#cotl hauras
minzart · 1 month
How are the miniboss followers doing?
By the time all bishops are revived
Leshy's diciples are all dead
Amdusias lived as the first farmer who actualy knew what he was doing
Valefar was usually a woodman
Barbatos helped around the farm mostly and prayed often, almost getting to be a diciple
Heket's are also gone
Gusion was a master cook, he knew how to make poop look delicious
Eligos was the first menssager and missionary they were efficient and payment was made by resources/food rather than coins
Zepar was the first wife of the Lamb, she had a way to organize the cult and it's buildings like no other, in harsh winters her guidance and helping hand was essencial for survivor
Kallamar's got revived (thank Baalzebub for it)
Saleos ocupayed himself with doctor work
Harborym stayed only because of hope they held to actualy rearange a cup, he was at the end a brawler and picked fights left and right, there were times his fights were more like spars, specially with Baalzebub and even Saleos, becoming akin to a performence
Baalzebub was the cult undertaker, she mostly offered comfort for those who stayed and ungracefully left the corpses of the deceased on the morgue, she never feared death and at times almost seemed devoted to the concept, but her loyalty was never here, and it was felt in her fake devotion and calm smile, for who spreed the grotesque "rumors" of the leader gutting their followers without remorse in their eyes but the one who sees it every night
And Shamura's are also dead but bc they were killed again by the Lamb as the "betrayal" gimmick Shamura pulled mid crusade, if they were to be alive they would be old.
Focalor was the cult seamstress, her knowledge barely passed down for she was a dissenter first and teacher second
Vephar stayed mostly at the bar and only left to kill the Lamb, he failed thousands of time
Hauras was the chillies among their bunch, a bartender most of her time, the fact that they tried to poison the Lamb many times is irrelevant compared to the gorgeous drinks he made
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slate021 · 16 days
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Silk Cradle Bosses
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crownsandbishops · 5 months
bishop Shamura,
Who is your favorite follower in your cult?
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mooner3 · 20 days
A Chance to Change ch4 page152
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daily-new-vessel · 2 months
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"Claw Charge"
avoid with teleport in time...
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rockrackal · 28 days
btw i have a cotl rp server! here’s the ad:
Somewhere in your world, somehow... A portal opens up. It calls for you, beckoning for you to enter. It whispers sweet promises of community and happiness, safety in numbers, and most importantly... A leader whose very purpose in this world is to lead you fairly and justly. You may want these things, you may not... Regardless of whatever inhibition you have for the portal, however, its call is tempting... Almost as though it has a powerful grip on your mind, and wants nothing more than for you to cross over, and see the other side.
Upon finding it, you are met with the ghostly figure of a peculiar individual: Grey, undead skin... A red cloak and bell... Sheep-like features... And most intriguingly, a dark crown that bears a striking red eye upon its face. The visage of this lamb is not unkind, however - They seem to simply wish for you to see what they have to offer, to join their ranks, and to befriend their family...
They offer you food, shelter, clothes, and other necessities for living and comfort. They say they have reached out to many individuals, and they wish for at least a few to join their ranks... And it seems that you are one of the many. The offer is optional, you have a choice to walk away... But, it is very tempting, is it not? After all, how much have you gone through, just trying to get to a place where you can thrive...? Well... Only one way to find out the truth of this offer.
What are you waiting for? That ghostly little Lamb is just waiting to see what you will bring to their domain...
(Welcome to COTL: Dimensions Unraveled! This server is a multifandom roleplay server where you can take any character, oc or not, from almost any media, and put a Cult of the Lamb spin on them!)
Link here
Open canons: Aym, Ratoo, Flinky, Shrumy, Klunko & Bop, Amdusias, Valefar, Barbatos, Gusion, Zepar, Elegos, Harborym, Saleos, Baalzebub, Focalor, Vephar, Hauras, Witness Agares, Witness Bathin, Witness Astaroth, Witness Allocer, Haro, Fisherman, Plimbo, Rakshasa, Berith, ???, Lighthouse keeper, Monch, the Fox, Heket
Taken canons: The Lamb, Helob, Forneus, Clauneck, Kudaai, Baal, Narinder, Midas, Sozo, Leshy, Kallamar, Shamura, Ratau, Chemach
(OCs welcome, obviously)
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daily-new-vessel · 2 months
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"Finishing Slash"
use quick slash encounter claw charge...
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daily-new-vessel · 2 months
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"Wall Activated"
use wall to block while healing...
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daily-new-vessel · 2 months
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"Block Failed"
Hauras shoots & charges at the same time...
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daily-new-vessel · 2 months
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"Warp & Slash"
counter back the claw charge...
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daily-new-vessel · 2 months
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"Radial Shots"
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daily-new-vessel · 2 months
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got poisoned again...
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daily-new-vessel · 2 months
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the large scorpion appeared...
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