, Conrad?” you snapped him not getting where he was going with this conversation.
“We would’ve never lasted with you in college.”
“Well, now we’ll never know.”
“You seemed to move on pretty quick so I guess I was right.”
“Oh fuck you, Conrad. I had my heart broken because of you and all you think is that.”
“You were going to leave me.” Conrad implied as his voice cracked.
“What?” you said looking at him and making eye contact. 
“You would’ve found some college guy and probably notice how much better he is than me.” 
“Conrad, I don’t understand.”
“I was so fucking scared, Y/N. I thought maybe if I broke up with you first it would save me some of the heartache. I think it only made it worse.”
“What do you mean ‘broke up with me first’? Conrad, I would’ve never done that to you and I’m offended you don’t have any faith in me.”
“My dad cheated on my mom okay,” he said to you looking down towards the pool. 
“Oh, Con, I’m so sorry,” you grabbed his hand. You felt him tighten his hold against yours when you tried to pull back.
“I found out a week before we broke up.”
“Oh," you muttered under your breath as everything started clicking in your mind about how your breakup went down.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. For everything.” 
“I know, Con,” you said. 
Conrad Fisher always had that effect on you. No matter how much you tried to deny it you would always love him. For that, you would always end up forgiving him in the end. You wondered if he still had any love for you back.
“You know I never stopped loving you,” he said quietly, reconnecting your eyes. It was almost as if he read your mind.
“No. You can’t do that, Conrad. It hurts too much,” you said feeling tears fill your eyes. 
“I should’ve never done what I did.”
“Conrad, stop.”
“No. I need you to know I regret it okay.”
“You’re only saying this cause I’m back,” you said as the tears fell from your eyes. 
“I’m not. You know I tried visiting you once a couple weeks after everything but you were rehearsing with Luke,” he told you as he raised his hand to wipe away your tears.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you flushed as you saw him stare at your face slowly taking you in admiration.
“I thought you would be better off without me,” he said rubbing his thumb against your cheek.
“Con,” you found yourself slowly leaning into his touch.
“I’ve always adored you.”
You tried looking away from him but you felt him gently grab your chin and tilt it up towards him.
“You’re an ass.” you laughed trying to put your nerves away as you looked down to his lips before traveling your eyes back to his. 
“I love you and I am sorry,” he whispered to you as he pulled you in. 
“Con, this is wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong. It’s only us,” he said inches away from your lips. 
He put his lips against yours and grabbed your face closer to him. You found yourself kissing him back wrapping your arms around his neck. It was as if you could feel the emotion Conrad was putting into this kiss, it felt like he was giving it his all. As if it was to make up for the past.
“Always know how to make a girl blush,” you said against his lips. You felt the vibration of his laugh as you said it. You missed hearing it. He pushed his lips back onto yours with the same kind of passion as before.
“Only you,” he responded as he pulled back leaning his forehead against yours. 
“Do you really think this is smart?” you muttered.
“It was stupid of me to ruin what we had in the first place.”
“Okay.” and with that, he grabbed your face into his hands.
“You. You’re the one I love and I promise I won’t make the same mistake.”
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