#cotl eligos
slate021 · 1 month
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Anura Bosses
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asherashedwings · 8 months
Me when I did what I do best and made a character line up of a bunch of CotL characters (specifically all the bosses in their follower forms).
I also made a bunch of self indulgent redesigns while I was at it. Idk how many of these will stick, I came up with most of these on the spot as I hadn’t drawn a lot of these guys before now. They might change a bit as I draw them more, who knows.
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Close ups under the cut
The Bishops
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Leshy’s Followers
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Heket’s Followers
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Kallamar’s Followers
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Shamura’s Followers
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minzart · 1 month
How are the miniboss followers doing?
By the time all bishops are revived
Leshy's diciples are all dead
Amdusias lived as the first farmer who actualy knew what he was doing
Valefar was usually a woodman
Barbatos helped around the farm mostly and prayed often, almost getting to be a diciple
Heket's are also gone
Gusion was a master cook, he knew how to make poop look delicious
Eligos was the first menssager and missionary they were efficient and payment was made by resources/food rather than coins
Zepar was the first wife of the Lamb, she had a way to organize the cult and it's buildings like no other, in harsh winters her guidance and helping hand was essencial for survivor
Kallamar's got revived (thank Baalzebub for it)
Saleos ocupayed himself with doctor work
Harborym stayed only because of hope they held to actualy rearange a cup, he was at the end a brawler and picked fights left and right, there were times his fights were more like spars, specially with Baalzebub and even Saleos, becoming akin to a performence
Baalzebub was the cult undertaker, she mostly offered comfort for those who stayed and ungracefully left the corpses of the deceased on the morgue, she never feared death and at times almost seemed devoted to the concept, but her loyalty was never here, and it was felt in her fake devotion and calm smile, for who spreed the grotesque "rumors" of the leader gutting their followers without remorse in their eyes but the one who sees it every night
And Shamura's are also dead but bc they were killed again by the Lamb as the "betrayal" gimmick Shamura pulled mid crusade, if they were to be alive they would be old.
Focalor was the cult seamstress, her knowledge barely passed down for she was a dissenter first and teacher second
Vephar stayed mostly at the bar and only left to kill the Lamb, he failed thousands of time
Hauras was the chillies among their bunch, a bartender most of her time, the fact that they tried to poison the Lamb many times is irrelevant compared to the gorgeous drinks he made
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novadoesartforfun · 5 months
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Context : Bishops' ex acolytes are protective of their bishops even as a follower form tho relationship is different with each group.
Leshy with his acolytes are just friends
Kallamar acolytes just protect him like a glass. He really don't mind and he likes it.
Heket treat her acolytes like children so they are not fond of Hugo.
Shamura has basic Teacher and Student relationship with their acolytes
also,hugo marked heket
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bitterestbuggy · 6 months
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Here is the third of 3 cards I made for the @lambdeck zine!! The 6 of wands, represented by Helob
Along with the “wands” themselves being Amdusias, Eligos, Baalzebub, Vephar, Wittness Astaroth, and my own OC Bearer of Burdens!
I may have hidden a bit of an easter egg in this one 🤫
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lunity-moonity · 1 year
More doodles of Sozo because I am currently obsessed with drawing this fluffy ant.
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ex-n1hilo · 4 months
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i love the fight pit ritual
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mooner3 · 5 months
A Chance to Change ch3 page129
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st0rmy-dayz · 24 days
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some possible designs for the darkwood + anura bosses
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qameronq · 5 months
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Here are the high priests of the middle sanctum.
She/her: Valefar & Eligos
She/they: Vephar
He/him: Haborym
(Please note: any harm due to receiving treatment from Haborym will be compensated by our great leader)
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readerofoddities · 9 days
A while back I designed all of the minibosses as they are in my AU. Here are the designs and a mini description on each of them
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Darkwood gang
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Anura gang
Apparently there's a 10-image limit, so minibosses part 2 later
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delirisse · 1 year
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Day 15 of drawing a ship every day of the month 
Requested by @hellshire-harlot
Heket ♡ Follower
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srhunt · 1 year
What Everyone Else Sees
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What I See
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giallogigan · 8 months
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doodles based off an rp with a friend where the twins were under Shamura's 'care' instead of Narinder's
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solthesilly · 2 months
more cotl info because I fell asleep last night listening to a recording I made of explaining the game and my plan and woke up at four a.m to me from two years ago talking about a mushroom themed game I wanted to make
oooo swearword warning ooo
for some reason in the cotl recordings, I kept making jokes about “iterator logs” even though I’ve literally never watched those animations lol
anyway, blueberry (eligos) befriended looks to the moon, somehow. Blueberry is kind of an asshole though. He steals my coins all the time.
i went to anchordeep and then kallamar made the very bad decision to make my in game partner sick. hes gonna get what's coming to him soon
met those stupid shield enemies you can only kill by basically pulling an uno reverse card and shooting their stuff back at them, which makes NO sense because that has never been a mechanic in any other part of the game and didn't get explained
Had to stay at the cult for the rest of my time playing because i didn't know what else to do besides fish or buy followers from helob, which by the way that's super weird why the fuck is he running a food truck mixed with like. idk something illegal but i forgor what its called
but i guess hes ok since i can buy followers any time i need to now
what am i meant to do about this lmao
and also one of the followers died i just forgot who
i made a shared shelter because somehow those are easier to make than sleeping bags
I'm close to unlocking the final level of cult stuff i think
pabreon (yellow n red pig) and brearon (red panda) are friends now, they became friends during the first day of the brainwashing ritual. I also fixed starvation due to that ritual, since they no longer lose faith through eating grass meals
looks to the moon at a fish feast and immediately became healthy again
i have a cool dark blue and yellow cow named Maty who i got from a follower quest to recruit sick followers
looks to the moon and saint became friends, which is insanely funny because i didn't think the only two rain world followers left would be friends
arljumer :)
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also my prettiest set of decorations in my base
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additional photos
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bmn-fandoms · 1 year
While I wait for the poll for the next main cast charater
Please enjoy the Knucklebones crew for the Cult of the Frog AU
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Similar to how Ratau was replaced by one of the bosses for this au, the rest of the knuckle bones crew was also swapped with the other bosses in Anura.
Eligos is swapped with Klunko and Bop, the bat taking place of Bop.
Zepar is swapped with Shrumpy
And Gusion is swapped with Flink(y)
They still act similarly to the Knucklebones crew in the canon CotL. Their all just frogs because…their all frogs in the canon CotL, Anura’s bosses are all frogs. So this Cult of the Frog AU is really living up to its name.
I will also say, for some reason it was sorta hard? Being I couldn’t do as much creative things as I wanted being again, their all frogs.
Bonus Doodle:
Heket lost too Bathin and is now broke
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