counterphobes · 1 year
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Here's my version. Im right
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9-w-1 · 2 years
Synflow and Contraflow are silly
Launching this blog with a theory that's been in my mind for a while now, and it's the fact that old typology tumblr gave too much importance to syn and contra.
Some time ago i read a post (idr who wrote it but if i find it again i'll link it here) that explained something that made me go oh fuck, that's true actually. If we assume that sx blinds are the majority of people in the world, are we really so sure that basically half of sx blinds (sosps) are really so bad at living like people describe them to be? Like, since I've been in a new city for uni I've met lots of people. Most of them are soc doms because Italy is a soc dom country. Most soc doms I've met were sosps, and they were not the awkward anxious ridden fuckups of society that ppl think sosps are. Actually, most of them were definitely more adjusted into society than I am, and this takes me to a point I discussed with a friend: in our society soc and sp are the most valued instincts to have, so sp blinds and soc blinds are definitely gonna seem more "contraflow" than a healthy and adjusted sosp. Like, take a Fe dom 9 core sosp for example. Are we really gonna assume that this person is gonna have this extremely contra vibe to them? No. In fact, I'd say that an estp 7 core sosx is gonna vibe more contra to people than a 9 core sosp.
I don't think synflow and contraflow is inherently a bad theory, I think it needs some more expansion and thought because it fails to stand on its own, it's wonky:
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Like, maybe it's a bit overemphasized. I don't wanna discard the theory completely, but it needs something more to work in my mind.
By default I still think that having both soc and sp puts you at an advantage in our society, and you're automatically more well adjusted. I've met some sosps with a wonkier sp, but most of them had normal sp like you would expect from a sxsp. My gf is a 3 core sosp and her sp is normal. It's not always there, but you can feel her sp wall sometimes, it's sudden, maybe then that's what contraflow is about, but she's not bad at socing at all. So yeah, stop being mean to soaps >:C But yeah i probably forgot to add other things i had in my mind so if anyone wants to add anything feel welcome to do so :3
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idroolinmysleep · 1 year
For critics of widening projects, the prime example of induced demand is the Katy Freeway [Interstate 10] in Houston, one of the widest highways in the world with 26 lanes.
Immediately after Katy’s last expansion, in 2008, the project was hailed as a success. But within five years, peak hour travel times on the freeway were longer than before the expansion.
Officials from the Texas Department of Transportation [TxDOT] said the Katy expansion provided the capacity needed to keep up with projected population growth in the Houston area.
The Texas Constitution mandates that the majority of transportation funds go to improving the highway system. Over the next year, the state plans to spend about 86 percent of its budget on highway projects.
One of those is a $9 billion plan to reconstruct and widen a section of Interstate 45, which crosses paths with the Katy Freeway.
I-10 and I-45 are the Interstates that connect Houston inland. If you’ve ever driven into or out of Houston, you’ll notice that these highways start widening pretty far away from the city, in places where there is no traffic demand for them. Another thing you should notice are signs marked “contraflow,” which is a plan for reversing traffic on a portion of the inbound lanes to increase outflow capacity when needed. I’m not privy to TxDOT’s internal plans, but I’d imagine that one reason for building such wide highways is to facilitate hurricane evacuation. I don’t know why the TxDOT officials didn’t mention this, because widening roads is not the best idea if the only reason for it is to accommodate population growth.
(Yes, I’m aware that building more lanes for hurricane evacuation just means those lanes are going to get filled up by regular traffic on all the other days. I’m not sure there’s a good workaround to this problem.)
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spilladabalia · 2 years
The Fall - Contraflow
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mihotose · 4 months
i keep barely scraping the multiple choice section and i feel like i should maybe do a bit more studying but i cant be fucked frankly
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sheltiechicago · 9 months
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Alixandra Fazzina: Hargeisa, Somaliland Region of Somalia, 2018
Alixandra Fazzina’s moving and hard-hitting images are of refugees escaping Somalia, from the series Yemen Contraflow. Fazzina writes: ‘A parable for our times, untangling powerful meta-narratives that cloak the links between human smuggling and protracted conflict’
All photographs: courtesy the artist/Prix Pictet/gestalten
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neropece · 6 months
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“contraflow driving without control” photo by Fabrizio Pece (tumblr | 500px | instagram) Erano circa le undici di una mattina come molte altre. Con la testardaggine di chi è convinto di sfidare il destino potendolo battere, Raymon pedalava senza mani, nel senso opposto a quello di marcia, mentre il suo volto esprimeva una smodata sicurezza.
Ogni pedalata era un atto di puro coraggio, un inno alla vulnerabilità di chi decide di andare alla deriva senza mappe.
Le automobili che lo sfioravano suonavano il clacson, ma lui continuava la sua sciocca cavalcata, come se la sua visione distorta del mondo lo proteggesse da ogni pericolo.
Si infilò in un vicolo all'ombra, dove la luce stessa pareva troppo timida per seguirlo.
Chissà se in quel momento, mentre il suono di una sirena di un'ambulanza si faceva sempre più vicino, Raymon capì l'assurdità delle sue scelte. La vita, come una strada al crepuscolo, non fa sconti a chi trascura il buon senso per inseguire una libertà priva di significato.
La città, con le sue strade illuminate come palcoscenici e gli angoli in ombra a fare da sipario all'ordinarietà, assisteva impotente alla tragedia di un uomo. Convinto di attraversare indenne l'oscurità, finì per smarrirsi per sempre nella sua stessa incoscienza.
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photosworthseeing · 6 months
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“contraflow driving without control”photo by Fabrizio Pece(tumblr | 500px | instagram)
Thank you for your submission. We love it!
PWS - Photos Worth Seeing
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sronti · 1 year
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@praesensperfectum ez például nem a körút meg a Lánchíd és szintén elég fontos, ha itt működik, jöhet a Rákóczi stb. is. A low traffic neighborhood/szuperblokk jellegű dolgok politikai szempontból fontosabbak lennének, mert több ember érzi azokat magáénak, mint ezeket a főúti sávokat és így nagyobb eséllye van a többség aktív támogatást megszerezni ezen az úton, mint a főúthálózat kialakításával, de a főúthálózat is fontos.
A belváros és a főutak azért tudnak ilyen vitákat kiváltani, mert sok ember ismeri őket felületesen, de ugyanakkor ezek azok a viták, amik elvezetnek és támogatást adnak a nagyon lokális vitákhoz (legyen-e parklet valahol, megszűntessünk-e húsz parkolóhelyet az utcában, hogy lehessen contraflow bringasáv, akarunk-e fasort oda inkább, vagy teraszokat stb.), amik mélyebb változást hoznak több ember lakókörnyezetében. Meg ezek a nagyobb viták azok, amik összefogják azokat az aktivistákat, akik egy adott kis területen magukban kevesen lennének bármilyen változáshoz.
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counterphobes · 2 years
i know there’s already a lot written about synflow vs contraflow but what’s your take on it
Omg hihihi thanks for the ask
So in theory I believe contra vs synflow just describes how the instincts interact with one another. Synflow means the instincts operate together, each of their influence is indistinguishable from the other, which is why spso and sxsp tends to perceive itself as just sp (I think people are just more conscious of where they keep private than what they share, which is why this affect is a thing)
The stack is a unit in synflow, its balanced (which is why I hate subtype, acts as if sxso and sxsp are SO similar to the point of no distinction) while in contraflow, the clashing of the instincts is what creates the "contra energy" that so many people comment on.
Sp without so to balance it out when interacting with others? Spsx school shooter edgelord that doesn't care about being liked or even interacting with others is born. The sx does nothing to help here, all it does is add an extra layer of unfiltered expression that just makes the entire deal even more insufferable
Sx without sp to balance? Birth of sxso, a bulldozing high energy presence overruns everything with no filter and has nothing to keep it in check from getting too intense/vulnerable on the first date. Everything is too much too quickly and there's no sense of privacy because everything is just pushed out for show/broadcasted through the soc
So without sx? Every social interaction turns into the most pained and pushed experience where they barely get what they want, because they have nothing to navigate with and so is vulnerable/open by default. With that sp breathing down their neck sosps r so hyper-aware of how antisocial they are its staggering their attempts at making connections and leaves them unfulfilled.
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the-frog-blog · 12 days
My drag name would be Contraflow Bikelane
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profoundsubmissive · 1 year
Enneagram Instinctual Variants Write-Up (03/12/2022)
The following is merely a port of an entry I wrote in my diary in an attempt to understand my instinctual variant stack, which then evolved into a brief extrapolation of what I believe the instincts truly are. Nothing more. If I conceptually understand the instincts, then even replication of each one should be relatively easy. Further, though I wish to know my instincts, it's a relatively useless concept that is more in the realm of spirituality than psychology. That is—it seeks to explain that which isolates humanity from any other animal, as well as that which keeps it in the kingdom of animalia. The question of old, "do humans have souls?" It seeks to derive from your interpersonal influence, as well as our drives fundamentally. If I avoid the use of instinct, readily this becomes somewhat akin to a, "soul journey," or that which spiritualists may describe as your "karmic path". The dominant instinct being that which is safe, what you know and what you are drawn towards the most. With the auxiliary, a ~~function~~ *instinct* that under normal circumstance of, "synflow" being that which the dominant instinct uses to fulfill its desire. Interestingly, while in synflow Sp -> So -> Sx, the way that the instincts are used is actually in reverse. In Sp/So, the social instinct reinforces the Sp, not the other way around. So since the auxiliary is seen as more of a tool than a basic necessity, it gets relegated to the healthiest expression. However in contraflow, the order of use is actually the opposite, the Sp would flow into the So, this would mean reinforcing the social realm with barriers, walls, likely a melting of one's self conception as isolated, with the social realm, ultimately viewing the social realm as an extension of the self and as such that general concept of "dying on the hill of one's beliefs". *The body as a social statement.* Cutting is an inherently So/Sp act. Ah yes, first we must define something: SP = Self Social = Others Sexual = Genes Yes, it really is this simple. No one is "blind" to an instinct, and a majority of people harmonize with those instincts to live fulling (as defined by their enneatype and instinctual variant order) lives. What the concept of "blindness" attempts to describe is a turning away from that instinct so that it's relegated from conscious action, and instead becomes an underlying thread within the unconscious. It becomes fully supplemental in the triad of instincts. Some people seem to think that in this instance, the instinctual variants are acted upon as 3 equidistant, intersecting, lines and that one can only move along the perimeter of the triangle. Shift your perception to include the fact that one can move *inside* of the triangle, within the area, and it becomes clearer. In fact, someone can stand right in the center of the triangle. Further, is that not the goal? Bodily closeness is an inherently Sp/So and So/Sp act. The body, Sp, reaches out towards another (So) and pulls them in to be as close as possible. Seeing touching, melting into each other's bodies, coexistence and bodily mixing as intimacy. Those that fall furthest from Sx, look towards those of their romantic interest as their body parts first. They wish to get as close as possible, your look and appeal. Collages made by them will feature isolated body parts or wishing to be swallowed whole into a higher concept, such as water (their emotion), absolving themselves of self concept because to exist is to survive. Endure. Looking to the stars, looking towards the unknown, do they wish to place their trust in that higher forces will take care of them. On the other hand, rather than reduce to the body, the Sexual instinct reduces others to their *genes* or *traits* which they will release into the gene pool. It's looking for the perfect *mate*. It's a fully objectifying lens, not seeking closeness but replication as a form of intimacy. The act of sex itself: to penetrate (live), to cum (die), to inseminate/birth (replicate). Thus you will see the femme fatale is a Sexual archetype. There is no use for another when the act of sex has been completed; the object of attraction is granted permission to die. Integrating back into broad definitions of the instinctual variants' individual roles in the personality, the tertiary instinct, *not* the blindspot, is supplementary. If SP is at L2 and SO is at L4, then the sexual instinct still has a gravitational effect on SP and SO, as do they have one on it. You could describe the person as the sun, the Dom as the Earth, Aux as the moon, and Tert as Theia(ignoring the fact that the moon and Theia logically can't coexist, as Theia's impact with Earth is what created the moon. Bare with me though). Curiously, this means that the instincts do not have complete control over one or the other, or that they are subservient to the Dom, but rather they have their own individual influences. However, it is the person themselves which anchors the instincts, not the other way around. Yes, instincts play the most significant role in our lives, but those instincts don't begin to manifest until just before birth. Ultimately more metaphorical approach, this means that Theia or the Tertiary instinct still falls into step along with the other instincts, it's just dancing to the beat of its own drum unlike the moon, the Auxiliary instinct, which is tidal locked. Certain concepts deal with the harmony of the personality, not its discordance and as such when you do introduce concepts such as tri-fix or tritype, you can only use it as a typing maneuver to encompass that which harmonizes, not the cacophony. Some use tritype to explain a push and a pull within their personalities, such as a push and pull between wanting individuality, feeling unique and disconnected from everyone else but also being chronically attached to others, desiring connection and sharing their life. Unfortunately, this is not a 94x, this is simply a 9. An axis between individuality and self-narcotization perfectly describes the inner turmoil of the 9: dissolution in others or complete stagnancy to hold onto what is them. "Do humans have souls?"
Enneagrammer answers this question through pointing to the Social instinct. It's the most traditional view of transcending or absolving oneself of karmic debt. Luckovich specifically references the social instinct as the instinct which searches for the meaning of life; the one would posit the premise of this altogether. To them, the social instinct is the journey to transcendence, as transcendence is to absolve oneself of the self entirely, and instead connect or attach oneself to a higher collective / the collective unconscious / the universe / God / Kami, etc. As they utilize the bhavacakra as a representation of the 6 instinct types, with Sx/So beginning life as the closest to transcendence and as such the easiest life or as they've so titled, "God" for they have already transcended. On the opposite end of the spectrum you have the Sp/Sx, but rather than refer to it as the "Devil," it is instead referred to as "Hell". This is entirely intentional, as to be the devil, one would have transcended to godhood and be aware or at the very least oriented and connected enough into the social realm to act as an antagonistic force against it. In limiting Sp/Sx to, "Hell," Gray attempts to dehumanize the social blinds stemming from the conclusion that they don't have enough personhood to be referred to as a *being* of representation. They are simply, humans in the most animalistic way possible. You'll hear this tooted often on the podcast, how social blinds lack the ability to connect altogether, and as such have no hope of ever being human or even a person. Through my interpretation, I'm actually awarding *more* humanity to social blinds than Gray does. Sx/Sp is referred to as the "Hungry Ghost" because it's looking to restore its humanity by feasting on the souls of those who are worth replicating through based on the gene pool. Obviously, it's determined through the realm of sex. Through feasting on a soul, it's able to take in as much energy as theoretically possible to change and transform itself in hopes of becoming something higher, or perhaps, in his interpretation they aren't even aware of that desire and instead feast aimlessly. You could think of it like a black hole, keeping up with my more astronomical reference of the instinctual variants. To eat and absorb as much energy as possible (live), feel it well up inside like a witch burning at the stake and lose oneself to the scalding of flesh and the melting of innards (die), and then reassimilate, born anew wearing a completely different skin, but retaining the gene pool of the mate and themselves (replicate). A common misinterpretation of the Sexual instinct is that it must be interested in others, intensifies *outward* experiences, is easily visible *outwardly*, wrenches attention towards it, and that it can't go unhidden or veiled even by the deftest of chameleons. Unfortunately, this is actually an incredible social view of the instinct. If someone is constantly looking to incite ire, flame, disrupt the social environment, intensify the social experience, lock onto others, they are using the *social* instinct. To put it simply, Sexual instinct when influenced by Sp intensifies the *inward* experience, and when it's influenced by Social it intensifies the *outward* experience. Social blinds are known for being able to entertain themselves without reaching outward because they are intensifying their own experiences without needing to be other referencing or receive reciprocation or reciprocity. However there's an interesting conundrum. If this possibility exists, why would the Sx/Sp be referred to as the, "Hungry Ghost" if it could simply feast on its own innards and asexually reproduce? That's the thing, *it doesn't*. Sp/Sx is what does that, *NOT* Sx/Sp. There's a difference between looking outward or pushing outward, and looking for *genes* to intensify the *self* or internal experience. In this instance, David Gray's Interpretation makes sense, because then Sx/Sp and Sp/Sx have no reason to be interested in anyone but themselves and the genes they want. Earlier, I referenced cutting as an inherently So/Sp act; using the body as a social statement; "I show my cuts so the world knows my pain and that they're not alone." The Sx/Sp uses cuts as a symbol of *sexual attraction*, the body itself, as a symbol of sexual attraction. It's a way to maneuver the gene pool by showing off their traits, their mating dance, to the person who will cause such visceral change in them that it is akin to self-rebirth. Their tune isn't as visible, or rather, they aren't trying to appeal to as many people as possible for mating purposes, but rather the *one* in the room. Referring back to "God," the Sx/So, we will see that it's referred to as such because it's injecting flame into the social environment, piercing it to the traits that it desires to evolve. So/Sx, dutifly referred to as simply, "Human" because it's what flows naturally, sorting through and orienting one's lens towards others, taking on the beliefs and convictions of others, putting the self out there in order to take care of the off spring as well as use those connections to find the genes that one would wish to spread. Perhaps one could refer to it as a maternal view of the social instinct in this case, because the dominance of the social instinct forces sexual into a more nurturing role. Here, the social instinct is viewed as a softer instinct. What Gray and Luckovich posit with "Sp blindness" is that here none of the energy is taken inward to protect oneself, create boundaries, and intensify one's own; self sacrifice for the sake of the whole. "God," "Humans," and, "Titans," represented by So/Sp; the Titans which procreate and create the gods or rather, facilitate the creation of a world which allows them altogether. The focus is not on procreation, but everything afterwards: society, nurturing, sowing the seeds of creation, dying for their causes, creating a world for others to live in and subsequently, food for the Gods to eat as they are birthed by the Humans on the other side of the heavens. Curiously, they also act as a symbol of reigning in the power of the gods, and acting as a stifling force to stop humanity from going out of bounds and destroying their foundation. This is the dampening effect of Sp, represented by the element of Earth. If you inject the social, represented by the element of Air into the Earth, all that is happening is an expansion of the crust. More space inside of the perimeter is created, but the bounds still exist. Much like when Chronus ate the Gods when they were born and trapped them in his stomach, limiting their growth, ambitions, and imposing a set area of which they were allowed to act. Hopefully, all of this will help everyone understand why this theory refers to Sp/So as, "Animal". The beings which exist in the bounds created by everything else, are poached as food for the Hungry Ghosts, forced into the rules and bounds of the Titans, and endure the revolutions of the Gods attempting to destroy or push the bounds, so that they can escape the limiters. It doesn't grant them significance, it doesn't grant them autonomy, it lowers them to food or fodder.
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musickickztoo · 11 days
(all new releases)
Shellac - Scabby The Rat Nap Eyes - Ice Grass Underpass Amyl and the Sniffers - U Should Not Be Doing That Century III - I C Lights Robber Robber - Backup Plan Silicone Values - Who Do You Hate? Snooper - I Think I'm Falling In Luv Again Parent Teacher - Kind Time Isobel Campbell - Dopamine Alan Vega - Cyanide Soul Big Boss Man - Señor Claypole The Fadeaways - Rack My Mind Neutrals - Steven Proctor, Bus Conductor The Felice Brothers - Flowers By The Roadside Tramhaus - Once Again Shellac - I Don't Fear Hell Beak> - Ah Yeh Can - Aston 77 Vier
The 8th playlist of the year!!
HEAR: https://www.mixcloud.com/Contraflow/contra2024-8-oh-yeah-all-new-releases/
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istj-hedonist · 2 years
@strawberryss1​ gonna make this into an extra post so that there is at least some educational value for others
(seperated from the answers to the former post https://istj-hedonist.tumblr.com/post/697216762641547264/do-you-still-subscribe-to-the-eyelid-space-theory)
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(about Trump) I don’t even know where to start with this, this is so wrong on so many levels. since when is Fe = smooth talker?? if that were the case you wouldn’t have these tons of foot-in-mouth cringe ESFJs. and since when is a tert function a good function? even if we would go with your logic of “Fe = good talker” that would mean that ExTPs are bad at it because it’s only their third and not the dominant or secondary function. and people finally need to stop with this dumb “eyes roaming around” shit, it means nothing. i’ve seen "moving eyes” being attributed to everything.. Se, Ne.. and now Fe?? you guys need to make up your mind. Trump is tone-deaf simply because he’s a rich nepotism baby sx/sp 8w7-core and doesn’t give a shit about anyone.
it’s just wild to me how you can look at any random interview and not see the super obvious aux Ti in him. which xxTJ would ever ramble so incoherently like he does?
also that Salman Khan guy in the video you linked is not even an ESTP what is that video supposed to proof?? (lol ok i just looked it up and apparently pdb types him as 8w9 ESTP lmao when he is a super obvious ENFJ, i swear pdb is filled with the most brainless idiots who think everyone is either an xNTJ or 8-core or both)
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so/sp ENTJ. tritype probably 953, -extremely- phobic contraflow vibes
bigass forehead that he tried to cover up with hair
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dude deadass looked like that Henry child from Stranger Things lol
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istandonsnowpiles · 1 year
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paimonial-rage · 11 months
sasuke and kazuha being the same mbti was not something i would expect to read in my life.
Yeah well, they both have very different enneagrams and instinctual variants. Kazuha is an 9w1 sp/so ISFP. Sasuke is a 4w5 sp/sx ISFP.
I’m gonna try not to go several layers deep into typology, but basically Kazuha’s typology makes him as smooth and flowing as water. 9w1s are the most peaceful of the enneagram and sp/sos are synflow, and thus flow with people. Sasuke, on the other hand, is a 4w5 which are of the most volatile when unhealthy. This is because 4s are part of the heart triad, so they’re mainly focused with shame and finding their identity. Added to that, he’s sp/sx which is contraflow, so he flows against people.
That being said, where they differ is that 9w1 sp/sos are the types that you will never truly know. Talking to them is like trying to play catch with a plush comforter. You can offer all of yourself, but they will never offer anything substantial of themselves. On the opposite hand, 4w5 sp/sxs are unapologetically themselves. There are no frills or bullshit. They are who they are and you’ll just have to deal with that.
Pick your poison.
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